Compensayshun for the Windies is now widening to legal costs, pensions lost, salaries lost due to jobs being lost, the Lammy list goes on and on – clearly it would be easier just to give them the keys to the Treasury and say ‘help yourself’. They’ll just have to form an orderly queue with the Grenfell lot.
Might it not be cheaper to offer Chukka, Lammy, Miss Dianne and all the other wannabe Malcolm X types as one fat pointless sacrifice in some public place to assuage the mulitculity gods?
Or will we get this endless bloodletting by the liberal leeches for ever?
Hold the front page.
Archive Hour this evening had an hour devoted to Canary Wharf.
Apparently it`s unequal, and local casualties don`t get the Magna provision that might be available in Grimsby or Burnley.
Not only that-but really rich people live right next to really poor ones-and some of the poor are migrants too.
Took an hour up telling me that in thirty different ways.
Will never see those gated community security guards, bomb squad on the buses going through or all those private jetties in the same light again.
Thank you BBC!
So in the last 24 hours there have been another 4 stabbings in London. 2 in Finsbury Park and another 2 in Tooting.
There’s not much interest from the media. They seem to be concentrating on a murder that occurred 25 years ago. But last night, well…
Dick of The Yard has swung immediately into action and arrested someone for Twitter hate crime.
And Sadiq Khan has responded by calling for more trans-sexual bogs to be erected.
Oh, and can we all please keep repeating the mantra until we all know it’s true;
Enoch Powell was wrong!
BBC : “Protests erupted earlier this month after police released horrific details of the rape of an eight-year-old Muslim girl by Hindu men in Kathua, in Indian-administered Kashmir in January.”
I made a complaint to the BBC about the muslim victims always mentioned but no mention of muslim perpertors when they are raping English girls and reply:
I understand you believe the BBC fails to report on the religious background of individuals who have committed acts of child abuse if they are Muslim. I note your view that, by contrast, in reports where the victim of a crime is from a Muslim background – as in this article – this information is included.
I am sorry to read of your concern, however, it is important to understand that we refer to ethnicity, race or sexuality only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the case in hand or where this is specifically referenced in court or by the police as part of a witness appeal.
Otherwise, we would not consider this a detail that should automatically be included in our reports.
In the context of the article you have provided, the report explains that Asifa Bano “belonged to a Muslim nomadic tribe” because “the case has become a religious flashpoint in an already polarised Indian region”.
I now directly quote from an autobiography of a muslim gang rape victim in England :
When the men who now owned me collected me I just had to get through the production line. The bedroom had been turned into a living room and always there was about eight men in there.They were verbally abusive straight away, It was quite literally one after another, a whole lot of them. I wasnt allowed to even get off the bed. They wre pakistani without exception. “Kafir girl” they would say, “Kafir girl you are white trash” “Slut, white slut”, “white bitch, white whore white cunt”” it was explained “we are allowed to do this in our culture”
BBC refuse to report this racial abuse…..
Well there we go, our poor oppressed muslims thats is what they really think and we have allowed them into our midst….ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1
“Well there we go, our poor oppressed muslims thats is what they really think…”
Of course, and if ever you want to know what “White Christians” really think you should just seek out the opinion of Jimmy Saville, Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great.
maxiconomy, you have run away, are you going to become an arab “refugee ?” as you all tend to do when confronted face to face ? or are you going to hide and wait until you have a few other mates around you before you attack a lone woman and have a little rape session ? snidey cowards the lot of you, not a man amongst you, all we see or hear of you in a war is the slap of your running sandals as a roadside bomb goes off, while you piss off to bully your wife and rape a few schoolgirls no wonder your country of origin does not want or need you
Maxincony, Eternal Master of Moral Equivalence, Destroyer of The Moral Compass, Defender of The Faith.
And still living in the UK when there are so many other countries which would better appreciate his talents – Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIL – even the mythical land of ‘Palestine’, and not to mention the emerging Islamic theocracies of Africa.
Hmmm, ’emerging Islamic theocracy’…..Sharia law…..appeasement….UK… I can see why he’s staying put.
What are you doing here so late maxi lad?
I thought you and ID would be role playing your favourite scene from Deliverance together, which isn’t the one with the duelling banjos in it.
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
You are the best advert for abolishing the telly tax. You are doing the BBC a disservice.
Guess what ISBN changed, funny that, so :
Please, Let Me Go: The Horrific True Story of a Girl’s Life in the Hands of Sex Traffickers Paperback – 24 Aug 2017
by Caitlin Spencer (Author)
Two things I sincerely hope you can get your little racist mind around :
1) Savile was a pervert with no particular racial bias, my point was a racially aggravated crime is twice worse and our legal systen happens to agree, but obviously a muslim racist is quite acceptable in your twisted world view
2) Savile was born and bred in this country and so we deal with our criminals, importing rapist muslims who bow and scrape to get into this country then commit these horrific crimes in social groups against ONLY “kafirs” I.E. non mulsims, including Sikh children in Luton with the complicit acceptance of their muslim wives and muslim children and muslim friends and then having to look after them in jail galls me and I am sure many others.
Ignorance is rife amongst those who seek to defend the indefensible, I could say I have no knowledge of this Saville you talk about, but, we all assume you allude to Savile, just as we give the benefit of doubt to primary pupils, 5 out of 10 well done and a little silver star for effort
Even I have heard of the legendary Maxiconman!
I thought him a fable, a subterranean figment of too many fevered imaginations on this esteemed site. There were rumours, but no.
And now-thanks to you Annunaki-it`s clear that you`ve done a Jaws, a Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and Yeti scoop by coaxing the rare Maxicony tick out from under the liberal wing and into the open.
My brother might still have his Tuf Pathfinder shoes with those animal imprints in the soles. I hope to match maxis winkiepicker boots with the great grebe or whatever.
Can Annunuki have a Big Hunt Award for this? How many others have tried and failed to get Moxys gander?
Maybe it`s cos you`re Japanese?
I can sympathise with Mrs O’Blene. I’ve been listening to The Archers since God was in short trousers, but nowadays the story lines have adopted all the right-on messages so beloved of the BBC.
When it first started it was an entertaining way to inform townies about life in the country. Now it’s a political message board to hammer home pc issues.
Most men, unless they’re gay or foreign are feeble creatures beset by gambling problems, drugs, incompetence, etc.
All women are strong, robust and capable.
We’ve got the gay chaps waiting for a surrogate adoption and the saintly foreign worker willing to have the baby. “Isn’t she wonderful?!”
There are bigoted Brexit voters and gangs of racist yokels making the lives of said saintly eastern Europeans miserable.
Then there’s the astonishing Muslim vet, female, of course. She’s kind, she’s feisty and she’s modern. Believe me this girl’s so good she could get a rasher of bacon back on its trotters.
Fuck sake have they really managed to wedge a muslim in there as well ? amazing, who is behind this shameless promotion of a complete and utter minority above and beyond any other, does she attack the gays? do a bit of Jew bashing on the quiet ? threaten OFSTED inspectors who criticise muslim “special schools” ? genitally mutilate her children ? send her 5 year old to school with a veil over her face ? of course silly me there will never be any acknowledgement that there are homosexual and Jewish victims of violence and intolerance in this country by the BBC, and the nature (or religion) of the perpetrators, and any other of their charming antisocial habits
Halal slaughter when shes making your sandwiches might be an indicator, buckets of blood hidden behind the cornflake packets etc, its a classic sign, and of course buying a transit and filling it full of nitrate fertiliser, please do check the garage and dont let her near your groin area if she has a sharp object to hand
Hmmm, come to think of it she does seem to spend a lot of time picking bits off that new mat she bought… least I think she’s picking bits…..seems to have her eyes very close to the floor…never changes position… least five times a day…..
I gave up after Nigel went off the roof. I had realised then that I loathed every character in it. Mrs Swelter occasionally listens in and reports back on its ghastliness. As she has a more robust constitution.
I waited until the BBC pushed Nigel off the roof before I gave up on the Archers. He was the obvious choice as the upper class twit with a heart of gold and the BBC needed a big story line that night. The lady solicitor was quite safe (she is Asian you know). I haven’t returned to it because the story lines are no longer relevant to those of us living in the country.
But I assume that it is on the instructions of James Parnell that a subtext of politics is in every programme. Gardeners Question time gives us climate change and the pressure to be organic; The One Show again presents climate change in a positive light, etc; Radio 4 drama after 2 is frequently to prove the goodness of new immigrants to the U.K. and as I understand it Ceebeebies has the same agenda. Manipulation of the public on a grand scale.
Hey, those were the days. Great account from Paul Reynolds about the infamous "Christmas tree" that could block your career at the BBC.
Blimey. A reasonably informative article from the BBC website for once.
“A memo from 1984 gives a run-down of organisations on the banned list. On the left, there were the Communist Party of Great Britain, the Socialist Workers Party, the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Militant Tendency.”
Of course now you’ll be blackballed if you’re not a member of SWP, Momentum, or Green! It obviously helps if you are also professionally ethnic or professionally homosexual – the ‘hideously white’ edict is still in full force.
German comedy ? Yep, all those classic German sit coms spring to mind, now thats made me chuckle a bit, , Vorsprung durch Technik, thanks for cheering me up, dont mention the 1966 World Cup goal line incident, I did but I think I got away with it… (although I think they were having a bit of a laugh when they programmed my Audi satnav but thats another story, always sends me to the Polish border and I just want to go to Milton Keynes)
I have sympathy for anyone affected by the Windrush but why it just looks like another attempt by the left/BBC/Activists to turn it into a divisive racial issue (Grenfell 2) – when 1. we still don’t have any real figures on those affected (I don’t count the Guardian or BBC estimates, beliefs or thoughts) 2. We don’t know how they were affected .
I couldn’t bring myself to watch Marr – as he wasn’t on but replaced by a plastic BBC gnome – subjects for discussion Windrush, LGBT….
Hey BBC, why didncha tell us that Nigel Farage is planning to nominate President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize? Must I get news relating to Nigel Farage from an American website?
Surely such an item should be of interest to the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation!
Just one snag for Farage: he needs to find fellow MEPs to support the nomination …
And now, over to Trump for the last word:
Back in March, he cracked a joke about the prospect of meeting Kim Jong Un for talks:
“I won’t rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un. I just won’t. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem, not mine.”
Just as the Golf Masters at Augusta was all about Tiger Woods
so far as the BBC main page website was concerned. Today
in the London Marathon its all about Mo Farah.
Well BBC it’s NOT!! The marathon is about the thousands
upon thousands of runners who are competing in the event
for money to be raised for CHARITY !!!!
We’re talking about the review that came out when Hussain’s novel was first released. In it, a journalist accused the polymath of being “greedy” and questioned whether Hussain, who had previously published recipe books for both adults and children, really needed to put her name to a novel as well.
polymath noun
noun: polymath; plural noun: polymaths
a person of wide knowledge or learning.
On Andrew Marr show at 9:25am, Nick Robinson very excited during an interview with Tom Daley about how excited he and his husband are that their baby is due in a few days. He has been reading books apparently. “We have seen the scans and we know it’s a boy”.
