Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
You should follow Sadiq Khan on Twitter; it really is a beauty. Every tweet is virtue signalling, SJW garbage: more women leaders; money for youth clubs (without which kids get so bored they have to stab); kids needing access to music from other cultures to glue society together.
I am starting to think it must be a parody account but it is not. This is the state we are at with the liberal elite now: so bad they seem a parody of themselves.
It is what Karl Kraus said about Austria in the twenties and thirties, the politics is more absurd than the parody.
You always have the right to respond and challenge if you are bothered to sign up to such an insidious invention : ie. twitter, designed for whingeing wankers, “twitter storm” = whingeing wankers whining oh, a new alliteration : and www twitter
Foreign porn pervert convicted violently murdering Moldovan immigrant
Jesus a lot of British born are deviants , why =do we have to import more.
I have a serious question for BBBC readers. Why is John Bercow such a total wanker ?
Probably because his lady wife plays away so much. She got fed up with him standing on a pile of old Hansards.
John Bercow is a grocery stick.
Grocery stick. Urban Dictionary definition.
A person who acts as a divider between groups or other people, can be useless. best describes the worst player on the hockey team that sits on the bench and separates the lines.
Flak, but he doesn’t sit on the bench and he doesn’t separate the lines in a ‘useless’ way, he’s very useful to some!
Jeremy Corbyn … speaks at Al Quds rally (does not denounce Ayatollah) and on Iranian PressTV and does not denounce ‘Death to Isreal’ emoji released by Iranian government.
Diane Abbott … suggests Mao did more good than harm.
David Lammy … called the smoke from the Vatican racist.
If you believe in this team then it tells me you support Iran, China and are racist.
Just had the misfortune to look at “BBC Stories” on Twitter… I’ve truly never seen so much utter PC crap in one place. Ever!
Warning: DO NOT look if you have high BP!
The BBC really using the Royal Wedding to push their fanatical multicultural agenda.
You could be there Alex. I think we are actually quite lucky as I do believe Miss Abbot is still single!
The BBC choose times like the World Cup, any Royal palaver to parade a gor blimey guv`nor mockney caricature of what they imagine Noel Coward might have thought in Monte Carlo or something.
Gushing, nasty, inept, patronising,condescending and fawning at one and the same time .
Clearly they`ve not met any real people off a Queen Vic set.
Cultural appropriation, sneering blackface mockups.
The BBC are Eurojunk, for the life of me I` don`t know why we don`t knock them off their perches.
The Royals will go soon as The Queen has gone, we`re only behaving long enough to let Princess Anne have a go-if she says no, it`ll have to be war.
FFS do I ITV Yorkhire have a Jo Cox shrine in the studio ?
Tonight : “Lets talk about the Royal Wedding, one of the guests from our area is a 16 year old school girl who was working with Jo Cox before she died, to get an abandoned building in her area destroyed
… Now onto the Yorkshire WOMEN of achievement awards”
Is there a week when a BBC account doesn’t tweet about Jo Cox
May 4th BBC News : “BBC News – Minister for loneliness appointed to continue Jo Cox’s work “
I noticed since the huge SNP contingent arrived at Westminster a few years back, there has been a lot more clapping in the Chamber; it should have been stamped down on hard when it first began.
I saw this live on BBC Parliament.
After the cheering Treezer actually said:
“When Jo Cox was killed this House lost one of its best.”
Jo Cox lived on Camden Lock with her pervy partner, so hardly Yorkshire unless it suited.
And probably spent more time at conferences in the safer cities on Africa, rather than actually digging a well, or tending a boil.
I was hoping to wear a Jo Cox mask tomorrow at the allotment, but -to be honest-I really don`t remember what she looked like.
Nor did my friends.
And at least Dennis Nielsen did a couple of useful jobs in the police and civil service before he turned bad.
Tessa and Jo? Can`t say that for them can we?
Alicia – harsh but fair.
Al Shubtill
Excellent article
Nigel is not happy with the BBC……………..
And so say all of us !
End the telly tax NOW and let the corporation pay for itself
“Who will change first – Meghan or the Royal Family?”
My money is on Meghan.
I’m predicting a four year marriage, with Meghan changing during the first year to make a perfect royal. Second year will be quiet as Meghan brings the first of her babies (not too black) into the world.
During the final two years scandals will emerge, Meg does not hit it off too well with the future King.
No one is changing and whilst the second child does not improve a decaying relationship the fourth and final year is merely the stages of a separation, divorce, and distancing herself from the royals as her book nears completion and possible film rights are on the cards.
Then Megan demands that they live in the US permanently.
So much to do in the garden tomorrow!
It’ll take me all morning the weed the beds, harden off the beans and the tomatoes, and then join Mrs O’blene for several tinctures before a leisurely lunch with more tinctures!
