You won’t have heard of Mireille Knoll, because the beebistan make damn sure you don’t.
She was an elderly French Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, only to be murdered by a muslim neighbour 2 days ago.
If you did happen to find the article buried on the beebistan site, you’d be misled to believe it was some wicked far-right ‘antisemitic’ murder.
Not so, according to those close to her.
Inadvertently the beeb publish a revealing tribute to her in French.
Translated, one line reads: “Mireille Knoll was able to escape a (police raid) in 1942, she died in 2018 due to the hatred and barbarism of an Islamist, stabbed 11 times, in the family apartment, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris.
It is the same barbarity that kills Jewish children in Toulouse, slits a priest’s throat in his church in Saint-Etienne-de-Rouvray or a gendarmerie officer in Trèbes.”
Two men, aged 22 and 29, have been arrested and placed under formal investigation over the murder.
A police source told French media that one of them had previously been convicted of molesting a 12-year-old girl who had been staying at Mireille Knoll’s flat.
She had also complained to police that a neighbour had threatened to set fire to her home, according to reports.
Vlad, that BBC article ends with a passing reference to another generic ‘anti-Semitic’ murder of 65 year old Sarah Halimi. To get any actual facts about that one, you also have to look elsewhere:
—”Kobili Traore, 28, is accused of murdering his neighbour Lucette Attal-Halimi, 65, an Orthodox Jewish woman […] Traore, who is of Malian descent, allegedly recited verses from the Koran while beating Ms Halimi before throwing her out of a third-floor window and shouting: “I’ve killed the Shaitan [devil in Arabic].”
Of all the beeb’s ongoing efforts to unjoin the dots, I find these omissions the most sinister.
“Unjoin the dots” – very well put, Terminal. Aka ‘lying’.
So now ‘anti-semitism’ is the new euphemism for muslim murder, theft, torture, and has the additional advantage of smearing the Right.
Here’s the true story, and note how the French police, courts and press fall in with their political masters, in this case to help Macron and stymie Le Pen. Just like Blighty then.
“Traore, who is of Malian descent, allegedly recited verses from the Koran while beating Ms Halimi before throwing her out of a third-floor window and shouting: “I’ve killed the Shaitan [devil in Arabic].”
Jewish groups had accused French authorities of attempting to cover up the anti-semitic nature of the crime to avoid inflaming tension that could have helped Marine Le Pen during last year’s election campaign. Her anti-immigrant Front National party was doing well in the polls and she faced Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election in May.”
P.S. Imagine if the authorities had hushed up a story to help Trump, May, or Farage…
The beeb would have been all over it like flies to shit – but that would be an insult to flies.
It’s amazing that so many muslims do not understand that theirs is a religion of peace. If only they had 34 years in prison to read their korans they would see the error of their ways.
We must send over the learned judge who presided over the trial of the Parson’s Green bomber to explain this to them. He is clearly a noted scholar of islam, and could show them the passages of the koran which explain how it is a peaceful religion, which in no way recommends killing, enslaving or raping the infidels.
Vlad, so many different ways of presenting half-truths, quarter-truths, trans-truths and outright untruths that I am of the mind that we need a richer vocabulary to catalog all the deceit.
Something like the Eskimos and their 50 words for snow…
Well Terminal, the muslims are way ahead of you there. Here’s 4 kinds of muslim lies for a start:
Taqiyya – Saying something that isn’t true as it relates to the Muslim identity. (This is a Shiite term).
Kitman – Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind”) while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.”
Tawriya – Intentionally creating a false impression.
Muruna – ‘Blending in’ by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia in order to advance others.
They’ve been at it for 1400 years, they’re experts.
Come to think of it I wonder if the beeb didn’t study some of their strategies: Saying something that isn’t true… Lying by omission… Intentionally creating a false impression…
Brillo reports it on twitter but it won’t get coverage anywhere – the self censoring becomes an embarrassment .
Different subject – the Londonistan police chief was on the truly dumb One Sow earlier . She had an easy ride – even when having a nice cosy chat about knife killings in our vibrant and diverse international capital. I’d have asked her how many deaths does it take before she moves aside to make way for someone to deal with it . My count is 40 dead this year – one added yesterday . It’s running at about 1 every 3 days I think
I have been watching ‘You Can’t Stump the Trump’ a viral YouTube video all about Trump’s election. Such an incredible story that he took on that crook Clinton and the whole political and media establishment because he knew if he did not do the job of president himself nobody else could do it. It would have been much easier to just relax with his billions than do this.
His rallies are incredible. He has such love for his people and he talks and jokes with them and as one of them, rather than sneering and lying to them like normal politicians.
History will be much kinder to him than the BBC, especially in forty years’ time when God knows what Europe will be like. If only they could do a documentary about his incredible achievement rather than continuing to sneer and call him names. So absolutely incredible that he won.
There won’t BE a West in 40 years, just the western provinces of the Caliphate.
What’s left of the Resistance will secretly carry tiny photos of Trump in their wallets, on pain of torture and death if found. Trump will be remembered as the Last Great Hope, sadly brought down by pigmies like Bercow, Khan and the beebistan, which will play the call to prayers 5 times daily. Non compliance to which will earn you a good thrashing, if you’re lucky.
Coming soon … watch out for MP David Lammy on his £650 paid on expenses bike … 19th April,2018 … if Lammy does not appear then is MP David Lammy using his MP expenses wisely?
Hidden in this ‘report’ towards the end, is the sentence: “it added that the claim by employers that they would not attract more UK workers even if they raised wages, was “not credible”. The only reasons these employers have ‘fear’ is 1. They’re too lazy to look at other ways of attracting employees. 2. They don’t want to train new employees. 3. They can get away with paying crap wages to foreign employees and increase their profit line. No mention that burgeoning immigration puts a strain on public services, housing and quality of life in general.
Msm also reported that Eastern Europeans work harder and longer and better and greater and whatever than the lazy good for nothing over entitled overpaid , undeserving british types … who have all been enocouraged to balance their work /live , go sick , take maternity paternity eternity leave , complain , scream racism sexism ….. by al Beeb and the msm…. I ask you ..
I’ll tell you how the system failed: a) by letting them in in the first place and b) by organisations like the beeb turning a blind eye for decades, when it was known what was going on.
No! The study says the inverse. It says children’s educational success is based on the child’s inherited intelligence, ie not privilege.
The left will hate this study as they think every person is a blank slate and society gives them their character. Hence why the left bully geneticists out of lectures.
Life in India, but not at the coal face … at the end of a whip … all cultures are equal. Repeat, all cultures are equal in 2018 … feminists can we repeat …. all cultures are equal …. politicians can we repeat …. all cultures are equal … #IWD …
Obviously tabloid fake news, as The Express is continually ridiculed by ‘The News Quiz’, ‘The Now Show’, ‘Have I Got News For You’ etc etc et-effing-cetera.
This Lammy bike scenario completely disregarded by the state organ reminds me of similar expense scams where the process is deeply flawed.
One gent had claimed for extensive garden maintenance during period of international assignment……………this was investigated and it was found he stayed in an apartment block with a garden consisting of a seebdbox on a small balcony……………….where the “lawn” could have been clipped by a pair of scissors.
Time Lammy’s bike was checked for signs of use e.g. saddle sweat etc…
Harriet Harman, the ‘person’ that gave us ‘Equalilty’ and ‘Hate Speech’ legislation tries to shove her own genie back in the bottle.
Harriet Harman, chairwoman of the joint committee on human rights, called for the defence of “freedom of expression” and warned “there is a problem of inhibition of free speech in universities”.
It’s not just in the universities, love. (micro-aggression alert)
Hi comedy world. Me again. Don't worry, looks like I won't be around for long. And I'm sorry – you were right. There really is no problem with free speech in this country. None of you should be terrified.
In a well-hidden article about recent murders of Jews by muslims in France, the lying beebistan refer only to ‘anti-semitism’, and avoid revealing the identities, photos or religion of the perpetrators.
This is done deliberately to give the impression that the far-right are responsible, and to illustrate the phenomenon, here’s the pic the slimy beeb publish.
P.S. I don’t know of any serious crimes committed against French Jews by the Far Right in recent years, but I know of plenty committed by muslims, including the murder of 3 children. Another inconvenient truth the beeb hush-up and distort to suit their agenda.
