Merkel doesn’t have a daughter. Or a son. A clue? Tony has kids though. So…?
What both DO have is utter contempt for the Rule of Law. The reason why both need to be in court.
Maybe it’s not the Rule of Law, per se. It’s that it is symbolic of what the little people have been fooled into believing. So you have to show contempt for both, cos you’re a really big cheese. Addicted to power.. Can you get away with it? Apparently. That makes you even bigger. And so clever.
A certain king of France was overthrown cos of his contempt. But he was an Absolute Monarch. Undisguised. But hey, what if you can display your contempt for the Rule of Law while still pretending you believe in it, still pretending it’s all about Democracy? Well, THAT makes you really special. That shows how really clever you are.
You can absolutely do your own thing, but this time it’s ‘with the consent of the people’. WOW! Ain’t you just the greatest? Ain’t you just foolproof? Ain’t you just the cleverest?
Here’s some ‘news’ that youmay not see reported on the Biased BBC: Remember how every Leftard on the planet said that “The Russians made Trump win” ?? – well, the House intelligence committee has released their report with 40 key findings – below – and the most interesting one, that you will never see reported on the UK MSM is that “Most significant is the finding that “none of the interviewed witnesses” provided evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.” Enjoy –
It is unfortunate that the only individuals that are willing to vocally and publicly represent our interests are ex Luton Town football “supporters” who let themselves down more than often, apart from one who has realised the way forward, , it is time that more of us publicly supported this popular movement as the “momentum and anti fascist” left are happy to resort to violence when confronted with opinion at odds with theirs
“What sane country would let their capital and largest city by far, go foreign?”…………..
How long will it be before we have the scenarios like the Hollywood films – Escape from LA and Escape from New York ? the white flight from London has been in operation for the past couple of decades, so the M25 seems the natural border for a wall to be built to keep all the BAME’s within the perimeter, and leave the rest of the UK to the indigenous population. Well, they want to live in their own communities – so let’em !
If you want a glimpse of our country’s future: look at South Africa, not so long ago it had an equal number of whites and blacks making up the population. The whites are now a despised minority and the country has the highest murder and rape stats on the planet.
Does anyone think the ethnic “minorities” who are steadily replacing us here as the majority, will treat our descendants any differently to those whites in South Africa; when they are a hated, repressed reminder of whose country Britain once was?
The BBC revealed a stunning lack of self-awareness on R4’s news at ten this evening. Completely po-faced, they lamented the alleged loss of freedom of speech in Spain, not once alluding to the Count Dankula travesty of justice, nor Amber Rudd’s outrageous banning of Southern and Pettibone.
Please read my comment above about contempt.
There’s why I am no longer prepared to simply run with the May/Johnson story about Russia, even though I feel a little unpatriotic. I wouldn’t like to believe Putin. But I look at the way we ‘little people’ have been treated, no matter the country, and I no longer like to disbelieve him.
Does the EU actually not like him cos he ALSO claims to be democratic, and he’s probably not that fond of the Rule of Law either, and he may show them up for what they are? IT MAKES SENSE. Putin threatens their unmasking.
Just as I’m really no instinctive fan of the Donald. But I can certainly see WHY people voted for him. The little people. The deplorables. The ‘far right’ (Largely conservative, I would say, still wanting desperately to believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law. That’s supposed to be the MODERN way). Yup, there may be some thugs hiding in there. But little thugs. (You possibly can’t even expect The Law to deal with ‘the little’ thugs any more) Not big thugs. (You definitely can’t expect the Law to deal with them).
And the BBC? Definitely NOT the voice of the little people. Message ends.
I watched the Lauren Southern video
Luton : They set up the Allah loves gays stall
..and straight away couples who look like they are in hard line Muslim country turn up and the males say they are offended.
..Cops turn up and say “you can’t do this people are offended, they’re could be a public disorder event”
I actually feel sorry for the cops, it’s much easier for him to tell good kids to packup, than, to tell a rowdy non-English speaking crowd that the law in the UK says YOU CAN OFFEND people.
See what is happening ..We have UK laws, but effectively the Luton non-integrators get the implementation to what they want
..that the same for free speech jokes of Scottish pugs
A sound judgement by Lord Justice Sedley.
According to he said during the same case “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.”
Crucially he also had a sense of humour as witnessed by “Sedley’s Laws of Documents” (listed in the wiki entry).
This is true, but it is only possible because liberal hand-wringers don’t live up to their posturing about being in favour of freedom and liberalism in general. If the political class that runs the BBC took a stand in defence of the beliefs they claim to espouse, authoritarians like Amber Rudd and Treason May would back down.
Of course, what this really reveals is that when you scratch the surface of a Leftist what you find is a fascist. The irony that screaming ‘fascist’ at anyone they dislike is one of their prime characteristics is almost too much to bear.
Nothing. The BBC won't run it, nor with ITN or SKY, most radio stations are BBC owned and the majority of web news is read from the BBC. There is almost zero right wing non-print media in the UK thanks to the BBC
So Corbyn first says he was totally unaware one of his Facebook groups was an antisemitic hangout
.. yet now we see he 5 years ago.
..Both he and Yvonne Ridley spotted
a post about a Jewish conspiracy mural
and instead of calling it out
..he made a comment about another well known Jew destroying an art work.
How’s that going to go down with the Jewish wing of the Labour Party ?? Yvonne Ridley wriggling
Corbyn’s note also gets the artists name wrong (he meant Diego Rivera not Diego Viera the footballer)
A sample of six articles each across the BBC and the Guardian for the following recent topics reveals a predictable picture with respect to word mentions:
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)
Church = 73
Clergy = 11
England = 15
Telford Child Sexual Abuse
Pakistan(i) = 2
Muslim = 0
Islam(ic) = 0
Almost 30,000 lone parent families made homeless in England in 2017
Housing shortage ?
Too many people coming into the country ?
Mass immigration?
Not a peep .
“Fighting talk from Jacob Rees-Mogg, rightly pointing out that if we were to walk away and take our wallet with us the EU would be insolvent. If only our negotiators had taken such a hard line we wouldn’t have had to make so many concessions! ”
BBC spin:
”New figures show rates of tuberculosis (TB) in England have declined by a third in six years, and are currently at their lowest level in 35 years.
The data from Public Health England shows a 38% fall since 2012, with a 9.3% decline in cases in 2017 alone.
Improved diagnosis, treatment and awareness are being credited for the fall.
But England still has one of the highest rates of TB in Western Europe with just under 5,200 affected in 2017.
And TB is still one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
The data has been released to coincide with World TB Day on 24 March.”
Facts they conveniently omit:
There were 5,664 TB cases
39% of cases were in London
74% of cases were among non-UK born people
3.8% of people with TB were also living with HIV
11.1% of people with TB had at least one social risk factor for TB (a history of alcohol or drug misuse, homelessness or imprisonment)
31% of people with pulmonary TB waited over four months from onset of symptoms to beginning treatment
Update on French islamic terror attack, or How The Beeb Deal with Awkward Stories:
1. The beebistan managed to avoid publishing the bearded perp’s photo altogether on their webshite, despite it being all over the internet and press.
2. They’ve shifted the story away from the muslim murderer to the brave policeman currently fighting for his life.
3. The whole story went through the Home page at the speed of light, from where it has almost disappeared completely, probably will have by morning.
A classic case of what might be called the 3 D’s: dissimulate, deflect, delete.
Job done.
Update on French islamic terror attack, or How The Beeb Deal with Awkward Stories:
1. The beebistan managed to avoid publishing the bearded perp’s photo altogether on their webshite, despite it being all over the internet and press.
2. They’ve shifted the story away from the muslim murderer to the brave policeman currently fighting for his life.
3. The whole story went through the Home page at the speed of light, from where it has almost disappeared completely, probably will have by morning.
A classic case of what might be called the 3 D’s: dissimulate, deflect, delete.
Job done.
Vlad, Definitely a brave bloke . Still I am sure the candles, Teddy Bears (and if he is lucky his own #) and of course a total lack of practical action – will cheer his family up no end.
Maybe Theresa can help she could lend Macron a few lines – I am thinking of something like “Enough is Enough” and then go and arrest members of any french political parties who protest against the globalist policies of population replacement.
As for the quality of BBC coverage on these sort of things – When you are staffed by a selection “Common Purpose” graduates who are trained to “lead beyond authority” then a little untruth here or a little bit of disingenuous reporting there – well it is all perfectly understandable and is what modern “mainstream” journalism is all about. After all it is all for the good of “society” – however who’s society will be benefiting from this? Well we all know the answer to that.
“Surrey Teenager” – the new euphemism.
As in:
“A boatload of Surrey Teenagers arrived in Italy after they were rescued near the coast of Libya.”
“23,000 Surrey Teenagers have been identified as potential terrorist attackers in Britain.”
BBC man Ben Ando, reporting from outside the offices of Cambridge Analytica where authorities have just seached the building, doesn’t know much but he knows what he likes :
“We don’t know exactly what they were looking for, exactly…”
One can only speculate how in a free society an independent journo ought perhaps to react to the sight of jackbooted officials carrying out a speculative raid on private premises – with a some caution ??
Shades of salivating BBC guys and gals ordering helicopters to go buzzing about over the Cliff Richard apartment
Ratchel – we won’t sell our house when we move to BBC Salford as we expect London property prices to rise faster – Burden makes a nice try with the regulation trash Brexit final question in a BBC interview.
