David Copperfield forced to reveal magic trick in court
Man gets injured during trick and sues the magician .
”trick involves making 13 audience members, chosen at random, disappear on stage.
Then, the grand surprise – spoiler alert – is when the illusionist reveals the 13 at the back of the room.”
So what’s the tricks trick, he wasn’t keen on divulging?
The suspense is killing me.
Ok here’s the fantastic way he did it
”After curtains come down on the 13 participants on stage, they are hurried through passageways that lead them around the Las Vegas MGM resort. They leave the building and emerge again at the back of the theatre.”
BBC extends Capita Audience Services contract to 25 years
executive director at Capita said:
“The BBC is one of Capita’s longest-standing clients. We are delighted to be awarded this contract, as it is a testament to the strength of our partnership. We have worked closely over the last 19 years to deliver new services to the audience.” https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/04/19/beeb_extends_capita_audience_services_outsourcing_deal/
Al Beeb, desperately trying to explain away Kim’s declaration without crediting Trump. It’s because they’ve achieved nuclearisation! They want to move towards reunification!
Then at the end, Trump had better not take Kim’s word for truth…this from a media who accused Trump of war mongering.
They are an expensive joke, an unfunny one.
Strange how anything to do with Trump, they first bring on a Democrat to comment on.. then about 20% of the time you get someone more on Trumps side.
Same with UK, in the Blair/Brown years when their gov announced a policy their side would speak on the news, and then later an opposition voice, but now we always get ‘Our dear leader Jeremy has criticised a new govt policy..then if we are lucky we get a govt person.
BBC presenters banter among themselves and weather chap Philip Avery makes an odd admission.
You may have noticed over the past week the BBC going doolally over the warm weather. You know the sort of thing, they go like this:
‘the hottest April Wednesday afternoon in a non-leap year in Abroath, ever – since records began…. (in 1977)’
That’s right, that sort of strained claim to record breaking in the hope we’ll forget the cold winter or be lured into the belief – along with the BBC – that our weather is, for the first time in history ever, basically, ‘weirding’.
The continuous forced bonhomie over the arrival of a bit of spring weather has been particularly tedious this year. Tempting one to conclude that the BBC sees its weather forecasting as something rather more than an exercise in straight reporting.
Now this morning our Naga Munchetty links to Philip Avery with the jokey off-the-cuff observation along the lines of: “if we thought the recent warm weather was here to stay, then think again”
Poor old Phil is aghast: Buzzkill – as the teenagers say. It’s like a sudden puncturing of his warm weather balloon. It’s like Naga has stuck her sharp nails into his optimistic general outlook. His proudly formed meteorological erection comes tumbling down.
“Well, you sold that well, people will be turning off in their millions”
Couple of points here. One, the brass-necked BBC arrogance that people are really watching at seven am on a Saturday the BBC’s souped-up Blue Peter-esque lefty-fest Breakfast show in their millions.
And two, that Avery seems to believe he is put here to deliver weather as entertainment rather than information. So what, if in reality the forecast is boring – so long as it is true?
We seem to realise by now that the remaining diminished BBC audience is increasingly lefty in belief. And wants those beliefs coddled. Conservative viewers are turning off. The BBC, more and more, preaches only to the converted. Those who want – for instance – to believe in global warming theology.
How could you sexualise the weather forecast “meteorological erection “ is a term unknown to me . It means I’ll look at clouds from both sides now ..
Also – have a caring thought for our sobel – the idea that President Trump is achieving something with North Korea as his predecessor made lovely speech’s but did nothing must weigh on Sopel s mental health. Pity the beeboids
Fed, I’ve looked at Salisbury from many sides now and it’s government clouds and media confusion and lack of questions I recall and I really don’t know who to believe at all.
As you have been speculating about speculations about speculations it is not surprising that you are confused.
What surprises me is that no one has cuibonoed the Ukrainians.
If you cannot accept certain facts as axiomatic then you are simply sinking in quick sand. Even if something concrete were presented, the cui bono brigade would cobble together some theory to discredit it.
ID, funny thing that, I look at evidence in the public realm via the BBC, and then pose some real possibilities – and you don’t like it.
I then, with same method, look at some other claims that are dissimilar, possibly quite wild – and you don’t like it.
You really are very BBC, are you not?!
If you only freelance solely for them, I suggest that you widen your client base. Exposure to only the BBC and their ways alone is not doing you any good at all. If you are a full-time BBC employee, then I think you may have a serious problem.
As for facts on Salisbury, why – when the revealed facts wobble about & even outright contradict – does the BBC ask no questions? And for the obvious questions that the ordinary person would pose – which the BBC should be asking with its raft of journalists – why have these facts either taken so long to appear or are still known unknowns?
It has taken nearly seven weeks for anything about the search for the assassin (poisoner) to be heard via the BBC. That is remarkable even by the BBC’s current ‘car/van/truck kills people’ standard of three to seven days before more details are provided.
Any suggestions from you as answers to those two questions?
How you can confabulate the strange idea that I am in anyway pro BBC is beyond me. You will not be able to find any post of mine to Biasedbbc that is even neutral in tone towards the bbc.
I did say that I “self identified” as a BBC employee, suggesting that I was as much a BBC employee as a man “self identifying” as a woman is really a woman.
This tells me you are pursuing some weird agenda of your own.
Litvinenko took 10 years, Gordievsky has been forgotten, why should Salisbury find a quicker resolution?
Why you think the BBC rate as investigative journalists after Saville and the revelation that BBC woman journalists were clueless about the pay of male colleagues is beyond me. Asking or even thinking of the right questions is obviously not a forte of the BBC.
ID, did you not state in one of your posts that you do work for the BBC? Did I misread that?
I might self identify as all sorts of ‘things’, having had a reasonably varied life so far, but would not identify as a BBC employee if I were not. Are you suggesting you self-identified as working for the BBC as an ambition or aspiration or wishful thinking?
I would remind you that the Litvinenko did not take ten years, it was carried out quickly and reported by the BBC at the time. It was diagnosed and sources identified within about a week or so. The Polonium trail followed the perpetrator, who was identified and was tracked very quickly. The ramifications at Government and intra-Government level took the ten years. Obviously, Litvinenko was able, before he became unconscious, to tell investigators exactly who he had been in contact with and where.
That took a little longer for that possibility to arise with Julia Skripal but I think we were told she was conscious and talking about three or more weeks ago. No questions were asked on R4 about whether she had been seen by investigators and whether she had provided information to them.
The BBC were good news and investigative journalists once upon a time. They can ask questions if they are motivated enough: just look at last week’s Windrush coverage. As you agree that the BBC have been completely useless on this matter (and by extension are now agreeing with my analysis so far) would you please help by providing answers to the two questions I posed above.
In addition, for clarity, are you fully employed by the BBC? If not, do you merely freelance for them?
I was trying to find viewing figures for Newsnight . I’m guessing at a level of less than 500 000 – that is – lefties and students studying PPE to become MPs instead of having to deal with reality .
Anyway Rajar shows what the vast majority watch – Corrie and emerdale and quiz shows . All the lefty pro Islam propaganda al beeb vomits out may not achieve anything – in fact the harder they try more more futile the outcome ( hopefully) . I kind of feel that al beeb is so obvious now that people have given it the biased reputation it desperately avoids .
Yes I know- I may be wrong – and it’s attitudes has physically harmed white kids by evil Muslim pakis – or Pakistanis if you want
As for Boatymcwindrush – reaction putting race relations back years. Black people= problem is the message .which is sad .
I have been wondering what the viewing figures have been like for the recent trilogy(?) i.e. the programmes about Steven Lawrence. For a sizeable part of the population they hadn’t even been born when Steven was murdered.
Deborah, the D/Mail are giving double page spreads on it as well. I wonder how many readers actually do read it, – we got enough of it when the tragedy happened, and as you say, anyone under 40 wouldn’t know or bother about it anyway.
The Mail will claim this as proof that they were virtuous in doing what no other papers did at the time, which was to call the suspects “murderers” The Guardian etc were less brave, and the Mail do use this as proof that they`re braver, more inclined to call out race crime that the liberal poseurs. Think also that Paul Dacre had employed Neville Lawrence in his house renovation, so had a personal angle that fired him up.
I just look at what Peter Hitchens says in the Mail On Sunday, then put it back. Dreadful these days.
Thank you stew – I’ll take a gander at it. I’m sure if it was commercial it wouldn’t be possible to send production company al beeb journos to America for chats with democrat fbi chiefs .
Shame about Newsnight – used to have value
“… as no big, single issue effecting everyone will get the headlines.” Headlines? We don’t get the factual ‘headlines’ anyway. Certainly not from our ‘Worlds most trusted’.
Week in Westminster – kick the Torries
From our correspondents – nice immigrants
Money box – how to claim more benefits
So called al beeb comedy – don’t bother
Any questions – you know the themes
Programme about a black yank singer
Wimins Hour – rape and Tina turner
5 news – naaatrggga again
15 minute profile – a black bloke who can’t sing
Review – Tina turner musical
To end it all – a discussion about asylum seekers
And Last Word will feature a grandee liberal toff who studied insects in her spare time whilst squauking on about the loss of rain forest near Columbia? As well as an American draft dodger who changed all out views on the Kent University Massacre whilst sharing tokes with George Melly.
Might do Thinking Allowed as well-might as well get cardboard cut outs on Southwold Pier and put our stupid heads through the templates, so the BBC know we believe and agree with their contrived lunatic poses.
“MLM”…”mad literally mad. That`s us that is.
I hate how when something fits their narrative they bang on about it ad nauseam: Rohingya, Worboys and now Windrush. They might as well devote an entire channel to the Stephen Lawrence case: 24 hours of non-stop race bailing and wallowing in victimhood – the producers would be in paradise. They could pay David Lammy and Diane Abbot a million pounds a week to talk about how evil stop and search is.
Why do they see displaying their virtue as more important than keeping us informed and interested? They work for US – we pay their vast wages. God it is just SO tedious: ‘minorities’; gender; Trump bad; Brexit bad; someone plugging something; someone famous has said/done something.
Remember the £9,000,000 remain leaflet that was sent to every household.
Can any of you confirm that it actually said we would be leaving the single market and customs union.
We all know Cameron and the rest of them all said we would have to leave but I don’t want to quote this leaflet as saying we would leave the sm and cu if it didn’t have it printed.
Mine went straight into the bin.
EG, it does not state it specifically but on the (unnumbered) pages 3 and 7 it clearly implies that we leave the Single Market and Customs Union if we vote to Leave the EU. It does clearly state that a new deal has to be negotiated in that event, a vote to Leave.
Apart from pushing the ‘fear factor’ the leaflet was about why we should ‘remain’. The government didn’t have a policy for if we voted to ‘leave’. The fact that they didn’t shows how incompetent/devious our senior civil service is.
Winston Churchill said: “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” He, of course, was referring to the Soviet Union. With the greatest conspiracy Woldlwide to implement a grandiose policy of social engineering well underway with its attendant support by the media and State Broadcasters like the BBC, should Churchill’s statement be amended? It could now read:
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, a Press blackout on anything islamic has descended across the Continent”.
Churchill on islam: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
It is not possible to criticise that assertion.
Much as I am in line with Churchill, his statement sadly contains an error: Christianity has not been sheltered in the ‘strong arms of science’, which -in a sense- has turned against it. (look at the number of ‘fairies in the sky’ assertions and you’ll get the picture; if they turned to e.g. Hugh Ross, a pastor and much better scientist, astronomer and cosmologist than Hawking- sorry Stephen- they might not be quite so arrogant- videos easy to find, or go to ‘reasons to believe.org’ ).
No, it has largely disappeared, creating a faith vacuum. And Nature abhors a vacuum. So, from Stettin to Seville, it is being filled. By, guess who…
Churchill, alas, is gone. We now have the three M s to tell us what our duty is.
Blimey, we’ve had a week of it, haven’t we? There’s the (seemingly) endless re-examining of the Stephen Lawrence murder of 25 years ago. This series is going to run longer than The Archers! We’ve also had the Windrush cock up and Enoch’s “notorious” speech of 50 years ago.
The BBC have been like a dog with three bones.
