“Ex-Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí to present herself for arrest” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-43529496
She should claim political asylum in Great Britain, the country of the free .
They will be after Mr Farage and the ‘Kippers’ next?
British freedom of speech, democracy and culture is being eroded.
We should have got out of the EU ages ago.
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we nearly there yet…………………
R4 trying again to get at Trump. (Legitimate for a publicly-funded foreign ‘news channel’ ?) Links to Nigel Oaks, apparently. Another real hatchet job on ‘Profile’. They’re desperate, DESPERATE to unseat a US president. Immoral? At the very least.
Excellent news for al beeb . Three thousand new midwifes to care for all those baby Mohammeds being punched out . And as a bonus they can help with the white 14 year girls being raped and banged up in the name of the false profit / prophet .
They really should sack all their grossly overpaid ‘news’ staff and replace them with one scene repeating over and over: a black Lesbian nurse complaining about a lack of funding, Brexit and Trump.
Next story is vote Leave over spending!
Oh just f**k off. Will their tantrum ever end? Never any ‘outrage’ over all their side’s dirty tricks. How dare Obama and the governor of the Bank of England get involved.
They certainly don’t need any specialist hacks concentrating on the NHS. All the BBC ever does is broadcast the views of workforce which, of course, in every industry considers itself grossly underpaid.
Clever strategy of remainers to plant grasses in the brexit camp during the campaign and then get them to surface during the brexit negotiations . I wonder how many pieces of silver were involved ? Al beeb revelling in it and strangely a brexit political party – labour – want a criminal investigation .
Blame thick voters , blame the Russians , blame lies in the campaign , blame online canvassers , now blame financial fiddles – anyone think of something else to blame as they seem to be running out of excuses to overturn democracy .
My initial thought when I saw the headlines this morning was that it seemed little more than a case of “hell hath no fury” which fitted the BBC’s agenda, so of course the BBC would go full on it.
Before replying to you I thought I’d check the BBC’s news page to read a bit more and see if there was anything to indicate whether my first impressions were wrong or right. Only to find the story has disappeared from sight. That suggests to me that the BBC have realised the story doesn’t stand scrutiny, but they’ve sowed some seeds of doubt and will retire, job done.
Or perhaps they just feel that the prominent stories now on there of one man tampering with his balls and another having a sick bucket near are of greater global importance.
I notice several here, including myself, refer to Guido. Has anyone experienced an increase in censorship there, even when directly on topic?
In a discussion covering the guilty verdict issued to the man with a nazi saluting pug, I referred to the following comment, and my post was removed.
According to a comment in the Jewish Chronicle the pug has been promoted to a German Shepherd.’
Can’t really help I’m afraid. I do read the articles and, to an extent, the comments and will link to them here but rarely comment there myself.
He does seem rather too close to the Tories for my liking these days, but nonetheless does some good exposures still. And is willing to put the boot into the BBC. When he’s not going on about whether Greggs are opening a shop or not, which no one outside Westminster cares about.
@GWF If a moderator was playing safe
..and doesn’t understand your joke
..then he would have removed it.
BTW I don’t understand your joke either.
I don’t understand why media people use the Italian pronunciation “Gweedo” instead of the British one “Guy-do”
The whole website is set up to rhyme with Guy
It wasn’t my joke at all.
If it was my fucking joke I would accept its removal.
I was quoting a comment from the Jewish Chronicle and said so in the comment Geedo removed.
The point I was making should have been fucking obvious.
Jews were not offended by the pug video. They made jokes about it.
I thought it was a clever joke. Pug behaves like a Nazi and gets ptomoted to a German Shepherd.
Gettit. Nazi, German. Little dog big dogl.
I have the greatest respect for Jewish people and their sense of humour.
Aw fuck it
Everyone wants to censor
I seem to get in boiling water sometimes when I post here – I made a comment once about the Londonistan mayor being the son of a bus driver – something he had pushed out during his campaign – and got slagged for demeaning bus drivers .
Someone called’ purdy” slagged me because I described Londonistan as a place to avoid because it was dangerous – ‘ apparently I am ‘full of bile” when I thought I was just saying it at it is
I’m still looking forward to being called a ‘digrace’ By a semi regular poster who is often on the night shift.
In short – free speech is more important than offending people.
If someone is offended – bloody live with it.
Sign the end the ‘ hate speech’ petition on parliament .
BBC TV1 has just focused the spotlight on TELFORD!
A disused coal mine has been polluting the water there, so ‘Countryfile’ paid it a visit.
You surely didn’t think for one minute…
Such red rivers super-high in iron do occur in nature
Redbourne in Scunthorpe , thats where they built the ironworks.
There at least one other Rebourne , red river in the UK
And I’ve seen such are iron river in Viturbo, Lazio, Italy
And there is a weird thing in Amazon whereby the main river is brown from mud and the side rivers flow into it like black strips
, cos they are naturally black from all the organic matter.
Rather than a fade , you see clear border in the river.
Stew “Rather than a fade , you see clear border in the river.” border, border, what?!! Stop talking like that or you’ll make some people think of walls.
The big story on the 6.05 BBC TV1 news?
Alleged ‘illegitimate’ funding for the Brexit campaign.
The puny sums mentioned make me smile.
I think of the one-sided, publicly-funded propaganda pamphlet Cameron circulated to support Remain.
£9 million was it? The BBC seem to have forgotten all about that little outrage.
If I were them I’d stop whining.
Anyone know why the billionaire George Soros can openly interfere with democratic elections and referendums in the UK and the US yet the BBC doesn’t trouble us with even a mention of this. While unproven links with Russians, or Cambridge Analytica throw the BBC into melt down.
Soros is even trying to undo the democratic vote for Trump and Brexit and again no one in the BBC is concerned.
I’ve decided that my childhood and teenage years in the 50’s and 60’s were definitely the happiest years. Not least because I’m living in times whereupon listening to the news and reading the media, everyone is either angry or has ‘issues’. Whether its being pissed off with Brexit, petitioning the Government about some ‘wrong’ that needs righting, every bugger is ‘offended about something, wrong doing is blamed on mental health illnesses, people getting arsy because they are born in the wrong body – so there’s no pleasing them at all, today I read that Frank Gardner is angry because the staff at Heathrow didn’t get his wheelchair to the plane in quick enough time – these things happen Frank. Someone called A Girl Named Jack has taken JK Rowling to task about a tweeted comment. Jesus, that’s what I mean, its as though people aren’t getting on with their lives, but trawling through social media waiting to pounce on the slightest thing that might ‘offend’. That’s the trouble now, – things happen, but society has to blame someone or sue. Its nuts !
Ok we weren’t privy to all that was going in in the 60’s, and yes we did get anxious about the threat of nuclear war happening at any time, and we all sniggered at the Profumo Affair, and cheered when we could take control of our bodies with the Pill, but in the main we sallied through the decade certainly without all the angst of the past miserable 20 years.
Leftists are unhappy people. The collective noun for a group of Leftists is a winge of Leftists. The generation you are talking about were grateful to have survived the Second World War. Every new day was a bonus. Leftists are narcissists.
What makes them dangerous is that they are malignant narcissists. It is not enough that their boundless demands make them unhappy (they are big babies and will always be unhappy – until they grow up and have to think about others), it is the thought (this is their essential selfishness) that somebody else might be happier than they are which torments them.
They want to make everybody in the world as unhappy as they are – which is all egalitarianism amounts to in the end.
Yes, you are right Wild; there was very little whingeing either. Like it was a given that we went to work, no question, we just found a job and did it. We played hard too, ok we smoked (few knew the dangers) but the drinking ‘culture’ was non-existent. The drugs scene was mainly confined to pop groups and (we assumed) fast living types who lived in London (yes, naïve I know), and Hire Purchase was about as far as credit went in those days, so we had to save for anything we wanted. There was half day closing for shops during the week, all were shut on Sundays, and Christmas started on Christmas Eve. Of course life wasn’t all a bunch of roses, but we lived in a happier place.
