Grotesque – adjective – ‘comically or repulsively ugly or distorted ‘
Listening to highly paid broadcasters talking about Iran, young criminal groups, prosecuting members of the British security forces – all live subjects at the moment made me search for the BBCs attitude . ‘Grotesque’ was the word which came up – as well as ‘disbelief’ . Im sure you can think of better words . But please try to keep it clean!
Seems the bbc is ramping it up. I wonder if the crew embedded with Lily Allen will share a moving vid of her crying over the lack of space in the crib….
In which the bbc’s highest paid man from Kabul misleads and gets set straight. Again.
The BBC of course has wheeled out the heavyweights on how bullying is a BAD THING.
Location, licence number… not bullying at all.
Do you stand up to Anti-Jewish bullies Thornberry?
She is a bully. When she stood in on PMQs she reminded me of Mrs Trunchbull.
I wonder why Lady Nugee didn’t take the time to call out former Labour Minister Debbie Abrahams who has been sacked from the Labour front bench over multiple allegations of bullying supported by many witnesses.
The Labour supporting Manchester Evening snowflake comic has relegated the story to its ‘your area’ section and not allowed any comments (surprise).
Far from being contrite in the true spirit of Left Wing denial, she is claiming it is her who is the victim!
Another Labour supporting outfit, the BBC has done exactly the same, relegating an important story to its regional Manchester pages:
“Ms Abrahams said at the time of the investigation she had not agreed to stand aside from her role on the shadow cabinet and claimed she had been a victim of a ‘bullying culture of the worst kind’.
After the news of her dismissal on Tuesday night, Ms Abrahams said: “I strongly refute the allegations of bullying made against me. I believe the investigation was not thorough, fair or independent.”
They can’t all be right, but it seems to me that this vile party has a problem with bullying at its very core, and after all given the ease with which its supporters slip into flinging the meaningless bully words around, it’s not surprising to see the external mirrored perfectly in the internal.
Didn`t she kill her cat?
Something about being so poor that it would lick all her cream off her pudding or what have you?
Heseltine also kills animals-dogs in his case.
Where are the RSPCA and PETA over these cases?
Fat bully is The Lady Nugee.
Bet Lady Brook of TWATO isn`t kind to pets either. Seems to be an issue as Remainers, probably enjoy how animals are eaten in France or such, steak hache still has horse in it I think?
Gender Pronoun madness at the BBC with an advert for the bearded man/lady thing Conchita:
Conchita Wurst: ‘I want to be clear this is not a joke’
It was then that he started to flesh out the character of Conchita – a glamorous projection of his inner confidence, who conveniently suppressed Tom’s innate shyness and insecurity.
As Conchita’s reputation grew, she was chosen to represent Austria at Eurovision in 2014 – and spent months casting about for the perfect song.
So not only must we accept that their gender changed at some point in their life but you must also address them correctly, as he or she, when describing their past – getting the correct pronoun for the historic date. Utter PC madness!
” The singer, born Thomas Neuwirth and raised in the conservative Austrian village of Bad Mitterndorf, has had to stare down prejudice since she first turned up to kindergarten wearing a skirt.”
Can someone please inform this man that when a little boy turns up to school pretending to be a little girl and all the other little children don’t understand, it has nothing to do with prejudice, they simply see something that is clearly wrong.
If he`s the result of Immac or Ladyshave Bic, then they really need another model.
Since he`s got “bad AIDS”, I`d imagine we`re the least of hiseritz problems.
Only a Beeboid would care.
Not an envy making “I’m first” first , thank goodness. Thank you GW.
But it wasn’t just an “I’m first” it was an “I’m first” x 4 !! and he didn’t mention it once. I like his style!
I’ll be expecting another threatogram soon from the agents of the BBC .
If that was my first communication from Al Beeb then it would be starting with an untruth , so I can’t expect anything better thereafter .
The BBC ; starting with a big lie .
Much TOADY huffing and puffing on President Trump’s decision on the Iran Agreement. Most of the puffing (almost all?) appears to be “President Trump has made the world a less safe place.”
As I understand it, Iran really needs two things: non-oil based, substantial electricity generating capability and a petrol & diesel refining operation for the dirty oil it pulls out of the ground.
I cannot help but wonder whether the businessman, the deal-maker, the narcissist, who sits in the Oval Office might be quietly on the ‘phone to Teheran saying “We can help you here. Here’s the sort of deal I have in mind: you give up any moves toward nuclear weapons, allow independent inspections of that fact, and the USA that I’m making great again would like to help you build …. ”
Of course, the BBC would not think about things from an Iranian point of view or from a President Trump point of view. The BBC have applied their Point of View to President Trump and it consists of single word labels and none of them are favourable.
Have they read the Art of the Deal? He has had another 30 years of doing deals since he wrote that book. The guy gets realpolitik as opposed to the ‘cuddles and kisses’ diplomacy favoured by wet liberals which achieves so little.
