Top Green Loon Caroline Lucas has just finished a spell on LBC radio arguing that the Government ought to do more to make us eat healthier food. She argues that the government should increase the welfare budget to compensate claimants who are obese and encourage them to eat better food. Last time I looked, the welfare budget was designed as a safety net so that people had enough to eat. An excellent social help to people in real need. Now under new exciting green plans it is there to compensate lard buckets who need to eat less calories.
Try as hard as I can, I just don’t understand this brave new world. But I get the feeling that once again I shall be paying for it.
I can’t solve the equation of more food banks and more obesity.
The socialists like the image of nurses ( angels) queuing up at food banks but many of the nurses I saw recently visiting someone looked a bit over drawn at the food bank.
It’s parental responsibility for kids food intake not the nanny state.
Bit like “We are all getting older. We are getting sicker and clogging up the NHS” when it is obvious that pre- & post-natal and years 0-18 are the most demanding according to BBC News & Current Affairs coverage at other times.
In the Born in Bradford study, 63% of Pakistani mothers are married to cousins, and within that group there was a doubling of the risk of a baby’s being born with a congenital anomaly. The report also found that “a larger number” of children born to cousins
“will have health problems that may lead to death, or long term illness for the baby.”
Its crackers that everyone wants ‘the Government’ to do something. They already do, they find millions to give to N.Ireland as a sweetener to help out the government, they’re finding trillions to hand out as compensayshun to those who have no intelligence to sort their paperwork out, and they create memorial days for (who?).
The problem is this generation of parents, – not teaching their kids to tell the time, not showing them how to use a knife and fork, not helping to teach them the times table, never saying ‘no’ to them, expecting others (grandparents and teachers) to teach them basics and bring them up. I might be generalising here, but from what I’ve seen and heard parenting is rubbish in this day and age.
By bending over for guest workers and other foreign types in Blighty the cops are losing the consent bit that they’ve always depended on. I agree with the ‘ best avoided’ view . Particularly if all they care to do is give out a reference for insurance purposes and send a nice multilingual victim pack .
“the cops are losing the consent bit that they’ve always depended on.”
In Norfolk the police had to change their slogan after they arrested Tony Martin. All their cars were tagged “Making Norfolk Safer”, but the locals refered to it as “Making Norfolk Safer for Criminals”.
That was several Chief Constables ago so the lesson will have been forgotten by now.
I have a lot of respect for street level officers, who have an impossible job, but the senior levels have been corrupted by politics.
If you want evidence of how much of an enemy the police will increasingly become of indigenous Britons, have a scan through this Soviet style guidance for crimes and incidents of “Hate” from the College Of Policing.
It truly is like something O’Brien could have quoted parts of whilst interrogating Winston Smith, in “Nineteen Eight-Four”. It’s basically a catch-all for anything the police or government to use, to get someone who doesn’t toe the PC line sufficiently or becomes a nuisance for them.
Hate crimes are far more prevalent than official statistics suggest. (HOW DO THEY KNOW?) Proportionately (WITHOUT DATA), they are more likely (WITHOUT DATA) to be directed against the person than non-hate crimes (REAL CRIMES?), and they tend to be experienced repeatedly. . . . .
Hate crimes can have a greater emotional impact on the victim than comparable non-hate crimes (REAL CRIMES), and can cause increased levels of fear and anxiety that can also permeate through wider communities.
Hate motivation
Hate crimes and incidents are taken to mean any crime or incident where the perpetrator’s hostility or prejudice against
an identifiable group of people is a factor in determining who is victimised.
Hate incident
Any non-crime incident which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race, …
Hate crimes
A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race …
“perceived, by the victim or any other person”
“Jon reports circumstances which amount to an offence under section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986. He was sworn at and threatened that he would be punched in the face by an attacker who moved toward him in an aggressive manner. Nothing was said about his sexual orientation but he perceives that he was targeted as he is openly gay and there was no other reason why he was chosen. He reports this to the police who should correctly record this as a hate crime based on sexual orientation.”
Ta for this Mark.
How the heck can a “perception” be the same as a “crime”?
That opinions, thoughts feelings are now playgrounds for EU lawyers and quangos, diversity queens is truly scary.
How can it a crime if it objectively does no harm-only might be seen as offensive by grievance farmers, on behalf of yet-to -be determined identity hustlers who won`t even get a Lottery ticket, seeing as this line of work pays out far more, more certainly too.
Place has gone mad-and why isn`t Shiner in jail yet?
Quite, Alicia.
The Hate Crime nonsense has completely upturned the well established elements of a crime the police/CPS/Courts have hitherto used. Now it is all down to, as you point out, a ‘perception’. In effect, a perhaps merely ‘upset’ victim. What surprises me is that the always strong and voiciferous law academics have all fallen silent. No criticism. Not a peep. But if that’s what we are left with, I, for one will use it. Like most of the new crop of ‘victims’ perceiving crimes, I will do my bit: ears super-tuned and ready to perceive; eyes super-tuned to that odd sideways glance I perceive to be hostile; fingers poised over the 9 digit ready to call the boys in blue. I am ready to join the queue in wasting police time.
Best response if you are accused of so-called ‘hate crime’ is to turn the tables and accuse the accuser of ‘hate crime’ – for your accuser must hate you if he/she is taking the trouble to report you!
Why is hate now a crime?….hate is as natural an emotion in a human as is Love… why is it a crime to hate?….if hatred goes further and results in violence and bodily harm then yes, that is not acceptable…but to think hate…express it in words?..and then go to prison for it…NO….Mrs May has destroyed free speech….Mayor Khan has 900 Met officers trawling social media, looking for hate speech, against moslems of course, the others can go whistle…..this is scandalous….Chaki?..any comment?….No chance…she’s a Labour shill now….,worthless.
Emmanuel – I think perhaps Eric Blair’s statue should be in parly square not some girlie there because she’s a girlie . I’m sure if mr Blair saw where they’d stuck his statue now – he would either die laughing ( again) or cry because of the irony .
I’ve worked out that maxi is on the 6pm 6am shift so just waiting for your pearls of shit.
Fedup2, the “girlie” has as much right to be in Parliament Square as her male equivalent Edward Smith-Stanley (Lord Derby), whose statue has stood there since 1874. His main achievement as prime minister was to expand the male franchise. Millicent Fawcett was a leader in the mainstream women’s suffrage movement which (unlike the Suffragettes) was non-violent. Without people like Fawcett we would never have had Margaret Thatcher as prime minister.
As regards statues it certainly would have been better to place George Orwell in Parliament Square and transfer Nelson Mandela from there to the BBC.
Why is hate now a crime? I suppose its because of the influence of Islam on white middle-class atheists such as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Ever since the end of paganism in England the law has been under the civilising influence of Christianity. Under Christianity, Christians are told to “forgive those who hate you“. This creates a civilising effect because it promotes the understanding of why someone would hate you. But in Islam people are told to “take revenge upon those who hate you”. This backward uncivilising effect has now been enshrined in English and Scottish law and is a symbol of a collapsing civilisation. A deeply Christian Prime Minister such as Jacob Rees-Mogg under a deeply Christian head of State would be needed to repeal the evil hatred laws and promote Christian understanding of why Christians exhibit verbal hatred about Christians being killed by Islamic people using knives, bombs and motor cars.
“A Labour Party spokeswoman told The Sun that Mr Ul Hassan’s application to join the party has now been rejected after The Sun revealed his praise for Qadri.”
Can we hear the sound of squealing yet, from the trough? Any snorting noises?
Fear of another referendum, this time about them. It has that effect. Is an elected Senate creeping up on them? At the very moment the uneducated are being kept busy so nicely with the customs union and Windrush the start petitions?
Well they don’t report quarter million signatures
on the Abolish The TV Licence Petition
Nor signers comments overwhelmingly complaining of #BiasedBBC left/lib bias
251,277 sigs now
#BBC #MetroLibElite our new colonial masters
Good point Stew.
What has been the response?
Who benefits from the financing of the BBC?
Who benefits from their consistent political message?
You get a similar message from other sources, eg ITV, but you’re not directly forced to fund them.
And none of them are quite as monolithic and all-embracing.
Government and parliament appear quite happy to go along with this arrangement.
Why? How do they benefit?
I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. There are so many of them about, it can get quite confusing.
The above questions seem of particular interest: they are palpable and immediate. There are huge sums of money involved. It follows that even larger sums are at stake beyond the boundaries of our state broadcaster.
‘The people’ seldom have a direct opportunity to decide on anything. So, what is also of interest is: when such a rare opportunity is given (oops, someone miscalculated) , it is interesting to watch what this state broadcaster does.
It is also interesting to note what parliament has done, promptly taking the outcome of the decision from us. Because we are too stupid, uneducated, it’s all too complex, etc etc. That segment with the most ‘expertise’ -who should in theory step in for us, given their huge resources- have been the most hostile. (The unelected. The most undemocratic. Makes perfect sense.)
So yes, petitions can be ignored. Referenda can be ignored.
The existence of this site is one tiny sign (of a great many) that there are those who are watching. And waiting.
The ‘mighty’ ignore these ‘tiny’ signs at their peril.
“A typical situation is a couple wanting to get divorced. They’ve got a lot of knotweed in their garden, they both want to move on with their lives and they’ve got a house they can’t sell.”
The BBC seemed-for once-to be fair to Brexit in PM with Carolyn Quinn just now. They went to a bioscience lab in Welwyn, where the scientist told the reporter that Brexit WOULD be better, likely as not. The EMA being sclerotic, passive and garrotting the best science in its red tape ;being my take on it.
See Beeb-the sky hasn`t fallen in, facts don`t hurt now do they?
But being the BBC, they HAD to read their news bulletin to tell us that Macron urged Trump to be open to the world-the BBC thought this a rebuke to “Trumps isolationist policies”.
When I want a newsreaders scripted mouth off, I will ask her.
Stick to the facts, not your opinions dear.
And will the blokes who write this stuff to put into newsreaders gobs PLEASE stick to facts? North Korea and France don`t think Trump isolationist at all. Only suits at the BBC are that silly nowadays.
