Found this bit of good teaching on YouTube.
Who needs telly?
This reveals what good government was seen as in the 14th Century in Siena.
My God, what the hell do we need to paint now?
Bad Government looks bloody good compared to what we have today.
If you haven’t already read it – a great old history book is Burckhardt’s work on Renaissance Italy. I can’t remember where I got a free digital copy from – either Amazon or on the site.
I tend to like the old classics. Quite a lot of history written post WW2 often has a Marxist slant, and despite the odd exception it’s been getting worse ever since.
Yesterday the most important thing that happened, the fining of Count Dankula for making a joke on YouTube, was with one or two honourable exceptions, completely ignored or covered briefly with a bias in the reporting to instruct their viewers to believe that he deserved it.
The implications of this ruling, I believe are profound in that it is another step; quite a leap in this case; along the road to criminalise any speech that those with the power have decided they don’t like. The case was used to send a message to the rest of us to shut our mouths and do and think as we are told.
That is what happened yesterday. So what did the propaganda merchants fill up the airwaves and newspapers with? The fact that a baby was born.
Unless we, as a country, wake up from our torpor, we are destined to be slaves in our own country and the evil bastards will have won. Our swamp needs to be drained as a matter of urgency and the swamp dwellers won’t do that for us.
‘another step; quite a leap in this case; along the road to criminalise any speech that those with the power have decided they don’t like’
Very true.
I’ve watched Geedo take steps and wonder just how long we in this site will survive.
Perhaps a year. And it won’t be confined to criticism of Islam or people of colour in high places.
John in Chesh and Ro Des, but I think that’s a bit of a half-full-glass view, I would say that if this site stays as focused on BBC/media issues as it always has it will still have a following that will keep monitoring, even if the Open threads are just a chance to speak openly about how the BBC behaves on every level, it needs to be observed and held to account and this site does allow it.
It would have been nice to have been given some indication of what is happening to this site. Basic courtesy to the contributors, I would have thought.
Opinions are going to differ on this. Personally, I rarely read any of Alan’s prolix essays. The wisdom of BBBC, for me, has always been in the comments .
As for the future of this site, who knows? Some communication wouldn’t come amiss.
To be fair, the writing was on the wall at Order Order several years ago. Geedo was always a Conservative Party crawler with a worrying SPAD fixation. He was rendered irrelevant when the breakaway Going Postal was started. That’s a bit intimidatingly clubby and it may yet drown under the volume of its comments but it has succeeded in showing how an active blog can still be a very potent force, social media notwithstanding.
You haven’t seen anything yet. Once criticism of a religion is considered a criminal offence, then kiss good by to your liberty.
The sheeple are great sleep walkers
Have the BBC dumped support for Corbyn now that they can no longer keep spinning how great he is?
Just for chuckles here is Corbyn’s own view of well the meeting with Jewish Leadership Council…
I am grateful to the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Community Security Trust for a positive and constructive meeting about tackling antisemitism.
How could any meeting with Jeremy Corbyn be anything BUT disappointing?
The old scrote has hardly a dozen brain cells to rub together, is a potted plant in comparison to McDonnell or Gardiner. And neither of them would blow their caps of if their brains were gelignite, not jelly.
The man is THICK-which is why he`s a Lefty leader.
Who was the last smart one? Ortega?
Headline: “Germany’s Jews urged not to wear kippahs after attacks”
“The leader of Germany’s Jewish community has advised Jews to avoid wearing traditional skullcaps (kippahs) following anti-Semitic attacks.”
And the reason?
Angela Merkle says “aside from anti-Semitism by right-wing groups, similar threats were coming from some Muslim refugees in the country.”
Ah I see. But forgive me for suggesting this but hasn’t Germany been famous for having right wing groups, erm, through out the last 100 years in fact.
I`ve given up watching the television, simply no point.
Until the Referendum I voted, and was willing to accept the popular will. My side lost more often that those I disliked and disagreed with.
May got my vote last year, only because of Brexit.
I won`t go on being insulted and lied to by the upper caste who run the BBC etc. And this lot of moaners need to know that any legitimacy they held only depends on whether they respect the nations democratic wishes. That they seem to think it has no meaning for them is really dangerous.
That way lies civil war, and the corrosion of law, of votes and of any trust in a just system is really going to reduce the next votes and leave us open to breakdown. Islam and the travellers are ahead of the rest of us old polite dopes who`ve played fair and relaxed thus far.
People like Blair, Campbell, Miller, Clegg and Soubry, Cable and the media luvvies might not know of Hobbes and the English Civil War.
But we`re running very hot towards it, seems cracking heads will be just about the only legitimate and direct form of action that will stop them sliding us into a Eurabian Soviet like Dagestan or such.
And this I feel-without the provocations of the telly. I`d probably be fit for sectioning if I watched it.
Women have always been equal.
There has never been a problem with recognising achievement, whether this is for a Marie Curie or a Florence Nightingale, a Sylvia Plath or a Margaret Thatcher. Achievement is always recognised.
Why would women want to measure their worth by the number of statues in Parliament Square? Or their numbers in some stuffy, boring boardroom? Or don a high-vis jacket and go to work pouring tarmac. Why would they want to be like men?
Is all this stuff today not really about individuals with a lust for power, hiding behind the disguise of ‘equality’?
Listen to Ms May today and you hear dead words trying to sound trendy and ‘with it’. What we really see is a politician, looking to secure some extra votes. Same as any other male politician. She should be more honest.
Every individual is unique, has worth and will achieve their potential if they really want to. This blind obsession with ‘equality’ is a hangover from the French revolution and the Soviet Empire.
All this militant feminism is a great con.
If that makes me a MCP, I merely shrug. If you want to play cricket or rugger, play -and don’t make a big song and dance about it.
Nobody’s stopping you. Feminism: merely one more reason to press the ‘off’ switch these days. Sorry Ladies.
since the 70s, it`s been a level field as far as 95% of us have been concerned. The occasional irritation maybe, but my girls expect and receive nothing less that full, fair and equal treatment.
But they are susceptible to reddit whinings, and lack the experience to figure out real news from fake, The grievance industry plays them like kippers sometimes and these are smart kids.
Been relentless now in colleges since the 80s, so it`s all they`ve ever had in schools.
Sense though that things like endless patronising guff like “Suffragette” films, “red carpet gestures”, “womens sport” and the likes of Lily, Harriet, Emmas Thompson and Watson etc are showing up as ridiculous and doing women no favours whatsoever.
They really need their own Germaine Greer, a young Claire Fox would do for me. Otherwise they`ll fall for all the PC junk like Fiona Bruces salary being sexist.
The ‘occasional irritation’ can certainly be a man. Sadly, there are plenty of them around. Insecure men, oafs, men with issues they take out on women. They are individuals who sometimes need help/sometimes an appropriate response (may be a clout).
There are also still a lot of nice guys around, who are more than willing to help a career progress, or whatever;. conversely also other women who will be happy to undermine and exploit them
Not an easy world, for anyone.
Identifying the PC junk is also a good strategy. Wish you luck.
During my working career of 40 odd years, – give me a man boss over a woman any day of the week. I was unfortunate enough to have 2 during this period – head of the typing pool (YES, there were such things) when I had just left school, and the other at the end of my career in the NHS, and I wont say ‘bitches’, more like complete arseholes. If a woman boss takes a dislike to you, God help you.
My thoughts exactly and I am female.
In some respects women in the past had greater power than the men, and indeed men have had the short straw in many ways. The women held power in the home so men congregated in pubs, probably under the eye of a strong landlady.
Joke of the week.
On Newshite, a debate about Fake News. Evan Davies interviews ‘expert’ Alistair Campbell.
Second joke of the week. Quote from Evan Davies ‘if you want the truth, you watch the BBC, you read The Guardian……..’
At least, Newsshite gave ian56 a chance to voice his “false flag” conspiracy thing. Must have been music to ears of the slavishly RT following, Putin worshipping tendency on biasedbbc.
ID, since you are here, would you like to answer these questions, please:
“In addition, for clarity, are you fully employed by the BBC? If not, do you merely freelance for them?”
By the way, I haven’t actually listened to RT. I certainly do not worship Putin. Who do you worship?
Привет Ап2Снаф!
Liked your appearance as ian56 on Newsshite last night.
A tour de force of swivel-eyed, conspiratorial confabulation.
Very sensibly you doffed your tin-foil hat for your MSM showcasing.
I have never been an employee of the BBC nor have I ever freelanced for them. Why would you assume I was? I thought you were a “facts, facts and nothing but the facts” man.
Another conspiracy theory?
Just so we now know that we cannot rely on the content of your posts, that helps. Not a conspiracy theory, merely just ascertaining whether you are being straight with us. Now we know.
Just so you know where we stand on BBC appearances, I have never been on BBC TV.
I’ve no idea what your first sentence might mean.
You refer to a “we” – is that the “royal we” or multiple personalities emerging simultaneously in your consciousness?
If you eschew RT so violently why do their secondary and tertiary regurgitations end up in your posts? Great minds think alike?
As I say, I have never posted anything on Biasedbbc or elsewhere supportive of the BBC. I would like to see your evidence to the contrary, Obviously, it is my criticism of RT, the continuation of Pravda by other means, and Putin that bothers you so much.
Just so we HERE now know that we cannot rely on the content of your posts, that helps.
Sorry, thought it was obvious without the HERE, but to the hard of thinking it was obviously not.
As for your criticising RT, feel free to do so. I have no view on them. PRAVDA and, don’t forget, Isvetia. I remember them. The BBC News used to occasionally relay to us what was being said by the State authorities in PRAVDA and Isvetia. You may criticise them, too, for what its worth nearly thirty years late.
They were the organs that taught the people in Russia how to ‘read’ the news, ‘between the lines’.
Bit like your posts and some/much/all* of the BBC output these days.
I see. You have modestly appointed yourself as biasedbbc spokespersonage. One way or the other, delusions of grandeur seem to be your thing or have I got that wrong too?
Could “we HERE” refer to you and the fellow inhabitants of your care home
So what evidence have you of the unreliability of my posts?
Obviously just another one of your batty exrectolocutions.
Is this a shot across the bows at our PM?
“Brexit: May’s ‘customs partnership’ idea cretinous, says Rees-Mogg”
Go for it Moggy and get us out of the wretched EU.
I hope it is Taffman. But it is a bit late in coming. Anyway a shot across the bows has to be followed by thundering salvo. I’m not sure JRM is up to it. We’ll see.
Dad-of-two spared jail after sexually assaulting boy in Ware. Michael Walkerdine, 57, who lived in Thieves Lane, Hatfield, was given a ten-month suspended sentence at St Albans Crown Court today (April 19). His victim said he now cannot sleep without a torch.
Shrewsbury man who had thousands of child sex images avoids jail. William Smith, 47, of Brunel Way was given a community order at Shrewsbury Crown Court.
Teen pervert avoids jail despite sex assault on woman on college campus. Ross Colquhoun was found guilty of sexually assaulting the woman at New College Lanarkshire’s Motherwell campus.
A registered sex offender from Yeovil [Simon David Godfrey] who persuaded a teenage girl with learning difficulties to send him naked pictures of herself has escaped being sent to prison.
I don’t think it is worth replying to you so here is my last comment to you. I try to explain my view to you but there is no reply – which I consider rude . I’m not sure what a troll is but I guess you would fall into that type of on line person – which makes you a sad individual.
You obviously read what is discussed here but choose to merely challenge other peoples’ comments and not discuss issues in themselves – in short – in terms of words which you have used yourself here – “ you are a disgrace Maxi” – but I’m sure your mum loves you.
Wiki definition of a ‘troll’ –
“In Internet slang, a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll’s amusement.” – He’s that alright. But, apart from being like the irritating fly you want to swat, it seems to me that he does not have any influence here at all.
Thank you for the definition .Maxi posted last night and I thought I was going to get his view on something . Instead when I replied to him I got no reply but he engaged someone else later.
So maxi – in his self – does not deserve acknowledgement here however much he baits people – eh taff?
