Once upon a time John Betjeman wrote beguiling poetry detailing the foibles and eccentric ways of the Britain he loved. Meanwhile back in today’s world the “dub poet” Benjamin Zephaniah has been given the “book of the week” spot on Radio 4 to detail his past violence against women and criminal activities and spew out his scorn for all things British. Today this lout was describing how he organised a gang of young thieves in late 1970s Birmingham, keeping out of the way of the Police who at the time were “fitting people up left, right and centre”. Mr Zephaniah’s anti-British rage knows no bounds and is highly popular with the liberal elites, both cultural and political. They are of the opinion that his childish wordplay keeps it “real” when they indulge in constant virtue signaling.
Needless to say the West Indian silent majority just wish he would shut up. For some inexplicable reason he is not considered an ideal role model.
I find it more difficult to describe a leftie these days.
Since that peculiar little chap Owen Jones became some sort of radiator emblem for the older sort of rich leftie, who would want to mother him, but still proclaim their wealth from their jobs in local authorities or secondary education, students seem to become leftie by birthright, which seems odd, as they will have to do a real job one day won’t they?
As for the bloke writing about forming gangs and terrorising people, luckily I’ve never heard of him, but no doubt, the other multi-cultural sort of leftie will buy all his ‘books’, or other stuff, and keep him on their latte tables as another sort of icon, like a cross between Mandela and Billy Bragg. The bbbc loves all this and spews it’s thick bile at every turn.
Lefties need to be careful, as soon, nobody will have a clue what they’re on about, and most normal people won’t give a monkey’s anyway.
Isn`t Will Self at Brunel too?
Guessing they thought it was Brunei and now run the geography department there.
How on earth did such bladders on sticks get to be “lecherers” or “Puffessors”. I`m Head of English at Brunei, make my own eco bridges out of spaghetti for cBBC.
Poor Ben.
His beaten up ex got in the way of his meditations.
He`s a meditator. And she got in the way.
Deserved all she got.
Well done Ben , Labour are waiting for you.
At least Gazza and Ched could play football and didn`t have crime waves when growing up.
So guess who the BBC and Labour will always love?
Gazza sang on Fog On the Tyne? So isn`t he a poet too, and liable to Guardian freee passes?
‘So you managed to commit crimes yet at the same time avoid the police who were ‘fitting people up’. Did you feel the latter to be a justification for the former then, Mr Zephania? And what did you feel for the victims of your crimes?’ – might have thrown a bit more light on his character.
Instead Zephania fulfils the BBC’s anti-British agenda to a tee, and they think we won’t see through the edgy effnik image they like to portray.
#LiberalGuilt 9pm Channel4 Rich House, Poor House
In a surprise ending the £1,200/week Vet family pay off the £11K credit card debt of the £120/week working family
(Those amounts are what each family has in spare spending each week after bills/rent)
Radio 4 this morning (Wednesday) talking about Rich House, Poor House, possibly Woman’s Hour said that Channel 4 had kindly allowed the BBC to reveal the surprise ending. Well I read about the ending on the Mail On Line several days ago, so it wasn’t quite the scoop the BBC were pretending it was. Again, if the BBC can lie about the little things, you jolly well know that they lie about the big ones.
What IS it with mixed race/of Indian-African origin females ? Afua Hirsch, Alibaba Brown, Shami Chakrabati, Faiza Shaheen, Sonia Sodha. They’ve all got a sodding axe to grind, and I’m not a violent person, but I just want to give the lot of them a good slap ! Once upon a time I used to be proud to be British, but now ? with this bunch calling themselves British Citizens, I think ‘how dare they’, you might be born in this country sweety, but British you aint. Let Maxi put THAT in his pipe and smoke it.
Brissles, it’s bad enough being a leftie sufferer, but her being a Groner columnist makes it impossible for me to even bother to read a rather long, turgid chunk of ordure for more than a few seconds!
Back in the sixties, a lot of my friends went to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. They never for one moment thought they would become adopted and that their English upbringing gave them the attitude that they were therefore complete citizens of the new country.
Nowadays, its a grinding theory that you’re suddenly British, because you’ve ‘paid taxes’, of ‘lived here for fifty years’ and all the other boring epithets.
Luckily, I just ignore all this virtue signalling by groaners and the bbbc and do some real work, like gardening, chatting with real friends in my fabulous village, walking the dog, enjoying a myriad of tinctures with Senora O’Blene etc, and let the leftie masses shriek, snarl and hopefully wander off somewhere smelly.
“Nowadays, its a grinding theory that you’re suddenly British, because you’ve ‘paid taxes’, of ‘lived here for fifty years’ and all the other boring epithets”…..
So very true.
Totally alien to those under 50, I watched a wonderfully nostalgic prog on Talking Pictures, and the credits of cast and crew at the end were a wonderful insight into how our country has changed. Names like Bert, Cecil, Alfred, Victor, Joyce, and Betty were involved with scripts, set design, rigging, costume, lighting etc , and we have now reached the stage where my age group and above are the last who will remember what is was like before the ‘invasion’.
British ‘after 50 years’? You have to be kidding! There are seven billion ‘undocumented’ Britons out there just waiting to claim benefits, given half a chance.
Remember the Trudeau Doctrine, they want to be here, therefore are more British than we who are merely here by birth and ancestry.
I think I’m right in saying Alibaba Brown is the daughter of Ugandan Asians who were given sanctuary here after fleeing from Idi Amin and his ethnic cleansing agenda (another inconvenient historical episode long disappeared down the BBC Memory Hole).
She then calls the white British racists and denigrates our culture at every opportunity.
Ingratitude and subversion for which she deserves to be deported.
Exactly Johnny, she does nothing but criticise every time she’s on air. Strange then, how the likes of her and her ilk are the ones who maintain that immigrants have done SO MUCH for this country – I wonder how we managed without them ? I managed to go to school without a migrant teacher, managed to be treated without a migrant doctor, danced around my handbag in the 60’s without a migrant in sight (not counting the black groups from the US), managed to get myself a job without migrant help, and so the list goes on. Perhaps I should go head to head with Alibaba Brown !
Right Beeboids , are you going to stop starting with a lie and come clean ?
Tell everyone you DONT need a licence just because there is a TV on the premises .
Maybe those of us without a licence ought to just buy one, and so back Britain as Brucie once sang.
Graham Nortons labrapoodles looked waif-like the other evening, I for one want a Wandsworth food bank for celebrity dogs.
Has anyone on Channel 5 done a show on celebrity dog poo? I`m making little Mother Theresa wimples for the ones I collected, and will send a validatory certification with each sculpted serial numbered “starstool”.
Breast scanning “scandal” naturally has a picture of a Black patient being cared for by an (East) Asian on their website – who here expected anything different (except maybe a Muslim Asian as doctor and a grateful White person as the patient – missed a trick there guys)
Hmmm Keunsburg saw steptoes woeful performance at pmq’s again today and went straight into building this ‘scandal’ which occurred under labours watch just like the windrush bollocks. She even mentioned 2006-2009 but went straight into linking it to the current government. The same thing has being happening in ireland for the past week with the national broadcaster RTE going all out to try and discredit and bring down the current government over this
The beeb are going all out to bring down the government here and install jezza and his gang in the hope of stopping brexit. The lies and deviousness over the past two weeks with this concocted windrush scam to deflect away from comrade corbyn and his gangs anti semitism has been off the scale. Not only the beeb Sky news and ITV are doing the same.
Spot on Smoogie, a thinly-disguised Labour election campaign plug.
‘Conservative cuts’ – my quotes as the reality round our way is continuing council spending on unnecessary road ‘improvements’ and other fripperies like lavishly-appointed new council offices. But the broadcasting arm of the Labour Party will never challenge the relentless cuts narrative, not even examine the still growing deficit and ask the bleeding obvious question ‘If you want to spend more on…(NHS, Plod, benefits etc etc) where is the money going to come from?’
The BBC is either staffed by thickos who don’t understand basic economics or is happy to abdicate their responsibility as the public broadcaster and stand idly by whilst the country is brought to its knees.
Oh don’t worry I have been studying them for a long time now. Even back in the Gordon Brown days when it was clear that Labour where about to lose the 2010 election there was always someone chirping in ‘but Labour can still turn things around!’ as a way of trying to encourage people to go out there and vote for them.