Then, a quiet snooze in the conservatory, waking about 4:00pm for some tea and a scone then clearing up for the evening, with absolutely no television, except Mrs O’blene wants to laugh at the ugly sisters again, which is a given treat here in The Turrets whenever they emerge…
What could be better!
May I join you both? It sounds like a perfect retreat from the enveloping madness around us.
You’re so wrong. You are duty bound to get the popcorn out and immerse yourself in the albeeb multiculture fest that is The Royal Weddingathon . Or pinch the toms . Me – I’m a popcorn man
Disclosure – a watched ‘suits ‘ and my television has got an auto cringe button for those poor sods who spent the last 3 days waiting for this and that to happen.
I know I’m out of step with most posters on here in quite enjoying the Royal Wedding. I’m usually radio not TV but watched the BBC coverage 7-8 this eve on BBC1. It was predictable, diversity innit? But also buoyant, patriotic, celebratory of Harry’s military service, and yes, multi-coloured. But not attempting, as far as I could see, to align ROP with an upcoming Christian ceremony, and for that small mercies. I shall plant my small plastic Union flag in my pot of geraniums tomorrow.
Although I won’t be watching the wedding I would appreciate if you folks could record the first mention of Brexit during the BBC commentary.
I put a list together the other day akin to bullshit bingo. –
I’m sure Brexit will get multiple mentions , personally I wish I could Watch “fox and friends” .
I will try to distil the multiculture fest to come with the enthusiasm of someone with an STI.. but I might lose the signal cos I’m thousands of miles from Windsor ..
11:45pm Jordan Peterson & Stephen Fry vs 2 Candian snowflakes
“Is political correctness an enemy of free speech, open debate …”
Livestreamed ..dont know if free
notes :
Yep stream in on now , debate starts at midnight
delayed 8 minutes to 12:08am
Fry is good ,
Peterson said we are individuals we should not be forced into tribes.
Fry comes on saying ‘I am an SJW a softy lefty, but political correctness DOESN’T work , it doesn’t make society more tolerant,
we should we wary of the people who are CERTAIN, better be doubtful”
… So it’s 3 lefies on stage and Peterson on his own.
opposer just called Peterson a “mean white man”
..yeh the guy on the side of PC brought skin colour into the argument.
Bet they are to fore in Windsor with their flags of colour.
interesting, Stewgreen.
the issue for debate was: “Be it resolved, what you call political correctness, I call progress”
Before the debate, the audience was 36% for PC and 64% against (which is note worthy in itself).
After the debate, the vote was 30% for and 70% against PC.
Guess this debate won’t be on the BBC.
Peterson : Political Correctness Debate Summary
Lefty#1 : I win cos I’m a Feminist & a Lefty : And Lefties are the CORRECT group
Lefty#2 : I win cos I’m a BlackVictim & a Lefty : And Lefties are the CORRECT group
Peterson : Debate should be about issues ,NOT IDENTITY GROUP
Fry : Well basically I’m a Lefty, so Lefty#1 & Lefty#2 by your rules Checkmate I’ve WON
.. that is your problem you playing Identity Politics
It’s not that Trump/Brexit Won, it’s that You Lefties LOST the game by playing Identity Politics
Online polling was about 90% in favour of Peterson/Fry in every aspect of the debate
BTW at the end Lefty#1 smeared Peterson “You said women shouldn’t wear makeup” ..”No I didn’t” ..”Yes you did Google the Vice interview”
.. I checked the Vice interview was misleadingly edited
comment on editing
Interesting that Fry has signed into that . Prof Peterson has made cash out of the discussion and it looks like fry is doing the same .PC is easy – it’s all about ‘offence’ and the degree of offence applied .
‘Offence’ is not defined. Does it cause mental or physical illness ? Stress? Social disorientation ? Is political correctness a group or individual issue ?
Why are we having to pay £30 million for security for this wedding? Why can’t they pay for it themselves, they can afford it?
Why can’t they bugger off back to Germany?
What happened to those Canadian children who went with QE2 many years ago during her visit to a children’s home?
No I don’t think we end up paying
The Royal Family is a live soap opera
..which probably generates funds into the UK
..Doesn’t send a good message about democracy tho.
“Why are we having to pay £30 million for security for this wedding? Why can’t they pay for it themselves, they can afford it?”
Because a large proportion of the security cost is a direct consequence of the problems associated with uncontrolled immigration. However, since we are still having to pay for the policing of football matches outside the grounds because so many thick fans just cant’t control themselves, I don’t see why we shouldn’t pay for this.
“Why can’t they bugger off back to Germany?”
Why don’t you? Most of our ancestors came from there anyway.
“However, since we are still having to pay for the policing of football matches outside the grounds because so many thick fans just cant’t control themselves, I don’t see why we shouldn’t pay for this.”