A security expert chap has to answer to this from our Ratchel : “you say there’s close cooperation in security across europe but will Brexit harm our position”
The guy has some sense – his answer is couched in platitudes of mutual interest but it is a loud and clear knockback for Ratch and her BBC editors – a resounding NO
AISI – Auntie loves all this political theatre as there are multiple opportunities to make dark suggestions as “what has been going on behind our backs” And if a few innocents have their lives and careers ruined as collateral damage then so what?
This whole thing is just another etiolated Trump bashing farce. They have been talking about raiding this office since the beginning of the week – So do they really expect to find anything? and if they do it makes me very suspicious.
Obviously they are looking for the letter Trump hid under the plant pot saying “Thanks a million Guys – I couldnt have done it without you” And if this whole comedy worsens our relationship with Trump further, then I am sure Theresa will be happy – less chance of us being able to do business with him.
BBC presentation of this story is very skewed. For one thing, they presume to present a lie to a British audience that their data somehow influenced a foreign election… can I just remind the BBC that their Licence Payers didn’t have a vote in the US. Then we get a hint of the real motivation for the lefty journalistic energy behind this story as our Naga Munchetty talks around the idea of a boycott of Facebook – meaning what would really be an anti-Trump boycott. Does anyone for one moment believe this story would have legs were the carpet slipper on the would-be President Hillary Clinton foot? As a final revealing cri de cœur our sofa duo of Naga and Rachel wish upon a star if only there were some independent alternative to the private social media companies… like what…. the BBC, perchance?
It’s all so obvious and transparent and so depressing.
By the way – with the proviso that I would wish all the best to genuine charitable organisations – I was at least rather pleased to see BBC Sport Relief has slumped in the amount of donations. Particularly since the BBC once again promoted female boxing – both as a father of daughters and as a civilised thinking human being this a personal bugbear of mine.
Caught a few moments of the despicable Nick Robinson on Toady this morning.
Apparently the terrorist attack in France yessterday was not the fault of the murderous Islamic bastard that did it but instead was the fault of the security services for not stopping it.
He and his editors should be sacked.
Those interviews are like gallows humour to me now. Having a bet that Islam won’t be mentioned – nor terrorism. I posted a list here yesterday of the excuses. Al Beeb has used two out of four and concentrate on the heroism of the dead cop to cover the evil deeds of the Muslim – same with the parliament attack. Sick fucks aren’t they.
Does make you wonder how creatures like Robinson sleep at night – i suppose the salary helps .
In an earlier thread I imagined an editorial meeting where the bBBC editorial team deliberately set up the Newshite/ Trot Corbyn in Moscow backdrop, anticipating lots of left wing furore and then using this noise to claim overall impartiality.
Fiction becomes truth. Guess what? The Newshite backdrop was featured on ‘Newswatch’ this morning, featuring lots of indignant quotes from ‘the public’!
Farming Today – framing today, again!, an anti-Brexit message or messages
TOADY pre 8am – interview with French terrorism/radicalisation expert
TOADY 8am News Bulletin – words of French terrorism/radicalisation expert are subtly different in headline. (compare with longer quote)
TOADY 8.10am – Clive Lewis being given anti-Brexit platform
Evidence from this information ex-commissioner; I am glad I am no longer paying for this.
Sorry, I must relate the interview just finished on biased BBC breakfast news.
A Brexit ‘interview’ with a female companion on the sofa with Naga (imagine the howls if it had been two men btw) and Kwasi Kwarteng and Gina Miller.
First, Kwasi faced a barrage of questions presented in clearly hostlle tone. He answered them calmy.
Then over to Gina Miller, who was captioned as an ‘Investment Manager’. She was bowled an easy first ball and then was allowed to rant and make assertion after assertion without any questioning or interruptions at all. When she paused for breath, the interviewer just said ‘Kwasi, what do you think about that?’
So interviewees but only one (the Brexiteer) actually had to answer any questions, while the other (a litigious Remoaner) was given a free run.
Bias as clear cut and stark and tangible as you will ever get.
Just heard the Carcassone murderer being referred to as a “petty criminal” who had served “a series of short prison sentences” for “drug dealing” and “possessing and using firearms”.
And now locals want to know why the authorities “stopped watching” the bloke.
Where do yoi start with THAT chain of twaddle and excuses, the minimising of very serious crimes?
The media hacks seem to have lost all sense of reality. As if honeyed and moderate words, downplaying the enormity of Islamic terror will somehow cause Muslims to go easy on us.
‘Expert’ suggests they are like cats. They are nothing like cats. Even I know that they are from the weasel family. They share obvious characteristics. Shouting at the radio time, quick check on Wiki – yes, mustelid family.
Sarah claims they were numerous only a few years ago and then almost wiped out and have now recovered.
Not in my lifetime. They were always rare & under threat and were and are pretty much wiped out in England and, I think, Wales. The expert brings good news that Scottish population, which is a bit more robust (more empty, wild, spaces than E&W), is moving south.
Oh, there’s a bit of suitable narrative for the BBC, Sarah.
Just seen something called new Swatch.
They majored on Corbyns hat( subtext being that they`re sticking it to Labour, despite we thinking they`re biased). And minored on their set up of a lie that Boris Johnson compared Putin to Hitler-when all he was saying that the use of sport and media in Moscow this year won`t be any different from Berlin 1936-any more than it`ll be different from London 2012 for that matter).
The BBC regarded Corbyns hat as the much bigger issue(they got more abuse from Momentum etc)-and thought nothing of the fact that to rachet up the nasty parallels that are meant to goad the Russians into an attack-well, that`s deeply troubling, the state broadcaster of the UK has NO right to spice up foreign policy statements to cause war or deaths.
How did we let the BBC get like this. My licence cancelled now, so it`ll be radio bias alone from April 1st.
Wonder if I`ll find any?…ha!
G, one of the things that eventually helped sink the U.S.S.R. was that increasing numbers of the population learned how to ‘read’ the news. Then they started to publish their own in the form of ‘Samizdat’.
‘Read’ = read between the lines to what ‘the News’ was actually telling them, what they could really discover about ‘the system’.
I have just been talking to a friend who lived most of his youth in a Communist Country. He told me that the BBC these days is if anything WORSE than the old Communist broadcasters. In England of all Countries.
“the state broadcaster of the UK has NO right to spice up foreign policy statements to cause war or deaths.”
Not sure about that. The role of a state broadcaster is precisely to promote the interests of the (deep) state, rather than the government of the day or the politicians of the moment. Those interests may be immoral, destructive and simply wrong, but the precise purpose of having a state broadcaster is to promote them, by fair means or foul. And that it why the BBC is so ‘cherished’ by the Establishment and it’s ‘unique method of funding’ (i.e. fine and prison those who won’t pay their tormentors) is safe.
How true Ian.
We forget this at our peril. The BBC sees itself now as a social cohesive, and is paid to be so.
It will lie and bend all truths to ensure that this role is not farmed out.
If we keep that at the forefront of our minds, we`ll lower our heart rates. They are the very establishment they claim to be holding to account.
Londonistan crime update
Source – evening standard – only one street stabbing attempted murder yesterday – aged about 30 – no identity of victim or perpetrator shown so I’m guessing it’s all a bit vibrant and diverse heritage again . Love those poisonous words…
Our thoughts are with whoever our thoughts should be with der der der .
“The Parsons Green Tube bomber should spend 34 years in prison to learn the true meaning of the Koran as a book of peace, a judge said yesterday.”
Clearly His Honour himself has NOT read the koran, unless it be a heavily edited and sanitised bbc version.
With judges like that – indeed a whole Establishment like that – no wonder we’re in such a mess.
See link below for the truth about the koran and violence, and below that more nonsense from the judge.
“You will have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Koran is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace. It is to be hoped that you will come to realise this.
“The Koran and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the law of the land where one is living or is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism. You have, therefore, received the most severe of sentences under the law of this land. You have violated the Koran and Islam by your actions, as well as the law of all civilised people.”
Have you noticed that peculiar BBC formulation So-Called Islamic State we had just gotten used to has apparently fallen into disuse only to be replaced with the equally awkward BBC phrase Islamic State Group.
I do wish the BBC would let us know when they make these evolving editorial decisions – it might help us keep up with who’s who in Islamism and help the BBC’s fast failing reputation. Otherwise it’s almost as if they are acting as a self-appointed office for secretive censorship rules.
AISI – Give it five years the BBC will be free to rename themselves the Jihad Broadcasting Corporation (JBC) and they can then refer to these Jihad terrorist scum as “freedom fighters”
I suspect they were shamed into dropping their absurd apologist ‘so-called’, and came up with another formula designed to muddy the waters and avoid calling them what they are: the Islamic State.
Sweden’s start on ‘Hate Crime’:
““As for the determining that motives of hatred exist, this will be the work of investigators whose investigations are outside of the purview of police. Some crimes should be investigated in this way because special skills are needed,” said Petra Stenkula, Head of the Investigation Unit, in a video.”
Code for employing specialist investigators from the massive ranks of unemployed islamic immigrants?
I think from now on we can assume ‘Hate speech’ means ‘free speech’.
Of course the left will still be allowed all the hate speech they want against conservatives, as will invaders against host populations, as will blacks against whites.
