When Toby Young was forced to quit hs position it was the talk of the BBC, when Labour’s Munroe Bergdorf buggers orf it’s buried on the politics page and concentrates on his excuses whilst avoiding mentioning the actual comments that were so offensive such as hairy, barren lesbians and gay bashing.
Spot anymore BBC news censorship…list it all here….
Old Yasmin Alibaba was shouted down a few times this morning on Dateline London. I punched the air a few times with a few yessssssses !!. The rubbish that she spouts is beyond ridiculous – this morning she said she recently went to Africa and India, and was told many times how they envied the united Europe module, you couldn’t make it up, but she was quickly contested by the only chap on the programme who said he must have visited different parts of Africa because not once has that ever been said to him ! Honestly, the woman ought to pair up with June Sarpong – the other nodding dog head who just repeats what others have said. These idiots clearly make a healthy living at doing what ? complaining about the country that’s taken them in, but even more galling that they’ve managed to get themselves on our national tv to tell us so !
I seem to remember Yasmin Aliblahblah Clown deploying the “they had it coming to them” line on QT immediately after the 9/11 attack. She should have been deported or locked up decades ago for supporting terrorism.
I bet she’d have an entertaining time getting through US immigration
“There is not a state in Africa or Asia, hewn out some administrative unit of Western colonial rule, which would not scorn to bargain away its independence.”
J. Enoch Powell, re the Common Market.
From our own correspondent bias
Once upon a time – never missed it – now it manages to promote the multicultural message in almost all pieces. Today some beeboid was talking about the ongoing attempts by illegal economic migrants trying to get into the EU Reich because of what that fool merkel decided.
You could hear that he agreed with their actions and wanted more – unlimited – foreigners coming into the EUreich . I just hope by the time we are out that the million plus now infesting Germany won’t be given ReichEU passports and head where they all want to be – Blighty .
Nice class bias
A 21 year old was stabbed in London yesterday .( so it doesn’t matter because they are not a teenager – in albeeb world ) A third rate actress is his aunt . She has flown back from America to visit him . This warranted being on the albeeb national tv and radio news. The aunt is called liz Hurley . I’m guessing she has friends in the al Beeb news department because I cannot work out how that is news.
Yesterday al Beeb news carried a story that a couple of students had been arrested from shouting racial comments at another student . This , too, is national news. I don’t get it.
My neighbour has just yelled ‘shut up you f***g bitch’ to my dog.
I know he had his balls cut off but he does not self identify as a bitch.
A BBC crew are on their way to cover my neighbour’s arrest for a hate crime including misogyny, transphobia and speciesism. As the dog is black and white racism cannot be added to the crime list.
Looking at the content of al Beeb news I can only guess that some idiot comes up with the idea of covering such a minor event and no one else has the balls to say “ you’re kidding aren’t you? This is local stuff at best “
Or else al Beeb is demonstrating that no ‘crime’ is so minor as to not get the whole national treatment .
PS I’ve reported your neighbour just in case I get accused of doing nothing – in another regime and time that would have been enough to be carted off and “ sent east” as all those Germans who claimed no knowledge of the concentration camps used to say.
Very distressed to read of this GWF.
And , in a very real sense, I`ve not only heard the insult, but have felt your incalculable pain as you wiped manful tears from the laptop.
By my calculus this is currently running at £65,000.
And -for a mere £6,500; I`m happy to come over to assess the Post Traumatic Stress you`re under and know you`ll be happy to contribute to my Wingus bingopatico reduction surgery if we “get a result” as those working class chappies used to say.
If somebody is stabbed in London, where knife crime is on the rise, why not have it on the news, especially now it has started affecting the rich and famous.
What bothers me is the police and media declining to give any description of the suspects …..
The problem with reporting is volume . The average number of days between teenage stabbing fatalities in the Greater London area at the moment is about 10 days . I dread to think the number of actual killings and serious injuries taking place. My local paper records 4 or 5 serious stabbings a week .