How on earth can it be illegal to run a Referendum in your own country, with a democratic mandate?
Where and how did the EU come up with political arrest warrants? This stinks like Franco or Mussolini-and this is where the EU are at.
Hope the Catelonians join us in a pincer movement to smash the EU, and hang a few MEPs at the Hague…the EU are truly totalitarian scum.
And if we`ve learned nothing else since 2015-the BBC, Islam,and the EU are all in this one together. We`re going to need the Russians soon, so stay nice to them.
The body politic is as dissected and clear now as any autopsy. The cancer has metastasised,
PS Brissles above. I`ve less than a week before I`ve no licence here. Back to skipping rope, and real life gossip with real people. The media are dead, as is politics and their agenda. No need to bother with them then. If they find us, we`ll sort them.
I suppose the woman funded by Branson will be off to the court again to get the result annulled for a remain rerun – especially when the dodgy foreign chap turns up with his dodgy dossier on Monday morning – presumably being stroked by humph at 0810 on Toady … followed by some labour remainer like hatty of Abbot calling for resignations , public inquiries , plod , a vote rerun …. with no contrary view of course….
“EU integration represents a gradual coup by government executives against legislatures, and by politicians against the citizens who elect them.
This process sucks the reality of power from traditional government institutions, while leave these formally intact. They still keep their old names -parliament, government, supreme court- so that their citizens do not get too alarmed, but their classical functions have been transferred.”
“Power is concentrated heavily in institutions that are above the formal restraints of public consent and above the informal restraints of public scrutiny and insight.”
BBC are headlining Corbyn’s apology for ‘pockets of anti-semitism’ in the Labour Party.
Is it me or is this just manufactured synthetic indignation?
I thought the whole point was to be seen to be anti-semitic.
Quite deliberately.
Because it is presumably seen as a vote winner among the…ahem…supporters of a certain peaceful religion, far bigger than the Jewish community, and augmented over many years by the Labour-supporting policy if unfettered mass immigration.
In fact, gerrymandering on a truly epic scale.
Of course the biased BBC do not want to call it out for what is.
Seen the poster – apparently Corbin had too …. he probably thought it wasn’t anti Jewish because there is no swastika in it. That creature can do no wrong – a Tory politician allegedly calls a copper a pleb and loses his Job – the leader of the loyal opposition sails merrily on…
10pm BBC1 news, second story was the antisemitism in the Labour Party. Poor Mishal reported through gritted teeth. The whole report was obviously carefully worded, slightly slower speaking and carefully enunciated. An explanation that there are pockets of antiSemitsm within the Labour Party. Explanation that previously Corbyn had just apologised. What they didn’t say is that Corbyn is at the centre of the antisemitism and when his history is examined is seen to be part of the problem.
Cop slashed by a man with a sword.
From the way the cops are whacking him when he is on the ground we can infer that he was not a Norwegian looking for Allan’s Snack Bar.
”GMP said, on arriving at the scene, police tried to engage with a man before one of the officers was slashed with a sword.”
Long gone are the days when a mob of British police tried to calmly talk to anyone.
After they’ve watched 1000’s of hours of USA dramas, it’s all screaming and shouting
Yes Eddy, its noticeable now that the Jack Warner (Dixon of Dock Green) approach has gone the way of the Walkman, and its who can shout the loudest. I wonder if anyone says “no need to shout”.
“Car sales in Britain are set to slide this year amid a slowdown in consumer spending, a report has claimed.”
\\It also said Brexit-related uncertainty was “weighing on consumer spending decisions”. // http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43534484
That’s less German cars being imported.
More project fear?
taffman – some small corrections if I may “Car sales in Britain are set to slide this year amid a slowdown in consumer spending, rising running costs, a continuing decline in young people learning to drive and the UK Government’s decision to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2040 onwards – a report has claimed.”
I expect the cold, hard reality of Government (both local and national) choices to start to bite at politicians’ heels in about 2020. I use the word ‘cold’ very deliberately.
I seem to remember we had a general election in 2017. Does anyone remember a manifesto commitment to ban petrol engines by 2040?
How odd that France should announce such a mad policy, followed within a week or so by Britain? It must have been in the works for months, yet no-one thought it worth mentioning to the serfs when they go through their pretence at democracy.
It’s almost as if we are run by a shadow government based in Brussels….
\\David Davis says a deal with EU is ‘incredibly probable’//
\\Mr Rees-Mogg, meanwhile, is urging the UK to be prepared to walk out on talks and warning that rowing back on Brexit would be “the most almighty smash to the national psyche” akin to the Suez crisis, when Britain and France attempted to regain control of the Suez Canal from Egypt in 1956.
“It would be an admission of abject failure, a view of our politicians, of our leaders, of our establishment that we were not fit, that we were too craven, that we were too weak to be able to govern ourselves and that therefore we had to go crawling back to the mighty bastion of power that is Brussels,” he will say in a speech on Tuesday.
“As with the disaster of Suez it would end up being a national humiliation based on lies.”// http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43532478
“Thousands march in Leeds anti-Brexit protest”
“Lord Andrew Adonis and philosopher AC Grayling joined protesters as they demonstrated through the city.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-43527517
Thousands, really ?
And the population of Leeds is ?……….
”Big landlords are trying to solve Britain’s renting mess”
What’s this about then? A wall to keep immigrants out??
No, just a block of gated flats in the East End for £1600 a month.
Something smugly sick about the whole article and video.
Meet Michael McDonald the hideously white new tenant…
Works in Canary Wharf, but naturally the BBC omit to give any more details..
Meet Norbert the 24 hour caretaker…I mean mean concierge.
”There’s a table-tennis table, a reading snug and a rentable bedroom and dining room – in case guests come or he wants to hold a dinner party.”
Big landlords are trying to cash in on Britain’s renting mess –
would be a more correct headline, and on land taken from the ethnically cleansed Cockneys
Licence fee payers of course only rent such gems. To own they need to pay on top.
Of course, if Mike was smart, he’d self identify as a Somalian, but downgrading to a free £1600 a month gaff may be beneath a true seeker of Capital support.
“Bosses at Carillon were more interested in their own pay than signs of trouble in the company.”
The BBC love to wag their finger at others, though the Carillon bosses sound just like them. They earn a fortune but have totally failed in their duty to tell us what is actually happening in the country as they are so paralysed by the war on reality which is political correctness.
The bbcettes seem to be getting more muted as every high profile sulk over not getting a pay rise equivalent to the annual salary of many more useful public sector employees, backfires further.
This evening At 530 I shall be going to a rally against anti-semitism
in the Labour party in Westminster. Let’s see if the most
supportive programme on UK TV of the Corbanyst Labour party
Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmed’s Londonistan programme even give
the demonstration a mention. On this Fifth Columnist editorial ,
sub editorial , researchers agendas
there are more important topics . Such as attacking the Metropolitan police. The Toreeees. The BOSSES of the NHS ,Transport for London etc etc.
The Jewish schools in London have security like Fort Knox. Who
do you think this security is to protect them against Londondistan
Programme? But I reiterate lets see if there is any mention of this
demonstration this evening.
I would guess that they will mention it briefly but will frame it in a totally different way to that of the march’s intentions. It will be something like “A march against anti-semitism which has got worse due to the rise of the far-right”.
Or, if they mention Labour it will be “perceived anti-semitism in the Labour Party, which was disproved by a thorough investigation led by the highly-respected Lady Chakribati”.
However they do it won’t be anything to do with the real purpose of the march because the “anti-Zionists” (new name for anti-Semites) at the BBC who are Cobynistas to a man, woman or any other invented gender do not accept that there is anything wrong with that strand of bigotry.
It will then be relegated to a low spot on their London regional news and forgotten quickly.
I always got a laugh across those years when the lovely shabi was the ‘go to’ girl for al Beeb on ‘this and that’ as head of thecNCCL cum “liberty’ and her constant profession of political neutrality only to get a labour peerage for selling what was left of her soul. Although I guess she never had one.
