Caught a little bit of daily politics with poor jo co being stressed by an out of control spokesman for Corbyn about ‘the Jewish thing ‘ ( I’m not Jewish). The Jewish thing being institutionalised anti Semitism .
A decent objective news network and a more struck moral time would have caused corbyns demise – if you add in calling terrorist groups “ friends ‘ . But we live in amoral times where a badly placed comment costs a job but a whole series of actions and comments leads to nothing .
Main headline on the BBC 1o’clock news too, with a somewhat subdued Norman Smith being open, frank and honest about the pickle poor Jeremy finds himself in – without once mentioning any links between anti-Semitism, the Labour party and islam.
Simply can’t think why from such a world respected and impartial news source.
Thank you very much. Having created the image for me Brissles, is there any way you might suggest to remove the mental picture of Norman Smith in see-though night wear?
Ok, here goes. Apologies to all those named Norman, but for starters that name is more akin to a Carry On film than a rampant night of pash. OOooooooer Norman ! So this particular Norm more than likely wears jammies with the jacket buttoned up to the neck.
It’s lunatic ‘you cant make it up’ time.
An autistic boy joined the scouts but his parents later claimed discrimination when the unpaid volunteers said he could not go on trips without extra help.
The Scout Association have rolled over and paid up……..wait for it……… £42,000 !!!!!!!!!
How the hell is the ‘hurt’ worth that much, even if the complaint is valid?
How much effort to fundraise that amount?
How many hundreds of hours of volunteer time?
How long does it take an average family to save £42,000?
What signal does it send out? Better to get lucky with litigation then work hard.
Just absolutely pathetic.
With parents ready to ‘sue’ at the drop of a hat, little wonder the Scouting Assoc. have problems in recruiting adults to be involved with the organisation. I rather suspect that the issues this little boy has was more of a Health & Safety exercise at the scouts, with too few organisers to keep an eye on him, rather than him being banned from events as his indignant parents protest. This award can only make things worse for the Scouts and other outfits where children are involved.
My daughter is about to go on a week long school trip. There was a short parents meeting to discuss the trip.
One father dominated the entire meeting with never ending snowflake questions… Will there be a male teacher for my son? What if my son needs the toilet in the night, will a teacher take him? Is there a lock on the dorm room door? How many fire exits in the dorms? etc.
The head teacher was getting very annoyed with this parent but didn’t say so. Unfortunately I wasn’t at the meeting myself otherwise I would have stood up and made a loud suggestion that “perhaps you and your son would be better off staying at home and let the other kids have some fun”.
Some parents will always demand this and that and keep adding more unrealistic demands until such events (and Scouts) are cancelled for everyone.
The majority of us accept that if you can’t keep up you don’t step up and don’t attempt to hold anyone else back.
You can bet your life that if the lad had been injured on a scouting trip, and had not had a special helper, his parents would have sued because no helper was provided.
We are in the grip of a civilization ending madness. Is there any way out?
Terror radicalisation : Saturday Yorkshire Post wrote a whole page
… of course it was all about Islamist threat, but then on the bottom of the page they reframe the narrative by adding a smaller article with a photo of St Jo Cox and waffle about abstract Far Right terrorism making the claim “Thomas Mair shouted Britain First”
..em that is an unproven accusation that the court did not accept, as one witness claimed it and others claimed the opposite.
“…a photo of St Jo Cox and waffle about abstract Far Right terrorism…”
“Abstract”? You don’t consider Thomas Mair to be Far-Right?
“…making the claim “Thomas Mair shouted Britain First” ..em that is an unproven accusation that the court did not accept, as one witness claimed it and others claimed the opposite.”
…Em, several witnesses heard him say “Britain First” (not just “one” as you claim), and it was accepted by the court.
Who are these “others” you claim to know about?
Sentencing Remarks of Mr Justice Wilkie:
“You affect to be a patriot. The words you uttered repeatedly when you killed her give lip service to that concept. Those sentiments can be legitimate and can have resonance but in your mouth, allied to your actions, they are tainted and made toxic.”
“Interesting how quickly the case, and perpetrator, have seen so little of that famous ‘analysis’ usually
accorded such events. It’s like some feel the less is known, the better.”
Thomas Mair is a far-right Neo-Nazi who shot Jo Cox three times with a shotgun (once in the face) and then later realising she was still conscious went back to stab her over and over again with a 12 inch long hunting knife.
How much more ‘analysis’ do you or anyone else one this blog site need in order to stop posting such dumb-headed ignorant nonsense?
“How much more ‘analysis’ do you or anyone else one this blog site need in order to stop posting such dumb-headed ignorant nonsense?”
So why do you post here ?
What motivates you?
Good to see your back.
Where have you been hiding, Telford?
Perhaps you would be kind enough tell us why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
Perhaps you can provide us with some evidence of Al Beeb’s bias?
Or perhaps you can offer us some evidence of Al Beeb’s pro-Brexit bias?
When David Davis was being grilled on the Andrew Marr Show about negotiations with the EU, something else was spotted by sharp-eyed Sunday morning viewers.
On the floor beside the under-the-weather Brexit secretary was a strategically-placed bin, acting as a makeshift sick bucket.
Now R4 Can BBC producers do maths ?
“In the first programme, Luke, a 34 year-old musician, meets Ellie, a 24 year-old masters student to talk about sexual politics.
(he’s the Bristol man who played a piano in the street to tr to get her back)
“Eight years ago, Ellie broke up with her boyfriend of three years, and after declaring his love for her, he became more persistent. For a year he pursued her. He’d wait outside her house in his red car. ”
She’s 24 now 8 years ago she was 16, 3 years before that she was 13
It’s still kind of unusual for people to have a car at 17 so when they broke up she was 16 and he 18 ?
So when they started dating she was 13 and he 15 maybe even older.
He might have been a guy who got a car on his 17th birthday then immediately broke up with her, but more likely he was already a man when she was still a girl.
Telford : 2pm News @SkyNewsBreak
\\ The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has announced it will take the ‘Truth Project’ to Telford in Shropshire
in the next few months to hear from victims and survivors in the area //
And in other news …
Breaking news: after a thorough investigation Baroness Chakrabati has concluded that there are no rapists in Telford, no anti-semitism in the Labour Party, that the Pope is not Catholic and there is no evidence that bears defecate in the woods.
“I think this is a new concept in jurisprudence. You’ve heard about specimen charges, selected when a criminal has committed too many offences for a court to deal with speedily and efficiently. Now meet specimen defendants, selected when a “community” contains too many criminals for the authorities to charge without embarrassment.
To White eyes, the sight of gangs on trial for sex-crimes is shocking and anomalous. Whites will organize in gangs to smuggle drugs or fight at soccer matches, but White sex-criminals typically operate alone and without the knowledge of their relatives and friends. They know how the White “community” responds to sex-criminals: with anger and disgust. The White working-class in particular have a horror of what they call “nonces,” meaning particularly those sex-criminals who target children, like the Muslim rape-gangs, and the elderly, like the Black gerontophile rapist Delroy Easton Grant.
But the trials of non-White rape-gangs from Telford, Rotherham, Newcastle and elsewhere were really anomalous not because so many “men” were in the dock, but because so few were. The trials should have involved dozens or even hundreds of defendants: even when the authorities act, they still seek to conceal the true extent of the pathology.
Here is more from the Dispatches story about gang-rape in Telford:
Sarah’s story is so horrific it stops me in my tracks. She was taken to many other towns and cities in the UK to be used for sex. A chart she has made shows how the men were connected through social circles or family. I’m staggered when she absent-mindedly describes a particularly chilling incident as consensual; it involved 10 men in one night. I realise that she has been so convincingly groomed and brainwashed that she knew no other pattern for healthy sexual activity. This way of life seemed normal to her and worse still, she felt complicit. I point out that very few women would describe such a dreadful experience as consensual. She thinks about it only for a moment before nodding in agreement. ‘It was intimidation, it was control, and it was rape,’ she tells me sadly. (Britain’s Sex Gangs: Tazeen Ahmad feature, Channel 4 Dispatches, 22nd May 2013)
To repeat: “the men were connected through social circles or family.” In other words, this is part of Muslim “culture” in the UK. Liberals continually celebrate what they like to call “close-knit communities” of “ethnic heritage.” At the same time, they pretend that these “close-knit communities” aren’t aware of what large numbers of their members are up to. Ansar Ali, a “spokesman for Together Against Grooming” – “grooming” being a euphemism for industrial-scale rape – was interviewed by the BBC about the Mirror’s revelations. He said this about Muslim rape-gangs: “The vast majority of people find their actions reprehensible, including the communities from which they originate.”
Ali was lying. He knows the attitudes prevalent among Muslim men towards women in general and White women in particular. But he also knows that he’s safe to lie. The BBC is packed with feminists from top to bottom. None of them would challenge a non-White male about the “rape culture” that Britain has imported from Third-World nations like Pakistan, Jamaica and Somalia. Instead, feminists and other so-called “progressives” have enthusiastically supported Third-World immigration and demonized all opposition to it as racist and xenophobic.”
Tobias Langdon
‘Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third World People Mean Third-World Pathologies’
Stew ,
Thank you for the moment of comedy for Monday . I don’t know too much about shabi – such as whether is is queer or has children but I think she disqualified herself anyway on her past record .
She does look haunted these days – maybe there is a soul there somewhere which realises she sold herself even more than any normally corrupt politician – which I believe they all are – it’s part of the job qualification .
The elites should be happy. Whoever does the report it will not be published before the next election. By that time Alhamber Rudd’s plod will have found a way of shutting the victims up
For God’s sake – a Report. We need prosecutions now or military rule in Telford to bring the invasion to a halt.
So the mother of the kid who got 42k from the scouts is a senior lawyer in the cabinet office and chairman of an autism charity . The 42k is being divided between the charity and a trust for the kid.
Who said lawyers don’t have heart or soul.
When I was a scout I used to get beaten to a pulp on a regular basis . Should I sue the scouts for not protecting me ? Sad world. Didn’t notice much defence of scouting as a social good from al Beeb …
Wow ! Fedup, that little gem about his parents certainly wasn’t divulged on the Beeb.
As for getting ‘beaten to a pulp’ – I feel your pain (that’s today’s speak), it was the Brownies that were purgatory for me – all that dancing around to “here we come the Sprightly Sprites brave and helpful like the knights”. Really ?
Bris – 2 minutes research on my part . Her name goes straight to the charity website with her cv on it. Always more to it than al Beeb would like to put out .a hateful razor sharp elbow job from what I can see – it upsets me because I contributed money to the scouts which will now go to her.
I was naturally devastated to read that the reptilian Speaker Bercow may be in hot water.
So devastated I couldn’t stop laughing.
“ANDREW PIERCE: Will the sisterhood bring down Bercow ‘the bully’? He’s so right-on he brought creches and family friendly hours to the Commons. But now it’s the women MPs calling for his head”
Yeah – come on – give em another vote. Let them stop the brexit . I’m trying to imagine what the reaction would be if we landed up staying in .
The remain industrial complex will become the rejoin campaign . Let’s hope a better country is able to bring down the reichEU since we haven’t been able to yet.,
Children and young people who were being sexually exploited were frequently described by professionals in many localities as being “promiscuous”, “liking the glamour”, engaging in “risky
behaviour” and being generally badly behaved.
Some of the most common phrases used in the call for evidence submissions to describe the young person’s behaviour were:
• The young person is “prostituting herself”.