Abraham Badru was shot dead in Hackney last month – one of the 63? Dead in London so far in 2018. There is no apparent motive – apart giving prosecution evidence in a rape trial. He had a job , a Mum who loved him and had never been in trouble with the police .
This was reported on the local ITV. To me it demonstrates the absence of proper coverage by al beeb – especially in comparison with stories it favours .
One would think its in the interest of the parents/future parents whose case comes up afore this googler judge. I feel that we the British public should have been informed about his out of court antics.
The BBC has given a reasonable but limited account of the case of Alfie, the infant the officials at Alder Hey Hospital and the Courts want to see dead.
The argument that it is in one’s best interests to be dead is often trotted out and is flawed. Best interests refer to one’s future life, as when it is argued that the best interests of a child is to live with either mother or father after a marriage breakdown But death is the cessation of interests, it is not an event in life after which interests can be assessed.
Then we have accounts of damage to the child’s brain. Just how much of the brain is dysfunctional? We are told it has virtually no activity. I very much doubt this. Whilst drunken drivers minimize loss of impairment doctors will frequently exaggerate it.
Above all is the political issue – the contest between state authority and parental rights.
And how much is the government acting behind the scenes as we are aware that it is now an international issue? Treezer the childless PM with a dad who allegedly had a curious relationship with children, has remained silent.
Finally, take a look at Alfie’s Army – white working class people who are certainly not part of the elite political bubble.
Here – in fairness to the BBC who probably have not read their instructions on the matter – is a brief report on world reaction to the case. Not a good account of the envy of the world.
BBC 6pm news.
One thing we can be sure about. The bBBC treatment of the ‘Windrush’ issue shows that they stand foursquare behind the Labour Party unfettered open door immigration policy.
The irony is of course that the Windrush generation came crom selected countries to fill skills and demand/supply gaps in the labour market. In other words, the very managed migration many on this site have advocated for years……
Too true. Blair also bestrode the world like some papier mache colossus as the country fell into hell.
That`s what Foreign Policy seems to be about.
And though Trump might be a blowhard, he`s not mad enough to compare himself to an ancient Greek God. Who wasn`t real.
Macrons nation is in flames most Wednesdays and weekends.
Maybe he`s hoping to twin with Disneyland.
Total misfits these childless goons who we`re electing in western Europe arent they?
Rees Mogg needs our votes, at least he`s got plenty lead in his pencil.
BBC Headline “Will Salisbury ever recover from the Skripal poisoning”. This question seems to be a precursor to Psychological operations (PSYOP) planned by MI5 to convey indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of individuals. Operations involve marching around Salisbury with Chemical Suits and demolishing houses owned by the Skripals and Millers. British Army Brigadier Alastair Aitken set up 77th Brigade in April 2015.
Meanwhile, proof that Yulia Skripal is free to confirm by phone, video or by handwriting, that the statement that she is free? was not fabricated, is elusive. Meanwhile I have unconfirmed rumours of a leak saying that a blond woman seen in key areas of Salisbury at the time was a CIA agent married to someone British at Porton Down. Also indications that the Novichok agents applied to the door were not a Nerve Agent, but a cocktail of organophosphates, as Dr Robin M Black at Porton Down seemed to imply and Dr Stephen Davies of Salisbury District Hospital seemed to confirm. Would explain why the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons has not banned Novichok agents.
Will the East End? or Coventry?…ever get over the Blitz?
Thank the Lord we had a Churchill and some sense of dignity and probity when it REALLY was life and death, Not just some BBC puff piece.
I attended an LPA gathering in Salisbury last Saturday at the Cathedral.
It was packed, people from all over Wiltshire and Dorset etc there. Picnics out on the grass, loads of tourist spend.
But the BBC would never tell you that.
Now had it been a Mosque , then Islam would have had the news all to itself that evening.
As for Putin-he probably didn`t know that you can kill your enemies here in the UK if LABOUR are in power(Litvenenko 2006), and then May will hold some arse covering enquiry many years later when you`ve got your spooks back home? But don`t do it when Trump and Brexit might get a few days bad press and a load of truffle hounds for the EU, will you?
They had a screen in the waiting room, whch was switched on to the BBC, and after a few minutes, we were baffled as to what trash we were having to listen to!
What bollocks! Stupid thick ‘interviewers’ asking idiot questions – clearly devised by their under-managers, and never getting answers – which they’re paid to do!
What a pathetic bunch of weirdos they are! They couldn’t put a girl guide’s sausage pantomime together if they tried.
“Jeremy Corbyn has called on Theresa May to review her “cruel” immigration policy and abandon “bogus” targets, in response to the Windrush scandal.”
I dont think they are listening ?
We voted out of the EU because we were being swamped by immigrants.
Housing, hospitals, schools in crisis etc …
IMHO Boris is still after the Prim Minister’s Job and Al Beeb is still trying to reverse Brexit.
Politicians, the Lords and the media are completely out of touch with people of Britain.
I hate how they cram their agenda into everything. An elderly woman on One Show is telling her story of being a computer programmer, breaking the glass ceiling etc.
One swallow does not make a summer and one narrative does not prove a point. There are some female programmers but on average the job appeals to men. Equally some asylum seekers become engineers or footballers but many have somewhat different outcomes. The constant use of narrative over facts is so devious as you can get an individual narrative to show anything.
Watching this woman on the One Show we are meant to think women long to become computer programmers but evil men are holding them back, which is of course total bollocks.
This is a rhetorical question but has there ever been a more mendacious, slimy, sanctimonious, shallow, fake public figure than Tony Blair? Even leaving aside the ruination his policies have brought?
As I say it is a rhetorical question so no responses are necessary.
I know no reply was sought but one has to remember that Blair and wife are both barristers . Sell your soul for the brief. I saw Blair speak when he was shadow Home sec and he was brilliant . Any good barrister would not be able to tell truth from lie and he carried that skill into his political career .
He was a great politician but now he is unable to realise the monster he has become . Bubble living I suppose .
Al beeb won’t report it so I will – Mandy Richards – you know -.the one from “ are you being served” has, sadly , not been endorsed as a labour candidate for some socialist one party state constituency -by their NEC.
She’d have been so much fun being full on extreme. If only she’d give a press conference . That would be great popcorn.
Before politics Mandy worked in a take away – hence the big chip.
Sorry to contradict you but the bBBC has reported the news about this Labour nutter, hidden away under ‘Hereford & Worcester’. But they don’t tell us that she has cost us an estimated £500,000 in the 14 vexatious court cases she has brought, against – amongst others – MI5, MI6, Thames Water and Hackney Council. The High Court made 14 civil restraining orders banning her from taking further action without approval.
Even playing the race card wasn’t sufficient for her to be retained as a Labour candidate. Perhaps she should have told them she hated Jews.
I was watching the ONE SHOW on the BBC this evening and
one of the guest suggested that the new royal baby should be
called Mohamed! In my opinion , although I expect Big Brother
from the diversity department at the BBC would disagree , we
should wait until the UK becomes part of the greater Caliphate
in around four generations. Then a royal baby should then be
called Mohamed and in time become Mohamed the First. King of
England. That’s unless a girl is born . Yes Aisha the first may be
more INCLUSIVE. The BBC could then start it’s morning programmes
with the Fajjr. Now that would be inclusive. Food for thought BIG
BROTHER of the diversity department..
As I’m abstaining from al beeb I could only guess as the coverage hippy Amber got in the HASC – Mrs Evette balls presiding – gave to Amber over windrush .
It supports my view that the government and civil service is not the cleverest of organisations . Someone who was a permanent secretary is sitting in the House of Lords and is responsible for an unnecessary mess.
How thick did they need to be ?
I have signed but don’t think my friends and colleagues in the Cabinet would be likely to sign it – particularly young Amber – who may need a rest home soon ….
#Newsnight's own info-graphic is different to the voice over narrative and they completely forgot about Boris wining two London mayoral elections. They then show Owen Jones representing Labour in London, not Sadiq. Weird.
UK deficit for 2017/18 was £42.6bn. The OBR, perhaps influenced by prevailing post-referendum gloom among forecasters, predicted in March last year that it would be £58.3bn — so the outcome was £15.7bn or 27% lower than forecast.
“UK car production slumps on poor demand”
More anti Brexit propaganda?
How about the uncertainty about buying a diesel, petrol or electric car?
Or how about the uncertainty propaganda promulgated by the remainer media attempting to damage the UK’s economy?
Dark forces are at work but Great Britain will prevail through .
“American meat is ‘safe for UK trade deal’, farmers say”
More anti-brexit propaganda?
Chlorinated water? Drinking water?
They are not letting up – “the closer to the target the more the flak”
There is a HYS running with one or two good comments posted.
I would say that “planet A” is the Paris Accord, and “There is no planet B” because “planet B” is a Hoax.
Man-made Climate Change proven to be “planet B”
Since 2009, many scientists have proven that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is as President Trump has said “A Hoax”. In 2009 the scientist Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. Further confirmation of the CO2 warming hoax was obtained through thermodynamics and successfully finding a formula that works for both of the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, as well as all the other planetary atmospheres. In 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Ned Nikolov spoke at the London Climate Change Conference on Thursday, 8th September 2016 about this. By early 2018, the scientist who had just proven that Climate Change is caused by Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo, Professor Henrik Svensmark, was invited to speak in the Committee rooms of the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. In fact, for two hundred years, Astronomers from William Herschel onwards had known about correlations between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlations with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlations are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly the 22 year, Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets, short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method, as well as the fact that amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Climate Scientists did not dominate the debates that produced the agreement. This lead many Climate scientists to call for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as to set up the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”. (or planet B)
Macron knows that Trump will revert back to the Paris agreement, just as he has reversed his decision to pull out of Syria, on which Macron has claimed to have influenced Trump.
Methinks Trump is being sucked into the old politics.
Where is Bannon these days?
But we don’t want to reduce CO2, if anything, it would be better for all life if it were to increase to levels which existed many years ago. CO2 is no demon, without it we’d be utterly screwed. It’s high time that the demonizing of this harmless trace gas ceased, and the scam taken apart. But we live in a world of groupthink, so that’s unlikely to occur in the near future. We will, in the interim, be reduced to weak, cold hungry dependents, by then, without the means to communicate with each other for fear of upsetting someone, the means to transport ourselves and goods, and the means to generate electricity.
