I have put this up on Friday Evening as the Al beeb post election spin is at full speed.The distortion of election results are there for us all. ( apologies in advance if my first attempt ‘to do a David ‘ isn’t unto our mentors’ standard) over to you …. as he might say…
weekend open thread
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Our next Prime Minister ?…………………………..
Jacob Rees-Mogg .
Al Beeb hardly mention him of late .
If you are not there today 6 May Whitehall 3 pm you are tilting at windmills and inviting the snidy invasion of our country that will make your children 2nd class citizens of their own country, an 8 % minority that invades the media regularly with their demands, despite thousands of chinese, sikhs hindus etc that happily live here with no complaints, attacks on Jews that no one dare say the muslims are doing it rape gangs attacks on homosexuals etc etc and no one is allowed to say anything about it until today…
I had said I would post something about the protest today. I thought again I concluded that I couldn’t because it isn’t directly about bias by the BBC .
Freedom of speech , association , protest have to be protected so good luck today . I know a counter demonstration is being organised because it’s all over google .
I hope the demonstration gets some coverages from albeeb but we know what their version will be.
1am to 2am on Five Live was an endurance test.
First Trump’s talk of knife crime segues to a man who runs youth clubs where kids get to make music as an alternative to stabbing. David Lammy complains they all want to go to Oxbridge – a narrative the BBC supports – so you would expect them to be too busy studying to attend the club. Presenter Dotun says how rappers are like Shakespeare. I disagree.
And when love speaks the voice of all the gods,
Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
Get bare gash.
Penetrate that.
Girl act up then give her a slap.
Then we have a director from the National Youth Theatre. He cannot just tell a story about a boy meeting a girl or something appealingly archetypal; no – his work is about how few youth can afford a home and how they are damaged by cuts. Theatre is the ultimate escapism I so wish they could leave the SJW crap out of it.
Then a girl is complaining about a lack of transgender rights in Chile, an issue close to all our hearts.
I switch to Radio 4 and it is about women ‘suffering abuse’ online!
Could they give us a break for one moment? This SJW onslaught is annoying and so, so boring – the same sh*t over and over and over.
I hate how ‘journalists’ think it is ok to just trawl Twitter as the basis for a story.
“Someone was offended by Trump – here is what they said!”
Such a lazy cop out – the lame stream are so idle and uninspired which is why they are being usurped by the alternative media. Of course there is never any balance: they just read out the Tweets of favoured individuals who support their side. They would not have to look hard to find some real beauties opposing them.
“The Left: we believe in democracy, except for Trump and Brexit which must be overturned.
We believe in free speech but only for ourselves – if you disagree it is a hate crime and Police will arrest you.
We believe in equality except if you are a straight, white male.”
An enduranc test ? why put up with it then? you have a choice and you have an opportunity to protest but I suspect you will not
The problem the bbbc has, is that more and more, they are being seen as a laughing stock, because nobody really believes them any more.
It seems that all their shows spout lefties’ views, their managed news is pathetic, and their production skills are pretty dire as well.
Luckily, I ignore all of this, and just go to real journalist’s pages where the guys and gals actually work for a living.
The bbbc just jail pensioners.
How they must regret starting the ‘fake news’ meme to explain Trump’s victory. Talk about stones and glass houses, especially when they were about to embark on some of the most egregious fakery in history – the entire Russia ‘news’ fabricated from the start.
It was so glorious how Trump turned it on them, brutally denouncing them as ‘fake news’ relentlessly, just as they yelled ‘racist!’ at anyone who disagreed with them for decades. The term will forever define them now. Even totally unintellectual and apolitical friends say you cannot trust them.They should have just kept quiet – the best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.
Nice one Beeb!
They really don’t get it in W1a or wherever they come from these days.
Love your last sentence, it reminds me of that excellent film ‘The Usual Suspects’!
They are laughed at and there is nothing worse for an authority than being laughable.
That sequence between programmes of female boxers really grinds my gears. We want everyone to feel appreciated and have equal opportunities, but do we really want to see women beating the crap out of each other?
‘ do we really want to see women beating the crap out of each other?’
No we don’t, unless there’s something wrong with us. Female boxing is just another one of those subjects where the BBC has become simply too terrified to say no. Liberal cringe. This is particularly galling from a broadcaster which intermittently frets about young boys receiving possible head injuries whilst playing rugby.
They do seem good at it.
Given the bbc’s pioneering efforts in the area of sport, one can only look forward to the pissed up gang combat series on the Asian Network.
How about ‘Knife crime of the week’, then? A show where mental lightweights all admire the skills of knife-wielding feral gangs, going at each other for – say five minutes, then changing ends!
Half time can be called when half of them have chopped the other half to ribbons, and stretcher-bearers cart them off.
Their treatment in a tent can also be covered as ‘news for thickos’!
Then they can do the same for blokes instead of women!
Naga Munchetty plays ‘Devil’s advocate’
This morning during the BBC tv news newspaper review our Naga employed this common phrase in the discussion of a press article. So far so good.