• She/he “places her/himself in vulnerable situations”.
• She/he is “drawn to it”.
• She/he is “risk-fuelled”.
• They are a “danger to themselves”.
• She/he “refuses to acknowledge risks”.
• She/he is “sexually available”.
• She/he is “asking for it”.
The Inquiry panel believes this labelling reflects a worrying perspective held by a number of professionals, namely that children are complicit in, and hence responsible for, their own abuse.
– Or the BBC and media call it grooming when it is really the sadistic r*pe of a child.
If I’ve read your post correctly the inquiry has noticed the use of language which incriminates those concerned in putting the blame on the kids.
It’s easy to understand why – kids become case files – an admin process . And no one really expects anything to be done. So take your pay and wait for promotion or a better job.and let the Pakistani paedos do what they want
8pm Channel 4 Dispatches: ‘Who Speaks for British Muslims?’
Undercover documentary on Islamist extremists MEND (Muslim Engagement & Development)
‘They claim theat Prevent = state sponsored Islamophobia”
Their sister Charity CAGE have already a href=”″>tweeted a statement
Comment : “This week’s No1 priority after last week’s No1 priority (plastic bottles) and the previous week’s No1 priority (knife crime) which superseded the No1 priority of affordable housing and the No1 priority against hate crime. Well, it’s one way to become London’s No1 Mayor.”
Divestment? Divestment? Divestment?
Divestment, also known as divestiture, is the opposite of an investment, and it is the process of selling an asset for either financial, social or political goals. Assets that can be divested include a subsidiary, business department, real estate, equipment and other property. Divestment can be part of following either a corporate optimization strategy or political agenda, when investments are reduced and firms withdraw from a particular geographic region or industry due to political or social pressure.
A commenter says “Sadiq should fix London’s unsustainable demographic change first”
We stop corps doing bad things using laws governed by a democratic system
So we don’t need Local Labour pollies tinkering
Indeed they have a poor record of picking winners
..wasting LOCAL taxpayers money
Khan is playing a POLITICAL game with peoples pensions #bad
Would you trust him to decide your pension scheme ?
10:45 Radio 4 all this week is a play about this Holy Week
Except they choose to view it from the view of Judas Iscariot
Times Review “John the baptist is a nutcase, whilst earlier prophets are lunatics”
Does anyone really believe that it is a sensible use of one’s time to complain to the BBC? A number of people on this site have gone through this process and seem perturbed to discover that the procedure is obviously designed to portray the Corporation in the best possible light.
Many public bodies set up these “self regulating” bodies, usually under the control of the public relations department. When the BBC did biting comedy, the sitcom “Yes Minister” often noted that the last purpose of any government inquiry was to find the actual culprit. Corbyn is getting a well deserved kicking for the anti-semitism in the Labour party that starts at the top and is rife in the membership. How we laughed when earlier this year Shami Chakrabarti cleared the party on all counts of anti-semitism and was then promptly promoted to the House of Lords where she sits as Lady Whitewash in all her shadow attorney general and unelected splendor.
Maybe years ago the BBC had an idea to actually investigate complaints from the public fully and fairly. But the BBC these days is under attack as never before with social media tracking its every biased move. The wagons have long been circled and its caution is obvious in its broadcast material as well. As late as 2013, Panorama disclosed that Comic Relief was sitting on £100m and refusing to say how it would be distributed. In addition the wage bill had doubled over four years and helped push annual running costs to £17m. Think any of that would get an airing these days? No, me neither.
In a former life I was a financial journalist and covered the scandals at the Lloyd’s insurance market. Before the market went bust wiping out great swaths of the British upper middle classes, the place had a Wild West quality, overlaid with the impeccable manners of the upper class gent at fraud. The market was able to regulate itself under its own Act of Parliament. Corruption was endemic throughout the system with the professionals skimming off premiums via offshore “reinsurance” vehicles. At the time official inquiries at Lloyd’s were a joke even in the relaxed City before Big Bang.
As we used to say: “Self regulation leads to exceedingly short sight”.
CM: “Corbyn is getting a well deserved kicking for the anti-semitism in the Labour party that starts at the top and is rife in the membership.”
Rightly so but I suspect that, as far as the BBC is concerned, he is getting a kicking because they do not like Corbyn’s tax policies which will cost quite a number of Beeboids, individually, a lot of money.
Then, by focusing on Corbyn they can claim they are balanced.
If they manage to get Corbyn sacked, hey ho, that lovely Keir, Yvette or Chuka can be slid into place as Labour leader with a new Shadow Chancellor following close behind. What’s not to like with a Remainer in charger of the Labour Party?
It also acts as a useful distraction from the attention – and sacking – that Vince Cable should be getting for his recent slur on some Leave voters.
My concern is that if Corbyn is removed we get McDonnell and as the country slips into a Venuezuela existence if he gets into power, then the Jews will get the blame (from those opposing McDonnell as well as those supporting him).
“…the government will open our borders to four million Croatians…” Correct, but the suggestion?
The population in Croatia IN TOTAl is, 4.171 million (Google). I think it hardly likely that the WHOLE population would contemplate moving here. My guess is that, as I reported above, as for Lithuania (2.9 million of them), 6.9% of the total population is in the UK. Good for cigarette manufacturers. Extrapolating on 6.9% = 287,799. That’s handlable in UK terms, (I’m certainly not condoning) provided there is a commensurate reduction in those from other parts of the EU and, the numerically far higher figures from anywhere else. If not, we could see over 0.5 million in a year. And the taxpayer has not built the houses for them yet……………
“Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. … Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain.”
Why not get married on a different cruise liner or not on a cruise ship? How many gay couples in the entire world is this likely to be a problem for, one or two? I bet it was just some sh*t stirrer calling up who did not really want to get married there anyway.
Such a supply and demand problem for the SJWs is this is the best ‘oppression’ they can find.
It’s a consequence of Bermuda repealing its gay marriage law.
Now Bermudan flagged ships say they can’t do gay weddings.
World’s largest cruise lines carnival and P&O are Bermudan flagged.
I’m a ‘cruiser’ – (in the sailing on ships kind of way), and over the many years I’ve sailed the seas I’ve been asked many times if I have ‘met anybody’. Um, nooooooo – the only available chaps on board have been gay and in couples. I won’t use ‘cruising’ again in this comment !
“dropping white celebs from charity campaigns is conforming to political-correctness”
That’s a weird definition from lala-liberal-land
…Us non-libs are happy to deal direct with Black/brown/white Africans
Thats “dropping white celebs from charity campaigns in AFRICA ”
That’s not being PC, cos the Brit celebs are only virtue signalling in the first place .
Get Sir Lenny Sir Mohammed and Sir idris to do the African stuff – buckets of water and flies up snotty noses like charities have been failing for decades ( live aid – red nose – the bear one ) . It’s an industry . If poverty was ever dealt with they’d be out of their well paid jobs .
That news must bring a sigh of relief for Victoria Beckham who had to endure a recent trip, which turned into a much publicised photo-shoot for her £400 T-shirt. (am I the only one who’s noticed how she’s desperately trying to morph into Audrey Hepburn – thin as a rake / similar hairstyle / UN Ambassador – lovely Audrey had talent but Mrs Beckham………….)
An article in the Telegraph warns of a possible rift between the UK and US now that Trump has appointed new ‘hardline’ advisers.
In 2017 there was a window of opportunity to establish spectacular trade, defence and political ties with the US and its new anglophile President, at a time when the UK needs such friends as never before.
Tragically, as many predicted on this site, that golden opportunity was squandered by the hysterical howling leftie mob, politicos like the skunks Bercow and Khan, and of course our very own national treasure epitomised by Jon-another-beauty-Sopel – or should that be national traitor?
Sure enough, the window is closing fast, and we could end up friendless in a dangerous – and protectionist – world.
They are both arrogant and in denial and think we ll stay in . Will be ironic if President Trump goes to Eire first and doesn’t bother with Blighty . There must be a cost for the disrespect shown to a head of state .
Ordinary people will bare the loss in the name of some lefty shits’ So called belief.
I’m torn between wanting Trump to snub the UK and her sanctimonious liberal-lefties (serve ’em right, let them stew in their own righteousness), or have him come for the national good, and hopefully have a 5-star triumph, just to rub the same liberal-lefties noses in their own green bile.
Best he not come as it will unite the comrades as it looks possible the brexit issue could split them – particularly if anything is said before the May local elections .
If I was him I wouldn’t bother . I’d be busy continuing to empty the swamp and building the wall.
My US correspondent (T Morrison) gives me an interesting update on the Stormy Daniels interview. He first reminds me about shock jock Howard Stern’s sidekick Stuttering John who scandalised journalists at a press conference when he asked Bill Clinton’s paramour Gennifer Flowers if Clinton had used a condom. If memory serves me correct he also asked Ms Flowers if she planned to sleep with any more presidential candidates. The whole episode was screamingly funny since the general view among all the high-minded liberal journalists was along the lines “can’t this ruffian see we are trying to elect a Democrat President here”.
Move forward 26 years and Anderson Cooper on liberal mainstream television asked the same condom question regarding Trump to the porn hooker. We are all officially Stuttering Johns now.
Stormy Daniels and Trump: Should the president be worried?
North America editor
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels has given details in a television interview of an alleged affair with the president. What will this do for his political career?
”There were “watch parties” as friends gathered a la Superbowl or Oscars, with bowls of nachos and popcorn lined up on coffee tables.
I confess I had been with friends and we discussed what would be the worst thing she could say. What if she brought on to set three 12-year-old blond-haired boys with comb-overs and red ties that went below their waist?”
What a weird thing to say… is Jon Sopal bent or something?
Maybe he answers the title question..I fell asleep
The White House says the president doesn't believe that Stormy Daniels was threatened. Asked why not, his spokesman replies "there's nothing to corroborate her claim."
The natural thing is to believe Trump was a bad boy in 2005
– The scenario she’s fibbing is possible.
– The scenario that Stormy is speaking the truth is also possible.
There’s no hard evidence like photos or CCTV
What’s suspicious is that before the election the Democrats threw everything they had at Trump
: full rape accusation , and supposed to be half a dozen women suing Trump for sex abuse..nothing has happened since. Yet they didn’t find the Stormy Damiels case ???
They could have paid her $3m at her then and justified the cost
Yet now a year and a half they are pushing her forward
..that sounds a bit weird to me
.. Maybe the Dems have got something on her the other way ? blackmail etc. ?
Shadow Leader of the House Valerie Vaz on Radio 4’s Westminster Hour last night:
“… we must make sure we continue to show people we are an anti-Semitic party”
Sadiq’s FakeNews calling a Muslim woman campaigner’s anti-FGM tweet a Hate Tweet
It’s a kind of parallel of the Trump Britain First Tweet
where libEstab judge by who the MESSENGER is rather than the truth of the tweet
3rd Jan 1:57am ShaziaHobbs sends out her tweet which also quotes Sadiq’s tweet on knifecrime
3rd Jan 5:19am Sideways2K send out exactly the same tweet stripped of Shazia’s moniker
SXSW Sadiq reads out the words at SXSW as an example of hate speech
..when questioned they say well Sideways2K are hatey people screenshots
We live in interesting times.
Was that Mr Tusk, standing in front of an EU-Turkey leaders’ meeting wallpaper? Accession I suppose? Goodness me, what a surprise. Who would have thought it? Surely not the Ottomans? Will Merkel’s bribe be enough? Six billion, was it? To keep that route shut? Ostensibly.
