You admit a theft or a murder. Why is doing your job akin to committing a crime to the BBC? It would be an admission if she said she did not have removal targets.
How bad does it have to get for the liberal elite to concede an inch of ground, accept that maybe open borders and anything goes are not such a fantastic idea?
The ability of and opportunity for career civil servants to stitch up elected politicians seems at best popped on the back burner. Especially by fellow career civil servants in state media who claim to hold abuse of peer to account.
However in her case Darwinian culling may be merciful.
Now we have had a black president and a prince is marrying a mixed race girl should we accept we have achieved equality and spend the billion pound annual ‘equalities’ industry budget on schools or hospitals? Alas ‘equality’ was never defined and there are too many vested interests paid to perpetuate the victimhood narratives.
Trump is in rare form. Now talking about how blacks should remember that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. "Somehow it changed over the years …" Somehow, indeed.
I have now joined those banned by Guido, for the heinous crime of commenting on Labour’s 22% lead in the London polls as follows:
“If I draw the obvious conclusion will I get banned?”
Which got pre-modded, probably for using the word “banned”. My reply of “Oops, I must have used an unword” must have been too much for poor Guido to bear.
I can easily live with it. My five comments in the past few days probably doubled the total posts I’ve made there. But Guido seems to be completely losing it – his readership must be plummetting.
I’ve all but given up on Guido’s site now – it’s a waste of time trying to post anything. Something very odd is suddenly going on, and if I were a conspiracy theorist I might think something odd is also going on on this site as well …..
We haven’t had a non-general thread on here for six weeks.
Does anyone get the feeling that Windrush is being used in the same sort of way that when councils want money they shut libraries and sack lollipop ladies to cause the most inconveniences and hardships to the ordinary people (instead of targeting the six figure salaried town clerks)
I would think all of us on here have no problem with the Windrush people and we regard them as British citizens.
It’s the 600,000 coming in every year that needs stopping.
They are making a huge deal out of Windrush to make some kind of political point.
Nobody has been deported.
It was 70 years ago.
All of them are getting their correct paperwork plus compensation.
They are concentrating on these handful yet doing almost nothing about the millions who should be deported.
It’s a sideshow.
Great comment Emmanuel – for the Left there’s no problem that cannot be solved by more money for the public sector, more public sector employees, more immigrants (preferably illegal & not white), more ‘Green’ subsidies and a more liberal approach to crime.
And the Tories always seem to just sheepishly give in to their insane demands. In the past people would vote Conservative (if for nothing else) because they were home-owners, taxpayers and expected a prudent management of the economy. But what good is a conservative party indistinguishable from a socialist one?
Now we know why the bBC made such a splash about the Enoch Powell speech. Just look at what has followed.
It was a Bamber”(a starter for 10) as it orchestrated and maneuvered its agenda around immigration.
Emmanuel hits the nail on the head and the treacherous bBC has played its part in deflecting the focus exclusively on Windrush while avoiding completely the huge number of illegal people smuggled into the country and seemingly “undeportable”.
\\NHS needs ‘£50bn extra by 2030’//
Take it out of the Foreign Aid.
Many foreign people are using it and not paying for it. It has become an ‘International’ Health Service.
Check out the HYS, and have your say.
\\Windrush: Home Office ‘to scrap immigration removals targets’//
Does this include Illegal Immigrants ? If not it will encourage more to come and continue to carry out illegal acts .
We are too soft and the rest of the world knows it.
“Knife crime up 22% in England and Wales”
Surely they mean London ?
Could this be the result of uncontrolled immigration ?
Wrong, wrong. Crime is caused by climate change.
Scientific proof here.
‘Between 2010 and 2099, climate change will cause an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft in the United States.’
Has any one else been watching Sky News today..??
Its been anti Conservative all day,astonishing.
Not only do we have the Biased BBC, but now Sky is rapidly becoming left wing.
Example, presenter talking to correspondent regrading deportation quoters for illegal immigrants set by government, correspondent say’s,”under David Blunket in 2002 the then home secretary for Labour government set a quoter of 30,000 so it seems all political parties set ”hostile” quoters he said, the presenter amazingly said,that’s then not now, you should have seen the surprised look on the correspondents face…
And not one mention on Sky regarding the disgusting remarks made by Len McCluskey in the New Statemen
This is absolutely nothing to with today’s news – Pug has nailed that..
It’s a comment on R4 yesterday (I think, been travelling a lot). Discussion on Sierra Boggess who has had to give up role as Maria in BBC proms West Side Story as she isn’t Hispanic/Latino…but white.
R4 Luvvie talking to a sensible Hispanic chap whose name I can’t recall..they both agree there are Hispanics who could perform the role but the chap says..but not with her clout and skill….R4 luvvie raises the point that we have had Black Zeus’s they agree that’s okay – and ‘colour blind’ casting is the best way…
So if colour blind casting is the best way – why did the BBC bow to pressure to oust a talented white person?
It just struck me a a typical example of the BBC hypocrisy – and lack of self awareness.. Sorry if already covered.
B, most of the larger MSM oufits lean leftward – no secret there as all drawn from the same slimy lefty pond. Difference is, I don’t pay for Sky and don’t watch the rot anyway. If everyone did the same the viewer loss would actually hurt them and could trigger change in narrative – could.
The BBBC on the other hand, yet again playing smoke and mirrors with Windrush are funded by the likes of me on the pretence of provision of impartial news reporting, excuse the oxymoron.
Rudd should just say she is dealing with it and tell them to f*!k off.
\\Brexit: Amber Rudd suggests customs union position ‘not final’//
This is not what we voted for . we voted out!
IMHO the Government is dragging the whole thing out in hope of obtaining a BINO, Brexit in name only .
The Tory party is in a mess, Farage and Rees-Mogg , your country needs you .
I must confess that my estimation of J R-M went down quite a lot recently, with his unnecessary attack on Enoch Powell and the Birmingham Speech; particularly as it was via an editorial his father had written at the time about the speech.
J R-M had absolutely no need to comment at all and should have simply remained silent, he chose not to and changed the views that a lot of his supporters had of him.
I’d still like to see him as PM ahead of any other Tories in the HoC but I know, deep down, that he isn’t the goods and is just the one of the better ones amongst all the cr@p.
Life imitating art? I’ve just sat through a load of crap called Designated Survivor on Netflix, starring Kiefer Sutherland as the “DS” following the demolition of the Capitol building during the State of the Union address, killing all three branches of US government, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. The usual suspects get the blame at first leading to trouble in Michigan (Deerborn) but it turns out it wasn’t them. Anyway, amongst all the other PC shite, it turns out the the UK PM (attending a NATO conference) is the UK’s first Indian, female PM!
Only watched the PCBS to see if Sutherland’s top lip would ever get to move during his incessant whispering, it doesn’t!
Hope this doesn’t spoil it for anyone who was thinking about watching it.
House of Cards meets Homeland. Same sets and similar theme music.
When the day comes that “the best person for the job” of Prime Minister of the UK is from an ethnic minority within it, then you’ll know this country is finished.
What signal would that send to the rest of the world about Britain?
To hell with her ethnicity. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a British Prime minister for a change? First one this century?
Admittedly Priti wouldn’t be my first choice but she would be 100% better than the incompetent incumbent.
I think GWF was being a tad mischievous with his question. But good on him.
Rees Mogg is a catholic.
And one who actually does believe in papal infallibilty , following the sillier doctrines.
So if Francis says Islam is peaceful and we need more of them-Jacob will agree.
He has nothing to say on Islam, nor do the catholics of western Europe, save for some good Italian ones.
The different attitudes of the Catholic Church to Third World immigration and how that varies across Europe is very interesting.
France – it favours massive opening of the borders: Croatia & Poland – mmm…not so keen on that.
I have never thought that we would really leave the EU because the British elite dont want to. They will find a way of overturning the referendum result. The biggest issue will be how do they do it without creating massive protest and resistance amongst the majority who voted leave? They will certainly try to make out that whatever scheme they come up with is infact democratic. But it going to be a hard sell to claim that denying the people what they voted for in the biggest democratic exercise in our history, is in fact democracy in action!
This is where the role of the BBC , Sky , Times, Guardian etc is going to be critical .By controlling these media outlets they can effectively deny the Leavers any platform. The internet can be censored and they are moving rapidly in that direction. There may be widespread protest but if they dont report it and people dont realise that millions feel as they do it will eventually fizzle out. They can magnify the rejoicing snowflakes when it isannounced that we are staying in to make it seem that this what the people want ie that they have changed their minds. The police can be used to hound people , break up protests etc The grim truth is that the elite control all the levers of power and they will use them ruthlessly to deny us what we voted for. UKIP will caught in a pincer movement by the Majority of Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, SNP and of course the MSM and be able to do nothing at the next election. Any new Leave party will be snuffed out, still born. Im afraid that democracy only works if its in line with the interests of the elite.
I always thought that a full-on, gung-ho departure from the EU would be just the first stepping-stone in dealing with our country’s problems.
Since the surprise victory in the referendum I’ve also sadly been convinced that what we will finally get is a horribly watered-down compromise that effectively means we will stay as affiliate members resulting in no effective changes at all.
As you say Doublethinker, the elite’s vested interests won’t allow to go our own way.
Nowadays I’m more inclined to think that a short but mad period of misrule by McDonnell/Corbin would be better to make people come to their senses and reject the old Lib/Lab/Con monopoly. It might even get the long-suffering tax paying British out onto the streets with flaming torches & pitchforks.
