“freedom of speech” – but no hurt words.
“Londons beautiful parks” – not the rest of the country, metro bubble.
“equal marriage” – a global construct.
“glorious diversity” – how much?
“British Colonisation” – she forgot that one!
Times : Liberals are undermining western civilisation by Prof robert tombs
\\ Progressive critics should not abuse the freedoms that our chequered history has given us //
'If we routinely denigrate “western” values, we weaken solidarity and promote indifference to political principles and institutions. We encourage intransigent assertions of entitlement and magnified claims to victimhood'. https://t.co/2GIw1OLgRx
“Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords”
Is just short of 100,000, with some polling evidence showing a massive 96% support for abolition. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/209433
The House of Lords was abolished in 1649 because it wasn’t democratic enough for the 17th Century. Once we leave the undemocratic EU, we will still have the embarrassment of an elitist House of Lords, making Britain not a fully democratic nation. The uneducated people of France would have chopped the heads off the rich elitist Lords many years ago. So would have the uneducated Black Slaves of the West Indies and then the uneducated Russians. Now it’s the chance for those refused a proper education, with the reintroduction of illiteracy, by the abolition of Grammar Schools and progressive education in the 1960‘s, to rise up and take revenge against the rich (on the back of the taxpayer) liberal fascist elite.
Richard: I agree entirely with your assessment of the House of Lords. I think this challenge is a big one, which – given how the Powers that Be are wrestling with implementing the people’s vote for Brexit- they haven’t the courage or the skill (never mind the desire) to address.
I also agree about the effect of Grammar schools. They stir envy in the ‘equality’ brigade, and rational thinking goes out of the window.
However, for getting rid of the House of Lords , we can see from the example of Ghandi that the non-violent method works as well. The petition is a start.
The puffed-up wearers of ermine know they’re undemocratic and a hangover from the past. But it’s comfy at the trough, hearing the sound of your own voice, whenever desired. Those turkeys won’t vote for Christmas. They may not appreciate your trying to disturb their pleasant dreams.
Let’s concentrate on Brexit- step1. Let’s also think about how our democratic Upper House will look in practice. Step2 is to get rid of them; when they see popular support for a democratic and viable blueprint, they’ll soon wake up and vacate. It may take another referendum.
Until then, stay cool.
Taffman- So only a ‘lower’ house, then? Any implication for a ‘balance of powers’? (I don’t necessarily disagree. I merely ask. We probably agree also, that the present system of ‘ping-pong’ is a farce…perhaps those in the ‘lower house’ are hoping to have a future career/pension supplement in the ‘upper’ when they are voted out, so are happy to keep it up?)
OK then, Taffman. Nothing prevents this site from generating a vision for how that ‘upper’ will look. I suggested above, the real reason why the present ‘Commons’ may not like an elected ‘upper’, but they’re unlikely to admit it.
The tricky part will be to keep it simple and avoid lots of little additional layers of government. For instance, if regional devolution took place in England and all those little devolved governments + Scot, Wales etc somehow became the upper house, we would go under the deadweight. (Why the NE chose not to go that way?)
Part of the problem is that the lower house is also way too big. (They know that too).
If it were considerably smaller, and a much smaller regionally-based pattern became the ‘upper’, that might work. This is merely one option.
The ‘lowers’ will complain they already have too much work to be reduced in size.
Is that’s because they increasingly have become ‘social workers’? And/or they have too much time off? Too much leeway to appoint relatives and friends as staff (inefficient?)
-two houses, with strict limits to size;
-democratically elected; upper house: unitary or regionally-based?
-professional staff to do a lot of the ‘social work’;
-perks and expenses too generous, eg ‘second’ homes – should be reviewed.
All of this a purely suggestion to be shot down. I’ve tried to explain why, if you ‘get rid’ of the ‘Lords’, the Commons may be your real opposition. So, not that simple?
Can be done but they won’t like it.
Some concrete models may help them. If they know not everyone out here is happy with bread and circuses, & are thinking constructively, that may help too.
Telford story : ‘ 3 white abusers sat in councils”
Is this spin ?
Cos for a time period of the last 40 years you will find white abusers who’ll be high profile.
Cos of gangs there a 1000 victims in Telford yet this story is about 3 churchmen
And 2 victims
For victim #1 the 2 men got 1 year each in 2001 , for groom/ assaulting a 15 year old boy
For victim #2 a man got a 3 year rehabilitation order for taking indecent photos of a 14 year old girl
Sick men, but not same scale as groom/rape gangs
They have an entire season devoted to ‘Crossing Divides.’
I feel physically sick just thinking about it. I imagine yet another all out offensive against reality. Rape gangs; ‘diversity’ valued over character; London a war zone; perpetual threat of terrorism; et cetera. And it is getting worse all the time. They should call it ‘Entrenching Divides.’
@ 1628, almost 94,000 signed. Watching the counter rise and that rate is the same roughly as it was back at just on 60k. Brilliant. Let’s hope it continues to rise at the same rate.
Politicians will have to decided if their fellow politicians should still have a job. I’m guessing they will decided to keep their NEXT PLACE TO VISIT open for the future.
These are the same people who gave themselves an 18% pay rise (since 2010) whilst everyone else, including nurses, were in a recession and austerity mode and visiting food banks.
18% for the Few, 0% the Many.
“BBC has announced The Big British Asian Summer season of programming. Lots of #Midlands stories in there”
\\ The Big British Asian Summer will celebrate the cultural and artistic contribution of Asian Britons,
and also explore the fault lines between white and non-white Britain
– as this unique fusion of cultures hasn’t happened without tensions.//
Code : we’ll bend over backwards to look at Asian positives AND white-British NEGATIVES. http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2018/big-british-asian-summer#heading-passengers
“Asma nicknamed Maria was proposed by a Muslim man Rizwan Gujjar. For this reason, 30-year-old, Rizwan was pressurizing Asma to convert to Islam. Asma turned down his proposal, refusing to renounce Christianity. Furious by Asma’s refusal, Rizwan Gujjar bathed Asma in patrol and set her on fire.”
Having been away for a few days I see that our online troll who loves an organisation that ‘robs from the poor to give to the rich’ is back in force, almost always like a cockroach in the darkest hour of the night.
What on earth motivates him? He is an attention seeker, that’s what .
A national Stephen Lawrence Day to be held annually, Prime Minister announces.
And I suppose on the other 364 days a year, we’ll remember all those black teenagers who are killed by other black teenagers.
And when a BME discriminates against another BME the 87% non-BME public gets the bill.
Tribunal has found against Baroness Scotland over dismissal of Ran Venuprasad.
Where’s the BBC News when reports like the following come out of California?:
“this is draconian legislation, and there is plenty to fear, including seeing books and Bibles eventually banned. As Robert A. J. Gagnon has just recently written on this:
Sure, it is virtually impossible that the state of California will immediately attempt to ban the sale of the Bible itself. Not even the hard Left in California has that kind of chutzpah. But citations of Bible verses in the context of declaring homosexual practice and transgenderism to be morally debased could indeed get one into serious trouble with the law if it comes in the context of selling or advertising a product or service…
The salient point is that there is nothing in the bill that would prevent the state from outlawing all religious or moral instruction that seeks to change homosexual behavior and transgender identity. The only limitation on the state is its own self-policed chutzpah regarding “LGBTQ” coercion.”
“This is the latest step in California’s war against freedom, against faith, and against family. We all should be shocked and horrified at just how far down the gurgler California is going. The rainbow juggernaut continues to roll on, crushing anything in its path.”
Antisemitism party : Labour’s policy is that is antisemitic to compare the modern Israeli government to Nazis
Nevertheless Labour have only just noticed that Corbyn’s Twitter account follows some profiles which do that. So they’ve started to unfollow them.
Man makes dog do a Nazi salute and when saying ‘Gas the j3ws’ (sick) … fined £800 and dragged through court for 2 years.