At least she is on a guaranteed 300 quid for getting out of the bed each day .
Fossi, forgive my naivety, and I know that Jewish faith schools are heavily protected, but where is the main threat coming from ? is it attacks from Muslims, the Christian community, or both ? we see tv programmes relating to this problem, but I cant remember being informed as to who the abusers are. Its shameful this is happening at all, and it all seems to be swept under the carpet as far as the media is concerned, but if say a Muslim faith school in Luton was under siege regularly there would be wall to wall coverage on the rolling news. Children anywhere in the world should be going to school without fear of attack or being gunned down.
Brissles-It is to protect them from terrorist attacks. I leave it
up to you to decide where you think those terrorist attacks may come
from in the UK. What we do not need is for a politician from
a major party giving succour to such people who would do harm
to ALL of our children of all religious persuasion or secular beliefs..
This huffy comment today in the newspaper front page article made me laugh:
“The Telegraph says the out campaign was run on a shoestring while remain had the backing of the government, the Opposition, the EU, the CBI, the TUC, the White House and, in its view, the BBC.”
“…in its view”? No mention of the report by the Institute of Economic Affairs then.
‘Why is this news’? asks Dr Sebastian Gorka, puzzled, of Justin Webb and the BBC R4 on Toady this morning.
Welcome to the BBC, Dr Gorka. They want to unseat an elected President. A publicly-funded organisation, force-financed by UK licence-fee payers. Pretty immoral, I think.
Yesterday it was the insinuated Facebook/ Cambridge Analytics thing. Today it’s a porn star. As usual, the BBC will pick up anything they can lay their hands on from anti-Trump US media (CBS in this case).
Justin is trying to equate Stormy with the Monica Lewinski affair. Sebastian Gorka is pointing to many, highly relevant and significant differences, ‘even if anything did happen’. eg that Clinton WAS president at the time and WAS in the White House.
But Justin doesn’t care about the facts. This is a bid of fake news Justin is running cos he’s hoping that mud sticks. After all, this must be about the fiftieth anti-Trump story by the BBC since his election. And when it comes to Trump, Webb is a professional mud-thrower.
BBC are hoping that they ca simply accumulate enough stories for people to say ‘There is smoke…’
This incessant anti-Trump campaign by the BBC is no longer reporting news. It is something far more sinister and unethical…
How much longer must licence-fee payers pay for this?
Fake –
I don’t think our Justin liked the challenge about that immoral fool – Hillary’s husband getting a blow job from a 20 year old intern in the Oval Office with a private citizen banging a tart 10 years ago.
Enjoying (allegedly) the contractural services of a mature professional is, one might suggest, a bit different to using an intern subordinate’s la-la as a humidor.
But this is the BbC, who gave Lord Creosote of Temple Mount a free ride, as it were, even as bbc staff camper vans were being hosed down in the car park.
There are 3 angles to the story, so something to dismay a variety of audiences:
1. Married Trump was unfaithful to his wife: he’s an adulterer (dismay Christians and the moral majority);
2. Trump had sex with a prostitute: he’s sleazy (ditto);
3. Trump (or people acting on his behalf) tried to keep the story out of the news by paying (and perhaps threatening) the prostitute to keep quiet. This fits with the whole Facebook / Russia / Cambridge Analytica spiel (dismay SJWs).
IMVO Trump has missed a trick here. Now that he’s been elected, he should put his hands up and admit that – yes – 10 years ago when his marriage was going through a bad patch he gave in to temptation and had consensual sex with this beautiful young woman. He regrets it now but as POTUS there are more important things that he is focusing on right now.
And anyway, it’s not like he had some 20 year-old intern blow him off in the White House then lie about it afterwards, like Hilary’s husband did.
A beauty – the 0810 piece about A rich man called Trump banging a porn star 10 years ago – fortunately seb gorka? Ripped the story apart and left our Justin blubbering
Followed by Robinson going after the Brexit campaign for doing its job to get us out of the EUreich . New ballot please . Al Beeb wants us to get the right result next time. Apparently the remainer whistle blower is a paki and queer – which his mum has only just found out ( the latter that is ).
Lucky al Beeb doesn’t talk about anything important like fishing rights or education in the north being x3 worse than for all the foreigners in London.
Robinson interviews the new French ambo about the murder of 4 people by a Muslim terrorist in the name of that evil belief without mentioning Islam or Muslim in the 9 minutes the interview lasted .
The ambo mentioned that it is Holy Week and the police man was murdered as he replaced a hostage and did something Our Lord commanded his followers to do. I bet the satanists running al Beeb listening winced at that one
Then some dead politicians’ sister – whose brother in law is a sex pest – babbled on about negativity … bit rich for using a word like that on ‘al beeb’. The woman sounded like she’s after a peerage so she can sit with princess Doreen of Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong .
Robbie on Toady, interviews some shrill Canadian queen who (at root) wants the referendum result set aside because a Pakistani friend of his was “outed” by someone on the Leave campaign. WTF?
The BBC has a page of those suffering from autism. In the 1990s, Autism was discovered by scientists at Cambridge University to be an extreme form of the male brain. Sadly they had to sit on their findings for almost ten years to avoid censor from feminists and leftie thugs.
So the BBC do a page on women with autism, I guess males, the vast majority of sufferers, just don’t count.
Billy makes a more subtle bid for Owen Jones levels of guest slotting across the BBC estate….
Why are Corbyn’s critics so determined to focus on one badly judged Facebook comment while discounting the numerous times that he has supported the Jewish community in their fight against anti-Semitism? https://t.co/EQflTcRW7V
Nice that the report of dame shabi of Palestine’s whitewash of anti Jew feeling in socialist labour is now shown for what it is. But she got a seat in Parliament out of it so that’s ok. No corruption in british politics .
What I can’t understand is how she is allowed onto al bbc programmes to spout from a false moral highground when in fact she is in the gutter.
Well, at least the Today programme has partially covered the scandal of anti-Semitism that is rife within the Labour Party, and given some air-time to leading Jewish organisations (who have been silent for too long). But it is remarkable (not) that no mention at all was made of Chakrabati’s infamous whitewashing report, after which she was swiftly made a Corbyn Baroness.
Good news that Toady has been obliged to mention the scandal of Labour’s anti semitism. Perhaps those Jewish groups who have been silent too long might turn their attention to the Jewish Board of Deputies who have declared themselves in opposition to Tommy Robinson for his criticism of Islam. They might realise tht Labour has dumped the white working class and Jews in favour of the Moslem vote.
Link here, which incidentally, Guido has censored .
24 hours old but I’ve been busy: Radio 4, Sunday morning yesterday about 9am. Woman with an Asian accent – whose name I missed – was talking about the popularity of “feel good” literature.
In these dark times, in which the regressive forces of hatred are on the ascendant (I paraphrase), people are turning to frothy novels to cheer themselves up, she said.
But that’s not what literature is for, she went on.
No, we should be reading more books like the one she herself had been enjoying reading, about a German academic and some Afghan migrants…
At this point my hand started reaching for the switch.
…and whilst the academic had been kind to the migrants that had not been enough to offset the meanness of the German state towards them, and the fact that the migrants had lost absolutely everything…
BP starts to come down.
If Al Beeb had a functioning light entertainment department these people would be being lampooned. But on and bloody on it goes.
God even the albeeb book of the week by some geologist with a name like Gupta got Brexit into the geology of the channel as a ‘what if’ there was no channel . It is really the nazi approach to propaganda – infest every aspect of life into the al Beeb view of the world – and some people pay for it ,not me – I’m due a visit from the tv detector inspector this week so I’ve been told . They’ve opened an investigation . I’m frightened .
Too many children growing up in the north of England are facing the double disadvantage of entrenched deprivation and poor schools, a report warns.
England’s Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield says children from poorer homes face an education gap that starts before school and widens over time.
The BBC could have interviewed any three children from the North of England so who did they interview? Three Muslims: Tiseana, Hafsah and Qasim.
