Silence from the dab wireless in the fedup household . I just cannot bring my self to press the “on “ button for Toady .
But I’m guessing they’ll be going on about illegal immigration and doing away with all immigration laws . In truth it wouldn’t make any difference as we are overwhelmed already .
A white cardinal has committed sexual offences! Glorious news for the BBC. All they need to do is give it absurdly disproportionate coverage like with Worboys and people will see this molehill as the same size of the mountain of ROP offenders. They even have a reporter bravely holidaying in Sydney to report; it is clearly not such s problem if you have to travel to the other side of the world to find a newsworthy incident.
Can you imagine what must be said behind closed doors at the BBC?
“All these hideous whites keep getting raped and tortured. Rather than protect them let’s do everything humanly possible to find white perpetrators of sex crimes, even if these offences are not remotely like the industrialised child rape gangs which have proliferated under our watch.”
Maxi tried the same tactic the other day listing white sex offenders to shield his Muslim paedophile rape gangs. I’d been restrained with maxi , and evil apologists like him, up to then but not now.
“Maxi tried the same tactic the other day listing white sex offenders to shield his Muslim paedophile rape gangs.”
I posted that list with no comment whatsoever. You’ve interpreted it in such a way that it fits comfortably with your own personal narrative.
That’s your narrative, not mine.
It’s not some sort of sick competition between brown sex offenders vs white sex offenders. They are all part of the same problem.
Rapists don’t rape because they are white, brown, christian, muslim or any other convenient category you’d like to shove them into (as far away from yourself as possible). They rape because they are twisted individuals. Nothing more.
And if one recognizable group of people is obviously doing it on a far greater scale than any other than it is wrong to point it out I suppose?
For the greater good of course!
I have forgotten the name and the party of the MP who suggested that they grooming gang victims should “shut up” for the sake of diversity.
Dear me , I have also forgotten the religion the MP belonged to, but I think it may be the one that you support Maxi, you know, the one where women are put in black sacks.
Yes, child abuse is pretty much institutional among imams. Some years ago in Dakar, children were being abused and sent out to beg. To my surprise , some of the imams were prosecuted but I don’t know the result. BBC didn’t send a reporter , even though there are some nice hotels there.
I put part of this up earlier. Having seen the Lords latest attack on Brexit, and the implied support from the BBC’s coverage of the event, I think the Commons should reconsider the Act of 1649.
March, 1649
House of Lords useless and dangerous to be continued, wholly abolished.; Some qualified Lords to have free Vote in Parliament, if elected;
The Commons of England assembled in Parliament, finding by too long experience, that the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the People of England to be continued, have thought fit to Ordain and Enact, and be it Ordained and Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That from henceforth the House of Lords in Parliament, shall be and is hereby wholly abolished and taken away; And that the Lords shall not from henceforth meet or sit in the said House called The Lords House, or in any other House or Place whatsoever, as a House of Lords; nor shall Sit, Vote, Advise, Adjudge, or Determine of any matter or thing whatsoever, as a House of Lords in Parliament: Nevertheless it is hereby Declared, That neither such Lords as have demeaned themselves with Honor, Courage and Fidelity to the Commonwealth, nor their Posterities who shall continue so, shall be excluded from the Publique Councils of the Nation, but shall be admitted thereunto, and have their Free Vote in Parliament, if they shall be thereunto elected, as other persons of Interest elected and qualified thereunto, ought to have.
Otherwise to have no Priviledge.
And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Peer of this Land, not being Elected, Qualified, and sitting in Parliament as aforesaid, shall claim, have or make use of any priviledge of Parliament, either in relation to his Person, Quality or Estate, Any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding..”
Apparently the Palace of Westminster has to be closed Down to be done up . What better time to end the House of Lords and move parliament somewhere more suitable like Birmingham , hull, stoke or some northern powerhouse ?
Great idea. Maybe one of the remote Shetland Islands such as Linga. I believe it was up for sale at £250K at one time with plenty of unused buildings included.
Once they have learned the difference between representation and ruling they can then return.
If. I may say so you’re a bit soft . I’d go further . I’d redraft the boundaries so there is fairer representation based on population and anyone who doesn’t like like can resign . There is never shortage of mediocre politicians . I’d obviously cut the overall number too, ban employment of relatives and. reduce their pensions , close the bars and end subsidies . A lot of them made up traditions could go too.
Maxi – know why you posted that list . You play infant games trying to bait decent people here but we all know what the implication of your list was.
You attempt to take a higher moral high ground looking down on us like many of your kind . But decent people see through you. You’re a disgrace maxicony. I’ve been ignoring your snide posts but no more . Can I kindly suggest you go back to the guardian or the al beeb house magazine rather than getting me to respond to your obvious baiting . … Chinese are at it … is there some reason they did this? Some past reasoning? We will never know …. £3.5bn for omissions ….
. . .
A Canadian human rights tribunal has ruled that a restaurant discriminated against black customers by making them pre-pay for their meal.
Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant, in Toronto’s Chinatown, has been fined C$10,000 ($8,000; £5,700).
Godwin’s Law : If you start ranting about Hitler/Jews you’ve lost the debate.
Lord Newby had his chance to make a logical reasoned debate, but no he went for calling people Nazis.
Radio 4
9:30 Not enough female economists …. (not enough male kindergarden teachers ?)
9: 45am Benjamin Zephaniah reads his autobiograph
12:04 Special Victimhood : Being Muslim in America Dalia Elmelige tells the story of her life.
12:15 Call You and Yours: How hostile or tolerant is the UK, in your personal experience, to immigration?
13:45 Factory Girls in China
8pm The Invisible Man of Britain’s Far Right
An investigation into the anti-immigration, anti-Muslim organisation Knights Templar International.
(There’s been World Service progs before about this org that help patrol Hungary’s borders against illegals.
They just call the guy Dowson)
Pug – Ah m’luds the ol “tyranny of democracy” about time someone dealt with it once and for all – Hear! hear!
“Smithers! get my purdey oiled”
What I would like to say is that the the Lords need to start living in the real world. However I think that they do. With successive governments desperate to appease the left leaning media and globalist bodies such as the EU, this in fact is the reality, and democracy these days counts for little.
It us that need to wake up and not the Lords who have always been more than adapt at feathering their own nest at the expense of democracy and truth. With their privilege and free rides on the gravy train at risk over Brexit they will be more than happy at turning us into a EU vassal state if they get to keep their access to the free stuff.
I think without doubt we are now entering a “post democratic” period.
If we we want to keep it we need to start defending it.
The remainers (majority) in the Lords are either in receipt of an EU pension, in line for an EU pension, or brain dead. So they have voted for the amendment.
The remainers (majority) in the Commons are either lined up for EU pensions and/or elevation to the Lords, propagandised to within an inch of their life, or insane. They will vote this through if given the chance.
None of the remainers in either house care about this country. When they say ‘national interest’ they mean ‘my interest’. Commons remainers love the Lords – at the moment.
Would the BBC report on such a thing? The BBC tackles items as individual events … not related in anyway … that way we do not offend of hurt anyone … no friction of ideas …
The nature of domestic violence is complicated by both a national culture and authoritative state that support control, oppression and violence against women. “The government does so by promoting fundamentalist ideas of women as properties of men. It does so by setting up an unequal legal system and not punishing assault even when it has resulted in severe injury or at times even death. The conversation of domestic violence then cannot be simply domestic but begins to take the shape of a systematic violence, fueled by tradition, ignited by religion, encouraged by the dominant authoritarian state, and empowered by poverty and illiteracy.”
– “Although the Iranian society is starting (2018) to recognize the issues surrounding beating women in Islamic household, many Muslims are reluctant to admit such issues exist. ”
Their unelected Lordships haven’t a clue about how executive government works. Not a clue.
How is our little petition going?
On a different angle: caught a minute of R4 this am. A lady, (Prof Sam Churchill?) was attacking conservatism by lambasting the ‘America First’ slogan. It was really a ‘racist’, ‘dog-whistle’ slogan, she said. Apparently linked to the Ku Klux Klan.
The Trump-bashing is reaching a crescendo of the absurd. My new phrase.
Forget Shakespeare, Marlowe, Chaucer, Donne, Marvell, Milton, Herbert, Pope, Dryden, Wordsworth, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Dickens, Clare, E Thomas, Sassoon, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, WH Auden, WB Yeats, Walter de la Mere, Graham Greene, etc etc etc
Benjamin Zepheniah is in. Official from the Beeb.
Benjamin who ?? must be a mate of someone at the Beeb. Yes, its tragic of the abuse he suffered, but honestly ? there are so many jumping on the bandwagon of childhood abuse/bullying, /reformed drug addicts, / lifetime of depression, /menopausal issues, / that I’m all sympathied out. It might seem shameful, but unless it affects my family I’m not in the least bit interested, and because of the relentless publicity they get, I think we’ve all become immune to other peoples ‘issues’.
I often wonder how many people actually buy these autobiographies from such people. It can only be a handful of those who can read. May mean most of his ‘followers’.
It must be wonderful to be exempt from criticism. You can:
Call yourself a poet
Produce music that is not identifiable as music
Get away with violent lyrics
Use words that are otherwise considered racist
Put on a hugely overrated musical
Win a music competition
Win a baking competition
Form a pickup orchestra and be invited to reopen a concert hall, attracting ridiculously lavish praise
Be miscast in a play or film without anyone noticing.
