I recommend this article on how Canada is being rapidly ruined by exactly the same forces that are at work in the UK, wholeheartedly supported by the BBC.
READ | No nation can call itself sovereign without an independent military capability. We need to wake up to the harsh reality: from March 2019, we won't be getting back sovereignty, but handing over more and more.
Absolutely horrific attack especially when one considers that the footage has been edited from 4 minutes down to about one and a half so as to remove the most shocking bits. I am shocked but not at all surprised. I travel regularly on the Oldham/Manchester Metrolink and antisocial/aggressive behaviour is almost a daily occurrence. A particularly unpleasant journey, especially after 8pm. The situation is getting rapidly worse and I’ve been saying for 2 years now that sooner or later someone is going to get killed.
Questions need to be asked of the Senior Investigating Officer.
Why did it take 12 days for the incident to be publicised?
Why did it take 14 days for the CCTV footage to be released?
Why is the footage that’s been released from a camera that is so far away?
All Metrolink Trams have excellent quality CCTV inside the carraiges – why hasn’t the footage of the attackers before they got off the tram not been released?
All Metrolink Stations have 2 or 3 CCTV cameras mounted on the underside of the roof of the shelter – why has that footage not been released?
Fraid’ its all negative what’s available on the web. Seems we are in for trouble. But, the Croation criminals will, perhaps, think twice in view of our dedicated stasi: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5002328/Officers-parade-costumes-paint-nails.html
In a situation like this where the UK Government has agreed to let in Croations from June, it only goes to prove the political elite wish only to destroy the public altogether.
It’s simple really. Since the undemocratic imposition of a mayor without a genuine free and fair election which the people had made clear they didn’t want, and the imposition of politically motivated police commissioners Andy Burnham has f****d up GMP to such an extent they can no longer be regarded as a Police force.
A recent example is that of a woman in a phone call to a housing association trying to get a home for her daughter and failing became so frustrated that she ended the call ‘I bet you’d give her one if she was a paki’ later that day the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad called at her home to advise her that her use of language was unacceptable.
Paki is not a racist word, and needs context to become so. GMPCES know that the policy they are following is illegal because they have given their staff no training in how to identify absolutely ‘racist’ words spoken in foreign languages. In other words the only people being pulled up are white English speakers.
This breaks every piece of discrimination legislation ever enacted and also the European equal treatment directive. Burnham knows all this, but his hatred for white people is so great that he is prepared to break the law safe in the knowledge that he personally is protected by vicarious liability and cannot be held to account.
The fact is that Burnham is like a much less competent version of Sadique Khan who he is trying (badly) to imitate. Burnham hate white people so much he has spoken out several times about the governments anti terrorism strategy – obviously he feels not enough kids have been murdered by Jihadists so he, like Khan has directed the former Police to concentrate on imaginary ‘hate’ incidents and not crime.
They cannot attend real crime and then claim it’s because of government cuts but the real reason is because they are out oppressing the people over their political beliefs.
They now have no intention of catching these criminals and of course because these attacks on a lone white male have not been recorded as ‘hate’ simply because they happened to the hated white people. GMPCES can manage to catch the three murderers of a Paki coming home from the Mosque in Oldham within hours but cannot manage to even try, proving the racism against whites.
Note the number of lies GMPCES ‘he was simply in the wrong time and the wrong place’ No he was targeted for something he had done – probably drug dealing.
The perps were all Somalis something lied about by omission a common thing with GMPCES who ALWAYS report when it is a hated white person.
A shame they never seem able to solve a murder when the pakis are the perpetrators and the victims white isn’t it?
The BBC has a nice distraction for them to concentrate on – cricket ball tampering by the Aussies, while a Jihadi murders four French people. For BBC news ball tampering is far more important then France dangerously near a civil war.
Probably like many here, I get stuff from ‘Citizen Go’ to sign if I agree. Just received one concerning the Telford muslim grooming. No mention therein of muslims or islam however, it does say, “As with Rotherham and with other cases of systematic sexual abuse, one common factor that needs to be highlighted is the fact that many of the girls were under 16 and were known to be having sex with much older men, but this was considered “consensual”. “One common factor”? “Much older men”?
My reply: “Your’re tapdancing. No more no less.
Cant bring yourself to say ‘muslim’ can you. Just as bad as all the rest. “….one common factor….”. You along with all the rest are running scared of the cult of islam.
Count me out until you grow a backbone.”
Asian or Muslim…grooming or raping…gang or extended tribal family?
The BBC really needs to choose its words with great care. When nationalities become citizens of some origin or heritage by way of descriptor by the left…you just KNOW they`re “grooming” the English language to absolve their handlers and allies of any complicity in the evils they prefer to mollify.
The shorter the word and the older it is…the more prone to euphemisms and weasel translations it is.
And therefore the more reason to ensure the TRUTHFUL and ACCURATE word is used.
As Steyn said-why use Asian Grooming gang when you mean Muslim Raping family?(and affiliated extended blokes from the next village, if that is more the truth). Only one reason is there not?
Indeed, the usual lying by omission and obfuscation. The use of “Asian” as a synonym for Pakistani Muslim (there are some Pakistani Christians, but they have mostly been hounded out of their homeland; funny that) is a BBC ploy to avoid the horrible facts and is a huge disservice to the very many Asians in this country who are neither Pakistani nor Muslim, the Chinese, the Indians, Filipinos, Thais, Nepalis and many others. Here is another neat trick:
“Oxford Men”; and I was thinking graduates of Keble, Christ Church and Corpus Christi. Silly me.
Truth being the first casualty of war, the unwillingness of the BBC to publish unpalatable facts is a serious breach of the BBC’s Royal Charter and the BBC are at war with the truth.
Last night on BBC1 news was an item from Oldham about people affected by the benefit cap. There was a man who had given up work after 26 years to look after his 4 young children (the children were certainly primary aged), no mention of Mum. Obviously more of a story than we were being told. There was a young woman, a single Mum, with her son aged under 5 who understood that sometimes his Mummy did not have the pennies to buy him things. We were told that after her housing costs and paying off her debts she was left with (I think I remember correctly £130 for the week. I wonder what those debts were? But of course we were not told. There were another couple of examples but without detail how could we understand how they were in that situation. But in Oldham, what these people had in common was their colour. With the BBC’s targets for BME to appear on our targets, shouldn’t at least one of these families have come from a minority?
The BBC reporting the incident in France involving a “gunman” not a “gunperson”. They like to apportion non gender specific titles to most jobs ending in “man” Postman, Fireman etc…so why use gunman ???
Whilst im at it the list of Terrorism events in France, summarised below does not mention the word “terrorist” once, driver, attackers, jihadist, islamist gunmen, and gunman yes but no terrorists involved in Terrorist attacks. Suppose its like no footballers in a football team.
Is the word “terrorist” out of fashion? After all its “non binary” so I cant understand why they dont use it.
Major terror attacks in France
1 Oct 2017 – Two women stabbed to death at Marseille railway station; attack claimed by IS
26 Jul 2016 – Two attackers slit a priest’s throat at his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Normandy. They are shot dead by police
14 Jul 2016 – A huge lorry mows down a crowd of people on the Nice beachfront during Bastille Day celebrations, killing 86. IS claims the attack – by a Tunisian-born driver, later shot dead by police
13 Jun 2016 – A police officer and his partner are stabbed to death at home by a jihadist, in Magnanville, west of Paris. He declares allegiance to IS, and police later kill him
13 Nov 2015 – IS jihadists armed with bombs and assault rifles attack Paris, targeting the national stadium, cafes and Bataclan concert hall. The co-ordinated assault leaves 130 people dead, and more than 350 wounded
7-9 Jan 2015 – Two Islamist gunmen storm the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 17 people. Another Islamist militant kills a policewoman the next day and takes hostages at a Jewish supermarket in Paris. Four hostages are killed before police shoot the gunman dead. The other two gunmen are cornered and killed by police in a siege.
Always worth a look to see how the language is patrolled, modified and judged by our “betters”, our “mediators”.
I use the words like “actress” and “dole” to see who tries to correct me-then make sure I never meet again with them.
This is still a free country, and when people willingly swap perfectly good words for ones that Nick Clegg prefers…well, they help make this country that little less free.
Our language is very old, extremely important, and has evolved and developed into an amazing and unbelievably useful system for communicating complex ideas.
I don’t believe that it is wise, or even acceptable, to allow people with self-serving political motives to debase our language. If holding firm on preserving our language requires constant reminders to those who attempt to misuse it for the purpose of politics, then so be it.
Interestingly, the report on Sky I watched yesterday lunchtime had a live link from Trebes from a French reporter. She pulled no punches, calling it a terrorist attack several times before the London studio anchor (no doubt with a furious voice in the earpiece) tried to moderate her language. Credit to the Frenchwoman, she wasn’t having it. She stated that it was clearly an act of terrorism, and not calling it so from the start was what was infuriating people everywhere who could perfectly well work out for themselves this was what it was. Clearly, she is a journalist who still has much common sense. Of course, she was rapidly shut up from London and her contribution terminated.
Update police shot him dead now
Gunman, 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim, reported to have killed three people, is now dead – French government sources say #Trèbes https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-43518769
ISIS fanatic who shot at police, took hostages and killed a man in a supermarket ‘shouted about Allah’.
Why all the health stories? Eight murdered in a week in London and they are talking about muffins having too much sugar?
What is more dangerous than muffins is multiculturalism, the insane idea that all approaches to life are equally valid. They have pushed this suicidal creed fanatically and made it impossible to question it in any way. It was all cowardice and idleness made to look cool: some groups refuse to integrate so instead of taking tough measures to bring them into line just pretend it is glorious to have a totally divided society with groups living parallel lives.
Forget too much sugar, too much liberalism rots the soul of the nation as there are no core values to unite us.
They are always going on about how underpaid they are. Why can’t Carrie Gracie get her hands dirty and report from Telford? Could Fiona Bruce speak to some knife wielding youths in outer London boroughs to find out what the hell is going on – 8 murders in a week and not even any outrage! No they just sit all snug and smug and talk about muffins. Lying, cowardly parasites the lot of them.
Why all the health stories? Eight murdered in a week in London and they are talking about muffins having too much sugar?
They were murdered by knives so it doesn’t count.
If they were murdered in a school in Trump’s America, it would be completely different.
As for these yutes, have a look at their faces – that vacant look of the low IQ , and the dead soulless eyes of the zombie. They are beyond social services. Only Christ can save them.
Pray for them and Britain and Europe. I see no other way..
Some good news. Sort of.
Tuberculosis in London has reduced by 41% in the last 5 years.
However it remains the highest rate in the UK.
Now I wonder what possibly might be contributing to this high level?
I suspect many readers can probably hazard an educated guess.
Yet strangely all those ‘journalists’ at the BBC don’t seem to know- or more likely do know but cannot bring themselves to tell us.
Tuberculosis in London has reduced by 41% in the last 5 years.
Oh yippy doo dah ! clearly those under 30 journalists don’t know their history, but there was a time when the UK was FREE of TB and the reason we got rid of all the convalescent homes by the seaside. Then we started importing foreign bodies by plane and sea who weren’t that particular about hygiene, and then we gave them jobs in hospitals. Anybody still wondering why we have TB ?
The UN calls Yemen ‘the world’s worst humanitarian crisis’. It says more than three-fourths of the population – over 22 million people – are in need of humanitarian assistance. Yemenis face hunger, disease, and the terror of a war which has pitted Iran-backed Houthi rebels against a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. This week marks the end of the third year of that Saudi campaign – with no end in sight. Yemen’s Minister of State resigned Wednesday saying Yemen’s President, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi was under house arrest in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. So what are the Saudi aims in Yemen and why are Yemeni civilians continuing to suffer so much? Carrie Gracie and a panel of expert guests bring clarity to one of the world’s most complex wars.
– BBC Article on Yemen – Word Search Islam x 0; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0 – News by Omission
We are all aware that ‘our’ governments, red and blue, both appear to be carrying out Orwell’s frighteningly accurate predictions as written in his 1984 and Animal Farm books.
I can see all the usual lies, loss of rights and propaganda and I’m wondering if they have missed anything out from the books.
Have we got something else to look forward to or have they carried out all of the horrors already.
Is there a room 101 to come or is the change to the dystopian future complete.
EG – Room 101 has already got a foothold. Think of the number of times you’ve read about employees, especially in the public sector, being referred for ‘diversity awareness training’ because of some minor thought crime.
How long, then, before that becomes an option in our civil courts much like speed awareness courses for motoring transgressions?
I see the bBC are reporting on how one their ROP members decided to go on a killing spree inside France. I wonder how long before the cocksuckers at the bBC remake this twat as a victim. Oh hang on they have reported this little snippet: “Reports say the suspect was known to French intelligence services and that his mother is at the scene.”
FFS, bBC, who gives a flying jump about his mother.but anything to put a human face on this murdering religious bigot.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.”
… “Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Marky – it is perfectly obvious to me what really happened, as our “national treasure” state broadcaster would never deliver “fake” news. The bomb was obviously planted by the Germans to kill Syrian migrants.No wonder the the BBC and their globalist mates want to get rid of the indigenous population and replace us with these more law abiding incomers.
Couldn’t help but notice a BBC French correspondent today, harking back off-the-cuff (always far more interesting when journos have to busk off-script) over previous terror attacks in France, when she referred to the 2016 cutting of the Priest’s throat by “two boys”
Her terminology in connection with this most cowardly terrorist outrage struck me as odd. Is it usual for a native French speaker to think in terms of muderous young men as “Garçons” ?
I checked wiki which tells me the two attackers were over 18, which tends to be the British cut off (if you’ll excuse the expression) for legal naming of the perps on the BBC.
“The attackers, 19-year-olds Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Petitjean, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which claimed responsibility for the attack.”
So what’s all this about “boys” ?