As a white, working class bloke, I’m beginning to feel personally responsible for Stephen’s murder. I didn’t do it. I’ve never hurt anyone, but, somehow I get the feeling I’m to blame.
Of course, this is the Beeb and their cohorts intention. If you’re patriotic, love your country as it was and fear for its future, then you’re clearly some sort of bigoted, knuckle dragging racist.
Up to the 1950’s immigration was minimal and we seemed to cope. Now I’m told we’d fall to bits if we didn’t welcome another million every three years.
I can understand this from an ethnic perspective. What utterly baffles me are these “liberal” types who have infiltrated our state broadcaster. They seem to have this perverted, pathological desire to see our green and pleasant land absolutely swamped with foreigners and covered in concrete.
They sneer at our traditions and make snide remarks about people who don’t share their trendy views.
Every minority grievance is given priority, massively magnified and endlessly covered. When white girls were (are) being raped on an industrial scale, the Beeb try to camouflage the ethnicity and religion of the rapists.
The BBC clearly despise the white working classes.
I’ve got news for them.
The feeling’s mutual.
Jeff: Like the Labour Party, the bbC have made their choice and abandoned the white working class. Of course, they would never admit it, paying endless lip service. But in the US we would have been called ‘the deplorables’ – the ‘uneducated’.
For many of us, our sins don’t end there. We are the male species, part of the ‘patriarchy’ the BBC hate with a vengeance. A special ‘Woman’s Hour’ on R4 will help you there, but almost every other programme will do the trick.
We reek ‘fifties’ values, when Britain was still a green an pleasant land with nice towns. Generally-speaking, we believed in the virtues of the family. The community was ‘hideously’ white, as former BBC DG, Dyke liked to say. ‘Bigots’ the mighty Gordon would have called us called us. (Are you enjoying your retirement, Gordon, listening to your ‘Arctic Monkeys’ records?). ‘Fairness’ meant something quite different than it does now (an undiscriminating, ‘everything is equal and the same’ mentality – and I mean undiscriminating as in distinguishing value from that which has not….
So ‘yesterday’. We are not of the trendy ‘postmodern’, we probably missed out on modernity altogether. We’re just not ‘gender-fluid’, ‘open’, ‘tolerant’ and ‘diverse’ enough.
We weren’t even able to keep UKIP together as a force to be reckoned with, or get them a single seat in parliament.
But rest assured, beeb, labour, libdumbs, tories. We’re still around. And the pendulum will swing. It always does.
Jeff, fakeneswatcher and G above.
Can I thank all three of you above?
I have no telly now, so these fine summaries of the week prevent me needing to bother with either BBC this week, or indeed tomorrrows Sunday papers.
Great writing, thank you.
And seeing as we`re in this intellectual ballpark of clever writings from “Blokes Who Know”?
I`m looking at Powells speech as well as his Desert Island Discs, and his EU writings too.
That speech of his is a PhD, and as far removed from current political babblings as you can get.
Well worth a Churchillian-like critique, as that paragraph on Islam above, merits too.
We`re without excuse-we can still freely read it and find for ourselves.
As a primary teacher, all Powell was, was autistic. Not ever Aspergers( not a good thing to be this week anyway!). Typical clever boy who knew lots, growing into a “Bloke Who Knows”.
Keep on writing, the good guys do win in the end.
My wife (Hong Kong) never fails to be amazed at our television, both ITV and BBC and thei advertisers that assume that every white woman should have a black husband, ( NEVER, NEVER the other way around, God forbid thats probably wacist in some twisted way), yet she rarely sees this in reality, (and fails to see the attraction but thats a personal thing) if it was any other race but white males it would be seen as ethnic cleansing in a very subtle way, Oh, I forgot Curley lived with a black girl in Coronation Street 1980 or so, we have one instant in 38 years I welcome any others that can find other rare examples,
The only genuine working class march in 1968 had nothing to due with students and Vietnam, it was the London dockers marching in support of Enoch.
I think it was after this that the left wing establishment decided that the white working class were a lost cause, and had to be replaced. The project is succeeding. How many white working class people live in the old dockland communities of Tower Hamlets now? They have been eradicated. What has happened is unbelievable, without precedent, and yet we are meant to shake our heads in disapproval at Enoch’s remarkably accurate vision of the future. The only thing he got wrong is that it has turned out far worse than he thought, and it isn’t going to get any better.
Like the Roman, I too see the Tiber foaming with much blood.
And, as usual, his message has to be misinterpreted to make it easier to attack.
He was partly repeating fears that his constituents had expressed to him – surely this is a reasonable thing for an MP to do?
Even the Tiber reference is twisted – it was a warning by a Roman oracle to Aeneas, who was an immigrant, and who had asked the question: “What is my destiny?”. It was not a call to arms on behalf of the NF.
He is widely blamed for poisoning any discussion of immigration for decades, yet countries where he was little known don’t seem to have fared any better.
I am disappointed with Jacob Rees-Mogg’s lack of support. I suppose he felt obliged to support his father’s original stance. But then even the sounder Tories are weak on immigration, as we know only too well.
Agree with everyone above.
Enoch’s logic was flawless and his use of language precise (no vapid sound bites from him).
I note that as part of the fight back Raheem Kassam has just published:
“Enoch Was Right: ‘Rivers of Blood’ 50 Years On”
Available on Amazon for £14.99
Of course Enoch’s logic was flawless, but it didn’t stop all the journalists on all channels pronounce him a bigot and racist – and most of them hadn’t even been born when it was spoken. Clearly they haven’t given a thought to Enoch’s family who had to listen or read the abuse that’s been said about him, no respect for the dead in media land.
Come on BBC reporters, check this story.
Come on Amber and Treezer – you are responsible for security in this country when you are not virtue signalling with bombs in Syria.
The Exeter Mosque in the UK has accepted donations totaling to almost £250,000 from the radical Islamist and Al-Qaeda supporter Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ghariani who has been expelled from the UK over his hard-line views:https://t.co/CtZUWH5v1r
“Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ghariani – who has been expelled from the UK over his hard-line views – is known to have donated an undisclosed sum of money to Exeter Mosque.” He will only be an intermediary in the money chain from Saudi Arabia.
When and how did we settle for apologies as if they mean anything?
Did it start with Blair and his ilk apologising for the slave trade or the Irish potato famine? Things he had nothing to do with whatsover, but put him in the same Tardis as Shaftesbury or O`Connell?
In other words, a presumptuous squit who seeks reflected glory of historical giants, when he`ll NOT apologise for Iraq, Kelly, Hillsborough, De Menezes and his thirty three houses or whatever it is?
In truth G, who needs apologies? Baby P died, Bulger died and how we treated their families and murderers is never apologised for by those who create the conditions and do rather well out of all these worthless lawyer lie ins that inevitable follow the tiny coffins, but will never do a thing to stop its repeat.
I`m with Israel-take their houses, give them to Christians or Jews on the run from the rest of the world. And bulldoze their offices and chambers and get some third world lawyers/media jockeys from places where they KNOW where all this ends? Tutsis? Karen? Don`t care as long as they`re cheaper and more committed to saving us from ourselves!
Prominent on the BBC web-site (even last night) is today’s Daily Telegraph front page.
Prominent in the TOADY review at 7.40am approx. of the “newspapers and web-sites” (although the latter are rarely mentioned) is not the Telegraph, not even the Times, but “Windrush, Windrush, Windrush”.
The Times front page lead is actually highly pertinent to both Windrush and Salisbury.
Not spotted by the BBC. No questions asked by the BBC.
The finger of complaint, from the BBC, should certainly be pointing at the police and other investigators over the Salisbury poisoning. It was known pretty quickly that it was a nerve agent, a chemical of some sort.
Attention toward a perpetrator or perpetrators is only happening now, nearly seven weeks – to the day – later, and no questions are being asked by the BBC. Zero questions. None. Nothing. Absolute silence.
“In a major boost to relations between London and Washington, the US President is expected to come to the UK for several days this summer.
A senior Whitehall source said dates in mid-July were ‘pencilled in’ the diary, with July 14 the favourite. …
He could also meet the Queen or other senior members of the Royal Family, even though it is not a state visit.”
I am already unrolling the Welcome President Trump flag – how long before I get mugged by some PC lefties..?
They struggled this morning to give POTUS any credit for the change in North Korea attitude – shall we put him forward for the Peace prize Obama got – for what exactly?
Noted that too James.
On Radio 4s flagship at 8.30 or so, the topic of N.Koreas ending of that branch of lunacy it`s been trying on the world this last year.
Might you not have thought that Trump has just a bit to do with that?
Maybe as necessary as Chinese influence-that sure as hell wouldn`t have been applied if Clinton or Obama were in charge still? But no-the BBC could only find it in themselves to dig out some relic from Clintons era. And he, of course, was not happy.
Imagine after all the abuse Trump got last summer for standing up to the N.Korean munchkin; the left, BBC and Obama/Clinton types are furious. Jealous, embittered and unable to explain why they did nuffink at Kim was able to go nap, nearly destroying a chunk of that part of Asia. Bitter, nasty lefties-and this was fully confirmed on Radio 4 this morning.
Maybe something to do with Trump making Macron his go-to guy in Europe after his vile treatment in this country by the leftist establishment, not to mention Corbyn, McDonnell, Khan and all the other rabid dogs of the unrepresentative Hard Left?
Trump is a shrewd operator, and people need to wake up to that fact.
Maybe it`s the English schoolmar`m in me on my day off, but I noted David Lammy seeking “compensation and reparations” for the “Windrush generation” on the 8am news, Radio 4.
Anybody tell me where “compensation” end and “reparations” start?
And , with any possible exceptions of any old black person not getting necessary NHS treatment that comes with paying your taxes as this nations citizen/subject?
What exactly are we “compensating for” in any case? Are there white people of a similar age who were “refused treatment” in similar ways? If so, it`s not going to be “compensatable” is it?
And-again-how did David Lammy muscle his way into the liberal green room as the “spokesman for Generation Windrush”? And is he a passionate spokesman, a long known activist, a respected nationally known advocate? Or just a local race hustler like Chukka Ummah, albeit darker and north London?
So many questions-but , apparently I`m now in a “hostile environment” so will go no further.
But in a week when “hostile environment” and “Windrush Generation”” have been slipped into the burgeoning “new lefty lexicon” as approved by the BBC, Guardian and Labour troika?
I think we need to keep tabs on all this. Language as fashionably louche and careless as this will give us great trouble if we don`t note it and haul it down when used on us?
The Windrush fiasco and hostile environment is but one example of what the BBC does ‘best’ – conflation to promote an agenda.
They are subversive in almost everything they broadcast and need to be closed down – urgently – as a matter of national prosperity and security, if not survival.
Bomber Trump is coming for a state visit.
How will the BBC handle it?
The Mail takes the view that Trump, Treezer and Macron are all lovey dovey since bombing Syria and saving the Middle East. Relations between Washington and the UK have improved. Expect more coalition adventures in Syria.
I would not be surprised if the Emir of London shakes his hand.
G – I think you’ll find the yooman rights lawyer now counting the bodies at the top of city hall will be having a haj or on holiday on the western Turkish border …
MSM vs Trump : Surprisingly Justin Webb gives Comey’s very anti-Trumpbook a very bad review in the Times.
(I wonder if there a special reason he doesn’t want people to read it ?)
– Of course the review still ends by bashing Trump.
Having a rather big bee in my Easter bonnet about “anti-Semitism” these days, I had rather hoped that Jonathan Sacks on Thought For The Day would nail it for us. There are few better on a good day.
I listened yesterday after work, no mention of Islam whatsoever, nor the role of Labour and Liberals in creating the fetid climate that we find ourselves in.
Just because the BBC like it this way Jonathan-that surely means that you NEEDED to give us that truth of how Islam and Labour are in cahoots, regarding the terrorising and removal of Jewish presence from public life? Why didn`t you?
But wait-Mark Mardell was said to speak further to Sacks TFTD on TWATO yesterday.
Oh goodie-Sachs would further clarify the problem. Mardell dafinitely gave the idea that Sacks would be there to discuss in( I thought).
But no-only Martin Bashir to interpret those jenga straws that Sacks playfully left with them.
And Mardell and Bashir both fail to mention either Labour or Islam once in their few minutes.
No case to answer?