If you skip the media smears and get to what Trump actually believes he is sick of the US having all this wealth and power but being walked all over because its leaders do not know how to play their hand properly. He wants the US to be respected and feared once more.
I thought that Humphrys was on his second incontinonce pad by the time he`d finished fretting over Trumps “deal”
The BBC have all turned into Corporal Jones on all the silly lefty issues the rest of us laugh at.
And are then spivs like Walker, bumptious like Mainwaring or languidly not bothered like Sgt Wilson.
And they`re all a bunch of Sponges.
No Trumps doing fine, got the right enemies yelling at him, so we KNOW he`s hit a corn.
And John Bolton hasn`t yet been released to bite their legs.
Pity the poor sod who has to talc Humphrys red bottom, they really shouldn`t be upsetting him at his age
The Met Gala in New York, have the far-left bbc given any air time to this event? It’s the satanists in full battle dress.
Given one faith based cosplay attempt notably was missed out, the bbc maybe wise to steer clear?
Al beeb loving the Amnesty Internationals “report “ on the police file on potential threats to public order . 99% male 78% black apparently .,
I did a quick bit of research on. The author -who turns out to have been Ken livingstones’ common law wife for 18 years . Case closed .
I gave up waiting for a challenge to this piss poor reporting – Al beeb parrots such nonsense without criticism or sense.
Nor did toady mention the Lords multiple attempts to subvert democracy over brexit .
It is not the liberal luvvies’ kids who will die when the Police have to go soft on gangs. They hurt the very people they purport to protect.
London is suffering an epidemic of black men killing other black men. But the lefties in Amnesty International think it is wrong that the Police has a database of black men.
Not surprisingly, the Guardian and the bBBC agree.
Why not just merge the Guardian and BBC as they are pretty much the same thing? BBC staff must be the only people who still buy it. Give the money saved to buy dinner for poor children.
Have Amnesty not been involved in all the sexual shenanigans?
Kate Allen has had a job for life, funnily enough she`s not said anything about say Egypt, Iran or Venezuela.
Just a database with gangstas.
If the police had not such info, I`d be more bothered.
Not that they`ll stop anything, but the likes of Kate Allan at Amnesty need to tell me about Brazil, DRC etc, S.Africa and North Korea.
Hope nobody still pays for Amnesty. Well past their sell by, picking all the wrong targets as ever. Lefty oafs.
Theresa May had better be very careful. I had a beer with my mates yesterday down the pub. They are-on the whole- die hard staunch Tories. I told them if Brexit doesn’t happen in terms of its complete departure from the EU I will not vote again. I will have been betrayed.
Their response surprised me. They said that they would vote but they would in future vote for the Labour Party. They said it was what the Tories deserve in their betrayal of the the people’s vote to leave the EU. Not stay in through the back door through the stealth of the customs option.
They are so fed up with the weak,weak,weak Remainer Theresa May. She needs to know that people outside of the London bubble are really, really angry with her indecisive dithering. Be stronger woman.
Theresa is a Remainer. Full stop. When she betrays the peoples vote- she will, mark my words. Every discussion, in supporting the Tory political view, will in the future always include the line of how they betrayed the peoples vote. Leave the Single market, leave the Customs union. It’s what we voted for.
Tories they will say, do not represent the will of the British people. Boris, Jacob, Fox and Gove are right.
The Tories are dancing in fire and they deserve to get burnt.
We like a good sing song down the pub.
Oh Jeremy Corbyn, oh Jeremy Corbyn, oh Jeremy Corbyn.
There is a school of thought that a Corbyn in Downing Street would speed up the revolution and correction required in this country.
Oh yes it would definitely speed up the dismay .. but would we ever get another election?
Have just copied your post wronged … can I send it to my MP? I suggest everybody else on this blog does so if allowed to by you. It puts it so much better than I could have done!
Send away oldcrone
Good luck
Sent x
I know very little about this Iran nuclear deal but two things now give me an idea why I should support what Donald is doing.
First, the bbc don’t like it so it must be good.
Second, because Trump has decided it’s the right thing to do and I believe him.
He is doing what he said he would do before he was elected.
I wish our politicians would do the same.
EG, you are right. Delivery is much neglected by our politicians.
I start from the position of not being a Trump fan but waiting to see what he does as a democratically elected, from an impressive constituency of Republican candidates, and then democratically elected, from a choice of two plus one or two others in some States, President. Democratically elected so well they had to do it twice.
Not so long ago, but during the last months of the previous Presidency, the chants “Death to America” were also coming from a country further east from the USA than Iran. They became louder and louder during the first months of President Trump’s first term.
Where are those chants now?
Have I gone deaf? 🙂
To anyone ‘new’ to wondering what this increasingly mad world is coming to: Let Nigel Farage explain.
