BBC dreamboat Bri as RT’d by new BBC Bff Ali Campbell…
It’s interesting (at least to me) that this article says ‘if the government gets it’s wish …’ It’s no longer the will of the people when the consequences are a bit shit. Conservative Party take note.
Yawn : Dramaqueen Cox shouting about a £6 visa fee.
Cos of the Green energy taxes Bri supports, an average family pays £1000/year extra in energy costs.
Khanyile: Mo Salah is simply outstanding, even if you don’t support Liverpool you just gotta love him, he is joy to watch, and his humility makes him even more likeable.
Shebab Khan: NEW: Prince William and Kate Middleton have named their third child Mo Salah.
– humility and renaming the royal baby Mo … you decide.
* – “dangerous rightwing vigilantes” – because the leftwing vigilantes are pure and have good intentions.
* – Put Captain Picard would vote Remain? I’m so confused!
Khan says he cherishes freedom of speech having set up a multi million pound thought crime hub and repeatedly made it his crusade to cleanse Britain of any speech that might hurt someone’s purported feelings – no actual hurt or reasonably felt hurt required, just the claim you were upset is enough.
It really is going way beyond parody; that tweet was so ridiculous I just laughed rather than felt angry. God life really is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
Has Sadiq Khan (London Mayor) reacted to a Majority Muslim Country Government creating emojis saying “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”? Why not?
Is it me but I really can’t see the problem in creating a “hostile atmosphere” for law breakers. The more hostile the better, I would say. Illegal immigration is the curse of the modern age. In the United States, where over 11 million people live outside the law, the issue is tearing up civil society. The majority looks to the state to secure the borders and regulate immigration in the interests of local citizens. The liberal minority refuses to comply with the federal law and sets up “sanctuary” cities where the law is openly flouted. Until recently the Washington Post ran a column on illegal immigration written, needless to say, by an illegal immigrant. I think that comes under the heading of just taking the Jimmy Riddle.
In this country we have the Johnson buffoon proposing an amnesty for many of the one million illegal aliens in Britain. On the far left Caroline Lucas wants to wreck our economy by removing our only source of cheap energy and is in favour of the free movement of people. If that doesn’t kill us stone dead as a modern functioning society, nothing will. Unless it is her recent dopy suggestion to use the welfare system to provide destitute people with enough to eat as well as paying tubsters to eat less calories!
The manufactured “Windrush” scandal is manna from heaven for the minority elites. Suddenly we are a racist country because we have asked for some papers to be produced. Nobody questions the right of “Windrush” West Indians to stay and play a vital part in a country that has been their home for up to 50 years. If someone has been in this country that long it should be very easy to prove it with school, work, health records and such like. But some people sneak in illegally, maybe only yesterday. The authorities have a right to check. It is known as securing the borders.
Anyone suggesting that a country’s immigration policy should be determined primarily by the needs of the host country is deemed a racist. Not a racist in BBC terms where Jane Garvey suggested that a theatrical audience that happened to be overwhelmingly white was a “problem”. Rather a term of abuse, along with all the other –isms, commonly used by the village idiot.
The liberal elites are addicted to mass immigration. It provides cheap servants and prices and unlimited scope for signaling their virtue. The Labour party under Blair and Brown opened the flood-gates that remain open to this day. The New Labour elites started to dislike their base working class who they considered racist, old fashioned and bone idle. Who was going to build their new house extensions, serve them all that ethnic food they had become addicted to on their travels and care for them when they got old? Importing low skilled workers solved the problem at a stroke. It also imported the world’s squabbles, racked up the welfare budget to unsustainable heights and depressed blue collar wages, but hey you can’t have everything.
We now have a generation of liberals who believe anyone can come to Britain, summed up nicely by BBC regular Jeremy Hardy stating that illegal immigration is not criminal but merely a matter of not having the right documents.
Like a crowded London bus, there is always room for one more inside – even a chap with a knife, or worse, a bomb.
CM, it would not be so bad if all this illegal immigration had been a sudden thing, coming out of nowhere that could have been foreseen by anyone in Westminster and Whitehall.
Unfortunately, economists and futurologists were predicting it way back in the 1980s, if not before. The BBC even ran the occasional programme about it. Sorry have no references or links at present but I may dig for some when resources permit.
Of course, the BBC could do that sort of research with all their resources …..
2015 … from our current Prime Minister … and not another word spoken since …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade. (10 years)”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I have to say that I am not a supposedly well educated person, as per university education, as I was too early in the century to apply for that, as a thick female, marriage fodder, applicant, when I was in secondry school. It was either … secretarial, civil service or teaching. Well i wasn’t gonna be stuck for the rest of my life with somebody else’s kids so I did my own thing .. not very conducive to earning lots of money but I probably did OK as per life experience. Can any of you super duper intelligent people on here (forgive me as I am not being facetious, honest!!) tell me just **why** these liberal, PC, leftie, Marxist, BBC types want to flood our country with immigrants? Pragmatically * I *can see why too many people would be a drain on our country’s rescouces, apart from the fact that most of them do not have a similar culture to ours. What is the ultimate aim of these PC control freaks ? What do they think they will get out of it? I really cannot understand how these people think? HELP !!
Crone – I dont have any decent professional qualifications either. But my mum told me lots of fairy stories. Can I point you to “The Emperors New Clothes” by Hans Christian Anderson , it may have the answer you seek.
These days the best “fairy” stories I told by the BBC.
Maybe because it has the best fairies.
I say no more!
I’ll save you some time so you don’t have to read the BBC crap. The BBC unsurprisingly have claimed that Trump is not deserving of any credit. 68 years since the Korean war and the BBC claim the talks are due to the same non events that have happened for the last 68 years getting nowhere – in no way whatsoever could it be Trump.
President Trump could stop all war, abolish world poverty/disease and sort out the climates imagined problems, yet still be looked upon as the antichrist by the BBC and its fellow travelers, Tabs.
* no mention of China creating a dam that altered the rotation of the earth.
* no mention of China replacing populations in Africa and Tibet and stealing their resources.
* no mention of China being a dictatorship, so we cannot trust the news from this Country.
* no mention of the empty cities built for their own people, not the immigrants of the world.
* BBC’s £3.5bn News Omission Service .. making the devil look like a saint.
A TOADY Prog observation from this morning:
They were discussing post-Brexit farming, IIRC (was half-asleep), and had two farmers on to contribute to the BBC’s continual rubbishing of Brexit. One was, I think, organic farmer & former Soil Association spokesman or founder. He spoke of doing without fertiliser in UK farming.
I don’t know if it has occurred to anyone in our Government or Civil Service but very soon, oil companies will be wondering about leaving oil (and the gas associated with its extraction) in the ground as it will be uneconomic to obtain it. That may help to maintain or even increase its price. After that, the oil companies will start to think about it seriously and then, especially if there is some ‘trigger’, they may gradually stop production.
Some may think it means a better world but it also means no heat, no light, no power for industry, no transport, no cleaning products, reduced availability of medicines and, possibly, food.
Have they really carefully thought this one through:
no diesel & petrol cars, no plastics, no fertilisers ….. = …..?
Needless to say, no questioning on that from the Beeboid Presenter.
We are in talks with North Korea to discuss having a single government in a country that dictates to its 20 million people and does not give them light bulbs .. .the future is North Korea! En Marche! Forward! …. as Macron would say.
If there is anyone else here who is as sick as me of the BBC banging on about the Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma there is a welcome antidote on at the moment.
Can’t post it sorry but it shows an AfD member in Germany dealing it to the liberal left. Enjoy.
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen,
00:10 dear colleagues. The left-green world vision of the old party [i.e. the Greens]
00:15 is pretty strange. For decades there was one [female] hero
00:20 in Asia, for decades she was a courageous woman. Aung San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Peace Prize
00:26 despite military dictatorship; she was imprisoned for many years under house arrest.