When Stormzy (friend of Jeremy Corbyn, seen at GQ Magazine Awards) sang “We should burn your (Theresa May) house down and see if you can manage this” and everyone in the audience of Brit Awards clapped … were the audience, including the host Jack Whitehall, all agreeing with what Stormzy said and they want to join in on the act (we) … is this inciting violence?
There was an interesting Panorama last night which was reasonably intelligent for current al beeb levels .
It highlighted a wrongful conviction of a man for rape . The ‘ victim’ and prosecution had not disclosed the full Facebook account which destroyed the prosecution case.
What panorama did not mention is the pressure media and politicians put on the police and prosecution to get rape convictions -remember? . So that’s what they go and do.
This programme shows what the effect of ‘ campaigns’ by msm can be. Evil
It’s one of things which many people never notice because they only moan to themselves but when one is on the receiving end it does tend to sound an alarm.
The seemingly inevitable coming labour government will have a field day with sites like this which will be deemed a threat to something or other .
VD prog about the autistic woman at the cinema. No body there to put an alternative view. Like, how their enjoyment of the film was destroyed by the antics of this woman.
Understandable as the judiciary become, “multicultural” aka, simply ‘looking after their own’. What could be more fair than the ‘cab rank rule’? Expect to see more of this as they ingratiate themselves in the fabric of UK society. Helped naturally by those liberal lefties that infest the system. Oh! if only I could buy an aerosol can from the hardware store to deal with the infestation…….
The supreme court is meeting about the Bakery case in NI. It will be interesting as the Coroner case is the exact opposite. Will the Supreme court bite the bullet and sort out religion versus homosexuality versus equality.
BBC Complaint Summary: I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Blimey Fred -that nailed it -the coffin – that is . I bet they buy his coffin on expenses and every one who goes to the funeral will claim for the transport and flowers .
Daily Politics today
Well done Gerard Batten
I have just watched him destroy a pathetically weak drip of a Liberal politician,Layla Moran taken to task over Islam.
He time and again reiterated the fact that he is opposed to the literalist faith not the people who do not act out the faith in the literal sense. The faith is incompatible with Britain. It is an anti semite religion.
The BBC tried to set him up again as a racist and claimed that Muslims don’t dislike Jews.
So he quoted from memory the Hadith
‘judgement day will not come, until the Muslims fight the Jews.
And the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees,and the rocks and the trees wil cry out.
Oh Muslim, oh faithful servant of Allah there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’
Tories and Labour have condemned him. Because they- as a group- are PC and pathetic and anti in maintaining of the British culture. I know that will annoy many of you on this site. But care,I not.
Great. Sock it to them Gerard. Make Gerard Batten the permanant Leader of UKIP forthwith.
The BBC have a long, long history of labelling opponents of Islam as racists.
Even our pet rabbit knows that Muslim is not a race. However, those who are bold enough to question the religion are labelled/implied as racists by the BBC,ITV,Channel4,Channel5 and Sky.
Islam is not a race. There are those who say it is not a religion, more of a cult or an ideology. Perhaps a religious-based ideology would be an accurate description. But in current UK legislation, there is no distinction made between race, religion or nationality when it comes to matters such as discrimination or aggravated criminal behaviour. It may be politically motivated – essentially to shut up the indigenous population – but that’s the reason why the BBC and courts etc take the position they do.
Yes, Batten made a pleasant change from the interminable Windrush bilge.
Joke O’Burn seemed unusually jolly for some reason.
The Font of Truth seems to have convinced itself recently that public attitudes towards immigration have changed dramatically.
Apparently, we are all on our knees begging for more enrichment. There was a clueless trio pushing the same line on Newsshite last night.
which is more believable the iranian documents or the piss gate documents, yet which does the so called bbc choose to discredit and which does it choose to push
which is more dangerous Iran with Nuclear weapons or trump pissing on a bed
really what kind of news (sic) organisation is this
I wanted to hear the weather before 1pm . Caught some phone in – no doubt about immigration and the beeboid said to some phoner inner -“ so you think the British don’t like foreigners !” In a surprised voice. “That’s right” said the caller -who apparently came from the islands at the invite of some insane Blighty government .
Claim:Up to 57,000 Commonwealth-born people who arrived in the UK before 1971 could lose their homes, jobs, benefits, NHS treatment, or be threatened with deportation.
Fact: This is the number of Commonwealth-born people living in the UK in 2017 who arrived before 1971, and self-report as not being a UK citizen. They have the right to remain in the UK indefinitely but some have recently had problems proving their eligibility.
We don’t know how many have had such problems, and some who are UK citizens could also be affected.
“UK border checks have been branded “shambolic” after it emerged the Home Office has lost track of more than 600,000 people who should have left the country in the past two years.”
It may be that 57,000 Commonwealth citizens arrived in Britain before 1971. However, the people we are meant to be worried about from the “Windrush Generation” are the ones who did not bother to regularise their position in 1973, despite the government advertising at the time urging them to do so.
They are also the ones who have lived and worked in Britain since the 1950s, but who apparently did not manage to leave a trace on our bureaucracy. No work record, no PAYE, no NI, no rent books, no mortgages, no driving licences, no insurance, no foreign travel. Not even a library card, it would seem.
I really applaud anyone who can go off grid like that for over 50 years. My only surprise is that anyone from our utterly useless Home Office ever managed to track any of them down.
Iran have been sending 98% of its uranium to Russia.
The plans for the construction of five nuclear warheads are under way.
Well who at the outset would have thought that would not happen?
I know -an idiot.
Who is this idiot?
Why of course it is Barack Obama. The nob Hell peace prize winner. The winner for doing nothing. The President who achieved nothing.
Black America like him because they are racist. Lefties like him because they are idiots. If you are Black and a Lefty and you like Obama that must make you a racist idiot.
BTW did you know that Hitler and Stalin were both once recommended/short listed to receive the Nobel peace prize. Fact.
BBC reporter Ahmad Shah killed in Afghanistan attack
– A BBC reporter has been killed in the east Afghan province of Khost, on a day of attacks which left nearly 40 people dead, other journalists among them. Ahmad Shah, 29, had worked for the BBC Afghan service for more than a year.
And the Greek Syriza lefties are banking on making these 100, 000 charmers into voting citizens so they can win another term.
All online, no need for interview or to know any Greek.
THIS is what the Left are doing, ever more brazenly.
Replacing native voters with endless welfare grifters who`ll always vote for the Left that pay, the Muslims who pray with them.
Really dangerous, wonder if Greece has any fight left any more?
Years of drift and no work, no money and your best kids leaving.
Bet the Turks are behind some of this too. Erdogan is that kind.
What a tragedy, we know what we owe them. Maybe that`s why the EU want them crushed for Islams benefit. Man Is First Person Sentenced Under Malaysia's Anti-Fake-News Law Danish citizen Salah Salem Saleh Sulaiman was charged with spreading fake news after he posted a video to YouTube accusing police in Kuala Lumpur of a slow respons…
Imagine the reaction in 19th century London at the height of Empire to the deaths of men, women and children from Mohammedan bombs. Now hard little Malaysians show the guts we, and most of Europe, used to have.
Who is speaking for the brexiteers ? Telling the EU where to go when they are just being high and mighty . Border issues are as much a problem for them to overcome as for the UK .
Personally I’m feeling more offended about the stick up to come as there is little political resistance .
Don`t think there needs to be Fedup2.
We all know the nature of our elites,not one of them dared to grasp the nettle when we the people voted as we did.
Who needs them
Come next year, their laws won`t matter any more that than the BBC or the Houses of Parliament do.
We want out-could not have been easier, their bluff was called.If they now try to renege on that unconditional declaration they gave us, then who here will continue to be “democratic”? The Left don`t-the liberal fascists are bankrupt, relying only on our good manners and patience. All gone. We`ve had civil wars before, might be fun. Certainly we`ve had enough. And I`m still young enough to fight a little. And what a cause they`re giving us!
I wonder if the military has gamed civil disorder needing to be resolved by EUreich military forces to unify Europe under the benign control of the president -such as Blair , Patton or Hezza.
Sounds plausible to me, if they`re that clever. but think they`re genuinely stupid and unaccountable enough not to need to plan.
The Army top brass are the same elite as those at the BBC, but we`ll subvert as well as do things openly as needs be.
Don`t want to meet my maker knowing that I left my kids THIS as an inheritance. The Jews and others took on the Roman Empire at risk of crucifixion as it died bit by bit as they lived to watch its decay and weak spots. They had Nero and worse to contend with.
Not Clegg and bad vibes from the buffet we`re mug enough to give them for life.
Just look at who opposes us-is there one of them who`d make you think we`d lose?
I`m still ashamed that this lot walk our streets, and no-one threatens them as traitors or fifth columnists. How many Heyrichs are we willing to let rule us then?