A clamp-down on the opposition here, a little bit of Syria invasion there, the odd clean up of the judiciary everywhere, etc etc. Yup, perfect for EU membership.
Of course, we are all firmly focused on Russia. So, like Manuel, we see NOTHING. And would we say why it all fits together so neatly? No: we say NOTHING. Someone told me how bad the Russians are, but I hear NOTHING.
What the heck do you expect from an uneducated waiter?
Petition to allow conservative journalists @BrittPettibone @Lauren_Southern and @Martin_Sellner entry into the UK has nearly 7,500 signatures.
Just 2,500 more to get a government response. SIGN here:
“Lets talk about how Abu Hamza can preach hate for years,
… but when a white girl flips the script on a Vice article she is banned from the country.”
Tuesday afternoon on South Africa’s @Renegade_Report
guest @nickmon1112 discusses the ‘white genocide narrative’, misconceptions about expropriation without compensation as well as how international journalists/media personalities perceive South Africa.
I wonder how many inside the bubble enjoy the spectacle of people protesting over the conduct of comrade Corbyn when he has spent his entire political life on his moral highground protesting about the conduct of others. No a subject for al Beeb to put in the public mind .
What can we say vlad?
Nature abhors a vacuum, and if you root out, hound Christianity from the public sphere-well, guess what whooshes in, in its place?
A trivial and shallow feeling of spirituality and left/liberal half arsed cliches have replaced a few millennia of Jew-Christian blendings in the west. The EU wants Christianity gone-my personal reason for why Pope Benedict was removed.
Quite so, and as this prog shows, they’re here, they’re funded, they’re organised, they’re devious, they’re determined, they’re powerful, they’re numerous, they’re politicised, and they’re infiltrating politics, police, councils, schools and more.
As their leader tells them: The muslim vote is the most powerful in the UK, You are the king-makers.
@Vlad Tonight’s Dispatches was a turning point
Channel 4 broke the libEstablishment habit of hiding bad things SOME ethnicMuslims do and say.
We have to give them a lot of credit for that.
They clearly showed a whole raft of bad behaviours
– Some clear terrorists sypathisers
– but a clear undercurrent where they talk about white people in a racist way ..”a them ans us”
Referring to Sara Khan (a campaigner now put in charge of Prevent) one woman’s insult was to call her “an Oreo” Brown on the Outside and white on the inside, as if wgite people are a second class group you wouldn’t want to be like.
Yes, all credit to Dispatches and to the reporter John Ware, who shows what honest investigative reporting is. Should put al beeb to shame, who would never produce such a report into their favourite cult.
May it be a turning point, where people’s eyes are opened to the threat.
But I’m not holding my breath, none so blind as those who won’t see, and that blue pill is so very tempting, rather than have to face the unpleasant truth, that requires courage and independent thinking when all the powers that be are trying to convince you otherwise.
Tonight (Monday) on BBC 2 at 9. HOSPITAL. Looking at an overview on radio times it describes this as “A raw riveting look at a hospital system close to collapse”. I can’t seem to decipher accurate figures in population growth but an article from the Telegraph (22 June 2017) states that between 2005 and 2016 an extra 5 million people were added to the population. It doesn’t take Einstein to understand that all services need time to adapt. Wouldn’t it be exceptional if the BBC were to present this programme honestly, providing a true insight as to why the NHS is struggling. I have personally relied on the NHS since 2014 for intensive treatment. My own experience has been exceptional and I know this isn’t always the same for everyone.
Too many people expecting too much from a health service that was never intended or designed for the UK in 2018. Will the BBC show a balanced and fair representation. I doubt it.
Good for you Mood – personally – the international Health Service killed my dad and neglected my mum at the end of life stage – tip – try not to die around Christmas …if it can’t care for british taxpayers who have paid for it then as far as I am concerned privatise the bugger like the states . I see it as a self serving monster in the same design as al Beeb .
I know it’s anecodal and personal but that’s what I really believe – right winger that I am .
Mood – I had the unfortunate experience of undergoing emrgency Cardio/Vascular Surgery last year.
The staff and treatment could not be faulted – I’m still breathing!
I did however, whilst waiting for a bed – ‘not advised to return home’ – notice the large number of ehnics demanding attention for what turned out to be minor operations. One of these (appendicitis) who I had been giving a half sympathetic ear asked me if my upcoming op was dangerous (10% chance of not waking up) received a Foxtrot Oscar.
The scrounging bar steward looked surprised.
The counter demonstration organised by Jewish Voice for Labour was smaller but everyone I spoke to was a Labour Party member – and they were all passionate supporters of Mr Corbyn, who felt he was being persecuted unfairly.
One man was handing out “Labour against the witch hunt” leaflets. Another gave a speech attacking the Jewish Board of Deputies, ending with the battle cry: “Freedom for Palestine, Corbyn for prime minister!”
I guess that they can’t openly say just look at these two clearly non Muslims holding a scarf, but they look like Muslims who are the ones driving the anti Semitism in the first place!
Sometimes you have to look at a photo to see the story they can’t tell you in words. There are a lot of Jews employed at the BBC and it wouldn’t take the wisdom of Solomon to realise a large number are feeling pretty hacked off at Corbyn at the moment.
I was just a kid when the Birmingham bombings of Nov 1974 took place.
We lived in an Irish area, and I myself heard or knew nothing of any anti-Irish backlash. Yes, there were isolated incidents, I`m sure. And there were efforts to boycott Guinness and Kerrygold by the usual MPs at that time.
But say what you like-the English, given the outrages and provocations, were forgiving and kind.
But guess what?-some agitprop female novelist has just been on Andrew Marrs “Start the Week” saying how horrendous it was to be Irish in Birmingham. No it wasn`t.
I don`t believe her. But Andy likes to believe it.
Will the BBC ever put on voices like mine in this country?
Without the British taxpayer funding my courses and training, I`d be a waitress in Limerick.Nothing wrong with that-but the British funded me, the Irish offered our family nothing,
But-the BBC will NOT want to hear that. Bias doesn`t cover it.
I too was a kid in Brum in 1974 and remember the bombings well. About a couple of weeks later we had a new kid from Belfast join our school and he fitted in just fine and no one bullied him. Same old shit-stirrers with an agenda always welcomed by the beeb.
Well I’m watching HOSPITAL. Of course my heart goes out to all the patients that were affected during the making of this programme. However as I suspected this is another piece of agenda driven BBC propaganda. There is no denying that the issues are real and for many extremely severe. It’s no coincidence that they chose January to film this, which is the worst crises time for hospitals. However there was a massive emphasis on respiratory and elderly patients taking up beds. All of the patients on camera were white. No European patients, no black patients no Muslim patients. Even all the administrators/reception staff were white British. The only time I saw any Muslims was a tiny tiny brief moment at the very beginning and again a snippet of a head scarf, a tiny blink and the camera passed. This was a complete white wash (oops)
I don’t want to take anything away from the brilliance of the staff but I do want to blast the BBC because this is typical of how evil they are. Instead of following on with a more in depth discussion which is what BBC2 should be doing we now have QI. I’m not expressing myself well but I hope I’ve managed to get across how I feel. There are more episodes to follow. I’m expecting more of the same.
I watched it too and agree with everything you say above.
No discussion of why the crisis was happening. Has the hospital got smaller? are their less doctors? is that one old woman with dementia breaking the entire system?
Of course the real problem is the 300,000+ extra people coming into the country year on year but that won’t be discussed on this programme.
“No discussion of why the crisis was happening. Has the hospital got smaller? are their less doctors?”
It’s already been established why the crisis is happening.
NHS funding hasn’t kept up with an increasing number of elderly patients and social care budgets have been cut to the extent that once recovered, elderly patients are unable to go home.
People in the NHS and Social Care have been saying this for years now; so I’m not quite sure why you think there has been “no discussion”.
“Of course the real problem is the 300,000+ extra people coming into the country year on year…”
If that’s the “real problem” please provide some evidence to back up your claim.
Sorry Maxi, but I can’t agree with that statement of yours. Quite a few of my family and friends work for the NHS, and what you say doesn’t add up with what they say at all.
Most of the NHS workers I know tend to be of a liberal mindset, they certainly aren’t ‘racists’, but even they talk about the additional load caused by the scale of immigration we’ve seen in the last 10 years.
So, yes, ageing population is a big concern and will be more so in the future, yes NHS funding hasn’t kept up with age and number of patients, but mass immigration IS just as big a concern for those in the NHS (given the lack of additional funding).
My argument would be, given the big increase in elderly patients happening now (and more to come), why would you want to compound that problem with additional mass immigration? Immigrants themselves are usually young and reasonably fit, true, but they still need healthcare, and they will get old the same as people already living here, so importing them to water down the percentage of the elderly in the population now is only a quick fix which will back fire majorly in the future.
You could say, why not just increase NHS spending to compensate? The problem is a lot of these immigrants are not paying much in the way of tax, few are high earners, and low earners actually cost more than they pay in. We have the NHS so the wealthy subsidise the healthcare of the poor, which I personally agree is right, but that all falls apart when you massively load the scales with low earners, which is a net result of mass immigration. Not only do most of the immigrants earn poor wages, but by being here and working for those wages they force many of the previous occupants out of work, or to accept low wages too. Look at the building trades for example, a lot of British tradesmen, competing with East Europeans for the same work, have had to accept lower rates, or go out of business. Good for those of us who aren’t tradesmen, but perhaps not so great overall, especially in the long run.
Clearly, this all has a massive impact on the tax yield of the country and hence how much can be spent on things like the NHS. You could (as Corbyn argues) increase the tax burden on the wealthier parts of society, but the very wealthy avoid paying tax (and always have and always will), and high earners who don’t have that luxury, are already heavily taxed compared to elsewhere. Put the tax rate up for them and there is a very realistic chance many will either not push themselves so hard (why bother if the extra you earn is just going to be taken away in tax), retire early, or leave the country. As has been shown elsewhere, increasing the tax rate on high earners too far tends to result in a lower overall tax yield.
I have to agree it’s not as simple as all that and immigration is not always a bad thing, but to write off the impact of mass immigration on our NHS is far more simplistic and inaccurate.
Did you notice BBCorp no reply from the troll in response to your long and reasoned argument on the NHS?
Wiki info on trolls
” a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll’s amusement. ”
Troll by name, troll by nature .. but no reasoned arguments from him/her/it.
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
There’s lots of questions coming from you but no answers. You offer no evidence of any Al Beeb bias .
You are an attention seeking Troll that needs to visit a hospital.
“You are an attention seeking Troll that needs to visit a hospital.”
Nice. I was actually in Guy’s with a friend waiting 6 hours for a bed today before she gave up and went home. I’ve lost count of the number of nights I’ve spent sitting on a plastic chair in an A&E corridor.
‘More than 80% of London TB cases occur in people who were born abroad. It is not known how many people arrive with latent TB and it is not deemed cost-effective to screen for it’
I have accompanied a relative to hospital three times in the past couple of months.
Each time, while we have been waiting, one of the other patients has required a translator. One was Chinese, one was Pakistani, and one just today was an Arab.
Obviously, the real problem is my relative who has worked since she was 15, and paid NI all her working life.
So, Maxincony, the population increases by several million over 11 years and does not not create extra demand on the NHS?
Putting it another way, a net additional 300,000 – around the size of the population of Coventry – come into the country each year without impact on GP practices and hospitals?