00:30 Western politicians and media were trying to outdo each other in praising her.
00:35 And then suddenly she’s not trendy. She fell out of favor.
00:40 The admirers turn away: Aung San Suu Kyi is suddenly doing everything wrong.
00:46 The reason: she allegedly does not care about a certain group of people
00:51 that was suddenly called Rohingya. She even refuses to use the battle cry “Rohingya”.
00:56 On the contrary, she says something unheard of:
01:01 Aung San Suu Kyi said in November during a big conference
01:05 of Foreign Ministers in Myanmar — please listen carefully;
01:08 you can still learn a lot from this holder of the Nobel Peace Prize — 01:11 “Illegal immigration means spreading terrorism and violent extremism.”
“Illegal immigration means spreading terrorism and violent extremism.”
Interesting, OG, but it is from RT so ID (and Wild and Maxi?) may get over-excited.
I, too, would question its accuracy until a copy of the OPCW Report is in the hands of the UK Government and its precis is released. Assuming, of course, that it will be.
In the meantime a quote Theresa May from the Metro newspaper of 17 April: “Only Assad has barrel bombs and helicopters.” If the Metro report is accurate (I haven’t checked Hansard) I hope her intelligence was robust on that. She was addressing the House at the time.
If I recall correctly, the claimed ‘evidence videos’ did not show barrel bombs.
Also in the meantime, I do not recall the BBC reporting an official response to the OPCW Report on Salisbury from Putin. He has had it for some time now.
You would think the BBC might ask about that on air. It could be said to be equally as important as ‘Windrush’.
Kaiser, the best thing the UK and the rest of the international community could do by way of reparation is stop the fighting and then help remove all the military weapons in private hands from the country. Stage 3 would be to carefully watch how the Syrian national army and police then behave.
Any breaches of good behaviour, then quick and total sanctions from all must follow.
Still no compliance, then there would be a valid argument for removing President Assad together with all of his henchmen.
I imagine the BBC will somehow explain that the historic peace talks in Korea are thanks to Obama. Their worst nightmare is happening: a successful Trump presidency.
Of course their ‘analysis’ of why North Korea is denuclearising does not once mention Trump. I imagine the sabre rattling of the most powerful man in the world might just have had a tiny effect. It sure is a massive conincidence that this happens just as Trump comes to power.
Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein is interviewing Anthony Meyer ex UK ambassador to the US about Trump’s visit to the UK.
She is off on one of her snide agenda-driven lines. Cool as a cucumber Mayer replies
“If I may say so, that is a stupid question”.
Useless by name, useless by nature.
Unfortunately. Female, tick. Non-white, tick. Muslim, tick. Untouchable.
Cheating in school tests is an old Indian problem.
But the malpractice literally scaled new heights this week in the eastern state of Bihar when relatives of 10th-grade students climbed the wall of a school building and perched precariously from windows of classrooms as they handed cheat sheets to children writing the tests inside.
Photographs and videos showing parents, friends and others scaling the school wall — Spiderman-style — went viral in India on Thursday. Police officers standing nearby watched helplessly.
A recent study by the Pratham Education Foundation showed that only 48 percent of fifth-grade students could read a second-grade textbook.
I’ve some first hand experience of this. At the time, 1 lakh rupees (100,000 rupees, about £1300 those days and worth more in India) would buy you a complete set of certificates ‘proving’ that you were a recently-qualified doctor – this included a bribe to the head of the medical school for his signature. But there’s also plenty of bright students and a lot of competition for genuine places in the good medical schools, so much so that a bribe of a similar amount (they call it ‘baksheesh’ in that part of the world) is usually payable to gain admission.
Why would any bloke give his sperm to two lesbians, so they can play happy families without the father of the child having any say in its upbringing?
And what if the resulting child goes on to have sex with the child of the sperm donor, without knowing the genetic ties that bind the two kids concerned?
This is Islamic incest by the side door isn`t it?
Blokes really should not be giving sperm to lesbians-if they want to be “parents”-then that ONE thing we need men for.
Your USP-don`t toss it away…er…
Next up…Degrees in Female Masturbatory Sciences at Bielefeld Uni I believe?
Should you blokes be rooting for the same here? Got to be an EU grant and a Blair certificate for that, given we all know that most men are pretty damn good and practiced at this anyway.
Not sure how examinations and assessments would work out, imagine I`d need a white coat with a nurses outfit underneath. But better than teaching-and it would be useful I guess.
… straw reduction … tick.
… gender reminder as Ruth Davidson is about to have baby from a stranger (Women/Women/Male Sperm) .. tick.
… 5% tax on plastic .. tick.
… UK Terrorist level lowered … fail.
A growing number of Americans identified by witnesses from a row of suspects are having their convictions overturned. Campaigners want stricter rules on police line-ups to prevent more miscarriages of justice.
– “growing number” – 1 to 2?
– ‘growing’ – increase by 10,100,1000?
– Does it generally work?
Rapper Kanye West has sparked an online backlash after tweeting his support for US President Donald Trump.
But it’s not the first time he has courted controversy, from interrupting award speeches to claiming he is God.
Any number of celebrities can say nasty things about the President, and the BBC is just fine with that. But woe betide you if you say anything supportive.
If one takes out countries where religion is discouraged (NK, China), can anyone spot what peaceful religion might link Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria and others ?
Clearly this conundrum is beyond the powers of the high quality investigative journalists at the BBC.
Make it a proportion to population … executions per million of population …. more people should mean more bad people should mean more executions (if they do executions) …
China / 1.4 billion / ???? = ???
Iran / 80 million / 1663 = 20
Saudi / 32 million / 423 = 13
Iraq / 37 million / 256 = 6.91
Yemen / 27 million / 152 / = 5.62
PAKISTAN / 193 million / 171 = 0.88
USA / 325 million / 220 = 0.67
‘religion is discouraged (NK, China)’ – I would say that religion is the believe in the country and the leadership ….
Kang Chol-hwan wrote of his childhood in North Korea:
To my childish eyes and to those of all my friends, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il were perfect beings, untarnished by any base human function. I was convinced, as we all were, that neither of them urinated or defecated. Who could imagine such things of gods?[33]
“Who could imagine such things of gods (North Korean Leaders)?” – 25 million citizens about to find out that their Leader uses a toilet … they are about to find out that they have been lied to ….
– ‘we owe’ – to a group of people who got a better life (for their future generations) than if they had stayed in their original homeland?
– ‘group of people’ – not known how many yet, still using vague words.
– ‘helped build this country’ – agree.
– ‘Amber Rudd goes’ – successive Governments have failed on this.
– What about a women who does not read a report on securing the capital city of England? Should she get sacked as well?
I weep inside when I contemplate the growth of anti-semitism in this country.
Britain has always had a good record living with Jewish people. Few blips on the way but historically and compared with other parts of Europe, a record of tolerance and acceptance of a fine people. Removing Jewish children from their parents and bringing them up as Catholics, a practice common in the Papal States until the 1850s was never considered by the dear ole C of E. Despite a few local fascists in the 1930, nobody in this country considered a “final solution”.
So why are Jewish children having to be protected from violence in London schools? Why is a mainstream political party riven by anti-semitism, a fact proclaimed loudly by some of its own prominent members? The answers lie in identity politics and underlying those are the accommodations some feel we have to make with muslims.
The Labour party no longer wishes to represent the indigenous working class. It needs their votes so it pays lip service to their needs. But the middle class liberal elites that run the party despise everything about them from the food they eat to their patriotic leanings. The Labour party is now “me too” – driven by identities that get smaller by the day and conflict in ever increasing multiples.