I doubt the BBC-approved journo was being moderately racist with her use of the term “boys”. Perish the thought. In any case although one was Algerian I understand the other was a French convert (you know, to that thing that has nothing to do with terrorism, as we all well understand).
I’m afraid one is left with the conclusion that perhaps she inadvertantly revealed a subconscious tendency of feeling rather motherly toward these young scamps.
Like the @BBCSouthEast tweet yesterday calling the Parsons Green bomber a “Surrey teenager”.
Gratifyingly, the many comments on it reflected the growing disgust with the BBC. Well worth reading. And this is the BBC that is trailing its own “How to Spot Fake News” sessions. They need look no further.
I see that Breitbart has been severely impacted by the Facebook censors . Readership has fallen by a quarter in the past six months. Everyone on the right of centre who uses Facebook or U tube as a platform is sooner or later going to experience similar censorship. The left of course would usually be screaming monopoly etc etc and want it split up. but as long as Facebook and Google do their bidding they will be happy. Effectively the right of centre is being shut out of political discourse . The impact will be to hand millions of votes over to the left and to prevent the people from knowing what is going on. I think that the only way forward is to break up these massive companies into several competing entities. But the left won’t support that .
The whole political outlook seems bleak and depressing at present. President Trump is fighting hard and gallantly but the liberal left establishment is showing no sign of loosing their grip. It is a study in media power that so few Americans seem to realise the extent of the huge scandals that their ‘deep state’ has been involved in. Their media just ignores them. They have probably taken lessons from the BBC.
Brexit is becoming a non event as the Remainers hold the reigns of power and ensure we have the softest of soft exits which is worthless. We anxiously await the composition and policy of the Italian government. By the way if the UK government had been committed to Brexit it would have waited to see the policy of the new Italian Government before making any commitments.
Agreed that social media is now fire scorched by the idiot left.
But who amongst us thought that Zuckerberg and Merkel etc would continue to allow us to speak freely? After we pissed on our chips for daring to vote for Trump or Brexit, they`re trying to choke dissent off at source with only limited scope for debate.
Whether Corbyns hat is Russian made or Russina themed is what they require-and they demand bloodletting, spitting and arson from either side, as long we stick with the Russian hat.
“The tyranny of small differences”-a Chomsky idea.
Meanwhile we need to go out, meet people face-to-face and create our own REAL networks of dissidents and refuseniks. The revolution will not be online, it will be live.
No Licence, no Capita, no BBC. They have to leave the buildings and get to their cars sometime.
PS-John Boltons coming. Nil desperandum!
Mr BCW who is a taxi driver ( not the rapey kind I hasten to add) went on a one day course yesterday funded by our local councils licencing authority.
The course was about teaching taxi drivers to recognise the signs of child sexual abuse, a good thing you would think. My husband was the only white driver attending the course, the rest of the attendees were members of that religion that we can’t mention.
So now our council are teaching the people who commit these dreadful crimes, 5,000 children in our borough alone have been sexually abused over the past year, hoiw to recognise if a child is being abused. So, now they will know how to cover the signs up.
For many people using Google Chrome, sites such as biasedbbc and westmonster are blocked after the user downloads security updates. The Liberal elite use project fear to stoke up fear of Russian hacking and then use that excuse to get the intelligence community to produce security updates that block websites that do not censor the truth about the liberal fascist politicisation of the BBC, MI6, FBI and the CIA. And the censorship of news about immigration, terrorism, Islam, climate science and the financial, electoral and political corruption censored by the liberal MSM swamp.
I believe the current problems for biasedbbc.tv are caused by these security updates. These security updates mean that the right-wing, left-wing or anyone else who tells the truth at Speakers Corner, can be blocked by the caring message “This site can’t provide a secure connection”
I find that if you give your email to people, then they are able to email you information. If the Liberals then start blocking emails we would then have to start giving these people our home addresses, so that they could revert to posting pamphlets like they did in the English Civil War.
Actually some scientists or mensa members said in an email that they are trying to find funds to send pamphlets about Climate Science censored by the BBC, to every address in the nation.
This from the red ice TV channel on YouTube. It is an interview with a German Jewish lecturer at Harvard university, broadcast on a German national TV station. The man admits that the invasion of Europe and specifically Germany it’s an experiment; that’s right, an experiment; in transforming European monocultures into multicultures.
Something the far-left bbc would never broadcast because it has let the cat out of the bag:
Electric car context
– Today’s EV subsidies are set to end
– In 2020 German firms must be producing EVs or face fines.
BMW CEO on decision to delay “mass” EV production to 2020
– “If you want to win the race, you must be the most cost competitive in the segment, otherwise you cannot scale up the volume,” he said. Reuters
PS BMW’s Munich HQ has been raided re Emission test rigging, Austria was raided a few days ago ..BMW said it was a limited software error then.
An Oprah Winfrey project
“First $100m movie to be directed by a black woman”
A Wrinkle in Time PG based on children’s novel
BBC News – Wrinkle In Time director: 'No one in films looked like me' https://t.co/s63igg9d67 – "We want the film to love everyone so they can see a bit of themselves in it" this is why you can't not love @ava
Paul Matthews update
18Jan R4 News had complete FakeNews headline
They are still continuing to bluff it out, by admitting yet brushing off his complaint
As readers may recall from previous posts, the 6 O’clock news on BBC Radio 4 on 18 January started with the false claim that
“The world’s leading climate agencies have said for the first time that global warming caused by humans now dwarfs natural temperature changes.”
This was, to put it bluntly a lie
Roger Harrabin had obtained a soundbite from Peter Stott. Someone at the BBC then twisted this soundbite into the headline about leading climate agencies.
“The world’s leading climate agencies have (My guess, Peter Cox) said for the first time that global warming caused by humans now dwarfs natural temperature changes.”
I think the above “BBC Fake News” was constructed using the fantasy world of Computer Models, not the real world of correlations with weather records going back to the 18th Century. I also guess that “Peter Cox” is hiding behind the words ”The world’s leading climate agencies have”
I believe that the scientist who has just proven that Climate Change is caused by Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo, Henrik Svensmark, has just held a lecture in the House of Parliament, censored by the BBC. Also censored by the BBC, as I have said a few years back, that Global Cooling would start in the winter of 2018. Well at the moment Astronomers are saying that the Galactic Cosmic Ray intensity in the Geostationary Orbit area of the Earth, is at its highest ever recorded.
Also the scientists who have proven that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax, (1) Directly: Gerhard Gerlich or (2) Through thermodynamics and using Venus and Mars as proxies, Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller who spoke at the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, are also censored by the BBC.
Other climate scientists censored by the BBC include Prof Richard Lindzen, Prof Curry and Prof Singer.
But why should the BBC bother to uncover the science view of climate when they can broadcast the views of such intellectual luminaries as Emma Thompson, (the world will warm by 4C before 2030), or 1970s Dress designer Vivian Westward, (it’s all down to the oil companies). Failing that the BBC can listen to the daughter of a 1960s pop singer, Bianca Jagger and a whole host of folk from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
Perhaps the BBC could get a word from their science correspondent David Shukman, a passionate environmentalist and arts graduate.
Pallab Ghosh is kept locked away in a box in an attic because twice I have heard him actually answering questions about climate and fracking with scientific fact. Can’t be having that.
4:30pm R4 Feedback will discuss
#1Iran harassing its reporters
I haven’t seen them mention the Canadian&Iranian environment activists who ended up dead.
#2 a drama divides the audience for its treatment of immigration and Brexit, (Tues or Wed one ? )
#3 the BBC puts a brake on plans to abandon FM transmitters
#4 and Fi Glover’s emotional documentary.
\\In the UK, there are around 60,000 #prematurebirths each year.
What solace does the “expressing room” provide mothers who are increasingly likely to use it? //
If any country in the region is justified in banning the BBC it’s Israel.
You can foresee a situation, in fact, where it is the ONLY country in the region where the BBC is allowed in, but will still be portrayed by our impartial national broadcaster as an intolerant, warmongering, racist, repressive state.
The BBC has ambitions to become the World Broadcasting Company, state broadcaster for the future world government envisioned (and being built from the ground up, as we speak) by the UN.
It will therefore push the UN’s agenda21 at every opportunity – not in name, of course, but through insidious ‘climate change’ activism.
Every year over 200,000 babies are murdered by abortion. Has the far-left bbc ever investigated this subject, this atrocity?
In the USA I believe every year over a million babies are murdered by the abortion industry, lead by Planned Parenthood. Has the far-left bbc ever investigated this, particularly since Project Veritas has done the ‘dirty work’ for them.
Extrapolate those numbers over the whole white race countries and it helps explain why we are not replacing ourselves, leaving us exposed to the invasion and takeover by stealth of third world ethnics.
White families had better get reproducing as a matter of urgency.
* Before the attack the Iraqi asylum seeker had been referred to a government deradicalisation programme.
* The court heard that Hassan had told Home Office immigration officials he was abducted by Islamic State in Iraq, and had spent three months “being trained how to kill”.
* He had then made his way to Britain via Istanbul, Paris and Calais, entering the country in October 2015 as a 16-year-old stowaway in the back of a lorry.
– Surrey teenage OR an asylum seeker from Iraq (via Istanbul and Paris and Calais) who was trained by ISIS … OR a Surrey teenage.
Greater Glasgow Police have not learned from Police Scotland’s mistake yesterday. And again, comments could be going better. A lot better. In fact they could scarcely be worse.
I would like to report a group of people who hate gays, Jews, Christians, polytheists, atheists, infidels, apostates and women, amongst others. Oh, and dogs, especially black dogs, for reasons too barmy to go into here.
Don’t believe me? Spend a few hilarious minutes watching this vid by the inimitable David Wood:
Glasgow Police. Oh dear…
Could be a lot worse: In South Africa, former Police Head of Crime Intelligence, Richard Mdluli, has departed, leaving a R8million hole in the fiscus, after ‘lingering’ at home, on suspension for seven years! ‘Some’- as the BBC likes to say, noted that three of the applicants on the shortlist to succeed him had been involved in crime.
It appears that under Mdluli’s watch, the entire Crime Intelligence section in the SAPS was turned into a personal fiefdom, with hundreds of millions looted from a secret slush fund, largely in service of the ANC. So, for instance, CI Captain Tshabalala, a former criminal – who got the job unvetted- ‘lost’ R50 million running a secret project at the ANC’s Manguang conference. Want to see what all the other criminal police officers in that section were up to?
Marianne Thamm’s article in the Daily Maverick will enlighten you. Naturally, she will have got it all wrong: the ANC are long-standing favourites of the ‘liberal’ European elites, and obviously can do no wrong. And if she’s right, well -don’t expect it to be reported on by media such as the BBC. It wouldn’t fit their narrative at all.
Also, don’t expect the SA government to take action against politicians in SA who publicly threaten whites with throat-slitting (obviously NOT hate speech, wrong way round!) or for such threats to be reported in Britain by Media such as the BBC. Very much doesn’t go with the narrative…
So, good news about Glasgow police. If you see what I mean. They may be misguided (and who am I to pass judgement on that as I know nothing about it) but at least they’re honest citizens.
Great link RD, and comments reassuring that there are lots of people out there willing to take up the fight. Not that Common Purpose Plod will take a blind bit of notice apart from concoct a few hate crimes from them.
Chuka Umunna (Labour) visited the Center for American Progress in 28-29 April paid by them with £3,271.52.
“To address a gathering of American policy makers on business, foreign policy and the EU referendum.”
Their site (americanprogress.org) uses words like ‘Global Gag Rule’ which has nothing to do with gagging people, but is about supplying access to abortions to other countries at a cost. (Condoms? Culture?)
So this again has webpages with the words ‘Global Gag Rule’ to make it sound like Gagging on the whole World – but it is a policy which Africa should be doing themselves anyway (or get help from Bob Geldof).
This is the abuse of language with words like grooming (gang r*pe), dreamers (illegal migrants), global gag rule (stop paying for abortions in foreign countries).
Why SHOULD Trump continue to pay the rest of the worlds hellholes, just so they get more abortions at the US taxpayers expense? How can THAT be defended?
Thought that they hated Trump-so why do they seek his money?
Let the Saudis pay for it! They`ve got plenty money, and saves IS having to kidnap or kill them a few years later.
It’s up to people to decide if they like it. Did Nazi Pug mean it? Was it a joke? Has he built a gas chamber? Is the dog complicit in the act?
Since Ludvik believes she is too serious, he writes on the postcard, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!” His colleagues and fellow young-party leaders did not see the humour in the sentiment expressed in the postcard. Ludvik finds himself expelled from the party and college and drafted to a part of the Czech military where alleged subversives form work brigades and spend the next few years working in mines.
Just caught some of the beebistan so-called ‘news’.
The closing words of the report on the French muslim terrorist went something like ‘it follows a pattern of young men moving from petty crime to killing in the name of terrorism’.
Eh? In the name of terrorism? Do they shout “I’m killing in the name of terrorism”? Is terrorism a new religion?
No, the religion is called islam, the murderous ideology is called islam, the motivation is called islam, and they kill (and hopefully die) in the name of islam.
We all know the thought process. Somebody stabs somebody. Bad. Somebody stabs somebody because of their religious beliefs. Bad. The religion is Islam. Implication that a non-Western religious cuture is bad!!!! Alert. Alert. Thought crime against cultural relativism. Change it to “in the name of” this religion people do bad things. Cultural relativism saved.
That is not reporting, it is just telling you what to think. The facts are getting in the way of their Leftist political narrative. Why should I be forced to pay for that? Really, why should I be forced to pay for that? Please tell me Maxicony.
Hot on the heels of the vicious attack that has only just been publicised but which happened a fortnight ago comes news of a similar attack just last night, this time at Derker in another part of this town that I was once so proud to come from.