No in depth analysis offered to a problem such as “too many children start school far behind where they should be, often with special educational needs that have not been picked up”. If I were to have a guess at the problem I would say inbreeding producing low IQ disabled children cannot be helping.
Another problem of “large numbers of children drop out of education before they reach the age of 18” means these kids are not going to be engineers, doctors and architects then?!?
Everywhere Islam goes it leaves a shithole behind with its enrichment.
Hang on, hardly a day goes by without someone on this site sneering at Londonistan, where education has improved.
Immigration plays a part, obviously, but so does class. Too many in the North (and yes, parts of the South) still see education as something which is done to them instead of for them, or something which is the sole responsibility of the state.
I taught for several years in a very modest private school in Yorkshire and, even there, the “I want value for my brass” attitude was used by some parents as an excuse for absolving themselves of any responsibility.
Interestingly, parents from SE Asia, and Hindus and Sikhs from India, don’t seem to be afflicted in this way.
I think much of the concern over ‘Londonistan’ comes about because of the current Mayor and his public statements and the obvious strange disconnects on things like his budget responsibilities and crime & firefighting. Add transport and air quality into the mix and you can see why there is much disquiet here, almost none of which – I think – is really directed at the education of Londoners and the results achieved.
I had the top comment for first 2 hours on the BBC Have Your Say article. I posted: What exactly is “deprived communities”? You make your community yourself.
So many of these “deprived communities” have people from certain ethnic minorities. Are they attracted to those deprived areas or are they making that area into a deprived one?
The Nazi moderators have removed my post because it broke a house rule of “Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others. Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable. Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”.
The fact that over 30% of posters up voted my post to the highest rated comment is irrelevant to the BBC. It’s not the narrative they want people to hear.
I’m about to appeal it – what little that will do!
I got an answer to my appeal asking why it was removed. The full text of the BBC appeal is below…
—————————————— Thank you for contacting the BBC.
Your comment is considered offensive.
In this instance we believe that it was the correct decision to remove your comment and so we will be unable to uphold your appeal.
I couldn’t let that go so I have asked what their definition of “offensive” means. Is it…
a) suggesting any person can improve their own community?
b) mentioning “certain ethnic minorities” in a negative way?
c) suggesting a community may be made worse by people?
Within 5 minutes I get an answer back (getting quite chatty now!)…
—————————————— Thank you for contacting the BBC.
Your question suggests that either way certain ethnic minorities are responsible for causing deprived areas which is offensive.
I’ve replied…
So you think “certain ethnic minorities” ALWAYS make an area the same or better then?
Can I mention the VAST majority of terror attacks are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of acid attacks are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of insurance fraud are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of rape of underage white girls are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of London stabbings are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of 1st cousin marriages leading to disabled children are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
The BBC have got to such a low point in reporting facts that you have become a laughing stock. It is NOT OFFENSIVE to state FACTS.
7:35am BBC Radio Leeds DJ @johnnyianson* was posing as an arch Remainer, in the style of Emma Barnett,
ie Have a Remain crib sheet in front of you, and then use very aggressive harassing questions to the guest
example of leading question “The Chancellor has had to put in £25bn into the economy cos it’s failing cos of Brexit”
This time guest was called Richard Tice (Leave means Leave)
Thing is Remainer guests are never treated in the same style
So it’s a double standard
Twitter hardly noticed only 2 people tweeted about the piece
– Leeds had a big Remain rally at weekend
– He’s the fiance of Keeley the weather girl
Item included political correspondent @kevin_larkin investigated the Big Red Bus campaign, obviously trolling for quotes. Direct to audio 8 minute item
Reason to Leave the EU .. the UK is paying the EU, who are paying a dictator in Turkey to act like a dictator and be rewarded for it …. the UK is supporting authoritarian behaviour …
BBC are slowly getting there … Yemen where Islamic Sunni meets Islamic Shia … twice the religion of peace … the BBC are starting to mention Iran in the Yemen articles (not just Saudi) … but still no Islam or Muslim or Religion … slowly … one word at a time ….
Lithuanians in the UK. In 2011 (Census) the figure was > 95000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuanians_in_the_United_Kingdom
I think this figure, whatever it is post the last Census, is totally wrong. Judging by a Lithuanian I observe, she does not honestly complete the Census form and fails to disclose her Lithuanian male cohabitee. And has done so for over 5 years. Due to the empty Government threat: “It is a legal requirement to provide the information requested. If you don’t you could be fined £1000”, there is no interest in pursuing a fine at all. Ditto all the rest from goodness knows where and it can be seen just how massive the Government’s figures are likely to be completely wrong.
” … Mr Sanni said – in a statement issued through his lawyers – that Mr Parkinson had outed him as gay in his original response.
Mr Sanni, a British Pakistani, said he was forced to tell his family and that relatives in Pakistan could be in danger as a result.”
The retreat from serious scientific scrutiny continues at the BBC at almost every level. Radio 5 Live had an item this morning on the suggested discovery of a statute of the female Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut. Promoting the rather chopped and battered find and plugging the Egypt Centre at Swansea University, was staff member Dr Ken Griffin. There was a lot of “I thinks” and “mights” in discussing the provenance of the piece, but this is not uncommon in dealing with antiquities. The presenter Sam Walker was content to let it all pass and asked nothing of interest to help establish Dr Griffin’s claims. But then the whole show was leading up to the punchline. Noting that establishing provenance was helped by a “handling” session with Swansea students, Ms Walker added:
I did enjoy the way al Beeb advertised that you can sue the Scouts if your kid has a hard time because he has ‘special needs’ . A new lucrative source for those expecellent public service lawyers like shiner .
Sad that I put money into a scouts collecting bucket which is used to pay some degenerate parents 40k for their trouble . Unbelievable .
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie alert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNITC9LtIPU
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-26320942 The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
“Ex-Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí to present herself for arrest”
She should claim political asylum in Great Britain, the country of the free .
They will be after Mr Farage and the ‘Kippers’ next?
British freedom of speech, democracy and culture is being eroded.
We should have got out of the EU ages ago.
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we nearly there yet…………………
R4 trying again to get at Trump. (Legitimate for a publicly-funded foreign ‘news channel’ ?) Links to Nigel Oaks, apparently. Another real hatchet job on ‘Profile’. They’re desperate, DESPERATE to unseat a US president. Immoral? At the very least.
Excellent news for al beeb . Three thousand new midwifes to care for all those baby Mohammeds being punched out . And as a bonus they can help with the white 14 year girls being raped and banged up in the name of the false profit / prophet .
BBC main story that the NHS needs more funding!
They really should sack all their grossly overpaid ‘news’ staff and replace them with one scene repeating over and over: a black Lesbian nurse complaining about a lack of funding, Brexit and Trump.
Next story is vote Leave over spending!
Oh just f**k off. Will their tantrum ever end? Never any ‘outrage’ over all their side’s dirty tricks. How dare Obama and the governor of the Bank of England get involved.
They certainly don’t need any specialist hacks concentrating on the NHS. All the BBC ever does is broadcast the views of workforce which, of course, in every industry considers itself grossly underpaid.
Because of the unique way it is funded, broadcasting on behalf of the public sector 24/7. Never knowingly opposing a tax rise in its entire history.
No case is ever offered for a smaller NHS / reduced expenditure / lower taxes or departure from “free at the point of delivery”. How about:
* fatties / drunks / druggies to foot their own medical bills;
* correction of private sector health treatments (e.g. botched boob jobs): foot your own bill;
* fertility treatment: foot your own bill;
* food whilst in hospital: foot your own bill. This could be means-tested;
* arrived within the UK within last 3 years: foot your own bill.
I’m sure there must be many more.
Many of France’s finest are asking where, when, why and how the latest muslim murderer was radicalised.
Baffling, isn’t it?
Clever strategy of remainers to plant grasses in the brexit camp during the campaign and then get them to surface during the brexit negotiations . I wonder how many pieces of silver were involved ? Al beeb revelling in it and strangely a brexit political party – labour – want a criminal investigation .