Or as Jordan Peterson said: “Who is going to decide what constitutes hate speech? Actually, I can tell you. Absolutely the last people you would want to be in charge of such a decision.“
It is interesting how societies turn against science at regular intervals. Maybe there is only so much truth the uneducated mind can take. The BBC leads the charge with its ridiculous stance on “settled” climate change science (nah, nah, I can’t hear you) and the suggestion that a chap can become a woman.
That thought came to me on Thursday night watching “transgender activist” Paris Lees on Question Time. To be fair to Lees, he was a good panelist, making his points in a reasonable manner. He obviously thinks he is a woman and I have no problem in respecting his personal belief. Shami Chakrabarti made the helpful suggestion that such a person would be welcome on the Labour party’s sexist all women short lists.
But Lees is not a woman, not by any stretch of the imagination. Mr Lees is a bloke who would like to be a woman. He describes himself as a bisexual feminist, which of course covers all the bases. He is in the vernacular “passable” but he needs hormones and/or surgery to produce breasts and the internal plumbing is all male. Mr Lees will never be able to have children since he does not have a womb. Sorry to be graphic but those are the facts of biological science.
If I met Paris Lees in person I would most likely avoid the masculine pronoun. I am not a chap who cares for personal conflict. I would most likely respect his wishes until the state made it a “hate” crime to fail to do so. Call it the Jordan Peterson principle after the Canadian psychologist who takes a similar stance.
Lees suggested on Question Time that 1% of the population now identified as “transgender”, a ridiculous number made up for the purposes of political propaganda. Far from 600,000 identifying in this way, I think you could move the decimal point not one but two places to the left. Leaving aside all the sexual experimentation that the young always engage in, I think that even 6,000 fulltime transgenders might be pushing it a bit.
But whatever the figure, we are making a rod for our own backs in accepting such self-identification since the societal repercussions are enormous. Men able to change gender at the drop of a hat are demanding the same intimate bathroom and changing facilities as women. In America a man identifying as a woman won a major wrestling competition in Texas. Men competing in women’s athletics would undo at a stroke all the battles that sport has fought against drug abuse. And dare I say it, but like men, there are times when women just want to associate with other women.
The latest craze among louche celebrities to suggest that they are raising their children as “gender neutral” should perhaps interest the social services. More likely it will lead to an invitation to join Mr Dimbleby at their earliest convenience.
I never thought I would grow up in this country to witness science under such attack.
Sport is going to have real problems with transgender guys wanting to compete as woman – doubt it will be the other way around. Yet, if a woman competing had the same level as testosterone as a transgender bloke, they’d fail the drugs test.
I felt really sorry for the woman who lost in Texas to what to all purposes was a bloke – years of training only to be let down by the cowardly wrestling board who allowed a ‘man’ to compete.
It isn’t just science though is it? It is the whole of rational thought and what has made the ‘West’ and its freedoms.
I have two nephews fully signed up to this modern rubbish, they sit there with their noses to their laptops and when I point out that in their ‘utopia’ none of the technology that they take for granted would exist they just shrug their shoulders and say “We are where we are”.
It takes some arrogance to assume that after hundreds of years of real progress that somehow a new ‘enshadowment’, a rejection of everything that we thought it was true, is the way forward.
To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, “The lights are on, it’s a bloody miracle!”
Trans stuff has been going on since just after WW2. People like Jan Morris have flown their rainbow flag with credit and dignity, and-like Jordan Peterson-I`m personally respectful and happy to go along with it all,person to person.
But now we have a game going on, after Caitlyn Jenner won “Woman Of the Year”, the gloves have been off and the claws bared.
These are not-cannot-be real women.
Paris Lees seemed reasonable, but has never had a period, has no chance of having a baby and has never had the years of cultural conditioning that girls receive from birth.
Boys of course have their equivalent, so I can`t be a bloke.
Funny isn`t it that all current neuroscience and genetics strives to blame everything on our genes, chromosomes and hard wired behaviourist pathways?
Except the ONE thing that clearly IS genetic, linked to whether your basal cells are XX or XY. God could not have made it clearer.
The hard cases are miniscule in number to all the above I state. Of course some womens periods and ability to have kids does not unsex them, and genetic/chromosomal exceptions do occur-but they are exceptions, not something to say is typical.
I`vce got girls in my class who would never have been “gender neutral” a few years back(primary school remember!)-but whether they want to wear a skirt or not changes by the day, and they`re basically having a laugh in the hope that they`ll become poster kids for the new weirdness. So far so good as well.
It`s child abuse to push them into these early lunacies, but our Labour Council would love their stories, the media would love to promote them in time. Frightening really.
And here’s why – reason (and hence reality) is now regarded as racist.
“I think that what modern philosophers call ‘pure’ reason … is a white male Euro-Christian construction,” [Prof John Caputo] says. “White is not ‘neutral.’ ‘Pure’ reason is lily white, as if white is not a color or is closest to the purity of the sun, and everything else is ‘colored.’
Gosh, it’s that rotten tyrannical patriarchy at work again.
Islamisation of the UK (aka ethnic cleansing of indigenous whites).
Archie Bish Welby – (we must be) “Welcoming strangers to our country and integrating them into our culture… We must be generous and allow ourselves to change with the newcomers and create a deeper, richer way of life”.
UK taxpayer funds contributes > £6 million, “…to support Islamist charities working against British society…”
I suspect the £6 million has been part of a pledge to Treezers masters in Riyadh who, doubtless, will be matching pound for pound what the UK taxpayer puts in.
Meaningless bullshit, so easy to challenge on a whole number of fronts – not least by pointing out the real world evidence of multicultural ‘enrichment’ in the UK.
Sadly it seems no journalist chose to take it up, so the delusion persists.
Why does the BBC think that Corbyn’s sacking of the non entity Owen Smith is more important than Corbyn’s involvement in two anti-Semitic Facebook sites and his support for a ghastly anti-Semitic work of art?
The former is on the front page of their news website, the latter hidden amongst specialist politics pages.
On hearing of the anti-Semitic material of Corbyn’s, Labour MPS were aghast and spoke out against Corbyn. When Labour MPs heard about Owen Smith’s sacking, they said “Who?”
Five Live ‘news’ reports Apple are introducing disabled people emojis. A clear open goal for the mischievous.
Aren’t they virtuous with all their help of disabled people? What’s would be really virtuous is if they could stop robbing the poor and vulnerable of £160 a year, or maybe do some actual journalism rather than virtue signalling and sneering at us from their ivory towers.
Fair warning, this is going to be a bit of a rant. It concerns the long-running BBC afternoon soap Doctors, so it’s not a programme that anyone interested in current affairs would normally come across. But it has become a beacon of low-level PC agenda drivelling in recent years (don’t ask, just accept that I work at home and need a lunchbreak…and I’ve given up on the “News” at One).
Now, Doctors is set somewhere near Birmingham, and it reflects that in the diversity of the cast. Fair enough. In fact, one of the best characters is Mrs Tembe, the churchgoing Botswanan practice manager, who is a well-played, fully-rounded creation who genuinely brings an added dimension.
Far too often, though, stories are replaced by blatant agenda and yesterday’s episode was a prime example. There was a bit of fun (pretty respectfully done) at the expense of medical practices having to go on LGBTQI-whatever training, but that ended with a female doctor (the most idiotic woman imaginable, incidentally, you can’t imagine how someone so lacking in perception and common sense ever managed to qualify) admitted to a man that she had had a Q moment. Her admission was so clunky and awkwardly done that he took his leave. The meaningful revelation was that he was clearly prejudiced and vile – but I reckon most sentient viewers were left thinking, wha-a-t? What a weird conversation, no wonder he thought she was odd.
Much, much worse, though, was the other plot strand, which concerned two university lecturers who were on opposing sides of a ‘Cecil Rhodes statue in Oxford- scenario’ debate. The lecturer who wanted to see a plaque to a benefactor taken down was black and had traced her own links to this benefactor’s ownership of slaves. She made some important points, well worth hearing and thinking about.
The problem I had was with the portrayal of the bombastic white lecturer, her subordinate. At first, she engaged in reasoned debate with her, notably that revisionism is a dangerous practice and that the benefactor had also done much good for the town as well as the university. So far, so balanced. But then it transpired that the white lecturer was giving a speech to a group who wanted to save the plaque. These were portrayed as a group of white male thugs with slack mouths and hard muscles. There was no attempt to show any nuanced argument, just a straight shot of downright unpleasant far-right activists. They didn’t look anything like the students they would most likely have been in real life.
So in one neat swoop, a complicated debate about history and complicity and atonement and revisionism is linked with far-right thugs with no comeback. You just wonder how many people watching (and let’s face it, they may not be the country’s most astute, independent thinkers) now equate similar debates with thuggery and *know* which side they must be on. Drip, drip, drip…
BBC drama has been subverted for over a decade and today exists solely to support the ‘progressive’ cause. From the Archers on R4 to the prime time TV cop shows, from the afternoon radio plays to the ghastly ‘our NHS’ love-ins, they are all morality plays designed to teach the plebs what to think.
Neither soviet Russia nor the mediaeval church did it any better or with greater ruthlessness.
This cannot be changed by reform as the cause runs through the BBC like ‘Brighton’ through a stick of rock. The only ‘cure’ is for the Corporation to be closed and drama to become subject to the same market forces that produced Breaking Bad or The Man In The High Castle.
That wouldn’t guarantee freedom from polemic, as SJWs run riot throughout the arts, as we all know, but at least it would give independent voices a chance. Which is something they will never have under the BBC’s Stalinist monopoly.