Bloke in his 40s gets off the tram at 7.30 ish last night and walks to his car. Up to 7 Asians drag him out of his car smash his skull with a hammer, kick the shit out of him and drive off in his car. Not a hate crime though apparently
I have made that journey across that car park at that time on many occasions and don’t feel at all enriched by any of this.
It really is getting like the wild west out there – there are so many parts of Oldham that are now no-go areas for anyone with pale skin.
Where will it end? When are we going to get some politicians with some balls to deal with this wanton lawlessness?
A crime is a crime no matter who commits it and everyone but those who have the power to change it and those who benefit from it is absolutely sick of this two tier legal system.
Hot on the heels of the vicious attack that has only just been publicised but which happened a fortnight ago comes news of a similar attack just last night, this time at Derker in another part of this town that I was once so proud to come from.
Bloke in his 40s gets off the tram at 7.30 ish last night and walks to his car. Up to 7 Asians drag him out of his car smash his skull with a hammer, kick the shit out of him and drive off in his car. Not a hate crime though apparently
I have made that journey across that car park at that time on many occasions and don’t feel at all enriched by any of this.
It really is getting like the wild west out there – there are so many parts of Oldham that are now no-go areas for anyone with pale skin.
Where will it end? When are we going to get some politicians with some balls to deal with this wanton lawlessness?
A crime is a crime no matter who commits it and everyone but those who have the power to change it and those who benefit from it is absolutely sick of this two tier legal system.
It is becoming more difficult by the day to understand how any journalist who values professional integrity and independence can justify working for the BBC. Just listen to the BBC 5pm news with Eddie Maie dance around the obvious fact that the attacks near Carcassone were the work of another crazed muslim intent on killing non-believers. Even Inspector Clouseau might have worked that one out having pieced together some of the tragic events in SW France today.
In the 5pm news however we learn that the assailant Radouane Lakdim was a local man known to the police as a “petty criminal” and he might have been influenced by ISIS. Not a word from Maie and his various contributors that Le Figaro is reporting that Lakdim shouted “Allah Akbar” as he stormed into a supermarket. Not a broadcast word of the Le Parisien newspaper report that Lakdim was know to the French intelligence services and was active on “ultra-conservative” Islamic social media sites. And not a peep about the suggestion around the web that the attacker had demanded the release of Salah Abdeslam, the sole remaining killer still alive after the horrific jihadists killings in Paris in 2015.
Then the programme went on to report the sentencing of Iraqi so-called refugee Ahmed Hassan, who arrived in the UK in the back of a lorry, and instead of being booted straight out was provided with all the creature comforts of a home with Sunbury foster parents. He then proceeded to repay such kindness by attempting to blow up a London tube train with a home made bomb packed with nails. So we have yet another imported muslim killer in the dock, a fact glossed over by the BBC referring only to his “refugee” status. It was left to the judge in the case sentencing Hassan to at least 34 years in prison to remark that his actions were against Islam and the Koran.
Has the BBC taken an editorial decision not to mention the word “muslim” in reporting these continuing outrages, both killings and the gang rapes in a number of Northern cities? It certainly has form with this type of thing. In 2006 it decided that the direct link between CO2 and rising global temperatures was “settled”, thus siding with the political green activists and relieving itself of reporting any part of an important debate that has gripped the scientific community ever since.
Maybe the BBC has decided that muslims are victims in all of this. Most British muslims no doubt abhor the jihadist violence, raping of young vulnerable non-muslim British girls and the practice of female genital mutilation ordered by sick patriarchal males, not one of whom has been successfully prosecuted in the British courts. No doubt, but it would be nice to see some significant “not in our name” rallies and large reductions in the 20% of all British muslims that polls find are “sympathetic” to the aims of jihad.
Yet again the supine and biased BBC takes the easy way out and fails to report the real, difficult and pressing issues that face our society.
Assume he is twenty, and serves full sentence, out at 54. Plenty of time to wreak more havoc (kill infidels). And of course he will be released early. Can we be guaranteed of his deportation? Why bother to ask…
BBC news
All afternoon they have been gleefully reiterating the Judges comments about the religion of peace following the The Parsons Green Tube bomber getting sentenced to 34 years in prison.
‘“You will have plenty of time to study the Qur’an in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Qur’an is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace.’
I had a quick look at other newsfeeds, but it seems that it is only the Beeb and Guardian who are gloating about this..
Surprise surprise….
Did the Judge say when during the last 1500 years of invasions, raping, torturing and butchery, that Islam was peaceful? The history books must have missed that period.
To be fair, one could argue the BBC is only reporting what the judge said, although there did seem to be a sort of gloaty delivery. Hell will freeze over before the BBC would have anyone on air to comment negatively on this opinion that izlam, and the associated book, which should in itself be banned as a hate crime, are ‘peaceful’.
Anyway, I heard that driving home and it made me hopping mad. How can anyone really believe this ‘peaceful’ b*llsh*t? It can only be because they want to believe it which is frightening in itself.
Throughout the day, the phrase ‘the islamic state group’ was used in relation to the allegiance of the murderer in Trebes. On the beeb, it’s always ‘the islamic state group’ or ‘so-called islamic state’. Ridiculously, the former sounds like a Corporation but it seems to remove the need for the ‘so called’.
Who knew our judges were also experts on Islamic Jurisprudence as well?
I bet that quote was written for him by an Amber Rudd/BBC drone-no sane person would say that, the Koran says the exact opposite.
If I want to know what Islam says-easier not to bother with Cameron, Johnson, May, Rudd or Blair…and bypass Khan and Yacoob who are taqqiyya panhandlers.
No-get a Koran and flick through. That is no Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
All these idiot MPs and commentators should get reported to the MCB-and , no doubt, they`ll be held to account for their wilful apostasy when they`re no longer of use to the Caliphate that`s coming.
‘You should understand that the Qur’an is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace.’
Another classic case of a Westerner telling a Muslim all he ought to know about Islam. A nice piece of cultural colonialism of the sort pioneered by the likes of Dave Cameron and Theresa May among our other homegrown armchair Islamic theological luminaries.
Who remembers this one?
Wasn`t he the one who looked like President Hollande? The worst western leader since Juncker in Luxembourg.
If I think of him as the product of Jacqui Smith and Owen Jones, that helps me place him.
Apart from that though-0who the heck is he, apart from the one who allowed Corbyn to choke his chickenshit party still further.
Another day another few people killed by immigrants they allowed into their country, immigrants of only one religion that is never mentioned in the news reports, one religion, however backward and tribalist and sexist and racist that never seems to be challlenged, and in this country seems to feel the need to have their own “council” predominantly displayed on the internet to promote their agenda, despite the lack of any other group of immigrants in this country feeling the need to do this, but just getting on with quietly enjoying their culture whilst respecting ours, a consistent thorn in the side of the 90 % indiginous population are they intent on provoking us ? I can see no other reason.
I hadn’t realised that extremism was a cause in and of itself but that’s what I’ve just learnt from our BBC correspondent in France. He (I didn’t catch his name but would be interested to know it) in addition to some very nice pronounciation of words like Gendarmerie tells us that the terrorist did what he did today “in the name of extremism”. Well, I’ll be…!
Also BBC used to welcome comments but these seem to have been shut down, we pay for this service and our feedback and comments have now been censored, interesting, also in Luton the local news have shut down their comments page hmm why is that ? well just have a look at many of the crime stories in Luton over the last few years and the demands for “special schools” of a certain religion, there used to be considerable debate about this without desceding into abuse until a certain individual from a certain religion started to call anyone objecting to his views a “paedophile” and another individual called into question the morality of this country and demanded his fellow muslms should have their own schools paid for by the state because he hated the morality of this country and accused OFSTED of racism, hmm amazing how this individual got past immigration into this country to spew his hateful and racist agenda yet he did and so many others also do
BTW here is the list of active HaveYourSays
Seems they are staying away from controversial topics
They tend not to add new topics at weekends (no mods I guess) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/have_your_say
“… how this individual got past immigration into this country to spew his hateful and racist agenda yet he did and so many others also do.”
Just one of many and many more to come………….
They will only concentrate on the wimmins world cup and the para world cup anyway, unless we have a muslim in the team, we had a story run for a week about that last time in the premiership
Why is there no Media World Cup-where the 16 countries (or so) have to compete to get the rights to film the games?
Thought the BBc liked to compete, being world class and all.
I reckon the Mexicans would win-Channel 9 would give it all that touch of class that the BBc always fail to do.
Naturally, the egregious and biased Sopel had no positive words to say on the appointment of John Bolton (Today programme), and obviously did not mention that his predecessor McMaster has long been one of the chief suspects to have been leaking confidential information about Trump and the WH. Nothing from Sopel yet on the unfolding stories of criminality by the highest officials in the FBI, DOJ and elsewhere. This is developing into one of the greatest scandals in US history, yet Sopel and the BBC censor it out of (their) history. Joe DiGeneova nails it on Bill Still’s latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5NPIYBRipA [and, by the way, three cheers to Bill for his excoriation of Hannity for constantly interrupting his guests – see second part of video].
John Bolton will be pure entertainment – I remember him being regularly interviewed on al c4 by St. John snow and almost causing him to have a stroke with his right wing approach to the world – including the use of the military to deal with America’s enemies – guess the N Korea meet up just went out the door. More Ammo for that shit – sopel
Bolton is a draft dodging, neocon, chicken hawk, a proven disaster and warmonger.
I wonder if we’ll tag along again in the next “big adventure”? Syria; Iran; North Korea or even Russia or maybe all of them?
Trump needs to keep him on a very tight leash, or he’ll be a half-term POTUS not even a one term; if the GOP base stay at home for the mid-term elections in November and the Dems get control of the House: they’ll impeach him.
But he wants the UN gone, and has the mother of all toupees!
And in these barking mad times, he`ll insert the enema nozzle just where the left fears it.
So hope he does his worst to them, a blowhard but is enough to drive the left mad worldwide.
Maybe his moustache is a toupee match as well! Love him!
Ah, there’s that word again. I have yet to hear from anyone who says that Trump should be impeached, precisely what the legal reasons would be. They never explain. The firing of Comey cannot be a reason, as a US President has the legal and constitutional power to fire anyone in his administration, as I understand it.
Hello Fedup. You asked me about how I managed to stop watching BBC output completely. Sorry I did not reply immediately. To be really honest I’m not entirely sure how it seemed to suddenly happen. Radio was always my go to news source and I would enjoy radio 4 extra drama.
I arrived back from Australia in 2012 and immediately began listening to BBC world service and both radio 4 channels. I was oblivious to how bad their bias was because to me the BBC was brilliant. I was so stupid.
I now know things were quite awful long before I got back however it’s got much worse in the last 6 years. I couldn’t take any more as a quick push of my on button resulted in either Presidents Trump’s name or Brexit, or the poor refugees,
over and over again.
Any complaints were ignored. Once I became angry and they responded in horror that my language would be too much for the staff concerned with my complaint. I cancelled my license but of course was still able to listen to the radio. I did reinstate the licence because after a few weeks I began watching live TV again, I still do (rarely BBC, mostly commercial rubbish) then I realised that I wasn’t (couldn’t tolerate) any radio, trust any news or believe any drama. Suddenly I refused to turn the radio on. When I once enjoyed it so much it makes me bloody furious that despite all the offerings there is nothing of worth to listen to or to trust. I now get my fix from this site and various you tube offerings, although I’m becoming dissatisfied with many of these as the headlines don’t always match the content. You Tube are now constantly interrupting the clips with advertising. Also what is concerning, is that even alternate media sources are now under threat. Also many of the clips are old which can be informative because it gives perspective from before which you can compare with now. Here are some of the people I enjoy on you tube. Mark Steyn, Douglas Murray, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, Jordan Peterson, Katie Hopkins, Ann Coulter, Lauren Southern, Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, The Iconoclast. I don’t always agree with them, but they are brilliant. I hope this helps a little. The aggorance and unprofessionalism of the BBC continues to wind me up. Imagine what they could be doing with the money they get. It’s a disgrace but then everything that is happening leaves me feeling hopeless. Cheers.
I share your pain, Moodswing. I was brought up with Radio 4 on in the background, even when we lived abroad. It was informative and entertaining, and introduced me to writers, thinkers, comedians and quick-witted word games. Now, I can’t bear to listen. You are absolutely right when you say that every press of the button brings up the same three dread subjects, always from a very narrow perspective.
All I can say is that we are not alone, and many, many people I know – educated, liberal (in the old-fashioned sense), middle class – have also had their fill of the incessant propagandising. Actually, I would go so far as to say that, with it, the BBC is stirring up annoyances that have never, ever, been there before. You can’t keep telling people – subliminally and not-so-subtly – that they are wrong in their political views or guilty of something they are plainly not, without some effect.
I’m another who has more or less tuned out of the BBC. I occasionally snatch at the news on R4 or watch something on BBC Four or BBC Two but that’s about it. And yet, like you, I was brought up with Radio Four (or the Home Service) as my source of news and entertainment – education, too, because one of the virtues of the BBC as it was, not so many years ago, is that you picked up an awful lot of essential information about the world, without having to formally study to achieve it.
As I say, that has now gone. I can no longer stand being preached at by people far more stupid and far less knowledgeable than I am – particularly when they are patronising about it!
I wish I shared your experience of people becoming awakened to the seizure of the BBC by the Left but, sadly, most of the people I encounter seem supremely unaware of what its going on. Even highly educated and naturally sceptical friends rarely seem to stop and question what they are being told. You must have a better class of friend and I envy you.
MeToo . I don’t know where to put the hash tag but I have tuned out of the BBC almost entirely. I take an occasional sample to see if anything has changed. But the only change I detect is it getting even worse.
Very rarely watch or listen to the BBC these days. Exceptions are Ken Bruce, The Archers (Mrs jtf is a fan) and the occasional BBC4 offering, the reason being that whatever the channel or time of day or programme, 9 times out of 10 within minutes the BBC will be pushing one of it’s favourite agendas i.e. Islam, mass immigration, ‘climate change’, the EU, multiculturalism, internationalism, LGBTAtoZ, racism, the Palestinian cause (complete with lies and omissions) etc etc. Not even Cbeebies is exempt.