Al Beeb London news ( shameful for s big city ) barely reports knifings unless there is a novelty issue . Sick
Well I wondered why we had extensive covering of a story in Denmark !!!! (?) about a submarine and a dismembered body. Distressing for the family clearly, but I thought I’d slipped into an edition of a Scandy noir story.
A ray of hope perhaps.
Ah another Su Perkins , not the Celebrity lesbian one.
Yes, it’s an unfortunate name. Somehow I doubt ‘celebrity’ Sue would be a supporter.
lalaliberalism causes world shortage of irony meters.
Stew – I was thinking of going along – twice
The Far Left are anti-Semitic and want their open hatred of Israel not to be looked at.
So we need to keep hitting it, they really hate Mark Regev as he manages to get onto university campuses.
They also dread being seen as the anti-free speech Stasi that they are theses days. Like Israel, they do not want any light shone on their NSDAP tactics, not any mention of Stalin.
So Israel, free speech and Stalin…don`t go off these tactics with the left, I`ve found that they HATE being reminded of all this.
BBC Panorama, as ever, investigating the issues that really concern the British public.
But, #CCBGB, the ingrates.
Priceless GW.
Burger flipper who fancies herself as the next Girls Aloud support act?
Surely there`s a “restricted migrant waiver scheme” for such rare bird as this one.
Let`s hope we can find some more like her, or else we`ll run out of burger flipping poppets who dream of going on X Factor.
Let`s hope we`ve not broke that mould we found her in.
So she’s either
earning a lot of money as ‘an aspiring singer songwriter’
she is the queen of burger flipping and her part time work gets rewarded accordingly
she lives in a squat on, er, diddly squat
she’s on benefits
As for ‘who would do her job?’ Well actually I’d prefer no-one did it as we have too many burger joints, coffee shops, takeaways, restaurants, cocktail bars, cafe bars etc etc – most of whose trade I suspect is financed by the credit cards and overdrafts i.e. out of control personal debt, of Generation X-ers and Millennials.
Can’t wait for Nish and the blonde make a mash of this one…
Hilarious spoof. The pc libtard traitors must be mocked ruthlessly, it’s the best weapon: ridicule and scorn.
Just been reading about the knife attack on Liz Hurley nephew.
No mention of any description of the men or car, no mention of a possible motive..
Hmmm knife attack in London …Awaiting more details although the BBC will quickly gloss over this I suspect..
Emerson – not so sure – if the criminals had been non white al Beeb wouldn’t have reported it. They only like putting whitee in his guilty place . Any other shade can do what they want. Common in msm.
Just heard woman on BBC interviewing Eddie Jones ahead of our game with France who said England don’t want to play like Scotland as England have a different skill set.
BBC interviewer “so your saying you don’t want to be as good as Scotland”.
A recent graduate of the Cathy Newperson school?
Yes Flak, I saw that and spat my cider out, to be fair, Eddie Jones reacted very well and answered with a perfectly judged exasperated tone – it was Cathy Newman at her finest.
Eddie Jones; “We’re England not Scotland. We don’t have the same players, we don’t have the same skill as Scotland and we have other attributes that are equally as important…”
Sonja McLaughlin; “You think you don’t have the same skill as Scotland?”
Eddie Jones; “I’m saying we have a different skill set.”
He didn’t sound exasperated to me; more like a drowning man clutching at straws.
Good to see your back.
After your long sabbatical, have you now the courage to tell all the readers why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
That’s early for Maxie. Must be anticipating a busy night with the clients.
On second thoughts, I think he’s been ‘on the sick’?
“so what youre saying is they are not a member of the Cathy Newperson school?”
Hi Max, Yes I believe you are correct and did mishear Sonja McLaughlin’s comment to Eddie Jones, so appreciate the transcription.
In my defence I was very, very drunk at the time.
After losing two in a row, Eddie is now probably treading water with a straw in his mouth.
“In my defence I was very, very drunk at the time.”