One of the problems the BBC has with bias is the fact that every guest press reviewer, like every BBC journo/reporter/presenter, has the exact same set of left-liberal metroplitan elite views.
This like-mindedness results in an extraordinarily predictable BBC in-house response to any given news event or story.
And so it is again this morning. A little like the three musketeers it’s another duplicate case of ‘all for one view, one and same is our view’
Perhaps on editorial orders to relieve the happy-clappy boredom for a moment our Naga puts forward a contrary view.
The subject matter of the newspaper story really doesn’t matter.
But first she is most careful to employ that Devil’s advocate phrase.
Well, she wouldn’t want the public/her peers/Twitter thinking she really had that view.
Let’s remind ourselves of the definition and meaning of the phrase:
‘someone who pretends, in an argument or discussion, to be against an idea or plan that a lot of people support, in order to make people discuss and consider it in more detail’
For example: “I don’t really believe all that – I was just playing devil’s advocate”
And there’s the problem. A non-BBC view ie a conservative non-left-liberal view is an unatural abhorent thing and even if the BBC happens to have to voice such a thing you know their presenters are only playing Devil’s advocate. And the situation is so bad now that their presenters even tell us that they are doing so.
Some may say…. Naga believes what her earwig tells her to.
Every ‘analyst’ knoww they must stick to the script. It is a mammoth effort to keep their house of cards standing, spinning so many plates of bullshit simultaneously: all women long to be CEOs; a certain vicious creed is in fact peaceful; most people want to change gender etc.
They let one outsider through in Jordan Peterson and he managed to eviscerate most of their sacred cows within half an hour, without even fully letting rip.
A house of cards on a spinning plate, now THAT is a trick I’d buy a licence to see!
Perhaps that’s why they never quite achieve it.
Maybe we can have the open experience today in Westminster of being a lone white citizen
Rather sweet seeing ‘reporter’ and ‘The Indepedent’ (no longer a viable newspaper) put together.
Anyone might think the bbc are the teensiest bit obsessed.
I’ve been glancing at The Marr Show and they’ve had that joyless old Marxist, John McDonnell on. He mentioned a Conservative councilor who had “made a deeply offensive, racist joke.” Now, I know nothing about this, but honest John was adamant, “She’s got to go” said the affable IRA supporter.
Who is she? What did she say? Was it actually “racist”?
I only ask because nowdays almost anything can be misconstrued as being offensive to someone.
I’ll bet it was something mild…or was she channeling the late Bernard Manning?
Oh, and why are the left such a sour faced, miserable bunch of joyless gits?
If offensive, racist jokes are in the frame, a few of John’s colleagues are toast.
Unless this was more a briefing session to the bbc on the next target via his mate Andy, before the latter heads off to de-stress in Prescott-approved ways with staff.
Marr was truly exceptional, starting with the trio of giggling girls on the sofa all talking over one another, but first assuming their sombre faces to talk of ‘SrAlex’ – a man of many gifts not the least of them bringing the Beautiful Game down to gutter level by pioneering the art of heatedly disputing refreree and linesmen’s decisions, swearing volubly and chewing gum as an expression of poorly restrained violence.
Arlene Foster did rather well, probably because Marr knew she’d deck him if he challenged her unwisely. Then a predictably uninterrupted spiel from McDonnell in the new softly spoken uber-reasonable mode perfected by Corbyn, as deceptive as it is spurious.
And then, ah then, we enjoyed a preview of a play on the immense talent that was Mark Rothko – a Russian Jewish émigré who made staggering sums from equally immense canvases – primed with blood if we are to give credence to the cameo scene from the play, featuring a fictional but very fit young man of colour as the artist’s assistant – the implication being that a gay relationship opens doors to true understanding. The sad reality remains, Rothko did it all alone and unaided.
Rothko perfected the art of painting huge raggedy edged rectangles – known as ‘belt buckles’ by the less than sympathetic – in muddy browns, mauves and dirty orange. That his work has been granted status on a par with Da Vinci and Rubens within the ‘art world’ is a tribute to its utterly specious vacuity – but hey, the man had ‘immense intellect’ so it’s obvious that lesser minds will never be able to grasp his valued message.
After this? Sadly, I don’t know. Rothko’s great works had already spoiled my traditionally late Sunday breakfast but I switched off all the same.
“Then a predictably uninterrupted spiel from McDonnell in the new softly spoken uber-reasonable mode perfected by Corbyn, as deceptive as it is spurious.”
Funny, I noticed that too. Clearly had ‘2 for the price of 1’ lessons in media speaking. Always a joy listening to Jacob R-M, this morning Peston was almost exploding with steam in his questioning, but Jacob, as always, remained calm and measured in his delivery.
Cant stop laughing at the topic on the Big Question – “Is Masculinity in Crisis” – good subject to discuss, but honest to God, the specimens on the front row talking about it are about as far from Burt Lancaster and Steve McQueen as you could get. ‘Man-bags’ were created for this lot !