I have been able to open the eyes of seversl friends and rellies to their stinking, subversive bias – others are still mesmerised by their claim to impartiality and truth and remain to be convinced. All I can say to them is ‘You will eventually have your waking up moment, by which time it might be too late’.
Former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claims she had an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006, has apologised to his wife Melania Trump.
In a CNN interview, Ms McDougal said she would tell the first lady she was sorry for the alleged 10-month affair and she “wouldn’t want it done to me”.
She also revealed that she cried on the way
home after Mr Trump offered her money during their first encounter.
Ms McDougal is one of three women who have launched law suits over affairs or sexual assault claims involving the president.
What a non story – billionaire bangs tart gold diggers – nothing new under the Sun. It’s becoming fun trying to work out what line if attack the main stream media will take with president trump next …
Staff changes
And – oh yeah – carrying through campaign pledges like fucking the thieving Chinese ? Still guessing the next attack … drowning puppies ? Frightening kids ? Mugging old ladies ?
BTW agree with most of what you said but my wife is Chinese and not a thief and neither is her country, they just do what any self respecting country does : protect its interests and put itself first, oh, i forgot we dont here we import asylum seekers and our social care tax bill will be 50 % of our tax soon apparently so whos the thieves ? she loves this country but laughs at me when we see how it shoots itself in the foot time and time again with our cowardice in standing up for our british culture and is absolutely amazed at our TV continually showing and promoting black men with white wives when she rarely sees this in reality, and the ghettoism of a certain minority and the promotion of this minority above and beyond all other immigrants including her culture who are never ever mentioned and the value they bring to this country (chinese new year in london ?)
Correct-we have the prospect of either a Chinese future or an American one. With Islam the inevitable hurdle or virus that will need containment.
And all that China and America do is not good or bad-but our willingness to take them on, take them up is a matter of still having brains and a democratic wish to stay sovereign, take back control of our nations future.
Up to us. And every day we let the BBC throw its offal over the side of their pleasure cruisers and offer our kids to the following sharks.
We need to get the BBC out of public life, nobody with a couple of brain cells takes any notice of their incessant musings anyway. They`re a delusional and sociopathetic cult.
Did Trump insert a cigar into her? and did Trumps wife attack his “victims” ? well done Hillary…..so much for our new society that treats victims of sexual abuse so well and vilifies the perpetrators……….pity The Clintons and the media in general do not seem to buy into this when good old Bill is involved
On Thursday night’s Sean Hannity segment, conservative political commentator Tomi Lahren and Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov went head to head over a question that’s come up again amid the nation’s reckoning with sexual abuse: Was Hillary Clinton complicit in her husband’s own alleged misdeeds?
“I know that the liberals hate it when we still talk about Hillary, but I think it’s important that if we go all the way back to Bill and that we follow it through Hillary,” Lahren said on the show. “She just ran for president on the whole women card, the whole female empowerment. Hillary is just as responsible as Bill was.”
Tarlov rejected the idea that Hillary Clinton could bear the same responsibility as her husband, who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by three women: Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones.
“Tomi, if Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, I don’t know how you can say that Hillary Clinton is just as responsible,” Tarlov said. “Think about what you’re saying here. I know you want to say she enabled—”
The two continued to debate the question in a heated exchange, touching on President Donald Trump’s Access Hollywood hot mic comments and the more than a dozen allegations against him. When faced with these accusations in the home stretch of the 2016 election, Trump relied on Bill Clinton’s history of alleged misconduct to hurt his opponent. Mere hours before one of the final presidential debates, Trump held a press conference with Broaddrick, Willey, Jones and a fourth woman, Kathy Shelton—whose alleged rapist had been defended by a young Hillary Clinton—in attempts to remind voters of Hillary Clinton’s alleged shady past of helping her husband cover up his alleged sexual misconduct.
“Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said at the time, referring to Trump’s Access Hollywood comments, which involved Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent.
“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me,” Broaddrick added. “I don’t think there’s any comparison.”
Apparently the French have been subject to ‘Islamic terrorism’ today. It’s lucky that we never have that – we just have lone wolves or people with mental issues. Not terrorists and certainly not Islamic ones .
Apparently scooter gangs in Londonistan are stealing al Beeb cameras fixed in preparation the the oxford Cambridge American boat bore , the standard is carrying the story – they stopped traffic in order to carry out their crimes . Lucky I wasn’t there I’d have run the bastards over.
#1 They tried Putney Bridge RNLI put on their siren/lights and scared them away
#2 There beeb have set up 30 cameras, so bikethugs just went to Barnes bridge , did a reccky and nicked that one
What to ? How to neutralise a motor bike gang ?
tacks in your pocket ?
Shout “frieze as if you are armed police ?”
You can’t get within acid throwing distance of them
Easiest to pick one off if he isolated
Grab-weapon-neutralise ..maybe lob your bike lock at them ?
a dog would scare the crap out of them. https://twitter.com/princezip/status/977275513743052800
How to neutralise bikethugs/Corbythugs ?
Maybe put your own headphones on and get ready with your sonic rape alarm, set it off and lob it under their bike. As a first step.
It is now possible to spend the whole day in many parts of London and never hear the English language spoken and very rare to see white British people, also getting very close to that in Luton, yet the UK immigration service are requiring Englsh Language tests so how has this happened ? why are our cities being overrun ? and most importantly, why is this being seen in the media as a good thing? why is diversity being seen as a good thing when we have a maxmum 10% of the population being promoted above and beyond their abilities in a very competitive job market ? and only black minorties at that ? what gives black minorities the right to this above and beyond chinese. philipino south american and whoever that get ignored ? why black ? have a look at the likes of Barnet council and you will be astonished at the lack of indiginous people employed, Barnet is a typical example of a failing local authority due to its staff not caring or competent…..
How? Definitely not by chance.
What sane country would let their capital and largest city by far, go foreign?
Naw, by design. No question. Really started big time with our Tony, I’d say…
The trend may well have been there, but the big push…look to Tony. Same as a small trend was there for Germany, but the big push, look to Merkel. The sort of very deliberate: ‘I’m on top now, so I’m going to do this…’
He fancied himself as a future President of a multiculti EU. She fancies herself as something similar…
And behind both? Some BIG money…
And stuff the rule of Law. Law is for little people. The uneducated. The deplorable.’Das Pack’ the Groko likes to say in Germany, when describing the AfD. The ultimate term of contempt really, has such a sound to it.
Yes, I see malign design in this, not incompetence or accident.
“Front Row” (the Radio 4 Arts show from 19:15) was busy pushing the multi-ethnic agenda again today. Yet another ethnic presenter (her name sounded like Gayleen Gould, but my spelling might be wrong) to go with Samira Ahmed, Stig Abel and others.
Plenty of promotion of Blacks and their supposedly unique experience, plus the claim that they were here two thousand years ago (as Roman soldiers) AND THEREFORE that they have in a sense always been here (not true) and are just as British as anyone else, when the truth is that the great majority arrived only after 1948. The presenter couldn’t pronounce “Apres-midi d’un Faune” when talking about Debussy but described him as being “out there” (meaning, I think, avant garde, ground-breaking) one hundred years ago. We don’t need the language of street rap and pop charts to describe Debussy and we don’t need minorities to reinterpret European culture for us.
Why does the f^(king BBC hate the indigenous White people of Britain so much? Why are minorities now over-represented on radio and TV? And why are we forced to pay for this BBC sh#t?
WE all know their agenda now Mustapha-and we here simply reiterate it, see it all over the rancid BBC platforms.
Seven days to go before we`re licence free in this place-hope everybody else here is going that way if not there already.
Like shooting fish in a barrel is all this never-ending BBC agenda. Al long as we all “bang on” to all our family and friends , we`ll see the BBC go the way of all institutional lairs who`ve missed their chance to stay relevant.
Switch them off and abuse them. The Left boycotts and shuns those who oppose it. We need to do the same to BBC spongy types and Remoaners. Thye`d die if they were hated as we are. So hate them and switch them off.
If we don`t want power and to win like they do-we`lose everything to them.
And talking about weird leaders?
Never got over Macron comparing himself to Jupiter!
Hardly been commented on, just how deluded these misfits are-youthful, stupid and that seems to be all that`s needed for elections.
And Trudeau in Canada is a bizarre notion made flesh.
If we got out of medialand and took a better look locally, we`d all see just how weird the medias hall of mirrors and its echo chamber soundtrack reallis.
Like being in one drug induced psychiatric open ward. Thank the Lord for real life. The BBC are sliding on their fat satin arsed pedalo and into the Cairo sewer, Wave goodbye to them get out and get your country back while you still can.
Greetings from Bury Park!
Great questions-funnily enough not one that any Question Time would ever ask of its panels. Which says it all. Only THEIR licenced, permitted “questions” are allowed.
The rights of Paris Lees or Corbyns hat may well exercise the liberal mind, and keep them going until the next cycle through hell on Monday.
But your questions are the REAL ones. Which is why this site is valued.
Won`t need a licence to tell me that the BBC are pumping off, but will continue to watch CCTV, RT,Al Jaz and Memri. Serious news from somewheres. Not synthesised haribos from the libtards that are spiked and will choke us.
Annunaki, last summer my daughter and I spent the day in London. While sitting in a restaurant (a nice Italian near Kings Cross) an american sitting at an adjacent table asked if we were English. When I confirmed, he leaned over and shook out hands and said, ‘finally, you’re the first I’ve meet today.’ And this was 7pm!
Still dont get why ? its cutural suicide make Tony live in Bury Park Luton for a while and see how he gets on, if Merkels daughter is gang raped by a buch of immigrants but its only the working class idiots who pay the taxes that have to put up with their social experiments and Hyde Park last Sunday is just the start….
Merkel is childless as are most of the other leaders of Western European nations, including our own; they hold no stake in the future of those countries beyond their own lifetimes – “no skin in the game”.
Can a reader help me out please? The photo of the French muslim terrorist murderer has been freely available on the internet for a few hours now, yet our most trusted and funded broadcaster either can’t find it or doesn’t think it would be of interest, less so than some random gendarmes standing around doing not much, or politicians making vacuous speeches. I’d have thought the killer would be the number one photo to show, no?
Can anyone think why the beebistan might be slow to publish the photo of a tanned and heavily bearded man of North African appearance?
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
First time I’ve been first….
Blast…but my coming into the Top Ten Number as No 10 is a personal best(or PB as we women disabled footballers might say).
Quck link to earlier posts from today on last thread.
@Davylars your girlfriend told me you habitually come first and early.
Thanks Stew, but don’t tell the wife…
I recommend this article on how Canada is being rapidly ruined by exactly the same forces that are at work in the UK, wholeheartedly supported by the BBC.
A long read, but a good one.
The sell us out because they can.
Oldham Tram Attempted Murder.
Absolutely horrific attack especially when one considers that the footage has been edited from 4 minutes down to about one and a half so as to remove the most shocking bits. I am shocked but not at all surprised. I travel regularly on the Oldham/Manchester Metrolink and antisocial/aggressive behaviour is almost a daily occurrence. A particularly unpleasant journey, especially after 8pm. The situation is getting rapidly worse and I’ve been saying for 2 years now that sooner or later someone is going to get killed.
Questions need to be asked of the Senior Investigating Officer.
Why did it take 12 days for the incident to be publicised?
Why did it take 14 days for the CCTV footage to be released?
Why is the footage that’s been released from a camera that is so far away?
All Metrolink Trams have excellent quality CCTV inside the carraiges – why hasn’t the footage of the attackers before they got off the tram not been released?
All Metrolink Stations have 2 or 3 CCTV cameras mounted on the underside of the roof of the shelter – why has that footage not been released?
Is this being treated as a hate crime?
Do you really want to catch these people?
Just wait until the Croatians get here after the 18th June.
From the lips of our own, “Most Trusted” –
Question: Did the Foreign Office warn the Government and Police what to expect?
Seems they’re very good at gun running so that will be good for the UK come the revolution.
Fraid’ its all negative what’s available on the web. Seems we are in for trouble. But, the Croation criminals will, perhaps, think twice in view of our dedicated stasi:
In a situation like this where the UK Government has agreed to let in Croations from June, it only goes to prove the political elite wish only to destroy the public altogether.
I have been pushing this narrative elsewhere. Namely that they tried to release this on the quiet: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2018/03/22/brexit-tories-croatian-migrants-free-movement-june-stay-permanently/
Now consider – that report was released on the 19th March. On the 21st the headlines were about SKRIPAL and DAUGHTER WILL die:
A day later a police officer is released from hospital, thereby contradicting the previous report: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/skripals-mental-capacity-may-compromised-nerve-agent-attack-165100312.html
Was this a Jo Moore case of a “Good day to bury bad news?”
It’s simple really. Since the undemocratic imposition of a mayor without a genuine free and fair election which the people had made clear they didn’t want, and the imposition of politically motivated police commissioners Andy Burnham has f****d up GMP to such an extent they can no longer be regarded as a Police force.
A recent example is that of a woman in a phone call to a housing association trying to get a home for her daughter and failing became so frustrated that she ended the call ‘I bet you’d give her one if she was a paki’ later that day the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad called at her home to advise her that her use of language was unacceptable.
Paki is not a racist word, and needs context to become so. GMPCES know that the policy they are following is illegal because they have given their staff no training in how to identify absolutely ‘racist’ words spoken in foreign languages. In other words the only people being pulled up are white English speakers.
This breaks every piece of discrimination legislation ever enacted and also the European equal treatment directive. Burnham knows all this, but his hatred for white people is so great that he is prepared to break the law safe in the knowledge that he personally is protected by vicarious liability and cannot be held to account.