Brexiteers are being stuffed…it is so frustrating. BBC and Remainers on their project fear again. Today at lunch time they allow a Tory Remoaner to makes statements like ‘ people didn’t vote for an 8% drop in GDP’ and went on about how wages will drop, jobs will go etc..and the BBC didn’t challenge at all…and how ‘polls (not specific) support another referendum
What makes me ‘laugh’ is the Remoaners argue people didn’t understand what they were voting for – but now they want people to have a say on the terms of Brexit – well if ‘people’ didn’t understand what they were voting for with a simple question – how will they unravel the details of Brexit …
We do need somebody with proverbial ‘Brexit balls’ but I can’t see it at the moment
I can’t believe I admire some Labour members for standing up to this ridiculous PC attitude to self-identification!
So, while the Labour party is in a shambles under Corbyn, the MSM are too busy shouting ‘Windrush!’ and pointing at Rudd, May, Javid, blah blah blah. Talk about bias.
R4 now – making a big fuss about it (Sainbury guy singing) …funny I haven’t heard the BBC promote Trump for the Nobel Peace prize – despite the President of S Korea saying he should get it.
This is what we pay the BBC for – to report things from ITV and not something they don’t agree with
I’d like to know what their fuss is about. Is he not allowed to be happy because he’s made a lot of money for himself and shareholders?
If so, then they should apply this logic to the salaries of Lineker and Evans.
Swedish meatballs are actually Turkish – cultural appropriation then. Stop serving them. Give them back. Of course the bBBC are actually telling you this because Islam invented all great things including meatballs (not with pork in them, of course). Nobody else had thought to make spherical balls of mashed up meat. So Sweden is really Islamified. If you didn’t already know.
I saw this and it is typical of the lazy must be let’s change mental health laws not to section mentally ill people – but only if they are non white?
Maybe a better response is to ask why – maybe there are more mental health issues with some sections of that population just like diabetes is 4 times higher in Arab population..and migraine 3 times more common in women…it’s not racist or sexist just genetics…
“Black people are 4 times more likely to be sectioned”
As a generalisation – they are distrustful of mental health services so they do not seek help in the early stages of their illness, and when it becomes acute they won’t come in voluntarily. If they need to be in hospital but refuse to come in they have to be sectioned. The alternative is to leave them untreated, but that is both unethical and dangerous.
All this has been known for years and was analysed repeatedly in the annual Count Me In Census which ran from 2005 to 2011.
You can always add in other factors. This is a paragraph from the 2011 Report:
“There is a need to move on from counting patients to understanding more about the factors that lead to hospital admission, such as ethnic differences in the rates of mental illness, the socio-economic and other disadvantages faced by some BME communities, and the ways in which patients enter the care environment – for instance, patients from some ethnic groups are much more likely to be referred from the criminal justice system than other groups.”
1. Crime
2.Strong Drugs
3. Weapons.
4.No dads sticking around
5, No effort to teach them anything-the boys especially
6. Rap and gang culture
7. Introducing black Africans from places we had no history in worth the bother-and mixing them blithely with those who grew up with us here.
8. Scarman and MacPherson.
9, The likes of Lammy and Abbott, Boateng as role models in public life.
An utter tragedy for their old folk, who are tired, defeated and being played for fools. Only the social clubs care homes and dying churches that they built are left, and will die with them, Great people, deserved much better , Bloody BBC and Labour think them as their pets, they should have sloughed them off way back in 81.
The BBC treat Heseltine with the sycophantic deference due to a member of the nobility – which the vain lout laps up as though it were his right – although only his height makes him appear patrician. All the rest is spurious, unearned and unjustified.
In fact he was a sharp practising publisher much like Maxwell though less successful, making enough money to purchase a place in society from over-priced print. Little better than an immoral spiv in a Saville Row suit, David Sullivan is the more honest of the two.
Heseltine is surely a Marxist plant.
He has destroyed all Tory initiative, philosophy and hollowed out anybody who had principle or ability.
Quite the worst living knotweed that the idiot dopey Conservatives have ever let grow up the spire.
I think he`s Nicholas Van Hoogstraten-who at least is honest about being evil.
He`s ended in failure but brings down all whilst he can, bet Soros or Bildenberg, the EU love this vain nomark.
Should have died in Venice 97, stuff the Italians for sending him home.
Dog strangling monster.
The real irony of the ‘trade’ label is that many of today’s kow-towed and respectable aristocracy did just that, traded – and to make matters worse a significant number of the ‘great’ families, the Tates, Cadburys, Wills, Gilbeys et al made most of their money from the slaves they exported, rather than the sugar, tobacco and so on they imported. Still, they built a good few – a higher proportion than any other country – large and ostentatious houses for the National Trust to take advantage of – or are we the ones being conned?
“Brexit: Government defeat in Lords over terms of meaningful vote”
What on earth was the referendum all about? Why did Cameron spend £ 9M on a leaflet that was posted through every door in the land if a cabal of unelected troughers can scupper it?
Abolish the House of Lords …………………
Taff – I notice that the woman sitting next to that bloke who was once PM didn’t object to what he said .
Shame that segment has been forgotten by al beeb and the rest of the political bubble.
Yes, was thinking about the autistic thing…after the compensation for waiting in line too long at the fair. So, now, in a theatre play, during a tense, quiet moment, its ok for certain minorities to make a noise. Or during an exam. Or a snooker/golf match. OK everyone?
Anyway, Asperger’s will have to be renamed and erased from memory:
So, ‘chukky doll’ Burley won. Well, with so many kids doing the reporting, she didn’t have much competition ! (mind you, any further face lifts and she’ll be younger than they are – miaow)
Throwing my bras away with that muppets name on them.
Can`t stand her, wonder if Jill Dando ever got the replacement that she merited.
Would she wear a parka with a roundel on the back I wonder?
BBC News today reporting on upcoming elections in London only mentioning three Conservative areas which are in danger of falling to Labour (they hope). The reporter reckoned one of those areas might be difficult to swing though because many Jews live there! 🙁
Labour clean sweep on the cards . A whole night of the mayor of londonistan auditioning for the top job courtesy of al beeb – unless Brillo is in the hot seat . Then worth watching but if it’s dumbly – off switch time and leave it to maxi to jerk him/ her/it’s self off .
I’ll never going back to anywhere near the place. Worked there for forty years, loved the beer, the huge work and business potential, the friends, the job, the cameraderie, the girls, the great sarnies, the buzz.
Feck off Khan, you’re the problem, you need to believe you’ve failed a great city, but you’re so fecking thick you couldn’t understand what real people think about the real proper London.
I repeat, just get out of the way; piss off, bugger off, you’re utterly useless.
(BBBC ‘experts’, please take this as an exercise in ‘gender studies’, or maybe some other stupid thing you’ve dreamed about and need advice on).
Sense that the BBC and Labour only care about Windrush because they`ve yet to find a Jew who came over on it. It was a Nazi ship as well, prior to our rebadging it-so the BBC and Labour would like that.
If only the Jews would fiddle the votes, then the Left might care. As it is ,we`re going to get 110% turnouts to stay in the EU and they`ll put Corbyn in charge within months if we don`t deal with Labour and the BBC pronto.
If you saw BBC 2’s Daily Politics you would have been bewildered.
Jo Coburn pretended she didn’t know Muslims were anti-Semitic. It surely can’t be that she, and the social dems person with her, didn’t know that Islam sorta doesn’t get on with Jewish people?
Clearly, she doesn’t watch BBC’s Panorama which has twice exposed the anti-Semitism in Islamic schools in the UK. Nor has she seen the BBC News web page quoting Angela Merkle admitting that the increase in the attacks on Jewish people in Germany is due to the influx of Muslims.
Perhaps Jo Coburn doesn’t know that Jewish nurseries in Belgium have armed guards to protect pre school children from Muslim armed assaults. Could she really be unaware of the numbers of Jewish people being forced out of Paris because of the increase in Muslim attacks on Jews?
I wonder if Jo Coburn is in the right job. I wonder if the BBC is in the right job.
Scrib – like many al beeb programmes I gave up on DP after Brillo got sacked / left. Coburn is just another beeboid hoping to get the Humph seat on Toady that overlong overblown flagship programme.
The viewing figures must be high in Westminster but elsewhere ? Watching to get a DP mug .
In beeb world there is not inate hate – it’s just a misunderstanding .
They are crowing about students being expelled for private comments in a Whatsapp group which were racist. They were clearly a joke – obviously they did not really intend to get slaves from Mauritania.
Criminal responsibility should involve mens rea (guilty mind) and actus reus (guilty act.) if you actually intended to teach a dog to burn Jews or start a slave colony in Exeter you would be a criminal. If you just have a somewhat off-kilter sense of humour and have no intention whatsoever of doing anything beyond saying things you are not a criminal.
That private conversations were disseminated and a harsh punishment ensued sets a dark precedent, as any comment said in any state of anger, intoxication or context can lead to a life being ruined by someone with an axe to grind. This is how they lived under Stalin. That our national broadcaster cheerleads the whole shameful business makes it so much worse.
I’ve beeb trying to game how the resignation of dr Liam Fox after Wednesdays’ Cabinet meeting will go down with the MSM . I’m thinking that it will be more weakness for the current PM.
I’d hope it might be some clever chess game to deceive the ReichEU but I fear our politicians have neither the guile nor intellect nor willingness to fight for the democratic vote of the majority .
