I fear that the visit of Donald Trump will be hijacked by the lefties and they will cause so much trouble that UK-USA relations will be set back decades.
Because we have no impartial media tv (never mind a right of centre one) it will be presented as if all of us hate Trump when I believe most of us wish he was here running the UK instead of this useless lot we currently have.
I have no faith that the bbc will be fair and open with their coverage and the left, for all their faults, are very good at organising protests.
So Xi`s OK and Erdogan is too?
But not Trump? But of course.
It` the idiot globalising Muslim poncing Left isn`t it?
To be fair to our two authoritarian creeps-they know how to deal with the likes of the BBC and Guardian hackups,
If doesn’t make friends with President Trump then the Green Flag of Islam and the Black flag of Jihad could soon fly over Downing Street;, the recent senior government appointment of Sajid Javid puts this senior Islamic supporter of deception well in line for Premiership. This is not impossible people.
errghhh….It’s not the snowflakes who have seriously undermined UK/US relations. It is the FBI/CIA/MI6 counter-intelligence operation that was launched in 2016 to first of all destroy Trump’s presidential run and if he won destroy his Presidency. MI6 are deeply involved in this collusion to unseat him and he knows it. Most people are completely unaware of what is about to break in the coming months. The IG reports in to the corruption at the heart of Obama’s administration are going to stretch UK/US relations to breaking point.
I suggest you research this lot. Hakluyt , Dearlove, Halper and Mifsud. Why do you think Assange’s access to the internet was cut a month ago and has not yet been restored? Why have you heard nothing about it in the MSM? He was tweeting about Misfud and his involvement not just with the CIA inspired plan (Brennan) to destroy Trump but also the British government
There is something very odd about the Joseph Mifsud story and the role of the UK in the 2016 US presidential election: (thread)
— Defend Assange Campaign (@DefendAssange) March 22, 2018
The BBC are publicising Tony Blair’s excuse for ripping up an East London working class community and ripping off the nation. Unfortunately, in so saying, Tony sounds like a naughty child who has done wrong and tries to shift the blame onto a sibling.
We’ve all been there. Blame shifting as a child, that is, not ripping up communities or ripping off the nation as an adult.
I can only suggest that this extreme anti Blair attitude, that some on this site seem to have, may have something to do with the fact that they were brainwashed by the BBC at the time Blair was in power to hate Blair so much!
The BBC never gave the people the chance to hear for themselves what he said that explained his policies.(Washington 2004 speech had 8 standing ovations but not a word of it was broadcast on the BBC and barely mentioned in the media and Las Angeles 2006 speech got this comment on the BBC news at 10pm “this is what the PM meant to say”)
I agree Lynette. At the time of the lead up to the Iraq war I was working shifts that meant driving to work at 1pm and listening to TWATO. Day after day after day the BBC rammed their viewpoint down my throat and I never heard a counter argument. As it turned out, the bBBC were right in this case but my eyes were opened to their one-sided, auntie knows best, this is what you must think attitudes. It was relentless and it opened my eyes.
That’s when I stopped trusting the BBC. They have corporate groupthink and we need to tell people. I’ve just come back from a walking holiday where people I’d never met before agreed with us. The distrust is spreading. Hurray!
Lynette, Blair was pure poison, here is just a short list of his “accomplishments”:
Mass EU and third world immigration, above anything previously seen before
Weakening of the Union, through devolution
Politicalisation of the police
Terrible NHS reforms
Massive increase in debt
Lead the country into an illegal war, despite mass public protests
In times past his head would now be on a spike at the Tower, instead we have this utter failure lecturing us about Brexit aided and abetted by the BBC
I dont think many on this site have been brainwashed by the Beeb
Only one?
Doesn’t Blair’s attack on Serbia, to hand one of it’s provinces -Kosova- to the muslims count ?
Totally illegal under international law.
I blame his client state of voters that relected him,twice more, for his next wars
Even compared with the traitor Heath, Blair stands out as the worst PM this country has suffered (and there have been many) since WII. No one has inflicted anything like as much permanent damage to the country, both psychologically and physically .
At best he is a vain sociopath who should be shunned as a pariah. At worst, the only suitable treatment would be from an exorcist.
Lynette, Tony Blair won the GE as Labour leader on 1 May 1997. I was prepared to give Tony Blair as PM a chance.
The Labour Party definitely needed changing substantially from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s version. One hoped that the Labour mantra – ‘For the many, not the few’, which is not really new, would be put into effect by Blair with some intelligence and skill. We had seen what John Major, who could and should have really been ‘a man of the people’, had done with his government and democracy and it was neither pretty or good.
Blair had been democratically elected twice, deals in food-filled restaurants notwithstanding.
By the start of autumn, I was growing suspicious, but by the end of October 1997 I was already disillusioned and could see what was just over the horizon with Labour government under Blair and Brown.
Blair has had his chance. His recent attempts to overturn the democratic decision the UK took to leave the EU, together with this latest utterance, is – I think – a measure of the man.
He will not a special place on the future board of the controllers of the UK/Islam-most likely they will execute him-they have no love for him in Islamic countries irrespective.
It was Sir Horace Cutler of the Tories who wanted to bid for the Olympics as long ago as 1988.
It was the Millennium Dome that was the work of the likes of Heseltine and Mandelson.
Probably wouldn`t need to look too hard to find Jowells name on THAT turkey.
As for the bid-that would be City Hall types, Livingstone wanting to swan off round the world and look good.
To be fair, he`d have got a good team-but given the money the IOC needed, the transatlantic globetrotters that he brought in like Bob Kiley at TfL? Then we can see why Londoners will be paying for that useless drug laden jamboree for the rest of their lives.
Jowell was just the hatstand in place at the time, no big deal to get public money and waste it on drugs and trainers like her department did.
And we`ll be paying for THAT for as long as we live too.
Drugs and mens arses, taped up women and BetFred?
No wonder the BBC like it.
Cheek By Jowell to claim she did other than talk to her crap cabinet-all the real work was that of the Tories in the 80s.
Thanks for nuffink.
What are your targets to make those who watch TV pay the licence fee who currently are ” undocumented ” ?
100% ? Less ? It’s a resigning matter ? The current boss is covering up for the previous boss ?
Are you making a hostile environment for refuseniks who don’t pay the telly tax ?
Do you send vans round areas to intimidate people to do something you believe is right , like pay the telly tax or leave the country if illegally here ?
Cannot remember the name or rank but I remember an American senior Officer, who had risen from the ranks, state firmly that you will find no atheists, sheltering in a foxhole or bomb crater, under enemy fire.
We tried to watch some of the Young Musician of the Year but even here the BBC have to prioritise race and gender. The young cellist was excellent but we had to have an interview with the black chap who won a couple of years ago (why not last year’s winner?). The interviewer was a black woman wearing a ska hat, not really appropriate but I suppose the BBC has to show that classical music is kool. In the studio there was a white woman discussing the music with two more women. Where were the white men in the production team? We just find all this box ticking extremely annoying. We gave up.
\\ Meghan Markle called a 19-year-old cellist to ask him to perform at her wedding.
He was the first black musician to win the BBC Young Musician of the Year award. //
And surely this year a non-BME won as you’d expect 90% of the time from population demographic.
Oh … Chinese girl.
Stuff, you beat me to it. I do feel sorry for her husband and children and she was brave in her final illness but Tessa was the woman who was prepared to lie to the public and say she was leaving her husband to save her own job. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be surprised that a politician lied, especially someone in Tony’s cabinet. But I am fed up of hearing how good she was. She was a liar.
I agree. She was a typical Blairite-type politician, who exist in all parties. She was marginally less unpleasant than Harriet Har but that’s not much of an achievement.
Once the soft left who created this mess-and I include the whole time from Jenkins and Crosland, via Thatchers blimps like Clarke and Heseltine-as opposed to windsock puppets who worked for Maxwell like Campbell(and therefore ALL of New Labour)?
Once this soft left stop the BBC and Guardian from co-opting and shanghai`ing the cadaver whilst it`s yet to get a tag on the toe? THEN I`ll show some compassion. But the Left mocked Thatcher and raise wine glasses to the death of Powell. Until WE`RE as nasty as they are-then they`ll roll us over as they`ve been doing since 1967.
No-Jowell should be put in one of her Brixton potholes, and let us all cycle over her worthless carcass by way of tribute.
See? Tasteless, but once the relatives stop letting the BBC and Guardian take the bodies away for a Viking pedalo tealight ceremony on the Turpentine? Then we`ll respect them. But the BBC aren`t going to jemmy my emotions, that way leads to Lady Di and f***ing pervy Coxy at Shave the Children. More scrumpy matron!
One less EU pension, NOT to be frittered in some witches tit flat statue on Dulwich Green. Shit bandanas too, dearie!
Not just the Jowell/Mills hiatus but a drive around the outside of the Olympic Park area on the A12 southbound from Wanstead to the Blackwall Tunnel will show the ‘benefits’ of hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
Strange that Labour bid for the Games for London when we have heard, endlessly since then, how it is the wicked Tories who only benefit their business friends in London and neglect the Midlands, the North-East & West, South and North Wales and ALL of Scotland
As well as the President of Turkey paying Blighty a visit, who some say, is making a bid to re-establish an Islamic Caliphate, it is also the week in which the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan begins (16th May).
So please pay attention to how the BBC reports on this, given how the BBC is evidently a big advocate for the Islamification of Britain in the name of diversity, women’s rights (hijab power) and its pushback in what it sees as white male privilege.
Already I have seen, several weeks ago, large posters at several British Supermarkets promoting the upcoming Ramadan.
Anyone but President Trump is OK with our progressive MSM .
Actually they are very stupid . If as expected and egged on by the usual suspects the visit of the US President descends into riot and chaos the real benefactor will be the President and the new foreign policy of the US.
Firstly any disrespect will strengthen his base in the US and even upset the waverers . It will make it that much easier to continue with the US policy of ignoring Europe and this place in particular.
Only a fool would imagine that the insults heaped upon him by all and sundry would have no comeback.
Think for a minute. The Korea question is being decided without reference to us or Europe. Likewise Iran and the ME. The US will enforce the sanctions and the EU can go whistle . Along with us.
What we are seeing is the reality of power. Europe is militarily weak
and it shows. The rest of the world can see as well. Power lies with the US,China,Russia , India and Japan and Israel ( to some considerable extent) . Also Turkey.
Besides this the EU has all but destroyed the integrity of the nation state. Not so with the countries who count now.
So let the idiots rip London apart and howl at the President. It is of no account .
The BBC bears much responsibility and if It imagines for one instant that Kuensberg’s insulting question at that press conference did not get noticed then it is even more stupid than I thought.
The special relationship is over . it never really was that much and our pathetic behaviour has ended it. We will all live to regret it.
Besides this the EU has all but destroyed the integrity of the nation state
Exactly what it was intended to do, Dave. The idea of a “United States of Europe” goes back hundreds of years but gained momentum after WWI. The thinking (one of them a Brit) was that the reason for all wars was the Nation State/nationalism. Destroy the NS and peace would reign supreme. (not) The way they set out to do this was to get the peoples to hate their country and in some cases, even their race and when this proved too slow they flooded the continent with outsiders who had no sense of the history, culture or mores of their hosts, with the intention of diluting the indigenous peoples. When this policy proved “unpopular”, the answer to the problem was for even more integration and centralisation. It won’t end well methinks
Spot on analysis. I can just see how it will play on Fox (and rightly so). The US’s oldest ally who upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests.
I’m sure the BBC will revel in reporting how hated Trump is apart from a small piece on a couple of hapless idiots wearing Trump jumpers that they will throw in to add balance.
All of this will be accompanied with endless articles about how much the security operation is costing, hoe many pancakes the entourage will consume and how that money could be spent elsewhere on free chocolate for the children of Bradford.
If the BBC really want to paint Trump and the US as being unimportant then stop reporting every single time that he farts or points at something.
They are like a hateful sibling who has to comment on everything that a favoured relative does all the while proclaiming that they don’t care and aren’t interested.