The fact is that Burnham is like a much less competent version of Sadique Khan who he is trying (badly) to imitate. Burnham hate white people so much he has spoken out several times about the governments anti terrorism strategy – obviously he feels not enough kids have been murdered by Jihadists so he, like Khan has directed the former Police to concentrate on imaginary ‘hate’ incidents and not crime.
They cannot attend real crime and then claim it’s because of government cuts but the real reason is because they are out oppressing the people over their political beliefs.
They now have no intention of catching these criminals and of course because these attacks on a lone white male have not been recorded as ‘hate’ simply because they happened to the hated white people. GMPCES can manage to catch the three murderers of a Paki coming home from the Mosque in Oldham within hours but cannot manage to even try, proving the racism against whites.
Note the number of lies GMPCES ‘he was simply in the wrong time and the wrong place’ No he was targeted for something he had done – probably drug dealing.
The perps were all Somalis something lied about by omission a common thing with GMPCES who ALWAYS report when it is a hated white person.
A shame they never seem able to solve a murder when the pakis are the perpetrators and the victims white isn’t it?
The BBC has a nice distraction for them to concentrate on – cricket ball tampering by the Aussies, while a Jihadi murders four French people. For BBC news ball tampering is far more important then France dangerously near a civil war.
Probably like many here, I get stuff from ‘Citizen Go’ to sign if I agree. Just received one concerning the Telford muslim grooming. No mention therein of muslims or islam however, it does say, “As with Rotherham and with other cases of systematic sexual abuse, one common factor that needs to be highlighted is the fact that many of the girls were under 16 and were known to be having sex with much older men, but this was considered “consensual”. “One common factor”? “Much older men”?
My reply: “Your’re tapdancing. No more no less.
Cant bring yourself to say ‘muslim’ can you. Just as bad as all the rest. “….one common factor….”. You along with all the rest are running scared of the cult of islam.
Count me out until you grow a backbone.”
Asian or Muslim…grooming or raping…gang or extended tribal family?
The BBC really needs to choose its words with great care. When nationalities become citizens of some origin or heritage by way of descriptor by the left…you just KNOW they`re “grooming” the English language to absolve their handlers and allies of any complicity in the evils they prefer to mollify.
The shorter the word and the older it is…the more prone to euphemisms and weasel translations it is.
And therefore the more reason to ensure the TRUTHFUL and ACCURATE word is used.
As Steyn said-why use Asian Grooming gang when you mean Muslim Raping family?(and affiliated extended blokes from the next village, if that is more the truth). Only one reason is there not?
Indeed, the usual lying by omission and obfuscation. The use of “Asian” as a synonym for Pakistani Muslim (there are some Pakistani Christians, but they have mostly been hounded out of their homeland; funny that) is a BBC ploy to avoid the horrible facts and is a huge disservice to the very many Asians in this country who are neither Pakistani nor Muslim, the Chinese, the Indians, Filipinos, Thais, Nepalis and many others. Here is another neat trick:
“Oxford Men”; and I was thinking graduates of Keble, Christ Church and Corpus Christi. Silly me.
Truth being the first casualty of war, the unwillingness of the BBC to publish unpalatable facts is a serious breach of the BBC’s Royal Charter and the BBC are at war with the truth.
Last night on BBC1 news was an item from Oldham about people affected by the benefit cap. There was a man who had given up work after 26 years to look after his 4 young children (the children were certainly primary aged), no mention of Mum. Obviously more of a story than we were being told. There was a young woman, a single Mum, with her son aged under 5 who understood that sometimes his Mummy did not have the pennies to buy him things. We were told that after her housing costs and paying off her debts she was left with (I think I remember correctly £130 for the week. I wonder what those debts were? But of course we were not told. There were another couple of examples but without detail how could we understand how they were in that situation. But in Oldham, what these people had in common was their colour. With the BBC’s targets for BME to appear on our targets, shouldn’t at least one of these families have come from a minority?
They did come from the minority.
Asians are in the majority in many areas of Oldham.
The BBC reporting the incident in France involving a “gunman” not a “gunperson”. They like to apportion non gender specific titles to most jobs ending in “man” Postman, Fireman etc…so why use gunman ???
Whilst im at it the list of Terrorism events in France, summarised below does not mention the word “terrorist” once, driver, attackers, jihadist, islamist gunmen, and gunman yes but no terrorists involved in Terrorist attacks. Suppose its like no footballers in a football team.
Is the word “terrorist” out of fashion? After all its “non binary” so I cant understand why they dont use it.
Major terror attacks in France
1 Oct 2017 – Two women stabbed to death at Marseille railway station; attack claimed by IS
26 Jul 2016 – Two attackers slit a priest’s throat at his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Normandy. They are shot dead by police
14 Jul 2016 – A huge lorry mows down a crowd of people on the Nice beachfront during Bastille Day celebrations, killing 86. IS claims the attack – by a Tunisian-born driver, later shot dead by police
13 Jun 2016 – A police officer and his partner are stabbed to death at home by a jihadist, in Magnanville, west of Paris. He declares allegiance to IS, and police later kill him
13 Nov 2015 – IS jihadists armed with bombs and assault rifles attack Paris, targeting the national stadium, cafes and Bataclan concert hall. The co-ordinated assault leaves 130 people dead, and more than 350 wounded
7-9 Jan 2015 – Two Islamist gunmen storm the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 17 people. Another Islamist militant kills a policewoman the next day and takes hostages at a Jewish supermarket in Paris. Four hostages are killed before police shoot the gunman dead. The other two gunmen are cornered and killed by police in a siege.
Always worth a look to see how the language is patrolled, modified and judged by our “betters”, our “mediators”.
I use the words like “actress” and “dole” to see who tries to correct me-then make sure I never meet again with them.
This is still a free country, and when people willingly swap perfectly good words for ones that Nick Clegg prefers…well, they help make this country that little less free.
Our language is very old, extremely important, and has evolved and developed into an amazing and unbelievably useful system for communicating complex ideas.
I don’t believe that it is wise, or even acceptable, to allow people with self-serving political motives to debase our language. If holding firm on preserving our language requires constant reminders to those who attempt to misuse it for the purpose of politics, then so be it.
From the article I linked to above.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Like most European countries, the French authorities and media desperate to hush up muslim terror attacks.
Interestingly, the report on Sky I watched yesterday lunchtime had a live link from Trebes from a French reporter. She pulled no punches, calling it a terrorist attack several times before the London studio anchor (no doubt with a furious voice in the earpiece) tried to moderate her language. Credit to the Frenchwoman, she wasn’t having it. She stated that it was clearly an act of terrorism, and not calling it so from the start was what was infuriating people everywhere who could perfectly well work out for themselves this was what it was. Clearly, she is a journalist who still has much common sense. Of course, she was rapidly shut up from London and her contribution terminated.
Update police shot him dead now
Gunman, 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim, reported to have killed three people, is now dead – French government sources say #Trèbes
ISIS fanatic who shot at police, took hostages and killed a man in a supermarket ‘shouted about Allah’.
Situation ongoing. He’s reportedly armed with grenades and wants ‘revenge for Syria’.
We are losing the war in Europe, as the attrition rate for us is greater.
A lone Jihadi can murder dozens or hundreds of us, but all we can do is to kill the Jihadi. This is a losing attrition rate.
Policy has to change or we are done.
Why all the health stories? Eight murdered in a week in London and they are talking about muffins having too much sugar?
What is more dangerous than muffins is multiculturalism, the insane idea that all approaches to life are equally valid. They have pushed this suicidal creed fanatically and made it impossible to question it in any way. It was all cowardice and idleness made to look cool: some groups refuse to integrate so instead of taking tough measures to bring them into line just pretend it is glorious to have a totally divided society with groups living parallel lives.
Forget too much sugar, too much liberalism rots the soul of the nation as there are no core values to unite us.
They are always going on about how underpaid they are. Why can’t Carrie Gracie get her hands dirty and report from Telford? Could Fiona Bruce speak to some knife wielding youths in outer London boroughs to find out what the hell is going on – 8 murders in a week and not even any outrage! No they just sit all snug and smug and talk about muffins. Lying, cowardly parasites the lot of them.
Why all the health stories? Eight murdered in a week in London and they are talking about muffins having too much sugar?
They were murdered by knives so it doesn’t count.
If they were murdered in a school in Trump’s America, it would be completely different.
As for these yutes, have a look at their faces – that vacant look of the low IQ , and the dead soulless eyes of the zombie. They are beyond social services. Only Christ can save them.
Pray for them and Britain and Europe. I see no other way..
It’s 9 now if you include the 18 year old diverse boy stabbed to death in Luton yesterday -or maybe we shouldn’t count that one as it’s up north…
I notice French supermarket customers in Trebes are celebrating diversity and embracing multiculturalism today.
Some good news. Sort of.
Tuberculosis in London has reduced by 41% in the last 5 years.
However it remains the highest rate in the UK.
Now I wonder what possibly might be contributing to this high level?
I suspect many readers can probably hazard an educated guess.
Yet strangely all those ‘journalists’ at the BBC don’t seem to know- or more likely do know but cannot bring themselves to tell us.
Tuberculosis in London has reduced by 41% in the last 5 years.
Oh yippy doo dah ! clearly those under 30 journalists don’t know their history, but there was a time when the UK was FREE of TB and the reason we got rid of all the convalescent homes by the seaside. Then we started importing foreign bodies by plane and sea who weren’t that particular about hygiene, and then we gave them jobs in hospitals. Anybody still wondering why we have TB ?
Milk, Cows, pasture, parks ?
Give up.
When a religion of peace from Iran meets a religion of peace from Saudi Arabia … you should get double peace, instead you get Yemen.
What is Fuelling War in Yemen? {bbc.co.uk 23mar2018}: The Real Story
The UN calls Yemen ‘the world’s worst humanitarian crisis’. It says more than three-fourths of the population – over 22 million people – are in need of humanitarian assistance. Yemenis face hunger, disease, and the terror of a war which has pitted Iran-backed Houthi rebels against a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. This week marks the end of the third year of that Saudi campaign – with no end in sight. Yemen’s Minister of State resigned Wednesday saying Yemen’s President, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi was under house arrest in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. So what are the Saudi aims in Yemen and why are Yemeni civilians continuing to suffer so much? Carrie Gracie and a panel of expert guests bring clarity to one of the world’s most complex wars.
– BBC Article on Yemen – Word Search Islam x 0; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0 – News by Omission
Compare and contrast:
Your answer should make reference to the lies continually told to the British public by the Prime Minister and her Government Ministers.
Promises .. promises …

Africa 2018 … The programme has been working to stop boys thinking that if a girl said “no” to sex what she actually meant was “yes”. Or that it was justifiable to rape a girl if she wore a short skirt.{bbc.co.uk 20mar2018}
BBC Word Search: Christian x 0; Muslim x 0; Religion x 0;
In Kibera Christianity is a religion that is pledged by many and accepted all over the slam.
We are all aware that ‘our’ governments, red and blue, both appear to be carrying out Orwell’s frighteningly accurate predictions as written in his 1984 and Animal Farm books.
I can see all the usual lies, loss of rights and propaganda and I’m wondering if they have missed anything out from the books.
Have we got something else to look forward to or have they carried out all of the horrors already.
Is there a room 101 to come or is the change to the dystopian future complete.
EG – Room 101 has already got a foothold. Think of the number of times you’ve read about employees, especially in the public sector, being referred for ‘diversity awareness training’ because of some minor thought crime.
How long, then, before that becomes an option in our civil courts much like speed awareness courses for motoring transgressions?
I see the bBC are reporting on how one their ROP members decided to go on a killing spree inside France. I wonder how long before the cocksuckers at the bBC remake this twat as a victim. Oh hang on they have reported this little snippet:
“Reports say the suspect was known to French intelligence services and that his mother is at the scene.”
FFS, bBC, who gives a flying jump about his mother.but anything to put a human face on this murdering religious bigot.
Regards shooting in France by Islamist …
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
Free Speech for pugs
Philip Davies raised the issue in Parliament
Can they talk about the BBC and how it is eroding freedom to see the world as it is …
Remember when the BBC report on events you might have to look a bit deeper ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Which part of Syria is he from? The Somali district? The Pakistani sector? West African quarter? Such a diverse nation to behold!
Marky – it is perfectly obvious to me what really happened, as our “national treasure” state broadcaster would never deliver “fake” news. The bomb was obviously planted by the Germans to kill Syrian migrants.No wonder the the BBC and their globalist mates want to get rid of the indigenous population and replace us with these more law abiding incomers.
You know why the pug was not charged ?
…He was only following orders.
Lost in translation?
Couldn’t help but notice a BBC French correspondent today, harking back off-the-cuff (always far more interesting when journos have to busk off-script) over previous terror attacks in France, when she referred to the 2016 cutting of the Priest’s throat by “two boys”
Her terminology in connection with this most cowardly terrorist outrage struck me as odd. Is it usual for a native French speaker to think in terms of muderous young men as “Garçons” ?
I checked wiki which tells me the two attackers were over 18, which tends to be the British cut off (if you’ll excuse the expression) for legal naming of the perps on the BBC.
“The attackers, 19-year-olds Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Petitjean, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which claimed responsibility for the attack.”
So what’s all this about “boys” ?
I doubt the BBC-approved journo was being moderately racist with her use of the term “boys”. Perish the thought. In any case although one was Algerian I understand the other was a French convert (you know, to that thing that has nothing to do with terrorism, as we all well understand).
I’m afraid one is left with the conclusion that perhaps she inadvertantly revealed a subconscious tendency of feeling rather motherly toward these young scamps.
Boys will be boys, eh?
Unless their transitioning.
Like the @BBCSouthEast tweet yesterday calling the Parsons Green bomber a “Surrey teenager”.
Gratifyingly, the many comments on it reflected the growing disgust with the BBC. Well worth reading. And this is the BBC that is trailing its own “How to Spot Fake News” sessions. They need look no further.