Man runs an organisation and increases membership to 570,000 costing new members £3 which is full of anti-semitism …. nothing, silence in the BBC even though a new case is found everyday.
Welcome to 2018 … where stupidity makes everything possible.
LOW means an attack is unlikely.
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely..
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is a strong possibility. SEVERE means an attack is highly likely.
CRITICAL means an attack is expected imminently.
But don’t expect anything to remember Britain’s most brutal and unambiguous racist murder, that of 15 year old Kriss Donald in Scotland on 15th March 2004 by Imran Shahid, Zeeshan Shahid and Mohammed Faisal Mushtaq. To quote the judge at the trial: “You have all been convicted by the jury of the racially aggravated abduction and murder of Kriss Donald, a wholly innocent 15-year-old boy of slight build. He was selected as your victim only because he was white and walking in a certain part of the Pollokshields area of Glasgow when you sought out a victim. This murder consisted of the premeditated, cold-blooded execution of your victim by stabbing him 13 times and setting him alight with petrol while he was still in life. It truly was an abomination. The savage and barbaric nature of this notorious crime has rightly shocked and appalled the public. Your victim must have been in a state of extreme terror while held by you during a four-hour car journey across Central Scotland and back, and the agony which he must have suffered during the period between being stabbed and set alight and his death is just beyond imagining.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald
See nothing on the BBC website.
“The savage and barbaric nature of this notorious crime has rightly shocked and appalled the public.”
The few who were aware of it, presumably. Compare and contrast the coverage the two murders received, both at the time and since.
Strange language to use – ‘celebrated’. If his community want to ‘commemorate’ that day let them get on with it, but it won’t take off through the rest of the country. Its just lipservice by the government. I’m sure Twatter will be awash with similar views to those held on here, but we won’t get to hear them.
Happy Stephen Lawrence Day – screw St George – that’s yesterday’s Britain . Now we can play the ethnic victim sympathy day –
You’ll be able to buy special Stephen Lawrence gift cards , a lottery , a statue , a whole albeeb radio station devoted to him and his family . And of course a Motion Picture Movie directed by Steven Spielberg or that black American film director with a
chip .
As for others murdered – they don’t count .
I cannot believe a conservative PM could do something so over the top – but then she’s not really a Tory at all .
“but then she’s not really a Tory at all.”
Au contraire – like her predecessor, David Cameron, she is a true Tory i.e. stands for the interests of the rich and powerful. But she definitely is not a conservative – tradition and culture and history have absolutely zero meaning for her.
James corden as the victim -.thandie newton as baroness Doreen and Lenny Henry as his dad. Danny dyer as the baddy. Cumberbatch as the racist bent incompetent overworked cop ( delete as applicable )
This one really is beyond popcorn . It really couldn’t be made up .
If they do make a movie then it is only fair that the actor playing Stephen should be white skinned – just for equality like the BBC bang on about all the bloody time.
And the gang who killed him should be played by black actors, led by Sir Henry Lenny, who will all have white wives and girl friends like our adverts portray British families. I am sure Lilly Allen and a few of her talented friends would be suitable
A Stephen Lawrence day-whatever next? Are there not so many awful things committed by coloured people including murder but those victims of such crimes are not accorded such an amount of publicity or recognition of a state mourning & a special day set aside. We are not, the millions of white people who live in this nation, without sympathy nevertheless let us not allow those seemingly in positions of power put there by us, throw so much aggression against us.
Theresa May has just made it a National Memorial Day. To compete with Holocaust Day and St Georges Day.
Maybe there should be a National Memorial Day for the thousands upon thousands of English white girls raped, impregnated, trafficked, murdered by Muslim rape gangs. Each English town could have its own memorial day.
Yes the BBC is angry. It asks – is British Tolerance Dead? after reporting on claims that there is one attack every three weeks on a Muslim in Rotherham. The BBC demands the British should be tolerant of hundred of Muslim men gang raping thousands of white girls in more or less every town containing them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC contains hoards of child rapists given their demands for the tolerance of it – at least when it involves gangs of Muslims and young white English girls. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43791600
Well, well. A Stephen Lawrence Day. What about a ‘Windrush day’ on the day following? The day after we could all take off our shirts and flagellate ourselves? In public ,of course.
Tres bizzare.
Flagellation: Ten strokes in public. Fifteen for those who feel particularly guilty. But for our cabinet we need a little more. I’d say twenty is plenty.
Now we have to work out what to do about all the bobbing boobies…
Back to the history books.
Stephen Lawrence day? why stop there . I’m sure a Lee Rigby day is being discussed. Or Manchester bombing day. Just when one thought this country couldn’t get any madder. I’m off to be fitted for my hair shirt
I think Theresa should just come out with it and have a ” I am ashamed of my own culture and want the rest of us to feel guilty too day”
We could call it it “Traitors and penitents day”.
or “maybe I am desperate to suck up to any racial minority for a couple of votes day”
Or maybe even “Stephen Lawrence – the liberal gift that keeps on giving day”
Having said that I do feel sorry for his father who does seem to have some dignity about him. I wonder what his thoughts are to the memory of his sons murder being used as a racial, anti white battering ram. By this sort of action it seems to me that Theresa is in effect creating a wedge between communities – not increasing harmony. Though I am sure the BBC will cream themselves silly over this.
As for our cringeworthy PM. The word “pathetic” does not do justice to the actions of this professional political sado masochist, but she seldom seems more energised than when she is being deferential or “sorry” to some effnik minority or other. If its not telling Coppers off for SUS laws – then its wearing an “ever so umble” headscarf in a mosque or this latest offering, Maybe she has a Lilly Allen hotline at No 10 which she can ring when she needs advice.
Since the word “pathetic ” is not enough in this case. I took the liberty of “copying and pasting the rest of the synonyms which are similair to pathetic on the online dictionary.
These are – hapless, miserable, misfortunate, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, wretched, ridiculous, silly
Bobbing boobies? Why, I’m thinking about all those elderly and overweight men, of course. What were you thinking about?
PS: Still haven’t found the original photograph. You know the one I’m referring to: the one that hasn’t been cropped, to leave only the head showing. Is fact now being edited? Anybody come across it, anywhere? Or is it just my mind playing tricks on me after over twenty years?
Thanks, Ian, for taking the trouble. I wonder if you also have the publication date? My mind/memory still reasonably intact, then. May not mean anything, of course. Then again…
More traditional picture on Microsoft’s Bing site.
Mind you, given that St George’s Day is also celebrated in Russia and Syria, Google probably think they are being ‘edgy’ by mentioning it at all.
When all main political parties agree on the same shite – we no longer have a democracy. There seems to be a neoliberal consensus to islamify and diversify and feminise British society. Of course down the road there will be issues between Islam and the feminists – but most of the feminists are posh and will probably decide to live in the US or in the Caribbean or somewhere else.
One day we ll look back on these days as the last days of freedom before it was completely extinguished and the propaganda become total and a monopoly.
Adverse comments on websites being erased and blocked . People paid to grass on anyone expressing on regulation opinion.
14 year old stabbed in the leg in my local park but likely to survive despite the best efforts of the awful local hospital . There is no description in the local newspaper report which normally infers a non white victim and a non white offender .
I believe they call such activity “dissing” next year it will have happened on Lawrence day”.
white van in Toronto : 8-10 people have been struck
Van Plows Into Crowd of Pedestrians
Toronto police say they are investigating
driver fled : Police said both the van and the driver are in custody.
Rental van, “motive unkown” https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4631564
The BBC Londonistan Programme was in it’s element this
evening. I don’t think I have seen Riz Lateef so involved since
she was” eulogizing” over Mark Duggan.
