The racially obsessed beeb never miss an opportunity to press their blackist agenda. Under ‘Must See’ (Home page):
‘I hope this won’t be news in 10 years.’
As the Foreign Office appoints its first black female career diplomat as British high commissioner, NneNne Iwuji-Eme… bla bla f’ing bla.
PS. I hate it when the sanctimonious beeb tell me what I ‘Must See’. You know what they’ll never say you must see? That their favourite ethnics are committing most of the knife, gun and acid crimes, or that their favourite religionists are committing most of the sex gang crimes and terrorist crimes etc.
Please do not tell Roger Harrabin but renewables have been beaten by old fashioned coal. 11.5 per cent for renewable and 11.8 for coal as of now.
Oh dear he promised coal was finished. thankfully it is not.
Top of the news is coverage of the US Gun Law demos. Why is a purely foreign domestic issue top of the news, and even more irrelevantly, why are small sympathy demos in UK headline news?
Answer: because it’s a way of bashing the Republicans of course, and more specifically The Great Satan himself, Donald Beelzebub Trump, Prince of Darkness.
And the BBC is not interested in the staggering links of Corbyn to grim anti Semitic material, Telford children being raped and tortured because they are white and the remarkable positive economic/employment news for the country.
And whisper it, but the Tories are ahead in the opinion polls at a time in the parliamentary cycle when the opposition should be ten or more points ahead. Again not newsworthy when some americans are agreeing with the BBC.
Was just thinking this as I listened to the 4pm radio 2 news…top story. Funny how they broadcast attendees of the rally saying things like, enough is enough, thoughts and prayers don’t work….and yet exactly these phrases are applied to terrorist events in the west. So we are basically told to get angry about gun attacks, but not terrorist attacks. Demonstrate against gun ownership, but not against terrorism. Also interesting that there were no organised widespread demos against guns after the Vegas massacre, where many more were killed. In fact, a ridiculously small amount of info has been given since, as if they’re just hoping that the American public will forget about it. They should be wondering why.
Do I detect a song about to be sold for “charity”?
It`s been getting played a lot on the media.
Just one big bloody Glee Club these days. I blame Geldof. And dear George Harrison who inadvertedly caused this.
There`d have been far more at Anne Maries meeting with the footy fans in Birmingham than a few “anti Trump/gun setups” by interns and Saviles poppets who hope to get onto the BBC or into uni soon.
Wrong cause I guess.
While the beeb and the lefties demonstrate against gun laws in America over which we have no control, both ignore a national scandal over which we DO have control: another huge case of mostly Pakistani muslim paedo rape/ abuse / grooming / prostitution in the City of Dreaming Spires and Raping Muslims.
But let’s not be too harsh on those men, perhaps they didn’t force the underaged girls with violence, drugs and alcohol: perhaps it was consensual and the girls fancied them for their looks.
Our girls seem not to be making them smile-they all look sour sour, as if they`ve had a bad cat kebab.
Is this why they`re trying to up the sex education in schools I wonder?
Allah fails to please them, think I`ll stay Christian-Justin Bieber positively GLOWED in his mugshots
AND-they could do with a decent hairdresser, that Brylcreemed pudding bowl that Uncle cuts around is so 1973. Yes you can be a seedy paedo-but there is simply NO excuse not to look stylish lads!
You`d think they`d have found better uses for their blunt Stanley knives….er…maybe not.
Did BBC Worldwide tell our Pakistani lads out there that “Take Three Girls” was NOT a documentary or a condition of getting into this country.
@Cali that seems a bit conspiracy theory
However it’s not easy to find early sources
Now people say Hull “Headscarf Revolutionairies” after the 2015 book
2013 I see the term “headscarf army”
A 2010 page says ‘Headscarf Campaign’ and seems to refer to 1968 sources
“The campaign was called the ‘Headscarf Campaign’ by one newspaper and it caught on. Find out why it was called this by viewing the unique film interviews”
Apparently Middle-east expert and champion of the disabled Frank Gardner was ‘stranded on a plane for two hours’ when his wheelchair was mistakenly taken to the terminal at Heathrow rather than to the cabin door. Difficult to imagine how a spare chair could not have been found within a far shorter space of time but, just maybe, our Frank was a little bit prima-donna-ish about it?
Sadly it’s not too difficult to imagine the great man refusing to appear before his public without the racy-wheel three-spoke model he favours – but it’s hardly a Hawking Special, just a wheelchair.
Does he complain like this when he arrives in assorted Muslim dustbowls in the Middle east. Bet he wouldn`t.
Hoping for compo probably-and it`s his own fault he`s in a wheelchair anyway. Shouldn`t have been such an arse licker for Islam should he?
Wondering what Allah Akhbar sounds like coming from Hawkings chariot…and Frank could try practicing that until Hawkngs estate hands it over to him.
Didn`t some cameraman get killed because of him?
Just a few of Our “Uncomfortable Truths” the BBC will never look at.
If they don’t get you with Must See, they try again with In Case You Missed It (Home Page).
And what must we see in case we missed it?
Why, the story of ‘The community of 2,000 people with 151 cases of sex crime.’
The community in question was a tiny village in the frozen Far-North of Norway.
Funny how the beeb are keen to highlight some cases of sexual abuse while hiding others.
And get this: they ask with presumably a straight face, “How could such serious sex crimes go unchecked for so long?”
BBC article pathetically fails to name the airline..
guess they have their reasons.
You’d think with all those New Brits working at the airport everything would be running smoothly .
Could they not use a spare wheelchair , stick him on a trolley, or just piggyback him?
BBC journalist Frank Gardner has criticised Heathrow Airport for how it treats disabled passengers after being kept nearly two hours on a plane as staff said they had lost his wheelchair
Gardner landed at the London airport after returning from a trip to Ethiopia to be told ground staff had “lost” his wheelchair.
Mr Gardner has used a wheelchair since being shot six times by militants while reporting in Saudi Arabia, in 2004.
Ground staff:
”Well, well, that’s a coincidence –
yesterday I was getting harassed by BBC licensing,
and today we have a BBC special correspondent, whose just landed…
Now, where the fuck did I leave his wheelchair again ?”
Frustrating for Frank, no doubt, but hardly warrants the BBC clearing the schedules for such a story of courage in the face of ineptitude and inconvenience
Maybe the airline can dispatch a manager to say a grumpy sorry and move on?
Meanwhile, elsewhere, I see the BBC have accorded BBC quotes to a man who made the ultimate sacrifice and paid the ultimate price.
I do not need to wait for clearance from upstairs to call him a hero.
As one door closes, another opens. Well, virtually. Lucky all Beeboids are Appled up.
Seems Frank is soon to get the emoji he needs.
Oh, and there is a Bbc tweet with comments that, well, how do I put this…
Repost and remove those single quotation marks. Beltrame was a hero, period. Also, use his name and rank: "lieutenant-colonel Arnaud Beltrame". Your tweet is shameful.
Well said Dean Rivando. But it’s not just the tweet that’s shameful, it’s the whole stinking edifice that’s shameful – and shameless.
Oh, and btw the beeb don’t much like old-fashioned hideously white heroes, who believe in honour, duty and are ready to die for their country. Only the likes of Mandela, Martin Luther King, Saint Gandhi and a few assorted lefties, Che Guevara, Chavez and his successor Maduro who has reduced his oil-rich country to famine, hyperinflation and near civil war. (Don’t hear much about that on our most trusted and most resourced, do you?)
Suppose they were waiting for him to sober up . Al Beeb reporters like him and the dimbly twins seem to adopt a kind or royal ‘entitled’ attitude because they are treated as ‘ special ‘ and ‘senior ‘ . I can’t watch QT or listen to that godawful radio version for more than about a minute before the off switch gets hit.
This period will one day be viewed as a diminished period of biased reporting – I nearly wrote ‘journalism’ but that would be lifting their skills to an unjustifiable level. Thank god for Brillo.
I am so surprised that a BBC journalist would think of complaining. I thought they were all so easy going down to earth people. I’m calling this story a lie. Planes are lucky if they have a 30 minute turn around. Unless this aircraft was not due to fly another sector (highly unlikely) and even if it was going out of service there is no possibility it would be allowed to remain at a stand. A wheelchair could easily have been rushed to the gate or he could have been driven in an electric buggy.
This is a BBC journalist given time to complain about his awfully sad poor treatment yet the BBC can’t be bothered to report on the issues that really really matter.
Even the Spectator has an editorial lead on Telford and its ramifications in the scandal no-one wants to properly investigate – not least the BBC, despite the lip-service of ‘Three Girls’.
But who is there with the integrity and courage to point towards the most horrific yet altogether plausible aspect, that the mullahs and imams are encouraging their flocks to earn their sherbet and do their best to demean and subjugate the kuffars in the name of their god? Is it really a coincidence that it’s so widespread?
PS. Here’s just one example of war, torture, murder, ‘marriage’-rape and ‘marriage’-slavery by the Perfect Man.
“After the assault on the Jews of Khaybar, Muhammad ordered that a leader of the tribe, Kinana bin al-Rabi, be tortured until he disclosed the location of the group’s treasure. A fire was lit on Kinana’s chest but, as he still refused to reveal the secret, Muhammad had him beheaded. Muhammad had promised Kinana’s young wife, Safiya, to another Muslim, but, after hearing of her beauty, he went back on his word and took her in “marriage” for himself. By some accounts, this occurred only hours after he dispatched her husband.” (Ishaq, p. 515; Bukhari, 1. 8. 367).
This is weird, the judge at the trial of the Parson’s Green bomber said that islam is a religion of peace. How can the prophet of allah (pbuh) have tortured a man, beheaded him and raped his wife? That sounds as if islam was founded by a sexual psychopath, yet the judge tells me islam is a religion of peace, and if the bomber only reads the koran for the next 34 years, he will learn the error of his ways.
As far as I can see, either the judge is wrong about islam, or the koran needs a major re-write. I know which I think is the more likely.
It has to be said – six-figure BBC girl Carrie Gracie is not very good at reading the news. From her anchor spot on the News Channel her accent is indeterminate, her tone bland, her delivery stilted and uneven particularly when she attempts to emote. But unlike the victims of the Florida school shooting or indeed French Police Lt-Col Arnaud Beltrame, our Gracie is now 100% bullet-proof in her BBC job.