Forgive me but a very slight addition is necessary:
From: “The US’s oldest ally who upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests.”
To: “The US’s oldest ally who ONCE upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests. “
Thanks G, that is an even better way of phrasing it.
Either way, from a country who looked like a staunch friend of the US, we will be made to look like a seething hotbed of socialist liberals ragging on their democratically elected leader.
May/june ramadams are my favourite;
massively long days and the chance of a thirsty heatwave.
If eating breakfast at a ridiculous 4.40 am doesn’t set off ”maybe its a cult” alarm bells in their heads,
then nothing will.
I am thinking of the hard working university students who will be sitting their examinations, but will find their exam timetables have squeezed the subjects closer together so they can be completed before ramadamalinglong. Not much time to revise between exams.
It could make a difference to grades – unless they are sitting exams in white oppression studies where everyone gets a first.
World Cup ones are mine.
At least we could duff the Algerians up in 1998.
But we lost big time in 2016, hence my wish that we love and respect Uncle Vladimir!
Brings back fond memories of daily buying a can of something or another to eat secretly in the car by leaning over the passenger seat to be out of view whilst eating. Saudi y’now. You had to do these things…..
Couldn’t afford to be arrested if seen eating/drinking during the day.
Coming to a town or city near you in the future.
I wonder if it will get to a point where someone will be arrested for a hate crime if they eat in a railway carriage, in front of a Muslim, during Ramadan?
Dam right he is, especially now that we have a top Islamic bod as our Home Secretary-the knot is tightening and the teachings of Islam are being shoved down all white Christian Europeans. Within 20 yrs of before there will very few white christian politicians anywhere and all top jobs will go to those that follow the teachings of Islam. Soon time to go, not quite sure where just yet, but know it is time to go!
Enrichment : Birmingham Trial
– Mother ticked daughter 17 to go to Pakistan marry cousin aged 33.
– He had impregnated her at age 13 in Pak,
– She had an abortion, left devastated she became addicted to drink & drugs.
– Then had a second abortion.
The case came to light after a UK embassy team rescued her in Pakistan. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/forced-marriage-trial-pakistan-live-14634472
Rotherham : some interesting thinks in the serialisation of Sammy Woodhouse’s Book in the Mail on April 15
– By year 2000 she’d been pregnant twice due to abuse.
– In suing the police in 2012-2013 she’d been given some astonishing info by them due to records disclosure.
– The narrative is that “NO ONE KNEW”, but she found back in 2001 the Home Office had commissioned a junior researcher to do a CSE report, but on completion it was sent to Youth Yorkshire Police ..and the researcher got a roasting
..So the report was buried instead of being published.
– Police reports referred to her not as a complainant but rather “One of the 10 child prostitutes”
– This info so shocked her that in 2013 she made contact with a journo to start exposing the whole story. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5616419/Rotherham-woman-abused-child-reveals-police-accused-child-prostitute.html
I wish she (or anyone else) would sue those b@st@rds in the police; council; social services and education department.
Get them on the stand in court, with some bulldog barrister cross-examining them for hours over their conduct; all under oath of course.
On account of “3 Girls” winning 2 Baftas, Woman’s Hour just played the Sara Rowbotham breaks down on First … clip.. 60 second clip about 13 mins in
JG : “So why did no one want to listen to your warnings ?”
SR : “The Social workers said their job was to deal with abuse within the family , so since these abusers came from outside the family it was a police matter”
“The police said thy couldn’t deal with it , cos in their eye there couldn’t be a crime, if there were no witnesses
.. even if the parents brought the girl to the police station
It had to be the girl on her own in a police video saying –I am being abused– ”
..buck passing https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/b0b2gscw?t=923.2758620689656#playt=13m
I know we shouldn’t wish our life away, BUT I’ll be sooooo glad when its this time next week. The sodding wedding will be over, and we’ll be free from special pull-outs/exclusives/tv docudramas/interviews, oh and had we realised the bloody Beckhams had been invited ?; and perhaps the current love affair the media has with ex druggie Davina McCall will be over (her publicity agent must be sleeping with every editor of every magazine and newspaper this past month). Sunday night rant over.
Don’t wish your life away. It won’t end with the wedding. For the next four years which I predict this marriage will last we will be overwhelmed with tales of the good couple’s work for the oppressed.
After four years, there will be the divorce, the scandals about how the royals treated poor meghan, and the book, and maybe the movie.
I imagine we have a week of articles to endure on the BBC news such as the one I saw last night about how black people now feel included following Megan’s introduction to the Royal Family.
No doubt ginger people have felt included since Prince Harry’s arrival.
And I could care less about her racial composition, about which I was unaware until some started banging in about it.
I certainly had no idea she was black, especially when an early Daily Mail gush had her and the Middletons pictured, and frankly Pippa looked a few shades darker.
… how black people now feel included following Megan’s introduction to the Royal Family….
Well, having read decades of articles about the ‘humour’ of senior royals (although it always comes across as sarcastic to me), I would imagine behind closed doors there’s been a lot of huffing, puffing and tutting at Harry’s choice – whether she’s a ‘nice’ girl or not. Princess Anne is one who doesn’t suffer fools – or celebrities gladly, so its all going to be very interesting.
I shall be doing something else actually ! I’ll be manning a stall at a craft fair all afternoon, so thanks for the invaluable advice. But short of moving to Iceland there’s little escape of hearing (let alone watching) about the ‘big day’ ! and of course there’s always Sky Cinema.
I have a most interesting day planned with my dogs. So I will not need advice to read a book or do something other than watch. But to escape the momentous event I will have to keep my car radio turned off, not watch TV in the evening, not engage with social media. But worse of all will be my many US friends with whom I am in daily contact who will text me asking why you Brits are obsessed with such crap?
Brissles, what annoys me most is the date: it’s going to interfere with Cup Final coverage.
Also, I expect like the diamond jubilee river extravaganza the BBC will have a team of anti-Royalists like Sandy Tosspig to be given their regular bouts of hate spewing.
Times : A traumatic past overwhelmed the Iraqi refugee convicted of the Parsons Green attack, writes Kayte Cable, the charity worker who offered him hope
\\ While studying for a master’s in refugee care, I learnt about the concept of “nostalgic disorientation” — how the loss of home can lead to unpredictable consequences. //
Comments could be going …
eg ‘well Holocaust refugees didn’t start bombing Britain etc.’ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/9bf57b28-5554-11e8-9871-a6b7d2d44e9e
I’ve just realised I missed the bafta show . I’ve seen a review and seen that a “female” “ comic” called Perkins was mistress of the presentation .
Surely the British people have suffered enough . ? Eurovision one night baftas the next ?
I hear – also- that there was the traditional stabbing outside the theatre where the luvvies were gathering . Sadiq will have announced a poster campaign at the scene to ban the carrying of cheese burgers .
( if anyone notices the posting time – I’m in a different time zone – 1957)
Shame Fedup, you missed the bit where Sue bounced up and down on Mel’s lap, urging her to ‘grab my boobs’. Never mind, it’s bound to be nominated for next year as a memorable moment.
BBC Breakfast promise us sport in their sports review – however, a nine-goal-thriller at Wembley is completely overlooked in favour of…. Mo Salah’s three-year-old daughter. Aw bless… BBC priorities really are quite unique.
And some people will complain about too much Royal Wedding coverage.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Re ‘a man at the Freedom March’ issue.
One foot out of line in the Middle East countries? you are immediately arrested and literally thrown in jail. That’s the only reason the likes of Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein ruled as despots. Then the ‘bull in china shop’ West (Blair/Bush) decided that the people in Mid East countries needed a dose of “democracy”. No one told them(?) that islam is a hotbed of violence and dissent wherever it is and that the likes of Gadaffi and Hussein (and Assad) kept the lid on the islamic hotheads. Fast forward. Europe and UK? Import the Middle East and eventually you have to wake up to having replicate the police states that those deposed / killed despots maintained. Simples: 2 + 2 =4. Expect much more draconian law to be introduced while you ponder the expression: “We will not allow these people to change our way of life”
G — that’s a good analysis and something I have suspected is behind the increasingly fractious situation in the UK.
Even leaving aside the Islamic issue, you can make a case for the rise of identity politics > more factionalism > internecine disputes > police state. Instead of the tolerant, open-minded society the glossy brochure promised, the actual result is more ghettoisation and an endless proliferation of small embittered groups, all pumped to the gills with entitlement and all which need, err… ‘management’ from above.
By design or by accident? Hard to think it’s purely unplanned…
Now the U.K. is aligned with Iran (Iran Nuclear Deal) do we burn flags on the Royal Wedding day …. can it be our own flag? Can we combine the Royal Wedding with Al Quds day for Jeremy Corbyn to speak at?
Maybe there is a sane voice in the ocean of insanity …
“I’ve just heard: a man at the Freedom March last Sun took his children for a day out. One child told his primary school teacher who then reported the father to the police. He was then summoned to meet the police at the school. I am alerting the press of details. Story unfolding.”
“Here is a suggestion: why not just deport foreign criminals? If they are just migrants – deport. If they have been given British citizenship,but have dual citizenship, remove British citizenship and deport. Just a thought.Gerard Batten MEP added,”
“Why on earth would anyone want to join the British Army under these current circumstances? And of course they are having trouble recruiting. If the IRA can have an amnesty so can the British VETs.”
“We were lied to about the EU since the beginning, and we are still being lied to now. UKIP told the truth about the EU, and we are telling it now. The Establishment is betraying Brexit. If you don’t want that, join and vote UKIP.”
Gerard Batten MEP @GerardBattenMEP
UKIP Member of the European Parliament for London. Working for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. UKIP Leader & Brexit Spokesman.
Humph interviewed the taller milliband -you know – the one who gave up being an MP after his younger half wit brother beat him for the leadership of the socialist party.
Al beeb obviously lives this private citizen who gets 15 minutes of free ‘remain’ publicity on the radio .
Fortunately most people will have forgotten who this character is . Not as toxic as Blair or that other ex MP – sir Nicholas Clegg .
Any way the megalomaniac Milliband sweeps aside the vote of people like me as he plays his global games in New York. I wonder if humph would give me 15 minutes of air time since I live in Blighty .
On the upside those remain characters are so toxic as to be irrelevant to our full brexit.
He also neglected to ask any of the many questions of Milliband that a proper journalist would have asked. So, pretty much an average day’s work for the BBC as its rolls along the ‘stop Brexit’ bandwagon.
No point asking the Met or Sadiq Khan or Cressida Dick for help is there?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
“It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38” That’s one good reason why the police are becoming increasingly irrelevant: They don’t know. We are effectively, ‘on our own’
Its sick bag time on Toady this morning.
Tessa Jowell got the full St Jo of Cox treatment for a while 15 minutes after 0730.
Guess who the interviewed? Her husband, David Mills.
But in an act of corporate dementia, the BBC somehow forgot to ask about their supposed marital separation informed by his conviction for fraud and sentence to 4 years in jail !!!! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2009/feb/17/david-mills-silvio-berlusconi-trial
One can sympathise hugely with the lady sufferring her terminal illness and her close family and friends.
One cannot sympathise with the leftwing BBC and their distinctly non-impartial, forgetful, coverage.
Sluff – when one of the political class snuffs it their reaction if to spend tax money on a a health fund £40 million in this case . When my mum died no politician told me they were setting up a fund .
Mo Mollem, this baroness , indeed , pass the sick bag .
Like the Politburo in the final years of the Soviet Union, the political establishment in this country are concerned only with their own interests and priorities and don’t give a damn for ordinary people. Additional money for health care is always welcome, but the timing of this announcement stinks. Presumably the government hasn’t just found the odd £40 million hanging around (unless all the ministers and MPs have handed in their brown envelopes for this month..) and this announcement has been several months in the making. If so, it would have been appropriate to have made it during the Chancellor’s Spring Statement to Parliament in March.