I hope, by that time, civil disturbances will have broken out, and the elite killed off.
We need more funding for the NHS; someone said they liked Trump but here are some Tweets about how much you should hate him; you should recycle; Facebook will be questioned on foreign interference in the Brexit election.
A standard day for the Grounhog Broadcasting Corporation. I managed two minutes before switching off.
BBC indignant this morning that the Home Office have targets to remove illegal immigrants. The clue is in the word ‘illegal’. We taxpayers expect the government to apply the law. Beeb wouldn’t understand. They are totally fixated on their multiculti dream.
Do the police have targets for the clear-up rate for burglary – or indeed for more serious crimes?
Should they? Is it in some way morally dubious for them to set targets?
I think probably not because I’ve heard the BBC getting excited about the rate of prosecutions for rape.
And yet this morning I hear an editorial stance from the BBC that implies the Home Office was wrong to set targets for the deportation of illegal immigrants.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
I mean, just suppose they had targets for the deportation of illegal immigrants. Why, then they would have to think about such things as: how many staff would be needed; how many holding facilities would need to exist; how many flights would need to be arranged; how much money would need to be allocated for legal fees, etc. Actual real planning! No, that would never do – too much hard work. Far better to leave everything to chance and hope that nothing happens and the problem goes away.
DB. Just watched the fabulously focused Mssss Abbot being questioned about Corbynov’s view on anti-Semitism, to witness her immediately state the (usual) disgraceful default position of, “On the 25th Anniversary of the Stephen Lawrence murder, perhaps we should be thinking about . . .blah, blah”
One agenda, one brain cell, zero intellect.
This smug, inept, empowered, fool should do us all a favour and invest in one of those lovely numbers that lace up at the back. Lord, this woman is a waste of (lots) of space!
Just listened to Matt Hand-cock gob his way through an interview with Robbo on Toady. It is quite amazing that this inarticulate; blathering oaf is a cabinet minister, yet also indicative of the type of folk Ma May seeks to surround herself.
I do recall a debate when this clown was up against the Farage, on al Beebus when Handjob got taken to the cleaners – repeatedly; also Andrew Neil soundly duffed him up at some point too when interviewed.
BBC fails to declare its interest… again. One of the BBC’s favourite tricks is to report something without declaring that it may have an interest in the item. For instance, on the Arts & Entertainment page of their news (sic) website, it reports that Buzzfeed is partnering with Netflix to show a “journalism-orientated documentary series”. See
Buzzfeed is essentially a web-based ‘news’ and entertainment organisation, which started off by identifying trends in social media and then turning them into and reporting on them as news. With time, it has added to its journalistic credentials, but is essentially associated with liberal trivia and obsessions (anti-Brexit, anti-Trump etc) and dumbing-down the news. Needless to say, the BBC saw it and decided ‘we want some of that’.
This collaboration, whether formal or informal, continues to this day and Buzzfeed are often quoted as the source in many BBC website articles. It is therefore fair comment to say that Buzzfeed is a partner of the BBC and in the interests of transparency they should mention this when reporting on Buzzfeed in other contexts, such as this one.
Why is this important? It is not just the declaration of possible interest. Although it has been striving to be a regular news outlet, Buzzfeed is widely regarded as a Fake News Outlet, comparable to the BBC and CNN. Netflix, although in the entertainment business, is highly regarded and it might be said that having a documentary series on it lends credibility and respectability to Buzzfeed and, by association, to the BBC.
Odd. The UN’s even-handed special envoy on Syria has just said on R4 Today that BBC Lyse Doucet’s analysis of peace process stalemate is “spot on.” But surely MediaLens and other bot types say BBC etc are tools of US/UK imperialism ?
One BBC report does not make a £3.5bn BBC News Omission Service brilliant … let me show you this story about the UN … that was NOT reported by the BBC …
1989 … Satanic Verses causes Iran to create fatwa for death of Salman Rushdie.
. . . 4 years later and they mention it . . .
1993 … Satanic Verses mentioned by United Nations.
. . . .10 Years of the UN doing nothing . . .
1999 … Iran say they will not hunt for the head of Salman Rushdie. {meforum jun1999}
. . . 27 years later and the UN have been laughed at . . .
[The UNCHR] also expresses its grave concern that there are continuing threats to the life of a citizen of another State which appears to have the support of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and whose case is mentioned in the report of the Special Representative.1
By 1999, the UNCHR chose to accept at face value “the assurances given by the Government of Iran in New York in September 1998,”2 when Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi said his government would no longer seek to end Rushdie’s life.
Let me help Amber Rudd and Theresa May (this might be a fact crime) …. RUDD WRONG ABOUT MIGRANT REMOVAL TARGETS (2018) …. the BBC might want this information as well … possibly not … £3.5bn BBC Omission Service …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
p.s. I would comment on but I was banned for having an opinion, no examples of why given.
BBC Cannot … I repeat … cannot use the word ILLEGAL … (dreamer, undocumented, irregular)
Marky, post on Going Postal. Much greater readership (including ex Geedo contributors, like me), fewer dingbats, little or no censorship, and generally a jolly good crowd. We like your type of post, and hate the BBC…
You are not allowed to hate … please wait near your keyboard for Amber Rudd and to tell you what you can think. Rainbow car has been dispatched … nails will be painted … twerking will be forced upon you … your Hate is important to us.
Thanks for the tip Goat and G.W.F. I have all but given up on posting on Guido’s site – I’m sick of being moderated for even the most innocuous comments. It make the Guardian CIF look like a paragon of free speech.
The misinformation continues apace. Just before 0900 on Toady, “our” Nick started an item of “news” by suggesting that the political parties are unanimous in proposing that an extra £50 billion be put into the NHS by 2030. First interviewee up spouted the well worn mantra of the demand on NHS services being caused by the, “ageing population”. Solely. No hint or whisper of the + 300,000 entering the UK to live every year. “Our” Nick, (lacking any objectivity as he does) allowed that glaringly lacking assertion to pass without challenge simply because to pursue it objectively would raise the taboo subject of immigration. That would conflict with the BBC’s policies. The way the BBC manipulates the news to reflect and or deflect inconvenient truths is shocking.
Here’s a story of the ‘increased’ demand on the State by the baby boomers –
I like this one: “‘Baby boomer’ becoming ‘term of abuse’ used to sow division between generations, charities warn ….”
Next time I hear (or overhear) the expression, ‘baby boomers’ I’ll call the police and report it as a Hate Crime………………
And what about the family of that evil Abu Hanser now in a USA jail- his family are being housed in a 1.2 million house and gievn, yes given £ 600.00 per week benefit!!!! Can we really equate this nonsence to any common sense. Why was this family not deported back to where the fathe came from irrespective of any legal rubbish concerning their human rights-the sins of this father and its consequences should be laid at the families door
Greenwich Council- Stephen Lawrence Memorial = Granted
Lee Rigby Memorial = Refused. Bloody rascism-the MP for that area should vehemently protest at such action being taken by this Council. I would suggest that the majority of the White Indig British are thoroughly disgusted by the way successive governments have deliberately underminded the future of white brits- no wonder many are leaving if not for the elusive Sun in the UK, but to escape the feeling of being second class in ones own country-the concern has moved away from the old steady roots of a nation to the subjugation by an alien ideology.
In the absence of consuming al beeb bias I thought I’d resort to YouTube and found a lot ( bunch ) of stuff by the late and sadly lamented Christopher Hutchins
As I listened it dawned on me that there is nowhere on al beeb which does anything controversial or off message any more .
It is sick but in some ways it is “lucky” that mr Hitchins is dead because his views on Islam would get him beheaded now.
RIP hitch ( he didn’t believe in god at all you know)
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (or terrorists on welfare, or religious buildings, or foreign office giving away free Hijabs) …give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“ … comments are no longer required ….
“This is getting beyond ridiculous on here. Guido puts up an article which features the Mayor of London, invites comments on said article but if posters use the Mayor’s name in said article the comments gets referred to the moderator.
Why not just shut the comments down, Guido, and be done with it ?”
I just cut and posted a sentence from Guido, adding ‘I agree’ and that was removed.
Geedo is finished.
Copied my rejected sentence here
an hour ago
‘The Met Police has released the latest year-on-year crime stats. They are not good reading for under pressure Sadiq Khan or beleaguered Amber Rudd…’ says Guido, and I agree
Jeez talk about large print
The tweet is more readble
We've issued a statement this evening to make people aware that social media posts which are being posted in relation to Alder Hey and the Alfie Evans situation are being monitored and may be acted upon. Read the full statement here:
As I explore working of #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation,
I am amazed at its layer upon layer of management.
There’s even an internal system of censorship above editors/lawyers,
called ‘Editorial Policy,’ which vetoes output likely to offend government & Mr Farage
BBC Hull’s Paul Murphy impartially replies
BBC staff everywhere having a quiet giggle at this insane tweet.
Murphy is gearing up for today’s BBC Look North, Radio Humberside big day of wind turbine promotion.
Not strictly BBC, but I suddenly realised that its all gone quiet on the Russian cyber attack. Following US/Fr and UK strikes on Syria the msm bombarded us with threats about a Russian cyber attack on our infrastructure including the hallowed NHS. What happened?
You have raise a smile when the EU loving luvvies are bitten by the thing they love.
It appears that new EU directives to force theatres to change their stage lighting to low energy sources is going to cost them so much money that many will simply not be able to afford it and will have to close.
No theatres mean no jobs for the luvvies which will rattle through the whole rotten industry.
The average small theatre will have about 300 stage lights, so it’s not just a simple case of replacing a few bulbs as in a domestic property, these things are much bigger and cost a lot of money.
“The European Union (EU) is proposing, in its Eco-design Working Plan 2016-2019, to change the rules that govern the light sources used in theatrical productions. In effect, they want to bring the vast majority of quality theatre lights under the same rules that govern domestic and office and industrial lighting.”
Of course leaving the EU should put paid to all this nonsense, but will we see a change in the Luvvies love of the EU, or will they resort to the usual double think to rationalise their impending doom away?