Interview then goes on about whinging how the Commonwealth countries don’t have the same views as the UK’s when it comes to gays. But it didn’t stop there, Tom then whinges about how he and his husband would be better off in the USA than the UK as 2 gays, donating sperm to some unknown mother then taking the baby away from her as soon as it is born and denying it the important breast feeding health benefits and removing the mother from the babys life, “have more rights in the USA than in the UK”.
Typical BBC bashing of the UK. Being gay, being married to a gay man and having a baby in a few days is STILL not good enough for a gay man in the UK.
…and then Emily Thornberry is on next (yet a f’ing again)
Bet they haven’t thought about who will be looking after the baby yet ? poor little sod will be cared for 24/7 by a nanny and paraded out in front of the cameras like some kind of trophy.
Tuned in to R4 this morning. The usual Sunday church service came from Hackney, Camden and Tottenham. When the local bishop prayed for all the victims if crime in central London, he said “especially Stephen Lawrence”. Was wondering what created two classes of the dead (victims) in the eyes of the church: SL and all others?
You can see sainthood emerging. Stephen must have been a martyr. Perhaps I should go back and view the BBC series on him after all? Have been interested in how ‘saints’ are created for a long time. He did look like a nice chap, his fist raised in the air.
Haven’t seen that photo for a long time.
There was then ‘A point of view’. Stella gave us a story about deportation. But that was Italy, during the war. Was there actually a point of view, or was it just a tale of deportation? If so, what did it signify?
Paddy O. then gave us ‘Broadcast House’. After a week of Windrush stuff, would he be able to resist the temptation? Of course not. He had both a local victim and a lawyer in Jamaica to testify. They painted some vivid pictures, and made the claim that the ‘hostile immigration environment’ actually dated back to 2002! The plot thickens. Much mention of ‘compensation’…
A member of Paddy’s media panel was worried that checking ID at polling booths would now discourage especially BAME voters from voting. There had ever been only one case of voter fraud, so why check? Everyone should have to vote by law.
Glad to see that, no matter what the programme, the R4 narrative continues unabated.
Me too fakey!
I was able to predict that , when the “service” was about to come from Edmonton? That this would be an audio book for knife crime, and not any kind of Christian consolation for those unable or unwilling to go to a church this morning.
Only ten minutes in-and I got my breakfast in bed as well as a lie-in that has only just ended! Result!
And this is the thing with the BBC-they just can`t help themselves.
What else would you do with a statutory-like need to do a religious thingy for James Parnell, Martin Bashir on kazoo?
Naturally fill it with yet MORE social work pleadings from a bankrupt, amoral and fecking useless Revered Blue Jeans in Edmonton. Tomorrows Bishop based on what he said today.
I am now fishing for the Prosecco, Doritos and something nice for summer. I`m predicting Brixton Hill, a Black Alzheimers initiative attached to some church set up for St Windrush. Two weeks time tops.
Or at the very least all the same content but from Emmanuel Church Didsbury-white guilty lefties, just a croissant throw from Salford-no gospel choir potential though with SisterAct wailings over whitey.
In any case, should be a good few weeks on Sundays.
All week we have had ‘wall to wall’ coverage of Windrush, Enoch Powell and Stephen Lawrence. In many ways a BBC ‘perfect storm’.
Wading through a googleplex of emotion and political point scoring, indulged ad nauseum by the BBC and other media outlets; it appears that simple administrative decisions were made over 2 governments to destroy a mountain of paperwork that had built up from the 1950s. Nothing sinister, just a bureaucratic bonfire with unintended consequences as part of a wider policy to deter illegal-migration, something most voters would sanction; a sentiment lost in all the emotive muliculti bollocks.
It’s also not the first time this has happened (unintended consequences) with the Civil Service and previous administrations (Tax and Pensions come to mind). All of which are usually brushed over or given tiny amounts of coverage, despite lives ruined by these decisions.
…Queue Lammy, Abbot et al to predictably do what they do best. That is conflating all 3 issues and miss-quote to persuade the white English feel guilt, self-loathing and a need to flagellate by association. Of course, that is exactly the objective, exacerbated by Tory ‘wets’ like Rudd impaling themselves in public. Pathetic.
This week has been a reaffirmation of how much I loathe the BBC and it’s London centric, metropolitan liberal bias and how weak and unrepresentative our legislature actually is.
Just the royal wedding identity-politic love-fest to avoid now!
I’m starting to compare exposure to al beeb to radiation- there is a need to ration it for health reasons . So with some effort I have started to do it.
I’m looking for a hi tech television which can be programmed to automatically switch over when fiends like lady nugee, Lammy , Abbot , any r.o.p. Liar and so many more . On the other hand I’m eager now to see Sopel sinking into his beeboid depression as President Trump does good thing.
Apart from the 30th anniversary of Lawrence in five year s time I suppose the next time we get wall to wall coverage is when baroness Doreen of victimhood of the kids dad pops his clogs.
Or turns out to have been on boaty mcwindrush.
Ven and Fed, did I hear on TWTW that Jeremy Corbyn has foolishly given the game away? Careless talk costs li… , well, maybe not in this case but it is certainly revealing.
Jezza is concerned that attempts to prevent Voter Fraud might hinder people and prevent voting in next month’s Local Elections.
Except Comrade Corbyn did not quite express it like that. More that the ‘Windrush Generation’ might be prevented from voting where the local Returning Officer asks for ID. Bit worried about getting your candidates elected, Jezza?
How does the midget from Austin Powers get any mention on the BBC Radio 4 news today?
Wasn`t he in a bingo or gambling thing over here a few years back? And am I really expected to check?
And don`t they all look the same? And is this sizeist?
And does he only get half a minutes silence out at the Bingo this evening?
“There are more questions than answers”… if the BBC would even care to ask any of them.
Seems so many are tuning in just to get offended, and BBC are maybe playing them like fish, complain, complain, complain it is the only way to change, the more the merrier keep banging on to them and if you dont like the answer complain again, I do and have done and will continue to do it only takes 5 minutes and they will at least get to hear what people really think about their casual racism, sexism and shameless promotion of muslims (our most racist and sexist members of society) maybe we can one day get an answer about WHY this medieval, intolerant and backward group that generally refuse to integrate within our society but have so much to criticise about the country that has the grace to invite them in,about our foreign policy, education system and general morality to name but a few, get endlessly promoted above and beyond any other group within our society including the Chinese. the Hindus, Japanese, Jews, Sikhs, and any others you wish to name, the weekly muslim “news” stories are making me physically sick now, what is the agenda here, WHY?
Annunaki, what’s the agenda? I believe it is to lull the population into an acceptance of Islam and Muslims as a normal part of British society, as a first step towards complete domination of the society.
I think that’s fairly clear. What is less clear is who is responsible for the aforementioned lulling. I guess it’s an unholy mix of Muslims who have already inveigled themselves into senior positions at the BBC and their brain-damaged, far-left indigenous British enablers.
I imagine the latter are hoping that the crocodile will eat them last.
Why is this happening? I imagine the purpose of the far-left/Muslim BBC alliance is to help create a large enough far-left/Muslim block to eventually ensure that the latter will gain and maintain political power.
Well that is where two things are incompatible, our culture supported by a legal structure of tolerance and yet…if I was to state publicly that homosexuals are sick and spread disease the BBC and the police would be all over me and yet:
A Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner tried to block a sex license for a gay sauna – because it’s too close to a local mosque.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would allow it to sell sex toys and show adult films.
However, the owners have now withdrawn the application, after encountering strong resistance from local residents and the newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
Bedfordshire PCC Kathryn Holloway, a former TV presenter who has no first-hand experience of policing, told Luton Today that the license was inappropriate because the venue was too close to a local mosque – a five minute walk away.
She warned that granting the license would cause “widespread offence and very deep concern”, and that if it was granted “a number of potential policing issues may arise” due to a “very significant Luton mosque” based five minutes away.
Ms Holloway warned: “Luton Borough Council is usually particularly aware of matters of cultural sensitivity.
hundreds of local residents filing coordinated objections to the license – the sauna decided to withdraw the license application.
The owners say they were barraged with homophobic abuse due to the campaign, with some comparing homosexuality to a “brain disease” while others claim it is a “risk to children
So. our police are happy to arrest for anyone tweeting a nasty message if it is a white teenager, and yet will not act upon widespread and organised homophobic abuse and appear to be terrified of policing our streets when these nasty vicious muslims want to exercise their hate and intolerance ?
hmm there is clearly one big risk to English children when a few of these pakistani inividuals are around them when no one is looking as has been clearly demonstrated, around the country in every muslim ghetto I am ashamed of this country sometimes with the cowardice of its public servants
What a dilemma for our (suspectedly) gay friend Maxincony! Any views on this, Maxi?
I suspect Islam Top Trump will prevail but the verbal gymnastics you have to put yourself through to justify the desired outcome should be a joy to behold.
I think the love-in with the left will only end when Islam sets up its own political party.
Like Hamas in 2006, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 2012. Both of who won.
Belgium has its own ISLAM Party…have fun imagining what each letter stands for, bet yours will be different from theirs!
Maybe we could start our one DHIMMI Party to set against it. I`ve got “Mealy Mouthed” for my two “Ms”. Rather pleased with that!
Gatestone Institite have the story of Islam running Belgium by 2030.
I`ll be surprised if its THAT far off. Mind you, they`ll have a nice posh Parliament for Abdul Al Verhofstadi won`t they?
Bags I the wine cellar too!
It is possible to imagine an interim political party that incorporates Labour and the Islamists. Something along the lines of ‘Labour Islamist Alliance of Revolutionary Socialists’ or LIARS for short. Pop the cheque in the post please, Mr Corbyn.
Show me a Tory MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a man with a financial interest in arms deals or oil in the Middle East. Show me a Labour MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a woman who is dependent on the Muslim block vote in her constituency. Show me a LibDem MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a creature that works for a Soros-financed institution.
Imagine there`s a special place in Hell for Jenny Tonge, Cherie Blair, Lauren Booth(her sister was it), as well as those lefty ladies taken hostage, then reset at the factory in Kabul as chatty Cathys for Islam.
Mind you, saves on the Barbie doll outfits needed, and Ken comes packed in his own coffin with dozens of dolls shouting and firing guns behind it when you buy it.
Be quick though-they tend to go off pretty fast once you`ve left the store if you don`t know what you`re doing.
If people from the Windrush generation didn’t bother to apply for British citizenship once there country became “independant” then it’s there fault or they where trying to hide. So ok, offer compensation but at the same time review there national insurance and tax payments over the same time and either credit or debit them the sum owed ….
Stop asking relevant questions. I too have wondered how they “worked here all their lives” yet couldn’t use tax records to prove residence.
Which is not to take away from those who would certainly appear to have been shabbily treated, but we seem to have reached Grenfell proportions where it feels like anyone who says they were affected is automatically believed without question. Indeed, asking questions is racist.
Be interesting to see if the BBC mentions Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Worcester.
According to The Times:
“Mandy Richards is banned from bringing court actions without a judge’s permission after false and vexatious claims against MI5, MI6, the Metropolitan police, the army, Thames Water, her gas, electricity and broadband suppliers, Royal Mail, Hackney council, her GP and the freeholder of her flat.