I do not, however, subscribe to islam being an integral part of the NWO’s planning. They are just, in my view, cadging a lift for as long as it suits. Strange bedfellows and all that. After all, they have been around since the 7th Century and pray five times a day only to one source of their whole being – Allah. The NWO does not and will not, even compete.
The BBC and geography do not go well together.
The BBC and history do not go well together.
And now the BBC and science do not go well together.
Look at the first line, then look at this sentence by the unattributed BBC journalist, no doubt trying to get their brain around the guidelines from NICE: “Instead, people should drink plenty of water or fluids”
Er, what exactly do you think cranberry juice is comprised of?
No question from the Beeboid about painkiller use, either. They can present their own problems for the patient.
Fluids & foods rich in vitamin C are ideal for treating UTIs and do not – in the first instance of the illness – require a visit to a hard-pressed GP. What is it that that you keep telling us, BBC, about our NHS & GPs? Cranberry juice is one of the best of these treatments, along with orange juice, blackcurrant drinks and so on, but there are others and guess what, they also contain a lot of …..
…. water!
This is a quite dangerous, anonymous article from the BBC. It is disgraceful. It should be pulled off the web-site and its author ‘spoken to’.
Trouble is Up2, that most cranberry juice on sale at the moment (eg Ocean Spray) is cranberry juice drink. That is, it is more like squash than juice and with lots of sugar added. (Delia used to have a lovely Xmas recipe for a jelly pudding made with cranberry juice and I am not making it with squash). I presume the National Institute for Health and Clinical Whatnot know about the juice drink but I feel fairly sure that the £4 billion BBC wouldn’t employ a journalist that might know, care or investigate. I am sure this whole article came from a press release from the Institue and no previous knowledge was required by the snowflake employed by BBC.
Quite correct, Deborah. Many cranberry juices on sale are mostly …
… water.
Not necessarily with lots of sugar. As ever, ‘Caveat Emptor’ = buyer be aware. 😉 They might have chemicals instead of sugar. Eeeek! Proper orange juice (or lemon or lime if you can take it) is a good substitute squeezed into a glass of Chateau Neu du Tap.
A citric jelly pudding – that would be a good UTI treatment.
It is actually a draft NICE proposal, to be fair to the Beboid, and that is in the article. What I suspect NICE are trying to say is “Do not go to your doctor or A&E and INSIST on antibiotics to treat your UTI.” with which most of us, I hope, would agree.
I suspect the BBC is, on the other hand, looking for something that they think is sensational in the draft guidelines while not doing any thinking. At all. BTW, it is not the first time that NICE or other UK/England/Wales/Scotland Health bodies have made themselves look stupid.
Cigarette smoking in the open air in the middle of an Ebola epidemic comes, strangely, to mind. “Oh hallo, Sally. Didn’t see you there.”
All this reminds me to go and see if anyone has won the B-BBC Bank Hol Quiz.
Response to Met Police gang list: not fit for purpose and breaches human rights laws.
Response to lethal gang violence epidemic: talk of ‘partnership with communities’, ‘building trust’ and ‘no easy answers.’
The PC virus is paralysing. Our society is like a late stage AIDS patient: too weak to stand, hopeless and howling in pain with an immune system/critical faculties ravaged by this deadly disease.
The PC virus, developed in the labs of the Frankfurt School and incubated in the Californian unis, is doing exactly what it was intended to do, BB.
Make the West so corrupt that it stinks! Willi Münzenberg
It is chilling to read what their original plans were and how they have been fulfilled. Instead of the Soviet style revolution they just wanted to wreak chaos from the bottom up. At least the original Marxism had a substantive goal in mind, albeit animpracticable one. The Frankfurt school just wanted pandemonium as an end in itself and they have succeeded.
Don’t forget our own graduate of the school, BB below is what Bertrand Russel (philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist, and Nobel laureate) views,
In his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote:
“The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity.
But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.
When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”
He would have felt right at home in the BBC!
Here a Texan ‘explains’ his obsession with US Politics to us Brits:
Katty must have trouble keeping her hands off him.
His bio header is quite… ‘unique’.
“Views expressed [are not equal to those of the corporation he works for, trumpets at every chance, but paid by those he has been hired to mislead]”.
0 Days since Labour f**ked up over anything, mainly anti-semitism.
0 Days since Leaving EU.
0 Days since BBC £3.5bn News Omission Service did proper journalism.
These are the people we are dealing with … put down the matches and the USA might talk to the grown ups …
Trump nuclear deal pullout: Iran politicians set fire to US flag in parliament and chant ‘death to America’
I see that they all left their swords at home today!
Cultural appropriation .. wearing suits!
You note they don’t wear the Christian tie, very much like our own Emir of Londonistan. I wonder what message he is trying to send?
So where are the women, is it ladies day at the swimming baths ?