Just read the comments. Brilliant.
I see that Breitbart has been severely impacted by the Facebook censors . Readership has fallen by a quarter in the past six months. Everyone on the right of centre who uses Facebook or U tube as a platform is sooner or later going to experience similar censorship. The left of course would usually be screaming monopoly etc etc and want it split up. but as long as Facebook and Google do their bidding they will be happy. Effectively the right of centre is being shut out of political discourse . The impact will be to hand millions of votes over to the left and to prevent the people from knowing what is going on. I think that the only way forward is to break up these massive companies into several competing entities. But the left won’t support that .
The whole political outlook seems bleak and depressing at present. President Trump is fighting hard and gallantly but the liberal left establishment is showing no sign of loosing their grip. It is a study in media power that so few Americans seem to realise the extent of the huge scandals that their ‘deep state’ has been involved in. Their media just ignores them. They have probably taken lessons from the BBC.
Brexit is becoming a non event as the Remainers hold the reigns of power and ensure we have the softest of soft exits which is worthless. We anxiously await the composition and policy of the Italian government. By the way if the UK government had been committed to Brexit it would have waited to see the policy of the new Italian Government before making any commitments.
Agreed that social media is now fire scorched by the idiot left.
But who amongst us thought that Zuckerberg and Merkel etc would continue to allow us to speak freely? After we pissed on our chips for daring to vote for Trump or Brexit, they`re trying to choke dissent off at source with only limited scope for debate.
Whether Corbyns hat is Russian made or Russina themed is what they require-and they demand bloodletting, spitting and arson from either side, as long we stick with the Russian hat.
“The tyranny of small differences”-a Chomsky idea.
Meanwhile we need to go out, meet people face-to-face and create our own REAL networks of dissidents and refuseniks. The revolution will not be online, it will be live.
No Licence, no Capita, no BBC. They have to leave the buildings and get to their cars sometime.
PS-John Boltons coming. Nil desperandum!
Mr BCW who is a taxi driver ( not the rapey kind I hasten to add) went on a one day course yesterday funded by our local councils licencing authority.
The course was about teaching taxi drivers to recognise the signs of child sexual abuse, a good thing you would think. My husband was the only white driver attending the course, the rest of the attendees were members of that religion that we can’t mention.
So now our council are teaching the people who commit these dreadful crimes, 5,000 children in our borough alone have been sexually abused over the past year, hoiw to recognise if a child is being abused. So, now they will know how to cover the signs up.
Still, he came home with a lovely certificate!
For many people using Google Chrome, sites such as biasedbbc and westmonster are blocked after the user downloads security updates. The Liberal elite use project fear to stoke up fear of Russian hacking and then use that excuse to get the intelligence community to produce security updates that block websites that do not censor the truth about the liberal fascist politicisation of the BBC, MI6, FBI and the CIA. And the censorship of news about immigration, terrorism, Islam, climate science and the financial, electoral and political corruption censored by the liberal MSM swamp.
I believe the current problems for biasedbbc.tv are caused by these security updates. These security updates mean that the right-wing, left-wing or anyone else who tells the truth at Speakers Corner, can be blocked by the caring message “This site can’t provide a secure connection”
I find that if you give your email to people, then they are able to email you information. If the Liberals then start blocking emails we would then have to start giving these people our home addresses, so that they could revert to posting pamphlets like they did in the English Civil War.
Actually some scientists or mensa members said in an email that they are trying to find funds to send pamphlets about Climate Science censored by the BBC, to every address in the nation.
This from the red ice TV channel on YouTube. It is an interview with a German Jewish lecturer at Harvard university, broadcast on a German national TV station. The man admits that the invasion of Europe and specifically Germany it’s an experiment; that’s right, an experiment; in transforming European monocultures into multicultures.
Something the far-left bbc would never broadcast because it has let the cat out of the bag:
Electric car context
– Today’s EV subsidies are set to end
– In 2020 German firms must be producing EVs or face fines.
BMW CEO on decision to delay “mass” EV production to 2020
– “If you want to win the race, you must be the most cost competitive in the segment, otherwise you cannot scale up the volume,” he said. Reuters
PS BMW’s Munich HQ has been raided re Emission test rigging, Austria was raided a few days ago ..BMW said it was a limited software error then.
An Oprah Winfrey project
“First $100m movie to be directed by a black woman”
A Wrinkle in Time PG based on children’s novel
It sounds like something I shall not be watching.
I don’t think many blacks went to see it in the US either.
The critics have rubbished it.
Paul Matthews update
18Jan R4 News had complete FakeNews headline
They are still continuing to bluff it out, by admitting yet brushing off his complaint
He attached a screenshot of a BBC complaints team staffer

“The world’s leading climate agencies have (My guess, Peter Cox) said for the first time that global warming caused by humans now dwarfs natural temperature changes.”
I think the above “BBC Fake News” was constructed using the fantasy world of Computer Models, not the real world of correlations with weather records going back to the 18th Century. I also guess that “Peter Cox” is hiding behind the words ”The world’s leading climate agencies have”
I believe that the scientist who has just proven that Climate Change is caused by Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo, Henrik Svensmark, has just held a lecture in the House of Parliament, censored by the BBC. Also censored by the BBC, as I have said a few years back, that Global Cooling would start in the winter of 2018. Well at the moment Astronomers are saying that the Galactic Cosmic Ray intensity in the Geostationary Orbit area of the Earth, is at its highest ever recorded.
Also the scientists who have proven that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax, (1) Directly: Gerhard Gerlich or (2) Through thermodynamics and using Venus and Mars as proxies, Ned Nikolov and Karl Zeller who spoke at the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, are also censored by the BBC.
Indeed Richard.
Other climate scientists censored by the BBC include Prof Richard Lindzen, Prof Curry and Prof Singer.
But why should the BBC bother to uncover the science view of climate when they can broadcast the views of such intellectual luminaries as Emma Thompson, (the world will warm by 4C before 2030), or 1970s Dress designer Vivian Westward, (it’s all down to the oil companies). Failing that the BBC can listen to the daughter of a 1960s pop singer, Bianca Jagger and a whole host of folk from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
Perhaps the BBC could get a word from their science correspondent David Shukman, a passionate environmentalist and arts graduate.
Pallab Ghosh is kept locked away in a box in an attic because twice I have heard him actually answering questions about climate and fracking with scientific fact. Can’t be having that.
What My family did next on their English holiday
It was unclear whether Adolf Hitler had been involved in the saga himself.
Love this dog. Looks like James Joyce!
4:30pm R4 Feedback will discuss
#1Iran harassing its reporters
I haven’t seen them mention the Canadian&Iranian environment activists who ended up dead.
#2 a drama divides the audience for its treatment of immigration and Brexit, (Tues or Wed one ? )
#3 the BBC puts a brake on plans to abandon FM transmitters
#4 and Fi Glover’s emotional documentary.
\\In the UK, there are around 60,000 #prematurebirths each year.
What solace does the “expressing room” provide mothers who are increasingly likely to use it? //
Egypt are wanting to close the BBC Cairo office over this … i.e. stamp out freedom of speech. Irony lost!
Court date for closure of BBC Cairo office April 10
If any country in the region is justified in banning the BBC it’s Israel.
You can foresee a situation, in fact, where it is the ONLY country in the region where the BBC is allowed in, but will still be portrayed by our impartial national broadcaster as an intolerant, warmongering, racist, repressive state.
BBC boss ‘I’m here in Nigeria recruiting new staff for BBC Nigeria operations.
We have policy of impartiality
And a ribust* complaints procedure.
Mention made of government grants for WS projects.
The BBC complaining to the UN then?
Do they have a seat there yet?-certainly they behave like a state within a state.
Alicia Sinclair
They will probably send their lackey, BBC Prime Minister, who is currently negotiating the BBC deal for Brexit
The BBC has ambitions to become the World Broadcasting Company, state broadcaster for the future world government envisioned (and being built from the ground up, as we speak) by the UN.
It will therefore push the UN’s agenda21 at every opportunity – not in name, of course, but through insidious ‘climate change’ activism.
They are both part of the same problem.
Every year over 200,000 babies are murdered by abortion. Has the far-left bbc ever investigated this subject, this atrocity?
In the USA I believe every year over a million babies are murdered by the abortion industry, lead by Planned Parenthood. Has the far-left bbc ever investigated this, particularly since Project Veritas has done the ‘dirty work’ for them.
Extrapolate those numbers over the whole white race countries and it helps explain why we are not replacing ourselves, leaving us exposed to the invasion and takeover by stealth of third world ethnics.
White families had better get reproducing as a matter of urgency.
Too late j i c, 2060 is the predicted tipping point here.
‘Planned Parenthood’ – what a superb example of 21st century Newspeak, ladies and gentlemen.
“Dangerous and devious” Surrey teenager. {bbc.co.uk 23mar2018}
* Before the attack the Iraqi asylum seeker had been referred to a government deradicalisation programme.
* The court heard that Hassan had told Home Office immigration officials he was abducted by Islamic State in Iraq, and had spent three months “being trained how to kill”.
* He had then made his way to Britain via Istanbul, Paris and Calais, entering the country in October 2015 as a 16-year-old stowaway in the back of a lorry.
– Surrey teenage OR an asylum seeker from Iraq (via Istanbul and Paris and Calais) who was trained by ISIS … OR a Surrey teenage.
Greater Glasgow Police have not learned from Police Scotland’s mistake yesterday. And again, comments could be going better. A lot better. In fact they could scarcely be worse.
Do feel free to add to the ridicule.
I would like to report a group of people who hate gays, Jews, Christians, polytheists, atheists, infidels, apostates and women, amongst others. Oh, and dogs, especially black dogs, for reasons too barmy to go into here.
Don’t believe me? Spend a few hilarious minutes watching this vid by the inimitable David Wood:
Apart from the black dogs, I`m unsure if its the Labour Party or LibDems you`re talking of. But Islam is or course an option too. Do tell Vlad!
You really couldn’t make up such nonsense.
In my opinion, the “prophet mohammed” did just that!
Did you know on average 6,000 people per year become a victim of #HateCrime? We will not tolerate any incidents of hate. Be #GreaterThanAHater
How many victims per year from burglaries, rapes, violence etc, you know…real crime, opposed to people suffering from hurty words?
Rather deal with crime you ineffective plods. Look at the drugs situation in Glasgow, and no doubt grooming of underage girls, FGM etc.
Glasgow Police. Oh dear…
Could be a lot worse: In South Africa, former Police Head of Crime Intelligence, Richard Mdluli, has departed, leaving a R8million hole in the fiscus, after ‘lingering’ at home, on suspension for seven years! ‘Some’- as the BBC likes to say, noted that three of the applicants on the shortlist to succeed him had been involved in crime.
It appears that under Mdluli’s watch, the entire Crime Intelligence section in the SAPS was turned into a personal fiefdom, with hundreds of millions looted from a secret slush fund, largely in service of the ANC. So, for instance, CI Captain Tshabalala, a former criminal – who got the job unvetted- ‘lost’ R50 million running a secret project at the ANC’s Manguang conference. Want to see what all the other criminal police officers in that section were up to?
Marianne Thamm’s article in the Daily Maverick will enlighten you. Naturally, she will have got it all wrong: the ANC are long-standing favourites of the ‘liberal’ European elites, and obviously can do no wrong. And if she’s right, well -don’t expect it to be reported on by media such as the BBC. It wouldn’t fit their narrative at all.
Also, don’t expect the SA government to take action against politicians in SA who publicly threaten whites with throat-slitting (obviously NOT hate speech, wrong way round!) or for such threats to be reported in Britain by Media such as the BBC. Very much doesn’t go with the narrative…
So, good news about Glasgow police. If you see what I mean. They may be misguided (and who am I to pass judgement on that as I know nothing about it) but at least they’re honest citizens.
Is it a hate crime not to buy a copy of the Beeeg Eeeshooo?
Great link RD, and comments reassuring that there are lots of people out there willing to take up the fight. Not that Common Purpose Plod will take a blind bit of notice apart from concoct a few hate crimes from them.
Mel and Sue replace Larry Grayson and a bimbo
Is there a difference ?
Paying the BBC to be un-original. How do I stop paying for this?
I think I’ve just heard the bottom of a barrel being scraped somewhere in W1A.
Chuka Umunna (Labour) visited the Center for American Progress in 28-29 April paid by them with £3,271.52.
“To address a gathering of American policy makers on business, foreign policy and the EU referendum.”
Their site (americanprogress.org) uses words like ‘Global Gag Rule’ which has nothing to do with gagging people, but is about supplying access to abortions to other countries at a cost. (Condoms? Culture?)
So this again has webpages with the words ‘Global Gag Rule’ to make it sound like Gagging on the whole World – but it is a policy which Africa should be doing themselves anyway (or get help from Bob Geldof).
This is the abuse of language with words like grooming (gang r*pe), dreamers (illegal migrants), global gag rule (stop paying for abortions in foreign countries).
Why SHOULD Trump continue to pay the rest of the worlds hellholes, just so they get more abortions at the US taxpayers expense? How can THAT be defended?
Thought that they hated Trump-so why do they seek his money?
Let the Saudis pay for it! They`ve got plenty money, and saves IS having to kidnap or kill them a few years later.
Use the word “Global Gag Rule” and you can get away with it!
It’s up to people to decide if they like it. Did Nazi Pug mean it? Was it a joke? Has he built a gas chamber? Is the dog complicit in the act?
Since Ludvik believes she is too serious, he writes on the postcard, “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!” His colleagues and fellow young-party leaders did not see the humour in the sentiment expressed in the postcard. Ludvik finds himself expelled from the party and college and drafted to a part of the Czech military where alleged subversives form work brigades and spend the next few years working in mines.
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Where do you draw the line?” (for free speech)
“As narrow as is possible!”
Just caught some of the beebistan so-called ‘news’.