Well maybe, we can learn from a US survey that notes that fewer Americans actually cite “six million” Jews that died in WW2.
We`re simply forgetting, the old dying off and a bit of fuzziness around the teaching of these facts. Apart from that-well, who`s to say, shall we try to teach it a bit better in Rhode Island, perhaps?
As to mass immigration by Muslims intent on killing Jews since the 60s-as to Labours nasty Momentum fringe buying evil and bigotry for only £3 under Corbyns Reichstag fire sale in 2015? Well, no comment, no questions allowed and no discussions.
Of course this is all we expect from the BBC and Bashir.
But where the hell were YOU Mr Sacks?
If you`re going to go quietly into that dark night that pretends it`s a light? Well we might as well get ready to fight or to die meekly.
All this in a week where straws were scattered all over the news.
But the real ones in the wind got made into a Mr Chips Straw Man, when only Labour, Liberals, Greens and Islam bait Jews and call it politics.
“Non white faces seem to get a free pass – particularly from the State Broadcaster”
Next thing you’ll be alleging is that the devout, wholly innocent and wonderful Keith Vaz should be investigated for any of his skulduggery.
Can you imagine the BBC/Left if a lying Tory scum person was found to own 5 mansions on just 90K a year, had unprotected sex with rent boys and paid them with illegal drugs and avoided inquiries by being so ill he couldn’t continue his career – to make a remarkable recovery once proceedings were dropped on account of him being ill.
Oh he also used parliamentary expenses to pay for his constituency office, which he owned. He charged tax payers for one of his mansions whilst actually living in a mansion in walking distance of the House of Commons.
Patrick Mercer MP described Vaz as “a crook of the first order”, adding that he had “never met an operator like him… I mean it’s not always completely ethical but it’s stunning, he is an operator”.
There again I guess if the BBC did report on Baroness Scotland or keith vaz they wouldn’t have time to destroy the characters of Boris and other lying Tory Scum.
Labour loves Islam hates Jews : the manager of Leeds Grand Mosque, appeared in their TV promos last week.
Someone checked his Facebook
2011 “The Zionist give a helping hand to their fellow EVIL Jew”
..”Hitler burned Jews for his people,
but Hosni Mubarak burned HIS people for the Jews”
It is not difficult to envisage The Holocaust eventually disappearing down The Memory Hole – at least the BBC version – as has already happened to the several generous two-state solutions offered to the ‘Palestinians’ since 1938, the three all-out wars waged by the Arabs against Israel since 1948 to ‘wipe it off the map’, the Islamic conquests in Europe which preceded The Crusades – etc etc.
When is somebody going to wake up to the perverted, hard left influence of the lying BBC, close it down and start again?
johnnythefish: “It is not difficult to envisage The Holocaust eventually disappearing down The Memory Hole – at least the BBC version – ”
Actually, I’m not sure I agree with that. For example, ‘Witness’ on the World Service does go back from time to time to recall the Holocaust – especially stories of courage and the escape of Jews from death camps and trains.
But of course I agree that the BBC is uncomfortable with the descendants of those Jews transforming themselves into a formidable fighting force in their own country.
Holly Selassie, another Jonathan, also Jewish, also failed to mention Islam as the driving force behind UK anti-Semitism. That was Freedland, on QT on April 12th.
However, he did offer a frank assessment of the roots of lefty anti-Semitism, unlike the Gardiner character – who is under the illusion that Corbyn will actually do something about the hatred directed towards Jews in his party.
Liberals vs the real world : Times Educational Supplement consists of about 25 pages on being a mother as a teacher, then 100 pages of teacher job ads.
It makes sense that mother types go into teacher as the job makes child care much easier. One extensive section is about the pay gap, but to me that would be explained by the profession being so mother focused.
Open borders : Child slave gangs are having a whale of a time ; Times front page.
“Forces say they have been overwhelmed by the number of foreign organised crime groups targeting the UK”
‘Kids are lured by promises of model/footballer contracts, and are then put to work in brothels/drug-farms
… then the kids make bad court witnesses, only 6% of crimes lead to charges.
Last year total 5,000 slaves, 2,000 were under 18.’
Or more likely, the would be illegal immigrants are clearly told they are heading to work in brothels, drug-farms, factories , organised begging, or if they have the stomach for it – nanny and cleaner for the libtards.
Clearly told the wages conditions beforehand.
Knowing that a slavery story + reducing their age, to tug the heart strings will get a uk passport.
I say jail all illegals caught here as a deterent.
I know of a woman who works caring for some of the lads that have been in the situation that some of these kids have, forced to work for drug gangs ferrying drugs out of the cities and selling them in rural areas and have then fallen foul of them.
She said that some of them have been beaten up so badly that they’re brain damaged, she also said that they are all British yet I suspect the drug gangs predominantly aren’t or are Windrush legatees.
Knifecrime : On London becoming the Bronx : black surgeon Martin Griffith’s says “Welcome to the new normal” ‘, where trauma surgery us mixed with paediatrics’
‘We need a change in culture’ : Times pg 23
Breakfast this morning – they just couldn’t wait to slag off the Prince of Wales becoming head of Commonwealth and link it to Windrush.. The Commonwealth leaders really are not making a fuss about either..they are just getting on with life and letting the Govt remedy the situation…
Windrush is what happens at the BBC….any Whiff of some thing to knock the UK they Rush at speed to stir it up – causing the aforementioned turbulence
A little late, so may have been reported elsewhere in despatches..if so apologies.World Service last night 18.30 GMT, Reports that Windrush claims now numbering ‘Tens of thousands’..plus it is affecting ‘West Africans’ rather than West Indies. What blatant falsehoods. I was aware that the compo merchants are approx 100 odd year day. I was driving in Accra, but don’t think I misheard. Truly appalling.
\\ Prince Charles has been accused of making a serious gaffe after telling a woman with Guyanese origins
“Well, you don’t look like it!” when she said she was from Manchester.
Is Prince Charles fit to be the head of the Commonwealth? //
Well she got a Guardian article out of it
#LittleThingsMatterMore ? #OutrageBus
L. I had a work colleague who was married to a woman from Trinidad. She had a broad Trinidadian accent and was white. The amount of abuse she got when they visited the UK was astonishing.
Not really bias but al beeb al moneybox did a helpful piece on how to make easy money from home .
Simply give all your bank card details ( your square?)
To some one you met on something called snapchat and then they transfer a couple of thousand into your account – then you agree to send it onward for a ‘fee” .
Apparently this kind of criminal money laundering is fashionable amongst the under 21s .
It’s great -until the bank starts asking where you got 2k from – you get an Auto referral to the fraud squad and a marker on your credit record which lasts a really long time . Priceless.
More disproportional city : Aspergers kid got £25K for traumatic day at theme park, claiming it set his recovery back by months.
They’d ordered a disabled ticket, but the staff said he didn’t have the correct disabled ticket, and doesn’t look disabled so couldn’t jump the queue “At the ferris wheel they had to wait 50mins and that caused him distress”
I don’t suppose this has anything to do with the possibility that men have paid more in and for longer than women, and are merely getting what they have earned the right to receive?
A truth clearly inconvenient to the bBBC agenda monkeys.
Don’t confuse them with common sense and facts….it’s the same argument as the gender pay gap….do the stats based on one criterion…regardless of other factors..
On a different subject – is it me but why is it always the Guardian that throws up racial issues everywhere.
The ‘author’ doesn’t look like she comes from Manchester (I live there ) – she isn’t pale and wan like most of us in Manc where it rains most of the time – have these people got no sense of humour..or are they just looking to be offended…
As Stew said – she got an article out of it…nothing like using your offendenedness to boost your career
It’s all to do with the number of contributions paid for. Some while ago before I retired, I rang the Government dept that deals with apportioning pensions to check on whether I had a full record. No. I needed to buy, I think three. Not like the Windrushers who couldn’t be bothered, when they had a leisurely chance to sort the status problem out – and didn’t. Women have equal opportunity to buy stamps to make up any deficiencies. It’s not as if they’re expensive.
The BBC’s birthright to levy a poll tax on the British people for a full television and radio service looks more ludicrous by the day.
In the world of drama and sports it is a minnow. News is dominated by prejudiced left wing activists while political correctness is leading increasingly to discrimination against broad sections of the community.
Drama is hamstrung by the need to toe a pc line and has been in decline for years. It is no longer able to compete against the new streaming services. But it is sport where the last battle to retain any credibility is being fought. Over the last couple of decades the BBC has lost the rights to many popular sports as nimble competitors have bid up prices. Although the BBC collects almost £4 billion from its tax, that is nowhere near enough to run a vast ego-driven operation trying to do everything in the modern broadcasting world. Now it is set to lose its last claim to be in the sport big league with radio rights for Radio 5 Live starting to move out of its grasp. The latest hammer blow is the loss of next winter’s cricket tours – no Tests being a bit of a problem for a programme called Test Match Special.
Of course the BBC is fighting back in the only way it knows – it is resurrecting that old chestnut of the “Crown Jewels” and appealing to Government so that it can keep Wimbledon, the FA Cup Final and the Football World Cup. No doubt the argument will be along the lines, “please nice Mr Government Minister, can you ensure that the AELTC, FA and FIFA give us broadcast rights to air their games at prices much lower than they can get elsewhere”. Good luck on that one as a long term policy.
Thank goodness for women’s sports. It ticks all the right gender equality boxes and it’s doesn’t cost that much. Some female sport is gaining in popularity but many of them might have to consider paying the BBC for a slot. Can’t get cheaper than that.
Keep an eye on the BARB ratings. BBC audiences are plummeting but do they care? The money still rolls in. Apart from popular drama, repeats and football the nation has turned off.
In Virtue Signal Top Trumps white female MP killed by white man in the provinces is the #2 card
#1 is still black boy killed by white boys 25 years ago in Londin
Archbishop Sentamu devotes his essay in the Yorkshire Post to him, ‘One time the killers quoted Enoch Powell, you know’
Meanwhile, in the here and now, brutal violence against and rape of underage white girls by Muslim gangs continues unabated and in the most overtly racist manner imaginable, whilst annually more and more are welcomed to come and join this barbaric throng.
Why am I getting the feeling that we`re due a Grenfell pig pile here regarding the Windrushies?
I remember every bus jolt in Liverpool used to have 100 claimants for whiplash every time it went over a sleeping policeman in Toxteth.
Funny if you`re not paying, or actually would like to see your doctor, get a genuine claim settled with their postcode knackering you.
Think we`ll find that Windrush had maybe half a million on it, most of who are still in shock after Mind Your Language was shown at the Grenfell Community Centre in 2001.
I have turned down all manner of Nigerian princes, and Gambian scientists in recent years online. But these charlatans are at least shamelessly stupid and without legal aid and Gary Younge to shill for them all.
Biased BBC Final Score – coverage of today’s league football results.
Presenter – female
Talking heads – one male one female.
So.. two thirds of the coverage of the MEN’s league football is by women.
Biased BBC tokenistic agenda-driven bollocks. Virtue signalling for the sake of it.
Anyone care to have a wager that the commentators and talking heads for women’s feature matches at Wimbledon later this year will be …..err…….rather less than two thirds male?
Like I said to my feminist sister in law when she was arguing for more women in politics and industry to bring a ‘softer’ approach: ‘Great – less testosterone, more PMT’.
No one here seems to have spotted this story which is very unusual for a BBC news story. – The holiday village run by spies http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-43702764 …
I have spotted a holiday village run by spies on telly. It’s in a secret location in Wales called Portmeirion, were its thought “The Prisoner” Yulia Skripal is “The girl who is death“. Number Two is getting a nervous breakdown in his attempt to try and get her to tell him why she did it?
Country walk today with skylarks singing, fields of green and gold, played The Lark Ascending via youtube when home and this comment appeared below:
Sit on an English hillside on a beautiful English day, somewhere in that wonderful countryside of ours and listen to this. Genuinely brings a tear to my eye to think of my beautiful island nation and makes me think and be thankful for the efforts and sacrifices of our selfless ancestors who provided this for us. What a place. How lucky I am. How I will strive to protect it.