As for al beeb – I’m avoiding until the boaty mcwindrush insanity goes away.
I realise that I might be. Albeeb free for quite some time – apart from match of the day . I caught the 6 o’clock news last night and realised al Beeb and me are incomparable- and thought of that rather good tv licensing commercial they put on.
In local London Borough a polish prince. Has created a political party aimed at resident poles. I should be surprised.
I read an article many moons ago on the phenomena of online trolls and why they do it. To summarise, It found that in the vast majority of cases it was undertaken by social inadequates who find normal face to face relationships difficult or even impossible, due to having some sort of facial or physical disfigurement, minute or humorously shaped genitalia or ginger hair.
They are attracted to various sites and articles as a moth to a flame to post controversial, argumentative and at odds comments and replies, some of which may be insulting to others and the tone of the article concerned. This is a hook to generate a response, to make them feel noticed; some may even get a sexual buzz from antagonizing other commenters. They go under a variety of (humorous in their view) pseudonyms and even gender to allow multiple postings on the same issue to increase the amount of feedback and their feeling of self-worth. Once identified and it isn’t difficult, they are best ignored to allow their anonymous, online life mirror their offline one. They are more to be pitied than scorned.
Disingenuous Maxi crapped all over a thread again
#1 Fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
The unjust case was obvious physical assault with sexual intent, 2 of of M’s 4 examples were of lower crimes like possessing images
even the ones labelled assault seem lower grade eg touching , rather strangling
The Motherwell case says “sexually assaulting”, but news reports are limited to 3 tiny Daily Record articles ..we don’t know what the degree was cos unfortunately “sexually assaulting” covers everything from patting someones bum to much more serious events
#2 Two wrongs don’t make a right, so even if he can dig up cases of past soft sentences on non-immigrants , that is also unjust.
I post here because I think Al Beeb is biased. Simples
I continue to enquire of maxincony, why he posts here and what motivates him ?
His answer ………?
Besides, I love fly swatting 😀
Trolls like max are there to disrupt, not to answer anyones questions.
The detailed listings produced are from his ‘team’ at bbc HQ.
I say ‘his’ a committee more like, rebranded, renamed, and seek only to disrupt.
Ignore the trolls, try not to respond.
They are the best advert for not paying the telly tax .
“Robs from the poor and gives to the rich”. Evan/maxi is one of the rich.
Toronto van : copycat of another nutter
Second InCel ‘involuntarily celibate’ attack
The Facebook message now confirmed as genuine read:
“The Incel Rebellion has already begun!
We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys [online jargon for ordinary, popular young people]!
All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”
‘Times distorted Muslim foster case,’ their website breathlessly reports.
Of course the BBC never distort anything: men and women are the same; all cultures are equal, especially that peaceful one which really respects women; the pay of female BBC employees is a source of endless fascination for everyone; words can be violent; ‘Russia’ won the election for Trump and nothing else was even a factor. . .
“The witnesses said Clemons and Adams loudly shouted profanities at the Waffle House employees. One of them shouted, “I’ll come over this counter” and threatened to beat the employee, saying “B—-, I’m going to have your job, you ain’t going to be here tomorrow.”
One of the witnesses, according to Mims, reported hearing: “I may have a gun, I may have anything. I can come back here and shoot this place up if I need to.”
Why aren’t BBC reporting the whole story?“
Well, it could be the bbc editorial integrity did not allow time or space to include such facts.
Or that the bbc again decided to stir up race based conflict to promote an agenda. Which is really not what the state broadcaster of Britain should be doing.
“At @journalismfest at 17, I will present how the EU #copyright reform is threatening media pluralism & freedom by making publishers charge for links to their articles: ..”
The Toronto perp, strange silence on bbc brekkie news headlines this morn.
It’s already consigned to the memory hole?
Is it because they have some info that:
He’s not far right
He’s a moslem convert
Or just showing their journalistic high standards, by waiting for official news. Just like they did with St Jo’s killer shouting ‘britain first’
Worth seeing comments on to see the destruction of debate ….. “I just want an explanation. If the C word and the F word are now b a n n e d, which they appear to be, then fair enough but referring that word is plain ridiculous, bordering on the infantile.
The word “b a n n e d” is now disallowed !”.
Comedy that writes itself in 2018 on a libertarian website.
It looks like my facetious comments about this years BBC Proms
is not so far fetched as it appears ! Big Brother in the diversity
department has insisted that the Maria in Leonard Bernstein’s
West Side Story cannot be a “whitey.” So Sierra Boggess who
was to play the role has had to resign.
How dare you mention anything that is not approved by those who approve things but don’t tell you what is approved or not approved! Rainbow cars and thoughts are on there way … after twerks and nails have been painted.
I did a quick google for “Puerto Rican sopranos”. I got two results – Lizzie Graham and Yolanda Vadiz. Lizzie died in 1927 and Yolanda in 1987. As a heartbeat is a bare minimum for the role, I think that rules them out.
My search was rough and ready and I’m sure there are others out there, with fully functioning hearts, but perhaps not that many. Then there’s availability.
I think the issue, as usual these days, is that the singer MUST NOT BE WHITE. Other than that, any ethnic minority will probably do.
Apparently Boggess has received abuse such as being told “this isn’t your story to tell”. Well that’s a little odd because Bernstein and Sondheim were white, and the original story was Shakespeare’s, also white.
Theresa-I saw an absolutely terrific Cuban-American soprano Lisette
Orepesa in Lucia di Lammermoor at Covent Garden a few months
ago. She would be a great Maria. However I expect Big Brother
in the diversity department at the BBC will find a suitable “inclusive”
candidate to sing ” I feel pretty, oh so pretty.” Any suggestions? has bowed down to the hate crime hub …. “Thats it! I am leaving this site – have just had my post moderated just for saying space your letters out to get past the mods.
So its not an auto system.” …. Winston has been removed from the history books.
Geedo geedo is imposing a strict policy of censorship. I posted this in a topic on Corbyn to test the water, and it was censored.
‘Down with Corbyn vote for May and the Tories.
Hope this comment is not racist or seen as hate speech.
Actually, I am not a supporter of May, but one says what has to be said, if you know what I mean.’
This is very worrying … the site did have nasty people but generally they were ignore or debated. How come coloured racists can use race to debate racial issues but others cannot?
Comment:'”Staines ( is a libertarian who described in a 2000 publication how he became a libertarian in 1980 after reading Karl Popper’s The Open Society and its Enemies.”
Think this might need an edit.’
eg “At lunch watched the tearful beeboid announce that Lord Hall-Hall had been escorted from his desk,
and that Rod Liddle was now the acting Director General of the BBC.
She choked when she added that a Mr Yaxley-Lennon had joined the BBC Trust. ”
Knee-jerk reactions against Millicent Fawcett’s statue in Parliament Square may be a little unreasonable. Having researched her bio, she was clearly a significant figure, influenced by philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill. She became a leader in the mainstream, non-violent side of the women’s suffrage movement. Without people like Fawcett clearing the way we may never have had arguably Britain’s best post-war Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Hence, I think she is clearly worthy of a statue in Parliament Square.
I think some of the reaction is against the art rather than the figure herself. IMO, the banner looks naff and people will be photoshopping their own messages on it for years to come, not to mention the spray can brigade. It’s asking for it. comment “Wasn’t Guido ( one of the first to try to get us all to sign a petition against (Max) Mosley and his plans to suppress the free speech of the press?”
“….‘lying is an unavoidable part of human nature’” View of the elite: ‘That’s why we, your Conservative Government must make it a crime in our attempt at social engineering’. But remember, “We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.” Bravo to Treezer and all the rest of the liars. They will fail.
You have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. Apparently the luvvies are all a do-da since proposed European regulations will cut dramatically the power of theatrical lighting. Very difficult to do full ham in the dark, they might argue.
Radio 4’s Front Row had an interview with a lighting engineer last night noting that new EU rules under consideration would dramatically cut the effectiveness of modern lighting. This despite the big improvements in lighting technology and power efficiency made over the last few years. Badly affected would be large concerts such as those performed by The Rolling Stones where vast amounts of power are needed to show the gnarled rock veterans in all their Cuddly Majesties.
Welcome to our world where the green loonies have set about de-industrialising the planet within 40 years. This group, which seems to be supported by most people who work in the “entertainment” business, has already come after our domestic light bulbs, so why should theatrical spotlights be any different. Comfortable caves with running cold water and bedtime at sunset is the green agenda. Get used to it.
In another development, we learn from a committee of green parliamentary activists that asthmas sufferers are contributing to climate change by using inhalers which emit potent greenhouse gases. They call for a switch from metered dose inhalers to a type less appropriate for the young and old (most people who suffer from asthma).
Expect future visits to the theatre to be gloomy affairs with slightly more coughing and wheezing from the audience than normal.
CM, very strange, isn’t it? I assume this cutting of theatre & concert lighting by government is for Global Warming/Climate Change reasons. Yet they appear happy to sanction ever more international sport and at night-time, too, requiring ever greater quantities of lighting and increasing world travel by teams, broadcasters and spectators.
At this time of year, I often find myself wondering what this AGW/CC fuss is about as I walk past things like patio heaters and exotic barbecue stoves, all piled high in D-I-Y superstores and in larger supermarkets.
If Global Warming and Climate Change is any sort of real threat, governments would not allow those things to be made, let alone shipped around the world and sold to the masses. Very peculiar.
I think it is probably fair to assume that Global Warming and Climate Change is no real threat at all but actually a benefit. For some. The few.
Costing The Earth (yesterday, Radio 4) was in praise of the French decommissioning hydro-electric power plants and demolishing the dams. You can’t get much “greener” than water power where the infrastructure has already been built, but it seems from the BBC that it’s a bad idea. Presumably, because no one is going to get rich from government subsidies to build it.
Mr Rees-Mogg said an immigration policy after Brexit that gave preferential treatment to EU nationals would be “racist” and “quite wrong” because, by and large, EU nationals are white.{ 24apr2018}”
. . . .
MPs give themselves an 18% pay increase during a recession and austerity period from 2010 …. UK politics is recession proof ….
“Just wanted to pop in to say ‘cheerio’. I’m a long time reader, infrequent commenter, but I come to this site 20% headlines, 80% for comments and the wisdom/links therein. I’ve spent some time Go!ng P()5tal, and it’s a bustling hive of comments, opinion, links etc, i shan’t be back.”
I think commentators here should tone their opinions down somewhat, lest you sound like an extremist. Try imitating the tone of a C of E vicar (talking about religion, not politics). Or Mrs May negotiating with the EU.:
‘In my provisional and subjective opinion, the weather is (arguably, and I’m not being dogmatic about this) appreciably less warm than in previous time spans. But what do I know? Your perception is equally valid – probably much more so. Who am I to lay down the Law about climatic conditions? I am so, so, sorry about that. And about everything I’ve ever said or done – and for being alive. A letter of apology is on its way to you. Please forgive me.’
When the style becomes second nature you can post on here in confidence – and apply for a job at the Foreign Office!
Broadway star Sierra Boggess has withdrawn from a concert performance of West Side Story at the BBC Proms after complaints about “whitewashing”.
But, she wrote on Facebook: “After much reflection, I’ve realised that if I were to do this concert, it would once again deny Latinas the opportunity to sing this score, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstage.”
So the political correctness has gone so far now that it is inappropriate for a white singer to sing in a white country’s musical production and they prefer to find a Puerto Rican singer instead.
Taking this a step further… can a human actor/actress play a Doctor Who alien? or should the BBC find a real alien actor so they do not deny the alien a chance to represent themselves.
I’m pretty sure that any Musical in Puerto Rico will not be going overboard to find white singers to represent a white character.
“After much reflection, I’veThe British People realised that if Ithey were to do this concertstay in the UK, it would once again deny LatinasEveryone in the World the opportunity to sing this scoreLive in the UK, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstagein a tolerant democratic free speaking society.”
It starts off by saying the word “is generally misused, especially in a European context”, before going on to state that Populist parties can be “anywhere on the political spectrum”.