Richards, a strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, said the organisations placed her under surveillance, tampered with her car and bicycle, interfered with her mail, invaded her home or failed to protect her from attempts to poison her because of her political views.”
In the interests of disclosure, I should point out despite Ms Richards said “her claims were dismissed “because she was a black woman”.
Powell bashing again : Radio4 iPM 13m42s ends at 21min (aired Saturday 5:45am)
“our listener rediscovers her family’s unlikely connection to Enoch Powell in Ilford”
“My mother did a vote of thanks for him at a Conservative do a few years after the speech ..and she is black”
“The only reason I can think , is that they were trying to get votes (from black people)”
They find newspaper article Jan 7th 1982 “Controversial Speaking Engagement in Ilford ..a storm of protest”
The daughter then speculates on the mothers motive .. WTF didn’t she just ask her ?
She says “Powell was a racist” (that is contradicted by many people)
“That man didn’t want black people in this country” (she’s misrepresenting him)
No listeners commented on Twitter unless it’s hidden
#BbcOperationGetTheBlackVoteOut : continuous hyping of Windrush/Enoch-Powel/Stephen-Lawrence
Wow the founder of the turban campaign Mr Sandhu was a fan & personal friend of Enoch Powell
‘I was in the Conservative Party before then, and then Enoch Powell helped cousins of mine get visas to study in the UK, he was not a racist’ 24m45s
…program ends
Channel 5 : Rivers of Blood: 50 Years On
A 10 second clip of Enoch at the start and it’s moved on to be a story chronicling the life of immigrants since the speech,
Malcom X’s visit etc,
There’s only been 2 white faces on the screen, complaining about black customs.
And it has that dreadful brainwashing background music as well.
ah I just saw another bit. We got intro to the local black MP and then another 20 second shot of a stunt the prog did : They seemingly filled a church hall with BME and made them watch the Enoch Powell video, however after a few comments they’d quickly moved on to another item.
No Rivers of Blood ? : were the London looting riots mostly non-black ?
People shout but the speech was POLARISING ..Enoch admitted that he wished he’d made some concession
but are the stirring now POLARISING ?
LBC caller’s story
In India Powell had a coloured captain, at an officers mess they wouldn’t let the captain in, so Powell refused to come in to the officer’s mess.
ForFar : Illegal immigrants enrich..but get Karate kicking from victim
“Islam, 28, and Smekramuddin, 48, both prisoners at HMP Perth, denied a charge of assault with intent to rape allegedly committed on September 17 last year.
After a three-day trial a jury found both men guilty of assault, with the allegation that they intended to rape the woman deleted from the charge.”
(A very weak decision by the prosecution .. I wonder how much compensation the woman will be ordered to pay the perps)
and Breitbart
not too long until it is accepted that arabs are allowed to rape at their leisure, it is their culure, BBC accepts already their paedophile preying on non muslims as it seems, culturally acceptable as they have repeatedly failed to challenge or highlight it yet can bang on for weeks about a white film producer groping females and ignore white English children getting regularly gang raped and sold by muslim groups how sick is that ?
Anywhere J Corbyn goes for his holidays is just peachy for the BBC. Last night’s propaganda film for the Castro gangsters might be a hit for trendy lefties but is unlikely to be packing them in at the downtown Havana Picture House (shows every second Wednesday – electricity permitting).
Entitled “Habaneros: You say you want a revolution?” the film glossed over the rise of Fidel Castro. It noted that he led a raid on the Moncada Barracks in 1953 but failed to explain why he only spent 15 months in jail. As was obvious elsewhere in the film, such rebels at the time were invariably killed. Fidel Castro’s family was well connected with the president Fulgencio Batista and strings were pulled. Castro was never a communist in those days. He seized power in 1959 and soon after abolished elections and declared himself President for Life. He looted the country of its wealth and confiscated all foreign assets. The Americans responded with an understandable embargo and Castro went running to the Soviet Union.
It is unlikely that this potted version of history will feature in the second part of the BBC film to be shown next week. Many people in Cuba despise the Castro family for the damage they have caused over the last 60 years. Cuba is a 1950s basket case and has little connection with the modern world that starts just 90 miles away in Miami. There is little sign of economic activity and the population loathes the ruling looting class. On my own visit to the island three years ago, my government guide described the place as “fucking Alcatraz”.
The BBC film concentrated on the louche lifestyles available at a price in Havana in the 1950s. As there were in many parts of the world in those days. The city of Havana is an architectural masterpiece and is the oldest and largest in the Caribbean. The locals can only weep when they think what it could be today if the real criminals hadn’t taken over in 1959.
Never hear much from the civilising caste about Elian Gonzalez do we?
In 2000, Clinton removed him from the USA and packed him back off to his estranged dad in Cuba as I recall.
Imagine if Reagan or Trump had done that.
May be wrong, just a vague memory in sixth form.
Never mind about the Eurovision Song Contest, they’re now all vying with each other to become the first islamic state. Take a look at what’s on the cards for Belgium. “Refugees Welcome” devotees in the UK should take a look at what the muslims intend for Belgium and ask themselves, ‘am I happy that these changes will take place in the UK?’. Naturally, there will always be the sickos who would answer ‘yes’. From one who lived in Saudi Arabia, I would then reply, ‘go and live in Saudi for more than a year and I’ll ask you the question again at the end of that year’. ……..
If you wander around central Brussels as I did recently you’d understand that stat. Reminded me of londonistan – it’s as though I wasn’t away at all….
Boaty mc windrush continues to give and give . Now it’s Labour MP dawn Butler – not the sharpest knife in the kitchen accusing the current government of being institutionally racist . If only. Ms Butler it the black one they sit next to comrade Corbyn at PMQs to make the socialist party all in it together – apart from for Jews of course .
Ms Butler has recited the old poster which was displayed in guest houses. No blacks no Irish no dogs . Playing that wonderful victim card .
Now my dad saw those signs when he came to Blighty in 1940 and did his bit . He didn’t spend the rest of his hard working life going on about signs like that . But certain parties do . And it is setting back race relations by years again.
Meanwhile of course black men and stabbing and killing other black men in londonistan every 5 deaths or less on average . But at least the racist police sent stopping and searching them .
I`m afraid that this “poster” of theirs seems ever likely to be another early fake flag operation.
I don`t dispute that there were people who`d rather not let rooms to blacks and/or Irish.
But I knew both groups as a youngster-and nobody regaled me with such stories, even though there were riots going on, and victim grievances were sought by the visiting media. It was a liberal cliche, not got up by those who came here.
Cut and paste 58 I think.
Dawn Butler,Patricia Scotland, David Lammy,Chukka Umunnah, Dianne Abbott. Paul (Boat-Mac) Boateng. Bernie Grant? ). These are Lenny Henry shoo-ins, based on skin colour as opposed to any intrinsic worth.
Can`t imagine Martin Luther King had this lot in mind when he gave his life.
Al least Valerie Amos pimps off the UN not the Commons
I wonder if Abbott, Lammy and Butler etc, who, presumably, are elected on mainly ‘ethnic’ votes, represent their non-ethnic constituents? MP surgeries must be interesting.
I see this as the sacred site of my planned “St Sidney Windrush” Church and Chapel of Ease.
Anybody care to submit plans for stained glass windows featuring St Stephen Lawrence with doves fluttering around his noggin? All with rainbow plumage round the nether regions, posing pouches and thongs.
There IS a Book of Enoch in the Old Testament, maybe it`s not yet been written.That`s all.
Time for a long, hard look at the law as it pertains to racism, how does a white man feel when he is continually regaled with white women pretending to have black husbands on BBC, ITV and 70% of adverts, how do the family of PC Blakelock feel when they are continually ragaled with Saint Stephen Lawrence relatives whinging and whining after 25 years despite black men knifing each other and white victims every weekend in London, we could go on and on and on about this, gypsy criminal scum intimidating burglarly victims etc etc.
Repeal the racism laws they hide their criminality behind…or…apply it to black, gypsy and muslim racists as rigorously as they do to whites because each and every one of these groups exercise racism, sexism and homophobia and intolerance twice as better as any white racist, and the BBC are not quite so stupid as to not know this but are guilty of a worse crime : taking money from the public (90% white British) and abusing their position of reporting news that is in the “public interest” yet accepting this all to frequent disgusting behaviour of our minorities and allowing it through ingnoring it while vilifying any white person they can lay their hands on for the same behaviour
Got to have an effect Annunaki. Not that anybody will study the effects on our blokes, our white sons in particular.
Just end up in a coastal boarding house and waiting to kill yourself seems to be the upshot. But who in liberal land cares. Only white lads like ours.
I`m sure that Phillip Lawrence deserves as much wailing as does Stephen. Unfortunately, he was white, a middle aged bloke who only taught for a living, and was killed by another thuggish ethnic(Phillipines was it?).
He died 20 months later than St Stephen, but is hardly mentioned, maybe bacause St john Lennons martyrdom was the same date. And there`s only so much emoting they can do.
Sorry Mrs Lawrence.
I will pop off to Cromer then, no Halal fish or crabs there yet although the Hotel de Paris seems to disturbingly have some minaret like features… driven back to the coast hmm food for thought there, maybe the Syrians will allow me to become a refugee, have appeals for cash for me on their TV and allow me to build a Christian church in the middle of their town, Sorry, dropped off there for a while just woke up again where was I ?
Once again we have the spectacle of the London marathon hijacked by el beeb Apart from the professional runners, it seems difficult to spot a non-white either participating or in the crowd.
Oh , but take a look at the BBC presenters.
R4 lunchtime news was amusing. Sort of.
Corbyn was quoted as complaining about the idea of ID of having to be shown when voting. A good, common sense idea, you would think.
But he felt it might have a negative effect on BAME voters. The next step in the exploitation of the Windrush affair for a certain gain?
Was he implying the Home Office hadn’t seen to ID for everyone? Isn’t he against that? Or that many simply have no ID of any kind, and can’t be expected to have any? That would be weird.
Try hiring a car or engaging in any sort of contract without ID. Won’t work, will it?
If you thought the whole Skripal/Novichok stuff was strange, well -the Windrush affair is going to be much stranger. You thought that one or two other running stories, currently serving certain agendas most wonderfully, made you wonder…
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Oh yes, I said the news on R4 was a wee bit amusing. Well I was amused at how upset Mark Mardell was about Macron being ‘nice’ to Trump. That baffles the BBC. Macron is -like any other self-respecting leader/person, supposed to hate Trump. So we had a very long analysis of France and its role in the world. As to the EU and France: Perhaps the French enthusiasm for ever closer Union with Germany et al has something to do with wanting to get their hands on German money? No, that would be cynical of me. Strike that.
But that -as they say -is another story.
Mrs S switched on the London Marathon coverage at 1345.
At 1350 NB during the Marathon programme itself we got………a memorial section for Steven Lawrence !!!!!!!!!! He used to run, you see.
Sluff: I didn’t see that, but -based on your observation- the adoration of a certain person is assuming ever stranger dimensions. He was singled out by a certain bishop praying for victims of violence this am.