And isth masthculinity in cwisthisth? 🙂
The big question :Are Somali immigrants knifing eachother
Londonistan crime update
Gone quiet – one black 17 year old shot dead in the street and 3 young men attacked with acid .
In fairness to al beeb they have started to report these in the local news – this killing is number 64 I think .
The perfumed-looking Shaun Ley is the unlikely BBC News Channel anchor tasked with conveying this unwelcome weekend dose of crimewatch to the left-liberal watchout-here-comes-Brexit-but-we’ll-stop-it target audience glee club.
As the Kingsland Road turns into the Second Battle of Ypres we now have mass use of “noxious substances” in the gang warfare according to the BBC care of the not-letting-too-much-bad-news-get-out-there-former-police-now-community-cohesion-service.
Meanwhile a few miles south of the river in sunny Southwark (lets call it the Somme) the Rude Boys bring a gun to the knife fight and the BBC finds a Windrush Generation (?) off-spring young mother who frets about all the stray bullets.
How’s the crime levels in downtown Kingston Jamaica we the viewers ponder for a moment? Any better? Really? Who would have guessed?
Who would have thunk this bombshell… Rhyhiem Ainsworth Barton was a good boy with no connections to crime.
So the posse in the car and moped gang letting off the gunfire should have gone to Specsavers? Do these mounties ever get their man?
Had to smile earlier last week when BBC London looked at a study of the gang crime around one of the worst murder miles and immediately concluded it was all just a case of poverty and child deprivation.
So that’s alright then.
And not to worry, I hear they’ve found PC Blakelock and stitched Cheddar Man’s head on him. Too dark, too soon? The joke, I mean.
“Who would have thunk this bombshell… Rhyhiem Ainsworth Barton was a good boy with no connections to crime”.
And, in true Stephen Lawrence style, an aspiring architect to boot:
“His mother, Pretana Morgan, said she “couldn’t have asked for a better son”. She said he was not in a gang and aspired to be an architect.”
Funny how we never hear what Kriss Donald, Ross Parker and Charlene Downes aspired to be.
Hard to tell as sadly the rate of violence is generating multiple ‘news’ opportunities, but I wonder if this is the traumatised parent who also was interviewed by Global News on the radio?
If so, the bbc wise to keep their coverage audio free.
Along with Dad’s feelings.
Classic wish fulfillment from the BBC.
I have no doubt that this young woman is sincere, but does she, or the BBC for that matter, really believe that “poetry is a powerful tool for those who feel alienated by the content of the traditional school curriculum”. We are talking of one of the most dysfunctional sectors of our recent immigrant population, and that regrettably is the Europe-wide experience with this particular community. It would be lovely to think that sitting them down for a few stanzas of traditional Somali folklore is going to ween them off the path that far too many have chosen to follow, despite receiving the same educational opportunities as their fellow Chinese, Indian and other pupils. This community is hugely over-represented in organised gang related drug dealing and have a cultural penchant for the knife, for which they are infamous in East Africa. Good luck to this young lady, but I despair of the BBC’s self-indulgent wishful thinking.
The aspect least open for discussion: the active and eager participation by predominantly west African tribes and their chiefs in the enslavement and marketing of their own and locally subservient tribespeople – without which the slave trade could not have existed, let alone flourished – is Jumbo’s contribution to the argument. Coupled, of course, with the part Islam and Arab traders played throughout and with financially successful gusto.
Hush yo mouth! It dem evil whiteys, innit?
Yet another shooting of a teenager in London.
And before you ask..
As if you needed to.
The answer is,
C’mon now Jeff, we cant all be that perceptive. Are you referring to a certain ‘blackness’ or perhaps the incident being reported by the BBBC?
Any mention of http://dayforfreedom.com on te media ?
LBC traffic report just said “and Whitehall is closed for a march”
Nowt as yet but perhaps maxincony our Al Beeb Correspondent can help ?
Over to you maxi/Evan …………….
Some live stream on Youtube
Fluctibus Fludd is mixing betwen various cameras
.. 10 mins ago an Antifa girl spat in the face of an older lady
Seems she couldn’t take the pressure of the discussion
Police are around the Antifa girl and she seems very ashamed.
Police escorted out followed by Welshman’s cameraman berating her slightly ..now backed off.
The community police guy said RealfacedAmy the victim didn’t want to press charges.
The girl pulled out a black hoodie showing she came prepared as antifa.
People are tweeting shots of the spitting.
Antifa spitting
London march for free speech
live march
speeches here soon
Nothing on Al Beeb about the march so far ? How many were there ?
I have contacts in Venezuela who assure me they are not doing fine at all, and the situation there is as desperate as in any socialist / communist hell-hole.
My son in Munich has a Venezuelan colleague whose parents are pharmacists. She used to send them money but little of it reached them, so she now sends them food parcels instead. If professional people have to rely on charity to survive, what’s life like for others? And this is an oil producing country, FFS!