I woke up half through that Radio4 “interview” and I thought they were talking about Jo Cox for about 5 minutes. Almost the exact description of a God like existence, remembering them as one of those great human beings doing so much for everyone etc.
It is a regular pattern with the BBC like they did with Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Elevate them to instant Saint hood whilst ignoring any crimes or wrongdoing.
Compare and contrast the BBC’s sick-making, relentlessly positive ‘tributes’ to St Tessa of Jowell with their exclusively contemptuous coverage of anything to do with Margaret Thatcher.
They don’t even attempt to hide their bias now and treat any complaint with disdainful arrogance. Because they can.
Another moral crusade on BBC breakfast this morning.
Plant life on roadside verges under threat.
No. It’s not brexiit or Trump.
It’s due to nitrogen emissions from car exhausts.
BBC says Plant ‘thugs’ crowd roadside flowers By H arrabin
“Emissions from vehicle exhausts are acting as a fertiliser for nitrogen-loving plants like nettles, which outcompete traditional flowers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-44087629
hmm Notice how weeds have suddenly shot up, and there’s masses of cow parsley 2-3ft high
whether roadside or not
I say each species has it’s high month, right now it’s cow parsley and dandelions
Petrol and diesel fuels are hydrocarbons, i.e. compounds of hydrogen and carbon. So where does all this ‘nitrogen’ come from that these ‘plant thugs’ are feasting on? It could possibly be all that gaseous nitrogen that the plants have been surrounded with for (millions of) years?
Sounds like classic bBBC fake news to me. The Botanical society quoted do not support a scientific correlation, and most of what this article says is quoting Plantlife, a charity. Do they have any research evidence?
Plants use nitrogen in the form of nitrates or ammonium, absorbed through the roots. It must be fixed from the atmosphere by bacteria in the soil, and/or associated with the roots of legumes. So there could be an effect down the line, but also other factors..what about sulphur compounds? To make that correlation would involve eliminating a lot of other possible factors. I would like to see the evidence cited.
Flowers “Road verges: 20% drop in diversity of wild flowers puts bees at risk as plant… ”
How do you even measure that, and over what time period ? No mention in the news report
And what about change in pesticide salt use ?
\\The charity Plantlife said delicate wild flowers had been crowded out by stinging nettles, brambles, and rough meadow-grasses, //
claim made no extraordinary data supplied
Also 20% is not a big thing is it ?
Data buried in here http://www.countrysidesurvey.org.uk/
Early morning sequence: Toady headlines at 0800 (that’s all I am prepared to cope with) then distracted by cat so unfortunately could not reach the radio remote in time to ‘off’ it as interview with David Milliband commences – Phew! urgently ‘off’. Blood pressure? – Ok.
The head of MI5, Andrew Parker, will warn in a speech later that so-called Islamic State aims to commit “devastating” and “more complex” attacks in Europe. This comes after one person was killed and four others were injured by a knifeman in Paris on Saturday. The attack was claimed by IS.
Mr Parker will say the UK has thwarted 12 terror attacks since the Westminster attack last year.
He will also criticise Russia for the “deliberate and targeted” poisoning of ex-KGB agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March. Moscow – which denies any involvement – has created a “fog of lies”, Mr Parker will add. Here’s what we know so far about what happened in Salisbury.”
In Beebworld, with the assistance of other state organs, “where there’s a will there’s a way”. Apparently.
\\ Hashi Mohamed is the living embodiment of many of Peterson’s life rules: he came to Britain when he was 9 years old with little English and through a combination of skill, luck and hard work is now a barrister.
But he is critical of the lack of social mobility and his own rags to riches story is one he thinks is increasingly difficult to realise. //
A writer will tell us about “rape culture”
(I guess white men, rather than Pak on street rape/groom gangs )
American writer tells us in Texas there are “pockets of liberal progressiveness and entrepreneurial drive.”
It’s a setup : it’s 3 people against Jordan , 2 of guests and the presenter …who just said Jordan is disingenuous ( clearly presenter is projecting)
Now presenter is inviting third guest to attack Jordan.
Louise said “Men in Ireland commit suicide at a high right cos of patriarchy”
I only heard half of the programme and two things came to mind.
1) The presenter (so-called) interrupted Jordan constantly – didn’t interrupt the other two.. and
2) I lost count how many times either the presenter or other two guests either misquoted or misrepresented Jordan’s words. It was almost another ‘so you’re saying’ debacle.
Have to say though, that Jordan puts up a hell of a fight and can easily stand his corner.
Tom Sutcliffe ambush trick at end of show
“We’re running out if time, now Jordan are you worried about your followers being so extremist”
@trufflepunch tweeted
@tds153 Do you always end the show with an unsubstantiated attempt to slur your guest, Tom? It’s a nice touch
41m15s Tom Sutcliffe ” Jordan Peterson, I wanted to quickly ask you … do you worry about any of your followers, you have very large numbers on YouTube and the internet ..
JP interrupts “I worry about all my followers, that’s what I am doing , what I am doing helping people lead better individual lives”
JP : “I don’t think there is any grounds for asking that
.. I think people have made an assumption, that there is a disproportionate number of extremists among my followers
TS cutting him off “You say that, you say that .. you use this phrase –there isn’t a shred of evidence — of course I can’t supply the evidence right now, B U T it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
, that particular framing …”
JP “What’s the evidence that it does exist ?”
Hashi Mohamed rushes to intervene “The idea that all Jordan’s followers are angry white men is not true, but equally, do you not find that there are a lot of people who have associated with your movement and your message, that I for example find reprehensible ?”
TS ” ..15 seconds”
RP “Because I have taken a stand against the radical left, it has been convenient for an assortment of EQUALLY reprehensible right-wingers to assume that I am one of theirs, but I A M NOT and I have made many public statements stating that I am absolute OPPOSER of identity politics whether it’s played on the LEFT or the right”
TS “..we’ve runout of time … you can still hear Hashi Mohamed’s documentary Adventures in Social Mobility on the Radio4 website ..It’s EXCELLENT”
..bet you can’t guess who is presenting next week. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b2gsct#play41m14s
TS if you are going to make major claims against a person then you should come supplied with evidence.
Seems TS is not very articulate.
He could have said “There are a lot of people who say a lot of your followers are extremist”
Syrian Observatory has been treated as a gold standard for information on Syria. Quoted by BBC all the time. Always described as independent. Now we learn from Peter Hitchens it's funded by FCO. https://t.co/NyfFnGT0Jo
Odd, I can’t find my earlier post on the topic of state propaganda despite it being in the recent comments summary list top right.
Oh well. Here’s another with a justification phrase some may find familiar:
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights:
'"But it shows I’m being neutral if both sides complain,” he said, insisting he accepts no funding and runs the observatory on a voluntary basis.' https://t.co/6z0ifyW01y
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is an instrument used by the British government for anti-Bashir propaganda and to promote the Islamist-aligned White Helmets, who St Jo of Cox was so keen on (and who were founded by former British army officer and private military contractor, James Le Mesurier, presumably on instructions from Whitehall). Here’s a bit more information on Our Man In Coventry; whatever one’s view of Syria and Russian and Iranian involvement, it is apparent that the whole thing stinks.
10 am Woman’s Hour and then back to WHITE MEN
11am “Worcester Woman”
“the story of Leisa Taylor: a feminist politician with purple hair and piercings who wants to make waves in Worcester.”
“Women’s Equality Party candidate for Worcester City Council, standing in Bedwardine, 3 May 2018”
Result she came 4th just 158 votes
Bedwardine result – Amos (1,111); Beacham (UKIP) 75; Manning (Green) 120; Mullins (Lib Dem) 162; Taylor (Women’s Equality) 158; Winwood (Lab) 578. Turnout 33%
If we now accept that the liberal classes have given up on us, and simply want us to bankroll their gestures, shut the f** up until enough immigrants are enrolled on Labour List or Rahmans mates at Tower Hamlets-then we`d better understand what they`re up to.
They are free range vermin, now with no links at all to the REAL England, the rest of us have to live in.So why do we pay to let them talk to us like this? Chickenshit-that`s why.
Is there a prize for who can give the English white working class the biggest slap to the face without anybody dealing with them-physically, as opposed to a stiff letter to a quango queen in Darlington, via Bangalore?
Three Girls wins a prize, Trump getting the US Embassy to Jerusalem? But we`re left with Jowells braindead autopsy memorial park , and a visit from some eunuch from International Rescue to used to polish Livingstones bunions at the GLC.
Miliband Major was the squit who wanted Blair to be EU president, because “we needed somebody who could stop the traffic” in Peking.
Jowells cavalcade of sad liberal shitsacks wouldn`t even be fit for fertiliser there, their standards are much higher.
But that`s the media-how many people DID die of cancer Saturday who did fare more for REAL life than a mortgage hustling Bunga Wally like Jowell.
Cheek By Jowell.
Thank the Lord though this Dung Beetle New Labour scum are finally taking the hint and pegging out to hell. That we choose to live in the one they made for us?…well, maybe we deserve no batter.
But our kids do.
Has anybody wondered why there should be no border between N Ireland and the ROI?
Why is it so special.
Why should Brexit be held hostage so that a few farmers will not be slightly inconvenienced or some firms may need to do some small amount of extra paperwork.
The numbers crossing the border must be quite small. We are led to believe that hoarders are permanently crossing to work all the time.
As many as Gibraltar?
We (brexiteers) are not bothered by this border and if the eu want one they can build one.
Also, why does the bbc talk up the prospect of the Ira starting over again if there’s some kind of border. It’s as if they want them to start a new bombing campaign.
Anyway, why should there be no border.
It’s perfectly normal for different countries to have borders.
If the politicians wanted a solution to this they would find one but they seem to prefer to faff about waffling and prevaricating.
AS I recall, this was no issue last November.
The EU and Britain had agreed the non-border, in some paper the EU wrote up.
That it is regularly brought up as a problem as it suits the wreckers and knackers of Moaner Leaders in our political elites-both May and the EU-only shows how sinister they are.
There is no excuse for anything, we`re going.
Let Gerry Adams build his wall, and immur a few like Clegg in it for all I care.
You may recall that they tried this with Gibraltar as their poisoned dart as soon as we`d voted in 2016.
But the Spanish have their own issues, trust the Irish playdough boys to do what Uncle Yunka tells them. They used to be their own country once.
But then again, the IRA imported their Semtex and Glucks from the old Czechoslavakia, their drugs from Columbia.
One in the “customs union”-one under WTO rules once we`ve gone, if we tell the IRA.
Really is about time we dealt with this thorn in our flesh of Ireland. Between 1969 and 1998, the EU did “f***all” about Ireland. Not one wreath, not one intervention.
The EU like their terrs, they used to be them once in small gutless, supply side measure. Barossa, Berlinguer, Cohn-Bendit, and Kelly(P).
All taxis for terrorism, at least Islam hires its vans and doesn`t want the taxpayer to pay its traitor rentiers.
Wake up England.
“Treason never prospers, what`s the reason”
For when it prospers, no-one calls it treason”.
Even the bloody ancient GREEKS knew that-so why don`t we?
“There are no refugees, they are only economic migrants …” – Rod Liddle
“By 2016 , Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European commission, admitted by Frontex’s own figures at least 60% of the people, 60% percent of the people who came in 2015 had quote ‘No more right to be in Europe than anyone else in the world.’” – Douglas Murray
Should you get a little bored with the EU machinations and the Trump-bashing, South Africa is worth keeping an eye on. It is making steady progress from a first world state to a third world state. You won’t see or hear much from the beeb on this issue ( they and their ilk have achieved their goal for the country, so now have ‘lost interest’).
There we find the first signs that Ramaphosophilia is wearing off, as it becomes clear that the looting of the state will continue. In parliament, the opposition is simply told to ‘shut up’. One chaotic Province has been taken over directly from the centre (Northwest) and another is seeing further political violence (NatalKwaZulu).