I am a Tory supporter myself and I know not everyone will agree with me but I like the way the Tories do things. I don’t believe all the bullshit that lefties spread about them and as for Brexit I see myself in the middle. Brexit is not my concern, my concern is keeping the left out of power as much as possible.
Now I was lurking on here last week where everyone was watching how the BBC obsessed over the Windrush ‘scandal’ while failing to remember that it all started under Labour. The BBC are playing right into Corbyn’s hands giving him more ammunition to help him out in this week’s local elections. The better Labour do then the ‘better’ they will look while they will have another excuse to ‘bring Theresa May down’ and force another election which will see Corbyn cannon-balled into Number 10.
That is what the BBC want and it is about time that the BC where stopped
“There is a big question for the Labour Party and the BBC here.
London is not in the top five levels of poor air quality. Will they both now insist that Mayor Sadiq Khan resign for misleading the GLA and the public?
Will the BBC, daily, for two weeks or more hound the Mayor of London until he resigns? Will the BBC’s daily focus be on air quality?
331.Fire_Daws @314
Will the BBC // hound the Mayor of London until he resigns?
Careful, you almost sound like that the Labour party should be treated the same way as the Conservatives
Actually a serious question. Mayor Khan has obviously seriously misled us all, IF this report is accurate.
If not, he is safe but then BBC Editors & directors are guilty of FakeNews & must resign.” –
the DG, with James Purnell and the News Editors, should be put under some pressure here.
R4 Play now about Belfast opens to sound of radio/TV news
“- Anti-Brexit protest
– Racist graffiti daubed on a wall
– Romanian family afraid to leave their home ”
nothing to do with this story about loansharks
Outrage can often be confected, and even if genuine all outrage is not equal – they would never run a story about how disgusted most people are with the BBC. X said something and Y is upset is playground talk unworthy of a £3.5 billion news service. Alas many liberals remain in a state of perpetual adolescence with their hurt feelings, bogeymen and imaginary ideas about how the world works.
Have we a scale BB?
Is outrage more than “fury”…”disgust”… “storm”. And which is the last word i`ll see as I jump off their cliff in sheer…well, disappointment or concern I`m guessing.
Have the BBC anywhere to go when everything`s an outrage. Except letting Muslims rape white girls outside northern care homes. naturally.
Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt – when he says “European democracy” does he mean the EU or something else? Is he saying that the EU should become a Sovereign entity … ???
“European democracy is the only democracy in the world in which the Parliament has no say over the income. It’s time to change that! #EUbudget #MFF #FutureofEurope #EPlenary”
“My message to Orbán: If you don’t want to respect European values, you should not expect our money either. European money can no longer be misused to enrich your family or finance a football stadium in your constituency! #EUBudget #FutureofEurope ”
“Our Union matters beyond our borders. As of yesterday, European citizens are entitled to help from the embassy or consulate of any other EU country if they need assistance outside the EU & have no access to assistance from their own country. Step by step, we build a better Europe”
The Visegrad Group deserve a good deal with us. Like Israel and the USA they`re the bedrock of what ought to follow.
Well done Knights Templar guy( Dawson was it?).
And trust the BBC to pester a Serbian priest as he was about to say mass( Radio 4 last night 8.20pm). Doesn`t the Christian church yet know that the BBC is God these days, as far as we`re all concerned?
Can`t wait for their come-uppance, sense it`ll be soon. Who`s paying their £150 these days…one month licence free and counting.
“Eurozone growing faster than the UK” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43977687
Oh how Al Beeb loves the EU but read a little further than the headline………
“The European Union economy slowed in the first quarter of the year, official Eurostat figures have showed. “
Has Al Beeb ever broadcast anything good about getting our independence from the undemocratic union?
It’s not directly about al beeb but does anyone think the idea of a Speaker of the Commons bunging an employee £86 k to stay silent about allegations of bullying have a bit of a Wiff about it?
Judging by his shouting at front benchers I can imagine him applying his small man syndrome
To his staff.
I like a challenge and have given RIC a” like”.
I see it as a yellow ribbon around his old oak tree and hope we`ll ALL chip in to make Robs post top of the pops today, re number of likes.
In fact, given Rons gnomic Zen- like post, we could learn plenty.
Yes is more, Confusius he say!
And by way of tribute, let me add my own. Only one word for the BBC re Brexit, need no other verbiage round it?
Old Ma Bercow, Jerry Hall, Christie Brinkley and Darryl Hall?
These stalking blonde fops do me `ed in!
Plug ugly and gangly like daddy long legs with wigs. No-will not bother to get a ladder.
Hoping Angela Eagle isn`t 2m 20 as well. Oh Angie!
On sky news right now, the normally very rude and always interrupting Kay Burley is letting chukkaummuna tell lie after lie about Brexit.
Lots of half truths and things like calling JRM far right or inferring that the IRA troubles will all start again.
May, ffs leave now, no customs anything, no single market, no border problem (let the eu build one if they want one)….just do as was voted…leave the eu…don’t complicate it, simply leave… NOW.
G – I notice a statue of Karl Marx is being erected in Trier, Germany…opening ceremony and celebrations of his life on 5 May.
This is the old ‘West’ Germany. I doubt you would find the same happening in the old ‘East’/GDR; they’ve had a taste of what it’s like.
The designer is from the PRC, who apparently gifted this little piece of ‘culture’.
The Trier website says you can have ‘beer, wine and sausages (red of course)’. Is that supposed to be irony?
Anyway, the mayor invites you most cordially. I’m sure our favourite broadcaster will want to send someone.
The Chinese sent it back, the Germans lapped it up because he comes from Trier. Bit creepy, but not as sinister as it looks. But Germany has given up.
That Black Gate/Bridge/Arch of theirs will have to go, or be renamed, Islam has a word for those, I`m sure we`ll know it again soon,
4pm R4 Do you think “Universal Basic Income” is a BBC pet thing ?
Yep another prog
“Laurie Taylor asks if it’s the answer to an increasingly precarious job landscape.
Could it bring greater financial freedom for women, tackle the issue of unpaid but essential work, cut poverty and promote greater choice?
Or is it a dead-end utopian ideal that distracts from more practical and cost-effective solutions? ”
(well at least they mention the negatives ..bet the prog was planned before Finland abandoned the test project last week)
Maybe the BBC should get a grip on the GenderPayGap first? A special report presented by Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans … that would be funny …
“Chris Evans here to report on the gender pay gap in the BBC and whose at the top with my close friend Chris Evans. ….” – Comedy that writes itself!
It’s great when al beeb is so limited that one has never seen the “one show” that talk show with the queer Irish millionaire or multiples of dancing and opportunity knocks stuff .
And only one journo on al beeb is listening to – Brillo who made a greasy looking Tory politician called Dominic raab look very uncomfortable under questioning .
What percentage of Radio 4 “analysis” “features” and the like is devoted to fitting its Marxist green kites then?
Basic Income this week? ID cards this time next month? Psychotherapeutic services for those too “hurt and vulnerable” after Brexit next March?
Get a pad and work it out, there is no news content whatsoever.
Just kite flying , fat old bitching elephants getting led around the circus ring yet again(no-one watched, but they could smell them)-and lots of stale suchi under hot lights with the wrong bits of blowfish getting offered to us.
Do not fall for it, by the time that Lauries asked the question the only real circus in town has long left. Forever sticking an enema up the elephants arse (and calling anything that they can shovel up a kind of showbiz).
A must to avoid Stew-thanks for warning us that Lauries about, should have known by the brothel creeping hush puppies. York Uni! Where else eh Laurie?
“He said something racist” he’s witch ! burn him !, burn him !
“messages including one mocking London Mayor Sadiq Khan”
says the shocked now liblefty Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5680627/Students-expelled-Exeter-racist-WhatsApp-messages.html
but at least you can see one of the 3 is Indian
which you can’t see easily from the BBC coverage, no photo and no mention of this
\\ Co-captain of the society’s football team Ash Chandraharan, who was also running to be the society’s general secretary wrote that he would ‘lead the charge against his own colour’. // http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-43966504
Wednesday morning Radio 4 and a programme about black women and why they go with white men, at least I think that was what it was about. Such self indulgent nonsense. I can only imagine what the presenter was paid to have a party with her friends, presumably paid for by me as a license payer, while they played the victim. Black women are apparently treated badly by black men and fairer skinned women are preferred. Many of their hang ups were because they were black with no examination of whether white wome had the same perceived problems. But the programme would have been made because it had a black theme. With all the black and BME presenters, black items on programmes etc does anyone else white else feel that the BBC is not for them?