Not just oil producing: the largest oil reserves in the world. And they’re literally starving. Starving!
media policy, like the Speakers Corner event seems to be to no platformit in advance.
Guess they would lose sleep publicizing a free speech event.
Songs of Praise has a sing off/judged contest, the umpteenth. I think my personal hell might involve watching these sort of shows in perpetuity: weary, stale and flat.
One of their lead stories is someone sent a ‘racist joke’ once by mistake – they even use inverted commas. They are beyond parody. The capital is falling and they focus on this.
What so infuriated me about their obsession with ‘racism’ is that nobody is even remotely racist anymore. If you meet someone black or whatever you barely even register the fact. I speak to a Jamaican mum when I get my nephews from school; the captain of my table tennis team is Asian; my favourite football player is black. And so on. It defames the good people of this nation to imply we are an intolerant horde of frothing racists as nothing could be further from the truth.
What is James ‘300k/year’ Purnell doing as ‘director of strategy’? Insult the nation, bore us to deathand make the BBC a laughing stock? Great strategy.
The next programme is some produce off/judged programme. Followed by the paint off!
What is the total cost to make all three programmes? A few grand?
It takes some chutzpah to send people to prison if they do not pay for this. It is like going to an £80 a head restaurant and they just crap on the plate.
A few grand’s about right for production costs BB, but then you have to factor in the desk-driven juggernaut that gives the BBC its immense status in the information world – the invaluable, unsackable, permanently well-placed keyboard players who tap out their own salary increments as a ‘value assessment’ exercise.
Try watching The Heart Guy on Drama – a real laugh out loud with the humour. Aussie progs are so superior these days to anything we produce.
Race relations is an industry,(similar to the “offense” industry) BB. Think how many jobs would go and monies lost if there was no “racism” and every one just got on with their lives. Never gonna happen!
Exactly – it is self-perpetuating. If you earn six figures to deal with some ism you are sure as hell going to find it.
Alas it isn’t enough BB, to take ethnic minority people as they are. You can be friends with them, marry them even – and like you say, virtually no white people in Britain would think anything bad of it.
To be properly non-racist means you must insist on unlimited immigration, and believe that every native British person is worse than a Nazi and must be eradicated as soon as possible. That’s the twisted world view the left and the BBC has foisted upon us.
The fact that we have (just about) lived with large numbers of people, from countries that are are mostly corrupt, crime-ridden, violent, and religiously intolerant does not mean that I want many more millions invited in. In fact enough is enough.
The BME people I’ve come across throughout my life have by far been normal pleasant people who just want to get on in life. It doesn’t blind me to the fact that millions of their countrymen at home have no hope of maintaining a functioning ‘free’ society. Why encourage more of them to make a mess of ours?
Oh when the free, oh when the free, when the free
Go marching in
I wanna be in their number
.. when the free, go marching in
We’ll all be with their number, when the free go marching on
It is only a matter of time before their equivalents in the UK get the same ideas………..
It already happens. In Northern enclaves the Police know certain peaceful communities will riot if they do not tow the line.
As long as the Jock’s pay for all the benefits not Brits.
Interesting! Just tried to connect to these links, G only to get the message below;
Your connection is not secure
The owner of newobserveronline.com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
They had created their own security certificate apparently.
Just had to add the exception.
Russia Today is the only media with a livestream
..irony that Putin’s propaganda channel can cover the real world
but the biasBBS MSM can’t
as per the NUJ rules
‘if we label something far right , you will not cover it positively’
The first 38mins of the RT video covers the kettling of the Anti-fa crowd in a side street off .
Maybe 300-400 people they easily fit in half the street*
At one side they are double kettled super barriers onto the street end then inside that a void with a strong line of police.
I picked out 5 still photos
Photo 1 https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/993211685455454208
#1 The police tolerate 4 visible masked Antifa including one with a big stick
#2 That mob is experienced with a team of leaders armed with loud hailers who lead chants to get them riled
“Nazi Scum, get off our streets
..whose streets ? Our Streets”
Looking towards the Football Lads they lead the chant
“Follow your leader, follow your leader
shoot yourself, just like Hitler”
#3 The angry hatey Antifa mob
also kettled at other end of that short wide street by more police
in a similar manner
#4 The angry hatey Antifa mob, before breaking though
#5 At around 15min the crowd breaks that line of police as a load of Football Lads are marching by.
Antifa surge forward and a smoke grenade is thrown.
* (a short vid shows DayForFreedom crowd fills an entire broad street in all directions .
RT’s own twitter thread has some similar photos
.. Guardian mixed real and fakenews as usual
The Hatey #FamousLeftyTolerance
Good coverage was on
For last 30 mins
Jonaya has been flat out.. at the end she interviewed MIlo
and told us how she went to to police about the death/rape threats she gets but they told her ‘listen love it’s your own incitement that provoke this stuff’
her live feed is still going .. OK main players have gone so she just shut down the feed. Milo was the last significant thing.
In an obvious attempt to keep President Trump up to speed, two boys have been shot in north London. That’s with a gun or guns, of course.