Go find out how many hospitals, surgeries, clinics etc there are in Coventry then research how many are actually being built in the UK each year.
Also pay a visit to Salford General, Oldham General, Blackburn General (to name but 3) and observe the ethnicity of the patients in any department.
Then go sue your maths teacher.
Then wait about 20 years before reviewing what you understand by ‘cultural enrichment’.
So, anything else of interest besides Russia, today? No, not the little Labour difficulty (similar dynamics in Germany at the moment, by the way – mirror image- wonder why?).
Ever been to Varna? No matter. GUESS WHO was there today? Why, it’s that nice Mr Junker! And that lovely Mr Tusk. And that wonderful democrat and peacenik, Mr Erdogan. What a cosy trio!
Wonder if anything was said about the invasion? Of Syria. By Turkey.
Naw, doesn’t look like it…no Western diplomats withdrawn, no big warnings, no strutting by…well, better not say by whom.
Anyway, there’ll be more cash for Constantinople and…wait a minute….made an error there, I meant Istanbul, of course. Yes, that’s it, got it right now, cash for Istanbul. Maybe the West should send some more diplomats there. As a sign of approval, sort of.
Anyway, been watching a thing on the art of Spain on the BBC, and Salvador Dali has got my mind in a pickle….sort of surreal, you know.
Thought it would take my mind off politics, but nope. You can’t escape the surreal…
(Also, being uneducated, I know NOTHING about art; as Manuel would say– he’s from Barcelona).
Funny how it doesn’t take long for a certain kind of Corbynista tendency to find a home on the BBC Newsnight Twitter – the anti-Z word their code for the anti-J word
Cosmic Landmine Ⓥ
6h6 hours ago
The Zionists cannot & will not tolerate a Corbyn premiership.
We must close the Zionist embassy.
Step-up #BDS
0 replies . 4 retweets 4 likes
Dear @bbc, if you want to "balance" my investigation with someone from the "other side, please note "the other side" is not a Brexiteer. It's someone who does not believe in democracy and the rule of law. Thank you.
Combining sneering arrogance and elitism with a naked attempt to out-Jones the BBC on who should be invited on to say what based on the bubble-headed self-belief of a minor-ABC publication hack is so not a good look.
And where comments are allowed, they could indeed be going better.
The Carole (not that one, obvs) and Owen Show is surely in the bag now? If not, get Carrie Gracie daubing an open letter on Lord Hall Hall’s limo.
Clearly Cadwalladr doesnt know many of us voted Brexit becuase of the lack of democracy in the EU. perhaps she should read a newspaper other than the Observer.
According to the BBC (Fergal Keane) its all probably about to, ‘kick-off’ in the Democratic Republic of Congo – again. Gangs slaughtering with the machete becoming the norm.
Fact: of the 55 countries in Africa, 54 have a strong or predominant muslim influence (47%) with Christianity the most widely practiced just ahead of islam. A recipe for war it there ever was one and explains why Africa has always been a, ‘basket-case’ and shows no sign of improvement. On the basis of the fact that where islam is, war prevails, Europe has that to look forward to………….
G, I don’t think the 1990s/2000s war in the DRC ever properly came to an end for it to now ‘kick off’. Because it is another very messy civil war, it hasn’t had the attention – just like Syria – from the international community (ie. at the UN) that it should have done.
What a useless institution the UN has become.
Another corporation immediately comes to mind as being in a similar state.
What the Welsh ‘Government’ need to understand is that the majority of the people of Wales voted out. Perhaps we should have a referendum on getting rid of the Welsh Assembly next?
Just switched on Toady and they are talking about sexual harassment at work. It is astonishing how often when I just turn on the radio they are discussing one of their Groundhog subjects.
Nobody will ever make jokes anymore at work and men will simply avoid talking to women. That is what will inevitably happen when you define any ‘unwanted attention’ as harassment. I thought of something really funny to say yesterday at work but chose not to. It probably would have really lifted everyone’s spirits but it was not worth the risk when a single person choosing to be offended could lose me my job.
BrotherB…Can’t agree more. I was talking in a University yesterday and warned not to write ‘either sex’ in a report..not only is ‘sex’ wrong so is ‘either’ you have to make sure you cover every gender! Jesus research is going to get difficult..
Listening to Today and short bit on the Manchester bomb…BBC angle – how bad were the emergency services to respond? WTF..They get a poor mother who lost her son and the first thing she says is – her son died instantly as he was stood next to the it wouldn’t have made a difference..But the Beeb pushed on with ‘the poor response angle’..Not a word about the reason for the bomb
Rebecca long Bailey versus lord Levi on anti Semitism in the socialist party. Long Bailey is a catholic solicitor selected from an all female list and was one of the 36 MPs who nominated comrade Corbyn for leader .
She did a great job at defending her boss who approved the anti Jewish art . Lord Levi tried to explain why there is so much sensitivity about the issue.
Humph didn’t do a bad job but this was treated as just another story and stopped so that they could do the sports bit. Not good .
PS -20 year old shot dead in d abbots constituency yesterday – barely mentioned .
Toady was followed by a programme about whether the nation state is dead. A series of young sounding characters with foreign names gave nice civil answers as to why foreigners should be treated the same as ( British people ) – white indigenous was a long way away .
Comrades – I confess – I hit the off switch . No more al beeb for fedup for a while as I’m losing it.
TOADY Watch Tuesday – from 7.38am onwards, the programme in my hearing was worse than rubbish.
Barking mad professor tells Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmist BBC that he’s going to use up carbon emissions building colonies in space, mining ice on Mars – no questions asked by Mishal. Chris Patten is allowed to spout anti-Brexit tosh; he gets a couple of (ever so slightly cynical) challenges from The Humph. A French Canadian spat over a rude waiter or chef gets quite a lot of attention from Mishal, endless questioning, shame it hasn’t been applied at all to the Skripal case.
I can’t listen anymore. It is all agenda all the time; they do not even bother to disguise their bias, tackle any tough stories or cut down on the virtue signalling.
If they threatened to withdraw the licence fee they would sort it out. Imagine that! A year to stop annoying us or it’s P45s all round. I bet they could produce great stuff with the resources at their disposal. Give them an ultimatum: no more sneering, virtue signalling, Trump bashing etc and give the people a good product. Otherwise the contract is out out to tender and licence fee money goes to feeding the poor whom you profess to care so much about.
now R4 The Morality prog
“A German food bank doesn’t have enough food, is it right for them to prioritise Germans ?”
The student audience almost all said no
– The first voice in favour was from a guy called Mohammed who said “You look after your own family first”
Hmm in a pragmatic world the signals you send are important
We’d all like to live in a nice area, and if that area started offering free food we’d all go there.
By giving away free food to all the foodbank is creating a ‘pull factor’, but by sending a signal you treat locals first ..the pull factor is dealt with.
The same applies on a global level, by sending a signal “Come to Germany and get free food” Germany has created a ‘pull factor’
The people who need the food the most are the people in the Syrian refugee camps.
Maybe the Germans should say “no”, we have €50m to give to feed refugees and we have sent that food to Syria and Turkish refugee camps
The argument maybe similar to the International health service
The Germans who are taking from the food bank today will be from the same families of people who have paid in in the past it is not merely charity, but part of a local social contract.
My family have not paid into that community, so I have no right to take out.
There are some religious people Christian/Muslim that would give the guest before helping their own family.
And here was me thinking podcasts were just them things Amol used to share ‘is ‘views my own’ thoughts with, only without the nasty enabled comments that are so not going well on twitter and Facebook.
Oh but it’s worse than that, Guest: in so doing the sinister beeb increase their monopolistic subsidised stranglehold on the media.
And guess where their new Commissioning Editor for podcasts works? Why, on the Grauniad of course!
“The BBC has appointed its first commissioning editor for podcasts, fuelling concerns that the corporation’s dominance of the increasingly popular audio format could undermine commercial podcast providers.”
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
Caught a little bit of daily politics with poor jo co being stressed by an out of control spokesman for Corbyn about ‘the Jewish thing ‘ ( I’m not Jewish). The Jewish thing being institutionalised anti Semitism .
A decent objective news network and a more struck moral time would have caused corbyns demise – if you add in calling terrorist groups “ friends ‘ . But we live in amoral times where a badly placed comment costs a job but a whole series of actions and comments leads to nothing .
Main headline on the BBC 1o’clock news too, with a somewhat subdued Norman Smith being open, frank and honest about the pickle poor Jeremy finds himself in – without once mentioning any links between anti-Semitism, the Labour party and islam.
Simply can’t think why from such a world respected and impartial news source.
Yes, stormin Norman was far less ‘shouty’ than normal. The journos at the Beeb are as transparent as a sexy nighty !
Thank you very much. Having created the image for me Brissles, is there any way you might suggest to remove the mental picture of Norman Smith in see-though night wear?
Ok, here goes. Apologies to all those named Norman, but for starters that name is more akin to a Carry On film than a rampant night of pash. OOooooooer Norman ! So this particular Norm more than likely wears jammies with the jacket buttoned up to the neck.
Just to butt in, the image might be removed by contemplating some other well known figure in see-through. You could try Apottamus for example.
It’s lunatic ‘you cant make it up’ time.
An autistic boy joined the scouts but his parents later claimed discrimination when the unpaid volunteers said he could not go on trips without extra help.
The Scout Association have rolled over and paid up……..wait for it……… £42,000 !!!!!!!!!
How the hell is the ‘hurt’ worth that much, even if the complaint is valid?
How much effort to fundraise that amount?
How many hundreds of hours of volunteer time?
How long does it take an average family to save £42,000?
What signal does it send out? Better to get lucky with litigation then work hard.
Just absolutely pathetic.
I am totally speechless. Yet sadly unsurprised.
With parents ready to ‘sue’ at the drop of a hat, little wonder the Scouting Assoc. have problems in recruiting adults to be involved with the organisation. I rather suspect that the issues this little boy has was more of a Health & Safety exercise at the scouts, with too few organisers to keep an eye on him, rather than him being banned from events as his indignant parents protest. This award can only make things worse for the Scouts and other outfits where children are involved.
My daughter is about to go on a week long school trip. There was a short parents meeting to discuss the trip.
One father dominated the entire meeting with never ending snowflake questions… Will there be a male teacher for my son? What if my son needs the toilet in the night, will a teacher take him? Is there a lock on the dorm room door? How many fire exits in the dorms? etc.
The head teacher was getting very annoyed with this parent but didn’t say so. Unfortunately I wasn’t at the meeting myself otherwise I would have stood up and made a loud suggestion that “perhaps you and your son would be better off staying at home and let the other kids have some fun”.
Some parents will always demand this and that and keep adding more unrealistic demands until such events (and Scouts) are cancelled for everyone.
The majority of us accept that if you can’t keep up you don’t step up and don’t attempt to hold anyone else back.
You can bet your life that if the lad had been injured on a scouting trip, and had not had a special helper, his parents would have sued because no helper was provided.
We are in the grip of a civilization ending madness. Is there any way out?
Terror radicalisation : Saturday Yorkshire Post wrote a whole page
… of course it was all about Islamist threat, but then on the bottom of the page they reframe the narrative by adding a smaller article with a photo of St Jo Cox and waffle about abstract Far Right terrorism making the claim “Thomas Mair shouted Britain First”
..em that is an unproven accusation that the court did not accept, as one witness claimed it and others claimed the opposite.