Blame thick voters , blame the Russians , blame lies in the campaign , blame online canvassers , now blame financial fiddles – anyone think of something else to blame as they seem to be running out of excuses to overturn democracy .
Blame Thatcher?
My initial thought when I saw the headlines this morning was that it seemed little more than a case of “hell hath no fury” which fitted the BBC’s agenda, so of course the BBC would go full on it.
Before replying to you I thought I’d check the BBC’s news page to read a bit more and see if there was anything to indicate whether my first impressions were wrong or right. Only to find the story has disappeared from sight. That suggests to me that the BBC have realised the story doesn’t stand scrutiny, but they’ve sowed some seeds of doubt and will retire, job done.
Or perhaps they just feel that the prominent stories now on there of one man tampering with his balls and another having a sick bucket near are of greater global importance.
I notice several here, including myself, refer to Guido. Has anyone experienced an increase in censorship there, even when directly on topic?
In a discussion covering the guilty verdict issued to the man with a nazi saluting pug, I referred to the following comment, and my post was removed.
According to a comment in the Jewish Chronicle the pug has been promoted to a German Shepherd.’
Touchy eh Guido. Lessons from the BBC?
Can’t really help I’m afraid. I do read the articles and, to an extent, the comments and will link to them here but rarely comment there myself.
He does seem rather too close to the Tories for my liking these days, but nonetheless does some good exposures still. And is willing to put the boot into the BBC. When he’s not going on about whether Greggs are opening a shop or not, which no one outside Westminster cares about.
@GWF If a moderator was playing safe
..and doesn’t understand your joke
..then he would have removed it.
BTW I don’t understand your joke either.
I don’t understand why media people use the Italian pronunciation “Gweedo” instead of the British one “Guy-do”
The whole website is set up to rhyme with Guy
It wasn’t my joke at all.
If it was my fucking joke I would accept its removal.
I was quoting a comment from the Jewish Chronicle and said so in the comment Geedo removed.
The point I was making should have been fucking obvious.
Jews were not offended by the pug video. They made jokes about it.
I thought it was a clever joke. Pug behaves like a Nazi and gets ptomoted to a German Shepherd.
Gettit. Nazi, German. Little dog big dogl.
I have the greatest respect for Jewish people and their sense of humour.
Aw fuck it
Everyone wants to censor
I seem to get in boiling water sometimes when I post here – I made a comment once about the Londonistan mayor being the son of a bus driver – something he had pushed out during his campaign – and got slagged for demeaning bus drivers .
Someone called’ purdy” slagged me because I described Londonistan as a place to avoid because it was dangerous – ‘ apparently I am ‘full of bile” when I thought I was just saying it at it is
I’m still looking forward to being called a ‘digrace’ By a semi regular poster who is often on the night shift.
In short – free speech is more important than offending people.
If someone is offended – bloody live with it.
Sign the end the ‘ hate speech’ petition on parliament .
Signed as soon as I saw it
Thanks friend
They do it as a covert form of abuse –
Cheers Peter Grimes
Literally an insult.
BBC TV1 has just focused the spotlight on TELFORD!
A disused coal mine has been polluting the water there, so ‘Countryfile’ paid it a visit.
You surely didn’t think for one minute…
Such red rivers super-high in iron do occur in nature
Redbourne in Scunthorpe , thats where they built the ironworks.
There at least one other Rebourne , red river in the UK
And I’ve seen such are iron river in Viturbo, Lazio, Italy
And there is a weird thing in Amazon whereby the main river is brown from mud and the side rivers flow into it like black strips
, cos they are naturally black from all the organic matter.
Rather than a fade , you see clear border in the river.
Stew “Rather than a fade , you see clear border in the river.” border, border, what?!! Stop talking like that or you’ll make some people think of walls.
The big story on the 6.05 BBC TV1 news?
Alleged ‘illegitimate’ funding for the Brexit campaign.
The puny sums mentioned make me smile.
I think of the one-sided, publicly-funded propaganda pamphlet Cameron circulated to support Remain.
£9 million was it? The BBC seem to have forgotten all about that little outrage.
If I were them I’d stop whining.
Anyone know why the billionaire George Soros can openly interfere with democratic elections and referendums in the UK and the US yet the BBC doesn’t trouble us with even a mention of this. While unproven links with Russians, or Cambridge Analytica throw the BBC into melt down.
Soros is even trying to undo the democratic vote for Trump and Brexit and again no one in the BBC is concerned.
Oh, I think we all know why.
I’ve decided that my childhood and teenage years in the 50’s and 60’s were definitely the happiest years. Not least because I’m living in times whereupon listening to the news and reading the media, everyone is either angry or has ‘issues’. Whether its being pissed off with Brexit, petitioning the Government about some ‘wrong’ that needs righting, every bugger is ‘offended about something, wrong doing is blamed on mental health illnesses, people getting arsy because they are born in the wrong body – so there’s no pleasing them at all, today I read that Frank Gardner is angry because the staff at Heathrow didn’t get his wheelchair to the plane in quick enough time – these things happen Frank. Someone called A Girl Named Jack has taken JK Rowling to task about a tweeted comment. Jesus, that’s what I mean, its as though people aren’t getting on with their lives, but trawling through social media waiting to pounce on the slightest thing that might ‘offend’. That’s the trouble now, – things happen, but society has to blame someone or sue. Its nuts !
Ok we weren’t privy to all that was going in in the 60’s, and yes we did get anxious about the threat of nuclear war happening at any time, and we all sniggered at the Profumo Affair, and cheered when we could take control of our bodies with the Pill, but in the main we sallied through the decade certainly without all the angst of the past miserable 20 years.
Leftists are unhappy people. The collective noun for a group of Leftists is a winge of Leftists. The generation you are talking about were grateful to have survived the Second World War. Every new day was a bonus. Leftists are narcissists.
What makes them dangerous is that they are malignant narcissists. It is not enough that their boundless demands make them unhappy (they are big babies and will always be unhappy – until they grow up and have to think about others), it is the thought (this is their essential selfishness) that somebody else might be happier than they are which torments them.
They want to make everybody in the world as unhappy as they are – which is all egalitarianism amounts to in the end.
Yes, you are right Wild; there was very little whingeing either. Like it was a given that we went to work, no question, we just found a job and did it. We played hard too, ok we smoked (few knew the dangers) but the drinking ‘culture’ was non-existent. The drugs scene was mainly confined to pop groups and (we assumed) fast living types who lived in London (yes, naïve I know), and Hire Purchase was about as far as credit went in those days, so we had to save for anything we wanted. There was half day closing for shops during the week, all were shut on Sundays, and Christmas started on Christmas Eve. Of course life wasn’t all a bunch of roses, but we lived in a happier place.
How on earth can it be illegal to run a Referendum in your own country, with a democratic mandate?
Where and how did the EU come up with political arrest warrants? This stinks like Franco or Mussolini-and this is where the EU are at.
Hope the Catelonians join us in a pincer movement to smash the EU, and hang a few MEPs at the Hague…the EU are truly totalitarian scum.
And if we`ve learned nothing else since 2015-the BBC, Islam,and the EU are all in this one together. We`re going to need the Russians soon, so stay nice to them.
The body politic is as dissected and clear now as any autopsy. The cancer has metastasised,
PS Brissles above. I`ve less than a week before I`ve no licence here. Back to skipping rope, and real life gossip with real people. The media are dead, as is politics and their agenda. No need to bother with them then. If they find us, we`ll sort them.
I suppose the woman funded by Branson will be off to the court again to get the result annulled for a remain rerun – especially when the dodgy foreign chap turns up with his dodgy dossier on Monday morning – presumably being stroked by humph at 0810 on Toady … followed by some labour remainer like hatty of Abbot calling for resignations , public inquiries , plod , a vote rerun …. with no contrary view of course….
“EU integration represents a gradual coup by government executives against legislatures, and by politicians against the citizens who elect them.
This process sucks the reality of power from traditional government institutions, while leave these formally intact. They still keep their old names -parliament, government, supreme court- so that their citizens do not get too alarmed, but their classical functions have been transferred.”