Give yourself a gold star, Flak.
Sometimes I think perhaps 90% of the internet is written by people who where very, very drunk at the time.
So what’s your excuse Maxincony?
No gold star for me?
I have to admit that I borrowed my defence quote, ‘Very, very drunk at the time’, from Paul Whitehouse, The Fast Show. A subtle piss take if you will? Or maybe just a conciliatory joke?
I found Sonja McLaughlin’s interview with Eddie Jones quite aggressive. I may have misheard the exact sentence she used to fluster Jones but it still stands that the language she used was derogatory.
I can’t tell if you are being churlish or funny? Either way I don’t really care. I realise your passion for the BBC, I really do, but the reality is that with each passing day the BBC is becoming more and more irrelevant. And if I am wrong and this is not the case? Then let it stand alone in a world where I am not forced to pay for it.
Escape to the Country now well and truly getting on my threepennies.
Just watched an episode in which we were treated to:
1. An environmentalist couple (he with the matted-dreadlocks-to-the-middle-of-his back-hairstyle) who lived in a yurt and foraged for their food.
2. A house which was ‘cost neutral’ because all its energy was provided by its own wind turbine. No mention of where its energy came from when the wind wasn’t blowing.
3. A visit to Hadrian’s wall and our presenter musing on how a ‘flourishing population’ i.e. Britain under the Roman occupation, came to such an abrupt end – along with the usual BBC gushing admiration for the Roman Empire (civilised, advanced, multi-cultural etc etc). Oh, and no mention at all of why they had to build the effing wall in the first place.
Drip, drip, drip…
Shouldn’t they rename it “escape from the foreigners” which also seems the subtext .
Yesterday Mrs jtf happened to hear the BBC News slant on Trump’s proposed meeting with Kim Jong Un.
All due to China’s efforts, apparently.
When the talks fail to take place for some reason albeeb will launch the biggest attack on the chaotic White House they so love to waste huge amount of air on.
I do wonder at what point the BBC decided that the British people were no longer in need of news or impartiality, but require spoon fed lies and pre-school much that might keep us voting for the Left for ever as Islam sneaks in under cover of their hollowed out old detector vans.
The BBC is now a state within a state, and makes no pretence that its job is not that of the political arm of the Progressive Alliance.
i`m guessing it was “Death On the Rock in 1988”-ITV did it,the BBC wished that it had. And they`ve been competing ever since to do the bidding of the loony left.
Cartoon on the week’s news I doodled whilst watching the rugby:
Russian spies. 240 witnesses, 200 pieces of evidence.
What sort of spies are these?
Obviously no match for Smiley’s people when you leave so much in the open.
When I was a lad I read spy stories and they were good at keeping secrets, hiding evidence and no witnesses.
Still, the cops have amber Amber’s confidence
Serious and substantial, said Amber. Like Strong and Stable, Fit for the Future.
It seems the robots who will replace burger flippers are already installed in the Cabinet.
Doesn’t say a lot for Salisbury’s town centre CCTV or the chef in the Pizza restaurant!
Perhaps I had better not give the BBC ideas by mentioning Trump, Trade Wars and US Food Standards in this post.
Anybody seen this story:
Man stabbed to death, 4 people arrested. Yet the bBC leaves out that the murdered man had been making his way home after visiting the local mosque. Which means he was a Muslim. Now the bBC has no problem pointing out attacks near Mosques as symptomatic of the UK being such a racist place, yet here is a man murdered in broad-daylight, with the culprits caught , so anybody have any guesses why the bBC isn’t reporting the full facts on this.
“…anybody have any guesses why the bBC isn’t reporting the full facts on this.”
From your link:
“It is believed he was making his way home having been to the mosque for prayers”.
Smart arse Max wrote:
From your link:
“It is believed he was making his way home having been to the mosque for prayers”.
Oh dear Max feels he has caught me out, but hang on what’s that above my post, why, it’s a screen dump of the article which I commented on, want to explain that smart arse.