I’m just waiting for President Trump to call off his flying visit on the ground that the country – especially londonistan is not safe . Not sure how the mayor will react .
The Emir seems to keep his head down and mouth shut each time a teenager is murdered in his town . Perhaps he wants to distance himself from his own policy of reducing stop and search and police having control of the streets .
Al beeb ( tv) seems to have discovered the victims are mainly black and starting to report it – except of course – going overboard about a former football team manager having an emergency operation .
I’ve got my flag ready to fly at half mast.
Important that the armed psychos up their game, get some target practice and shoot an equal number of kids, as are getting wasted by the stabbing community.
This would shame Trump, which is just about all that Londons BBC Citizen Khan luvvies require.
‘Promising’ boy, 17, dies in Southwark shooting
A 17-year-old boy shot dead in London “had so much potential” and “was a good boy”, his mother has said.
She told reporters on the Brandon Estate he was an aspiring architect who was “trying to make a difference” by learning to work with children.
aspiring architect?!? Pretty impressive for a 17 year old!
Edit: The Daily Mail also quote the mother but the BBC didn’t include this quote:
‘He was going to do 13 subjects at school before they kicked him out.
“Hoping to work with children eh?”.
Hmm-so Savile and all manner of S.Asian vans also hoped , I`m sure.
Noted the BBC chose to head their 8am news headlines with Boris heading on a mercy mission to Washington, in order to make a “last gasp” effort to “save the Iranian nuclear deal”.
Do these clowns ever think what their use of language means?
As if the Ayatollahs rampant warhead under his nightie is somehow like some starving orphan in need of a last chance reprieve?
This is the language of lunacy.
Of course, the BBC makes this “news” because it`ll either belittle May and Johnson, or embarrass Trump, and boost Obama.
So a win-win for the idiot Beeb-and Brexit, naturally wiil be “further called into question” whatever doesn`t happen.
Mad, Literally Mad(St Enoch of Tipton)
Been great without the telly.
Until now.
I`ve got snooker withdrawal palsy (SWP).
Tried listening to the commentary on the radio, but now know how David Blunkett stayed an idiot now.
How did we ever let a Blunkett rule anything that was not something in astrophysics or microbiology , theoretical economy or other subjects where being blind won`t matter?
He`s not happy with Corbyn says the Braille On Sunday. But how would he know? Colour-blind is one thing, blind is another.
Kimberley Quinn? Might as well been a blind dog.
Off to find an Argos window in Cambridge that might have the snooker on, got my sunchair and chilled wine ready to go.
Anything about womens snooker yet, trans snooker?
And shall I get protesting? Will do if I don`t get to see some very soon.
Isn`t it sexist of the BBC to not let me have the snooker for free?
Al beeb has ignored ( so far) the freedom march in London today . The guardian describes it as ‘far right’ whilst those opposed to it were “ protestors” . In The London Evening Standard those opposed where described as “anti fascist “ . Clever bit of bias by the Main Stream Print Media .
Neither publications produced any evidence that this was a ‘far right’ march – unless one considers carrying the National Flag an act of far right extremists – which would make those taking part in the Olympics a bit suspect ….
Junker must be out of his mind to make such a statement . The left will use the old argument that Marx was just a philosopher whose ideas were hijacked . So what . The outcome was human suffering which is beyond the imagination of. someone born in what was once a reasonably free country .
Apologies if this has been noted before, but I’ve been away….
Saw this headline on 4th May, whilst chuckling away at BBBC’s attempts to downplay the nowhere near as good as expected results for their preferred Party:
“Sunderland candidate suspended over Abbott tweet reinstated”.
Note that the chap we’re all supposed to condemn for his allegedly offensive comments has his picture shown, and his comments are reported in full.
It is only when you get to the 8th paragraph that you are informed that these ‘tweets’ are a minimum of four, maximum of seven, years old.
Then we get a strap headine “Internal matter”.
Doesn’t refer to the Tory, though.
If you haven’t given up on the article at this point, and gone away with the ‘evil tory racist’ meme firmly entrenched in your psyche, you read on and discover that one of our nations friendly, centrist, love-everybody remainer-party members has been ‘tweeting’ allegedly offensive comments much more recently.
No picture, no idea what she tweeted or re-tweeted, just move along, nothing to see here, just an internal matter, nobody’s certain….
Not-a-tory-member-4-to-7-years-ago: Headline, picture, condemnation.
Lib-dem-member-now: hidden below uninformative headline so you’ll all miss it.
Bias by selectivity and sub-editing. Again.
Get this site updated
it’s a montain of crap to use
ok, so I forget to log in
(it won’t keep me logged in}
I try to reply to a post , it makes me log in
which i do, then it boots me back to the start of the thread….
Why can’t I have an avarar?
Why can’t I see replies to my posts, without having to wade through the whole thread?
I’m not sure about updating the technology but I know what you mean about going through pages of previous comments …. but I’d say it’s a testimony to the feelings of the many people posting on our site .