(I am not denying there are elements of anti-Semitism in the French far-right, but that is not the greatest threat to Jews by a long shot, and that is not why they’re emigrating in ever larger numbers.)
“On 19 March, four people, including three children, were killed at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish day school in Toulouse. Four other persons were wounded.[5][6]”
The ruling by Lord Justice Sedley in the case of Redmond-Bate v DPP is worth reading.
Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having. What Speakers’ Corner (where the law applies as fully as anywhere else) demonstrates is the tolerance which is both extended by the law to opinion of every kind and expected by the law in the conduct of those who disagree, even strongly, with what they hear.
But now we have judges that think the Koran is a book of peace, police that believe unarmed 22 year-old Canadians are terrorists and a PM and Home Secretary that equate bombers with elephant-spotters, the later being a lot easier to catch.
Perhaps the BBC, when it does its tour of our schools teaching them how to spot fake news, can explain this conflation of a picture of a nazi salute with the real reason Jews are leaving France, which is their growing persecution at the hands of Muslims?
I went to the anti-Semitsm rally in Westminster yesterday and
was interested to see what the Corbanyst London Regional
programme on the BBC had to say about it.
It wasn’t mentioned by Victoria Hollins until at the end
of the programme when she gave us a precis of the main national
news headlines.
” FOR WHAT THEY SAY about anti-Semitism,in the, Labour party the Jewish organizations had an apology from Jeremy Corbyn. What was not
said, was the NON Jewish Labour MP’S speaking at the rally ,
were as vehemently opposed to anti-Semitism in their party
as any of the Jewish speakers.
They demanded that Jeremy Corbyn do something positive
and not just espouse mealy mouthed rhetoric.
But to be honest one would not expect anything different
from a London programme that night after night slags off
the Metropolitan Police. The BOSSES of Transport for London,
The BOSSES of the NHS and the TOREEEES. And whose editors, a more pro Corbyn
group you are ever likely to meet, get their presenters, such as
Liz Rateef and Assad Ahmed to do their bidding for them!
Despite comrade Corbyn being present in parliament during this rally I noted that he couldn’t find the time to come and listen or express solidarity with his labour ‘friends ‘ .
He does have so many ‘friends ‘ IRA – hezbolla ..doesn’t he ? And those fuckers will still vote for him.
I did a little experiment today to test the BBC Have Your Say moderators. I’m still fuming when they removed my top Have Your Say post yesterday for being ‘offensive to ethnic minorities’.
I hit the ‘report’ button for 11 posted comments (in the top 20 most rated) on Have Your Say and I “complained” for a variety of reasons to find out what complaint is upheld and which are not.
Post #1 mentioned “thick people”. i got that banned and removed for being “offensive”.
Posts #2 to #8 were slagging off the BBC. I reported those as off topic but the moderator surprisingly kept them all in.
Post #9 and #10 were totally off topic but the moderator kept them both in.
Post #11 said “doctors are brainy” and “technical people need training”. I complained saying it is offensive to technical people as they are also brainy. The moderator kept that post in. Not sure why as I have had posts removed for saying “lower intelligence” before.
So it turns out that the only post I could get removed is similar to my post yesterday. The BBC hate (and censor) the idea that not everyone is born with equal ability. In their world everyone is born equal and your success in life is purely down to how much the white man is suppressing them.
On Jeremy Vine just now, the Labour party and supporters still not admitting the Jew hatred in the Labour party, everyone is out to get Jeremy Corbyn, that’s all it is.
Comments on Radio 2 Facebook don’t seem to be open.
They will never learn,can’t they see this could bring down Corbyn or even the party?
Same on Daily Politics with benign and cleverly selected Harry Corbett look-alike Labour spokesperson reassuring Joker that there’s not a racist bone in Jeremy’s body. Earlier professional scruff David Badiel gave a powerful St.Peter act, denying his own religion in the cause of socialism and, as with all involved, signally failing to acknowledge the elephantine muslim in the studio, and elsewhere.
I thought Jeremy fouled his own nest today by calling up his ‘go-to’ Toreee hater, Dale from Wales. The excellent Jewish caller showed Dale up for what he and a large part of the Labour party are, haters of British jews.
With luck Dale will be off ‘the list’. It is just a pity that our favourite Northampton Muslim, Ishtiaq, didn’t join in the fun!
By the way, I loved the reference to the suspended Labour party activists who struggles to identify with her Jewish, money-grabbing, slave trade-funding ancestors whilst being a woman ‘of colour’! (Aren’t we all supposed to be Black Africans anyway? Not the Jews, obviously!)
How dare homeless people protest!
At least it gives volunteers a chance to get a warn and righteous feeling in their tummies.
One reason for homelessness is these smug job thieves popping up everywhere ..
Musical David Bowie statue vandalised in Aylesbury
”A statue of David Bowie has been vandalised less than 48 hours after being unveiled. The bronze sculpture, entitled Earthly Messenger, was revealed in Aylesbury where he debuted Ziggy Stardust.”
It is thought the graffiti appeared sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning
I listed to the whole thing and can’t agree more. And unless it is me there were an awful lot of non christian names talking..The guy running, Sandel, it was clearly riding his own pony …
The ever combative Rob Burley still fighting wars on, for bbc staff, unexpected fronts. Bit like the inhabitants of Berlin in ‘45, I suspect Beeboids are finding out who it is more pleasant to do battle with, and may be jockeying for which side they end up with any walls that get erected.
There is no pro-Leave BBC bias. I think maybe what you would like is US style news where the channels like Fox or MSNBC take sides. I'm very glad we don't have that and that we strive to be impartial.
That all said, it is notable he starts bullishly definitive but ends up hiding behind BBC hope and belief in case facts interfere with senior Bbc management claims about the bbc.
Monday The Times advertising pullout”Islamic Finance”, 14 pages on it
Remember when the New Saudi visited last week and suddenly there were newspaper adverts all over advertising Saudi businesses
.. This seems a similar that
2 pages were about Islamic Finance in Africa
“Shariah compliant micro-finance services” etc.
Islamic banking is just wordplay
Instead of charging 5% interest on £100 loan they have a £5/year service charge on it instead.
Brexit: UK firms ‘fearful’ for future migration system
So this is supposed to be an Immigrant roofer hard at work?
I wonder how many roofers here, are from the EU?
Those are the cleanest builders I’ve ever seen.
”The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) said
The interim report is part of a review assessing the impact of Brexit on the UK labour market.
Many employers expressed the view that migrants from the European Economic Area (EEA) are more reliable and more willing to work long and anti social hours than UK born workers, the report said.
The committee, however, said it was difficult to objectively assess these claims.
The report found while EU migrants from the original EU countries are paid 12% more than comparable UK workers, those from newer member states are paid 27% less.
But it added that the claim by employers that they would not attract more UK workers even if they raised wages, was “not credible”.
Recent figures show net EU migration to the UK – the difference between arrivals and departures – was 90,000 in the year to September, the lowest for five years.”
So make a headline, but bury the riders
Here’s another Getty image from the exact same actor/ builder series.
This time he’s had an accident, fallen clean off the roof.
East Europeans are dangerous to have on a building sites being so eager always rushing about to please the rich boss, then whoops
Jerry, what I find difficult to understand is that there is no explanation. There are numerous outstanding contributors on this site and any could write a new thread. Meanwhile there are alternative blogging sites but it would be a real shame to leave this one which has done such stellar work in the past.
R2 Now Vine prog given over to WWF’s Tony Juniper to push their propaganda
“Eating Welsh lamb stew is like boiling 150 kettles”
..but callers are hammering him
“Hello BBC this is the government can we have 2 minutes on air to explain a new policy ?”
.. BBC “oh, no we are just too busy”
“Hello, BBC this is friend of Roger Harrabin, can we get a 20 minute slot ?
… BBC ” Yes, of course sir, what time would you like ?
you’ve got the studio masterkey, and we’ll get the chocolate biscuits ready”.
Update : Parliament had order Zuckerberg to attend a committee,
He said no and is sending a VP instead.
…too right, these MPs ate too bolshy and PR hungry.
That pompous pixie Bercow seems to have contaminated the rest of the dishonourable House of Shambles with the notion that anyone outside their peanut gallery bubble anyone gives a flying fig about a summons from them.