It’s almost as if various media and politicians were generating a sort of cult?
I always thought finally it would be death that would render us all equal, really. Apparently I got that wrong too.
PS Talking of the marathon, I see Sir Mo broke a record. Now we can all celebrate again.
TWTW Watch
I have in the past started some of my posts ‘ I’m not a fan of President Trump ‘ but I’m slowly starting to like the guy. Well, not so much the man and his style but more the way he is consistently putting the BBC’s nose out of joint.
Mark Mardell & contributors, with only a trace of angst and irony, tell of the growing pallinesse between President Macron and President Trump with the former making a visit to Washington this week.
Not so much En Marché but more on aeroplane: Macron is working his way through and impressive list of meetings with leaders in a bid to “Make France great again.”
Now, where have I heard that phrase recently, BBC?
Cannot remember who posted it (Guest Who in another moment of brilliance?) without a trawl thru’ the previous Thread but in relation to Trump’s apparent isolationist stance (the ‘isolationist’ accusation is now being levelled by the BBC at the British public!) I thought this was a clever summary of a BBC attitude:
To date, the BBC have credited China with the diplomatic breakthrough. I suspect they’ll continue to do so until there’s a breakdown in talks – at which point it will be Trump’s fault.
I notice the three top finishers in both the women’s and men’s elite London Marathon races were black African.
Surely, ever eager to see equality, the BBC should be allocating podium places to white people and those from other heritages. After all, with their fine impartial tradition of supporting positive discrimination and every conceivable group with a claimed grievance how could they possibly refuse?
“Remember: Even the most sweepingly negative comments about white people are not ‘hate speech,’ and if you dare to notice the double standard, you’re guilty of hate speech. Got it? Great, now all let’s pretend it’s possible to get along under those rules.”
Jim Goad.
British are not good at running, tend to stand and fight, but we have many guests on this island who have a long heritage of running away from conflict and towards our country
Why BBC sounds like Radio Labour
2pm news
– “Labour says the UK must stay in a customs union”
– “According to Sunday Times Theresa admits Britain must stay in a custom union”
– “Corbyn says checking people are eligible to vote at polling stations will discourage minority communities from playing a full part in democracy … ripping apart peoples live ..stories from the Windrush harrowing ..” Plays Corbyn “same hostile environment, …”
– Murder of woman in Cornwall
– Deaths of 2 pensioners in Rochester
– Clip of St Mo Farah
– Weather “staying bright” (Nopeit’s actually raining now)
Nibor- the Latin America analysis was interesting. The beeb was admitting that Chavez successor, Maduro, was ‘running the country into the ground’. Couldn’t believe my ears. Shook the radio to see what had come loose, but apparently, nothing.
The lurking right-wing baddy is in Brazil.
After that we had lotsa crazy electronic music from Mark M. Another tribute apparently. But man, ain’t that R4 station just rocking…way to go for the yoof.
I get the daily update from the Gatestone Institute and sometimes I can hardy bear to look at it. Pity everyone in the country can’t be made to read it. Why doesn’t the BBC highlight some of these stories?
Any optimism about the future. for myself, this country, Europe, the World is being spoiled by creeping islamisation aided and abetted by the Establishment.
We here grumble and share sources of interest but are we just an echo chamber of a concerned few, while the majority of the population don’t see a problem, don’t care, don’t read, blithely accepting of the media selective emphasis?
Two to four million will march against Trump? Really? Were these people ok with visits from rulers of oppressive regimes: China, Turkey, Saudi?
What impression do you get from relatives, friends, acquaintances, workmates, especially young ones? Young people don’t seem to read newspapers or watch television so you could say they aren’t affected by BBC or other media bias. Is the bias actually having an effect on the collective mind of the nation or is it making them angry like me?
The angry ones, like us, make our presence felt on sites such as this, which are unfortunately only ever visited by those already on board.
As you’ve noticed (and commented on), the majority really don’t seem to give a shit. They are apparently happy with being repressed, having their freedoms slowly eroded, and their culture diluted, whilst blandly accepting the ever growing sea of faces who don’t belong, all around them.
No doubt you’ve already read “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray, may I also suggest “Travels in Cultural Nihilism” by Stephen Pax Leonard, and “Enoch was Right ‘Rivers of Blood 50 years on’ “, by Raheem Kassam, should you want to go for the hat-trick of induced depression, and despair…
Old Goat
Thank you. I will read the last two when I feel less fragile. But I’m not the one who needs informing. What I’d like is for the seemingly ‘not bothered’ to read them. Douglas Murray’s book should be a set text in schools.
I wan’t to DO something to change things. Would 2m people go on an anti islamisation march? If not, the politicians will conclude the sheep are suitably subdued.
Despairada – I saw this link on @TRobinsonOnline yesterday.
A summary by Brit Girl of upcoming marches.
6 May – free speech, 2 June – DFLA & Vets against terrorism (Manchester), big one on 23 June for Brexit (Unity March), and 20 August – Mothers against radical Islam and Sharia.
But as you say these marches need the numbers.
Some say that @BbcRadio4 progs like Broadcasting House have become a Metro #liberalElite echo-chamber.
So when @IsabelHardman Assistant Editor, The Spectator was on this morning, look what typical listeners s said on R4 Facebook
.. That’s hatey-speak #FamousLeftyTolerance & they don’t know the difference from one Isabel to the next
See typical #Corbythugs applying derogatory boo-word labels to people to try to get them banned from the airways .
BBC favourite, national treasure and cultural icon Mohammed Farah is given unlimited coverage on every single BBC station after finishing third in the marathon.
He’s pictured with a shirt advertising “Virgin Money”….how appropriate for the greedy little money grabber…..another bag full of cash before he jets off back to his home in America.
Poor Mo – obviously only come 3rd due to water issues.
“Discussing the incident at the drink station after the race Sir Mo told the BBC: ‘[It] was confusing, I was table four, I went to pick it up. The staff were helpful at the end but at the beginning they were trying to take a picture rather than giving me the drink.”
He’ll need compensation surely.
I think I’ll report the BBC to Prevent on the grounds it is radicalising huge swathes of its trusting and vulnerable audience with a hard left, subversive anti- Western agenda.
The last few days the main news has been almost exclusively about some immigrants arriving on a boat 70 years ago, a speech by a politician 50 years ago and a black boy killed 25 years ago.
All 3 portrayed as terrible events yet the windrush immigrants has been an administration cock up, Enoch was telling the truth (but the MSM don’t like that) and about 60 black boys have been killed in London in less than 4 months (but not by white boys so it’s ok)
Did you see the report on Enoch where they went to the school in Wolverhampton. The news reader said that “some people agreed with him” in such an incredulous tone as if it was not possible that normal people could agree with him.
I would guess the majority NOW agree with him and any who don’t are either still young so are still immature and know nothing about life or are older liberal virtue signalling, thick as pigshit attention seekers and remoaners.
That the Radio 4 programme, Archive on 4 – 50 Years On:Rivers of Blood was presented by Amol Rajan and the BBC’s commissioning editor was Mohit Bakaya rather proves that Powell was right don’t you think?
Am reviewing the newspaper front pages and this is not the BBC [ sorry, Pounce 😉 ]
The authorities are obviously really desperate to catch the Salisbury poisoner in case, well, in case he does it again. They have released a picture, but only to the Sunday People – if you see this man do not approach him, he will be poisonous – but you must apprehend him immediately. Grab him with a broom, or something like that, until the Police arrive in a couple of days time.
I didn’t listen to Broadcasting House and obviously did not watch the TV equivalent, if there is one, but I’m fairly certain that no questions will have been asked by the finest at the BBC.
It seems that a number of people have been killed in a car crash in Saudi. It seems they held british passports and were followers of Islam . Al Beeb reports this but adds a little essay On the mini haj these people were on. I cannot understand the motivation for this since the state religion is c of e…is it?
I think it common knowledge that Messrs. Blair and Bush were instrumental in seeking, “regime change” in Iraq rather than dealing with “WMD”. Then Libya and other muslim hotbeds fell and leaders aka “President’s” were removed. Having lived in the Middle East, I understand only too well that those “brutal” leaders actually kept the lid firmly down on the savages who follow islam. Since those same people, now, want to move to Europe and the UK, I have to make my own observation. It is this. Since the elite in Europe and the UK are anxious to import more and more muslims who bring their problems with them which will no doubt end badly with blood on the streets, it is incumbent upon the ruling elite to simply adopt the manner and ways of those “leaders” they deposed in the ME. That will effect all, including whitey so, so-called, “Human Rights” for all, are about to take a dive.
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
Compensayshun for the Windies is now widening to legal costs, pensions lost, salaries lost due to jobs being lost, the Lammy list goes on and on – clearly it would be easier just to give them the keys to the Treasury and say ‘help yourself’. They’ll just have to form an orderly queue with the Grenfell lot.
Might it not be cheaper to offer Chukka, Lammy, Miss Dianne and all the other wannabe Malcolm X types as one fat pointless sacrifice in some public place to assuage the mulitculity gods?
Or will we get this endless bloodletting by the liberal leeches for ever?
Hold the front page.
Archive Hour this evening had an hour devoted to Canary Wharf.
Apparently it`s unequal, and local casualties don`t get the Magna provision that might be available in Grimsby or Burnley.
Not only that-but really rich people live right next to really poor ones-and some of the poor are migrants too.
Took an hour up telling me that in thirty different ways.
Will never see those gated community security guards, bomb squad on the buses going through or all those private jetties in the same light again.
Thank you BBC!
So in the last 24 hours there have been another 4 stabbings in London. 2 in Finsbury Park and another 2 in Tooting.
There’s not much interest from the media. They seem to be concentrating on a murder that occurred 25 years ago. But last night, well…
Dick of The Yard has swung immediately into action and arrested someone for Twitter hate crime.
And Sadiq Khan has responded by calling for more trans-sexual bogs to be erected.
Oh, and can we all please keep repeating the mantra until we all know it’s true;
Enoch Powell was wrong!
BBC : “Protests erupted earlier this month after police released horrific details of the rape of an eight-year-old Muslim girl by Hindu men in Kathua, in Indian-administered Kashmir in January.”
I made a complaint to the BBC about the muslim victims always mentioned but no mention of muslim perpertors when they are raping English girls and reply:
I understand you believe the BBC fails to report on the religious background of individuals who have committed acts of child abuse if they are Muslim. I note your view that, by contrast, in reports where the victim of a crime is from a Muslim background – as in this article – this information is included.
I am sorry to read of your concern, however, it is important to understand that we refer to ethnicity, race or sexuality only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the case in hand or where this is specifically referenced in court or by the police as part of a witness appeal.
Otherwise, we would not consider this a detail that should automatically be included in our reports.
In the context of the article you have provided, the report explains that Asifa Bano “belonged to a Muslim nomadic tribe” because “the case has become a religious flashpoint in an already polarised Indian region”.