“Of course leaving the EU should put paid to all this nonsense, …..” Which means the luvvies will be stuck with it then as, acual ‘out’ vanishes by the day.
“No theatres mean no jobs for the luvvies which will rattle through the whole rotten industry.”
Stupid generalisation. Only a minority of the people employed by the theatre industry are “luvvies”, as people here childishly insist on calling them. Lost its wit years ago.
Maybe these theatres could all reopen as Remoaner Sanctuaries. So we could clear the leeches out of public life and let them cry in the dark, maybe shadow puppet theatre or something eco-conscious.
And make them pay their own leccy, sell their one tickets and stop pimping off taxpayers for their virtuous wonga.
We`d soon get a decent country back again-and the Remainiacs would only eat themselves as we got on with our lives.
Yup-EU sanctuaries, where migrants could be housed and no Brexit bonuses allowed, so they`d have to stick to crap hairdryers, hoovers and lighting.
EU theme parks, Swedish style living and Cologne New Years Eve could be every day for them.
Why the BBC are worried… 3.5 million people cancelled their TV license in the past four years! The BBC admit that in their 2018/19 Annual plan published in March – – , the BBC admit it’s losing young viewers to Netflix. The BBC has lost the 16 to 24 year olds (their target audience for political correctness training) who now spend (prefer to spend) more time on Netflix in a week then they do with the whole of the BBC TV. (wow) On top of that – this months increase in the BBC TV license fee will deter even more viewers (the BBC TV license increased to £150.50p (from 1st April – the first rise since 2010) but that was BEFORE the ‘femme-rage’ wage bill doubled when they had to admit that female staff were paid a lot less than men doing the same job. So £300,000 broadcaster want some of that £600,000 plus ( basic rate paid to the men on radio 4 for starters). Why not a million each?
Suddenly the license fee figures don’t work any more for the BBC, the iPlayer is forced to compete with commercial rivals such as YouTube, NetFlix and a dozen other more cost effective broadcasters, the BBC is still failing on content (falling audience figures), huge inflated salaries for its its vanity *stars* are starting to leave the sinking ship – for the big bucks on commercial TV that is if they can (most BBC employees are unemployable outside the BBC as being left of everything). This advert was found in the lifestyle section of THE TIMES. Book you place now for BBC nostalgia and lifestyle of the super rich BBC exec (actually White City is a pretty ropey place to stay so expect community housing with single channel TV and Radio to feature strongly!
You ,must win the ‘best post of the day’ award – best al Beeb news I have heard for a while. They’ll want to put the tax more so even more people will refuse to pay it I hope.
Remember the Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr for 15 minutes at Trump Tower in June 2016. Remember how the brave BBC led second hand the New York Times story that Trump’s son was told that material on the Clinton campaign offered by a Russian lawyer was part of Moscow’s effort to help his father’s election campaign.
Well even special counsel Robert Mueller doesn’t seem to believe this load of old toffee. The lawyer in question Natalia Veselnitskaya recently revealed that she had not even been contacted by the year-long political probe.
Since Trump was elected, the BBC and most other mainstream press have misled the public about the Democrat smear that the Trump campaign actively colluded with the Russians to win the US presidential election. No convincing evidence to back up collusion has ever been produced and it is clear that the whole affair is really an attempt by the failed Clinton campaign to overturn the presidential vote. The Mueller probe, meanwhile, seems to have moved on and in the cause of bringing the President down has widened its enquiries to his business dealings.
The BBC has always been nicely on board the “Russians wot won it” campaign. When the Trump Tower story first broke, the BBC noted that “it is thought to be the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of President Trump’s inner circle” – a weasel form of words that of course means everything (nudge, nudge) and nothing. At the time Anthony Zurcher, a corporation US reporter, described the situation for Trump Jr as “grim”. According to Zurcher: “The pattern has been set. The New York Times runs a story, Trump Jr issues his response, then the noose tightens”.
Yep folks, that’s the way fake news works.
And the BBC is a master at the game. Spend weeks, even years, peppering the target with barely concealed allegations of illegality. Then do a Zurcher. Writing about the allegations of collusion with Russians he expressed surprise that the Trump campaign denied the charges. “At the time the assertions appeared unexpected and unnecessary. That’s not so much the case anymore”.
It’s the usual tried and tested 4 remainers and 1 leaver (who is that rarity, a right wing comedian, and a good one at that)
Far Left Abbott (FLAbbott) will be entertaining us with her breathy mathematical genius.
The specially selected audience can be relied on to virtue signal at every opportunity and all controlled by the even handed, unbiased, impartial Dumbledore.
You can get warmed up (and blood pressured up) by watching The Pledge first on sky where apart from Carole Malone and Michelle Dewbury the likes of Hirsch and Sarpong will come out with total shite for the hour long show.
I’ve often wondered what the point of Sarpong is. Her intellect is only suitable for Childrens tv, but because she’s written a book and has an OBE (?) its warranted an all access pass to serious debate. Her contributions on the Pledge amount to continual ‘nodding’ with a few yesses, and its clear from Dewbury’s disdainful looks that she doesn’t think highly of Sarpong or Hirsch.
That’s the same Dewberry that said last week
… “Really ? Oh I never knew that Britain had had any troops on the ground in Syria!”
That was a week after everyone else had heard about the special Forces guy getting killed.
I’m guessing that since Sapong is pretty, she was recruited on the casting couch.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
Top Green Loon Caroline Lucas has just finished a spell on LBC radio arguing that the Government ought to do more to make us eat healthier food. She argues that the government should increase the welfare budget to compensate claimants who are obese and encourage them to eat better food. Last time I looked, the welfare budget was designed as a safety net so that people had enough to eat. An excellent social help to people in real need. Now under new exciting green plans it is there to compensate lard buckets who need to eat less calories.
Try as hard as I can, I just don’t understand this brave new world. But I get the feeling that once again I shall be paying for it.
I can’t solve the equation of more food banks and more obesity.
The socialists like the image of nurses ( angels) queuing up at food banks but many of the nurses I saw recently visiting someone looked a bit over drawn at the food bank.
It’s parental responsibility for kids food intake not the nanny state.
WE always know where to find our nurses here at the care homes locally.
At any smoking shelters on NHS grounds. You`ll always find them.
Fed, think its probably the New Math.
Bit like “We are all getting older. We are getting sicker and clogging up the NHS” when it is obvious that pre- & post-natal and years 0-18 are the most demanding according to BBC News & Current Affairs coverage at other times.
It’s a one sided BBC story …
In the Born in Bradford study, 63% of Pakistani mothers are married to cousins, and within that group there was a doubling of the risk of a baby’s being born with a congenital anomaly. The report also found that “a larger number” of children born to cousins
“will have health problems that may lead to death, or long term illness for the baby.”
Born in Bradford Research Study {theyworkforyou}
Any observations oh Defender of the Faith? (That’s you, Maxincony)
Fedup2 – Overdrawn at the food bank – LOL!
Chris Morrison above?
Pay people to get fatter?
Wow-only the Greens eh?
But this one will be adopted by the rest of `em very soon.
Bariatric bonanza!
Its crackers that everyone wants ‘the Government’ to do something. They already do, they find millions to give to N.Ireland as a sweetener to help out the government, they’re finding trillions to hand out as compensayshun to those who have no intelligence to sort their paperwork out, and they create memorial days for (who?).
The problem is this generation of parents, – not teaching their kids to tell the time, not showing them how to use a knife and fork, not helping to teach them the times table, never saying ‘no’ to them, expecting others (grandparents and teachers) to teach them basics and bring them up. I might be generalising here, but from what I’ve seen and heard parenting is rubbish in this day and age.
Could there be a message here for British police?
“The kind of social contract between state and society that leads citizens to help the authorities is not working in those parts of Sweden where police are seen as the enemy.”
I now see the police as the enemy.
The police’s language is often sympathetic rather than condemnatory. Linda Staaf, a police chief, has pointed out that grenade-throwing is dangerous because those who pull out the pin ‘expose themselves to a huge risk’. Jan Evensson, Stockholm’s police chief, also makes his case on compassionate grounds: ‘It’s hard to be a criminal. We want to help them get out of it.’ {spectator 10feb2018}
“They can afford to be philosophical about immigration and the new criminal trends, to ignore the problem and hope that it goes away.”
-‘It’s hard to be a criminal. We want to help them get out of it.’
– Policing or comedy sketches?
By bending over for guest workers and other foreign types in Blighty the cops are losing the consent bit that they’ve always depended on. I agree with the ‘ best avoided’ view . Particularly if all they care to do is give out a reference for insurance purposes and send a nice multilingual victim pack .
“the cops are losing the consent bit that they’ve always depended on.”
In Norfolk the police had to change their slogan after they arrested Tony Martin. All their cars were tagged “Making Norfolk Safer”, but the locals refered to it as “Making Norfolk Safer for Criminals”.
That was several Chief Constables ago so the lesson will have been forgotten by now.
I have a lot of respect for street level officers, who have an impossible job, but the senior levels have been corrupted by politics.
“…but the senior levels have been corrupted by politics.” and Common Purpose, RJ.
If you want evidence of how much of an enemy the police will increasingly become of indigenous Britons, have a scan through this Soviet style guidance for crimes and incidents of “Hate” from the College Of Policing.
It truly is like something O’Brien could have quoted parts of whilst interrogating Winston Smith, in “Nineteen Eight-Four”. It’s basically a catch-all for anything the police or government to use, to get someone who doesn’t toe the PC line sufficiently or becomes a nuisance for them.
Click to access hate_crime_operational_guidance.pdf
GhostCrime … PreCrime … ThoughtCrime ….
Hate crimes are far more prevalent than official statistics suggest. (HOW DO THEY KNOW?) Proportionately (WITHOUT DATA), they are more likely (WITHOUT DATA) to be directed against the person than non-hate crimes (REAL CRIMES?), and they tend to be experienced repeatedly. . . . .
Hate crimes can have a greater emotional impact on the victim than comparable non-hate crimes (REAL CRIMES), and can cause increased levels of fear and anxiety that can also permeate through wider communities.