I’d have sent a waste disposal colleague to apologise insincerely.
The 45-year-old claimed he had been unfairly dismissed after he was dropped by BBC Radio Manchester earlier this year.
But a judge has ruled against Mr Christian, saying he was hired by the station as a self-employed freelance and was not a permanent employee.
Judge Murray Creed also rejected the presenter’s claims that he was controlled by BBC management and given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests on his show.
. . . .
“BBC management and given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests on his show.” – Maybe Terry Christian should tell the people more about this?
Shoots himself in the foot by saying he was
”given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests”
Do they really need a £90.000 a year ‘expert’ for that?
Wonder how many hours a week he was doing
Something odd here, as Al Beeb tells us that the ‘fire service was sent away’ whereas Sky’s report says that they did not respond until two hours after the blast..and played ‘no meaningful role’
Of course, Al Beeb sides with the fire service, presenting them as victims.
Funny, haven’t heard that about the Manchester Fire Service before..great journalism all round.
Three in four people in the south-west of England had drunk alcohol in the previous week, higher than all of the other English regions, while fewer than half of Londoners had partaken.
The lack of ‘enrichment’ here is stunning…it’s quiet, peaceful, friendly, virtually crime-free, beautiful countryside, bees buzzing, birds singing etc. It’s like living in England as it used to be many decades ago.
I don’t see what could possibly go wrong…oh…wait a mo’ 🙁
At my school, anyone who acted in the manner he did would have received a beating he’d never forget.
What a shame he’s not from the north of England, I’d have loved to have been the one to administer it.
“Why would you put the eu flag on your banner your the BBC which I’m sure it stands for for British Broadcasting Company not Brussels Broadcasting Company?” – Comment on BBC’s Facebook page.
Italian expat says she won’t contact her MP Greg Knight cos ” he has a burnt EU flag on his website… Horrified ..”What an insult to our friends in the European Union.”
Hmm actually it’s not in hus main page, but rather his Brexit page & kind of clever art, not an insult.
She seems to have highlighted a nifty way for any savvy MP to easily remove the unwelcome attentions of constituents who are pretty likely to be not worth seeing.
One can only wish her well in her self-imposed isolation.
The Sandels of this world are driven to identical airports, fly first-class in identical aircraft, stay in identical hotels and work in identical universities or banks set in identical ‘green zones’. The world is one place to them.
Occasionaly they will take a taxi out into the wilds to watch the plebs at play, to catch a little of the local culture. They don’t realise that these cultures took hundreds of years to develop and they are all fragile. Open the gates to the world and they will all be destroyed, levelled down to the worst.
If Sandel and his kind are lucky some of the locals will keep guard around his identical ‘green zones’. If he isn’t, the locals will break in and execute everyone within.
I’d like to give Sandel a guided tour of Blackburn to get a flavour of reality. Then ask him to go to any Muslim country in the Middle East and run the same debate about ‘global citizenship’.
But in fact twats like him know the reality, they just hide their anti-West, open borders agenda behind a facade of ‘well-meaning debate’ which itself is carefully manipulated to guarantee a certain majority view prevails.
Professor Sandel is both American and Jewish – I don’t think he’d make it the sort of country you are suggesting he go to to bumble on about global citizenship hit the off switch after 10 minutes as it sounded like a vibrant diverse multicultural lower sixth debate worth nothing
Melanie Phillips debated that #MeToo had gone too far.
Found even her own side didn’t support that motion.
She was alone in a room of middle class feminists whose reaction to “the poor white girls of Telford & Rotherham who have been pimped, raped, and enslaved by mostly Pakistani- heritage Muslim gangs” is silence.
“Instead they protest about their own alleged victimisation ”
Stew, I watched her speech on a you tube clip. I thought she was brilliant. Her points were concise and as far as I’m concerned accurate.
This morning I was sitting at the counter in Pret. As I got up to buy another coffee my leg brushed against the woman next to me. There was very little space to manoeuvre. I apologised and she was ok but what if she had taken issue.
Another incident that left me bewildered was during an acting workshop. We were split into groups and I was with two women.
When presenting our discussion to the class I went blank with names and I casually said “The Girls”. The reaction from one of the women was so condescending I felt I’d been struck by lightening. It was such an innocent remark with absolutely no offence meant. What are we meant to do. Beats me!
Stop dating, flirting, interacting, working or talking with wimmin, at least Anglo-Saxon ones.
Find solace in prostitutes. Cheaper and more emotionally satisfying. Might help your mood swings too.
Usually there’s no blowback – pun intended – but there are exceptions; see Trump’s current, erm, difficulties.
Then again, there was a time when you would not expect to meet a woman in a workshop.
To quote Alexei Sayle: “anybody who uses the word ‘workshop’ who’s not connected with light engineering is a twat”.
Is the gun control movement too white, asks th BBC.
Some manipulation of facts in the article.
‘Protesters are being accused of hypocrisy, as some ask why they didn’t turn out for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was set up in 2013 to end police violence against black people and highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities.
In 2016 more than 52% of murder victims (73% killed by guns) in America were black, even though black people make up 13% of the population’.
See, the whites are murdering blacks .
Another lie is “highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities”. It was most certainly not a concern, in the slightest, of Black Lives Matter. I remember conservative commentaters pointing out the problem at the time of the exaggerated, and often untrue, claims made against police officers – possibly Anne Coulter among others. But BLM weren’t interested as it would show some of their “brothers” as guilty men.
All their supporters, especially the white ones, would scream at the conservative and make out that they were evil to point it out. But as I said; BLM weren’t interested in the lives of young black men taken almost nightly by their fellows.
But glancing at the author’s Twitter feed, where one discovers she’s learning Arabic from her boyfriend and 90% of the content is Syria related, I would guess everything is going to be too white for her.
The were NRA members who donated weapons (prior to America’s entry into WW2) which that organisation sent to Britain, to be used by the Home Guard etc if German Forces had invaded; a few of those weapons returned to the US after the war’s end and are collectable amongst gun aficionados.
I shan’t hold my breath to hear anything positive about the NRA on al Beebus though.
The grateful British government dumped most of those guns at sea after the war. Having disarmed the British people, they probably thought it was only polite to disarm the Americans too.
I agree though, the left wing BBC probably thinks the NRA is a branch of the KKK. Beeboids only ever mix with rich liberals in New York or Los Angeles, for whom disdain for the NRA is de rigeur.
You cannot expect Jon Sopel actually to visit any of the inbred hill-billies in flyover country to find out why they own guns and support the NRA. What do you expect for a measly £200k a year?
Panorama evidence again fails in court.
They produced a dramatic doco about the alleged abuse at the Medway Secure Training Centre.
..but the court heard footage had been stitched together from hours of filming.
“Partial and selective”
Of 10 staff charged only 1 convicted so far.
We seem to have lost our grasp of right and wrong in 2018 and missing examples where things mess up.
Take a religion of peace called Shia Islam and then add Sunni Islam. Drop them in the same place and you get Yemen.
. . . .
. . .
Yemen (Islam with more Islam) is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis.
More than 80 per cent of the population urgently need emergency aid. (when Islam meets Islam)
Around 18 million people do not have enough nutritious food and more than half of the population live without clean water. (when Islam meets Islam)
The worst cholera epidemic ever recorded is still active in Yemen (when Islam meets Islam). There have been over one million suspected cases and more than 2,250 deaths. (when Islam meets Islam)
“The whole establishment, including you (Owen Jones).” – Hoey
“Why am I the establishment?” – Owen Jones
“Because you wanted to stay (in the EU).” – Hoey
I see that our brave lads in the Manchester Fire Service responded to the terrorist bomb by doing ……..errr……jack all for two hours because the fire chiefs were ‘risk averse’.
Many years ago there was a statistical survey in The Lancet, vol 360, Aug 2002, page 543, entitled Hazardous Occupations in GB. Turned out window cleaners had proportionately more fatalities than firemen. But how many times do we hear about ‘our brave window cleaners’?
Don’t be as hard on the emergency services as al beeb and dr. Hindsite is being . One of the issues is – thankfully at the moment – is that towns outside London seldom have to deal with such incidents . Hence fuckups will happen.
It’s not the fire brigade’s fault those kids died – it’s the evil Muslim bomber burning for ever in hell.