I now directly quote from an autobiography of a muslim gang rape victim in England :
When the men who now owned me collected me I just had to get through the production line. The bedroom had been turned into a living room and always there was about eight men in there.They were verbally abusive straight away, It was quite literally one after another, a whole lot of them. I wasnt allowed to even get off the bed. They wre pakistani without exception. “Kafir girl” they would say, “Kafir girl you are white trash” “Slut, white slut”, “white bitch, white whore white cunt”” it was explained “we are allowed to do this in our culture”
BBC refuse to report this racial abuse…..
Well there we go, our poor oppressed muslims thats is what they really think and we have allowed them into our midst….ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1
“Well there we go, our poor oppressed muslims thats is what they really think…”
Of course, and if ever you want to know what “White Christians” really think you should just seek out the opinion of Jimmy Saville, Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great.
maxiconomy, you have run away, are you going to become an arab “refugee ?” as you all tend to do when confronted face to face ? or are you going to hide and wait until you have a few other mates around you before you attack a lone woman and have a little rape session ? snidey cowards the lot of you, not a man amongst you, all we see or hear of you in a war is the slap of your running sandals as a roadside bomb goes off, while you piss off to bully your wife and rape a few schoolgirls no wonder your country of origin does not want or need you
Maxincony, Eternal Master of Moral Equivalence, Destroyer of The Moral Compass, Defender of The Faith.
And still living in the UK when there are so many other countries which would better appreciate his talents – Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIL – even the mythical land of ‘Palestine’, and not to mention the emerging Islamic theocracies of Africa.
Hmmm, ’emerging Islamic theocracy’…..Sharia law…..appeasement….UK… I can see why he’s staying put.
But Savilles dead Maxi .
He has a shrine to him in the car park. Apparently.
Maxicony aka Zero
What do you think of black Christians? I suppose your lot still see them as potential slaves
Have we got to put up with your glaucomic pencil-shaft views again? I’d advise you to go away and grow up.
What are you doing here so late maxi lad?
I thought you and ID would be role playing your favourite scene from Deliverance together, which isn’t the one with the duelling banjos in it.
Why do you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
You are the best advert for abolishing the telly tax. You are doing the BBC a disservice.
“What are you doing here so late maxi lad?”
He closes the chicken shop at 1:30am
Guess what ISBN changed, funny that, so :
Please, Let Me Go: The Horrific True Story of a Girl’s Life in the Hands of Sex Traffickers Paperback – 24 Aug 2017
by Caitlin Spencer (Author)
@Annunaki that was the correct ISBN
The amazon page lists two types
ISBN-10: 1786065134
ISBN-13: 978-1786065131
Two things I sincerely hope you can get your little racist mind around :
1) Savile was a pervert with no particular racial bias, my point was a racially aggravated crime is twice worse and our legal systen happens to agree, but obviously a muslim racist is quite acceptable in your twisted world view
2) Savile was born and bred in this country and so we deal with our criminals, importing rapist muslims who bow and scrape to get into this country then commit these horrific crimes in social groups against ONLY “kafirs” I.E. non mulsims, including Sikh children in Luton with the complicit acceptance of their muslim wives and muslim children and muslim friends and then having to look after them in jail galls me and I am sure many others.
I wonder does Maxincony have any actual views other than the relentless, mostly irrelevant whataboutism?
Reply to follow at 2pm when chicken shop closes.
Ignorance is rife amongst those who seek to defend the indefensible, I could say I have no knowledge of this Saville you talk about, but, we all assume you allude to Savile, just as we give the benefit of doubt to primary pupils, 5 out of 10 well done and a little silver star for effort
Even I have heard of the legendary Maxiconman!
I thought him a fable, a subterranean figment of too many fevered imaginations on this esteemed site. There were rumours, but no.
And now-thanks to you Annunaki-it`s clear that you`ve done a Jaws, a Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and Yeti scoop by coaxing the rare Maxicony tick out from under the liberal wing and into the open.
My brother might still have his Tuf Pathfinder shoes with those animal imprints in the soles. I hope to match maxis winkiepicker boots with the great grebe or whatever.
Can Annunuki have a Big Hunt Award for this? How many others have tried and failed to get Moxys gander?
Maybe it`s cos you`re Japanese?
Biased News
Biased Docudramas
Biased Sport Coverage
C Biased Beebies
Biased Cooking Shows
And Now Gardener’s World….
Apart from Dad’s Army….Is there anything that cannot be touched by the entrails of bbbc political correctness?
It is not fit for purpose and needs closing NOW!
Mrs O’Blene has given up on The Archers as well. Dreadful twaddle!
I gave up when Grace died…
when are they getting the obligatory mosque ? seems Scottish islanders have to have one now, its a civil liberty issue apparently, our arab cousins have habit of torching Christian churchesand murdering Christians, so much for the civil liberties of those dead Christians
I can sympathise with Mrs O’Blene. I’ve been listening to The Archers since God was in short trousers, but nowadays the story lines have adopted all the right-on messages so beloved of the BBC.
When it first started it was an entertaining way to inform townies about life in the country. Now it’s a political message board to hammer home pc issues.
Most men, unless they’re gay or foreign are feeble creatures beset by gambling problems, drugs, incompetence, etc.
All women are strong, robust and capable.
We’ve got the gay chaps waiting for a surrogate adoption and the saintly foreign worker willing to have the baby. “Isn’t she wonderful?!”
There are bigoted Brexit voters and gangs of racist yokels making the lives of said saintly eastern Europeans miserable.
Then there’s the astonishing Muslim vet, female, of course. She’s kind, she’s feisty and she’s modern. Believe me this girl’s so good she could get a rasher of bacon back on its trotters.
Fuck sake have they really managed to wedge a muslim in there as well ? amazing, who is behind this shameless promotion of a complete and utter minority above and beyond any other, does she attack the gays? do a bit of Jew bashing on the quiet ? threaten OFSTED inspectors who criticise muslim “special schools” ? genitally mutilate her children ? send her 5 year old to school with a veil over her face ? of course silly me there will never be any acknowledgement that there are homosexual and Jewish victims of violence and intolerance in this country by the BBC, and the nature (or religion) of the perpetrators, and any other of their charming antisocial habits
Mrs jtf still listens avidly to The Archers.
How do I spot early signs of radicalisation?
Halal slaughter when shes making your sandwiches might be an indicator, buckets of blood hidden behind the cornflake packets etc, its a classic sign, and of course buying a transit and filling it full of nitrate fertiliser, please do check the garage and dont let her near your groin area if she has a sharp object to hand
Hmmm, come to think of it she does seem to spend a lot of time picking bits off that new mat she bought… least I think she’s picking bits…..seems to have her eyes very close to the floor…never changes position… least five times a day…..
Wonder what the Muslim Vets views are on Halal Slaughter ?
I gave up after Nigel went off the roof. I had realised then that I loathed every character in it. Mrs Swelter occasionally listens in and reports back on its ghastliness. As she has a more robust constitution.
Why is it that women love the Archers and men usually have to go out of the room when it is on?
I waited until the BBC pushed Nigel off the roof before I gave up on the Archers. He was the obvious choice as the upper class twit with a heart of gold and the BBC needed a big story line that night. The lady solicitor was quite safe (she is Asian you know). I haven’t returned to it because the story lines are no longer relevant to those of us living in the country.
But I assume that it is on the instructions of James Parnell that a subtext of politics is in every programme. Gardeners Question time gives us climate change and the pressure to be organic; The One Show again presents climate change in a positive light, etc; Radio 4 drama after 2 is frequently to prove the goodness of new immigrants to the U.K. and as I understand it Ceebeebies has the same agenda. Manipulation of the public on a grand scale.
I wonder what if Nick Sources Say will deliver a sulky denial as he covers for Handsie Andy?
And, yes, the ex Newsnight Anger & Protests Ed is on it…
Blimey. A reasonably informative article from the BBC website for once.
“A memo from 1984 gives a run-down of organisations on the banned list. On the left, there were the Communist Party of Great Britain, the Socialist Workers Party, the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Militant Tendency.”
Of course now you’ll be blackballed if you’re not a member of SWP, Momentum, or Green! It obviously helps if you are also professionally ethnic or professionally homosexual – the ‘hideously white’ edict is still in full force.
German comedy ? Yep, all those classic German sit coms spring to mind, now thats made me chuckle a bit, , Vorsprung durch Technik, thanks for cheering me up, dont mention the 1966 World Cup goal line incident, I did but I think I got away with it… (although I think they were having a bit of a laugh when they programmed my Audi satnav but thats another story, always sends me to the Polish border and I just want to go to Milton Keynes)
How come some of these Windrush Generation were denied hospital treatment when everyone knows we have health tourism . Is the NHS racist ?
That is an easy one – They were denied treatment because they can speak English.
I have sympathy for anyone affected by the Windrush but why it just looks like another attempt by the left/BBC/Activists to turn it into a divisive racial issue (Grenfell 2) – when 1. we still don’t have any real figures on those affected (I don’t count the Guardian or BBC estimates, beliefs or thoughts) 2. We don’t know how they were affected .
I couldn’t bring myself to watch Marr – as he wasn’t on but replaced by a plastic BBC gnome – subjects for discussion Windrush, LGBT….
If you did watch it – comments on a postcard
How it all came about?
Great read-changed my opinion anyway.
Hey BBC, why didncha tell us that Nigel Farage is planning to nominate President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize? Must I get news relating to Nigel Farage from an American website?
This is where I first came across the report:
I did a Google search, and this seems to be the original:
Surely such an item should be of interest to the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation!
Just one snag for Farage: he needs to find fellow MEPs to support the nomination …
And now, over to Trump for the last word:
Back in March, he cracked a joke about the prospect of meeting Kim Jong Un for talks:
“I won’t rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un. I just won’t. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem, not mine.”
Just as the Golf Masters at Augusta was all about Tiger Woods
so far as the BBC main page website was concerned. Today
in the London Marathon its all about Mo Farah.
Well BBC it’s NOT!! The marathon is about the thousands
upon thousands of runners who are competing in the event
for money to be raised for CHARITY !!!!
Even better is this……
Second paragraph…
One of my proudest moments’
We’re talking about the review that came out when Hussain’s novel was first released. In it, a journalist accused the polymath of being “greedy” and questioned whether Hussain, who had previously published recipe books for both adults and children, really needed to put her name to a novel as well.
polymath noun
noun: polymath; plural noun: polymaths
a person of wide knowledge or learning.
Yea I know…….
On Andrew Marr show at 9:25am, Nick Robinson very excited during an interview with Tom Daley about how excited he and his husband are that their baby is due in a few days. He has been reading books apparently. “We have seen the scans and we know it’s a boy”.
Interview then goes on about whinging how the Commonwealth countries don’t have the same views as the UK’s when it comes to gays. But it didn’t stop there, Tom then whinges about how he and his husband would be better off in the USA than the UK as 2 gays, donating sperm to some unknown mother then taking the baby away from her as soon as it is born and denying it the important breast feeding health benefits and removing the mother from the babys life, “have more rights in the USA than in the UK”.
Typical BBC bashing of the UK. Being gay, being married to a gay man and having a baby in a few days is STILL not good enough for a gay man in the UK.
…and then Emily Thornberry is on next (yet a f’ing again)
Bet they haven’t thought about who will be looking after the baby yet ? poor little sod will be cared for 24/7 by a nanny and paraded out in front of the cameras like some kind of trophy.