The closing words of the report on the French muslim terrorist went something like ‘it follows a pattern of young men moving from petty crime to killing in the name of terrorism’.
Eh? In the name of terrorism? Do they shout “I’m killing in the name of terrorism”? Is terrorism a new religion?
No, the religion is called islam, the murderous ideology is called islam, the motivation is called islam, and they kill (and hopefully die) in the name of islam.
Gottit, you morons at the beebistan?
“killing in the name of terrorism”
We all know the thought process. Somebody stabs somebody. Bad. Somebody stabs somebody because of their religious beliefs. Bad. The religion is Islam. Implication that a non-Western religious cuture is bad!!!! Alert. Alert. Thought crime against cultural relativism. Change it to “in the name of” this religion people do bad things. Cultural relativism saved.
That is not reporting, it is just telling you what to think. The facts are getting in the way of their Leftist political narrative. Why should I be forced to pay for that? Really, why should I be forced to pay for that? Please tell me Maxicony.
Metrolink Oldham Attempted Murder
Hot on the heels of the vicious attack that has only just been publicised but which happened a fortnight ago comes news of a similar attack just last night, this time at Derker in another part of this town that I was once so proud to come from.
Bloke in his 40s gets off the tram at 7.30 ish last night and walks to his car. Up to 7 Asians drag him out of his car smash his skull with a hammer, kick the shit out of him and drive off in his car. Not a hate crime though apparently
I have made that journey across that car park at that time on many occasions and don’t feel at all enriched by any of this.
It really is getting like the wild west out there – there are so many parts of Oldham that are now no-go areas for anyone with pale skin.
Where will it end? When are we going to get some politicians with some balls to deal with this wanton lawlessness?
A crime is a crime no matter who commits it and everyone but those who have the power to change it and those who benefit from it is absolutely sick of this two tier legal system.
Metrolink Oldham Attempted Murder
Hot on the heels of the vicious attack that has only just been publicised but which happened a fortnight ago comes news of a similar attack just last night, this time at Derker in another part of this town that I was once so proud to come from.
Bloke in his 40s gets off the tram at 7.30 ish last night and walks to his car. Up to 7 Asians drag him out of his car smash his skull with a hammer, kick the shit out of him and drive off in his car. Not a hate crime though apparently
I have made that journey across that car park at that time on many occasions and don’t feel at all enriched by any of this.
It really is getting like the wild west out there – there are so many parts of Oldham that are now no-go areas for anyone with pale skin.
Where will it end? When are we going to get some politicians with some balls to deal with this wanton lawlessness?
A crime is a crime no matter who commits it and everyone but those who have the power to change it and those who benefit from it is absolutely sick of this two tier legal system.
It is becoming more difficult by the day to understand how any journalist who values professional integrity and independence can justify working for the BBC. Just listen to the BBC 5pm news with Eddie Maie dance around the obvious fact that the attacks near Carcassone were the work of another crazed muslim intent on killing non-believers. Even Inspector Clouseau might have worked that one out having pieced together some of the tragic events in SW France today.
In the 5pm news however we learn that the assailant Radouane Lakdim was a local man known to the police as a “petty criminal” and he might have been influenced by ISIS. Not a word from Maie and his various contributors that Le Figaro is reporting that Lakdim shouted “Allah Akbar” as he stormed into a supermarket. Not a broadcast word of the Le Parisien newspaper report that Lakdim was know to the French intelligence services and was active on “ultra-conservative” Islamic social media sites. And not a peep about the suggestion around the web that the attacker had demanded the release of Salah Abdeslam, the sole remaining killer still alive after the horrific jihadists killings in Paris in 2015.
Then the programme went on to report the sentencing of Iraqi so-called refugee Ahmed Hassan, who arrived in the UK in the back of a lorry, and instead of being booted straight out was provided with all the creature comforts of a home with Sunbury foster parents. He then proceeded to repay such kindness by attempting to blow up a London tube train with a home made bomb packed with nails. So we have yet another imported muslim killer in the dock, a fact glossed over by the BBC referring only to his “refugee” status. It was left to the judge in the case sentencing Hassan to at least 34 years in prison to remark that his actions were against Islam and the Koran.
Has the BBC taken an editorial decision not to mention the word “muslim” in reporting these continuing outrages, both killings and the gang rapes in a number of Northern cities? It certainly has form with this type of thing. In 2006 it decided that the direct link between CO2 and rising global temperatures was “settled”, thus siding with the political green activists and relieving itself of reporting any part of an important debate that has gripped the scientific community ever since.
Maybe the BBC has decided that muslims are victims in all of this. Most British muslims no doubt abhor the jihadist violence, raping of young vulnerable non-muslim British girls and the practice of female genital mutilation ordered by sick patriarchal males, not one of whom has been successfully prosecuted in the British courts. No doubt, but it would be nice to see some significant “not in our name” rallies and large reductions in the 20% of all British muslims that polls find are “sympathetic” to the aims of jihad.
Yet again the supine and biased BBC takes the easy way out and fails to report the real, difficult and pressing issues that face our society.
Some BBC staff could be OK inside
but Mair’s team have the bias turned upto 11.
His prog is not one that sane people should be listening to.
“It was left to the judge in the case sentencing Hassan to at least 34 years in prison to remark that his actions were against Islam and the Koran.”
The learned judge may know the law of England, but he’s clueless about the law of allah if that’s what he thinks.
Assume he is twenty, and serves full sentence, out at 54. Plenty of time to wreak more havoc (kill infidels). And of course he will be released early. Can we be guaranteed of his deportation? Why bother to ask…
BBC news
All afternoon they have been gleefully reiterating the Judges comments about the religion of peace following the The Parsons Green Tube bomber getting sentenced to 34 years in prison.
‘“You will have plenty of time to study the Qur’an in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Qur’an is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace.’
I had a quick look at other newsfeeds, but it seems that it is only the Beeb and Guardian who are gloating about this..
Surprise surprise….
Did the Judge say when during the last 1500 years of invasions, raping, torturing and butchery, that Islam was peaceful? The history books must have missed that period.
To be fair, one could argue the BBC is only reporting what the judge said, although there did seem to be a sort of gloaty delivery. Hell will freeze over before the BBC would have anyone on air to comment negatively on this opinion that izlam, and the associated book, which should in itself be banned as a hate crime, are ‘peaceful’.
Anyway, I heard that driving home and it made me hopping mad. How can anyone really believe this ‘peaceful’ b*llsh*t? It can only be because they want to believe it which is frightening in itself.
Throughout the day, the phrase ‘the islamic state group’ was used in relation to the allegiance of the murderer in Trebes. On the beeb, it’s always ‘the islamic state group’ or ‘so-called islamic state’. Ridiculously, the former sounds like a Corporation but it seems to remove the need for the ‘so called’.
It should be referred to as ‘Islamic so-called State’ as it is not a state but is definitely Islamic.
Who knew our judges were also experts on Islamic Jurisprudence as well?
I bet that quote was written for him by an Amber Rudd/BBC drone-no sane person would say that, the Koran says the exact opposite.
If I want to know what Islam says-easier not to bother with Cameron, Johnson, May, Rudd or Blair…and bypass Khan and Yacoob who are taqqiyya panhandlers.
No-get a Koran and flick through. That is no Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
All these idiot MPs and commentators should get reported to the MCB-and , no doubt, they`ll be held to account for their wilful apostasy when they`re no longer of use to the Caliphate that`s coming.
‘You should understand that the Qur’an is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace.’
Another classic case of a Westerner telling a Muslim all he ought to know about Islam. A nice piece of cultural colonialism of the sort pioneered by the likes of Dave Cameron and Theresa May among our other homegrown armchair Islamic theological luminaries.
Evidently the judge hasn’t had ‘plenty of time to study’ the Koran.
No judge wishing to remain in post, would be critical of Islam per se.
As Katty Kay might say, ‘Oh!’.
Or not.
Who remembers this one?
Wasn`t he the one who looked like President Hollande? The worst western leader since Juncker in Luxembourg.
If I think of him as the product of Jacqui Smith and Owen Jones, that helps me place him.
Apart from that though-0who the heck is he, apart from the one who allowed Corbyn to choke his chickenshit party still further.
Ha ha. My black dog does the salute. I must be a racist. And black dogs are devils says the founder of the perfect religion and political ideology.
Another day another few people killed by immigrants they allowed into their country, immigrants of only one religion that is never mentioned in the news reports, one religion, however backward and tribalist and sexist and racist that never seems to be challlenged, and in this country seems to feel the need to have their own “council” predominantly displayed on the internet to promote their agenda, despite the lack of any other group of immigrants in this country feeling the need to do this, but just getting on with quietly enjoying their culture whilst respecting ours, a consistent thorn in the side of the 90 % indiginous population are they intent on provoking us ? I can see no other reason.
I hadn’t realised that extremism was a cause in and of itself but that’s what I’ve just learnt from our BBC correspondent in France. He (I didn’t catch his name but would be interested to know it) in addition to some very nice pronounciation of words like Gendarmerie tells us that the terrorist did what he did today “in the name of extremism”. Well, I’ll be…!
That is why it immigration control is esssential and not “right wing” these animals have been let into the country and should not have been
Also BBC used to welcome comments but these seem to have been shut down, we pay for this service and our feedback and comments have now been censored, interesting, also in Luton the local news have shut down their comments page hmm why is that ? well just have a look at many of the crime stories in Luton over the last few years and the demands for “special schools” of a certain religion, there used to be considerable debate about this without desceding into abuse until a certain individual from a certain religion started to call anyone objecting to his views a “paedophile” and another individual called into question the morality of this country and demanded his fellow muslms should have their own schools paid for by the state because he hated the morality of this country and accused OFSTED of racism, hmm amazing how this individual got past immigration into this country to spew his hateful and racist agenda yet he did and so many others also do
BTW here is the list of active HaveYourSays
Seems they are staying away from controversial topics
They tend not to add new topics at weekends (no mods I guess)
“… how this individual got past immigration into this country to spew his hateful and racist agenda yet he did and so many others also do.”
Just one of many and many more to come………….
Which raises the question of the selection process used to employ border staff.
If England drop out of the world cup, then the BBC should pull out as well.
Just an idea.
They will only concentrate on the wimmins world cup and the para world cup anyway, unless we have a muslim in the team, we had a story run for a week about that last time in the premiership
Why is there no Media World Cup-where the 16 countries (or so) have to compete to get the rights to film the games?
Thought the BBc liked to compete, being world class and all.
I reckon the Mexicans would win-Channel 9 would give it all that touch of class that the BBc always fail to do.
Naturally, the egregious and biased Sopel had no positive words to say on the appointment of John Bolton (Today programme), and obviously did not mention that his predecessor McMaster has long been one of the chief suspects to have been leaking confidential information about Trump and the WH. Nothing from Sopel yet on the unfolding stories of criminality by the highest officials in the FBI, DOJ and elsewhere. This is developing into one of the greatest scandals in US history, yet Sopel and the BBC censor it out of (their) history. Joe DiGeneova nails it on Bill Still’s latest video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5NPIYBRipA [and, by the way, three cheers to Bill for his excoriation of Hannity for constantly interrupting his guests – see second part of video].
John Bolton will be pure entertainment – I remember him being regularly interviewed on al c4 by St. John snow and almost causing him to have a stroke with his right wing approach to the world – including the use of the military to deal with America’s enemies – guess the N Korea meet up just went out the door. More Ammo for that shit – sopel
If anyone upsets ‘fuck the Tories’ Jon Snow, he’s ok with me.
And I don’t vote for ‘ fuck the Tories’.
John Bolton, my kind of man. I’d like to meet him and talk commie talk.
Bolton is a draft dodging, neocon, chicken hawk, a proven disaster and warmonger.
I wonder if we’ll tag along again in the next “big adventure”? Syria; Iran; North Korea or even Russia or maybe all of them?
Trump needs to keep him on a very tight leash, or he’ll be a half-term POTUS not even a one term; if the GOP base stay at home for the mid-term elections in November and the Dems get control of the House: they’ll impeach him.
But he wants the UN gone, and has the mother of all toupees!
And in these barking mad times, he`ll insert the enema nozzle just where the left fears it.
So hope he does his worst to them, a blowhard but is enough to drive the left mad worldwide.
Maybe his moustache is a toupee match as well! Love him!
Ah, there’s that word again. I have yet to hear from anyone who says that Trump should be impeached, precisely what the legal reasons would be. They never explain. The firing of Comey cannot be a reason, as a US President has the legal and constitutional power to fire anyone in his administration, as I understand it.
There is a serious danger that if the Dems get control of the house, there will be an impeachment vote and Trump could be out.
Hello Fedup. You asked me about how I managed to stop watching BBC output completely. Sorry I did not reply immediately. To be really honest I’m not entirely sure how it seemed to suddenly happen. Radio was always my go to news source and I would enjoy radio 4 extra drama.
I arrived back from Australia in 2012 and immediately began listening to BBC world service and both radio 4 channels. I was oblivious to how bad their bias was because to me the BBC was brilliant. I was so stupid.
I now know things were quite awful long before I got back however it’s got much worse in the last 6 years. I couldn’t take any more as a quick push of my on button resulted in either Presidents Trump’s name or Brexit, or the poor refugees,
over and over again.
Any complaints were ignored. Once I became angry and they responded in horror that my language would be too much for the staff concerned with my complaint. I cancelled my license but of course was still able to listen to the radio. I did reinstate the licence because after a few weeks I began watching live TV again, I still do (rarely BBC, mostly commercial rubbish) then I realised that I wasn’t (couldn’t tolerate) any radio, trust any news or believe any drama. Suddenly I refused to turn the radio on. When I once enjoyed it so much it makes me bloody furious that despite all the offerings there is nothing of worth to listen to or to trust. I now get my fix from this site and various you tube offerings, although I’m becoming dissatisfied with many of these as the headlines don’t always match the content. You Tube are now constantly interrupting the clips with advertising. Also what is concerning, is that even alternate media sources are now under threat. Also many of the clips are old which can be informative because it gives perspective from before which you can compare with now. Here are some of the people I enjoy on you tube. Mark Steyn, Douglas Murray, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, Jordan Peterson, Katie Hopkins, Ann Coulter, Lauren Southern, Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage, Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, The Iconoclast. I don’t always agree with them, but they are brilliant. I hope this helps a little. The aggorance and unprofessionalism of the BBC continues to wind me up. Imagine what they could be doing with the money they get. It’s a disgrace but then everything that is happening leaves me feeling hopeless. Cheers.