Like ‘scientists’ must swear (with hand on cover of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth dvd) to stay true to The Great and Indisputable Settled Science in order to receive their research grant.
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2001-2008) was when I first noticed manipulation of drama to push the BBC’s agenda. Upper class idiot (Inspector Lynley) was always getting into scrapes and it was only his brave, working class side kick Havers who was able to rescue him. But the same now applies to most drama on the BBC; past examples include Hustle – the group led by a black sophisticated chap, the Archers where all men are stupid and the women sort things out and probably every other drama that appears – but I don’t watch them or listen any more. And I still haven’t forgiven the BBC for pushing Nigel off the roof.
Sorry to be pedantic. But a single individual from Botswana is known as a Motswana (not Botswanan), the plural of which is Batswana.
Anyway, Botswana is one of Africa’s nicest countries with an excellent president in Ian Khama. In fact, we could do with him here.
Interesting – correction accepted with good grace. I did Google before I wrote “Botswanan” and found it came up, but clearly it is wrong. My fact for the day! And yes, the Batswana I have occasionally met over the years have been extremely nice people.
“…the tricky terrain between modern science and Muslim faith…”
What? More, “tricky terrain”? You wouldn’t believe it would you?
“Religion looms over all of Muslim life, so there could be devastating consequences for the future of science if certain fields of study come to be seen as antireligious.” Well, fancy that, I would never have thought that………
“Right now, if all Muslim scientists working in basic science vanished from the face of the earth, the rest of the scientific community would barely notice.”
What can you expect if primitive troglodytes rule?
Following the example of #France in 2004, the #Norway government proposed on Friday a nationwide ban on the wearing of full-face veils, such as the burqa and the niqab, in universities, schools, and kindergartens
Just interested, you know, after enduring so many decades of rubbish BBC comedians and documentary makers shoehorning in Fatcha’s evil mine closures at every opportunity. A neat bit of irony for the comedy news panels, maybe?
@Stella All libEstab parties support UK’s mad green/energy policy ..
.. And the biggest beneficiary is Putin
Today \\Banks mining group hits out at “perverse” decision to refuse open casting near Druridge Bay Northumberland. PA
Government “would prefer to source the coal that is essential…from Russia or the US, rather than support substantial investment and job creation plans in our region” //
The UK gov overturned local council approval on Climate grounds apparently
Similarly, yesterday in the Times , Ed Conway, Sky’s economic correspondent said ‘ well British fishing is only twelve thousand jobs ‘
One of the problems in this country is spoilt, privileged little brats who aren’t academically gifted enough to study proper degrees and so they attend 2nd rate universities to study worthless drivel and in the process try to be cool, radical and revolutionary. In reality these little wimps have just been brainwashed by their Marxist lecturers and student unions. A good hard lesson with a shovel handle would suffice to teach this spoilt middle class wannabe a lesson.
Same Corbythugs who smashed up the Churchill Cafe.
They’ve now hijacked the uni-lecherers strike.
They set up a HARD picketline
Hence Hamish Anderson punched to profs who wanted to get into work, both have foreign names, one just back from cancer op.
Am currently in a so-called ‘library’ where the invaders and their sprogs run amok, running and shouting at the tops of their voices with a total sense of entitlement.
I suppose you would if you were told your ‘religion’ was the best and kaffirs were inferior, there only to serve you.
No whitie dares complain for fear of offending the invaders or being accused of racism/islamophobia.
For Christ’s sake, the dog merely lifted its paw when told to “See Kyle”, whilst that show was on the telly. Similarly, when the dog was asked to “Guess the chews”, being offered an option of chewy treats, it raised its paw to indicate which one it would like.
Right idea, wrong in detail.
Its all about equality.
BBC Equality demands the womens race is covered equally with the mens.
No matter that the womens race was an ‘unequal’ walkover, a completely valueless unexciting procession.. But sport isnt the thing. Equality is the thing.
And, of course, the coverage is led by …..who else…..Claire Balding. Just to tick the LGBTxyz box as well.
Think I’ll watch my recording of paint-drying.
I only recently ‘discovered’ the EU ‘Barcelona process’ of 1995 (has been updated with a new handle) Please look it up – it certainly explains why so many things are going wrong in the UK.
The BBC reports that several hundred people are enjoying a demonstration in London on gun control policies in the US. Seemingly the virtue signaling classes have plenty of time to march against another country’s affairs. But where is the demonstration against female genital mutilation where under the noses of the authorities, muslim men ply their barbaric practice seemingly safe from the threat of prosecution? Where is the demonstration complaining about the re-entry of 400 ISIS killers back into the UK? Where is the demonstration about spiraling knife crime in the capital run by Mayor Khan? Were is the demonstration about the ever-present danger of jihadist terrorism, dismissed by Khan as “part and parcel of living in a big city”?
News priorities on BBC UK page – anti-gun demos (covered by ludicrous number of BBC journalists) more improtant than massive sexual exploitation of UK girls
I wonder which BBC Short Straw Editor will be dragged out the clubs to sulkily explain to Samira next week that this is the best use of space given BBC editorial integrity?
I sometimes wonder whether al Beeb should be the al American broadcasting company as it seem more interested in what goes on there than here.
The daily carnage in my London Borough is reported by the local rag and ignored by the regional piss poor London news – eg kid stabbed in the face in a playground yesterday afternoon in an ambush which has left him with the time honoured “life changing injuries’ . Not a whisper on al Beeb…. but guns in America – thousands of miles away – send Alagia or Myrie on a jolly.
BBC journalists are not only highly paid, they are (like lots of other unionised State Sector workers) bone idle, and that is the reason why you get so much North American news, and their “it’s all in today’s Guardian”” approach to British reporting. When they do try to do some investigative journalism (Newsnight) it is hopeless. Next door’s cat could do a better job. Guido Fawkes has more scoops in a single week than the multi-billion pound BBC can manage in a year.
There’s a larger FLA & Anne Marie Waters rally in Birmingham
… Not reported ?
Ah it’s broken through to local web news
Bbc brief report : Birmingham Football Lads Alliance demo: Thousands march in city
24 March 2018 Birmingham & Black Country”
“5,000” …. How’s that sound ?
Some friends of mine attended the FLA march yesterday and they believe there were more people there than the official attendance given.
The march passed off peacefully and there was a extremely good speech by Julie Hambleton on behalf of the Justice for the 21, the group fighting to find out exactly what happened to their loved ones who died in the Birmingham Pub Bombings in 1974, another group being shabbily treated by WMP and the legal system in general, especially the refusal of legal aid when the Hillsborough families were given legal aid.
Chris al beeb s fixation with America fascinated me. If they can’t find something negative about British police they’ll report American shootings . They are more interested in the finer points of Washington politics than anything local in the UK. The beeboids seem dazzled by it.
More killings and shootings in London . Al beeb dips in as though disconnected . Not even a matter of bias – it’s poor journalism and a failure of the public who sadly pay for it
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Merkel doesn’t have a daughter. Or a son. A clue? Tony has kids though. So…?
What both DO have is utter contempt for the Rule of Law. The reason why both need to be in court.
Maybe it’s not the Rule of Law, per se. It’s that it is symbolic of what the little people have been fooled into believing. So you have to show contempt for both, cos you’re a really big cheese. Addicted to power.. Can you get away with it? Apparently. That makes you even bigger. And so clever.
A certain king of France was overthrown cos of his contempt. But he was an Absolute Monarch. Undisguised. But hey, what if you can display your contempt for the Rule of Law while still pretending you believe in it, still pretending it’s all about Democracy? Well, THAT makes you really special. That shows how really clever you are.
You can absolutely do your own thing, but this time it’s ‘with the consent of the people’. WOW! Ain’t you just the greatest? Ain’t you just foolproof? Ain’t you just the cleverest?
Here’s some ‘news’ that youmay not see reported on the Biased BBC: Remember how every Leftard on the planet said that “The Russians made Trump win” ?? – well, the House intelligence committee has released their report with 40 key findings – below – and the most interesting one, that you will never see reported on the UK MSM is that “Most significant is the finding that “none of the interviewed witnesses” provided evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.” Enjoy –
It is unfortunate that the only individuals that are willing to vocally and publicly represent our interests are ex Luton Town football “supporters” who let themselves down more than often, apart from one who has realised the way forward, , it is time that more of us publicly supported this popular movement as the “momentum and anti fascist” left are happy to resort to violence when confronted with opinion at odds with theirs
“What sane country would let their capital and largest city by far, go foreign?”…………..
How long will it be before we have the scenarios like the Hollywood films – Escape from LA and Escape from New York ? the white flight from London has been in operation for the past couple of decades, so the M25 seems the natural border for a wall to be built to keep all the BAME’s within the perimeter, and leave the rest of the UK to the indigenous population. Well, they want to live in their own communities – so let’em !
Sadly, while London is very visibly fallen, so are plenty of other towns and cities. No doubt, each has experienced its own white flight.
Another thing the BBC screws the lid down on.
If you want a glimpse of our country’s future: look at South Africa, not so long ago it had an equal number of whites and blacks making up the population. The whites are now a despised minority and the country has the highest murder and rape stats on the planet.
Does anyone think the ethnic “minorities” who are steadily replacing us here as the majority, will treat our descendants any differently to those whites in South Africa; when they are a hated, repressed reminder of whose country Britain once was?
“not so long ago it had an equal number of whites and blacks making up the population. “
Where did you learn that? The BBC?