The programme does not hold back that much
slagging off the Metropolitan Police on a daily basis. BUT tonight
the Anarchist, Fifth Columnist , Trotskyist editors knew they
could get away with anything on Stephen Lawrence day. The
Met was attacked with vitriol by all asunder.
Tonight was like watching a Black Panther Movement
meeting. Stephen Lawrence would not of wanted that.
Yes the demotivating effect of beating on the boys in blue will only mean dead black kids – an effect which the race industry will never accept .
The irony of all this – and the black lives matter – movement seems lost on al beeb but I guess it’s a group think job where no one is able to say “ that idea is stupid “.
After speaking to various coppers and ex coppers over the years – It appears that the days of the normal copper are long dead to be replaced with battalions of Cresidas “Common Purpose” droids.
These days the few remnants of the old guard have to be really careful what they say as one of the best was of getting on in the modern “force” is to inform on those who dont hold the PC line.
Oak – as I guessed but didn’t want too.
I’m guessing that the next time there is sustained rioting they’ll more than have their hands full . Worrying . I can hear the “lessons will be learnt “ crap and spare a thought for the dead.
Matt Campbell on the right was running his second marathon in two weeks
”Matt Campbell, 29, collapsed at the 22.5 mile mark and died later in hospital.
He appeared on the BBC’s MasterChef: The Professionals in December 2017, and had been running the race – the hottest on record – for his father who died 18 months ago. ”
Never heard of him or ever watched the show.
I would have cautioned against him taking up that activity , those chefs never look healthy, maybe it’s all that rich grub they eat.
Unlike me some of my lefty friends like to stay healthy and go in for things like half-marathons to raise cash for left wing charities. None of them have died so far, but especially for the full 26 miles you often get someone kicking the bucket (often at a shockingly early age).
They’re nutters as far as I’m concerned. But I suppose they dropped dead for whatever ghastly ‘peace, luv ‘n understanding’ cause they thought they believed in.
‘Multiple pedestrians’ – some people will be wondering whether it is more than one set of Siamese twins walking around a Canadian city. Once upon a time ‘Toronto pedestrians hit by van’ would have been an informative heading but is deemed to be no longer adequate in 2018.
“Up to 10 pedestrians have been struck by a van that witnesses said mounted the kerb in Toronto, say police.
The vehicle fled the scene after the incident at a busy intersection in the north of the Canadian city, police say.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43873804
It was the van that did it, It “fled the scene” – lock up all vans !
All Readers & Maxi
Notice how they have changed the wording …………..
“Nine people have been killed and 16 injured after a man drove a van into pedestrians in Toronto, police said.
The driver fled the scene of the incident, at a busy junction in the north of the Canadian city, but was arrested several streets away.”
This time its from “Van” to “Man” and “vehicle” to “driver”
I wonder if the BBC could show me one square in the East End of London that had a St. Georges day party today? You know like the one they just showed us in Eastenders . BBC have any of you ever been to the East End in the shadow of the wailing tower in Tower Hamlets ?
The locals can all gather around the Joanna in the local pub, Chas n Dave or Madness style and sing all the old favourites like;
‘Knees up Mother Khan’
‘Baggy Turbans’
‘My name is Mishal Caine’.
I thought I would see what the viewing figures for the recent Stephen Lawrence programmes on the BBC. BARB gives this message on 23rd April:
Due to a technical issue with the delivery of programme logs for BBC channels, we do not have weekly programme data for these channels from 12 March 2018. We will make these data available as soon as possible.
How long do you think we will have to wait before we get the data that the BBC slips out. I am sure there will be a ‘minor’ correction to adjust the numbers upwards. Why would we believe the BBC?
Viewing figs seem rubbish ..just 3.5 to 6 million, (last month Call the Midwife got 9m)
Notable lib-Agenda shows – Countryfile 6m, Have I got News 5.5m, News 11 positions in the top 30 , Also charted : Holby/Casualty/Graham-Norton
More on : BBC The Big British Asian Summer season of programming (post above 4:34 pm)
3m British Asians are now the biggest minority population in Britain.
.. not just part of the fabric of contemporary Britain – they’ve helped create it.”
“this unique fusion of cultures hasn’t happened without tensions.
The culture isn’t fused .. And I saw no tension in my childhood
I can’t see any big difference to most peoples lives, only the people who like Asian food
– And BBC please Stop breaking the trades descriptions act by using the word “Asian” like you do
..You mean “Indian-Subcontinent immigrant culture”
BBC2special progs
– cookery series Taste of Home
– series; Passengers (3×60′) social history of the journey
– Inside The Factory; a spotlight on curry
– Gardeners’ World, celebrate South Asian influences on British Gardens
– 2 parts Made In Asia: story of 4 adopted women, now looking for their mums
– Leicester Sings; documentary musical for BBC One telling the story of a family, exiled from Uganda
– Anita Rani exploring British Indians in Bollywood. 2 parts
A dishonour killing special
Do it your self fgm
Health inspectors guide to curry houses
The caste system
3rd world peasants in a 1st world country
Aborting female babies
How to abduct and take white children
An excellent selection of programmes – wonder who they’ll send to Pakistan Indian – meeesshhhalll?
3m British Asians are now the biggest minority population in Britain.
.. not just part of the fabric of contemporary Britain – they’ve helped create it.
No the biggest ‘minority’ community in Britain are the Not BAMEs, the ones that have no ‘community leaders’ (ever noticed that?) that have no culture, the ones whose forefathers didn’t just create it, (without help), but fought amongst themselves to define the principles that the civilised world adopted. The ones that see that civilisation being destroyed by corrupt knife-wielding barbarians and all, not for a ‘mess of pottage’, but a spoonful of curry covering up God knows what.
House of Lords abolition petition now at 99386
Target 100000 but needs to be higher .
Al beeb won’t say anything about it as their senior hierarchy want a place there one day – similarly to and politician who doesn’t want to have anything to do with the punters anymore .
Already signed – Think of the savings to us poor people who are struggling to exist while these clowns are ‘earning’ some £300/day merely for turning up ( before going down the pub, Soho or whatever their strange predilictions dictate ).
The Old Lords did, at least, have some respect for their peers (us), this lot are a shower of sh*te traitors just looking after their own EU incomes/pensions.
If anybody needs to be deported?
Start with our (less than) ‘Honourables’.
Tried to explain in my little discussion with Taffman why I think the ‘Lords’ are not the only obstacle;
and that they scorn our petitions cos they think the deplorables out here are too uneducated to show them the way.
Some thinking, independent from political parties, may not be a bad thing?
The petition is the QUANTITY. Do they feel we have no QUALITY out here? The contributions to this column suggest otherwise.
The BBC and their MSM buddies certainly don’t have more.
As for the politicians, look around at what they’re up to and weep. How on earth have we allowed it to come to this?
The rationale for the existence of the peers used to be
Not the party affiliation that exists in the commons
Peers have life experience which enables them to correct draft legislation
Peers have specialist expertise which they can use to shape legislation .
Compare that with the creatures who are actually in there – how many is it now? 800 plus ?
You can give your own examples of unelected peers who challenge the brexit referendum . But it’s not just that . It’s the principle – The party leaders using it as patronage for his friends . No selection – no independent review – just patronage – Adonis , shami, Patton , Mandi , baroness Doreen of Lawrence ( Who can Do No Wrong ) and countless nobodys who no one has ever heard of . It’s just corrupt .
We are agreed. 800+ is absurd. Says all there is to be said about that place. The whole edifice reeks of corruption. Add those of the lower house, and we can take over the government of China and India. (Strictly numerically-theoretically speaking!) The lower house is very happy with that. ‘Keep giving the peasants the run-around with Brexit, and they won’t be able to think of anything else’. So all that wonderful ‘expertise’ has solved zilch?
Cut by half, at least. (Commons by a third?)
Now we need a clear picture of the alternative upper house. Or not?