It would have been useful for a little media focus to stay on that sorry country, given the enthusiasm in Europe/GB to have a ‘multicultural’ rather than a ‘hideously white’ society. Apparently, they look forward to EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) solving all their problems. Good luck with that…
For all actions, there are consequences.
(Having said that, you can see lotsa snooker and athletics and stuff on the beeb….)
Today marks the day that Winnie was done for Stomping Stompie to death in 1991.
Any chance of a “Reunion” on this one MacGregor you gutless gumboil in a bluestocking ?
No?…ah well, we`ll get one on Boy Meets Girl when trannies ans ex change types get to discuss this epoch defining comedy that we`re all still laughing at. Nearly as good as Citizen Khan if that were possible.
WE once had Rik Mayall, but we`re now left with Alexei (Man of letters) Sayle-Out-and with Christopher Ryan(The Cool One-on so funny!),
Government definition of “Policing by Consent”. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/policing-by-consent/definition-of-policing-by-consent
“……it was a philosophy of policing ‘unique in history and throughout the world because it derived not from fear but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly (sic) by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public’”.
The Police are in breach of all Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing. Fact.
Keir Starmer says in a tweet “Just arrived in Brussels for full day of Brexit discussions tomorrow with senior politicians across EU27. Much to discuss including importance of retaining benefits of single market & customs union.”
How about a Jowell Brexit? Free mobile phones for all the moaners, EU bandanas for all.
And let them all go the way of (less that two metric tonnes) Tessa.
A Jowell Brexit, a Jonestown chemo for all our Labour scum from 1994-2010, except for Kate Hoey, Red Ken, Frank and Dennis.
It`s what she would have wanted, big landfill in Malmo, let the travellers and Muslims play.
My mate got a Capita “Blue Frightener” in red ink and a window envelope…so it`s war.
Can we inherit Tessies TV License, she`d have wanted that.
I think Nigel mentioned on one of his LBC shows that Starmer is never off the Eurostar.
Any loyalties Starmer has to either the Labour Party or indeed the great Euro plan are secondary to securing his Euro job prospects. It doesn’t matter to him whether he gets it through playing his designated part in scuppering Brexit entirely or merely in achieving a compromised everlasting ‘transition’ with as much ECJ input as possible.
On Peston (ITV) on 25 March he let his guard drop and showed where his true ambitions lie:
“… the problem with the withdrawal bill is that it extinguishes the role of the European Court of Justice …”
“I have always been critical of the PM for ruling out any role at all for the European Court of Justice …” (next bit my paraphrasing) because you can’t have a comprehensive, rich, special relationship with the EU without the institutions that go with it.
“… there may be a role for the European Court of Justice, or a court of some sort …”
Nothing demonstrates the level of corruption within our political system more than the fact the Labour Party appointed him to the supposedly politically-neutral position of DPP for the CPS.
BBC Radio4 ProjectClimateFear 9:45am Monday to Friday next week Climate Change and Me
\\ Five scientists, working in different parts of the world, bear witness to some of the dramatic changes to our planet that have occurred in their lifetimes, as the global climate warms. //
Trailer today 12:59pm
Voice 1 : El Nino Brings (doomy voice)
Voice 2 : With Climate Change we see ….
“next wek new radio4 series on Climate Change”
Hangon, look how incompetent the BBC are, they open a trailer about Climate Change with talk of El Nino
which is a natural phenomenon, which has always happened even without man.
So WWF, Greenpeace, and FoE are political campaigning groups on a crusade
..whereas BBC is supposed to be IMPARTIAL
… Sorry from their output I don’t see a difference.. the BBC runs its crusades.
Trailer :
Voice 1 : (doomy voice) On land El Ninos bring flashfloods, drought or wildfire, in the ocean they kill with warmth.
Voice 2 : The impact of Climate Change is all around us
Voice 3 .. Caterpillars hatch and reach abundance earlier than they used to.
“next week new Radio4 series on Climate Change”
its a BBC Remoan wankfest today.
David Milliband, who has been living it up in New York for yeRs, is suddenly Remoaning away.
And the BBC are absolutely full of him.
Aided and abetted by Nicky Morgan and the traiterous Keir Starmer.
Luckily, it washes off my back. Fingers crossed, we are getting out.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire pushing Drama about ladies football from 100 years ago
“If you know any ladies or girls are interested in football then call … to come to the workshops ”
After an interview with female football director of “World at Her Feet” Tweet
The ceremony dedicating the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem (@USEmbassyJLM) is set to start in about five minutes, at 4 PM local time – the exact time the State of Israel was declared seventy years ago, on May 14, 1948. Watch live: https://t.co/EzhpucZynV ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/AoQe6nNKz9
“Tens of Palestinian of rioters on Friday vandalized and set fire to the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom humanitarian crossing in Gaza, damaging gas pipelines that run from Israel to the Strip.
This is the second time in recent days that rioters, led by Hamas, have sabotaged humanitarian efforts that Israel and other countries carry out on behalf of Gaza’s residents.
The damaged gas depot and pipes carry fuel and gas from Israel into the Gaza Strip.
The rioters also ransacked several of the border crossings through which humanitarian aid from Israel and the international community flows to Gaza residents. They burned offices, buildings and gas tanks, and damaged the fences.”
BBC4 7:30pm Bristol/Bath Slavery connections
Listen Whitey you feel guilty about slavery, don’t you ?
..since it’s all your personal fault
You made all those African kings 1,500 years ago enslave their enemies.
\\ Poet Miles Chambers explores the region’s connections to slave trade, with Bristol responsible for the business end of it, while Bath boomed on the back of the profits made from it.
Chambers, whose ancestors were taken as slaves from West Africa to the Caribbean, visits landmark sites including Dyrham Park, home to the Blackamoor statues, the mill in Saltford where Guinea kettles were made, and the grave of a slave in Henbury. //
..em white slavery in the UK ended after the time of the plague when the Norman lords had to start paying their workers.
Black slavery in UK has always been illegal.
Any chance of Mauritania or Mail apologising for their current slavery and those markets they hold?
They`re going on right now, not in 1788, which-I`m thinking would be “culturally appropriate”. Because Muslims and Chinese will benefit from the economic savings they`ll get.
And what of Saudi, still gleefully using all manner of slaves as they`ve always done from Ethiopia, Pakistan etc?
Erdogans here soon-any chance of HIM apologising for his Istanbul slave markets under the Ottomans? Which-only thanks to the British Navy at the start-got scuppered. Otherwise Turkey would STILL be getting its slaves from all four corners?
No-only bloody Bristol, Liverpool and descendents of slave owners like Dawkins get moaned at by the lefties.
Sod off Beeb-when you DARE to ask Muslims about THEIR bleeding slave trades-much nastier, went on for longer-and STILL DO-only then will I give a toss about apologies or reparations.
Bloody BBC, doin` our `eeds in. Islam enslaves, Jesus never did.
Always awkward to correct another’s spelling without seeming pretentious – especially one as renowned as you chrisH – but I think you meant Mali, the Mail already gets enough stick for being more truthful and anti-BBC than most.
News : Italy gang rape of British tourist by hotel staff
Five men have been arrested on suspicion of drugging and gang raping a British woman in her fifties while they were employed as staff at a hotel in southern Italy https://t.co/JbhuGMnpqZ
2016 the woman and her daughter were allegedly given drugged drinks by two barman at the hotel, who then took the dazed woman to a nearby swimming pool and sexually assaulted her, investigators said.
The woman was then handed over to another employee at the hotel, who took her to a bedroom at the hotel used by hotel staff, where at least ten men, many of whom were nude, were waiting. The group allegedly raped her and photographed her on their phones before taking her back to her room.
IMPARTIAL : Universal credit Panorama in planning
\\ Self-employed and affected by Universal Credit in Flintshire, north Wales?
We want to hear from you! We are working with @BBCWales and @BBCPanorama on a series about the *damaging affect* UC has had on the self-employed. //
“damaging affect” its EFFECT and your framing doesn’t solicit any positive stories
More white males on Radio4 ?
4pm : female Olympian, rower Katherine Grainger, now Chair of UK Sport
4:30pm special edition of Beyond Belief about Jane Eyre
10:45am, 7:45pm Wuthering Heights
10:45pm The FEMALE Persuasion, bookAtBedtime
11pm author Sally Bayley, words that rescued
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I fear that the visit of Donald Trump will be hijacked by the lefties and they will cause so much trouble that UK-USA relations will be set back decades.
Because we have no impartial media tv (never mind a right of centre one) it will be presented as if all of us hate Trump when I believe most of us wish he was here running the UK instead of this useless lot we currently have.
I have no faith that the bbc will be fair and open with their coverage and the left, for all their faults, are very good at organising protests.
So Xi`s OK and Erdogan is too?
But not Trump? But of course.
It` the idiot globalising Muslim poncing Left isn`t it?
To be fair to our two authoritarian creeps-they know how to deal with the likes of the BBC and Guardian hackups,
Teresa May would be charged with dereliction of duty ( to her globalist/EU masters) if she made friends and trade deals with Trump.
If doesn’t make friends with President Trump then the Green Flag of Islam and the Black flag of Jihad could soon fly over Downing Street;, the recent senior government appointment of Sajid Javid puts this senior Islamic supporter of deception well in line for Premiership. This is not impossible people.
Its odd that Daily Mail and Telegraph readers don’t get out into the streets and cause maximum disruption, beat up police ans smash up things.
Maybe they will if the House of Lords continues to thawt democracy
I have booked the day off work to welcome. I will report back and give a 3D report of the BBC bias.
errghhh….It’s not the snowflakes who have seriously undermined UK/US relations. It is the FBI/CIA/MI6 counter-intelligence operation that was launched in 2016 to first of all destroy Trump’s presidential run and if he won destroy his Presidency. MI6 are deeply involved in this collusion to unseat him and he knows it. Most people are completely unaware of what is about to break in the coming months. The IG reports in to the corruption at the heart of Obama’s administration are going to stretch UK/US relations to breaking point.
I suggest you research this lot. Hakluyt , Dearlove, Halper and Mifsud. Why do you think Assange’s access to the internet was cut a month ago and has not yet been restored? Why have you heard nothing about it in the MSM? He was tweeting about Misfud and his involvement not just with the CIA inspired plan (Brennan) to destroy Trump but also the British government
and then they cut his access.
“Tessa made me do it.”
The BBC are publicising Tony Blair’s excuse for ripping up an East London working class community and ripping off the nation. Unfortunately, in so saying, Tony sounds like a naughty child who has done wrong and tries to shift the blame onto a sibling.
We’ve all been there. Blame shifting as a child, that is, not ripping up communities or ripping off the nation as an adult.
(Woweee! That Fedup is keen. It’s not even close to midnight and the Heat the Wok Open Thread is open already.)
Tony Blair is a spineless slimeball. He has no respect for the British people. Mr Blair, please crawl back under the stone you crawled from.
I can only suggest that this extreme anti Blair attitude, that some on this site seem to have, may have something to do with the fact that they were brainwashed by the BBC at the time Blair was in power to hate Blair so much!
The BBC never gave the people the chance to hear for themselves what he said that explained his policies.(Washington 2004 speech had 8 standing ovations but not a word of it was broadcast on the BBC and barely mentioned in the media and Las Angeles 2006 speech got this comment on the BBC news at 10pm “this is what the PM meant to say”)
I agree Lynette. At the time of the lead up to the Iraq war I was working shifts that meant driving to work at 1pm and listening to TWATO. Day after day after day the BBC rammed their viewpoint down my throat and I never heard a counter argument. As it turned out, the bBBC were right in this case but my eyes were opened to their one-sided, auntie knows best, this is what you must think attitudes. It was relentless and it opened my eyes.
That’s when I stopped trusting the BBC. They have corporate groupthink and we need to tell people. I’ve just come back from a walking holiday where people I’d never met before agreed with us. The distrust is spreading. Hurray!