Unproven indeed Stew but, just as good old Joe Goebbels put it so succinctly: ‘Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth.’
“…a photo of St Jo Cox and waffle about abstract Far Right terrorism…”
“Abstract”? You don’t consider Thomas Mair to be Far-Right?
“…making the claim “Thomas Mair shouted Britain First” ..em that is an unproven accusation that the court did not accept, as one witness claimed it and others claimed the opposite.”
…Em, several witnesses heard him say “Britain First” (not just “one” as you claim), and it was accepted by the court.
Who are these “others” you claim to know about?
Sentencing Remarks of Mr Justice Wilkie:
“You affect to be a patriot. The words you uttered repeatedly when you killed her give lip service to that concept. Those sentiments can be legitimate and can have resonance but in your mouth, allied to your actions, they are tainted and made toxic.”
Interesting how quickly the case, and perpetrator, have seen so little of that famous ‘analysis’ usually accorded such events.
It’s like some feel the less is known, the better.
And when required, the bbc is the perfect source of information and education for such a ‘some’.
Guest Who,
“Interesting how quickly the case, and perpetrator, have seen so little of that famous ‘analysis’ usually
accorded such events. It’s like some feel the less is known, the better.”
Thomas Mair is a far-right Neo-Nazi who shot Jo Cox three times with a shotgun (once in the face) and then later realising she was still conscious went back to stab her over and over again with a 12 inch long hunting knife.
How much more ‘analysis’ do you or anyone else one this blog site need in order to stop posting such dumb-headed ignorant nonsense?
“How much more ‘analysis’ do you or anyone else one this blog site need in order to stop posting such dumb-headed ignorant nonsense?”
So why do you post here ?
What motivates you?
Zero aka Maxicony
As I thought your peculiar sexual activities are affecting your mind
See you next time they allow you to come out
Good to see your back.
Where have you been hiding, Telford?
Perhaps you would be kind enough tell us why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
Perhaps you can provide us with some evidence of Al Beeb’s bias?
Or perhaps you can offer us some evidence of Al Beeb’s pro-Brexit bias?
Breaking … man feels ill on TV, BBC £3.5bn News Service feels it has to create a story about itself …. to fill up the news?
David Davis has sick bucket on hand during BBC interview { 26mar2018}
When David Davis was being grilled on the Andrew Marr Show about negotiations with the EU, something else was spotted by sharp-eyed Sunday morning viewers.
On the floor beside the under-the-weather Brexit secretary was a strategically-placed bin, acting as a makeshift sick bucket.
I often feel like I need a sick-bucket nearby when I watch bBBC TV.
Is that ‘news’?
“I often feel like I need a sick-bucket nearby when I”, – hear David Davis.
Stupid, naughty BBC…
Mohammed is quoted as saying “You cannot stop a cat stealing the cream, cos that is the cat’s nature.”
So likewise you cannot expect the BBC to be 100% truthful on its pet issues like Global Warming alarmism..
Absolutely brilliant! This could be a game changer in the gender fluid battle!

Now R4 Can BBC producers do maths ?
“In the first programme, Luke, a 34 year-old musician, meets Ellie, a 24 year-old masters student to talk about sexual politics.
(he’s the Bristol man who played a piano in the street to tr to get her back)
“Eight years ago, Ellie broke up with her boyfriend of three years, and after declaring his love for her, he became more persistent. For a year he pursued her. He’d wait outside her house in his red car. ”
She’s 24 now 8 years ago she was 16, 3 years before that she was 13
It’s still kind of unusual for people to have a car at 17 so when they broke up she was 16 and he 18 ?
So when they started dating she was 13 and he 15 maybe even older.
He might have been a guy who got a car on his 17th birthday then immediately broke up with her, but more likely he was already a man when she was still a girl.
“It’s still kind of unusual for people to have a car at 17 so when they broke up she was 16 and he 18?”
Or he was 17.
“So when they started dating she was 13 and he 15 maybe even older.”
Or he was 14.
Politician Trump elected on manifesto and carries out the manifesto .. all other World Leader politicians are confused.
. . . .
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
. . .
Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Telford : 2pm News @SkyNewsBreak
\\ The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has announced it will take the ‘Truth Project’ to Telford in Shropshire
in the next few months to hear from victims and survivors in the area //
And in other news …
Breaking news: after a thorough investigation Baroness Chakrabati has concluded that there are no rapists in Telford, no anti-semitism in the Labour Party, that the Pope is not Catholic and there is no evidence that bears defecate in the woods.
Brave New Britain, Brave New Concepts
“I think this is a new concept in jurisprudence. You’ve heard about specimen charges, selected when a criminal has committed too many offences for a court to deal with speedily and efficiently. Now meet specimen defendants, selected when a “community” contains too many criminals for the authorities to charge without embarrassment.
To White eyes, the sight of gangs on trial for sex-crimes is shocking and anomalous. Whites will organize in gangs to smuggle drugs or fight at soccer matches, but White sex-criminals typically operate alone and without the knowledge of their relatives and friends. They know how the White “community” responds to sex-criminals: with anger and disgust. The White working-class in particular have a horror of what they call “nonces,” meaning particularly those sex-criminals who target children, like the Muslim rape-gangs, and the elderly, like the Black gerontophile rapist Delroy Easton Grant.
But the trials of non-White rape-gangs from Telford, Rotherham, Newcastle and elsewhere were really anomalous not because so many “men” were in the dock, but because so few were. The trials should have involved dozens or even hundreds of defendants: even when the authorities act, they still seek to conceal the true extent of the pathology.
Here is more from the Dispatches story about gang-rape in Telford:
Sarah’s story is so horrific it stops me in my tracks. She was taken to many other towns and cities in the UK to be used for sex. A chart she has made shows how the men were connected through social circles or family. I’m staggered when she absent-mindedly describes a particularly chilling incident as consensual; it involved 10 men in one night. I realise that she has been so convincingly groomed and brainwashed that she knew no other pattern for healthy sexual activity. This way of life seemed normal to her and worse still, she felt complicit. I point out that very few women would describe such a dreadful experience as consensual. She thinks about it only for a moment before nodding in agreement. ‘It was intimidation, it was control, and it was rape,’ she tells me sadly. (Britain’s Sex Gangs: Tazeen Ahmad feature, Channel 4 Dispatches, 22nd May 2013)
To repeat: “the men were connected through social circles or family.” In other words, this is part of Muslim “culture” in the UK. Liberals continually celebrate what they like to call “close-knit communities” of “ethnic heritage.” At the same time, they pretend that these “close-knit communities” aren’t aware of what large numbers of their members are up to. Ansar Ali, a “spokesman for Together Against Grooming” – “grooming” being a euphemism for industrial-scale rape – was interviewed by the BBC about the Mirror’s revelations. He said this about Muslim rape-gangs: “The vast majority of people find their actions reprehensible, including the communities from which they originate.”
Ali was lying. He knows the attitudes prevalent among Muslim men towards women in general and White women in particular. But he also knows that he’s safe to lie. The BBC is packed with feminists from top to bottom. None of them would challenge a non-White male about the “rape culture” that Britain has imported from Third-World nations like Pakistan, Jamaica and Somalia. Instead, feminists and other so-called “progressives” have enthusiastically supported Third-World immigration and demonized all opposition to it as racist and xenophobic.”
Tobias Langdon
‘Rape-Gangs Unlimited: Third World People Mean Third-World Pathologies’
Stew ,
Thank you for the moment of comedy for Monday . I don’t know too much about shabi – such as whether is is queer or has children but I think she disqualified herself anyway on her past record .
She does look haunted these days – maybe there is a soul there somewhere which realises she sold herself even more than any normally corrupt politician – which I believe they all are – it’s part of the job qualification .
The elites should be happy. Whoever does the report it will not be published before the next election. By that time Alhamber Rudd’s plod will have found a way of shutting the victims up
For God’s sake – a Report. We need prosecutions now or military rule in Telford to bring the invasion to a halt.
So the mother of the kid who got 42k from the scouts is a senior lawyer in the cabinet office and chairman of an autism charity . The 42k is being divided between the charity and a trust for the kid.
Who said lawyers don’t have heart or soul.
When I was a scout I used to get beaten to a pulp on a regular basis . Should I sue the scouts for not protecting me ? Sad world. Didn’t notice much defence of scouting as a social good from al Beeb …
Wow ! Fedup, that little gem about his parents certainly wasn’t divulged on the Beeb.
As for getting ‘beaten to a pulp’ – I feel your pain (that’s today’s speak), it was the Brownies that were purgatory for me – all that dancing around to “here we come the Sprightly Sprites brave and helpful like the knights”. Really ?
Bris – 2 minutes research on my part . Her name goes straight to the charity website with her cv on it. Always more to it than al Beeb would like to put out .a hateful razor sharp elbow job from what I can see – it upsets me because I contributed money to the scouts which will now go to her.
I was naturally devastated to read that the reptilian Speaker Bercow may be in hot water.
So devastated I couldn’t stop laughing.
“ANDREW PIERCE: Will the sisterhood bring down Bercow ‘the bully’? He’s so right-on he brought creches and family friendly hours to the Commons. But now it’s the women MPs calling for his head”
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Keir ‘Disastrous’ Starmer securing his prospective EU job.
Yeah – come on – give em another vote. Let them stop the brexit . I’m trying to imagine what the reaction would be if we landed up staying in .
The remain industrial complex will become the rejoin campaign . Let’s hope a better country is able to bring down the reichEU since we haven’t been able to yet.,
Children and young people who were being sexually exploited were frequently described by professionals in many localities as being “promiscuous”, “liking the glamour”, engaging in “risky
behaviour” and being generally badly behaved.
Some of the most common phrases used in the call for evidence submissions to describe the young person’s behaviour were:
• The young person is “prostituting herself”.
• She/he “places her/himself in vulnerable situations”.
• She/he is “drawn to it”.
• She/he is “risk-fuelled”.
• They are a “danger to themselves”.
• She/he “refuses to acknowledge risks”.
• She/he is “sexually available”.
• She/he is “asking for it”.
The Inquiry panel believes this labelling reflects a worrying perspective held by a number of professionals, namely that children are complicit in, and hence responsible for, their own abuse.
– Or the BBC and media call it grooming when it is really the sadistic r*pe of a child.
The Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s Inquiry
into Child Sexual Exploitation In Gangs and Groups Interim report November 2012
If I’ve read your post correctly the inquiry has noticed the use of language which incriminates those concerned in putting the blame on the kids.
It’s easy to understand why – kids become case files – an admin process . And no one really expects anything to be done. So take your pay and wait for promotion or a better job.and let the Pakistani paedos do what they want
Seems we use language to hide behind the truth of the real world.
8pm Channel 4 Dispatches: ‘Who Speaks for British Muslims?’
Undercover documentary on Islamist extremists MEND (Muslim Engagement & Development)
‘They claim theat Prevent = state sponsored Islamophobia”
Their sister Charity CAGE have already a href=”″>tweeted a statement
Dispatches producers writes in the Times Thunderer
‘Who Speaks for British Muslims?’
Well, the beeb never shut up about them!
Except when they’re raping children.
Or murdering people, if they can possibly avoid it.
Or raping then murdering.
typo : Their sister Charity CAGE have already tweeted a statement
10pm C4 Matt Frei
Prog for Russia-conspiracy theorists
“We are already working to deliver ambitious divestment plans and today we’re calling on boroughs to do the same. By working together, we will have a louder voice to convince polluting firms to change their ways in order to tackle climate change. …” – Sadiq Khan
Comment : “This week’s No1 priority after last week’s No1 priority (plastic bottles) and the previous week’s No1 priority (knife crime) which superseded the No1 priority of affordable housing and the No1 priority against hate crime. Well, it’s one way to become London’s No1 Mayor.”