But we know where this is heading. Despite the seemingly balanced intro, it then launches into a predictable attack on all the usual targets. “Commentators – from Time magazine to the President of the European Commission – have been warning about the rise of right-wing populism for years.” Er… two ‘commentators’ there? Sampling bias much? And the populist leader is characterised by “bad manners” and a dislike of “complicated democratic systems […] preferring direct democracy like referendums instead.”
This nicely segues to “strongman” leaders who “restructure the political space in a new and scary way”.
Of course what we don’t get with the BBC — despite the title’s false promise — is the etymology of the term or its political origins. From the 1st convention of the People’s Party of America (Populist party), Omaha, 1892:
—————————— “The people are demoralized; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation and bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are badly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bond-holders; a vast public debt payable in legal-tender currency has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people.
A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism.”
Even when the BBC purportedly sets out to explain, it unjoins the dots.
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Italy smashes ‘jihadist’ Tunisian speedboat trafficking gang { 10apr2018}
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
The use of quotation marks is a potent tool to cast doubt in the box of tricks available to the journalist. As one who used to ply the rough trade myself, I know only to well.
The BBC is right to use quotation marks when describing men in “Donald Trump” masks robbing a bank. To me it makes it clear that the president was not implicated in the robbery. Useful as well in getting the copy past m’learned friends. The BBC also stuck quotation marks in a story about Viktor Orban’s recent populist triumph in Hungary around “Christian” values. Working the logic it is clear that the BBC thinks that Donald Trump did not rob the bank and European civilization is not based on Christian values.
I once had a complaint from a financial swindler who said he didn’t like the way I adorned his name. But I added the word Honest, I noted. Yes but you didn’t have to put the word in quotes, he replied
A quick check of the BBC News homepage for their over use of quotation marks.
We currently have…
‘Exceptional’ journalist remembered
Labour vows to ‘settle’ anti-Semitism cases
Mexican ‘cowboy’ stops armed robbery
‘Culture change’ needed to protect children
Building fire safety tests ‘flawed’
Singer out of Prom over ‘whitewashing’
Helping teens where shootings are ‘normal’
The Papers: ‘Le bromance’ and junk food deal ban
Critics hail ‘bedazzling’ Infinity War
‘Trucker wall’ helps prevent man’s death
Flagpole rivalry: The ‘petty’ side of Korean relations
Blossoms: Noel Gallagher is a ‘freak of nature’
Interestingly they have a section on Crossing Divides. The one place where they should have quotation marks should be for Crossing “Divides” but nope – the lack of quotes in this case is to make it seem there really is a divide which isn’t up for debate.
“1. Only 44% of peers voted for the amendment (EU Customs Union). Therefore a majority don’t want it. 16 year old peers should have been allowed to vote.
2. The vote was advisory, our representatives should overrule it.
3. They’re old and so were doing it to spite young people.”
Ah yes, just like the remainers in 1975 somehow foresaw the things the EU had planned but kept secret:
An E U army.
Unlimited immigration ( from the entire world)
Treaties: Lisbon, Maastricht, Nice.
Political federation and ultiamate political union.
Oh yes, the remainers knew all of that? Surely knowing what they were voting
Just listened to the first part of the Jeremy Swine Show, about the TSB Online “crisis”; it’s just lazy, lazy cr@p that mainly consists of members of the show’s team reading Tweets disgruntled folk have made to TSB or its chief executive. To think of the shocking amount of money that this bell end receives from al Beebus too, he isn’t worth paying in used sanitary towels.
On that issue a policeman I was talking to you yesterday was recommending “tin foil” contactless card protectors.
Previous stories of electronic-pick-pocketing card-skimming turned out to be Urban Legends, cos money can only get transferred into secured merchant account, so thieves could never take it out.
And other technincal processes prevent card cloning.
(Someone could get hold of your card number, but that is no different from the waiter being able to do that with a physical card the old way)
I’m interested if anyone can point me to real person being scammed , the ones on the net seem to turn out to be fake.
Real people get their cards ‘scammed’ by TfL or else why would they have a procedure for making repayments? I have a home-made shield on my wallet to make sure the bus scanner reads the right card, (my first ‘contactless’ debit card caused red lights to flash).
Real people find it difficult to open new current accounts; scammers manage to move money that they have scammed into ‘legitimate’ accounts. How does that work?
People don’t like to admit they have been scammed, banks don’t like us to know their security checks have flaws and the police are too busy ensuring that ‘white’ people don’t appropriate ‘black’ song (sic) lyrics.
Guido out does the BBC’s HYS for moderation.
This comment was admitted with the following reply.
Comment on a piece about a politicians lying.
“Good piece of journalism. He does appear to be telling untruths
Hooray, this comment is not being moderated”
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guidofawkes NotModBot • 3 hours ago
“We delete discussions of moderation, banned words etc. So why try?
This has been let through as an explainer.”
There you have it, not even the BBC deletes comments about moderation.
Goodbye Geeedo
Could be that Greedo Fawkes doesn’t want to risk a ££ advertiser boycott that a reputation for “racist comments” might trigger ?
(I’ve got an adblocker on, so can’t see ads anyway)
According to the BBC, the increased violence is down to, “The rate of violent crime in the suburbs of Sweden’s big cities has worsened in recent years, in what officials blame on rising gang-related crime.” “Gang related crime” so there: nothing to do with refugees. So, if follows, “There is very little evidence that the migrants are to blame for a rise in violent crime.”
The BBC, dishonest as ever, down to the last word in its news reporting. It should be closed down immediately.
“rising gang-related” – who are in those gangs? What are their activities based on? Why are they manipulating? Questions without answer … omitted by the BBC. £3.5bn News Service!
BBC News site seems to highlight this stuff regularly.
Hank Azaria is a comedy actor. He did a comedy British accent in the film Mystery Men (1999), with all the stereotyping you’d expect. I can’t say I was offended by that. So it’s a race issue, in an animated programme where the white people are yellow? Since Azaria has played Apu for years, when exactly did this become a “thing?”
In the video below, made in 2014 to promote the Disney animated series Star Wars: Rebels, none of those involved even mention that the character is white and the actor playing him, David Oyelowo, is black. AFAIK he’s still playing him today – can he continue to do so? In 2014 it was okay. More evidence that our slide down the sh*t chute continues to accelerate?
So any comedian/voice over that takes the piss out of another nationality, but is not that nationality has to apologise and let a person from that nationality step in?
ISTR a certain Sir Lenward Henry making a name for himself on the talent show by imitating Michael Crawford’s character, Frank Spencer. I wonder if this would be allowed today.
The hideously white, Mike Henry is probably next. He voices Cleveland Brown in Family Guy and the Cleveland show (also a Mr Herbert the local pedophile) He also has the nerve to voice the female Mexican maid, Consuela! So, not only does he culturally appropriate but gender appropriates as well (just made made the last phrase up but might see it trending on Twitter pretty soon)
I guess this is the Blighty to come . Public exclusion areas and curfews . Difficult to enforce by plod as they are busy doing internet hate crime so I suppose it will be farmed out to serco or similar with operatives armed with body worn cameras , dna and photo recorders
“Several Jewish students have reported antisemitic bullying in schools in recent months and Israeli flags were burned during a recent protest in the capital city.”
– ‘different type of antisemitism’ – how many types are there?
– not the normal type of antisemitism?
– does anyone question these politicians?
– reminds me of Met Officer Cressida Dick – “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick
The Labour Party have selected extraordinary candidates.
As a result of this and the on going Antisemitism fiasco and the appalling crime rate, i read that an opinion poll is being released tomorrow for the London area regarding the Local elections on May 3rd, the results have shocked and rattled the Labour big wigs. Seems not is all going well for Labour..
I’ve heard quite a few ‘experts’ refer to oppressed ethnic minorities lately in their narratives. I would like to see them try to find a country in the west where this co-called oppression is enshrined in the law. Yet it wouldn’t take them too long to find examples in countries a little further to the east.
I’m completely fatigued with the “Windrush” story.
The take home though is that none of the mainstream parties are interested in tackling mass immigration (legal or illegal) into Europe or the UK.
Boris’ latest rehash of giving illegals an amnesty just proves the point.
The immigration policy certainly is cruel, but it is cruel to the natural inhabitants of this country who are being subject to a long term programme of ethnic cleansing and replacement. It could also be argued that all immigration is illegal, in the sense that it is has been imposed without the will and consent of the British people, or ratified by them through electoral process or referendum. And it could be further argued that, considering it implies ethnic cleansing, that those who facilitate it – the politicians – are commiting a form of war crime.
They are bringing on people who are now 22 and 24
.. Yes but the immigration deadline was 1973
If your mum came in before then, then she is British, but you came into the country after 73 so you are not automatically British, but you have a right to apply to be naturalised.
They continue to orgasmically report on the brave victim who suffered tremendously from the portrayal of Apu on The Simpsons. Reporting feelings about a fictional character, where would we be without their world class journalism?
I do wish the SJWs could keep their fluffy tentacles out of comedy. The best comedy is often at someone’s expense or speaks a truth we all recognise but do not openly acknowledge – just the sort of things lefty tyrants battle to suppress. It is no coincidence that since the PC virus has fully infected the BBC their comedy has become abysmal. None of their best shows was be produced now. Cleese would probably end up in jail for his Hitler routine in Fawlty Towers.
Ah, the Hitler routine and other examples of being beastly to the Hun have already been edited out of the latest versions of the Fawlty Towers DVDs. Winston Smith would be proud…
8:45pm Radio4 : Being a Muslim Dad
“Zia Chaudhry reflects on his role as a Muslim Dad to help his children to feel British, recalling his own father’s focus on education as the path to success and integration. Schools could help, he believes, by including Muslim Spain in the history curriculum.
“I am not advocating the teaching of Pakistani history to the children of Pakistani immigrants but rather the teaching of a chapter of European history in which Muslims co-operated with Christians and Jews to create a society that flourished on so many levels.”
Agreed Kaiser.
Gates/Siege of Vienna
Battle of Tours. Poitiers.
Leon Klinghoffer and the Munich Olympics too.
Well worth a U3A course or a GCSE.
And at least the Muslims won`t teach THEIR kids the crap we let our own get gunged it at schools NO recycling , Obama or Corrie in their madrassas.
What?????? “ a chapter of European history in which Muslims co-operated with Christians and Jews to create a society that flourished on so many levels.”
Muslims invaded and conquered Spain. They tried the same with France but were driven back. It took the Spanish people hundreds of years to push the Muslims out of their country and reclaim Spain for the Spanish.
If they want to teach the real history, then I am all in favour of that. We could also cover the Muslim invasions of Europe through Turkey ending, thankfully!, at the two ghastly sieges of Vienna.
Of course, being the BBC, the history will be taught by Lily Allen and Mary Beard. Muslims only wished to conquer Europe to enrich its culture and bring peace to the dumb, racist Christians who didn’t have a single transgender toilet throughout Christendom.
Times finance slags Billy Bragg
‘He thinks QE quantative easing is giving money to banks, nope it’s vying things from banks.. so now gov us sitting on a big pule if certificates we which n the future the gov will sell back into the market for cash’
That’s a great idea – 1066 would be a great starting point. The Norman invasion of England, Battle of Hastings and all that stuff to show the indigenous kids that, for most of our history, there has been little or no immigration – and the immigrant kids can learn about the Granada Massacre in which a muslim mob killed much of the Jewish population of the City, to show them that Islam has never co-existed peacefully with any other culture, religion or civilization, and that includes Spain.
“Iran is promoting a domestically-produced mobile messaging app, complete with a “Death to America” emoji, in an attempt to get millions of Iranians to abandon the popular Telegram service, which it blames for promoting unrest in the country…(Iran emoji)placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.”
“Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader, president and other officials are still posting on their accounts on Twitter, which is still officially banned in Iran, and Ayatollah Khamenei’s office is still active on Facebook. The Supreme Leader has seven pages on Twitter in different languages.”