Thank you – it’s signed . There are only 30000 signatures and another 70000 are needed. We can’t do much to hold back the tide of repression but we must do what we can
When the SNP protested outside the BBC because a referendum wasn’t going their way, @campbellclaret said it was “intimidation” and “not far off Putin”. Now a referendum hasn’t gone his way, he wants to protest outside the BBC. Apparently he’s a fan of Putinesque intimidation.
Do you remember when news was actually NEWS? Not this PC, snowflake, diversity, facebook, twatter crap! I see a black man died in WW1, seemingly he’s a hero. What about the hundreds of thousands of other people who died in that conflict? Cambridge Analytica offices searched, so what? Linkedin stole my contacts and sent invites to all of them without so much as a by your leave. I’m sure that had no influence on the Brexit vote, but who knows? I didn’t see that on the BBC new site. There is more to life than this stupid senseless crap. Maybe I’ll swear at myself for doing something stupid and call it a hate crime!
As I said in an earlier post (March 13th), whether the Russians are responsible or not, I hope this incident isn’t going to be used by the government as an excuse to stay post-Brexit within the closer EU ‘Defence Union’ (much already surreptitiously signed up to by Whitehall civil servants), with all its potential future problems for us.
See @VeteransBritain
Our security is best served in NATO not the ‘EURO’ army
It appears to me that the EU has been trying to replace NATO with its new Fred Karno Army excluding the USA. Just look at France’s track record.
BBC Four drops tonight’s ‘Nordic Noir’, Below The Surface, “Because of recent events in France”.
Can’t be long before we are fed 24 hour pap through all media channels, internet included, to keep us all in our lovely multi-cultural ‘safe space’ where nothing bad ever happens.
From time to time there will be the odd explosion, “just part of living in a big city”, like ants being trodden on by a big foot from the sky, more candles, more royalties for Lennon’s family.
The BBC ran a Radio 4 show(Archive Hour) called “If the dead could speak”.
It being Martin Luther Kings anniversary(50 years), I can well see the excuse.
But to rope in Bobby Kennedy whose deeds to spy on MLK, his race hustling to get votes and his sexist family dealings rather diluted the message and blurred the moral line as afar as I can tell.
And-since 1968-there`s been plenty of deaths, where it might be good to guess what THEY would say if they could speak.
I think of Manchester last year at the Arena bombing, Bataclan, Nice …Margaret Hassan or even Germanwings if Islam`s not wanted. What would THEY tell us to do re Islam, re pilots without supervision for example.
But no-the BBC see a chance to shaft Trump yet again. And the programme was thoroughly predictable in asking the mens kids if their dads would have changed history and prevented the road to Trump. I`ll not tell you what they said, I`d hate to surprise you.
So according to that article a Brexit activist spoke only to Channel 4 and The Observer then?
Yeah, right ……
Perhaps he should change his name from Shahmir to Asif ……
They are orgasming over the black army office for a century ago. Professional black person David Lammy says he should be awarded a bravery medal and could inspire a generation. They would have to stop stabbing each other first – I somehow doubt a story from a century ago will help with that.
World Service tells the tale of someone who found that most of the movie reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are by white men so has set up a review site where no whites are allowed. I am not making this up. Where is the problem? Imagine saying you had noticed football teams have too many blacks so you set up a team that is for whites only.
Do they think ‘minorities’ want to hear about some idiot who set up this review site? It is boring, unoriginal and divisive. Same story as nauseam: not enough non whites so we chucked out whitey. It must infuriate non white listeners as much as it does me.
Once again I had to listen to Talk Sport instead, where there is always humour and they do not take themselves so seriously. There is no fun, levity or humour with the SJW nonsense.
What is it that they are trying to prove? Do they seriously believe that up until 1065, say, that these islands were populated by happy black Muslims and then ‘whitey’ invaded, forced them to get up in the morning, actually do some work, cut down trees, build ships, invent the industrial revolution and enslave the rest of the world?
Or, perhaps, from time to time there is a person whose origins aren’t quite the same as the neighbours, someone whose father might have ‘jumped ship’ or nicked Norman Tebbit’s dad’s bike, but nevertheless just fitted in and did quite well for themselves.
What I’m certain they didn’t do is run around bleating “I is black! I is needin’ top job becus I is black an’ you is racist!”
At university I studied what was considered a very traditional male subject. This was in the 1970s. I didn’t need a role model to tell me it was ok. Indeed had I been the only female on the course I would have been fine although it turned out there were 5 of us making us about 5% of the intake. But I had followed my father’s footsteps. He had studied at the same place in the 1940s and the same subject. And there had been a similar proportion of women on the course then. (Didn’t know that at the time of my application), Some people do what they want because it is what they want to do and don’t need another woman/black/Muslim in the same position to show them the way.
Mrs Thatcher obviously didn’t need a previous woman as PM for her to take the job.
It is so patronising – why do you need to see people who look like you doing a certain pursuit to pursue it yourself? Who on earth thinks like that? I am playing table tennis with two Chinese blokes from my team this morning and I had not even registered the fact. The Chinese love table tennis and are lovely people. Should I demand they be ethnically cleansed from my team? What sane person thinks like that?
It is the bloated ‘equalities’ industry dependent on racism to exist when in reality the vast, vast majority of people are not racist (except for in certain minority groups, but we can’t say that.) Why not focus their energies getting ‘Asian’ communities not to rape white girls rather than getting more Rastafarians in orchestras or whatever?
Wasn’t a ‘diverse’ Police force meant to solve law and order problems? A gangster was going to be making a fortune through selling drugs and threatening rivals then chuck it all in when he saw a black Police officer and train to become a nuclear physicist instead.
None of their arguments stand up yet they infect every corner of our culture – it is illegal to even question them.
On the windswept steppes on the margins of Astana, Kazakhstan, there is a museum that was once one of Stalin’s “gulags”. Its name, roughly translated was “ Detention camp for the wives of the traitors”. The museum records two histories, the fate of Kazahk nationalists and their families who fought against the Soviets, and also the fate of the wives and children of Russians murdered by Stalin during the Terror. In the latter case the families were told, say in Moscow or St Petersburg, that they were going to meet their men who had already been taken away and executed. The women often chose to put on their best clothes and took small presents for their husbands. However when they arrived at the designated meeting point, with their children, they were taken away, loaded onto railway wagons and shipped to this gulag thousands of mile away. Some of the older children went with them to the camp, but many were simply dumped in orphanages. The museum has exhibits of the dresses and shoes which the women had worn for their rendezvous. One particularly ironic item is a leather-bound tea caddy, perhaps bought in one of the more expensive shops in St Petersburg which quotes in English Sam Johnson’s aphorism “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” At any one time this place held about 8,000 souls. Many did not survive the harsh conditions. You do not require a vivid imagination to appreciate the punishments inflicted by the guards. More than 2 million Kazakhs died fighting for their independence and against Soviet collectivisation.
And what, I hear you ask, has this to do with Al Beeb ? Simply, Martin Niemoller’s poem:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
As we see our country being sold down the river in these so-called Brexit “negotiations” , and the use of the law and technology to curtail free speech, together with the floodtide of MSM bias, how much longer do we have to speak out ?
BBC News Channel reporting on the UK baby boom and the need for big resources for more midwives. BBC footage shows nothing but cute white babies ! Bring us some Diversity, surely ?
It’s strange that they will all have changed colour by the time they get to school, judging by the pictures of schoolchildren that they normally broadcast.
AslSeelt-This is typical inverted racism by the BBC showing
nothing but “cute white babies” I live in one of the richest
leafy suburbs of North London. The schools here still have up to 80%!!
ethnic kids!!
The demographics in the UK are changing so dramatically that in the
UK within four generations , Muslims will be in a MAJORITY.
Four times four , times four, ,times five =320. two times one
times two times one=4. It’s as certain as night follows day that
in around 70 years the BBC will proudly begin their morning
programmes with the Adhan.
The BBC show these white babies because they want to hide the
fact that at least 25% of the babies being born now in the UK
are not white. And in many parts less than 50% are Caucasion.
Chameleon school Kids who adapt to fit the Beeb narrative?
It can only be Birmingham!
Today: Five out of the top 10 unemployment black spots in the UK are in Birmingham. It’s a shocking statistic – what’s being done to tackle it? More from 11am on BBC1
Headline in the Observer, provisional wing of the Guardian, ‘Vote leave may have cheated on Brexit……’
Main news item on BBC text pages, headlines and UK, ‘Vote leave broke rules….’
All apparently from the fevered ego of spurned gay Shahmir Sanni, perhaps getting his own back after being outed by his Vote Leave boyfriend. As fine an example of BBC anti-Brexit bias one could wish, the subject is currently under discussion by the balanced and respected Andrew Marr.
Meanwhile it has been suggested that Mr Sanni’s human rights will now be affected by his inability to visit tall buildings.
May I suggest the unlikely figure of Ben Brown, anchor on the BBC News Channel, as something of a lefty liberal media genius.
Rounding off an interview this morning in just one concise sentence he manged to combine the cheeky editorialising spirit of Channel 4’s Cathy Newman with the BBC’s house-style perenial push for ever more public spending of other people’s money.
In doing so he has also coined a remarkable bit of phrasing that can now be used in just about every interview on just about every damned subject.
“So what you’re saying is, you welcome this but would like to see more”
As we’ve often said on this site, it’s what the BBC chooses not to report that demonstrates beyond doubt its profound political bias.
Last weekend, for example, the march to Speakers Corner in London and yesterday, the ‘Football Lads Alliance’ marching in Birmingham showed the strong support for free speech and opposition to Islamification among ordinary people. Both have been ignored by the BBC which, mysteriously (if predictably) seems far more interested (obsessed) with anti-second amendment protests in the USA.
The Corporation needs to watch its step here. Personally, I doubt that Tommy Robinson is going to lead the barbarian hordes through London to sack Broadcasting House (though I’d pay good money to see it!) but something is stirring and some form of popular movement could be being born as a consequence. If and when it gathers pace, it will not regard the BBC as an ally or even an impartial observes – it will, rightly, see it as an enemy. Then things could really start to get interesting.