At the heart of the party’s anti-semitism is Israel. The state is viewed as illegal and oppressive to local Arab populations. Its right to exist is questioned on the basis that it has stolen the land. Of course that contention is not quite borne out by the Old Testament that shows the Jews have been in the area for at least ten thousand years and as long as the Arabs. To date Israel is democratic with over one million Arabs on the voting register. It is surrounded by over 25 non-democratic Arab muslim countries.
Labour intellectuals first started getting interested in the so-called liberation of Palestine when the Arabs started chucking bombs around and murdering innocent civilians in the 1970s. Today the two Palestinian regions of Gaza and the Left Bank are armed camps bristling with rockets with children primed from an early age on local television to “kill all the Jews”. Muslims are not very keen on Jews. It is muslims that Jews fear in Britain, not the non-muslim majority.
If you throw your lot in with one identity group you make an enemy of the other. This is the path for the future Labour party, backed up of course by the BBC and the liberal media. It works in the student hall and among sections of the young but when most people grow up they realise that mainstream political parties have to govern in the interest of all, not just the ones that scream the loudest. If you think men in dresses ought to invade the thunder boxes reserved for females, you enrage your feminist audience. If you think it a good idea that three louche celebrities should bring their children up as “gender neutral”, you upset the rest of the population who think it is tantamount to child abuse. If you allow men who say they are women to compete in women’s sports, you destroy women’s sports.
If you want your government to be run on purely virtue signaling lines, put Lily Allen and Emma Watson in charge. Meanwhile back in the real world.
As you sink deeper and deeper into civil war, the cheers from your every decreasing minorities are eventually drowned out by the derision of the rest of us. Now here’s a thing – if a new party is to be formed, perhaps it could shape its policies to suit the community as a whole.
Great article Chris. It`s Friday, kids have scooted off back to their hellholes and I`ve got a chilled white in the fridge back home. And he`s bringing me a takeaway later on.
Good times.
And even better-an impressive Gerard Batten talks to the Greatest Living Englishman(sorry Ryan!)-and gives me plenty scope for hope.
It`s on my school computer too…maybe I want to lose my job!
UKIP Member of the European Parliament for London. Working for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. UKIP Leader & Brexit Spokesman.
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Shazia Hobbs, former domestic abuse victim has been suspended from Twitter for being an Ex Muslim and anti FGM campaigner.
If you are outraged by this, please share and let @Twitter know what you think.
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UKIP candidates elected on 3rd May will shine a spotlight on the ‘Grooming Gang’ issue, i.e. the Sexual Slavery of little girls. UKIP won’t ignore it as Labour have done.
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This morning I was in an EU Parl Committee getting a Brexit update with Mr Verhofstadt. I was the only UK MEP who spoke up for Leave. The rest want to find a way of reversing Brexit. The battle for a real Exit from the EU is far from won.
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I am very sad to hear this morning of the death of Kalvin Chapman a loyal and committed UKIP member, branch officer, and candidate. He will be missed by us all. Our commiserations and sympathies go out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace.
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I was interviewed by Tommy Robinson today. It will be up on his YouTube channel soon.
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The British should be proud of their country: it’s history & traditions, it’s contributions to the rule of law, democracy, science, art & culture. And not least, for defying tyranny down the centuries. UKIP believes in Britain. Vote UKIP, join UKIP. Defend Britain.
. . . This talk by Mark Steyn is absolutely brilliant as a critique of modern Britain. It’s nearly half an hour but well worth listening to.
. . .
‘Grooming gangs’ is a euphemism for sex slavery, practiced on ‘Kaffir’ girls who are considered less than human & fair game. Justified by the perpetrators because the teachings of the sex predator & sadist who invented their religion.
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Powerful speech by Labour MP John Mann on anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. It is truly shocking that he has to say this about his own Party in today’s Britain.
. . . .
President Macron in European Parliament this morning. He talked of ‘European Sovereignty’ in various aspects. ‘Economic, Defence, Banking, Taxation’ etc. He acknowledges people are critical of the EU but thinks more EU integration is the answer. Yet more ‘ever closer union’.
Very impressive. If we had an impartial BBC who broadcast this video and gave Mr Batten a platform UKIP vote wouls increase ten fold at least. Thank you
It seems Batten has a handle on all the main issues … Freedom of Speech, EU means more EU, Grooming is sadist r*pre of children (stop using grooming), one law for all (see my post on religion getting top billing for burials below), British history should be remembered (good and bad) and not used to bash the British, anti-semitism is within the Labour Party (even after Shami report).
Sadly, a possible piece of BBC dishonesty. It is just possible that Neil Nunes was trying to introduce some comedy and irony into BBC Radio Continuity (although I think it is ‘officially frowned upon’) after the 2pm News, by suggesting there has never been any dark comedy on BBC Radio 4. Had he used the word ‘successful’ before dark, he may well have been 100% correct.
He didn’t, and if the irony & comedy was unintentional, then Neil has allowed himself to be sucked into the BBC’s web of deceit and is now helping to help build it. The plot of the programme he trailed – the Afternoon Drama – sounded familiar to me. It was first broadcast on 16 February 2016.
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“Ministers (Shami Chakrabarti – THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY – 30jun2016) who knowingly mislead Parliament (or their Party) will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister (or Leader).”
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Maybe someone can do a list of UK state visitors and list their biggest crimes … let the Government chop of citizen’s heads … ban women from owning a car or being independent … lives according to a document for the people rather than theocratic orders handed down from God … lets half the country defecate in the street … writes themselves into the countries constitution and increases term limit.
Trump has only brought about peace with a war mongering, nuclear power nutter. Obama received his peace prize for being black and a democrat. You dont get them for being orange and a republican.
But you are right, the sight of John Soppel or Katty Kay requiring smelling salts on air would be amusing.
Is that the BBC’s John Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) who promotes his own book on BBC twitter and BBC’s Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) who promotes her own book on twitter.
Does the BBC and TV Tax Payer request advertising money from Katty and John? I think the BBC TV Tax Payer have a write to get 5% of all royalties made on books advertised with the BBC handle or if mentioned on the BBC Network. Might be worth complaining to them ….
In 2015, it was revealed that a semi-domesticated wolf had been used in the John Hurt-narrated series as producers were unable to find any wild wolves.
In 2011, shots of a tarantula in a studio were used in an episode about the jungle in Venezuela.
– “does not consider that the portrayal of his role is accurate” – was he whaling or not? Is this a Hate Crime?
If there is a God in heaven, please let Trump win the Nobel peace prize for all his Korean efforts. Can you imagine what the reaction of the snowflakes will be? One will not be able to meet them and keep a straight face. Of course Trump could bring about world peace and get diddly-squat from the Norwegian lefties. So hilarious if he gets it and very instructive if he doesn’t.
When Mugabe can win the WHO Goodwill Ambassador (2017 for one week)… World Health Organisation …. when Mugabe gets his health treatments from a different country because his people have to rely on a poor service in his own country …. these organisations are trying to change people’s behaviour rather than reward good behaviour.
Lord Justice Singh said the policy set by Ms Hassell was discriminatory and must be quashed
So treating people equally is now “discriminatory”!! Lewis Carroll must be laughing in his grave.
What the hell is happening … it’s like people don’t even listen to what they are saying. We have made more people equal than others through our new equality law that gives privilege to ones who are more equal, so we are now all equal!
Why is it?
On the BBC,ITV,Channel 4.5 and Sky, political commentators will not use the term Muslim when discussing Labour’s anti semite problem.
Instead they go out of their way to say only that the Labour Party are not very sympthetic with Isreal.
Even on Question Time last night, the audience didn’t use the word Muslim to describe anti semites. The referred to the PLA. Were they told not to use the word Muslim? I’d like to know.