I also get your point about the logging in / staying logged in issue – maybe Rufus can do something . If he doesn’t see this post for a bit I will contact him directly.
As far as the avatar issue is concerned – I’ll have a look at the software too. I should add – i volunteered to help out with the admin of this site but i am primarily a critic of al beeb and the alien ways bring foisted on Blighty – not the overall administrator of this blog. Keep the faith ed
For an avatar, go to Gravatar and set up an avatar using the email address you log in here with.
“Boys aged 13 and 15 shot in Wealdstone, north-west London”
……………and they continue to broadcast the Stephen Lawrence death that happened a quarter century ago ?
Good point Taffman as always but black on black murder is not racist enough for the troublemaking racist BBC.
They only thrive on white on black murders
I feel sorry for the parents.
Trouble is they will follow the exodus of ‘white’ flight Brits out of London to satellite towns taking their little blighters with them
Lest we forget ……………
Lee Rigby
Two boys aged 13 and 15 have been shot in north-west London this evening.
In a separate attack, a 22-year-old suffered non life-threatening wounds in a shooting in Lewisham later today.
Both incidents come after Rhyhiem…
Adonis has lost his marbles, and his moral compass (if he ever had either). But Javid and the rest would do well to stop adopting that idiotic ‘power pose’, something their media advisors have clearly advised them to adopt. They just look foolish doing it. Can anyone imagine ministers or a prime minister of any other country doing this? It’s stupidity on stilts.
He looks like he’s breaking wind.
Is it time for this man to go and time to welcome President Trump ?
”John Bercow: further bullying claims emerge against Speaker ”
sounds like a nice bloke…
Nothing more than Napoleon Complex or little man syndrome, Eddy.
I don’t think TRump would want to meet that man Bercow
…. since that man Bercow is too embedded in sleaze.
Makes sense to me pug!
1. Jew baiting hypocrite.
2 Pimped off his rent boy mate who screwed the working classes of Manchester using daddys inherited wealth.
3. Never did a days productive days work in his life
4. Shagged around, giving the mill girls abortions, bastards and retards as his wife and real daughters died early and destroyed by having such a **** for a dad/husband.
No-if he`s not the dream Euro Socialist for Labours Brussels gargoyle then who better?
Junckers role in fiddling business taxes in Luxembourg and in letting other countrys compromise its intel really needs to be dealt with before he drowns in the punchbowl.
At least Oliver Reed could act and didn`t get his booze all wrenched from the Salford BoozeShack like Drunker.
Hopefully Tipsy will get dealt with by the Brussels Islamists, when he`s not protected by his booze stenched Tellytubbies suit.
UK-EU customs partnership ‘still on table’
Time for a new Prime Minister . Time for Jacob Rees-Mogg.
What the hell is the Conservative Party up to ?
We tried new already, with May replacing Cameron.
“We tried new already, with May replacing Cameron.”
Yea, with another bloody remainer. We should have left long ago, all this uncertainty is damaging our industry.
Near miss for Tour de Yorkshire volunteer
”A support vehicle crashed through a traffic island and narrowly missed a volunteer during the final stage of the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race.
It happened on the fourth day of the event as cyclists headed towards the finish line in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Volunteer Phillip Sullivan said he was shaken but unhurt after leaping out of the way, and wanted to make sure the driver of the car was OK”
The tour has state of the art trucks, huge expensive trailers kitted out with all manner of expensive media shite, a million pound helicoper in the sky, serious amonts of money slopping about all over the place
Oh, and an army of dickhead volunteers wearing 99 pence yellow nylon vests lining the way- cheaper than traffic cones.
Guess theres no chance of the bbc seeing it my way though.
Mr D was livid that the Tour de Y passed by our house, closing the road. He did in the end go out to watch, blinked and nearly missed the lot. But the support cars, police motorbikes (probably 100 of them and you wonder why they are too busy to attend burgalries) and marshalls provded some interest. But Look North had to spend several minutes interviewing competitors from the women’s race before even mentioning the men on Thursday evening.
Yep same here last year in Tour of GB
It all PR BS
RAce is not much to see, cos the race pack passes within a few seconds
loads of police and their motorbikes
..all said to be paid for by the race biz
I thought exactly the same Deborah; watching the Look North (Leeds version) coverage of the Friday stage, you would have been mistaken for thinking it was a women’s cycling event with a men’s race tacked onto it.
I do confess to enjoying the magnificent aerial shots of Yorkshire though, especially with the weather we’ve had these last few days.
Andrew Marr to have kidney operation
”BBC presenter Andrew Marr will have an operation this week to remove a malignant tumour on his kidney.
The former political editor is expected to “make a full recovery and will be returning to the airwaves soon”, his agent Mary Greenham said.”
his agent?
he’s on 400K+ a year..
I’m sure they could get a healither replacement, happy to work for 40K
“A malignant tumour on his kidney”: do they mean the rest of him?
Here we go again.
The mother of the shot teenager “blames the police…”
Yes, of course.
Let’s blame EVERYBODY but your own violent community.
