The Establishment shakedown continues as Brexit and the Trump victory are incessantly ‘stopped and searched’ by th self-appointed thought-police who aim to close down the wild west of the free speech internet. It’s a well known fact, if you believe the BBC, that Clinton lost and Brexit succeeded due to Russian interference and the Social Media companies not doing their job….filtering out those whose opinions don’t align with the values and beliefs of the BBC and fellow travellers. The operation to ‘regulate’ the Social Media companies is moving into high gear as the hysteria builds and the massive vested interests, political, commercial and philosophical, try to generate the impression of a consensus that these companies are acting against ‘our’ best interests and to ramp up the pressure on politicians to rein them in. The reality is of course it’s not the actual platforms that are the concern but the sort of people and the views they hold and disseminate that these vested interests look to rein in, they seek to shut down all opposing voices that shine an inconvenient light upon their own actions and beliefs and which offer genuine alternatives to the ones the BBC would like to see on a ballot box. Democracy in action.
Here’s the billionaire who has interfered in more national elections and political and economic issues than any Russian autocrat. Soros uses his ill-gotten billions to corrupt and disrupt societies politically and socially, shamelessly and callously happy to tear them apart whilst pretending to ’empower democracy’ and all to keep the gold flowing into his own coffers and to serve his own political interests.
Soros cares not one jot about the British people, or indeed the American, he is after all the man who ‘broke the Bank of England’ and made over a billion doing it [the irony….he forced us out of the ERM]…and surprise surprise, another irony…or cunning plan….. he made a killing on Brexit…..the market turmoil based upon the apocalyptic warnings of Project Fear saw the markets drop after the referendum and Soros made another bundle. He has been found guilty of insider dealing before…any chance Project Fear was ramped up to such ridiculous heights of hysteria to help make rogue traders a few billions? Maybe a select few of Osborne’s friends in the City were delighted whatever the outcome of Brexit.
Now he’s all for attacking those who give a platform to populists…as opposed to autocratic billionaires who think they should be able to make all the decisions for the people…
Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism
Billionaire open-borders activist George Soros has demanded the European Union (EU) regulate social media because voters’ minds are being controlled and “manipulated”.
He claimed the size of social media firms made them a “public menace” and argued they had led people to vote against globalist causes, including electing President Donald J. Trump, in an article for The Guardian published Thursday.
Soros is as much a demagogue as any tyrant…he claims Trump wants to run a Mafia-like state and is just like Kim Jong-un….
The current moment in world history is a painful one. Open societies are in crisis, and forms of dictatorships and mafia states, exemplified by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, are on the rise. In the United States, President Donald Trump would like to establish his own mafia-style state.
Not only is the survival of open society in question; the survival of our entire civilisation is at stake. The rise of leaders such as Kim Jong-un in North Korea and Trump in the US have much to do with this.
Then we get this….hilariously unaware…or more plausibly…an obvious piece of misinformation…
Companies earn their profits by exploiting their environment. Mining and oil companies exploit the physical environment; social media companies exploit the social environment. This is particularly nefarious, because these companies influence how people think and behave without them even being aware of it. This interferes with the functioning of democracy and the integrity of elections.
Why is that ‘misinformation’? Because of course he misses out one other ‘exploiter’….himself…exploiting the political, economic and social environment to leverage his own massive financial killings, disrupting governments as he does so and using his financial muscle to corrupt and subvert the democratic processes in so many countries.
He goes on…
It takes significant effort to assert and defend what John Stuart Mill called the freedom of mind. Once lost, those who grow up in the digital age may have difficulty regaining it.
This would have far-reaching political consequences. People without the freedom of mind can be easily manipulated. This danger does not loom only in the future; it played an important role in the 2016 US presidential election.
I assume he means the intemperate BBC interference on behalf of Clinton as it disparaged, mocked and maligned Trump in every broadcast and article about him….or indeed his own funding of anti-democratic, some [the FBI or the Department for Homeland Security for instance] might say terrorist, organisations in the US to oppose Trump, not forgetting his funding of the Obama social media campaigns.
Who is really the threat to democracy and free speech…the internet or the billionaire who funds radical groups as well as mainstream politicians and media knowing they will direct their actions to attacking anyone who expresses opposing views?…
The growing industry of paid activists and media to purposefully, systematically deceive the American people is unjust, unloving and wicked. I beg news reporters and journalists to take the time to discover the money behind the optics and events that shape our daily news.”
She’s right. But don’t wait for the “professional” journalists to tell you what’s really going on. We live in a time of “citizen journalism,” where we have access to tools to help expose the truth and cut through the mass propaganda the media is all too eager to feed us from the Soros table of plenty.
The Soros folks try to discredit anyone who shines the light on their sordid activities. But the money trail is evident for all who care to follow it.