I`m relaxed about our leaving.
After March 29th next year-we`ll not be subject to EU laws unless we choose to be.
We will be able to get things measures in pounds and ounces again if we want to.
We won`t have to care about CE regulatory standards on things, unless we choose to be.
Have we learned nothing from the left, Duggan and Grenfell-you can get it if you really want, imagine no E- Union.
Just a shot of courage, willingness to link with others who`ll be doing the same and a few threats to those who would arrest, report or snitch.
I learned plenty from Occupy. Hope you did too.
“Your laws don`t apply to me”-Keith Richard.
We`re either serious about this, or we`re the sheep they assume we are. I`m not having Clegg, Blair, Heseltine, Soubry, Campbell thinking I`m a spineless jelly. We voted to go-if they didn`t like the result, they`ll have to go back to 1971, and start again.
Lee Rigby dead-Ed Davey alive. How`s that?
Elite members like Bliar, Minor, Clorke and the bbbc and groaniadders are just like the little politicians we have in T. Wells, where they want to waste £120,000,000 on a new people’s palace. They assume they are right.
A lovely new office for a local elite and a new theatre for the sort of crap they’ve been putting on for years would be the answer wouldn’t it! Forget that some good people just don’t think so and want to do something else.
None of these people know better than me, I’ve had to think things out for myself for ages, and I don’t think staying in Europe is a good idea at all. Simple!
(Oh, and the bbbc have a little studio here, so they’ll want a few thousand sq ft as well).
Lord Hall said “My sympathies are to the people who are on the raw end of this.”
Col. Mortimer commented
– Lord Hall is not, of course, referring to Licence Payers, for whom @BBC has no sympathy at all.
Lloyd’s customers, you can sleep soundly
.. They were on yesterday’s list as one if the top 50 employers for women to work for
… as were the BBC. …….#priorities
When are al Beebus going to cover the current police investigation into Dan Jarvis’ alleged electoral fraud, prior to his election as a Barnsley MP; in the same way they covered a similar investigation into Paul Nuttall in the last GE?
US President Donald Trump to visit the UK in July
I don’t think the libtards at Al Beeb will be happy bunnies. He is coming to drain our swamp.
I am losing confidence in Trump after Syria with May and Macron and after all the kissing and hand holding with Macron who is boasting that he persuaded |Trump to keep US troops in Syria. Why? Regime change?
And if Trump comes it won’t be a state do, and Bercow won’t let him enter Parliament, and the Emir will not allow him to come to London, so he will have to meet the Queen at Balmoral away from the BBC supported protesters.
This should be a moment for trump to tell Treezer where she can stuff the invitation to visit. But I fear he is being suitably tamed by the swamp creatures.
Whats Trump done again that makes him a target for the 2
mins (plus) of hate by the mob ?
Upset the Globalists agenda by wanting secure borders, and not kissing Islsmic and lgtbxz bent butt.
Is that it?
I’m certain he’s well aware of how it must look, but the man is a clever manipulator and a subtle genius, and pulls rabbits out of hats. I haven’t given up on him – yet.
GWF: Spot on. Apart from anything else, how embarrassing and a breach of diplomatic protocol: a visiting Head of State (top dog, whether you like him or hate him) cannot meet the host H. o. S. -in that state’s capital city- because of security fears.
This shows quite clearly how far we have sunk. Like in the army, you salute a senior officer because of his rank; you are NOT saluting the person; whether you like him or not is immaterial. It’s business.
This is simply the way things work. Protocol. Politics shouldn’t enter into it. Whether it’s Comrade Li or The Donald. They’re big boys. They go to the palace. In London. A State visit would have been appropriate. I notice Trump talking to Macron about their ‘special relationship’. Tsk, tsk. No surprise. There was a little message there, cos weird as he is, he knows what he’s doing. Wouldn’t have expected the Beeb to pick it up.
Once you admit that you are incapable of observing basic protocol, (in part simply manners) you know you may as well pack up and stop pretending. Your state isn’t worth a fig. It pains me to say it, it really does.
Spot on .This is a very important moment. President Trump is the leader of the most powerful country in the world and that country is a very old ally.
If and it looks likely London explodes in chaos and riot the pictures will go round the world and we will be seen as a state where once there was a respect for the old ways of doing things and where now there is nothing .
The Americans irrespective probably of their politics will see and realise at last just how far gone we are into insanity. Insulting their President can only be tolerated so far . They will turn away and their legislators will soon reflect that distaste and turn to France and other European countries.
We need a harsh lesson and soon. The harsher the better as only then will reality and sanity start to return. The progressives have all but destroyed this land and trashed it’s people, history and culture.
WE need new men and women and just maybe they are soon to appear.
The old order here is beyond reform.
My wife and I keep saying this. What has happened to this once great country? We seem to be ruled by a bunch of professional politicians who lack intelligence and common sense and are without any vision for building the UK but rather submerging us under PC and offendedness whilst placating every minority in the country at the expense of the majority.
I have never felt so unwelcome in my own country of birth being a white heterosexual self employed male of middle years ….
Well done Phil Woolas. He took that part of his job seriously, and he also exposed problems with intermarriage of perfect immigrants.
Wrongly punished was Phil, who I taught as a young man and respected him..
BBC News at 6: “We will be hearing from a family whose life is being torn apart by immigration rules.”
Of course we will be hearing from a family – probably one with two young girls about to study medicine and a mum working as a nurse. They never show an emotional interview with the family of a Rotherham victim.
@BB BBC News at 6 really saying ‘We will be NOT be hearing from a family whose life is being torn apart by illegal immigration , we’ll e doing our best to bury such stories’
@Marky if we talking about Windrush
Then there is a logic rule “show me the bodies”
ie if a problem really significant then it can be quantified.
but all too often we just get #ProjectFear type dramaqueening
Take the case of fracking, have activists ever properly quantified
said “563 people have died etc.” but no there aren’t any bodies to show, they just give us vague appeals to emotion.
There’s never any talk of compensation for any of the victims of Muslim child-rape gangs in Rotherham or anywhere else, yet the Windrushers were more or less promised it immediately.
Not true, I have seen reports of grooming gang victims compensated.
It not selected for main news, cos main news agenda is selected to serve the political purposes of our metro-lib-elite colonial masters
They do select to report on the plight of special victimhood groups
but raped/traded by a northern Pakistani gang doesn’t give you the proper victimhood status of being in libmob and someone sending you an aggressive tweet.
I can’t recall either the Prime Minister or Home Secretary, ever mention compensation for the victims of Muslim rape gangs.
The two articles you link: the MEN is about compensation from the local council and the Indy one refers to a future change in the guidelines for compensation; neither of them quite Windrushian in their speed or scale.
I`m going for 16.5M….is there a sweepstake for this?
And how many Beeboids should this cost them?
Pym,Rajah, Gompertz-all are “editors”-all were on PM-and all said nothing that you`d not know.
And all read out by Zeb Soames-who, for a mere flunky reading nothing much in his DJ now gets a house in Highgate and Hampstead. How did he get THAT?
Clear them all out, flog off their houses and send them to Sleaford or somewhere where they`re out of the BBC gravy chute.
More like 109635 TV tax payers will end up paying the bill, HS. You can bet your life the bastards who caused all this won’t be in any danger from the bailiffs!
Still avoiding al beeb but heard that Amber Rudd is still the Home Secretary . In the real world her personal staff should know all that’s going on in the department – so if she says there are no illegals removal target she must know that is the truth .
Instead there were local targets . And she had to tell the Commons this after noon.
To compound her haplessness she has now announced that there will be no targets to deport illegals . But I suppose she is the PMs stab vest so will stay in role before doing the inevitable job swap with Mr Hunt at Health . Al beeb doesn’t need to be biased when there are such inept ministers around .
No-one cares if Rudd goes or not. Lying, inept and serially incompetent-but aren`t they all these days?
All this is about is getting an empty head on a pole for Labour-and the BBC shouting out its verses of the sword( Imagine no religion…men…borders etc) over her Fortnum and Masons hamper, doubling as a mock coffin until she returns via some quango or the Lords.
Utterly useless remainian. Who cares? Hastings will boot her out next election anyway
What kind of nation has a government which has to practically apologise for trying to deport illegal immigrants and then promise not to set targets for future deportations of same?
Great – President Trump is to visit Blighty 2 days before England beat Thr Krauts in the World Cup again with Mohammed Salah scoring the winning goal before being deported . ….
Heard Jeremy Whine, interviewing some “environmentalist” about plastic waste on his show this lunchtime. The normally loquacious Jezza, was quietened for a moment when the interviewee let slip that most of the plastic polluting the seas and oceans comes from the Third World.
Quite funny but blink and you missed it; Vine soon bounced back wondering why anyone would possibly want to buy a new car and if they did, they should have to keep it for ten years.
How much does al Beebus pay this bloke again?
That poor lad looks like a suicide in waiting: during a moment of lucidity when the mostly subconscious utter self loathing surfaces, and he decides to end it pronto- before the illnesses can regain full control again, and thus prevent himself having to suffer more skin crawlingly filthy episodes.
Comical that after insisting on being called gay, and everyone obliging , they now find this word too limp wristed and now want a more drama filled name, ie queer.
But unfortunately there’s absolutely no reclaiming the number one word for them – faggot.
Somehow, a wonderfully apt and throwaway name for homosexuals.