2014: 80.2% black, 8.8% coloured, 8.4% white, 2.5% asian
1960: 68.3% black, 9.4% coloured, 19.3% white, 3.0% asian
I’m not sure al Beebus would ever advertise that at one time there were the same number of whites as blacks in South Africa.
No communities there ” ‘ iss our communi_hiz innit brov”
The BBC revealed a stunning lack of self-awareness on R4’s news at ten this evening. Completely po-faced, they lamented the alleged loss of freedom of speech in Spain, not once alluding to the Count Dankula travesty of justice, nor Amber Rudd’s outrageous banning of Southern and Pettibone.
Eye. Mote. Beam. BBC.
Twitter noticed
Please read my comment above about contempt.
There’s why I am no longer prepared to simply run with the May/Johnson story about Russia, even though I feel a little unpatriotic. I wouldn’t like to believe Putin. But I look at the way we ‘little people’ have been treated, no matter the country, and I no longer like to disbelieve him.
Does the EU actually not like him cos he ALSO claims to be democratic, and he’s probably not that fond of the Rule of Law either, and he may show them up for what they are? IT MAKES SENSE. Putin threatens their unmasking.
Just as I’m really no instinctive fan of the Donald. But I can certainly see WHY people voted for him. The little people. The deplorables. The ‘far right’ (Largely conservative, I would say, still wanting desperately to believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law. That’s supposed to be the MODERN way). Yup, there may be some thugs hiding in there. But little thugs. (You possibly can’t even expect The Law to deal with ‘the little’ thugs any more) Not big thugs. (You definitely can’t expect the Law to deal with them).
And the BBC? Definitely NOT the voice of the little people. Message ends.
I watched the Lauren Southern video
Luton : They set up the Allah loves gays stall
..and straight away couples who look like they are in hard line Muslim country turn up and the males say they are offended.
..Cops turn up and say “you can’t do this people are offended, they’re could be a public disorder event”
I actually feel sorry for the cops, it’s much easier for him to tell good kids to packup, than, to tell a rowdy non-English speaking crowd that the law in the UK says YOU CAN OFFEND people.
See what is happening ..We have UK laws, but effectively the Luton non-integrators get the implementation to what they want
..that the same for free speech jokes of Scottish pugs
ah short version of the vid
Court precedent
A sound judgement by Lord Justice Sedley.
According to he said during the same case “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.”
Crucially he also had a sense of humour as witnessed by “Sedley’s Laws of Documents” (listed in the wiki entry).
Worth noting that all the bearded man had to say was that he was offended. There you have it – that is sufficient for the collaborating cops
I am offended everytime I walk past a person with a black sheet over their head and body with just their beady eyes poking out
This is true, but it is only possible because liberal hand-wringers don’t live up to their posturing about being in favour of freedom and liberalism in general. If the political class that runs the BBC took a stand in defence of the beliefs they claim to espouse, authoritarians like Amber Rudd and Treason May would back down.
Of course, what this really reveals is that when you scratch the surface of a Leftist what you find is a fascist. The irony that screaming ‘fascist’ at anyone they dislike is one of their prime characteristics is almost too much to bear.
“…when you scratch the surface of a Leftist what you find is a fascist.”
Dead right!
“… when you scratch the surface of a Leftist …”
“… you get shit under your fingernails.”
Sorely missed.
But this surely scores a hignfy guest slot?
So Corbyn first says he was totally unaware one of his Facebook groups was an antisemitic hangout
.. yet now we see he 5 years ago.
..Both he and Yvonne Ridley spotted
a post about a Jewish conspiracy mural
and instead of calling it out
..he made a comment about another well known Jew destroying an art work.
How’s that going to go down with the Jewish wing of the Labour Party ??
Yvonne Ridley wriggling
Corbyn’s note also gets the artists name wrong (he meant Diego Rivera not Diego Viera the footballer)
Corby says people should be free to mock Jews
but he wouldn’t allow Ann Widdecombe a TV voice about gays .
(Express on Wednesday)
A sample of six articles each across the BBC and the Guardian for the following recent topics reveals a predictable picture with respect to word mentions:
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)
Church = 73
Clergy = 11
England = 15
Telford Child Sexual Abuse
Pakistan(i) = 2
Muslim = 0
Islam(ic) = 0
Our media: trusted and impartial, as always.
Cartoon for the past week:
Almost 30,000 lone parent families made homeless in England in 2017
Housing shortage ?
Too many people coming into the country ?
Mass immigration?
Not a peep .
“Fighting talk from Jacob Rees-Mogg, rightly pointing out that if we were to walk away and take our wallet with us the EU would be insolvent. If only our negotiators had taken such a hard line we wouldn’t have had to make so many concessions! ”
Wise words not on Al Beeb.
Which is , I believe, exactly the line that Maggie would have taken.
No chance of that with May
Tuberculosis rates in England fall by third in six years
BBC spin:
”New figures show rates of tuberculosis (TB) in England have declined by a third in six years, and are currently at their lowest level in 35 years.
The data from Public Health England shows a 38% fall since 2012, with a 9.3% decline in cases in 2017 alone.
Improved diagnosis, treatment and awareness are being credited for the fall.
But England still has one of the highest rates of TB in Western Europe with just under 5,200 affected in 2017.
And TB is still one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
The data has been released to coincide with World TB Day on 24 March.”
Facts they conveniently omit:
There were 5,664 TB cases
39% of cases were in London
74% of cases were among non-UK born people
3.8% of people with TB were also living with HIV
11.1% of people with TB had at least one social risk factor for TB (a history of alcohol or drug misuse, homelessness or imprisonment)
31% of people with pulmonary TB waited over four months from onset of symptoms to beginning treatment
Update on French islamic terror attack, or How The Beeb Deal with Awkward Stories:
1. The beebistan managed to avoid publishing the bearded perp’s photo altogether on their webshite, despite it being all over the internet and press.
2. They’ve shifted the story away from the muslim murderer to the brave policeman currently fighting for his life.
3. The whole story went through the Home page at the speed of light, from where it has almost disappeared completely, probably will have by morning.
A classic case of what might be called the 3 D’s: dissimulate, deflect, delete.
Job done.
Update on French islamic terror attack, or How The Beeb Deal with Awkward Stories:
1. The beebistan managed to avoid publishing the bearded perp’s photo altogether on their webshite, despite it being all over the internet and press.
2. They’ve shifted the story away from the muslim murderer to the brave policeman currently fighting for his life.
3. The whole story went through the Home page at the speed of light, from where it has almost disappeared completely, probably will have by morning.
A classic case of what might be called the 3 D’s: dissimulate, deflect, delete.
Job done.
Information manipulation by the BBC?
Maybe Maxi (the Manipulator?) would care to comment . . . . . ?
Alert the Information Commissioner.
I think that maxi may be up in Telford covering the breaking news there ?
Tragically, since the above post, the heroic French police officer has died.
May he rest in peace.
Vlad, Definitely a brave bloke . Still I am sure the candles, Teddy Bears (and if he is lucky his own #) and of course a total lack of practical action – will cheer his family up no end.
Maybe Theresa can help she could lend Macron a few lines – I am thinking of something like “Enough is Enough” and then go and arrest members of any french political parties who protest against the globalist policies of population replacement.
As for the quality of BBC coverage on these sort of things – When you are staffed by a selection “Common Purpose” graduates who are trained to “lead beyond authority” then a little untruth here or a little bit of disingenuous reporting there – well it is all perfectly understandable and is what modern “mainstream” journalism is all about. After all it is all for the good of “society” – however who’s society will be benefiting from this? Well we all know the answer to that.
“Un ouef est un ouef” surely?
Could be going better, true.
Plus side; Norway can rest easier.
BBC: “Surrey teenager” an archaic almost redundant phrase, leading one to assume the opening to some county cricket report….?
“Surrey Teenager” – the new euphemism.
As in:
“A boatload of Surrey Teenagers arrived in Italy after they were rescued near the coast of Libya.”
“23,000 Surrey Teenagers have been identified as potential terrorist attackers in Britain.”
Norway – nul point
Surrey – douze points
and that concludes the voting of the Alt-Left Jury.
Bien! Merci, Alt-Left Jury.
(A small tribute to the late, great Katie Boyle.)
BBC man Ben Ando, reporting from outside the offices of Cambridge Analytica where authorities have just seached the building, doesn’t know much but he knows what he likes :
“We don’t know exactly what they were looking for, exactly…”
One can only speculate how in a free society an independent journo ought perhaps to react to the sight of jackbooted officials carrying out a speculative raid on private premises – with a some caution ??
Shades of salivating BBC guys and gals ordering helicopters to go buzzing about over the Cliff Richard apartment
Mr. Dover might check the historical records.
Back in the day, this bunch were spamming FB feeds of Leavers left, left and left of centre:
Now, who gave them the data to do that?
Funny part is how it worked out for them.
Maybe they didn’t like the results?
AISI, I noticed that, too, and it was a wonderful example of how totally corrupt and useless the BBC has become.
Ratchel – we won’t sell our house when we move to BBC Salford as we expect London property prices to rise faster – Burden makes a nice try with the regulation trash Brexit final question in a BBC interview.
A security expert chap has to answer to this from our Ratchel : “you say there’s close cooperation in security across europe but will Brexit harm our position”
The guy has some sense – his answer is couched in platitudes of mutual interest but it is a loud and clear knockback for Ratch and her BBC editors – a resounding NO
AISI – Auntie loves all this political theatre as there are multiple opportunities to make dark suggestions as “what has been going on behind our backs” And if a few innocents have their lives and careers ruined as collateral damage then so what?