The opponents of the Jewish people are indeed Muslims. Labour value the Muslim vote as it hugely outnumbers the Jewish vote. Why don’t the Tories mention this prejudice.
After all, Labour is the Immigrant Party. The party of non British people. The party who supports the undercutting of the working man/woman with cheap foreign immigrant labour yet pretends to be for the working class!
A journalist on Sky right now, 7.15 on Friday, saying about the Korean peace break through, “of course President Trump will want to take credit for this ….”
She then used the word “but”, before showering the bemused viewers with all sorts of nonsense about why others are actually responsible.
No doubt by the end of next week it will be President Obama who made it all happen. Maybe Obama should get another peace prize, he hasn’t had one for 8 years.
This might be one of those rare occasions where Sky has been beaten to a story by the BBC. The liars at Broadcasting House have already been pushing that narrative all day.
Maybe the last on this thread? We subscribe to something called TV Mucho, at about one third of the TV Licence, to watch our limited interests in UK broadcasting. We have just finished watching Gardeners World. Now, a few weeks ago, I remember Monty Don, after a 30 minute program, apologising that next week they were going to be off air, but after that, they were going to be on air for a full hour for the rest of the season of programs. He failed to tell us that the missing week was for a football match, but Wales v England female football would not interest us anyway. So, he has just apologized that Gardeners World will be off air next week. AS WELL? As we live in France, we do not know why, as the TV listings available have only reached Thursday. Any ideas?
Capitan .. unfortunately the PC/diversity driven agenda is even now worming it’s way into the beloved hallowed halls of Gardener’s World .. anyone who watched last week’s programme will know what I’m on about … is nothing sacred ! ??
We tax payers have generously funded a deeply disturbing play entitled “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins”.
Can you imagine the reaction had it been called “The Assassination of Diane Abbot” or “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton”?
Another tax payer funded organisation, the BBC, employs the ridiculous Mary beard to explain that Katie Hopkins “might well even enjoy it.”
I’m sure Mary, but coming from the woman who burst into tears because some people on twitter said rude things about her, I suspect that had it been called, “The Assassination of Mary beard”, Mary may have been less sanguine. Mary beard also took pictures of her upset self to share with the world on social media. What a sensitive soul.
Obviously, the fact that two Muslims went to prison for plotting to behead Katie Hopkins isn’t going to play on the minds of the BBC or the Guardian, which also reviews it. Not least because such news may have been censored by them, so they would be ignorant of the facts. However, at what point does the hate speech of the tax payer funded left move onto the radar of the police?
BTW, there are eight links on the bbc page to other Front Row items:
Radical Chic, about “Leonard Bernstein partying with the black panthers”.
Voodoo Macbeth, “Orson Welles diversity landmark”.
David Oyelow “Hollywood’s diversity champion in quotes”
Vote 100: “Revealing your favourite works of art by women”
Two others on a woman artist and a woman director plus, the only non Guardian piece on the page: how to win an Oscar.
The BBC travels up its own back side at a rate of knots.
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BBC dreamboat Bri as RT’d by new BBC Bff Ali Campbell…
Having Labour is ‘a bit shit’ for Conservatives when in Government after voting, but we press on with the decision … no?
No need for voting anymore?
Brian Cox knows best?
Brian Cox, as an unsceptical believer in The Science That Is Settled, abandoned scientific integrity for the BBC shilling.
‘The scientific method and how it should be applied to the AGW theory’.
Go on Brian, have a go and give us all a good laugh.
‘will of the people’ – will of the Many, Not the Few.
Does Brian Cox believe in the Labour motto?
Yawn : Dramaqueen Cox shouting about a £6 visa fee.
Cos of the Green energy taxes Bri supports, an average family pays £1000/year extra in energy costs.
The UK can write a Phone App that will cost 50pence to use and save a lot of time!
These are all connected on BBC News Website page … 27apr2018 …
UK growth in first quarter falls to 0.1%, says ONS.
Migrant rules ‘leaving NHS short of doctors’.
Windrush: Who exactly was on board?
Crossing Divides: Yorkshire Dales farmer works with asylum seekers.
Crossing Divides: Turkish schools help Syrians integrate
. . . . This is the most stupid thing on the BBC news page today . . .
Should teenagers learn more about managing money?
– Should teenagers take an interest in the real world?
Always look at the end of the article for the lasting taste that the BBC want to leave in you memory … and those who follow the unbiased £3.5bn news service.
Mohamed Salah: The night the ‘phenomenal’ Liverpool man downed Roma { 24apr2018}
Khanyile: Mo Salah is simply outstanding, even if you don’t support Liverpool you just gotta love him, he is joy to watch, and his humility makes him even more likeable.
Shebab Khan: NEW: Prince William and Kate Middleton have named their third child Mo Salah.
– humility and renaming the royal baby Mo … you decide.
Dear Guardian (small arm of the BBC voice of Owen Jones and Diane Abbott)… why not mention left-wingers?
What if superheroes aren’t really the good guys? {theguardian 27apr2018}
“We’ve always thought of them as flawed, noble and on our side – but perhaps they’re just dangerous rightwing vigilantes”
* – “dangerous rightwing vigilantes” – because the leftwing vigilantes are pure and have good intentions.
* – Put Captain Picard would vote Remain? I’m so confused!
Khan says he cherishes freedom of speech having set up a multi million pound thought crime hub and repeatedly made it his crusade to cleanse Britain of any speech that might hurt someone’s purported feelings – no actual hurt or reasonably felt hurt required, just the claim you were upset is enough.
It really is going way beyond parody; that tweet was so ridiculous I just laughed rather than felt angry. God life really is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.
Has Sadiq Khan (London Mayor) reacted to a Majority Muslim Country Government creating emojis saying “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”? Why not?
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji { 24apr2018}
– Sadiq Khan – do you like or hate these Iranian Government approved “Death to America” emojis that cause division and hate?
Is it me but I really can’t see the problem in creating a “hostile atmosphere” for law breakers. The more hostile the better, I would say. Illegal immigration is the curse of the modern age. In the United States, where over 11 million people live outside the law, the issue is tearing up civil society. The majority looks to the state to secure the borders and regulate immigration in the interests of local citizens. The liberal minority refuses to comply with the federal law and sets up “sanctuary” cities where the law is openly flouted. Until recently the Washington Post ran a column on illegal immigration written, needless to say, by an illegal immigrant. I think that comes under the heading of just taking the Jimmy Riddle.
In this country we have the Johnson buffoon proposing an amnesty for many of the one million illegal aliens in Britain. On the far left Caroline Lucas wants to wreck our economy by removing our only source of cheap energy and is in favour of the free movement of people. If that doesn’t kill us stone dead as a modern functioning society, nothing will. Unless it is her recent dopy suggestion to use the welfare system to provide destitute people with enough to eat as well as paying tubsters to eat less calories!
The manufactured “Windrush” scandal is manna from heaven for the minority elites. Suddenly we are a racist country because we have asked for some papers to be produced. Nobody questions the right of “Windrush” West Indians to stay and play a vital part in a country that has been their home for up to 50 years. If someone has been in this country that long it should be very easy to prove it with school, work, health records and such like. But some people sneak in illegally, maybe only yesterday. The authorities have a right to check. It is known as securing the borders.
Anyone suggesting that a country’s immigration policy should be determined primarily by the needs of the host country is deemed a racist. Not a racist in BBC terms where Jane Garvey suggested that a theatrical audience that happened to be overwhelmingly white was a “problem”. Rather a term of abuse, along with all the other –isms, commonly used by the village idiot.