Hopefully a bloke dressed as a nanny.
Women near a gays baby? Urgh!
Someone like these people?
“His husband”: one of the most irritating phrases ever.
“Pair of blokes buying a kid.” Desmond Bucko.
Pretty much sums it up.
Tuned in to R4 this morning. The usual Sunday church service came from Hackney, Camden and Tottenham. When the local bishop prayed for all the victims if crime in central London, he said “especially Stephen Lawrence”. Was wondering what created two classes of the dead (victims) in the eyes of the church: SL and all others?
You can see sainthood emerging. Stephen must have been a martyr. Perhaps I should go back and view the BBC series on him after all? Have been interested in how ‘saints’ are created for a long time. He did look like a nice chap, his fist raised in the air.
Haven’t seen that photo for a long time.
There was then ‘A point of view’. Stella gave us a story about deportation. But that was Italy, during the war. Was there actually a point of view, or was it just a tale of deportation? If so, what did it signify?
Paddy O. then gave us ‘Broadcast House’. After a week of Windrush stuff, would he be able to resist the temptation? Of course not. He had both a local victim and a lawyer in Jamaica to testify. They painted some vivid pictures, and made the claim that the ‘hostile immigration environment’ actually dated back to 2002! The plot thickens. Much mention of ‘compensation’…
A member of Paddy’s media panel was worried that checking ID at polling booths would now discourage especially BAME voters from voting. There had ever been only one case of voter fraud, so why check? Everyone should have to vote by law.
Glad to see that, no matter what the programme, the R4 narrative continues unabated.
Me too fakey!
I was able to predict that , when the “service” was about to come from Edmonton? That this would be an audio book for knife crime, and not any kind of Christian consolation for those unable or unwilling to go to a church this morning.
Only ten minutes in-and I got my breakfast in bed as well as a lie-in that has only just ended! Result!
And this is the thing with the BBC-they just can`t help themselves.
What else would you do with a statutory-like need to do a religious thingy for James Parnell, Martin Bashir on kazoo?
Naturally fill it with yet MORE social work pleadings from a bankrupt, amoral and fecking useless Revered Blue Jeans in Edmonton. Tomorrows Bishop based on what he said today.
I am now fishing for the Prosecco, Doritos and something nice for summer. I`m predicting Brixton Hill, a Black Alzheimers initiative attached to some church set up for St Windrush. Two weeks time tops.
Or at the very least all the same content but from Emmanuel Church Didsbury-white guilty lefties, just a croissant throw from Salford-no gospel choir potential though with SisterAct wailings over whitey.
In any case, should be a good few weeks on Sundays.
Not shy in laying out bbc priorities, our Rob.
All week we have had ‘wall to wall’ coverage of Windrush, Enoch Powell and Stephen Lawrence. In many ways a BBC ‘perfect storm’.
Wading through a googleplex of emotion and political point scoring, indulged ad nauseum by the BBC and other media outlets; it appears that simple administrative decisions were made over 2 governments to destroy a mountain of paperwork that had built up from the 1950s. Nothing sinister, just a bureaucratic bonfire with unintended consequences as part of a wider policy to deter illegal-migration, something most voters would sanction; a sentiment lost in all the emotive muliculti bollocks.
It’s also not the first time this has happened (unintended consequences) with the Civil Service and previous administrations (Tax and Pensions come to mind). All of which are usually brushed over or given tiny amounts of coverage, despite lives ruined by these decisions.
…Queue Lammy, Abbot et al to predictably do what they do best. That is conflating all 3 issues and miss-quote to persuade the white English feel guilt, self-loathing and a need to flagellate by association. Of course, that is exactly the objective, exacerbated by Tory ‘wets’ like Rudd impaling themselves in public. Pathetic.
This week has been a reaffirmation of how much I loathe the BBC and it’s London centric, metropolitan liberal bias and how weak and unrepresentative our legislature actually is.
Just the royal wedding identity-politic love-fest to avoid now!
I’m starting to compare exposure to al beeb to radiation- there is a need to ration it for health reasons . So with some effort I have started to do it.
I’m looking for a hi tech television which can be programmed to automatically switch over when fiends like lady nugee, Lammy , Abbot , any r.o.p. Liar and so many more . On the other hand I’m eager now to see Sopel sinking into his beeboid depression as President Trump does good thing.
Apart from the 30th anniversary of Lawrence in five year s time I suppose the next time we get wall to wall coverage is when baroness Doreen of victimhood of the kids dad pops his clogs.
Or turns out to have been on boaty mcwindrush.
Ven and Fed, did I hear on TWTW that Jeremy Corbyn has foolishly given the game away? Careless talk costs li… , well, maybe not in this case but it is certainly revealing.
Jezza is concerned that attempts to prevent Voter Fraud might hinder people and prevent voting in next month’s Local Elections.
Except Comrade Corbyn did not quite express it like that. More that the ‘Windrush Generation’ might be prevented from voting where the local Returning Officer asks for ID. Bit worried about getting your candidates elected, Jezza?
How does the midget from Austin Powers get any mention on the BBC Radio 4 news today?
Wasn`t he in a bingo or gambling thing over here a few years back? And am I really expected to check?
And don`t they all look the same? And is this sizeist?
And does he only get half a minutes silence out at the Bingo this evening?
“There are more questions than answers”… if the BBC would even care to ask any of them.
Do you want the short answer ? oh dear is that dwarfist ?
He had a short life, not old at all.
Seems so many are tuning in just to get offended, and BBC are maybe playing them like fish, complain, complain, complain it is the only way to change, the more the merrier keep banging on to them and if you dont like the answer complain again, I do and have done and will continue to do it only takes 5 minutes and they will at least get to hear what people really think about their casual racism, sexism and shameless promotion of muslims (our most racist and sexist members of society) maybe we can one day get an answer about WHY this medieval, intolerant and backward group that generally refuse to integrate within our society but have so much to criticise about the country that has the grace to invite them in,about our foreign policy, education system and general morality to name but a few, get endlessly promoted above and beyond any other group within our society including the Chinese. the Hindus, Japanese, Jews, Sikhs, and any others you wish to name, the weekly muslim “news” stories are making me physically sick now, what is the agenda here, WHY?
Annunaki, what’s the agenda? I believe it is to lull the population into an acceptance of Islam and Muslims as a normal part of British society, as a first step towards complete domination of the society.
I think that’s fairly clear. What is less clear is who is responsible for the aforementioned lulling. I guess it’s an unholy mix of Muslims who have already inveigled themselves into senior positions at the BBC and their brain-damaged, far-left indigenous British enablers.
I imagine the latter are hoping that the crocodile will eat them last.
Why is this happening? I imagine the purpose of the far-left/Muslim BBC alliance is to help create a large enough far-left/Muslim block to eventually ensure that the latter will gain and maintain political power.
Well that is where two things are incompatible, our culture supported by a legal structure of tolerance and yet…if I was to state publicly that homosexuals are sick and spread disease the BBC and the police would be all over me and yet:
A Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner tried to block a sex license for a gay sauna – because it’s too close to a local mosque.
Greenhouse Health Club, which has operated in Luton for nearly two decades, had been seeking a license that would allow it to sell sex toys and show adult films.
However, the owners have now withdrawn the application, after encountering strong resistance from local residents and the newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
Bedfordshire PCC Kathryn Holloway, a former TV presenter who has no first-hand experience of policing, told Luton Today that the license was inappropriate because the venue was too close to a local mosque – a five minute walk away.
She warned that granting the license would cause “widespread offence and very deep concern”, and that if it was granted “a number of potential policing issues may arise” due to a “very significant Luton mosque” based five minutes away.
Ms Holloway warned: “Luton Borough Council is usually particularly aware of matters of cultural sensitivity.
hundreds of local residents filing coordinated objections to the license – the sauna decided to withdraw the license application.
The owners say they were barraged with homophobic abuse due to the campaign, with some comparing homosexuality to a “brain disease” while others claim it is a “risk to children
So. our police are happy to arrest for anyone tweeting a nasty message if it is a white teenager, and yet will not act upon widespread and organised homophobic abuse and appear to be terrified of policing our streets when these nasty vicious muslims want to exercise their hate and intolerance ?
hmm there is clearly one big risk to English children when a few of these pakistani inividuals are around them when no one is looking as has been clearly demonstrated, around the country in every muslim ghetto I am ashamed of this country sometimes with the cowardice of its public servants
What a dilemma for our (suspectedly) gay friend Maxincony! Any views on this, Maxi?
I suspect Islam Top Trump will prevail but the verbal gymnastics you have to put yourself through to justify the desired outcome should be a joy to behold.
I think the love-in with the left will only end when Islam sets up its own political party.
Like Hamas in 2006, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 2012. Both of who won.
Belgium has its own ISLAM Party…have fun imagining what each letter stands for, bet yours will be different from theirs!
Maybe we could start our one DHIMMI Party to set against it. I`ve got “Mealy Mouthed” for my two “Ms”. Rather pleased with that!
Gatestone Institite have the story of Islam running Belgium by 2030.
I`ll be surprised if its THAT far off. Mind you, they`ll have a nice posh Parliament for Abdul Al Verhofstadi won`t they?
Bags I the wine cellar too!
It is possible to imagine an interim political party that incorporates Labour and the Islamists. Something along the lines of ‘Labour Islamist Alliance of Revolutionary Socialists’ or LIARS for short. Pop the cheque in the post please, Mr Corbyn.
Or British, Labour Alliance of Islamist Retards or BLAIR for short.
I see the future and am stockpiling stones, not too long now I will make a killing when those raped women get punished in our brave new world
Show me a Tory MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a man with a financial interest in arms deals or oil in the Middle East. Show me a Labour MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a woman who is dependent on the Muslim block vote in her constituency. Show me a LibDem MP who promotes Islamification and I’ll show you a creature that works for a Soros-financed institution.
Imagine there`s a special place in Hell for Jenny Tonge, Cherie Blair, Lauren Booth(her sister was it), as well as those lefty ladies taken hostage, then reset at the factory in Kabul as chatty Cathys for Islam.
Mind you, saves on the Barbie doll outfits needed, and Ken comes packed in his own coffin with dozens of dolls shouting and firing guns behind it when you buy it.
Be quick though-they tend to go off pretty fast once you`ve left the store if you don`t know what you`re doing.
If people from the Windrush generation didn’t bother to apply for British citizenship once there country became “independant” then it’s there fault or they where trying to hide. So ok, offer compensation but at the same time review there national insurance and tax payments over the same time and either credit or debit them the sum owed ….
Does anyone know how they paid tax as that would require an NI number which could only be obtained with ID?
Stop asking relevant questions. I too have wondered how they “worked here all their lives” yet couldn’t use tax records to prove residence.
Which is not to take away from those who would certainly appear to have been shabbily treated, but we seem to have reached Grenfell proportions where it feels like anyone who says they were affected is automatically believed without question. Indeed, asking questions is racist.
Be interesting to see if the BBC mentions Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Worcester.