As the BBC bends over praying to Mecca for Britain to be cleansed of everything British, it is oblivious to the red hot Shamshir about to be rammed right up its arse.
Charity boss steals £700K
Age Concern boss ‘pocketed more than £700,000 from the charity by faking payments to suppliers and awarding himself unauthorised bonuses and pension top-ups’
They also ignored 300 women walking out on their party because trannys can now get on the women-only shortlist.
No-didn`t occur to them, it might bite their fat arses one day.
Tell a Labour muppet that there was alleged to be a Jew or two the Windrush, that`ll get rid of them.
Now that I don`t watch telly, I can watch old Coronation Streets when it was good.
Here is my Minnie Caldwell “Thought For The Day”.
” I maybe simple , but it`s us that have the pleasures in life-it`s that what`s know everything that are miserable. Like Ena!”.
My mums doing a U3A course on philosophy, and I now know that even Spinoza never topped that.
No…my pleasure, think nothing of it!
“Brexiteers tell Theresa May to drop customs partnership plan” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43969101
Is Tweezer hoping the House of Lords will rescue her ?
HYS is not going Al Beeb’s anti-Brexit way.
Al beeb can get going on the NHS breast screening fuck up blaim game . Might be tricky since it started under a labour govt and carried on for ten years .
Personal declaration – I have cared for a relative who had breast cancer diagnosed through routine screening so I hope who ever is found to be responsible is dealt with – and they don’t start shouting about NHS funding ….
BBC Birmingham and Black Country news web pages half heartedly carry a report on the ‘disturbances’ by gangs of youths in Birmingham City centre on Tuesday evening. Let me assist in the reporting.
Ask any shopper or commuter in Birmingham who has the misfortune to have catch their bus in the area where the ‘disturbance’ occurred and they will tell you the same story, and that is the ‘disturbance’ is a regular event in the week and at weekends, especially in the summer months. They involve running skirmishes between gangs of violent African youths, mainly Somalians who seem to think they can intimidate people and use the area as they please. Of course they are right, they can and are because the police are reluctant to stop them and the BBC and local press don’t want to draw any attention to the problem, especially now with the Commonwealth Games around the corner. Now what was the mantra the BBC got the dancing girls to tell the world about Birmingham? Oh yes, Birmingham is a multicultural and vibrant city, (repeat).
Don’t we just know it.
Oh dear, it seems Brummies have had enough and are spilling the beans. The press are omitting that the trouble is caused by black youths, though. Almost as if there is a media black out, if you’ll forgive the pun.
A question.
Watching PMQs there are a couple who sit behind May who keep going through books with lots of yellow and green page markers.
Does anyone know exactly what they are doing?
Fact checking perhaps.
Hull city of Culture 2017 ?
Nope Hull city of Rough Estates 1977- 2018
..So when Banksy put up some street art , it was vandalised within 24 hours
If you hang around long enough some yob kid will shout out at you it’s the way things are.
And it wouldn’t matter to the police/authorities or BBC, cos it’s only a crime against values of ENGLAND
..but but if someone commits a crime against the values of our colonial masters LIB-LAND well that’s a different matter..
..Today BBC Radio Humberside has been running flashing blue lights
..Someone vandalised the Nelson Mandela Mural
.. This time, they don’t shrug & sy “yobs”, they shout “hate Crime !, Hate Crime !”
Surely the act of vandalism is a piece of art in itself ? Hull after all is of was the city of culture ( how right on is that ?) I went the once and was served lager in a practice glass with the NHS logo in it . Made me think – and drink .
You can do what you want to a statue supposedly marking some historic British event put touch their precious nelson or Obama and the constabulary s single copper will be guarding it 24/7
I`m sad now.
Stew, I`m outraged, hurt and wounded like a vulnerable butterfly. One who identifies as a sick puppy.
Pathetic doesn`t cover it. I want action…NOW!
How much damage has this caused to our standing worldwide? I`m black inside, and Id like some compo.
Do I badger Prescott or Johnson? Bulimic or cuck?
Funny you say that Stew.
Only one town told me to “f** off” as soon as I got my bike off the train, and was about to leave the concourse.
Had I been poncing about in a hi viz, cycle clips and girly helmet, then fair play.
But no-no rain stuff, no map.
Yet told to fuck off.
Loved the place, never seen so many social work texts in the charity shops either. McGraw Hill costing a quid tops. Not even a university there.
My ” City Of Culture forever! Has none, needs none either.
Arsiest town in Britain 1999-2009!
The town was…..you`ll guess it!
Wow, is that Chris Martin?
How did he manage-well at least three black lads? And maybe even the two behind him?
Apologies to Channel 4 for laughing at their claim that all white people were black in terms of their DNA.
i`m proved wrong on looking at this picture.
Or are we talking a Michael Jackson reverse sperm manoevre, where you`re black but spawn white kids?
Send for Harrabin, he`ll know the answer. The kids took our Professor Nod way with them, well he`s cheaper than uni, and his qualifications count for more than most yooniz. Doesn`t go on strike either.
Air pollution, Scunthorpe is the worst place in England for DEADLY* air pollution
… Second only to Port Talbot
it’s a major health risk
They bring on an air campaigner “Oh it’s not just industry , it’s road traffic that is the major concern ”
Really : the local council say different
It’s not just the STEELWORKS, there is other industry as well, and we feel this survey, has a strange way of collecting data , cos we have seen cleaner air over the years
What’s that they say “STEELWORKS” ?
what a coincidence that Port Talbot has a massive steelworks as well, just as if the iron oxide particles coming out of the blast furnace chimneys or something is influencing the count of the one particular type of particle (PM2.5) the report has cherry picked to count.
Cos Scunthorpe doesn’t have particularly heavy traffic and it only has 3 air sensors, one of which is in a special location on the east edge of the steel works couple hundred yards from the coke oven and nearer to the railways with the coal and iron ore trains coming through.
The 10,000 people who work on the steelworks get a lifetime of employment and know the trade off is that they’ll probably die a few weeks/months earlier.
Scunthorpe is particularly windy so I expect some parts of the works will be worse whereas where the kids are at school it should be much lower.
“just as if the iron oxide particles coming out of the blast furnace chimneys or something is influencing the count of the one particular type of particle (PM2.5)” We had an Austin Allegro made out of Iron Oxide.
—“You’re talking about the greater Sahel region of 500 million people, so the Syria crisis could be like a drop in the bucket compared to what’s coming your way. [Extremist groups are] infiltrating, recruiting, using food as a weapon of recruitment to destabilize so that they can have mass migration into Europe.”
David Beasley is a former Republican Governor and Trump nominee for the role. Could this have anything to do with the BBC not reporting it? In any case, maybe best to sweep it under the carpet and have another heartwarming tale about two Eritreans setting up a tea and scones stall at a village fair instead.
TOADY watch: more funnies, more strange but true but from yesterday.
A woman ‘activist’ who, if I recall correctly, was described on air as an anarchist, is upset that she was deceived by an undercover policeman.
Definition from CED: anarchist definition: 1. a person who believes in anarchism: 2. someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws.
So someone campaigning against laws, rules, boundaries, restrictions, etc., is upset when someone (and their Police Force) breaks laws, rules, boundaries, restrictions, etc., for human interpersonal relationships.
Ummhhhhhh ………
…………….. it is very hard not to laugh.
I hope the Court will listen and give due consideration to this woman’s petition and throw it out.
Cannot remember if Al has let on in past whether he is a good Yorkshire lad. And speaking of whethers, I sincerely hope Al is not an all-wethered sort of Yorkshire lad. Eeeeeeeek! 🙁
Only the BBC on the One Show would broadcast a story promoting the immoral thieving criminals called ‘travellers’ but for the public who have to endure their anti-social and disgusting behaviour, they’re better know as Pikeys.
The ones who live in council houses are sometimes worse as you get them all year round. There is a ‘community’ of them on some housing estates near where I used to live and there are loads of them, all related, kids at a young age, criminals and thugs.
Not all are that bad but there are a few who made be become concerned with Labour as it is Labour who promoted ‘young families’ and Labour who gave them the human rights act to hide behind
Only the BBC on the One Show would broadcast a story promoting the immoral thieving criminals called ‘travellers’ but for the public who have to endure their anti-social and disgusting behaviour, they’re better know as Pikeys.