Just had an email from a company that I have dealt with online and they are trying to entice me back.. with an image of two sulking ‘persons of colour’, giving the sort of look that would make me reverse direction pretty damn quick, just hoping that they hadn’t noticed that I was quietly removing myself from their killing zone.
Are these companies desperate to lose business? I expect it is because of Brexit.
Agreed Jim The demonisation of white people is everywhere. Apparently a white soprano has been forced to turn down a role in Westside Story because the PC brigade claim that if she sang the part it would be cultural appropriation as the character is Latino . I was looking at the rack of magazines while my wife was choosing which to buy and the covers had many more coloured faces on them than white faces. TV adverts have a high % of non whites in them The BBC has an ever increasing number of non white actors, news readers etc and advertises for jobs under whites need not apply banners. How can that be legal?
I read an article by Alison Pierson about the Windrush ( what else) in the Telegraph today. She usually writes sense, but today she claimed that she was proud of the way that over the past fifty years the native Brits had accepted so much change to their country with good grace and humour. Well i think that our good grace and humour have allowed our country to be stolen from us. By not protesting , not making a fuss , by staying silent for so long we have acquiesced in our own demise . Alison Pieceson may be proud but it is rather like being proud that you didnt tackle a burglar who walked off with all your possessions.
What gets me is that I have no other ‘homeland’. The ‘windrush’ people were/are quite happy to be Jamaican when it suits. The BBC provides a special ‘Asian Network’, (for people who magically become ‘British’ when they get murdered visiting the relatives back home), so even they recognise that ‘some’ people have roots and wish to keep them.
Why don’t we get the protection that the UN gives other indigenous peoples? And none of this has got to do with not liking ‘the other’. As long as someone doesn’t pose a direct threat to me I’m pretty relaxed as to how they choose to live their lives, but is it to much to ask for a mere 94 thousand square miles for me to live mine, along with all people that share my roots?
Britain Colonised the World .. now it must be colonised (and all the good bits destroyed of freedom of expression and criticism of everything) to eradicate all bad will – all cultures are equal, but some are less equal and deserve destroying than others …
Two envelopes in the mail today, one from Sun Life trying to sell life insurance. They think that a picture of an old black woman will make me want to part with my money. No it won’t, straight In the bin.
Open the second envelope, my ex-employer’s newsletter. What a surprise! I didn’t know that the same black woman that now works for Sun Life used to work at the same place as me! She must be important she gets the headline pictuure.
Seems like ‘Bert Kwok-ism’ is still alive and well with the ‘creatives’. (Need a ‘chinaman’? Let’s call Bert!).
Thanks for that, JimS. Currently looking for life insurance – won’t have to bother looking at Sun Life at all now. Companies might want to think twice about their MOREM (Massive Over Representation of Ethnic Minorities) advertising strategies as the number of people they are alienating is many times greater than the number they might attract.
One hopes The Appeaser is eating her heart out seeing all the positive coverage little Macron is getting with his New Best Friend Trump. That could have been her / us getting the cudos and the business deals. Instead of which: back of the queue Treezer, where you belong. Bonjour Macron, au revoir May.
Thank you beeb for playing no small part in the demonisation of Trump, and special thanks to soapy Sopel, you little merde, as we like to say here in gay Paree.
Why not some Hindu Gods or Islam’s God or Buddha … why Jesus? Why not different religions on each bench? Isn’t this stopping a homeless person using a bench?
You`ll always have the poor with you?
I have no place to lay my head, whereas the birds and foxes do?
As opposed to whining hippie running off to Aytoun Street to get his dole, and scam for money whilst smelling of patchouli, old dope with a dog on a rope?
We all know what St Anns would have preferred Jesus to have been, to have said.
Maybe some CofE types could try reading the bible, and not rolling their drugs up in it?
Jesus has long left their churches , but won`t lie moaning on a park bench for Corbyn to come along with a BBC camera.
Corbyn doesn`t like Jews anyway-just as well eh?
Why no Muhammad statue on a park bench we ask Marky?
Would love to see the BBC or its Vicars like Bains try to make one .
To show equivalence with Jesus maybe.
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
JohndaMar 4, 08:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeremy Bowen just described Trump as distasteful in his approach to Kiev. It’s not his job to critique. No place…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 08:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 bbc verify is on the case:- Can Europe fill the gap now the US has paused military support for Ukraine?…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Clever. This may see ‘review’ their stances.
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TSMC acts as tariffs loom… The world’s biggest chipmaker is set to unveil a $100bn investment in advanced manufacturing facilities…
Found this bit of good teaching on YouTube.
Who needs telly?
This reveals what good government was seen as in the 14th Century in Siena.
My God, what the hell do we need to paint now?
Bad Government looks bloody good compared to what we have today.
Girl Power!
If you haven’t already read it – a great old history book is Burckhardt’s work on Renaissance Italy. I can’t remember where I got a free digital copy from – either Amazon or on the site.
I tend to like the old classics. Quite a lot of history written post WW2 often has a Marxist slant, and despite the odd exception it’s been getting worse ever since.
Something truly remarkable happened at the BBC today.
‘Part-time’ opened her Blog to comments:
I was shocked, I tell you, shocked. Into silence and postlessness distress. Will the BBC offer me compensation? I think they should.
Yesterday the most important thing that happened, the fining of Count Dankula for making a joke on YouTube, was with one or two honourable exceptions, completely ignored or covered briefly with a bias in the reporting to instruct their viewers to believe that he deserved it.
The implications of this ruling, I believe are profound in that it is another step; quite a leap in this case; along the road to criminalise any speech that those with the power have decided they don’t like. The case was used to send a message to the rest of us to shut our mouths and do and think as we are told.
That is what happened yesterday. So what did the propaganda merchants fill up the airwaves and newspapers with? The fact that a baby was born.
Unless we, as a country, wake up from our torpor, we are destined to be slaves in our own country and the evil bastards will have won. Our swamp needs to be drained as a matter of urgency and the swamp dwellers won’t do that for us.
john in cheshire
‘another step; quite a leap in this case; along the road to criminalise any speech that those with the power have decided they don’t like’
Very true.
I’ve watched Geedo take steps and wonder just how long we in this site will survive.
Perhaps a year. And it won’t be confined to criticism of Islam or people of colour in high places.
I wouldn’t even give it a year if nothing more than Open Threads are posted here.
John in Chesh and Ro Des, but I think that’s a bit of a half-full-glass view, I would say that if this site stays as focused on BBC/media issues as it always has it will still have a following that will keep monitoring, even if the Open threads are just a chance to speak openly about how the BBC behaves on every level, it needs to be observed and held to account and this site does allow it.
It would have been nice to have been given some indication of what is happening to this site. Basic courtesy to the contributors, I would have thought.
Opinions are going to differ on this. Personally, I rarely read any of Alan’s prolix essays. The wisdom of BBBC, for me, has always been in the comments .
As for the future of this site, who knows? Some communication wouldn’t come amiss.
G.W.F – May 6th, Hyde Park
To be fair, the writing was on the wall at Order Order several years ago. Geedo was always a Conservative Party crawler with a worrying SPAD fixation. He was rendered irrelevant when the breakaway Going Postal was started. That’s a bit intimidatingly clubby and it may yet drown under the volume of its comments but it has succeeded in showing how an active blog can still be a very potent force, social media notwithstanding.
You haven’t seen anything yet. Once criticism of a religion is considered a criminal offence, then kiss good by to your liberty.
The sheeple are great sleep walkers
Corbyn anti-Semitism meeting ‘disappointing’, Jewish leaders say
Have the BBC dumped support for Corbyn now that they can no longer keep spinning how great he is?
Just for chuckles here is Corbyn’s own view of well the meeting with Jewish Leadership Council…
How could any meeting with Jeremy Corbyn be anything BUT disappointing?
The old scrote has hardly a dozen brain cells to rub together, is a potted plant in comparison to McDonnell or Gardiner. And neither of them would blow their caps of if their brains were gelignite, not jelly.
The man is THICK-which is why he`s a Lefty leader.
Who was the last smart one? Ortega?
Headline: “Germany’s Jews urged not to wear kippahs after attacks”
“The leader of Germany’s Jewish community has advised Jews to avoid wearing traditional skullcaps (kippahs) following anti-Semitic attacks.”
And the reason?
Angela Merkle says “aside from anti-Semitism by right-wing groups, similar threats were coming from some Muslim refugees in the country.”
Ah I see. But forgive me for suggesting this but hasn’t Germany been famous for having right wing groups, erm, through out the last 100 years in fact.
So has something changed Angela?
I`ve given up watching the television, simply no point.
Until the Referendum I voted, and was willing to accept the popular will. My side lost more often that those I disliked and disagreed with.
May got my vote last year, only because of Brexit.
I won`t go on being insulted and lied to by the upper caste who run the BBC etc. And this lot of moaners need to know that any legitimacy they held only depends on whether they respect the nations democratic wishes. That they seem to think it has no meaning for them is really dangerous.
That way lies civil war, and the corrosion of law, of votes and of any trust in a just system is really going to reduce the next votes and leave us open to breakdown. Islam and the travellers are ahead of the rest of us old polite dopes who`ve played fair and relaxed thus far.
People like Blair, Campbell, Miller, Clegg and Soubry, Cable and the media luvvies might not know of Hobbes and the English Civil War.
But we`re running very hot towards it, seems cracking heads will be just about the only legitimate and direct form of action that will stop them sliding us into a Eurabian Soviet like Dagestan or such.
And this I feel-without the provocations of the telly. I`d probably be fit for sectioning if I watched it.
Women have always been equal.
There has never been a problem with recognising achievement, whether this is for a Marie Curie or a Florence Nightingale, a Sylvia Plath or a Margaret Thatcher. Achievement is always recognised.
Why would women want to measure their worth by the number of statues in Parliament Square? Or their numbers in some stuffy, boring boardroom? Or don a high-vis jacket and go to work pouring tarmac. Why would they want to be like men?
Is all this stuff today not really about individuals with a lust for power, hiding behind the disguise of ‘equality’?
Listen to Ms May today and you hear dead words trying to sound trendy and ‘with it’. What we really see is a politician, looking to secure some extra votes. Same as any other male politician. She should be more honest.
Every individual is unique, has worth and will achieve their potential if they really want to. This blind obsession with ‘equality’ is a hangover from the French revolution and the Soviet Empire.
All this militant feminism is a great con.
If that makes me a MCP, I merely shrug. If you want to play cricket or rugger, play -and don’t make a big song and dance about it.
Nobody’s stopping you. Feminism: merely one more reason to press the ‘off’ switch these days. Sorry Ladies.
since the 70s, it`s been a level field as far as 95% of us have been concerned. The occasional irritation maybe, but my girls expect and receive nothing less that full, fair and equal treatment.
But they are susceptible to reddit whinings, and lack the experience to figure out real news from fake, The grievance industry plays them like kippers sometimes and these are smart kids.
Been relentless now in colleges since the 80s, so it`s all they`ve ever had in schools.
Sense though that things like endless patronising guff like “Suffragette” films, “red carpet gestures”, “womens sport” and the likes of Lily, Harriet, Emmas Thompson and Watson etc are showing up as ridiculous and doing women no favours whatsoever.
They really need their own Germaine Greer, a young Claire Fox would do for me. Otherwise they`ll fall for all the PC junk like Fiona Bruces salary being sexist.
The ‘occasional irritation’ can certainly be a man. Sadly, there are plenty of them around. Insecure men, oafs, men with issues they take out on women. They are individuals who sometimes need help/sometimes an appropriate response (may be a clout).
There are also still a lot of nice guys around, who are more than willing to help a career progress, or whatever;. conversely also other women who will be happy to undermine and exploit them
Not an easy world, for anyone.
Identifying the PC junk is also a good strategy. Wish you luck.
During my working career of 40 odd years, – give me a man boss over a woman any day of the week. I was unfortunate enough to have 2 during this period – head of the typing pool (YES, there were such things) when I had just left school, and the other at the end of my career in the NHS, and I wont say ‘bitches’, more like complete arseholes. If a woman boss takes a dislike to you, God help you.