I share your pain, Moodswing. I was brought up with Radio 4 on in the background, even when we lived abroad. It was informative and entertaining, and introduced me to writers, thinkers, comedians and quick-witted word games. Now, I can’t bear to listen. You are absolutely right when you say that every press of the button brings up the same three dread subjects, always from a very narrow perspective.
All I can say is that we are not alone, and many, many people I know – educated, liberal (in the old-fashioned sense), middle class – have also had their fill of the incessant propagandising. Actually, I would go so far as to say that, with it, the BBC is stirring up annoyances that have never, ever, been there before. You can’t keep telling people – subliminally and not-so-subtly – that they are wrong in their political views or guilty of something they are plainly not, without some effect.
I’m another who has more or less tuned out of the BBC. I occasionally snatch at the news on R4 or watch something on BBC Four or BBC Two but that’s about it. And yet, like you, I was brought up with Radio Four (or the Home Service) as my source of news and entertainment – education, too, because one of the virtues of the BBC as it was, not so many years ago, is that you picked up an awful lot of essential information about the world, without having to formally study to achieve it.
As I say, that has now gone. I can no longer stand being preached at by people far more stupid and far less knowledgeable than I am – particularly when they are patronising about it!
I wish I shared your experience of people becoming awakened to the seizure of the BBC by the Left but, sadly, most of the people I encounter seem supremely unaware of what its going on. Even highly educated and naturally sceptical friends rarely seem to stop and question what they are being told. You must have a better class of friend and I envy you.
MeToo . I don’t know where to put the hash tag but I have tuned out of the BBC almost entirely. I take an occasional sample to see if anything has changed. But the only change I detect is it getting even worse.
Very rarely watch or listen to the BBC these days. Exceptions are Ken Bruce, The Archers (Mrs jtf is a fan) and the occasional BBC4 offering, the reason being that whatever the channel or time of day or programme, 9 times out of 10 within minutes the BBC will be pushing one of it’s favourite agendas i.e. Islam, mass immigration, ‘climate change’, the EU, multiculturalism, internationalism, LGBTAtoZ, racism, the Palestinian cause (complete with lies and omissions) etc etc. Not even Cbeebies is exempt.
I have been able to open the eyes of seversl friends and rellies to their stinking, subversive bias – others are still mesmerised by their claim to impartiality and truth and remain to be convinced. All I can say to them is ‘You will eventually have your waking up moment, by which time it might be too late’.
Move over The Sun, there’s a new gutter press king in town.
”Karen McDougal apologises to Melania Trump for alleged affair”
Former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claims she had an affair with President Donald Trump in 2006, has apologised to his wife Melania Trump.
In a CNN interview, Ms McDougal said she would tell the first lady she was sorry for the alleged 10-month affair and she “wouldn’t want it done to me”.
She also revealed that she cried on the way
home after Mr Trump offered her money during their first encounter.
Ms McDougal is one of three women who have launched law suits over affairs or sexual assault claims involving the president.
These are the other two:
The porn star: Stormy Daniels

The Apprentice contestant: Summer Zervos

What a non story – billionaire bangs tart gold diggers – nothing new under the Sun. It’s becoming fun trying to work out what line if attack the main stream media will take with president trump next …
Staff changes
And – oh yeah – carrying through campaign pledges like fucking the thieving Chinese ? Still guessing the next attack … drowning puppies ? Frightening kids ? Mugging old ladies ?
BTW agree with most of what you said but my wife is Chinese and not a thief and neither is her country, they just do what any self respecting country does : protect its interests and put itself first, oh, i forgot we dont here we import asylum seekers and our social care tax bill will be 50 % of our tax soon apparently so whos the thieves ? she loves this country but laughs at me when we see how it shoots itself in the foot time and time again with our cowardice in standing up for our british culture and is absolutely amazed at our TV continually showing and promoting black men with white wives when she rarely sees this in reality, and the ghettoism of a certain minority and the promotion of this minority above and beyond all other immigrants including her culture who are never ever mentioned and the value they bring to this country (chinese new year in london ?)
Correct-we have the prospect of either a Chinese future or an American one. With Islam the inevitable hurdle or virus that will need containment.
And all that China and America do is not good or bad-but our willingness to take them on, take them up is a matter of still having brains and a democratic wish to stay sovereign, take back control of our nations future.
Up to us. And every day we let the BBC throw its offal over the side of their pleasure cruisers and offer our kids to the following sharks.
We need to get the BBC out of public life, nobody with a couple of brain cells takes any notice of their incessant musings anyway. They`re a delusional and sociopathetic cult.
Funny how the BBC never examines the sexual behaviour of Democrat presidents and politicians. Clinton and the Kennedys spring immediately to mind.
Did Trump insert a cigar into her? and did Trumps wife attack his “victims” ? well done Hillary…..so much for our new society that treats victims of sexual abuse so well and vilifies the perpetrators……….pity The Clintons and the media in general do not seem to buy into this when good old Bill is involved
On Thursday night’s Sean Hannity segment, conservative political commentator Tomi Lahren and Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov went head to head over a question that’s come up again amid the nation’s reckoning with sexual abuse: Was Hillary Clinton complicit in her husband’s own alleged misdeeds?
“I know that the liberals hate it when we still talk about Hillary, but I think it’s important that if we go all the way back to Bill and that we follow it through Hillary,” Lahren said on the show. “She just ran for president on the whole women card, the whole female empowerment. Hillary is just as responsible as Bill was.”
Tarlov rejected the idea that Hillary Clinton could bear the same responsibility as her husband, who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault by three women: Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones.
“Tomi, if Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, I don’t know how you can say that Hillary Clinton is just as responsible,” Tarlov said. “Think about what you’re saying here. I know you want to say she enabled—”
The two continued to debate the question in a heated exchange, touching on President Donald Trump’s Access Hollywood hot mic comments and the more than a dozen allegations against him. When faced with these accusations in the home stretch of the 2016 election, Trump relied on Bill Clinton’s history of alleged misconduct to hurt his opponent. Mere hours before one of the final presidential debates, Trump held a press conference with Broaddrick, Willey, Jones and a fourth woman, Kathy Shelton—whose alleged rapist had been defended by a young Hillary Clinton—in attempts to remind voters of Hillary Clinton’s alleged shady past of helping her husband cover up his alleged sexual misconduct.
“Actions speak louder than words,” Broaddrick said at the time, referring to Trump’s Access Hollywood comments, which involved Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” without their consent.
“Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me,” Broaddrick added. “I don’t think there’s any comparison.”
Apparently the French have been subject to ‘Islamic terrorism’ today. It’s lucky that we never have that – we just have lone wolves or people with mental issues. Not terrorists and certainly not Islamic ones .
Apparently scooter gangs in Londonistan are stealing al Beeb cameras fixed in preparation the the oxford Cambridge American boat bore , the standard is carrying the story – they stopped traffic in order to carry out their crimes . Lucky I wasn’t there I’d have run the bastards over.
Stealing BBC cameras. Fake news cameras. I would have left it for Emir Khan and his Twitter watching cops to deal with it.
#1 They tried Putney Bridge RNLI put on their siren/lights and scared them away
#2 There beeb have set up 30 cameras, so bikethugs just went to Barnes bridge , did a reccky and nicked that one
What to ? How to neutralise a motor bike gang ?
tacks in your pocket ?
Shout “frieze as if you are armed police ?”
You can’t get within acid throwing distance of them
Easiest to pick one off if he isolated
Grab-weapon-neutralise ..maybe lob your bike lock at them ?
a dog would scare the crap out of them.
How to neutralise bikethugs/Corbythugs ?
Maybe put your own headphones on and get ready with your sonic rape alarm, set it off and lob it under their bike. As a first step.
“Lucky I wasn’t there I’d have run the bastards over.” You’re not wavering toward becoming a islamic soldier by any chance. LoL
It is now possible to spend the whole day in many parts of London and never hear the English language spoken and very rare to see white British people, also getting very close to that in Luton, yet the UK immigration service are requiring Englsh Language tests so how has this happened ? why are our cities being overrun ? and most importantly, why is this being seen in the media as a good thing? why is diversity being seen as a good thing when we have a maxmum 10% of the population being promoted above and beyond their abilities in a very competitive job market ? and only black minorties at that ? what gives black minorities the right to this above and beyond chinese. philipino south american and whoever that get ignored ? why black ? have a look at the likes of Barnet council and you will be astonished at the lack of indiginous people employed, Barnet is a typical example of a failing local authority due to its staff not caring or competent…..
How? Definitely not by chance.
What sane country would let their capital and largest city by far, go foreign?
Naw, by design. No question. Really started big time with our Tony, I’d say…
The trend may well have been there, but the big push…look to Tony. Same as a small trend was there for Germany, but the big push, look to Merkel. The sort of very deliberate: ‘I’m on top now, so I’m going to do this…’
He fancied himself as a future President of a multiculti EU. She fancies herself as something similar…
And behind both? Some BIG money…
And stuff the rule of Law. Law is for little people. The uneducated. The deplorable.’Das Pack’ the Groko likes to say in Germany, when describing the AfD. The ultimate term of contempt really, has such a sound to it.
Yes, I see malign design in this, not incompetence or accident.
“Front Row” (the Radio 4 Arts show from 19:15) was busy pushing the multi-ethnic agenda again today. Yet another ethnic presenter (her name sounded like Gayleen Gould, but my spelling might be wrong) to go with Samira Ahmed, Stig Abel and others.
Plenty of promotion of Blacks and their supposedly unique experience, plus the claim that they were here two thousand years ago (as Roman soldiers) AND THEREFORE that they have in a sense always been here (not true) and are just as British as anyone else, when the truth is that the great majority arrived only after 1948. The presenter couldn’t pronounce “Apres-midi d’un Faune” when talking about Debussy but described him as being “out there” (meaning, I think, avant garde, ground-breaking) one hundred years ago. We don’t need the language of street rap and pop charts to describe Debussy and we don’t need minorities to reinterpret European culture for us.
Why does the f^(king BBC hate the indigenous White people of Britain so much? Why are minorities now over-represented on radio and TV? And why are we forced to pay for this BBC sh#t?
WE all know their agenda now Mustapha-and we here simply reiterate it, see it all over the rancid BBC platforms.
Seven days to go before we`re licence free in this place-hope everybody else here is going that way if not there already.
Like shooting fish in a barrel is all this never-ending BBC agenda. Al long as we all “bang on” to all our family and friends , we`ll see the BBC go the way of all institutional lairs who`ve missed their chance to stay relevant.
Switch them off and abuse them. The Left boycotts and shuns those who oppose it. We need to do the same to BBC spongy types and Remoaners. Thye`d die if they were hated as we are. So hate them and switch them off.
If we don`t want power and to win like they do-we`lose everything to them.
And talking about weird leaders?
Never got over Macron comparing himself to Jupiter!
Hardly been commented on, just how deluded these misfits are-youthful, stupid and that seems to be all that`s needed for elections.
And Trudeau in Canada is a bizarre notion made flesh.
If we got out of medialand and took a better look locally, we`d all see just how weird the medias hall of mirrors and its echo chamber soundtrack reallis.
Like being in one drug induced psychiatric open ward. Thank the Lord for real life. The BBC are sliding on their fat satin arsed pedalo and into the Cairo sewer, Wave goodbye to them get out and get your country back while you still can.
Greetings from Bury Park!
Macron comparing himself to Jupiter ? what planet is he on ? sorry couldn’t resist
London is an occupied city now, under enemy control.
We’ve lost it.
Great questions-funnily enough not one that any Question Time would ever ask of its panels. Which says it all. Only THEIR licenced, permitted “questions” are allowed.
The rights of Paris Lees or Corbyns hat may well exercise the liberal mind, and keep them going until the next cycle through hell on Monday.
But your questions are the REAL ones. Which is why this site is valued.
Won`t need a licence to tell me that the BBC are pumping off, but will continue to watch CCTV, RT,Al Jaz and Memri. Serious news from somewheres. Not synthesised haribos from the libtards that are spiked and will choke us.
Annunaki, last summer my daughter and I spent the day in London. While sitting in a restaurant (a nice Italian near Kings Cross) an american sitting at an adjacent table asked if we were English. When I confirmed, he leaned over and shook out hands and said, ‘finally, you’re the first I’ve meet today.’ And this was 7pm!
Still dont get why ? its cutural suicide make Tony live in Bury Park Luton for a while and see how he gets on, if Merkels daughter is gang raped by a buch of immigrants but its only the working class idiots who pay the taxes that have to put up with their social experiments and Hyde Park last Sunday is just the start….
Merkel is childless as are most of the other leaders of Western European nations, including our own; they hold no stake in the future of those countries beyond their own lifetimes – “no skin in the game”.
Many of the eu leaders are like that but only bc the people let it happen. So long as good people like on this website then we can
Can a reader help me out please? The photo of the French muslim terrorist murderer has been freely available on the internet for a few hours now, yet our most trusted and funded broadcaster either can’t find it or doesn’t think it would be of interest, less so than some random gendarmes standing around doing not much, or politicians making vacuous speeches. I’d have thought the killer would be the number one photo to show, no?
Can anyone think why the beebistan might be slow to publish the photo of a tanned and heavily bearded man of North African appearance?
I’m puzzled.
(pix below)