Still singing from the same old hymn sheet hey? Marion? Let’s get back to your pet peeve of “thick” football fans no matter what anybody else is talking about. The old class snobbery still around on your horizon eh? … despite you seeming to have withdrawn under your stone for the last several months.
Update on BBC acting as glove puppet for NGO “Skoll Foundation” that funded Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth movie
Last March we saw how EK, BBC’s Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects : organised BBC’s #SoICanBreathe campaign
..she happens to ALSO work for Skoll Foundation
Paul H covered it ..and I mentioned few times on BBBC
well May 16th She tweeted she’d won the award
Well now look at BBC Environment pages this month
Many have this at the bottom
This new campaign so far has 6 pages on the BBC website and 3 in Spanish
eg 1
Does anyone think it’s OK for BBC to carry this kind of paid for POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING ?
FFS she has another campaign running
Intro blog post
(3 kicks against her in the comments)
She is famous for saying BBC should do “solution-focused journalism”
Roger Harrabin, a BBC environmental reporter, was appointed to the Advisory Board of the University of East Anglia’s Tyndall Centre. The Tyndall Centre is not known to be at all friendly towards causational climate scientists, in fact it provided financial support for a meeting or seminar organised by Roger Harrabin who has not got any scientific qualifications.
The BBC lied in claiming that the seminar was to introduce BBC Management to some of the best scientific experts. But not a single causational climate scientist was present at this seminar. All present were climate or green activists of a variety of vested interests and organisations. The BBC spent a quarter of a million pounds on resisting a freedom of information request for the names of the 28 people who attended this BBC seminar.
This BBC climate change seminar led to new Editorial Guidelines unlawfully permitting BBC journalists to circumvent its obligation of impartiality on the climate science issue by censoring causational climate scientists, science and scientific debate at the BBC.
The BBC like the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method.
Like the BBC, amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, causational climate scientists do not dominate the debates. The only known causational climate scientist employed by the BBC is thought to be Paul Hudson. The BBC has censored news that many causational climate scientists have called for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as censoring the existence of the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
A causational climate scientist who just happens to be the brother of the Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Independent weather forecaster Piers Corbyn has described Mr Harrabin as an ‘excessively deluded disciple of the warmist brigade’ tainted by his links to climate change groups.
The impartial BBC continues to employ the environmental activist, Roger Harrabin, to report on climate science approved by the Tyndall Centre and therefore not censored by the BBC.
Richard Pinder
Interesting post, RP. Tyndall. Harrumphhh! Is that the Tyndall that Prof Mick Hulme left because he disagreed with some of the stuff they were doing? Because they were not ‘up-to-snuff’, so to speak? 😉 Have I remembered that correctly?
The Tyndall Centre that still has not explained with clarity what happened over those dodgy, doctored or disappearing, e-mails?
That Tyndall Centre?
Hmmmn. Harrabin should be well suited to them.
And they to him.
BBC in the Tyndall Centre
and MP’s in a Beeboid controlled Greenblob public relations firm
\\ James Heappey is the Conservative MP for Wells in Somerset. He is also on the Advisory Board for Richard Black’s Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, the lobby group for renewable energy.//
latest Paul Homewood
I hope you will indulge, as it isn’t really anything directly to do with BBC bias, but this is comedy gold. A left-wing poll on Twitter doesn’t quite go as planned.
Eventually she is reduced to this:
(I’m actually coming to the opinion that she has to be a parody account. No one is that nutty. Surely.)
That’s great, Roland, it has really made my day.
I was a bit in the doldrums and to see that Tommy Robinson is approved of overwhelmingly in contrast to Sadiq Khan should give all true Brits hope.
You shouldn’t have to apologize for it not being directly connected to the BBC. Pounce seems to have left us (sadly). I think that as long as the BBC is trying to twist and lie on so many topics we need to be prepared to debate them here. Tommy Robinson is not someone that the BBC spends much time reporting on. Just how much exactly? Well I’d hazard a guess at somewhere in the region of nil.
So if we follow the purist line here we wouldn’t talk about him at all.
This poll had over 18000 votes and ended early Saturday morning . The outcome was 83% for Tommy Robinson .
The posters’ reaction was that the poll had been taken over by the so called ‘ far right ‘.i wonder if the poster has a mirror in her home so she could look in it and wonder if her views are truly minority ones. ?
Made my day Roland thank you
The general consensus seems to be that it is indeed a parody account. These days it’s impossible to tell them apart as some on the left really have become a parody of themselves. I guess that’s because we live in a time when the normal self-regulation of pointing and laughing at self-evidently ridiculous behaviour is no longer allowed, thus encouraging the preposterous to continue.
It’s a good laugh anyway.
