I have put this up on Friday Evening as the Al beeb post election spin is at full speed.The distortion of election results are there for us all. ( apologies in advance if my first attempt ‘to do a David ‘ isn’t unto our mentors’ standard) over to you …. as he might say…
weekend open thread
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So, overnight, three more stabbed, one dead and three people injured in an acid attack.
The inevitable consequences of mass, unfettered third world immigration.
We get rap music and curry though which we must be eternally grateful for.
I have finally given up on listening to The World Service through the night. It used to be such a source of solace and wisdom: programmes about the loneliness of prime numbers, clock making or professors discussing grass for an hour. Last night I awoke to a trailer for a new programme where mixed-race individuals discuss their dual identity followed by a ‘cultural advisor’ on a film about Mexico complaining about ‘white washing.’
That’s the final straw; I am just not subjecting myself to this anymore. Whoever is responsible for this cultural vandalism should hang their head in shame, though you can bet they are a highly paid ‘equalities’ professional.
Who can I complain to about this profoundly offensive business? Nobody. I am not ‘diverse’ so my opinion is worthless.
Beeb I’m feeling this exactly as you describe things. We used to get World Service through ABC radio national in Oz. As I’m not academic I really enjoyed listening to what I believed to be the best experts in the world. Although a massive radio fanatic I haven’t switched it on for a long time now. I did try just to see what might be there but was instantly assaulted by rubbish. My health is not great but I am convinced that it is being made worse by what I am witnessing in the changes to our society. The way language is being used and the bombardment of force fed diversity. It’s the sinister intentions behind this that disturbs me and the helplessness I feel is making me ill. Since arriving back in the UK in 2012 I’ve seen very rapid and distinct changes and it really really frightens me. With the power that the BBC have together with TM as prime minister it’s too late. The great people who are trying to only tell the truth are being targeted and called racists/facist when you and I know these people are the moderates and the only barrier between sanity and insanity.
Bravo Moodswings, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments.
Yes this site is a great solace. We are on your side.
It is not being able to voice our concerns which makes it so much more sinister. I reread 1984 recently and it is chillingly prescient.
Morissey makes a good point when he complains that Khan does not speak properly, saying ‘policin’’ and ‘sumfing.’ That such a prominent individual does not bother to articulate properly is indicative of the broader trend of standards and authority disappearing.
Moodswings, you got that exactly right. I feel as if I’ve followed Alice down the rabbit hole, the whole thing is topsy turvy and freedom of speech only seems to apply if you are Left-leaning. Can you IMAGINE the fuss the Beeb and MSM would make if a Tory were to spout any of the absolutely vile epithets bestowed on us by the left? It is totally insane. Someone on this site shared a video of Dinesh d’Souza a few days ago. I can’t thank you enough, though I’m sorry I can’t remember who it was. I feel as if I finally understand about the left reflecting all their bad stuff on the right and saying its their fault. It was very illuminating. Trump is fighting it out over the pond….where is our Trump?????
Yes, you voice my concern and despair about the World Service exactly. It used to be (and ideally should still be) Britain’s voice to the World, i.e. projecting Britain’s core values and understanding, but it has morphed into what they ridiculously and hubristically call “The World’s Radio Station” (a phrase guaranteed to make one shout out in anger). However, it is sad to reflect that under the dual cosh of BBC and leftish propaganda, Britain is fast losing any Christian-based values it once had, so perhaps the BBC cannot nowbroadcast anything by a hotch-potch of multi-culti dross- it simply now longer has the staff.
Thirty years ago, when travelling, I used to listen to the BBC World Service for the news and to Radio Moscow for a laugh at it’s ‘war is peace/black is white/2+2=5’ views. Now it’s the other way around.
Sky seem to be in a race with the BBC as to who can be the most ridiculous, biased broadcaster.
Here’s a short interview with a black man blaming the murders of other black men and boys on the politicians.
The man then goes on to say that his own son is in prison, serving 22 years for stabbing someone to death and he himself would have done the same given half the chance.
Maybe, just maybe, the interviewer could have had the courage and honesty to suggest to the man that it has nothing to do with the government and everything to do with a complete lack of parental control.
It is always someone else’s fault, which is such a toxic and disempowering idea: not enough Police; “structural racism”; stop and search hurts our feelings.
If you do not commit crime in the first place you have good relations with the Police. When they celebrate Chinese New Year the Police cuts do not matter one iota, whereas at Notting Hil carnival a huge Police presence is required. I wonder why.
Third – He is right in some ways as knife crime has become a cultural issue – The problem is the BBC/MSM love it cos it “keeps it real” so the mainstream politicians wont touch it “cos they is all victims of the system – yeah man innit”
These days there seems to be nothing the BBC loves more than cuddling up to “Gangsta” figures. Remember poor little innocent Mark Duggan?
Oh yes, how could I ever be allowed to forget him.