Stew ,
I had a quick look at your link but I feared it might offend my Roman Catholic sensitivities . I know al beeb equates RC with paedophilia and nothing else but it has been around a bit longer than al beeb and will be there long after sky buys albeeb
I think the church is trying to make nice with sodomites and lettuce lickers but they might have s bit of explaining to do with the boss.
(Actually Fedup that BBC Scotland piece is Ok, as it’s OK t air a poet who doesn’t like Catholicism
but it’s the hypocrisy that the BBC wouldn’ allow similar free speech to some one criticising Islam)
… HoL petition zoomed past 100K , gov has 5 days to respond
The surname Minassian is commonly associated with Armenia, which is a predominately Christian country. So, it is necessary to withold judgement at this stage, although be prepared not to be surprised. However, at the very minimum the perp should be done for ‘Cultural appropriation’.
We may need pitchforks to pursuade the ‘lower house’ to accept the referrendum vote.
I’ve been sharpening mine – and the rest of the collection – just in case they need to understand to comprehend the word ‘majority’.
@ 0858 today: 101,700 and still rising but slightly slower now. I hope that’s due to the early morning. I’ll return later today and watch for 5 mins or so to get an idea of the rate the number is increasing.
Roland Deschain
The indigenous population of this country called Great Britain have been forgotten by Liberal, Politically Correct, Politicians, who are out of touch with their people.
There was a debate in parliament some years ago (sorry, don’t have my Hansard records to hand) in which our esteemed MPs voted that the UK didn’t have any indigenous people, just waves of unending immigration throughout the ages: Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Hugeunots, West Indians, Bangladeshis, Somalians…
But, in fairness, the politicans are in touch with their people. You know the sort: American bankers, Russian oligarchs, Saudi paymasters, ‘Hungarian’ billionaires…
A National Day must have the approval and support of the population but, as for as I know, there has been no survey to determine the national opinion. The preposterous decision to have a National Day for Stephen Lawrence seems to have been decided in secret by Theresa May and a small pressure group, and imposed on the nation. My view on this is clear, and I venture the suggest that, if polled, the nation would vote against this move. I shall make 22 April Lee Rigby Day.
Are Harry & Megan filling the gap left by Ant & Dec ? they seem to be appearing everywhere and attending the opening of every proverbial envelope. Never off the screens, and now just watched yet another performance at the Stephen Lawrence church do. They must be in desperate need of a holiday with all this hard work of public speaking, hi fiving, pious expressions when necessary, and emoting with concern (this is where the acting lessons pay off).
It would be good if they could stand in alphabetical order, just like Ant & Dec always do, so you can tell which one is which. Thinking about it, that should apply to all members of the ‘royal’ family.
I’ve developed a method of avoiding anything to do with them.
I ignore it all!
Blood pressure normal, tinctures all round, and a lovely way to enjoy life!
Of course, I do the same with Corbynals, Posh and Biscuits, Thronebury, Adornis, Bliar, Remoaners, murdering night-time knife-stabbers, police in their offices all safe, Izzardists, Transits, John Minor, any bbbcist, and anyone who disagrees with me!
Darkly comic on Five Live as they ponder what could possibly have motivated the driver in Toronto. I assume they have taken inspiration from that font of political strategy Harry Potter where noboby mentions the name ‘Voldemort.’ It does not reassure us but instead creates the impression that things are spiralling out of control as nobody believes this was just a case of bad driving.
Lefty WrightJan 22, 13:05 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Lucy I guess the location doesn’t matter much. One shit hole looks much like another.
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moggiemooJan 22, 12:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I wouldn’t bother taking them back, just sink the boat where I found it, then piss off, the French can…
moggiemooJan 22, 12:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 I was clearly too young at the time to appreciate the filth.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 12:29 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Not one – can’t see Tulip in the benches – is she in Bangladesh? HA HA HAHAHAH AH HA! Tories…
Labour MP says she likes British things, especially those things that will destroy them … glorious diversity …
#StGeorgesDay makes me think of all the things I love about this country. Shakespeare, freedom of speech, David Hockney’s paintings, Arsenal (winning), Londons beautiful parks, equal marriage and our glorious diversity. Happy #StGeorgesDay
“freedom of speech” – but no hurt words.
“Londons beautiful parks” – not the rest of the country, metro bubble.
“equal marriage” – a global construct.
“glorious diversity” – how much?
“British Colonisation” – she forgot that one!
Using language to stop thinking … “‘There is not one time in history where division creates success’ {guardian 23apr2018} ” …
… division from Hitler?
… division from Mao?
… division of a Monopoly?
… division from Totalitarian leaders?
Jürgen Klopp, the manager of Liverpool, has told the Guardian that Brexit “makes no sense at all” and that he believes British people should have the chance to vote again on their future either in or outside the European Union. {guardian 23apr2018}
‘Klopp also spoke of his admiration for Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, saying she is “doing an unbelievable job”.’
Times : Liberals are undermining western civilisation by Prof robert tombs
\\ Progressive critics should not abuse the freedoms that our chequered history has given us //
‘freedoms that our chequered history’ – rather than totalitarian history that a theocracy gives you.
“Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords”
Is just short of 100,000, with some polling evidence showing a massive 96% support for abolition. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/209433
The House of Lords was abolished in 1649 because it wasn’t democratic enough for the 17th Century. Once we leave the undemocratic EU, we will still have the embarrassment of an elitist House of Lords, making Britain not a fully democratic nation. The uneducated people of France would have chopped the heads off the rich elitist Lords many years ago. So would have the uneducated Black Slaves of the West Indies and then the uneducated Russians. Now it’s the chance for those refused a proper education, with the reintroduction of illiteracy, by the abolition of Grammar Schools and progressive education in the 1960‘s, to rise up and take revenge against the rich (on the back of the taxpayer) liberal fascist elite.
Richard: I agree entirely with your assessment of the House of Lords. I think this challenge is a big one, which – given how the Powers that Be are wrestling with implementing the people’s vote for Brexit- they haven’t the courage or the skill (never mind the desire) to address.
I also agree about the effect of Grammar schools. They stir envy in the ‘equality’ brigade, and rational thinking goes out of the window.
However, for getting rid of the House of Lords , we can see from the example of Ghandi that the non-violent method works as well. The petition is a start.
The puffed-up wearers of ermine know they’re undemocratic and a hangover from the past. But it’s comfy at the trough, hearing the sound of your own voice, whenever desired. Those turkeys won’t vote for Christmas. They may not appreciate your trying to disturb their pleasant dreams.
Let’s concentrate on Brexit- step1. Let’s also think about how our democratic Upper House will look in practice. Step2 is to get rid of them; when they see popular support for a democratic and viable blueprint, they’ll soon wake up and vacate. It may take another referendum.
Until then, stay cool.
The Dead Politicians Society, where all retired politicians go to get an afternoon nap and pick up their ‘pensions’.
Get rid of em !
We are in agreement, Taffman.
So, what would you like to see in their place?
An elected body that believes in a democratic vote – The Referendum . Simples .
Taffman- So only a ‘lower’ house, then? Any implication for a ‘balance of powers’? (I don’t necessarily disagree. I merely ask. We probably agree also, that the present system of ‘ping-pong’ is a farce…perhaps those in the ‘lower house’ are hoping to have a future career/pension supplement in the ‘upper’ when they are voted out, so are happy to keep it up?)
“Upper” and “Lower”, both elected .
OK then, Taffman. Nothing prevents this site from generating a vision for how that ‘upper’ will look. I suggested above, the real reason why the present ‘Commons’ may not like an elected ‘upper’, but they’re unlikely to admit it.
The tricky part will be to keep it simple and avoid lots of little additional layers of government. For instance, if regional devolution took place in England and all those little devolved governments + Scot, Wales etc somehow became the upper house, we would go under the deadweight. (Why the NE chose not to go that way?)
Part of the problem is that the lower house is also way too big. (They know that too).