My thoughts exactly and I am female.
In some respects women in the past had greater power than the men, and indeed men have had the short straw in many ways. The women held power in the home so men congregated in pubs, probably under the eye of a strong landlady.
Joke of the week.
On Newshite, a debate about Fake News. Evan Davies interviews ‘expert’ Alistair Campbell.
Second joke of the week. Quote from Evan Davies ‘if you want the truth, you watch the BBC, you read The Guardian……..’
Hey, they are so confident of this, they have a piece at the bottom of articles linking to why they can be trusted. Apparently 😉
At least, Newsshite gave ian56 a chance to voice his “false flag” conspiracy thing. Must have been music to ears of the slavishly RT following, Putin worshipping tendency on biasedbbc.
ID, since you are here, would you like to answer these questions, please:
“In addition, for clarity, are you fully employed by the BBC? If not, do you merely freelance for them?”
By the way, I haven’t actually listened to RT. I certainly do not worship Putin. Who do you worship?
Привет Ап2Снаф!
Liked your appearance as ian56 on Newsshite last night.
A tour de force of swivel-eyed, conspiratorial confabulation.
Very sensibly you doffed your tin-foil hat for your MSM showcasing.
I have never been an employee of the BBC nor have I ever freelanced for them. Why would you assume I was? I thought you were a “facts, facts and nothing but the facts” man.
Another conspiracy theory?
ID, thanks!
Just so we now know that we cannot rely on the content of your posts, that helps. Not a conspiracy theory, merely just ascertaining whether you are being straight with us. Now we know.
Just so you know where we stand on BBC appearances, I have never been on BBC TV.
Слава ап2стафу!
I’ve no idea what your first sentence might mean.
You refer to a “we” – is that the “royal we” or multiple personalities emerging simultaneously in your consciousness?
If you eschew RT so violently why do their secondary and tertiary regurgitations end up in your posts? Great minds think alike?
As I say, I have never posted anything on Biasedbbc or elsewhere supportive of the BBC. I would like to see your evidence to the contrary, Obviously, it is my criticism of RT, the continuation of Pravda by other means, and Putin that bothers you so much.
Just so we HERE now know that we cannot rely on the content of your posts, that helps.
Sorry, thought it was obvious without the HERE, but to the hard of thinking it was obviously not.
As for your criticising RT, feel free to do so. I have no view on them. PRAVDA and, don’t forget, Isvetia. I remember them. The BBC News used to occasionally relay to us what was being said by the State authorities in PRAVDA and Isvetia. You may criticise them, too, for what its worth nearly thirty years late.
They were the organs that taught the people in Russia how to ‘read’ the news, ‘between the lines’.
Bit like your posts and some/much/all* of the BBC output these days.
*delete that which does not apply
I see. You have modestly appointed yourself as biasedbbc spokespersonage. One way or the other, delusions of grandeur seem to be your thing or have I got that wrong too?
Could “we HERE” refer to you and the fellow inhabitants of your care home
So what evidence have you of the unreliability of my posts?
Obviously just another one of your batty exrectolocutions.
Climate : “It must be difficult to squeeze more ridiculous nonsense into two and a half minutes. ”
BBC hand a platform to UN Climate Fake-Green-Energy loony : Christiana “It’s all about redistributing wealth” Figueres
It looks like Macron is beating our Tweezer to the table and Al beeb don’t like it?…………………………….
Just for a fleeting moment, Taff, I thought you’d written that she’d been table-ended…
These French you know, haw-he-haw’…
Is this a shot across the bows at our PM?
“Brexit: May’s ‘customs partnership’ idea cretinous, says Rees-Mogg”
Go for it Moggy and get us out of the wretched EU.
I hope it is Taffman. But it is a bit late in coming. Anyway a shot across the bows has to be followed by thundering salvo. I’m not sure JRM is up to it. We’ll see.
Oh blimey, Taff, I’ve done it again, ‘shot across the blouse’…
I must get my eyes tested…
One law for them, another for us
“One law for them, another for us”
Dad-of-two spared jail after sexually assaulting boy in Ware. Michael Walkerdine, 57, who lived in Thieves Lane, Hatfield, was given a ten-month suspended sentence at St Albans Crown Court today (April 19). His victim said he now cannot sleep without a torch.
Shrewsbury man who had thousands of child sex images avoids jail. William Smith, 47, of Brunel Way was given a community order at Shrewsbury Crown Court.
Teen pervert avoids jail despite sex assault on woman on college campus. Ross Colquhoun was found guilty of sexually assaulting the woman at New College Lanarkshire’s Motherwell campus.
A registered sex offender from Yeovil [Simon David Godfrey] who persuaded a teenage girl with learning difficulties to send him naked pictures of herself has escaped being sent to prison.
I could carry on quoting recent cases to you if you want, Stew.
I don’t think it is worth replying to you so here is my last comment to you. I try to explain my view to you but there is no reply – which I consider rude . I’m not sure what a troll is but I guess you would fall into that type of on line person – which makes you a sad individual.
You obviously read what is discussed here but choose to merely challenge other peoples’ comments and not discuss issues in themselves – in short – in terms of words which you have used yourself here – “ you are a disgrace Maxi” – but I’m sure your mum loves you.
Wiki definition of a ‘troll’ –
“In Internet slang, a troll (/troʊl, trɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll’s amusement.” – He’s that alright. But, apart from being like the irritating fly you want to swat, it seems to me that he does not have any influence here at all.
Thank you for the definition .Maxi posted last night and I thought I was going to get his view on something . Instead when I replied to him I got no reply but he engaged someone else later.
So maxi – in his self – does not deserve acknowledgement here however much he baits people – eh taff?
As for al beeb – I’m avoiding until the boaty mcwindrush insanity goes away.
Fed: “As for al beeb – I’m avoiding until the boaty mcwindrush insanity goes away.”
Going to be a while. The Local Elections are 3 May. Labour are after votes. They have weaponised the Windrush Generation.
The Labour Party always = The Exploitative Party; they are the New Imperialists.
The BBC doesn’t like the British Empire and Imperialists, yet they seem to love the Labour Party.
I wonder why?
I realise that I might be. Albeeb free for quite some time – apart from match of the day . I caught the 6 o’clock news last night and realised al Beeb and me are incomparable- and thought of that rather good tv licensing commercial they put on.
In local London Borough a polish prince. Has created a political party aimed at resident poles. I should be surprised.
Fed, you and the Beeb are incomparable. Your posts here are important, the BBC is fast becoming optional at best.
My ward has Labour, Lib Dem & Conservative – hardly any point voting
I read an article many moons ago on the phenomena of online trolls and why they do it. To summarise, It found that in the vast majority of cases it was undertaken by social inadequates who find normal face to face relationships difficult or even impossible, due to having some sort of facial or physical disfigurement, minute or humorously shaped genitalia or ginger hair.
They are attracted to various sites and articles as a moth to a flame to post controversial, argumentative and at odds comments and replies, some of which may be insulting to others and the tone of the article concerned. This is a hook to generate a response, to make them feel noticed; some may even get a sexual buzz from antagonizing other commenters. They go under a variety of (humorous in their view) pseudonyms and even gender to allow multiple postings on the same issue to increase the amount of feedback and their feeling of self-worth. Once identified and it isn’t difficult, they are best ignored to allow their anonymous, online life mirror their offline one. They are more to be pitied than scorned.
Disingenuous Maxi crapped all over a thread again
#1 Fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
The unjust case was obvious physical assault with sexual intent, 2 of of M’s 4 examples were of lower crimes like possessing images
even the ones labelled assault seem lower grade eg touching , rather strangling
The Motherwell case says “sexually assaulting”, but news reports are limited to 3 tiny Daily Record articles ..we don’t know what the degree was cos unfortunately “sexually assaulting” covers everything from patting someones bum to much more serious events
#2 Two wrongs don’t make a right, so even if he can dig up cases of past soft sentences on non-immigrants , that is also unjust.
I wonder why Maxi used Google shortlinks ?
I post here because I think Al Beeb is biased. Simples
I continue to enquire of maxincony, why he posts here and what motivates him ?
His answer ………?
Besides, I love fly swatting 😀
Trolls like max are there to disrupt, not to answer anyones questions.
The detailed listings produced are from his ‘team’ at bbc HQ.
I say ‘his’ a committee more like, rebranded, renamed, and seek only to disrupt.
Ignore the trolls, try not to respond.
They are the best advert for not paying the telly tax .
“Robs from the poor and gives to the rich”. Evan/maxi is one of the rich.
Maxi ,
Do you agree with those sentences ?
I would put those people away , but then I have higher values than our judiciary . What are your values ?
I agree @maxincony .. one law for all ..
In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain statement—”There’s one law for everybody and that’s all there is to be said”—still stands out like a diamond in a dunghill. It stands out precisely because it is said simply, and because its essential grandeur is intelligible to everybody. Its principles ought to be just as intelligible and accessible to those who don’t yet speak English, in just the same way as the great Lord Mansfield once ruled that, wherever someone might have been born, and whatever he had been through, he could not be subject to slavery once he had set foot on English soil. – Hitchens
Stab watch : 3 on Tuesday
There won’t be anyone left in Norway of all this continues unabated!
Unfortunately, there will never be a shortage of “Norwegians”.
Toronto van : copycat of another nutter
Second InCel ‘involuntarily celibate’ attack
The Facebook message now confirmed as genuine read:
“The Incel Rebellion has already begun!
We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys [online jargon for ordinary, popular young people]!
All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”
he referred to an “Incel Rebellion” and gunman Elliot Rodger who killed 14 in 2014 during a vehicle ramming attack.
‘Times distorted Muslim foster case,’ their website breathlessly reports.
Of course the BBC never distort anything: men and women are the same; all cultures are equal, especially that peaceful one which really respects women; the pay of female BBC employees is a source of endless fascination for everyone; words can be violent; ‘Russia’ won the election for Trump and nothing else was even a factor. . .
Why did the bbc always make Norway come last in the Eurovision Schlong Contest?
That’s inequality wrote large!
All schlongs are equal, but some are more equally as trashy as others…
Norwegians really should wake up and smell the yoghurt!
Some comments on bbc distortion.
“The witnesses said Clemons and Adams loudly shouted profanities at the Waffle House employees. One of them shouted, “I’ll come over this counter” and threatened to beat the employee, saying “B—-, I’m going to have your job, you ain’t going to be here tomorrow.”
One of the witnesses, according to Mims, reported hearing: “I may have a gun, I may have anything. I can come back here and shoot this place up if I need to.”
Why aren’t BBC reporting the whole story?“
Well, it could be the bbc editorial integrity did not allow time or space to include such facts.
Or that the bbc again decided to stir up race based conflict to promote an agenda. Which is really not what the state broadcaster of Britain should be doing.
5% tax on plastics … no questions allowed …. government backed just like the BBC tv tax.
How can BBC justify that headline ?
“Waffle House: Police body slam woman in cutlery fee row”
Why would media just take the arrested person’s side ?
“Drunks refuse to leave restaurant, and get aggressive and abusive” might be more appropriate, given recent evidence
“At @journalismfest at 17, I will present how the EU #copyright reform is threatening media pluralism & freedom by making publishers charge for links to their articles: ..”
The death of the internet. Tax everything.
The Toronto perp, strange silence on bbc brekkie news headlines this morn.
It’s already consigned to the memory hole?
Is it because they have some info that:
He’s not far right
He’s a moslem convert
Or just showing their journalistic high standards, by waiting for official news. Just like they did with St Jo’s killer shouting ‘britain first’
Worth seeing comments on to see the destruction of debate ….. “I just want an explanation. If the C word and the F word are now b a n n e d, which they appear to be, then fair enough but referring that word is plain ridiculous, bordering on the infantile.
The word “b a n n e d” is now disallowed !”.
Comedy that writes itself in 2018 on a libertarian website.
It looks like my facetious comments about this years BBC Proms
is not so far fetched as it appears ! Big Brother in the diversity
department has insisted that the Maria in Leonard Bernstein’s
West Side Story cannot be a “whitey.” So Sierra Boggess who
was to play the role has had to resign.