The liberal elites are addicted to mass immigration. It provides cheap servants and prices and unlimited scope for signaling their virtue. The Labour party under Blair and Brown opened the flood-gates that remain open to this day. The New Labour elites started to dislike their base working class who they considered racist, old fashioned and bone idle. Who was going to build their new house extensions, serve them all that ethnic food they had become addicted to on their travels and care for them when they got old? Importing low skilled workers solved the problem at a stroke. It also imported the world’s squabbles, racked up the welfare budget to unsustainable heights and depressed blue collar wages, but hey you can’t have everything.
We now have a generation of liberals who believe anyone can come to Britain, summed up nicely by BBC regular Jeremy Hardy stating that illegal immigration is not criminal but merely a matter of not having the right documents.
Like a crowded London bus, there is always room for one more inside – even a chap with a knife, or worse, a bomb.
Just one more … just one more …
That train looks like the Eurostar in the not too distant future !
Brissles, I hope it’s going out of the UK and not arriving.
CM, it would not be so bad if all this illegal immigration had been a sudden thing, coming out of nowhere that could have been foreseen by anyone in Westminster and Whitehall.
Unfortunately, economists and futurologists were predicting it way back in the 1980s, if not before. The BBC even ran the occasional programme about it. Sorry have no references or links at present but I may dig for some when resources permit.
Of course, the BBC could do that sort of research with all their resources …..
….. I wonder why they have not done so?
2015 … from our current Prime Minister … and not another word spoken since …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade. (10 years)”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I have to say that I am not a supposedly well educated person, as per university education, as I was too early in the century to apply for that, as a thick female, marriage fodder, applicant, when I was in secondry school. It was either … secretarial, civil service or teaching. Well i wasn’t gonna be stuck for the rest of my life with somebody else’s kids so I did my own thing .. not very conducive to earning lots of money but I probably did OK as per life experience. Can any of you super duper intelligent people on here (forgive me as I am not being facetious, honest!!) tell me just **why** these liberal, PC, leftie, Marxist, BBC types want to flood our country with immigrants? Pragmatically * I *can see why too many people would be a drain on our country’s rescouces, apart from the fact that most of them do not have a similar culture to ours. What is the ultimate aim of these PC control freaks ? What do they think they will get out of it? I really cannot understand how these people think? HELP !!
Crone – I dont have any decent professional qualifications either. But my mum told me lots of fairy stories. Can I point you to “The Emperors New Clothes” by Hans Christian Anderson , it may have the answer you seek.
These days the best “fairy” stories I told by the BBC.
Maybe because it has the best fairies.
I say no more!
BBC Reality check… Does Trump deserve the credit for peace talks with North Korea?
I’ll save you some time so you don’t have to read the BBC crap. The BBC unsurprisingly have claimed that Trump is not deserving of any credit. 68 years since the Korean war and the BBC claim the talks are due to the same non events that have happened for the last 68 years getting nowhere – in no way whatsoever could it be Trump.
Trump.. BAD.
Kim … GOOD.
Thatcher .. BAD.
Dianne Abbott likes Mao too
Someone like Pol Pot must be a Socialists wet dream.
Stalin, Chavez, Mao, Castro, Mugabe all good.
So on this logic, if Trump murders millions of his own people then he will be good too.
Trump self-identifies as a socialist he can do whatever he wants!
President Trump could stop all war, abolish world poverty/disease and sort out the climates imagined problems, yet still be looked upon as the antichrist by the BBC and its fellow travelers, Tabs.
If Trump cured leprosy he would be accused of wiping out a minority group.
Toobi, you present an opportunity too good to miss: 🙂
A classic post from Guest Who on here on 17 April.
” ~ Classic bbc no-lose agitprop.
“You are not doing something…. bastards!”
“You have done something… bastards!” ~ “
Or “You are doing something.” … “It’s not enough!”
“Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords” – Petition: pretty well ground to a halt at 121,925.
Maybe they can talk about expenses as well?
House of Lords expenses {}
Imagine my surprise … BBC saying something bad about China … shock … “China is the world’s biggest polluter. It produces more carbon emissions than any other nation and that is largely due to its reliance on coal. { 27apr2018}”
* no mention of China creating a dam that altered the rotation of the earth.
* no mention of China replacing populations in Africa and Tibet and stealing their resources.
* no mention of China being a dictatorship, so we cannot trust the news from this Country.
* no mention of the empty cities built for their own people, not the immigrants of the world.
* BBC’s £3.5bn News Omission Service .. making the devil look like a saint.
A TOADY Prog observation from this morning:
They were discussing post-Brexit farming, IIRC (was half-asleep), and had two farmers on to contribute to the BBC’s continual rubbishing of Brexit. One was, I think, organic farmer & former Soil Association spokesman or founder. He spoke of doing without fertiliser in UK farming.
I don’t know if it has occurred to anyone in our Government or Civil Service but very soon, oil companies will be wondering about leaving oil (and the gas associated with its extraction) in the ground as it will be uneconomic to obtain it. That may help to maintain or even increase its price. After that, the oil companies will start to think about it seriously and then, especially if there is some ‘trigger’, they may gradually stop production.
Some may think it means a better world but it also means no heat, no light, no power for industry, no transport, no cleaning products, reduced availability of medicines and, possibly, food.
Have they really carefully thought this one through:
no diesel & petrol cars, no plastics, no fertilisers ….. = …..?
Needless to say, no questioning on that from the Beeboid Presenter.
We are in talks with North Korea to discuss having a single government in a country that dictates to its 20 million people and does not give them light bulbs .. .the future is North Korea! En Marche! Forward! …. as Macron would say.
The destruction of meaningful words … “baby factory” … such nice words … a factory that makes babies … oh, wait …
‘Some of the babies and children had been sexually abused, Agboola Dabiri added. It is not uncommon for Nigerian authorities to raid “baby factories”.In some cases, unmarried pregnant women are promised healthcare, only for their children to be taken away. In others, women are raped and made pregnant. The babies can be sold for adoption, used for child labour, trafficked to Europe for prostitution or killed for ritual purposes. { 26apr2018}‘
– Grooming – sadistic r*pe of children who are tortured.
– ‘Baby Factory’ – place where children and women are raped that fuels human trafficking.
If there is anyone else here who is as sick as me of the BBC banging on about the Rohingya in Myanmar/Burma there is a welcome antidote on at the moment.
Can’t post it sorry but it shows an AfD member in Germany dealing it to the liberal left. Enjoy.
AfD Representative in the Bundestag Denounces the Rohingya “Refugees” Scam
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen,
00:10 dear colleagues. The left-green world vision of the old party [i.e. the Greens]
00:15 is pretty strange. For decades there was one [female] hero
00:20 in Asia, for decades she was a courageous woman. Aung San Suu Kyi received the Nobel Peace Prize
00:26 despite military dictatorship; she was imprisoned for many years under house arrest.
00:30 Western politicians and media were trying to outdo each other in praising her.
00:35 And then suddenly she’s not trendy. She fell out of favor.
00:40 The admirers turn away: Aung San Suu Kyi is suddenly doing everything wrong.
00:46 The reason: she allegedly does not care about a certain group of people
00:51 that was suddenly called Rohingya. She even refuses to use the battle cry “Rohingya”.
00:56 On the contrary, she says something unheard of:
01:01 Aung San Suu Kyi said in November during a big conference
01:05 of Foreign Ministers in Myanmar — please listen carefully;
01:08 you can still learn a lot from this holder of the Nobel Peace Prize —
01:11 “Illegal immigration means spreading terrorism and violent extremism.”
“Illegal immigration means spreading terrorism and violent extremism.”
Looks like the alleged Syrian “chemical attack” wasn’t one, at all, as we suspected:
Interesting, OG, but it is from RT so ID (and Wild and Maxi?) may get over-excited.