Guilt ridden officials who think the empire allow third world peasants like these into Blighty and they are bound to resort to type if left without control. Simple as that
G, that hideous headline deserves to be spelled out in full:
“Pakistan: Court frees 20 Muslims suspected of burning Christian couple alive in industrial kiln for “blasphemy” ”
In the immortal words of The Appeaser: what a Great Faith, that burns Christians alive and that frees the suspects. We need more of that in our country, and Allah be praised, we’re getting it.
The bbc is, in all ways, unique. Not least in matters of money. For instance pensions that can only go up as well as up, even if it means dipping into the licence tax pot.
So there is little surprise they are taking up the cause of their dream couple against evil capitalists and their profiteering.
Comments are… varied… so I actually decided to try and discern the key issues from the story in detail.
Thing is, on detail that matters, the bbc has gone a bit vague, whilst playing up sound bites of zero value from noble public sector types seeking to stick it to the man.
Now t&cs (aka the small print) can and often deserve a bad rep. However in business contracts they are necessary to specify agreed parameters.
Were I to buy a bargain property on a cliff, I might be moved to wonder why a few hundred quid is all it takes for a massive payout if nature takes its course.
Not the crack bbc reporting team and their poor clients.
Odd, given the bbc does have t&cs of its own. Take the near extinct blogs and HYS. You agree that if you break the bbc rules, you are toast. In fact just ‘belief’ by the bbc can see you banned.
This case and its defence sets quite a precedent, but does fall well under the bbc ‘other people’s money’ remit, so if premiums go up, their package covers it.
Something to remember if sitting at a roundabout in Edgbaston when front-ended by a reversing Nissan .
Setting aside the circumstances of this particular case.
Why on earth isn’t the government doing something to address the rapid erosion on the East coast?
The Dutch, admittedly their country is a far smaller one, wouldn’t allow so much of their land to be lost to the sea without trying to prevent or at least minimise it.
From somewhere in Politics I remember the ‘theory’ of ‘Permanent Revolution’. We can add to that. The theory of ‘Permanent Undermining’. Of democratic results by so-called democrats.
It’s become clear now that there will not ever be a halt in challenges to Trump and Brexit.
Reasons why there was ‘something wrong’ with the former’s victory will continue, driven by the MSM and , in the UK, the BBC in particular.
They ‘liberals’ (actually they’re socialists) want rid of Trump and will find some new reason why he ‘cheated’ or whatever, for the next three years. We will see a lot of creative thinking. At the moment it’s the gun issue/ marches, which the Bcc has given an ecstatic prime spot in their bulletins. In place two are accusations re Facebook machinations which – like the Russians- may have put in the White House, it is alleged.
As regards Brexit, well -there may have been some illegal money stuff, you know. Meanwhile it’s being dragged out endlessly and being watered down by May, anyway. You begin to wonder why the challengers are even bothering. And the BBC will lead the charge.
The moment these two events happened, the elites and their media set about permanently undermining the results. So much for their commitment to Democracy. And it won’t change. They’re going to come up with something new every week. Technology. Alleged dishonesty. Misdeeds. anything will do the trick. Wanna bet?
Isn’t it strange how none of this went on while the equal opportunities president was in office? Clearly, there were neither gun crimes nor school shootings under his beneficent rule.
It’s a bit like the ‘homeless’, who seem to vanish from our streets like the morning mist while Labour is in power, only to reappear when the forces of darkness seize control again.
Ah! I missed this snippet of news. Scanning quickly one can be easily misled into thinking that the subject location of the article was the UK. After all, the subject matter is now weekly news in the UK.
In essence, correct me if I am wrong, islam sees any female as ‘fair game’ or, ‘easy meat’ if its not dressed from head to toe in a black bin liner and slopping (as they do) along the High Street.
Only option is for our girls and women to dress similarly in a bin liner. But, hang on, that’s the object of the islamic command anyway. Isn’t it?
BBC Big Questions – Yep!, the burning one today.
After all the Islamic terror attacks here last year, yet another Islamic
attack in France, citing the Islamic state as inspiration
… the BBC asks
“would … M … cough erm Jesus be considered an extremist today?”
I recently returned from a short holiday in Antigua. The temperature is warm and gently cooled by light tropical breezes (well most of the time). The inhabitants are friendly and hospitable. About 90,000 people live on the island and the crime rate is extremely low. “We know where all the bad boys live”, I was told. Disputes, when they occur, can be intense as in any small homogeneous community, but people learn to live and let live. I found myself making enquiries about a plot of land running down to the sea where local regulations and a skilled workforce make it possible to build a dream house.
Of course it has the additional advantage that it is one of the last remaining places where you don’t meet the Diane Abbotts of this world.
Just in case your blood pressure is unusually low, please read this from the Sunday Times today.
Fishing returns to UK control after 2021? Erm no.
88% of Welsh fishing is now owned by Spanish firms. In the rest of the UK 50% is held by firms from Holland, Iceland and Spain.
These catches do not touch UK shores, they are taken back to their home countries.
So why don’t we British buy licences to fish in French and Irish waters for example. Erm, because they have banned us from doing so. The French and Irish fish their own waters, thank you very much and F*** Y** les Rosbifs and F*** the EU regulations.
The Brits meanwhile sell licences to anyone who wants to decimate the UK fishing industry.
The Spanish, Dutch companies have now set up offices in the UK to comply with legislation after Brexit.
Exactly. Membership of the EU and the CFP has decimated the industry with our fishermen being forced to sell up and relinquish their quotas. Successive governments have sold these to foreign companies.
We used to have Navy gunboats that would once have protected our waters.
Look at us now.
Channel 4 have already been round Skagen in Denmark, fearing our Brexit vote. And its effect on those poor Danes.
When did anybody here give a damn about OUR fishermen in North Shields ,Brixham or Grimsby? Why won`t Channel 4 ever go and ask THEM what Brexit might yet bring if we get a strong leader?
Sick of the liberals.
Alicia –
The Brexit process is only going to make matters worse with regard to the way Blighty screwed people and countries over so that Edward Heath could practice his French – blood relatives like the Aussies and New Zealander’s dumped – even with a Union Jack in their flag – no transition . A disgrace . And the uk fishing industry dumped as part of a deal. 60 of British fish goes to the EU- probably more in real life. Shut the foreign fishing boats out like Iceland did.
We know the faces of the Muslim rape families, but where are the pictures of the police who enabled them? Ninety one police were referred to the IPCC years ago. So far not a single prosecution of the policemen who: refused to investigate; turned distressed rape victims away; suppressed reports; ‘lost’ evidence; branded the rape of underage girls ‘consensual sex’; and fired whistleblowers.
We’ll only know we’ve turned the corner when the BBC shows us police being carted away to prison:
We’ll really know we’ve turned a corner when we see the bbc journalists, editors and managers who ignored and buried the stories being carted away to prison. Oh Happy Day.
I was listening to Any Questions yesterday afternoon (yes, I should know better). I think it was the last question that asked the panel about problems with women’s areas being infiltrated by transgender types. What peculiar times we live in!
Listening to the BBC it often seems as though I live in a parallel universe. There were even (so called) right wingers on the panel in agreement that this is “A very serious situation that has to be handled sensitively.” Okay, but…
This in a week, where in London alone, we’ve had 8 culturally enriched knife murders. Not to mention our friendly neighbourhood, bearded rapists being in court.
The very po faced pc woman that asked the original question responded to the panel; “There’s no place for male genitalia in a female safe space.” Ye gods! I was chuckling. Not a hint of a titter from the right on panel. “Titter ye not!” as Frankie once said.
No male genitalia in a female safe space!
That’s a new one for the wife…
How sad is that?
My female safe spaces are the pets bowls, area that need scrubbing behind the loos as well as the parts where you have to scrub behind the food bins where he let the compost overflow.
I used to have others I`d think-but I should have written them down at the time.
@Oldcrone We discussed the Sheffield trumpet arrest on the 23rd here
Your jazzed up Youtube clip
I don’t think they held her for long, just issued her with a summons to come to court , which they will then probably cancel citing CPS
..Greens get away with big things all the time, smashup machinery delay production by weeks , all costing £millions, and the judge lets them off..One rule for the left another for the non-left.
Wasn’t really posted in relation to any political thing .. I just thought it was so farcically funny .. it gave me a laugh (and I need any laugh I can get these days) .. especially the commentary by the bloke (well it sounded like a bloke :-o) and how he just said “Cliff Richard” in a normal speaking voice but enough that the cops could hear him. Then a bit later “Rotherham”.
May be different depending on PC (I have Macs and iThings), but I find YouTube usually has a share option, and on the drop down there is a ‘copy link’. Simply copy that and drop it in here as a hyperlink. Never had a problem. Still images however… 🙁
I put the mouse over the broken image
– I then rightclicked and selected “copy image address”
For comments here , to add bits from youtube or twitter
all you do is put the http address in the type comment box
after you’ve typed your words
– I whoosh the mouse up to the address bar, click , then do Ctr-A to select, Ctrl-C to copy
then whoosh the mouse back into the comment box and hit Ctrl-V to paste
When civil war breaks out among the liberal elite, you have to have a heart of stone not to find it all ballsachingly funny. Like Jeff I too heard the ardent feminist during Any Questions declare that “There’s no place for male genitalia in a female space” and like Jeff I wondered if the better half would agree.
Of course Germaine Greer has been “no platformed” for similar sentiments and Wimmen’s Hour is also struggling with the issue. Desperate to be on the latest politically correct trend, they find themselves caught between the proverbial hard place and biological science.
If you pander to every “identity” interest you start to lose a grip with reality. Of course overpaid BBC female journalists suggesting that they should be even more overpaid because Eddie Mair cops £500,000 for reading the news, is just funny. It gets serious when you start to ignore the real issues of society and the cultural differences that put us all in danger.
Islamic terrorism, unlimited immigration putting enormous pressure on blue collar wages and services, falling standards in our state run schools and no standards in our make work seats of unlearning, disintegrating towns and communities. One could go on but these are the real issues that face us, not some bloke who wants to be a woman.
As the invaders get tougher, we get ever softer. Next war we’ll be debating how many trannies, wimmin and gays should be conscripted while the enemy march in.