Oh. by the way…
Two more children aged 15 and 12 have also been shot.
Those bloody white police…
Import the Third World – become the Third World.
With the terrible shootings in London BBC leads with a nothingburger Brexit article?
It is covered in detail though under the ‘England’ tab
@Celtic_Mist You’ve got them to change it
BBC webpage Headlines Now
#1 Violence on London’s streets ‘must stop’
The mother of a dead teenager pleads for an end to the violence after a spate of shootings in London.
#2 Full article Record-breaking bank holiday heat forecast
#3 ‘Best and worst’ railway stations named
BBC says shootings are due to Police cuts; Police need to build more ‘trust’ with community. If you are the sort of person who shoots others I imagine no amount of ‘trust’ with Police will change your ways. That the Police still about ‘building trust’ when gangs are murdering in broad daylight shows how spectacularly the gangs have won.
Of course the suicidal liberal policy of open borders and any expectations whatsoever of newcomers seen as ‘racist’ has had no effect whatsoever on this crisis.
Some field/nature charity says green spaces are good for your health and save the NHS £110 million a year. How could they possibly know this? Even if you wanted to do a proper trial to test something like this – which obviously they will not have done – there are too many other variables, maybe people who live by green spaces are richer which is good for health. Why do they run with patent nonsense like this?
Throughout their orgy of victimhood during the Stephen Lawrence anniversary they never mentioned how the Macpherson Report has caused so many more black men to be killed as the Police are so petrified of being accused of racism they just let black kids kill each other. All this ‘diversity training’ and ‘building trust’ has only emboldened criminals, the polar opposite of what law enforcement should do.
I am afraid with the left and the BBC/MSM it is always a game of “Heads I win – tails you lose”
They have spent so long pushing the shibboleth that racial profiling and SUS laws lead to resentment and hence more violence that they can no long. let this one go without losing vast amounts of credibility.
So instead they turn their backs on these murders and hope it will all go away whilst still blaming conventional society for not being “caring” enough.
It is in their DNA to blame everyone but themselves. What I find so interesting is their obsession with not wanting to upset these packs of semi feral “yoofs” yet totally ignoring and sidelining successful black kids – I suppose because it doesnt fit their cynical narrative and does not fit with their obsession as being seen as “cool”.
The BBCs interest in the black community extends no further than them being either rabblerousers (Fatbott/Lammy) or as victims “forced” into a life of crime.
Makes you wonder who the real racists are?
They love to bask in ‘outrage’ over and ostensibly racist joke or comment by a prominent person – victimless crimes where nobody even cares. Yet when poor single mothers are weeping as their boys have been slaughtered there is never any ‘outrage’, only hand-wringing and saying how there are no ‘easy solutions.’
The bit about “no easy solutions”is true. Much of it revolves around the issues of turning the Police Force into the PC Police Force unwilling to upset anyone (unless of course it is us white waycists) and in addition the years of Cultural Marxism that have encouraged single motherhood at the expense of stable family units, the glorifying of gangster culture. And now the BBC has its very own favourite gangsta – The one and only, friend of Grenfell – “Stormzy”!
These are the things the BBC does not want to talk about as it challenges their preconceptions about the black community and I think they quite enjoy doing the patronising act.. – as I said earlier – who really are the racists in all of this?
If the bbc could swap Stormzy with Stormy this would really perk up their two main ‘news’ obsessions no end.
True, we as a society need to help underpin the traditional family unit, which of course is an anathema to the Left, but wasn’t to the “Windrush” arrivals. We almost never hear a comment from the Father!
I am not sure whether this is relevant or not. But I was at the Day for Freedom Protest yesterday at Whitehall (I missed the march – because I got caught up in a massive traffic jam at the Chiswick flyover)
This may seem obvious to say (but I have never really thought about this that much), but as the Football Lads and Veterans reached Downing Street – I realised despite the best efforts of the Cultural Marxists in the BBC and Government Institutions these people have strong bonds of loyalty towards each-other because of shared beliefs and values. And these shared values and relationships act like a family. And this in many cases will transcend personal comfort.
What the left seems to have done with our society and in particular the Snowflake generation is prioritised personal pleasure, feelings and entitlement at the expense of shared values and responsibility both for yourself and towards others.
No wonder they hate Tommy Robinson and his supporters so much.
Your life in their… shaky, anxious, uncertain, tearful… hands
BBC news goes big on the NHS administrative error that has led to some young generation snowflake doctors having to deal with a cockup over their job offers.
Apparently they will all be having a minor nervous breakdown this bank holiday weekend. Their lives, their partners’ lives, their worlds, their futures have been turned upside down with this trauma.
Welcome to the real grown-up world chaps!
Isn’t this what’s known by the teenagers as a first world problem?
Yesterday the BBC was keen to impress us with the declaration that at least one young doctor was “in tears”. One assumes that was a female but these days you never know.
By the way when and if I happen to be in some life threatening medical condition do please call for someone other than this blubberer.