Anyway despite life giving him a rotten hand, at least he had a bit of luck:
”Growing up in Blackpool, Olly Alexander lived next door to a church. As a young gay man, that presented him with a dilemma…”
He sure as heck would not be featuring on the BBC if this was his story:
Growing up in Bradford, Olly Alexander lived next door to a mosque. As a young gay man, that presented him with a dilemma.
10pm Channel 5 Michael Portillo: Our Housing Crisis – Who’s to Blame? 90 mins
When has the BBC had a social issue doco with a by a right of centre presenter ?
\\ As he traces the rise and fall of the British council estate, Michael Portillo investigates the story of the social housing revolution that has transformed the country.
He visits different estates across Britain and uncovers the reality of council housing today, hearing stories from council tenants, private renters, housing campaigners and historians. //
Immigration may have played a role but bad local policy going back decades certainly didnt help. We need a government or Parliament that actually works in the best interests of the actual UK citizens/residents not the shower that currently inhabit Westminster.
Yes quite different from BBC
Like Boxing gym guy said that dependency culture is a problem.
People are stuck in a cycle of benefits instead of being on their own two feet.
It’s interesting you build council housing to help the poor, but there are two routes. If they stay on benefits they are dependent. If they get working then that means you’ve got wage earners in cheap rent housing which is supposed to be for the very poorest.
So if you build on the premise that council housing is just a stepping stone and move the waged into the private sector..that keeps for the poor BUT then it becomes “benefit street” with no calming influence.
One woman was in temporary council housing furnished , which costs £256pw..she gave up her job, so the housing benefit pays .
WTF it’s cheaper to be in Spain on holiday.
But 15 mins later a lefty prof was allowed to make claims without challenging.
“Ah you see, it’s Thatcher, not only did she sell off , she cut the maintenance budget”
WTF there should be ZERO maintenance budget from central government.
The maintenance budget should come from existing tenants rents, cos that is the only sustainable system.
The Gambian man living in squalid but adequate flat “on his own due to domestic violence” ..WTF His wife beat him up ? They didn’t elaborate.
I did not get to watch it.
Landlords are the real dependency culture people.
Why should they bother working if they can live off others work or housing benefits.
If they stopped the mass immigration policy, kicked all the illegals out, wages would rise and rents fall and most people would want to work.
Is ,or was council housing really meant for the very poorest?
I thought it was built to allieviate housing shortages, up to some point they had a waiting list not means tested in anyway.
Disabled, fake disabled, and people with kids are prioritised these days, they are not the poorest.
A young single person, gets way less in welfare.
I remeber thatcher allowing the council stock to be sold off ,but banning the councils from using the money from the sales to build more council houses.
“US President Donald Trump to visit the UK in July”
“Sadly that will not be the case in London.”
Sadly, the people of London are not representative of the people of Great Britain as a whole.
I am sure that Nigel Farage will have already informed him of that .
Our PM has already missed a one great opportunity for our nation .
I think it’s pretty shrewd for President Trump not to go anywhere near London. Our insignificant little mayor wouldn’t be up to meeting someone like him anyway, preferring to keep Londonistan some sort of dumping ground for layabouts and hidden immigrants etc.
Windsor is probably the best place. Nice secure town, good people, friendly monarch and family – what could be more welcoming?
Do you mean it’s where you live, or another town, Nibor?
Just curious, because it well may be better of course! I just want to welcome a great guy who is getting all the leeches, crooks and career wasters up on their hind legs. We need someone like him here!
I know we won’t have built the people’s palace (see above), before he comes, so T.Wells is out I suppose!
Where I live Scobs . History and culture that is English . The very occasional black fellow is more loyal to this country than some dickheads , and no garb worn that is more suited to the Middle East .
Who runs this nation the media or parliament? A message to Al Beeb and the London-centric media……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Bugger New Orleans Jazzfest Calvin!
Who needs to go to New Orleans when you can enjoy this in good ol blighty!
The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah
E4 of 5
The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah
Series 1 – Episode 4
Thursday 9:45am – 10am BBC Radio 4 FM
Benjamin Zephaniah reads his autobiography. No longer content in Birmingham, Benjamin moves to London, where he finds himself culturally, religiously and politically inspired.
Whilst in general I find the whole rasta thing all a bit perplexing the BBC have always loved this bloke. What an icon and role model he is for all dem black kidz.
On the trailer this morning played on Toady we found out he used to hang out with all the kids expelled from school and used to play sound system “music” into the early hours which you could hear two streets away.
Whilst I am pleased this bloke is now doing well for himself This appears to typify the left wing, self indulgent, mulykulty crap the BBC constantly tries to force down peoples throats. So bollocks to Benjamin, my sympathies lay with the black working couples trying to get some sleep before having to go to work the next day rather you and your mates indulging your sound system and partying.
I can just imagine all the Islington lefties nodding their heads furiously whilst listening to this bloke espousing his philosophy and rejection of materialism. But just like all the contradictions the BBC uncritically puts out there. Whilst these people “reject materialism” and write poetry/songs/act someone has had to grow the food they eat, prepare it, transport it – someone has had to generate the power they use on their sound systems – someone has had to build the house they live in – I could go on forever.
But the end of the day I dont think it is asking too much for these ultimate consumers to be at least a little bit grateful for those who work so that they can indulge themselves.
arh …Benjamin Zephaniah
I must be doing something right I’ve never heard of him.
Perhaps my memory is shot after many sleeples hours of black peoples music when I lived in London.
Rastafarians desired return to Africa seems to be taking them forever.
Still, there’s plenty more and bigger non producers than them around, eg buy to let landlords, unnecessary tiers of management at the BBC and NHS., diversity coordinators etc
My understanding is that Benjamin Zephaniah is described as ‘a poet’. I am reminded of Dr Samuel Johnson’s comment about women preaching: “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
This audience member says that as a young Muslim living in the UK, she sees no reason to accept Donald Trump as President after he has done nothing for her community
“And here… is the BBC miserably cynical news… with a commercial break for a book…”
If you’re wondering whether Kim Jong Un is offering an irradiated olive branch today, you’ll find more miserable cynicism in my book, North Korea Undercover.
“Sadiq Khan
If he comes to London, President Trump will experience an open and diverse city that has always chosen unity over division and hope over fear. He will also no doubt see that Londoners hold their liberal values of freedom of speech very dear.”
So, there you have it!
”freedom of speech ”-
that’s a bit rich , free unless you hold a different view to them,
then it’s NO platform plus 2 mins of hate.
Oh well at least a chance for Trump to see a British idiom –
Spat out the dummy – in action.
'This is high drama but we have seen this movie play out before,' says Sung-Yoon Lee, Professor in Korean studies from The Fletcher School in Boston.
I do hope most see how uncool it is to ‘protest’ Trump’s visit. As if the Police in London do not have enough work without having to deal with a lefty tantrum. I have work that day and have to take my nephew to a swimming lesson. They should find more useful ways to spend their time.
I really do feel the tide is turning against the perpetually offended cry babies. The idea that the other side has a monopoly on being ‘nasty’ or uncool has long gone after their disgraceful antics with Trump and Brexit. Conservatives were not happy with the result in our last election but we just got on and accepted it unlike them. None of us dressed up as a giant dopey black vagina to protest how terrible Diane Abbot is.
I guess a protest must be quite good fun though and a chance to meet girls; the BBC always assume every protester is a noble soul when in reality many are probably just bored and lazy and fancied something fun to do.
Some good old horrible British weather that day would do a lot to keep protesters off the streets.
No doubt the BBC will give the protest marches a huge attendence boots via publicity, unlike Tommy Robinson’s 6 may free speech march from Speakers Corner to Twitter HQ in London, which they wont mention beforehand .
Unfortunately the BBC London weather girl, the winsome Elizabeth Rizzini, reads from a BBC-style script – so apparently she must give “Big apologies” for the state of the weather.
The weather is the weather, isn’t it? Why must there be this moral imperative in the BBC weather forecast? Why is the weather treated as though it has misbehaved, according to some BBC scale of behaviour?
We get a clue as the dainty Rizzini goes on to tell us “temperatures will be disappointingly low”
And we know who it is who is disappointed by low temperatures – not farmers, it can’t be stay-at-home holidaymakers at this time of year, nor anyone who spends their day-time working.
The current weather is not unusual for the time of year, in fact it is pretty average. It is simply living up to the old adage and we are having “April Showers”. All the historic data shows that not just the UK but the whole world is not experiencing “Climate Change” just weather.
As the old saying goes
”April showers brings May flowers”
If only I hasn’t belived in global warming back in 1998 and concreted my whole garden over to save water and get ready for the forcast blistering mediterranean weather .
Just listened to Sheister Aziz of ‘Stop Trump’ or something like that, given an ample platform on R4 to tell us what a terrible person Trump is. She was asked whether she would not want to avoid damaging ‘her conutry’ , what with Trade at stake etc. but seemed incapable of seeing that actions have consequences. Self-righteous to the last.
She and her ilk seem to think that Trump wanting to control the flood of ‘refugees’ into his country makes him a fascist. So she and her allies are going to use every fascist strategy they can think of to stop him.
The little weasal Owen Jones was given free reign on ITV by the nulabour lot there to promote his trump boycott. Lie after lie after lie from this spoilt brat
Ah yes Trump, democratically elected president of our ally the United States is evil and dreadful and shouldnt be allowed over here.