If it were considerably smaller, and a much smaller regionally-based pattern became the ‘upper’, that might work. This is merely one option.
The ‘lowers’ will complain they already have too much work to be reduced in size.
Is that’s because they increasingly have become ‘social workers’? And/or they have too much time off? Too much leeway to appoint relatives and friends as staff (inefficient?)
-two houses, with strict limits to size;
-democratically elected; upper house: unitary or regionally-based?
-professional staff to do a lot of the ‘social work’;
-perks and expenses too generous, eg ‘second’ homes – should be reviewed.
All of this a purely suggestion to be shot down. I’ve tried to explain why, if you ‘get rid’ of the ‘Lords’, the Commons may be your real opposition. So, not that simple?
Can be done but they won’t like it.
Some concrete models may help them. If they know not everyone out here is happy with bread and circuses, & are thinking constructively, that may help too.
I’ll go with that fakenewswatcher.
Now to implement it ………………..
Current and Future Peers Abbott and Chakrabarti
Nice quick Photoshop job
One Lord removed equals one new nurse in the NHS.
Racially motivated robbery/murder
Britexpat shot dead after five armed men stormed family BBQ in #SouthAfrica
Grandmother : Heila Kilian died brother in law. And wife survived
Will BBC report ?
Telford story : ‘ 3 white abusers sat in councils”
Is this spin ?
Cos for a time period of the last 40 years you will find white abusers who’ll be high profile.
Cos of gangs there a 1000 victims in Telford yet this story is about 3 churchmen
And 2 victims
For victim #1 the 2 men got 1 year each in 2001 , for groom/ assaulting a 15 year old boy
For victim #2 a man got a 3 year rehabilitation order for taking indecent photos of a 14 year old girl
Sick men, but not same scale as groom/rape gangs
They have an entire season devoted to ‘Crossing Divides.’
I feel physically sick just thinking about it. I imagine yet another all out offensive against reality. Rape gangs; ‘diversity’ valued over character; London a war zone; perpetual threat of terrorism; et cetera. And it is getting worse all the time. They should call it ‘Entrenching Divides.’
“Brexit: Government insists UK will leave customs union”
I thought we had left two years ago, that’s what we all voted for. What’s taking so long?
Are Al Beeb trying to change our minds?
They have plenty of EU Flags waving around on the TV but not many St George’s Flags.
What ever happened to English patriotism ?
@ 1628, almost 94,000 signed. Watching the counter rise and that rate is the same roughly as it was back at just on 60k. Brilliant. Let’s hope it continues to rise at the same rate.
Politicians will have to decided if their fellow politicians should still have a job. I’m guessing they will decided to keep their NEXT PLACE TO VISIT open for the future.
These are the same people who gave themselves an 18% pay rise (since 2010) whilst everyone else, including nurses, were in a recession and austerity mode and visiting food banks.
18% for the Few, 0% the Many.
. . .
IPSA is responsible for setting and administering MPs’ pay and pensions, independently of both Parliament and Government.
April 2010 £65,738
April 2018 £77,379
22.05 – just short of 99,000.
“BBC has announced The Big British Asian Summer season of programming. Lots of #Midlands stories in there”
\\ The Big British Asian Summer will celebrate the cultural and artistic contribution of Asian Britons,
and also explore the fault lines between white and non-white Britain
– as this unique fusion of cultures hasn’t happened without tensions.//
Code : we’ll bend over backwards to look at Asian positives AND white-British NEGATIVES.
Western Religion meets Eastern Religion … Pakistani Christian girl suffers fatal acid attack for refusing to marry a Muslim {23apr2018}
“Asma nicknamed Maria was proposed by a Muslim man Rizwan Gujjar. For this reason, 30-year-old, Rizwan was pressurizing Asma to convert to Islam. Asma turned down his proposal, refusing to renounce Christianity. Furious by Asma’s refusal, Rizwan Gujjar bathed Asma in patrol and set her on fire.”
Do we know any big British Asians?
Having been away for a few days I see that our online troll who loves an organisation that ‘robs from the poor to give to the rich’ is back in force, almost always like a cockroach in the darkest hour of the night.
What on earth motivates him? He is an attention seeker, that’s what .
A national Stephen Lawrence Day to be held annually, Prime Minister announces.
And I suppose on the other 364 days a year, we’ll remember all those black teenagers who are killed by other black teenagers.
Is it going to be a Bank Holiday or just a load of bollox?
What about a PC Blakelock Day or a Fusilier Lee Rigby Day ?
Everyone will want a ‘Stephen Lawrence Day’ … it’s only fair.
Or a Kriss Donald day – 15th March.
Kevin Crehan day : undeclared cause of death, whilst in care of prison authorities
Or what about “The Don’t Hate white men day”
Anyone remember Damilola Taylor? Probably a much more shocking murder than Stephen Lawrence as Damilola was 10 years old at the time.
His killers were of that skin colour where it’s best to just forget about the whole thing and pretend it never happened.
And when a BME discriminates against another BME the 87% non-BME public gets the bill.
Tribunal has found against Baroness Scotland over dismissal of Ran Venuprasad.
Where’s the BBC News when reports like the following come out of California?:
“this is draconian legislation, and there is plenty to fear, including seeing books and Bibles eventually banned. As Robert A. J. Gagnon has just recently written on this:
Sure, it is virtually impossible that the state of California will immediately attempt to ban the sale of the Bible itself. Not even the hard Left in California has that kind of chutzpah. But citations of Bible verses in the context of declaring homosexual practice and transgenderism to be morally debased could indeed get one into serious trouble with the law if it comes in the context of selling or advertising a product or service…
The salient point is that there is nothing in the bill that would prevent the state from outlawing all religious or moral instruction that seeks to change homosexual behavior and transgender identity. The only limitation on the state is its own self-policed chutzpah regarding “LGBTQ” coercion.”
“This is the latest step in California’s war against freedom, against faith, and against family. We all should be shocked and horrified at just how far down the gurgler California is going. The rainbow juggernaut continues to roll on, crushing anything in its path.”
Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch.
This is that bill: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB2943
France are on a similar path, but rather than ban are saying ‘denounce’ … it might turn nasty … A group of 300 French politicians and artists demanded prominent Muslim leaders denounce Islamic anti-Semitism and declare anti-Christian and anti-Jewish verses in the Quran outdated.
Antisemitism party : Labour’s policy is that is antisemitic to compare the modern Israeli government to Nazis
Nevertheless Labour have only just noticed that Corbyn’s Twitter account follows some profiles which do that. So they’ve started to unfollow them.
Man makes dog do a Nazi salute and when saying ‘Gas the j3ws’ (sick) … fined £800 and dragged through court for 2 years.
Man runs an organisation and increases membership to 570,000 costing new members £3 which is full of anti-semitism …. nothing, silence in the BBC even though a new case is found everyday.
Welcome to 2018 … where stupidity makes everything possible.
Marky – did he really get the dog to say “gas… “? Wow a talking dog. Wonder if he can get the dog to say “ windrush compensation”
Trans – Psychiatrist comes out against puberty-blicker drugs
Lucy Griffin said
‘They are designed specifically for very young children who start to go into puberty very early,
Their use in older trans might lead to serious side effects like osteoporosis
..my colleagues are afraid if being labelled bigots’
When language is used to override reason.
Wasn’t this what happened when witches could curse you with words and kill you on the spot (generally later … say 70 years time)?
The BBC are proud to announce that Stephen Lawrence Day will be celebrated every 22nd April. Whoopsie fuking do.
Now can the Government get on with “The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.”
LOW means an attack is unlikely.
MODERATE means an attack is possible, but not likely..
SUBSTANTIAL means an attack is a strong possibility.
SEVERE means an attack is highly likely.
CRITICAL means an attack is expected imminently.
They haven’t a clue.