This whole thing is just another etiolated Trump bashing farce. They have been talking about raiding this office since the beginning of the week – So do they really expect to find anything? and if they do it makes me very suspicious.
Obviously they are looking for the letter Trump hid under the plant pot saying “Thanks a million Guys – I couldnt have done it without you” And if this whole comedy worsens our relationship with Trump further, then I am sure Theresa will be happy – less chance of us being able to do business with him.
BBC presentation of this story is very skewed. For one thing, they presume to present a lie to a British audience that their data somehow influenced a foreign election… can I just remind the BBC that their Licence Payers didn’t have a vote in the US. Then we get a hint of the real motivation for the lefty journalistic energy behind this story as our Naga Munchetty talks around the idea of a boycott of Facebook – meaning what would really be an anti-Trump boycott. Does anyone for one moment believe this story would have legs were the carpet slipper on the would-be President Hillary Clinton foot? As a final revealing cri de cœur our sofa duo of Naga and Rachel wish upon a star if only there were some independent alternative to the private social media companies… like what…. the BBC, perchance?
It’s all so obvious and transparent and so depressing.
By the way – with the proviso that I would wish all the best to genuine charitable organisations – I was at least rather pleased to see BBC Sport Relief has slumped in the amount of donations. Particularly since the BBC once again promoted female boxing – both as a father of daughters and as a civilised thinking human being this a personal bugbear of mine.
Times : Comic Relief is to stop using WHITE stars to front its Africa Appeal videos
instead it will use African villagers themselves.
Strangely the Times call this Political Correctness.
Caught a few moments of the despicable Nick Robinson on Toady this morning.
Apparently the terrorist attack in France yessterday was not the fault of the murderous Islamic bastard that did it but instead was the fault of the security services for not stopping it.
He and his editors should be sacked.
The pretentious creep really needs his headphones turning the full 180 to cover his face.
That worked well…
Those interviews are like gallows humour to me now. Having a bet that Islam won’t be mentioned – nor terrorism. I posted a list here yesterday of the excuses. Al Beeb has used two out of four and concentrate on the heroism of the dead cop to cover the evil deeds of the Muslim – same with the parliament attack. Sick fucks aren’t they.
Does make you wonder how creatures like Robinson sleep at night – i suppose the salary helps .
In an earlier thread I imagined an editorial meeting where the bBBC editorial team deliberately set up the Newshite/ Trot Corbyn in Moscow backdrop, anticipating lots of left wing furore and then using this noise to claim overall impartiality.
Fiction becomes truth. Guess what? The Newshite backdrop was featured on ‘Newswatch’ this morning, featuring lots of indignant quotes from ‘the public’!
BBC Radio4 – Saturday
Farming Today – framing today, again!, an anti-Brexit message or messages
TOADY pre 8am – interview with French terrorism/radicalisation expert
TOADY 8am News Bulletin – words of French terrorism/radicalisation expert are subtly different in headline. (compare with longer quote)
TOADY 8.10am – Clive Lewis being given anti-Brexit platform
Evidence from this information ex-commissioner; I am glad I am no longer paying for this.
Sorry, I must relate the interview just finished on biased BBC breakfast news.
A Brexit ‘interview’ with a female companion on the sofa with Naga (imagine the howls if it had been two men btw) and Kwasi Kwarteng and Gina Miller.
First, Kwasi faced a barrage of questions presented in clearly hostlle tone. He answered them calmy.
Then over to Gina Miller, who was captioned as an ‘Investment Manager’. She was bowled an easy first ball and then was allowed to rant and make assertion after assertion without any questioning or interruptions at all. When she paused for breath, the interviewer just said ‘Kwasi, what do you think about that?’
So interviewees but only one (the Brexiteer) actually had to answer any questions, while the other (a litigious Remoaner) was given a free run.
Bias as clear cut and stark and tangible as you will ever get.
Just heard the Carcassone murderer being referred to as a “petty criminal” who had served “a series of short prison sentences” for “drug dealing” and “possessing and using firearms”.
And now locals want to know why the authorities “stopped watching” the bloke.
Where do yoi start with THAT chain of twaddle and excuses, the minimising of very serious crimes?
The media hacks seem to have lost all sense of reality. As if honeyed and moderate words, downplaying the enormity of Islamic terror will somehow cause Muslims to go easy on us.
TOADY Now: laughable item on the UK Pine Marten!
‘Expert’ suggests they are like cats. They are nothing like cats. Even I know that they are from the weasel family. They share obvious characteristics. Shouting at the radio time, quick check on Wiki – yes, mustelid family.
Sarah claims they were numerous only a few years ago and then almost wiped out and have now recovered.
Not in my lifetime. They were always rare & under threat and were and are pretty much wiped out in England and, I think, Wales. The expert brings good news that Scottish population, which is a bit more robust (more empty, wild, spaces than E&W), is moving south.
Oh, there’s a bit of suitable narrative for the BBC, Sarah.
Just seen something called new Swatch.
They majored on Corbyns hat( subtext being that they`re sticking it to Labour, despite we thinking they`re biased). And minored on their set up of a lie that Boris Johnson compared Putin to Hitler-when all he was saying that the use of sport and media in Moscow this year won`t be any different from Berlin 1936-any more than it`ll be different from London 2012 for that matter).
The BBC regarded Corbyns hat as the much bigger issue(they got more abuse from Momentum etc)-and thought nothing of the fact that to rachet up the nasty parallels that are meant to goad the Russians into an attack-well, that`s deeply troubling, the state broadcaster of the UK has NO right to spice up foreign policy statements to cause war or deaths.
How did we let the BBC get like this. My licence cancelled now, so it`ll be radio bias alone from April 1st.
Wonder if I`ll find any?…ha!
HS, “How did we let the BBC get like this. My licence cancelled now, so it`ll be radio bias alone from April 1st. Wonder if I`ll find any?…ha!”
Good for you, Holly. We need more careful ears listening for the bias on R4. Maxi the Manipulator may be about.
“….radio bias alone…”. At least you will not suffer the vision of our wondrous multikulty array of so-called “Reporters” or announcers.
G, one of the things that eventually helped sink the U.S.S.R. was that increasing numbers of the population learned how to ‘read’ the news. Then they started to publish their own in the form of ‘Samizdat’.
‘Read’ = read between the lines to what ‘the News’ was actually telling them, what they could really discover about ‘the system’.
I have just been talking to a friend who lived most of his youth in a Communist Country. He told me that the BBC these days is if anything WORSE than the old Communist broadcasters. In England of all Countries.
“the state broadcaster of the UK has NO right to spice up foreign policy statements to cause war or deaths.”
Not sure about that. The role of a state broadcaster is precisely to promote the interests of the (deep) state, rather than the government of the day or the politicians of the moment. Those interests may be immoral, destructive and simply wrong, but the precise purpose of having a state broadcaster is to promote them, by fair means or foul. And that it why the BBC is so ‘cherished’ by the Establishment and it’s ‘unique method of funding’ (i.e. fine and prison those who won’t pay their tormentors) is safe.
How true Ian.
We forget this at our peril. The BBC sees itself now as a social cohesive, and is paid to be so.
It will lie and bend all truths to ensure that this role is not farmed out.
If we keep that at the forefront of our minds, we`ll lower our heart rates. They are the very establishment they claim to be holding to account.
If you feel you can cope with the anger based on disappointment, here’s the sorry tale of what the UK, “negotiated” with the EU.
But we know not to vote for Treezer & Co. in the future.
BBC breakfast: some mothers made a video in which they tell their disabled children they love them, accompanied by saccharine music.
It really is a parody of itself. Pass the sick bag.
Londonistan crime update
Source – evening standard – only one street stabbing attempted murder yesterday – aged about 30 – no identity of victim or perpetrator shown so I’m guessing it’s all a bit vibrant and diverse heritage again . Love those poisonous words…
Our thoughts are with whoever our thoughts should be with der der der .
“The Parsons Green Tube bomber should spend 34 years in prison to learn the true meaning of the Koran as a book of peace, a judge said yesterday.”
Clearly His Honour himself has NOT read the koran, unless it be a heavily edited and sanitised bbc version.
With judges like that – indeed a whole Establishment like that – no wonder we’re in such a mess.
See link below for the truth about the koran and violence, and below that more nonsense from the judge.
“You will have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Koran is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace. It is to be hoped that you will come to realise this.
“The Koran and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the law of the land where one is living or is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism. You have, therefore, received the most severe of sentences under the law of this land. You have violated the Koran and Islam by your actions, as well as the law of all civilised people.”
I believe the BBC are going to ask the judge when Islam was peaceful in its 1,500 year reign of barbaric terror and land grabs.
When pigs fly. Or when bacon sandwiches are served in mosques.
Have you noticed that peculiar BBC formulation So-Called Islamic State we had just gotten used to has apparently fallen into disuse only to be replaced with the equally awkward BBC phrase Islamic State Group.
I do wish the BBC would let us know when they make these evolving editorial decisions – it might help us keep up with who’s who in Islamism and help the BBC’s fast failing reputation. Otherwise it’s almost as if they are acting as a self-appointed office for secretive censorship rules.
AISI – Give it five years the BBC will be free to rename themselves the Jihad Broadcasting Corporation (JBC) and they can then refer to these Jihad terrorist scum as “freedom fighters”
Yes, I was wondering about that.