Hate motivation
Hate crimes and incidents are taken to mean any crime or incident where the perpetrator’s hostility or prejudice against
an identifiable group of people is a factor in determining who is victimised.
Hate incident
Any non-crime incident which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race, …
Hate crimes
A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race …
“perceived, by the victim or any other person”
“Jon reports circumstances which amount to an offence under section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986. He was sworn at and threatened that he would be punched in the face by an attacker who moved toward him in an aggressive manner. Nothing was said about his sexual orientation but he perceives that he was targeted as he is openly gay and there was no other reason why he was chosen. He reports this to the police who should correctly record this as a hate crime based on sexual orientation.”
Hate Crime Operational Guidance 2014
Ta for this Mark.
How the heck can a “perception” be the same as a “crime”?
That opinions, thoughts feelings are now playgrounds for EU lawyers and quangos, diversity queens is truly scary.
How can it a crime if it objectively does no harm-only might be seen as offensive by grievance farmers, on behalf of yet-to -be determined identity hustlers who won`t even get a Lottery ticket, seeing as this line of work pays out far more, more certainly too.
Place has gone mad-and why isn`t Shiner in jail yet?
Quite, Alicia.
The Hate Crime nonsense has completely upturned the well established elements of a crime the police/CPS/Courts have hitherto used. Now it is all down to, as you point out, a ‘perception’. In effect, a perhaps merely ‘upset’ victim. What surprises me is that the always strong and voiciferous law academics have all fallen silent. No criticism. Not a peep. But if that’s what we are left with, I, for one will use it. Like most of the new crop of ‘victims’ perceiving crimes, I will do my bit: ears super-tuned and ready to perceive; eyes super-tuned to that odd sideways glance I perceive to be hostile; fingers poised over the 9 digit ready to call the boys in blue. I am ready to join the queue in wasting police time.
Best response if you are accused of so-called ‘hate crime’ is to turn the tables and accuse the accuser of ‘hate crime’ – for your accuser must hate you if he/she is taking the trouble to report you!
Why is hate now a crime?….hate is as natural an emotion in a human as is Love… why is it a crime to hate?….if hatred goes further and results in violence and bodily harm then yes, that is not acceptable…but to think hate…express it in words?..and then go to prison for it…NO….Mrs May has destroyed free speech….Mayor Khan has 900 Met officers trawling social media, looking for hate speech, against moslems of course, the others can go whistle…..this is scandalous….Chaki?..any comment?….No chance…she’s a Labour shill now….,worthless.
I hate brussels sprouts . I do hope the vegetarian police don’t see this post .
Hate crime is a whisker away from Thought Crime.
It’s all coming true!
Emmanuel – I think perhaps Eric Blair’s statue should be in parly square not some girlie there because she’s a girlie . I’m sure if mr Blair saw where they’d stuck his statue now – he would either die laughing ( again) or cry because of the irony .
I’ve worked out that maxi is on the 6pm 6am shift so just waiting for your pearls of shit.
Fedup2, the “girlie” has as much right to be in Parliament Square as her male equivalent Edward Smith-Stanley (Lord Derby), whose statue has stood there since 1874. His main achievement as prime minister was to expand the male franchise. Millicent Fawcett was a leader in the mainstream women’s suffrage movement which (unlike the Suffragettes) was non-violent. Without people like Fawcett we would never have had Margaret Thatcher as prime minister.
As regards statues it certainly would have been better to place George Orwell in Parliament Square and transfer Nelson Mandela from there to the BBC.
Margret Thatcher would have been a great start … not that Kanye West has hurt the left … maybe, just maybe …
Trump thanks Kanye West for Twitter compliments
“You don’t have to agree with Trump but the mob can’t make me not love him,” he (Kanye West) tweeted.
BBC … living by its own standards … Nick Robinson’s pinned twitter on BBC .. ‘If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
Why is hate now a crime? I suppose its because of the influence of Islam on white middle-class atheists such as the Archbishop of Canterbury. Ever since the end of paganism in England the law has been under the civilising influence of Christianity. Under Christianity, Christians are told to “forgive those who hate you“. This creates a civilising effect because it promotes the understanding of why someone would hate you. But in Islam people are told to “take revenge upon those who hate you”. This backward uncivilising effect has now been enshrined in English and Scottish law and is a symbol of a collapsing civilisation. A deeply Christian Prime Minister such as Jacob Rees-Mogg under a deeply Christian head of State would be needed to repeal the evil hatred laws and promote Christian understanding of why Christians exhibit verbal hatred about Christians being killed by Islamic people using knives, bombs and motor cars.
Will it be reported on the BBC £3.5bn News Omission Service? Who knows! Does the BBC care, as long as rainbows appear everywhere?
Controversial imam who called Islamist murderer a ‘hero’ is recruited to join Labour – because he thinks Corbyn will fix knife crime{thesun 25apr2018}
“A Labour Party spokeswoman told The Sun that Mr Ul Hassan’s application to join the party has now been rejected after The Sun revealed his praise for Qadri.”
Did BBC News tweet when 100,000 signed the petition for abolition of the House of Lords yesterday? I don’t recall seeing it in my Twitter feed.
Wed 25th .. 5.30pm …. 118,000 and rising fast, let’s see how much longer they **won’t** report it ??
Can we hear the sound of squealing yet, from the trough? Any snorting noises?
Fear of another referendum, this time about them. It has that effect. Is an elected Senate creeping up on them? At the very moment the uneducated are being kept busy so nicely with the customs union and Windrush the start petitions?
Well they don’t report quarter million signatures
on the Abolish The TV Licence Petition
Nor signers comments overwhelmingly complaining of #BiasedBBC left/lib bias
251,277 sigs now
#BBC #MetroLibElite our new colonial masters
Good point Stew.
What has been the response?
Who benefits from the financing of the BBC?
Who benefits from their consistent political message?
You get a similar message from other sources, eg ITV, but you’re not directly forced to fund them.
And none of them are quite as monolithic and all-embracing.
Government and parliament appear quite happy to go along with this arrangement.
Why? How do they benefit?
I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. There are so many of them about, it can get quite confusing.
The above questions seem of particular interest: they are palpable and immediate. There are huge sums of money involved. It follows that even larger sums are at stake beyond the boundaries of our state broadcaster.
‘The people’ seldom have a direct opportunity to decide on anything. So, what is also of interest is: when such a rare opportunity is given (oops, someone miscalculated) , it is interesting to watch what this state broadcaster does.
It is also interesting to note what parliament has done, promptly taking the outcome of the decision from us. Because we are too stupid, uneducated, it’s all too complex, etc etc. That segment with the most ‘expertise’ -who should in theory step in for us, given their huge resources- have been the most hostile. (The unelected. The most undemocratic. Makes perfect sense.)
So yes, petitions can be ignored. Referenda can be ignored.
The existence of this site is one tiny sign (of a great many) that there are those who are watching. And waiting.
The ‘mighty’ ignore these ‘tiny’ signs at their peril.
4OK and they’ll report a tumble dryer petition
Other petitions @BBCnews tweeted
– #BBCrecipes petition reaches over 70,000
– More than 30,000 people have signed a petition against council plans to charge for a #Parkrun event in Bristol
Well spotted … £3.5bn News Omission Service … BBC!
Might be a moral hidden in here …. Labour … Conservatives … EU … Knotweed ‘cannot be eradicated’, Swansea Uni trial shows { 25apr2018}
“A typical situation is a couple wanting to get divorced. They’ve got a lot of knotweed in their garden, they both want to move on with their lives and they’ve got a house they can’t sell.”
Let’s face it: there is not Planet B. @EmmanuelMacron …
… There is not Europe (not EU) B. … Let’s invite everyone in!
The BBC seemed-for once-to be fair to Brexit in PM with Carolyn Quinn just now. They went to a bioscience lab in Welwyn, where the scientist told the reporter that Brexit WOULD be better, likely as not. The EMA being sclerotic, passive and garrotting the best science in its red tape ;being my take on it.
See Beeb-the sky hasn`t fallen in, facts don`t hurt now do they?
But being the BBC, they HAD to read their news bulletin to tell us that Macron urged Trump to be open to the world-the BBC thought this a rebuke to “Trumps isolationist policies”.
When I want a newsreaders scripted mouth off, I will ask her.
Stick to the facts, not your opinions dear.
And will the blokes who write this stuff to put into newsreaders gobs PLEASE stick to facts? North Korea and France don`t think Trump isolationist at all. Only suits at the BBC are that silly nowadays.
Abraham Badru was shot dead in Hackney last month – one of the 63? Dead in London so far in 2018. There is no apparent motive – apart giving prosecution evidence in a rape trial. He had a job , a Mum who loved him and had never been in trouble with the police .
This was reported on the local ITV. To me it demonstrates the absence of proper coverage by al beeb – especially in comparison with stories it favours .
Cut and paste maxi
I wonder if, like their editorial integrity, BBC persistence can err on the selective?
Given their rapid responses to Owen, surely Skwakbox warrants hiring yet more editors?
Another example when the BBC News as told us nothing about this fella!
One would think its in the interest of the parents/future parents whose case comes up afore this googler judge. I feel that we the British public should have been informed about his out of court antics.
The BBC has given a reasonable but limited account of the case of Alfie, the infant the officials at Alder Hey Hospital and the Courts want to see dead.
The argument that it is in one’s best interests to be dead is often trotted out and is flawed. Best interests refer to one’s future life, as when it is argued that the best interests of a child is to live with either mother or father after a marriage breakdown But death is the cessation of interests, it is not an event in life after which interests can be assessed.
Then we have accounts of damage to the child’s brain. Just how much of the brain is dysfunctional? We are told it has virtually no activity. I very much doubt this. Whilst drunken drivers minimize loss of impairment doctors will frequently exaggerate it.
Above all is the political issue – the contest between state authority and parental rights.
And how much is the government acting behind the scenes as we are aware that it is now an international issue? Treezer the childless PM with a dad who allegedly had a curious relationship with children, has remained silent.
Finally, take a look at Alfie’s Army – white working class people who are certainly not part of the elite political bubble.