But don’t expect anything to remember Britain’s most brutal and unambiguous racist murder, that of 15 year old Kriss Donald in Scotland on 15th March 2004 by Imran Shahid, Zeeshan Shahid and Mohammed Faisal Mushtaq. To quote the judge at the trial:
“You have all been convicted by the jury of the racially aggravated abduction and murder of Kriss Donald, a wholly innocent 15-year-old boy of slight build. He was selected as your victim only because he was white and walking in a certain part of the Pollokshields area of Glasgow when you sought out a victim. This murder consisted of the premeditated, cold-blooded execution of your victim by stabbing him 13 times and setting him alight with petrol while he was still in life. It truly was an abomination. The savage and barbaric nature of this notorious crime has rightly shocked and appalled the public. Your victim must have been in a state of extreme terror while held by you during a four-hour car journey across Central Scotland and back, and the agony which he must have suffered during the period between being stabbed and set alight and his death is just beyond imagining.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald
See nothing on the BBC website.
How we want to forget … but should not. We not have a “Who was murdered on this day because of their race day?”.
“The savage and barbaric nature of this notorious crime has rightly shocked and appalled the public.”
The few who were aware of it, presumably. Compare and contrast the coverage the two murders received, both at the time and since.
And the place . Perhaps the BBC think London murders are more important than Scottish murders . SNP where are you ?
Strange language to use – ‘celebrated’. If his community want to ‘commemorate’ that day let them get on with it, but it won’t take off through the rest of the country. Its just lipservice by the government. I’m sure Twatter will be awash with similar views to those held on here, but we won’t get to hear them.
Happy Stephen Lawrence Day – screw St George – that’s yesterday’s Britain . Now we can play the ethnic victim sympathy day –
You’ll be able to buy special Stephen Lawrence gift cards , a lottery , a statue , a whole albeeb radio station devoted to him and his family . And of course a Motion Picture Movie directed by Steven Spielberg or that black American film director with a
chip .
As for others murdered – they don’t count .
I cannot believe a conservative PM could do something so over the top – but then she’s not really a Tory at all .
“but then she’s not really a Tory at all.”
Au contraire – like her predecessor, David Cameron, she is a true Tory i.e. stands for the interests of the rich and powerful. But she definitely is not a conservative – tradition and culture and history have absolutely zero meaning for her.
James corden as the victim -.thandie newton as baroness Doreen and Lenny Henry as his dad. Danny dyer as the baddy. Cumberbatch as the racist bent incompetent overworked cop ( delete as applicable )
This one really is beyond popcorn . It really couldn’t be made up .
If they do make a movie then it is only fair that the actor playing Stephen should be white skinned – just for equality like the BBC bang on about all the bloody time.
And the gang who killed him should be played by black actors, led by Sir Henry Lenny, who will all have white wives and girl friends like our adverts portray British families. I am sure Lilly Allen and a few of her talented friends would be suitable
Day of guilt. Day of hate.
In the comedy series Fasier , there is a Frasier Crane Day .
A Stephen Lawrence day-whatever next? Are there not so many awful things committed by coloured people including murder but those victims of such crimes are not accorded such an amount of publicity or recognition of a state mourning & a special day set aside. We are not, the millions of white people who live in this nation, without sympathy nevertheless let us not allow those seemingly in positions of power put there by us, throw so much aggression against us.
Amber Rudd Hate Day.
Theresa May’s Enough is Enough Day.
David Cameron’s “I quit!” Day.
Jeremy Corbyn’s Day for the Many, Not the Few.
Theresa May has just made it a National Memorial Day. To compete with Holocaust Day and St Georges Day.
Maybe there should be a National Memorial Day for the thousands upon thousands of English white girls raped, impregnated, trafficked, murdered by Muslim rape gangs. Each English town could have its own memorial day.
Yes the BBC is angry. It asks – is British Tolerance Dead? after reporting on claims that there is one attack every three weeks on a Muslim in Rotherham. The BBC demands the British should be tolerant of hundred of Muslim men gang raping thousands of white girls in more or less every town containing them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC contains hoards of child rapists given their demands for the tolerance of it – at least when it involves gangs of Muslims and young white English girls.
Well, well. A Stephen Lawrence Day. What about a ‘Windrush day’ on the day following? The day after we could all take off our shirts and flagellate ourselves? In public ,of course.
Tres bizzare.
Flagellation: Ten strokes in public. Fifteen for those who feel particularly guilty. But for our cabinet we need a little more. I’d say twenty is plenty.
Now we have to work out what to do about all the bobbing boobies…
Back to the history books.
With the Stephen Lawrence Day, does this mean that the BBC
Londonistan programme wont be observing Mark Duggan
Day anymore ?
Stephen Lawrence day? why stop there . I’m sure a Lee Rigby day is being discussed. Or Manchester bombing day. Just when one thought this country couldn’t get any madder. I’m off to be fitted for my hair shirt
I think Theresa should just come out with it and have a ” I am ashamed of my own culture and want the rest of us to feel guilty too day”
We could call it it “Traitors and penitents day”.
or “maybe I am desperate to suck up to any racial minority for a couple of votes day”
Or maybe even “Stephen Lawrence – the liberal gift that keeps on giving day”
Having said that I do feel sorry for his father who does seem to have some dignity about him. I wonder what his thoughts are to the memory of his sons murder being used as a racial, anti white battering ram. By this sort of action it seems to me that Theresa is in effect creating a wedge between communities – not increasing harmony. Though I am sure the BBC will cream themselves silly over this.
As for our cringeworthy PM. The word “pathetic” does not do justice to the actions of this professional political sado masochist, but she seldom seems more energised than when she is being deferential or “sorry” to some effnik minority or other. If its not telling Coppers off for SUS laws – then its wearing an “ever so umble” headscarf in a mosque or this latest offering, Maybe she has a Lilly Allen hotline at No 10 which she can ring when she needs advice.
Since the word “pathetic ” is not enough in this case. I took the liberty of “copying and pasting the rest of the synonyms which are similair to pathetic on the online dictionary.
These are – hapless, miserable, misfortunate, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, wretched, ridiculous, silly
I rest my case.
Bobbing boobies? Why, I’m thinking about all those elderly and overweight men, of course. What were you thinking about?
PS: Still haven’t found the original photograph. You know the one I’m referring to: the one that hasn’t been cropped, to leave only the head showing. Is fact now being edited? Anybody come across it, anywhere? Or is it just my mind playing tricks on me after over twenty years?
Thanks, Ian, for taking the trouble. I wonder if you also have the publication date? My mind/memory still reasonably intact, then. May not mean anything, of course. Then again…
even that is cropped
heres the doulble..
Maybe we could have a BBC day for when they start to report facts instead of opinion……say 29th of Feb or 12th of Never?
6:15pm News the SLaw memorial service with royalty
.. Fiona Bruce smiles and says coming up “The Magic of Mo Salah”
Bit shortchanged ..where was the Enoch bashing item ?
Al beeb always seeking the opportunity to celebrate the evolution of our fine country into Britanistan. Time to grow a beard – including you ladies .
Happy St George’s day to all.
Have you seen the St George’s day Google Doodle today?
A cute kids play. The St George is played by a child of colour, while the dragon is not only a white kid but a ginger!
Ok sorry, not bbc bias, but someone’s bias.
St George was Greek apparently. Some like to make out he was born in Turkey but the place was Greece at the time.
More traditional picture on Microsoft’s Bing site.
Mind you, given that St George’s Day is also celebrated in Russia and Syria, Google probably think they are being ‘edgy’ by mentioning it at all.
When all main political parties agree on the same shite – we no longer have a democracy. There seems to be a neoliberal consensus to islamify and diversify and feminise British society. Of course down the road there will be issues between Islam and the feminists – but most of the feminists are posh and will probably decide to live in the US or in the Caribbean or somewhere else.