Food for thought, in a few years those fields may be Halal chicken takeaways with bangra playing and stabbings every weekend if the BBC have their way in persisting we accept diversity at all costs and import more and more into this country as “refugees” i.e. those too cowardly to fight for their country, and willing to lie about their age to get here, no self respect, no honour no nothing except hate and intolerance once they are ganged up, also with the BBC taking every opportunity in condemning those very ancestors alluded to above I despair.
This lightweight was moaning about this earlier in the week. She couldn’t understand that the nature of of nazi Propaganda was so good that it could seduce an entire country into following a lunatic. Similarly to the methods used by al Beeb to make us. Accept Islam and the poisonous multiculturalism and for some -Comrade Corbyn
Londonistan killing update
39 dead by stabbing – 62 dead overall. The new normal for the vibrant capital. Al Beeb is briefly reporting the latest 2 – I guess. It’s because they happened in the places beeboids live – like Finsbury Park. A very vibrant place.
Last night both Mr D and I heard on the radio there had been a stabbing in Finchley. As it is an area i know well and having the time to google, i thought i would find out more details. Nothing on the BBC or anywhere else i tried to look. Are details of these stabbings disappearing down a memory hole to prevent conclusions being drawn?
Yes – ordinary life changing stabbings don’t make it to the local al beeb news . You’d need to see the website of the local paper to find them.
London has always been a violent place . But the melting pot and stress and competition to live has just made it a more febrile place where the trigger point for violence for some people isn’t very high .
This accords with quite a lot of criminological theory. I know the theory but the remedy is far too harsh – at the moment – for people to accept .
There’s something almost schizophrenic going on with the BBC these days.This afternoon I listened to a propaganda prog’ where they denigrated the great Enoch Powell. “He was a racist” “He was a bigot” “He was wrong.” Blah, blah, blah… And then in the next breath the news item told us that there had been yet another murder in London. And the killers and most of the victims are nearly always black.
What number are we up to now? Ive lost count. I know it’s got to be 60 plus and that’s just in London.
Enoch was warning us that we were importing the sort of problems they had then in America. And now violent crime in London outstrips New York.
But Enoch was wrong…?
One thing’s for sure, they won’t be commemorating and wailing over any of these lads like they do Stephen Lawrence in 25 years.
There’s too many of them…
If you read my earlier posting the murder level is now 62 with 39 stabbed to death discounting the two stabbings tonight in Tooting . Looks like my 139 target for the year will be achieve as stop and search is out of fashion under the current mare.
Bomber Trump is coming in July and the comrades and BBC luvvies will be ready.
Led by boy wonder, Owen Jones, with Lilly Allen, David Lammy and hundreds of others. https://www.stoptrump.org.uk/who-we-are/
Together Against Trump: national demo
The anti Trump demo will unite the left – so they claim – like nothing has ever done.
‘This could be a march of millions. 4% of the population – or around 2 million people have said that they would “definitely” take part in protests against the visit.
This demonstration isn’t just about Trump. The treatment of the Windrush generation has highlighted the British elite’s disgraceful record of racism and bigotry. This is a fight against our own “hostile environment” as well as the American government.
The Stop Trump Coalition is a network of grassroots campaigns, unions, NGOs and politicians initiated by journalist Owen Jones in February 2017. Stand Up to Trump includes a range of campaigns against war, austerity and racism, as well as public figures who have pledged to mobilise against a Trump visit.
Both organisations have come together for a one-off national demonstration under the banner of Together Against Trump.
A mobilising network for the demonstration – with local contact points in every part of the country – will spring into action as soon as a date is announced, organising local actions and coaches to London.
Shaista Aziz, from the Stop Trump Coalition, said: “Donald Trump and Theresa May are running scared of protest. Last year. hundreds of thousands took to the streets at barely a day’s notice in disgust at Trump’s Muslim Ban. If Trump actually comes to London, we could be looking at a march of millions. This won’t just be a movement against the President’s visit – it will become a movement against racism, anti-migrant bigotry, sexism, transphobia and far right politics in the UK”
Together against Trump. well, I suppose we can produce a few hundred thousand students who can take time off from studying “media”, “sociology”, “”psychology” and whatever else they have managed to scam their way into and still find the time, despite their rigorous study and homework schedule, to be activists, whilst completely unaware of Clinton sex crimes (have a cigar), not the only incident, and his wife’s complicity in them through attacking the victims and the Clintons’ racist campaign when they were up against Obama, even Google is too much for this lot in their degree level research capability to try and work out which American President and recent candidate can put Trump to shame with sexual harrassment, sexual assault and racism when it suites them.
The American establishment will do all it can to bring down a democratically elected President, not a week goes by month after month without an attack from within the American establishment system upon him, it does make one think, another can f@ck his secretary with a cigar and now a Sainted individual ha ha
Millions of muslim gobshites burning flags and protesting against our traditional ally just the evidence we need to demonstate the snakes we have let into our country, protesting against “hate” I have seen real hate in this country: against homosexuals in Luton accused of “spreading disease” by the muslim community objecting to a gay sauna, against British troops spat at and abused when returning home to Luton by the muslim community, attacks against Jewish people by the muslim community, attacks and theats to OFSTED for criticising their divisive hateful and sexisit propoganda in their private schools by….the muslim community and it appears we have a muslim wanting to protest against a democtratically elected president for “hate” hmmm well done
And we are told to feel ashamed for opressing “pakis” in the past, tell that to the raped schoolgirls, now they can shout “racism” anytime they want, they are showing their true colours, no interest whatsoever in joining this countries’ communities at all or accepting our values and moralities, so how the f?ck did immigration let them in ? and why do the BBC support this divisive nasty sector of our society that are now planning to protest against America using our country to do it ? are we stupid ot what ?
“…no interest whatsoever in joining this countries’ communities at all or accepting our values and moralities…”
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Steven Edgar; Jailed for three years for rape of 11-year-old boy.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Michael Doherty; intentionally exposed himself & urinated on a schoolgirl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Steven Burt; 14 counts of indecent assault on a male child, two counts of buggery of a male, four counts of buggery of a female, and eight counts of indecent assault on a female. Other offences included two counts of indecency with a child, two counts of sexual intercourse with a child and one count of actual bodily harm.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
David Leonard Smith; admitted possessing and making indecent images, 13 of children and nine of extreme pornography involving women and animals.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Paul Johnson; sexually assaulted four boys, aged from 13 to 16, over a period of 11 years.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Kevin Stiff; caught with indecent images of children for the second time in three years has been jailed.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Bryan Reid; caught with 521,395 indecent images of girls – ranging from newborns to 15-year-olds – and nearly five days worth of indecent videos.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Nigel Hall; 60 months in prison, after a string of sexual offences involving underage boys.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
John James Carter; convicted of 12 offences including raping a girl under the age of 16, rape, and making indecent images of a child.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Kristian Batten; sexually assaulted 17-year-old.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Robert Sandalls; hid a camera in a toilet to film a teenage girl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Craig Boyd; exposed himself in front of a child.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Tony Paton; targeted three children for abuse over a four-year period and raped one victim when she was aged five or six.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
David Lionel Baker; admitted forcing a vulnerable 15 child to perform a sex act in a hotel room.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Michael Mackenzie; jailed for almost 20 years for the brutal rape and indecent assault of a schoolgirl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Paul Ogilvie; found with a total of 1,850 indecent still images and 145 indecent videos of children ranging in ages from six to 16.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Richard Moughton; found guilty of sexually assaulting two young girls over a 12-year period.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Christopher Webb; persuaded youngsters under the age of 16 to take off their clothes and perform sex acts in front of a webcam while he watched.
18 examples, none of which show any evidence of organised, violent, ‘institutionally’ racist, gang raping on an industrial scale, covered up by the authorities for a decade on the grounds of preserving ‘community cohesion’ ie don’t upset the Muslim enclaves.
Thousands upon thousands of underage white girls repeatedly drugged, raped and beaten.
It is moral equivalence like yours, Maxi, and the failure of Islamic enclaves to help bring them to account, which gives these barbaric medieval throwbacks licence to carry on with their vile crimes.
You have helped us confirm what we’ve always believed about you hard lefties – Islam is your top trump by a country mile, beating all your other sacred ideologies – gay rights, women’s rights, even childrens’ rights – hands down.
Our only consolation is that one day you will have the rudest waking moment imaginable. Believe me, it will happen.
There are several new posts well worth a look, including one that involves Jeremy Bowen, impartial editor of note.
This is from his patch:
Egypt bombs Gaza and has blown up Hamas's tunnels but the BBC and Guardian and CNN et al won't report on this. They ONLY report on activities when it involves Israel. https://t.co/jxiC0v0DZP
I was watching the Channel 4 programme about historic towns. Tonight it was Winchester and the Normans – William the Conqueror’s capital.
Reasonably well presented and not too populist.
Amazingly something was missing, given it was explaining how a colonial power had taken over a country, brutalised and massacred its people, the Anglo-Saxons and Danes, turning them into a peasant underclass.
The colonialists then ruled the country (England) as an imperialist caste for hundreds of years.
What was entirely missing was any hint that this was a dreadful state of affairs that should be reversed or compensated.
In fact it was treated almost comically and as a fact of life.
England it seems is the only invaded country about which presenters have no sympathy and no empathy.
I nearly shouted out – It took a thousand years, but Brexit is finally the revenge of the Anglo-Saxons against the Norman metropolitan elite.
William’s Harrying of the North of the late 1060s with its 100,000 dead is being avenged.
I walked through the countryside today past a few manor houses they were built to control the stolen land, but the Saxons also stole, they were also invaders and thieves, difference was Normans did it on an industrial scale and brutalised the population to an unimaginable level, Celts before them, who are the originals ? maybe in a little corner of Wales or Cornwall ??
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
David Copperfield forced to reveal magic trick in court

Man gets injured during trick and sues the magician .
”trick involves making 13 audience members, chosen at random, disappear on stage.
Then, the grand surprise – spoiler alert – is when the illusionist reveals the 13 at the back of the room.”
So what’s the tricks trick, he wasn’t keen on divulging?
The suspense is killing me.
Ok here’s the fantastic way he did it
”After curtains come down on the 13 participants on stage, they are hurried through passageways that lead them around the Las Vegas MGM resort. They leave the building and emerge again at the back of the theatre.”
Who would have guessed it…
That’s disappointing, I always assumed he had magical powers. How else did he manage to nail Claudia Schiffer?
BBC extends Capita Audience Services contract to 25 years
executive director at Capita said:
“The BBC is one of Capita’s longest-standing clients. We are delighted to be awarded this contract, as it is a testament to the strength of our partnership. We have worked closely over the last 19 years to deliver new services to the audience.”
There is no perceived IT generation gap: Young people really are thick
.. BBC is supposed to be diverse, but their staff never put forward views like that.
Re David Copperfield
I remember this stunt actually being shown on the tv at one time.
All of the ‘magic’ or more correctly ‘illusions’ are available on youtube.
Most are so simple, just like that one.
Why has Kim Jong-un halted North Korean tests now? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-43847845
Al Beeb, desperately trying to explain away Kim’s declaration without crediting Trump. It’s because they’ve achieved nuclearisation! They want to move towards reunification!
Then at the end, Trump had better not take Kim’s word for truth…this from a media who accused Trump of war mongering.
They are an expensive joke, an unfunny one.
The BBC grudgingly welcome good news from Korea….
“However, one former Obama administration official says….”
Strange how anything to do with Trump, they first bring on a Democrat to comment on.. then about 20% of the time you get someone more on Trumps side.
Same with UK, in the Blair/Brown years when their gov announced a policy their side would speak on the news, and then later an opposition voice, but now we always get ‘Our dear leader Jeremy has criticised a new govt policy..then if we are lucky we get a govt person.
BBC presenters banter among themselves and weather chap Philip Avery makes an odd admission.
You may have noticed over the past week the BBC going doolally over the warm weather. You know the sort of thing, they go like this:
‘the hottest April Wednesday afternoon in a non-leap year in Abroath, ever – since records began…. (in 1977)’
That’s right, that sort of strained claim to record breaking in the hope we’ll forget the cold winter or be lured into the belief – along with the BBC – that our weather is, for the first time in history ever, basically, ‘weirding’.
The continuous forced bonhomie over the arrival of a bit of spring weather has been particularly tedious this year. Tempting one to conclude that the BBC sees its weather forecasting as something rather more than an exercise in straight reporting.