Divestment? Divestment? Divestment?
Divestment, also known as divestiture, is the opposite of an investment, and it is the process of selling an asset for either financial, social or political goals. Assets that can be divested include a subsidiary, business department, real estate, equipment and other property. Divestment can be part of following either a corporate optimization strategy or political agenda, when investments are reduced and firms withdraw from a particular geographic region or industry due to political or social pressure.
Caliph Khan the The Reverse-Midas man
A commenter says “Sadiq should fix London’s unsustainable demographic change first”
We stop corps doing bad things using laws governed by a democratic system
So we don’t need Local Labour pollies tinkering
Indeed they have a poor record of picking winners
..wasting LOCAL taxpayers money
Khan is playing a POLITICAL game with peoples pensions #bad
Would you trust him to decide your pension scheme ?
3 days ago Shell put out it’s big growth plan
The Developing world will need gas/oil are London corps not going to provide it ?
Times : Shell to fuel profits growth with 10,000 petrol stations
10:45 Radio 4 all this week is a play about this Holy Week
Except they choose to view it from the view of Judas Iscariot
Times Review “John the baptist is a nutcase, whilst earlier prophets are lunatics”
Does anyone really believe that it is a sensible use of one’s time to complain to the BBC? A number of people on this site have gone through this process and seem perturbed to discover that the procedure is obviously designed to portray the Corporation in the best possible light.
Many public bodies set up these “self regulating” bodies, usually under the control of the public relations department. When the BBC did biting comedy, the sitcom “Yes Minister” often noted that the last purpose of any government inquiry was to find the actual culprit. Corbyn is getting a well deserved kicking for the anti-semitism in the Labour party that starts at the top and is rife in the membership. How we laughed when earlier this year Shami Chakrabarti cleared the party on all counts of anti-semitism and was then promptly promoted to the House of Lords where she sits as Lady Whitewash in all her shadow attorney general and unelected splendor.
Maybe years ago the BBC had an idea to actually investigate complaints from the public fully and fairly. But the BBC these days is under attack as never before with social media tracking its every biased move. The wagons have long been circled and its caution is obvious in its broadcast material as well. As late as 2013, Panorama disclosed that Comic Relief was sitting on £100m and refusing to say how it would be distributed. In addition the wage bill had doubled over four years and helped push annual running costs to £17m. Think any of that would get an airing these days? No, me neither.
In a former life I was a financial journalist and covered the scandals at the Lloyd’s insurance market. Before the market went bust wiping out great swaths of the British upper middle classes, the place had a Wild West quality, overlaid with the impeccable manners of the upper class gent at fraud. The market was able to regulate itself under its own Act of Parliament. Corruption was endemic throughout the system with the professionals skimming off premiums via offshore “reinsurance” vehicles. At the time official inquiries at Lloyd’s were a joke even in the relaxed City before Big Bang.
As we used to say: “Self regulation leads to exceedingly short sight”.
CM: “Corbyn is getting a well deserved kicking for the anti-semitism in the Labour party that starts at the top and is rife in the membership.”
Rightly so but I suspect that, as far as the BBC is concerned, he is getting a kicking because they do not like Corbyn’s tax policies which will cost quite a number of Beeboids, individually, a lot of money.
Then, by focusing on Corbyn they can claim they are balanced.
If they manage to get Corbyn sacked, hey ho, that lovely Keir, Yvette or Chuka can be slid into place as Labour leader with a new Shadow Chancellor following close behind. What’s not to like with a Remainer in charger of the Labour Party?
It also acts as a useful distraction from the attention – and sacking – that Vince Cable should be getting for his recent slur on some Leave voters.
My concern is that if Corbyn is removed we get McDonnell and as the country slips into a Venuezuela existence if he gets into power, then the Jews will get the blame (from those opposing McDonnell as well as those supporting him).
I’m going off Westmonster as a source of ‘News’ –
“…the government will open our borders to four million Croatians…” Correct, but the suggestion?
The population in Croatia IN TOTAl is, 4.171 million (Google). I think it hardly likely that the WHOLE population would contemplate moving here. My guess is that, as I reported above, as for Lithuania (2.9 million of them), 6.9% of the total population is in the UK. Good for cigarette manufacturers. Extrapolating on 6.9% = 287,799. That’s handlable in UK terms, (I’m certainly not condoning) provided there is a commensurate reduction in those from other parts of the EU and, the numerically far higher figures from anywhere else. If not, we could see over 0.5 million in a year. And the taxpayer has not built the houses for them yet……………
“This is the 14th investigation or enquiry into Islington social services in 5 years. All together 32 staff have been accused of activities ranging from sexual or physical abuse, to supplying children with drugs or pornography. The report is highly critical that NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN AGAINST MOST OF THE STAFF. In fact all but one have gone on to work elsewhere, probably with children.” @1:46 {youtube}
“1995 BBC News on Islington Children’s Homes”
Jeremy Corbyn MP for Islington for 34 years!
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live { 12sep2017}.”
“Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. … Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain.”
‘Gay wedding ban sparks cruise boycott call.’
What a headline – well worth £3.5 billion.
Why not get married on a different cruise liner or not on a cruise ship? How many gay couples in the entire world is this likely to be a problem for, one or two? I bet it was just some sh*t stirrer calling up who did not really want to get married there anyway.
Such a supply and demand problem for the SJWs is this is the best ‘oppression’ they can find.
It’s a consequence of Bermuda repealing its gay marriage law.
Now Bermudan flagged ships say they can’t do gay weddings.
World’s largest cruise lines carnival and P&O are Bermudan flagged.
How’s that fit with what airlines allow alcohol ?
No homos on board? less chance of catching AIDS or whatever new STDs the bent community has developed.
I’m a ‘cruiser’ – (in the sailing on ships kind of way), and over the many years I’ve sailed the seas I’ve been asked many times if I have ‘met anybody’. Um, nooooooo – the only available chaps on board have been gay and in couples. I won’t use ‘cruising’ again in this comment !
“dropping white celebs from charity campaigns is conforming to political-correctness”
That’s a weird definition from lala-liberal-land
…Us non-libs are happy to deal direct with Black/brown/white Africans
Thats “dropping white celebs from charity campaigns in AFRICA ”
That’s not being PC, cos the Brit celebs are only virtue signalling in the first place .
Get Sir Lenny Sir Mohammed and Sir idris to do the African stuff – buckets of water and flies up snotty noses like charities have been failing for decades ( live aid – red nose – the bear one ) . It’s an industry . If poverty was ever dealt with they’d be out of their well paid jobs .
That news must bring a sigh of relief for Victoria Beckham who had to endure a recent trip, which turned into a much publicised photo-shoot for her £400 T-shirt. (am I the only one who’s noticed how she’s desperately trying to morph into Audrey Hepburn – thin as a rake / similar hairstyle / UN Ambassador – lovely Audrey had talent but Mrs Beckham………….)
An article in the Telegraph warns of a possible rift between the UK and US now that Trump has appointed new ‘hardline’ advisers.
In 2017 there was a window of opportunity to establish spectacular trade, defence and political ties with the US and its new anglophile President, at a time when the UK needs such friends as never before.
Tragically, as many predicted on this site, that golden opportunity was squandered by the hysterical howling leftie mob, politicos like the skunks Bercow and Khan, and of course our very own national treasure epitomised by Jon-another-beauty-Sopel – or should that be national traitor?
Sure enough, the window is closing fast, and we could end up friendless in a dangerous – and protectionist – world.
Well done Beeb, damn you to hell.
They are both arrogant and in denial and think we ll stay in . Will be ironic if President Trump goes to Eire first and doesn’t bother with Blighty . There must be a cost for the disrespect shown to a head of state .
Ordinary people will bare the loss in the name of some lefty shits’ So called belief.
I’m torn between wanting Trump to snub the UK and her sanctimonious liberal-lefties (serve ’em right, let them stew in their own righteousness), or have him come for the national good, and hopefully have a 5-star triumph, just to rub the same liberal-lefties noses in their own green bile.
Best he not come as it will unite the comrades as it looks possible the brexit issue could split them – particularly if anything is said before the May local elections .
If I was him I wouldn’t bother . I’d be busy continuing to empty the swamp and building the wall.
Impartial BBC ?
Then why’s Jonathan Dimbleby signature on a POLITICAL letter in the Times ?
From CPRE campaigning for plastic bottle tax
A seeming magic solution, but where was the pilot study done ?
Cans are already taxed cos they are worth money.
Dimbers is an obvious political Green.
My US correspondent (T Morrison) gives me an interesting update on the Stormy Daniels interview. He first reminds me about shock jock Howard Stern’s sidekick Stuttering John who scandalised journalists at a press conference when he asked Bill Clinton’s paramour Gennifer Flowers if Clinton had used a condom. If memory serves me correct he also asked Ms Flowers if she planned to sleep with any more presidential candidates. The whole episode was screamingly funny since the general view among all the high-minded liberal journalists was along the lines “can’t this ruffian see we are trying to elect a Democrat President here”.
Move forward 26 years and Anderson Cooper on liberal mainstream television asked the same condom question regarding Trump to the porn hooker. We are all officially Stuttering Johns now.
Stormy Daniels and Trump: Should the president be worried?
North America editor
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels has given details in a television interview of an alleged affair with the president. What will this do for his political career?
”There were “watch parties” as friends gathered a la Superbowl or Oscars, with bowls of nachos and popcorn lined up on coffee tables.
I confess I had been with friends and we discussed what would be the worst thing she could say. What if she brought on to set three 12-year-old blond-haired boys with comb-overs and red ties that went below their waist?”
What a weird thing to say… is Jon Sopal bent or something?
Maybe he answers the title question..I fell asleep
The bbc can ruin a pair of Calvin Kleins quite quickly over an ‘allegation’ (bbc quotes).
If this is the defining moment of Jon’s ‘journalistic’ career, he deserves to be Katty Kay”s acronym polisher.
The Bbc’s Finest are on the case…
The bbc casting doubt on ‘belief’ as a game changer will not go down well in bbc complaints.
The natural thing is to believe Trump was a bad boy in 2005
– The scenario she’s fibbing is possible.
– The scenario that Stormy is speaking the truth is also possible.
There’s no hard evidence like photos or CCTV
What’s suspicious is that before the election the Democrats threw everything they had at Trump
: full rape accusation , and supposed to be half a dozen women suing Trump for sex abuse..nothing has happened since. Yet they didn’t find the Stormy Damiels case ???
They could have paid her $3m at her then and justified the cost
Yet now a year and a half they are pushing her forward
..that sounds a bit weird to me
.. Maybe the Dems have got something on her the other way ? blackmail etc. ?
Shadow Leader of the House Valerie Vaz on Radio 4’s Westminster Hour last night:
“… we must make sure we continue to show people we are an anti-Semitic party”
Sadiq’s FakeNews calling a Muslim woman campaigner’s anti-FGM tweet a Hate Tweet
It’s a kind of parallel of the Trump Britain First Tweet
where libEstab judge by who the MESSENGER is rather than the truth of the tweet
3rd Jan 1:57am ShaziaHobbs sends out her tweet which also quotes Sadiq’s tweet on knifecrime
3rd Jan 5:19am Sideways2K send out exactly the same tweet stripped of Shazia’s moniker
SXSW Sadiq reads out the words at SXSW as an example of hate speech
..when questioned they say well Sideways2K are hatey people
Another guy quotes the bad tweets Sadiq read and gives us links
“9 tweets mentioned in the Sadiq Khan video. 4 don’t exist.”