Will zhe sue for being discriminated against?
Is Zhe Sue Chinese?
How dare you mention anything that is not approved by those who approve things but don’t tell you what is approved or not approved! Rainbow cars and thoughts are on there way … after twerks and nails have been painted.
I did a quick google for “Puerto Rican sopranos”. I got two results – Lizzie Graham and Yolanda Vadiz. Lizzie died in 1927 and Yolanda in 1987. As a heartbeat is a bare minimum for the role, I think that rules them out.
My search was rough and ready and I’m sure there are others out there, with fully functioning hearts, but perhaps not that many. Then there’s availability.
I think the issue, as usual these days, is that the singer MUST NOT BE WHITE. Other than that, any ethnic minority will probably do.
Apparently Boggess has received abuse such as being told “this isn’t your story to tell”. Well that’s a little odd because Bernstein and Sondheim were white, and the original story was Shakespeare’s, also white.
Theresa-I saw an absolutely terrific Cuban-American soprano Lisette
Orepesa in Lucia di Lammermoor at Covent Garden a few months
ago. She would be a great Maria. However I expect Big Brother
in the diversity department at the BBC will find a suitable “inclusive”
candidate to sing ” I feel pretty, oh so pretty.” Any suggestions?
Lucia di Lammermoor – that’s Scottish, isn’t it? One way traffic, as usual?
“I feel pretty, oh so pretty.” Any suggestions?”
How about Dia…
No, I won’t go there.
Deep irony.
In the film, Maria’s voice was dubbed by Marni Nixon.
Who was…….errr………a white American !!!!
As also of course was Natalie Wood.
It’s very sexist to demand that the role be sung by a woman. I’m sure they can find a Trans with a deep enough baritone. has bowed down to the hate crime hub …. “Thats it! I am leaving this site – have just had my post moderated just for saying space your letters out to get past the mods.
So its not an auto system.” …. Winston has been removed from the history books.
Geedo geedo is imposing a strict policy of censorship. I posted this in a topic on Corbyn to test the water, and it was censored.
‘Down with Corbyn vote for May and the Tories.
Hope this comment is not racist or seen as hate speech.
Actually, I am not a supporter of May, but one says what has to be said, if you know what I mean.’
This is very worrying … the site did have nasty people but generally they were ignore or debated. How come coloured racists can use race to debate racial issues but others cannot?
Interesting Owner has spoken …
Comment:'”Staines ( is a libertarian who described in a 2000 publication how he became a libertarian in 1980 after reading Karl Popper’s The Open Society and its Enemies.”
Think this might need an edit.’
Guido Responds: “This is private property, you are a guest. Not complicated.”
Comment: “Appreciate that but would like to know what I did wrong to get bāññèď?”
Comment: ‘Seeing as the Tory party receive government funding, is it a stretch to call their websites “private property”?’
Comment: ‘You don’t treat your guests very well.’
Come to sunny GoingPostal – it’s much more relaxed, more popular, and thus far most of the loonies have stayed away.
Thanks … will take a look. I do like Guido for the articles …. shame really.
eg “At lunch watched the tearful beeboid announce that Lord Hall-Hall had been escorted from his desk,
and that Rod Liddle was now the acting Director General of the BBC.
She choked when she added that a Mr Yaxley-Lennon had joined the BBC Trust. ”
Knee-jerk reactions against Millicent Fawcett’s statue in Parliament Square may be a little unreasonable. Having researched her bio, she was clearly a significant figure, influenced by philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill. She became a leader in the mainstream, non-violent side of the women’s suffrage movement. Without people like Fawcett clearing the way we may never have had arguably Britain’s best post-war Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Hence, I think she is clearly worthy of a statue in Parliament Square.
I think some of the reaction is against the art rather than the figure herself. IMO, the banner looks naff and people will be photoshopping their own messages on it for years to come, not to mention the spray can brigade. It’s asking for it.
Bad idea, I think.
Politician Lies about lying …. by saying he never lied …
BAD AL (Alister Campbell): I NEVER TOLD A LIE { 25apr2018} … note site is banning and moderating all content after reporting on Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-semitism fiasco.
. . . .
BBC on Lying … Lying is probably one of the most common wrong acts that we carry out (one researcher has said ‘lying is an unavoidable part of human nature’), so it’s worth spending time thinking about it.
. . . . comment “Wasn’t Guido ( one of the first to try to get us all to sign a petition against (Max) Mosley and his plans to suppress the free speech of the press?”
“….‘lying is an unavoidable part of human nature’” View of the elite: ‘That’s why we, your Conservative Government must make it a crime in our attempt at social engineering’. But remember, “We will not let terrorists change our way of life; we will not live in fear; and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy.” Bravo to Treezer and all the rest of the liars. They will fail.
Message from the BBC … you are not allowed to HATE (in the UKit is a Crime) … “Toronto van attack: ‘Love for all, hatred for none’” { 25apr0218}
You have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. Apparently the luvvies are all a do-da since proposed European regulations will cut dramatically the power of theatrical lighting. Very difficult to do full ham in the dark, they might argue.
Radio 4’s Front Row had an interview with a lighting engineer last night noting that new EU rules under consideration would dramatically cut the effectiveness of modern lighting. This despite the big improvements in lighting technology and power efficiency made over the last few years. Badly affected would be large concerts such as those performed by The Rolling Stones where vast amounts of power are needed to show the gnarled rock veterans in all their Cuddly Majesties.
Welcome to our world where the green loonies have set about de-industrialising the planet within 40 years. This group, which seems to be supported by most people who work in the “entertainment” business, has already come after our domestic light bulbs, so why should theatrical spotlights be any different. Comfortable caves with running cold water and bedtime at sunset is the green agenda. Get used to it.
In another development, we learn from a committee of green parliamentary activists that asthmas sufferers are contributing to climate change by using inhalers which emit potent greenhouse gases. They call for a switch from metered dose inhalers to a type less appropriate for the young and old (most people who suffer from asthma).
Expect future visits to the theatre to be gloomy affairs with slightly more coughing and wheezing from the audience than normal.
CM, very strange, isn’t it? I assume this cutting of theatre & concert lighting by government is for Global Warming/Climate Change reasons. Yet they appear happy to sanction ever more international sport and at night-time, too, requiring ever greater quantities of lighting and increasing world travel by teams, broadcasters and spectators.
At this time of year, I often find myself wondering what this AGW/CC fuss is about as I walk past things like patio heaters and exotic barbecue stoves, all piled high in D-I-Y superstores and in larger supermarkets.
If Global Warming and Climate Change is any sort of real threat, governments would not allow those things to be made, let alone shipped around the world and sold to the masses. Very peculiar.
I think it is probably fair to assume that Global Warming and Climate Change is no real threat at all but actually a benefit. For some. The few.
Isn’t ‘the problem’ drinking straws?
I struggle to keep up with the collectivists’ madness.
Costing The Earth (yesterday, Radio 4) was in praise of the French decommissioning hydro-electric power plants and demolishing the dams. You can’t get much “greener” than water power where the infrastructure has already been built, but it seems from the BBC that it’s a bad idea. Presumably, because no one is going to get rich from government subsidies to build it.
HOW MANY? Windrush generation. Windrush chilldren. Windrush victims … no one has come up with a complete list of those affected … BBC News said 120 last I heard … “Update: I (David Lammy) now have 10 historic Windrush cases from constituents in past 24 hrs. I want justice for my constituents: citizenship, passports, considerable compensation, personal apologies from Ministers. Britain was built on their backs. For too long they have suffered in silence.” … BUT HOW MANY?
116 thousand plus signatures at the moment.
That’s without the bbc and the rest of the MSM pushing the petition (unlike the ones they support)
Will we now be getting the majority House of Commons pro remain mp’s debating the majority pro remain House of Lords.
I wonder what the hoc will end up deciding…..hmmmm.
Mentioned in article on BBC … “He was speaking as a petition calling for a referendum on abolishing the House of Lords passed the 100,000 signature mark, which could trigger a debate in Parliament.
Mr Rees-Mogg said an immigration policy after Brexit that gave preferential treatment to EU nationals would be “racist” and “quite wrong” because, by and large, EU nationals are white.{ 24apr2018}”
. . . .
MPs give themselves an 18% pay increase during a recession and austerity period from 2010 …. UK politics is recession proof ….
April 2010 £65,738 … April 2018 £77,379.
“because, by and large, EU nationals are white.”
Not for much longer.
The decent PAST HELL and FREEDOM is quick and swift … “Just on the off change that Guido is going to read this, let me say: I do like the stories on this site, but when I first happened across it one of the MAIN REASONS I kept coming back was because I thought it had the best comments section on the internet. Funny, provocative, outrageous, sometimes awful but also strangely addictive. That has now been gutted over the last couple of days. PLEASE at least give us an explanation for WHY!” {}
“freedom of speech is slowly being closed down”
“Quickly closed.”
“The revolution will be moderated.”
. . .
“Just wanted to pop in to say ‘cheerio’. I’m a long time reader, infrequent commenter, but I come to this site 20% headlines, 80% for comments and the wisdom/links therein. I’ve spent some time Go!ng P()5tal, and it’s a bustling hive of comments, opinion, links etc, i shan’t be back.”
Don’t blame you. Meanwhile, in an effort to get barred myself:
I think commentators here should tone their opinions down somewhat, lest you sound like an extremist. Try imitating the tone of a C of E vicar (talking about religion, not politics). Or Mrs May negotiating with the EU.:
‘In my provisional and subjective opinion, the weather is (arguably, and I’m not being dogmatic about this) appreciably less warm than in previous time spans. But what do I know? Your perception is equally valid – probably much more so. Who am I to lay down the Law about climatic conditions? I am so, so, sorry about that. And about everything I’ve ever said or done – and for being alive. A letter of apology is on its way to you. Please forgive me.’
When the style becomes second nature you can post on here in confidence – and apply for a job at the Foreign Office!
Sierra Boggess: Broadway star pulls out of BBC West Side Story Prom
Broadway star Sierra Boggess has withdrawn from a concert performance of West Side Story at the BBC Proms after complaints about “whitewashing”.
But, she wrote on Facebook: “After much reflection, I’ve realised that if I were to do this concert, it would once again deny Latinas the opportunity to sing this score, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselves represented onstage.”
So the political correctness has gone so far now that it is inappropriate for a white singer to sing in a white country’s musical production and they prefer to find a Puerto Rican singer instead.
Taking this a step further… can a human actor/actress play a Doctor Who alien? or should the BBC find a real alien actor so they do not deny the alien a chance to represent themselves.
I’m pretty sure that any Musical in Puerto Rico will not be going overboard to find white singers to represent a white character.
Just a load of virtue signalling PC bollox.
“After much reflection,
I’veThe British People realised that ifIthey were todo this concertstay in the UK, it would once again denyLatinasEveryone in the World the opportunity tosing this scoreLive in the UK, as well as deny the IMPORTANCE of seeing themselvesrepresented onstagein a tolerant democratic free speaking society.”In a recent article, the BBC asks “What is populism, and what does the term actually mean?”
It starts off by saying the word “is generally misused, especially in a European context”, before going on to state that Populist parties can be “anywhere on the political spectrum”.
But we know where this is heading. Despite the seemingly balanced intro, it then launches into a predictable attack on all the usual targets. “Commentators – from Time magazine to the President of the European Commission – have been warning about the rise of right-wing populism for years.” Er… two ‘commentators’ there? Sampling bias much? And the populist leader is characterised by “bad manners” and a dislike of “complicated democratic systems […] preferring direct democracy like referendums instead.”
This nicely segues to “strongman” leaders who “restructure the political space in a new and scary way”.
Of course what we don’t get with the BBC — despite the title’s false promise — is the etymology of the term or its political origins. From the 1st convention of the People’s Party of America (Populist party), Omaha, 1892:
“The people are demoralized; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation and bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are badly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bond-holders; a vast public debt payable in legal-tender currency has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people.