But just look at the people the Guardian/BBC have, and continue, to support: Stalin, Chavez, Robert Mugabe, Castro … well you all the know the list of delightful souls who have enlightened their countrymen’s lives.
BTW in Venezuela now, the average male has lost 24 pounds in weight and doctors are no longer to list cause of death as being starvation.
Maybe, just maybe, the BBC should start looking at itself.
Interesting the an American president who seems to have ended a war in Korea continues to be vilified by the likes of the mayor of londonistan .
At least by doing so he is showing that he is unfit for higher office . How can a politician form a relationship with an American President who hopefully will be there for another 6 years .
No nobel peace prize for that white president – or maybe – since it was so devalued by the last over promoted academic ( no offence academics) .
A British National was murdered this week by members/supporters of ISIS – you would think the BBC would try a little harder with sharing this news?
All Left wing Labour supporting channels
Oh how I wish we had a better balanced media.
The Tories,while in power, are doing nothing about this situation. They must think it is fine fo this prevailing state of affairs to exist
What does that say about them?
As a leftie I’m inclined to disagree. What I will say is the BBC’s bias is topical. I’ve seen certain programmes on Trump and free speech in particular that are so radically left wing, they induced nausea. On other points they are right wing.
My problem is, WE don’t need or want an oscillating left or right leaning state media broadcaster, just tell us the facts and let us make our own opinions off of those facts.
teeterin’ ………….you write “I’ve seen certain programmes on Trump and free speech in particular that are so radically left wing, they induced nausea. On other points they are right wing.” … could you give us some examples of their right wing bias please? 🙂
Their inability to hold this current government to account for example and deliberate misinformation of Labour policy could be attributed to right wing bias. Also the number of Tory councillors that appear on BBCQt as audience members and other political programmes, cant all be a coincidence.
For example when Laura Kuennsberg breached the BBC’s own impartiality and accuracy guidelines in 2015 when she repeatedly misrepresented what Corbyn had supposedly said (even though people had highlighted her error). Could be assumed to be purposefully defaming the opposition party leader.
It would be nice if we had a fair broadcaster on both ends of the spectrum. As I mentioned earlier, they should just broadcast the facts and leave it at that. I’m not too interested in party politics, just want a fair BBC and a prosperous UK.
Teet, presume you are new to site as haven’t noticed you before.
If beeb have ventured into even middle wing political support let alone right wing then I must have blinked as I’ve seen hide nor hair of it.
I welcome your views as intelligent debate and even handed reporting underpin a free and civilised society.
That said, please let me know where I can pick up a pair of those lovely rose tinted spectacles most lefties prefer to go with my newly acquired smokey mirror.
The fawning over Kim Jong Un on the Today programme was pretty sickening: anyone would think he is an honourable statesman, a purveyor of peace, a blameless paragon of virtue. And they still can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the key role of Trump in bringing change to the Korean Peninsula. Without Trump’s rapprochment to China together with his determination to get rid of their unfair trade practices, and without strong rhetoric, threats, a show of military force and economic sanctions in respect of North Korea, there would be no meeting of North and South and no prospect of reining in the NK dictator. Of course, it might all fail, as Trump has acknowledged, but the BBC should give credit where credit is due.
20 million north koreans are going to find out their leader has lied to them and killd many relatives …. kim is looking for a new home when he writes his memoirs.
Imagine twice the Religion of Peace in one place … two variants of the same Religion of Peace and you get the Utopia of Yemen … oh, wait … not quite peace.
Who possibly would want to listen to the BBCs pointless organs of crap-as long as Pat is on my “telly”. Thank You Eddy-will be on repeat until my boyfriend learns THIS off by heart. Instead of the bleeding Monty Python one about parrots, cheeses, spam, Watneys Red Barrel, Torremolinos etc.
I blame Johnny Depp, who stuck this into our pipes in the 90s.
Maybe one day our lads will all learn “Four Lions” quotes by rote-the internet has a lot to answer for,kids retain nuffink these day.
Off home now-car parks cleared.
You do have a final option, if no suitable patriotic candidate is available, and only the same old same old pile of shit LIB LAB CON is on the paper. Spoil the ballot paper. You dont need to be abusive on there, but note your feelings.
They have to declare how many spoiled papers they get. When folk see the numbers increasing significantly, someone, somewhere just may get a message.
To not vote at all just allows them to play the ‘apathy’ card.
To have more spoiled papers than votes would send out a powerful message.
To me, it’s better than legitimising the least worst of the three bunches of traitors that has betrayed us now for over half a century.
But then, it’s just my opinion.
Here in Wales we have other parties like Plaid Cymru, but lord knows why, they are further left than liebor.
Possibly spoil it with the main reasons … tolerance of intolerance will lead to an intolerant society. Or quote from your favourite book.
. . .
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)” – Orwell
Kaiser .. if there was anybody to vote for other than lib/lab/con/green then I would do … that is the only choice I have this May ’18 local elections and I have decided not to vote. I think the Tories need to realise that people will not put up with this shit anymore!
wronged, if you stop voting ‘they’ have won. That is what ‘they’ want, because it gives them ‘their way’. Abstention is a vote in favour of what ‘they’ want to do.
Up2 … but please tell me who do I vote for if there is nobody I trust to vote for? I was not going to vote !! .. I think I have may changed my mind to “spoilt vote” as someone else above said .. at least it isn’t the apathy vote.
Right kind of victim : BBC WS will have a long item with a victim of long term rape … I guess cos their attacker didn’t belong to a special victim group like Muslim/immigrant
How I Survived Kidnap and Rape at 14 in America (by mad Christian preacher)
The Reunion has just ended on R4. “Sue MacGregor meets former members of the Baader-Meinhof gang that terrorised West Germany with bombings, assassinations and hijackings in the 1970s.”
“Among those joining Sue around the table to look back on the dramatic events are gang member Peter Jurgen Boock, former West German counter-terrorism chief Rainer Hofmeyer, radical lawyer Kurt Groenewold, and Stephan Aust, the journalist who covered the Baader-Meinhof story throughout the seventies.”
I listened. I didn’t hear many references to Rudy Dutschke. I think I heard no references to Rudy Dutschke but may be wrong on that.
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“Rudd admits immigration removal targets.”
You admit a theft or a murder. Why is doing your job akin to committing a crime to the BBC? It would be an admission if she said she did not have removal targets.
How bad does it have to get for the liberal elite to concede an inch of ground, accept that maybe open borders and anything goes are not such a fantastic idea?
Rudd may be many things, but she’s not stupid enough to tell a deliberate lie to the committee. I reckon she’s been set up.
The ability of and opportunity for career civil servants to stitch up elected politicians seems at best popped on the back burner. Especially by fellow career civil servants in state media who claim to hold abuse of peer to account.
However in her case Darwinian culling may be merciful.
Now we have had a black president and a prince is marrying a mixed race girl should we accept we have achieved equality and spend the billion pound annual ‘equalities’ industry budget on schools or hospitals? Alas ‘equality’ was never defined and there are too many vested interests paid to perpetuate the victimhood narratives.
If you are looking for a bit of depression have a look at the Londonistan crime figures released today. I don’t know what al Beeb will make of them.
There is a notable reduction in scooter thefts – because they’ve all been stolen
Tone seems in expected form too.
I have now joined those banned by Guido, for the heinous crime of commenting on Labour’s 22% lead in the London polls as follows:
“If I draw the obvious conclusion will I get banned?”
Which got pre-modded, probably for using the word “banned”. My reply of “Oops, I must have used an unword” must have been too much for poor Guido to bear.
I can easily live with it. My five comments in the past few days probably doubled the total posts I’ve made there. But Guido seems to be completely losing it – his readership must be plummetting.
I’ve all but given up on Guido’s site now – it’s a waste of time trying to post anything. Something very odd is suddenly going on, and if I were a conspiracy theorist I might think something odd is also going on on this site as well …..
We haven’t had a non-general thread on here for six weeks.
I think Dave has moved to a new platform … his Twitter is still worth visting.
Does anyone get the feeling that Windrush is being used in the same sort of way that when councils want money they shut libraries and sack lollipop ladies to cause the most inconveniences and hardships to the ordinary people (instead of targeting the six figure salaried town clerks)
I would think all of us on here have no problem with the Windrush people and we regard them as British citizens.
It’s the 600,000 coming in every year that needs stopping.
They are making a huge deal out of Windrush to make some kind of political point.
Nobody has been deported.
It was 70 years ago.
All of them are getting their correct paperwork plus compensation.
They are concentrating on these handful yet doing almost nothing about the millions who should be deported.
It’s a sideshow.
Great comment Emmanuel – for the Left there’s no problem that cannot be solved by more money for the public sector, more public sector employees, more immigrants (preferably illegal & not white), more ‘Green’ subsidies and a more liberal approach to crime.
And the Tories always seem to just sheepishly give in to their insane demands. In the past people would vote Conservative (if for nothing else) because they were home-owners, taxpayers and expected a prudent management of the economy. But what good is a conservative party indistinguishable from a socialist one?
Now we know why the bBC made such a splash about the Enoch Powell speech. Just look at what has followed.
It was a Bamber”(a starter for 10) as it orchestrated and maneuvered its agenda around immigration.
Emmanuel hits the nail on the head and the treacherous bBC has played its part in deflecting the focus exclusively on Windrush while avoiding completely the huge number of illegal people smuggled into the country and seemingly “undeportable”.
And there’s the Brexit vote in a nutshell.
\\NHS needs ‘£50bn extra by 2030’//
Take it out of the Foreign Aid.