I, too, would question its accuracy until a copy of the OPCW Report is in the hands of the UK Government and its precis is released. Assuming, of course, that it will be.
In the meantime a quote Theresa May from the Metro newspaper of 17 April: “Only Assad has barrel bombs and helicopters.” If the Metro report is accurate (I haven’t checked Hansard) I hope her intelligence was robust on that. She was addressing the House at the time.
If I recall correctly, the claimed ‘evidence videos’ did not show barrel bombs.
Also in the meantime, I do not recall the BBC reporting an official response to the OPCW Report on Salisbury from Putin. He has had it for some time now.
You would think the BBC might ask about that on air. It could be said to be equally as important as ‘Windrush’.
IF they cant find anything , when and how do we apologise to assad?
Tell him not to worry about his paperwork, offer him compensayshun and give him a UK passport ! simples !
Kaiser, the best thing the UK and the rest of the international community could do by way of reparation is stop the fighting and then help remove all the military weapons in private hands from the country. Stage 3 would be to carefully watch how the Syrian national army and police then behave.
Any breaches of good behaviour, then quick and total sanctions from all must follow.
Still no compliance, then there would be a valid argument for removing President Assad together with all of his henchmen.
I imagine the BBC will somehow explain that the historic peace talks in Korea are thanks to Obama. Their worst nightmare is happening: a successful Trump presidency.
Of course their ‘analysis’ of why North Korea is denuclearising does not once mention Trump. I imagine the sabre rattling of the most powerful man in the world might just have had a tiny effect. It sure is a massive conincidence that this happens just as Trump comes to power.
BB, “whatever did Obama do for Bury St Edmunds?”
(with h/t to Twitter poster on BBC QT Thread)
A heartwarming moment on Toady this morning.
Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein is interviewing Anthony Meyer ex UK ambassador to the US about Trump’s visit to the UK.
She is off on one of her snide agenda-driven lines. Cool as a cucumber Mayer replies
“If I may say so, that is a stupid question”.
Useless by name, useless by nature.
Unfortunately. Female, tick. Non-white, tick. Muslim, tick. Untouchable.
Yes, I heard his wonderful statement. Bet they won’t have him on again, the effrontery of the man to talk to a muslim female like that! Hurrah.
Picture. Hope it is not too large. Apologies if it is. Relatives scale wall in India to bring notes to assist medical students to cheat in exams.
BBC claim Visa rules are keeping overseas doctors from coming to the NHS
These Indian parents climbed a school wall to help their kids cheat on an exam {washingtonpost 2015}
Cheating in school tests is an old Indian problem.
But the malpractice literally scaled new heights this week in the eastern state of Bihar when relatives of 10th-grade students climbed the wall of a school building and perched precariously from windows of classrooms as they handed cheat sheets to children writing the tests inside.
Photographs and videos showing parents, friends and others scaling the school wall — Spiderman-style — went viral in India on Thursday. Police officers standing nearby watched helplessly.
A recent study by the Pratham Education Foundation showed that only 48 percent of fifth-grade students could read a second-grade textbook.
I’ve some first hand experience of this. At the time, 1 lakh rupees (100,000 rupees, about £1300 those days and worth more in India) would buy you a complete set of certificates ‘proving’ that you were a recently-qualified doctor – this included a bribe to the head of the medical school for his signature. But there’s also plenty of bright students and a lot of competition for genuine places in the good medical schools, so much so that a bribe of a similar amount (they call it ‘baksheesh’ in that part of the world) is usually payable to gain admission.
Jezza Whine Show this lunchtime, following Ruth Davidson’s announcement, just listening to lesbians talk about sperm – Bon Appetit!
Why would any bloke give his sperm to two lesbians, so they can play happy families without the father of the child having any say in its upbringing?
And what if the resulting child goes on to have sex with the child of the sperm donor, without knowing the genetic ties that bind the two kids concerned?
This is Islamic incest by the side door isn`t it?
Blokes really should not be giving sperm to lesbians-if they want to be “parents”-then that ONE thing we need men for.
Your USP-don`t toss it away…er…
Next up…Degrees in Female Masturbatory Sciences at Bielefeld Uni I believe?
Should you blokes be rooting for the same here? Got to be an EU grant and a Blair certificate for that, given we all know that most men are pretty damn good and practiced at this anyway.
Not sure how examinations and assessments would work out, imagine I`d need a white coat with a nurses outfit underneath. But better than teaching-and it would be useful I guess.
Amber Rudd and Theresa May …
… straw reduction … tick.
… gender reminder as Ruth Davidson is about to have baby from a stranger (Women/Women/Male Sperm) .. tick.
… 5% tax on plastic .. tick.
… UK Terrorist level lowered … fail.
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.
So, peace may be breaking out in Korea, partly thanks to Trump. Not bad for an insane war-monger, eh beeb?
Could this be a downside to diversity … How police line-ups jail the innocent
A growing number of Americans identified by witnesses from a row of suspects are having their convictions overturned. Campaigners want stricter rules on police line-ups to prevent more miscarriages of justice.
– “growing number” – 1 to 2?
– ‘growing’ – increase by 10,100,1000?
– Does it generally work?
Any number of celebrities can say nasty things about the President, and the BBC is just fine with that. But woe betide you if you say anything supportive.
But freedom of expression is great … Kathy Griffin holding a model of Donald Trump’s decapitated head ….

Dunno which head looks the worse
Maybe when the UK has a state visit they should look at this chart …
Death penalty around the world
Country Executions … Source: Amnesty Inernational … 2007 …
IRAN 1,663
IRAQ 256
The 2015 Xi Jinping United Kingdom visit, from 19 to 23 October 2015, was the first state visit of Xi Jinping to the United Kingdom. It also was the Chinese President’s first visit to the United Kingdom since 2005 and the second Chinese state leader to visit the UK after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit between 16 and 19 June 2014. During the visit, Xi met Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron, and also visited Manchester City F.C..
– CHINA THOUSANDS! Unknown! Could be millions!
If one takes out countries where religion is discouraged (NK, China), can anyone spot what peaceful religion might link Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria and others ?
Clearly this conundrum is beyond the powers of the high quality investigative journalists at the BBC.
Make it a proportion to population … executions per million of population …. more people should mean more bad people should mean more executions (if they do executions) …
China / 1.4 billion / ???? = ???
Iran / 80 million / 1663 = 20
Saudi / 32 million / 423 = 13
Iraq / 37 million / 256 = 6.91
Yemen / 27 million / 152 / = 5.62
PAKISTAN / 193 million / 171 = 0.88
USA / 325 million / 220 = 0.67
‘religion is discouraged (NK, China)’ – I would say that religion is the believe in the country and the leadership ….
. . . .
North Korean children were taught in school that they were fed, clothed and nurtured in all aspects by the “grace of the Chairman”.[23] The larger elementary schools in the country have a room set aside for lectures that deal specifically with Kim Il-sung (known as the Kim Il-sung Research Institute). These rooms are well taken care of, are built of high quality materials, and have a model of his birthplace in Mangyongdae-guyok.[31] The size of the images of him which adorned public buildings are regulated to be in proportion to the size of the building on which they hang.[32] His place of birth has also become a place of pilgrimage.[23]
Kang Chol-hwan wrote of his childhood in North Korea:
To my childish eyes and to those of all my friends, Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il were perfect beings, untarnished by any base human function. I was convinced, as we all were, that neither of them urinated or defecated. Who could imagine such things of gods?[33]
“Who could imagine such things of gods (North Korean Leaders)?” – 25 million citizens about to find out that their Leader uses a toilet … they are about to find out that they have been lied to ….