Lynette, Blair was pure poison, here is just a short list of his “accomplishments”:
Mass EU and third world immigration, above anything previously seen before
Weakening of the Union, through devolution
Politicalisation of the police
Terrible NHS reforms
Massive increase in debt
Lead the country into an illegal war, despite mass public protests
In times past his head would now be on a spike at the Tower, instead we have this utter failure lecturing us about Brexit aided and abetted by the BBC
I dont think many on this site have been brainwashed by the Beeb
Englands Dreaming ”an illegal war,”
Only one?
Doesn’t Blair’s attack on Serbia, to hand one of it’s provinces -Kosova- to the muslims count ?
Totally illegal under international law.
I blame his client state of voters that relected him,twice more, for his next wars
”why is the British PM only being charged with starting one illegal conflict?”
And politicizing the civil service – in fact, politicizing everything.
Even compared with the traitor Heath, Blair stands out as the worst PM this country has suffered (and there have been many) since WII. No one has inflicted anything like as much permanent damage to the country, both psychologically and physically .
At best he is a vain sociopath who should be shunned as a pariah. At worst, the only suitable treatment would be from an exorcist.
Lynette, Tony Blair won the GE as Labour leader on 1 May 1997. I was prepared to give Tony Blair as PM a chance.
The Labour Party definitely needed changing substantially from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s version. One hoped that the Labour mantra – ‘For the many, not the few’, which is not really new, would be put into effect by Blair with some intelligence and skill. We had seen what John Major, who could and should have really been ‘a man of the people’, had done with his government and democracy and it was neither pretty or good.
Blair had been democratically elected twice, deals in food-filled restaurants notwithstanding.
By the start of autumn, I was growing suspicious, but by the end of October 1997 I was already disillusioned and could see what was just over the horizon with Labour government under Blair and Brown.
Blair has had his chance. His recent attempts to overturn the democratic decision the UK took to leave the EU, together with this latest utterance, is – I think – a measure of the man.
I had a look at the demon eyes posters of Blair from 1997.
New Labour: New Danger.
They were spot on!
He will not a special place on the future board of the controllers of the UK/Islam-most likely they will execute him-they have no love for him in Islamic countries irrespective.
It was Sir Horace Cutler of the Tories who wanted to bid for the Olympics as long ago as 1988.
It was the Millennium Dome that was the work of the likes of Heseltine and Mandelson.
Probably wouldn`t need to look too hard to find Jowells name on THAT turkey.
As for the bid-that would be City Hall types, Livingstone wanting to swan off round the world and look good.
To be fair, he`d have got a good team-but given the money the IOC needed, the transatlantic globetrotters that he brought in like Bob Kiley at TfL? Then we can see why Londoners will be paying for that useless drug laden jamboree for the rest of their lives.
Jowell was just the hatstand in place at the time, no big deal to get public money and waste it on drugs and trainers like her department did.
And we`ll be paying for THAT for as long as we live too.
Drugs and mens arses, taped up women and BetFred?
No wonder the BBC like it.
Cheek By Jowell to claim she did other than talk to her crap cabinet-all the real work was that of the Tories in the 80s.
Thanks for nuffink.
I thought London got it because a Greek pressed the wrong voting button?
Quick link bank to last open thread ..Posts made on Sunday
Oh The Eurovision Israeli used Chinese/Japanese styles
so if you don’t have a life
you shout * “cultural appropriation” *
Al Beeb,
What are your targets to make those who watch TV pay the licence fee who currently are ” undocumented ” ?
100% ? Less ? It’s a resigning matter ? The current boss is covering up for the previous boss ?
Are you making a hostile environment for refuseniks who don’t pay the telly tax ?
Do you send vans round areas to intimidate people to do something you believe is right , like pay the telly tax or leave the country if illegally here ?
Just asking .
On Channel 5 tonight, this should have the recruits flocking to join.
Readers will be pleased to learn that recruitment to the armed forces (or possibly, non-recruitment) is being handled by Capita via a £1.3bn deal known as the Recruitment Partnership Project (RPP). Yep, the same corporate goons who enforce the TV poll tax for the BBC have their fingers in that pie as well…
That probably explains why ‘The Legal Occupier’ at my house has to report to Catterick next Monday!
Cannot remember the name or rank but I remember an American senior Officer, who had risen from the ranks, state firmly that you will find no atheists, sheltering in a foxhole or bomb crater, under enemy fire.
We tried to watch some of the Young Musician of the Year but even here the BBC have to prioritise race and gender. The young cellist was excellent but we had to have an interview with the black chap who won a couple of years ago (why not last year’s winner?). The interviewer was a black woman wearing a ska hat, not really appropriate but I suppose the BBC has to show that classical music is kool. In the studio there was a white woman discussing the music with two more women. Where were the white men in the production team? We just find all this box ticking extremely annoying. We gave up.
\\ Meghan Markle called a 19-year-old cellist to ask him to perform at her wedding.
He was the first black musician to win the BBC Young Musician of the Year award. //
And surely this year a non-BME won as you’d expect 90% of the time from population demographic.
Oh … Chinese girl.
Tessa Jowell has died.
The BBC are already giving her the St Jo of Cox treatment.
Funny how the centre left get the BBC salivating at moments like this.
Accompanied by a curious memory loss.
Stuff, you beat me to it. I do feel sorry for her husband and children and she was brave in her final illness but Tessa was the woman who was prepared to lie to the public and say she was leaving her husband to save her own job. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be surprised that a politician lied, especially someone in Tony’s cabinet. But I am fed up of hearing how good she was. She was a liar.
I agree. She was a typical Blairite-type politician, who exist in all parties. She was marginally less unpleasant than Harriet Har but that’s not much of an achievement.
Once the soft left who created this mess-and I include the whole time from Jenkins and Crosland, via Thatchers blimps like Clarke and Heseltine-as opposed to windsock puppets who worked for Maxwell like Campbell(and therefore ALL of New Labour)?
Once this soft left stop the BBC and Guardian from co-opting and shanghai`ing the cadaver whilst it`s yet to get a tag on the toe? THEN I`ll show some compassion. But the Left mocked Thatcher and raise wine glasses to the death of Powell. Until WE`RE as nasty as they are-then they`ll roll us over as they`ve been doing since 1967.
No-Jowell should be put in one of her Brixton potholes, and let us all cycle over her worthless carcass by way of tribute.
See? Tasteless, but once the relatives stop letting the BBC and Guardian take the bodies away for a Viking pedalo tealight ceremony on the Turpentine? Then we`ll respect them. But the BBC aren`t going to jemmy my emotions, that way leads to Lady Di and f***ing pervy Coxy at Shave the Children. More scrumpy matron!
One less EU pension, NOT to be frittered in some witches tit flat statue on Dulwich Green. Shit bandanas too, dearie!
Not just the Jowell/Mills hiatus but a drive around the outside of the Olympic Park area on the A12 southbound from Wanstead to the Blackwall Tunnel will show the ‘benefits’ of hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
Strange that Labour bid for the Games for London when we have heard, endlessly since then, how it is the wicked Tories who only benefit their business friends in London and neglect the Midlands, the North-East & West, South and North Wales and ALL of Scotland
The Private Eye headline about her ludicrous denial was brilliant:
“I have never met my husband.”
As well as the President of Turkey paying Blighty a visit, who some say, is making a bid to re-establish an Islamic Caliphate, it is also the week in which the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan begins (16th May).
So please pay attention to how the BBC reports on this, given how the BBC is evidently a big advocate for the Islamification of Britain in the name of diversity, women’s rights (hijab power) and its pushback in what it sees as white male privilege.
Already I have seen, several weeks ago, large posters at several British Supermarkets promoting the upcoming Ramadan.
Anyone but President Trump is OK with our progressive MSM .
Actually they are very stupid . If as expected and egged on by the usual suspects the visit of the US President descends into riot and chaos the real benefactor will be the President and the new foreign policy of the US.
Firstly any disrespect will strengthen his base in the US and even upset the waverers . It will make it that much easier to continue with the US policy of ignoring Europe and this place in particular.
Only a fool would imagine that the insults heaped upon him by all and sundry would have no comeback.
Think for a minute. The Korea question is being decided without reference to us or Europe. Likewise Iran and the ME. The US will enforce the sanctions and the EU can go whistle . Along with us.
What we are seeing is the reality of power. Europe is militarily weak
and it shows. The rest of the world can see as well. Power lies with the US,China,Russia , India and Japan and Israel ( to some considerable extent) . Also Turkey.
Besides this the EU has all but destroyed the integrity of the nation state. Not so with the countries who count now.
So let the idiots rip London apart and howl at the President. It is of no account .
The BBC bears much responsibility and if It imagines for one instant that Kuensberg’s insulting question at that press conference did not get noticed then it is even more stupid than I thought.
The special relationship is over . it never really was that much and our pathetic behaviour has ended it. We will all live to regret it.
Besides this the EU has all but destroyed the integrity of the nation state
Exactly what it was intended to do, Dave. The idea of a “United States of Europe” goes back hundreds of years but gained momentum after WWI. The thinking (one of them a Brit) was that the reason for all wars was the Nation State/nationalism. Destroy the NS and peace would reign supreme. (not) The way they set out to do this was to get the peoples to hate their country and in some cases, even their race and when this proved too slow they flooded the continent with outsiders who had no sense of the history, culture or mores of their hosts, with the intention of diluting the indigenous peoples. When this policy proved “unpopular”, the answer to the problem was for even more integration and centralisation. It won’t end well methinks
Spot on analysis. I can just see how it will play on Fox (and rightly so). The US’s oldest ally who upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests.
I’m sure the BBC will revel in reporting how hated Trump is apart from a small piece on a couple of hapless idiots wearing Trump jumpers that they will throw in to add balance.
All of this will be accompanied with endless articles about how much the security operation is costing, hoe many pancakes the entourage will consume and how that money could be spent elsewhere on free chocolate for the children of Bradford.
If the BBC really want to paint Trump and the US as being unimportant then stop reporting every single time that he farts or points at something.
They are like a hateful sibling who has to comment on everything that a favoured relative does all the while proclaiming that they don’t care and aren’t interested.
The “US’s oldest ally” – you mean France?
No, you’re right. I should have said strongest or most loyal perhaps. Oldest was incorrect. Thanks for the nod about it.
Forgive me but a very slight addition is necessary:
From: “The US’s oldest ally who upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests.”
To: “The US’s oldest ally who ONCE upheld democracy and the rule of law disgracing their democratically elected leader with riots and protests. “
Thanks G, that is an even better way of phrasing it.
Either way, from a country who looked like a staunch friend of the US, we will be made to look like a seething hotbed of socialist liberals ragging on their democratically elected leader.
May/june ramadams are my favourite;
massively long days and the chance of a thirsty heatwave.
If eating breakfast at a ridiculous 4.40 am doesn’t set off ”maybe its a cult” alarm bells in their heads,
then nothing will.
I am thinking of the hard working university students who will be sitting their examinations, but will find their exam timetables have squeezed the subjects closer together so they can be completed before ramadamalinglong. Not much time to revise between exams.
It could make a difference to grades – unless they are sitting exams in white oppression studies where everyone gets a first.
World Cup ones are mine.
At least we could duff the Algerians up in 1998.
But we lost big time in 2016, hence my wish that we love and respect Uncle Vladimir!
Remind me please, was it world or European champions we were going to be until we were knocked out by a frozen food company’s works team?
Brings back fond memories of daily buying a can of something or another to eat secretly in the car by leaning over the passenger seat to be out of view whilst eating. Saudi y’now. You had to do these things…..
Couldn’t afford to be arrested if seen eating/drinking during the day.
Coming to a town or city near you in the future.
I wonder if it will get to a point where someone will be arrested for a hate crime if they eat in a railway carriage, in front of a Muslim, during Ramadan?
Dam right he is, especially now that we have a top Islamic bod as our Home Secretary-the knot is tightening and the teachings of Islam are being shoved down all white Christian Europeans. Within 20 yrs of before there will very few white christian politicians anywhere and all top jobs will go to those that follow the teachings of Islam. Soon time to go, not quite sure where just yet, but know it is time to go!