\\ Sadiq vs Tommy
1 doesn’t care about this country the other does, simple. //
She should have hired Maitlis Jr. to ‘handle’ the polling.
Then Mum would have added valuable on-air promo. Impartially.
The fund raising on TV is reaching new lows: if you don’t give us money a baby will be raped I kid you not I am used to hearing how kids are starved because thier parents and “governments”, I use the word loosely, are buying guns and bombs now we have to buy them out of sexual assault our national broadcaster is ignoring this for some reason, either the colour or religion of these child rapists does not suite our state censor, whilst they wank into their lattes if they can find a white film producer who touched someones leg once
Feed the African poor: try begging in Africa see how they respond to you, in fact try anything in Africa without them extorting cash out of you
Doodle and thoughts on the Wedding
When William got hitched, the Camden New Journal (a very left wing local paper) had an advert for a barbecue event for republicans scheduled on that same time. I always regretted not going along to it in my “Reagan Bush 84” t-shirt
For reference my latest BBC official complaint, I urge others to do the same it is the only way forward to make the future safe for our children:, like our democracy, you can only make a difference if you act
5000 people march on Parliament and demonstrate outside Downing Street and you ignore, this is a flagrant abuse of your requirement as a public broadcasting company to report news, my Chinese wife was amazed at the state censorship in practice that is similar to that in China
The left, spearheaded by our racist state broadcaster, are totally obsessed with Harry’s “mixed race” bride.
Is there anybody non white they haven’t interviewed? Most normal people couldn’t give a flying fxxx. With them though it’s an unhealthy, almost creepy obsession. And of course, in using best propaganda practises, they’ve used it to dig up Britain’s imperialist past.
Whenever I listen to Radio 4 these days I get the impression someone’s standing there wagging their finger at me. I’m white, I’m patriotic… I’ve done something wrong… I mean, I only pay for these parasites to endlessly bully, criticise and insult me…
This morning Toady have turned up in Birmingham and have pointed their microphones towards anyone not white; lots to choose from.
According to the Beeb Biirmingham is a bastion of all they revere, “It’s a vibrant, multicultural, multi-ethnic, buzzing…” Oh, you know what they’re like…
In plain speak…
A shit-hole.
Toady watch
Jeff – you beat me to it . Toady is fixated with colour . They had tha afra girl whose hatred for our country is beyond sad bumbling on about how bad we all are .
Then Baroness Lawrence (Who Can Say no wrong )is to say her piece . Al beeb really has a thing about half caste , tar brushed , coffee coloured , coconut stuff. I’ve switched off now as it’s not about a royal wedding – it’s just about race as usual . So bloody sad .
Yes, the BBC is grinding the multicultural axe 24/7 on all channels.
The wedding shows what “modern Britain” is really like. Even that bastion of exclusivity the House of Windsor has succumbed to enrichment. If the wedding really is a microcosm of Modern Britain then some Big Beard terrorist attack would add to the authenticity of the occasion Sabre wielding members of the Firm could heroically dispatch the miscreants live on the BBC. Only a Dimblebore could bring the necessary gravitas to that scenario. “Fuck me, Brenda’s topped the ROPer!!”
Surely, you must realise by now that the greatest sin committed by white, patriotic Englishmen in the eyes of the BBC is that they continue to draw breath.
Neat summary of the who, what … and why.
Why does Beeby keep promoting the Ramadan Bloodbath Festival?
I haven’t heard a word from anyone in Tellyland that this weekend is Shavuot and Pentecost for Jews and Christians respectively. Where is the “balance”?
I would like an answer for this one : a police documentry with a 16 year old being chased by the police and the officer chasing stops because he is tired reason why? he is on ramadan and fasting so unable to chase a 16 year old child, this is completely unnacceptable, a little like female “fire fighters” who have the physical requirements put aside so they can join God help us what a bloody piss poor country my son will live in
BBC’s super-childish pro-immigration video .. TR copy
Farage article has a paywall so I will quote
Farage responds
* “Flag wavers” is the first unmistakable slur in this horribly muddled passage.
The insinuation is obvious and in places like America, which positively encourages citizens to be proud of their country, it would be considered offensive.
*** The other villains in the world of the BBC are newspapers “giving it large”
– ie raising legitimate questions – about immigration. Scrutiny is clearly not welcome.
(4) Was rape/pillage/enslave immigration a good thing ?
I add
**It’s wrong to suggest to Scottish crofting areas or Northern Ireland that migrating OUT is only a last 20 years thing
… That’s only the start Farage has hundreds more words debunking it.
(5) “European migrants contribute 34% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.”
Where is the evidence for this? There was none.
(6) “huge rise in people going to EDL ..” unsupported assertion
(7) Deanna has the last word. “Multiculturalism,” she said “is a powerful tool for survival and possibly the only way to survive, so let’s embrace it.”