“Power is concentrated heavily in institutions that are above the formal restraints of public consent and above the informal restraints of public scrutiny and insight.”
Fjordman “Defeating Eurabia”.
BBC Drama up to its old tricks. Hakim Kae-Kazim (or is it Tiger Woods?) cast as Zeus in Troy: Fall of a City.
BBC are headlining Corbyn’s apology for ‘pockets of anti-semitism’ in the Labour Party.
Is it me or is this just manufactured synthetic indignation?
I thought the whole point was to be seen to be anti-semitic.
Quite deliberately.
Because it is presumably seen as a vote winner among the…ahem…supporters of a certain peaceful religion, far bigger than the Jewish community, and augmented over many years by the Labour-supporting policy if unfettered mass immigration.
In fact, gerrymandering on a truly epic scale.
Of course the biased BBC do not want to call it out for what is.
Seen the poster – apparently Corbin had too …. he probably thought it wasn’t anti Jewish because there is no swastika in it. That creature can do no wrong – a Tory politician allegedly calls a copper a pleb and loses his Job – the leader of the loyal opposition sails merrily on…
10pm BBC1 news, second story was the antisemitism in the Labour Party. Poor Mishal reported through gritted teeth. The whole report was obviously carefully worded, slightly slower speaking and carefully enunciated. An explanation that there are pockets of antiSemitsm within the Labour Party. Explanation that previously Corbyn had just apologised. What they didn’t say is that Corbyn is at the centre of the antisemitism and when his history is examined is seen to be part of the problem.
Cop slashed by a man with a sword.
From the way the cops are whacking him when he is on the ground we can infer that he was not a Norwegian looking for Allan’s Snack Bar.
They should have just shot him.
”GMP said, on arriving at the scene, police tried to engage with a man before one of the officers was slashed with a sword.”
Long gone are the days when a mob of British police tried to calmly talk to anyone.
After they’ve watched 1000’s of hours of USA dramas, it’s all screaming and shouting
Yes Eddy, its noticeable now that the Jack Warner (Dixon of Dock Green) approach has gone the way of the Walkman, and its who can shout the loudest. I wonder if anyone says “no need to shout”.
“Car sales in Britain are set to slide this year amid a slowdown in consumer spending, a report has claimed.”
\\It also said Brexit-related uncertainty was “weighing on consumer spending decisions”. //
That’s less German cars being imported.
More project fear?
taffman – some small corrections if I may “Car sales in Britain are set to slide this year amid a slowdown in consumer spending, rising running costs, a continuing decline in young people learning to drive and the UK Government’s decision to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2040 onwards – a report has claimed.”
I expect the cold, hard reality of Government (both local and national) choices to start to bite at politicians’ heels in about 2020. I use the word ‘cold’ very deliberately.
Good point.
I seem to remember we had a general election in 2017. Does anyone remember a manifesto commitment to ban petrol engines by 2040?
How odd that France should announce such a mad policy, followed within a week or so by Britain? It must have been in the works for months, yet no-one thought it worth mentioning to the serfs when they go through their pretence at democracy.
It’s almost as if we are run by a shadow government based in Brussels….
About an hour more until the weekend… ends. Just sayin’.
\\David Davis says a deal with EU is ‘incredibly probable’//
\\Mr Rees-Mogg, meanwhile, is urging the UK to be prepared to walk out on talks and warning that rowing back on Brexit would be “the most almighty smash to the national psyche” akin to the Suez crisis, when Britain and France attempted to regain control of the Suez Canal from Egypt in 1956.
“It would be an admission of abject failure, a view of our politicians, of our leaders, of our establishment that we were not fit, that we were too craven, that we were too weak to be able to govern ourselves and that therefore we had to go crawling back to the mighty bastion of power that is Brussels,” he will say in a speech on Tuesday.
“As with the disaster of Suez it would end up being a national humiliation based on lies.”//
“Thousands march in Leeds anti-Brexit protest”
“Lord Andrew Adonis and philosopher AC Grayling joined protesters as they demonstrated through the city.”
Thousands, really ?
And the population of Leeds is ?……….
AMW and the FLA at yesterday’s rally in Birmingham.
Three men stabbed in Cardiff !
Blair to raise the second referendum – again !
Trouble in Spain -again !
Blair loves Europe so much, he really ought to spend the next few years in the Hague.
”Big landlords are trying to solve Britain’s renting mess”
What’s this about then? A wall to keep immigrants out??
No, just a block of gated flats in the East End for £1600 a month.
Something smugly sick about the whole article and video.

Meet Michael McDonald the hideously white new tenant…
Works in Canary Wharf, but naturally the BBC omit to give any more details..
Meet Norbert the 24 hour caretaker…I mean mean concierge.
”There’s a table-tennis table, a reading snug and a rentable bedroom and dining room – in case guests come or he wants to hold a dinner party.”
Big landlords are trying to cash in on Britain’s renting mess –
would be a more correct headline, and on land taken from the ethnically cleansed Cockneys
Licence fee payers of course only rent such gems. To own they need to pay on top.
Of course, if Mike was smart, he’d self identify as a Somalian, but downgrading to a free £1600 a month gaff may be beneath a true seeker of Capital support.
“Bosses at Carillon were more interested in their own pay than signs of trouble in the company.”
The BBC love to wag their finger at others, though the Carillon bosses sound just like them. They earn a fortune but have totally failed in their duty to tell us what is actually happening in the country as they are so paralysed by the war on reality which is political correctness.
Not just bosses at the bbc.
The bbcettes seem to be getting more muted as every high profile sulk over not getting a pay rise equivalent to the annual salary of many more useful public sector employees, backfires further.
This evening At 530 I shall be going to a rally against anti-semitism
in the Labour party in Westminster. Let’s see if the most
supportive programme on UK TV of the Corbanyst Labour party
Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmed’s Londonistan programme even give
the demonstration a mention. On this Fifth Columnist editorial ,
sub editorial , researchers agendas
there are more important topics . Such as attacking the Metropolitan police. The Toreeees. The BOSSES of the NHS ,Transport for London etc etc.
The Jewish schools in London have security like Fort Knox. Who
do you think this security is to protect them against Londondistan
Programme? But I reiterate lets see if there is any mention of this
demonstration this evening.
I would guess that they will mention it briefly but will frame it in a totally different way to that of the march’s intentions. It will be something like “A march against anti-semitism which has got worse due to the rise of the far-right”.
Or, if they mention Labour it will be “perceived anti-semitism in the Labour Party, which was disproved by a thorough investigation led by the highly-respected Lady Chakribati”.
However they do it won’t be anything to do with the real purpose of the march because the “anti-Zionists” (new name for anti-Semites) at the BBC who are Cobynistas to a man, woman or any other invented gender do not accept that there is anything wrong with that strand of bigotry.
It will then be relegated to a low spot on their London regional news and forgotten quickly.
Good luck with the rally.
I always got a laugh across those years when the lovely shabi was the ‘go to’ girl for al Beeb on ‘this and that’ as head of thecNCCL cum “liberty’ and her constant profession of political neutrality only to get a labour peerage for selling what was left of her soul. Although I guess she never had one.
At least she is on a guaranteed 300 quid for getting out of the bed each day .
What is it that has changed, I wonder, that finds schools in need of diversity bollards if of a certain faith?
Lucky others need only a TellMamaCam to capture an ill-advised hot dog consumption moment in proximity, to see Police Scotland scramble a team.
Fossi, forgive my naivety, and I know that Jewish faith schools are heavily protected, but where is the main threat coming from ? is it attacks from Muslims, the Christian community, or both ? we see tv programmes relating to this problem, but I cant remember being informed as to who the abusers are. Its shameful this is happening at all, and it all seems to be swept under the carpet as far as the media is concerned, but if say a Muslim faith school in Luton was under siege regularly there would be wall to wall coverage on the rolling news. Children anywhere in the world should be going to school without fear of attack or being gunned down.