Lessons will be learnt and then forgotten again.
No mercy from al beeb
Not albeeb bias al c4 film 4 . There was a clue when I saw that — snowflakes !!
They have produced an awful film called
“Mary magdelan “ the whole film crew were – I think – sistas. Thus the gospels are wrong – the male apostles were wimps and Mary magdelan was the number one apostle .
Back in holier days the people who made this film would have burnt at the stake – better days me think – Maxi it’s wake up time – work and blog time.
True Fedup, the cock-ups cannot diminish the tragedy – but it’s still the absurd health & safety circus that caused the delays and almost certainly cost lives. That same circus loses the economy millions every time a motorway is closed for hour after hour while hi-vizzers crawl around measuring crushed blades of grass.
It’s simply another manifestation of the collapse of courage.
Totally agree the bombers are where the real fault lies. Al Beeb are blaming the authorities for failures with deradicalisation of the Parsons Green Bomber.
I just get ‘fed up’ over continued adulation of ‘our brave’ emergency services when they actually have to do what they are paid to do. And even more fed up when they don’t do what they are paid to do, as with the risk averse Fire chiefs in Manchester when unpaid members of the public were taking risks.
Strangely enough, years ago, our window cleaners were firemen! Back then they usually had a little job going on the side during their time off. I bet they didn’t know that it was more dangerous than their day job!
Sluff – I think you are right – I know a few and I dont think there are many jobs where they pay you for sleeping, they also have a brilliant shift system, pension and annual leave and I think they can retire mid 50s.
I don’t have much time to post on here as often as I’d like but I’m always lurking. Found something this afternoon I think you will all appreciate. With apologies if this has been posted before:
I don’t agree with all the protester says, but well done for disrupting the bloated beeb’s live broadcast and for calling for a boycott of the extortion tax.
Wow, someone we can heave before the cameras and the MPs to prove that Brexit was a big lie!
I dare say that there are several (many) good people on this site who understand the issues, But I have to admit that I haven’t got a bloody clue what they’re all prattling on about, and that is manna to the BBBC as they can confuse even more citizens!
Of course, I’ll take the opposite view to the BBBC, but I’ve just wasted five minutes of drinking time looking at the extended bilious monotony of their ‘expert’ journalism, and I wish I hadn’t!
Confusion, someone here said. There is certainly a lot of that about. You watch the ‘news’ only to find it is composed of brief snatches of talk and images, which serve only to raise more questions than answers, to obfuscate, to fog up, to confuse.
What are we to make of that? Incompetent journalism? Deliberate obfuscation? A little of both?
What do we make of the report on the Manchester bombing? (This is not to lose sight of the actual cause.) I said last night how you can’t escape the surreal. This is a case in point. A snatch of the Mayor on TV. Was it something about lessons being learned? A brief appearance from a lady in a uniform, who apologised. Two hours wasted, apparently, in the response. A lengthy (no doubt expensive) and evasive report. On the ITV news, two victims who were (justifiably?) unhappy with that report.
I can’t say I now know what happened, from tonight’s coverage. Does anybody? Does anybody know who was in charge? Baffling…
The same can be said about the Facebook/Cambridge Analytical/Aggregate IQ business. The more you hear, the less you know. I can read the report, but my brain feels like a Salvador Dali painting when I do. I can listen to the fellow with the pink hair. He’s very smooth. Has he actually explained anything?
I’ve had an overview skim of the Manchester report for personal reasons . It is reasoned , fair , points to the good as well as the bad .
I just hope the right people see it, remember it and should they be in a similar position dealing with such evil again ( for sure ) they do their best and think on their feet, have the courage to make decisions which they may be hauled over the coals for later – the shadow on Hillsborough reaches very far .
Not an issue which al Beeb would ever address.ironic that windy Andy Burnham has his prints on both.
PS – look how quickly the socialist anti semitism has gone out of the al Beeb news cycle. Comrade Corbyn must be pleased .
And in the context of who spent what and which company did what with which data, are we allowed to mention the nine million quid spent by Cameron (illegally?) on the one-sided Remain ‘information leaflet?
Londonistan evening standard carrying story of corbyns momentum comrades plotting to oust another ‘moderate’ labour council leader . Harringey and newham have gone already .
They do this all the time … also they have “connection problems” within the UK when somebody is speaking outide the BBC accepted agenda box! How I wish the scales hadn’t dropped from my eyes.. life would be so much more peaceful 🙁
I am sick of hearing about so called “anti semitism” lets call it what it really is : racism, but, maybe the Jews are not black enough ? whatever, it is still racism by any definition of the word, and on the rise for one simple reason : muslims who are actively practicing this racism and hate crime on a daily basis around the world, including within the Labour party who have ignored it, condoned it by refusing to acknowledge it, and did so yesterday again by saying on the BBC that a demonstration by this ethnic minority was not valid because it was an attack on their leader, thats racist again I would say ? lets just think if it was the same behaviour towards our precious muslims by another political party how would that go down in the media ? hmm makes you think…
“Cheating may have swayed Brexit poll – Christopher Wylie”
The Beeb are wetting themselves over this. Funny how they are the first to claim that only ‘old people’ (eg over thirty) voted for Brexit…the ones that are unlikely to use social media. Therefore are they claiming that some ‘young people’ who use social media also voted for Brexit? What stupid retards we are!
”Cheating may have swayed Brexit poll – Christopher Wylie”
Yes, remember this £9 Million, one sided booklet that was posted through everyone’s door…………..
“Backers of the Brexit-backing campaigns expressed outrage at the move to flood the country with pro-EU ‘propaganda’ just weeks before the June 23 poll. ”
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Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
You won’t have heard of Mireille Knoll, because the beebistan make damn sure you don’t.
She was an elderly French Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust, only to be murdered by a muslim neighbour 2 days ago.
If you did happen to find the article buried on the beebistan site, you’d be misled to believe it was some wicked far-right ‘antisemitic’ murder.
Not so, according to those close to her.
Inadvertently the beeb publish a revealing tribute to her in French.
Translated, one line reads: “Mireille Knoll was able to escape a (police raid) in 1942, she died in 2018 due to the hatred and barbarism of an Islamist, stabbed 11 times, in the family apartment, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris.
It is the same barbarity that kills Jewish children in Toulouse, slits a priest’s throat in his church in Saint-Etienne-de-Rouvray or a gendarmerie officer in Trèbes.”
Two men, aged 22 and 29, have been arrested and placed under formal investigation over the murder.
A police source told French media that one of them had previously been convicted of molesting a 12-year-old girl who had been staying at Mireille Knoll’s flat.
She had also complained to police that a neighbour had threatened to set fire to her home, according to reports.
Beebistan ‘report’:
The truth:
Vlad, that BBC article ends with a passing reference to another generic ‘anti-Semitic’ murder of 65 year old Sarah Halimi. To get any actual facts about that one, you also have to look elsewhere:
—”Kobili Traore, 28, is accused of murdering his neighbour Lucette Attal-Halimi, 65, an Orthodox Jewish woman […] Traore, who is of Malian descent, allegedly recited verses from the Koran while beating Ms Halimi before throwing her out of a third-floor window and shouting: “I’ve killed the Shaitan [devil in Arabic].”
Of all the beeb’s ongoing efforts to unjoin the dots, I find these omissions the most sinister.
“Unjoin the dots” – very well put, Terminal. Aka ‘lying’.
So now ‘anti-semitism’ is the new euphemism for muslim murder, theft, torture, and has the additional advantage of smearing the Right.
Here’s the true story, and note how the French police, courts and press fall in with their political masters, in this case to help Macron and stymie Le Pen. Just like Blighty then.
“Traore, who is of Malian descent, allegedly recited verses from the Koran while beating Ms Halimi before throwing her out of a third-floor window and shouting: “I’ve killed the Shaitan [devil in Arabic].”
Jewish groups had accused French authorities of attempting to cover up the anti-semitic nature of the crime to avoid inflaming tension that could have helped Marine Le Pen during last year’s election campaign. Her anti-immigrant Front National party was doing well in the polls and she faced Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election in May.”
P.S. Imagine if the authorities had hushed up a story to help Trump, May, or Farage…
The beeb would have been all over it like flies to shit – but that would be an insult to flies.