Actually we’re already in the next war, and they’ve already marched in and are now claiming benefits.
Vlad – I didnt even bother reading the story the headlines told me all I needed to know. In the real world (as you said) most people would just dismiss him as a handbags at dawn, attention seeking drama queen. But in the BBC world this sort of crap is important.
“Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago” and Heather the black singer from M People plays the race card. In the last programme Heather explains how she encountered racists in all the churches she tried to join. Racists, everywhere.
Search for the “Hero” inside yourself wasn`t it?
One of the worst records ever done. Her band did very well out of the rave culture, drugs and dissolution.
Definitely more part of the national problem than of any solutions-again, therefore just what the BBC need to stir their endless pot.
YasminAB watch – She’s been given a prog at 8pm Monday on R4
Idi Amin’s Uganda Retold
As with libs, it’s a guilt trip about her actual privilege.
” .. a personal account of her life in the country where she was born and calls for a more honest assessment of what actually took place ..with General Amin’s regime. ”
She calls out the focus on Asians, when the actual deaths of LOCAL AFRICANS was a bigger issue
“The mass murder of Amin’s own people is largely forgotten. ”
(“own people”, I’d guess they came from other tribes)
Amin said Asians refused to integrate with black African people..Yasmin, agrees
“Many continued to hold racist views about black Ugandans and were racist towards them”
Doesn`t she owe Heath and his useless government her life this one?
If we`d shut her family out, she`d surely be a goner. So why this incessant bitching and ingratitude?
She`s just Anna Soubry in disguise, truly barking and contradictory. Mad as a box of frogs. Who gives a stuff what Africans and Asians were up to in the 70s, we`ve got todays equivalent to sort-and Brown is a dangerous distraction and a malicious piece of work. Hence the BBC and the liberals continuing to fund her moaning.
“Girl seriously hurt after car drives into group of children in Glasgow”
Of course one mustn’t jump to conclusions, but ‘car attack’ and ‘teenage girls’… tends to set off alarm bells.
More worrying is that the beebistan have buried it under Scotland (do they know something?) but most worrying of all is the beeb assertion that ‘There was no suggestion that the incident was terrorism-related.’
Caught a bit of Andrew Marr coaxing one Carol Cadwallender into trashing the legitimacy of the Brexit vote this morning. How DO they get away with this?
Haven`t Democrats and Momentum, Corbyn and Clintobama doing the selfsame thing of paying “date mining experts” to get their numbers up, their troublemakers signed up and active?
The right did nothing like this, and now THEY are accused of winning-sorry, preventing the left from continuing their campaign to destroy the west from within.
What crybaby hypocrites. And when a gay Muslim /Pakistani Remoaner goes to the Observer with a two year old story-and Marr puts it top of his show-it`s safe to say that Alastair Campbells rummaging in George Soros Big Pockets again.
Sinister-no-one down here is listening now though.
But what they`re unravelling now will never be put back together again. When The Reckoning comes, they`ll have cause to rue their setting fire to their own forests. They are truly despicable. And as Obvious as their Sunday Guardian. The Obviouser. Cyclops tossers.
To be fair, the other guest did ask if Remainers had anything to declare-and would the throng at the BBC care to look into it…cue silence and tumbleweed as ever.
The £9,000,000 cost of sending the booklet, telling us to vote to stay in the eu, sent to every house in the U.K.
The one where Cameron said we should stay in the eu.
Was that declared on the remoan money spent list.
Every week we get a new attempt at Brexit (and Trump) where the snowflakes are trying absolutely everything to stop democracy.
Surely these anti democratic bastards must be running out of things to blame because the results didn’t go their way.
One thing about the eu.
Once we are out, even the very soft Brexit that our socialist government are conceding everything to get, I think we can start properly disentangling ourselves from the eu so that in 5-10 years time we may be out as we voted for.
Each election the government must dangle the possibility of a distancing from the eu such as really leaving the fisheries or CAP or lowering immigration. Otherwise UKIP will seriously pose a threat to the 3 socialist parties.
Unless of course, the eu has fallen apart by then.
saw this on Guido. In the clip of that interview, Andrew Marr actually castigates Cadwalladar for being unable to show a link between the Brexit groups and Cambridge Analytical. When Cadwalladar starts waffling away the wonderful Isobel Oakeshott quietly tears her apart.
I agree with @Vlad : “You-Must NOT See”, would be an excellent daily program
Where instead of BBC-Must-See issues it covers the issues that the BBC thinks we must NOT see
#1 That they the train bomber was a failed Iraqi asylum seeker
#2 That another Pak/Groom/rape gang got away with it for years in Oxford
#3 That today it’s coal that’s keeping the lights on as the wind has dropped.
#4 That Antarctic ice has grown a lot, whilst Antarctic has only fallen a little etc.
Recommend some C-Span thing I watched on BBC Parliament earlier.
Had Pat Buchanan and Barbara Perry talking about America in 1968.
Courteous, good questions in from the public, fairly and humbly moderated for impartiality. Everything that the BBC would not, could never do.
So we learnt things. Again, something the BBC are set against.
But gave me hope. Buchanan was way ahead of his time, the Radio 4 Archive pap last night was on the same topic-but was liberal chow, compared to C-Span.
Off to get the dinner now.
Jihad Watch: “UK judge tells Tube jihadi: “You’ll have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison…the Koran is a book of peace”
Has Mr Justice Haddon-Cave ever actually read the Qur’an? Almost certainly not; otherwise he wouldn’t have gone on record with this spectacularly asinine and counterfactual statement.
– “And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out…” (Qur’an 2:191-193)
-“They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore do not take friends from among them, until they emigrate in the way of Allah; then, if they turn their backs, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; do not take for yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)
– “This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth to do corruption there: they shall be killed, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall be struck off on opposite sides; or they shall be exiled from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world; and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement.” (Qur’an 5:33)
-“When your Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers; so strike the necks, and strike every finger of them!” (Qur’an 8:12)
– “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah; then if they give over, surely Allah sees the things they do.” (Qur’an 8:39)
– “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides them that you know not;” (Qur’an 8:60)
– “Then, when the sacred months are over, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. (Qur’an 9:5)
– “Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not practice the religion of truth, even if they are of the People of the Book — until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)
– “Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran; and who fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph.” (Qur’an 9:111)
– “O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.” (Qur’an 9:123)
– “When you meet the unbelievers, strike their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads. (Qur’an 47:4)
– Does Islam really forbid terrorism?
“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)
“When your Lord inspired to the angels, ‘I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.’” (Qur’an 8:12)
“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know, whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.” (Qur’an 8:60)
A hadith has Muhammad saying: “I have been made victorious with terror.” (Bukhari 4.52. 220)
And on, and on, and on.
Sorry it’s a bit long, but if you think that’s bad you should see the original.
Ex-Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí to present herself for arrest
Could she not claim political asylum in the UK?
This could be tricky for the SNP and Plaid Cymru .
Na. The BBC have ruled out a terrorist connection. As the driver has been caught, identified or questioned it is diffiuclt to see how they can be so confident.
BTW, unlike the BBC I have not idea why this attack too place.
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
The racially obsessed beeb never miss an opportunity to press their blackist agenda. Under ‘Must See’ (Home page):
‘I hope this won’t be news in 10 years.’
As the Foreign Office appoints its first black female career diplomat as British high commissioner, NneNne Iwuji-Eme… bla bla f’ing bla.
PS. I hate it when the sanctimonious beeb tell me what I ‘Must See’. You know what they’ll never say you must see? That their favourite ethnics are committing most of the knife, gun and acid crimes, or that their favourite religionists are committing most of the sex gang crimes and terrorist crimes etc.
My other favourite is ‘what you need to know’, which sends me off looking for what they din’t Want me too.
Quite: “What you don’t need to know” and “what you mustn’t see” because it’s off-message.
Bristol bomb man “Reeco Fernandez” is described as eccentric by the judge. if he was named Tom Smith the label would have been “far right terrorist ”
The BBC called the Parsons Green Bomber a fantasist.
Please do not tell Roger Harrabin but renewables have been beaten by old fashioned coal. 11.5 per cent for renewable and 11.8 for coal as of now.
Oh dear he promised coal was finished. thankfully it is not.
Anne G.
Top of the news is coverage of the US Gun Law demos. Why is a purely foreign domestic issue top of the news, and even more irrelevantly, why are small sympathy demos in UK headline news?
Answer: because it’s a way of bashing the Republicans of course, and more specifically The Great Satan himself, Donald Beelzebub Trump, Prince of Darkness.
And the BBC is not interested in the staggering links of Corbyn to grim anti Semitic material, Telford children being raped and tortured because they are white and the remarkable positive economic/employment news for the country.
And whisper it, but the Tories are ahead in the opinion polls at a time in the parliamentary cycle when the opposition should be ten or more points ahead. Again not newsworthy when some americans are agreeing with the BBC.
Was just thinking this as I listened to the 4pm radio 2 news…top story. Funny how they broadcast attendees of the rally saying things like, enough is enough, thoughts and prayers don’t work….and yet exactly these phrases are applied to terrorist events in the west. So we are basically told to get angry about gun attacks, but not terrorist attacks. Demonstrate against gun ownership, but not against terrorism. Also interesting that there were no organised widespread demos against guns after the Vegas massacre, where many more were killed. In fact, a ridiculously small amount of info has been given since, as if they’re just hoping that the American public will forget about it. They should be wondering why.
Do I detect a song about to be sold for “charity”?
It`s been getting played a lot on the media.
Just one big bloody Glee Club these days. I blame Geldof. And dear George Harrison who inadvertedly caused this.
There`d have been far more at Anne Maries meeting with the footy fans in Birmingham than a few “anti Trump/gun setups” by interns and Saviles poppets who hope to get onto the BBC or into uni soon.
Wrong cause I guess.
While the beeb and the lefties demonstrate against gun laws in America over which we have no control, both ignore a national scandal over which we DO have control: another huge case of mostly Pakistani muslim paedo rape/ abuse / grooming / prostitution in the City of Dreaming Spires and Raping Muslims.
But let’s not be too harsh on those men, perhaps they didn’t force the underaged girls with violence, drugs and alcohol: perhaps it was consensual and the girls fancied them for their looks.