Broadcasting ,
One day we ll look back on these days as the last days of freedom before it was completely extinguished and the propaganda become total and a monopoly.
Adverse comments on websites being erased and blocked . People paid to grass on anyone expressing on regulation opinion.
We ll all be in it together – or else .
Londonistan crime update
14 year old stabbed in the leg in my local park but likely to survive despite the best efforts of the awful local hospital . There is no description in the local newspaper report which normally infers a non white victim and a non white offender .
I believe they call such activity “dissing” next year it will have happened on Lawrence day”.
white van in Toronto : 8-10 people have been struck
Van Plows Into Crowd of Pedestrians
Toronto police say they are investigating
driver fled : Police said both the van and the driver are in custody.
Rental van, “motive unkown”
Confirmed photo
2,3,4 people have died according to sources
Thanks, also Eddy. Starting to ‘get the picture’ now.
Got the date now Ian, sorry about that.
The BBC Londonistan Programme was in it’s element this
evening. I don’t think I have seen Riz Lateef so involved since
she was” eulogizing” over Mark Duggan.
The programme does not hold back that much
slagging off the Metropolitan Police on a daily basis. BUT tonight
the Anarchist, Fifth Columnist , Trotskyist editors knew they
could get away with anything on Stephen Lawrence day. The
Met was attacked with vitriol by all asunder.
Tonight was like watching a Black Panther Movement
meeting. Stephen Lawrence would not of wanted that.
I wonder if the Met Police were withdrawn from London, how many hours would need to elapse before that city would collapse into chaos?
Al – from my recollection of the most recent riot – the police weren’t that far away from losing it .
Yes the demotivating effect of beating on the boys in blue will only mean dead black kids – an effect which the race industry will never accept .
The irony of all this – and the black lives matter – movement seems lost on al beeb but I guess it’s a group think job where no one is able to say “ that idea is stupid “.
After speaking to various coppers and ex coppers over the years – It appears that the days of the normal copper are long dead to be replaced with battalions of Cresidas “Common Purpose” droids.
These days the few remnants of the old guard have to be really careful what they say as one of the best was of getting on in the modern “force” is to inform on those who dont hold the PC line.
Sounds more like North Korea than North London .
Oak – as I guessed but didn’t want too.
I’m guessing that the next time there is sustained rioting they’ll more than have their hands full . Worrying . I can hear the “lessons will be learnt “ crap and spare a thought for the dead.
Al beeb will have a blame field day.
A MasterChef semi-finalist has died after collapsing during the London Marathon, it has been confirmed.
Matt Campbell on the right was running his second marathon in two weeks
”Matt Campbell, 29, collapsed at the 22.5 mile mark and died later in hospital.
He appeared on the BBC’s MasterChef: The Professionals in December 2017, and had been running the race – the hottest on record – for his father who died 18 months ago. ”
Never heard of him or ever watched the show.
I would have cautioned against him taking up that activity , those chefs never look healthy, maybe it’s all that rich grub they eat.
Unlike me some of my lefty friends like to stay healthy and go in for things like half-marathons to raise cash for left wing charities. None of them have died so far, but especially for the full 26 miles you often get someone kicking the bucket (often at a shockingly early age).
They’re nutters as far as I’m concerned. But I suppose they dropped dead for whatever ghastly ‘peace, luv ‘n understanding’ cause they thought they believed in.
As a retired sportsman, having pushed my body to extreme limits and also having the resultant after effects.
Give the poor lad some credit.
Our ‘Orwellian’ BBC:
‘Multiple pedestrians’ – some people will be wondering whether it is more than one set of Siamese twins walking around a Canadian city. Once upon a time ‘Toronto pedestrians hit by van’ would have been an informative heading but is deemed to be no longer adequate in 2018.
18year old stabbed outside Woolwich Docklands station
I feel that the deification of St Jo of Cox cannot be far away. That will be compulsory.
“Up to 10 pedestrians have been struck by a van that witnesses said mounted the kerb in Toronto, say police.
The vehicle fled the scene after the incident at a busy intersection in the north of the Canadian city, police say.”
It was the van that did it, It “fled the scene” – lock up all vans !
All Readers & Maxi
Notice how they have changed the wording …………..
“Nine people have been killed and 16 injured after a man drove a van into pedestrians in Toronto, police said.
The driver fled the scene of the incident, at a busy junction in the north of the Canadian city, but was arrested several streets away.”
This time its from “Van” to “Man” and “vehicle” to “driver”
They read and heed our posts !
I wonder if the BBC could show me one square in the East End of London that had a St. Georges day party today? You know like the one they just showed us in Eastenders . BBC have any of you ever been to the East End in the shadow of the wailing tower in Tower Hamlets ?
The locals can all gather around the Joanna in the local pub, Chas n Dave or Madness style and sing all the old favourites like;
‘Knees up Mother Khan’
‘Baggy Turbans’
‘My name is Mishal Caine’.
Panorama : Jonathan Pie just got pushed over by Ukrainian mafia
..then a 20s clip from out Labour Governments Chancellor : John MacDonell
… Labour Government ?
Abolish HoL Petition needs 2K to trigger parliament debate
1,950 .. 1,940 …1,800
98470 latest count after I signed .
The idea of an unelected legislature is pretty repulsive – oh yeah – tradition .
I thought I would see what the viewing figures for the recent Stephen Lawrence programmes on the BBC. BARB gives this message on 23rd April:
Due to a technical issue with the delivery of programme logs for BBC channels, we do not have weekly programme data for these channels from 12 March 2018. We will make these data available as soon as possible.
How long do you think we will have to wait before we get the data that the BBC slips out. I am sure there will be a ‘minor’ correction to adjust the numbers upwards. Why would we believe the BBC?
I’m glad they can’t include me in their figures but I suppose they’ll run it again and again each year .
9 dead in Toronto using a van . Evening standard says the driver started fighting with people after he’d carried out his killings .
I won’t hop skip or jump to conclusions but maybe the truth will out .
@Deb weekly data is visible eg figs for top 30 April 9 – April 15
So April 16- April 23 should be available in a couple of days
Viewing figs seem rubbish ..just 3.5 to 6 million, (last month Call the Midwife got 9m)
Notable lib-Agenda shows – Countryfile 6m, Have I got News 5.5m, News 11 positions in the top 30 , Also charted : Holby/Casualty/Graham-Norton
More on : BBC The Big British Asian Summer season of programming (post above 4:34 pm)
The culture isn’t fused .. And I saw no tension in my childhood
I can’t see any big difference to most peoples lives, only the people who like Asian food
– And BBC please Stop breaking the trades descriptions act by using the word “Asian” like you do
..You mean “Indian-Subcontinent immigrant culture”
BBC2special progs
– cookery series Taste of Home
– series; Passengers (3×60′) social history of the journey
– Inside The Factory; a spotlight on curry
– Gardeners’ World, celebrate South Asian influences on British Gardens
– 2 parts Made In Asia: story of 4 adopted women, now looking for their mums
– Leicester Sings; documentary musical for BBC One telling the story of a family, exiled from Uganda
– Anita Rani exploring British Indians in Bollywood. 2 parts
– last Maharajah of the Punjab, .. wrenched from his mother’s arms by the British Empire.
– stories of British Asian Men
A dishonour killing special
Do it your self fgm
Health inspectors guide to curry houses
The caste system
3rd world peasants in a 1st world country
Aborting female babies
How to abduct and take white children
An excellent selection of programmes – wonder who they’ll send to Pakistan Indian – meeesshhhalll?
3m British Asians are now the biggest minority population in Britain.
.. not just part of the fabric of contemporary Britain – they’ve helped create it.