Institutional arrogance
EU gravy train
Jon Gaunt interview with Steven Woolfe, 25 April (40 mins)
‘We owe it to a group of people who helped build this country to make sure that Amber Rudd goes’ | Last night on @bbcquestiontime I was asked whether the Home Secretary should remain in her position following the #Windrush scandal {@HackneyAbbott}
– ‘we owe’ – to a group of people who got a better life (for their future generations) than if they had stayed in their original homeland?
– ‘group of people’ – not known how many yet, still using vague words.
– ‘helped build this country’ – agree.
– ‘Amber Rudd goes’ – successive Governments have failed on this.
– What about a women who does not read a report on securing the capital city of England? Should she get sacked as well?
For Amber Rudd, read “Jews”.
No further comment from Labour is needed ever again until there`s a few deaths up at their rancid top table.
I weep inside when I contemplate the growth of anti-semitism in this country.
Britain has always had a good record living with Jewish people. Few blips on the way but historically and compared with other parts of Europe, a record of tolerance and acceptance of a fine people. Removing Jewish children from their parents and bringing them up as Catholics, a practice common in the Papal States until the 1850s was never considered by the dear ole C of E. Despite a few local fascists in the 1930, nobody in this country considered a “final solution”.
So why are Jewish children having to be protected from violence in London schools? Why is a mainstream political party riven by anti-semitism, a fact proclaimed loudly by some of its own prominent members? The answers lie in identity politics and underlying those are the accommodations some feel we have to make with muslims.
The Labour party no longer wishes to represent the indigenous working class. It needs their votes so it pays lip service to their needs. But the middle class liberal elites that run the party despise everything about them from the food they eat to their patriotic leanings. The Labour party is now “me too” – driven by identities that get smaller by the day and conflict in ever increasing multiples.
At the heart of the party’s anti-semitism is Israel. The state is viewed as illegal and oppressive to local Arab populations. Its right to exist is questioned on the basis that it has stolen the land. Of course that contention is not quite borne out by the Old Testament that shows the Jews have been in the area for at least ten thousand years and as long as the Arabs. To date Israel is democratic with over one million Arabs on the voting register. It is surrounded by over 25 non-democratic Arab muslim countries.
Labour intellectuals first started getting interested in the so-called liberation of Palestine when the Arabs started chucking bombs around and murdering innocent civilians in the 1970s. Today the two Palestinian regions of Gaza and the Left Bank are armed camps bristling with rockets with children primed from an early age on local television to “kill all the Jews”. Muslims are not very keen on Jews. It is muslims that Jews fear in Britain, not the non-muslim majority.
If you throw your lot in with one identity group you make an enemy of the other. This is the path for the future Labour party, backed up of course by the BBC and the liberal media. It works in the student hall and among sections of the young but when most people grow up they realise that mainstream political parties have to govern in the interest of all, not just the ones that scream the loudest. If you think men in dresses ought to invade the thunder boxes reserved for females, you enrage your feminist audience. If you think it a good idea that three louche celebrities should bring their children up as “gender neutral”, you upset the rest of the population who think it is tantamount to child abuse. If you allow men who say they are women to compete in women’s sports, you destroy women’s sports.
If you want your government to be run on purely virtue signaling lines, put Lily Allen and Emma Watson in charge. Meanwhile back in the real world.
As you sink deeper and deeper into civil war, the cheers from your every decreasing minorities are eventually drowned out by the derision of the rest of us. Now here’s a thing – if a new party is to be formed, perhaps it could shape its policies to suit the community as a whole.
Just a thought – never work.
Great article Chris. It`s Friday, kids have scooted off back to their hellholes and I`ve got a chilled white in the fridge back home. And he`s bringing me a takeaway later on.
Good times.
And even better-an impressive Gerard Batten talks to the Greatest Living Englishman(sorry Ryan!)-and gives me plenty scope for hope.
It`s on my school computer too…maybe I want to lose my job!
UKIP Member of the European Parliament for London. Working for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. UKIP Leader & Brexit Spokesman.
. . . .
Shazia Hobbs, former domestic abuse victim has been suspended from Twitter for being an Ex Muslim and anti FGM campaigner.
If you are outraged by this, please share and let @Twitter know what you think.
. . . .
UKIP candidates elected on 3rd May will shine a spotlight on the ‘Grooming Gang’ issue, i.e. the Sexual Slavery of little girls. UKIP won’t ignore it as Labour have done.
. . .
This morning I was in an EU Parl Committee getting a Brexit update with Mr Verhofstadt. I was the only UK MEP who spoke up for Leave. The rest want to find a way of reversing Brexit. The battle for a real Exit from the EU is far from won.
. . . .
I am very sad to hear this morning of the death of Kalvin Chapman a loyal and committed UKIP member, branch officer, and candidate. He will be missed by us all. Our commiserations and sympathies go out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace.
. . .
I was interviewed by Tommy Robinson today. It will be up on his YouTube channel soon.
. . .
The British should be proud of their country: it’s history & traditions, it’s contributions to the rule of law, democracy, science, art & culture. And not least, for defying tyranny down the centuries. UKIP believes in Britain. Vote UKIP, join UKIP. Defend Britain.
. . .
This talk by Mark Steyn is absolutely brilliant as a critique of modern Britain. It’s nearly half an hour but well worth listening to.
. . .
‘Grooming gangs’ is a euphemism for sex slavery, practiced on ‘Kaffir’ girls who are considered less than human & fair game. Justified by the perpetrators because the teachings of the sex predator & sadist who invented their religion.
. . . .
Powerful speech by Labour MP John Mann on anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. It is truly shocking that he has to say this about his own Party in today’s Britain.
. . . .
President Macron in European Parliament this morning. He talked of ‘European Sovereignty’ in various aspects. ‘Economic, Defence, Banking, Taxation’ etc. He acknowledges people are critical of the EU but thinks more EU integration is the answer. Yet more ‘ever closer union’.
Very impressive. If we had an impartial BBC who broadcast this video and gave Mr Batten a platform UKIP vote wouls increase ten fold at least. Thank you
It seems Batten has a handle on all the main issues … Freedom of Speech, EU means more EU, Grooming is sadist r*pre of children (stop using grooming), one law for all (see my post on religion getting top billing for burials below), British history should be remembered (good and bad) and not used to bash the British, anti-semitism is within the Labour Party (even after Shami report).
By strange serendipity, Bill Cosby was convicted of three counts of sexual assault on the day Juanita Broaddrick marked the 40th anniversary of her rape by Bill Clinton. Mr Cosby is eighty years old and likely to die in prison; Mr Clinton is still, in every sense, at large. {steynonline 26apr2018}
Sadly, a possible piece of BBC dishonesty. It is just possible that Neil Nunes was trying to introduce some comedy and irony into BBC Radio Continuity (although I think it is ‘officially frowned upon’) after the 2pm News, by suggesting there has never been any dark comedy on BBC Radio 4. Had he used the word ‘successful’ before dark, he may well have been 100% correct.
He didn’t, and if the irony & comedy was unintentional, then Neil has allowed himself to be sucked into the BBC’s web of deceit and is now helping to help build it. The plot of the programme he trailed – the Afternoon Drama – sounded familiar to me. It was first broadcast on 16 February 2016.
Diane Abbott is quoting MP code of conduct now … this will get interesting … for all MPs …
1.3.c of the Ministerial code: “Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister.” {Diane Abbott – Twitter – on Amber Rudd resigning}
. . .
“Ministers (Shami Chakrabarti – THE SHAMI CHAKRABARTI INQUIRY – 30jun2016) who knowingly mislead Parliament (or their Party) will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister (or Leader).”
. . . .
Please God let Trump win the Nobel Peace Prize. Can you imagine how triggered they would be? I will be praying for it.