Of course the metropolitan bourgeois BBC will feel a personal and class association with our present class of whimpy entitled young doctors but the impassioned repeated calls from BBC presenters this morning for compensation feels a little embarassing – considering where that compo must come from.
Looking at BBC Breakfast for the first time in a long time. All the reports centre around the warm weather. A crowded Devon beach is shown and the BBC manage to track down the only asian family on it for a mini interview. Break for local news from the Midlands read by a black woman telling people to avoid a violent black car jacker who uses a knife on his victims.
It will be a while before I watch it again.
The Biased British Broadcasting Corpration – well beyond hope. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43655748
“No Easy Answers to Gun & Knife Crime” states the broadcaster with authority.
London killings continue apace but you, one of the proles, have to understand that you had a far greater chance of being murdered withing the first year of your miserable life. And, not let’s forget the ‘old chestnut’, “Mental Health”. Ah! but that’s alright then now we understand what’s at the root of the problem!
“The World Health Organization in Europe found a similar link: “Exposure to violence and mental trauma in childhood is associated with atypical neurodevelopment and subsequent information-processing biases, leading to poor attachment, aggression and violent behaviour.” Well that sure accounts for islam but, what about Londons “diverse” population? Well, “Back in the Middle Ages (we see that London is getting there!!), according to analysis of English coroners’ records and ‘eyre rolls’ (accounts of visits by justice officials), the rate was around 35/100,000. This is equivalent to the homicide level in contemporary Colombia or the Congo”. Well, that’s alright then but, BBC answer one question then: If large numbers of the population of Colombia or the Congo is brought to Londonistan, surely we can expect the murder rate to match those countries?
The Police? Imposing “Section 60 Notices”. Well that’s alright then. It has always been said, “The pen in mightier than the sword” so, look out you diverse bunch of killers for PC Plod waving a S.60 Notice at you. You will quake in your boots…………..
Me? I just think that the Kray’s record for London murders has been waiting to be challenged in this ‘Brave New & Diverse World’………
I haven’t been here long but, at times, this site seems more London-centric than the BBC.
‘No easy answers to gun & knife crime..’
How about building a few giant prisons, or rather internment camps. No drugs, no mod cons, no xbox’s allowed. All sentences to be served in full. All paid for by abolishing Overseas Aid.
I’m a bloody genius, where’s my Ministerial job offer?
‘U.K. parks boost quality of life by £34 billion.’
What a ridiculous headline which does not even remotely make sense, let alone the garbage in the actual article. You cannot quantify ‘quality of life.’ “My quality of life is £20 better than yours.” Only an autistic robot might say something like that.
They have been sent a press release from a parks charity and not even bothered to edit it so it makes sense.
Some while ago, I had to look closely at the legal interpretation of, ‘amenity’ as a term used in an Act of Parliament. I discovered that over the decades, counsel had repeatedly tried to persuade judges to open out the expression to embrace all manner of things. The judiciary declined to deviate from the simplistic. So, the original definition stands as, ‘The pleasantness of a place’.
‘U.K. parks boost quality of life by £34 billion”. This while the ‘amenity’ of my surroundings continues to deteriorate? Agree with you, “A ridiculous headline…..”
They could at least try to get through the headline without spouting complete bollocks.
I find their agenda driven ‘surveys’ and ‘investigations’ especially irritating, such as when they ran with 60% of those who work in parliament saying they had ‘witnessed sexual harassment.’ How big was the sample? What constitutes ‘sexual harassment’? Also what you ‘witness’ could be misinterpreted – a husband might touch his wife’s arm and a ‘witness’ not knowing they were married could think they had seen sexual harassment. I could go on.
The most perfunctory analysis of their key finding reveals it to be riddled with inaccuracies so profound as to render the evidence inadmissible, yet they run rampant with the story as their agenda always trumps facts.
No surprise that the Beeb has a blanket coverage ban on yesterday’s Day for Freedom event. But all MSM seem to be censoring by omission including the papers. Credit to the The Standard and The Guardian! for at least reporting it.
‘Day for Freedom’ protest in London: Scuffles break out as thousands descend on capital for far-right rally
Thousands march in ‘free speech’ protest led by rightwing figures
I suspect that even if 60 million people had attended the march, the despicable guardian would still have referred to them as far-right protesters.
Ad hominem attacks are the lowest of the low yet it is all they have.
I never thought I’d say this but the Guardian account could be a lot worse:
“Numbers dwindled throughout the lengthy Whitehall march, while the atmosphere was unthreatening.”
Well that’s something when so many events end in riot.
Nothing in the wretched DT, as far as I can see, or the crackpot Express. Creepy.
I liked the quotation from the counter protester with the (inevitable) double-barreled surname:
“On the other side of the lines, Freddi Hyde-Thompson, 28, from London, was shocked to find the counter-protesters outnumbered. “It’s really worrying ,” he said. “This cannot come to London and there be more of them than there are of us.”
At last First ! Happy Bank Holiday !
Despite Brexit ………….