THIS is not considered sufficient evidence, according to my complaint, for muslim rapists to be referred to by the BBC as muslims:
BBC: “It is important to understand that we refer to ethnicity, race or sexuality only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the case in hand ”
My response, now disregarded by BBC : Whilst when it is a white English 14 year old gang rape victim who states: “When the men who now owned me collected me I just had to get through the production line. The bedroom had been turned into a living room and always there was about eight men in there.They were verbally abusive straight away, It was quite literally one after another, a whole lot of them. I wasnt allowed to even get off the bed. They were pakistani without exception. “Kafir girl” they would say, “Kafir girl you are white trash” “Slut, white slut”, “white bitch, white whore white cunt”” it was explained “we are allowed to do this in our culture” (ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1 Please, Let Me Go: The Horrific True Story of a Girl’s Life in the Hands of Sex Traffickers Paperback – 24 Aug 2017 by Caitlin Spencer (Author) I assume this blinkered attitude will now apply to the killers of Stephen Lawrence ? nothing to do with race whatsoever? or do you pick and choose at your whim? BBC have said : To reiterate our previous response, it’s not for us to introduce religion as an element of a story when it didn’t form part of the relevant criminal case.
Your original complaint was that “In England there has been many instances of organised child abuse by a particular sector of our society (Muslims)” but don’t explain which specific cases you’re referring to or offer any evidence as to why the religion of the perpetrators was relevant.
Where there’s no specific reference to the impact of religion in a case by the police, prosecution, judge or other relevant parties, then it’s not editorially relevant or appropriate to include it when reporting these criminal cases.
We have had two workers assaulted by members of the public and no police response in 5 weeks now, yet told today in a meeting we apparently have a full time “hate crime” police officer supposedly sitting filing her nails all day waiting for a p@ki rapist to report this post and spring to action ?
Annunaki – thanks for bringing that book to my attention on here.
I read it last weekend, words can’t really express (you know what I mean) and if I tried it would probably constitute a “hate crime”.
On a related matter, did you see this article?
Fake Broadcasting Corp 1
Watchdog is on and behind the host are UK telephone team
Well actually 3 people pretending as they type at laptops
1 white girl, 1 headscarfed muslim, 1 dark-skinned Nadya type wearing a woman-turban
#BiasedBBC pretend that their entire UK @BbcWatchdog live audience feedback team is these 3 ladies And accidentally #VirtueSignal "look at us we employ BME over those smelly white men" …em UK Work age population is only 13% BME & is 50+% male pic.twitter.com/zj6w4JKIOj
We roared with laughter in the Woolwich household when we accidentally (because there IS no other way) turned Watchdog on and were greeted by this scene almost immediately. While I went into a comedic rage our student son (who you think would know better) laughed along and proclaimed that in a couple of years there’ll be no white “average” looking heterosexual blokes left at the BBC. No the wonder he only uses it for Match Of The Day, snooker and hammers the family Netflix account at all other times.
BBC rightly covered the reopening of the Temperate House at Kew this morning. Fabulous place.
Interviewed two ethnic minorities, nobody else. If they are representative of the staff at Kew, and I thought everyone was supposed to be represented these days, I’ll eat my computer mouse.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
The interesting question is whether those categories are mutually exclusive. If they are, then it would appear to leave only 19% for white males. I’m guessing most of these would be rich, elderly, liberal types who learned to spell ‘nepotism’ at an early age
Re Stews post above.
Right on girls!
I see that Celtic are giving out green and white free tampax to their fans to challenge period poverty.
Other three weeks I assume , they have to buy their own chips and heavy.
I also see that Subbuteo are now trailing their “womens teams” that you can buy.
I grew up in a house of boys, I`d make them an Alan Sunderland Afro for them as the fashion demanded, on their players.
Never knew I`d seen something big for later. Perry Groves? This is your world(not you though Graham Rix!)
Ah well, as long as the subbuteo players stay small and don`t become blow up dolls eh?
Back to class, free period is ending, Like Celtics offer eh?
If Rangers decide to compete, presumably it will be with blue tampons, which will be a lot more appropriate as according to the TV adverts which depict young women parachuting, skydiving etc, menstrual blood is always blue in colour.
Pity that hairy arsed team doctor eh?
Probably came into footy to rub grown mens legs-and now finds himself asking assorted dollies and transchaps if they want “something for the week, hen”?
I see loads of players in shit teams trying to get out of having to play because it`s that “wrong time of the month again”- certainly half the squad at Orient seem to have permanent menstrual cramps and refuse to go near other players for fear of being a bit noticeable.
And seeing its Scotland, it`ll be loads of Scots lassies , and claiming for the next twenty years, their grannies and those now dead.
They`ll be out of any Euro competition by late July as ever though, so do hurry ladies and blokes with an itch somewhere dodgy.
Middlesbrough comes to mind.
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
Once upon a time John Betjeman wrote beguiling poetry detailing the foibles and eccentric ways of the Britain he loved. Meanwhile back in today’s world the “dub poet” Benjamin Zephaniah has been given the “book of the week” spot on Radio 4 to detail his past violence against women and criminal activities and spew out his scorn for all things British. Today this lout was describing how he organised a gang of young thieves in late 1970s Birmingham, keeping out of the way of the Police who at the time were “fitting people up left, right and centre”. Mr Zephaniah’s anti-British rage knows no bounds and is highly popular with the liberal elites, both cultural and political. They are of the opinion that his childish wordplay keeps it “real” when they indulge in constant virtue signaling.
Needless to say the West Indian silent majority just wish he would shut up. For some inexplicable reason he is not considered an ideal role model.
Damn missed First again . When will I be famous. Definitely living up to me name today .
Another al beeb free day – after the horror of toedee
Al beeb s favourite token Rasta has probably inhaled enough happy smoke to send him to an early one … then the eulogies …
I find it more difficult to describe a leftie these days.
Since that peculiar little chap Owen Jones became some sort of radiator emblem for the older sort of rich leftie, who would want to mother him, but still proclaim their wealth from their jobs in local authorities or secondary education, students seem to become leftie by birthright, which seems odd, as they will have to do a real job one day won’t they?
As for the bloke writing about forming gangs and terrorising people, luckily I’ve never heard of him, but no doubt, the other multi-cultural sort of leftie will buy all his ‘books’, or other stuff, and keep him on their latte tables as another sort of icon, like a cross between Mandela and Billy Bragg. The bbbc loves all this and spews it’s thick bile at every turn.
Lefties need to be careful, as soon, nobody will have a clue what they’re on about, and most normal people won’t give a monkey’s anyway.
Chris, about young Benjy.
I remember one morning watching The Big Question and somebody answered him and called him ‘sunshine’
He got very upset.
Ah yes. Benjamin Zephaniah, Professor of Poetry and Creative Writing at Brunel University.
An inspiration to the yoof
Isn`t Will Self at Brunel too?
Guessing they thought it was Brunei and now run the geography department there.
How on earth did such bladders on sticks get to be “lecherers” or “Puffessors”. I`m Head of English at Brunei, make my own eco bridges out of spaghetti for cBBC.
The peep’s poet has a history of colour only the bbc could love…
Poor Ben.
His beaten up ex got in the way of his meditations.
He`s a meditator. And she got in the way.
Deserved all she got.
Well done Ben , Labour are waiting for you.
At least Gazza and Ched could play football and didn`t have crime waves when growing up.
So guess who the BBC and Labour will always love?
Gazza sang on Fog On the Tyne? So isn`t he a poet too, and liable to Guardian freee passes?
‘So you managed to commit crimes yet at the same time avoid the police who were ‘fitting people up’. Did you feel the latter to be a justification for the former then, Mr Zephania? And what did you feel for the victims of your crimes?’ – might have thrown a bit more light on his character.
Instead Zephania fulfils the BBC’s anti-British agenda to a tee, and they think we won’t see through the edgy effnik image they like to portray.
Subversive student union tossers.
compare & contrast with Toby Young
Quick links to previous thread : Wed 9am-12pm …. 12pm Tues until 9am Wed,
Of course it is not the BBC stumping up, rather licence fee payers.
The market rates on the top floor remain immune.
Ah 15 freelance BBC presenters paid ‘hardship payments’
cos they received tax bills over Private Service Companies
..a story from 2 weeks back
BBC Make a mistake .. the public pays … repeat …
I don’t have a TV. I refuse to put any money into that disgusting institution
‘Hardship payments’.