Here – in fairness to the BBC who probably have not read their instructions on the matter – is a brief report on world reaction to the case. Not a good account of the envy of the world.
You never hear much on al Beebus about this case now.
Rotherham : Sammy Woodhouse just coming up on ITV Yorkshire Calendar
BBC 6pm news.
One thing we can be sure about. The bBBC treatment of the ‘Windrush’ issue shows that they stand foursquare behind the Labour Party unfettered open door immigration policy.
The irony is of course that the Windrush generation came crom selected countries to fill skills and demand/supply gaps in the labour market. In other words, the very managed migration many on this site have advocated for years……
Bbc news … France in mass strikes … Macron gives speech and is a God …. there is no planet b …. but with space travel there could be.
Too true. Blair also bestrode the world like some papier mache colossus as the country fell into hell.
That`s what Foreign Policy seems to be about.
And though Trump might be a blowhard, he`s not mad enough to compare himself to an ancient Greek God. Who wasn`t real.
Macrons nation is in flames most Wednesdays and weekends.
Maybe he`s hoping to twin with Disneyland.
Total misfits these childless goons who we`re electing in western Europe arent they?
Rees Mogg needs our votes, at least he`s got plenty lead in his pencil.
BBC Headline “Will Salisbury ever recover from the Skripal poisoning”. This question seems to be a precursor to Psychological operations (PSYOP) planned by MI5 to convey indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of individuals. Operations involve marching around Salisbury with Chemical Suits and demolishing houses owned by the Skripals and Millers. British Army Brigadier Alastair Aitken set up 77th Brigade in April 2015.
Meanwhile, proof that Yulia Skripal is free to confirm by phone, video or by handwriting, that the statement that she is free? was not fabricated, is elusive. Meanwhile I have unconfirmed rumours of a leak saying that a blond woman seen in key areas of Salisbury at the time was a CIA agent married to someone British at Porton Down. Also indications that the Novichok agents applied to the door were not a Nerve Agent, but a cocktail of organophosphates, as Dr Robin M Black at Porton Down seemed to imply and Dr Stephen Davies of Salisbury District Hospital seemed to confirm. Would explain why the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons has not banned Novichok agents.
Will the East End? or Coventry?…ever get over the Blitz?
Thank the Lord we had a Churchill and some sense of dignity and probity when it REALLY was life and death, Not just some BBC puff piece.
I attended an LPA gathering in Salisbury last Saturday at the Cathedral.
It was packed, people from all over Wiltshire and Dorset etc there. Picnics out on the grass, loads of tourist spend.
But the BBC would never tell you that.
Now had it been a Mosque , then Islam would have had the news all to itself that evening.
As for Putin-he probably didn`t know that you can kill your enemies here in the UK if LABOUR are in power(Litvenenko 2006), and then May will hold some arse covering enquiry many years later when you`ve got your spooks back home? But don`t do it when Trump and Brexit might get a few days bad press and a load of truffle hounds for the EU, will you?
Hiroshima will never … oh, wait …
Did Trump tell Macron about France first? Macron has over stepped the line …. would be good to compare speeches.
Macron and Trump have been too cosy since the Syria bombing. I am suspicious
Mrs O’Blene and I had to go to the dentist today.
They had a screen in the waiting room, whch was switched on to the BBC, and after a few minutes, we were baffled as to what trash we were having to listen to!
What bollocks! Stupid thick ‘interviewers’ asking idiot questions – clearly devised by their under-managers, and never getting answers – which they’re paid to do!
What a pathetic bunch of weirdos they are! They couldn’t put a girl guide’s sausage pantomime together if they tried.
Thanks S, the best summary of BBC news and current affairs I can remember: “What bollocks! Stupid thick ‘interviewers’ asking idiot questions”.
Predictable narrative, false concern, patronising twaddle.
“Jeremy Corbyn has called on Theresa May to review her “cruel” immigration policy and abandon “bogus” targets, in response to the Windrush scandal.”
I dont think they are listening ?
We voted out of the EU because we were being swamped by immigrants.
Housing, hospitals, schools in crisis etc …
IMHO Boris is still after the Prim Minister’s Job and Al Beeb is still trying to reverse Brexit.
Politicians, the Lords and the media are completely out of touch with people of Britain.
There is nothing ‘cruel’ about the Australian immigration system.
Remember this promise ……………
And Mr Brown’s words in 2007 “British jobs for British workers”…………
I hate how they cram their agenda into everything. An elderly woman on One Show is telling her story of being a computer programmer, breaking the glass ceiling etc.
One swallow does not make a summer and one narrative does not prove a point. There are some female programmers but on average the job appeals to men. Equally some asylum seekers become engineers or footballers but many have somewhat different outcomes. The constant use of narrative over facts is so devious as you can get an individual narrative to show anything.
Watching this woman on the One Show we are meant to think women long to become computer programmers but evil men are holding them back, which is of course total bollocks.
All I can say to you is 11001011010011001101
Ada Lovelace.
This is a rhetorical question but has there ever been a more mendacious, slimy, sanctimonious, shallow, fake public figure than Tony Blair? Even leaving aside the ruination his policies have brought?
As I say it is a rhetorical question so no responses are necessary.
I know no reply was sought but one has to remember that Blair and wife are both barristers . Sell your soul for the brief. I saw Blair speak when he was shadow Home sec and he was brilliant . Any good barrister would not be able to tell truth from lie and he carried that skill into his political career .
He was a great politician but now he is unable to realise the monster he has become . Bubble living I suppose .
Alister Cambell never lied …. ever …. ever …. *sigh*
Al beeb won’t report it so I will – Mandy Richards – you know -.the one from “ are you being served” has, sadly , not been endorsed as a labour candidate for some socialist one party state constituency -by their NEC.
She’d have been so much fun being full on extreme. If only she’d give a press conference . That would be great popcorn.
Before politics Mandy worked in a take away – hence the big chip.
Sorry to contradict you but the bBBC has reported the news about this Labour nutter, hidden away under ‘Hereford & Worcester’. But they don’t tell us that she has cost us an estimated £500,000 in the 14 vexatious court cases she has brought, against – amongst others – MI5, MI6, Thames Water and Hackney Council. The High Court made 14 civil restraining orders banning her from taking further action without approval.
Even playing the race card wasn’t sufficient for her to be retained as a Labour candidate. Perhaps she should have told them she hated Jews.
Create a Freedom of Speech Act
and Bring an End to “Hate Speech” laws
and ONLY 1 WEEK to go
318K signed the “3 Girls sara-rowbotham Petition”
Surely it simply needs a repeal of the Hate Speech laws? (Or revolution……….)
I’m 34,624. I don’t know what happened to the other numbers if there was 37k earlier. Seems dodgy.
I was watching the ONE SHOW on the BBC this evening and
one of the guest suggested that the new royal baby should be
called Mohamed! In my opinion , although I expect Big Brother
from the diversity department at the BBC would disagree , we
should wait until the UK becomes part of the greater Caliphate
in around four generations. Then a royal baby should then be
called Mohamed and in time become Mohamed the First. King of
England. That’s unless a girl is born . Yes Aisha the first may be
more INCLUSIVE. The BBC could then start it’s morning programmes
with the Fajjr. Now that would be inclusive. Food for thought BIG
BROTHER of the diversity department..
As I’m abstaining from al beeb I could only guess as the coverage hippy Amber got in the HASC – Mrs Evette balls presiding – gave to Amber over windrush .
It supports my view that the government and civil service is not the cleverest of organisations . Someone who was a permanent secretary is sitting in the House of Lords and is responsible for an unnecessary mess.
How thick did they need to be ?
Get rid of the House of Lords, Its undemocratic and a waste of money.
Sign the petieion and tell your mates .
I have signed but don’t think my friends and colleagues in the Cabinet would be likely to sign it – particularly young Amber – who may need a rest home soon ….
Weird, but hardly surprising.
Trust cherrypicked “Experts” ?
“UK car production slumps on poor demand”
More anti Brexit propaganda?
How about the uncertainty about buying a diesel, petrol or electric car?
Or how about the uncertainty propaganda promulgated by the remainer media attempting to damage the UK’s economy?
Dark forces are at work but Great Britain will prevail through .
Comment from the FT:
“Jaguar Land Rover blames diesel slide for loss of 1,000 jobs”
That’s kind of what happens when pols whiz about in their chauffeured Piouses and mutter about penalties for stunted moppets.
“American meat is ‘safe for UK trade deal’, farmers say”
More anti-brexit propaganda?
Chlorinated water? Drinking water?
They are not letting up – “the closer to the target the more the flak”
There is a HYS running with one or two good comments posted.
Macron saying “There is no planet B”
: Your logical fallacy is False Dilemma
It is not a binary choice between either Paris Accord vs Disaster
Plus look at the maths of Paris
an ardent Climate Alarmist would say it’s rubbish at reducing CO2
Macron saying “There is no planet B”
I would say that “planet A” is the Paris Accord, and “There is no planet B” because “planet B” is a Hoax.
Man-made Climate Change proven to be “planet B”
Since 2009, many scientists have proven that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is as President Trump has said “A Hoax”. In 2009 the scientist Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. Further confirmation of the CO2 warming hoax was obtained through thermodynamics and successfully finding a formula that works for both of the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, as well as all the other planetary atmospheres. In 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Ned Nikolov spoke at the London Climate Change Conference on Thursday, 8th September 2016 about this. By early 2018, the scientist who had just proven that Climate Change is caused by Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo, Professor Henrik Svensmark, was invited to speak in the Committee rooms of the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. In fact, for two hundred years, Astronomers from William Herschel onwards had known about correlations between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlations with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlations are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly the 22 year, Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets, short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method, as well as the fact that amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Climate Scientists did not dominate the debates that produced the agreement. This lead many Climate scientists to call for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as to set up the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”. (or planet B)
Planet B exists. It is where the Ark bearing its name landed years ago, and from whence Lord Hall and minions broadcast 24/7 from their bath.
Macron knows that Trump will revert back to the Paris agreement, just as he has reversed his decision to pull out of Syria, on which Macron has claimed to have influenced Trump.
Methinks Trump is being sucked into the old politics.