Buried under Regions, as usual:
Apologies, it was a different Oxford Sex Gang. (It’s getting hard to keep up, isn’t it?)
It wasn’t the charmers above, it was the charmers below.
“Oxford men guilty of sexual exploitation ‘on a massive scale'”
So Beebistan, we’ve had Three Girls; when can we look forward to Three Hundred Thousand More Girls?
(Yes I’ve done that joke before, I don’t care: I will continue to put the boot into the evil beeb whenever and however I can.)
So that’s what 1400 years of incest looks like.
Our girls seem not to be making them smile-they all look sour sour, as if they`ve had a bad cat kebab.
Is this why they`re trying to up the sex education in schools I wonder?
Allah fails to please them, think I`ll stay Christian-Justin Bieber positively GLOWED in his mugshots
AND-they could do with a decent hairdresser, that Brylcreemed pudding bowl that Uncle cuts around is so 1973. Yes you can be a seedy paedo-but there is simply NO excuse not to look stylish lads!
You`d think they`d have found better uses for their blunt Stanley knives….er…maybe not.
Did BBC Worldwide tell our Pakistani lads out there that “Take Three Girls” was NOT a documentary or a condition of getting into this country.
Here are the judge’s sentencing remarks for the original Oxford RoPer rape gang (warning graphic).
Click to access sentencing-remarks-r-v-dogar-others.pdf
Where were all the so called child support ‘Charities’ when this was happening ?
Probably attending anti-islamophobia workshops.
BBC rewrites British history by calling concerned wives of fishermen, a few of whom wore a hair net:
“Headscarf Revolutionaries“.
Why might the BBC call them “Headscarfs”?
It is of course yet another attempt to normalise muscular Islam in the UK with that ever growing symbol of Islam – the Hijab.
@Cali that seems a bit conspiracy theory
However it’s not easy to find early sources
Now people say Hull “Headscarf Revolutionairies” after the 2015 book
2013 I see the term “headscarf army”
A 2010 page says ‘Headscarf Campaign’ and seems to refer to 1968 sources
“The campaign was called the ‘Headscarf Campaign’ by one newspaper and it caught on. Find out why it was called this by viewing the unique film interviews”
Apparently Middle-east expert and champion of the disabled Frank Gardner was ‘stranded on a plane for two hours’ when his wheelchair was mistakenly taken to the terminal at Heathrow rather than to the cabin door. Difficult to imagine how a spare chair could not have been found within a far shorter space of time but, just maybe, our Frank was a little bit prima-donna-ish about it?
Sadly it’s not too difficult to imagine the great man refusing to appear before his public without the racy-wheel three-spoke model he favours – but it’s hardly a Hawking Special, just a wheelchair.
Does he complain like this when he arrives in assorted Muslim dustbowls in the Middle east. Bet he wouldn`t.
Hoping for compo probably-and it`s his own fault he`s in a wheelchair anyway. Shouldn`t have been such an arse licker for Islam should he?
Wondering what Allah Akhbar sounds like coming from Hawkings chariot…and Frank could try practicing that until Hawkngs estate hands it over to him.
Didn`t some cameraman get killed because of him?
Just a few of Our “Uncomfortable Truths” the BBC will never look at.
If they don’t get you with Must See, they try again with In Case You Missed It (Home Page).
And what must we see in case we missed it?
Why, the story of ‘The community of 2,000 people with 151 cases of sex crime.’
The community in question was a tiny village in the frozen Far-North of Norway.
Funny how the beeb are keen to highlight some cases of sexual abuse while hiding others.
And get this: they ask with presumably a straight face, “How could such serious sex crimes go unchecked for so long?”
Same way the beeb kept our very own nationwide sex crimes under wraps and ‘unchecked’ for so long, I guess.
BBC article pathetically fails to name the airline..
guess they have their reasons.
You’d think with all those New Brits working at the airport everything would be running smoothly .
Could they not use a spare wheelchair , stick him on a trolley, or just piggyback him?
Journalist criticises airport for treatment of disabled passengers
BBC journalist Frank Gardner has criticised Heathrow Airport for how it treats disabled passengers after being kept nearly two hours on a plane as staff said they had lost his wheelchair
Gardner landed at the London airport after returning from a trip to Ethiopia to be told ground staff had “lost” his wheelchair.
Mr Gardner has used a wheelchair since being shot six times by militants while reporting in Saudi Arabia, in 2004.
Ground staff:
”Well, well, that’s a coincidence –
yesterday I was getting harassed by BBC licensing,
and today we have a BBC special correspondent, whose just landed…
Now, where the fuck did I leave his wheelchair again ?”
Hasn`t Stephen Hawking got one spare now?
Surprised the BBC haven`t already put their post it note on that?
Frustrating for Frank, no doubt, but hardly warrants the BBC clearing the schedules for such a story of courage in the face of ineptitude and inconvenience
Maybe the airline can dispatch a manager to say a grumpy sorry and move on?
Meanwhile, elsewhere, I see the BBC have accorded BBC quotes to a man who made the ultimate sacrifice and paid the ultimate price.
I do not need to wait for clearance from upstairs to call him a hero.
As one door closes, another opens. Well, virtually. Lucky all Beeboids are Appled up.
Seems Frank is soon to get the emoji he needs.
Oh, and there is a Bbc tweet with comments that, well, how do I put this…
Well said Dean Rivando. But it’s not just the tweet that’s shameful, it’s the whole stinking edifice that’s shameful – and shameless.
Oh, and btw the beeb don’t much like old-fashioned hideously white heroes, who believe in honour, duty and are ready to die for their country. Only the likes of Mandela, Martin Luther King, Saint Gandhi and a few assorted lefties, Che Guevara, Chavez and his successor Maduro who has reduced his oil-rich country to famine, hyperinflation and near civil war. (Don’t hear much about that on our most trusted and most resourced, do you?)
The BBC’s idea of a hero is Sandi Toksvig risking getting sacked by the BBC for saying that Tories put an extra “n” into cuts. Brave.
‘Maybe the airline can dispatch a manager to say a grumpy sorry and move on?
Surely they think they got it about right.
Is he really qualified to be a so called ‘defence correspondent’ ?
Suppose they were waiting for him to sober up . Al Beeb reporters like him and the dimbly twins seem to adopt a kind or royal ‘entitled’ attitude because they are treated as ‘ special ‘ and ‘senior ‘ . I can’t watch QT or listen to that godawful radio version for more than about a minute before the off switch gets hit.
This period will one day be viewed as a diminished period of biased reporting – I nearly wrote ‘journalism’ but that would be lifting their skills to an unjustifiable level. Thank god for Brillo.
I am so surprised that a BBC journalist would think of complaining. I thought they were all so easy going down to earth people. I’m calling this story a lie. Planes are lucky if they have a 30 minute turn around. Unless this aircraft was not due to fly another sector (highly unlikely) and even if it was going out of service there is no possibility it would be allowed to remain at a stand. A wheelchair could easily have been rushed to the gate or he could have been driven in an electric buggy.
This is a BBC journalist given time to complain about his awfully sad poor treatment yet the BBC can’t be bothered to report on the issues that really really matter.
Even the Spectator has an editorial lead on Telford and its ramifications in the scandal no-one wants to properly investigate – not least the BBC, despite the lip-service of ‘Three Girls’.
But who is there with the integrity and courage to point towards the most horrific yet altogether plausible aspect, that the mullahs and imams are encouraging their flocks to earn their sherbet and do their best to demean and subjugate the kuffars in the name of their god? Is it really a coincidence that it’s so widespread?
Sex with captives, conquered peoples and captured female slaves was not only condoned but encouraged by moham-mad himself.
Spoils of war, sort of thing. And make no mistake, we are at war. And we’re getting royally fucked.
Countless sources online that give chapter and verse, here’s one:
“Muhammad not only gave permission for rape, he also provided a religious justification for it.”
PS. Here’s just one example of war, torture, murder, ‘marriage’-rape and ‘marriage’-slavery by the Perfect Man.
“After the assault on the Jews of Khaybar, Muhammad ordered that a leader of the tribe, Kinana bin al-Rabi, be tortured until he disclosed the location of the group’s treasure. A fire was lit on Kinana’s chest but, as he still refused to reveal the secret, Muhammad had him beheaded. Muhammad had promised Kinana’s young wife, Safiya, to another Muslim, but, after hearing of her beauty, he went back on his word and took her in “marriage” for himself. By some accounts, this occurred only hours after he dispatched her husband.” (Ishaq, p. 515; Bukhari, 1. 8. 367).
What a charmer, eh?
I think the feminists who are backing these wonderful men know something that we don’t know
This is weird, the judge at the trial of the Parson’s Green bomber said that islam is a religion of peace. How can the prophet of allah (pbuh) have tortured a man, beheaded him and raped his wife? That sounds as if islam was founded by a sexual psychopath, yet the judge tells me islam is a religion of peace, and if the bomber only reads the koran for the next 34 years, he will learn the error of his ways.
As far as I can see, either the judge is wrong about islam, or the koran needs a major re-write. I know which I think is the more likely.
It has to be said – six-figure BBC girl Carrie Gracie is not very good at reading the news. From her anchor spot on the News Channel her accent is indeterminate, her tone bland, her delivery stilted and uneven particularly when she attempts to emote. But unlike the victims of the Florida school shooting or indeed French Police Lt-Col Arnaud Beltrame, our Gracie is now 100% bullet-proof in her BBC job.
Situation normal; Aunty firmly unique.
For anyone interested (hopefully everyone), there’s an open petition to repeal the hate speech laws and establish freedom of speech as a legal right.
Thank you – it’s signed . There are only 30000 signatures and another 70000 are needed. We can’t do much to hold back the tide of repression but we must do what we can
In which bbc green room season ticket ingrate gets served. Bet they will still invite him on once he adopts the OJo tantrum technique.
Do you remember when news was actually NEWS? Not this PC, snowflake, diversity, facebook, twatter crap! I see a black man died in WW1, seemingly he’s a hero. What about the hundreds of thousands of other people who died in that conflict? Cambridge Analytica offices searched, so what? Linkedin stole my contacts and sent invites to all of them without so much as a by your leave. I’m sure that had no influence on the Brexit vote, but who knows? I didn’t see that on the BBC new site. There is more to life than this stupid senseless crap. Maybe I’ll swear at myself for doing something stupid and call it a hate crime!