Looks like a bad attempt with Photoshop (other bitmap editors available) to me, Lucy.
Even so, the fragrant Laura doesn’t look too pleased, no change there though.
Worse than Fake
Downright anti British Liars
Ha – nice one!
BBC seem quiet on “Zaghari-Ratcliffe” … now would be a good time to bring it up? No?
The box next to the Iran deal demonstrates the BBC’s on-going love affair with illiteracy.
Punctuation is important. As an example, no one could object to:
“Cressida Dick, head of the Metropolitan Police”.
However, if you move the comma slightly to the right you’d get a sentence that would have be banned from this site.
Not this site lovey … another site x
I copied that onto … and gave you credit. Excellent spot.
More “budding architect” immigrants! The BBC also managed to throw in Grenfell too as we haven’t had that for at least 48 hours.
Grenfell fire: Italian couple transformed into fairy tale heroes
The BBC never asked in my hearing how an unemployed Italian couple were able – during a shortage of social housing – to come to Britain and jump over the housing queue and obtain an apartment in London.
The BBC. Asks no questions.
Economical with the truth by omission.
Video Journalists: Sofia Bettiza and Mohamed Madi
Animations: Aoife McKenna.
All 3 UK based BBC employees:
Sofia – italian/croation
Mohamed- libyan?
Aoife- Ireland?
Guess ticking the migrant box helps get employed..
Maybe the deceased couple were renting private, as a few of the flats were private owned, or subletting via the lucrative multiple council tenancies owners – rent to let – racket.
Unlucky ending up in an overcrowded tower full of 3rd world immigrants,
We never hear about the mini cab driver whos dodgy fridge started it, where he obtained the appliance, why he fucked about consulting neighbours , how the neighbour could see a ”small fire” in his kitchen as she claimed, from her own door..etc
Seems they both were working,
”The two architectural assistants had recently moved to the UK in search of work, and were living on the 23rd floor of the 24-storey tower.
Trevisan had been working for Peregrine Bryant Architecture Building and Conservation, in south-west London, for just over a week, while Gottardi worked as an architectural assistant at east London-based Creative Ideas & Architecture Office. ”
It’s a very good point. The council house sector is rife with illegal subletting. I wonder if the truth will ever come out about Grenfell?
It’s weird but I had a day off the other week and I saw lots of immigrants loitering about and not working. They were probably just taking a well-earned break from their nuclear physics studies.
No! No!
The fairytale has the couple kidnapped by a dragon and the young man turns into a knight who saves his princess.
Far too conventional for the BBC! The female dragon should rescue the ‘princess’ from her evil, domineering ‘partner’, who leaps to his death from the top of the tower, (representing the downfall of masculinity). Meanwhile the ‘princess’ flies off with the dragon for a lifetime of rampant lesbian besteality.
The BBC do not like what President Trump has done with the Iran deal.
The markets, however, appear to be taking a slightly different view:
Yep ! We get the truth where money is concerned !
That will be because Iran will now have less money to fund their military build up on Israel’s borders with Lebanon and ‘Palestine’.
BBC report on Merkel being a wax model … but not … Meghan leaves one fantasy world to enter another fantasy world …
Meghan Markle’s 9 Sexiest On-Screen Moments {feb2018}
Like the time with the oral sex.
Sorry, not BBC but Ch4…I sat through ‘Genderquake’ and was left thoroughly depressed for the future.
We’re doomed I tell ye 🙁
Agreed. Because if I want to know what it is like to be a woman, I would be sure to ask a man who is mentally fucked up and hates himself so much that he mutilates himself to become a woman (at taxpayer’s expense, naturally!)
There is an error in this 100% accurate BBC article from the 100% accurate BBC.
Can you ‘inaccurate new media’ types find it?
Sorry, no prizes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And sadly, no correct answers. Only one reply. Last BH Quiz I’ll probably do.
Just demonstrating that the BBC and science (including medicine) do not go well together, the missing item, the error in the article is that, if I recall correctly, age and gender are missing from the old BMI calculation.
Nor did Wesley Stephenson, who wrote the piece, think to ask Nick Trefethen (Professor of Numerical Analysis at Oxford Uni) – who thinks that the old formula is wrong – whether his proposed replacement formula should also include age and gender.
A Double Ooops, not a Double First for the BBC on this one.
Facebook tells us that it is ‘Teacher Appreciation Day’.
Judging by their cartoon they think all teachers are black or Muslim. No Facebook, it is the pupils that are all black or Muslim.
Thank goodness that RT is publishing this message – please watch and share to stand up for three young boys killed in a terror attack that is being covered up by police :
disturbing very disturbing
Police covering up muslim terror attacks? Surely not!
BBC radio 2 news reporting on Trump withdraws US from Iran nuclear deal. His controversial decision to pull out of.