Brissles-It is to protect them from terrorist attacks. I leave it
up to you to decide where you think those terrorist attacks may come
from in the UK. What we do not need is for a politician from
a major party giving succour to such people who would do harm
to ALL of our children of all religious persuasion or secular beliefs..
This huffy comment today in the newspaper front page article made me laugh:
“The Telegraph says the out campaign was run on a shoestring while remain had the backing of the government, the Opposition, the EU, the CBI, the TUC, the White House and, in its view, the BBC.”
“…in its view”? No mention of the report by the Institute of Economic Affairs then.
‘Why is this news’? asks Dr Sebastian Gorka, puzzled, of Justin Webb and the BBC R4 on Toady this morning.
Welcome to the BBC, Dr Gorka. They want to unseat an elected President. A publicly-funded organisation, force-financed by UK licence-fee payers. Pretty immoral, I think.
Yesterday it was the insinuated Facebook/ Cambridge Analytics thing. Today it’s a porn star. As usual, the BBC will pick up anything they can lay their hands on from anti-Trump US media (CBS in this case).
Justin is trying to equate Stormy with the Monica Lewinski affair. Sebastian Gorka is pointing to many, highly relevant and significant differences, ‘even if anything did happen’. eg that Clinton WAS president at the time and WAS in the White House.
But Justin doesn’t care about the facts. This is a bid of fake news Justin is running cos he’s hoping that mud sticks. After all, this must be about the fiftieth anti-Trump story by the BBC since his election. And when it comes to Trump, Webb is a professional mud-thrower.
BBC are hoping that they ca simply accumulate enough stories for people to say ‘There is smoke…’
This incessant anti-Trump campaign by the BBC is no longer reporting news. It is something far more sinister and unethical…
How much longer must licence-fee payers pay for this?
Fake –
I don’t think our Justin liked the challenge about that immoral fool – Hillary’s husband getting a blow job from a 20 year old intern in the Oval Office with a private citizen banging a tart 10 years ago.
Enjoying (allegedly) the contractural services of a mature professional is, one might suggest, a bit different to using an intern subordinate’s la-la as a humidor.
But this is the BbC, who gave Lord Creosote of Temple Mount a free ride, as it were, even as bbc staff camper vans were being hosed down in the car park.
Justin seems a bit silly.
I agree.
There are 3 angles to the story, so something to dismay a variety of audiences:
1. Married Trump was unfaithful to his wife: he’s an adulterer (dismay Christians and the moral majority);
2. Trump had sex with a prostitute: he’s sleazy (ditto);
3. Trump (or people acting on his behalf) tried to keep the story out of the news by paying (and perhaps threatening) the prostitute to keep quiet. This fits with the whole Facebook / Russia / Cambridge Analytica spiel (dismay SJWs).
IMVO Trump has missed a trick here. Now that he’s been elected, he should put his hands up and admit that – yes – 10 years ago when his marriage was going through a bad patch he gave in to temptation and had consensual sex with this beautiful young woman. He regrets it now but as POTUS there are more important things that he is focusing on right now.
And anyway, it’s not like he had some 20 year-old intern blow him off in the White House then lie about it afterwards, like Hilary’s husband did.
Toady watch
Fake – you beat me to it with a better entry .
A beauty – the 0810 piece about A rich man called Trump banging a porn star 10 years ago – fortunately seb gorka? Ripped the story apart and left our Justin blubbering
Followed by Robinson going after the Brexit campaign for doing its job to get us out of the EUreich . New ballot please . Al Beeb wants us to get the right result next time. Apparently the remainer whistle blower is a paki and queer – which his mum has only just found out ( the latter that is ).
Lucky al Beeb doesn’t talk about anything important like fishing rights or education in the north being x3 worse than for all the foreigners in London.
“the remainer whistle blower is a paki and queer – which his mum has only just found out ( the latter that is ).”
Called, taqiyya.
Toady watch 2
Robinson interviews the new French ambo about the murder of 4 people by a Muslim terrorist in the name of that evil belief without mentioning Islam or Muslim in the 9 minutes the interview lasted .
The ambo mentioned that it is Holy Week and the police man was murdered as he replaced a hostage and did something Our Lord commanded his followers to do. I bet the satanists running al Beeb listening winced at that one
Then some dead politicians’ sister – whose brother in law is a sex pest – babbled on about negativity … bit rich for using a word like that on ‘al beeb’. The woman sounded like she’s after a peerage so she can sit with princess Doreen of Lawrence Who Can Say No Wrong .
Rant done – gonna be a nice day .
Robbie on Toady, interviews some shrill Canadian queen who (at root) wants the referendum result set aside because a Pakistani friend of his was “outed” by someone on the Leave campaign. WTF?
I was laughing out loud by the end of his bizarre interview, and the stamping of his tiny feet!
Nice bit of defamation too..
No less that six (6!) food items on the BBC’s web-site Home Page this morning.
Last week, the BBC were telling us that obesity could cause cancer.
You couldn’t make it up.
The BBC has a page of those suffering from autism. In the 1990s, Autism was discovered by scientists at Cambridge University to be an extreme form of the male brain. Sadly they had to sit on their findings for almost ten years to avoid censor from feminists and leftie thugs.
So the BBC do a page on women with autism, I guess males, the vast majority of sufferers, just don’t count.
Billy makes a more subtle bid for Owen Jones levels of guest slotting across the BBC estate….
Comments could…
Arise lord comrade Bragg of Dorset .
Nice that the report of dame shabi of Palestine’s whitewash of anti Jew feeling in socialist labour is now shown for what it is. But she got a seat in Parliament out of it so that’s ok. No corruption in british politics .
What I can’t understand is how she is allowed onto al bbc programmes to spout from a false moral highground when in fact she is in the gutter.
Whatever deal she made, it seems a greater price was paid.
Every appearance she makes now she looks like she’s praying she can crawl back under the rock she has crawled from.
Well, at least the Today programme has partially covered the scandal of anti-Semitism that is rife within the Labour Party, and given some air-time to leading Jewish organisations (who have been silent for too long). But it is remarkable (not) that no mention at all was made of Chakrabati’s infamous whitewashing report, after which she was swiftly made a Corbyn Baroness.
Good news that Toady has been obliged to mention the scandal of Labour’s anti semitism. Perhaps those Jewish groups who have been silent too long might turn their attention to the Jewish Board of Deputies who have declared themselves in opposition to Tommy Robinson for his criticism of Islam. They might realise tht Labour has dumped the white working class and Jews in favour of the Moslem vote.
Link here, which incidentally, Guido has censored .
24 hours old but I’ve been busy: Radio 4, Sunday morning yesterday about 9am. Woman with an Asian accent – whose name I missed – was talking about the popularity of “feel good” literature.
In these dark times, in which the regressive forces of hatred are on the ascendant (I paraphrase), people are turning to frothy novels to cheer themselves up, she said.
But that’s not what literature is for, she went on.
No, we should be reading more books like the one she herself had been enjoying reading, about a German academic and some Afghan migrants…
At this point my hand started reaching for the switch.
…and whilst the academic had been kind to the migrants that had not been enough to offset the meanness of the German state towards them, and the fact that the migrants had lost absolutely everything…
BP starts to come down.
If Al Beeb had a functioning light entertainment department these people would be being lampooned. But on and bloody on it goes.
Other thing I’ve noticed recently, is Al Beeb presenters referring to President Trump simply (and disrespectfully) as “Trump”.
Even Dimblebore – whom we can be sure knows better – does this.
Tom, it vacillates. the BBC’s disrepct fluctuates as and when he supports a BBC viewpoint (North Korea etc) otherwise its ‘Trump’.
Stand by to hear the same lies from a new DWP charlatan when the Croatians start arriving after 18th June 2018 –
God even the albeeb book of the week by some geologist with a name like Gupta got Brexit into the geology of the channel as a ‘what if’ there was no channel . It is really the nazi approach to propaganda – infest every aspect of life into the al Beeb view of the world – and some people pay for it ,not me – I’m due a visit from the tv detector inspector this week so I’ve been told . They’ve opened an investigation . I’m frightened .