Now this morning our Naga Munchetty links to Philip Avery with the jokey off-the-cuff observation along the lines of: “if we thought the recent warm weather was here to stay, then think again”
Poor old Phil is aghast: Buzzkill – as the teenagers say. It’s like a sudden puncturing of his warm weather balloon. It’s like Naga has stuck her sharp nails into his optimistic general outlook. His proudly formed meteorological erection comes tumbling down.
“Well, you sold that well, people will be turning off in their millions”
Couple of points here. One, the brass-necked BBC arrogance that people are really watching at seven am on a Saturday the BBC’s souped-up Blue Peter-esque lefty-fest Breakfast show in their millions.
And two, that Avery seems to believe he is put here to deliver weather as entertainment rather than information. So what, if in reality the forecast is boring – so long as it is true?
We seem to realise by now that the remaining diminished BBC audience is increasingly lefty in belief. And wants those beliefs coddled. Conservative viewers are turning off. The BBC, more and more, preaches only to the converted. Those who want – for instance – to believe in global warming theology.
How could you sexualise the weather forecast “meteorological erection “ is a term unknown to me . It means I’ll look at clouds from both sides now ..
Also – have a caring thought for our sobel – the idea that President Trump is achieving something with North Korea as his predecessor made lovely speech’s but did nothing must weigh on Sopel s mental health. Pity the beeboids
Fed, I’ve looked at Salisbury from many sides now and it’s government clouds and media confusion and lack of questions I recall and I really don’t know who to believe at all.
My problem is whenever see Salisbury I read Sainsbury’s so wonder If I should avoid my favourite shop.[not store]
The mail is report they’ve found a load of landing cards in the national archive. If it’s the ones which were destroyed its pop corn time again !
What’s the point of Sainsburys? To keep the riff-raff out of Waitrose.
As you have been speculating about speculations about speculations it is not surprising that you are confused.
What surprises me is that no one has cuibonoed the Ukrainians.
If you cannot accept certain facts as axiomatic then you are simply sinking in quick sand. Even if something concrete were presented, the cui bono brigade would cobble together some theory to discredit it.
ID, funny thing that, I look at evidence in the public realm via the BBC, and then pose some real possibilities – and you don’t like it.
I then, with same method, look at some other claims that are dissimilar, possibly quite wild – and you don’t like it.
You really are very BBC, are you not?!
If you only freelance solely for them, I suggest that you widen your client base. Exposure to only the BBC and their ways alone is not doing you any good at all. If you are a full-time BBC employee, then I think you may have a serious problem.
As for facts on Salisbury, why – when the revealed facts wobble about & even outright contradict – does the BBC ask no questions? And for the obvious questions that the ordinary person would pose – which the BBC should be asking with its raft of journalists – why have these facts either taken so long to appear or are still known unknowns?
It has taken nearly seven weeks for anything about the search for the assassin (poisoner) to be heard via the BBC. That is remarkable even by the BBC’s current ‘car/van/truck kills people’ standard of three to seven days before more details are provided.
Any suggestions from you as answers to those two questions?
How you can confabulate the strange idea that I am in anyway pro BBC is beyond me. You will not be able to find any post of mine to Biasedbbc that is even neutral in tone towards the bbc.
I did say that I “self identified” as a BBC employee, suggesting that I was as much a BBC employee as a man “self identifying” as a woman is really a woman.
This tells me you are pursuing some weird agenda of your own.
Litvinenko took 10 years, Gordievsky has been forgotten, why should Salisbury find a quicker resolution?
Why you think the BBC rate as investigative journalists after Saville and the revelation that BBC woman journalists were clueless about the pay of male colleagues is beyond me. Asking or even thinking of the right questions is obviously not a forte of the BBC.
ID, did you not state in one of your posts that you do work for the BBC? Did I misread that?
I might self identify as all sorts of ‘things’, having had a reasonably varied life so far, but would not identify as a BBC employee if I were not. Are you suggesting you self-identified as working for the BBC as an ambition or aspiration or wishful thinking?
I would remind you that the Litvinenko did not take ten years, it was carried out quickly and reported by the BBC at the time. It was diagnosed and sources identified within about a week or so. The Polonium trail followed the perpetrator, who was identified and was tracked very quickly. The ramifications at Government and intra-Government level took the ten years. Obviously, Litvinenko was able, before he became unconscious, to tell investigators exactly who he had been in contact with and where.
That took a little longer for that possibility to arise with Julia Skripal but I think we were told she was conscious and talking about three or more weeks ago. No questions were asked on R4 about whether she had been seen by investigators and whether she had provided information to them.
The BBC were good news and investigative journalists once upon a time. They can ask questions if they are motivated enough: just look at last week’s Windrush coverage. As you agree that the BBC have been completely useless on this matter (and by extension are now agreeing with my analysis so far) would you please help by providing answers to the two questions I posed above.
In addition, for clarity, are you fully employed by the BBC? If not, do you merely freelance for them?
Rajar Watch
I was trying to find viewing figures for Newsnight . I’m guessing at a level of less than 500 000 – that is – lefties and students studying PPE to become MPs instead of having to deal with reality .
Anyway Rajar shows what the vast majority watch – Corrie and emerdale and quiz shows . All the lefty pro Islam propaganda al beeb vomits out may not achieve anything – in fact the harder they try more more futile the outcome ( hopefully) . I kind of feel that al beeb is so obvious now that people have given it the biased reputation it desperately avoids .
Yes I know- I may be wrong – and it’s attitudes has physically harmed white kids by evil Muslim pakis – or Pakistanis if you want
As for Boatymcwindrush – reaction putting race relations back years. Black people= problem is the message .which is sad .
I have been wondering what the viewing figures have been like for the recent trilogy(?) i.e. the programmes about Steven Lawrence. For a sizeable part of the population they hadn’t even been born when Steven was murdered.
Deborah, the D/Mail are giving double page spreads on it as well. I wonder how many readers actually do read it, – we got enough of it when the tragedy happened, and as you say, anyone under 40 wouldn’t know or bother about it anyway.
The Mail will claim this as proof that they were virtuous in doing what no other papers did at the time, which was to call the suspects “murderers” The Guardian etc were less brave, and the Mail do use this as proof that they`re braver, more inclined to call out race crime that the liberal poseurs. Think also that Paul Dacre had employed Neville Lawrence in his house renovation, so had a personal angle that fired him up.
I just look at what Peter Hitchens says in the Mail On Sunday, then put it back. Dreadful these days.
BARB is the one, who give broadcast stats
However the site is giving “Your connection was refused” right now.
Thank you stew – I’ll take a gander at it. I’m sure if it was commercial it wouldn’t be possible to send production company al beeb journos to America for chats with democrat fbi chiefs .
Shame about Newsnight – used to have value
“… as no big, single issue effecting everyone will get the headlines.” Headlines? We don’t get the factual ‘headlines’ anyway. Certainly not from our ‘Worlds most trusted’.
Al beeb schedule for Saturday
Week in Westminster – kick the Torries
From our correspondents – nice immigrants
Money box – how to claim more benefits
So called al beeb comedy – don’t bother
Any questions – you know the themes
Programme about a black yank singer
Wimins Hour – rape and Tina turner
5 news – naaatrggga again
15 minute profile – a black bloke who can’t sing
Review – Tina turner musical
To end it all – a discussion about asylum seekers
And I kid you not .
Loose Ends will start with its normal anti-Trump joke
and then interview people who have the racial profile of the Bronx rather than UK.
And Last Word will feature a grandee liberal toff who studied insects in her spare time whilst squauking on about the loss of rain forest near Columbia? As well as an American draft dodger who changed all out views on the Kent University Massacre whilst sharing tokes with George Melly.
Might do Thinking Allowed as well-might as well get cardboard cut outs on Southwold Pier and put our stupid heads through the templates, so the BBC know we believe and agree with their contrived lunatic poses.
“MLM”…”mad literally mad. That`s us that is.
Holly -ta for the laugh out loud thingy
I hate how when something fits their narrative they bang on about it ad nauseam: Rohingya, Worboys and now Windrush. They might as well devote an entire channel to the Stephen Lawrence case: 24 hours of non-stop race bailing and wallowing in victimhood – the producers would be in paradise. They could pay David Lammy and Diane Abbot a million pounds a week to talk about how evil stop and search is.
Why do they see displaying their virtue as more important than keeping us informed and interested? They work for US – we pay their vast wages. God it is just SO tedious: ‘minorities’; gender; Trump bad; Brexit bad; someone plugging something; someone famous has said/done something.
UK Politicians treat all old people badly. No questions asked by the BBC at all.
UK Politicians treat some old people badly. Questions asked by the BBC for 6 days straight.
Will there be any questions, let alone calls for compensation, from the BBC for the Brexit Generation?
A question.
Remember the £9,000,000 remain leaflet that was sent to every household.
Can any of you confirm that it actually said we would be leaving the single market and customs union.
We all know Cameron and the rest of them all said we would have to leave but I don’t want to quote this leaflet as saying we would leave the sm and cu if it didn’t have it printed.
Mine went straight into the bin.
EG, it does not state it specifically but on the (unnumbered) pages 3 and 7 it clearly implies that we leave the Single Market and Customs Union if we vote to Leave the EU. It does clearly state that a new deal has to be negotiated in that event, a vote to Leave.
Read it for youself here.
Apart from pushing the ‘fear factor’ the leaflet was about why we should ‘remain’. The government didn’t have a policy for if we voted to ‘leave’. The fact that they didn’t shows how incompetent/devious our senior civil service is.
From the leaflet: “This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide.”
Or not, as the case may be. Or perhaps just a few bits and pieces.
Winston Churchill said: “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” He, of course, was referring to the Soviet Union. With the greatest conspiracy Woldlwide to implement a grandiose policy of social engineering well underway with its attendant support by the media and State Broadcasters like the BBC, should Churchill’s statement be amended? It could now read:
“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, a Press blackout on anything islamic has descended across the Continent”.
Churchill on islam: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”
It is not possible to criticise that assertion.
At least soros foundation has had to relocate from Hungary to the Reich before mr orban dealt with it.
Much as I am in line with Churchill, his statement sadly contains an error: Christianity has not been sheltered in the ‘strong arms of science’, which -in a sense- has turned against it. (look at the number of ‘fairies in the sky’ assertions and you’ll get the picture; if they turned to e.g. Hugh Ross, a pastor and much better scientist, astronomer and cosmologist than Hawking- sorry Stephen- they might not be quite so arrogant- videos easy to find, or go to ‘reasons to believe.org’ ).
No, it has largely disappeared, creating a faith vacuum. And Nature abhors a vacuum. So, from Stettin to Seville, it is being filled. By, guess who…
Churchill, alas, is gone. We now have the three M s to tell us what our duty is.
Blimey, we’ve had a week of it, haven’t we? There’s the (seemingly) endless re-examining of the Stephen Lawrence murder of 25 years ago. This series is going to run longer than The Archers! We’ve also had the Windrush cock up and Enoch’s “notorious” speech of 50 years ago.
The BBC have been like a dog with three bones.
As a white, working class bloke, I’m beginning to feel personally responsible for Stephen’s murder. I didn’t do it. I’ve never hurt anyone, but, somehow I get the feeling I’m to blame.
Of course, this is the Beeb and their cohorts intention. If you’re patriotic, love your country as it was and fear for its future, then you’re clearly some sort of bigoted, knuckle dragging racist.
Up to the 1950’s immigration was minimal and we seemed to cope. Now I’m told we’d fall to bits if we didn’t welcome another million every three years.
I can understand this from an ethnic perspective. What utterly baffles me are these “liberal” types who have infiltrated our state broadcaster. They seem to have this perverted, pathological desire to see our green and pleasant land absolutely swamped with foreigners and covered in concrete.
They sneer at our traditions and make snide remarks about people who don’t share their trendy views.
Every minority grievance is given priority, massively magnified and endlessly covered. When white girls were (are) being raped on an industrial scale, the Beeb try to camouflage the ethnicity and religion of the rapists.
The BBC clearly despise the white working classes.
I’ve got news for them.
The feeling’s mutual.
Jeff: Like the Labour Party, the bbC have made their choice and abandoned the white working class. Of course, they would never admit it, paying endless lip service. But in the US we would have been called ‘the deplorables’ – the ‘uneducated’.