It’s similar to the butcher in staffs who put up signs with double entendres about ‘large breasts’ for sale – then getting a warning from the local old bill despite no complaint by any member of the public . Some sort of selected Puritanism on the part of officials paid by the state .
Personally in Fedup2 world that copper would be sacked and his picture name and address published as a warning to others seeking to destroy free speech and our way of life .
Always has been. Way too freewheeling, creative and anarchic, always liable to swerve out of their control. The Chinese know this, the USSR used to know it all too well.
Hence the fact that the BBC have failed to make us laugh since Ricky Gervais left tot the USA, leaving us with only Oxbridge deviants with the right profile getting quiz shows etc to sneer at the rest of us.
Comedy died with Russell Brand in 2008, and we all saw what the left finds funny as Mrs Thatcher died.
The real people of this country settled onto Netflix to watch Early Doors and Mark Steyn.
Only their Oscar awards or manic overdrive on women and disabled sports are remotely amusing these days. Not usure it`s meant to be funny though.
Has there ever been a gag about the EU, Blair or Obama? QED.
“Heard something about some bloke from the Knights Templar on Radio 4 at 8pm earlier.
I never asked the BBC to play Interpol coppers nark, snitch and stoolie-but they`d do it for fun.”
Oh no! A programme about your favourite (“some bloke”, cough!) anti-jew, anti-muslim, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-female, violent neo-nazi.
No wonder you’re annoyed.
“They call us ignorant, xenophobic, racist and stupid.”
I see you have been busy defending the grooming gangs. Is it because of your political correctness or are you one of the thousands who are getting a piece of the action with little girls, or in your case, boys?
your sarcasm is duly noted, as it is every time you post a comment.
You are clearly in the ‘they’ camp and hold the same condescending and contemptuous views as the rest of the ‘enlightened’ who occupy your world order.
I would engage further on your views regarding the MSM and Brexit in general (for e.g.) but I cannot see past the snide sneering one liners of which you are so fond and to be honest, I can’t be arsed.
Think on this though. Many normal citizens ( and I include myself here) with normal middle of the road views are now being pushed toward a harder, less forgiving and frustrated countenance by the likes of you and your fellow bubble travellers.
Have a good one.
Remember Maxi’s post a few weeks back screaming at us saying that he knew was a particular terrorist was NOT Muslim.
It was revealed later, that said terrorist was indeed Muslim
..there was no apology from Maxi
.. Truth doesn’t seem to be a motivation for him.
‘A once in a generation decision’
‘The referendum on Thursday, 23rd June is your chance to decide’
‘This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide’
They call us ignorant, xenophobic, racist and stupid.
They consider themselves our betters – failed politicians who lied to their people, dishonest Lords who stole from their people and a British state broadcaster who promotes and aligns themselves with our enemies and competitors.
Do they really think that stealing our democratic votes will put this country back together?
Do they think we, the silent majority, will quietly disappear into the night and forgive this traitorous and heinous dishonesty? Rhetorical question.
Unless we manifest our frustration and anger at the current political direction of travel then we shall be annexed by the European State of the EU and will be governed by fifth columnist puppets who hate our history, hate our culture and hate our country.
Well put honestus. You have summed things up very effectively.
I think it would be a good idea to print that as a one page leaflet/ poster and stick it up around the country on lampposts, bus stops etc and in letter boxes around the country. As long as the BBC has a monopoly on political thought and propaganda the Resistance has to use other ways of getting its message across.
Whatever happened to the Skripals? Heard nowt in ages.
I thought al Beebus would have interviewed Yulia by now or at least that detective, after all it’s not everyone who survives a good dousing with “Weapon Grade Russian Nerve Agent”.
Still no descriptions of any suspects nor grainy photos stripped from CCTV footage: “Have you seen this man?”
Curiouser and curiouser – maybe ID could fill us all in, when he’s not denouncing any theories other than HMG’s bulls**t; yet his appearances here seem as casual as maxi’s.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Iran lied. And the useless O’Barmy and beebistan bought it hook line and sinker.
Is there any surprise ? Let’s face it – if your biggest enemy Israel/USA has nuclear weapons aren’t you going to get them too?
It’s only a matter of time before Iran tests one. It will probably be Chinese – trade restrictions or not .
Toady watch
Silence from the dab wireless in the fedup household . I just cannot bring my self to press the “on “ button for Toady .
But I’m guessing they’ll be going on about illegal immigration and doing away with all immigration laws . In truth it wouldn’t make any difference as we are overwhelmed already .
Any mention of hate emojis from Iran? Death to America and Israel …. Iranian emojis. Any mention of women forced to wear hijab Still?
A white cardinal has committed sexual offences! Glorious news for the BBC. All they need to do is give it absurdly disproportionate coverage like with Worboys and people will see this molehill as the same size of the mountain of ROP offenders. They even have a reporter bravely holidaying in Sydney to report; it is clearly not such s problem if you have to travel to the other side of the world to find a newsworthy incident.
Can you imagine what must be said behind closed doors at the BBC?
“All these hideous whites keep getting raped and tortured. Rather than protect them let’s do everything humanly possible to find white perpetrators of sex crimes, even if these offences are not remotely like the industrialised child rape gangs which have proliferated under our watch.”
Maxi tried the same tactic the other day listing white sex offenders to shield his Muslim paedophile rape gangs. I’d been restrained with maxi , and evil apologists like him, up to then but not now.
“Maxi tried the same tactic the other day listing white sex offenders to shield his Muslim paedophile rape gangs.”
I posted that list with no comment whatsoever. You’ve interpreted it in such a way that it fits comfortably with your own personal narrative.
That’s your narrative, not mine.
It’s not some sort of sick competition between brown sex offenders vs white sex offenders. They are all part of the same problem.
Rapists don’t rape because they are white, brown, christian, muslim or any other convenient category you’d like to shove them into (as far away from yourself as possible). They rape because they are twisted individuals. Nothing more.
And if one recognizable group of people is obviously doing it on a far greater scale than any other than it is wrong to point it out I suppose?
For the greater good of course!
I have forgotten the name and the party of the MP who suggested that they grooming gang victims should “shut up” for the sake of diversity.
Dear me , I have also forgotten the religion the MP belonged to, but I think it may be the one that you support Maxi, you know, the one where women are put in black sacks.
Yes, child abuse is pretty much institutional among imams. Some years ago in Dakar, children were being abused and sent out to beg. To my surprise , some of the imams were prosecuted but I don’t know the result. BBC didn’t send a reporter , even though there are some nice hotels there.
I put part of this up earlier. Having seen the Lords latest attack on Brexit, and the implied support from the BBC’s coverage of the event, I think the Commons should reconsider the Act of 1649.
March, 1649
House of Lords useless and dangerous to be continued, wholly abolished.; Some qualified Lords to have free Vote in Parliament, if elected;
The Commons of England assembled in Parliament, finding by too long experience, that the House of Lords is useless and dangerous to the People of England to be continued, have thought fit to Ordain and Enact, and be it Ordained and Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That from henceforth the House of Lords in Parliament, shall be and is hereby wholly abolished and taken away; And that the Lords shall not from henceforth meet or sit in the said House called The Lords House, or in any other House or Place whatsoever, as a House of Lords; nor shall Sit, Vote, Advise, Adjudge, or Determine of any matter or thing whatsoever, as a House of Lords in Parliament: Nevertheless it is hereby Declared, That neither such Lords as have demeaned themselves with Honor, Courage and Fidelity to the Commonwealth, nor their Posterities who shall continue so, shall be excluded from the Publique Councils of the Nation, but shall be admitted thereunto, and have their Free Vote in Parliament, if they shall be thereunto elected, as other persons of Interest elected and qualified thereunto, ought to have.
Otherwise to have no Priviledge.
And be it further Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Peer of this Land, not being Elected, Qualified, and sitting in Parliament as aforesaid, shall claim, have or make use of any priviledge of Parliament, either in relation to his Person, Quality or Estate, Any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding..”
Apparently the Palace of Westminster has to be closed Down to be done up . What better time to end the House of Lords and move parliament somewhere more suitable like Birmingham , hull, stoke or some northern powerhouse ?
Fed up,
Salford ?
Great idea. Maybe one of the remote Shetland Islands such as Linga. I believe it was up for sale at £250K at one time with plenty of unused buildings included.
Once they have learned the difference between representation and ruling they can then return.
If. I may say so you’re a bit soft . I’d go further . I’d redraft the boundaries so there is fairer representation based on population and anyone who doesn’t like like can resign . There is never shortage of mediocre politicians . I’d obviously cut the overall number too, ban employment of relatives and. reduce their pensions , close the bars and end subsidies . A lot of them made up traditions could go too.
“Demeaned themselves with Honor”: isn’t that contradictory?
Maxi – know why you posted that list . You play infant games trying to bait decent people here but we all know what the implication of your list was.
You attempt to take a higher moral high ground looking down on us like many of your kind . But decent people see through you. You’re a disgrace maxicony. I’ve been ignoring your snide posts but no more . Can I kindly suggest you go back to the guardian or the al beeb house magazine rather than getting me to respond to your obvious baiting .
Now back to biased al beebery
Not sure bbc/tvl/capita have really thought this one through…
Doesn’t apply to the TV tax then ?