Was rather amused to hear Lyse Doucet say “they are now burning American flags and shouting ‘Death To America’ In Iran.” She then goes on to that was something that they had been shouting less since the deal was made in 2015.
So. Justified according to the BBC….
I have just watched the Daily Politics programme on BBC.
Andrew ripped into two shockingly poor politicians, One Tory, one Labour.
Karen Bradley (remember her) has put forward a plan to reopen the investigations into the killings of the conflict between our soldiers and those muderers the IRA.
Thankfully Gavin Williamson has supported our Armed service men who maybe prosecuted for murders inflicted on the IRA.
90% of all murders during this period was inflicted by the IRA. The Blair government and this one are not seeking to prosecute past murderers in the IRA.
There are 240 cases pending against former soldiers now in their 60’s 70’s and 80’s. Not one against any IRA member. Good Friday agreement pardoned the IRA. Many were also given ‘letters of comfort’ stating that they will not be prosecuted at any future date.
Why are our soldiers being dragged through the courts? What the hell is snowflake Karen Bradley up to?
Here we go, first the servicemen who fought the Iraqis now the servicemen who fought the IRA.
The moral is to the Army in this country is-
When called upon to defend your country
Don’t bother.
This is just one reason why I don’t vote for the virtual signalling Tory and Labour party.
How could they think such a thing against our own brave soldiers? I cannot believe it.
At least Andrew Neill was visibly disgusted with the politicians.
Steve Barclay of the Conservatives … who apparantly voted Leave … was clueless about how the Gov’t were prosecuting British soldiers and not IRA people! Is this Conservatism?
O’barmy’s useless deal gave the Iranians billions to export Jihad and terror. Trump was right to rip it up.
Saudi is still a big problem. The choice between two different hells.
Saudi Certainly considered as one of the most backward developments of Islam-its people severly controlled by the teachings of Islam which allies itself to the destruction of Europe, yet Europe inc UK invite this band of desert Arabs to invest in European countries not only their easily gotten money through a Western discovery oil back in around 1908 but with it their Islamic teachings. Supporting Islamic schools in some European countries, one in particular is France. The Muslim pupils from those scholls will stealthily creep into various departments of Christian Society distablising the status quo where they can-encouraging discontent amongst the inhabitants where they can.We seem blind to what the end result could look like.
Half of today’s bBBC NorthWest ‘news’ wasted in showing us a gathering of a few weepie Scouse women because today would have been dead Alfie Evans’ second birthday if he hadn’t died.
Maybe the rest of us need to embrace the ‘far-right’ tag.
As this piece on the #DayForFreedom rally says: And in this if in almost nothing else the BBC and Guardian have a point. We are indeed far-right. Anyone fighting for free speech today is in fact far far right of the cultural Marxists at the BBC. That’s right, what used to be centrist liberals are now called ‘far-right’! That’s how far left our elites have travelled:
If you believe in liberal values you are ‘far-right’!
Good point. The centre ground is not static but a moving point that is dragged left and right.
We have tipped towards hell …
Sharing hate posts online could lead to six months’ jail as judges recommend harsh punishments for internet trolls who torment racial, religious or sexual minority groups {dailymail 09may2018}
Critics say the proposals mean heedless insults could result in prison sentences.
Someone who creates hate speech that threatens life should expect three years.
Aggravating factors include activity ‘in a particularly sensitive social climate’.
. . . .
Comments …. (which could be considered hate) ….
“No wonder labour are big on giving convicts in jail the vote, they worry that a number of their supporters would be swept up in this with all their Heil Corbyn posts.”
“So having a non-approved opinion will result in imprisonment? Someone should write a book about that; 1984 would be a good title.”
“Could they include Meghan Markle in this? The hateful postings about her are so misleading and hurtful.”
However as you know Muslim privilege will mean that whenever they commit such an act such as burning poppies at a remembrance service the sentence will be cooked up to be something so low as to be past laughable.
Comedy is no laughing matter at the BBC these days.
Nothing shows the institutional left wing basis at the Corporation better than the constant student hall rants from aging smug “comedians” grown fat on the panel show gravy train. Jeremy Hardy, who for years on the BBC “speaks to the nation”, is little more than a ranting communist sneering at a widely admired British way of life. Fellow sneerer Mark Steel never tires of telling us that he grew up in Swanley, a Kentish “dump” full of blue collar families. In fact Swanley, surrounded by green fields, is far from a dump – perhaps its only fault is that it is the former home of a snotty plonker like Steel.
Has anyone ever laughed at the Now Show? Listening to an episode of this dreadful lefty-fest is marginally less funny than Hillary Clinton explaining why she wanted to be President. The programme is typical of the anti science, pro mass immigration, me too, up yours agenda produced by a roster of clowns that would struggle to secure much of a living outside the BBC bubble. But they all live high on the hog in a world of you scratch my back production companies and money flowing freely from a State-ordered poll tax.