According to The Times:
“Mandy Richards is banned from bringing court actions without a judge’s permission after false and vexatious claims against MI5, MI6, the Metropolitan police, the army, Thames Water, her gas, electricity and broadband suppliers, Royal Mail, Hackney council, her GP and the freeholder of her flat.
Richards, a strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, said the organisations placed her under surveillance, tampered with her car and bicycle, interfered with her mail, invaded her home or failed to protect her from attempts to poison her because of her political views.”
In the interests of disclosure, I should point out despite Ms Richards said “her claims were dismissed “because she was a black woman”.
No, they were likely dismissed because she’s a bonkers greedy political opportunist playing the race card.
Powell bashing again : Radio4 iPM 13m42s ends at 21min (aired Saturday 5:45am)
“our listener rediscovers her family’s unlikely connection to Enoch Powell in Ilford”
“My mother did a vote of thanks for him at a Conservative do a few years after the speech ..and she is black”
“The only reason I can think , is that they were trying to get votes (from black people)”
They find newspaper article Jan 7th 1982 “Controversial Speaking Engagement in Ilford ..a storm of protest”
The daughter then speculates on the mothers motive .. WTF didn’t she just ask her ?
She says “Powell was a racist” (that is contradicted by many people)
“That man didn’t want black people in this country” (she’s misrepresenting him)
No listeners commented on Twitter unless it’s hidden
#BbcOperationGetTheBlackVoteOut : continuous hyping of Windrush/Enoch-Powel/Stephen-Lawrence
Wow the founder of the turban campaign Mr Sandhu was a fan & personal friend of Enoch Powell
‘I was in the Conservative Party before then, and then Enoch Powell helped cousins of mine get visas to study in the UK, he was not a racist’ 24m45s
…program ends
Channel 5 : Rivers of Blood: 50 Years On
A 10 second clip of Enoch at the start and it’s moved on to be a story chronicling the life of immigrants since the speech,
Malcom X’s visit etc,
There’s only been 2 white faces on the screen, complaining about black customs.
And it has that dreadful brainwashing background music as well.
ah I just saw another bit. We got intro to the local black MP and then another 20 second shot of a stunt the prog did : They seemingly filled a church hall with BME and made them watch the Enoch Powell video, however after a few comments they’d quickly moved on to another item.
No Rivers of Blood ? : were the London looting riots mostly non-black ?
People shout but the speech was POLARISING ..Enoch admitted that he wished he’d made some concession
but are the stirring now POLARISING ?
LBC caller’s story
In India Powell had a coloured captain, at an officers mess they wouldn’t let the captain in, so Powell refused to come in to the officer’s mess.
Those of my esteemed colleagues here who are unaware of Diamond and Silk – two strong African American women who support Trump – are in for a treat.
Here they are educating Evan Davis – from a year ago, but as fresh and compelling as if it happened today:
ForFar : Illegal immigrants enrich..but get Karate kicking from victim
“Islam, 28, and Smekramuddin, 48, both prisoners at HMP Perth, denied a charge of assault with intent to rape allegedly committed on September 17 last year.
After a three-day trial a jury found both men guilty of assault, with the allegation that they intended to rape the woman deleted from the charge.”
(A very weak decision by the prosecution .. I wonder how much compensation the woman will be ordered to pay the perps)
and Breitbart
not too long until it is accepted that arabs are allowed to rape at their leisure, it is their culure, BBC accepts already their paedophile preying on non muslims as it seems, culturally acceptable as they have repeatedly failed to challenge or highlight it yet can bang on for weeks about a white film producer groping females and ignore white English children getting regularly gang raped and sold by muslim groups how sick is that ?
These 2 spent the day in the town looking for a victim.
I see the BBC is providing a historical background to security vetting its staff shame it stopped.
Anywhere J Corbyn goes for his holidays is just peachy for the BBC. Last night’s propaganda film for the Castro gangsters might be a hit for trendy lefties but is unlikely to be packing them in at the downtown Havana Picture House (shows every second Wednesday – electricity permitting).
Entitled “Habaneros: You say you want a revolution?” the film glossed over the rise of Fidel Castro. It noted that he led a raid on the Moncada Barracks in 1953 but failed to explain why he only spent 15 months in jail. As was obvious elsewhere in the film, such rebels at the time were invariably killed. Fidel Castro’s family was well connected with the president Fulgencio Batista and strings were pulled. Castro was never a communist in those days. He seized power in 1959 and soon after abolished elections and declared himself President for Life. He looted the country of its wealth and confiscated all foreign assets. The Americans responded with an understandable embargo and Castro went running to the Soviet Union.
It is unlikely that this potted version of history will feature in the second part of the BBC film to be shown next week. Many people in Cuba despise the Castro family for the damage they have caused over the last 60 years. Cuba is a 1950s basket case and has little connection with the modern world that starts just 90 miles away in Miami. There is little sign of economic activity and the population loathes the ruling looting class. On my own visit to the island three years ago, my government guide described the place as “fucking Alcatraz”.
The BBC film concentrated on the louche lifestyles available at a price in Havana in the 1950s. As there were in many parts of the world in those days. The city of Havana is an architectural masterpiece and is the oldest and largest in the Caribbean. The locals can only weep when they think what it could be today if the real criminals hadn’t taken over in 1959.
Never hear much from the civilising caste about Elian Gonzalez do we?
In 2000, Clinton removed him from the USA and packed him back off to his estranged dad in Cuba as I recall.
Imagine if Reagan or Trump had done that.
May be wrong, just a vague memory in sixth form.
Never mind about the Eurovision Song Contest, they’re now all vying with each other to become the first islamic state. Take a look at what’s on the cards for Belgium. “Refugees Welcome” devotees in the UK should take a look at what the muslims intend for Belgium and ask themselves, ‘am I happy that these changes will take place in the UK?’. Naturally, there will always be the sickos who would answer ‘yes’. From one who lived in Saudi Arabia, I would then reply, ‘go and live in Saudi for more than a year and I’ll ask you the question again at the end of that year’. ……..
According to The Economist …
“In Brussels, about half the children in state schools opt for classes in Islam …”
Election results in ten years’ time should be interesting.
If you wander around central Brussels as I did recently you’d understand that stat. Reminded me of londonistan – it’s as though I wasn’t away at all….
Boaty mc windrush continues to give and give . Now it’s Labour MP dawn Butler – not the sharpest knife in the kitchen accusing the current government of being institutionally racist . If only. Ms Butler it the black one they sit next to comrade Corbyn at PMQs to make the socialist party all in it together – apart from for Jews of course .
Ms Butler has recited the old poster which was displayed in guest houses. No blacks no Irish no dogs . Playing that wonderful victim card .
Now my dad saw those signs when he came to Blighty in 1940 and did his bit . He didn’t spend the rest of his hard working life going on about signs like that . But certain parties do . And it is setting back race relations by years again.
Meanwhile of course black men and stabbing and killing other black men in londonistan every 5 deaths or less on average . But at least the racist police sent stopping and searching them .
I`m afraid that this “poster” of theirs seems ever likely to be another early fake flag operation.
I don`t dispute that there were people who`d rather not let rooms to blacks and/or Irish.
But I knew both groups as a youngster-and nobody regaled me with such stories, even though there were riots going on, and victim grievances were sought by the visiting media. It was a liberal cliche, not got up by those who came here.
Cut and paste 58 I think.
Dawn Butler,Patricia Scotland, David Lammy,Chukka Umunnah, Dianne Abbott. Paul (Boat-Mac) Boateng. Bernie Grant? ). These are Lenny Henry shoo-ins, based on skin colour as opposed to any intrinsic worth.
Can`t imagine Martin Luther King had this lot in mind when he gave his life.
Al least Valerie Amos pimps off the UN not the Commons
I wonder if Abbott, Lammy and Butler etc, who, presumably, are elected on mainly ‘ethnic’ votes, represent their non-ethnic constituents? MP surgeries must be interesting.
Holly – sadly I think it’s true. My dad being Irish. About 18 at the time. And staying in digs in n1.
I see this as the sacred site of my planned “St Sidney Windrush” Church and Chapel of Ease.
Anybody care to submit plans for stained glass windows featuring St Stephen Lawrence with doves fluttering around his noggin? All with rainbow plumage round the nether regions, posing pouches and thongs.
There IS a Book of Enoch in the Old Testament, maybe it`s not yet been written.That`s all.
Time for a long, hard look at the law as it pertains to racism, how does a white man feel when he is continually regaled with white women pretending to have black husbands on BBC, ITV and 70% of adverts, how do the family of PC Blakelock feel when they are continually ragaled with Saint Stephen Lawrence relatives whinging and whining after 25 years despite black men knifing each other and white victims every weekend in London, we could go on and on and on about this, gypsy criminal scum intimidating burglarly victims etc etc.
Repeal the racism laws they hide their criminality behind…or…apply it to black, gypsy and muslim racists as rigorously as they do to whites because each and every one of these groups exercise racism, sexism and homophobia and intolerance twice as better as any white racist, and the BBC are not quite so stupid as to not know this but are guilty of a worse crime : taking money from the public (90% white British) and abusing their position of reporting news that is in the “public interest” yet accepting this all to frequent disgusting behaviour of our minorities and allowing it through ingnoring it while vilifying any white person they can lay their hands on for the same behaviour
Got to have an effect Annunaki. Not that anybody will study the effects on our blokes, our white sons in particular.
Just end up in a coastal boarding house and waiting to kill yourself seems to be the upshot. But who in liberal land cares. Only white lads like ours.
I`m sure that Phillip Lawrence deserves as much wailing as does Stephen. Unfortunately, he was white, a middle aged bloke who only taught for a living, and was killed by another thuggish ethnic(Phillipines was it?).
He died 20 months later than St Stephen, but is hardly mentioned, maybe bacause St john Lennons martyrdom was the same date. And there`s only so much emoting they can do.
Sorry Mrs Lawrence.
I will pop off to Cromer then, no Halal fish or crabs there yet although the Hotel de Paris seems to disturbingly have some minaret like features… driven back to the coast hmm food for thought there, maybe the Syrians will allow me to become a refugee, have appeals for cash for me on their TV and allow me to build a Christian church in the middle of their town, Sorry, dropped off there for a while just woke up again where was I ?
Once again we have the spectacle of the London marathon hijacked by el beeb Apart from the professional runners, it seems difficult to spot a non-white either participating or in the crowd.
Oh , but take a look at the BBC presenters.
R4 lunchtime news was amusing. Sort of.
Corbyn was quoted as complaining about the idea of ID of having to be shown when voting. A good, common sense idea, you would think.
But he felt it might have a negative effect on BAME voters. The next step in the exploitation of the Windrush affair for a certain gain?
Was he implying the Home Office hadn’t seen to ID for everyone? Isn’t he against that? Or that many simply have no ID of any kind, and can’t be expected to have any? That would be weird.
Try hiring a car or engaging in any sort of contract without ID. Won’t work, will it?