1 the suspects are also Muslims
2 relations
3 dishonour murder
4 snipping Lady Muslim parts
5 paedos
6 sunny and sher
Anyone following this story about the attempt to hold a meeting in support of freedom of speech at Speakers Corner on Sunday.
The far left and Treezer’s antifa are trying to stop it.
From the organizer’s FP page.
Generation Identity United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland
Yesterday, Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone were detained by the UK Government and effectively declared political dissidents. The government has decided that Martin’s talk about free speech is too dangerous to be heard. Don’t worry, some of our activists will be reading his speech at Speakers’ Corner at noon tomorrow in his stead. We can’t allow either the far left or the government to silence us!
#Free Speech talk at Speakers’ Corner:
Latest news is that these speakers are in detention not allowed to enter the country.
A US journalist had also been detained and has been told that it is because she planned to interview Tommy Robinson at the event.
My guess is that this will blow up into a major incident. Perhaps revealing Treezer’s obedience to the far left.
Surprising the BBC are cont covering it as a means of attacking the Tory Government. On the other hand it may support my conviction that the BBC are effectively running the Tory Government and does not want to be embarrassed by the arrests and banning of free speech.
I take it back, sometimes I forget !
Not all are snowflakes despite what the BBC would have us believe .
@CaolanRob has been following this.
Note the comments from immigration officers about Tommy Robinson.
Seems weird that, given the police attention around Tommy R, it appears some masked types have apparently managed to attack him in broad daylight.
“@CaolanRob has been following this.
Note the comments from immigration officers about Tommy Robinson.”
Of course it’s all about poor little violent criminal & serial fraudster Tommy; and nothing at all to do with “Generation Identity” being a group of para-military, white supremacist neo-nazis.
What motivates you?
Your ‘wages’ or are you an ‘attention seeker’?
you are the neo nazi maxi
Welcome back, Max.
Your input always offers a valuable insight into impartial editorial thinking that guides certain media in their ‘reporting’.
So no concern from Amnesty to the BBC for the state intervening, again, on folk seeking to meet to talk about stuff that happens, but the state does not want talked about.
Meanwhile, on matters of violence, here’s a Daily Mirror spin on an incident that also seems to involve paramilitary fashionistas that would make Mishal Husain and Tim Wilcox proud:
Yes I laughed at that

10 masked thugs attack him and his camera woman
Tommy bravely defends himself
and he’s in a brawl….
He landed a nice blow on that one wearing the Kurdish colours mask.
The same one that assaulted the camera woman
link-while it lasts
Welcome back Maxi aka Zero the pervert.. Had your rear end repaired after a heavy bout of fisting.
How is it with the left Nazis? Got your lines from the antifa about Generation Identity.
People who cannot argue, just hand out slogans, are best exposed as perverts.
Maybe just one, small, wafer-thin piece of popcorn?
Bad enough that Dr Who has become a woman and that Simon Peter in the new Mary Magdalene film is black. Achilles and Patroclus in Troy: Fall of a City are not just black but players of the pink oboe. Disgusting scene in tonight’s episode which has turned me right off the series.
I go by Homer’s view of Achilles and there is no suggestion of homosexuality in the Iliad. I hate people reading things into Homer’s epic that are just not there. I have read some defenders of the series say that it’s only mythology and they can make any casting choices they like because these are fictional characters who are open to interpretation and people like me are just scared white racists. Well, no, I just respect literature.
By the way, the most insightful analysis of Achilles in my opinion is Jonathan Shay’s book, “Achilles in Vietnam”.
Be interesting how much is catering to the crowds and how much appeasing vocal minorities within the industry.
Even on Prime or Netflix it is rife.
Me and the missus usually have the two powerful ladies who are going to get into a clinch for no obvious reason sussed by the end of the first scene of the pilot.
Latest was Carrie Ann Moss in Jessica Jones.
Not averse to a bit of t&a or GonG show action, but it sort of helps if it serves the plot.