Who would employ Marcus Brigstocke after his laughably bad performance as Barnum stunk up the South Bank last year? So it is back to regular employment on shows like Just a Minute where asked to say something to an Indian audience recently he said “sorry”. No doubt Brigstocke is still upset that Italians don’t apologise for the beastly Roman empire. Or maybe he couldn’t give a stuff about historical events and just wants to signal his sanctimonious virtue – something of a constant habit. And who would employ Richard Curtis, whose best film days are well behind him? But he always has a berth on Radio 4 and Comic Relief where his mates can associate with politically right on causes, all overseen by highly paid charity executives.
Clive James wrote about the death of satire recently in his essay about climate change “Mass death dies hard”. “The full 97% of all satirists who dealt themselves out of the climate subject back at the start look like staying out of it until the end, even if they get satirised in their turn”. The consensus of silence from the wits and thespians “continues to be impressive”. But even if they wanted to speak for skepticism “they wouldn’t find it easy when the people who run big TV outlets forbid the wrong kind of humour”, he observed.
As with science skepticism, so with the whole raft of elite opinions and identity issues. The liberal elites are embarked on a root and branch transformation of British society and not a word in jest can be spoken. The only material allowed on a regular basis is unfunny politically correct hectoring from dreary bores. Of course the BBC justifies the whole unfunny boondoggle by suggesting that there aren’t any right wing comedians. Well for a start we are not talking about comedians but political activists doing their turn on alleged comedy slots. So if alternative views cannot be found, they should all be canned. Of course it is perfectly possible to find satirists to do a job on all politicians. One would have thought that Corbyn, McDonnell and Thornberry are prime material and if that fails how about free-speech lover Tom Watson, union hard man Len McClusky or the ghastly George Galloway.
Of course there are interesting comedians still around, but they tend to be the ones with the talent. Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse will have a gloriously funny poke at anything and former ranting lefty Ben Elton has produced an impressive body of work covering theatre, print and television. In fact his recent Shakespearian sitcom Upstart Crow was a small masterpiece combining a deep knowledge with sparkling wit. There were current cultural references, and you might not agree with them, but they were amusing and well made – not rammed down the audience’s throat.
But it is token stuff. There is little desire to satirise people that the BBC hopes will form the next government and rescue them from the hated Tories. So we are stuck with Brand, Jupitis, Punt, Dennis, Hamilton. Hardy et al who happily pocket vast rewards for producing relentless dross.
Funny business, not the slightest bit funny.
Sorry Chris but Swanley IS a dump.
There will be much grinding of teeth in Al beebwith the news that President Trumps envoy is bringing three American citizens back to the USAfrom North Korean prisons .
Sopel will be on one –
Why has it taken so long ?
Why didn’t he get more released?
Is it a cynical distraction from Iran / Russia / prostitutes / FBI ?
Then one might say – what did Obama do ?
Keep draining the swamp .
Swanley Islamist State!
Goodness me they are everywhere aren’t they!
Chris – rather than suffering the cringing stuff just go for the off switch – an example you left out was the radio 4 extra ‘comedy hour ‘. Apart from the occasional repeat of ‘hitchhikers’ the rest is just unfunny dross ‘ hosted ‘ by some professional false cockney type called arfer. Gord ‘elp us.
So who is doing these immigration scams ?
Bradford 2018 – Asian Tory Councillor ordered to repay £1m, Kasam Hussain
London 2017 – Asian son of Labour Councillor Asylum centre worker nicked ‘for charging immigrants £1,000 to fast track visa applications’ Navas Mohammed Karim, 35,
UK 2018 …. Sharing hate posts online could lead to six months’ jail as judges recommend harsh punishments for internet trolls who torment racial, religious or sexual minority groups {dailymail 09may2018}
Pakistan 2017 … Facebook was where Pakistan could debate religion. Now it’s a tool to punish ‘blasphemers’ {22jul2017}
Immigration the hard attitude
Zero Windrush people have been found to been wrongly deported so far.
“a Handful of people overall in the last 6 years have been wrongly deported , upto 5.”
overall £3.3m was paid out for wrongful DETENTION.
..says Home Office head of Enforcement : Hugh Ind
“About 35% of those in immigration detention are foreign
national offenders.”
Somehow Diane Abbot had secret knowledge / certainty that there had been Windrush deportations
BTW the Times hide that crucial info in a tiny article on page 2
Can’t agree Lucy. I grew up nearby in Hextable and the whole area was full of fields, orchards and market gardens. Some of that has gone but it remains a green place. So Swanley might be a little unexciting but it is full of families working hard and bringing up children. To champagne communists like Steel it might seem a “dump” because he has moved onto what he considers higher things and ritzier areas. But I would never insult where I came from in this way. Might get one called a snob.