The sooner the BBC make him St Mark of the Duggan the better.
Hopefully then they’ll be able to a three part eulogy 25 years after his death as they did with St Stephen.
Its sad that Sir Alec F has suffered a brain bleed, but great that the op went well and is now recovering. Its been reported that the ambulance had a ‘police escort’ to the hospital – um how did that happen ? Along with many stroke victims every day, my Dad certainly didn’t have any escort except me when he was taken to hospital. He had a first responder then after 30 minutes the ambulance ‘ambled’ up. Just saying.
Seems an odd extra commitment. Not sure the police are helping their case with exceptions for football-related deployments.
I can think of a great many ways in which the police are not helping their case in 2018.
BBC reporter wonders whether in his new term Putin will be less confrontational towards the West. Call me a bot, but where is he confronting us? Ukraine not “West”, Syria invited in by UN member government, meddling in US & UK ref votes all a load of bollocks (& let him without sin cast the first stone), Salisbury poisoning to be determined.
Two diverse chaps on the One Show sofa who are starring as the good guys in a cop drama. It is hilarious how every hero in dramas is from a ‘minority.’ Accordingly to liberals Somalis choose to not become brain surgeons because there are too many white actors portraying doctors. Perhaps this gang terrorising South London with a shot gun and silver BMW will give up their lucrative and lazy lifestyle when they see a black man portraying a detectives in a BBC drama.
As well as being a rapper the young man killed yesterday was an aspiring architect. One does fear for the future of medicine, engineering and architecture with all these brilliant minds being cut down on their prime.
Just in case we missed the agenda, one of the actors spells it out:
“This has never been done before – two black guys being the Police in a drama and not being criminals or drugs dealers.”
Except Luther, The Wire, The Bill, Homeland and others.
Forget stop and search, fatherlessness, a culture of glamourising criminality and countless other factors. The BBC have solved the whole conundrum for everyone through this poorly acted, trite drama.
A young American actor of hue has also attempted to claim that there are no space cadets from the great dark beyond.
Comments in response could be going better, taking in a few examples going back several decades.
Didn’t ‘Dirty Harry’ have a ‘black’ sidekick? I think he got shot.
It wasn’t long after that that all police chiefs and judges suddenly became ‘black’, which was strange considering the death toll in the lower ranks.
A bit like UK advertising which has become an 80% ‘black’ trade now from Sir Lenny’s exclusive gig. It can’t pay much though compared to ‘news and current affairs’, which is now an 80% ‘brown’ trade.
I certainly do not expect to scan the BBC news site and be confronted by an article supporting gender labeling hate crime.
‘Oxford shooting: Police and gunman in standoff’
‘Gunman’ for heavens sake, how on earth does the BBC know which of the 6732 different genders the gun person identifies with. Disgraceful.
Mentioned before. BBC go out of there way to gender neutralise every title however GUNMAN is the preferred title all things shooter.
Mentioned before you say, blast,I’m desperately trawling the depths to find issues I can get offended about on behalf of other people, how about this,
Sexploitation of sisters who are differently abled? Disgraceful.
I get the point .
The operative propaganda that is used by Al Beeb is “since the holiday was introduced in 1978.”
taffman, Propaganda in the form of a stunning disinformation campaign to convince the masses that climate change is real. Maybe it is, but our UK weather is so variable that it can’t and isn’t used in any of the global calculations.
I came across a letter to parliament from one of the ‘remainer’ groups, essentially complaining that ‘their children’ would no longer have the right to live and work in 28 other countries (plus those in the EEA).
All standard ‘BBC’ stuff.
But why would anyone want ‘the right’ and if they had it what is the incentive for them to improve their country of birth when they can just move on to somewhere else that they have even less connection to? And what is the incentive of the governments of these countries to act in the interest of their citizens if they are likely to ‘move on’?
Logically why should these parent care that their children might lose this ‘right as it is the opposite of the world-wide tradition of passing on the legacy of the ancestors. (I gift to you the obligation to give up your roots and leave home and nation, to believe in nothing, to have allegiance to no-one and to just think as you are told – my child I disown you).
Except that that right is not a product of membership of the EU anyway.
Here in SW France I use exclusively French tradesmen, but I have friends and colleagues who are Australian (plumbers, electricians), New Zealanders (electricians, builders), South Africans (vineyard owners), Americans (mechanics, engineers) and Canadians (carpentry, farming). All are here, myself included, because the French allow us to be.
Sorry, remainers, with your woeful geographical, legal and economic knowledge, but Oz, NZ, SA, the USA and Canada aren’t in the EU. Obviously, in your bizarre remainer world, no-one from Britain ever lived in Europe until we joined the EEC. Odd, then, that my great grandparents, English and Welsh, worked in the French shipyards in, err… 1910.
The right to live in another country is entirely in the gift of the host country – a point that British politicians of all hues would be well to remember.
Project Fear v.29 (or higher).