It would seem another ‘unique exemption’ applies. … Chinese are at it … is there some reason they did this? Some past reasoning? We will never know …. £3.5bn for omissions ….
. . .
A Canadian human rights tribunal has ruled that a restaurant discriminated against black customers by making them pre-pay for their meal.
Hong Shing Chinese Restaurant, in Toronto’s Chinatown, has been fined C$10,000 ($8,000; £5,700).
Sticks in the craw to say it but, I agree with Nick.
Godwin’s Law : If you start ranting about Hitler/Jews you’ve lost the debate.
Lord Newby had his chance to make a logical reasoned debate, but no he went for calling people Nazis.
Radio 4
9:30 Not enough female economists …. (not enough male kindergarden teachers ?)
9: 45am Benjamin Zephaniah reads his autobiograph
12:04 Special Victimhood : Being Muslim in America Dalia Elmelige tells the story of her life.
12:15 Call You and Yours: How hostile or tolerant is the UK, in your personal experience, to immigration?
13:45 Factory Girls in China
8pm The Invisible Man of Britain’s Far Right
An investigation into the anti-immigration, anti-Muslim organisation Knights Templar International.
(There’s been World Service progs before about this org that help patrol Hungary’s borders against illegals.
They just call the guy Dowson)
Nothing on Iran’s emoji’s of hate … a Majority Muslim (Religion of Peace) Country and it’s beliefs.
Too difficult to talk about?
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji { 25apr2018}
Pug – Ah m’luds the ol “tyranny of democracy” about time someone dealt with it once and for all – Hear! hear!
“Smithers! get my purdey oiled”
What I would like to say is that the the Lords need to start living in the real world. However I think that they do. With successive governments desperate to appease the left leaning media and globalist bodies such as the EU, this in fact is the reality, and democracy these days counts for little.
It us that need to wake up and not the Lords who have always been more than adapt at feathering their own nest at the expense of democracy and truth. With their privilege and free rides on the gravy train at risk over Brexit they will be more than happy at turning us into a EU vassal state if they get to keep their access to the free stuff.
I think without doubt we are now entering a “post democratic” period.
If we we want to keep it we need to start defending it.
The remainers (majority) in the Lords are either in receipt of an EU pension, in line for an EU pension, or brain dead. So they have voted for the amendment.
The remainers (majority) in the Commons are either lined up for EU pensions and/or elevation to the Lords, propagandised to within an inch of their life, or insane. They will vote this through if given the chance.
None of the remainers in either house care about this country. When they say ‘national interest’ they mean ‘my interest’. Commons remainers love the Lords – at the moment.
The House of Lords (paid by the people) against the people (who employ the Lords).
. . .
Lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler.[1][2] The appellation can also denote certain persons who hold a title of the peerage in the United Kingdom, or are entitled to courtesy titles. The collective “Lords” can refer to a group or body of peers. {wiki}
Would the BBC report on such a thing? The BBC tackles items as individual events … not related in anyway … that way we do not offend of hurt anyone … no friction of ideas …
Labour’s immigration policy plunged into chaos as key figures Diane Abbott and Barry Gardiner contradict each other {thesun 01may2018}
“Diane Abbott was unable to reveal Labour’s immigration policy whereas Shadow Trade Secretary Barry Gardiner confirmed he backed removal targets”
Iran … 2018 … “The government does so by promoting fundamentalist ideas of women as properties of men” …. where are the PINK HATS?
In Iran, domestic relations in a couple are regulated by the Civil Code, which constructs marriage as a hierarchic institution where the husband has authority over his wife. Article 1105 reads: “In relations between husband and wife; the position of the head of the family is the exclusive right of the husband”.[1] The husband is obligated to maintain his wife, but this obligation ceases to exist if the wife does not perform her duties: Article 1108 states: “If the wife refuses to fulfil duties of a wife without legitimate excuse, she will not be entitled to the cost of maintenance”.[1]
The nature of domestic violence is complicated by both a national culture and authoritative state that support control, oppression and violence against women. “The government does so by promoting fundamentalist ideas of women as properties of men. It does so by setting up an unequal legal system and not punishing assault even when it has resulted in severe injury or at times even death. The conversation of domestic violence then cannot be simply domestic but begins to take the shape of a systematic violence, fueled by tradition, ignited by religion, encouraged by the dominant authoritarian state, and empowered by poverty and illiteracy.”
– “Although the Iranian society is starting (2018) to recognize the issues surrounding beating women in Islamic household, many Muslims are reluctant to admit such issues exist. ”
Their unelected Lordships haven’t a clue about how executive government works. Not a clue.
How is our little petition going?
On a different angle: caught a minute of R4 this am. A lady, (Prof Sam Churchill?) was attacking conservatism by lambasting the ‘America First’ slogan. It was really a ‘racist’, ‘dog-whistle’ slogan, she said. Apparently linked to the Ku Klux Klan.
The Trump-bashing is reaching a crescendo of the absurd. My new phrase.
Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords : 126,722 signatures
* Waiting for 8 days for a debate date
Forget Shakespeare, Marlowe, Chaucer, Donne, Marvell, Milton, Herbert, Pope, Dryden, Wordsworth, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Dickens, Clare, E Thomas, Sassoon, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, WH Auden, WB Yeats, Walter de la Mere, Graham Greene, etc etc etc
Benjamin Zepheniah is in. Official from the Beeb.
Benjamin Zephaniah, the Rastafarian acclaimed as Britain’s “people’s laureate”, has revealed the abuse he suffered as a child, and the pressure he came under as a gang member to commit crimes – even to take part in an attack on a gay man. He has made no secret of serving time in borstal and prison, but now he is revealing details of his troubled early life in a forthcoming autobiography and tour. {theguardian 28jan2018}
Benjamin Zephaniah on BBCQT – Immigration Myths 07/11/2013
Benjamin who ?? must be a mate of someone at the Beeb. Yes, its tragic of the abuse he suffered, but honestly ? there are so many jumping on the bandwagon of childhood abuse/bullying, /reformed drug addicts, / lifetime of depression, /menopausal issues, / that I’m all sympathied out. It might seem shameful, but unless it affects my family I’m not in the least bit interested, and because of the relentless publicity they get, I think we’ve all become immune to other peoples ‘issues’.
When we are all victims, there are no victims!
Absolutely Brissles!
I couldn’t give a monkeys about these mental light-weights which infest our place.
I must get out more, and more enjoy talking to friends who believe victims aren’t really a problem, they’re just a waste of space.
I often wonder how many people actually buy these autobiographies from such people. It can only be a handful of those who can read. May mean most of his ‘followers’.
Libraries? And who runs libraries! And so the luvvies’ spending of our money goes round and round
It must be wonderful to be exempt from criticism. You can:
Call yourself a poet
Produce music that is not identifiable as music
Get away with violent lyrics
Use words that are otherwise considered racist
Put on a hugely overrated musical
Win a music competition
Win a baking competition
Form a pickup orchestra and be invited to reopen a concert hall, attracting ridiculously lavish praise
Be miscast in a play or film without anyone noticing.
AND be taken seriously by the BBC. Wonderful.
Excellently put Theresa ! – and the one common denominator is ?……………..
Irritating, weak, gullible, image conscious, middle class white people, without whom these atrocities wouldn’t be possible.
You can find them in virtually any UK university these days. Even science departments, which used to be more sensible.
Perfect description of the snowflake generation, Theresa!
Both posts describe the useless vacuity of so many kids these days.
What a looker he is. Cheese grater.
When Stormzy (friend of Jeremy Corbyn, seen at GQ Magazine Awards) sang “We should burn your (Theresa May) house down and see if you can manage this” and everyone in the audience of Brit Awards clapped … were the audience, including the host Jack Whitehall, all agreeing with what Stormzy said and they want to join in on the act (we) … is this inciting violence?
As the West debates the Hijab …. the East ban Peppa Pig … “A popular British cartoon (Peppa Pig) has been removed from one of China’s most popular social media platforms, with state media saying that the character is being used subversively. { 30apr2018}”
“Douyin’s (China’s YouTube) removal of the popular cartoon from its platform is possibly just the start of a wider clampdown.”
never seen it but if its anything like the cbbc’s brainwashing, perhaps the chinese are right
never seen it but if its anything like the cbbc’s brainwashing, perhaps the chinese are right
“A pension, a pension, my United Kingdom for an EU pension.” House of Lords motto, 2018.{twitter Jonathon Davies @JonD99 }
There was an interesting Panorama last night which was reasonably intelligent for current al beeb levels .
It highlighted a wrongful conviction of a man for rape . The ‘ victim’ and prosecution had not disclosed the full Facebook account which destroyed the prosecution case.
What panorama did not mention is the pressure media and politicians put on the police and prosecution to get rape convictions -remember? . So that’s what they go and do.
This programme shows what the effect of ‘ campaigns’ by msm can be. Evil
Ok to have targets for convictions on rape charges, but not for illegal immigration ?
2018 …
UK Parody account for Diane Abbott has disappeared @hackneyabbatt …
UK comments censored last week ….
China bans Peppa the Pig …
Iran create emojis for Death to America …
Turkey marks one year without Wikipedia …
Iranians launch banknote protest (write on bank notes) to get round censorship ….