Here is more disgusting rubbish from the beeboids
Maybe someone can do a list of UK state visitors and list their biggest crimes … let the Government chop of citizen’s heads … ban women from owning a car or being independent … lives according to a document for the people rather than theocratic orders handed down from God … lets half the country defecate in the street … writes themselves into the countries constitution and increases term limit.
Marky .. glad to see you’re back to doing what you do best .. scything through the shit .. rather than all the Geedo anger .. just let it go !
Frosty reception!
Lots of snowflakes expected.
Not a chance in hell!
Trump has only brought about peace with a war mongering, nuclear power nutter. Obama received his peace prize for being black and a democrat. You dont get them for being orange and a republican.
But you are right, the sight of John Soppel or Katty Kay requiring smelling salts on air would be amusing.
Is that the BBC’s John Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) who promotes his own book on BBC twitter and BBC’s Katty Kay (@KattyKayBBC) who promotes her own book on twitter.
Does the BBC and TV Tax Payer request advertising money from Katty and John? I think the BBC TV Tax Payer have a write to get 5% of all royalties made on books advertised with the BBC handle or if mentioned on the BBC Network. Might be worth complaining to them ….
BBC show the truth …. people it shows feel hurt …. history is revised …. “In episode one, Oceans, a Lamaleran whale hunter named Benjamin Blikololong is shown supposedly harpooning a whale. “On review, the BBC does not consider that the portrayal of his role is accurate, although the sequence does reflect how they hunt whales.” { 27apr2017}
In 2015, it was revealed that a semi-domesticated wolf had been used in the John Hurt-narrated series as producers were unable to find any wild wolves.
In 2011, shots of a tarantula in a studio were used in an episode about the jungle in Venezuela.
– “does not consider that the portrayal of his role is accurate” – was he whaling or not? Is this a Hate Crime?
If there is a God in heaven, please let Trump win the Nobel peace prize for all his Korean efforts. Can you imagine what the reaction of the snowflakes will be? One will not be able to meet them and keep a straight face. Of course Trump could bring about world peace and get diddly-squat from the Norwegian lefties. So hilarious if he gets it and very instructive if he doesn’t.
I’m going to miss Trump when he finally goes.
That prize has been so devalued, I think he’d be better off without it.
When Mugabe can win the WHO Goodwill Ambassador (2017 for one week)… World Health Organisation …. when Mugabe gets his health treatments from a different country because his people have to rely on a poor service in his own country …. these organisations are trying to change people’s behaviour rather than reward good behaviour.
. . .
Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize { 2015}
“Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 failed to achieve what the committee hoped it would, its ex-secretary has said.”
“… (Nobel) committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr Obama.”
Religion has just superseded sanity …. A London coroner has been ordered by the High Court to change her “cab-rank” queuing policy for handling burials after it was ruled “unlawful”. { 27apr2018}
…. if someone creates a religion that says the new religion members must burn the body of the deceased immediately after they have died, without fail or they go to hell …. will the Government enforce that as well?
. . .
I (Sadiq Khan) welcome this decision by the High Court. It is right and proper the Coroner respects the religious sensitivities of Londoners. Crucial that a plan is now drawn up as soon as possible on how this will be implemented in the Inner North London area {@SadiqKhan}
. . .
Reply to Sadiq Khan “So as an atheist when I die I will go to the back of the queue. Straight to the back. Do NOT pass Go. Do not collect anything. So happy this is getting sorted before murders, congestion, bad public transport, rising crime ratrs #khanage #wastedvote”
. . .
A terrorist blows up an innocent child, but the terrorist is religious so has to be buried before the victim?
Is that how it will work?
Equality before the law has just vanished.
Lord Justice Singh said the policy set by Ms Hassell was discriminatory and must be quashed
So treating people equally is now “discriminatory”!! Lewis Carroll must be laughing in his grave.
What the hell is happening … it’s like people don’t even listen to what they are saying. We have made more people equal than others through our new equality law that gives privilege to ones who are more equal, so we are now all equal!
Official recognition of “The Religion of Special Needs”.
Just above the funeral parlour …
Why is it?
On the BBC,ITV,Channel 4.5 and Sky, political commentators will not use the term Muslim when discussing Labour’s anti semite problem.
Instead they go out of their way to say only that the Labour Party are not very sympthetic with Isreal.
Even on Question Time last night, the audience didn’t use the word Muslim to describe anti semites. The referred to the PLA. Were they told not to use the word Muslim? I’d like to know.
The opponents of the Jewish people are indeed Muslims. Labour value the Muslim vote as it hugely outnumbers the Jewish vote. Why don’t the Tories mention this prejudice.
After all, Labour is the Immigrant Party. The party of non British people. The party who supports the undercutting of the working man/woman with cheap foreign immigrant labour yet pretends to be for the working class!
There is no problem with Islam and Israel … oh, wait …. “Among the features on new app Soroush are a series of emojis featuring a chador-clad woman clutching a picture of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.”
– You will notice that the BBC dare not put Israel in the title of the story “Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji”</strong?
Toxic Masculinity has a new name … “Viewpoint: Spain rape case highlights enduring machismo { 27apr2018}“
A journalist on Sky right now, 7.15 on Friday, saying about the Korean peace break through, “of course President Trump will want to take credit for this ….”
She then used the word “but”, before showering the bemused viewers with all sorts of nonsense about why others are actually responsible.
No doubt by the end of next week it will be President Obama who made it all happen. Maybe Obama should get another peace prize, he hasn’t had one for 8 years.
This might be one of those rare occasions where Sky has been beaten to a story by the BBC. The liars at Broadcasting House have already been pushing that narrative all day.
Maybe the last on this thread? We subscribe to something called TV Mucho, at about one third of the TV Licence, to watch our limited interests in UK broadcasting. We have just finished watching Gardeners World. Now, a few weeks ago, I remember Monty Don, after a 30 minute program, apologising that next week they were going to be off air, but after that, they were going to be on air for a full hour for the rest of the season of programs. He failed to tell us that the missing week was for a football match, but Wales v England female football would not interest us anyway. So, he has just apologized that Gardeners World will be off air next week. AS WELL? As we live in France, we do not know why, as the TV listings available have only reached Thursday. Any ideas?
Capitan .. unfortunately the PC/diversity driven agenda is even now worming it’s way into the beloved hallowed halls of Gardener’s World .. anyone who watched last week’s programme will know what I’m on about … is nothing sacred ! ??
We tax payers have generously funded a deeply disturbing play entitled “The Assassination of Katie Hopkins”.
Can you imagine the reaction had it been called “The Assassination of Diane Abbot” or “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton”?
Another tax payer funded organisation, the BBC, employs the ridiculous Mary beard to explain that Katie Hopkins “might well even enjoy it.”
I’m sure Mary, but coming from the woman who burst into tears because some people on twitter said rude things about her, I suspect that had it been called, “The Assassination of Mary beard”, Mary may have been less sanguine. Mary beard also took pictures of her upset self to share with the world on social media. What a sensitive soul.
Obviously, the fact that two Muslims went to prison for plotting to behead Katie Hopkins isn’t going to play on the minds of the BBC or the Guardian, which also reviews it. Not least because such news may have been censored by them, so they would be ignorant of the facts. However, at what point does the hate speech of the tax payer funded left move onto the radar of the police?
BTW, there are eight links on the bbc page to other Front Row items:
Radical Chic, about “Leonard Bernstein partying with the black panthers”.
Voodoo Macbeth, “Orson Welles diversity landmark”.
David Oyelow “Hollywood’s diversity champion in quotes”
Vote 100: “Revealing your favourite works of art by women”
Two others on a woman artist and a woman director plus, the only non Guardian piece on the page: how to win an Oscar.
The BBC travels up its own back side at a rate of knots.