A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism.”
Even when the BBC purportedly sets out to explain, it unjoins the dots.
BBC … control … the …. language …
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
BBC use quotes to create click bait … “‘Donald Trump’ blows up cash machine” { 25apr2018} …. or … “Man in Donald Trump Mask blows up cash machine” … see how I got rid of the quotes!
MM, yes their use of quotation marks is sleazy and often quite sinister. Another one:
Poland’s nationalist government shares Mr Orban’s view that Muslim migrants threaten Europe’s “Christian” heritage.
“Christian” gets the double quotes; Muslim does not.
“Christian” – so non-Christian heritage? The TV Series Friends has a lot to answer for …
“Joey air-quoting”
Very good! From the NY Post:
Ike dies before Tina?
Yep. The NY Post has a bit of a rep for creative headlines:
Should “migrants” be in quotes?
. . .
Italy smashes ‘jihadist’ Tunisian speedboat trafficking gang { 10apr2018}
A note on terminology: The BBC uses the term migrant to refer to all people on the move who have yet to complete the legal process of claiming asylum. This group includes people fleeing war-torn countries such as Syria, who are likely to be granted refugee status, as well as people who are seeking jobs and better lives, who governments are likely to rule are economic migrants.
Shouldn’t the first letter B in BBC be in quotes eg. “B”BC ?
“Allegedly British”BC
The German state of Bavaria has ordered Christian crosses to be placed at the entrances to its public buildings. Premier Markus Söder said crosses should not be seen as religious symbols but as a “clear avowal of our Bavarian identity and Christian values”. { 25apr2018}
. . . .
In front of a Chinese flag, Uighurs read a Chinese book. The government believes Uighurs should be Chinese first and Muslim second. { 12jan2015}
actually that BBC story is dated 25 Jul 2017
Ah, well spotted.
CORRECTION: Date should be “‘Donald Trump’ blows up cash machine” { 25jul2017}
The use of quotation marks is a potent tool to cast doubt in the box of tricks available to the journalist. As one who used to ply the rough trade myself, I know only to well.
The BBC is right to use quotation marks when describing men in “Donald Trump” masks robbing a bank. To me it makes it clear that the president was not implicated in the robbery. Useful as well in getting the copy past m’learned friends. The BBC also stuck quotation marks in a story about Viktor Orban’s recent populist triumph in Hungary around “Christian” values. Working the logic it is clear that the BBC thinks that Donald Trump did not rob the bank and European civilization is not based on Christian values.
I once had a complaint from a financial swindler who said he didn’t like the way I adorned his name. But I added the word Honest, I noted. Yes but you didn’t have to put the word in quotes, he replied
Europe’s Christian and Muslim heritage?
A quick check of the BBC News homepage for their over use of quotation marks.
We currently have…
‘Exceptional’ journalist remembered
Labour vows to ‘settle’ anti-Semitism cases
Mexican ‘cowboy’ stops armed robbery
‘Culture change’ needed to protect children
Building fire safety tests ‘flawed’
Singer out of Prom over ‘whitewashing’
Helping teens where shootings are ‘normal’
The Papers: ‘Le bromance’ and junk food deal ban
Critics hail ‘bedazzling’ Infinity War
‘Trucker wall’ helps prevent man’s death
Flagpole rivalry: The ‘petty’ side of Korean relations
Blossoms: Noel Gallagher is a ‘freak of nature’
Interestingly they have a section on Crossing Divides. The one place where they should have quotation marks should be for Crossing “Divides” but nope – the lack of quotes in this case is to make it seem there really is a divide which isn’t up for debate.
‘Complete’ list as created by Tabs … 😉
Flipping the argument can cause some headaches …
“And they clearly didn’t understand what they were voting for !!!” {@KateHoeyMP twitter}
“1. Only 44% of peers voted for the amendment (EU Customs Union). Therefore a majority don’t want it. 16 year old peers should have been allowed to vote.
2. The vote was advisory, our representatives should overrule it.
3. They’re old and so were doing it to spite young people.”
4. They didn’t know what they were voting for.
Ah yes, just like the remainers in 1975 somehow foresaw the things the EU had planned but kept secret:
An E U army.
Unlimited immigration ( from the entire world)
Treaties: Lisbon, Maastricht, Nice.
Political federation and ultiamate political union.
Oh yes, the remainers knew all of that? Surely knowing what they were voting
Due to dementia, most members of the House of Lords did not know what the were voting for. Most thought they were voting for Custard or an Onion.
Just listened to the first part of the Jeremy Swine Show, about the TSB Online “crisis”; it’s just lazy, lazy cr@p that mainly consists of members of the show’s team reading Tweets disgruntled folk have made to TSB or its chief executive. To think of the shocking amount of money that this bell end receives from al Beebus too, he isn’t worth paying in used sanitary towels.
On that issue a policeman I was talking to you yesterday was recommending “tin foil” contactless card protectors.
Previous stories of electronic-pick-pocketing card-skimming turned out to be Urban Legends, cos money can only get transferred into secured merchant account, so thieves could never take it out.
And other technincal processes prevent card cloning.
(Someone could get hold of your card number, but that is no different from the waiter being able to do that with a physical card the old way)
I’m interested if anyone can point me to real person being scammed , the ones on the net seem to turn out to be fake.
Real people get their cards ‘scammed’ by TfL or else why would they have a procedure for making repayments? I have a home-made shield on my wallet to make sure the bus scanner reads the right card, (my first ‘contactless’ debit card caused red lights to flash).
Real people find it difficult to open new current accounts; scammers manage to move money that they have scammed into ‘legitimate’ accounts. How does that work?
People don’t like to admit they have been scammed, banks don’t like us to know their security checks have flaws and the police are too busy ensuring that ‘white’ people don’t appropriate ‘black’ song (sic) lyrics.
Guido out does the BBC’s HYS for moderation.
This comment was admitted with the following reply.
Comment on a piece about a politicians lying.
“Good piece of journalism. He does appear to be telling untruths
Hooray, this comment is not being moderated”
•Edit•Reply•Share ›
guidofawkes NotModBot • 3 hours ago
“We delete discussions of moderation, banned words etc. So why try?
This has been let through as an explainer.”
There you have it, not even the BBC deletes comments about moderation.
Goodbye Geeedo
Could be that Greedo Fawkes doesn’t want to risk a ££ advertiser boycott that a reputation for “racist comments” might trigger ?
(I’ve got an adblocker on, so can’t see ads anyway)
Judging by the low numbers of comments there aren’t many left to advertise to.
Toronto attack : background
open comments
No hope Sweden, in the news again. Seems like they’re in the dying throes toward all out civil war with a Government still denying there is any problems at all.
They’ll soon need them as protection against pissed-off natives.
Yes, I heard a rumour that some Swedes are considering arming themselves with placards.
This would be a serious escalation.
Placards with really harsh words this time. Enough is enough!
When you search the BBC Sweden you get … Sweden took in record numbers of asylum seekers at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015. It has since tightened its immigration rules, but how best to integrate those given the right to stay is a major debate. The Hej Framling! (Hey Stranger!) group puts migrants and locals in touch so they can go running together. The BBC’s Maddy Savage went along. { 23apr2018}
… but not the latest explosive news …. seems the editors choice(s) have priority …
Sweden’s deadly problem with hand grenades { 18apr2018}
According to the BBC, the increased violence is down to, “The rate of violent crime in the suburbs of Sweden’s big cities has worsened in recent years, in what officials blame on rising gang-related crime.” “Gang related crime” so there: nothing to do with refugees. So, if follows, “There is very little evidence that the migrants are to blame for a rise in violent crime.”
The BBC, dishonest as ever, down to the last word in its news reporting. It should be closed down immediately.
“rising gang-related” – who are in those gangs? What are their activities based on? Why are they manipulating? Questions without answer … omitted by the BBC. £3.5bn News Service!
“Hank Azaria ‘willing to step aside’ from Simpsons Apu role”
I guess I was supposed to be offended by Groundskeeper Willie then.
#ApuToo … “It follows a documentary made by Indian-American comic Hari Kondabolu that argued the Indian character is based on racial stereotypes.
Speaking on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Azaria said his “eyes have been opened” by the debate and that he never intended to cause offence.”
Hank Azaria ‘willing to step aside’ from Simpsons Apu role { 25apr2018}
Hank Azaria says he is “willing to step aside” from his role voicing Simpsons character Apu Nahasapeemapetilon.
BBC News site seems to highlight this stuff regularly.
Hank Azaria is a comedy actor. He did a comedy British accent in the film Mystery Men (1999), with all the stereotyping you’d expect. I can’t say I was offended by that. So it’s a race issue, in an animated programme where the white people are yellow? Since Azaria has played Apu for years, when exactly did this become a “thing?”
In the video below, made in 2014 to promote the Disney animated series Star Wars: Rebels, none of those involved even mention that the character is white and the actor playing him, David Oyelowo, is black. AFAIK he’s still playing him today – can he continue to do so? In 2014 it was okay. More evidence that our slide down the sh*t chute continues to accelerate?
So any comedian/voice over that takes the piss out of another nationality, but is not that nationality has to apologise and let a person from that nationality step in?
Does this include … Famalam: ‘We’ve a licence to talk about things other sketch shows don’t because we’ve an all-black cast’ {bbc programme}
ISTR a certain Sir Lenward Henry making a name for himself on the talent show by imitating Michael Crawford’s character, Frank Spencer. I wonder if this would be allowed today.
We are all immigrants. Nationalities and cultures are all the same .. *sigh*
The hideously white, Mike Henry is probably next. He voices Cleveland Brown in Family Guy and the Cleveland show (also a Mr Herbert the local pedophile) He also has the nerve to voice the female Mexican maid, Consuela! So, not only does he culturally appropriate but gender appropriates as well (just made made the last phrase up but might see it trending on Twitter pretty soon)

Nothing to worry about “No Go Britain. This is a REAL email. Sent from the Met Police to parents in Romford via schools & headteachers. @{KTHopkins twitter}”
So who is responsible for theft and undesirable activity?
Brexiteers and the far far right?
Got it Maxicony.
Does this mean the area is cleared so the thefts CAN OCCUR?
#LondonIsOpen … #RomfordIsOpenBetween7pmTo3pm
I guess this is the Blighty to come . Public exclusion areas and curfews . Difficult to enforce by plod as they are busy doing internet hate crime so I suppose it will be farmed out to serco or similar with operatives armed with body worn cameras , dna and photo recorders
Run|Hide|Tell … Always|Stay|Indoors.
“We have refugees now, for example, or people of Arab origin, who bring a different type of antisemitism into the country,” she said during the interview. “But unfortunately, antisemitism existed before this.” { 25apr2018}
“Several Jewish students have reported antisemitic bullying in schools in recent months and Israeli flags were burned during a recent protest in the capital city.”
– ‘different type of antisemitism’ – how many types are there?
– not the normal type of antisemitism?
– does anyone question these politicians?
– reminds me of Met Officer Cressida Dick – “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick
A Labour candidate has apologised for “offence” caused after sharing an “intolerant” video on Facebook.{ 23apr2018}
As reported in the MK Citizen, Kashif Raza shared a video in which a man says “faith will be tested” in a world where “illegal sexuality becomes OK”.
Mr Raza deleted the video from his page and said he was “ashamed” by its “intolerant and unacceptable message”.
The Labour Party said it had acknowledged Mr Raza’s apology and would not be launching an inquiry.
In a statement posted on his Facebook and Twitter, Mr Raza said he shared the video last year “without paying attention to its content”.
. . . .
Tim Farron stepped down for less …
Farron says ‘remaining faithful to Christ’ was incompatible with being party leader after repeated questions over his faith {theguardian}
The Labour Party have selected extraordinary candidates.
As a result of this and the on going Antisemitism fiasco and the appalling crime rate, i read that an opinion poll is being released tomorrow for the London area regarding the Local elections on May 3rd, the results have shocked and rattled the Labour big wigs. Seems not is all going well for Labour..