“Soon time to go, not quite sure where just yet”
Poland or Hungary perhaps?
Ramadan or Ram a van, BoBotC?
Enrichment : Birmingham Trial
– Mother ticked daughter 17 to go to Pakistan marry cousin aged 33.
– He had impregnated her at age 13 in Pak,
– She had an abortion, left devastated she became addicted to drink & drugs.
– Then had a second abortion.
The case came to light after a UK embassy team rescued her in Pakistan.
Rotherham : some interesting thinks in the serialisation of Sammy Woodhouse’s Book in the Mail on April 15
– By year 2000 she’d been pregnant twice due to abuse.
– In suing the police in 2012-2013 she’d been given some astonishing info by them due to records disclosure.
– The narrative is that “NO ONE KNEW”, but she found back in 2001 the Home Office had commissioned a junior researcher to do a CSE report, but on completion it was sent to Youth Yorkshire Police ..and the researcher got a roasting
..So the report was buried instead of being published.
– Police reports referred to her not as a complainant but rather “One of the 10 child prostitutes”
– This info so shocked her that in 2013 she made contact with a journo to start exposing the whole story.
I wish she (or anyone else) would sue those b@st@rds in the police; council; social services and education department.
Get them on the stand in court, with some bulldog barrister cross-examining them for hours over their conduct; all under oath of course.
On account of “3 Girls” winning 2 Baftas, Woman’s Hour just played the Sara Rowbotham breaks down on First … clip.. 60 second clip about 13 mins in
JG : “So why did no one want to listen to your warnings ?”
SR : “The Social workers said their job was to deal with abuse within the family , so since these abusers came from outside the family it was a police matter”
“The police said thy couldn’t deal with it , cos in their eye there couldn’t be a crime, if there were no witnesses
.. even if the parents brought the girl to the police station
It had to be the girl on her own in a police video saying –I am being abused– ”
..buck passing
Oh Sara Rowbotham has a big “Vote Labour” background on her Twitter profile..she’s now a Labour Councillor
The 2 Bafta’s
Mini Series + Lead Actress: #ThreeGirls @studiolambert @bbcstudios
Twitter videos
– Writer 1 minute ..Writer 3 mins
– Producer accepts , 2 mins 30 secs
– Actress accepts , 48 seconds
– Director accepted BAFTA award in April , 3 minutes
Disappointing that media people fail to mention the other THOUSANDS of victims and choose to talk about “3 Girls and 9 perps”
Terribel but the H was she not put on or taking the pill.
I know we shouldn’t wish our life away, BUT I’ll be sooooo glad when its this time next week. The sodding wedding will be over, and we’ll be free from special pull-outs/exclusives/tv docudramas/interviews, oh and had we realised the bloody Beckhams had been invited ?; and perhaps the current love affair the media has with ex druggie Davina McCall will be over (her publicity agent must be sleeping with every editor of every magazine and newspaper this past month). Sunday night rant over.
Don’t wish your life away. It won’t end with the wedding. For the next four years which I predict this marriage will last we will be overwhelmed with tales of the good couple’s work for the oppressed.
After four years, there will be the divorce, the scandals about how the royals treated poor meghan, and the book, and maybe the movie.
I imagine we have a week of articles to endure on the BBC news such as the one I saw last night about how black people now feel included following Megan’s introduction to the Royal Family.
No doubt ginger people have felt included since Prince Harry’s arrival.
Seems a perfectly nice girl.
And I could care less about her racial composition, about which I was unaware until some started banging in about it.
I certainly had no idea she was black, especially when an early Daily Mail gush had her and the Middletons pictured, and frankly Pippa looked a few shades darker.
She isn’t black. Anybody can see that.
Prince Harry has ginger hair, just like his real daddy 🙂
… how black people now feel included following Megan’s introduction to the Royal Family….
Well, having read decades of articles about the ‘humour’ of senior royals (although it always comes across as sarcastic to me), I would imagine behind closed doors there’s been a lot of huffing, puffing and tutting at Harry’s choice – whether she’s a ‘nice’ girl or not. Princess Anne is one who doesn’t suffer fools – or celebrities gladly, so its all going to be very interesting.
“although it always comes across as sarcastic to me”
They’d fit in well on this site then.
And people parading their boredom already. It doesn’t impress.
Watch something else for God’s sake, read a book.
I shall be doing something else actually ! I’ll be manning a stall at a craft fair all afternoon, so thanks for the invaluable advice. But short of moving to Iceland there’s little escape of hearing (let alone watching) about the ‘big day’ ! and of course there’s always Sky Cinema.
I will be waiting to hear the vicious cries of ‘CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!!’ if Megan wears a traditional western style wedding dress.
If she wears a white dress do you think her nose might grow a little?
I have a most interesting day planned with my dogs. So I will not need advice to read a book or do something other than watch. But to escape the momentous event I will have to keep my car radio turned off, not watch TV in the evening, not engage with social media. But worse of all will be my many US friends with whom I am in daily contact who will text me asking why you Brits are obsessed with such crap?
“why you Brits are obsessed with such crap?”
They don’t have much to choose from, nevertheless they are forced to pay for it .
Brissles, you have been talking to Mr D!
Brissles, what annoys me most is the date: it’s going to interfere with Cup Final coverage.
Also, I expect like the diamond jubilee river extravaganza the BBC will have a team of anti-Royalists like Sandy Tosspig to be given their regular bouts of hate spewing.
A choice between watching the Royal wedding and watching soccer?
Oh god! That’s my idea of hell.
I would choose to go to the dentist ahead of either
Muslim Charity scandal
“A leading Muslim charity that raises up to £37m a year is facing a legal battle after it sacked its chief executive for gross misconduct following an investigation into financial irregularities. Othman Moqbel,…”
Times : A traumatic past overwhelmed the Iraqi refugee convicted of the Parsons Green attack, writes Kayte Cable, the charity worker who offered him hope
\\ While studying for a master’s in refugee care, I learnt about the concept of “nostalgic disorientation” — how the loss of home can lead to unpredictable consequences. //
Comments could be going …
eg ‘well Holocaust refugees didn’t start bombing Britain etc.’
Theresa May says “Trust me, I will take back control”
I’ve just realised I missed the bafta show . I’ve seen a review and seen that a “female” “ comic” called Perkins was mistress of the presentation .
Surely the British people have suffered enough . ? Eurovision one night baftas the next ?
I hear – also- that there was the traditional stabbing outside the theatre where the luvvies were gathering . Sadiq will have announced a poster campaign at the scene to ban the carrying of cheese burgers .
( if anyone notices the posting time – I’m in a different time zone – 1957)
Shame Fedup, you missed the bit where Sue bounced up and down on Mel’s lap, urging her to ‘grab my boobs’. Never mind, it’s bound to be nominated for next year as a memorable moment.
BBC Breakfast promise us sport in their sports review – however, a nine-goal-thriller at Wembley is completely overlooked in favour of…. Mo Salah’s three-year-old daughter. Aw bless… BBC priorities really are quite unique.
And some people will complain about too much Royal Wedding coverage.
The man who went on a knife attack in Paris prayed five times a day, never touched pork or alcohol and shouted “Allah Akbar.”
BBC reporters say there’s still no obvious motivation for the attack.
Funny the French have already said it was a terroist attack 🙂
BBC at its best
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … “I’ve just heard: a man at the Freedom March last Sun took his children for a day out. One child told his primary school teacher who then reported the father to the police. He was then summoned to meet the police at the school. I am alerting the press of details. Story unfolding.” – Gerard Batten, 12may2018
Re ‘a man at the Freedom March’ issue.
One foot out of line in the Middle East countries? you are immediately arrested and literally thrown in jail. That’s the only reason the likes of Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein ruled as despots. Then the ‘bull in china shop’ West (Blair/Bush) decided that the people in Mid East countries needed a dose of “democracy”. No one told them(?) that islam is a hotbed of violence and dissent wherever it is and that the likes of Gadaffi and Hussein (and Assad) kept the lid on the islamic hotheads. Fast forward. Europe and UK? Import the Middle East and eventually you have to wake up to having replicate the police states that those deposed / killed despots maintained. Simples: 2 + 2 =4. Expect much more draconian law to be introduced while you ponder the expression: “We will not allow these people to change our way of life”
G — that’s a good analysis and something I have suspected is behind the increasingly fractious situation in the UK.
Even leaving aside the Islamic issue, you can make a case for the rise of identity politics > more factionalism > internecine disputes > police state. Instead of the tolerant, open-minded society the glossy brochure promised, the actual result is more ghettoisation and an endless proliferation of small embittered groups, all pumped to the gills with entitlement and all which need, err… ‘management’ from above.
By design or by accident? Hard to think it’s purely unplanned…
Now the U.K. is aligned with Iran (Iran Nuclear Deal) do we burn flags on the Royal Wedding day …. can it be our own flag? Can we combine the Royal Wedding with Al Quds day for Jeremy Corbyn to speak at?
Maybe there is a sane voice in the ocean of insanity …
“I’ve just heard: a man at the Freedom March last Sun took his children for a day out. One child told his primary school teacher who then reported the father to the police. He was then summoned to meet the police at the school. I am alerting the press of details. Story unfolding.”
“Here is a suggestion: why not just deport foreign criminals? If they are just migrants – deport. If they have been given British citizenship,but have dual citizenship, remove British citizenship and deport. Just a thought.Gerard Batten MEP added,”
“Why on earth would anyone want to join the British Army under these current circumstances? And of course they are having trouble recruiting. If the IRA can have an amnesty so can the British VETs.”
“We were lied to about the EU since the beginning, and we are still being lied to now. UKIP told the truth about the EU, and we are telling it now. The Establishment is betraying Brexit. If you don’t want that, join and vote UKIP.”
“The African slave trade under Islam. Full video a must watch here https://youtu.be/mcmNCyhUQI8 ”
Gerard Batten MEP @GerardBattenMEP
UKIP Member of the European Parliament for London. Working for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU. UKIP Leader & Brexit Spokesman.
Toady watch
Humph interviewed the taller milliband -you know – the one who gave up being an MP after his younger half wit brother beat him for the leadership of the socialist party.
Al beeb obviously lives this private citizen who gets 15 minutes of free ‘remain’ publicity on the radio .
Fortunately most people will have forgotten who this character is . Not as toxic as Blair or that other ex MP – sir Nicholas Clegg .
Any way the megalomaniac Milliband sweeps aside the vote of people like me as he plays his global games in New York. I wonder if humph would give me 15 minutes of air time since I live in Blighty .
On the upside those remain characters are so toxic as to be irrelevant to our full brexit.
He also neglected to ask any of the many questions of Milliband that a proper journalist would have asked. So, pretty much an average day’s work for the BBC as its rolls along the ‘stop Brexit’ bandwagon.
IS still threatens Europe, warns MI5 chief {bbc.co.uk 14may2018}
. . .
No point asking the Met or Sadiq Khan or Cressida Dick for help is there?
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
“It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38” That’s one good reason why the police are becoming increasingly irrelevant: They don’t know. We are effectively, ‘on our own’
I wonder why the head of MI5 would choose the week that Ramadan starts to point this out?
Its sick bag time on Toady this morning.
Tessa Jowell got the full St Jo of Cox treatment for a while 15 minutes after 0730.
Guess who the interviewed? Her husband, David Mills.
But in an act of corporate dementia, the BBC somehow forgot to ask about their supposed marital separation informed by his conviction for fraud and sentence to 4 years in jail !!!!
One can sympathise hugely with the lady sufferring her terminal illness and her close family and friends.
One cannot sympathise with the leftwing BBC and their distinctly non-impartial, forgetful, coverage.
Sluff – when one of the political class snuffs it their reaction if to spend tax money on a a health fund £40 million in this case . When my mum died no politician told me they were setting up a fund .
Mo Mollem, this baroness , indeed , pass the sick bag .