Would they really risk a war with Russia to keep us in the EU?
As I said in an earlier post (March 13th), whether the Russians are responsible or not, I hope this incident isn’t going to be used by the government as an excuse to stay post-Brexit within the closer EU ‘Defence Union’ (much already surreptitiously signed up to by Whitehall civil servants), with all its potential future problems for us.
See @VeteransBritain
Our security is best served in NATO not the ‘EURO’ army
It appears to me that the EU has been trying to replace NATO with its new Fred Karno Army excluding the USA. Just look at France’s track record.
Brigitte Bardot speaks up for France
Another little brick kicked out of our wall.
BBC Four drops tonight’s ‘Nordic Noir’, Below The Surface, “Because of recent events in France”.
Can’t be long before we are fed 24 hour pap through all media channels, internet included, to keep us all in our lovely multi-cultural ‘safe space’ where nothing bad ever happens.
From time to time there will be the odd explosion, “just part of living in a big city”, like ants being trodden on by a big foot from the sky, more candles, more royalties for Lennon’s family.
The BBC ran a Radio 4 show(Archive Hour) called “If the dead could speak”.
It being Martin Luther Kings anniversary(50 years), I can well see the excuse.
But to rope in Bobby Kennedy whose deeds to spy on MLK, his race hustling to get votes and his sexist family dealings rather diluted the message and blurred the moral line as afar as I can tell.
And-since 1968-there`s been plenty of deaths, where it might be good to guess what THEY would say if they could speak.
I think of Manchester last year at the Arena bombing, Bataclan, Nice …Margaret Hassan or even Germanwings if Islam`s not wanted. What would THEY tell us to do re Islam, re pilots without supervision for example.
But no-the BBC see a chance to shaft Trump yet again. And the programme was thoroughly predictable in asking the mens kids if their dads would have changed history and prevented the road to Trump. I`ll not tell you what they said, I`d hate to surprise you.
We can now expect the biased beeb to milk this one for all it’s worth:
Vote Leave ‘broke spending limits’ in Brexit referendum
Al Beeb are desperadoes trying to get a second referendum.
A Second referendum? A third? Bring it on.
In or out of the EU, this country’s completely f****d long term anyway.
So according to that article a Brexit activist spoke only to Channel 4 and The Observer then?
Yeah, right ……
Perhaps he should change his name from Shahmir to Asif ……
“March For Our Lives”
Will there be a “March For Our Lives” in London to address the high level of knife crime in the city ?
They are orgasming over the black army office for a century ago. Professional black person David Lammy says he should be awarded a bravery medal and could inspire a generation. They would have to stop stabbing each other first – I somehow doubt a story from a century ago will help with that.
World Service tells the tale of someone who found that most of the movie reviews on Rotten Tomatoes are by white men so has set up a review site where no whites are allowed. I am not making this up. Where is the problem? Imagine saying you had noticed football teams have too many blacks so you set up a team that is for whites only.
Do they think ‘minorities’ want to hear about some idiot who set up this review site? It is boring, unoriginal and divisive. Same story as nauseam: not enough non whites so we chucked out whitey. It must infuriate non white listeners as much as it does me.
Once again I had to listen to Talk Sport instead, where there is always humour and they do not take themselves so seriously. There is no fun, levity or humour with the SJW nonsense.
What is it that they are trying to prove? Do they seriously believe that up until 1065, say, that these islands were populated by happy black Muslims and then ‘whitey’ invaded, forced them to get up in the morning, actually do some work, cut down trees, build ships, invent the industrial revolution and enslave the rest of the world?
Or, perhaps, from time to time there is a person whose origins aren’t quite the same as the neighbours, someone whose father might have ‘jumped ship’ or nicked Norman Tebbit’s dad’s bike, but nevertheless just fitted in and did quite well for themselves.
What I’m certain they didn’t do is run around bleating “I is black! I is needin’ top job becus I is black an’ you is racist!”
At university I studied what was considered a very traditional male subject. This was in the 1970s. I didn’t need a role model to tell me it was ok. Indeed had I been the only female on the course I would have been fine although it turned out there were 5 of us making us about 5% of the intake. But I had followed my father’s footsteps. He had studied at the same place in the 1940s and the same subject. And there had been a similar proportion of women on the course then. (Didn’t know that at the time of my application), Some people do what they want because it is what they want to do and don’t need another woman/black/Muslim in the same position to show them the way.
Mrs Thatcher obviously didn’t need a previous woman as PM for her to take the job.
Mrs. May did – and has apparently learned nothing…
But Treezer is a feminist
“This is what a feminist looks like.”
What – ugly?
Vlad I was thinking “This is what a Quisling looks like”
It is so patronising – why do you need to see people who look like you doing a certain pursuit to pursue it yourself? Who on earth thinks like that? I am playing table tennis with two Chinese blokes from my team this morning and I had not even registered the fact. The Chinese love table tennis and are lovely people. Should I demand they be ethnically cleansed from my team? What sane person thinks like that?
It is the bloated ‘equalities’ industry dependent on racism to exist when in reality the vast, vast majority of people are not racist (except for in certain minority groups, but we can’t say that.) Why not focus their energies getting ‘Asian’ communities not to rape white girls rather than getting more Rastafarians in orchestras or whatever?
Wasn’t a ‘diverse’ Police force meant to solve law and order problems? A gangster was going to be making a fortune through selling drugs and threatening rivals then chuck it all in when he saw a black Police officer and train to become a nuclear physicist instead.
None of their arguments stand up yet they infect every corner of our culture – it is illegal to even question them.
On the windswept steppes on the margins of Astana, Kazakhstan, there is a museum that was once one of Stalin’s “gulags”. Its name, roughly translated was “ Detention camp for the wives of the traitors”. The museum records two histories, the fate of Kazahk nationalists and their families who fought against the Soviets, and also the fate of the wives and children of Russians murdered by Stalin during the Terror. In the latter case the families were told, say in Moscow or St Petersburg, that they were going to meet their men who had already been taken away and executed. The women often chose to put on their best clothes and took small presents for their husbands. However when they arrived at the designated meeting point, with their children, they were taken away, loaded onto railway wagons and shipped to this gulag thousands of mile away. Some of the older children went with them to the camp, but many were simply dumped in orphanages. The museum has exhibits of the dresses and shoes which the women had worn for their rendezvous. One particularly ironic item is a leather-bound tea caddy, perhaps bought in one of the more expensive shops in St Petersburg which quotes in English Sam Johnson’s aphorism “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” At any one time this place held about 8,000 souls. Many did not survive the harsh conditions. You do not require a vivid imagination to appreciate the punishments inflicted by the guards. More than 2 million Kazakhs died fighting for their independence and against Soviet collectivisation.
And what, I hear you ask, has this to do with Al Beeb ? Simply, Martin Niemoller’s poem:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
As we see our country being sold down the river in these so-called Brexit “negotiations” , and the use of the law and technology to curtail free speech, together with the floodtide of MSM bias, how much longer do we have to speak out ?
Funny how Communism never got the same odium as Fascism.
To me they’re two rotten peas in a rotten pod.
Quick… someone call Lenny Henry !
BBC News Channel reporting on the UK baby boom and the need for big resources for more midwives. BBC footage shows nothing but cute white babies ! Bring us some Diversity, surely ?
It’s strange that they will all have changed colour by the time they get to school, judging by the pictures of schoolchildren that they normally broadcast.
AslSeelt-This is typical inverted racism by the BBC showing
nothing but “cute white babies” I live in one of the richest
leafy suburbs of North London. The schools here still have up to 80%!!
ethnic kids!!
The demographics in the UK are changing so dramatically that in the
UK within four generations , Muslims will be in a MAJORITY.
Four times four , times four, ,times five =320. two times one
times two times one=4. It’s as certain as night follows day that
in around 70 years the BBC will proudly begin their morning
programmes with the Adhan.
The BBC show these white babies because they want to hide the
fact that at least 25% of the babies being born now in the UK
are not white. And in many parts less than 50% are Caucasion.
Chameleon school Kids who adapt to fit the Beeb narrative?
It can only be Birmingham!
Headline in the Observer, provisional wing of the Guardian, ‘Vote leave may have cheated on Brexit……’
Main news item on BBC text pages, headlines and UK, ‘Vote leave broke rules….’
All apparently from the fevered ego of spurned gay Shahmir Sanni, perhaps getting his own back after being outed by his Vote Leave boyfriend. As fine an example of BBC anti-Brexit bias one could wish, the subject is currently under discussion by the balanced and respected Andrew Marr.
Meanwhile it has been suggested that Mr Sanni’s human rights will now be affected by his inability to visit tall buildings.
May I suggest the unlikely figure of Ben Brown, anchor on the BBC News Channel, as something of a lefty liberal media genius.
Rounding off an interview this morning in just one concise sentence he manged to combine the cheeky editorialising spirit of Channel 4’s Cathy Newman with the BBC’s house-style perenial push for ever more public spending of other people’s money.
In doing so he has also coined a remarkable bit of phrasing that can now be used in just about every interview on just about every damned subject.
“So what you’re saying is, you welcome this but would like to see more”
Genius, pure BBC genius.
As we’ve often said on this site, it’s what the BBC chooses not to report that demonstrates beyond doubt its profound political bias.
Last weekend, for example, the march to Speakers Corner in London and yesterday, the ‘Football Lads Alliance’ marching in Birmingham showed the strong support for free speech and opposition to Islamification among ordinary people. Both have been ignored by the BBC which, mysteriously (if predictably) seems far more interested (obsessed) with anti-second amendment protests in the USA.
The Corporation needs to watch its step here. Personally, I doubt that Tommy Robinson is going to lead the barbarian hordes through London to sack Broadcasting House (though I’d pay good money to see it!) but something is stirring and some form of popular movement could be being born as a consequence. If and when it gathers pace, it will not regard the BBC as an ally or even an impartial observes – it will, rightly, see it as an enemy. Then things could really start to get interesting.