Many foreign people are using it and not paying for it. It has become an ‘International’ Health Service.
Check out the HYS, and have your say.
\\Windrush: Home Office ‘to scrap immigration removals targets’//
Does this include Illegal Immigrants ? If not it will encourage more to come and continue to carry out illegal acts .
We are too soft and the rest of the world knows it.
“Knife crime up 22% in England and Wales”
Surely they mean London ?
Could this be the result of uncontrolled immigration ?
No, it’ll be because of Brexit.
Or possibly Trump.
Those damned Ruskies!
Something fishy going on if you ask me ?
Fiddling the figures to convolute London with the rest of UK ?
Taffman, Lobster
Wrong, wrong. Crime is caused by climate change.
Scientific proof here.
‘Between 2010 and 2099, climate change will cause an additional 22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft in the United States.’
Don’t tell Maxicony
Has any one else been watching Sky News today..??
Its been anti Conservative all day,astonishing.
Not only do we have the Biased BBC, but now Sky is rapidly becoming left wing.
Example, presenter talking to correspondent regrading deportation quoters for illegal immigrants set by government, correspondent say’s,”under David Blunket in 2002 the then home secretary for Labour government set a quoter of 30,000 so it seems all political parties set ”hostile” quoters he said, the presenter amazingly said,that’s then not now, you should have seen the surprised look on the correspondents face…
And not one mention on Sky regarding the disgusting remarks made by Len McCluskey in the New Statemen
Ah well…
This is absolutely nothing to with today’s news – Pug has nailed that..
It’s a comment on R4 yesterday (I think, been travelling a lot). Discussion on Sierra Boggess who has had to give up role as Maria in BBC proms West Side Story as she isn’t Hispanic/Latino…but white.
R4 Luvvie talking to a sensible Hispanic chap whose name I can’t recall..they both agree there are Hispanics who could perform the role but the chap says..but not with her clout and skill….R4 luvvie raises the point that we have had Black Zeus’s they agree that’s okay – and ‘colour blind’ casting is the best way…
So if colour blind casting is the best way – why did the BBC bow to pressure to oust a talented white person?
It just struck me a a typical example of the BBC hypocrisy – and lack of self awareness.. Sorry if already covered.
Sky has been on a Leftward tilt since Brexit.
Very true…..Kay Burley remarkably biased
“You can’t say that”.
B, most of the larger MSM oufits lean leftward – no secret there as all drawn from the same slimy lefty pond. Difference is, I don’t pay for Sky and don’t watch the rot anyway. If everyone did the same the viewer loss would actually hurt them and could trigger change in narrative – could.
The BBBC on the other hand, yet again playing smoke and mirrors with Windrush are funded by the likes of me on the pretence of provision of impartial news reporting, excuse the oxymoron.
Rudd should just say she is dealing with it and tell them to f*!k off.
\\Brexit: Amber Rudd suggests customs union position ‘not final’//
This is not what we voted for . we voted out!
IMHO the Government is dragging the whole thing out in hope of obtaining a BINO, Brexit in name only .
The Tory party is in a mess, Farage and Rees-Mogg , your country needs you .
I must confess that my estimation of J R-M went down quite a lot recently, with his unnecessary attack on Enoch Powell and the Birmingham Speech; particularly as it was via an editorial his father had written at the time about the speech.
J R-M had absolutely no need to comment at all and should have simply remained silent, he chose not to and changed the views that a lot of his supporters had of him.
I’d still like to see him as PM ahead of any other Tories in the HoC but I know, deep down, that he isn’t the goods and is just the one of the better ones amongst all the cr@p.
Al Shubtill
Is it worth giving a thought to Priti Patel, who has indicated that she would like to stand for leader?
Life imitating art? I’ve just sat through a load of crap called Designated Survivor on Netflix, starring Kiefer Sutherland as the “DS” following the demolition of the Capitol building during the State of the Union address, killing all three branches of US government, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. The usual suspects get the blame at first leading to trouble in Michigan (Deerborn) but it turns out it wasn’t them. Anyway, amongst all the other PC shite, it turns out the the UK PM (attending a NATO conference) is the UK’s first Indian, female PM!
Only watched the PCBS to see if Sutherland’s top lip would ever get to move during his incessant whispering, it doesn’t!
Hope this doesn’t spoil it for anyone who was thinking about watching it.
House of Cards meets Homeland. Same sets and similar theme music.
I wouldn’t want a member of an ethnic minority being the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, time to hop-off elsewhere when that happens.
Even if they were the best person for the job? Whyever not?
When the day comes that “the best person for the job” of Prime Minister of the UK is from an ethnic minority within it, then you’ll know this country is finished.
What signal would that send to the rest of the world about Britain?
To hell with her ethnicity. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a British Prime minister for a change? First one this century?
Admittedly Priti wouldn’t be my first choice but she would be 100% better than the incompetent incumbent.
I think GWF was being a tad mischievous with his question. But good on him.
Don’t your first two sentences completely contradict themselves?
If you really believe that, then you’re a part of the problem.
How’s the Kool-Aid taste?
Rees Mogg is a catholic.
And one who actually does believe in papal infallibilty , following the sillier doctrines.
So if Francis says Islam is peaceful and we need more of them-Jacob will agree.
He has nothing to say on Islam, nor do the catholics of western Europe, save for some good Italian ones.
The different attitudes of the Catholic Church to Third World immigration and how that varies across Europe is very interesting.
France – it favours massive opening of the borders: Croatia & Poland – mmm…not so keen on that.
I have never thought that we would really leave the EU because the British elite dont want to. They will find a way of overturning the referendum result. The biggest issue will be how do they do it without creating massive protest and resistance amongst the majority who voted leave? They will certainly try to make out that whatever scheme they come up with is infact democratic. But it going to be a hard sell to claim that denying the people what they voted for in the biggest democratic exercise in our history, is in fact democracy in action!
This is where the role of the BBC , Sky , Times, Guardian etc is going to be critical .By controlling these media outlets they can effectively deny the Leavers any platform. The internet can be censored and they are moving rapidly in that direction. There may be widespread protest but if they dont report it and people dont realise that millions feel as they do it will eventually fizzle out. They can magnify the rejoicing snowflakes when it isannounced that we are staying in to make it seem that this what the people want ie that they have changed their minds. The police can be used to hound people , break up protests etc The grim truth is that the elite control all the levers of power and they will use them ruthlessly to deny us what we voted for. UKIP will caught in a pincer movement by the Majority of Tories, Labour, Lib Dems, SNP and of course the MSM and be able to do nothing at the next election. Any new Leave party will be snuffed out, still born. Im afraid that democracy only works if its in line with the interests of the elite.
I always thought that a full-on, gung-ho departure from the EU would be just the first stepping-stone in dealing with our country’s problems.
Since the surprise victory in the referendum I’ve also sadly been convinced that what we will finally get is a horribly watered-down compromise that effectively means we will stay as affiliate members resulting in no effective changes at all.
As you say Doublethinker, the elite’s vested interests won’t allow to go our own way.
Nowadays I’m more inclined to think that a short but mad period of misrule by McDonnell/Corbin would be better to make people come to their senses and reject the old Lib/Lab/Con monopoly. It might even get the long-suffering tax paying British out onto the streets with flaming torches & pitchforks.
The Brexiteers of the UK need to start making more noise…I’m not sure how though . It’s sure as hell the MPs are not behind us..
I`m relaxed about our leaving.
After March 29th next year-we`ll not be subject to EU laws unless we choose to be.
We will be able to get things measures in pounds and ounces again if we want to.
We won`t have to care about CE regulatory standards on things, unless we choose to be.
Have we learned nothing from the left, Duggan and Grenfell-you can get it if you really want, imagine no E- Union.
Just a shot of courage, willingness to link with others who`ll be doing the same and a few threats to those who would arrest, report or snitch.
I learned plenty from Occupy. Hope you did too.
“Your laws don`t apply to me”-Keith Richard.
We`re either serious about this, or we`re the sheep they assume we are. I`m not having Clegg, Blair, Heseltine, Soubry, Campbell thinking I`m a spineless jelly. We voted to go-if they didn`t like the result, they`ll have to go back to 1971, and start again.
Lee Rigby dead-Ed Davey alive. How`s that?
I agree Holly,
Elite members like Bliar, Minor, Clorke and the bbbc and groaniadders are just like the little politicians we have in T. Wells, where they want to waste £120,000,000 on a new people’s palace. They assume they are right.
A lovely new office for a local elite and a new theatre for the sort of crap they’ve been putting on for years would be the answer wouldn’t it! Forget that some good people just don’t think so and want to do something else.
None of these people know better than me, I’ve had to think things out for myself for ages, and I don’t think staying in Europe is a good idea at all. Simple!
(Oh, and the bbbc have a little studio here, so they’ll want a few thousand sq ft as well).
15 of the BBC’s freelance presenters are so hit by PSC tax demands, that the BBC has paid them handouts loans.
Lloyd’s customers, you can sleep soundly
.. They were on yesterday’s list as one if the top 50 employers for women to work for
… as were the BBC. …….#priorities
Well someone has to look after all those black horses.
I typed LLoyds I meant TSB
When are al Beebus going to cover the current police investigation into Dan Jarvis’ alleged electoral fraud, prior to his election as a Barnsley MP; in the same way they covered a similar investigation into Paul Nuttall in the last GE?