(8) Hidden disclaimer : just a “jumping off point … not a comprehensive analysis”
5) “European migrants contribute 34% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.”
Where is the evidence for this? There was none.
You are quite right Stewgreen
When I last looked at the figures, you only begin to contribute to the common good via tax when you earn over £23,000.
Most immigrants earn under this bar, many are on financial benefits.
Head of German bank moves to UK to run British subsidiary. Earns a lot and pays £134K a year in tax.
Ten families from an impoverished part of Eastern Europe move to UK to sell Beeg Issyu Pleez. Pay no tax and claim £100K in benefits.
BBC headline: “European migrants contribute 34% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.”
“European migrants contribute 34% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.”
And what about non-European migrants? How much more in taxes do Somalians, Nigerians, Afghans, Pakistanis, Iraqis, Vietnamese, Turks, Kurds, Iranians etc contribute? Is the BBC proposing some sort of racial or nationality-based measurement or threshold for determining the basis of immigration? Isn’t that a bit capitalist and exploitative, chaps?
“European migrants contribute 34% more in taxes than they receive in benefits.”
“Herr Reichsminister, you must understand. Yes, it costs a lot to build and maintain the camps, and run a railway system to transport hundreds of thousands of people to them. Some say that we should be spending money on protecting our civilian population, or on providing warm clothing and munitions to our soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front. But I tell you this: the value of the slave labour force and the value of the gold teeth extracted from those killed in the camps means we are making 34% profit on this business. Is that not justification enough for our activities?”
Message to BBC and paymasters: morality is more important than money.
“The main findings can be summarised as follows. Whereas the fiscal cost of the UK-born population amounted to nearly £88bn in 2014/15, EEA immigrants cost £1.2bn and non-EEA immigrants cost £15.6bn, a net cost of £16.8bn. Looking at recent immigrants, i.e. those who came during 2001 and subsequently, the net fiscal cost was £6.2bn, comprised of recent A10 immigrants costing £2.8bn, other recently arrived European immigrants contributing £2.8bn and recent non-European immigrants costing £6.2bn.
Overall, this extension to 2014/15 suggests that the downward trend in the fiscal contribution of immigrants observed by Dustmann and Frattini has continued, and that the only sub-population group making any positive contribution in the year is composed of people from the ‘old’ EU countries together with people from Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. While it could be said that the recent A10 and recent non-EEA groups are making a less negative contribution than the UK-born, it should be noteded that the UK-born ‘deficit’ is more than entirely accounted for by the cost of spending on pensions, without which the UK-born group would make a positive fiscal contribution. In contrast, the immigrant group is in ‘deficit’ even without bearing pension costs.”
The report:
Jeff: vibrant (in terms as used by local authority, government and other parasites sitting doing nothing and then getting a fat pension) is used to ensure they stick to the company line i.e. make black people happy.
Vibrant in the 89% white indiginous population means: parking on pavements everywhere with no action form any authority, black or muslim ghettos serving halal meat at odds with the RSPCA who are rather quiet about this, black Somali gang culture with knife crime, no green spaces, every house building sheds in their back garden and housing people (check Luton they have been getting away with this for years with no action from the local authority) , an annual carnival that turns into a gang war after dark, and endless protests from women dressed like batman, vibrant is so much fun for all
5Live around midnight last night: Stephen Nolan talking to Shaun Someone and another ‘activist’/race baiter. Nolan made the point I always make: you watched Meghan without even noticing she was not white, and her black mother with dread locks being at the wedding among the royal family shows how far we have come with equality. To his credit he said loads of really positive things which is so rare on the race baiting BBC.
His guests would not have it and tried to blabber about ‘structural’ problems and the ‘black experience.’ The race hustlers are quaking in their boots at such a potent and public display of racial equality, does it get any better than our prince marrying a mixed race girl? No doubt they will dream up new forms of ‘oppression’ to keep themselves in work.
They really are on the wrong side of history with all this divisive, boring crap. They were needed forty years ago but not now.
The race hustlers are quaking in their boots at such a potent and public display of racial equality, does it get any better than our prince marrying a mixed race girl?
They wouldn’t be happy if he’d married Diane Abbott.
Stephen Nolan’s Friday regular midnight guests are both Black and London

@ShaunBaileyUK Conservative, London Assembly member, no race card
@DredaMitchell professional “race baiter”
I have narrowly missed being Comment 222 on this Thread so that saves me from having to stand, David Shepherd-style, on one leg throughout today’s Royal Wedding.
Started listening to the TOADY Programme at 7am but all the toadies who work on it are in full racist mode. And divisive. I wish the couple, Harry & Meghan, well but will be glad when it is all over if that is going to be what the BBC make of it.