David Monroe is super thorough in checking the background
We live in interesting times.
Was that Mr Tusk, standing in front of an EU-Turkey leaders’ meeting wallpaper? Accession I suppose? Goodness me, what a surprise. Who would have thought it? Surely not the Ottomans? Will Merkel’s bribe be enough? Six billion, was it? To keep that route shut? Ostensibly.
A clamp-down on the opposition here, a little bit of Syria invasion there, the odd clean up of the judiciary everywhere, etc etc. Yup, perfect for EU membership.
Of course, we are all firmly focused on Russia. So, like Manuel, we see NOTHING. And would we say why it all fits together so neatly? No: we say NOTHING. Someone told me how bad the Russians are, but I hear NOTHING.
What the heck do you expect from an uneducated waiter?
Petition to allow conservative journalists @BrittPettibone @Lauren_Southern and @Martin_Sellner entry into the UK has nearly 7,500 signatures.
Just 2,500 more to get a government response. SIGN here:
“Lets talk about how Abu Hamza can preach hate for years,
… but when a white girl flips the script on a Vice article she is banned from the country.”
Create a Freedom of Speech Act and Bring an End to “Hate Speech” laws 30.5K sigs so far
My MP has passed my concerns re. the use of the Terrorism Act to hold Lauren Southern onto Amber Rudd and is waiting on her reply.
Can’t help but feel that I might now be on a list of ‘special interest’.
Repeat after me: “What nice clothes you are wearing my emperor!” (Just don’t stand in the elephant dung on the carpet).
Tuesday afternoon on South Africa’s @Renegade_Report
guest @nickmon1112 discusses the ‘white genocide narrative’, misconceptions about expropriation without compensation as well as how international journalists/media personalities perceive South Africa.
I wonder how many inside the bubble enjoy the spectacle of people protesting over the conduct of comrade Corbyn when he has spent his entire political life on his moral highground protesting about the conduct of others. No a subject for al Beeb to put in the public mind .
Anyone watching Dispatches on C4, about a muslim organization called Mend?
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Stage 3 of the Invasion has begun…
What can we say vlad?
Nature abhors a vacuum, and if you root out, hound Christianity from the public sphere-well, guess what whooshes in, in its place?
A trivial and shallow feeling of spirituality and left/liberal half arsed cliches have replaced a few millennia of Jew-Christian blendings in the west. The EU wants Christianity gone-my personal reason for why Pope Benedict was removed.
Quite so, and as this prog shows, they’re here, they’re funded, they’re organised, they’re devious, they’re determined, they’re powerful, they’re numerous, they’re politicised, and they’re infiltrating politics, police, councils, schools and more.
As their leader tells them: The muslim vote is the most powerful in the UK, You are the king-makers.
Naturally Corbyn is sucking up to them.
Sweet dreams.
@Vlad Tonight’s Dispatches was a turning point
Channel 4 broke the libEstablishment habit of hiding bad things SOME ethnicMuslims do and say.
We have to give them a lot of credit for that.
They clearly showed a whole raft of bad behaviours
– Some clear terrorists sypathisers
– but a clear undercurrent where they talk about white people in a racist way ..”a them ans us”
Referring to Sara Khan (a campaigner now put in charge of Prevent) one woman’s insult was to call her “an Oreo” Brown on the Outside and white on the inside, as if wgite people are a second class group you wouldn’t want to be like.
Yes, all credit to Dispatches and to the reporter John Ware, who shows what honest investigative reporting is. Should put al beeb to shame, who would never produce such a report into their favourite cult.
May it be a turning point, where people’s eyes are opened to the threat.
But I’m not holding my breath, none so blind as those who won’t see, and that blue pill is so very tempting, rather than have to face the unpleasant truth, that requires courage and independent thinking when all the powers that be are trying to convince you otherwise.
Tonight (Monday) on BBC 2 at 9. HOSPITAL. Looking at an overview on radio times it describes this as “A raw riveting look at a hospital system close to collapse”. I can’t seem to decipher accurate figures in population growth but an article from the Telegraph (22 June 2017) states that between 2005 and 2016 an extra 5 million people were added to the population. It doesn’t take Einstein to understand that all services need time to adapt. Wouldn’t it be exceptional if the BBC were to present this programme honestly, providing a true insight as to why the NHS is struggling. I have personally relied on the NHS since 2014 for intensive treatment. My own experience has been exceptional and I know this isn’t always the same for everyone.
Too many people expecting too much from a health service that was never intended or designed for the UK in 2018. Will the BBC show a balanced and fair representation. I doubt it.
Good for you Mood – personally – the international Health Service killed my dad and neglected my mum at the end of life stage – tip – try not to die around Christmas …if it can’t care for british taxpayers who have paid for it then as far as I am concerned privatise the bugger like the states . I see it as a self serving monster in the same design as al Beeb .
I know it’s anecodal and personal but that’s what I really believe – right winger that I am .
Mood – I had the unfortunate experience of undergoing emrgency Cardio/Vascular Surgery last year.
The staff and treatment could not be faulted – I’m still breathing!
I did however, whilst waiting for a bed – ‘not advised to return home’ – notice the large number of ehnics demanding attention for what turned out to be minor operations. One of these (appendicitis) who I had been giving a half sympathetic ear asked me if my upcoming op was dangerous (10% chance of not waking up) received a Foxtrot Oscar.
The scrounging bar steward looked surprised.
The BBC describes the people in this image as:
The counter demonstration organised by Jewish Voice for Labour was smaller but everyone I spoke to was a Labour Party member – and they were all passionate supporters of Mr Corbyn, who felt he was being persecuted unfairly.
One man was handing out “Labour against the witch hunt” leaflets. Another gave a speech attacking the Jewish Board of Deputies, ending with the battle cry: “Freedom for Palestine, Corbyn for prime minister!”
I guess that they can’t openly say just look at these two clearly non Muslims holding a scarf, but they look like Muslims who are the ones driving the anti Semitism in the first place!
Sometimes you have to look at a photo to see the story they can’t tell you in words. There are a lot of Jews employed at the BBC and it wouldn’t take the wisdom of Solomon to realise a large number are feeling pretty hacked off at Corbyn at the moment.
I was just a kid when the Birmingham bombings of Nov 1974 took place.
We lived in an Irish area, and I myself heard or knew nothing of any anti-Irish backlash. Yes, there were isolated incidents, I`m sure. And there were efforts to boycott Guinness and Kerrygold by the usual MPs at that time.
But say what you like-the English, given the outrages and provocations, were forgiving and kind.
But guess what?-some agitprop female novelist has just been on Andrew Marrs “Start the Week” saying how horrendous it was to be Irish in Birmingham. No it wasn`t.
I don`t believe her. But Andy likes to believe it.
Will the BBC ever put on voices like mine in this country?
Without the British taxpayer funding my courses and training, I`d be a waitress in Limerick.Nothing wrong with that-but the British funded me, the Irish offered our family nothing,
But-the BBC will NOT want to hear that. Bias doesn`t cover it.
I too was a kid in Brum in 1974 and remember the bombings well. About a couple of weeks later we had a new kid from Belfast join our school and he fitted in just fine and no one bullied him. Same old shit-stirrers with an agenda always welcomed by the beeb.
I remember the city being deadly quiet, as if most of the traffic had stopped.
The Birmingham Irish were the people that we played and worked with.
Bombing pubs just up the road from the so-called ‘Irish Quarter’ never made sense, why would the Birmingham Irish foul their own nest?
Well I’m watching HOSPITAL. Of course my heart goes out to all the patients that were affected during the making of this programme. However as I suspected this is another piece of agenda driven BBC propaganda. There is no denying that the issues are real and for many extremely severe. It’s no coincidence that they chose January to film this, which is the worst crises time for hospitals. However there was a massive emphasis on respiratory and elderly patients taking up beds. All of the patients on camera were white. No European patients, no black patients no Muslim patients. Even all the administrators/reception staff were white British. The only time I saw any Muslims was a tiny tiny brief moment at the very beginning and again a snippet of a head scarf, a tiny blink and the camera passed. This was a complete white wash (oops)
I don’t want to take anything away from the brilliance of the staff but I do want to blast the BBC because this is typical of how evil they are. Instead of following on with a more in depth discussion which is what BBC2 should be doing we now have QI. I’m not expressing myself well but I hope I’ve managed to get across how I feel. There are more episodes to follow. I’m expecting more of the same.
I watched it too and agree with everything you say above.
No discussion of why the crisis was happening. Has the hospital got smaller? are their less doctors? is that one old woman with dementia breaking the entire system?
Of course the real problem is the 300,000+ extra people coming into the country year on year but that won’t be discussed on this programme.
I thought 290,000 of them worked in the NHS anyway so how can there be a problem?
No you got it wrong, 290,000 are engineers. Pay attention.
“No discussion of why the crisis was happening. Has the hospital got smaller? are their less doctors?”
It’s already been established why the crisis is happening.
NHS funding hasn’t kept up with an increasing number of elderly patients and social care budgets have been cut to the extent that once recovered, elderly patients are unable to go home.
People in the NHS and Social Care have been saying this for years now; so I’m not quite sure why you think there has been “no discussion”.
“Of course the real problem is the 300,000+ extra people coming into the country year on year…”
If that’s the “real problem” please provide some evidence to back up your claim.
Sorry Maxi, but I can’t agree with that statement of yours. Quite a few of my family and friends work for the NHS, and what you say doesn’t add up with what they say at all.
Most of the NHS workers I know tend to be of a liberal mindset, they certainly aren’t ‘racists’, but even they talk about the additional load caused by the scale of immigration we’ve seen in the last 10 years.
So, yes, ageing population is a big concern and will be more so in the future, yes NHS funding hasn’t kept up with age and number of patients, but mass immigration IS just as big a concern for those in the NHS (given the lack of additional funding).
My argument would be, given the big increase in elderly patients happening now (and more to come), why would you want to compound that problem with additional mass immigration? Immigrants themselves are usually young and reasonably fit, true, but they still need healthcare, and they will get old the same as people already living here, so importing them to water down the percentage of the elderly in the population now is only a quick fix which will back fire majorly in the future.
You could say, why not just increase NHS spending to compensate? The problem is a lot of these immigrants are not paying much in the way of tax, few are high earners, and low earners actually cost more than they pay in. We have the NHS so the wealthy subsidise the healthcare of the poor, which I personally agree is right, but that all falls apart when you massively load the scales with low earners, which is a net result of mass immigration. Not only do most of the immigrants earn poor wages, but by being here and working for those wages they force many of the previous occupants out of work, or to accept low wages too. Look at the building trades for example, a lot of British tradesmen, competing with East Europeans for the same work, have had to accept lower rates, or go out of business. Good for those of us who aren’t tradesmen, but perhaps not so great overall, especially in the long run.