Can’t wait to see em queueing at the food banks.
probably cheaper than the so called BBC paying NI to fund our wonderful NHS and welfare system
“Stirring controversy” seems the BBC’s main mission.
Not one I, or I suggest the British Government should endorse in a state broadcaster.
#LiberalGuilt 9pm Channel4 Rich House, Poor House
In a surprise ending the £1,200/week Vet family pay off the £11K credit card debt of the £120/week working family
(Those amounts are what each family has in spare spending each week after bills/rent)
How was the debt made up? Will it appear again?
MM, did you not know it’s morally wrong to judge these people?
You must take the BBC’s ‘word’ for it (in reality always implied due to lack of any challenge) that they are hard working and thrifty.
Radio 4 this morning (Wednesday) talking about Rich House, Poor House, possibly Woman’s Hour said that Channel 4 had kindly allowed the BBC to reveal the surprise ending. Well I read about the ending on the Mail On Line several days ago, so it wasn’t quite the scoop the BBC were pretending it was. Again, if the BBC can lie about the little things, you jolly well know that they lie about the big ones.
It appears to have begun (developed an irrational grievance and sense of injustice) when Osborne became fixated on Three Girls, a three-part BBC drama about the Rochdale abuse scandal in which most of the victims were white and most of the perpetrators were Pakistani-heritage men.{bbc.co.uk 01feb2018}
Here she bloody goes again………….. Afua Hirsch.
What IS it with mixed race/of Indian-African origin females ? Afua Hirsch, Alibaba Brown, Shami Chakrabati, Faiza Shaheen, Sonia Sodha. They’ve all got a sodding axe to grind, and I’m not a violent person, but I just want to give the lot of them a good slap ! Once upon a time I used to be proud to be British, but now ? with this bunch calling themselves British Citizens, I think ‘how dare they’, you might be born in this country sweety, but British you aint. Let Maxi put THAT in his pipe and smoke it.
Brissles, it’s bad enough being a leftie sufferer, but her being a Groner columnist makes it impossible for me to even bother to read a rather long, turgid chunk of ordure for more than a few seconds!
Back in the sixties, a lot of my friends went to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. They never for one moment thought they would become adopted and that their English upbringing gave them the attitude that they were therefore complete citizens of the new country.
Nowadays, its a grinding theory that you’re suddenly British, because you’ve ‘paid taxes’, of ‘lived here for fifty years’ and all the other boring epithets.
Luckily, I just ignore all this virtue signalling by groaners and the bbbc and do some real work, like gardening, chatting with real friends in my fabulous village, walking the dog, enjoying a myriad of tinctures with Senora O’Blene etc, and let the leftie masses shriek, snarl and hopefully wander off somewhere smelly.
“Nowadays, its a grinding theory that you’re suddenly British, because you’ve ‘paid taxes’, of ‘lived here for fifty years’ and all the other boring epithets”…..
So very true.
Totally alien to those under 50, I watched a wonderfully nostalgic prog on Talking Pictures, and the credits of cast and crew at the end were a wonderful insight into how our country has changed. Names like Bert, Cecil, Alfred, Victor, Joyce, and Betty were involved with scripts, set design, rigging, costume, lighting etc , and we have now reached the stage where my age group and above are the last who will remember what is was like before the ‘invasion’.
British ‘after 50 years’? You have to be kidding! There are seven billion ‘undocumented’ Britons out there just waiting to claim benefits, given half a chance.
Remember the Trudeau Doctrine, they want to be here, therefore are more British than we who are merely here by birth and ancestry.
I think I’m right in saying Alibaba Brown is the daughter of Ugandan Asians who were given sanctuary here after fleeing from Idi Amin and his ethnic cleansing agenda (another inconvenient historical episode long disappeared down the BBC Memory Hole).
She then calls the white British racists and denigrates our culture at every opportunity.
Ingratitude and subversion for which she deserves to be deported.
Now go on Plod, arrest me for a hate crime.
Exactly Johnny, she does nothing but criticise every time she’s on air. Strange then, how the likes of her and her ilk are the ones who maintain that immigrants have done SO MUCH for this country – I wonder how we managed without them ? I managed to go to school without a migrant teacher, managed to be treated without a migrant doctor, danced around my handbag in the 60’s without a migrant in sight (not counting the black groups from the US), managed to get myself a job without migrant help, and so the list goes on. Perhaps I should go head to head with Alibaba Brown !
She was born in Kampala, so she is African but thinks she is a Pakistani.
She thinks Britain should be an Islamic Republic and no-body should say anything bad about her because it upsets her adult daughters.
Right Beeboids , are you going to stop starting with a lie and come clean ?
Tell everyone you DONT need a licence just because there is a TV on the premises .
Maybe those of us without a licence ought to just buy one, and so back Britain as Brucie once sang.
Graham Nortons labrapoodles looked waif-like the other evening, I for one want a Wandsworth food bank for celebrity dogs.
Has anyone on Channel 5 done a show on celebrity dog poo? I`m making little Mother Theresa wimples for the ones I collected, and will send a validatory certification with each sculpted serial numbered “starstool”.
Breast scanning “scandal” naturally has a picture of a Black patient being cared for by an (East) Asian on their website – who here expected anything different (except maybe a Muslim Asian as doctor and a grateful White person as the patient – missed a trick there guys)
Indeed. Watch out for a follow-up article, explaining how black women receive poorer treatment than white women when it comes to breast cancer screening. If they are really on their game, they might be able to
fabricatefind an example from the Windrush generation. This particular photo has been used time and time again for precisely this topic e.g. see:http://pitjournal.unc.edu/article/beyond-medicine-reducing-breast-cancer-deaths-african-american-women
Hmmm Keunsburg saw steptoes woeful performance at pmq’s again today and went straight into building this ‘scandal’ which occurred under labours watch just like the windrush bollocks. She even mentioned 2006-2009 but went straight into linking it to the current government. The same thing has being happening in ireland for the past week with the national broadcaster RTE going all out to try and discredit and bring down the current government over this
The beeb are going all out to bring down the government here and install jezza and his gang in the hope of stopping brexit. The lies and deviousness over the past two weeks with this concocted windrush scam to deflect away from comrade corbyn and his gangs anti semitism has been off the scale. Not only the beeb Sky news and ITV are doing the same.
Suits me Katie.
Hitting Tories is like drowning Andrex puppies.
But Labour will deserve all they get, the Maccabees are coming.
My first post!
I really hate the BBC at the moment, so much pro Corbyn bias these days!
I mean is this not free advertising for the Labour Party?
Welcome and hope you have a 2018 Jerry Christmas … Ho! Ho! Ho-dear!
Is our girly in the bottom right afraid of Phil Edmonds?
There`s a course for that , sweetums!
Hello and welcome smoog – many here are still seeking the holy grail of a Pro Brexit Programme on any media on al beeb
No one has claimed the prize since A50 was served ..
Spot on Smoogie, a thinly-disguised Labour election campaign plug.
‘Conservative cuts’ – my quotes as the reality round our way is continuing council spending on unnecessary road ‘improvements’ and other fripperies like lavishly-appointed new council offices. But the broadcasting arm of the Labour Party will never challenge the relentless cuts narrative, not even examine the still growing deficit and ask the bleeding obvious question ‘If you want to spend more on…(NHS, Plod, benefits etc etc) where is the money going to come from?’
The BBC is either staffed by thickos who don’t understand basic economics or is happy to abdicate their responsibility as the public broadcaster and stand idly by whilst the country is brought to its knees.
I think we know which it is don’t we, listeners?
welcome smoogie
but I somehow doubt the “moment” will pass
once you’ve woken to the bias you can never close your eyes to it again
Oh don’t worry I have been studying them for a long time now. Even back in the Gordon Brown days when it was clear that Labour where about to lose the 2010 election there was always someone chirping in ‘but Labour can still turn things around!’ as a way of trying to encourage people to go out there and vote for them.
I am a Tory supporter myself and I know not everyone will agree with me but I like the way the Tories do things. I don’t believe all the bullshit that lefties spread about them and as for Brexit I see myself in the middle. Brexit is not my concern, my concern is keeping the left out of power as much as possible.
Now I was lurking on here last week where everyone was watching how the BBC obsessed over the Windrush ‘scandal’ while failing to remember that it all started under Labour. The BBC are playing right into Corbyn’s hands giving him more ammunition to help him out in this week’s local elections. The better Labour do then the ‘better’ they will look while they will have another excuse to ‘bring Theresa May down’ and force another election which will see Corbyn cannon-balled into Number 10.