No the biggest ‘minority’ community in Britain are the Not BAMEs, the ones that have no ‘community leaders’ (ever noticed that?) that have no culture, the ones whose forefathers didn’t just create it, (without help), but fought amongst themselves to define the principles that the civilised world adopted. The ones that see that civilisation being destroyed by corrupt knife-wielding barbarians and all, not for a ‘mess of pottage’, but a spoonful of curry covering up God knows what.
House of Lords abolition petition now at 99386
Target 100000 but needs to be higher .
Al beeb won’t say anything about it as their senior hierarchy want a place there one day – similarly to and politician who doesn’t want to have anything to do with the punters anymore .
Now 99444
Already signed – Think of the savings to us poor people who are struggling to exist while these clowns are ‘earning’ some £300/day merely for turning up ( before going down the pub, Soho or whatever their strange predilictions dictate ).
The Old Lords did, at least, have some respect for their peers (us), this lot are a shower of sh*te traitors just looking after their own EU incomes/pensions.
If anybody needs to be deported?
Start with our (less than) ‘Honourables’.
Fedup- Spot on. The target is in the bag.
Tried to explain in my little discussion with Taffman why I think the ‘Lords’ are not the only obstacle;
and that they scorn our petitions cos they think the deplorables out here are too uneducated to show them the way.
Some thinking, independent from political parties, may not be a bad thing?
The petition is the QUANTITY. Do they feel we have no QUALITY out here? The contributions to this column suggest otherwise.
The BBC and their MSM buddies certainly don’t have more.
As for the politicians, look around at what they’re up to and weep. How on earth have we allowed it to come to this?
The rationale for the existence of the peers used to be
Not the party affiliation that exists in the commons
Peers have life experience which enables them to correct draft legislation
Peers have specialist expertise which they can use to shape legislation .
Compare that with the creatures who are actually in there – how many is it now? 800 plus ?
You can give your own examples of unelected peers who challenge the brexit referendum . But it’s not just that . It’s the principle – The party leaders using it as patronage for his friends . No selection – no independent review – just patronage – Adonis , shami, Patton , Mandi , baroness Doreen of Lawrence ( Who can Do No Wrong ) and countless nobodys who no one has ever heard of . It’s just corrupt .
We are agreed. 800+ is absurd. Says all there is to be said about that place. The whole edifice reeks of corruption. Add those of the lower house, and we can take over the government of China and India. (Strictly numerically-theoretically speaking!) The lower house is very happy with that. ‘Keep giving the peasants the run-around with Brexit, and they won’t be able to think of anything else’. So all that wonderful ‘expertise’ has solved zilch?
Cut by half, at least. (Commons by a third?)
Now we need a clear picture of the alternative upper house. Or not?
From The Rebel : BBC anti-Catholic bigotory
Stew ,
I had a quick look at your link but I feared it might offend my Roman Catholic sensitivities . I know al beeb equates RC with paedophilia and nothing else but it has been around a bit longer than al beeb and will be there long after sky buys albeeb
I think the church is trying to make nice with sodomites and lettuce lickers but they might have s bit of explaining to do with the boss.
and https://www.therebel.media/media_insiders_tell_katie_hopkins_they_have_had_enough_of_half_truths_and_lies
(Actually Fedup that BBC Scotland piece is Ok, as it’s OK t air a poet who doesn’t like Catholicism
but it’s the hypocrisy that the BBC wouldn’ allow similar free speech to some one criticising Islam)
… HoL petition zoomed past 100K , gov has 5 days to respond
The BBC haven’t mentioned the name of the Toronto van driver who killed 9. In fact the BBC state “No description was given of the driver.”
Meanwhile in the real journalism world, CBS have named him as Alek Minassian (yes it’s a Muslim yet again).
Is anyone surprised?
Have they pronounced him mentally ill yet?
It’s OK.
He’s an Eskimo.
Well spotted Tabs.
And I thought it was a “Van” .
The surname Minassian is commonly associated with Armenia, which is a predominately Christian country. So, it is necessary to withold judgement at this stage, although be prepared not to be surprised. However, at the very minimum the perp should be done for ‘Cultural appropriation’.
I was signature 100,061.
Please let everyone one know about this attempt to bring back democracy.
Thanks to all above for alerting me to this. Save me rolling the barrels of explosive beneath the house of lords.
We may need pitchforks to pursuade the ‘lower house’ to accept the referrendum vote.
I’ve been sharpening mine – and the rest of the collection – just in case they need to understand to comprehend the word ‘majority’.
Congratulations – it’s probably meaningless but it’s the least that can be done eh?
@ 0858 today: 101,700 and still rising but slightly slower now. I hope that’s due to the early morning. I’ll return later today and watch for 5 mins or so to get an idea of the rate the number is increasing.
It is somewhat reassuring to see that the idea of Stephen Lawrence Day has not gone down well with many on Twitter.
Roland Deschain
The indigenous population of this country called Great Britain have been forgotten by Liberal, Politically Correct, Politicians, who are out of touch with their people.
There was a debate in parliament some years ago (sorry, don’t have my Hansard records to hand) in which our esteemed MPs voted that the UK didn’t have any indigenous people, just waves of unending immigration throughout the ages: Romans, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Hugeunots, West Indians, Bangladeshis, Somalians…
But, in fairness, the politicans are in touch with their people. You know the sort: American bankers, Russian oligarchs, Saudi paymasters, ‘Hungarian’ billionaires…
Why call it a ‘Day’? Isn’t it during the night when all these murderous yobs get out their knives and go round terrorising normal people?
How about a ‘Night’, when it’s ‘dark’ – or is that waaaaaycist?
The whole idea is just ridiculous, but then so was Cameron’s waste of time as ‘PM’, and the other previous lot with that grinning white smarmy git.
As a good friend once told me, there are two people in the world I hate, and he’s both of them!
May Day! May Day! May Day! – the day everyone had enough is enough of Theresa May … May Day!
A National Day must have the approval and support of the population but, as for as I know, there has been no survey to determine the national opinion. The preposterous decision to have a National Day for Stephen Lawrence seems to have been decided in secret by Theresa May and a small pressure group, and imposed on the nation. My view on this is clear, and I venture the suggest that, if polled, the nation would vote against this move. I shall make 22 April Lee Rigby Day.
Are Harry & Megan filling the gap left by Ant & Dec ? they seem to be appearing everywhere and attending the opening of every proverbial envelope. Never off the screens, and now just watched yet another performance at the Stephen Lawrence church do. They must be in desperate need of a holiday with all this hard work of public speaking, hi fiving, pious expressions when necessary, and emoting with concern (this is where the acting lessons pay off).
Sorry Bris.
It’s a royal baby.
At least it means the MSM have to stop the ‘Corbyn is Magnificent’ trope.
It would be good if they could stand in alphabetical order, just like Ant & Dec always do, so you can tell which one is which. Thinking about it, that should apply to all members of the ‘royal’ family.
A royal baby I can cope with, but H & M are rapidly becoming the Posh and Becks of the Royal family !
Quite agree, Brissles.
I’ve developed a method of avoiding anything to do with them.
I ignore it all!
Blood pressure normal, tinctures all round, and a lovely way to enjoy life!
Of course, I do the same with Corbynals, Posh and Biscuits, Thronebury, Adornis, Bliar, Remoaners, murdering night-time knife-stabbers, police in their offices all safe, Izzardists, Transits, John Minor, any bbbcist, and anyone who disagrees with me!
Not bias, but if you need a laugh, read the comments. It’s the only humor like this you’ll see on the beeb!
I’ve got a tea mug with a pub sign on it saying ‘The Crowing Cock’.
I’ve always wondered why Senora O’Blene bought it for me, but I think I know now…
Darkly comic on Five Live as they ponder what could possibly have motivated the driver in Toronto. I assume they have taken inspiration from that font of political strategy Harry Potter where noboby mentions the name ‘Voldemort.’ It does not reassure us but instead creates the impression that things are spiralling out of control as nobody believes this was just a case of bad driving.