If you thought the whole Skripal/Novichok stuff was strange, well -the Windrush affair is going to be much stranger. You thought that one or two other running stories, currently serving certain agendas most wonderfully, made you wonder…
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Oh yes, I said the news on R4 was a wee bit amusing. Well I was amused at how upset Mark Mardell was about Macron being ‘nice’ to Trump. That baffles the BBC. Macron is -like any other self-respecting leader/person, supposed to hate Trump. So we had a very long analysis of France and its role in the world. As to the EU and France: Perhaps the French enthusiasm for ever closer Union with Germany et al has something to do with wanting to get their hands on German money? No, that would be cynical of me. Strike that.
But that -as they say -is another story.
Mrs S switched on the London Marathon coverage at 1345.
At 1350 NB during the Marathon programme itself we got………a memorial section for Steven Lawrence !!!!!!!!!! He used to run, you see.
Relentless, virtue-signalling, agenda-driven.
Sluff: I didn’t see that, but -based on your observation- the adoration of a certain person is assuming ever stranger dimensions. He was singled out by a certain bishop praying for victims of violence this am.
It’s almost as if various media and politicians were generating a sort of cult?
I always thought finally it would be death that would render us all equal, really. Apparently I got that wrong too.
PS Talking of the marathon, I see Sir Mo broke a record. Now we can all celebrate again.
TWTW Watch
I have in the past started some of my posts ‘ I’m not a fan of President Trump ‘ but I’m slowly starting to like the guy. Well, not so much the man and his style but more the way he is consistently putting the BBC’s nose out of joint.
Mark Mardell & contributors, with only a trace of angst and irony, tell of the growing pallinesse between President Macron and President Trump with the former making a visit to Washington this week.
Not so much En Marché but more on aeroplane: Macron is working his way through and impressive list of meetings with leaders in a bid to “Make France great again.”
Now, where have I heard that phrase recently, BBC?
Is he going to sort out North Korea ? God they would hate that at the BBC, they would rather have a nuclear war is how twisted they are
Cannot remember who posted it (Guest Who in another moment of brilliance?) without a trawl thru’ the previous Thread but in relation to Trump’s apparent isolationist stance (the ‘isolationist’ accusation is now being levelled by the BBC at the British public!) I thought this was a clever summary of a BBC attitude:
“You are doing nothing – you bastard!”
“You’ve done something – you bastard!”
To date, the BBC have credited China with the diplomatic breakthrough. I suspect they’ll continue to do so until there’s a breakdown in talks – at which point it will be Trump’s fault.
I notice the three top finishers in both the women’s and men’s elite London Marathon races were black African.
Surely, ever eager to see equality, the BBC should be allocating podium places to white people and those from other heritages. After all, with their fine impartial tradition of supporting positive discrimination and every conceivable group with a claimed grievance how could they possibly refuse?
“Remember: Even the most sweepingly negative comments about white people are not ‘hate speech,’ and if you dare to notice the double standard, you’re guilty of hate speech. Got it? Great, now all let’s pretend it’s possible to get along under those rules.”
Jim Goad.
Great quote. Sums up the the white Anglo-Saxon predicament quite nicely.
I do hope there were some wimmin on that podium as well?
British are not good at running, tend to stand and fight, but we have many guests on this island who have a long heritage of running away from conflict and towards our country
Why BBC sounds like Radio Labour
2pm news
– “Labour says the UK must stay in a customs union”
– “According to Sunday Times Theresa admits Britain must stay in a custom union”
– “Corbyn says checking people are eligible to vote at polling stations will discourage minority communities from playing a full part in democracy … ripping apart peoples live ..stories from the Windrush harrowing ..” Plays Corbyn “same hostile environment, …”
– Murder of woman in Cornwall
– Deaths of 2 pensioners in Rochester
– Clip of St Mo Farah
– Weather “staying bright” (Nopeit’s actually raining now)
More Worrying
Now more worrying means that the previous subject is a worry , otherwise you’d miss the More and just say worrying .
So what was worrying the BBC at the one o clock news ?
The retreat of the left in South American politics and the success of the right of centre in elections . That’s what worried them .
The More Worrying was the economic damage happening in Venuzuala now that the Beebs favourite Hugo Chavez isn’t there .
Nibor- the Latin America analysis was interesting. The beeb was admitting that Chavez successor, Maduro, was ‘running the country into the ground’. Couldn’t believe my ears. Shook the radio to see what had come loose, but apparently, nothing.
The lurking right-wing baddy is in Brazil.
After that we had lotsa crazy electronic music from Mark M. Another tribute apparently. But man, ain’t that R4 station just rocking…way to go for the yoof.
I’m living up to my nom de plume these days.
I get the daily update from the Gatestone Institute and sometimes I can hardy bear to look at it. Pity everyone in the country can’t be made to read it. Why doesn’t the BBC highlight some of these stories?
Any optimism about the future. for myself, this country, Europe, the World is being spoiled by creeping islamisation aided and abetted by the Establishment.
We here grumble and share sources of interest but are we just an echo chamber of a concerned few, while the majority of the population don’t see a problem, don’t care, don’t read, blithely accepting of the media selective emphasis?
Two to four million will march against Trump? Really? Were these people ok with visits from rulers of oppressive regimes: China, Turkey, Saudi?
What impression do you get from relatives, friends, acquaintances, workmates, especially young ones? Young people don’t seem to read newspapers or watch television so you could say they aren’t affected by BBC or other media bias. Is the bias actually having an effect on the collective mind of the nation or is it making them angry like me?
The angry ones, like us, make our presence felt on sites such as this, which are unfortunately only ever visited by those already on board.
As you’ve noticed (and commented on), the majority really don’t seem to give a shit. They are apparently happy with being repressed, having their freedoms slowly eroded, and their culture diluted, whilst blandly accepting the ever growing sea of faces who don’t belong, all around them.
No doubt you’ve already read “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray, may I also suggest “Travels in Cultural Nihilism” by Stephen Pax Leonard, and “Enoch was Right ‘Rivers of Blood 50 years on’ “, by Raheem Kassam, should you want to go for the hat-trick of induced depression, and despair…
The definitive book about Powell, is “Like The Roman” by Simon Heffer; it’s one of the best political biographies I’ve read.
“The angry ones, like us, make our presence felt on sites such as this, which are unfortunately only ever visited by those already on board.”
Maxi will be SO upset by that comment! I bet he’s just choked on his ethical vegan latte.
Fuck ‘im…
I’d rather not, thanks!
Even I have standards to uphold!
Old Goat
Thank you. I will read the last two when I feel less fragile. But I’m not the one who needs informing. What I’d like is for the seemingly ‘not bothered’ to read them. Douglas Murray’s book should be a set text in schools.
I wan’t to DO something to change things. Would 2m people go on an anti islamisation march? If not, the politicians will conclude the sheep are suitably subdued.
Despairada – I saw this link on @TRobinsonOnline yesterday.
A summary by Brit Girl of upcoming marches.
6 May – free speech, 2 June – DFLA & Vets against terrorism (Manchester), big one on 23 June for Brexit (Unity March), and 20 August – Mothers against radical Islam and Sharia.
But as you say these marches need the numbers.
I knew about the 6th May Free Speech. I wonder if my bladder would hold out. (One potential problem with demos).
And in today’s edition of ‘You Can’t Make it Up’, BBC news webshite features a story on ‘Bisexual Lighting’. Yep, you really did read that correctly!
How did I manage to live until now without this essential information?
Slow news day today?
Avicii’s ex-girlfriend posts tribute: ‘I love you Tim’
Avicii ? who is he?
She posted “I love you Tim” and that gets a mention ffs?!?
“It’s believed they dated between 2011 and 2013” so not even a recent girlfriend then – double ffs!
What news tomorrow? Avicii’s ex milkman buys a new car?
Some say that @BbcRadio4 progs like Broadcasting House have become a Metro #liberalElite echo-chamber.
So when @IsabelHardman Assistant Editor, The Spectator was on this morning, look what typical listeners s said on R4 Facebook

.. That’s hatey-speak #FamousLeftyTolerance & they don’t know the difference from one Isabel to the next
See typical #Corbythugs applying derogatory boo-word labels to people to try to get them banned from the airways .
BBC favourite, national treasure and cultural icon Mohammed Farah is given unlimited coverage on every single BBC station after finishing third in the marathon.
He’s pictured with a shirt advertising “Virgin Money”….how appropriate for the greedy little money grabber…..another bag full of cash before he jets off back to his home in America.
Poor Mo – obviously only come 3rd due to water issues.
“Discussing the incident at the drink station after the race Sir Mo told the BBC: ‘[It] was confusing, I was table four, I went to pick it up. The staff were helpful at the end but at the beginning they were trying to take a picture rather than giving me the drink.”
He’ll need compensation surely.
I think I’ll report the BBC to Prevent on the grounds it is radicalising huge swathes of its trusting and vulnerable audience with a hard left, subversive anti- Western agenda.
Am I in some kind of time warp?
The last few days the main news has been almost exclusively about some immigrants arriving on a boat 70 years ago, a speech by a politician 50 years ago and a black boy killed 25 years ago.
All 3 portrayed as terrible events yet the windrush immigrants has been an administration cock up, Enoch was telling the truth (but the MSM don’t like that) and about 60 black boys have been killed in London in less than 4 months (but not by white boys so it’s ok)
Did you see the report on Enoch where they went to the school in Wolverhampton. The news reader said that “some people agreed with him” in such an incredulous tone as if it was not possible that normal people could agree with him.
I would guess the majority NOW agree with him and any who don’t are either still young so are still immature and know nothing about life or are older liberal virtue signalling, thick as pigshit attention seekers and remoaners.
That the Radio 4 programme, Archive on 4 – 50 Years On:Rivers of Blood was presented by Amol Rajan and the BBC’s commissioning editor was Mohit Bakaya rather proves that Powell was right don’t you think?
Am reviewing the newspaper front pages and this is not the BBC [ sorry, Pounce 😉 ]
The authorities are obviously really desperate to catch the Salisbury poisoner in case, well, in case he does it again. They have released a picture, but only to the Sunday People – if you see this man do not approach him, he will be poisonous – but you must apprehend him immediately. Grab him with a broom, or something like that, until the Police arrive in a couple of days time.
I didn’t listen to Broadcasting House and obviously did not watch the TV equivalent, if there is one, but I’m fairly certain that no questions will have been asked by the finest at the BBC.
It seems that a number of people have been killed in a car crash in Saudi. It seems they held british passports and were followers of Islam . Al Beeb reports this but adds a little essay On the mini haj these people were on. I cannot understand the motivation for this since the state religion is c of e…is it?
I think it common knowledge that Messrs. Blair and Bush were instrumental in seeking, “regime change” in Iraq rather than dealing with “WMD”. Then Libya and other muslim hotbeds fell and leaders aka “President’s” were removed. Having lived in the Middle East, I understand only too well that those “brutal” leaders actually kept the lid firmly down on the savages who follow islam. Since those same people, now, want to move to Europe and the UK, I have to make my own observation. It is this. Since the elite in Europe and the UK are anxious to import more and more muslims who bring their problems with them which will no doubt end badly with blood on the streets, it is incumbent upon the ruling elite to simply adopt the manner and ways of those “leaders” they deposed in the ME. That will effect all, including whitey so, so-called, “Human Rights” for all, are about to take a dive.