Chalky – yes sez the fuckup with pink hair appearing before the parliamentary look at me circus. Apparently they are annoyed that a foreign national multi billionaire has declined the invitation to come and be talked at by a bunch of expenses claimers. Would you?
Oh I forgot, there are one or two political parties that object to islamic extremism and law enforcement / political unwillingness to prosecute muslim rape gangs who ONLY target non muslims therefore a hate crime / racially aggravated crime, and these political parties are vilified on a regular basis, and called far right, where is the jewish extremism and rape gangs ? there appear to be none, yet still they are allowed to be vilified by a particular political party because of their ethnic origin, funny that..and this political party is the one that attacks the far right, what a strange world we live in : well done momentum you are more racist than any other political party it seems
Overt raism is alive and well in this country and we have allowed the real racists to immigrate here from the bombed out hell holes they came from through racial and tribal wars, they need somewhere to live apart from bomb craters while thay carry on hating
Andy Burnham the Manchester Mayor has sponsored a report into the Manchester Bombing. He demanded to know how a young man from Libya welcomed into this country could be radicalized. He further demanded to know how the community around the terrorist bomber failed to identify any traits that would have identified his intentions.The report also ask questions regarding the terrorists local community and what action will be taken by them to ensure that this type of atrocity does not happen again and lastly the report ask questions as to how his relatives and potential associates managed to escape to Libiya and have yet to be brought to justice.
Just watching England.
It’s part of a plan to counter Russian Cyber and Chemical warfare attacks. We are going to Russia and we are going to bore them to death.
Msm is gleefully reporting poor lady nugee being called lady nugee by the Secretary of State for the foreign and commonwealth office and the hideous snowflake labour speaker diving in to protect that delicate flower .
How those MPs put an ego driven shit like him in that chair is beyond me outside the bubble .
The embarrassing fool is probably attempting to re-establish his “feminist” credentials, in response to the allegations about his behaviour that have recently come to light.
Yes “Lady Nugee” doesn’t quite fit in with the socialist “down in the gutter with the rest of the proletariat” smoke screen that is Corbyn’s Gov’t in waiting does it?
History has shown that short men who are prone to loud shouting to assert their superiority can cause a lot of trouble…
Not to mention the ever-present modern plague of virtue-signalling.
And all at the same time…
If he was selling wooden legs he might be more circumspect, but I have noticed we have an individual in Cambridge city centre in a wheelchair taking legal action against any shop in a medieval city that he cannot easily get into : well done, and just had another wondrful experience of spending the afternoon visiting several major businesses in Milton Keynes and driving around their car parks endlessly trying to find a parking space despite rows of empty disabled parking spaces….maybe next in this mad coutry ..parking spaces apart from anyone else for menopausal wimmin or safe parking so they dont have to be looked at by men ? judging by the BBC news stories these kind of things will be soon coming
Of particular interest to us is the extent to which the BBC eagerly followed the CNN line and high profile for the Stormy story. Seem to recall Sopel had a lot to say, as usual. Nearly fell off my chair when he seemed to be praising Trump for responding to Russia with diplomatic expulsions, but no– that was merely a platform for a quick dig at the President.
So, after sixteen months, still waiting for the BBC to have anything positive, or even just objective, to say about Trump. I think the BBC have a ‘protocol’ on how to approach any comment about the President. It HAS to weigh up on the negative side. And it has to be CNN-led.
I always feel it would be nice if Sopel disappeared to sun himself on the beach in California, where he should feel at home (near some nice little sanctuary city, for instance). But the others in the big BBC team in the US will merely parrot the same line, so alas…
Did they really think they would cover themselves in glory by having a porn star as their star witness? This from the finger wagging media who lectures us about objectifying women and unwanted sexual advances. Their hypocrisy is bottomless. When it serves their ends there are no rules they will not break.
At least the Beeb are reporting the shortcomings of the fire service in Manchester, while according to Sky there is no ‘real’ news as its back to the drowning in plastic story, and the money back scheme on returning bottles. Ok what about plastic toys then ? charity shops, nurseries, schools, toy shops are full of ’em – great big plastic slides, miniature cookers, and teenzy weensy plastic pieces that dogs swallow, – don’t kids have wooden toys anymore, and whatever happened to chemistry kits so they could blow themselves up; I bet most of those Presenters prattling on about the evils of plastic, trip over the massive plastic dolls house on the way out the door ! oh yes and the bloody coloured Dyson monstrosities (that like cats need their own room !!!!)