… 2018 … you can see where this is going ….
Hell Marky -you’re banned .
Good point .. banned, but the censoring continues.
Seems we are falling away from freedom of speech quicker than I expected …
“Am I allowed to say that this site ( is a joke now?”
10 minutes later
“This comment was deleted.”
It’s one of things which many people never notice because they only moan to themselves but when one is on the receiving end it does tend to sound an alarm.
The seemingly inevitable coming labour government will have a field day with sites like this which will be deemed a threat to something or other .
VD prog about the autistic woman at the cinema. No body there to put an alternative view. Like, how their enjoyment of the film was destroyed by the antics of this woman.
Ah Fred. that is becuase they would be full of hate and are not entitled to a view.
Understandable as the judiciary become, “multicultural” aka, simply ‘looking after their own’. What could be more fair than the ‘cab rank rule’? Expect to see more of this as they ingratiate themselves in the fabric of UK society. Helped naturally by those liberal lefties that infest the system. Oh! if only I could buy an aerosol can from the hardware store to deal with the infestation…….
All burials are equal, but some burials are more equal than others …. timeless!
The supreme court is meeting about the Bakery case in NI. It will be interesting as the Coroner case is the exact opposite. Will the Supreme court bite the bullet and sort out religion versus homosexuality versus equality.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
BBC’s Katty Kay might be getting the message … retweeted … “It’s why America hates the out of touch leftist media elite,” (Michelle Wolf’s takedown of Sarah Huckabee Sanders,) Ms. Schlapp tweeted from a limousine en route to an exclusive after-party organized by NBC/MSNBC.
The bBC has been pre-eminent in driving up the noise levels at each and every key stage of the Brexit process.
The very careful collaboration between the bBC, the House of Lords and the EU is aimed solely at undermining a democratic vote by the British people.
The Lords decision aims to eliminate a ” No Deal” scenario……….
This, is the one card we can play that would cripple the EU and force
a decent deal.
It also shows that when entitlement swells in an organisation the wrong decisions can be sure to follow
The Eu, bBC and Lords are 3 such examples.
BBC news – “The girl with the strawberry ring”
A bit risqué for the BBC.
“In Alaa’s home country of Yemen, many families are going hungry.” {} … Yemen, where two variants of the religion of peace meet to create the peaceful place of Yemen … Yemen in 2018 – “War, food shortages and disease have created the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.”
Article Words Search: Religion x 0; Muslim x 0; Islam x 0; Iran x 0; Saudi x 0;
– Yemen, where two variants of the religion of peace meet to create the peaceful place of Yemen. “22 million people need help”
I was invited on Peston to talk about UKIP, the Local Elections, & Brexit. But then only he asked me about Tommy Robinson & Islam. If he had told he only wanted to talk about those things I would have accepted anyway. Just reinforces my views on MSM. @GerardBattenMEP
Currently eulogies going on about Speaker Martin. This sketch better demonstrates the real world.
Blimey Fred -that nailed it -the coffin – that is . I bet they buy his coffin on expenses and every one who goes to the funeral will claim for the transport and flowers .
Daily Politics today
Well done Gerard Batten
I have just watched him destroy a pathetically weak drip of a Liberal politician,Layla Moran taken to task over Islam.
He time and again reiterated the fact that he is opposed to the literalist faith not the people who do not act out the faith in the literal sense. The faith is incompatible with Britain. It is an anti semite religion.
The BBC tried to set him up again as a racist and claimed that Muslims don’t dislike Jews.
So he quoted from memory the Hadith
‘judgement day will not come, until the Muslims fight the Jews.
And the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees,and the rocks and the trees wil cry out.
Oh Muslim, oh faithful servant of Allah there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’
Tories and Labour have condemned him. Because they- as a group- are PC and pathetic and anti in maintaining of the British culture. I know that will annoy many of you on this site. But care,I not.
Great. Sock it to them Gerard. Make Gerard Batten the permanant Leader of UKIP forthwith.
‘The BBC tried to set him up again as a racist and claimed that Muslims don’t dislike Jews.’ – Being a Muslim is not changing race!
“With the pronunciation of this testimony, or “Shahada”, with sincere belief and conviction, one enters the fold of Islam.”
The BBC have a long, long history of labelling opponents of Islam as racists.
Even our pet rabbit knows that Muslim is not a race. However, those who are bold enough to question the religion are labelled/implied as racists by the BBC,ITV,Channel4,Channel5 and Sky.
It’s getting tiring … but has to be repeated. And that is the power of the BBC ….repeats and omissions.
It’s why others win the argument … it becomes the reality because it’s repeated … not because it’s the best idea.
Grooming. Divorce Bill. Religion of …. etc.
Islam is not a race. There are those who say it is not a religion, more of a cult or an ideology. Perhaps a religious-based ideology would be an accurate description. But in current UK legislation, there is no distinction made between race, religion or nationality when it comes to matters such as discrimination or aggravated criminal behaviour. It may be politically motivated – essentially to shut up the indigenous population – but that’s the reason why the BBC and courts etc take the position they do.
Yes, Batten made a pleasant change from the interminable Windrush bilge.
Joke O’Burn seemed unusually jolly for some reason.
The Font of Truth seems to have convinced itself recently that public attitudes towards immigration have changed dramatically.
Apparently, we are all on our knees begging for more enrichment. There was a clueless trio pushing the same line on Newsshite last night.
All Batten was saying was that Islam is an antisemitic religion, which of course is a FACT. For pointing this out he is condemned as anti-Islamic.
which is more believable the iranian documents or the piss gate documents, yet which does the so called bbc choose to discredit and which does it choose to push
which is more dangerous Iran with Nuclear weapons or trump pissing on a bed
really what kind of news (sic) organisation is this
You and yours watch
I wanted to hear the weather before 1pm . Caught some phone in – no doubt about immigration and the beeboid said to some phoner inner -“ so you think the British don’t like foreigners !” In a surprised voice. “That’s right” said the caller -who apparently came from the islands at the invite of some insane Blighty government .
And beeboids are surprised?
Claim:Up to 57,000 Commonwealth-born people who arrived in the UK before 1971 could lose their homes, jobs, benefits, NHS treatment, or be threatened with deportation.
Fact: This is the number of Commonwealth-born people living in the UK in 2017 who arrived before 1971, and self-report as not being a UK citizen. They have the right to remain in the UK indefinitely but some have recently had problems proving their eligibility.
We don’t know how many have had such problems, and some who are UK citizens could also be affected.
Windrush generation: what’s the situation?: 17th Apr 2018
57k ehh
must be trying to make up for the 56k they tried to deport who they then managed to lose
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog {independent 29mar2018}
“UK border checks have been branded “shambolic” after it emerged the Home Office has lost track of more than 600,000 people who should have left the country in the past two years.”
It may be that 57,000 Commonwealth citizens arrived in Britain before 1971. However, the people we are meant to be worried about from the “Windrush Generation” are the ones who did not bother to regularise their position in 1973, despite the government advertising at the time urging them to do so.
They are also the ones who have lived and worked in Britain since the 1950s, but who apparently did not manage to leave a trace on our bureaucracy. No work record, no PAYE, no NI, no rent books, no mortgages, no driving licences, no insurance, no foreign travel. Not even a library card, it would seem.
I really applaud anyone who can go off grid like that for over 50 years. My only surprise is that anyone from our utterly useless Home Office ever managed to track any of them down.
Please find an enclosed 2 links…
I am genuinely staggered at what i read sometimes and this is one of those moments..
How in Gods name do these people get away with this behaviour.
And why are the main broadcasters not reporting this disgusting racism and Antsemitism..
This is the type of filth Jeremy Corbyn attracts..
I give in..!!!
Guido’s censors are on the job regarding the posts you mention.
They have just sent this post for moderation
‘Shami whatshername will have to investigate this’
You won’t get any reliable discussion from Guido.
Self-flagellation before total self-destruction.
‘How in Gods name do these people get away with this behaviour.’
Because we have a cowardly, PC, anti free speech Prime minister in May leading a Tory Party in power who are scared of the BBC .
I hope that answers your question dafydd
Iran have been sending 98% of its uranium to Russia.
The plans for the construction of five nuclear warheads are under way.
Well who at the outset would have thought that would not happen?
I know -an idiot.
Who is this idiot?
Why of course it is Barack Obama. The nob Hell peace prize winner. The winner for doing nothing. The President who achieved nothing.
Black America like him because they are racist. Lefties like him because they are idiots. If you are Black and a Lefty and you like Obama that must make you a racist idiot.
BTW did you know that Hitler and Stalin were both once recommended/short listed to receive the Nobel peace prize. Fact.
Nearly right Wronged, it was the Noball prize, eventually won by Goebells.
You are right Beltane.
I bow to you sir.
BBC reporter Ahmad Shah killed in Afghanistan attack
– A BBC reporter has been killed in the east Afghan province of Khost, on a day of attacks which left nearly 40 people dead, other journalists among them. Ahmad Shah, 29, had worked for the BBC Afghan service for more than a year.
Merely following their religion of peace……………. That’s what they do so no one should really be surprised.
Enrichment at the Parthenon
Merely following their religion of peace……………. That’s what they do so no one should really be surprised.