Where is Bannon these days?
But we don’t want to reduce CO2, if anything, it would be better for all life if it were to increase to levels which existed many years ago. CO2 is no demon, without it we’d be utterly screwed. It’s high time that the demonizing of this harmless trace gas ceased, and the scam taken apart. But we live in a world of groupthink, so that’s unlikely to occur in the near future. We will, in the interim, be reduced to weak, cold hungry dependents, by then, without the means to communicate with each other for fear of upsetting someone, the means to transport ourselves and goods, and the means to generate electricity.
I hope, by that time, civil disturbances will have broken out, and the elite killed off.
I do wonder how they think they will defend themselves when the pitchforks finally come out.
They will throw live Toynbees at us…
We need more funding for the NHS; someone said they liked Trump but here are some Tweets about how much you should hate him; you should recycle; Facebook will be questioned on foreign interference in the Brexit election.
A standard day for the Grounhog Broadcasting Corporation. I managed two minutes before switching off.
BBC indignant this morning that the Home Office have targets to remove illegal immigrants. The clue is in the word ‘illegal’. We taxpayers expect the government to apply the law. Beeb wouldn’t understand. They are totally fixated on their multiculti dream.
Do the police have targets for the clear-up rate for burglary – or indeed for more serious crimes?
Should they? Is it in some way morally dubious for them to set targets?
I think probably not because I’ve heard the BBC getting excited about the rate of prosecutions for rape.
And yet this morning I hear an editorial stance from the BBC that implies the Home Office was wrong to set targets for the deportation of illegal immigrants.
The targets are 100%
– Remove 100% of ILLEGALS
– Catch 100% of burglars
Meanwhile if they HO/police falsely label people to catch a performance target then that is corruption.
the so called BBC have a TARGET of 50% female staff etc etc
so are targets ok or are targets not ok im getting confused
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
I think they also have a target to employ 100% pillocks – they’ve virtually achieved that.
I mean, just suppose they had targets for the deportation of illegal immigrants. Why, then they would have to think about such things as: how many staff would be needed; how many holding facilities would need to exist; how many flights would need to be arranged; how much money would need to be allocated for legal fees, etc. Actual real planning! No, that would never do – too much hard work. Far better to leave everything to chance and hope that nothing happens and the problem goes away.
DB. Just watched the fabulously focused Mssss Abbot being questioned about Corbynov’s view on anti-Semitism, to witness her immediately state the (usual) disgraceful default position of, “On the 25th Anniversary of the Stephen Lawrence murder, perhaps we should be thinking about . . .blah, blah”
One agenda, one brain cell, zero intellect.
This smug, inept, empowered, fool should do us all a favour and invest in one of those lovely numbers that lace up at the back. Lord, this woman is a waste of (lots) of space!
Just listened to Matt Hand-cock gob his way through an interview with Robbo on Toady. It is quite amazing that this inarticulate; blathering oaf is a cabinet minister, yet also indicative of the type of folk Ma May seeks to surround herself.
I do recall a debate when this clown was up against the Farage, on al Beebus when Handjob got taken to the cleaners – repeatedly; also Andrew Neil soundly duffed him up at some point too when interviewed.
BBC fails to declare its interest… again. One of the BBC’s favourite tricks is to report something without declaring that it may have an interest in the item. For instance, on the Arts & Entertainment page of their news (sic) website, it reports that Buzzfeed is partnering with Netflix to show a “journalism-orientated documentary series”. See
Buzzfeed is essentially a web-based ‘news’ and entertainment organisation, which started off by identifying trends in social media and then turning them into and reporting on them as news. With time, it has added to its journalistic credentials, but is essentially associated with liberal trivia and obsessions (anti-Brexit, anti-Trump etc) and dumbing-down the news. Needless to say, the BBC saw it and decided ‘we want some of that’.
In Spring 2014, a report commissioned by the BBC’s head of news came to the (pre-determined?) conclusion that ‘BBC News should learn lessons from Buzzfeed in digital strategy’. See
The following year, as part of the BBC’s ‘Project Newstream’, journalists were explicitly told to emulate the Buzzfeed style. See
Shortly thereafter, the BBC and Buzzfeed began collaborating together on specific projects, usually of the exposé variety. An early example is this:
This collaboration, whether formal or informal, continues to this day and Buzzfeed are often quoted as the source in many BBC website articles. It is therefore fair comment to say that Buzzfeed is a partner of the BBC and in the interests of transparency they should mention this when reporting on Buzzfeed in other contexts, such as this one.
Why is this important? It is not just the declaration of possible interest. Although it has been striving to be a regular news outlet, Buzzfeed is widely regarded as a Fake News Outlet, comparable to the BBC and CNN. Netflix, although in the entertainment business, is highly regarded and it might be said that having a documentary series on it lends credibility and respectability to Buzzfeed and, by association, to the BBC.
Shots fired off stage left.
One BBC report does not make a £3.5bn BBC News Omission Service brilliant … let me show you this story about the UN … that was NOT reported by the BBC …
1989 … Satanic Verses causes Iran to create fatwa for death of Salman Rushdie.
. . . 4 years later and they mention it . . .
1993 … Satanic Verses mentioned by United Nations.
. . . .10 Years of the UN doing nothing . . .
1999 … Iran say they will not hunt for the head of Salman Rushdie.
{meforum jun1999}
. . . 27 years later and the UN have been laughed at . . .
2016 … Fatwa on Salman Rushdie renewed by Iran.
{independent feb2016}
. . . 29 years after Satanic Verses.. maybe the UN could have more serious words with Iran . . . .
2018 …. Iran release state emojis that show ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’.
{ 25apr2018}
. . . . .
The United Nations took little interest when Ayatollah Khomeini issued an edict in February 1989 that condemned British writer Salman Rushdie to death for his novel, The Satanic Verses, which is “in opposition to Islam, the Prophet, and the Qur’an” as the edict affirms; if anything, most member states tried to ignore the whole episode. It took four full years before the greatest freedom-of-expression case of our time found an even implicit mention in a UNCHR resolution (the one that annually criticizes Iran for human rights violations) :
[The UNCHR] also expresses its grave concern that there are continuing threats to the life of a citizen of another State which appears to have the support of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and whose case is mentioned in the report of the Special Representative.1
By 1999, the UNCHR chose to accept at face value “the assurances given by the Government of Iran in New York in September 1998,”2 when Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi said his government would no longer seek to end Rushdie’s life.
Let me help Amber Rudd and Theresa May (this might be a fact crime) …. RUDD WRONG ABOUT MIGRANT REMOVAL TARGETS (2018) …. the BBC might want this information as well … possibly not … £3.5bn BBC Omission Service …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
p.s. I would comment on but I was banned for having an opinion, no examples of why given.
BBC Cannot … I repeat … cannot use the word ILLEGAL … (dreamer, undocumented, irregular)
Marky, post on Going Postal. Much greater readership (including ex Geedo contributors, like me), fewer dingbats, little or no censorship, and generally a jolly good crowd. We like your type of post, and hate the BBC…
You are not allowed to hate … please wait near your keyboard for Amber Rudd and to tell you what you can think. Rainbow car has been dispatched … nails will be painted … twerking will be forced upon you … your Hate is important to us.
Old Goat
Thank you. I have just bookmarked going postal. Now to inform other ex geedo contributors
Thanks for the tip Goat and G.W.F. I have all but given up on posting on Guido’s site – I’m sick of being moderated for even the most innocuous comments. It make the Guardian CIF look like a paragon of free speech.
The misinformation continues apace. Just before 0900 on Toady, “our” Nick started an item of “news” by suggesting that the political parties are unanimous in proposing that an extra £50 billion be put into the NHS by 2030. First interviewee up spouted the well worn mantra of the demand on NHS services being caused by the, “ageing population”. Solely. No hint or whisper of the + 300,000 entering the UK to live every year. “Our” Nick, (lacking any objectivity as he does) allowed that glaringly lacking assertion to pass without challenge simply because to pursue it objectively would raise the taboo subject of immigration. That would conflict with the BBC’s policies. The way the BBC manipulates the news to reflect and or deflect inconvenient truths is shocking.
Here’s a story of the ‘increased’ demand on the State by the baby boomers –
I like this one: “‘Baby boomer’ becoming ‘term of abuse’ used to sow division between generations, charities warn ….”
Next time I hear (or overhear) the expression, ‘baby boomers’ I’ll call the police and report it as a Hate Crime………………
I million illegal migrants don’t help either. How many pay tax and ni in other words have a national insurance number in order to pay for the NHS?
Known ‘illegal migrants’ … what about the ones that are not known? 10% more? 50% more?
We are ruled by …. a group of MPs that gave themselves 18% pay rise since 2010 … did they deserve it?
And what about the family of that evil Abu Hanser now in a USA jail- his family are being housed in a 1.2 million house and gievn, yes given £ 600.00 per week benefit!!!! Can we really equate this nonsence to any common sense. Why was this family not deported back to where the fathe came from irrespective of any legal rubbish concerning their human rights-the sins of this father and its consequences should be laid at the families door
Greenwich Council- Stephen Lawrence Memorial = Granted
Lee Rigby Memorial = Refused. Bloody rascism-the MP for that area should vehemently protest at such action being taken by this Council. I would suggest that the majority of the White Indig British are thoroughly disgusted by the way successive governments have deliberately underminded the future of white brits- no wonder many are leaving if not for the elusive Sun in the UK, but to escape the feeling of being second class in ones own country-the concern has moved away from the old steady roots of a nation to the subjugation by an alien ideology.
In the absence of consuming al beeb bias I thought I’d resort to YouTube and found a lot ( bunch ) of stuff by the late and sadly lamented Christopher Hutchins
As I listened it dawned on me that there is nowhere on al beeb which does anything controversial or off message any more .
It is sick but in some ways it is “lucky” that mr Hitchins is dead because his views on Islam would get him beheaded now.
RIP hitch ( he didn’t believe in god at all you know)
BBC Never cared about Christopher Hitchins (bbc search nothing returned) …
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (or terrorists on welfare, or religious buildings, or foreign office giving away free Hijabs) …give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
671 Days since UK voted Leave the EU (@52%) …. now in 26apr2018 … Brexit: MPs to debate decision to leave EU customs union { 26apr0218} … 671 Days!