Seems it goes deeper … “A COUNCIL (Labour Kashif Raza) candidate for Labour posted a rap video suggesting homosexuality is illegal and has previously accused America of being culpable for 9/11.” {thesun 23apr2018}
…also calls Western cultures “the lands of the oppressed”.
– so what is Iran?
– so what is Saudi Arabia?
– so what is Yemen (where two variants of a religion of peace collide)?
– I wonder?
I’ve heard quite a few ‘experts’ refer to oppressed ethnic minorities lately in their narratives. I would like to see them try to find a country in the west where this co-called oppression is enshrined in the law. Yet it wouldn’t take them too long to find examples in countries a little further to the east.
This has become a one sided battle … you can mention the West but not the East. Equality of debate is required!
BBC signal black first policy : Today’s R4 MoneyBox 3pm is about the cost to Windrush victims
Did they say how many Windrush people require passports?
Can anyone find a number … rather than ‘generation’ ‘children’ ‘many’ ‘lots of’ ‘includes anyone’ … Windrush: Corbyn urges review of ‘cruel’ immigration policy { 25apr2018} .. #HowManyForWindrush ???
I’m completely fatigued with the “Windrush” story.
The take home though is that none of the mainstream parties are interested in tackling mass immigration (legal or illegal) into Europe or the UK.
Boris’ latest rehash of giving illegals an amnesty just proves the point.
The immigration policy certainly is cruel, but it is cruel to the natural inhabitants of this country who are being subject to a long term programme of ethnic cleansing and replacement. It could also be argued that all immigration is illegal, in the sense that it is has been imposed without the will and consent of the British people, or ratified by them through electoral process or referendum. And it could be further argued that, considering it implies ethnic cleansing, that those who facilitate it – the politicians – are commiting a form of war crime.
They are bringing on people who are now 22 and 24
.. Yes but the immigration deadline was 1973
If your mum came in before then, then she is British, but you came into the country after 73 so you are not automatically British, but you have a right to apply to be naturalised.
Christa Ackroyd’s essay in Yorkshire Post
Oblique, cos its complaining cheating us dishonorable, …and a court said she is not a cheat.
The oblique cos it’s BBC management who fired her saying she cheated.
They continue to orgasmically report on the brave victim who suffered tremendously from the portrayal of Apu on The Simpsons. Reporting feelings about a fictional character, where would we be without their world class journalism?
I do wish the SJWs could keep their fluffy tentacles out of comedy. The best comedy is often at someone’s expense or speaks a truth we all recognise but do not openly acknowledge – just the sort of things lefty tyrants battle to suppress. It is no coincidence that since the PC virus has fully infected the BBC their comedy has become abysmal. None of their best shows was be produced now. Cleese would probably end up in jail for his Hitler routine in Fawlty Towers.
But the law in modern Britain — specifically modern Scotland — does not abide by this principle. Having solved all burglaries, muggings, rapes, and parking offenses in the nation, the Scottish police decided that it was necessary to arrest and charge Count Dankula. The authorities then chose to prosecute him. – Douglas Murray
Worlds best oneliner {youtube} – Graham Chapmans fantastic oneliner response to a German guard outside Dachau.
Ah, the Hitler routine and other examples of being beastly to the Hun have already been edited out of the latest versions of the Fawlty Towers DVDs. Winston Smith would be proud…
everybody on the simpsons is a stereo type that’s the point
fat feckless stupid white dad
put upon wife
naughty son
angel daughter
english bad guy
dumb scot
italian gangsters
crooked politicians
Dad who wants to be a mum.
Mum who wants a statue in the garden.
Son who wants to be the daughter.
Daughter who wants to land on the moon.
8:45pm Radio4 : Being a Muslim Dad
“Zia Chaudhry reflects on his role as a Muslim Dad to help his children to feel British, recalling his own father’s focus on education as the path to success and integration. Schools could help, he believes, by including Muslim Spain in the history curriculum.
“I am not advocating the teaching of Pakistani history to the children of Pakistani immigrants but rather the teaching of a chapter of European history in which Muslims co-operated with Christians and Jews to create a society that flourished on so many levels.”
The idea of education is to educate .. not placate
Unless they`re making placards for the teachers soon to go on strike, I`m thinking.
Zia Chaudhry could have a point, teaching how europe once had to fight for its life and chuck out these aliens should be mandatory.
Agreed Kaiser.
Gates/Siege of Vienna
Battle of Tours. Poitiers.
Leon Klinghoffer and the Munich Olympics too.
Well worth a U3A course or a GCSE.
And at least the Muslims won`t teach THEIR kids the crap we let our own get gunged it at schools NO recycling , Obama or Corrie in their madrassas.
British Empire .. BAD?
Islamic Empire .. GOOD?
What?????? “ a chapter of European history in which Muslims co-operated with Christians and Jews to create a society that flourished on so many levels.”
Muslims invaded and conquered Spain. They tried the same with France but were driven back. It took the Spanish people hundreds of years to push the Muslims out of their country and reclaim Spain for the Spanish.
If they want to teach the real history, then I am all in favour of that. We could also cover the Muslim invasions of Europe through Turkey ending, thankfully!, at the two ghastly sieges of Vienna.
Of course, being the BBC, the history will be taught by Lily Allen and Mary Beard. Muslims only wished to conquer Europe to enrich its culture and bring peace to the dumb, racist Christians who didn’t have a single transgender toilet throughout Christendom.
Only the BBC.
Why not mention Islam countries now .. Iran (Beaten for not wearing Hijab) … Saudi Arabia (Cinema’s in 2018) … Yemen (Destroyed by religion of peace).
“Zia Chaudhry Showreel”
Times finance slags Billy Bragg
‘He thinks QE quantative easing is giving money to banks, nope it’s vying things from banks.. so now gov us sitting on a big pule if certificates we which n the future the gov will sell back into the market for cash’
The Guardian will survive … with BBC’s help?
Owen Jones and Diane Abbott will still be paid!
Guardian on track to break even as company halves its losses {theguardian 25apr2018}
Why? Are they selling half the number of copies?
That’s a great idea – 1066 would be a great starting point. The Norman invasion of England, Battle of Hastings and all that stuff to show the indigenous kids that, for most of our history, there has been little or no immigration – and the immigrant kids can learn about the Granada Massacre in which a muslim mob killed much of the Jewish population of the City, to show them that Islam has never co-existed peacefully with any other culture, religion or civilization, and that includes Spain.
Iran push for peace using emojis … oh,wait … Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji { 25apr2018}
“Iran is promoting a domestically-produced mobile messaging app, complete with a “Death to America” emoji, in an attempt to get millions of Iranians to abandon the popular Telegram service, which it blames for promoting unrest in the country…(Iran emoji)placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.”
“Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Leader, president and other officials are still posting on their accounts on Twitter, which is still officially banned in Iran, and Ayatollah Khamenei’s office is still active on Facebook. The Supreme Leader has seven pages on Twitter in different languages.”
#MoreThanEqual : Times has a 12 page supplement
“Meet the top 50 Employers for Women”
All the corps are busy tweeting ‘look at us we are on the list’
including BBC bragging, ‘we are almost 50% women ”
Corps which women are overrepresented like health, NHS, publishing and pre teenage education are mostly not mentioned.
And so it continues…
Just had an email from a company that I have dealt with online and they are trying to entice me back.. with an image of two sulking ‘persons of colour’, giving the sort of look that would make me reverse direction pretty damn quick, just hoping that they hadn’t noticed that I was quietly removing myself from their killing zone.
Are these companies desperate to lose business? I expect it is because of Brexit.
Agreed Jim The demonisation of white people is everywhere. Apparently a white soprano has been forced to turn down a role in Westside Story because the PC brigade claim that if she sang the part it would be cultural appropriation as the character is Latino . I was looking at the rack of magazines while my wife was choosing which to buy and the covers had many more coloured faces on them than white faces. TV adverts have a high % of non whites in them The BBC has an ever increasing number of non white actors, news readers etc and advertises for jobs under whites need not apply banners. How can that be legal?
I read an article by Alison Pierson about the Windrush ( what else) in the Telegraph today. She usually writes sense, but today she claimed that she was proud of the way that over the past fifty years the native Brits had accepted so much change to their country with good grace and humour. Well i think that our good grace and humour have allowed our country to be stolen from us. By not protesting , not making a fuss , by staying silent for so long we have acquiesced in our own demise . Alison Pieceson may be proud but it is rather like being proud that you didnt tackle a burglar who walked off with all your possessions.
What gets me is that I have no other ‘homeland’. The ‘windrush’ people were/are quite happy to be Jamaican when it suits. The BBC provides a special ‘Asian Network’, (for people who magically become ‘British’ when they get murdered visiting the relatives back home), so even they recognise that ‘some’ people have roots and wish to keep them.
Why don’t we get the protection that the UN gives other indigenous peoples? And none of this has got to do with not liking ‘the other’. As long as someone doesn’t pose a direct threat to me I’m pretty relaxed as to how they choose to live their lives, but is it to much to ask for a mere 94 thousand square miles for me to live mine, along with all people that share my roots?
Britain Colonised the World .. now it must be colonised (and all the good bits destroyed of freedom of expression and criticism of everything) to eradicate all bad will – all cultures are equal, but some are less equal and deserve destroying than others …
Two envelopes in the mail today, one from Sun Life trying to sell life insurance. They think that a picture of an old black woman will make me want to part with my money. No it won’t, straight In the bin.
Open the second envelope, my ex-employer’s newsletter. What a surprise! I didn’t know that the same black woman that now works for Sun Life used to work at the same place as me! She must be important she gets the headline pictuure.
Seems like ‘Bert Kwok-ism’ is still alive and well with the ‘creatives’. (Need a ‘chinaman’? Let’s call Bert!).
Thanks for that, JimS. Currently looking for life insurance – won’t have to bother looking at Sun Life at all now. Companies might want to think twice about their MOREM (Massive Over Representation of Ethnic Minorities) advertising strategies as the number of people they are alienating is many times greater than the number they might attract.
One hopes The Appeaser is eating her heart out seeing all the positive coverage little Macron is getting with his New Best Friend Trump. That could have been her / us getting the cudos and the business deals. Instead of which: back of the queue Treezer, where you belong. Bonjour Macron, au revoir May.
Thank you beeb for playing no small part in the demonisation of Trump, and special thanks to soapy Sopel, you little merde, as we like to say here in gay Paree.
#FranceIsOpen …. more than #LondonIsOpen.
Yes I know, kudos. I’ll stop making typos when you give me a budget like the beeb’s ok?
Why not some Hindu Gods or Islam’s God or Buddha … why Jesus? Why not different religions on each bench? Isn’t this stopping a homeless person using a bench?
‘Homeless Jesus Christ’ sculpture unveiled in Manchester { 24apr2018}
A new sculpture depicting Jesus Christ sleeping rough has been installed in Manchester city centre.
Jesus the Homeless, by the Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz, depicts a figure lying on a bench. Its pierced feet indicate it is Jesus.
The sculpture is situated outside St Ann’s Church and has been blessed by the Bishop of Manchester.
Sounds like the aptly named Schmalz is doing a spot of paid virtue signalling. Not related to the imbecilic Trudeau by any chance?
Jesus had a job FFS: a carpenter, damned sight more useful than a sculptor – or an archbishop for that matter.
Why is this a male statue?
You`ll always have the poor with you?
I have no place to lay my head, whereas the birds and foxes do?
As opposed to whining hippie running off to Aytoun Street to get his dole, and scam for money whilst smelling of patchouli, old dope with a dog on a rope?
We all know what St Anns would have preferred Jesus to have been, to have said.
Maybe some CofE types could try reading the bible, and not rolling their drugs up in it?
Jesus has long left their churches , but won`t lie moaning on a park bench for Corbyn to come along with a BBC camera.
Corbyn doesn`t like Jews anyway-just as well eh?
Why no Muhammad statue on a park bench we ask Marky?
Would love to see the BBC or its Vicars like Bains try to make one .
To show equivalence with Jesus maybe.