For many of us, our sins don’t end there. We are the male species, part of the ‘patriarchy’ the BBC hate with a vengeance. A special ‘Woman’s Hour’ on R4 will help you there, but almost every other programme will do the trick.
We reek ‘fifties’ values, when Britain was still a green an pleasant land with nice towns. Generally-speaking, we believed in the virtues of the family. The community was ‘hideously’ white, as former BBC DG, Dyke liked to say. ‘Bigots’ the mighty Gordon would have called us called us. (Are you enjoying your retirement, Gordon, listening to your ‘Arctic Monkeys’ records?). ‘Fairness’ meant something quite different than it does now (an undiscriminating, ‘everything is equal and the same’ mentality – and I mean undiscriminating as in distinguishing value from that which has not….
So ‘yesterday’. We are not of the trendy ‘postmodern’, we probably missed out on modernity altogether. We’re just not ‘gender-fluid’, ‘open’, ‘tolerant’ and ‘diverse’ enough.
We weren’t even able to keep UKIP together as a force to be reckoned with, or get them a single seat in parliament.
But rest assured, beeb, labour, libdumbs, tories. We’re still around. And the pendulum will swing. It always does.
Jeff, fakeneswatcher and G above.
Can I thank all three of you above?
I have no telly now, so these fine summaries of the week prevent me needing to bother with either BBC this week, or indeed tomorrrows Sunday papers.
Great writing, thank you.
And seeing as we`re in this intellectual ballpark of clever writings from “Blokes Who Know”?
I`m looking at Powells speech as well as his Desert Island Discs, and his EU writings too.
That speech of his is a PhD, and as far removed from current political babblings as you can get.
Well worth a Churchillian-like critique, as that paragraph on Islam above, merits too.
We`re without excuse-we can still freely read it and find for ourselves.
As a primary teacher, all Powell was, was autistic. Not ever Aspergers( not a good thing to be this week anyway!). Typical clever boy who knew lots, growing into a “Bloke Who Knows”.
Keep on writing, the good guys do win in the end.
You forgot to mention your ‘toxic masculinity’. Or even your ‘white privilege’. ….
My wife (Hong Kong) never fails to be amazed at our television, both ITV and BBC and thei advertisers that assume that every white woman should have a black husband, ( NEVER, NEVER the other way around, God forbid thats probably wacist in some twisted way), yet she rarely sees this in reality, (and fails to see the attraction but thats a personal thing) if it was any other race but white males it would be seen as ethnic cleansing in a very subtle way, Oh, I forgot Curley lived with a black girl in Coronation Street 1980 or so, we have one instant in 38 years I welcome any others that can find other rare examples,
The white working class supported Enoch Powell.
The only genuine working class march in 1968 had nothing to due with students and Vietnam, it was the London dockers marching in support of Enoch.
I think it was after this that the left wing establishment decided that the white working class were a lost cause, and had to be replaced. The project is succeeding. How many white working class people live in the old dockland communities of Tower Hamlets now? They have been eradicated. What has happened is unbelievable, without precedent, and yet we are meant to shake our heads in disapproval at Enoch’s remarkably accurate vision of the future. The only thing he got wrong is that it has turned out far worse than he thought, and it isn’t going to get any better.
Like the Roman, I too see the Tiber foaming with much blood.
And, as usual, his message has to be misinterpreted to make it easier to attack.
He was partly repeating fears that his constituents had expressed to him – surely this is a reasonable thing for an MP to do?
Even the Tiber reference is twisted – it was a warning by a Roman oracle to Aeneas, who was an immigrant, and who had asked the question: “What is my destiny?”. It was not a call to arms on behalf of the NF.
He is widely blamed for poisoning any discussion of immigration for decades, yet countries where he was little known don’t seem to have fared any better.
I am disappointed with Jacob Rees-Mogg’s lack of support. I suppose he felt obliged to support his father’s original stance. But then even the sounder Tories are weak on immigration, as we know only too well.
Agree with everyone above.
Enoch’s logic was flawless and his use of language precise (no vapid sound bites from him).
I note that as part of the fight back Raheem Kassam has just published:
“Enoch Was Right: ‘Rivers of Blood’ 50 Years On”
Available on Amazon for £14.99
Of course Enoch’s logic was flawless, but it didn’t stop all the journalists on all channels pronounce him a bigot and racist – and most of them hadn’t even been born when it was spoken. Clearly they haven’t given a thought to Enoch’s family who had to listen or read the abuse that’s been said about him, no respect for the dead in media land.
Come on BBC reporters, check this story.
Come on Amber and Treezer – you are responsible for security in this country when you are not virtue signalling with bombs in Syria.
“Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ghariani – who has been expelled from the UK over his hard-line views – is known to have donated an undisclosed sum of money to Exeter Mosque.” He will only be an intermediary in the money chain from Saudi Arabia.
Rotherham ‘Whistleblower’ –
Ombudsman demanded Rotherham Council apologise. What about the police? They appear to have ‘escaped’ any blame. But, we and the public in general know Mr PC and it will not be forgotten. Trust in you, Mr PC has evaporated.
When and how did we settle for apologies as if they mean anything?
Did it start with Blair and his ilk apologising for the slave trade or the Irish potato famine? Things he had nothing to do with whatsover, but put him in the same Tardis as Shaftesbury or O`Connell?
In other words, a presumptuous squit who seeks reflected glory of historical giants, when he`ll NOT apologise for Iraq, Kelly, Hillsborough, De Menezes and his thirty three houses or whatever it is?
In truth G, who needs apologies? Baby P died, Bulger died and how we treated their families and murderers is never apologised for by those who create the conditions and do rather well out of all these worthless lawyer lie ins that inevitable follow the tiny coffins, but will never do a thing to stop its repeat.
I`m with Israel-take their houses, give them to Christians or Jews on the run from the rest of the world. And bulldoze their offices and chambers and get some third world lawyers/media jockeys from places where they KNOW where all this ends? Tutsis? Karen? Don`t care as long as they`re cheaper and more committed to saving us from ourselves!
Prominent on the BBC web-site (even last night) is today’s Daily Telegraph front page.
Prominent in the TOADY review at 7.40am approx. of the “newspapers and web-sites” (although the latter are rarely mentioned) is not the Telegraph, not even the Times, but “Windrush, Windrush, Windrush”.
The Times front page lead is actually highly pertinent to both Windrush and Salisbury.
Not spotted by the BBC. No questions asked by the BBC.
I wonder why?
The finger of complaint, from the BBC, should certainly be pointing at the police and other investigators over the Salisbury poisoning. It was known pretty quickly that it was a nerve agent, a chemical of some sort.
Attention toward a perpetrator or perpetrators is only happening now, nearly seven weeks – to the day – later, and no questions are being asked by the BBC. Zero questions. None. Nothing. Absolute silence.
I wonder why?
“In a major boost to relations between London and Washington, the US President is expected to come to the UK for several days this summer.
A senior Whitehall source said dates in mid-July were ‘pencilled in’ the diary, with July 14 the favourite. …
He could also meet the Queen or other senior members of the Royal Family, even though it is not a state visit.”
Let’s hope so.
I wonder which beeboid gets to interview him ? Personally if I was him I wouldn’t bother with any of the Beauties
I am already unrolling the Welcome President Trump flag – how long before I get mugged by some PC lefties..?
They struggled this morning to give POTUS any credit for the change in North Korea attitude – shall we put him forward for the Peace prize Obama got – for what exactly?
As we all know, Obama got the so-called Peace prize for being black. It’s as simple as that.
Noted that too James.
On Radio 4s flagship at 8.30 or so, the topic of N.Koreas ending of that branch of lunacy it`s been trying on the world this last year.
Might you not have thought that Trump has just a bit to do with that?
Maybe as necessary as Chinese influence-that sure as hell wouldn`t have been applied if Clinton or Obama were in charge still? But no-the BBC could only find it in themselves to dig out some relic from Clintons era. And he, of course, was not happy.
Imagine after all the abuse Trump got last summer for standing up to the N.Korean munchkin; the left, BBC and Obama/Clinton types are furious. Jealous, embittered and unable to explain why they did nuffink at Kim was able to go nap, nearly destroying a chunk of that part of Asia. Bitter, nasty lefties-and this was fully confirmed on Radio 4 this morning.
Maybe something to do with Trump making Macron his go-to guy in Europe after his vile treatment in this country by the leftist establishment, not to mention Corbyn, McDonnell, Khan and all the other rabid dogs of the unrepresentative Hard Left?
Trump is a shrewd operator, and people need to wake up to that fact.
Maybe it`s the English schoolmar`m in me on my day off, but I noted David Lammy seeking “compensation and reparations” for the “Windrush generation” on the 8am news, Radio 4.
Anybody tell me where “compensation” end and “reparations” start?
And , with any possible exceptions of any old black person not getting necessary NHS treatment that comes with paying your taxes as this nations citizen/subject?
What exactly are we “compensating for” in any case? Are there white people of a similar age who were “refused treatment” in similar ways? If so, it`s not going to be “compensatable” is it?
And-again-how did David Lammy muscle his way into the liberal green room as the “spokesman for Generation Windrush”? And is he a passionate spokesman, a long known activist, a respected nationally known advocate? Or just a local race hustler like Chukka Ummah, albeit darker and north London?
So many questions-but , apparently I`m now in a “hostile environment” so will go no further.
But in a week when “hostile environment” and “Windrush Generation”” have been slipped into the burgeoning “new lefty lexicon” as approved by the BBC, Guardian and Labour troika?
I think we need to keep tabs on all this. Language as fashionably louche and careless as this will give us great trouble if we don`t note it and haul it down when used on us?
The Windrush fiasco and hostile environment is but one example of what the BBC does ‘best’ – conflation to promote an agenda.
They are subversive in almost everything they broadcast and need to be closed down – urgently – as a matter of national prosperity and security, if not survival.
Bomber Trump is coming for a state visit.
How will the BBC handle it?
The Mail takes the view that Trump, Treezer and Macron are all lovey dovey since bombing Syria and saving the Middle East. Relations between Washington and the UK have improved. Expect more coalition adventures in Syria.
I would not be surprised if the Emir of London shakes his hand.
G – I think you’ll find the yooman rights lawyer now counting the bodies at the top of city hall will be having a haj or on holiday on the western Turkish border …
And this is Katty’s take…
MSM vs Trump : Surprisingly Justin Webb gives Comey’s very anti-Trumpbook a very bad review in the Times.
(I wonder if there a special reason he doesn’t want people to read it ?)
– Of course the review still ends by bashing Trump.
Having a rather big bee in my Easter bonnet about “anti-Semitism” these days, I had rather hoped that Jonathan Sacks on Thought For The Day would nail it for us. There are few better on a good day.
I listened yesterday after work, no mention of Islam whatsoever, nor the role of Labour and Liberals in creating the fetid climate that we find ourselves in.
Just because the BBC like it this way Jonathan-that surely means that you NEEDED to give us that truth of how Islam and Labour are in cahoots, regarding the terrorising and removal of Jewish presence from public life? Why didn`t you?
But wait-Mark Mardell was said to speak further to Sacks TFTD on TWATO yesterday.
Oh goodie-Sachs would further clarify the problem. Mardell dafinitely gave the idea that Sacks would be there to discuss in( I thought).
But no-only Martin Bashir to interpret those jenga straws that Sacks playfully left with them.
And Mardell and Bashir both fail to mention either Labour or Islam once in their few minutes.
No case to answer?
Well maybe, we can learn from a US survey that notes that fewer Americans actually cite “six million” Jews that died in WW2.
We`re simply forgetting, the old dying off and a bit of fuzziness around the teaching of these facts. Apart from that-well, who`s to say, shall we try to teach it a bit better in Rhode Island, perhaps?
As to mass immigration by Muslims intent on killing Jews since the 60s-as to Labours nasty Momentum fringe buying evil and bigotry for only £3 under Corbyns Reichstag fire sale in 2015? Well, no comment, no questions allowed and no discussions.
Of course this is all we expect from the BBC and Bashir.
But where the hell were YOU Mr Sacks?
If you`re going to go quietly into that dark night that pretends it`s a light? Well we might as well get ready to fight or to die meekly.