The BBC drag on several people to comment on several different issues; all are slightly brainless and offer some strange disconnects or contradictions in their thinking or opinions. No questions asked by the BBC.
Before the pre-8am Weather Report, dear Mishal tells me that the BBC on R4 have planned to continue being divisive and arcist (oops, typo alert – but maybe that is strangely prognostic – I’ll start again) ….. dear Mishal tells me that the BBC on R4 have planned to continue being divisive and arcist AND racist after the 8am News.
I switch off.
Can’t take any more of this arcism, divisiveness and racism from the BBC.
I have had too much pushed at my ears, already.
‘bye BBC. I can instead listen to music on YouTube.
Sir Tim Hunt, Nobel prize winner and world-renowned scientist dares to joke about falling in love with a female colleague and is forced out of his job by the shrieking left-wing harpies.
John Berkow, winner of little man syndrome and world-renowned arsehole calls a female “f***ing useless” and “stupid” and keeps his job because the same shrieking harpies say nothing.
What the BBC and Guardian did to Sir Tim Hunt is reason alone to stop the BBC being a tax funded service. It was galling to know I was paying for the people who were carrying out that offensive destruction of an innocent human being.
It is because there is so little actual sexism and racism going around they have to pick on a Nobel prize winner making a flippant comment. We lost a Nobel prize winner because of the SJW tyrants.
Ah yes .. but the Bercow comment was made about a Conservative!
BBC QT rigorous vetting producers moonlighting at U.K. borders, apparently.
The wedding – for those of us who like the pageantry etc. we can watch on BBC RB1 (Red Button) with NO commentary. Obviously it’s all Beeb camera work, but bearable – so far.
(Warning – celebrity alert – Idris Elba just arrived, much too much camera on Idris).
On a more serious note here is another clear no-nonsense article by Bill Cash explaining the wrecking amendments in relation to the Withdrawal Bill, in particular how a customs union is legally incompatible with the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972.
The BBC is not happy that President Trump is meeting another one of his electoral pledges, by proposing to restrict federal funding to organisations that are involved in the abortion business. This is most likely to impact an organisation called Planned Parenthood, which is the largest supplier of abortions in the USA, terminating 324,000 babies in 2014. Planned Parentood, a $1.3 billion not-for-profit business, receives over $500 million a year from the Federal government. It is broadly analogous to BPAS, the UK’s largest abortion provider (of which 93% are financed by the NHS).
As with most things, the BBC likes to go easy on the facts. It casually states that Planned Parentood “…provides contraception, STI testing, cancer screenings, breast examinations and – in some clinics – abortions.”. Note the phrase ‘some clinics’, implying it is an exception or anomaly. Not quite – over half of PP’s 700 facilities enable abortions. It also avoids referencing any links between PP and the Democrats; for instance, they endorsed Obama in the 2008 and 2012 presidental campaigns and in 2016 spent more than US$6.5 million on contributions to candidates and political parties (almost exclusively Democrats). Nor do they mention what some consider PP’s more extreme positions, such as opposing parental consent for abortions on minors and even opposing ultrasound scans before abortions.
Remember: regardless of the moral position, the Left are ideologically committed to abortion, as it gives the State the right of life and death over people. The BBC will always give organisations such as Planned Parenthood an easy ticket, adhering to the 1930s Communist principle of ‘No enemies on the Left’.
Well they have got a muslim football player something to endlessly bang on about, but a half black princess and of course have a look why is her family not there ? disfunctional says it all really, a royal wedding like no other they are saying and why is that ? a half black princess who cant even find her father or family members to attend LOL maybe no knives allowed in St Georges Chapel oh dear did I really say that hey ho so what , cannot wait for the rappers choir, shouting about raping their bitches, iss kultcher innit
But even Prince Harry’s own father isn’t attending!
Deliberately, I haven’t seen, or listened on the radio, to this wedding. I knew it would be a multicult fest and would raise by blood pressure and I don’t have any blood pressure problems.
However, to be fair, Harry actually looks like Charles with that eyes close together thing, and Diana’s family had lots of examples of red hair. Her father had red hair, and brother Charles used to be reddish before he went grey.
I feel sorry for Princess Eugenie, equally a grandchild of the Queen, who is getting married, also at Windsor I think, later this year. There won’t be a fraction of the fuss that this actress has caused.
Despairada-I have no doubt that Princess Di was Harry’s mother.
Yes Harry does have plenty of the traits of his mums family. I
just think that Ian Rushlow was just infering that both the
groom and wives dads were not in Windsor today.
Honestly everybody why are you being so cynical? This was one of the most inclusive weddings I have been honoured to attend.
All that was missing was Harry standing on and smashing a
glass at the end. BUT Meghan’s been all through that before.