Why hasn’t there been an enquiry into this country’s policy to “refugees” and “asylum seekers”?
Particularly since more than a few of them and their offspring, who are permitted to come and live here, seek to show their gratitude by trying to kill and maim as many British people as possible.
Probably due to the same reason there was never a public enquiry into the 7/7 bombings: it would reveal too many unwanted truths.
BBC “NewsHide” displays itself again by leaving out pertinent facts. This time in the court case of the teacher who trained children for terrorist attacks in London.
“Teacher who tried to build ‘army of children’ jailed” (BBC online March 27)
According to the report, Umar Ahmed Haque “showed IS propaganda to 16 children at the Ripple Road Mosque, Barking London” (high up in the report, third paragraph).
Sixteen children is bad news.
But wait, the rest of the msm are reporting a much more significant number of children involved and a long period of opportunity.
According to the Mail online court report: “He had no formal qualifications yet was left free to teach up to 250 youngsters at two East London schools as well as the mosque over five years where he tried to radicalise more than 100 of them.
“As a result of being exposed to the extremist material, 35 are now receiving support amid radicalisation fears.”
This was also reported on LBC’s news service, Global News and in the Guardian.
OK, there’s no factual error in the BBC report so they’ve covered themselves (16 children were shown IS propoganda at one mosque and he was convicted of offences related to this).
But by leaving out the wider context the story has a much less significant impact on the reader who, otherwise, would naturally ask: Why was he allowed access to 250 children and why was this appalling situation allowed to go on for such a long time?
Is there some ffing rule that says libEstablishment media must focus on progs either about American catastrophes or about the plight of migrants , Grenfell and all ?
The BBC are making the most of the allegations that the Leave campaign didn’t follow all the rules. I don’t expect them to put the allegations into context – with two Remain groups and the Lib-Dems having already been fined for what they did.
What about muslim immigrants murdering British citizens minute by minute ….there would be enought there for 10 programmes, stunning silence, muslim victim in Grenfell … they will all start wanking into their lattes at the BBC
Stood in the Bri ish (sic) immigration line at Heathrow litttle while ago my God did not realise until then what this country has come to, I was one of about 10 % of white people and my chinese wife had to join another line while I queued with the arabs and pakistanis because she has another 5 years to go and english tests while i could not understand a word that was spoken in that queue as there was no english spoken
This headline disappeared very quickly from the front page ….…………….
“A “dangerous liar” who trained an “army of children” for terrorist attacks in London has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years. “
Snips from Monday’s Times :
Melanie Reid : had 2 digs at the BBC from her wheelchair
#1 Why do we have to have rubbish about a family trying to live plastic free, when plastic is such a positive thing for hygiene etc ?
(This is the fourth plastic free family thing, local news did one, Radio$ and ITV did one)
#2 What’s with the new BBC weather maps , they are rubbish “I can’t see a difference between their clouds and snow”
Matt Ridley writes about genetic intelligence etc
He claimed it’s not good public schools that advances kids, but the good genes that they born with.
– Then he mentions a study that found the less discrimination a country has the less women are working in Science & engineering.
Given a free choice they don’t choose it.
Whereas countries like Turkey/Algeria have the highest proportion of women working in STEM
– Dan Poulter Tory MP insufficient evidence to proceed against him says inquiry.
A fellow Tory MP had accused him of putting his hand up women’s skirts.
Electric car survey, gold finches and recycling and radio 4 news briefing. They just ignore what is happening in the country. That memory hole must be the size of London.
Worboys in the news again! Just report on this single abnormal individual 1000 times and nobody will notice the scale of the problem among another ‘community.’
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Chalky – yes sez the fuckup with pink hair appearing before the parliamentary look at me circus. Apparently they are annoyed that a foreign national multi billionaire has declined the invitation to come and be talked at by a bunch of expenses claimers. Would you?