All this in a week where straws were scattered all over the news.
But the real ones in the wind got made into a Mr Chips Straw Man, when only Labour, Liberals, Greens and Islam bait Jews and call it politics.
Ruby mcgregor Smith is the Tory trade minister in the House of Lords . She talks just like a baroness because she is one .
She voted against her government supporting remaining in the Reich EU – the customs union .
She is still in post . She was the ceo of mitee on £2.5 million a year ( 2016) all sourced wiki .
She is Asian . She has not been sacked . See baroness Scotland for alleged corruption .
Non white faces seem to get a free pass – particularly from the State Broadcaster
“Non white faces seem to get a free pass – particularly from the State Broadcaster”
Next thing you’ll be alleging is that the devout, wholly innocent and wonderful Keith Vaz should be investigated for any of his skulduggery.
Can you imagine the BBC/Left if a lying Tory scum person was found to own 5 mansions on just 90K a year, had unprotected sex with rent boys and paid them with illegal drugs and avoided inquiries by being so ill he couldn’t continue his career – to make a remarkable recovery once proceedings were dropped on account of him being ill.
Oh he also used parliamentary expenses to pay for his constituency office, which he owned. He charged tax payers for one of his mansions whilst actually living in a mansion in walking distance of the House of Commons.
Patrick Mercer MP described Vaz as “a crook of the first order”, adding that he had “never met an operator like him… I mean it’s not always completely ethical but it’s stunning, he is an operator”.
There again I guess if the BBC did report on Baroness Scotland or keith vaz they wouldn’t have time to destroy the characters of Boris and other lying Tory Scum.
Labour loves Islam hates Jews : the manager of Leeds Grand Mosque, appeared in their TV promos last week.
Someone checked his Facebook
2011 “The Zionist give a helping hand to their fellow EVIL Jew”
..”Hitler burned Jews for his people,
but Hosni Mubarak burned HIS people for the Jews”
It is not difficult to envisage The Holocaust eventually disappearing down The Memory Hole – at least the BBC version – as has already happened to the several generous two-state solutions offered to the ‘Palestinians’ since 1938, the three all-out wars waged by the Arabs against Israel since 1948 to ‘wipe it off the map’, the Islamic conquests in Europe which preceded The Crusades – etc etc.
When is somebody going to wake up to the perverted, hard left influence of the lying BBC, close it down and start again?
johnnythefish: “It is not difficult to envisage The Holocaust eventually disappearing down The Memory Hole – at least the BBC version – ”
Actually, I’m not sure I agree with that. For example, ‘Witness’ on the World Service does go back from time to time to recall the Holocaust – especially stories of courage and the escape of Jews from death camps and trains.
But of course I agree that the BBC is uncomfortable with the descendants of those Jews transforming themselves into a formidable fighting force in their own country.
Strange, isn’t it.
Holly Selassie, another Jonathan, also Jewish, also failed to mention Islam as the driving force behind UK anti-Semitism. That was Freedland, on QT on April 12th.
However, he did offer a frank assessment of the roots of lefty anti-Semitism, unlike the Gardiner character – who is under the illusion that Corbyn will actually do something about the hatred directed towards Jews in his party.
Liberals vs the real world : Times Educational Supplement consists of about 25 pages on being a mother as a teacher, then 100 pages of teacher job ads.
It makes sense that mother types go into teacher as the job makes child care much easier. One extensive section is about the pay gap, but to me that would be explained by the profession being so mother focused.
Open borders : Child slave gangs are having a whale of a time ; Times front page.
“Forces say they have been overwhelmed by the number of foreign organised crime groups targeting the UK”
‘Kids are lured by promises of model/footballer contracts, and are then put to work in brothels/drug-farms
… then the kids make bad court witnesses, only 6% of crimes lead to charges.
Last year total 5,000 slaves, 2,000 were under 18.’
Or more likely, the would be illegal immigrants are clearly told they are heading to work in brothels, drug-farms, factories , organised begging, or if they have the stomach for it – nanny and cleaner for the libtards.
Clearly told the wages conditions beforehand.
Knowing that a slavery story + reducing their age, to tug the heart strings will get a uk passport.
I say jail all illegals caught here as a deterent.
I know of a woman who works caring for some of the lads that have been in the situation that some of these kids have, forced to work for drug gangs ferrying drugs out of the cities and selling them in rural areas and have then fallen foul of them.
She said that some of them have been beaten up so badly that they’re brain damaged, she also said that they are all British yet I suspect the drug gangs predominantly aren’t or are Windrush legatees.
Knifecrime : On London becoming the Bronx : black surgeon Martin Griffith’s says “Welcome to the new normal” ‘, where trauma surgery us mixed with paediatrics’
‘We need a change in culture’ : Times pg 23
Crime in Londonistan? (‘part and parcel) Not so unusual. Germany –
Take a look at what Merkel unleashed on the German population.
In time, ‘coming to a Town or City near you soon’.
Breakfast this morning – they just couldn’t wait to slag off the Prince of Wales becoming head of Commonwealth and link it to Windrush.. The Commonwealth leaders really are not making a fuss about either..they are just getting on with life and letting the Govt remedy the situation…
Windrush is what happens at the BBC….any Whiff of some thing to knock the UK they Rush at speed to stir it up – causing the aforementioned turbulence
A little late, so may have been reported elsewhere in despatches..if so apologies.World Service last night 18.30 GMT, Reports that Windrush claims now numbering ‘Tens of thousands’..plus it is affecting ‘West Africans’ rather than West Indies. What blatant falsehoods. I was aware that the compo merchants are approx 100 odd year day. I was driving in Accra, but don’t think I misheard. Truly appalling.
\\ Prince Charles has been accused of making a serious gaffe after telling a woman with Guyanese origins
“Well, you don’t look like it!” when she said she was from Manchester.
Is Prince Charles fit to be the head of the Commonwealth? //
Well she got a Guardian article out of it
#LittleThingsMatterMore ? #OutrageBus
I wonder – if it had been a white bloke saying he was from Jamaica, would it have got the same reaction from the Guardian?
L. I had a work colleague who was married to a woman from Trinidad. She had a broad Trinidadian accent and was white. The amount of abuse she got when they visited the UK was astonishing.
Should refer the matter to the police as its ‘Hate Speech’ and offensive to the easily offended.
I wonder where Charlie thinks he came from.
They say his Mam descended from a prophet from some whacko Middle East religion
I hope he enjoyed his dim sum.
However, putting the steamer on one’s head and wrapping oneself in the tablecloth…..well, his dad would be proud.
Prince Charles needs to get his privileged arse to Manchester then.
He must have some view that Manchester is still like a Lowry painting, filled with white proles off to the mill in their clogs.
The man is a buffoon.
Not really bias but al beeb al moneybox did a helpful piece on how to make easy money from home .
Simply give all your bank card details ( your square?)
To some one you met on something called snapchat and then they transfer a couple of thousand into your account – then you agree to send it onward for a ‘fee” .
Apparently this kind of criminal money laundering is fashionable amongst the under 21s .
It’s great -until the bank starts asking where you got 2k from – you get an Auto referral to the fraud squad and a marker on your credit record which lasts a really long time . Priceless.
Update – HoL petition now heading for 75,000
I wonder which third-rate drones are lined up to ‘debate’ the issue in a broom cupboard at Westminster in several months time?
More disproportional city : Aspergers kid got £25K for traumatic day at theme park, claiming it set his recovery back by months.
They’d ordered a disabled ticket, but the staff said he didn’t have the correct disabled ticket, and doesn’t look disabled so couldn’t jump the queue “At the ferris wheel they had to wait 50mins and that caused him distress”
In today’s biased BBC edition of ‘create the grievance’ we have ‘State Pension Gender Gap narrowing too slowly’
I don’t suppose this has anything to do with the possibility that men have paid more in and for longer than women, and are merely getting what they have earned the right to receive?
A truth clearly inconvenient to the bBBC agenda monkeys.
Don’t confuse them with common sense and facts….it’s the same argument as the gender pay gap….do the stats based on one criterion…regardless of other factors..
On a different subject – is it me but why is it always the Guardian that throws up racial issues everywhere.
The ‘author’ doesn’t look like she comes from Manchester (I live there ) – she isn’t pale and wan like most of us in Manc where it rains most of the time – have these people got no sense of humour..or are they just looking to be offended…
As Stew said – she got an article out of it…nothing like using your offendenedness to boost your career
It’s all to do with the number of contributions paid for. Some while ago before I retired, I rang the Government dept that deals with apportioning pensions to check on whether I had a full record. No. I needed to buy, I think three. Not like the Windrushers who couldn’t be bothered, when they had a leisurely chance to sort the status problem out – and didn’t. Women have equal opportunity to buy stamps to make up any deficiencies. It’s not as if they’re expensive.
The BBC’s birthright to levy a poll tax on the British people for a full television and radio service looks more ludicrous by the day.
In the world of drama and sports it is a minnow. News is dominated by prejudiced left wing activists while political correctness is leading increasingly to discrimination against broad sections of the community.
Drama is hamstrung by the need to toe a pc line and has been in decline for years. It is no longer able to compete against the new streaming services. But it is sport where the last battle to retain any credibility is being fought. Over the last couple of decades the BBC has lost the rights to many popular sports as nimble competitors have bid up prices. Although the BBC collects almost £4 billion from its tax, that is nowhere near enough to run a vast ego-driven operation trying to do everything in the modern broadcasting world. Now it is set to lose its last claim to be in the sport big league with radio rights for Radio 5 Live starting to move out of its grasp. The latest hammer blow is the loss of next winter’s cricket tours – no Tests being a bit of a problem for a programme called Test Match Special.
Of course the BBC is fighting back in the only way it knows – it is resurrecting that old chestnut of the “Crown Jewels” and appealing to Government so that it can keep Wimbledon, the FA Cup Final and the Football World Cup. No doubt the argument will be along the lines, “please nice Mr Government Minister, can you ensure that the AELTC, FA and FIFA give us broadcast rights to air their games at prices much lower than they can get elsewhere”. Good luck on that one as a long term policy.
Thank goodness for women’s sports. It ticks all the right gender equality boxes and it’s doesn’t cost that much. Some female sport is gaining in popularity but many of them might have to consider paying the BBC for a slot. Can’t get cheaper than that.
But sadly, not Special.
Keep an eye on the BARB ratings. BBC audiences are plummeting but do they care? The money still rolls in. Apart from popular drama, repeats and football the nation has turned off.
In Virtue Signal Top Trumps white female MP killed by white man in the provinces is the #2 card
#1 is still black boy killed by white boys 25 years ago in Londin
Archbishop Sentamu devotes his essay in the Yorkshire Post to him, ‘One time the killers quoted Enoch Powell, you know’
Meanwhile, in the here and now, brutal violence against and rape of underage white girls by Muslim gangs continues unabated and in the most overtly racist manner imaginable, whilst annually more and more are welcomed to come and join this barbaric throng.
Fiddling while Rome burns? No, worse than that.
Why am I getting the feeling that we`re due a Grenfell pig pile here regarding the Windrushies?
I remember every bus jolt in Liverpool used to have 100 claimants for whiplash every time it went over a sleeping policeman in Toxteth.
Funny if you`re not paying, or actually would like to see your doctor, get a genuine claim settled with their postcode knackering you.
Think we`ll find that Windrush had maybe half a million on it, most of who are still in shock after Mind Your Language was shown at the Grenfell Community Centre in 2001.
I have turned down all manner of Nigerian princes, and Gambian scientists in recent years online. But these charlatans are at least shamelessly stupid and without legal aid and Gary Younge to shill for them all.
Does anyone here remember PC Keith Blakelock ? How often does Al Beeb bring up his horrific death?
I remember him. Most of us will never forget…
Yes Taff/goat – a good few will remember him.
I remember those scum on HIGNFY taking the mickey out of something his wife had said.
Didn’t a left wing politician or black activist comment on that day of rioting when PC Blakelock wad murdered that the police ‘got a good hiding’?
Yes Bernie grant – MP for Tottenham – who thankfully is long dead and was greatly favoured by al Beeb.
And his replacement? The well known quiz show contestant, bike owner, and with eyesight problems when at a crime scene. Yes, it’s David Lammy.