Odd … BBC’s Crossing Divides does not mention that Iran are causing divides by releasing an emoji of hate … wouldn’t it be good to show what HATE looks like in Iran as sponsored by the Government?
Remember that country that wants to join the EU, took the Ford plant from the UK as sweet deal and is paid by the EU billions to keep the tide of mass immigration at bay …. Turkey Cumhuriyet trial: 13 newspaper staff convicted over coup { 26apr2018}
…. it gets better, Islamic owned UK newspaper reports on UK loss of freedom …. comedy that writes itself for 2018 ….
UK among worst in Western Europe for freedom of press after ‘staggering decline’, Reporters Without Borders index claims {independent 25apr2018}
‘The position marks a “staggering” decline for the UK of 18 places since the index began in 2002, RSF said.’
This is going to be interesting ….
“We must face the uncomfortable fact that a small number of our members and supporters hold anti-Semitic views and attitudes. So let me be clear. People holding those views have no place in the Labour Party.” – @jeremycorbyn
. . . .
On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. Q5:32
China training its citizens for war … in plain sight … “One teacher, Li Jiangxi, told the paper that the school had noted the earlier reluctance of students to take part in annual javelin and discus contests. However, after the school decided to replace these contests with the grenade toss, Ms Li said that there had been a surge of interest. { 24apr2018}“
First we had the Windrush generation and now we have the Knifethrust generation….one we can talk about the other we can’t.
Knife crime through the roof…. … comments are no longer required ….
“This is getting beyond ridiculous on here. Guido puts up an article which features the Mayor of London, invites comments on said article but if posters use the Mayor’s name in said article the comments gets referred to the moderator.
Why not just shut the comments down, Guido, and be done with it ?”
I just cut and posted a sentence from Guido, adding ‘I agree’ and that was removed.
Geedo is finished.
Copied my rejected sentence here
an hour ago
‘The Met Police has released the latest year-on-year crime stats. They are not good reading for under pressure Sadiq Khan or beleaguered Amber Rudd…’ says Guido, and I agree
I both agree and disagree. All agreements are equal!
Certainly not up for discussion on Geedo but Amber Amber Rudd might like this. You can be done for posting your objection to the treatment of Alfie.
Will the Police shut down the organisation that radicalised Darren Osbourne? The BBC!
BBC Rochdale drama Three Girls ‘trigger’ for Finbsury Park attacker Darren Osbourne’s Muslim hatred
The way we live now. Obsessively politically correct Police destroying freedom of speech. Meanwhile how many muggings and burglaries on Merseyside?
Can the police at least say what is the acceptable response?
Jeez talk about large print
The tweet is more readble
Sincere apologies. I will try to do better or just piss off
April 6 Impartial response to Adonis
BBC Hull’s Paul Murphy impartially replies
Murphy is gearing up for today’s BBC Look North, Radio Humberside big day of wind turbine promotion.
Not strictly BBC, but I suddenly realised that its all gone quiet on the Russian cyber attack. Following US/Fr and UK strikes on Syria the msm bombarded us with threats about a Russian cyber attack on our infrastructure including the hallowed NHS. What happened?
Windrush happened.
the douma chemicals seem to be very hard to find, maybe there shy
Biters Bitten !
You have raise a smile when the EU loving luvvies are bitten by the thing they love.
It appears that new EU directives to force theatres to change their stage lighting to low energy sources is going to cost them so much money that many will simply not be able to afford it and will have to close.
No theatres mean no jobs for the luvvies which will rattle through the whole rotten industry.
The average small theatre will have about 300 stage lights, so it’s not just a simple case of replacing a few bulbs as in a domestic property, these things are much bigger and cost a lot of money.
“The European Union (EU) is proposing, in its Eco-design Working Plan 2016-2019, to change the rules that govern the light sources used in theatrical productions. In effect, they want to bring the vast majority of quality theatre lights under the same rules that govern domestic and office and industrial lighting.”
Of course leaving the EU should put paid to all this nonsense, but will we see a change in the Luvvies love of the EU, or will they resort to the usual double think to rationalise their impending doom away?
Why on earth should this nonsense be of any concern to us?
We’re leaving, aren’t we?
“Of course leaving the EU should put paid to all this nonsense, …..” Which means the luvvies will be stuck with it then as, acual ‘out’ vanishes by the day.
“No theatres mean no jobs for the luvvies which will rattle through the whole rotten industry.”
Stupid generalisation. Only a minority of the people employed by the theatre industry are “luvvies”, as people here childishly insist on calling them. Lost its wit years ago.
The luvvies will be able to afford it. It’s the amateurs who will get frozen out.
lol brilliant , its a fair bet all the luvvies are climate change freaks as well double lol
Maybe these theatres could all reopen as Remoaner Sanctuaries. So we could clear the leeches out of public life and let them cry in the dark, maybe shadow puppet theatre or something eco-conscious.
And make them pay their own leccy, sell their one tickets and stop pimping off taxpayers for their virtuous wonga.
We`d soon get a decent country back again-and the Remainiacs would only eat themselves as we got on with our lives.
Yup-EU sanctuaries, where migrants could be housed and no Brexit bonuses allowed, so they`d have to stick to crap hairdryers, hoovers and lighting.
EU theme parks, Swedish style living and Cologne New Years Eve could be every day for them.
Something to cheer us all up!
Why the BBC are worried… 3.5 million people cancelled their TV license in the past four years! The BBC admit that in their 2018/19 Annual plan published in March – – , the BBC admit it’s losing young viewers to Netflix. The BBC has lost the 16 to 24 year olds (their target audience for political correctness training) who now spend (prefer to spend) more time on Netflix in a week then they do with the whole of the BBC TV. (wow) On top of that – this months increase in the BBC TV license fee will deter even more viewers (the BBC TV license increased to £150.50p (from 1st April – the first rise since 2010) but that was BEFORE the ‘femme-rage’ wage bill doubled when they had to admit that female staff were paid a lot less than men doing the same job. So £300,000 broadcaster want some of that £600,000 plus ( basic rate paid to the men on radio 4 for starters). Why not a million each?
Suddenly the license fee figures don’t work any more for the BBC, the iPlayer is forced to compete with commercial rivals such as YouTube, NetFlix and a dozen other more cost effective broadcasters, the BBC is still failing on content (falling audience figures), huge inflated salaries for its its vanity *stars* are starting to leave the sinking ship – for the big bucks on commercial TV that is if they can (most BBC employees are unemployable outside the BBC as being left of everything). This advert was found in the lifestyle section of THE TIMES. Book you place now for BBC nostalgia and lifestyle of the super rich BBC exec (actually White City is a pretty ropey place to stay so expect community housing with single channel TV and Radio to feature strongly!
and as it was left (before BBC moved to Manchester)!
You ,must win the ‘best post of the day’ award – best al Beeb news I have heard for a while. They’ll want to put the tax more so even more people will refuse to pay it I hope.
Oh joy of joys.
I`m now one of the “3.5 Million”!
Finally we`re in a social movement I`ll be proud to tell our kids about.
Remember the Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr for 15 minutes at Trump Tower in June 2016. Remember how the brave BBC led second hand the New York Times story that Trump’s son was told that material on the Clinton campaign offered by a Russian lawyer was part of Moscow’s effort to help his father’s election campaign.
Well even special counsel Robert Mueller doesn’t seem to believe this load of old toffee. The lawyer in question Natalia Veselnitskaya recently revealed that she had not even been contacted by the year-long political probe.
Since Trump was elected, the BBC and most other mainstream press have misled the public about the Democrat smear that the Trump campaign actively colluded with the Russians to win the US presidential election. No convincing evidence to back up collusion has ever been produced and it is clear that the whole affair is really an attempt by the failed Clinton campaign to overturn the presidential vote. The Mueller probe, meanwhile, seems to have moved on and in the cause of bringing the President down has widened its enquiries to his business dealings.
The BBC has always been nicely on board the “Russians wot won it” campaign. When the Trump Tower story first broke, the BBC noted that “it is thought to be the first confirmed private meeting between a Russian national and members of President Trump’s inner circle” – a weasel form of words that of course means everything (nudge, nudge) and nothing. At the time Anthony Zurcher, a corporation US reporter, described the situation for Trump Jr as “grim”. According to Zurcher: “The pattern has been set. The New York Times runs a story, Trump Jr issues his response, then the noose tightens”.
Yep folks, that’s the way fake news works.
And the BBC is a master at the game. Spend weeks, even years, peppering the target with barely concealed allegations of illegality. Then do a Zurcher. Writing about the allegations of collusion with Russians he expressed surprise that the Trump campaign denied the charges. “At the time the assertions appeared unexpected and unnecessary. That’s not so much the case anymore”.
The Mueller probe was never set up to investigate a crime, it was created to look for crimes; that’s why its remit is so wide ranging.
‘ look for crimes’ – any crimes!
Seen the line up for question time tonight?
It’s the usual tried and tested 4 remainers and 1 leaver (who is that rarity, a right wing comedian, and a good one at that)
Far Left Abbott (FLAbbott) will be entertaining us with her breathy mathematical genius.
The specially selected audience can be relied on to virtue signal at every opportunity and all controlled by the even handed, unbiased, impartial Dumbledore.
You can get warmed up (and blood pressured up) by watching The Pledge first on sky where apart from Carole Malone and Michelle Dewbury the likes of Hirsch and Sarpong will come out with total shite for the hour long show.
I’ve often wondered what the point of Sarpong is. Her intellect is only suitable for Childrens tv, but because she’s written a book and has an OBE (?) its warranted an all access pass to serious debate. Her contributions on the Pledge amount to continual ‘nodding’ with a few yesses, and its clear from Dewbury’s disdainful looks that she doesn’t think highly of Sarpong or Hirsch.
That’s the same Dewberry that said last week
… “Really ? Oh I never knew that Britain had had any troops on the ground in Syria!”
That was a week after everyone else had heard about the special Forces guy getting killed.
I’m guessing that since Sapong is pretty, she was recruited on the casting couch.