“…Tommy Robinson is going to lead the barbarian hordes through London to sack Broadcasting House…”
Mmmm, let me just savour that image for a few seconds…
Some would say: Delicious.
Somebody should suggest it to Tommy.
(Just as a joke of course)
So here’s a nice chap who is just another “Surrey teenager,” according to our Ministry of Truth. Read the full article and see how an illegal immigrant is allowed to stay in the UK, even though he is “trained to kill” by ISIS……..
I wonder, do teenagers from Surrey ‘grow’ into men of Oxford?
And note where the BBstan shoved this item on their webshite: under Oxford.
And did anyone see this major scandal on the broadcast news?
I didn’t.
Guilt ridden officials who think the empire allow third world peasants like these into Blighty and they are bound to resort to type if left without control. Simple as that
Similar transformation of the UK’s legal system and policing are well underway.
G, that hideous headline deserves to be spelled out in full:
“Pakistan: Court frees 20 Muslims suspected of burning Christian couple alive in industrial kiln for “blasphemy” ”
In the immortal words of The Appeaser: what a Great Faith, that burns Christians alive and that frees the suspects. We need more of that in our country, and Allah be praised, we’re getting it.
RIP to the tragic couple, parents of three.
Just think, the couple could have escaped all of that by fleeing to the UK as “refugees”.
They wouldn’t have been let in. Wrong religion, sorry.
The bbc is, in all ways, unique. Not least in matters of money. For instance pensions that can only go up as well as up, even if it means dipping into the licence tax pot.
So there is little surprise they are taking up the cause of their dream couple against evil capitalists and their profiteering.
Comments are… varied… so I actually decided to try and discern the key issues from the story in detail.
Thing is, on detail that matters, the bbc has gone a bit vague, whilst playing up sound bites of zero value from noble public sector types seeking to stick it to the man.
Now t&cs (aka the small print) can and often deserve a bad rep. However in business contracts they are necessary to specify agreed parameters.
Were I to buy a bargain property on a cliff, I might be moved to wonder why a few hundred quid is all it takes for a massive payout if nature takes its course.
Not the crack bbc reporting team and their poor clients.
Odd, given the bbc does have t&cs of its own. Take the near extinct blogs and HYS. You agree that if you break the bbc rules, you are toast. In fact just ‘belief’ by the bbc can see you banned.
This case and its defence sets quite a precedent, but does fall well under the bbc ‘other people’s money’ remit, so if premiums go up, their package covers it.
Something to remember if sitting at a roundabout in Edgbaston when front-ended by a reversing Nissan .
“We got a phone call on Friday to say we weren’t covered because of ‘erosion’ – but this was caused by the storms and winds.”
What does the idiot think erosion is?
Setting aside the circumstances of this particular case.
Why on earth isn’t the government doing something to address the rapid erosion on the East coast?
The Dutch, admittedly their country is a far smaller one, wouldn’t allow so much of their land to be lost to the sea without trying to prevent or at least minimise it.
It’s almost as if our governing elite hate this country so much that they are literally willing to let it fall into the sea rather than protect it.
From somewhere in Politics I remember the ‘theory’ of ‘Permanent Revolution’. We can add to that. The theory of ‘Permanent Undermining’. Of democratic results by so-called democrats.
It’s become clear now that there will not ever be a halt in challenges to Trump and Brexit.
Reasons why there was ‘something wrong’ with the former’s victory will continue, driven by the MSM and , in the UK, the BBC in particular.
They ‘liberals’ (actually they’re socialists) want rid of Trump and will find some new reason why he ‘cheated’ or whatever, for the next three years. We will see a lot of creative thinking. At the moment it’s the gun issue/ marches, which the Bcc has given an ecstatic prime spot in their bulletins. In place two are accusations re Facebook machinations which – like the Russians- may have put in the White House, it is alleged.
As regards Brexit, well -there may have been some illegal money stuff, you know. Meanwhile it’s being dragged out endlessly and being watered down by May, anyway. You begin to wonder why the challengers are even bothering. And the BBC will lead the charge.
The moment these two events happened, the elites and their media set about permanently undermining the results. So much for their commitment to Democracy. And it won’t change. They’re going to come up with something new every week. Technology. Alleged dishonesty. Misdeeds. anything will do the trick. Wanna bet?
Isn’t it strange how none of this went on while the equal opportunities president was in office? Clearly, there were neither gun crimes nor school shootings under his beneficent rule.
It’s a bit like the ‘homeless’, who seem to vanish from our streets like the morning mist while Labour is in power, only to reappear when the forces of darkness seize control again.
Ah! I missed this snippet of news. Scanning quickly one can be easily misled into thinking that the subject location of the article was the UK. After all, the subject matter is now weekly news in the UK.
In essence, correct me if I am wrong, islam sees any female as ‘fair game’ or, ‘easy meat’ if its not dressed from head to toe in a black bin liner and slopping (as they do) along the High Street.
Only option is for our girls and women to dress similarly in a bin liner. But, hang on, that’s the object of the islamic command anyway. Isn’t it?
BBC Big Questions – Yep!, the burning one today.
After all the Islamic terror attacks here last year, yet another Islamic
attack in France, citing the Islamic state as inspiration
… the BBC asks
“would … M … cough erm Jesus be considered an extremist today?”
… rolls eyes
I recently returned from a short holiday in Antigua. The temperature is warm and gently cooled by light tropical breezes (well most of the time). The inhabitants are friendly and hospitable. About 90,000 people live on the island and the crime rate is extremely low. “We know where all the bad boys live”, I was told. Disputes, when they occur, can be intense as in any small homogeneous community, but people learn to live and let live. I found myself making enquiries about a plot of land running down to the sea where local regulations and a skilled workforce make it possible to build a dream house.
Of course it has the additional advantage that it is one of the last remaining places where you don’t meet the Diane Abbotts of this world.
The only fly in the ointment is the name of its national park !
Just in case your blood pressure is unusually low, please read this from the Sunday Times today.
Fishing returns to UK control after 2021? Erm no.
88% of Welsh fishing is now owned by Spanish firms. In the rest of the UK 50% is held by firms from Holland, Iceland and Spain.
These catches do not touch UK shores, they are taken back to their home countries.
So why don’t we British buy licences to fish in French and Irish waters for example. Erm, because they have banned us from doing so. The French and Irish fish their own waters, thank you very much and F*** Y** les Rosbifs and F*** the EU regulations.
The Brits meanwhile sell licences to anyone who wants to decimate the UK fishing industry.
The Spanish, Dutch companies have now set up offices in the UK to comply with legislation after Brexit.
Exactly. Membership of the EU and the CFP has decimated the industry with our fishermen being forced to sell up and relinquish their quotas. Successive governments have sold these to foreign companies.
Please read the Introduction in The Brexit Textbook on Fisheries (published Feb 2017)
and listen to Westmonster Uncensored (March 21st) between approx. 18:40 and 19:30
We used to have Navy gunboats that would once have protected our waters.
Look at us now.
Channel 4 have already been round Skagen in Denmark, fearing our Brexit vote. And its effect on those poor Danes.
When did anybody here give a damn about OUR fishermen in North Shields ,Brixham or Grimsby? Why won`t Channel 4 ever go and ask THEM what Brexit might yet bring if we get a strong leader?
Sick of the liberals.
Alicia –
The Brexit process is only going to make matters worse with regard to the way Blighty screwed people and countries over so that Edward Heath could practice his French – blood relatives like the Aussies and New Zealander’s dumped – even with a Union Jack in their flag – no transition . A disgrace . And the uk fishing industry dumped as part of a deal. 60 of British fish goes to the EU- probably more in real life. Shut the foreign fishing boats out like Iceland did.
We know the faces of the Muslim rape families, but where are the pictures of the police who enabled them? Ninety one police were referred to the IPCC years ago. So far not a single prosecution of the policemen who: refused to investigate; turned distressed rape victims away; suppressed reports; ‘lost’ evidence; branded the rape of underage girls ‘consensual sex’; and fired whistleblowers.
We’ll only know we’ve turned the corner when the BBC shows us police being carted away to prison:
We’ll really know we’ve turned a corner when we see the bbc journalists, editors and managers who ignored and buried the stories being carted away to prison. Oh Happy Day.
I was listening to Any Questions yesterday afternoon (yes, I should know better). I think it was the last question that asked the panel about problems with women’s areas being infiltrated by transgender types. What peculiar times we live in!
Listening to the BBC it often seems as though I live in a parallel universe. There were even (so called) right wingers on the panel in agreement that this is “A very serious situation that has to be handled sensitively.” Okay, but…
This in a week, where in London alone, we’ve had 8 culturally enriched knife murders. Not to mention our friendly neighbourhood, bearded rapists being in court.
The very po faced pc woman that asked the original question responded to the panel; “There’s no place for male genitalia in a female safe space.” Ye gods! I was chuckling. Not a hint of a titter from the right on panel. “Titter ye not!” as Frankie once said.
No male genitalia in a female safe space!
That’s a new one for the wife…
And no titters in the male safe space.
How sad is that?
My female safe spaces are the pets bowls, area that need scrubbing behind the loos as well as the parts where you have to scrub behind the food bins where he let the compost overflow.
I used to have others I`d think-but I should have written them down at the time.
Trying to post a link to a UTube video .. anyone know how to do it please?
Just post the web page address. Don’t attempt to post it as an image, which I think you may have done.
@Oldcrone We discussed the Sheffield trumpet arrest on the 23rd here
Your jazzed up Youtube clip
I don’t think they held her for long, just issued her with a summons to come to court , which they will then probably cancel citing CPS
..Greens get away with big things all the time, smashup machinery delay production by weeks , all costing £millions, and the judge lets them off..One rule for the left another for the non-left.
Wasn’t really posted in relation to any political thing .. I just thought it was so farcically funny .. it gave me a laugh (and I need any laugh I can get these days) .. especially the commentary by the bloke (well it sounded like a bloke :-o) and how he just said “Cliff Richard” in a normal speaking voice but enough that the cops could hear him. Then a bit later “Rotherham”.