US President Donald Trump to visit the UK in July
I don’t think the libtards at Al Beeb will be happy bunnies. He is coming to drain our swamp.
I am losing confidence in Trump after Syria with May and Macron and after all the kissing and hand holding with Macron who is boasting that he persuaded |Trump to keep US troops in Syria. Why? Regime change?
And if Trump comes it won’t be a state do, and Bercow won’t let him enter Parliament, and the Emir will not allow him to come to London, so he will have to meet the Queen at Balmoral away from the BBC supported protesters.
This should be a moment for trump to tell Treezer where she can stuff the invitation to visit. But I fear he is being suitably tamed by the swamp creatures.
Whats Trump done again that makes him a target for the 2
mins (plus) of hate by the mob ?
Upset the Globalists agenda by wanting secure borders, and not kissing Islsmic and lgtbxz bent butt.
Is that it?
I’m certain he’s well aware of how it must look, but the man is a clever manipulator and a subtle genius, and pulls rabbits out of hats. I haven’t given up on him – yet.
GWF: Spot on. Apart from anything else, how embarrassing and a breach of diplomatic protocol: a visiting Head of State (top dog, whether you like him or hate him) cannot meet the host H. o. S. -in that state’s capital city- because of security fears.
This shows quite clearly how far we have sunk. Like in the army, you salute a senior officer because of his rank; you are NOT saluting the person; whether you like him or not is immaterial. It’s business.
This is simply the way things work. Protocol. Politics shouldn’t enter into it. Whether it’s Comrade Li or The Donald. They’re big boys. They go to the palace. In London. A State visit would have been appropriate. I notice Trump talking to Macron about their ‘special relationship’. Tsk, tsk. No surprise. There was a little message there, cos weird as he is, he knows what he’s doing. Wouldn’t have expected the Beeb to pick it up.
Once you admit that you are incapable of observing basic protocol, (in part simply manners) you know you may as well pack up and stop pretending. Your state isn’t worth a fig. It pains me to say it, it really does.
Spot on .This is a very important moment. President Trump is the leader of the most powerful country in the world and that country is a very old ally.
If and it looks likely London explodes in chaos and riot the pictures will go round the world and we will be seen as a state where once there was a respect for the old ways of doing things and where now there is nothing .
The Americans irrespective probably of their politics will see and realise at last just how far gone we are into insanity. Insulting their President can only be tolerated so far . They will turn away and their legislators will soon reflect that distaste and turn to France and other European countries.
We need a harsh lesson and soon. The harsher the better as only then will reality and sanity start to return. The progressives have all but destroyed this land and trashed it’s people, history and culture.
WE need new men and women and just maybe they are soon to appear.
The old order here is beyond reform.
My wife and I keep saying this. What has happened to this once great country? We seem to be ruled by a bunch of professional politicians who lack intelligence and common sense and are without any vision for building the UK but rather submerging us under PC and offendedness whilst placating every minority in the country at the expense of the majority.
I have never felt so unwelcome in my own country of birth being a white heterosexual self employed male of middle years ….
Well done Phil Woolas. He took that part of his job seriously, and he also exposed problems with intermarriage of perfect immigrants.
Wrongly punished was Phil, who I taught as a young man and respected him..
All the police have got a ‘desk job’ .
“Spain ‘wolf pack’ gang jailed for San Fermin sex attack”
Those ‘men’ again ?
Jesús Cabezuelo, 29: a military officer, Jesús Escudero, 27: a hairdresser, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, 28 guardia civil etc.

you can be sure if it was an imported gang no photo of them would be available etc
Who is causing division in the USA? Segregated buses based on political opinion?
“How about if it’s a cake?” @RealJamesWoods
“Judge rules bar can refuse service to Trump supporter wearing MAGA hat.”
BBC News at 6: “We will be hearing from a family whose life is being torn apart by immigration rules.”
Of course we will be hearing from a family – probably one with two young girls about to study medicine and a mum working as a nurse. They never show an emotional interview with the family of a Rotherham victim.
How many Windrush (number not known) are remain and leave voters? We need to know. Is there a windrush gender gap?
@BB BBC News at 6 really saying ‘We will be NOT be hearing from a family whose life is being torn apart by illegal immigration , we’ll e doing our best to bury such stories’
Itv news…. still no numbers or totals …. so they can use words generation s …. many …. lots…. many ….
@Marky if we talking about Windrush
Then there is a logic rule “show me the bodies”
ie if a problem really significant then it can be quantified.
but all too often we just get #ProjectFear type dramaqueening
Take the case of fracking, have activists ever properly quantified
said “563 people have died etc.” but no there aren’t any bodies to show, they just give us vague appeals to emotion.
Austerity kills! Polution kills 40k per year.
Austerity Kills but mps give themselves 18% pay rise from 2010.
Polution kills …. but this is a reduction in life expectancy …. no death.
Journalists need to ask what us being asked.
There’s never any talk of compensation for any of the victims of Muslim child-rape gangs in Rotherham or anywhere else, yet the Windrushers were more or less promised it immediately.
Not true, I have seen reports of grooming gang victims compensated.
It not selected for main news, cos main news agenda is selected to serve the political purposes of our metro-lib-elite colonial masters
They do select to report on the plight of special victimhood groups
but raped/traded by a northern Pakistani gang doesn’t give you the proper victimhood status of being in libmob and someone sending you an aggressive tweet.
I can’t recall either the Prime Minister or Home Secretary, ever mention compensation for the victims of Muslim rape gangs.
The two articles you link: the MEN is about compensation from the local council and the Indy one refers to a future change in the guidelines for compensation; neither of them quite Windrushian in their speed or scale.
Perhaps our resident smart arse BBC employee has an answer?
Will Cliff win £10 million or £20 million ?
I’m guessing the BBC will settle out of court at the last moment, with a non-disclosure agreement.
I`m going for 16.5M….is there a sweepstake for this?
And how many Beeboids should this cost them?
Pym,Rajah, Gompertz-all are “editors”-all were on PM-and all said nothing that you`d not know.
And all read out by Zeb Soames-who, for a mere flunky reading nothing much in his DJ now gets a house in Highgate and Hampstead. How did he get THAT?
Clear them all out, flog off their houses and send them to Sleaford or somewhere where they`re out of the BBC gravy chute.
More like 109635 TV tax payers will end up paying the bill, HS. You can bet your life the bastards who caused all this won’t be in any danger from the bailiffs!
Beat me to it, Toobs!
Same as any gummint compo, Joe Public foots the bill, no councillors, police, MPs ever get surcharged.
Maybe if all these people were told that their decisions were under personal financial guarantee if they cock something up, they’d think a bit harder.
What have you got against Sleaford Holly?
EuroNews … Islam party stirs controversy in Belgium…. want segregate men and women … and Sharia. Emboldened!
Still avoiding al beeb but heard that Amber Rudd is still the Home Secretary . In the real world her personal staff should know all that’s going on in the department – so if she says there are no illegals removal target she must know that is the truth .
Instead there were local targets . And she had to tell the Commons this after noon.
To compound her haplessness she has now announced that there will be no targets to deport illegals . But I suppose she is the PMs stab vest so will stay in role before doing the inevitable job swap with Mr Hunt at Health . Al beeb doesn’t need to be biased when there are such inept ministers around .
No-one cares if Rudd goes or not. Lying, inept and serially incompetent-but aren`t they all these days?
All this is about is getting an empty head on a pole for Labour-and the BBC shouting out its verses of the sword( Imagine no religion…men…borders etc) over her Fortnum and Masons hamper, doubling as a mock coffin until she returns via some quango or the Lords.
Utterly useless remainian. Who cares? Hastings will boot her out next election anyway
What kind of nation has a government which has to practically apologise for trying to deport illegal immigrants and then promise not to set targets for future deportations of same?
The place is a f***ing joke!
They ought to kick her out, Holly.
How can a remainer look after the interests of two of the best shore-based fishing fleets in the south east.
Oh yes, she says she does, but who believes that sort of crap coming from a politician.
#KneeToo brings down a politician…. incompetence is under debate.
Great – President Trump is to visit Blighty 2 days before England beat Thr Krauts in the World Cup again with Mohammed Salah scoring the winning goal before being deported . ….
Heard Jeremy Whine, interviewing some “environmentalist” about plastic waste on his show this lunchtime. The normally loquacious Jezza, was quietened for a moment when the interviewee let slip that most of the plastic polluting the seas and oceans comes from the Third World.
Quite funny but blink and you missed it; Vine soon bounced back wondering why anyone would possibly want to buy a new car and if they did, they should have to keep it for ten years.
How much does al Beebus pay this bloke again?
Cos queer = #MoreThanEqual
..One of those long BBC reports with video, cos it’s about a special victimhood group.
That poor lad looks like a suicide in waiting: during a moment of lucidity when the mostly subconscious utter self loathing surfaces, and he decides to end it pronto- before the illnesses can regain full control again, and thus prevent himself having to suffer more skin crawlingly filthy episodes.
Comical that after insisting on being called gay, and everyone obliging , they now find this word too limp wristed and now want a more drama filled name, ie queer.
But unfortunately there’s absolutely no reclaiming the number one word for them – faggot.
Somehow, a wonderfully apt and throwaway name for homosexuals.
Anyway despite life giving him a rotten hand, at least he had a bit of luck:
”Growing up in Blackpool, Olly Alexander lived next door to a church. As a young gay man, that presented him with a dilemma…”
He sure as heck would not be featuring on the BBC if this was his story:
Growing up in Bradford, Olly Alexander lived next door to a mosque. As a young gay man, that presented him with a dilemma.