That is what the BBC want and it is about time that the BC where stopped
“…not everyone will agree with me but I like the way the Tories do things.” Correction: “DID”
One would suggest if you want to keep the left out of power, how can you vote Tory?
If it makes Labour look bad then expect the BBC to keep quiet about it.
Still waiting for them to report on these Russian bots that keep helping Agent Cob out!
smoogie, I have not long ago posted this –
“There is a big question for the Labour Party and the BBC here.
London is not in the top five levels of poor air quality. Will they both now insist that Mayor Sadiq Khan resign for misleading the GLA and the public?
Will the BBC, daily, for two weeks or more hound the Mayor of London until he resigns? Will the BBC’s daily focus be on air quality?
I think we should be told.” –
on here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43964341#comment_130411040
I was intending a serious question which you have probably answered. Would like Labour & BBC spokespeople to comment. Could be long wait for us both.
The follow up –
“353. Posted by Up2snuff 23 minutes ago
331.Fire_Daws @314
Will the BBC // hound the Mayor of London until he resigns?
Careful, you almost sound like that the Labour party should be treated the same way as the Conservatives
Actually a serious question. Mayor Khan has obviously seriously misled us all, IF this report is accurate.
If not, he is safe but then BBC Editors & directors are guilty of FakeNews & must resign.” –
the DG, with James Purnell and the News Editors, should be put under some pressure here.
R4 Play now about Belfast opens to sound of radio/TV news
“- Anti-Brexit protest
– Racist graffiti daubed on a wall
– Romanian family afraid to leave their home ”
nothing to do with this story about loansharks
“Kanye West comments spark outrage.”
Outrage can often be confected, and even if genuine all outrage is not equal – they would never run a story about how disgusted most people are with the BBC. X said something and Y is upset is playground talk unworthy of a £3.5 billion news service. Alas many liberals remain in a state of perpetual adolescence with their hurt feelings, bogeymen and imaginary ideas about how the world works.
Have we a scale BB?
Is outrage more than “fury”…”disgust”… “storm”. And which is the last word i`ll see as I jump off their cliff in sheer…well, disappointment or concern I`m guessing.
Have the BBC anywhere to go when everything`s an outrage. Except letting Muslims rape white girls outside northern care homes. naturally.
BBC World Service podcasts got advertising now
“There was an announcement at the start of the podcast, but I didn’t hear an actual yet”
Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt – when he says “European democracy” does he mean the EU or something else? Is he saying that the EU should become a Sovereign entity … ???
“European democracy is the only democracy in the world in which the Parliament has no say over the income. It’s time to change that! #EUbudget #MFF #FutureofEurope #EPlenary”
“My message to Orbán: If you don’t want to respect European values, you should not expect our money either. European money can no longer be misused to enrich your family or finance a football stadium in your constituency! #EUBudget #FutureofEurope ”
“Our Union matters beyond our borders. As of yesterday, European citizens are entitled to help from the embassy or consulate of any other EU country if they need assistance outside the EU & have no access to assistance from their own country. Step by step, we build a better Europe”
The Visegrad Group deserve a good deal with us. Like Israel and the USA they`re the bedrock of what ought to follow.
Well done Knights Templar guy( Dawson was it?).
And trust the BBC to pester a Serbian priest as he was about to say mass( Radio 4 last night 8.20pm). Doesn`t the Christian church yet know that the BBC is God these days, as far as we`re all concerned?
Can`t wait for their come-uppance, sense it`ll be soon. Who`s paying their £150 these days…one month licence free and counting.
Where has Alan got to?
He hasn’t posted anything for well over a month.
I think he is away with the twitters in combat there .
I saw him on RT today 🙁
“Eurozone growing faster than the UK”
Oh how Al Beeb loves the EU but read a little further than the headline………
“The European Union economy slowed in the first quarter of the year, official Eurostat figures have showed. “
Has Al Beeb ever broadcast anything good about getting our independence from the undemocratic union?
The BBC remind you of a bunch of football fans who only sing when their team is winning.
And we all know which team they support .
It’s not directly about al beeb but does anyone think the idea of a Speaker of the Commons bunging an employee £86 k to stay silent about allegations of bullying have a bit of a Wiff about it?
Judging by his shouting at front benchers I can imagine him applying his small man syndrome
To his staff.
Tall wife too, not a good look.
Didn`t he want Mandela hanged?
Or is he allowed to get away with that?
Sad really, he used to be 6ft 2 but a rare medical condition causes him to lose around a quarter inch every time his lady wife plays away.
I wonder whose pocket the £86k supposedly came out of?
Rob, how can you expect to get any ‘likes- for a post like that?
It is though – sadly – very true.
I like a challenge and have given RIC a” like”.
I see it as a yellow ribbon around his old oak tree and hope we`ll ALL chip in to make Robs post top of the pops today, re number of likes.
In fact, given Rons gnomic Zen- like post, we could learn plenty.
Yes is more, Confusius he say!
And by way of tribute, let me add my own. Only one word for the BBC re Brexit, need no other verbiage round it?
LOL, good to have you back & in good form.
Old Ma Bercow, Jerry Hall, Christie Brinkley and Darryl Hall?
These stalking blonde fops do me `ed in!
Plug ugly and gangly like daddy long legs with wigs. No-will not bother to get a ladder.
Hoping Angela Eagle isn`t 2m 20 as well. Oh Angie!
chris, you forget ecclescake berniestone!
Is such a money trail not easy to trace?
On sky news right now, the normally very rude and always interrupting Kay Burley is letting chukkaummuna tell lie after lie about Brexit.
Lots of half truths and things like calling JRM far right or inferring that the IRA troubles will all start again.
May, ffs leave now, no customs anything, no single market, no border problem (let the eu build one if they want one)….just do as was voted…leave the eu…don’t complicate it, simply leave… NOW.
How the Stasi used to operate and disrupt:
Make a note “Zersetzung”, ‘For Britain’ and UKIP………….
G – I notice a statue of Karl Marx is being erected in Trier, Germany…opening ceremony and celebrations of his life on 5 May.
This is the old ‘West’ Germany. I doubt you would find the same happening in the old ‘East’/GDR; they’ve had a taste of what it’s like.
The designer is from the PRC, who apparently gifted this little piece of ‘culture’.
The Trier website says you can have ‘beer, wine and sausages (red of course)’. Is that supposed to be irony?
Anyway, the mayor invites you most cordially. I’m sure our favourite broadcaster will want to send someone.
The Chinese sent it back, the Germans lapped it up because he comes from Trier. Bit creepy, but not as sinister as it looks. But Germany has given up.
That Black Gate/Bridge/Arch of theirs will have to go, or be renamed, Islam has a word for those, I`m sure we`ll know it again soon,
4pm R4 Do you think “Universal Basic Income” is a BBC pet thing ?
Yep another prog
“Laurie Taylor asks if it’s the answer to an increasingly precarious job landscape.
Could it bring greater financial freedom for women, tackle the issue of unpaid but essential work, cut poverty and promote greater choice?
Or is it a dead-end utopian ideal that distracts from more practical and cost-effective solutions? ”
(well at least they mention the negatives ..bet the prog was planned before Finland abandoned the test project last week)
Maybe the BBC should get a grip on the GenderPayGap first? A special report presented by Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans … that would be funny …
“Chris Evans here to report on the gender pay gap in the BBC and whose at the top with my close friend Chris Evans. ….” – Comedy that writes itself!
Who are Matt Baker, Alex Jones and Stephen Nolan?
You’re better off not knowing.
It’s great when al beeb is so limited that one has never seen the “one show” that talk show with the queer Irish millionaire or multiples of dancing and opportunity knocks stuff .
And only one journo on al beeb is listening to – Brillo who made a greasy looking Tory politician called Dominic raab look very uncomfortable under questioning .
What percentage of Radio 4 “analysis” “features” and the like is devoted to fitting its Marxist green kites then?
Basic Income this week? ID cards this time next month? Psychotherapeutic services for those too “hurt and vulnerable” after Brexit next March?
Get a pad and work it out, there is no news content whatsoever.
Just kite flying , fat old bitching elephants getting led around the circus ring yet again(no-one watched, but they could smell them)-and lots of stale suchi under hot lights with the wrong bits of blowfish getting offered to us.
Do not fall for it, by the time that Lauries asked the question the only real circus in town has long left. Forever sticking an enema up the elephants arse (and calling anything that they can shovel up a kind of showbiz).