May be different depending on PC (I have Macs and iThings), but I find YouTube usually has a share option, and on the drop down there is a ‘copy link’. Simply copy that and drop it in here as a hyperlink. Never had a problem. Still images however… 🙁
Thank you everybody .. also Stew for the info on previous post. Although how he knew it was that I was trying to post I am gobsmacked by.
I put the mouse over the broken image
– I then rightclicked and selected “copy image address”
For comments here , to add bits from youtube or twitter
all you do is put the http address in the type comment box
after you’ve typed your words
– I whoosh the mouse up to the address bar, click , then do Ctr-A to select, Ctrl-C to copy
then whoosh the mouse back into the comment box and hit Ctrl-V to paste
When civil war breaks out among the liberal elite, you have to have a heart of stone not to find it all ballsachingly funny. Like Jeff I too heard the ardent feminist during Any Questions declare that “There’s no place for male genitalia in a female space” and like Jeff I wondered if the better half would agree.
Of course Germaine Greer has been “no platformed” for similar sentiments and Wimmen’s Hour is also struggling with the issue. Desperate to be on the latest politically correct trend, they find themselves caught between the proverbial hard place and biological science.
If you pander to every “identity” interest you start to lose a grip with reality. Of course overpaid BBC female journalists suggesting that they should be even more overpaid because Eddie Mair cops £500,000 for reading the news, is just funny. It gets serious when you start to ignore the real issues of society and the cultural differences that put us all in danger.
Islamic terrorism, unlimited immigration putting enormous pressure on blue collar wages and services, falling standards in our state run schools and no standards in our make work seats of unlearning, disintegrating towns and communities. One could go on but these are the real issues that face us, not some bloke who wants to be a woman.
As the invaders get tougher, we get ever softer. Next war we’ll be debating how many trannies, wimmin and gays should be conscripted while the enemy march in.
Actually we’re already in the next war, and they’ve already marched in and are now claiming benefits.
The press are describing the Brexit guy as a ‘whistleblower’.
I’d have thought ‘jilted and outed gay guy with an axe to grind’ might be more accurate.
– Ooo, bitch, I’m outing you, then I’m dumping you.
– Ooo, you cow, I’m telling the Observer and the BBC stories about you and your Brexit, so there.
Can I have a job with the BBC now please?
Vlad – I didnt even bother reading the story the headlines told me all I needed to know. In the real world (as you said) most people would just dismiss him as a handbags at dawn, attention seeking drama queen. But in the BBC world this sort of crap is important.
“Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago” and Heather the black singer from M People plays the race card. In the last programme Heather explains how she encountered racists in all the churches she tried to join. Racists, everywhere.
Search for the “Hero” inside yourself wasn`t it?
One of the worst records ever done. Her band did very well out of the rave culture, drugs and dissolution.
Definitely more part of the national problem than of any solutions-again, therefore just what the BBC need to stir their endless pot.
The beeb aren’t happy unless they’re sniffing out racism everywhere.
It’s the only thing they believe in.
YasminAB watch – She’s been given a prog at 8pm Monday on R4
Idi Amin’s Uganda Retold
As with libs, it’s a guilt trip about her actual privilege.
” .. a personal account of her life in the country where she was born and calls for a more honest assessment of what actually took place ..with General Amin’s regime. ”
She calls out the focus on Asians, when the actual deaths of LOCAL AFRICANS was a bigger issue
“The mass murder of Amin’s own people is largely forgotten. ”
(“own people”, I’d guess they came from other tribes)
Amin said Asians refused to integrate with black African people..Yasmin, agrees
“Many continued to hold racist views about black Ugandans and were racist towards them”
It’s a little-mentioned fact that most Asians are extremely racist towards blacks and Africans whom they regard as inferior beings.
Doesn`t she owe Heath and his useless government her life this one?
If we`d shut her family out, she`d surely be a goner. So why this incessant bitching and ingratitude?
She`s just Anna Soubry in disguise, truly barking and contradictory. Mad as a box of frogs. Who gives a stuff what Africans and Asians were up to in the 70s, we`ve got todays equivalent to sort-and Brown is a dangerous distraction and a malicious piece of work. Hence the BBC and the liberals continuing to fund her moaning.
“Girl seriously hurt after car drives into group of children in Glasgow”
Of course one mustn’t jump to conclusions, but ‘car attack’ and ‘teenage girls’… tends to set off alarm bells.
More worrying is that the beebistan have buried it under Scotland (do they know something?) but most worrying of all is the beeb assertion that ‘There was no suggestion that the incident was terrorism-related.’
Now I’m really scared.
Caught a bit of Andrew Marr coaxing one Carol Cadwallender into trashing the legitimacy of the Brexit vote this morning. How DO they get away with this?
Haven`t Democrats and Momentum, Corbyn and Clintobama doing the selfsame thing of paying “date mining experts” to get their numbers up, their troublemakers signed up and active?
The right did nothing like this, and now THEY are accused of winning-sorry, preventing the left from continuing their campaign to destroy the west from within.
What crybaby hypocrites. And when a gay Muslim /Pakistani Remoaner goes to the Observer with a two year old story-and Marr puts it top of his show-it`s safe to say that Alastair Campbells rummaging in George Soros Big Pockets again.
Sinister-no-one down here is listening now though.
But what they`re unravelling now will never be put back together again. When The Reckoning comes, they`ll have cause to rue their setting fire to their own forests. They are truly despicable. And as Obvious as their Sunday Guardian. The Obviouser. Cyclops tossers.
To be fair, the other guest did ask if Remainers had anything to declare-and would the throng at the BBC care to look into it…cue silence and tumbleweed as ever.
The £9,000,000 cost of sending the booklet, telling us to vote to stay in the eu, sent to every house in the U.K.
The one where Cameron said we should stay in the eu.
Was that declared on the remoan money spent list.
Every week we get a new attempt at Brexit (and Trump) where the snowflakes are trying absolutely everything to stop democracy.
Surely these anti democratic bastards must be running out of things to blame because the results didn’t go their way.
One thing about the eu.
Once we are out, even the very soft Brexit that our socialist government are conceding everything to get, I think we can start properly disentangling ourselves from the eu so that in 5-10 years time we may be out as we voted for.
Each election the government must dangle the possibility of a distancing from the eu such as really leaving the fisheries or CAP or lowering immigration. Otherwise UKIP will seriously pose a threat to the 3 socialist parties.
Unless of course, the eu has fallen apart by then.
Don’t confuse the BBC with an organisation interested in facts.
saw this on Guido. In the clip of that interview, Andrew Marr actually castigates Cadwalladar for being unable to show a link between the Brexit groups and Cambridge Analytical. When Cadwalladar starts waffling away the wonderful Isobel Oakeshott quietly tears her apart.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
@scribblingscribe’s video
I agree with @Vlad : “You-Must NOT See”, would be an excellent daily program
Where instead of BBC-Must-See issues it covers the issues that the BBC thinks we must NOT see
#1 That they the train bomber was a failed Iraqi asylum seeker
#2 That another Pak/Groom/rape gang got away with it for years in Oxford
#3 That today it’s coal that’s keeping the lights on as the wind has dropped.
#4 That Antarctic ice has grown a lot, whilst Antarctic has only fallen a little etc.
Recommend some C-Span thing I watched on BBC Parliament earlier.
Had Pat Buchanan and Barbara Perry talking about America in 1968.
Courteous, good questions in from the public, fairly and humbly moderated for impartiality. Everything that the BBC would not, could never do.
So we learnt things. Again, something the BBC are set against.
But gave me hope. Buchanan was way ahead of his time, the Radio 4 Archive pap last night was on the same topic-but was liberal chow, compared to C-Span.
Off to get the dinner now.
Jihad Watch: “UK judge tells Tube jihadi: “You’ll have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison…the Koran is a book of peace”
Has Mr Justice Haddon-Cave ever actually read the Qur’an? Almost certainly not; otherwise he wouldn’t have gone on record with this spectacularly asinine and counterfactual statement.
– “And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out…” (Qur’an 2:191-193)
-“They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, and then you would be equal; therefore do not take friends from among them, until they emigrate in the way of Allah; then, if they turn their backs, seize them and kill them wherever you find them; do not take for yourselves any one of them as friend or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)
– “This is the recompense of those who fight against Allah and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth to do corruption there: they shall be killed, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall be struck off on opposite sides; or they shall be exiled from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world; and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement.” (Qur’an 5:33)
-“When your Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers; so strike the necks, and strike every finger of them!” (Qur’an 8:12)
– “Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah; then if they give over, surely Allah sees the things they do.” (Qur’an 8:39)
– “Make ready for them whatever force and strings of horses you can, to strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides them that you know not;” (Qur’an 8:60)
– “Then, when the sacred months are over, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. (Qur’an 9:5)
– “Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not practice the religion of truth, even if they are of the People of the Book — until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)
– “Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed; that is a promise binding upon Allah in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Koran; and who fulfils his covenant truer than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him; that is the mighty triumph.” (Qur’an 9:111)
– “O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.” (Qur’an 9:123)
– “When you meet the unbelievers, strike their necks, then, when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds; then set them free, either by grace or ransom, till the war lays down its loads. (Qur’an 47:4)
– Does Islam really forbid terrorism?
“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)
“When your Lord inspired to the angels, ‘I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.’” (Qur’an 8:12)
“And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know, whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.” (Qur’an 8:60)
A hadith has Muhammad saying: “I have been made victorious with terror.” (Bukhari 4.52. 220)
And on, and on, and on.
Sorry it’s a bit long, but if you think that’s bad you should see the original.
‘Spectacularly asinine’ judge.
Judges know to say the right thing to get up to the next career rung. No different from anyone else in public service selling their soul.
I don’t know why but he reminds me of a particularly self abasing Cocker Spaniel or the van in Dumb and Dummer.
Man says answers to the world are in Mein Kampf … without reading it.
Ex-Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí to present herself for arrest
Could she not claim political asylum in the UK?
This could be tricky for the SNP and Plaid Cymru .
“Girl seriously hurt after car drives into group of children in Glasgow”
It was the car that did it ‘Guv’.
Those ‘men’ again ?
Na. The BBC have ruled out a terrorist connection. As the driver has been caught, identified or questioned it is diffiuclt to see how they can be so confident.
BTW, unlike the BBC I have not idea why this attack too place.