When’s the football going to start?
Agree about Harry’s looks. He is very like the Duke of Edinburgh to me especially across the eyes. It is the red hair that detracts from similarities.
Brexit Britain more racist according to UN’s Tendayi Achiume, who said “anti-foreigner rhetoric” had become “normalised” in the UK since the EU referendum.
If only the state broadcaster would do a bit of investigation, as the Mail did here
Blazing hypocrite: She’s the UN ‘expert’ lionised by the Left after saying that Brexit’s made Britain more racist… but we reveal how she supported Mugabe’s racist policy of torching and stealing white families’ homes
Tendayi Achiume is a powerful figure in the world of international diplomacy
When elderly Zimbabwean farmer had land seized by Mugabe she backed it
Her report claimed Brexit made Britain more racist but contained no statistics
Made generalisations about social attitudes without citing any evidence
Read more:
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You know what’s likely to make Britain more racist?
Race baiters like Tendayi Achiume.
If she really wants to help the world, she should shut up, bugger off home and get a real job.
Dr Kehinde Andrews. A smug, self-satisfied and bigotted little shit who I caught in passing holding court in a panel discussion with Kirsty Wark on, I think, Newsnight the other night.
Listened long enough to understand that he was racist, intolerant and conceited, as are many of the students he lectures in victimhood under the guise of ‘Black Radicalism’ and ‘Resisting Racism’ I’m sure.
A professional gobshite allowed to pontificate in his bBbc safe space, free from argument or contradiction, an atmosphere he should savour, as the constant and offensive gloating and arrogant race baiting of him and others like him, Hirsch and Alibhai-Brown and the bBbc, cannot be allowed to fester in our society for much longer.
Licence fee in action.
‘The priest whose blunt billboards have gone global’
No prizes for guessing that said priest is pro-gay-marriage, anti-gun, pro-illegal-immigration, pro-Islam, anti-conservative.
And still no more prizes for guessing that there is not even a hint of criticism from the BBC for this political Christian.
And still no prizes for guessing that the BBC manages not to include the billboard ‘Dutton is a sodomite’ (which in la-la land means, not that you like sodomy, but that you are a bad person), only managing to coyly link to it.
The diversity department at the BBC must be in a permanent
orgasmic state right now. Guests at the royal wedding are
telling us what a wonderful difference this is is to Brexit and Trump.
I am just surprised that the rabbi that married Meghan first time
round hasn’t been invited.
“So why are you watching it Foscari?” You may ask. I’m waiting
for the Cup Final to begin!!
Those of you not watching it are so missing out. We’ve just had a black OTT American priest banging on about how “fire” enabled the migration of people around the world.. followed by a gospel choir singing “stand by me” Oh what joy!
Oh yes this is such a big thing for diversity, wow yes we have never had immigrants before now that quite happily accept and intergrate with our country what a wonderful start, apart from her father and brothers not able to attend….disfucntional family maybe because of knives not allowed in the chapel (which particular immigrants are responible for our regular knivings) hush my mouth lets just say not the finest example of mixed race maybe, cannot wait for the rappers in St Georrges chapel shouting about raping their bitches as a fine example of our diversity
Visiting in a hospital and the BBC is on. 30 minutes to go to the wedding and the commentators are interviewing a young black woman talking about “changing the image of people with HIV” then panning across the full crowd of attendees at Windsor Chapel. Why is this issue being discussed as part of the telecast now and is there an implicit suggestion that we should not care if we get it?
Heard Mishal Husein and Nick Robinson do an appallingly sexist and stereotyped run into the 8am news this morning.
Mishal made some sneering comment about Nick telling us about the wedding flowers in the next part of their show, after the news. And Nick shouted out “And the football”.
As if to show he`s not doing girly stuff, when there`s blokey stuff we can judge him on.
Just shows how creepy they are-don`t they READ all those guidelines they`re made to stick to?
I`ve been on my chaise longue weeping into my boyfriends Pimms, I know it`s a Saturday-but this was sexist steretypinf, outrageously caricatures. And all the worse for being slyly subversive and arch, when the lower orders would be sacked for less.