Like the Politburo in the final years of the Soviet Union, the political establishment in this country are concerned only with their own interests and priorities and don’t give a damn for ordinary people. Additional money for health care is always welcome, but the timing of this announcement stinks. Presumably the government hasn’t just found the odd £40 million hanging around (unless all the ministers and MPs have handed in their brown envelopes for this month..) and this announcement has been several months in the making. If so, it would have been appropriate to have made it during the Chancellor’s Spring Statement to Parliament in March.
I woke up half through that Radio4 “interview” and I thought they were talking about Jo Cox for about 5 minutes. Almost the exact description of a God like existence, remembering them as one of those great human beings doing so much for everyone etc.
It is a regular pattern with the BBC like they did with Nelson and Winnie Mandela. Elevate them to instant Saint hood whilst ignoring any crimes or wrongdoing.
Notice how on politics Radio4 might as well be BBC Radio Labour
.. #BbcRed-dio4
Compare and contrast the BBC’s sick-making, relentlessly positive ‘tributes’ to St Tessa of Jowell with their exclusively contemptuous coverage of anything to do with Margaret Thatcher.
They don’t even attempt to hide their bias now and treat any complaint with disdainful arrogance. Because they can.
Hitler invited to BBC studios to talk about his unification of Europe program …
Another moral crusade on BBC breakfast this morning.
Plant life on roadside verges under threat.
No. It’s not brexiit or Trump.
It’s due to nitrogen emissions from car exhausts.
BBC says Plant ‘thugs’ crowd roadside flowers By H arrabin
“Emissions from vehicle exhausts are acting as a fertiliser for nitrogen-loving plants like nettles, which outcompete traditional flowers.
hmm Notice how weeds have suddenly shot up, and there’s masses of cow parsley 2-3ft high
whether roadside or not
I say each species has it’s high month, right now it’s cow parsley and dandelions
Petrol and diesel fuels are hydrocarbons, i.e. compounds of hydrogen and carbon. So where does all this ‘nitrogen’ come from that these ‘plant thugs’ are feasting on? It could possibly be all that gaseous nitrogen that the plants have been surrounded with for (millions of) years?
Probably soot from the filthy things!
Sounds like classic bBBC fake news to me. The Botanical society quoted do not support a scientific correlation, and most of what this article says is quoting Plantlife, a charity. Do they have any research evidence?
Plants use nitrogen in the form of nitrates or ammonium, absorbed through the roots. It must be fixed from the atmosphere by bacteria in the soil, and/or associated with the roots of legumes. So there could be an effect down the line, but also other factors..what about sulphur compounds? To make that correlation would involve eliminating a lot of other possible factors. I would like to see the evidence cited.
And here is another cereal offender… nothing to do with nitrogen
Oil seed rape crop has spread to roadside verge UK..
Sorry Davylars to spoil your pun but rape is a brassica not a cereal.
I knew that but don’t you think cereal offender sounds better than brassica offender? It was a joke……
Well, at least I thought it was funny..
Flowers “Road verges: 20% drop in diversity of wild flowers puts bees at risk as plant… ”
How do you even measure that, and over what time period ? No mention in the news report
And what about change in pesticide salt use ?
\\The charity Plantlife said delicate wild flowers had been crowded out by stinging nettles, brambles, and rough meadow-grasses, //
claim made no extraordinary data supplied
Also 20% is not a big thing is it ?
Data buried in here http://www.countrysidesurvey.org.uk/
Complaints of a lack of diversity, native species crowded out by aggressive types taking over and making areas look untidy?…..sounds oh so familiar
Oh I see! Nitrogen emissions… Guess these plants are too picky to use that all that other nitrogen that makes up 78% of Earth’s atmosphere, then.
Early morning sequence: Toady headlines at 0800 (that’s all I am prepared to cope with) then distracted by cat so unfortunately could not reach the radio remote in time to ‘off’ it as interview with David Milliband commences – Phew! urgently ‘off’. Blood pressure? – Ok.
Cats are good for your BP. The BBC? Clearly a great danger. Milliband? Nurse, the screens, please…
The bbc daily email leads with:
“Head of MI5 warns over IS and condemns Russia
The head of MI5, Andrew Parker, will warn in a speech later that so-called Islamic State aims to commit “devastating” and “more complex” attacks in Europe. This comes after one person was killed and four others were injured by a knifeman in Paris on Saturday. The attack was claimed by IS.
Mr Parker will say the UK has thwarted 12 terror attacks since the Westminster attack last year.
He will also criticise Russia for the “deliberate and targeted” poisoning of ex-KGB agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March. Moscow – which denies any involvement – has created a “fog of lies”, Mr Parker will add. Here’s what we know so far about what happened in Salisbury.”
In Beebworld, with the assistance of other state organs, “where there’s a will there’s a way”. Apparently.
Propaganda not news
“The MI5 chief will say”
… Let’s wait for his speech and then it will be news not speculation.
9am R4 Jordan Peterson special
But they choose a Muslim immigrant as an example.
Straight into talking about patriarchy
\\ Hashi Mohamed is the living embodiment of many of Peterson’s life rules: he came to Britain when he was 9 years old with little English and through a combination of skill, luck and hard work is now a barrister.
But he is critical of the lack of social mobility and his own rags to riches story is one he thinks is increasingly difficult to realise. //
A writer will tell us about “rape culture”
(I guess white men, rather than Pak on street rape/groom gangs )
American writer tells us in Texas there are “pockets of liberal progressiveness and entrepreneurial drive.”
It’s a setup : it’s 3 people against Jordan , 2 of guests and the presenter …who just said Jordan is disingenuous ( clearly presenter is projecting)
Now presenter is inviting third guest to attack Jordan.
Louise said “Men in Ireland commit suicide at a high right cos of patriarchy”
I only heard half of the programme and two things came to mind.
1) The presenter (so-called) interrupted Jordan constantly – didn’t interrupt the other two.. and
2) I lost count how many times either the presenter or other two guests either misquoted or misrepresented Jordan’s words. It was almost another ‘so you’re saying’ debacle.
Have to say though, that Jordan puts up a hell of a fight and can easily stand his corner.
Tom Sutcliffe ambush trick at end of show
“We’re running out if time, now Jordan are you worried about your followers being so extremist”
@trufflepunch tweeted
@tds153 Do you always end the show with an unsubstantiated attempt to slur your guest, Tom? It’s a nice touch
41m15s Tom Sutcliffe ” Jordan Peterson, I wanted to quickly ask you … do you worry about any of your followers, you have very large numbers on YouTube and the internet ..
JP interrupts “I worry about all my followers, that’s what I am doing , what I am doing helping people lead better individual lives”
JP : “I don’t think there is any grounds for asking that
.. I think people have made an assumption, that there is a disproportionate number of extremists among my followers
TS cutting him off “You say that, you say that .. you use this phrase –there isn’t a shred of evidence — of course I can’t supply the evidence right now, B U T it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
, that particular framing …”
JP “What’s the evidence that it does exist ?”
Hashi Mohamed rushes to intervene “The idea that all Jordan’s followers are angry white men is not true, but equally, do you not find that there are a lot of people who have associated with your movement and your message, that I for example find reprehensible ?”
TS ” ..15 seconds”
RP “Because I have taken a stand against the radical left, it has been convenient for an assortment of EQUALLY reprehensible right-wingers to assume that I am one of theirs, but I A M NOT and I have made many public statements stating that I am absolute OPPOSER of identity politics whether it’s played on the LEFT or the right”
TS “..we’ve runout of time … you can still hear Hashi Mohamed’s documentary Adventures in Social Mobility on the Radio4 website ..It’s EXCELLENT”
..bet you can’t guess who is presenting next week.
TS if you are going to make major claims against a person then you should come supplied with evidence.
Seems TS is not very articulate.
He could have said “There are a lot of people who say a lot of your followers are extremist”
Speaking of the will of the state…
“Quoted by BBC all the time.
Always described as independent”.
Odd, I can’t find my earlier post on the topic of state propaganda despite it being in the recent comments summary list top right.
Oh well. Here’s another with a justification phrase some may find familiar:
I clearly need to go to Specsavers:
Guest Who May 14, 2018 at 9:09 am on Start the Week open Thread 14th May 2018
Speaking of the will of the state… https://twitter.com/obornetweets/status/995936340935143425?s=21
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is an instrument used by the British government for anti-Bashir propaganda and to promote the Islamist-aligned White Helmets, who St Jo of Cox was so keen on (and who were founded by former British army officer and private military contractor, James Le Mesurier, presumably on instructions from Whitehall). Here’s a bit more information on Our Man In Coventry; whatever one’s view of Syria and Russian and Iranian involvement, it is apparent that the whole thing stinks.
10 am Woman’s Hour and then back to WHITE MEN
11am “Worcester Woman”
“the story of Leisa Taylor: a feminist politician with purple hair and piercings who wants to make waves in Worcester.”
“Women’s Equality Party candidate for Worcester City Council, standing in Bedwardine, 3 May 2018”
Result she came 4th just 158 votes
Bedwardine result – Amos (1,111); Beacham (UKIP) 75; Manning (Green) 120; Mullins (Lib Dem) 162; Taylor (Women’s Equality) 158; Winwood (Lab) 578. Turnout 33%
If we now accept that the liberal classes have given up on us, and simply want us to bankroll their gestures, shut the f** up until enough immigrants are enrolled on Labour List or Rahmans mates at Tower Hamlets-then we`d better understand what they`re up to.
They are free range vermin, now with no links at all to the REAL England, the rest of us have to live in.So why do we pay to let them talk to us like this? Chickenshit-that`s why.
Is there a prize for who can give the English white working class the biggest slap to the face without anybody dealing with them-physically, as opposed to a stiff letter to a quango queen in Darlington, via Bangalore?
Three Girls wins a prize, Trump getting the US Embassy to Jerusalem? But we`re left with Jowells braindead autopsy memorial park , and a visit from some eunuch from International Rescue to used to polish Livingstones bunions at the GLC.
Miliband Major was the squit who wanted Blair to be EU president, because “we needed somebody who could stop the traffic” in Peking.
Jowells cavalcade of sad liberal shitsacks wouldn`t even be fit for fertiliser there, their standards are much higher.
But that`s the media-how many people DID die of cancer Saturday who did fare more for REAL life than a mortgage hustling Bunga Wally like Jowell.
Cheek By Jowell.
Thank the Lord though this Dung Beetle New Labour scum are finally taking the hint and pegging out to hell. That we choose to live in the one they made for us?…well, maybe we deserve no batter.
But our kids do.
Has anybody wondered why there should be no border between N Ireland and the ROI?
Why is it so special.
Why should Brexit be held hostage so that a few farmers will not be slightly inconvenienced or some firms may need to do some small amount of extra paperwork.
The numbers crossing the border must be quite small. We are led to believe that hoarders are permanently crossing to work all the time.
As many as Gibraltar?
We (brexiteers) are not bothered by this border and if the eu want one they can build one.
Also, why does the bbc talk up the prospect of the Ira starting over again if there’s some kind of border. It’s as if they want them to start a new bombing campaign.
Anyway, why should there be no border.
It’s perfectly normal for different countries to have borders.
If the politicians wanted a solution to this they would find one but they seem to prefer to faff about waffling and prevaricating.
I think they are worried by the Adams quote:
“We haven’t gone away you know”
AS I recall, this was no issue last November.
The EU and Britain had agreed the non-border, in some paper the EU wrote up.
That it is regularly brought up as a problem as it suits the wreckers and knackers of Moaner Leaders in our political elites-both May and the EU-only shows how sinister they are.
There is no excuse for anything, we`re going.
Let Gerry Adams build his wall, and immur a few like Clegg in it for all I care.
You may recall that they tried this with Gibraltar as their poisoned dart as soon as we`d voted in 2016.
But the Spanish have their own issues, trust the Irish playdough boys to do what Uncle Yunka tells them. They used to be their own country once.
But then again, the IRA imported their Semtex and Glucks from the old Czechoslavakia, their drugs from Columbia.
One in the “customs union”-one under WTO rules once we`ve gone, if we tell the IRA.
Really is about time we dealt with this thorn in our flesh of Ireland. Between 1969 and 1998, the EU did “f***all” about Ireland. Not one wreath, not one intervention.
The EU like their terrs, they used to be them once in small gutless, supply side measure. Barossa, Berlinguer, Cohn-Bendit, and Kelly(P).
All taxis for terrorism, at least Islam hires its vans and doesn`t want the taxpayer to pay its traitor rentiers.
Wake up England.
“Treason never prospers, what`s the reason”
For when it prospers, no-one calls it treason”.
Even the bloody ancient GREEKS knew that-so why don`t we?
“There are no refugees, they are only economic migrants …” – Rod Liddle
“By 2016 , Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European commission, admitted by Frontex’s own figures at least 60% of the people, 60% percent of the people who came in 2015 had quote ‘No more right to be in Europe than anyone else in the world.’” – Douglas Murray
Conspiracy ! the iplayer Radio4 schedule jumps straight from R4Today to Woman’s Hour, cutting out Jordan Peterson
It’s a bug in the BBC software
..cos on Tuesday it does the same; shows the 9:30am show but not the 9am show
Should you get a little bored with the EU machinations and the Trump-bashing, South Africa is worth keeping an eye on. It is making steady progress from a first world state to a third world state. You won’t see or hear much from the beeb on this issue ( they and their ilk have achieved their goal for the country, so now have ‘lost interest’).
There we find the first signs that Ramaphosophilia is wearing off, as it becomes clear that the looting of the state will continue. In parliament, the opposition is simply told to ‘shut up’. One chaotic Province has been taken over directly from the centre (Northwest) and another is seeing further political violence (NatalKwaZulu).
It would have been useful for a little media focus to stay on that sorry country, given the enthusiasm in Europe/GB to have a ‘multicultural’ rather than a ‘hideously white’ society. Apparently, they look forward to EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) solving all their problems. Good luck with that…
For all actions, there are consequences.
(Having said that, you can see lotsa snooker and athletics and stuff on the beeb….)
Today marks the day that Winnie was done for Stomping Stompie to death in 1991.
Any chance of a “Reunion” on this one MacGregor you gutless gumboil in a bluestocking ?
No?…ah well, we`ll get one on Boy Meets Girl when trannies ans ex change types get to discuss this epoch defining comedy that we`re all still laughing at. Nearly as good as Citizen Khan if that were possible.
WE once had Rik Mayall, but we`re now left with Alexei (Man of letters) Sayle-Out-and with Christopher Ryan(The Cool One-on so funny!),
Government definition of “Policing by Consent”.
“……it was a philosophy of policing ‘unique in history and throughout the world because it derived not from fear but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly (sic) by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public’”.
The Police are in breach of all Robert Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing. Fact.
Keir Starmer says in a tweet “Just arrived in Brussels for full day of Brexit discussions tomorrow with senior politicians across EU27. Much to discuss including importance of retaining benefits of single market & customs union.”
Tweets by Keir_Starmer
Can any of the erudite folk here, recall an opposition politician going abroad to undermine the elected government’s position?
How about a Jowell Brexit? Free mobile phones for all the moaners, EU bandanas for all.
And let them all go the way of (less that two metric tonnes) Tessa.
A Jowell Brexit, a Jonestown chemo for all our Labour scum from 1994-2010, except for Kate Hoey, Red Ken, Frank and Dennis.
It`s what she would have wanted, big landfill in Malmo, let the travellers and Muslims play.
My mate got a Capita “Blue Frightener” in red ink and a window envelope…so it`s war.
Can we inherit Tessies TV License, she`d have wanted that.
I think Nigel mentioned on one of his LBC shows that Starmer is never off the Eurostar.
Any loyalties Starmer has to either the Labour Party or indeed the great Euro plan are secondary to securing his Euro job prospects. It doesn’t matter to him whether he gets it through playing his designated part in scuppering Brexit entirely or merely in achieving a compromised everlasting ‘transition’ with as much ECJ input as possible.
On Peston (ITV) on 25 March he let his guard drop and showed where his true ambitions lie:
“… the problem with the withdrawal bill is that it extinguishes the role of the European Court of Justice …”
“I have always been critical of the PM for ruling out any role at all for the European Court of Justice …” (next bit my paraphrasing) because you can’t have a comprehensive, rich, special relationship with the EU without the institutions that go with it.
“… there may be a role for the European Court of Justice, or a court of some sort …”
Nothing demonstrates the level of corruption within our political system more than the fact the Labour Party appointed him to the supposedly politically-neutral position of DPP for the CPS.
We really are taken for a bunch of chumps.
I posted links to the ThreeGirls acceptance speeches above
Also Write also made 3 min speech in April
As always the media people focus only on 3 victims and fail to acknowledge the other thousands
BBC Radio4 ProjectClimateFear 9:45am Monday to Friday next week
Climate Change and Me
\\ Five scientists, working in different parts of the world, bear witness to some of the dramatic changes to our planet that have occurred in their lifetimes, as the global climate warms. //
Trailer today 12:59pm
Voice 1 : El Nino Brings (doomy voice)
Voice 2 : With Climate Change we see ….
“next wek new radio4 series on Climate Change”
Hangon, look how incompetent the BBC are, they open a trailer about Climate Change with talk of El Nino
which is a natural phenomenon, which has always happened even without man.
So WWF, Greenpeace, and FoE are political campaigning groups on a crusade
..whereas BBC is supposed to be IMPARTIAL
… Sorry from their output I don’t see a difference.. the BBC runs its crusades.
Trailer :
Voice 1 : (doomy voice) On land El Ninos bring flashfloods, drought or wildfire, in the ocean they kill with warmth.
Voice 2 : The impact of Climate Change is all around us
Voice 3 .. Caterpillars hatch and reach abundance earlier than they used to.
“next week new Radio4 series on Climate Change”
its a BBC Remoan wankfest today.
David Milliband, who has been living it up in New York for yeRs, is suddenly Remoaning away.
And the BBC are absolutely full of him.
Aided and abetted by Nicky Morgan and the traiterous Keir Starmer.
Luckily, it washes off my back. Fingers crossed, we are getting out.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire pushing Drama about ladies football from 100 years ago
“If you know any ladies or girls are interested in football then call … to come to the workshops ”
After an interview with female football director of “World at Her Feet”
Anyone else noticed that BBC “News” is fast becoming a list of who has apologised for some snowflake being offended?
Right now on the News website we have had over the weekend:
Boarding school ‘sorry’ for ‘blacked up’ slave photo
John Lewis apologises after wedding gift list site disappears
WHSmith ‘sorry’ for Pinderfields Hospital £7.99 toothpaste
Eurovision 2018: ‘We all felt so sorry for SuRie’
Belhaj rendition: UK apology over Libyan dissident treatment
Deadpool: David Beckham gets apology from superhero who mocked his voice
Monica Lewinsky gets apology after event snub over Bill Clinton
BBC is normally a list of questions! Is Trump Evil? Is Brexit worth it? Is the BBC bothered?
By the time we hear about this on the Beeb, they’ll be blaming Israel for withholding gas supplies to the poor “Palestinians” in Gaza.
“Tens of Palestinian of rioters on Friday vandalized and set fire to the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom humanitarian crossing in Gaza, damaging gas pipelines that run from Israel to the Strip.
This is the second time in recent days that rioters, led by Hamas, have sabotaged humanitarian efforts that Israel and other countries carry out on behalf of Gaza’s residents.
The damaged gas depot and pipes carry fuel and gas from Israel into the Gaza Strip.
The rioters also ransacked several of the border crossings through which humanitarian aid from Israel and the international community flows to Gaza residents. They burned offices, buildings and gas tanks, and damaged the fences.”
BBC4 7:30pm Bristol/Bath Slavery connections
Listen Whitey you feel guilty about slavery, don’t you ?
..since it’s all your personal fault
You made all those African kings 1,500 years ago enslave their enemies.
\\ Poet Miles Chambers explores the region’s connections to slave trade, with Bristol responsible for the business end of it, while Bath boomed on the back of the profits made from it.
Chambers, whose ancestors were taken as slaves from West Africa to the Caribbean, visits landmark sites including Dyrham Park, home to the Blackamoor statues, the mill in Saltford where Guinea kettles were made, and the grave of a slave in Henbury. //
..em white slavery in the UK ended after the time of the plague when the Norman lords had to start paying their workers.
Black slavery in UK has always been illegal.
Any chance of Mauritania or Mail apologising for their current slavery and those markets they hold?
They`re going on right now, not in 1788, which-I`m thinking would be “culturally appropriate”. Because Muslims and Chinese will benefit from the economic savings they`ll get.
And what of Saudi, still gleefully using all manner of slaves as they`ve always done from Ethiopia, Pakistan etc?
Erdogans here soon-any chance of HIM apologising for his Istanbul slave markets under the Ottomans? Which-only thanks to the British Navy at the start-got scuppered. Otherwise Turkey would STILL be getting its slaves from all four corners?
No-only bloody Bristol, Liverpool and descendents of slave owners like Dawkins get moaned at by the lefties.
Sod off Beeb-when you DARE to ask Muslims about THEIR bleeding slave trades-much nastier, went on for longer-and STILL DO-only then will I give a toss about apologies or reparations.
Bloody BBC, doin` our `eeds in. Islam enslaves, Jesus never did.
Always awkward to correct another’s spelling without seeming pretentious – especially one as renowned as you chrisH – but I think you meant Mali, the Mail already gets enough stick for being more truthful and anti-BBC than most.
Ta Beltane-getting to that age when no-one will proof check here at the care home!
News : Italy gang rape of British tourist by hotel staff
2016 the woman and her daughter were allegedly given drugged drinks by two barman at the hotel, who then took the dazed woman to a nearby swimming pool and sexually assaulted her, investigators said.
The woman was then handed over to another employee at the hotel, who took her to a bedroom at the hotel used by hotel staff, where at least ten men, many of whom were nude, were waiting. The group allegedly raped her and photographed her on their phones before taking her back to her room.
I’m going to guess the “five men” weren’t Italians but recent cultural enrichment arrivals.
Telegraph has it, sexually assaulted daughter as well .. all on their phones.
Must be migrants surely ?
IMPARTIAL : Universal credit Panorama in planning
\\ Self-employed and affected by Universal Credit in Flintshire, north Wales?
We want to hear from you! We are working with @BBCWales and @BBCPanorama on a series about the *damaging affect* UC has had on the self-employed. //
“damaging affect” its EFFECT and your framing doesn’t solicit any positive stories
I see, only apply if you have a negative story … positives need not apply.
Right on Marky.
I suspect they might not find time to interview anyone to comment on the estimated 42000 who are now in work as a result.
It’s all the USA’s fault. … “Dozens die as US embassy opening looms” {bbc.co.uk 14may2018}
In the Gaza Strip, the governing authority Hamas developed a sophisticated network of military tunnels. The tunnel system branches beneath many Gazan towns and cities, such as Khan Yunis, Jabalia and the Shati refugee camp.[1] The internal tunnels, running some dozens of kilometres within the Gaza Strip,[2] have several functions. Hamas uses the tunnels to hide its arsenal of rocketry underground, to facilitate communication, to permit munition stocks to be hidden and to conceal militants, making detection from the air difficult.
Worth a read.
Click to access hlmg-smoke-mirrors-six-weeks-violence-gaza-border.pdf
More white males on Radio4 ?
4pm : female Olympian, rower Katherine Grainger, now Chair of UK Sport
4:30pm special edition of Beyond Belief about Jane Eyre
10:45am, 7:45pm Wuthering Heights
10:45pm The FEMALE Persuasion, bookAtBedtime
11pm author Sally Bayley, words that rescued
8:30pm BBC1 Panorama supposed to be about rise in crime and police under pressure
No details yet available
Let me guess? It is the Tories fault that people go out and kill people and everyone should vote Corbyn because he will fix it all?
Funny how the BBC jump the band wagon every time they want to help Labour out!