Biased BBC Final Score – coverage of today’s league football results.
Presenter – female
Talking heads – one male one female.
So.. two thirds of the coverage of the MEN’s league football is by women.
Biased BBC tokenistic agenda-driven bollocks. Virtue signalling for the sake of it.
Anyone care to have a wager that the commentators and talking heads for women’s feature matches at Wimbledon later this year will be …..err…….rather less than two thirds male?
One possible reason women leaders are all assumedly post menopausal: we don’t want world War 3 every 28 days
Like I said to my feminist sister in law when she was arguing for more women in politics and industry to bring a ‘softer’ approach: ‘Great – less testosterone, more PMT’.
No one here seems to have spotted this story which is very unusual for a BBC news story. – The holiday village run by spies http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-43702764 …
I have spotted a holiday village run by spies on telly. It’s in a secret location in Wales called Portmeirion, were its thought “The Prisoner” Yulia Skripal is “The girl who is death“. Number Two is getting a nervous breakdown in his attempt to try and get her to tell him why she did it?
Number Two, RP?
Is that a form of ID?
Cartoon + Summary on the North Korean news:
Country walk today with skylarks singing, fields of green and gold, played The Lark Ascending via youtube when home and this comment appeared below:
Sit on an English hillside on a beautiful English day, somewhere in that wonderful countryside of ours and listen to this. Genuinely brings a tear to my eye to think of my beautiful island nation and makes me think and be thankful for the efforts and sacrifices of our selfless ancestors who provided this for us. What a place. How lucky I am. How I will strive to protect it.
Food for thought, in a few years those fields may be Halal chicken takeaways with bangra playing and stabbings every weekend if the BBC have their way in persisting we accept diversity at all costs and import more and more into this country as “refugees” i.e. those too cowardly to fight for their country, and willing to lie about their age to get here, no self respect, no honour no nothing except hate and intolerance once they are ganged up, also with the BBC taking every opportunity in condemning those very ancestors alluded to above I despair.
This lightweight was moaning about this earlier in the week. She couldn’t understand that the nature of of nazi Propaganda was so good that it could seduce an entire country into following a lunatic. Similarly to the methods used by al Beeb to make us. Accept Islam and the poisonous multiculturalism and for some -Comrade Corbyn
Londonistan killing update
39 dead by stabbing – 62 dead overall. The new normal for the vibrant capital. Al Beeb is briefly reporting the latest 2 – I guess. It’s because they happened in the places beeboids live – like Finsbury Park. A very vibrant place.
Last night both Mr D and I heard on the radio there had been a stabbing in Finchley. As it is an area i know well and having the time to google, i thought i would find out more details. Nothing on the BBC or anywhere else i tried to look. Are details of these stabbings disappearing down a memory hole to prevent conclusions being drawn?
Yes – ordinary life changing stabbings don’t make it to the local al beeb news . You’d need to see the website of the local paper to find them.
London has always been a violent place . But the melting pot and stress and competition to live has just made it a more febrile place where the trigger point for violence for some people isn’t very high .
This accords with quite a lot of criminological theory. I know the theory but the remedy is far too harsh – at the moment – for people to accept .
“London has always been a violent place.”
What places are you comparing it with?
@Deborah you said Finchley
seems you just misheard “Finsbury Park” ?
People seem to use #LondonStabbing on twitter
Nothing in Finchly since this April 7th tweet
There’s something almost schizophrenic going on with the BBC these days.This afternoon I listened to a propaganda prog’ where they denigrated the great Enoch Powell. “He was a racist” “He was a bigot” “He was wrong.” Blah, blah, blah… And then in the next breath the news item told us that there had been yet another murder in London. And the killers and most of the victims are nearly always black.
What number are we up to now? Ive lost count. I know it’s got to be 60 plus and that’s just in London.
Enoch was warning us that we were importing the sort of problems they had then in America. And now violent crime in London outstrips New York.
But Enoch was wrong…?
One thing’s for sure, they won’t be commemorating and wailing over any of these lads like they do Stephen Lawrence in 25 years.
There’s too many of them…
If you read my earlier posting the murder level is now 62 with 39 stabbed to death discounting the two stabbings tonight in Tooting . Looks like my 139 target for the year will be achieve as stop and search is out of fashion under the current mare.
In the good old days it was a rabbit from a hat but he seems to find a pussy anywhere
Bomber Trump is coming in July and the comrades and BBC luvvies will be ready.
Led by boy wonder, Owen Jones, with Lilly Allen, David Lammy and hundreds of others.
Together Against Trump: national demo
The anti Trump demo will unite the left – so they claim – like nothing has ever done.
‘This could be a march of millions. 4% of the population – or around 2 million people have said that they would “definitely” take part in protests against the visit.
This demonstration isn’t just about Trump. The treatment of the Windrush generation has highlighted the British elite’s disgraceful record of racism and bigotry. This is a fight against our own “hostile environment” as well as the American government.
The Stop Trump Coalition is a network of grassroots campaigns, unions, NGOs and politicians initiated by journalist Owen Jones in February 2017. Stand Up to Trump includes a range of campaigns against war, austerity and racism, as well as public figures who have pledged to mobilise against a Trump visit.
Both organisations have come together for a one-off national demonstration under the banner of Together Against Trump.
A mobilising network for the demonstration – with local contact points in every part of the country – will spring into action as soon as a date is announced, organising local actions and coaches to London.
Shaista Aziz, from the Stop Trump Coalition, said: “Donald Trump and Theresa May are running scared of protest. Last year. hundreds of thousands took to the streets at barely a day’s notice in disgust at Trump’s Muslim Ban. If Trump actually comes to London, we could be looking at a march of millions. This won’t just be a movement against the President’s visit – it will become a movement against racism, anti-migrant bigotry, sexism, transphobia and far right politics in the UK”
Together against Trump. well, I suppose we can produce a few hundred thousand students who can take time off from studying “media”, “sociology”, “”psychology” and whatever else they have managed to scam their way into and still find the time, despite their rigorous study and homework schedule, to be activists, whilst completely unaware of Clinton sex crimes (have a cigar), not the only incident, and his wife’s complicity in them through attacking the victims and the Clintons’ racist campaign when they were up against Obama, even Google is too much for this lot in their degree level research capability to try and work out which American President and recent candidate can put Trump to shame with sexual harrassment, sexual assault and racism when it suites them.
The American establishment will do all it can to bring down a democratically elected President, not a week goes by month after month without an attack from within the American establishment system upon him, it does make one think, another can f@ck his secretary with a cigar and now a Sainted individual ha ha
Millions of muslim gobshites burning flags and protesting against our traditional ally just the evidence we need to demonstate the snakes we have let into our country, protesting against “hate” I have seen real hate in this country: against homosexuals in Luton accused of “spreading disease” by the muslim community objecting to a gay sauna, against British troops spat at and abused when returning home to Luton by the muslim community, attacks against Jewish people by the muslim community, attacks and theats to OFSTED for criticising their divisive hateful and sexisit propoganda in their private schools by….the muslim community and it appears we have a muslim wanting to protest against a democtratically elected president for “hate” hmmm well done
And we are told to feel ashamed for opressing “pakis” in the past, tell that to the raped schoolgirls, now they can shout “racism” anytime they want, they are showing their true colours, no interest whatsoever in joining this countries’ communities at all or accepting our values and moralities, so how the f?ck did immigration let them in ? and why do the BBC support this divisive nasty sector of our society that are now planning to protest against America using our country to do it ? are we stupid ot what ?
“…no interest whatsoever in joining this countries’ communities at all or accepting our values and moralities…”
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Steven Edgar; Jailed for three years for rape of 11-year-old boy.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Michael Doherty; intentionally exposed himself & urinated on a schoolgirl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Steven Burt; 14 counts of indecent assault on a male child, two counts of buggery of a male, four counts of buggery of a female, and eight counts of indecent assault on a female. Other offences included two counts of indecency with a child, two counts of sexual intercourse with a child and one count of actual bodily harm.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
David Leonard Smith; admitted possessing and making indecent images, 13 of children and nine of extreme pornography involving women and animals.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Paul Johnson; sexually assaulted four boys, aged from 13 to 16, over a period of 11 years.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Kevin Stiff; caught with indecent images of children for the second time in three years has been jailed.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Bryan Reid; caught with 521,395 indecent images of girls – ranging from newborns to 15-year-olds – and nearly five days worth of indecent videos.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Nigel Hall; 60 months in prison, after a string of sexual offences involving underage boys.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
John James Carter; convicted of 12 offences including raping a girl under the age of 16, rape, and making indecent images of a child.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Kristian Batten; sexually assaulted 17-year-old.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Robert Sandalls; hid a camera in a toilet to film a teenage girl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Craig Boyd; exposed himself in front of a child.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Tony Paton; targeted three children for abuse over a four-year period and raped one victim when she was aged five or six.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
David Lionel Baker; admitted forcing a vulnerable 15 child to perform a sex act in a hotel room.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Michael Mackenzie; jailed for almost 20 years for the brutal rape and indecent assault of a schoolgirl.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Paul Ogilvie; found with a total of 1,850 indecent still images and 145 indecent videos of children ranging in ages from six to 16.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Richard Moughton; found guilty of sexually assaulting two young girls over a 12-year period.
“Our values and moralities”, April 2018:
Christopher Webb; persuaded youngsters under the age of 16 to take off their clothes and perform sex acts in front of a webcam while he watched.
They might be yours , facilitated by the Gramscis that have infested our judicial system , schools and churches Maxi , but they’re not our values .
18 examples, none of which show any evidence of organised, violent, ‘institutionally’ racist, gang raping on an industrial scale, covered up by the authorities for a decade on the grounds of preserving ‘community cohesion’ ie don’t upset the Muslim enclaves.
Thousands upon thousands of underage white girls repeatedly drugged, raped and beaten.
It is moral equivalence like yours, Maxi, and the failure of Islamic enclaves to help bring them to account, which gives these barbaric medieval throwbacks licence to carry on with their vile crimes.
You have helped us confirm what we’ve always believed about you hard lefties – Islam is your top trump by a country mile, beating all your other sacred ideologies – gay rights, women’s rights, even childrens’ rights – hands down.
Our only consolation is that one day you will have the rudest waking moment imaginable. Believe me, it will happen.
Closing time at the chicken shop then eh Maxi?
BBC and Guardian love our first woman ambassador to the UN, Karen Pierce.
Karen Pierce loves Marx and advises Russia to follow his ‘precepts’: https://bit.ly/2HU2VGc
Incredible but true.
Is it a coincidence that the BBC, Jeremy Corbyn and Sadiq Khan have not wished our Queen a Happy 92nd Birthday?
The BBC do have a page about the queen but I could only find the hidden page with a Google search.
Something for Fran, Samira, etc, to get their pretty heads around?
There are several new posts well worth a look, including one that involves Jeremy Bowen, impartial editor of note.
This is from his patch:
I was watching the Channel 4 programme about historic towns. Tonight it was Winchester and the Normans – William the Conqueror’s capital.
Reasonably well presented and not too populist.
Amazingly something was missing, given it was explaining how a colonial power had taken over a country, brutalised and massacred its people, the Anglo-Saxons and Danes, turning them into a peasant underclass.
The colonialists then ruled the country (England) as an imperialist caste for hundreds of years.
What was entirely missing was any hint that this was a dreadful state of affairs that should be reversed or compensated.
In fact it was treated almost comically and as a fact of life.
England it seems is the only invaded country about which presenters have no sympathy and no empathy.
I nearly shouted out – It took a thousand years, but Brexit is finally the revenge of the Anglo-Saxons against the Norman metropolitan elite.
William’s Harrying of the North of the late 1060s with its 100,000 dead is being avenged.
I walked through the countryside today past a few manor houses they were built to control the stolen land, but the Saxons also stole, they were also invaders and thieves, difference was Normans did it on an industrial scale and brutalised the population to an unimaginable level, Celts before them, who are the originals ? maybe in a little corner of Wales or Cornwall ??
“Brexit is finally the revenge of the Anglo-Saxons against the Norman metropolitan elite…”
…next week I will be hitting myself in the head with a shovel to teach Claudius a thing or two.
Good idea, Maxi. Make sure you do.
Already happened. A lot. He just forgets, because of the shovel thing.