Oh I forgot, there are one or two political parties that object to islamic extremism and law enforcement / political unwillingness to prosecute muslim rape gangs who ONLY target non muslims therefore a hate crime / racially aggravated crime, and these political parties are vilified on a regular basis, and called far right, where is the jewish extremism and rape gangs ? there appear to be none, yet still they are allowed to be vilified by a particular political party because of their ethnic origin, funny that..and this political party is the one that attacks the far right, what a strange world we live in : well done momentum you are more racist than any other political party it seems
Overt raism is alive and well in this country and we have allowed the real racists to immigrate here from the bombed out hell holes they came from through racial and tribal wars, they need somewhere to live apart from bomb craters while thay carry on hating
Andy Burnham the Manchester Mayor has sponsored a report into the Manchester Bombing. He demanded to know how a young man from Libya welcomed into this country could be radicalized. He further demanded to know how the community around the terrorist bomber failed to identify any traits that would have identified his intentions.The report also ask questions regarding the terrorists local community and what action will be taken by them to ensure that this type of atrocity does not happen again and lastly the report ask questions as to how his relatives and potential associates managed to escape to Libiya and have yet to be brought to justice.
I’ll save him a fortune.
I’m not tainted with the PC bollocks that will come out in his ‘report’ at a cost of £5m.
Just watching England.
It’s part of a plan to counter Russian Cyber and Chemical warfare attacks. We are going to Russia and we are going to bore them to death.
Msm is gleefully reporting poor lady nugee being called lady nugee by the Secretary of State for the foreign and commonwealth office and the hideous snowflake labour speaker diving in to protect that delicate flower .
How those MPs put an ego driven shit like him in that chair is beyond me outside the bubble .
The embarrassing fool is probably attempting to re-establish his “feminist” credentials, in response to the allegations about his behaviour that have recently come to light.
Bingo, Al.
Yes “Lady Nugee” doesn’t quite fit in with the socialist “down in the gutter with the rest of the proletariat” smoke screen that is Corbyn’s Gov’t in waiting does it?
The thing is, they only act as such amongst their peers. To everybody else it is:
“Do you know who I am!”
My usual answer is:
“No, but let me guess you are going to tell me”
And I’ve heard it hundreds of times.
History has shown that short men who are prone to loud shouting to assert their superiority can cause a lot of trouble…
Not to mention the ever-present modern plague of virtue-signalling.
And all at the same time…
I remember a comment an old timber contractor once passed when I was a lad:
“Little buggers and cripples are allus awkwardest.”
I’m not sure he would be viewed as terribly PC by the standards of today.
If he was selling wooden legs he might be more circumspect, but I have noticed we have an individual in Cambridge city centre in a wheelchair taking legal action against any shop in a medieval city that he cannot easily get into : well done, and just had another wondrful experience of spending the afternoon visiting several major businesses in Milton Keynes and driving around their car parks endlessly trying to find a parking space despite rows of empty disabled parking spaces….maybe next in this mad coutry ..parking spaces apart from anyone else for menopausal wimmin or safe parking so they dont have to be looked at by men ? judging by the BBC news stories these kind of things will be soon coming
Pulled this from Brietbart
‘Trump Poll Bump Has Some in MSM Regretting CNN-IZATION-NEWS
Will the BBC take note?
Of particular interest to us is the extent to which the BBC eagerly followed the CNN line and high profile for the Stormy story. Seem to recall Sopel had a lot to say, as usual. Nearly fell off my chair when he seemed to be praising Trump for responding to Russia with diplomatic expulsions, but no– that was merely a platform for a quick dig at the President.
So, after sixteen months, still waiting for the BBC to have anything positive, or even just objective, to say about Trump. I think the BBC have a ‘protocol’ on how to approach any comment about the President. It HAS to weigh up on the negative side. And it has to be CNN-led.
I always feel it would be nice if Sopel disappeared to sun himself on the beach in California, where he should feel at home (near some nice little sanctuary city, for instance). But the others in the big BBC team in the US will merely parrot the same line, so alas…
Did they really think they would cover themselves in glory by having a porn star as their star witness? This from the finger wagging media who lectures us about objectifying women and unwanted sexual advances. Their hypocrisy is bottomless. When it serves their ends there are no rules they will not break.
At least the Beeb are reporting the shortcomings of the fire service in Manchester, while according to Sky there is no ‘real’ news as its back to the drowning in plastic story, and the money back scheme on returning bottles. Ok what about plastic toys then ? charity shops, nurseries, schools, toy shops are full of ’em – great big plastic slides, miniature cookers, and teenzy weensy plastic pieces that dogs swallow, – don’t kids have wooden toys anymore, and whatever happened to chemistry kits so they could blow themselves up; I bet most of those Presenters prattling on about the evils of plastic, trip over the massive plastic dolls house on the way out the door ! oh yes and the bloody coloured Dyson monstrosities (that like cats need their own room !!!!)