EU importing a criminal class.
And the Greek Syriza lefties are banking on making these 100, 000 charmers into voting citizens so they can win another term.
All online, no need for interview or to know any Greek.
THIS is what the Left are doing, ever more brazenly.
Replacing native voters with endless welfare grifters who`ll always vote for the Left that pay, the Muslims who pray with them.
Really dangerous, wonder if Greece has any fight left any more?
Years of drift and no work, no money and your best kids leaving.
Bet the Turks are behind some of this too. Erdogan is that kind.
What a tragedy, we know what we owe them. Maybe that`s why the EU want them crushed for Islams benefit.
Kuala Lumpur : New FakeNews law arrest/jailing
Typical bloody Dane.
Imagine the reaction in 19th century London at the height of Empire to the deaths of men, women and children from Mohammedan bombs. Now hard little Malaysians show the guts we, and most of Europe, used to have.
Hans Saleh Sulaiman
Mogg speaks of Trump & Brexit
in the Times paywall
President Trump will be our greatest ally after Brexit
jacob rees-mogg
Freed from ties to the EU, Britain can build a truly special relationship with this US president
Who is speaking for the brexiteers ? Telling the EU where to go when they are just being high and mighty . Border issues are as much a problem for them to overcome as for the UK .
Personally I’m feeling more offended about the stick up to come as there is little political resistance .
Don`t think there needs to be Fedup2.
We all know the nature of our elites,not one of them dared to grasp the nettle when we the people voted as we did.
Who needs them
Come next year, their laws won`t matter any more that than the BBC or the Houses of Parliament do.
We want out-could not have been easier, their bluff was called.If they now try to renege on that unconditional declaration they gave us, then who here will continue to be “democratic”? The Left don`t-the liberal fascists are bankrupt, relying only on our good manners and patience. All gone. We`ve had civil wars before, might be fun. Certainly we`ve had enough. And I`m still young enough to fight a little. And what a cause they`re giving us!
I wonder if the military has gamed civil disorder needing to be resolved by EUreich military forces to unify Europe under the benign control of the president -such as Blair , Patton or Hezza.
Sounds plausible to me, if they`re that clever. but think they`re genuinely stupid and unaccountable enough not to need to plan.
The Army top brass are the same elite as those at the BBC, but we`ll subvert as well as do things openly as needs be.
Don`t want to meet my maker knowing that I left my kids THIS as an inheritance. The Jews and others took on the Roman Empire at risk of crucifixion as it died bit by bit as they lived to watch its decay and weak spots. They had Nero and worse to contend with.
Not Clegg and bad vibes from the buffet we`re mug enough to give them for life.
Just look at who opposes us-is there one of them who`d make you think we`d lose?
I`m still ashamed that this lot walk our streets, and no-one threatens them as traitors or fifth columnists. How many Heyrichs are we willing to let rule us then?
Brexiteers are being stuffed…it is so frustrating. BBC and Remainers on their project fear again. Today at lunch time they allow a Tory Remoaner to makes statements like ‘ people didn’t vote for an 8% drop in GDP’ and went on about how wages will drop, jobs will go etc..and the BBC didn’t challenge at all…and how ‘polls (not specific) support another referendum
What makes me ‘laugh’ is the Remoaners argue people didn’t understand what they were voting for – but now they want people to have a say on the terms of Brexit – well if ‘people’ didn’t understand what they were voting for with a simple question – how will they unravel the details of Brexit …
We do need somebody with proverbial ‘Brexit balls’ but I can’t see it at the moment
Ha they paywalled it now
What do you mean, “no paywall”?
Times articles : only the first paragraph is free
but this morning the entire Mogg article was visible for free.
5 letters today seethe back at Mogg, led by Lord Ricketts
Popcorn time.
Labour: Row over inclusion of trans women in all-women shortlists
I can’t believe I admire some Labour members for standing up to this ridiculous PC attitude to self-identification!
So, while the Labour party is in a shambles under Corbyn, the MSM are too busy shouting ‘Windrush!’ and pointing at Rudd, May, Javid, blah blah blah. Talk about bias.
“the group claimed without a gender recognition certificate “any man can simply claim to be a woman”
Of course they bloody can, how did they think this was going to develop? Didn’t anybody think this through? In fact, did anybody think at all?
Thank the Lord I`m done with all this, sorry if any of you are having tomato soup for tea.
Very much a black and white menstrual show…sorry!
With a pun like that I am I seeing red?
Unbelievable. why the f*** shouldn’t he sing it? And I don’t believe for a moment that he didn’t know he was being filmed.
BBC – get a real job!
R4 now – making a big fuss about it (Sainbury guy singing) …funny I haven’t heard the BBC promote Trump for the Nobel Peace prize – despite the President of S Korea saying he should get it.
This is what we pay the BBC for – to report things from ITV and not something they don’t agree with
I’d like to know what their fuss is about. Is he not allowed to be happy because he’s made a lot of money for himself and shareholders?
If so, then they should apply this logic to the salaries of Lineker and Evans.
Swedish meatballs are actually Turkish – cultural appropriation then. Stop serving them. Give them back. Of course the bBBC are actually telling you this because Islam invented all great things including meatballs (not with pork in them, of course). Nobody else had thought to make spherical balls of mashed up meat. So Sweden is really Islamified. If you didn’t already know.
What about faggots?
Lovely with mash; peas & carrots and gravy.
Faggots peas, chips, and gravy – Definitely a favourite in Taffland !
Times bits : “Black people are 4 times more likely to be sectioned”
mental health laws must be changed to stop indignities.
Sexualised violence on TV is what women want says Germaine Greer
I saw this and it is typical of the lazy must be let’s change mental health laws not to section mentally ill people – but only if they are non white?
Maybe a better response is to ask why – maybe there are more mental health issues with some sections of that population just like diabetes is 4 times higher in Arab population..and migraine 3 times more common in women…it’s not racist or sexist just genetics…
“Black people are 4 times more likely to be sectioned”
As a generalisation – they are distrustful of mental health services so they do not seek help in the early stages of their illness, and when it becomes acute they won’t come in voluntarily. If they need to be in hospital but refuse to come in they have to be sectioned. The alternative is to leave them untreated, but that is both unethical and dangerous.
All this has been known for years and was analysed repeatedly in the annual Count Me In Census which ran from 2005 to 2011.
You can always add in other factors. This is a paragraph from the 2011 Report:
“There is a need to move on from counting patients to understanding more about the factors that lead to hospital admission, such as ethnic differences in the rates of mental illness, the socio-economic and other disadvantages faced by some BME communities, and the ways in which patients enter the care environment – for instance, patients from some ethnic groups are much more likely to be referred from the criminal justice system than other groups.”
1. Crime
2.Strong Drugs
3. Weapons.
4.No dads sticking around
5, No effort to teach them anything-the boys especially
6. Rap and gang culture
7. Introducing black Africans from places we had no history in worth the bother-and mixing them blithely with those who grew up with us here.
8. Scarman and MacPherson.
9, The likes of Lammy and Abbott, Boateng as role models in public life.
An utter tragedy for their old folk, who are tired, defeated and being played for fools. Only the social clubs care homes and dying churches that they built are left, and will die with them, Great people, deserved much better , Bloody BBC and Labour think them as their pets, they should have sloughed them off way back in 81.
The BBC treat Heseltine with the sycophantic deference due to a member of the nobility – which the vain lout laps up as though it were his right – although only his height makes him appear patrician. All the rest is spurious, unearned and unjustified.
In fact he was a sharp practising publisher much like Maxwell though less successful, making enough money to purchase a place in society from over-priced print. Little better than an immoral spiv in a Saville Row suit, David Sullivan is the more honest of the two.
Heseltine is surely a Marxist plant.
He has destroyed all Tory initiative, philosophy and hollowed out anybody who had principle or ability.
Quite the worst living knotweed that the idiot dopey Conservatives have ever let grow up the spire.
I think he`s Nicholas Van Hoogstraten-who at least is honest about being evil.
He`s ended in failure but brings down all whilst he can, bet Soros or Bildenberg, the EU love this vain nomark.
Should have died in Venice 97, stuff the Italians for sending him home.
Dog strangling monster.
Deliciously immoral and outrageous uber-snob Alan Clark said of Heseltine: ‘He bought his own furniture, you know….’
Yes I believe he got his money through ‘trade ‘ . Those people try so hard don’t they ?
The real irony of the ‘trade’ label is that many of today’s kow-towed and respectable aristocracy did just that, traded – and to make matters worse a significant number of the ‘great’ families, the Tates, Cadburys, Wills, Gilbeys et al made most of their money from the slaves they exported, rather than the sugar, tobacco and so on they imported. Still, they built a good few – a higher proportion than any other country – large and ostentatious houses for the National Trust to take advantage of – or are we the ones being conned?
“Brexit: Government defeat in Lords over terms of meaningful vote”
What on earth was the referendum all about? Why did Cameron spend £ 9M on a leaflet that was posted through every door in the land if a cabal of unelected troughers can scupper it?
Abolish the House of Lords …………………
Just wondering…would it have been possible for DC to stay on as PM to oversee the Brexit process? 🙁
Brexit. The House of Lords & The House of Commons. ‘The tail wagging the dog’.