Fellow plonker Keith Richards was similarly dismissive of nearby Dartford, but it didn’t stop him dumping his daughter with his mother while he conquered the world of music and hard drugs. Mick Jagger, a much nicer man, has never spoken in this way and funded a local performing arts centre.
Londonistan crime update
Every so often I have been reporting crimes here which al beeb chooses not to.
Well I have to say I have lost it . Yesterday – according to the London evening paper there were six separate stabbings. I know there was one where the kids were using machetes on each other but not the other 5.
I guess stabbing is high fashion these days. The mayor , in charge of the police in London , will have the answer eh?
Not to worry, the Met have launched a ‘urgent probe.’ Makes it sound like an earache, not anarchy on London’s streets.
The Met have 900 policepeople on surfing porn / scannning for ‘hate crimes’ online. So the stabbings will continue and Khant will keep saying that he can do nothing about crime.
The Emir’s answer? – “it’s all part and parcel”………….
if you were more familiar with somewhere like Karachi you would share that opinion.
I watched BBC Prime Minister Question Time today.
When Teezer spoke about the Customs Union Liddington and Hammond who were sat aside her were smugly grinning.
The cameras then panned quickly to Fox and Boris who had faces like thunder.
Have a look. Worrying from my point of view.
Not worrying from mine! Let’s hope they get rid!!
Just remember, NOTHING is an accident. When Shereeza strikes a blow and Corbyn looks like an idiot, the camera refuses to pan to opposition benches. When there is a split in Tory party ranks, it is captured and repeated again and again.
Diversiy something new ?
Y. Post comment column says
“look Sanjiv Javid Home Secretary, that wouldn’t have happened in 1990′
.. Doh Benjamin Disraeli was our Jewish prime-minister in 1868 , and 1874–80 and he was leader of the party for 12+ years
This is a question to Fedup2 and the community that post here:
Is it necessary to have a mid-week open thread? I am thinking that perhaps the mid-week open thread is unnecessary as it cuts across discussion posted on Tuesday / early Wednesday. It seems to me that a “Start The Week Open Thread” and a “Weekend Open Thread” is more than sufficient.
What do others think? It will also lessen the burden of Fedup2 and others by 33%!
Broadcasting – thanks for the comment . I only put it up today because of what I had seen in the past and wanted to stay with tradition. I tried not to cut across existing comments but unless I either do it in the middle of the night or which to your suggestion im not sure if it can be done.
The other issue is the tendency to ” move on” from the previous threads which hold valuable comments too. I when I learn to do the hyperlink thingy to the previous link I will put it in to each new Thread or subject as they arise.
thanks for the view.
Having a thread that is ‘too long’ doesn’t make for easy reading, particularly if people, quite rightly, have commented against earlier comments, in which case they can get buried ‘way in the past’.
To some extent that is countered by the ‘latest post’ list on the right but that only works if traffic is light. At some point there is need to ‘move on’ and start a new thread.
How about adding the week number to Open Thread titles? Over at ‘IsThe BBCBiased’ they have a very confusing trick of moving Open Threads up and down the running order, sometimes it is brand new and sometimes it is from two weeks earlier but re-positioned, (sometimes with a new picture to really confuse things). I prefer to see threads keep their place in time.
Broadcasting ….I agree. Nothing against you Fedup … appreciate what you are doing x
I have to admit that when there are over say 200 comments, I tend to only glance at the latest. So I miss recent comments to the oldest posts. And (sorry started this sentence with a conjunction) if I have a new point to make, rather than reply to an existing comment, I prefer to wait for the new thread. I always assume that being comment 444 in a thread of 1,000 means you are only read by those about at that time. I think the number of ‘likes’ given to comments in the middle confirms this.
Spain : Newsreader where black in anti-Conservative Bias Protest
Claims of conservative bias at the Spanish equivalent of the BBC have led presenters to dress in black to mourn the death of impartial news coverage
Boris backs the BBC and EU over Iran deal
He would, he’s just a weak, blustering blond, tousle-haired buffon, who like his boss, always gets it wrong.
What has happened to the Former UK? It’s a stinking disaster, through and through.
I agree about Boris .. he blows with the wind … he is about as principled as his lefty virtue signalling sister. The only person who is serious Brexit and who wants the job is Gove!
Gavin Ashenden Extended Interview … Gavin Ashenden, Chaplain to the Queen 2008-2017, talks to us about same-sex marriage and the sexuality and gender revolution we’re currently undergoing in the West.
Oxford removes Theresa May portrait from wall of successful Geographers.
Woukdn’t it be the case that Theresa May asked them to remove the portrait, as she doesn’t want to be associated with the now despicable lefty, intolerant , no-platforming-institution ?
Theresa May… she doesn’t want to be associated with the now despicable lefty, intolerant , no-platforming-institution ?
Of course she wants to be associated with the Conservative Party – she is party leader, after all, and it is very much in her own image.