A must to avoid Stew-thanks for warning us that Lauries about, should have known by the brothel creeping hush puppies. York Uni! Where else eh Laurie?
And the question never asked.
Where. Will. The. Effing. Money. Come. From.
“He said something racist” he’s witch ! burn him !, burn him !
“messages including one mocking London Mayor Sadiq Khan”
says the shocked now liblefty Daily Mail
but at least you can see one of the 3 is Indian
which you can’t see easily from the BBC coverage, no photo and no mention of this
\\ Co-captain of the society’s football team Ash Chandraharan, who was also running to be the society’s general secretary wrote that he would ‘lead the charge against his own colour’. //
Wednesday morning Radio 4 and a programme about black women and why they go with white men, at least I think that was what it was about. Such self indulgent nonsense. I can only imagine what the presenter was paid to have a party with her friends, presumably paid for by me as a license payer, while they played the victim. Black women are apparently treated badly by black men and fairer skinned women are preferred. Many of their hang ups were because they were black with no examination of whether white wome had the same perceived problems. But the programme would have been made because it had a black theme. With all the black and BME presenters, black items on programmes etc does anyone else white else feel that the BBC is not for them?
As the BBC bends over praying to Mecca for Britain to be cleansed of everything British, it is oblivious to the red hot Shamshir about to be rammed right up its arse.
Another non-white Weinstein (seems Hindu name ?)
Charity boss steals £700K
Age Concern boss ‘pocketed more than £700,000 from the charity by faking payments to suppliers and awarding himself unauthorised bonuses and pension top-ups’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5677629/Age-Concern-boss-pocketed-700-000-charity.html
They also ignored 300 women walking out on their party because trannys can now get on the women-only shortlist.
No-didn`t occur to them, it might bite their fat arses one day.
Tell a Labour muppet that there was alleged to be a Jew or two the Windrush, that`ll get rid of them.
Now that I don`t watch telly, I can watch old Coronation Streets when it was good.
Here is my Minnie Caldwell “Thought For The Day”.
” I maybe simple , but it`s us that have the pleasures in life-it`s that what`s know everything that are miserable. Like Ena!”.
My mums doing a U3A course on philosophy, and I now know that even Spinoza never topped that.
No…my pleasure, think nothing of it!
“Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.”
– Socrates
“Brexiteers tell Theresa May to drop customs partnership plan”
Is Tweezer hoping the House of Lords will rescue her ?
HYS is not going Al Beeb’s anti-Brexit way.
Al beeb can get going on the NHS breast screening fuck up blaim game . Might be tricky since it started under a labour govt and carried on for ten years .
Personal declaration – I have cared for a relative who had breast cancer diagnosed through routine screening so I hope who ever is found to be responsible is dealt with – and they don’t start shouting about NHS funding ….
My , how they love Trump…………………
“Donald Trump wrote own health letter, says physician Harold Bornstein”
“Mueller ‘threatened Trump with subpoena’ amid Russia probe”
Not a day goes by without a negative report about him. Which do they hate the most, Trump or Brexit ?
Bookies odds for next PM ?
Rees – Mogg, 4-1. 🙂
BBC Birmingham and Black Country news web pages half heartedly carry a report on the ‘disturbances’ by gangs of youths in Birmingham City centre on Tuesday evening. Let me assist in the reporting.
Ask any shopper or commuter in Birmingham who has the misfortune to have catch their bus in the area where the ‘disturbance’ occurred and they will tell you the same story, and that is the ‘disturbance’ is a regular event in the week and at weekends, especially in the summer months. They involve running skirmishes between gangs of violent African youths, mainly Somalians who seem to think they can intimidate people and use the area as they please. Of course they are right, they can and are because the police are reluctant to stop them and the BBC and local press don’t want to draw any attention to the problem, especially now with the Commonwealth Games around the corner. Now what was the mantra the BBC got the dancing girls to tell the world about Birmingham? Oh yes, Birmingham is a multicultural and vibrant city, (repeat).
Don’t we just know it.
Oh dear, it seems Brummies have had enough and are spilling the beans. The press are omitting that the trouble is caused by black youths, though. Almost as if there is a media black out, if you’ll forgive the pun.
Owen Jones, is probably the most punchable person on earth
Make it less one-sided….throw James O Brian in too!!!
A question.
Watching PMQs there are a couple who sit behind May who keep going through books with lots of yellow and green page markers.
Does anyone know exactly what they are doing?
Fact checking perhaps.
Diane Abbott is there, tick. Dianne abbott sighs,tick. Diane smirks,tick. Good job if you can get it.
They are the PM’s Parliamentary Private Secretaries, George Hollingbery and Seema Kennedy – see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Private_Secretary_to_the_Prime_Minister
Thanks for that Barakas.
“House of Lords plays havoc with Brexit bill”
The unelected Lords, supporters of the un democratic EU
Abolish them .
142,220 signatures so far.
Hull city of Culture 2017 ?
Nope Hull city of Rough Estates 1977- 2018
..So when Banksy put up some street art , it was vandalised within 24 hours
If you hang around long enough some yob kid will shout out at you it’s the way things are.
And it wouldn’t matter to the police/authorities or BBC, cos it’s only a crime against values of ENGLAND
..but but if someone commits a crime against the values of our colonial masters LIB-LAND well that’s a different matter..
..Today BBC Radio Humberside has been running flashing blue lights
..Someone vandalised the Nelson Mandela Mural
.. This time, they don’t shrug & sy “yobs”, they shout “hate Crime !, Hate Crime !”
BTW local council granted artists patched it up within 24hours
Surely the act of vandalism is a piece of art in itself ? Hull after all is of was the city of culture ( how right on is that ?) I went the once and was served lager in a practice glass with the NHS logo in it . Made me think – and drink .
You can do what you want to a statue supposedly marking some historic British event put touch their precious nelson or Obama and the constabulary s single copper will be guarding it 24/7
I`m sad now.
Stew, I`m outraged, hurt and wounded like a vulnerable butterfly. One who identifies as a sick puppy.
Pathetic doesn`t cover it. I want action…NOW!
How much damage has this caused to our standing worldwide? I`m black inside, and Id like some compo.
Do I badger Prescott or Johnson? Bulimic or cuck?
Why would they do that to a mural of communist and convicted terrorist whose first wife ordered the murder of a young boy? Strange.
Funny you say that Stew.
Only one town told me to “f** off” as soon as I got my bike off the train, and was about to leave the concourse.
Had I been poncing about in a hi viz, cycle clips and girly helmet, then fair play.
But no-no rain stuff, no map.
Yet told to fuck off.
Loved the place, never seen so many social work texts in the charity shops either. McGraw Hill costing a quid tops. Not even a university there.
My ” City Of Culture forever! Has none, needs none either.
Arsiest town in Britain 1999-2009!
The town was…..you`ll guess it!
#HostilePhoneCalls #HostilePhoneCalls #HostilePhoneCalls
David Lammy fined £5,000 over 35,000 nuisance calls urging people to vote for him to be London Mayor
The Labour MP made the calls over two days
ITV Calendar news “St Jo Coxes sister was in Scotland to launch of the adoption of the Great Grope Together in Scotland”
* Sorry it’s “the Great Get Together” now, Brendan is no longer organising it.
The item was literally 15 seconds
Brendan Batmangheghli deserves better. Wonder if he`d do a sponsored wrestle with Ma Bercow?
I`ve an option on that, so hope to see it on telly soon.
A BBC father drops off his children at the nursery.
(Four ways to get men into early teaching)
Are dese guys doing voluntary work in Africa? If not, why are all the kids pictured, black?
In theory they should be mixed race, if the adverts are anything to go by !
Wow, is that Chris Martin?
How did he manage-well at least three black lads? And maybe even the two behind him?
Apologies to Channel 4 for laughing at their claim that all white people were black in terms of their DNA.
i`m proved wrong on looking at this picture.
Or are we talking a Michael Jackson reverse sperm manoevre, where you`re black but spawn white kids?
Send for Harrabin, he`ll know the answer. The kids took our Professor Nod way with them, well he`s cheaper than uni, and his qualifications count for more than most yooniz. Doesn`t go on strike either.
Lordy, lordy! Ise gotta write me name right for the white masser’s son.