Northern children ‘too often left behind’, says commissioner
Too many children growing up in the north of England are facing the double disadvantage of entrenched deprivation and poor schools, a report warns.
England’s Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield says children from poorer homes face an education gap that starts before school and widens over time.
The BBC could have interviewed any three children from the North of England so who did they interview? Three Muslims: Tiseana, Hafsah and Qasim.
No in depth analysis offered to a problem such as “too many children start school far behind where they should be, often with special educational needs that have not been picked up”. If I were to have a guess at the problem I would say inbreeding producing low IQ disabled children cannot be helping.
Another problem of “large numbers of children drop out of education before they reach the age of 18” means these kids are not going to be engineers, doctors and architects then?!?
Everywhere Islam goes it leaves a shithole behind with its enrichment.
Tabs – Solid post.
Hang on, hardly a day goes by without someone on this site sneering at Londonistan, where education has improved.
Immigration plays a part, obviously, but so does class. Too many in the North (and yes, parts of the South) still see education as something which is done to them instead of for them, or something which is the sole responsibility of the state.
I taught for several years in a very modest private school in Yorkshire and, even there, the “I want value for my brass” attitude was used by some parents as an excuse for absolving themselves of any responsibility.
Interestingly, parents from SE Asia, and Hindus and Sikhs from India, don’t seem to be afflicted in this way.
Good point, rt.
I think much of the concern over ‘Londonistan’ comes about because of the current Mayor and his public statements and the obvious strange disconnects on things like his budget responsibilities and crime & firefighting. Add transport and air quality into the mix and you can see why there is much disquiet here, almost none of which – I think – is really directed at the education of Londoners and the results achieved.
Might one aspect of the problem not be that many chldren arrive at school in certain areas as “rising fives” never having spoken English at home?
Or is saying that a hate crime?
A hate fact is also, usually, a hate crime.
I had the top comment for first 2 hours on the BBC Have Your Say article. I posted:
What exactly is “deprived communities”? You make your community yourself.
So many of these “deprived communities” have people from certain ethnic minorities. Are they attracted to those deprived areas or are they making that area into a deprived one?
The Nazi moderators have removed my post because it broke a house rule of “Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others. Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable. Contain swear words or other language likely to offend”.
The fact that over 30% of posters up voted my post to the highest rated comment is irrelevant to the BBC. It’s not the narrative they want people to hear.
I’m about to appeal it – what little that will do!
I got an answer to my appeal asking why it was removed. The full text of the BBC appeal is below…
Thank you for contacting the BBC.
Your comment is considered offensive.
In this instance we believe that it was the correct decision to remove your comment and so we will be unable to uphold your appeal.
I couldn’t let that go so I have asked what their definition of “offensive” means. Is it…
a) suggesting any person can improve their own community?
b) mentioning “certain ethnic minorities” in a negative way?
c) suggesting a community may be made worse by people?
Within 5 minutes I get an answer back (getting quite chatty now!)…
Thank you for contacting the BBC.
Your question suggests that either way certain ethnic minorities are responsible for causing deprived areas which is offensive.
I’ve replied…
So you think “certain ethnic minorities” ALWAYS make an area the same or better then?
Can I mention the VAST majority of terror attacks are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of acid attacks are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of insurance fraud are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of rape of underage white girls are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of London stabbings are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
Can I mention the VAST majority of 1st cousin marriages leading to disabled children are carried out by “certain ethnic minorities”? Is that offensive or is it factual.
The BBC have got to such a low point in reporting facts that you have become a laughing stock. It is NOT OFFENSIVE to state FACTS.
Your name vill also go on ze list!
Since turning 60, the perks pile up…
‘BBC Question Editor:
Should the arts be available on prescription?’
Looking forward to the daily pole dance visits.
Can the Government control the arts? That is the real question. Should the Government decide who gets funding …. not the people.
7:35am BBC Radio Leeds DJ @johnnyianson* was posing as an arch Remainer, in the style of Emma Barnett,
ie Have a Remain crib sheet in front of you, and then use very aggressive harassing questions to the guest
example of leading question “The Chancellor has had to put in £25bn into the economy cos it’s failing cos of Brexit”
This time guest was called Richard Tice (Leave means Leave)
Thing is Remainer guests are never treated in the same style
So it’s a double standard
Twitter hardly noticed only 2 people tweeted about the piece
– Leeds had a big Remain rally at weekend
– He’s the fiance of Keeley the weather girl
Item included political correspondent @kevin_larkin investigated the Big Red Bus campaign, obviously trolling for quotes.
Direct to audio 8 minute item
An example of his programme past line up
@johnnyianson 2 Aug 2015
Reason to Leave the EU .. the UK is paying the EU, who are paying a dictator in Turkey to act like a dictator and be rewarded for it …. the UK is supporting authoritarian behaviour …
. . . .
Is Turkey going too far to stop migrant boats? {bbc.co.uk 26mar2018}
Around 50 migrants a day continue to attempt the crossing from Turkey to Greece by boat.
The Turkish coastguard is paid by the EU to stop them but questions have been raised about the severity of their actions.
Aladdin and Bushra are from Syria and experienced first-hand how migrants are treated.
BBC are slowly getting there … Yemen where Islamic Sunni meets Islamic Shia … twice the religion of peace … the BBC are starting to mention Iran in the Yemen articles (not just Saudi) … but still no Islam or Muslim or Religion … slowly … one word at a time ….
Yemen war: Saudis shoot down missiles fired by Houthi rebels {bbc.co.uk 26mar2018}
“Tehran says the missile launches are “independent actions” in response to Saudi-led coalition aggression.”
BBC Article Word Search: Saudi x 10; Iran x 10; Muslim x 0; Islam x 0; Religion x 0 ; Religious x 0; Owen Jones x 0;
Lithuanians in the UK. In 2011 (Census) the figure was > 95000.
I think this figure, whatever it is post the last Census, is totally wrong. Judging by a Lithuanian I observe, she does not honestly complete the Census form and fails to disclose her Lithuanian male cohabitee. And has done so for over 5 years. Due to the empty Government threat: “It is a legal requirement to provide the information requested. If you don’t you could be fined £1000”, there is no interest in pursuing a fine at all. Ditto all the rest from goodness knows where and it can be seen just how massive the Government’s figures are likely to be completely wrong.
Daft me, I’m too reliant on the expression: “we will bring the numbers down to the tens of thousands”. The Census figures:
2001 – At least 4363
2011 – At least 101,370
2017 – At least 200,000 (thats 6.9% of the total Lithuanian population – http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/lithuania-population/)
Pretty well all chain smokers. All good for the NHS figures in the long term.
According to bBBC he’s a victim. Clearly.
” … Mr Sanni said – in a statement issued through his lawyers – that Mr Parkinson had outed him as gay in his original response.
Mr Sanni, a British Pakistani, said he was forced to tell his family and that relatives in Pakistan could be in danger as a result.”
Two birds with one stone (so to speak).
The things they say
The retreat from serious scientific scrutiny continues at the BBC at almost every level. Radio 5 Live had an item this morning on the suggested discovery of a statute of the female Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut. Promoting the rather chopped and battered find and plugging the Egypt Centre at Swansea University, was staff member Dr Ken Griffin. There was a lot of “I thinks” and “mights” in discussing the provenance of the piece, but this is not uncommon in dealing with antiquities. The presenter Sam Walker was content to let it all pass and asked nothing of interest to help establish Dr Griffin’s claims. But then the whole show was leading up to the punchline. Noting that establishing provenance was helped by a “handling” session with Swansea students, Ms Walker added:
“And it was all on International Women’s Day”.
I did enjoy the way al Beeb advertised that you can sue the Scouts if your kid has a hard time because he has ‘special needs’ . A new lucrative source for those expecellent public service lawyers like shiner .
Sad that I put money into a scouts collecting bucket which is used to pay some degenerate parents 40k for their trouble . Unbelievable .