Clearly, this all has a massive impact on the tax yield of the country and hence how much can be spent on things like the NHS. You could (as Corbyn argues) increase the tax burden on the wealthier parts of society, but the very wealthy avoid paying tax (and always have and always will), and high earners who don’t have that luxury, are already heavily taxed compared to elsewhere. Put the tax rate up for them and there is a very realistic chance many will either not push themselves so hard (why bother if the extra you earn is just going to be taken away in tax), retire early, or leave the country. As has been shown elsewhere, increasing the tax rate on high earners too far tends to result in a lower overall tax yield.
I have to agree it’s not as simple as all that and immigration is not always a bad thing, but to write off the impact of mass immigration on our NHS is far more simplistic and inaccurate.
Did you notice BBCorp no reply from the troll in response to your long and reasoned argument on the NHS?
Wiki info on trolls
” a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll’s amusement. ”
Troll by name, troll by nature .. but no reasoned arguments from him/her/it.
BBC – solid post.
Listen to your current Prime Minister ….
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
“No European patients, no black patients no Muslim patients.”
Blimey, it’s almost as if the crisis in the NHS isn’t caused by Europeans, Blacks or Muslims.
Too difficult for you to comprehend, Moodswing6?
There’s lots of questions coming from you but no answers. You offer no evidence of any Al Beeb bias .
You are an attention seeking Troll that needs to visit a hospital.
“You are an attention seeking Troll that needs to visit a hospital.”
Nice. I was actually in Guy’s with a friend waiting 6 hours for a bed today before she gave up and went home. I’ve lost count of the number of nights I’ve spent sitting on a plastic chair in an A&E corridor.
You’re an idiot, taffman.
Hello maxi
Happy Easter . I see you continue to just comment on what fellow posters say as opposed to anything about al beeb .
Freedom of speech – but surely you have some view about al beeb – even at 3 45 in the morning when I suppose you are at work .
Otherwise why bother as all you are is entertainment – as a troll – for me. Or do you just get off on recognition?
Maxicony aka zero
Did your friend require treatment for damage to his/her rectum after fisting with you? Often self induced harm is given lower priority in the NHS
‘More than 80% of London TB cases occur in people who were born abroad. It is not known how many people arrive with latent TB and it is not deemed cost-effective to screen for it’
Bed Blockers eh?
Plastic chair ?- you are a snob maxi
TB lies dormant as well, so cannot be detected on entry.
if she gave up and went home it doesnts seem like she needed the hospital bed
Dear Max:
I have accompanied a relative to hospital three times in the past couple of months.
Each time, while we have been waiting, one of the other patients has required a translator. One was Chinese, one was Pakistani, and one just today was an Arab.
Obviously, the real problem is my relative who has worked since she was 15, and paid NI all her working life.
Dream on.
Rob, don’t confuse the poor lad with facts.
A truly classically trollish comment, corresponding to the identifying features listed by Old Crone above.
So, Maxincony, the population increases by several million over 11 years and does not not create extra demand on the NHS?
Putting it another way, a net additional 300,000 – around the size of the population of Coventry – come into the country each year without impact on GP practices and hospitals?
Go find out how many hospitals, surgeries, clinics etc there are in Coventry then research how many are actually being built in the UK each year.
Also pay a visit to Salford General, Oldham General, Blackburn General (to name but 3) and observe the ethnicity of the patients in any department.
Then go sue your maths teacher.
Then wait about 20 years before reviewing what you understand by ‘cultural enrichment’.
So, anything else of interest besides Russia, today? No, not the little Labour difficulty (similar dynamics in Germany at the moment, by the way – mirror image- wonder why?).
Ever been to Varna? No matter. GUESS WHO was there today? Why, it’s that nice Mr Junker! And that lovely Mr Tusk. And that wonderful democrat and peacenik, Mr Erdogan. What a cosy trio!
Wonder if anything was said about the invasion? Of Syria. By Turkey.
Naw, doesn’t look like it…no Western diplomats withdrawn, no big warnings, no strutting by…well, better not say by whom.
Anyway, there’ll be more cash for Constantinople and…wait a minute….made an error there, I meant Istanbul, of course. Yes, that’s it, got it right now, cash for Istanbul. Maybe the West should send some more diplomats there. As a sign of approval, sort of.
Anyway, been watching a thing on the art of Spain on the BBC, and Salvador Dali has got my mind in a pickle….sort of surreal, you know.
Thought it would take my mind off politics, but nope. You can’t escape the surreal…
(Also, being uneducated, I know NOTHING about art; as Manuel would say– he’s from Barcelona).
Safe to say, he is not the only one commenting.
And it could be going better.
Funny how it doesn’t take long for a certain kind of Corbynista tendency to find a home on the BBC Newsnight Twitter – the anti-Z word their code for the anti-J word
Cosmic Landmine Ⓥ
6h6 hours ago
The Zionists cannot & will not tolerate a Corbyn premiership.
We must close the Zionist embassy.
Step-up #BDS
0 replies . 4 retweets 4 likes
Oh Carole, you are such a fool.
Combining sneering arrogance and elitism with a naked attempt to out-Jones the BBC on who should be invited on to say what based on the bubble-headed self-belief of a minor-ABC publication hack is so not a good look.
And where comments are allowed, they could indeed be going better.
The Carole (not that one, obvs) and Owen Show is surely in the bag now? If not, get Carrie Gracie daubing an open letter on Lord Hall Hall’s limo.
Clearly Cadwalladr doesnt know many of us voted Brexit becuase of the lack of democracy in the EU. perhaps she should read a newspaper other than the Observer.
The state broadcaster of the UK speaks on behalf of the nation.
According to the BBC (Fergal Keane) its all probably about to, ‘kick-off’ in the Democratic Republic of Congo – again. Gangs slaughtering with the machete becoming the norm.
Fact: of the 55 countries in Africa, 54 have a strong or predominant muslim influence (47%) with Christianity the most widely practiced just ahead of islam. A recipe for war it there ever was one and explains why Africa has always been a, ‘basket-case’ and shows no sign of improvement. On the basis of the fact that where islam is, war prevails, Europe has that to look forward to………….
G, I don’t think the 1990s/2000s war in the DRC ever properly came to an end for it to now ‘kick off’. Because it is another very messy civil war, it hasn’t had the attention – just like Syria – from the international community (ie. at the UN) that it should have done.
What a useless institution the UN has become.
Another corporation immediately comes to mind as being in a similar state.
“Brexit: Push for single market access, AMs urge Welsh Government”
More Al Beeb’s Bias.
What the Welsh ‘Government’ need to understand is that the majority of the people of Wales voted out. Perhaps we should have a referendum on getting rid of the Welsh Assembly next?
Just switched on Toady and they are talking about sexual harassment at work. It is astonishing how often when I just turn on the radio they are discussing one of their Groundhog subjects.
Nobody will ever make jokes anymore at work and men will simply avoid talking to women. That is what will inevitably happen when you define any ‘unwanted attention’ as harassment. I thought of something really funny to say yesterday at work but chose not to. It probably would have really lifted everyone’s spirits but it was not worth the risk when a single person choosing to be offended could lose me my job.
We seem to creep closer to 1984 every day.
BrotherB…Can’t agree more. I was talking in a University yesterday and warned not to write ‘either sex’ in a report..not only is ‘sex’ wrong so is ‘either’ you have to make sure you cover every gender! Jesus research is going to get difficult..
Listening to Today and short bit on the Manchester bomb…BBC angle – how bad were the emergency services to respond? WTF..They get a poor mother who lost her son and the first thing she says is – her son died instantly as he was stood next to the it wouldn’t have made a difference..But the Beeb pushed on with ‘the poor response angle’..Not a word about the reason for the bomb
Toady watch
Rebecca long Bailey versus lord Levi on anti Semitism in the socialist party. Long Bailey is a catholic solicitor selected from an all female list and was one of the 36 MPs who nominated comrade Corbyn for leader .
She did a great job at defending her boss who approved the anti Jewish art . Lord Levi tried to explain why there is so much sensitivity about the issue.
Humph didn’t do a bad job but this was treated as just another story and stopped so that they could do the sports bit. Not good .
PS -20 year old shot dead in d abbots constituency yesterday – barely mentioned .
Toady was followed by a programme about whether the nation state is dead. A series of young sounding characters with foreign names gave nice civil answers as to why foreigners should be treated the same as ( British people ) – white indigenous was a long way away .
Comrades – I confess – I hit the off switch . No more al beeb for fedup for a while as I’m losing it.
Shot dead. How? Guns are illegal here.
TOADY Watch Tuesday – from 7.38am onwards, the programme in my hearing was worse than rubbish.
Barking mad professor tells Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmist BBC that he’s going to use up carbon emissions building colonies in space, mining ice on Mars – no questions asked by Mishal. Chris Patten is allowed to spout anti-Brexit tosh; he gets a couple of (ever so slightly cynical) challenges from The Humph. A French Canadian spat over a rude waiter or chef gets quite a lot of attention from Mishal, endless questioning, shame it hasn’t been applied at all to the Skripal case.
I can’t listen anymore. It is all agenda all the time; they do not even bother to disguise their bias, tackle any tough stories or cut down on the virtue signalling.
If they threatened to withdraw the licence fee they would sort it out. Imagine that! A year to stop annoying us or it’s P45s all round. I bet they could produce great stuff with the resources at their disposal. Give them an ultimatum: no more sneering, virtue signalling, Trump bashing etc and give the people a good product. Otherwise the contract is out out to tender and licence fee money goes to feeding the poor whom you profess to care so much about.
now R4 The Morality prog
“A German food bank doesn’t have enough food, is it right for them to prioritise Germans ?”
The student audience almost all said no
– The first voice in favour was from a guy called Mohammed who said “You look after your own family first”
Hmm in a pragmatic world the signals you send are important
We’d all like to live in a nice area, and if that area started offering free food we’d all go there.
By giving away free food to all the foodbank is creating a ‘pull factor’, but by sending a signal you treat locals first ..the pull factor is dealt with.
The same applies on a global level, by sending a signal “Come to Germany and get free food” Germany has created a ‘pull factor’
The people who need the food the most are the people in the Syrian refugee camps.
Maybe the Germans should say “no”, we have €50m to give to feed refugees and we have sent that food to Syria and Turkish refugee camps
The prog is from St Paul’s Cathedral ..a lefty hangout
The argument maybe similar to the International health service
The Germans who are taking from the food bank today will be from the same families of people who have paid in in the past it is not merely charity, but part of a local social contract.
My family have not paid into that community, so I have no right to take out.
There are some religious people Christian/Muslim that would give the guest before helping their own family.
Food banks are like mosques – ‘build them and they will come’ (with apologies to K. Costner)
Oo, goodie, more bbc staff expansion at male, high-£ level. Dig deep, licence payers, a bbc pension is forever.
And here was me thinking podcasts were just them things Amol used to share ‘is ‘views my own’ thoughts with, only without the nasty enabled comments that are so not going well on twitter and Facebook.
A) The BBc has a ‘reality check editor’ too. Apparently.
B) Comments on bbc reality… could be going better.
For a second I thought that was Chris Morris of The Day Today/Brass Eye doing the ‘Reality Checking’.
They should go for him… I’m confident it would make their output significantly less ridiculous.
My favourite from The Day Today
Oh but it’s worse than that, Guest: in so doing the sinister beeb increase their monopolistic subsidised stranglehold on the media.
And guess where their new Commissioning Editor for podcasts works? Why, on the Grauniad of course!
“The BBC has appointed its first commissioning editor for podcasts, fuelling concerns that the corporation’s dominance of the increasingly popular audio format could undermine commercial podcast providers.”
“BBC accused of dominating podcast market”