That poor lad is a very nasty arrogant piece of work behind that smile and the beeb love him.
10pm Channel 5 Michael Portillo: Our Housing Crisis – Who’s to Blame? 90 mins
When has the BBC had a social issue doco with a by a right of centre presenter ?
\\ As he traces the rise and fall of the British council estate, Michael Portillo investigates the story of the social housing revolution that has transformed the country.
He visits different estates across Britain and uncovers the reality of council housing today, hearing stories from council tenants, private renters, housing campaigners and historians. //
I’m guessing it’s not the 6 million immigrants UK imported..
Anyway it’s only a crisis for the have nots, the well off love the current situation
Immigration may have played a role but bad local policy going back decades certainly didnt help. We need a government or Parliament that actually works in the best interests of the actual UK citizens/residents not the shower that currently inhabit Westminster.
Yes quite different from BBC
Like Boxing gym guy said that dependency culture is a problem.
People are stuck in a cycle of benefits instead of being on their own two feet.
It’s interesting you build council housing to help the poor, but there are two routes. If they stay on benefits they are dependent. If they get working then that means you’ve got wage earners in cheap rent housing which is supposed to be for the very poorest.
So if you build on the premise that council housing is just a stepping stone and move the waged into the private sector..that keeps for the poor BUT then it becomes “benefit street” with no calming influence.
One woman was in temporary council housing furnished , which costs £256pw..she gave up her job, so the housing benefit pays .
WTF it’s cheaper to be in Spain on holiday.
But 15 mins later a lefty prof was allowed to make claims without challenging.
“Ah you see, it’s Thatcher, not only did she sell off , she cut the maintenance budget”
WTF there should be ZERO maintenance budget from central government.
The maintenance budget should come from existing tenants rents, cos that is the only sustainable system.
The Gambian man living in squalid but adequate flat “on his own due to domestic violence” ..WTF His wife beat him up ? They didn’t elaborate.
I did not get to watch it.
Landlords are the real dependency culture people.
Why should they bother working if they can live off others work or housing benefits.
If they stopped the mass immigration policy, kicked all the illegals out, wages would rise and rents fall and most people would want to work.
Is ,or was council housing really meant for the very poorest?
I thought it was built to allieviate housing shortages, up to some point they had a waiting list not means tested in anyway.
Disabled, fake disabled, and people with kids are prioritised these days, they are not the poorest.
A young single person, gets way less in welfare.
I remeber thatcher allowing the council stock to be sold off ,but banning the councils from using the money from the sales to build more council houses.
Common sense from Anne Marie.
Borders, Territorial waters, Defence.
Adverts : surreal
advert#1 black lady with large afro
advert#2 black lady with large afro
… then next ads lacked BME
Uk’s block comments … Iran blocked social application …. are we free?
“In an official statement, Iran’s net regulator said swapping images and videos via the service was no longer permitted.”
“US President Donald Trump to visit the UK in July”
“Sadly that will not be the case in London.”
Sadly, the people of London are not representative of the people of Great Britain as a whole.
I am sure that Nigel Farage will have already informed him of that .
Our PM has already missed a one great opportunity for our nation .
I think it’s pretty shrewd for President Trump not to go anywhere near London. Our insignificant little mayor wouldn’t be up to meeting someone like him anyway, preferring to keep Londonistan some sort of dumping ground for layabouts and hidden immigrants etc.
Windsor is probably the best place. Nice secure town, good people, friendly monarch and family – what could be more welcoming?
My town .
Do you mean it’s where you live, or another town, Nibor?
Just curious, because it well may be better of course! I just want to welcome a great guy who is getting all the leeches, crooks and career wasters up on their hind legs. We need someone like him here!
I know we won’t have built the people’s palace (see above), before he comes, so T.Wells is out I suppose!
Where I live Scobs . History and culture that is English . The very occasional black fellow is more loyal to this country than some dickheads , and no garb worn that is more suited to the Middle East .
Who runs this nation the media or parliament? A message to Al Beeb and the London-centric media……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
‘All of the people’ don’t live in London.
Cartoon and News summary:
(a few days earlier than usual as I’m off to New Orleans Jazzfest tomorrow)
Good one this week,
you just forgot the bridges concrete bollards…
The bbc are really not pretending any more…
Sherlock Kay on the case?
Get the feeling they are willing this to fail?
Bugger New Orleans Jazzfest Calvin!
Who needs to go to New Orleans when you can enjoy this in good ol blighty!
The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah
E4 of 5
The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah
Series 1 – Episode 4
Thursday 9:45am – 10am BBC Radio 4 FM
Benjamin Zephaniah reads his autobiography. No longer content in Birmingham, Benjamin moves to London, where he finds himself culturally, religiously and politically inspired.
Whilst in general I find the whole rasta thing all a bit perplexing the BBC have always loved this bloke. What an icon and role model he is for all dem black kidz.
On the trailer this morning played on Toady we found out he used to hang out with all the kids expelled from school and used to play sound system “music” into the early hours which you could hear two streets away.
Whilst I am pleased this bloke is now doing well for himself This appears to typify the left wing, self indulgent, mulykulty crap the BBC constantly tries to force down peoples throats. So bollocks to Benjamin, my sympathies lay with the black working couples trying to get some sleep before having to go to work the next day rather you and your mates indulging your sound system and partying.
I can just imagine all the Islington lefties nodding their heads furiously whilst listening to this bloke espousing his philosophy and rejection of materialism. But just like all the contradictions the BBC uncritically puts out there. Whilst these people “reject materialism” and write poetry/songs/act someone has had to grow the food they eat, prepare it, transport it – someone has had to generate the power they use on their sound systems – someone has had to build the house they live in – I could go on forever.
But the end of the day I dont think it is asking too much for these ultimate consumers to be at least a little bit grateful for those who work so that they can indulge themselves.
But then that would never happen it aint cool.
arh …Benjamin Zephaniah
I must be doing something right I’ve never heard of him.
Perhaps my memory is shot after many sleeples hours of black peoples music when I lived in London.
Rastafarians desired return to Africa seems to be taking them forever.
Still, there’s plenty more and bigger non producers than them around, eg buy to let landlords, unnecessary tiers of management at the BBC and NHS., diversity coordinators etc
My understanding is that Benjamin Zephaniah is described as ‘a poet’. I am reminded of Dr Samuel Johnson’s comment about women preaching: “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
Boy, they are on a roll this week.
Comments, however… could be going better.
Seems wheeling out ‘doing stuff for my community’ may not sound even vaguely rational outside a bbc studio.
Especially about a visiting head of state who is not President of a no go zone in the U.K.
Now read the comments to this, and decide who the bbc ‘speaks for’.
“And here… is the BBC miserably cynical news… with a commercial break for a book…”
Katty will be jelly.
“Sadiq Khan
If he comes to London, President Trump will experience an open and diverse city that has always chosen unity over division and hope over fear. He will also no doubt see that Londoners hold their liberal values of freedom of speech very dear.”
So, there you have it!
”freedom of speech ”-
that’s a bit rich , free unless you hold a different view to them,
then it’s NO platform plus 2 mins of hate.
Oh well at least a chance for Trump to see a British idiom –
Spat out the dummy – in action.
And Owen looks likely to be forgiven and reintroduced back into the wild.
The London broadcast media might need to restrict open HYS to their mates and lunatic followers.
It scared her that people think …. end of statement.
Next to scratch the itch… VD…
My personal favourite comment
I do hope most see how uncool it is to ‘protest’ Trump’s visit. As if the Police in London do not have enough work without having to deal with a lefty tantrum. I have work that day and have to take my nephew to a swimming lesson. They should find more useful ways to spend their time.
I really do feel the tide is turning against the perpetually offended cry babies. The idea that the other side has a monopoly on being ‘nasty’ or uncool has long gone after their disgraceful antics with Trump and Brexit. Conservatives were not happy with the result in our last election but we just got on and accepted it unlike them. None of us dressed up as a giant dopey black vagina to protest how terrible Diane Abbot is.
I guess a protest must be quite good fun though and a chance to meet girls; the BBC always assume every protester is a noble soul when in reality many are probably just bored and lazy and fancied something fun to do.
Some good old horrible British weather that day would do a lot to keep protesters off the streets.
Given the national broadcaster is winding up an epic protest from its minaret in W1A, the police will have their hands full.
One is sure the Mayor can calm things down.
No doubt the BBC will give the protest marches a huge attendence boots via publicity, unlike Tommy Robinson’s 6 may free speech march from Speakers Corner to Twitter HQ in London, which they wont mention beforehand .
I would love to see Khan insult Trump to his face.
He’d need a box to stand on first, BB.
Unfortunately the BBC London weather girl, the winsome Elizabeth Rizzini, reads from a BBC-style script – so apparently she must give “Big apologies” for the state of the weather.
The weather is the weather, isn’t it? Why must there be this moral imperative in the BBC weather forecast? Why is the weather treated as though it has misbehaved, according to some BBC scale of behaviour?
We get a clue as the dainty Rizzini goes on to tell us “temperatures will be disappointingly low”
And we know who it is who is disappointed by low temperatures – not farmers, it can’t be stay-at-home holidaymakers at this time of year, nor anyone who spends their day-time working.
Just the global warming enthusiasts.