I suspect they were shamed into dropping their absurd apologist ‘so-called’, and came up with another formula designed to muddy the waters and avoid calling them what they are: the Islamic State.
Sweden’s start on ‘Hate Crime’:
““As for the determining that motives of hatred exist, this will be the work of investigators whose investigations are outside of the purview of police. Some crimes should be investigated in this way because special skills are needed,” said Petra Stenkula, Head of the Investigation Unit, in a video.”
Code for employing specialist investigators from the massive ranks of unemployed islamic immigrants?
I think from now on we can assume ‘Hate speech’ means ‘free speech’.
Of course the left will still be allowed all the hate speech they want against conservatives, as will invaders against host populations, as will blacks against whites.
Hate speech only works one way.
Or as Jordan Peterson said: “Who is going to decide what constitutes hate speech? Actually, I can tell you. Absolutely the last people you would want to be in charge of such a decision.“
It is interesting how societies turn against science at regular intervals. Maybe there is only so much truth the uneducated mind can take. The BBC leads the charge with its ridiculous stance on “settled” climate change science (nah, nah, I can’t hear you) and the suggestion that a chap can become a woman.
That thought came to me on Thursday night watching “transgender activist” Paris Lees on Question Time. To be fair to Lees, he was a good panelist, making his points in a reasonable manner. He obviously thinks he is a woman and I have no problem in respecting his personal belief. Shami Chakrabarti made the helpful suggestion that such a person would be welcome on the Labour party’s sexist all women short lists.
But Lees is not a woman, not by any stretch of the imagination. Mr Lees is a bloke who would like to be a woman. He describes himself as a bisexual feminist, which of course covers all the bases. He is in the vernacular “passable” but he needs hormones and/or surgery to produce breasts and the internal plumbing is all male. Mr Lees will never be able to have children since he does not have a womb. Sorry to be graphic but those are the facts of biological science.
If I met Paris Lees in person I would most likely avoid the masculine pronoun. I am not a chap who cares for personal conflict. I would most likely respect his wishes until the state made it a “hate” crime to fail to do so. Call it the Jordan Peterson principle after the Canadian psychologist who takes a similar stance.
Lees suggested on Question Time that 1% of the population now identified as “transgender”, a ridiculous number made up for the purposes of political propaganda. Far from 600,000 identifying in this way, I think you could move the decimal point not one but two places to the left. Leaving aside all the sexual experimentation that the young always engage in, I think that even 6,000 fulltime transgenders might be pushing it a bit.
But whatever the figure, we are making a rod for our own backs in accepting such self-identification since the societal repercussions are enormous. Men able to change gender at the drop of a hat are demanding the same intimate bathroom and changing facilities as women. In America a man identifying as a woman won a major wrestling competition in Texas. Men competing in women’s athletics would undo at a stroke all the battles that sport has fought against drug abuse. And dare I say it, but like men, there are times when women just want to associate with other women.
The latest craze among louche celebrities to suggest that they are raising their children as “gender neutral” should perhaps interest the social services. More likely it will lead to an invitation to join Mr Dimbleby at their earliest convenience.
I never thought I would grow up in this country to witness science under such attack.
Sport is going to have real problems with transgender guys wanting to compete as woman – doubt it will be the other way around. Yet, if a woman competing had the same level as testosterone as a transgender bloke, they’d fail the drugs test.
I felt really sorry for the woman who lost in Texas to what to all purposes was a bloke – years of training only to be let down by the cowardly wrestling board who allowed a ‘man’ to compete.
It isn’t just science though is it? It is the whole of rational thought and what has made the ‘West’ and its freedoms.
I have two nephews fully signed up to this modern rubbish, they sit there with their noses to their laptops and when I point out that in their ‘utopia’ none of the technology that they take for granted would exist they just shrug their shoulders and say “We are where we are”.
It takes some arrogance to assume that after hundreds of years of real progress that somehow a new ‘enshadowment’, a rejection of everything that we thought it was true, is the way forward.
To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, “The lights are on, it’s a bloody miracle!”
It doesn’t take much to turn them off though.
Trans stuff has been going on since just after WW2. People like Jan Morris have flown their rainbow flag with credit and dignity, and-like Jordan Peterson-I`m personally respectful and happy to go along with it all,person to person.
But now we have a game going on, after Caitlyn Jenner won “Woman Of the Year”, the gloves have been off and the claws bared.
These are not-cannot-be real women.
Paris Lees seemed reasonable, but has never had a period, has no chance of having a baby and has never had the years of cultural conditioning that girls receive from birth.
Boys of course have their equivalent, so I can`t be a bloke.
Funny isn`t it that all current neuroscience and genetics strives to blame everything on our genes, chromosomes and hard wired behaviourist pathways?
Except the ONE thing that clearly IS genetic, linked to whether your basal cells are XX or XY. God could not have made it clearer.
The hard cases are miniscule in number to all the above I state. Of course some womens periods and ability to have kids does not unsex them, and genetic/chromosomal exceptions do occur-but they are exceptions, not something to say is typical.
I`vce got girls in my class who would never have been “gender neutral” a few years back(primary school remember!)-but whether they want to wear a skirt or not changes by the day, and they`re basically having a laugh in the hope that they`ll become poster kids for the new weirdness. So far so good as well.
It`s child abuse to push them into these early lunacies, but our Labour Council would love their stories, the media would love to promote them in time. Frightening really.
Why are these ‘spokespeople’ always men to women? Clearly there are examples of women to men, but I can’t think of any who are high profile advocates.
More fundamental than that, it’s not just science that’s under attack but reality itself.
And here’s why – reason (and hence reality) is now regarded as racist.
“I think that what modern philosophers call ‘pure’ reason … is a white male Euro-Christian construction,” [Prof John Caputo] says. “White is not ‘neutral.’ ‘Pure’ reason is lily white, as if white is not a color or is closest to the purity of the sun, and everything else is ‘colored.’
Gosh, it’s that rotten tyrannical patriarchy at work again.
Islamisation of the UK (aka ethnic cleansing of indigenous whites).
Archie Bish Welby – (we must be) “Welcoming strangers to our country and integrating them into our culture… We must be generous and allow ourselves to change with the newcomers and create a deeper, richer way of life”.
UK taxpayer funds contributes > £6 million, “…to support Islamist charities working against British society…”
I suspect the £6 million has been part of a pledge to Treezers masters in Riyadh who, doubtless, will be matching pound for pound what the UK taxpayer puts in.
‘a deeper, richer way of life’.
Meaningless bullshit, so easy to challenge on a whole number of fronts – not least by pointing out the real world evidence of multicultural ‘enrichment’ in the UK.
Sadly it seems no journalist chose to take it up, so the delusion persists.
Excellent article.
Why does the BBC think that Corbyn’s sacking of the non entity Owen Smith is more important than Corbyn’s involvement in two anti-Semitic Facebook sites and his support for a ghastly anti-Semitic work of art?
The former is on the front page of their news website, the latter hidden amongst specialist politics pages.
On hearing of the anti-Semitic material of Corbyn’s, Labour MPS were aghast and spoke out against Corbyn. When Labour MPs heard about Owen Smith’s sacking, they said “Who?”
Five Live ‘news’ reports Apple are introducing disabled people emojis. A clear open goal for the mischievous.
Aren’t they virtuous with all their help of disabled people? What’s would be really virtuous is if they could stop robbing the poor and vulnerable of £160 a year, or maybe do some actual journalism rather than virtue signalling and sneering at us from their ivory towers.
Fair warning, this is going to be a bit of a rant. It concerns the long-running BBC afternoon soap Doctors, so it’s not a programme that anyone interested in current affairs would normally come across. But it has become a beacon of low-level PC agenda drivelling in recent years (don’t ask, just accept that I work at home and need a lunchbreak…and I’ve given up on the “News” at One).
Now, Doctors is set somewhere near Birmingham, and it reflects that in the diversity of the cast. Fair enough. In fact, one of the best characters is Mrs Tembe, the churchgoing Botswanan practice manager, who is a well-played, fully-rounded creation who genuinely brings an added dimension.
Far too often, though, stories are replaced by blatant agenda and yesterday’s episode was a prime example. There was a bit of fun (pretty respectfully done) at the expense of medical practices having to go on LGBTQI-whatever training, but that ended with a female doctor (the most idiotic woman imaginable, incidentally, you can’t imagine how someone so lacking in perception and common sense ever managed to qualify) admitted to a man that she had had a Q moment. Her admission was so clunky and awkwardly done that he took his leave. The meaningful revelation was that he was clearly prejudiced and vile – but I reckon most sentient viewers were left thinking, wha-a-t? What a weird conversation, no wonder he thought she was odd.
Much, much worse, though, was the other plot strand, which concerned two university lecturers who were on opposing sides of a ‘Cecil Rhodes statue in Oxford- scenario’ debate. The lecturer who wanted to see a plaque to a benefactor taken down was black and had traced her own links to this benefactor’s ownership of slaves. She made some important points, well worth hearing and thinking about.
The problem I had was with the portrayal of the bombastic white lecturer, her subordinate. At first, she engaged in reasoned debate with her, notably that revisionism is a dangerous practice and that the benefactor had also done much good for the town as well as the university. So far, so balanced. But then it transpired that the white lecturer was giving a speech to a group who wanted to save the plaque. These were portrayed as a group of white male thugs with slack mouths and hard muscles. There was no attempt to show any nuanced argument, just a straight shot of downright unpleasant far-right activists. They didn’t look anything like the students they would most likely have been in real life.