Beebistan orgasming over hijabs as ‘fashion statements’ and ‘feminist statements’.
They’re no such thing of course, just ‘aggressive statements’: the in-your-face uniform of the supremacist conquerors.
Trump ‘live’ now… “many US steel plants are reopening! ”
After the UK was ‘taken’ into Common Market ( the EU) , many of our steel plants closed down.
How will Al Beeb spin that maxi ?
They are all over these ‘punish a Muslim’ letters.
How do they know they were not sent by Muslims to garner victim points? You can just imagine Tell Mama explaining why they need more funding by citing this incident. It smells very fishy indeed to me. Obviously all the relevant ‘communities’ are wallowing orgasmically in the victimhood of it.
The bbc seems very selective in what from ‘sources’ proves what and needs running with asap, versus what needs watertight oversight and preferably consigning to the memory hole.
That renowned editorial integrity at play.
They also shriek the part which fits their narrative then memory hole it when the facts arise which do not fit it, such as the ‘hate crime’ against the homeless Polish man which was anything but. I also suspect that when those till workers trying to claim the same wage as warehouse workers are unsuccessful the story will be memory holed, along with the judge’s reasoning.
Why not consider Jordan Peterson’s insight on the ‘wage gap’ rather than continue to bleat on as if unequal outcomes were evil even though he has explained why they are not? They never budge an inch. Just as we are expected to swallow that the ROP is wonderful in spite of the mass rape, terrorism et cetera.
Their ‘news’ is just SJW Tourette’s: blurting our the same hollow, spurious crap over and over and over.
SJW segment in Match of The Day about helping the elderly with memory loss.
God you never have memory loss watching the BBC, with the same few tropes repeated as nauseam. God please just entertain without telling us what to think and signalling your virtue.
‘Your user-friendly guide to the latest technology news, issues, gadgets and apps.’
That’s the mission statement from our Spencer Kelly’s BBC tech show Click.
As with just about everything the BBC does these days beware the mention of that dread word ‘issues’.
I feel the sudden urge to re-spell the word : Issshhews
That’s better.
Yep, when it’s not global warming, it’s some gender malarky on Click but today as – rather significantly – International Wimmins Day intrudes on Mothers Day our Click goes full-throttle into the supposed rape culture ‘issue’ (some balanced broadcaster might term this a debate) on US campuses and leaps into the camp of the ‘activists’.
I feel a very dodgy statistic coming on… ‘one in 5 women are victims of a sexual asaualt’ Far be it from the BBC to offer any analysis of this bold stat. What is the degree of ‘assault’, is this some self-selecting survey etc etc… ?
Now we get Lady Gaga issue-shoehorned into the report with a rather frightening story of a group of supposed victims all getting the same tattoo and forming some cult-like group.
Cue a secret database where ‘survivors’ can bitch and accuse with impunity (presumably) men à la East Germany.
Then campus authorities are shamed into taking this stuff seriously.
Gosh. You know what, I’ll wager with you right now that very soon we will see this sort of thing in the UK for ‘racial’ type abuse thingy victims to anonymously log their complaints without any of the basic constraints of English Common Law and this used to built doubtfully valid statistics with which to bully authorities into further action. Oh wait, I think we have all that already.
Sport Relief is organised and run mainly by the BBC. Lineker, Ball and all those other marvellous cheerful celebrities who present and perform amazing feats of endurance to raise money for Charradee. Staging events such as a Breakfast Charradee Rave for Sport Relief at 7.00am in Bristol playing very loud music, despite the area being surrounded by hotels. One guest though was not happy at having his sleep disturbed and made his feelings clear. The video sums up the attitude the BBC has to the people of The UK; they are doing what they do, fulfilling their agenda and if you don’t like it then it is you who is the problem, despite the fact that you are one of the many who fund the BBC, you have no voice in the running of it. They will not let the public touch their egos, a public who truth be known, they actually despise.
I see ‘Security’ dived on him straight away, wonder if they turned it down?