I reckon Nick is a “bloody bloke”-and here`s his role model Alan Partridge to set his example.;_ylt=AwrIRlcYBABbLEkA10V3Bwx.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcxNzU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pcnktZnVsbHlob3N0ZWRfMDAzBGdwcmlkA21jNTJQN2tKUnIyWTFyNURFSlQ5cEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzQEb3JpZ2luA3VrLnNlYXJjaC55YWhvby5jb20EcG9zAzAEcHFzdHIDBHBxc3RybAMwBHFzdHJsAzM2BHF1ZXJ5A2FsYW4lMjBwYXJ0cmlkZ2UlMkYlMjBibG9vZHklMjBibG9rZQR0X3N0bXADMTUyNjcyODY4Nw–?p=alan+partridge%2F+bloody+bloke&fr2=sb-top&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003¶m1=1¶m2=f%3D1%26b%3DFirefox%26cc%3Dgb%26pa%3Dwincy%26cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzu0DtDtByBzzzztB0F0E0AyBtB0C0FtCzztN0D0Tzu0StBtCyCtDtN1L2XzuyEtFtCzztFtDtFyDtBtN1L1CzutN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyD0CtCyEtCtAzz0DtGtCyCyC0AtGyByD0FzytGtAyD0C0DtG0AyEtBtByE0A0Bzy0F0E0A0C2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyC1Pzy1O1O1PyCzytGtC1O1TzztGyE1TyEyBtG1TyB1Q1PtGtCtAtCtAyEyDtDzz1O1QyC1O2QtN0A0LzuyEtN1B2Z1V1T1S1NzutCyDtCtByEtN1Q2Z1B1P1RzutCyDtCtBtDyCtAtDtCtC%26cr%3D1894618488%26a%3Dwbf_daltn_17_48%26os_ver%3D5.1%26os%3DWindows%2BXP&type=wbf_daltn_17_48
I’m rather puzzled by the BBC’s obsession with the fact that Harry’s bride isn’t 100% white. Last year I watched the BBC’s productions of Shakespeare’s plays on the War of the Roses. In the interests of historical accuracy (I assume) they cast a black actress as Margaret of Anjou. She became Queen of England in 1445.
Does that mean that the Wars of the Roses was a racist plot and that was why the Yorkists’ symbol was the white rose?
Times : Nature crime wave in Sweden
Claims, cos no one is using cash, robbers are stealing wild owls etc.
No mention of migrants
Whichever way you look at it, the propensity of the muslim to resort to violence at a moments notice, is probably responsible for the lamentable efforts on behalf of British Police to deal with anything ‘islamic’. This is France:
“April 17. The arrest of a Muslim woman who refused to remove her veil sparked four days of riots in Toulouse. Police attempted to check the identity of the women after she was spotted wearing a niqab, a full-face veil, in the Bellefontaine district. French law prohibits the wearing of niqabs in public spaces. When the woman refused to cooperate, she was placed in a police car. At this point, more than two dozen people attacked the police, who were forced to use weapons and tear gas to escape the mob. Hundreds of Muslims then went on a four-day arson rampage in Bellefontaine and the neighboring districts of Reynerie and Mirail, classified as Priority Security Zones (zones de sécurité prioritaires, ZSP), lawless zones where French authorities are attempting to reassert state control.”
It will happen in the UK and anyone that thinks it will not is a mindless cretin. Much as the political elite.
Not the actual fuel to the Toulouse rioting ?
Times : Dambusters raid caused death of 1,000 Ukrainian/Russian female slave workers the Nazi’s had imprisoned in the valley.
pg29 “Brave and lovely but a mediocre politician” Matthew Parris on Tessa Jowell
Because they were locked up, they couldn’t escape the rising waters. The Times fails to mention that.
Wikipedia says 1,600 total deaths in the valley
of which only 500 were Soviet prisoners, 750 were French
“The Religion Of Racism”…my article of the week.
And sod the Royal Wedding, Greenfield tells us the whole race hustling concepts on show today.
Britain’s Ahmadis under fire in battle for the soul of Islam
\\ Eight hundred people recently assembled in Britain’s largest mosque for a day-long peace conference. Yet the group that organised it is finding that its message of tolerance and respect is provoking increasing opposition — not from the far right, but from their fellow British Muslims.
… no other UK muslim body would comment
The head of Ahmadis pointed out no British Ahmadi has ever joined iSIS
(and added about other Muslim groups )
“Those people who have a very narrow view of Islam
. . . it’s children from their communities who hold prejudice and they are the ones who go and fight in Syria.”//
Just watching the wedding.
Oh Lordy, Lordy-Praise the Lord.
The black vicar has understood that it is HIS wedding and it is about HIM. Negro spiritual diversity.
The Lefties will love it.
He lost me at the Martin Luther King quote.
The battle for the preservation of the English culture is lost. History is Bunk. Long live diversity.
The woman Megan is trouble. Full stop.
Her guests were a who’s who of celeb botox city. No class.
Why has her mum turned up with an metal stud through her nose
Why is Markle wearing a see through dress, not that I’m that interested at my age but I could see her nipples.
Ben E King Stand By Me at a royal funeral!!! Elton John was there, use him if you must. He was available. Shame there was no Elgar.
His real Dad never even got an invite!
That was horrible to watch.
Like a state funeral for the whole country.
“Why has her mum turned up with an metal stud through her nose”. At least its not a bone……………