So in one neat swoop, a complicated debate about history and complicity and atonement and revisionism is linked with far-right thugs with no comeback. You just wonder how many people watching (and let’s face it, they may not be the country’s most astute, independent thinkers) now equate similar debates with thuggery and *know* which side they must be on. Drip, drip, drip…
BBC drama has been subverted for over a decade and today exists solely to support the ‘progressive’ cause. From the Archers on R4 to the prime time TV cop shows, from the afternoon radio plays to the ghastly ‘our NHS’ love-ins, they are all morality plays designed to teach the plebs what to think.
Neither soviet Russia nor the mediaeval church did it any better or with greater ruthlessness.
This cannot be changed by reform as the cause runs through the BBC like ‘Brighton’ through a stick of rock. The only ‘cure’ is for the Corporation to be closed and drama to become subject to the same market forces that produced Breaking Bad or The Man In The High Castle.
That wouldn’t guarantee freedom from polemic, as SJWs run riot throughout the arts, as we all know, but at least it would give independent voices a chance. Which is something they will never have under the BBC’s Stalinist monopoly.
You definitely get the impression that there is a very long list of “required elements” that a script must satisfy before it can even be considered.
Creative originality and dramatic excellence clearly not among them.
Like ‘scientists’ must swear (with hand on cover of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth dvd) to stay true to The Great and Indisputable Settled Science in order to receive their research grant.
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2001-2008) was when I first noticed manipulation of drama to push the BBC’s agenda. Upper class idiot (Inspector Lynley) was always getting into scrapes and it was only his brave, working class side kick Havers who was able to rescue him. But the same now applies to most drama on the BBC; past examples include Hustle – the group led by a black sophisticated chap, the Archers where all men are stupid and the women sort things out and probably every other drama that appears – but I don’t watch them or listen any more. And I still haven’t forgiven the BBC for pushing Nigel off the roof.
I haven’t forgiven the BBC for not shoving the whole lot of them into the barn with Grace Archer!
I’ve thought about this an awful lot. How to deal with the BBC. I believe that nothing can be done other than close it down.
Sorry to be pedantic. But a single individual from Botswana is known as a Motswana (not Botswanan), the plural of which is Batswana.
Anyway, Botswana is one of Africa’s nicest countries with an excellent president in Ian Khama. In fact, we could do with him here.
Interesting – correction accepted with good grace. I did Google before I wrote “Botswanan” and found it came up, but clearly it is wrong. My fact for the day! And yes, the Batswana I have occasionally met over the years have been extremely nice people.
I had to look it up!
The Q is for ‘queer or questioning’ .
Ye Gods and little fishes!
Was Cecil Rhodes a slave owner? Slavery was abolished in the Empire before he was born
“…the tricky terrain between modern science and Muslim faith…”
What? More, “tricky terrain”? You wouldn’t believe it would you?
“Religion looms over all of Muslim life, so there could be devastating consequences for the future of science if certain fields of study come to be seen as antireligious.” Well, fancy that, I would never have thought that………
“Right now, if all Muslim scientists working in basic science vanished from the face of the earth, the rest of the scientific community would barely notice.”
What can you expect if primitive troglodytes rule?
Norway gov proposes burqa ban
Best of luck with that Norway, let us know how you get on!
Genuine question, given that I no longer subject myself to BBC “news” output. How has this story been covered by them?
Just interested, you know, after enduring so many decades of rubbish BBC comedians and documentary makers shoehorning in Fatcha’s evil mine closures at every opportunity. A neat bit of irony for the comedy news panels, maybe?
Some really good comments BTL
@Stella All libEstab parties support UK’s mad green/energy policy ..
.. And the biggest beneficiary is Putin
Today \\Banks mining group hits out at “perverse” decision to refuse open casting near Druridge Bay Northumberland. PA
Government “would prefer to source the coal that is essential…from Russia or the US, rather than support substantial investment and job creation plans in our region” //
The UK gov overturned local council approval on Climate grounds apparently
Similarly, yesterday in the Times , Ed Conway, Sky’s economic correspondent said ‘ well British fishing is only twelve thousand jobs ‘
When the liberal bastards start to get you down, just laugh at them. Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn at their very best. Enjoy.
One of the problems in this country is spoilt, privileged little brats who aren’t academically gifted enough to study proper degrees and so they attend 2nd rate universities to study worthless drivel and in the process try to be cool, radical and revolutionary. In reality these little wimps have just been brainwashed by their Marxist lecturers and student unions. A good hard lesson with a shovel handle would suffice to teach this spoilt middle class wannabe a lesson.
Absolutely right Alex, it’s often not appreciated how much the voguish revolutionary leftism is a pose, a fad, an exercise in virtue signalling.
‘Angry young men’ (and wimmin) who have absolutely nothing to be angry about.
Same Corbythugs who smashed up the Churchill Cafe.
They’ve now hijacked the uni-lecherers strike.
They set up a HARD picketline
Hence Hamish Anderson punched to profs who wanted to get into work, both have foreign names, one just back from cancer op.
Am currently in a so-called ‘library’ where the invaders and their sprogs run amok, running and shouting at the tops of their voices with a total sense of entitlement.
I suppose you would if you were told your ‘religion’ was the best and kaffirs were inferior, there only to serve you.
No whitie dares complain for fear of offending the invaders or being accused of racism/islamophobia.
For Christ’s sake, the dog merely lifted its paw when told to “See Kyle”, whilst that show was on the telly. Similarly, when the dog was asked to “Guess the chews”, being offered an option of chewy treats, it raised its paw to indicate which one it would like.
No case to answer, your worships.
The boat race
The beginning of spring . I m always surprised that al beeb covers it since it is the pinnacle of privilege .
But now doubt they’ll get a multicultural angle in as ever
The beginning of Spring – don’t forget the clocks.
Right idea, wrong in detail.
Its all about equality.
BBC Equality demands the womens race is covered equally with the mens.
No matter that the womens race was an ‘unequal’ walkover, a completely valueless unexciting procession.. But sport isnt the thing. Equality is the thing.
And, of course, the coverage is led by …..who else…..Claire Balding. Just to tick the LGBTxyz box as well.
Think I’ll watch my recording of paint-drying.
I only recently ‘discovered’ the EU ‘Barcelona process’ of 1995 (has been updated with a new handle) Please look it up – it certainly explains why so many things are going wrong in the UK.
The BBC reports that several hundred people are enjoying a demonstration in London on gun control policies in the US. Seemingly the virtue signaling classes have plenty of time to march against another country’s affairs. But where is the demonstration against female genital mutilation where under the noses of the authorities, muslim men ply their barbaric practice seemingly safe from the threat of prosecution? Where is the demonstration complaining about the re-entry of 400 ISIS killers back into the UK? Where is the demonstration about spiraling knife crime in the capital run by Mayor Khan? Were is the demonstration about the ever-present danger of jihadist terrorism, dismissed by Khan as “part and parcel of living in a big city”?
I could go on.
I wonder which BBC Short Straw Editor will be dragged out the clubs to sulkily explain to Samira next week that this is the best use of space given BBC editorial integrity?
At this rate, they may have to field…. dun, dun dun… a Senior Editor to wave this away.
I sometimes wonder whether al Beeb should be the al American broadcasting company as it seem more interested in what goes on there than here.
The daily carnage in my London Borough is reported by the local rag and ignored by the regional piss poor London news – eg kid stabbed in the face in a playground yesterday afternoon in an ambush which has left him with the time honoured “life changing injuries’ . Not a whisper on al Beeb…. but guns in America – thousands of miles away – send Alagia or Myrie on a jolly.
BBC journalists are not only highly paid, they are (like lots of other unionised State Sector workers) bone idle, and that is the reason why you get so much North American news, and their “it’s all in today’s Guardian”” approach to British reporting. When they do try to do some investigative journalism (Newsnight) it is hopeless. Next door’s cat could do a better job. Guido Fawkes has more scoops in a single week than the multi-billion pound BBC can manage in a year.
There’s a larger FLA & Anne Marie Waters rally in Birmingham
… Not reported ?
Ah it’s broken through to local web news
Bbc brief report : Birmingham Football Lads Alliance demo: Thousands march in city
24 March 2018 Birmingham & Black Country”
“5,000” …. How’s that sound ?
West Midlands Police @WMPolice
We estimate there were 5,000 people in #Birmingham for today’s protests.
There were no arrests and no reports…
Birmingham MPs object to the march
AMW’s speech in Birmingham today (13 minutes).
Some friends of mine attended the FLA march yesterday and they believe there were more people there than the official attendance given.
The march passed off peacefully and there was a extremely good speech by Julie Hambleton on behalf of the Justice for the 21, the group fighting to find out exactly what happened to their loved ones who died in the Birmingham Pub Bombings in 1974, another group being shabbily treated by WMP and the legal system in general, especially the refusal of legal aid when the Hillsborough families were given legal aid.
Chris al beeb s fixation with America fascinated me. If they can’t find something negative about British police they’ll report American shootings . They are more interested in the finer points of Washington politics than anything local in the UK. The beeboids seem dazzled by it.
More killings and shootings in London . Al beeb dips in as though disconnected . Not even a matter of bias – it’s poor journalism and a failure of the public who sadly pay for it