(BBC Editor: “No, Quentin! That’s not what we meant at all”)
More nuttiness from BBC Radio Humberside. also first 4 mins of Look North
They bring on an air campaigner “Oh it’s not just industry , it’s road traffic that is the major concern ”
Really : the local council say different
What’s that they say “STEELWORKS” ?
what a coincidence that Port Talbot has a massive steelworks as well, just as if the iron oxide particles coming out of the blast furnace chimneys or something is influencing the count of the one particular type of particle (PM2.5) the report has cherry picked to count.
Cos Scunthorpe doesn’t have particularly heavy traffic and it only has 3 air sensors, one of which is in a special location on the east edge of the steel works couple hundred yards from the coke oven and nearer to the railways with the coal and iron ore trains coming through.
The 10,000 people who work on the steelworks get a lifetime of employment and know the trade off is that they’ll probably die a few weeks/months earlier.
Scunthorpe is particularly windy so I expect some parts of the works will be worse whereas where the kids are at school it should be much lower.
“just as if the iron oxide particles coming out of the blast furnace chimneys or something is influencing the count of the one particular type of particle (PM2.5)”
We had an Austin Allegro made out of Iron Oxide.
Not strictly bias (although the BBC didn’t cover this) but the head of the UN World Food Programme has warned of a potential African migrant crisis that would dwarf the Syrian one.
—“You’re talking about the greater Sahel region of 500 million people, so the Syria crisis could be like a drop in the bucket compared to what’s coming your way. [Extremist groups are] infiltrating, recruiting, using food as a weapon of recruitment to destabilize so that they can have mass migration into Europe.”
David Beasley is a former Republican Governor and Trump nominee for the role. Could this have anything to do with the BBC not reporting it? In any case, maybe best to sweep it under the carpet and have another heartwarming tale about two Eritreans setting up a tea and scones stall at a village fair instead.
TOADY watch: more funnies, more strange but true but from yesterday.
A woman ‘activist’ who, if I recall correctly, was described on air as an anarchist, is upset that she was deceived by an undercover policeman.
Definition from CED: anarchist definition: 1. a person who believes in anarchism: 2. someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws.
So someone campaigning against laws, rules, boundaries, restrictions, etc., is upset when someone (and their Police Force) breaks laws, rules, boundaries, restrictions, etc., for human interpersonal relationships.
Ummhhhhhh ………
…………….. it is very hard not to laugh.
I hope the Court will listen and give due consideration to this woman’s petition and throw it out.
I got the impression it was more to do with the fact that he’d been tupping her, as part of his “undercover” cover.
Al, ‘tupping’?
It’s what tupperwear is designed for.
Don’t you know anything?
honestus, a sheep farming term. 😉
Cannot remember if Al has let on in past whether he is a good Yorkshire lad. And speaking of whethers, I sincerely hope Al is not an all-wethered sort of Yorkshire lad. Eeeeeeeek! 🙁
Only the BBC on the One Show would broadcast a story promoting the immoral thieving criminals called ‘travellers’ but for the public who have to endure their anti-social and disgusting behaviour, they’re better know as Pikeys.
The ones who live in council houses are sometimes worse as you get them all year round. There is a ‘community’ of them on some housing estates near where I used to live and there are loads of them, all related, kids at a young age, criminals and thugs.
Not all are that bad but there are a few who made be become concerned with Labour as it is Labour who promoted ‘young families’ and Labour who gave them the human rights act to hide behind
Only the BBC on the One Show would broadcast a story promoting the immoral thieving criminals called ‘travellers’ but for the public who have to endure their anti-social and disgusting behaviour, they’re better know as Pikeys.
Apologies for the duplicate post, I did try to delete the duplicate but there was no delete option!
Info – new mid week thread from the kindly Mr Vance.
The new insanity of Britain Pt 1
THIS is not considered sufficient evidence, according to my complaint, for muslim rapists to be referred to by the BBC as muslims:
BBC: “It is important to understand that we refer to ethnicity, race or sexuality only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the case in hand ”
My response, now disregarded by BBC : Whilst when it is a white English 14 year old gang rape victim who states: “When the men who now owned me collected me I just had to get through the production line. The bedroom had been turned into a living room and always there was about eight men in there.They were verbally abusive straight away, It was quite literally one after another, a whole lot of them. I wasnt allowed to even get off the bed. They were pakistani without exception. “Kafir girl” they would say, “Kafir girl you are white trash” “Slut, white slut”, “white bitch, white whore white cunt”” it was explained “we are allowed to do this in our culture” (ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1 Please, Let Me Go: The Horrific True Story of a Girl’s Life in the Hands of Sex Traffickers Paperback – 24 Aug 2017 by Caitlin Spencer (Author) I assume this blinkered attitude will now apply to the killers of Stephen Lawrence ? nothing to do with race whatsoever? or do you pick and choose at your whim? BBC have said : To reiterate our previous response, it’s not for us to introduce religion as an element of a story when it didn’t form part of the relevant criminal case.
Your original complaint was that “In England there has been many instances of organised child abuse by a particular sector of our society (Muslims)” but don’t explain which specific cases you’re referring to or offer any evidence as to why the religion of the perpetrators was relevant.
Where there’s no specific reference to the impact of religion in a case by the police, prosecution, judge or other relevant parties, then it’s not editorially relevant or appropriate to include it when reporting these criminal cases.
New insanitry of Britain Pt 2
We have had two workers assaulted by members of the public and no police response in 5 weeks now, yet told today in a meeting we apparently have a full time “hate crime” police officer supposedly sitting filing her nails all day waiting for a p@ki rapist to report this post and spring to action ?
Annunaki – thanks for bringing that book to my attention on here.
I read it last weekend, words can’t really express (you know what I mean) and if I tried it would probably constitute a “hate crime”.
On a related matter, did you see this article?
Fake Broadcasting Corp 1
Watchdog is on and behind the host are UK telephone team
Well actually 3 people pretending as they type at laptops
1 white girl, 1 headscarfed muslim, 1 dark-skinned Nadya type wearing a woman-turban
We roared with laughter in the Woolwich household when we accidentally (because there IS no other way) turned Watchdog on and were greeted by this scene almost immediately. While I went into a comedic rage our student son (who you think would know better) laughed along and proclaimed that in a couple of years there’ll be no white “average” looking heterosexual blokes left at the BBC. No the wonder he only uses it for Match Of The Day, snooker and hammers the family Netflix account at all other times.
BBC rightly covered the reopening of the Temperate House at Kew this morning. Fabulous place.
Interviewed two ethnic minorities, nobody else. If they are representative of the staff at Kew, and I thought everyone was supposed to be represented these days, I’ll eat my computer mouse.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
The interesting question is whether those categories are mutually exclusive. If they are, then it would appear to leave only 19% for white males. I’m guessing most of these would be rich, elderly, liberal types who learned to spell ‘nepotism’ at an early age
No doubt they employ a team of “diversity” Commisars at our expense…
Re Stews post above.
Right on girls!
I see that Celtic are giving out green and white free tampax to their fans to challenge period poverty.
Other three weeks I assume , they have to buy their own chips and heavy.
I also see that Subbuteo are now trailing their “womens teams” that you can buy.
I grew up in a house of boys, I`d make them an Alan Sunderland Afro for them as the fashion demanded, on their players.
Never knew I`d seen something big for later. Perry Groves? This is your world(not you though Graham Rix!)
Ah well, as long as the subbuteo players stay small and don`t become blow up dolls eh?
Back to class, free period is ending, Like Celtics offer eh?
If Rangers decide to compete, presumably it will be with blue tampons, which will be a lot more appropriate as according to the TV adverts which depict young women parachuting, skydiving etc, menstrual blood is always blue in colour.
Pity that hairy arsed team doctor eh?
Probably came into footy to rub grown mens legs-and now finds himself asking assorted dollies and transchaps if they want “something for the week, hen”?
I see loads of players in shit teams trying to get out of having to play because it`s that “wrong time of the month again”- certainly half the squad at Orient seem to have permanent menstrual cramps and refuse to go near other players for fear of being a bit noticeable.
And seeing its Scotland, it`ll be loads of Scots lassies , and claiming for the next twenty years, their grannies and those now dead.
They`ll be out of any Euro competition by late July as ever though, so do hurry ladies and blokes with an itch somewhere dodgy.
Middlesbrough comes to mind.
BBC Trans TERFwar
\\ Messages from the private WhatsApp group were leaked to BuzzFeed News
Views on transgender rights tended to correlate with age. Several older employees were concerned that men identifying as women could erode the effort for workplace equality. //