Yes, ‘don’t wait for the “professional” journalists to tell what’s really going on’. They’re mostly on the same side as Soros. Look at the attempts to use ‘Fake News’ to shut down debate, free speech and political diversity. We’ve often made the accusation that the BBC uses this narrative to shut down or at least regulate to death its political, cultural and commercial rivals in an attempt to make it the dominant media provider….manufacturing the impression that it is one of the few sources of news that can be trusted thus reinforcing that dominance not just by facts on the ground of huge restrictions upon oppponents but by manipulating and deceiving the viewers’ opinions and perceptions. Of course before ‘fake news’ it had Leveson to champion as it tried to shut down Murdoch once he stopped supporting Labour.
The biggest irony? Google and Facebook were secretly backing Clinton…and we know Facebook got caught out promoting left-wing news whilst suppressing right-wing sites….and Google employees are involved in something similar now. As said the real target isn’t the social media companies themselves, it’s the people who use them…the right-wing people that Soros and Co want to silence.
Here’s someone who sees the BBC et al’s narrative on fake news for what it is…an attempt to stop people calling them out for their own fake news….
Sharyl Attkisson Explains Left-Wing Origins of ‘Fake News’ Term in TedX Speech
Speaking at a TEDx talk at the University of Nevada recently, investigative journalist and author Sharyl Attkisson revealed the left-wing roots of the term “fake news” that became popular during the 2016 election. Attkisson noted that during the election there seemed to be a concerted media effort to focus on “fake news” within conservative media, which made Attkisson suspicious both of this new term and the mainstream media’s sudden attempts to push it to the forefront of the national conversation. She then traced the origin of the word back to the nonprofit organization “First Draft,” which, she says, “appears to be about the first to use ‘fake news’ in its modern context.”
Attkisson said that soon enough “fake news” was being discussed on a national level, as if the mainstream media had received “its marching orders.” She stated, “Fake news, they insisted, was an imminent threat to American democracy.” Attkisson posed a question, “What if the whole anti-fake news campaign was an effort on somebody’s part to keep us from seeing or believing certain websites and stories by controversializing them or labeling them as fake news?”
It was then that Attkisson decided that, “the whole thing smacked of the roll-out of a propaganda campaign.”
Attkisson then noted that there was a sudden shift in the attitude towards the term “fake news” — thanks to President Trump. “But something happened that nobody expected. The anti-fake news campaign backfired. Each time advocates cried fake news, Donald Trump called them ‘fake news’ until he’d co-opted the term so completely that even those who [were] originally promoting it started running from it — including the Washington Post.”
Attkisson warned that the next attempt to suppress speech has come in the form of something called “media literacy,” where people are told which news outlets should be trusted – unsurprisingly most of the supposedly trusted outlets are liberal and mainstream. What Attkisson describes is reminiscent of Facebook’s “trusted publishers” system which aims to dictate which news publishers should be trusted by Facebook users. “Media literacy advocates are busy trying to get state laws passed to require that their version of media literacy be taught in public schools,” said Attkisson.
Attkisson concluded, “When interests are working this hard to shape your opinion, their true goal might just be to add another layer between you and the truth.”
If Clinton had won and we’d all voted remain you wouldn’t be hearing a word about ‘fake news’ and the power of the Social Media companies…so long the darlings of the BBC who priaised them for their apparent role in the Arab Spring…not so bothered then about political narratives on social media when it goes their way.
Sour grapes from bad losers.
You have to hand it to Mr Soros – as far as I know he hasn’t done anything to gain his wealth apart from using good judgement to put winning bets on .
As least other billionaires actually build companies and employ people . This guy really is a leach on the system
And we must never forget George SOROS paying $2000 or more to any anti-Trump protestor who turn up at Trumps inaurguation :
Billionaire financier George Soros provides the money for anti-Christian activism and violent protests worldwide.
Step forward financier George Soros. The billionaire funds ‘Occupy Wall Street’ through an intermediary known as the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Look for any anti-Christian NGO worldwide, and you can be sure the Tides Foundation is funding it. Gay rights in Uganda, abortion rights in Tanzania, you name it. Tides, and others like them, are putting up the money.
Reuters News Agency says this:
‘According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.’
These are the kind traitors we (Brexit voters) are up against!
I suppose it’s a bit of a comfort that gyorgy Swartz
– as I understand is soros real name is now 88.
So in common with the remainers attitude to brexiters like me to die off soon – all the money in the world isn’t going to stop the grim reaper taking mr soros . He can’t buy him off.
I can’t see any reason for soros to have an interest in whether Blighty leaves the reichEU is in terms of making money from betting so that he can leave something behind . He ll still be dead though
The establishment should close down social media because Young voters minds are being controlled and manipulated to vote Remain or Momentum.
The size of social media firms make them a public menace, brainwashing the young to vote for the establishment. If we close it down the young will follow the old who voted Brexit because they didn’t know how to use Social Media, so where unaffected by the propaganda on Social Media.