May 24th is the trial date of girl & boy who chanted “we hate blacks” at Nottingham Trent U halls.
India has backed out of an agreement on the return of illegal immigrants from Britain amid fears of mass deportations
\\ Up to 100,000 people of Indian origin are thought to be living in Britain illegally, the highest number by nationality.
The number removed either forcibly or voluntarily from the UK fell by 45 per cent from 7,724 in 2014 to 4,254 last year, according to the Home Office.
Britain’s proposal would have streamlined and accelerated that process but Mr Modi balked at the last minute. //
cut the foreign aid budget to pay for them
they must be really terrible architects and Dr’s if the Indians dont even want them
PETER HITCHENS: The ‘patriotic’ thought police came for Corbyn. You are next
Is THIS a warning? In the past few days I have begun to sense a dangerous and dark new intolerance in the air, which I have never experienced before. An unbidden instinct tells me to be careful what I say or write, in case it ends badly for me. How badly? That is the trouble. I am genuinely unsure.
I have been to many countries where free speech is dangerous. But I have always assumed that there was no real risk here.
According to The Standard, 6 stabbings and one acid attack in London in just one night.
Pretty serious, you might think, but what does the useless beeb focus on? Why, the alleged ‘racism’ of the Met gang database ‘Matrix’. Perhaps the database would be less race-biased if the perpetrators were less ‘race-biased’.
Last night the attackers used machetes and acid. Could there be a clue there? Both are favoured in certain parts of the ‘developing’ world — or ‘not-developing’ world.
Here’s the nasty police being all waycist to this innocent bystander, probably an engineer or doctor, or a musician. They do love their Mozart, don’t they?
But Vlad, the facts are racist, hence why the BBC cannot report them.
3% of the UK population is black, yet 1 in 6 people in prison for murder is black, 14% of prison population is black.
In London black people are about 13% of the population yet 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.
The Independent newspaper studied gang rapes and discovered that of the 92 convicted 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Even Channel 4 news has reluctantly admitted that black people in the US are far more likely to commit serious crimes such as murder and rape.
BUT!!!!! It is not the colour of the skin that leads people to commit crime, as black people from specific African countries do very well academically and in US society.
But the fact it is a cultural issue doesn’t excuse the avoidance by the BBC in even discussing the matter.
Isn’t that the BBC’s Young Musician Of The Year and the policeman is giving him ‘the score’?
One of the interesting things about following Katty Kay on Twitter is the constant stream of retweets which apparently indicate that things are about to get bad for President Trump. I’m sure she’d argue she’s only reporting news, but it’s funny how this “news” comes mostly from one side. Perhaps it more reflects the bubble in which she lives.
Here’s another beauty.
“Good evening, and here is the BBC ‘if…IF’ allegations, brought to you by a peroxide addled blonde”
No idea who MRC are but their study feels true given what I have seen on BBC and Sky news about trump.
“The Media Get Trumped: President’s Polls Improve Despite 90% Negative Coverage”
Trump is hammered by the media in the US yet his job approval points are rising.
Further to the vastly paid John Simpson not knowing or lying about what a treaty is earlier, the vastly paid Jeremy Bowen maintains the BBC MiddleEast desk’s unique ability to not notice stuff that doesn’t suit.
Anyone else see BBC news Russian corespondant Rosenberg (?) on BBC News yesterday!? His paymasters did a live 15 mins segment of him playing on his grand piano in his very expensive looking furnished home while playing past Eurovision Song Contest winners! It seems he is addicted to said annual event and knows the lyrics/music to every winner since it first began. Played a lot of Irish winners for some reason?
“The Simpsons: not all Indians think Apu is a racist stereotype.”
The intrepid BBC India reporter has written a lengthy article, reported from the front line of people’s feelings about an imaginary character.
Can we not have an official policy that everyone should toughen up and accept that being ‘offended’ or ‘triggered’ is an inevitable part of life? It is just not possible to modify your behaviour to suit the needs of every pathetic whinger and moron on the planet. The problem is not with the ‘offensive’ content but with the individual who gets ‘offended.’
All the coolest and best adapted people I have known have been unshockable. It is much more fun and healthier to be like that and is something everyone should aspire to. If you do not bend you break – obviously everyone else should not change their behaviour to suit some infantile kill joy. This bastard wants to ruin the best show of all time – how dare he.
I don’t watch The Simpsons these days, but from what I remember Apu is a hard working and honest shopkeeper. He is never shown short changing customers or adulterating the food. The only “problem” the race baiters have is that he is voiced by a white man putting on an Indian accent. That’s it. That’s how pathetic this whole made up controversy is.
How is this news?
Rob – I think he is also proud to be an American.
But in Blighty having migrants actually wanting to embrace the culture of their new homeland is soooooooooo very uncool!
But give them a Kalashnikov and a chip on their shoulder and they can go straight to the top of the housing queue.