Why hasn’t there been an enquiry into this country’s policy to “refugees” and “asylum seekers”?
Particularly since more than a few of them and their offspring, who are permitted to come and live here, seek to show their gratitude by trying to kill and maim as many British people as possible.
Probably due to the same reason there was never a public enquiry into the 7/7 bombings: it would reveal too many unwanted truths.
Cos there bri ish innit got a passpor to prove i; brov (sic)
BBC “NewsHide” displays itself again by leaving out pertinent facts. This time in the court case of the teacher who trained children for terrorist attacks in London.
“Teacher who tried to build ‘army of children’ jailed” (BBC online March 27)
According to the report, Umar Ahmed Haque “showed IS propaganda to 16 children at the Ripple Road Mosque, Barking London” (high up in the report, third paragraph).
Sixteen children is bad news.
But wait, the rest of the msm are reporting a much more significant number of children involved and a long period of opportunity.
According to the Mail online court report: “He had no formal qualifications yet was left free to teach up to 250 youngsters at two East London schools as well as the mosque over five years where he tried to radicalise more than 100 of them.
“As a result of being exposed to the extremist material, 35 are now receiving support amid radicalisation fears.”
This was also reported on LBC’s news service, Global News and in the Guardian.
OK, there’s no factual error in the BBC report so they’ve covered themselves (16 children were shown IS propoganda at one mosque and he was convicted of offences related to this).
But by leaving out the wider context the story has a much less significant impact on the reader who, otherwise, would naturally ask: Why was he allowed access to 250 children and why was this appalling situation allowed to go on for such a long time?
“Bbc editorial integrity means there not always time or space for actual news in the UK, because…. TA-DA!!!!”
Guest Who
Were they referring to maxincony?
Grenfell doco AGAIN
Wednesday 9pm – 10pm Channel 5 : Grenfell Tower: Minute By Minute
Is there some ffing rule that says libEstablishment media must focus on progs either about American catastrophes or about the plight of migrants , Grenfell and all ?
The BBC are making the most of the allegations that the Leave campaign didn’t follow all the rules. I don’t expect them to put the allegations into context – with two Remain groups and the Lib-Dems having already been fined for what they did.
What about muslim immigrants murdering British citizens minute by minute ….there would be enought there for 10 programmes, stunning silence, muslim victim in Grenfell … they will all start wanking into their lattes at the BBC
Stood in the Bri ish (sic) immigration line at Heathrow litttle while ago my God did not realise until then what this country has come to, I was one of about 10 % of white people and my chinese wife had to join another line while I queued with the arabs and pakistanis because she has another 5 years to go and english tests while i could not understand a word that was spoken in that queue as there was no english spoken
This headline disappeared very quickly from the front page ….…………….
“A “dangerous liar” who trained an “army of children” for terrorist attacks in London has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years. “
He should have been done for treason.
\\Mr Rees-Mogg hit back by saying it is a “great sadness” that Lord Patten “doesn’t want democracy in the United Kingdom”.//
Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister I say!
Snips from Monday’s Times :
Melanie Reid : had 2 digs at the BBC from her wheelchair
#1 Why do we have to have rubbish about a family trying to live plastic free, when plastic is such a positive thing for hygiene etc ?
(This is the fourth plastic free family thing, local news did one, Radio$ and ITV did one)
#2 What’s with the new BBC weather maps , they are rubbish “I can’t see a difference between their clouds and snow”
Matt Ridley writes about genetic intelligence etc
He claimed it’s not good public schools that advances kids, but the good genes that they born with.
– Then he mentions a study that found the less discrimination a country has the less women are working in Science & engineering.
Given a free choice they don’t choose it.
Whereas countries like Turkey/Algeria have the highest proportion of women working in STEM
– Dan Poulter Tory MP insufficient evidence to proceed against him says inquiry.
A fellow Tory MP had accused him of putting his hand up women’s skirts.
Electric car survey, gold finches and recycling and radio 4 news briefing. They just ignore what is happening in the country. That memory hole must be the size of London.
A Toady presenter is flying on a plane due to one of those convenient anniversaries.
Is not Toady a news programme? Why should we hear about one of their overpaid presenters having fun flying?
Increasingly the ‘news’ is just fluff as they have declared reality a hate crime.
Worboys in the news again! Just report on this single abnormal individual 1000 times and nobody will notice the scale of the problem among another ‘community.’
The BBC only needs proof when it suits.
‘Allegedly’ covers the rest.