Dock the tail …………………………
Taff – I notice that the woman sitting next to that bloke who was once PM didn’t object to what he said .
Shame that segment has been forgotten by al beeb and the rest of the political bubble.
Yes, was thinking about the autistic thing…after the compensation for waiting in line too long at the fair. So, now, in a theatre play, during a tense, quiet moment, its ok for certain minorities to make a noise. Or during an exam. Or a snooker/golf match. OK everyone?
Anyway, Asperger’s will have to be renamed and erased from memory:
Not bBBC, but they’re all the same, snouts in the trough..
“You can’t say that” Burley?
Seems a new era in broadcast ‘journalism’ is nigh.
So, ‘chukky doll’ Burley won. Well, with so many kids doing the reporting, she didn’t have much competition ! (mind you, any further face lifts and she’ll be younger than they are – miaow)
Throwing my bras away with that muppets name on them.
Can`t stand her, wonder if Jill Dando ever got the replacement that she merited.
Would she wear a parka with a roundel on the back I wonder?
BBC News today reporting on upcoming elections in London only mentioning three Conservative areas which are in danger of falling to Labour (they hope). The reporter reckoned one of those areas might be difficult to swing though because many Jews live there! 🙁
Labour clean sweep on the cards . A whole night of the mayor of londonistan auditioning for the top job courtesy of al beeb – unless Brillo is in the hot seat . Then worth watching but if it’s dumbly – off switch time and leave it to maxi to jerk him/ her/it’s self off .
Forget the place.
I’ll never going back to anywhere near the place. Worked there for forty years, loved the beer, the huge work and business potential, the friends, the job, the cameraderie, the girls, the great sarnies, the buzz.
Feck off Khan, you’re the problem, you need to believe you’ve failed a great city, but you’re so fecking thick you couldn’t understand what real people think about the real proper London.
I repeat, just get out of the way; piss off, bugger off, you’re utterly useless.
(BBBC ‘experts’, please take this as an exercise in ‘gender studies’, or maybe some other stupid thing you’ve dreamed about and need advice on).
Hear, hear.
Sense that the BBC and Labour only care about Windrush because they`ve yet to find a Jew who came over on it. It was a Nazi ship as well, prior to our rebadging it-so the BBC and Labour would like that.
If only the Jews would fiddle the votes, then the Left might care. As it is ,we`re going to get 110% turnouts to stay in the EU and they`ll put Corbyn in charge within months if we don`t deal with Labour and the BBC pronto.
If you saw BBC 2’s Daily Politics you would have been bewildered.
Jo Coburn pretended she didn’t know Muslims were anti-Semitic. It surely can’t be that she, and the social dems person with her, didn’t know that Islam sorta doesn’t get on with Jewish people?
Clearly, she doesn’t watch BBC’s Panorama which has twice exposed the anti-Semitism in Islamic schools in the UK. Nor has she seen the BBC News web page quoting Angela Merkle admitting that the increase in the attacks on Jewish people in Germany is due to the influx of Muslims.
Perhaps Jo Coburn doesn’t know that Jewish nurseries in Belgium have armed guards to protect pre school children from Muslim armed assaults. Could she really be unaware of the numbers of Jewish people being forced out of Paris because of the increase in Muslim attacks on Jews?
I wonder if Jo Coburn is in the right job. I wonder if the BBC is in the right job.
Scrib – like many al beeb programmes I gave up on DP after Brillo got sacked / left. Coburn is just another beeboid hoping to get the Humph seat on Toady that overlong overblown flagship programme.
The viewing figures must be high in Westminster but elsewhere ? Watching to get a DP mug .
In beeb world there is not inate hate – it’s just a misunderstanding .
They are crowing about students being expelled for private comments in a Whatsapp group which were racist. They were clearly a joke – obviously they did not really intend to get slaves from Mauritania.
Criminal responsibility should involve mens rea (guilty mind) and actus reus (guilty act.) if you actually intended to teach a dog to burn Jews or start a slave colony in Exeter you would be a criminal. If you just have a somewhat off-kilter sense of humour and have no intention whatsoever of doing anything beyond saying things you are not a criminal.
That private conversations were disseminated and a harsh punishment ensued sets a dark precedent, as any comment said in any state of anger, intoxication or context can lead to a life being ruined by someone with an axe to grind. This is how they lived under Stalin. That our national broadcaster cheerleads the whole shameful business makes it so much worse.
It is like living during the witch trials.
I’ve beeb trying to game how the resignation of dr Liam Fox after Wednesdays’ Cabinet meeting will go down with the MSM . I’m thinking that it will be more weakness for the current PM.
I’d hope it might be some clever chess game to deceive the ReichEU but I fear our politicians have neither the guile nor intellect nor willingness to fight for the democratic vote of the majority .
It’s similar to the butcher in staffs who put up signs with double entendres about ‘large breasts’ for sale – then getting a warning from the local old bill despite no complaint by any member of the public . Some sort of selected Puritanism on the part of officials paid by the state .
Personally in Fedup2 world that copper would be sacked and his picture name and address published as a warning to others seeking to destroy free speech and our way of life .
A total lack of a sense of humour seems to be a prerequisite for working in the Public Sector.
Always has been. Way too freewheeling, creative and anarchic, always liable to swerve out of their control. The Chinese know this, the USSR used to know it all too well.
Hence the fact that the BBC have failed to make us laugh since Ricky Gervais left tot the USA, leaving us with only Oxbridge deviants with the right profile getting quiz shows etc to sneer at the rest of us.
Comedy died with Russell Brand in 2008, and we all saw what the left finds funny as Mrs Thatcher died.
The real people of this country settled onto Netflix to watch Early Doors and Mark Steyn.
Only their Oscar awards or manic overdrive on women and disabled sports are remotely amusing these days. Not usure it`s meant to be funny though.
Has there ever been a gag about the EU, Blair or Obama? QED.
Alicia Sinclair,
“Heard something about some bloke from the Knights Templar on Radio 4 at 8pm earlier.
I never asked the BBC to play Interpol coppers nark, snitch and stoolie-but they`d do it for fun.”
Oh no! A programme about your favourite (“some bloke”, cough!) anti-jew, anti-muslim, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-female, violent neo-nazi.
No wonder you’re annoyed.
“They call us ignorant, xenophobic, racist and stupid.”
Haaa! Do you wonder why? ROTFLMAO
I see you have been busy defending the grooming gangs. Is it because of your political correctness or are you one of the thousands who are getting a piece of the action with little girls, or in your case, boys?
your sarcasm is duly noted, as it is every time you post a comment.
You are clearly in the ‘they’ camp and hold the same condescending and contemptuous views as the rest of the ‘enlightened’ who occupy your world order.
I would engage further on your views regarding the MSM and Brexit in general (for e.g.) but I cannot see past the snide sneering one liners of which you are so fond and to be honest, I can’t be arsed.
Think on this though. Many normal citizens ( and I include myself here) with normal middle of the road views are now being pushed toward a harder, less forgiving and frustrated countenance by the likes of you and your fellow bubble travellers.
Have a good one.
Max – an 03 10 post – and not a very good one . Busy in the al beeb propaganda department this morning is it? Your a disgrace maxi.
I’m trying to treat you as you treat my friends who post their honest views here. Why not take your venom elsewhere ?
Remember Maxi’s post a few weeks back screaming at us saying that he knew was a particular terrorist was NOT Muslim.
It was revealed later, that said terrorist was indeed Muslim
..there was no apology from Maxi
.. Truth doesn’t seem to be a motivation for him.
double entendres about ‘large breasts’ for sale ….
Same as there’s no magazine called Lady’s Monthly (giggle !)
Kinnocks, Adornis, and the rest of the worthless elite still infest the country.
Soddem all, they are not worthy of an electorate like us.
‘A once in a generation decision’
‘The referendum on Thursday, 23rd June is your chance to decide’
‘This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide’
They call us ignorant, xenophobic, racist and stupid.
They consider themselves our betters – failed politicians who lied to their people, dishonest Lords who stole from their people and a British state broadcaster who promotes and aligns themselves with our enemies and competitors.
Do they really think that stealing our democratic votes will put this country back together?
Do they think we, the silent majority, will quietly disappear into the night and forgive this traitorous and heinous dishonesty? Rhetorical question.
Unless we manifest our frustration and anger at the current political direction of travel then we shall be annexed by the European State of the EU and will be governed by fifth columnist puppets who hate our history, hate our culture and hate our country.
Well put honestus. You have summed things up very effectively.
I think it would be a good idea to print that as a one page leaflet/ poster and stick it up around the country on lampposts, bus stops etc and in letter boxes around the country. As long as the BBC has a monopoly on political thought and propaganda the Resistance has to use other ways of getting its message across.
Whatever happened to the Skripals? Heard nowt in ages.
I thought al Beebus would have interviewed Yulia by now or at least that detective, after all it’s not everyone who survives a good dousing with “Weapon Grade Russian Nerve Agent”.
Still no descriptions of any suspects nor grainy photos stripped from CCTV footage: “Have you seen this man?”
Curiouser and curiouser – maybe ID could fill us all in, when he’s not denouncing any theories other than HMG’s bulls**t; yet his appearances here seem as casual as maxi’s.