It’s amazing that so many muslims do not understand that theirs is a religion of peace. If only they had 34 years in prison to read their korans they would see the error of their ways.
We must send over the learned judge who presided over the trial of the Parson’s Green bomber to explain this to them. He is clearly a noted scholar of islam, and could show them the passages of the koran which explain how it is a peaceful religion, which in no way recommends killing, enslaving or raping the infidels.
Yes Rob, clearly May needs to spell out more clearly how peace-loving the Great Faith is… at least once it’s murdered everyone else.
Vlad, so many different ways of presenting half-truths, quarter-truths, trans-truths and outright untruths that I am of the mind that we need a richer vocabulary to catalog all the deceit.
Something like the Eskimos and their 50 words for snow…
Well Terminal, the muslims are way ahead of you there. Here’s 4 kinds of muslim lies for a start:
Taqiyya – Saying something that isn’t true as it relates to the Muslim identity. (This is a Shiite term).
Kitman – Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills “it shall be as if he had killed all mankind”) while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of “corruption” and “mischief.”
Tawriya – Intentionally creating a false impression.
Muruna – ‘Blending in’ by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia in order to advance others.
They’ve been at it for 1400 years, they’re experts.
Come to think of it I wonder if the beeb didn’t study some of their strategies: Saying something that isn’t true… Lying by omission… Intentionally creating a false impression…
It’s all starting to make sense!!
Andrew Neil seems genuinely affected by this, if sourcing from the bbc on matters of fact regarding the perps.
Brillo reports it on twitter but it won’t get coverage anywhere – the self censoring becomes an embarrassment .
Different subject – the Londonistan police chief was on the truly dumb One Sow earlier . She had an easy ride – even when having a nice cosy chat about knife killings in our vibrant and diverse international capital. I’d have asked her how many deaths does it take before she moves aside to make way for someone to deal with it . My count is 40 dead this year – one added yesterday . It’s running at about 1 every 3 days I think
I have been watching ‘You Can’t Stump the Trump’ a viral YouTube video all about Trump’s election. Such an incredible story that he took on that crook Clinton and the whole political and media establishment because he knew if he did not do the job of president himself nobody else could do it. It would have been much easier to just relax with his billions than do this.
His rallies are incredible. He has such love for his people and he talks and jokes with them and as one of them, rather than sneering and lying to them like normal politicians.
History will be much kinder to him than the BBC, especially in forty years’ time when God knows what Europe will be like. If only they could do a documentary about his incredible achievement rather than continuing to sneer and call him names. So absolutely incredible that he won.
The West will have more pressing issues in 40 years time, than how kindly history should treat Donald Trump.
There won’t BE a West in 40 years, just the western provinces of the Caliphate.
What’s left of the Resistance will secretly carry tiny photos of Trump in their wallets, on pain of torture and death if found. Trump will be remembered as the Last Great Hope, sadly brought down by pigmies like Bercow, Khan and the beebistan, which will play the call to prayers 5 times daily. Non compliance to which will earn you a good thrashing, if you’re lucky.
Allahu Akbar.
Coming soon … watch out for MP David Lammy on his £650 paid on expenses bike … 19th April,2018 … if Lammy does not appear then is MP David Lammy using his MP expenses wisely?
Here is today’s Anti-Brexit scare story from your trusted impartial BBC…
Brexit: UK firms ‘fearful’ for future migration system
The entire so-called “news article” is just 4 sentences long!!! They use words like “fearful” and “businesses are concerned”.
Lots of fact based reporting there then!
Hidden in this ‘report’ towards the end, is the sentence: “it added that the claim by employers that they would not attract more UK workers even if they raised wages, was “not credible”. The only reasons these employers have ‘fear’ is 1. They’re too lazy to look at other ways of attracting employees. 2. They don’t want to train new employees. 3. They can get away with paying crap wages to foreign employees and increase their profit line. No mention that burgeoning immigration puts a strain on public services, housing and quality of life in general.
Msm also reported that Eastern Europeans work harder and longer and better and greater and whatever than the lazy good for nothing over entitled overpaid , undeserving british types … who have all been enocouraged to balance their work /live , go sick , take maternity paternity eternity leave , complain , scream racism sexism ….. by al Beeb and the msm…. I ask you ..
BBC tweet title to hide the news in plain sight: “Nobody asked me any questions.”.
Actual title: “Child sexual exploitation: How the system failed”
Won’t be long before the BBC titled those articles “Muslim men bought me presents”.
Another stock photo of what looks like a prostitute seeking business.
Nasty BBC
I’ll tell you how the system failed: a) by letting them in in the first place and b) by organisations like the beeb turning a blind eye for decades, when it was known what was going on.
Report on THAT, you c*nts.
BBC at it again …
“Grammar school success ‘down to privilege’ – study”
No! The study says the inverse. It says children’s educational success is based on the child’s inherited intelligence, ie not privilege.
The left will hate this study as they think every person is a blank slate and society gives them their character. Hence why the left bully geneticists out of lectures.
BBC- Lying bastards.
Life in India, but not at the coal face … at the end of a whip … all cultures are equal. Repeat, all cultures are equal in 2018 … feminists can we repeat …. all cultures are equal …. politicians can we repeat …. all cultures are equal … #IWD …
Wife tied up and given 100 lashes by her own HUSBAND before mob sexually assaulted her {express 25mar2018}
Obviously tabloid fake news, as The Express is continually ridiculed by ‘The News Quiz’, ‘The Now Show’, ‘Have I Got News For You’ etc etc et-effing-cetera.
This Lammy bike scenario completely disregarded by the state organ reminds me of similar expense scams where the process is deeply flawed.
One gent had claimed for extensive garden maintenance during period of international assignment……………this was investigated and it was found he stayed in an apartment block with a garden consisting of a seebdbox on a small balcony……………….where the “lawn” could have been clipped by a pair of scissors.
Time Lammy’s bike was checked for signs of use e.g. saddle sweat etc…
Harriet Harman, the ‘person’ that gave us ‘Equalilty’ and ‘Hate Speech’ legislation tries to shove her own genie back in the bottle.
Harriet Harman, chairwoman of the joint committee on human rights, called for the defence of “freedom of expression” and warned “there is a problem of inhibition of free speech in universities”.
It’s not just in the universities, love. (micro-aggression alert)
I know where she can shove her genie, and it’s not in a bottle.
I know where she can shove the bottle.
That’s cruelty to bottles you’re encouraging there mate.
When Hatty met Reality?
Is this the same Harriet Harperson who used to snarl ‘racist!’ at anyone who dared disagree with Blair’s multiculti agenda?
How times change.
In a well-hidden article about recent murders of Jews by muslims in France, the lying beebistan refer only to ‘anti-semitism’, and avoid revealing the identities, photos or religion of the perpetrators.
This is done deliberately to give the impression that the far-right are responsible, and to illustrate the phenomenon, here’s the pic the slimy beeb publish.
The deception is unrelenting.
P.S. I don’t know of any serious crimes committed against French Jews by the Far Right in recent years, but I know of plenty committed by muslims, including the murder of 3 children. Another inconvenient truth the beeb hush-up and distort to suit their agenda.
(I am not denying there are elements of anti-Semitism in the French far-right, but that is not the greatest threat to Jews by a long shot, and that is not why they’re emigrating in ever larger numbers.)
“On 19 March, four people, including three children, were killed at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish day school in Toulouse. Four other persons were wounded.[5][6]”
The ruling by Lord Justice Sedley in the case of Redmond-Bate v DPP is worth reading.
But now we have judges that think the Koran is a book of peace, police that believe unarmed 22 year-old Canadians are terrorists and a PM and Home Secretary that equate bombers with elephant-spotters, the later being a lot easier to catch.
Perhaps the BBC, when it does its tour of our schools teaching them how to spot fake news, can explain this conflation of a picture of a nazi salute with the real reason Jews are leaving France, which is their growing persecution at the hands of Muslims?
I went to the anti-Semitsm rally in Westminster yesterday and
was interested to see what the Corbanyst London Regional
programme on the BBC had to say about it.
It wasn’t mentioned by Victoria Hollins until at the end
of the programme when she gave us a precis of the main national
news headlines.
” FOR WHAT THEY SAY about anti-Semitism,in the, Labour party the Jewish organizations had an apology from Jeremy Corbyn. What was not
said, was the NON Jewish Labour MP’S speaking at the rally ,
were as vehemently opposed to anti-Semitism in their party
as any of the Jewish speakers.
They demanded that Jeremy Corbyn do something positive
and not just espouse mealy mouthed rhetoric.
But to be honest one would not expect anything different
from a London programme that night after night slags off
the Metropolitan Police. The BOSSES of Transport for London,
The BOSSES of the NHS and the TOREEEES. And whose editors, a more pro Corbyn
group you are ever likely to meet, get their presenters, such as
Liz Rateef and Assad Ahmed to do their bidding for them!
Despite comrade Corbyn being present in parliament during this rally I noted that he couldn’t find the time to come and listen or express solidarity with his labour ‘friends ‘ .
He does have so many ‘friends ‘ IRA – hezbolla ..doesn’t he ? And those fuckers will still vote for him.
Interesting video, here for climate afficionados:
From Oppenheimer Ranch Project. (Daily videos).
Cooling coming, due to solar minimum.
I did a little experiment today to test the BBC Have Your Say moderators. I’m still fuming when they removed my top Have Your Say post yesterday for being ‘offensive to ethnic minorities’.
I hit the ‘report’ button for 11 posted comments (in the top 20 most rated) on Have Your Say and I “complained” for a variety of reasons to find out what complaint is upheld and which are not.
Post #1 mentioned “thick people”. i got that banned and removed for being “offensive”.
Posts #2 to #8 were slagging off the BBC. I reported those as off topic but the moderator surprisingly kept them all in.
Post #9 and #10 were totally off topic but the moderator kept them both in.
Post #11 said “doctors are brainy” and “technical people need training”. I complained saying it is offensive to technical people as they are also brainy. The moderator kept that post in. Not sure why as I have had posts removed for saying “lower intelligence” before.
So it turns out that the only post I could get removed is similar to my post yesterday. The BBC hate (and censor) the idea that not everyone is born with equal ability. In their world everyone is born equal and your success in life is purely down to how much the white man is suppressing them.
On Jeremy Vine just now, the Labour party and supporters still not admitting the Jew hatred in the Labour party, everyone is out to get Jeremy Corbyn, that’s all it is.
Comments on Radio 2 Facebook don’t seem to be open.
They will never learn,can’t they see this could bring down Corbyn or even the party?
Same on Daily Politics with benign and cleverly selected Harry Corbett look-alike Labour spokesperson reassuring Joker that there’s not a racist bone in Jeremy’s body. Earlier professional scruff David Badiel gave a powerful St.Peter act, denying his own religion in the cause of socialism and, as with all involved, signally failing to acknowledge the elephantine muslim in the studio, and elsewhere.
I thought Jeremy fouled his own nest today by calling up his ‘go-to’ Toreee hater, Dale from Wales. The excellent Jewish caller showed Dale up for what he and a large part of the Labour party are, haters of British jews.
With luck Dale will be off ‘the list’. It is just a pity that our favourite Northampton Muslim, Ishtiaq, didn’t join in the fun!
By the way, I loved the reference to the suspended Labour party activists who struggles to identify with her Jewish, money-grabbing, slave trade-funding ancestors whilst being a woman ‘of colour’! (Aren’t we all supposed to be Black Africans anyway? Not the Jews, obviously!)
How dare homeless people protest!
At least it gives volunteers a chance to get a warn and righteous feeling in their tummies.
One reason for homelessness is these smug job thieves popping up everywhere ..
Musical David Bowie statue vandalised in Aylesbury
”A statue of David Bowie has been vandalised less than 48 hours after being unveiled. The bronze sculpture, entitled Earthly Messenger, was revealed in Aylesbury where he debuted Ziggy Stardust.”
It is thought the graffiti appeared sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning
Speaking of friendly fire, I bet this one saw some dark muttering on dilemmas and lines to take in Frankie Howerd’s rear entry.
I listed to the whole thing and can’t agree more. And unless it is me there were an awful lot of non christian names talking..The guy running, Sandel, it was clearly riding his own pony …
The ever combative Rob Burley still fighting wars on, for bbc staff, unexpected fronts. Bit like the inhabitants of Berlin in ‘45, I suspect Beeboids are finding out who it is more pleasant to do battle with, and may be jockeying for which side they end up with any walls that get erected.
That all said, it is notable he starts bullishly definitive but ends up hiding behind BBC hope and belief in case facts interfere with senior Bbc management claims about the bbc.
No pro-Leave bias! How could anybody seriously believe that the BBC showed any such tendency?
‘Striving’ seems the new ‘highly likely’.
Get your complaints in to @BbcRadio4Feedback
For their Brexit Special
Monday The Times advertising pullout”Islamic Finance”, 14 pages on it
Remember when the New Saudi visited last week and suddenly there were newspaper adverts all over advertising Saudi businesses
.. This seems a similar that
2 pages were about Islamic Finance in Africa
“Shariah compliant micro-finance services” etc.
Islamic banking is just wordplay
Instead of charging 5% interest on £100 loan they have a £5/year service charge on it instead.
Brexit: UK firms ‘fearful’ for future migration system
So this is supposed to be an Immigrant roofer hard at work?
I wonder how many roofers here, are from the EU?
Those are the cleanest builders I’ve ever seen.
”The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) said
The interim report is part of a review assessing the impact of Brexit on the UK labour market.
Many employers expressed the view that migrants from the European Economic Area (EEA) are more reliable and more willing to work long and anti social hours than UK born workers, the report said.
The committee, however, said it was difficult to objectively assess these claims.
The report found while EU migrants from the original EU countries are paid 12% more than comparable UK workers, those from newer member states are paid 27% less.
But it added that the claim by employers that they would not attract more UK workers even if they raised wages, was “not credible”.
Recent figures show net EU migration to the UK – the difference between arrivals and departures – was 90,000 in the year to September, the lowest for five years.”
So make a headline, but bury the riders
Here’s another Getty image from the exact same actor/ builder series.
This time he’s had an accident, fallen clean off the roof.
East Europeans are dangerous to have on a building sites being so eager always rushing about to please the rich boss, then whoops
Shouldn’t the medic be observing the site safety notices, hard hat, hi-viz etc.?
I think the story should be more accurately headlined:
“Employers fear the end of limitless immigrant labour willing to work for the minimum wage.”
And since when did paramedics start to look like Coco the Clown?
What has happened to this site , no new news stories is it going down the pan ?
Jerry, what I find difficult to understand is that there is no explanation. There are numerous outstanding contributors on this site and any could write a new thread. Meanwhile there are alternative blogging sites but it would be a real shame to leave this one which has done such stellar work in the past.
R2 Now Vine prog given over to WWF’s Tony Juniper to push their propaganda
“Eating Welsh lamb stew is like boiling 150 kettles”
..but callers are hammering him
“Hello BBC this is the government can we have 2 minutes on air to explain a new policy ?”
.. BBC “oh, no we are just too busy”
“Hello, BBC this is friend of Roger Harrabin, can we get a 20 minute slot ?
… BBC ” Yes, of course sir, what time would you like ?
you’ve got the studio masterkey, and we’ll get the chocolate biscuits ready”.
Update : Parliament had order Zuckerberg to attend a committee,
He said no and is sending a VP instead.
…too right, these MPs ate too bolshy and PR hungry.
That pompous pixie Bercow seems to have contaminated the rest of the dishonourable House of Shambles with the notion that anyone outside their peanut gallery bubble anyone gives a flying fig about a summons from them.
I’d have sent a waste disposal colleague to apologise insincerely.
TV and radio presenter Terry Christian has failed in a legal action against the BBC over the loss of his £90,000-a-year job.
The 45-year-old claimed he had been unfairly dismissed after he was dropped by BBC Radio Manchester earlier this year.
But a judge has ruled against Mr Christian, saying he was hired by the station as a self-employed freelance and was not a permanent employee.
Judge Murray Creed also rejected the presenter’s claims that he was controlled by BBC management and given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests on his show.
. . . .
“BBC management and given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests on his show.” – Maybe Terry Christian should tell the people more about this?
I thought he had a job for life at the BBC for being such a EU Remainer
Shoots himself in the foot by saying he was
”given detailed scripts instructing him how to interview guests”
Do they really need a £90.000 a year ‘expert’ for that?
Wonder how many hours a week he was doing
I’m shocked that BBC paid him such a low wage as £90k! Surely, such a ‘talent’ will be snapped up? 🙂
I’d like to see those scripts, but imagine they may be yet another of bbc little secrets not for public consumption.
Lucky result for Terry. He was too daft to realise that if the judge had ruled he was not a freelancer, he’d be stuffed with a massive tax bill.
You just can’t help some people.
Is there anyone, male, female or Maxicony, not trashing the bbc whilst demanding the bbc has them on more often for more money?
Correction: Maxicony avoids any criticism of the BBC, and does it all for love.
Something odd here, as Al Beeb tells us that the ‘fire service was sent away’ whereas Sky’s report says that they did not respond until two hours after the blast..and played ‘no meaningful role’
Of course, Al Beeb sides with the fire service, presenting them as victims.
Funny, haven’t heard that about the Manchester Fire Service before..great journalism all round.
Nothing to do with anything ….
Three in four people in the south-west of England had drunk alcohol in the previous week, higher than all of the other English regions, while fewer than half of Londoners had partaken.
“Pubs in danger: Six charts on how the British drink” { 27mar2018}
The south west is probably less “enriched” by those who don’t approve of alcohol. I wonder if they eat more bacon down there as well?
I live in the south west…hic 🙂
The lack of ‘enrichment’ here is stunning…it’s quiet, peaceful, friendly, virtually crime-free, beautiful countryside, bees buzzing, birds singing etc. It’s like living in England as it used to be many decades ago.
I don’t see what could possibly go wrong…oh…wait a mo’ 🙁
Guido Fawkes has a video clip of John Bercow at his most bullying and obnoxious worst.
At my school, anyone who acted in the manner he did would have received a beating he’d never forget.
What a shame he’s not from the north of England, I’d have loved to have been the one to administer it.
Bulling? More a full time, self righteous twat.
The BBC covered Bercow bullying with the same clip.
Geedo dislikes Bercow, BBC dislikes Boris.
Both have their agendas and both go overboard with censorship
Job advert : TV Licensing Field Officer – York
£20K basic, £26K OTE +45p/mike expences, 23 days holiday + benefits
Yorkshire Post
“Why would you put the eu flag on your banner your the BBC which I’m sure it stands for for British Broadcasting Company not Brussels Broadcasting Company?” – Comment on BBC’s Facebook page.
Italian expat says she won’t contact her MP Greg Knight cos ” he has a burnt EU flag on his website… Horrified ..”What an insult to our friends in the European Union.”
Hmm actually it’s not in hus main page, but rather his Brexit page & kind of clever art, not an insult.

She seems to have highlighted a nifty way for any savvy MP to easily remove the unwelcome attentions of constituents who are pretty likely to be not worth seeing.
One can only wish her well in her self-imposed isolation.
The Sandels of this world are driven to identical airports, fly first-class in identical aircraft, stay in identical hotels and work in identical universities or banks set in identical ‘green zones’. The world is one place to them.
Occasionaly they will take a taxi out into the wilds to watch the plebs at play, to catch a little of the local culture. They don’t realise that these cultures took hundreds of years to develop and they are all fragile. Open the gates to the world and they will all be destroyed, levelled down to the worst.
If Sandel and his kind are lucky some of the locals will keep guard around his identical ‘green zones’. If he isn’t, the locals will break in and execute everyone within.
I’d like to give Sandel a guided tour of Blackburn to get a flavour of reality. Then ask him to go to any Muslim country in the Middle East and run the same debate about ‘global citizenship’.
But in fact twats like him know the reality, they just hide their anti-West, open borders agenda behind a facade of ‘well-meaning debate’ which itself is carefully manipulated to guarantee a certain majority view prevails.
Professor Sandel is both American and Jewish – I don’t think he’d make it the sort of country you are suggesting he go to to bumble on about global citizenship hit the off switch after 10 minutes as it sounded like a vibrant diverse multicultural lower sixth debate worth nothing
Melanie Phillips debated that #MeToo had gone too far.
Found even her own side didn’t support that motion.
She was alone in a room of middle class feminists whose reaction to “the poor white girls of Telford & Rotherham who have been pimped, raped, and enslaved by mostly Pakistani- heritage Muslim gangs” is silence.
“Instead they protest about their own alleged victimisation ”
Wife tied up and given 100 lashes by her own HUSBAND before mob sexually assaulted her {express 25mar2018}
Stew, I watched her speech on a you tube clip. I thought she was brilliant. Her points were concise and as far as I’m concerned accurate.
This morning I was sitting at the counter in Pret. As I got up to buy another coffee my leg brushed against the woman next to me. There was very little space to manoeuvre. I apologised and she was ok but what if she had taken issue.
Another incident that left me bewildered was during an acting workshop. We were split into groups and I was with two women.
When presenting our discussion to the class I went blank with names and I casually said “The Girls”. The reaction from one of the women was so condescending I felt I’d been struck by lightening. It was such an innocent remark with absolutely no offence meant. What are we meant to do. Beats me!
Stop dating, flirting, interacting, working or talking with wimmin, at least Anglo-Saxon ones.
Find solace in prostitutes. Cheaper and more emotionally satisfying. Might help your mood swings too.
Usually there’s no blowback – pun intended – but there are exceptions; see Trump’s current, erm, difficulties.
Then again, there was a time when you would not expect to meet a woman in a workshop.
To quote Alexei Sayle: “anybody who uses the word ‘workshop’ who’s not connected with light engineering is a twat”.
Times link
Melanie Phillips is usually sound, and has more balls than most of her colleagues, of all 27 genders. Or are we up to 28 now?
College with biggest paygap ?
Royal Holloway 27.2%
It was formed by the merger of two women only colleges RH and Bedford College.
Is the gun control movement too white, asks th BBC.
Some manipulation of facts in the article.
‘Protesters are being accused of hypocrisy, as some ask why they didn’t turn out for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was set up in 2013 to end police violence against black people and highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities.
In 2016 more than 52% of murder victims (73% killed by guns) in America were black, even though black people make up 13% of the population’.
See, the whites are murdering blacks .
Another lie is “highlight the impact of gun violence in ethnic minority communities”. It was most certainly not a concern, in the slightest, of Black Lives Matter. I remember conservative commentaters pointing out the problem at the time of the exaggerated, and often untrue, claims made against police officers – possibly Anne Coulter among others. But BLM weren’t interested as it would show some of their “brothers” as guilty men.
All their supporters, especially the white ones, would scream at the conservative and make out that they were evil to point it out. But as I said; BLM weren’t interested in the lives of young black men taken almost nightly by their fellows.
As usual the beeb displaying their obsession with race, and as usual playing fast and loose with statistics.
All those percentages prove is that blacks in US like killing each other.
Is gun control movement too white? No doubt.
But glancing at the author’s Twitter feed, where one discovers she’s learning Arabic from her boyfriend and 90% of the content is Syria related, I would guess everything is going to be too white for her.
The were NRA members who donated weapons (prior to America’s entry into WW2) which that organisation sent to Britain, to be used by the Home Guard etc if German Forces had invaded; a few of those weapons returned to the US after the war’s end and are collectable amongst gun aficionados.
I shan’t hold my breath to hear anything positive about the NRA on al Beebus though.
The grateful British government dumped most of those guns at sea after the war. Having disarmed the British people, they probably thought it was only polite to disarm the Americans too.
I agree though, the left wing BBC probably thinks the NRA is a branch of the KKK. Beeboids only ever mix with rich liberals in New York or Los Angeles, for whom disdain for the NRA is de rigeur.
You cannot expect Jon Sopel actually to visit any of the inbred hill-billies in flyover country to find out why they own guns and support the NRA. What do you expect for a measly £200k a year?
As a member of the American NRA said at the time:
“It’s not that the British people are unarmed; it’s that they have been disarmed”.
Originator of Fake News (BBC) to start teaching kids how to identify fake news (BBC going to schools)…… if this wasn’t so serious the irony would be hilarious.
“You can tell fake news, as fake news does not have the government seal of approval.”
Down the road to 1984 we go…
The Archers listeners could always comment on the blog.
….but now the BBC have said it won’t accept comments anymore.
The bbc is purging any avenue for comment as they seem mainly to turn out less well than the bbc may have hoped.
Bet they are wondering how to turn twitter ‘views my own’ and Facebook broadcast only.
Panorama evidence again fails in court.
They produced a dramatic doco about the alleged abuse at the Medway Secure Training Centre.
..but the court heard footage had been stitched together from hours of filming.
“Partial and selective”
Of 10 staff charged only 1 convicted so far.
It can all be ‘sorted’ in post.
We seem to have lost our grasp of right and wrong in 2018 and missing examples where things mess up.
Take a religion of peace called Shia Islam and then add Sunni Islam. Drop them in the same place and you get Yemen.
. . . .
. . .
Yemen (Islam with more Islam) is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis.
More than 80 per cent of the population urgently need emergency aid. (when Islam meets Islam)
Around 18 million people do not have enough nutritious food and more than half of the population live without clean water. (when Islam meets Islam)
The worst cholera epidemic ever recorded is still active in Yemen (when Islam meets Islam). There have been over one million suspected cases and more than 2,250 deaths. (when Islam meets Islam)
Extreme hunger, disease and conflict are killing or injuring an estimated 75 people every day.(when Islam meets Islam)
“The whole establishment, including you (Owen Jones).” – Hoey
“Why am I the establishment?” – Owen Jones
“Because you wanted to stay (in the EU).” – Hoey
Labour MP @KateHoeyMP tells @owenjones84 she has no regrets about campaigning alongside Nigel Farage during the Brexit referendum
I see that our brave lads in the Manchester Fire Service responded to the terrorist bomb by doing ……..errr……jack all for two hours because the fire chiefs were ‘risk averse’.
Many years ago there was a statistical survey in The Lancet, vol 360, Aug 2002, page 543, entitled Hazardous Occupations in GB. Turned out window cleaners had proportionately more fatalities than firemen. But how many times do we hear about ‘our brave window cleaners’?
Don’t be as hard on the emergency services as al beeb and dr. Hindsite is being . One of the issues is – thankfully at the moment – is that towns outside London seldom have to deal with such incidents . Hence fuckups will happen.
It’s not the fire brigade’s fault those kids died – it’s the evil Muslim bomber burning for ever in hell.
Lessons will be learnt and then forgotten again.
No mercy from al beeb
Not albeeb bias al c4 film 4 . There was a clue when I saw that — snowflakes !!
They have produced an awful film called
“Mary magdelan “ the whole film crew were – I think – sistas. Thus the gospels are wrong – the male apostles were wimps and Mary magdelan was the number one apostle .
Back in holier days the people who made this film would have burnt at the stake – better days me think – Maxi it’s wake up time – work and blog time.
Fedup2, maix will still be sitting in that hospital corridor, waiting for his mate’s @rse to be bandaged.
True Fedup, the cock-ups cannot diminish the tragedy – but it’s still the absurd health & safety circus that caused the delays and almost certainly cost lives. That same circus loses the economy millions every time a motorway is closed for hour after hour while hi-vizzers crawl around measuring crushed blades of grass.
It’s simply another manifestation of the collapse of courage.
Totally agree the bombers are where the real fault lies. Al Beeb are blaming the authorities for failures with deradicalisation of the Parsons Green Bomber.
I just get ‘fed up’ over continued adulation of ‘our brave’ emergency services when they actually have to do what they are paid to do. And even more fed up when they don’t do what they are paid to do, as with the risk averse Fire chiefs in Manchester when unpaid members of the public were taking risks.
AFAIAA it was a meter of ‘only obeying orders’.
Also in this case it is hard to think of a less relevant emergency service need in the triage chain.
Strangely enough, years ago, our window cleaners were firemen! Back then they usually had a little job going on the side during their time off. I bet they didn’t know that it was more dangerous than their day job!
Sluff – I think you are right – I know a few and I dont think there are many jobs where they pay you for sleeping, they also have a brilliant shift system, pension and annual leave and I think they can retire mid 50s.
I don’t have much time to post on here as often as I’d like but I’m always lurking. Found something this afternoon I think you will all appreciate. With apologies if this has been posted before:
I don’t agree with all the protester says, but well done for disrupting the bloated beeb’s live broadcast and for calling for a boycott of the extortion tax.
As to be expected, the bbbc are making this their top story…
Wow, someone we can heave before the cameras and the MPs to prove that Brexit was a big lie!
I dare say that there are several (many) good people on this site who understand the issues, But I have to admit that I haven’t got a bloody clue what they’re all prattling on about, and that is manna to the BBBC as they can confuse even more citizens!
Of course, I’ll take the opposite view to the BBBC, but I’ve just wasted five minutes of drinking time looking at the extended bilious monotony of their ‘expert’ journalism, and I wish I hadn’t!
I wonder how much it cost for a personal appearance by President Obama?
Confusion, someone here said. There is certainly a lot of that about. You watch the ‘news’ only to find it is composed of brief snatches of talk and images, which serve only to raise more questions than answers, to obfuscate, to fog up, to confuse.
What are we to make of that? Incompetent journalism? Deliberate obfuscation? A little of both?
What do we make of the report on the Manchester bombing? (This is not to lose sight of the actual cause.) I said last night how you can’t escape the surreal. This is a case in point. A snatch of the Mayor on TV. Was it something about lessons being learned? A brief appearance from a lady in a uniform, who apologised. Two hours wasted, apparently, in the response. A lengthy (no doubt expensive) and evasive report. On the ITV news, two victims who were (justifiably?) unhappy with that report.
I can’t say I now know what happened, from tonight’s coverage. Does anybody? Does anybody know who was in charge? Baffling…
The same can be said about the Facebook/Cambridge Analytical/Aggregate IQ business. The more you hear, the less you know. I can read the report, but my brain feels like a Salvador Dali painting when I do. I can listen to the fellow with the pink hair. He’s very smooth. Has he actually explained anything?
I’ve had an overview skim of the Manchester report for personal reasons . It is reasoned , fair , points to the good as well as the bad .
I just hope the right people see it, remember it and should they be in a similar position dealing with such evil again ( for sure ) they do their best and think on their feet, have the courage to make decisions which they may be hauled over the coals for later – the shadow on Hillsborough reaches very far .
Not an issue which al Beeb would ever address.ironic that windy Andy Burnham has his prints on both.
PS – look how quickly the socialist anti semitism has gone out of the al Beeb news cycle. Comrade Corbyn must be pleased .
And in the context of who spent what and which company did what with which data, are we allowed to mention the nine million quid spent by Cameron (illegally?) on the one-sided Remain ‘information leaflet?
Must be getting about right though. Right?
Al Beeb bias by omission
Londonistan evening standard carrying story of corbyns momentum comrades plotting to oust another ‘moderate’ labour council leader . Harringey and newham have gone already .
Nicely ignored by al Beeb.
This thread looks interesting, not least because the bbc clearly are desperate for it to go away when it won’t.
They do this all the time … also they have “connection problems” within the UK when somebody is speaking outide the BBC accepted agenda box! How I wish the scales hadn’t dropped from my eyes.. life would be so much more peaceful 🙁
I am sick of hearing about so called “anti semitism” lets call it what it really is : racism, but, maybe the Jews are not black enough ? whatever, it is still racism by any definition of the word, and on the rise for one simple reason : muslims who are actively practicing this racism and hate crime on a daily basis around the world, including within the Labour party who have ignored it, condoned it by refusing to acknowledge it, and did so yesterday again by saying on the BBC that a demonstration by this ethnic minority was not valid because it was an attack on their leader, thats racist again I would say ? lets just think if it was the same behaviour towards our precious muslims by another political party how would that go down in the media ? hmm makes you think…
“Cheating may have swayed Brexit poll – Christopher Wylie”
The Beeb are wetting themselves over this. Funny how they are the first to claim that only ‘old people’ (eg over thirty) voted for Brexit…the ones that are unlikely to use social media. Therefore are they claiming that some ‘young people’ who use social media also voted for Brexit? What stupid retards we are!
”Cheating may have swayed Brexit poll – Christopher Wylie”
Yes, remember this £9 Million, one sided booklet that was posted through everyone’s door…………..
“Backers of the Brexit-backing campaigns expressed outrage at the move to flood the country with pro-EU ‘propaganda’ just weeks before the June 23 poll. ”