The current weather is not unusual for the time of year, in fact it is pretty average. It is simply living up to the old adage and we are having “April Showers”. All the historic data shows that not just the UK but the whole world is not experiencing “Climate Change” just weather.
here in manchester its called liquid sunshine
here in manchester its called liquid sunshine
As the old saying goes
”April showers brings May flowers”
If only I hasn’t belived in global warming back in 1998 and concreted my whole garden over to save water and get ready for the forcast blistering mediterranean weather .
“the weather treated as though it has misbehaved, according to some BBC scale of behaviour?”
Has anyone else noticed how the BBC news nearly always interrupts “live” breaking news from elsewhere to give us the silly weather!
There is a bomb on top of Buckingham Palace: “sorry folks, we must interrupt this to give you the weather”….. It drives me mad!
Just listened to Sheister Aziz of ‘Stop Trump’ or something like that, given an ample platform on R4 to tell us what a terrible person Trump is. She was asked whether she would not want to avoid damaging ‘her conutry’ , what with Trade at stake etc. but seemed incapable of seeing that actions have consequences. Self-righteous to the last.
She and her ilk seem to think that Trump wanting to control the flood of ‘refugees’ into his country makes him a fascist. So she and her allies are going to use every fascist strategy they can think of to stop him.
Maybe Mishal Husain could ask Sadiq Khan if he, she and Sheister Aziz are as representative of the U.K. as the BBC likes to think?
The little weasal Owen Jones was given free reign on ITV by the nulabour lot there to promote his trump boycott. Lie after lie after lie from this spoilt brat
OT, but looking at the comments, maybe Sky should do a bbc and stick to rigged audiences?
Easy to see why the bbc top floor are on the big bucks…
Dry cleaning and broken buttons Paid for on BBC expenses …. unique funding!
Ah yes Trump, democratically elected president of our ally the United States is evil and dreadful and shouldnt be allowed over here.
But just look at the people the Guardian/BBC have, and continue, to support: Stalin, Chavez, Robert Mugabe, Castro … well you all the know the list of delightful souls who have enlightened their countrymen’s lives.
BTW in Venezuela now, the average male has lost 24 pounds in weight and doctors are no longer to list cause of death as being starvation.
Maybe, just maybe, the BBC should start looking at itself.
BBC This Week
Is (socialist) Rachel Johnson the most pathetically pretentious person on television?
Strong field but to my mind she is.
Is Ed Vaizey an idiot who thinks he is clever?
Is the programme a BBC Londoncentric bubble?
Without Portillo it’s rubbish.
wronged ………………………Here, here !!
There, there!
Interesting the an American president who seems to have ended a war in Korea continues to be vilified by the likes of the mayor of londonistan .
At least by doing so he is showing that he is unfit for higher office . How can a politician form a relationship with an American President who hopefully will be there for another 6 years .
No nobel peace prize for that white president – or maybe – since it was so devalued by the last over promoted academic ( no offence academics) .
A British National was murdered this week by members/supporters of ISIS – you would think the BBC would try a little harder with sharing this news?
Channel 4
Channel 5
All Left wing Labour supporting channels
Oh how I wish we had a better balanced media.
The Tories,while in power, are doing nothing about this situation. They must think it is fine fo this prevailing state of affairs to exist
What does that say about them?
As a leftie I’m inclined to disagree. What I will say is the BBC’s bias is topical. I’ve seen certain programmes on Trump and free speech in particular that are so radically left wing, they induced nausea. On other points they are right wing.
My problem is, WE don’t need or want an oscillating left or right leaning state media broadcaster, just tell us the facts and let us make our own opinions off of those facts.
teeterin’ ………….you write “I’ve seen certain programmes on Trump and free speech in particular that are so radically left wing, they induced nausea. On other points they are right wing.” … could you give us some examples of their right wing bias please? 🙂
Their inability to hold this current government to account for example and deliberate misinformation of Labour policy could be attributed to right wing bias. Also the number of Tory councillors that appear on BBCQt as audience members and other political programmes, cant all be a coincidence.
For example when Laura Kuennsberg breached the BBC’s own impartiality and accuracy guidelines in 2015 when she repeatedly misrepresented what Corbyn had supposedly said (even though people had highlighted her error). Could be assumed to be purposefully defaming the opposition party leader.
It would be nice if we had a fair broadcaster on both ends of the spectrum. As I mentioned earlier, they should just broadcast the facts and leave it at that. I’m not too interested in party politics, just want a fair BBC and a prosperous UK.
Teet, presume you are new to site as haven’t noticed you before.
If beeb have ventured into even middle wing political support let alone right wing then I must have blinked as I’ve seen hide nor hair of it.
I welcome your views as intelligent debate and even handed reporting underpin a free and civilised society.
That said, please let me know where I can pick up a pair of those lovely rose tinted spectacles most lefties prefer to go with my newly acquired smokey mirror.
The fawning over Kim Jong Un on the Today programme was pretty sickening: anyone would think he is an honourable statesman, a purveyor of peace, a blameless paragon of virtue. And they still can’t bring themselves to acknowledge the key role of Trump in bringing change to the Korean Peninsula. Without Trump’s rapprochment to China together with his determination to get rid of their unfair trade practices, and without strong rhetoric, threats, a show of military force and economic sanctions in respect of North Korea, there would be no meeting of North and South and no prospect of reining in the NK dictator. Of course, it might all fail, as Trump has acknowledged, but the BBC should give credit where credit is due.
20 million north koreans are going to find out their leader has lied to them and killd many relatives …. kim is looking for a new home when he writes his memoirs.
If Brexit as stated in the Referendum does not occur, I will never vote again.
There are others in my local pub who feel the same.
The main reason being is that democracy will have gone, the servants of the people (politicians) will have become its people’s masters.
Pity the BBC don’t believe in this philosophy
vote anything other than lib/lab/con/green if possible
otherwise yes dont vote
keep voting just to annoy them.
“Religion of Special Needs” … “Religion requiring special Words”
Imagine twice the Religion of Peace in one place … two variants of the same Religion of Peace and you get the Utopia of Yemen … oh, wait … not quite peace.
Who possibly would want to listen to the BBCs pointless organs of crap-as long as Pat is on my “telly”. Thank You Eddy-will be on repeat until my boyfriend learns THIS off by heart. Instead of the bleeding Monty Python one about parrots, cheeses, spam, Watneys Red Barrel, Torremolinos etc.
I blame Johnny Depp, who stuck this into our pipes in the 90s.
Maybe one day our lads will all learn “Four Lions” quotes by rote-the internet has a lot to answer for,kids retain nuffink these day.
Off home now-car parks cleared.
You do have a final option, if no suitable patriotic candidate is available, and only the same old same old pile of shit LIB LAB CON is on the paper. Spoil the ballot paper. You dont need to be abusive on there, but note your feelings.
They have to declare how many spoiled papers they get. When folk see the numbers increasing significantly, someone, somewhere just may get a message.
To not vote at all just allows them to play the ‘apathy’ card.
If you do not vote then you are voting for (letting in and agreeing with) the people that win. It’s that simple.
To have more spoiled papers than votes would send out a powerful message.
To me, it’s better than legitimising the least worst of the three bunches of traitors that has betrayed us now for over half a century.
But then, it’s just my opinion.
Here in Wales we have other parties like Plaid Cymru, but lord knows why, they are further left than liebor.
Possibly spoil it with the main reasons … tolerance of intolerance will lead to an intolerant society. Or quote from your favourite book.
. . .
Political language, which, according to Orwell, “is designed to make lies sound truthful (Divorce) and murder respectable (Grooming), and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. (Divorce Bill)” – Orwell
Oh, nobody gonna read it, but at least they must declare the totals.
Maybe if the message is repeated? From the Many, to the Few!
MM, 17.4 million votes – from the many – still makes no difference to certain elements (our betters) of our society.
Kaiser .. if there was anybody to vote for other than lib/lab/con/green then I would do … that is the only choice I have this May ’18 local elections and I have decided not to vote. I think the Tories need to realise that people will not put up with this shit anymore!
wronged, if you stop voting ‘they’ have won. That is what ‘they’ want, because it gives them ‘their way’. Abstention is a vote in favour of what ‘they’ want to do.
Our democracy is precious. Please support it.
(reply to 9.44am post displaced somewhat)
Up2 … but please tell me who do I vote for if there is nobody I trust to vote for? I was not going to vote !! .. I think I have may changed my mind to “spoilt vote” as someone else above said .. at least it isn’t the apathy vote.
Yet again wronged .. you state something I agree with entirely !!!!
Great minds think alike.
Right kind of victim : BBC WS will have a long item with a victim of long term rape … I guess cos their attacker didn’t belong to a special victim group like Muslim/immigrant
How I Survived Kidnap and Rape at 14 in America (by mad Christian preacher)
The Reunion has just ended on R4. “Sue MacGregor meets former members of the Baader-Meinhof gang that terrorised West Germany with bombings, assassinations and hijackings in the 1970s.”
“Among those joining Sue around the table to look back on the dramatic events are gang member Peter Jurgen Boock, former West German counter-terrorism chief Rainer Hofmeyer, radical lawyer Kurt Groenewold, and Stephan Aust, the journalist who covered the Baader-Meinhof story throughout the seventies.”
I listened. I didn’t hear many references to Rudy Dutschke. I think I heard no references to Rudy Dutschke but may be wrong on that.
I wonder why?
interesting wiki page thanks Up2
I always found it strange, Kaiser, who David Cameron appeared to prefer in post to Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission.