TOADY Watch: Two Go Out To Play (In which Martha Goes Round in Circles with Judith Hackett)
It is quite amazing that everyone working on the Toady Programme from Sarah Sands as Editor in Chief down to the presenters, either doesn’t know that there are very few building construction materials that do not burn – or – as I suspect, they deliberately choose not to know that almost all building materials burn, just so they can help muddy the (already dirtied) waters over the Grenfell tragedy in this morning’s programme.
Could I be wrong? Is it not fairly common knowledge that even steel, brick & concrete will burn in a fire and that only materials like asbestos have significant fire retardation AND resistance? Where have I as an ‘ordinary member of the public’ acquired this specialist knowledge? Is it not there in the public domain?
If the answer to that second question is YES then there is something sinister going on at the BBC.
@Up2snuff “burn” is not the right word
You mean most construction materials are not ultimately fire resistant.
“Burn” I interpret as meaning having an exothermic reaction with oxygen to produce tremendous heat : like wood and plastics do, and steel/brick and concrete don’t ..but they are sprayed with fire retardants to increase their fire resistance.
Stew, it takes tremendous heat to set substantial steel, concrete & similar materials on fire but they do burn and such is the fire intensity often created by fire draught in buildings that a steel framed, poured & reinforced concrete building will burn to the ground or, at least, a hulk. When steel and concrete burn, it may be very hard to stop.
That is why I referred to “significant fire retardation AND resistance”. The ideal is to create time and conditions for inhabitants to leave or be rescued from a burning building if a fire cannot be extinguished from inside.
The TOADY Programme were asking for a recommendation from Dame Judith Hackitt that all flammable building materials be banned. That is not practically possible. They should have known that. I suspect an agenda at play at the BBC.
Betting machine stakes cut to £2
That looks like a 1970s 10 pence one arm bandit..
Anyway good, the bookies roulette machines are being reduced from £100 to £2 per spin.
I’ll read on I’m sure the professional BBC will tell us soon..
Currently, people can bet up to £100 every 20 seconds on electronic casino games such as roulette.
Sports Minister Tracey Crouch said reducing the stake to £2 “will reduce harm for the most vulnerable”.
But bookmakers have warned it could lead to thousands of outlets closing.
William Hill, which generates just over half its retail revenues from FOBTs, described the government’s decision as “unprecedented” and warned that 900 of its shops could become loss-making, potentially leading to job losses.”
Amol is here, he looks clever I’m sure he will say us
”Analysis: Amol Rajan, BBC media editor”
”In taking the most drastic of the options available to them on FOBTs, the government has indicated that gambling is on a journey much like nicotine a generation ago.”
What? people will have to go and stand outside to gamble ?
Followed by more opinion, and still no date mentioned.
What a pathetic state journalism is in.
How many programmes is that virtue-signalling tosspot Amol on?
He`s on Radio 2 as well as Radio 4, media jockey as well as disc editor.
Complete numpty, right shade of colour though. He seems to be Gary Bellamy from “Down the Line”.
Is he?
And somehow Chris he is also classed as a food critic, regularly appearing on MasterChef. What qualifies him in the culinary stakes I’m not sure, but the BBC really do like to take care of their own.
I saw some ‘new brits’ from Asia using a pushchair to cart the even ‘newer brit’ around, instead of having it slung over her shoulder (or is it hips)
Slowly appropriating our whole culture untill the universal way is our culture,
but then we get belittled by the libtards for not having a culture…
Normally the bBbc are all over ‘the English disease ‘ but not apparently when there is an outbreak in France, as Marseilles fans rioted on home turf after their side was beaten by Atletico in last night’s Europa League final.
As far as I know the bBbc didn’t have any live coverage of the game itself. Perhaps it was on the radio, I don’t know, but as it wasn’t the women’s game the bBbc couldn’t afford to show the match and so do what they have to do more and more frequently with major sporting events – pretend it didn’t matter much, wasn’t relevant, nobody’s interested, aren’t the girls at City great, she’s the female Messi you know.
Anyway, rioting. Newspaper photos highlight the ethnicity of those involved, clearly reflecting the large North African/ Muslim fan base of Olympique as riot police were once again deployed in the shithole that was once France. Front and centre in some of the shots, the real reason for the unrest, the Palestinian flag. Another reason for the bBbc not to report it?
With the World Cup coming up in Russia, where fans of Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia will be able to meet up with their ever eager Chechen cousins, is this a wee snapshot of what might be to come. Much is being made of Russian hooligans, old school, hard core, knuckle dragging thugs and the threat that they pose. If I was going to Russia, although I think anybody going there this summer is mad, I would be more concerned about a cry of Alans snackbar going up than a chant of one -nil to the Motherland.
It’ll be interesting to see how the bBbc play it if and when something roper based happens. They’re probably hoping ITV are covering that match.
The bbc should be campaining for the removal of the oestrogen , or whatever it is in the water, thats turning half the males in Britain bent, and leaving many of the rest unable to physically defend themselves .
Euro 2016 and our football fans running en mass like bitches from a few Russians was embarrassing
Germany … replace population to cure guilt.
Japan … choose nihilism to cure guilt.
Britain … replace population to cure guilt even though they stopped a dictator, so others point to British Empire to draw on guilt.
EU … expand using guilt.
USA … fuck off!
More Toady watch. Thursday from Aberystwyth University, but switched to De Montfort to explain that the students suffering most with student debt are black. One girl interviewed explained without a trace of foreign accent that her mother had to send her noodles from Nigeria to allow to at least some food whilst studying. Now why Mum couldn’t put £5.00 in her daughter’s bank account and the daughter buy oats, milk or even eggs which might have given her protein was not asked. Also slipped in was that one of their black students had been offered work at Freshfields the big law firm. So in spite of the perceived bias Today was telling us about, some can still make it.
I heard it as “my mother brought me noodles from Nigeria”
.. as in she was claiming to be poor whilst telling us her mother could afford flights from Nigeria.
BTW Nigerians studying at UK universities are the ones who often have house servants at home in Nigeria.
The cost of sending foodstuffs from Africa into the EU with all the requisite checks and signoffs would be prohibitively expensive. And take an eternity.
Has anyone noticed that the Prime Minister has not done a Ramadamalinglong Mubarek message this year.
Naughty girl. Someone might think she is a tad Islamophobic.
Just take a look at the sneering Matthew Wright interviewing Jordan Peterson on his Channel 4 programme ‘The Wright Stuff’.
Wright expresses his support for the far Left ‘womens equality party’ and brings on the leader of it to bait Peterson which predictably utterly fails.
Wright looks about as cautious as a small spider with a large wasp in its web but it doesn’t stop the sneering catty digs he makes. He clearly HATES Peterson and his reasonable ideas, which he tries (and fails) to ridicule.
2018 … “What it does (identity politics) is push us back to a tribal direction. One of the things I love about England, about the UK in general is that over the course of any reasonable historical development, Britain developed the idea of the sovereignty of the individual and instantiated that into the political system … ” – Jordan Peterson 16may2018
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
Dear Thoughtful
Very grateful for the extract . Worth a full view . Felt sorry for the hosting character as he was obviously having things screamed into his ears as prof Peterson took his questions apart . I reckon the c5 researchers got sacked after that .
I sincerely hope prof Peterson has a long and happy life as he has become one of those targets some fruitcake will go after .
The msm really is frightened of him . Even more so as a result of the huge success of the book .which no doubt is on the al beeb banned / burn list . Won’t hear that one on book club or slimy nockee engaging and losing against the prof .
The problem the middle class left have in seeking to defend Cathy Newman and attack Jordan Peterson is that the actual video is on youTube. Once seen all the attacks on Peterson melt away.
We have reached a point where no one who disagrees with the left hegemony in the media is going to come under vitriolic attack. The above video reflects that.
The Guardian cannot mention his name without using the term alt-right, when he has said, many times, he is a liberal.
“The Wright Stuff” I would have thought that this show was a little down market for Jordan to appear on. The usual inhabitants are Z listers and desperado’s , and don’t even mention the studio audience.
Who was the woman who clearly hadn’t read his book as she said initially? She retracted the statement when pushed to say she read ‘an article ‘by/about’ him…then she didn’t say much else except of alt right…
Trouble is for MSM they actually don’t have any defence against what he is saying..
Good idea.
Matching nails, shoes and holsters.
Guns to be standard issue gel pen coloured pinks and lavenders. Gays or feminists might like guns then if they`re fashion accessories.
They should have access to these social media removed. They are obviously distracted from doing the job expected of them, and paid for by the British public. How dare they complain of being underfunded. How have we got to this?
It seems as though the overall remainer strategy is becoming clearer – delay actual exit from the Reich EU until the next election and then treat that as the second referendum in the view that remainers will be more active with better propaganda and brexiteers being resigned to failure – using albeeb as the mechanism . They’re wrong again
Anyone would think Grenfell was the only tall building in the world to burn. It can happen anywhere – even to hotels in Dubai. I wonder if there was such an outcry there?
EU idealogue Lord Adonis appears on Jeremy Vine, with whom he always agrees, to tell us that idealogues shouldn’t run the railway industry, conveniently forgetting that the structure of the UK railway system is driven by EU law!
And by Byers and Browns inept, incompetent and greedy taking over of Railtrack and screwing loads of pensioners life savings to do it.
Jo Moore, Shriti Vadera?…what a nice bunch of bungling pickpockets.
All the latter unelected patrons and sponges of Tone…like Adonis and Falconer, Irvine and Hutton coming to think of it.
“Market research company BMG polled more than 1,000 adults. The BBC came second behind RT as the broadcaster most likely to be ‘strongly biased towards Left-wing views’ with 7 per cent saying they thought it was.”
The article still seems way out of kilter with reality to me.
Maybe focusing on Left/right bias is the problem as many people might say “Left bias is when you are behind the Labour Party”
that is why I say the BBC has a Metro-lib bias
It seems bizarre in that 1000 people 18% that’s 180 say the BBC has a right wing bias
.. It certainly has a London, middle class/ toff bias, but I really can’t see how anyone except the brainwsashed would belive the BBC supports the Tories.
..depends where they did the survey
I’ve got my theory about the people who think the bbc has a right wing bias. Just my opinion but they often seem to be dyed in the wool thickos who equate being smartly dressed with being posh so therefore being a Tory. Listening with their eyes instead of using their ears and brain, such as it is.
I think you are right. The BBC is (was) the voice of RP, people who wear suits and ties, posh people, academics, the establishment, the government, boring talk on Radio 4, ‘square’ music on Radio 3. The plebs all watch ITV and Sky – as the old joke goes, ‘they don’t care who runs the government as long as she has big tits’.
The BBC is ‘obviously’ Tory and the plebs are Labour and always have been.
The fact that the BBC, academia and politicians are now all raving Marxists isn’t obvious because they don’t listen to any of them. Labour worked out long ago that only the dissatisfied vote for them so they keep their constituents that way. They also discovered that some plebs ‘done good’ and are now lost to the party so they import lots of dissatisfied migrants because they can’t rely on the ‘working class’ to vote for their Marxist rot.
Meanwhile the Conservatives, led by ‘nasty party’ May, who looks and sounds ‘posh’ and therefore ‘must’ be Tory, tries to be more Blair than Blair to appease the BBC and Guardian, who never will be appeased. That leaves the individualists that believe in nation, responsibility and aspiration a choice of voting for the Green, Yellow, Red or Blue Marxists – or more likely, ‘none of the above’.
that is why I say the BBC has a Metro-lib bias…”
Interestingly enough this is precisely what (former Toady editor) Rod Liddle said during his Speccie conversation with Fraser Nelson this week. He also said, to much applause, that the wishy-washy metro Libs were the cause of most of our daft thinking on immigration, multicultism (definitely NOT multicultURALism) etc. and that Al Beeb being part of this blob merely reflected it.
The alleged right-wing bias is just Leftoids writing to Al Beeb with no justifiable complaint.
Or you could point out that 22 percent thought the BBC was left leaning. That’s not far off a quarter of all viewers/listeners understanding that the BBC is left biased.
Allowing for the fact that about a third of the audience will be left wing anyway, thus accepting the BBC’s output, I think the survey shows that the BBC audience is beginning to understand its bias.
Socialism – a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker – a socialist who works for an organisation called the BBC that enforces people to pay his wages under threat of prosecution and asks you to donate to other causes all the time.
Jorden Peterson having to deal with coburn and some failed advisor to Ed Milliband. She was a ‘right on’ ethnic so ideal al beeb. I think the Professor realised he d been placed between two lefties and cut his input accordingly. Its a shame he couldnt spend an hour with Brillo….that really would be a good interview and exchange of views. i d pay to see that – but not the TV tax
I regularly visit the excellent climate change skeptic site, WattsUpWithThat and play a game. When they debunk the latest alarmist ‘scientific’ study to hit the headlines, how long does it take for the Beeb to publish it on their science pages as if it’s fact? Here’s a clue. Usually less than a day.
I wonder if the BBC does have people scanning this web-site for information. Certainly, the Montacutie on TWatO was a leetle more precise with her Grenfell associated language than her TOADY colleagues earlier had been but still she allowed a slur on Judith Hackitt to be perpetrated by Emma Dent Coad.
Well Emma would know wouldn`t she? Wasn`t she on all manner of Council Housing trust bodies as a Councillor round Grenfell?
How come nobody`s been digging re HER role in all of this, as well as the local Greens who wanted the cladding for aesthetic and eco luvvie reasons. Something really big stinks about much of this-way too many types like Labour and the Greens , Lib Dems are being allowed to slither off and blame idiot Tories like May.
I can tell this, because when I hear that there`s no call to ban combustible cladding, then a few people have a vested interest. They say they care about Grenfell, but not THAT much to be out of pocket I`m sure. Hence the efforts to make it regulatory and bureaucratic- a “smokescreen”(pardon me)to avoid the real story. As re Hutton, Trump ?
When they rush to regulatory, not fit for purpose , legal weasel points of procedural crap-then, like the BBC “gender pay gap”…it`s another false flag operation to let the Greens, Labour and Liberals off the hook. Miliband, Prescott, Davey and Lucas need to be looked at.
Grenfell could not have been better placed to foster the belief that the cladding was to ‘remove an eyesore so the rich weren’t forced to look at it’, rather than an EU/Green global warming project that got a bit out of hand. The class struggle was ever based on cleverly constructed emotion designed to wind up those with little grasp of reality, and for the likes of Enema Dent-Coad to flourish.
Indeed Chris, and additionally it seems to me to be another all out assault on Theresa May as PM.
I feel that the Remainer BBC would really like to see TM removed as that might open a chink of hope for an early General Election and a rethink or postponement of Brexit.
The PM is vulnerable on Grenfell. The start of the Inquiry and the anniversary, together with that ill-fated General Election anniversary come early next month. Then politics will become a little quieter over the summer months.
There may be a big anti-Brexit push by all Remainers over the next four or five weeks. After that we may get a slight peace until the Party Conference season gets going.
If you hear the “Today ” 8.10 item on Grenfell this morning-you`ll hear some Orthodox/Christian choir that start the piece…then, as the victims stories are heard, the music becomes very low in volume-but it`s Arabic alright, moorish I`m guessing.
And constantly droning underneath all those sad tales, probably voiced by actors these days.
Better not have been subliminal calls to prayer then? Because that is not beyond the BBC mood massaging tendency on their news shows.
Typical Beeboid mood crap.
I occasionally look at the Have Your Say comments and report the offensive comments directed at right winger or Brexiters. 9 times out of 10 the BBC allow the Leftie comments to stay. The BBC moderators do not apply the same rules in reverse though as we all know and expect.
Anyway I’d thought I’d test their very biased moderation again…
I spotted a comment in the top 10 most rated saying something like “You are wrong leaving the EU you Gammon”
I reported it saying it is offensive because “it is calling the person “gammon”. Which is highly offensive as it suggests that person goes bright red ranting about immigration.”
BBC Moderators reply quite quickly with “we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.”
I appealed it with “I wish to appeal against the Moderators decision to allow a post to remain calling someone “Gammon”. This is an online hate crime being condoned by the BBC.The BBC get all high and mighty about online bullying, inclusion, hope not hate etc then allow online abuse to be present on the BBC Have Your Say.Hopefully you will see sense and remove it asap otherwise I’ll report it to the Police.”
Within a few minutes they reply “In this instance we agree that the comment should have been removed following your alert and you will find that it has now been removed from the site.”
I wasn’t really going to waste Police time on something so petty but I was playing the same game the BBC play. It is also interesting how the BBC quickly change their decision with the treat of reporting them allowing hate crimes on their website.
That`s two TFTD I`ve heard by nominally Christian speakers-today was some writer(Theo Hobson?) and Tuesdays was Angela Tilby.
Do the BBC reckon that THEY were Christian spots?
Todays lied about the start of the Paris “evenements” of May 68.
The working class did NOT back the poxy faux intellectual fops of Nanterre and the Sorbonne? The working class had to clear up the glass, and defend the hospitals and shops from the rioting “racailles”. And it didn`t start due to capitalism or Marxism either-it began when the blokes on one side of campus wanted to shag the girls on the other side in Nanterre. No principles involved, the high faluting moral excusings followed later.
Sexual harrassment seems less noble somehow.
Now was our “Christian” lying-or uninformed? In either case, his agenda suits him and the left at the BBC-but it wasnt` true.
And Tilby had nothing to say about Christianity, but used her spot to big up Ramadan like a good Muslim would. Where was she at Lent then?
So-I bet the BBC will say that these were “Christian speakers”.
Much like Patten, Parris and Heseltine, Clarke will show that the BBC is not biased against conservatism. The Cof E and the Tories really need to clean out their carp ponds…a swamp would be way too taxing for them. Did Mona Saddiqi use her spot to promote Christianity or such? Course not.
chris, were not some Marxists involved early on in May 1968? I seem to recall the precursor to the Red Army Faction – you know, friends of Martin Schulz – popping over from Germany to help stir it up although memory gets a bit dim on all sorts of things so far back. Tariq Ali, I seem to recall, was also an early enthusiastic visitor from the UK.
You`re correct of course Up2, lads.
But like the IRA piling on in 1968, the Muslim Brotherhood in 2011…such groups come late to the party like Janet Webb on Morecambe and Wise.
The Marxists certainly grabbed the baton, wheeled Sartre out to flaunt their cleverness.
But not one working class redoubt would have bothered their arses with spotty students playing politics, as they actually had families(reactionary) to feed.
Basically a load of Billy Idols,…or Jeremy Vines maybe?
Confusing rebellion with spitting a Gitane stokie over the rampart walls. That`s the Toytown Trots for you.
I always treasure the memory of Tariq Ali – or Terry Kelly as I’m sure we’d both have called him at the time – waving his gold Hublot chronograph at the camera during another expansive gesture. Nothing like a few grand’s worth of Swiss extravagance to give a sense of perspective to The Struggle – or Kampf as someone else put it.
The only true working class protest in 1968 was when the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell.
The powers that be made sure to get rid of them. Fifty years ago Tower Hamlets was a white working class community, but now it has been ethnically cleansed. Are there any whites left?
The London dockers let the establishment down. They were replaced by a new, more reliable electorate.
600K immigrants gone AWOL and Home Office cannot track them.
30K terrorists on watch list.
2K extreme terrorists on watch list.
63 WindRush POSSIBLE deportations found (might be less)
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE. (prior to Royal Wedding)
Women cannot be sexy, unless women says so.
Women cannot apply for all women’s short list unless they are men who want to be women.
“… Women need more (pay than men). Our (women’s) haircuts are more expensive (than men’s haircuts)…” @3:27
I’m sure many of you are fascinated by the cultural art of cheerleaders. So, you will be disappointed to learn that University of Birmingham cheerleading squad, The Birmingham Pussycats, has been put on probation for a year.
They used the ‘n’ word. When you ask? When speaking to a black person? When speaking of a black person? Erm no, they were singing along to a song called Gold Digger, by someone of the name Kayne West.
So I would ask, as a defender of the right for tax payers to fund cheerleaders everywhere, if the N word is offensive when spoken by leading cultural performers such as cheerleaders, why is not offensive when spoken by the songwriter himself?
‘How come rap artist Dr. Dre can use the ‘N’ word on his multi-million selling albums and win a MOBO award, yet when I used it at my son’s football match I was asked to leave the park? Once again, it’s one law for the rich and another for the poor’
Reg Ashcroft, Bradford
Any sane person would think that fewer girls studying physics than boys might mean, er, that girls and boys like different things – something axiomatic to anyone who has ever met someone of the different sex. They would not assume the disparity was due to ‘prejudice’ or a lack of ‘role models’ etc and seek to overhaul the whole system to solve an imaginary ‘problem.’
And why is it a problem if more males are the majority sex in Physics/Maths classes, but not worthy of a comment if females take more places in medicine and law?
In countries with the highest equal rights like Sweden/Norway, the more women CHOOSE to stay out of Science/STEM jobs, as if they sensibly choosing to do something more appealing.
Algeria/Turkey have the highest number of women in STEM jobs.
Feminists have determined to shoehorn women into what were “men’s” jobs. Upon finding that they are difficult, dirty and dangerous and contain too many other unreconstructed men – they then attempt to turn the profession into something where they can sit around in meetings all day and whinge about the patriarchy. Every job has to be “credentialised” which enables the terrible HR departments to promote more mindless bureaucracy and box-ticking.
Al Beeb has a daily ritual of —- There’s not enough wimmin blacks , queers, trannies – in this job or that job and off they go on a beat up the white bloke. again.
You summed it up – which is probably why R4 today is haemorrhaging listeners..they says it’s because people are turned off by heavy politics…NOPE they are turned off by what they hear…When will the BBC learn that their core listeners/viewers are the very people they seem to despise….
James – I dont think the BBC will ever learn and will one day disappear up its own arsehole with only Maxi and Harriet Harmon still paying it any attention.
Amol Rajan is the BBC’s media editor and was previously editor of the Independent newspaper.
Let me tell you how I decide whether or not I can trust a news source. First of all, have they shown a commitment to accuracy over a long period of time? Have they consistently got things right?
And the second thing – which is related – is: do they admit when they get things wrong? You know, if you put your hand up and say ‘Sorry, I made an error, there were factual mistakes in the piece that we published’, then people like me are much more likely to believe you when you say another time that you got things right.
6pm “Connect For Jo” on both local ITV and BBC
Connect with someone you never normally connect with.
Hence the 2 sets of local auto-cue readers were pictured making heart symbols at each other.
I see St Brendan led years ago by trying connect with “women he doesn’t normally connect with” after hours at his office or in work trips.
However St Brendan didn’t feature in this item , instead the coverage was of St Jo’s mother & sister on Loose Women, today.
Connect4Jo Cox BBC Look North PR video
Milking Jo’s death …for political purposes
..It’s what she would have wanted
.. Sad a poli died, good that people get out of their bubble BUT Jo Cox campaigns are tainted
blatantly exploited her death for anti-Brexit politics.
At the same time as hiding Brendan’s known sleaziness.
Lovely bit of slanted news management on al Beeb website ;
Woman found not guilty of murdering ex boyfriend . Picture – she black. – he white. …. what it doesn’t say is that she was found guilty of pouring sulphuric acid him. He later ended his life due to his injuries ….. suppose She’ll blame Brexit
I saw that briefly on the news last night, a horrific story and yes there’s every chance she’s going to be on the right end of a long custodial sentence.
During the article the 999 call that a neighbour made was played. The neighbour said that his partner had thrown the acid and the 999 operator asked if she, or he, was still on the scene. Given the severity of the situation I didn’t even snort, I was just saddened that our emergency services operators have been given a script and training that means they can’t assume (actively discriminate against?) heterosexual behaviour. 9 times out of 10 a partner will be if the opposite sex, and if they’re not I very much doubt the wronged party is going to be thrown by the question or debate sexuality while someone is in urgent need of help.
A year or so ago, one could have dismissed the conspiratorial explanations of why the ordinary people are suffering huge numbers of foreign criminals and savages invading their country. However, right now, I can only conclude that there is a massive conspiracy between all leaders of the white populations of the World which smells of ‘groupthink’ with a controlling entity in charge and which all Western leaders take instructions from. Control of State policies is most certainly not in the hands of the voters. Is this the New World Order at work in league with the United Nations? For similar events around the World to take place virtually in unison suggests, no rather demands that there must be massive collusion.
Farage continually bangs on about the Australian system of points in relation to entering that country to reside. Yet, I’m just introduced to a growing number of videos on YouTube which shows that the ‘points’ system (had it been applied) does not work. See for yourself: simply search on YouTube for, ‘African gang violence in Australia’. You might be amazed at the number appearing and the similarities.
Me? I’m pretty well convinced that there is an international, call it what you will, ‘groupthink’ behind the coordination of all the present troubles. Anyone agree?
Well G, it certainly is odd eh?
Many of the Western politicians have taken leave of their senses. Merkel is a perfect example. She issued the invitation of a lifetime, just about asking masses of third world savages to invade Europes southern borders. Then, horror of horrors, Herman was given an election in which they had an established party as an alternative, in fact AfD, and alternative is actually in the title. What happened? In spite of all the chaos in Germany the sheeple put her back in power. Yes, much reduced, and only by coalition with others, but she is firmly in charge, there, and still running the EU.
You might be forgiven for thinking the Frogs has learned the hard way about the ROP having seen Hebdoe, Bataclan, Nice et al. Marine le Penn ? Rejected in favour of who? And where the fuck did he crawl from and with whose cash to run a whole new party? Him and his granny.
What the actual fuck?
The canucks put a trudeau/castro into power, yet another emerging nobody, emerging into power. And he’s absolutely crazy!
What the ….you know the rest.
If Killary had got elected I’d have gone to dignitas by now.
And what do we have, more chaos.
Cameron saw the EU vote and ran a mile. The Tories were denied a leadership contest by strange withdrawals taking place. Leadsom ? Being the final straw, giving Treason May a shoe in…
What the actaul……
Still our sheeple here will continue to vote for the parties that for decades have sold us down the river, ever since Grocer Heath betrayed us. Bastard.
The electorate are sleepwalking to their own deaths, but because it isnt shown on Eastenders, they dont believe it.
They simply cant see they are being replaced.
Do we have an alternative to vote for?
Not much of one.
There’s a by election coming up. Heard today that both David Kurten for UKIP and Anne Marie Waters of For Britain, are BOTH standing for election…
What the actual f…..
Splitting the alternative vote, great ! NOT.
I cant type any more,
Nurse my bloody pills..arrrghhhhh
I don’t know with they are clever enough to conspire. Cheaper. air travel, the internet and mobile phone ownership encourages mass movement to a. ‘Promise land ‘ as they have little to lose.
Against this is no resistance -nothing – liberal governments and media with white guilt syndrome bred through the 1960s and National shame letting invasions happen
Beauty of no longer having a telly is that NONE of the news that aerates us has any effect down here.
Nobody I know will be behaving if we don`t get what we voted for, and some of us are going to teach us about the English Civil War era in the 17th C. We`re only part of that trend, in that tradition.
So the cyber crying, the bluster of a load of effete handwringing knicker wets really will have no effect. We`re going, no laws since 1973 need be bothered with, unless we ourselves choose to do so.
Islam will keep them occupied, and -if not-just take temporary membership at the local Baha`i, Sufi and put the verse of the sword on your letter to trading , poll tax or capita.
They`d rather paint their nails and let Corbyn turn us into Venezuela-who also seem well able to riot.
1981-Brixton, Moss Side, Toxteth
1991-Blackbird Leys, Meadowell.
2001-Bradford, Blackburn, Batley and Oldham
2011-Tottenham Croydon, Crystal Palace, Clapham.
The BBC are now telling me about the rising of the serfs in Russia-they had it tough, all we need to do is terrify the local lefties and the media.
Few days without drugs or Costa, no chargers for the laptops ought to be all we need.
We didn`t vote for may, for any of them. And we`re yet to get our expenses and second mortgage money back too.
” I predict a riot”…..
Just heard the plummy voice of Lloyd Grossman seeming not to want a Holocaust Memorial monument to be placed near Parliament.
Think he`d prefer somewhere more northern, where the Jews are, like Cheetham Hill or N.Finchley if it HAS to be London.
Why do I get the feeling that the padded gentry of SW1 who`ve been welcoming all our Muslims in, would rather NOT have to deal with the angry blowback of Islamists who`ll see any monument to yahud as a “provocation”.
I`ll not be listening to the item, but do wonder why the likes of Grossman and Greer(B) get to sit on Blue Plaque, Arts and Heritage things c/o the British taxpayer.
What would THEY know, and why would we ask them seeing as they have no roots or attachment to anything but their media profiles….Frosts soup taster, Obamas token cheerleader for nothing being all they`ve done.
QT is Grenfell wank fest. Tories guilty of murder and Abbott dressed like an SS stormtrooper.
I don’t recall any specials like this for Manchester or Westminster………
This weeks QT is even more unwatchable than normal. Just about every audience member has stated “I was there (at Grenfell) and I was helping”. It’s just me,me,me,me,me.
Every question or statement is being made to get an emotional response and a hand clap. Bloke in the audience just asked “were the people in Grenfell murdered?” – No you stupid c***!
"The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea have failed the people of Grenfell" @HackneyAbbott says those impacted by the Grenfell tower fire should never have had to fight to be on the inquiry panel
— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) May 17, 2018
A question about the murders in London. Tory cuts, lack of youth clubs, Waitrose knives, all sorts of underlying causes. “Blacks” never mentioned once.
“Cabinet agrees Brexit customs ‘backstop’ option”.
Time for a new Prime Minister, time for a swift exit and time for an end to the TV licence.
Mrs May is playing for time to stay in the EU, she is a loser.
Conservatives, tell your friends.
We try to get a true picture of the real world but the SJWs at the BBC instead work to build false narratives and decieve by omission.
Now Twitter same
Twitter algorithm says
* abusive = praising Trump *
abusing Trump = Non-abusive
#Orwellian If this Gab tweet video is true
It shows us how Twitter algorithms quickly turn a Trump Twitter thread of tweets praising/abusing Trump, becomes a thread ONLY abusing Trump, cos those praising Trump are filtered out into the “Abusive Tweets” hidden tweet box ..and dethreaded
I was watching Look North earlier which re-confirmed my contempt for al Beebus and what it represents.
The Dambusters’ 75th Anniversary is this month and on Wednesday there was due to be a flypast over Derwent Dam by a Lancaster; thousands of spectators turned up, as did a Look North film crew but it was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
The fly past took place today (Thursday) with Squadron Leader George “Jonny” Johnson on board, the sole surviving Dambuster. There was no film crew there to film it nor anyone sent to interview this 96 year old veteran at RAF Scampton, instead they played 10 seconds of some blurred footage a member of the public had taken on his mobile and sent in to them.
Just after this there was a report on the newly installed Lord Mayor of Sheffield, the youngest ever at 28 years of age and a Somalian refugee who came to the city when he was 4 years old. There was an extended interview with him by a beard-necked reporter, with lots of jokes about the mayoral regalia he’d worn to the ceremony and footage of his grinning family in the audience watching him being sworn in.
They pulled out all the stops to cover a Third World Muslim immigrant, being made Lord Mayor of one of the biggest cities in Yorkshire; yet they couldn’t even send a film crew out again to film the anniversary flight to one of the most iconic events in the air war of WW2. This despite the only living survivor, taking possibly his last trip on board one of the few Lancaster bombers still flying.
There are some occasions which re-crystallise for me the hatred I have for this organization. Its choice of priorities of what to cover this evening and the difference in the level of resources allocated to each on my local news, was one such occasion.
It seems that the bbc is really the ‘alternative news’ station nowadays. Most people will get their news elswhere, and leave the bbc stuff to their own pundits and tax-wasters.
Why on earth anyone thinks any time listening to the likes of Diane Abbott is worth it, then yes, the bbc is the place to go! But nobody really gives a hoot for her ramblings, and therefore the bbc is marginalised.
Peripheral stuff being paid for by pensioners is a disgrace, but as I haven’t heard the TV ‘news’ since October last year, some people here may be able to enlighten me as to who is the real news broadcaster, not fake ‘reporting’ and ‘opinions before fact’!
Your eyes are NOT a video camera
Instead images are MANUFACTURED in your brain from very limited information, in conjunction with past memory
eg. when you buy something costing $4 and hand over $5 you already know you have in your wallet , you see the assistant hand you a $1 bill
..cos that is what you expect
..However if he gave you a $10 bill you’d see it as a $1 cos that’s what you’d be expecting.
same for audio you hear something cos a CUE triggers what you expect, from a memory
But if two cues are close, you get a knife edge effect where what you hear can be X or Y
Play around with the NYT example and see how first you have a cue -point , but then you get affected by recent memory so that cue point changes .
In the example I hear Yanni, and find it switches at 1 cm away from the centre …but after hearing Laurel a few times , even back at the centre my cue becomes Laurel .
The blue dress /Gold dress illusion is a similar effect caused by cues causing an image to be manufactured in your brain.
Ha Trump just Tweeted a funny example
What better than a couple of slices of delicious smoked pork, hot out of the oven with broad beans and a mustard sauce, and of course, mashed potatoes!
Bring it on snowflakes and sjws, keep the good stuff for real people, keep the advertising going, and don’t worry about pork; it comes from pigs you know!
So Nottingham at a wedding fayre gauging interest in Royal Wedding – their conclusion based on a self selected small sample – medium to not interested…WHY o WHY do they think this is of interest to their listeners?
It is almost like the BBC will find any way to demean things in the UK they should be proud of but no, let’s promote Ramadan instead
The fact that millions around the world will be watching should be the story – not whether a few in Nottingham will be…BBC research at its best…
BBC equivalent of Dad-dancing
Normally BBC staff are being SJW parents to us
..but sometimes they try to be ‘down with the kids/plebs’ and of course it comes out clumsy.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
TOADY Watch: Two Go Out To Play (In which Martha Goes Round in Circles with Judith Hackett)
It is quite amazing that everyone working on the Toady Programme from Sarah Sands as Editor in Chief down to the presenters, either doesn’t know that there are very few building construction materials that do not burn – or – as I suspect, they deliberately choose not to know that almost all building materials burn, just so they can help muddy the (already dirtied) waters over the Grenfell tragedy in this morning’s programme.
Could I be wrong? Is it not fairly common knowledge that even steel, brick & concrete will burn in a fire and that only materials like asbestos have significant fire retardation AND resistance? Where have I as an ‘ordinary member of the public’ acquired this specialist knowledge? Is it not there in the public domain?
If the answer to that second question is YES then there is something sinister going on at the BBC.
@Up2snuff “burn” is not the right word
You mean most construction materials are not ultimately fire resistant.
“Burn” I interpret as meaning having an exothermic reaction with oxygen to produce tremendous heat : like wood and plastics do, and steel/brick and concrete don’t ..but they are sprayed with fire retardants to increase their fire resistance.
Stew, it takes tremendous heat to set substantial steel, concrete & similar materials on fire but they do burn and such is the fire intensity often created by fire draught in buildings that a steel framed, poured & reinforced concrete building will burn to the ground or, at least, a hulk. When steel and concrete burn, it may be very hard to stop.
That is why I referred to “significant fire retardation AND resistance”. The ideal is to create time and conditions for inhabitants to leave or be rescued from a burning building if a fire cannot be extinguished from inside.
The TOADY Programme were asking for a recommendation from Dame Judith Hackitt that all flammable building materials be banned. That is not practically possible. They should have known that. I suspect an agenda at play at the BBC.
Betting machine stakes cut to £2
That looks like a 1970s 10 pence one arm bandit..
Anyway good, the bookies roulette machines are being reduced from £100 to £2 per spin.
I’ll read on I’m sure the professional BBC will tell us soon..
Currently, people can bet up to £100 every 20 seconds on electronic casino games such as roulette.
Sports Minister Tracey Crouch said reducing the stake to £2 “will reduce harm for the most vulnerable”.
But bookmakers have warned it could lead to thousands of outlets closing.
William Hill, which generates just over half its retail revenues from FOBTs, described the government’s decision as “unprecedented” and warned that 900 of its shops could become loss-making, potentially leading to job losses.”
Amol is here, he looks clever I’m sure he will say us
”Analysis: Amol Rajan, BBC media editor”
”In taking the most drastic of the options available to them on FOBTs, the government has indicated that gambling is on a journey much like nicotine a generation ago.”
What? people will have to go and stand outside to gamble ?
Followed by more opinion, and still no date mentioned.
What a pathetic state journalism is in.
It’s hard to take a journalist seriously when he has a diamond ear-ring.
How many programmes is that virtue-signalling tosspot Amol on?
He`s on Radio 2 as well as Radio 4, media jockey as well as disc editor.
Complete numpty, right shade of colour though. He seems to be Gary Bellamy from “Down the Line”.
Is he?
And somehow Chris he is also classed as a food critic, regularly appearing on MasterChef. What qualifies him in the culinary stakes I’m not sure, but the BBC really do like to take care of their own.
I heard an advert on Toady for a R4 drama, an “update” of Dickens’ “A Tale Of Two Cities” to London and Aleppo.
Why isn’t this cultural appropriation?
“update” = “replacement”
I saw some ‘new brits’ from Asia using a pushchair to cart the even ‘newer brit’ around, instead of having it slung over her shoulder (or is it hips)
Slowly appropriating our whole culture untill the universal way is our culture,
but then we get belittled by the libtards for not having a culture…
Normally the bBbc are all over ‘the English disease ‘ but not apparently when there is an outbreak in France, as Marseilles fans rioted on home turf after their side was beaten by Atletico in last night’s Europa League final.
As far as I know the bBbc didn’t have any live coverage of the game itself. Perhaps it was on the radio, I don’t know, but as it wasn’t the women’s game the bBbc couldn’t afford to show the match and so do what they have to do more and more frequently with major sporting events – pretend it didn’t matter much, wasn’t relevant, nobody’s interested, aren’t the girls at City great, she’s the female Messi you know.
Anyway, rioting. Newspaper photos highlight the ethnicity of those involved, clearly reflecting the large North African/ Muslim fan base of Olympique as riot police were once again deployed in the shithole that was once France. Front and centre in some of the shots, the real reason for the unrest, the Palestinian flag. Another reason for the bBbc not to report it?
With the World Cup coming up in Russia, where fans of Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia will be able to meet up with their ever eager Chechen cousins, is this a wee snapshot of what might be to come. Much is being made of Russian hooligans, old school, hard core, knuckle dragging thugs and the threat that they pose. If I was going to Russia, although I think anybody going there this summer is mad, I would be more concerned about a cry of Alans snackbar going up than a chant of one -nil to the Motherland.
It’ll be interesting to see how the bBbc play it if and when something roper based happens. They’re probably hoping ITV are covering that match.
I’ll set them up,… Had a quick look at the Mail Online, they’re sourcing us now as well as Twatter and Instagram.
‘”The ground will be filled with your blood”:ISIS fanatics threaten to BEHEAD Messi and Ronaldo in posters warning of attacks at the World Cup.’
New bBbc campaign? ‘For the love of Allah, give the Ballon d’Or to Salah!’
The bbc should be campaining for the removal of the oestrogen , or whatever it is in the water, thats turning half the males in Britain bent, and leaving many of the rest unable to physically defend themselves .
Euro 2016 and our football fans running en mass like bitches from a few Russians was embarrassing
Germany … replace population to cure guilt.
Japan … choose nihilism to cure guilt.
Britain … replace population to cure guilt even though they stopped a dictator, so others point to British Empire to draw on guilt.
EU … expand using guilt.
USA … fuck off!
\\ Muslims went to India as migrants, India is divided forever.
Muslims went to Thailand, Thailand is divided forever.
Muslims went to Philippines as migrants, and Philippines is divided forever.
Muslims come to Cologne, Cologne is divided forever.
Muslims come to Birmingham, …. //
interesting comment
More Toady watch. Thursday from Aberystwyth University, but switched to De Montfort to explain that the students suffering most with student debt are black. One girl interviewed explained without a trace of foreign accent that her mother had to send her noodles from Nigeria to allow to at least some food whilst studying. Now why Mum couldn’t put £5.00 in her daughter’s bank account and the daughter buy oats, milk or even eggs which might have given her protein was not asked. Also slipped in was that one of their black students had been offered work at Freshfields the big law firm. So in spite of the perceived bias Today was telling us about, some can still make it.
I heard it as “my mother brought me noodles from Nigeria”
.. as in she was claiming to be poor whilst telling us her mother could afford flights from Nigeria.
BTW Nigerians studying at UK universities are the ones who often have house servants at home in Nigeria.
That’s just a lie isn’t it?
The cost of sending foodstuffs from Africa into the EU with all the requisite checks and signoffs would be prohibitively expensive. And take an eternity.
Has anyone noticed that the Prime Minister has not done a Ramadamalinglong Mubarek message this year.
Naughty girl. Someone might think she is a tad Islamophobic.
I think she has delegated it to Boris and the Minister for Human Rights, Lord Tariq Ahmad (seriously!).
Just take a look at the sneering Matthew Wright interviewing Jordan Peterson on his Channel 4 programme ‘The Wright Stuff’.
Wright expresses his support for the far Left ‘womens equality party’ and brings on the leader of it to bait Peterson which predictably utterly fails.
Wright looks about as cautious as a small spider with a large wasp in its web but it doesn’t stop the sneering catty digs he makes. He clearly HATES Peterson and his reasonable ideas, which he tries (and fails) to ridicule.
Matthew Wright is a prick.
Difficult to argue with that.
Impossible to argue with that!
2018 … “What it does (identity politics) is push us back to a tribal direction. One of the things I love about England, about the UK in general is that over the course of any reasonable historical development, Britain developed the idea of the sovereignty of the individual and instantiated that into the political system … ” – Jordan Peterson 16may2018
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right. They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
How times have changed…………
Dear Thoughtful
Very grateful for the extract . Worth a full view . Felt sorry for the hosting character as he was obviously having things screamed into his ears as prof Peterson took his questions apart . I reckon the c5 researchers got sacked after that .
I sincerely hope prof Peterson has a long and happy life as he has become one of those targets some fruitcake will go after .
The msm really is frightened of him . Even more so as a result of the huge success of the book .which no doubt is on the al beeb banned / burn list . Won’t hear that one on book club or slimy nockee engaging and losing against the prof .
STOP PRESS Megan’s dads not going .
The problem the middle class left have in seeking to defend Cathy Newman and attack Jordan Peterson is that the actual video is on youTube. Once seen all the attacks on Peterson melt away.
We have reached a point where no one who disagrees with the left hegemony in the media is going to come under vitriolic attack. The above video reflects that.
The Guardian cannot mention his name without using the term alt-right, when he has said, many times, he is a liberal.
Just goes to prove how out of touch I am. Apart from JP, I have no idea who the other three are.
“The Wright Stuff” I would have thought that this show was a little down market for Jordan to appear on. The usual inhabitants are Z listers and desperado’s , and don’t even mention the studio audience.
Who was the woman who clearly hadn’t read his book as she said initially? She retracted the statement when pushed to say she read ‘an article ‘by/about’ him…then she didn’t say much else except of alt right…
Trouble is for MSM they actually don’t have any defence against what he is saying..
THEY WILL NOT CHANGE US … “Rural police ‘could routinely carry guns'” { 17may2018}
Is the gun alongside, or instead of, the red high heel shoes and sets of glittery nail varnish?
Good idea.
Matching nails, shoes and holsters.
Guns to be standard issue gel pen coloured pinks and lavenders. Gays or feminists might like guns then if they`re fashion accessories.
“Terror threats”? That’s shorthand for the general public………….
Someone has to keep a lid on WI nationalism!
Two choruses of “Did those feet in ancient times” and they run riot.
Messages from your police force …
They should have access to these social media removed. They are obviously distracted from doing the job expected of them, and paid for by the British public. How dare they complain of being underfunded. How have we got to this?
So they are saying that the depleted vitamin D levels in ‘Asians’ is what supposedly causes Muslims not to drink alcohol*?
* Not scientifically proven.
It seems as though the overall remainer strategy is becoming clearer – delay actual exit from the Reich EU until the next election and then treat that as the second referendum in the view that remainers will be more active with better propaganda and brexiteers being resigned to failure – using albeeb as the mechanism . They’re wrong again
But Picard on the Starship Enterprise would vote remain … also Anjem Choudary would have voted remain if he was allowed to. This must be wrong.
‘Make it so, Number One.’ What a crock.
Rob – I guess if “Jean Luc” is not No1 then he must be a No2 instead – and a particularly odious one at that. I wish someone would flush him.
One of the best euphemisms I’ve heard for male masturbation was;
‘Taking Captain Picard to warp speed’
Seems uncertain where this thesp is an American or not…
Anyone would think Grenfell was the only tall building in the world to burn. It can happen anywhere – even to hotels in Dubai. I wonder if there was such an outcry there?
EU idealogue Lord Adonis appears on Jeremy Vine, with whom he always agrees, to tell us that idealogues shouldn’t run the railway industry, conveniently forgetting that the structure of the UK railway system is driven by EU law!
And by Byers and Browns inept, incompetent and greedy taking over of Railtrack and screwing loads of pensioners life savings to do it.
Jo Moore, Shriti Vadera?…what a nice bunch of bungling pickpockets.
All the latter unelected patrons and sponges of Tone…like Adonis and Falconer, Irvine and Hutton coming to think of it.
“Market research company BMG polled more than 1,000 adults. The BBC came second behind RT as the broadcaster most likely to be ‘strongly biased towards Left-wing views’ with 7 per cent saying they thought it was.”
The article still seems way out of kilter with reality to me.
Maybe focusing on Left/right bias is the problem as many people might say “Left bias is when you are behind the Labour Party”
that is why I say the BBC has a Metro-lib bias
It seems bizarre in that 1000 people 18% that’s 180 say the BBC has a right wing bias
.. It certainly has a London, middle class/ toff bias, but I really can’t see how anyone except the brainwsashed would belive the BBC supports the Tories.
..depends where they did the survey
when 18% say too right wing they probably actually mean not full on hard left enough
I do wonder who the hell they asked though.
I’ve got my theory about the people who think the bbc has a right wing bias. Just my opinion but they often seem to be dyed in the wool thickos who equate being smartly dressed with being posh so therefore being a Tory. Listening with their eyes instead of using their ears and brain, such as it is.
I think you are right. The BBC is (was) the voice of RP, people who wear suits and ties, posh people, academics, the establishment, the government, boring talk on Radio 4, ‘square’ music on Radio 3. The plebs all watch ITV and Sky – as the old joke goes, ‘they don’t care who runs the government as long as she has big tits’.
The BBC is ‘obviously’ Tory and the plebs are Labour and always have been.
The fact that the BBC, academia and politicians are now all raving Marxists isn’t obvious because they don’t listen to any of them. Labour worked out long ago that only the dissatisfied vote for them so they keep their constituents that way. They also discovered that some plebs ‘done good’ and are now lost to the party so they import lots of dissatisfied migrants because they can’t rely on the ‘working class’ to vote for their Marxist rot.
Meanwhile the Conservatives, led by ‘nasty party’ May, who looks and sounds ‘posh’ and therefore ‘must’ be Tory, tries to be more Blair than Blair to appease the BBC and Guardian, who never will be appeased. That leaves the individualists that believe in nation, responsibility and aspiration a choice of voting for the Green, Yellow, Red or Blue Marxists – or more likely, ‘none of the above’.
that is why I say the BBC has a Metro-lib bias…”
Interestingly enough this is precisely what (former Toady editor) Rod Liddle said during his Speccie conversation with Fraser Nelson this week. He also said, to much applause, that the wishy-washy metro Libs were the cause of most of our daft thinking on immigration, multicultism (definitely NOT multicultURALism) etc. and that Al Beeb being part of this blob merely reflected it.
The alleged right-wing bias is just Leftoids writing to Al Beeb with no justifiable complaint.
Or you could point out that 22 percent thought the BBC was left leaning. That’s not far off a quarter of all viewers/listeners understanding that the BBC is left biased.
Allowing for the fact that about a third of the audience will be left wing anyway, thus accepting the BBC’s output, I think the survey shows that the BBC audience is beginning to understand its bias.
Socialism – a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker – a socialist who works for an organisation called the BBC that enforces people to pay his wages under threat of prosecution and asks you to donate to other causes all the time.
I would love to see this chart done with nurses instead of £
Caught the Daily Politics by accident
Jorden Peterson having to deal with coburn and some failed advisor to Ed Milliband. She was a ‘right on’ ethnic so ideal al beeb. I think the Professor realised he d been placed between two lefties and cut his input accordingly. Its a shame he couldnt spend an hour with Brillo….that really would be a good interview and exchange of views. i d pay to see that – but not the TV tax
I regularly visit the excellent climate change skeptic site, WattsUpWithThat and play a game. When they debunk the latest alarmist ‘scientific’ study to hit the headlines, how long does it take for the Beeb to publish it on their science pages as if it’s fact? Here’s a clue. Usually less than a day.
BBC is too busy building False-Narratives on Climate Change
whilst pretending to gives us nuggets of truth.
‘It’s the poverty gap’
‘If there was no poverty gap, there’d be no ClimateChange
@RobRoy ..and Watts debunks
may2018 … “Vape pen explosion pierces Florida man’s cranium killing him”
may2018 … “Man dies when his Tesla electric car hits barrier and explodes into flames in Swiss motorway tragedy”
nov2017 … “I interviewed Sophia, the artificially intelligent robot that said it wanted to ‘destroy humans'”
I wonder if the BBC does have people scanning this web-site for information. Certainly, the Montacutie on TWatO was a leetle more precise with her Grenfell associated language than her TOADY colleagues earlier had been but still she allowed a slur on Judith Hackitt to be perpetrated by Emma Dent Coad.
Nasty stuff.
Well Emma would know wouldn`t she? Wasn`t she on all manner of Council Housing trust bodies as a Councillor round Grenfell?
How come nobody`s been digging re HER role in all of this, as well as the local Greens who wanted the cladding for aesthetic and eco luvvie reasons. Something really big stinks about much of this-way too many types like Labour and the Greens , Lib Dems are being allowed to slither off and blame idiot Tories like May.
I can tell this, because when I hear that there`s no call to ban combustible cladding, then a few people have a vested interest. They say they care about Grenfell, but not THAT much to be out of pocket I`m sure. Hence the efforts to make it regulatory and bureaucratic- a “smokescreen”(pardon me)to avoid the real story. As re Hutton, Trump ?
When they rush to regulatory, not fit for purpose , legal weasel points of procedural crap-then, like the BBC “gender pay gap”…it`s another false flag operation to let the Greens, Labour and Liberals off the hook. Miliband, Prescott, Davey and Lucas need to be looked at.
Grenfell could not have been better placed to foster the belief that the cladding was to ‘remove an eyesore so the rich weren’t forced to look at it’, rather than an EU/Green global warming project that got a bit out of hand. The class struggle was ever based on cleverly constructed emotion designed to wind up those with little grasp of reality, and for the likes of Enema Dent-Coad to flourish.
Indeed Chris, and additionally it seems to me to be another all out assault on Theresa May as PM.
I feel that the Remainer BBC would really like to see TM removed as that might open a chink of hope for an early General Election and a rethink or postponement of Brexit.
The PM is vulnerable on Grenfell. The start of the Inquiry and the anniversary, together with that ill-fated General Election anniversary come early next month. Then politics will become a little quieter over the summer months.
There may be a big anti-Brexit push by all Remainers over the next four or five weeks. After that we may get a slight peace until the Party Conference season gets going.
If you hear the “Today ” 8.10 item on Grenfell this morning-you`ll hear some Orthodox/Christian choir that start the piece…then, as the victims stories are heard, the music becomes very low in volume-but it`s Arabic alright, moorish I`m guessing.
And constantly droning underneath all those sad tales, probably voiced by actors these days.
Better not have been subliminal calls to prayer then? Because that is not beyond the BBC mood massaging tendency on their news shows.
Typical Beeboid mood crap.
I have been bullying the BBC and I won!
I occasionally look at the Have Your Say comments and report the offensive comments directed at right winger or Brexiters. 9 times out of 10 the BBC allow the Leftie comments to stay. The BBC moderators do not apply the same rules in reverse though as we all know and expect.
Anyway I’d thought I’d test their very biased moderation again…
I spotted a comment in the top 10 most rated saying something like “You are wrong leaving the EU you Gammon”
I reported it saying it is offensive because “it is calling the person “gammon”. Which is highly offensive as it suggests that person goes bright red ranting about immigration.”
BBC Moderators reply quite quickly with “we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.”
I appealed it with “I wish to appeal against the Moderators decision to allow a post to remain calling someone “Gammon”. This is an online hate crime being condoned by the BBC.The BBC get all high and mighty about online bullying, inclusion, hope not hate etc then allow online abuse to be present on the BBC Have Your Say.Hopefully you will see sense and remove it asap otherwise I’ll report it to the Police.”
Within a few minutes they reply “In this instance we agree that the comment should have been removed following your alert and you will find that it has now been removed from the site.”
I wasn’t really going to waste Police time on something so petty but I was playing the same game the BBC play. It is also interesting how the BBC quickly change their decision with the treat of reporting them allowing hate crimes on their website.
well done..
Tabs- you tease- I wonder if ‘coconut’ is banned ? I’m. A. Whitee so don’t know if it’s offensive.
When I was at school all the vibrant types called each other by the n word but if a whitee used it they’d a quality beating. Funny old. world .
That`s two TFTD I`ve heard by nominally Christian speakers-today was some writer(Theo Hobson?) and Tuesdays was Angela Tilby.
Do the BBC reckon that THEY were Christian spots?
Todays lied about the start of the Paris “evenements” of May 68.
The working class did NOT back the poxy faux intellectual fops of Nanterre and the Sorbonne? The working class had to clear up the glass, and defend the hospitals and shops from the rioting “racailles”. And it didn`t start due to capitalism or Marxism either-it began when the blokes on one side of campus wanted to shag the girls on the other side in Nanterre. No principles involved, the high faluting moral excusings followed later.
Sexual harrassment seems less noble somehow.
Now was our “Christian” lying-or uninformed? In either case, his agenda suits him and the left at the BBC-but it wasnt` true.
And Tilby had nothing to say about Christianity, but used her spot to big up Ramadan like a good Muslim would. Where was she at Lent then?
So-I bet the BBC will say that these were “Christian speakers”.
Much like Patten, Parris and Heseltine, Clarke will show that the BBC is not biased against conservatism. The Cof E and the Tories really need to clean out their carp ponds…a swamp would be way too taxing for them. Did Mona Saddiqi use her spot to promote Christianity or such? Course not.
chris, were not some Marxists involved early on in May 1968? I seem to recall the precursor to the Red Army Faction – you know, friends of Martin Schulz – popping over from Germany to help stir it up although memory gets a bit dim on all sorts of things so far back. Tariq Ali, I seem to recall, was also an early enthusiastic visitor from the UK.
You`re correct of course Up2, lads.
But like the IRA piling on in 1968, the Muslim Brotherhood in 2011…such groups come late to the party like Janet Webb on Morecambe and Wise.
The Marxists certainly grabbed the baton, wheeled Sartre out to flaunt their cleverness.
But not one working class redoubt would have bothered their arses with spotty students playing politics, as they actually had families(reactionary) to feed.
Basically a load of Billy Idols,…or Jeremy Vines maybe?
Confusing rebellion with spitting a Gitane stokie over the rampart walls. That`s the Toytown Trots for you.
I always treasure the memory of Tariq Ali – or Terry Kelly as I’m sure we’d both have called him at the time – waving his gold Hublot chronograph at the camera during another expansive gesture. Nothing like a few grand’s worth of Swiss extravagance to give a sense of perspective to The Struggle – or Kampf as someone else put it.
The only true working class protest in 1968 was when the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell.
The powers that be made sure to get rid of them. Fifty years ago Tower Hamlets was a white working class community, but now it has been ethnically cleansed. Are there any whites left?
The London dockers let the establishment down. They were replaced by a new, more reliable electorate.
600K immigrants gone AWOL and Home Office cannot track them.
30K terrorists on watch list.
2K extreme terrorists on watch list.
63 WindRush POSSIBLE deportations found (might be less)
The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE. (prior to Royal Wedding)
Women cannot be sexy, unless women says so.
Women cannot apply for all women’s short list unless they are men who want to be women.
“… Women need more (pay than men). Our (women’s) haircuts are more expensive (than men’s haircuts)…” @3:27
Angela Merkel – “I have this invisible piece of cloth, Marcon said you liked cloth and so I made this magical one. Do you want it?”
Theresa May – “Please! Please! How much? Do you want it back afterwards?”
Macron – “Fucking unbelievable…” (hushed voice)
Me no understandy?
I’m sure many of you are fascinated by the cultural art of cheerleaders. So, you will be disappointed to learn that University of Birmingham cheerleading squad, The Birmingham Pussycats, has been put on probation for a year.
They used the ‘n’ word. When you ask? When speaking to a black person? When speaking of a black person? Erm no, they were singing along to a song called Gold Digger, by someone of the name Kayne West.
So I would ask, as a defender of the right for tax payers to fund cheerleaders everywhere, if the N word is offensive when spoken by leading cultural performers such as cheerleaders, why is not offensive when spoken by the songwriter himself?
From the Viz
‘How come rap artist Dr. Dre can use the ‘N’ word on his multi-million selling albums and win a MOBO award, yet when I used it at my son’s football match I was asked to leave the park? Once again, it’s one law for the rich and another for the poor’
Reg Ashcroft, Bradford
RE: Gender physics gap.
Any sane person would think that fewer girls studying physics than boys might mean, er, that girls and boys like different things – something axiomatic to anyone who has ever met someone of the different sex. They would not assume the disparity was due to ‘prejudice’ or a lack of ‘role models’ etc and seek to overhaul the whole system to solve an imaginary ‘problem.’
Indeed, Beep.
And why is it a problem if more males are the majority sex in Physics/Maths classes, but not worthy of a comment if females take more places in medicine and law?
In countries with the highest equal rights like Sweden/Norway, the more women CHOOSE to stay out of Science/STEM jobs, as if they sensibly choosing to do something more appealing.
Algeria/Turkey have the highest number of women in STEM jobs.
Feminists have determined to shoehorn women into what were “men’s” jobs. Upon finding that they are difficult, dirty and dangerous and contain too many other unreconstructed men – they then attempt to turn the profession into something where they can sit around in meetings all day and whinge about the patriarchy. Every job has to be “credentialised” which enables the terrible HR departments to promote more mindless bureaucracy and box-ticking.
Al Beeb has a daily ritual of —- There’s not enough wimmin blacks , queers, trannies – in this job or that job and off they go on a beat up the white bloke. again.
You summed it up – which is probably why R4 today is haemorrhaging listeners..they says it’s because people are turned off by heavy politics…NOPE they are turned off by what they hear…When will the BBC learn that their core listeners/viewers are the very people they seem to despise….
James – I dont think the BBC will ever learn and will one day disappear up its own arsehole with only Maxi and Harriet Harmon still paying it any attention.
In a drive to combat fake news the BBC has launched BBC iReporter, an online interactive game to help young people in the UK identify ‘fake news’.
Amol Rajan is the BBC’s media editor and was previously editor of the Independent newspaper.
Let me tell you how I decide whether or not I can trust a news source. First of all, have they shown a commitment to accuracy over a long period of time? Have they consistently got things right?
And the second thing – which is related – is: do they admit when they get things wrong? You know, if you put your hand up and say ‘Sorry, I made an error, there were factual mistakes in the piece that we published’, then people like me are much more likely to believe you when you say another time that you got things right.
Damned out of their own mouths.
Curious. Why only “young people”? Perhaps they simply realise that the BBC’s lies and fake news does not really con ‘old people’.
Well there is some truth in that they do take fake news globally via the world service
6pm “Connect For Jo” on both local ITV and BBC
Connect with someone you never normally connect with.
Hence the 2 sets of local auto-cue readers were pictured making heart symbols at each other.
I see St Brendan led years ago by trying connect with “women he doesn’t normally connect with” after hours at his office or in work trips.
However St Brendan didn’t feature in this item , instead the coverage was of St Jo’s mother & sister on Loose Women, today.
Connect4Jo Cox BBC Look North PR video
Milking Jo’s death …for political purposes
..It’s what she would have wanted
.. Sad a poli died, good that people get out of their bubble BUT Jo Cox campaigns are tainted
blatantly exploited her death for anti-Brexit politics.
At the same time as hiding Brendan’s known sleaziness.
Lovely bit of slanted news management on al Beeb website ;
Woman found not guilty of murdering ex boyfriend . Picture – she black. – he white. …. what it doesn’t say is that she was found guilty of pouring sulphuric acid him. He later ended his life due to his injuries ….. suppose She’ll blame Brexit
His #WhitePrivilege
I saw that briefly on the news last night, a horrific story and yes there’s every chance she’s going to be on the right end of a long custodial sentence.
During the article the 999 call that a neighbour made was played. The neighbour said that his partner had thrown the acid and the 999 operator asked if she, or he, was still on the scene. Given the severity of the situation I didn’t even snort, I was just saddened that our emergency services operators have been given a script and training that means they can’t assume (actively discriminate against?) heterosexual behaviour. 9 times out of 10 a partner will be if the opposite sex, and if they’re not I very much doubt the wronged party is going to be thrown by the question or debate sexuality while someone is in urgent need of help.
A year or so ago, one could have dismissed the conspiratorial explanations of why the ordinary people are suffering huge numbers of foreign criminals and savages invading their country. However, right now, I can only conclude that there is a massive conspiracy between all leaders of the white populations of the World which smells of ‘groupthink’ with a controlling entity in charge and which all Western leaders take instructions from. Control of State policies is most certainly not in the hands of the voters. Is this the New World Order at work in league with the United Nations? For similar events around the World to take place virtually in unison suggests, no rather demands that there must be massive collusion.
Farage continually bangs on about the Australian system of points in relation to entering that country to reside. Yet, I’m just introduced to a growing number of videos on YouTube which shows that the ‘points’ system (had it been applied) does not work. See for yourself: simply search on YouTube for, ‘African gang violence in Australia’. You might be amazed at the number appearing and the similarities.
Me? I’m pretty well convinced that there is an international, call it what you will, ‘groupthink’ behind the coordination of all the present troubles. Anyone agree?
Well G, it certainly is odd eh?
Many of the Western politicians have taken leave of their senses. Merkel is a perfect example. She issued the invitation of a lifetime, just about asking masses of third world savages to invade Europes southern borders. Then, horror of horrors, Herman was given an election in which they had an established party as an alternative, in fact AfD, and alternative is actually in the title. What happened? In spite of all the chaos in Germany the sheeple put her back in power. Yes, much reduced, and only by coalition with others, but she is firmly in charge, there, and still running the EU.
You might be forgiven for thinking the Frogs has learned the hard way about the ROP having seen Hebdoe, Bataclan, Nice et al. Marine le Penn ? Rejected in favour of who? And where the fuck did he crawl from and with whose cash to run a whole new party? Him and his granny.
What the actual fuck?
The canucks put a trudeau/castro into power, yet another emerging nobody, emerging into power. And he’s absolutely crazy!
What the ….you know the rest.
If Killary had got elected I’d have gone to dignitas by now.
And what do we have, more chaos.
Cameron saw the EU vote and ran a mile. The Tories were denied a leadership contest by strange withdrawals taking place. Leadsom ? Being the final straw, giving Treason May a shoe in…
What the actaul……
Still our sheeple here will continue to vote for the parties that for decades have sold us down the river, ever since Grocer Heath betrayed us. Bastard.
The electorate are sleepwalking to their own deaths, but because it isnt shown on Eastenders, they dont believe it.
They simply cant see they are being replaced.
Do we have an alternative to vote for?
Not much of one.
There’s a by election coming up. Heard today that both David Kurten for UKIP and Anne Marie Waters of For Britain, are BOTH standing for election…
What the actual f…..
Splitting the alternative vote, great ! NOT.
I cant type any more,
Nurse my bloody pills..arrrghhhhh
Exactly how I feel
and me too. My mood swings are now every two seconds instead of 6. May has to go, she is a liar. What have we got to look forward to?
G, this will explain pretty much everything.
Points system is for immigration visas
.. I guess the Africans are coming in on REFUGEE visas
I don’t know with they are clever enough to conspire. Cheaper. air travel, the internet and mobile phone ownership encourages mass movement to a. ‘Promise land ‘ as they have little to lose.
Against this is no resistance -nothing – liberal governments and media with white guilt syndrome bred through the 1960s and National shame letting invasions happen
I’ve got solution to the Irish border issue. – buy the republic out of the EU. Then they can carry on being a tax haven for the. Yanks
‘I’ve got solution to the Irish border issue.’
I would suggest we employ the Isreali Army to sort out the IRA.
We couldn’t use our Army as Teezer would have them sued by lawyers.
I heard Jacob Rees Mogg state on the radio that he knew nothing of the Freedom of Speech March the other day.
I’ve always admired him.
I believe he lied. Disappointing.
I can’t prove from Twitter that he did know of Day For Freedm
… he could have been in Devon bubbleworld that weekend.
Beauty of no longer having a telly is that NONE of the news that aerates us has any effect down here.
Nobody I know will be behaving if we don`t get what we voted for, and some of us are going to teach us about the English Civil War era in the 17th C. We`re only part of that trend, in that tradition.
So the cyber crying, the bluster of a load of effete handwringing knicker wets really will have no effect. We`re going, no laws since 1973 need be bothered with, unless we ourselves choose to do so.
Islam will keep them occupied, and -if not-just take temporary membership at the local Baha`i, Sufi and put the verse of the sword on your letter to trading , poll tax or capita.
They`d rather paint their nails and let Corbyn turn us into Venezuela-who also seem well able to riot.
1981-Brixton, Moss Side, Toxteth
1991-Blackbird Leys, Meadowell.
2001-Bradford, Blackburn, Batley and Oldham
2011-Tottenham Croydon, Crystal Palace, Clapham.
The BBC are now telling me about the rising of the serfs in Russia-they had it tough, all we need to do is terrify the local lefties and the media.
Few days without drugs or Costa, no chargers for the laptops ought to be all we need.
We didn`t vote for may, for any of them. And we`re yet to get our expenses and second mortgage money back too.
” I predict a riot”…..
Just heard the plummy voice of Lloyd Grossman seeming not to want a Holocaust Memorial monument to be placed near Parliament.
Think he`d prefer somewhere more northern, where the Jews are, like Cheetham Hill or N.Finchley if it HAS to be London.
Why do I get the feeling that the padded gentry of SW1 who`ve been welcoming all our Muslims in, would rather NOT have to deal with the angry blowback of Islamists who`ll see any monument to yahud as a “provocation”.
I`ll not be listening to the item, but do wonder why the likes of Grossman and Greer(B) get to sit on Blue Plaque, Arts and Heritage things c/o the British taxpayer.
What would THEY know, and why would we ask them seeing as they have no roots or attachment to anything but their media profiles….Frosts soup taster, Obamas token cheerleader for nothing being all they`ve done.
Not the BBC but funny nonetheless
I wish Owen would be gone. Or spray painted black.
Flak – that’s priceless, thanks for posting it here.
Al, you are most welcome.
QT is Grenfell wank fest. Tories guilty of murder and Abbott dressed like an SS stormtrooper.
I don’t recall any specials like this for Manchester or Westminster………
This weeks QT is even more unwatchable than normal. Just about every audience member has stated “I was there (at Grenfell) and I was helping”. It’s just me,me,me,me,me.
Every question or statement is being made to get an emotional response and a hand clap. Bloke in the audience just asked “were the people in Grenfell murdered?” – No you stupid c***!
David Dimbebore just said “70 Palestinians died on the 70th Anniversary of Palestinians being pushed into the Gaza Strip”
Is that the correct naming for the 70th Anniversary?!?
Comments, as ever, could…. 😉
Dictator Abbott, …costume inspired by Gadaffi
A question about the murders in London. Tory cuts, lack of youth clubs, Waitrose knives, all sorts of underlying causes. “Blacks” never mentioned once.
So much for all those knife amnesties. What a stupid idea, a waste of time and resources …………….
“Cabinet agrees Brexit customs ‘backstop’ option”.
Time for a new Prime Minister, time for a swift exit and time for an end to the TV licence.
Mrs May is playing for time to stay in the EU, she is a loser.
Conservatives, tell your friends.
We try to get a true picture of the real world but the SJWs at the BBC instead work to build false narratives and decieve by omission.
Now Twitter same
Twitter algorithm says
* abusive = praising Trump *
abusing Trump = Non-abusive
#Orwellian If this Gab tweet video is true
It shows us how Twitter algorithms quickly turn a Trump Twitter thread of tweets praising/abusing Trump, becomes a thread ONLY abusing Trump, cos those praising Trump are filtered out into the “Abusive Tweets” hidden tweet box ..and dethreaded
I was watching Look North earlier which re-confirmed my contempt for al Beebus and what it represents.
The Dambusters’ 75th Anniversary is this month and on Wednesday there was due to be a flypast over Derwent Dam by a Lancaster; thousands of spectators turned up, as did a Look North film crew but it was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
The fly past took place today (Thursday) with Squadron Leader George “Jonny” Johnson on board, the sole surviving Dambuster. There was no film crew there to film it nor anyone sent to interview this 96 year old veteran at RAF Scampton, instead they played 10 seconds of some blurred footage a member of the public had taken on his mobile and sent in to them.
Just after this there was a report on the newly installed Lord Mayor of Sheffield, the youngest ever at 28 years of age and a Somalian refugee who came to the city when he was 4 years old. There was an extended interview with him by a beard-necked reporter, with lots of jokes about the mayoral regalia he’d worn to the ceremony and footage of his grinning family in the audience watching him being sworn in.
They pulled out all the stops to cover a Third World Muslim immigrant, being made Lord Mayor of one of the biggest cities in Yorkshire; yet they couldn’t even send a film crew out again to film the anniversary flight to one of the most iconic events in the air war of WW2. This despite the only living survivor, taking possibly his last trip on board one of the few Lancaster bombers still flying.
There are some occasions which re-crystallise for me the hatred I have for this organization. Its choice of priorities of what to cover this evening and the difference in the level of resources allocated to each on my local news, was one such occasion.
Look North is the same prog that made the Jo Cox promo video I mention above
It seems that the bbc is really the ‘alternative news’ station nowadays. Most people will get their news elswhere, and leave the bbc stuff to their own pundits and tax-wasters.
Why on earth anyone thinks any time listening to the likes of Diane Abbott is worth it, then yes, the bbc is the place to go! But nobody really gives a hoot for her ramblings, and therefore the bbc is marginalised.
Peripheral stuff being paid for by pensioners is a disgrace, but as I haven’t heard the TV ‘news’ since October last year, some people here may be able to enlighten me as to who is the real news broadcaster, not fake ‘reporting’ and ‘opinions before fact’!
Explanation of the Laurel/Yanny audio “optical illusion”
use the NYT super-version to test yourself.
Your eyes are NOT a video camera
Instead images are MANUFACTURED in your brain from very limited information, in conjunction with past memory
eg. when you buy something costing $4 and hand over $5 you already know you have in your wallet , you see the assistant hand you a $1 bill
..cos that is what you expect
..However if he gave you a $10 bill you’d see it as a $1 cos that’s what you’d be expecting.
same for audio you hear something cos a CUE triggers what you expect, from a memory
But if two cues are close, you get a knife edge effect where what you hear can be X or Y
Play around with the NYT example and see how first you have a cue -point , but then you get affected by recent memory so that cue point changes .
In the example I hear Yanni, and find it switches at 1 cm away from the centre …but after hearing Laurel a few times , even back at the centre my cue becomes Laurel .
The blue dress /Gold dress illusion is a similar effect caused by cues causing an image to be manufactured in your brain.
Ha Trump just Tweeted a funny example
BTW, I love the term ‘Gammon’!
What better than a couple of slices of delicious smoked pork, hot out of the oven with broad beans and a mustard sauce, and of course, mashed potatoes!
Bring it on snowflakes and sjws, keep the good stuff for real people, keep the advertising going, and don’t worry about pork; it comes from pigs you know!
Gammon – the spice of life!
(Did I say ‘pork’ – awwwww, diddums)!
So Nottingham at a wedding fayre gauging interest in Royal Wedding – their conclusion based on a self selected small sample – medium to not interested…WHY o WHY do they think this is of interest to their listeners?
It is almost like the BBC will find any way to demean things in the UK they should be proud of but no, let’s promote Ramadan instead
The fact that millions around the world will be watching should be the story – not whether a few in Nottingham will be…BBC research at its best…
BBC equivalent of Dad-dancing
Normally BBC staff are being SJW parents to us
..but sometimes they try to be ‘down with the kids/plebs’ and of course it comes out clumsy.
“It is almost like the BBC will find any way to demean things in the UK they should be proud of”
I call it “superiority signalling”. They’re far too sophisticated to be interested in the wedding but just can’t shut up about it.
There’s a whiff of it around here. Not a lot, but a little.
The achingly (as in pain in the arse) kool and down-with-the-kids beeb informs us that ‘Grime saved UK Rap’.
I have no idea what that means nor wish to. Both ‘genres’ are all about sex drugs and violence as far as I can tell.
So it seems apt that by adding the letter C to both words, one gets Crime and Crap.