Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
Hello all, new here.
I’m glad to find this site, and that other’s have for a long time it seems held a candle up to the BBC lies.
My mum has been watching the ‘wedding’ and for the first part I was proud of my country, had a bit of a tear in my eye as we do pomp and circumstance so well…..
But what the hell happened?? FFS thought a gospel choir was going to start screeching.
Lost for words…of course the BBC are just loving it.
Welcome aboard old engine oil ,
As you’ll see the site tends to sail above the level of others in its description of Al beeb bias and its anti British views . I put a check list of words which would get a mention – I’m on a beach in a sunny climate . If mr and Mrs Markle -Windsor turn up tomorrow I’ll say “hi five”
Croeso !
taffman, did you spell that correctly? 😉
I may have had a sherbert or two ?
I sort of actually miss that stuff (not what it might be doing to me) as it was something that went with summer and well-worn but still serviceable fences.
Sorry. My turn to apologise. 😉
Was fully ready not to be cynical but this wedding is macabre. A state funeral and the nation itself is the deceased.
I didn’t watch it, so can’t comment. I preferred weeding to the wedding. But Mrs D did, and says it was lovely.
Windsor is a cute place and the castle is historic. I wonder if they chose Windsor rather than Westminster Abbey because the Government and Muslim Mayor of London could not provide security. Perhaps Westminster Abbey will not feature so much now we are diverse
What was with the Zulu noises at the end the Amen song?
So non British.
Prince Phillip must have felt he was at Rorkes Drift.
I don’t wish the couple anything but good luck but let’s be clear here: Prince Harry is marrying not just someone of another nationality or someone from another culture. He is marrying an individual from another human sub-species. So much of what happened today was discordant. The beautiful European classical music was markedly superior to and didn’t fit with the American pop song of the black gospel choir. The dignified reserve of the British royal family was in stark contrast to the bumptious, self-regarding and shouty black bishop. Kirsty Young and the rest of the Beeboids were clearly taken aback but of course they would never have admitted to being appalled. Rather, they were desperate to pretend that all these marvellously boisterous black folks were some kind of emotional liberators – showing uptight Whitey how to loosen up and get to the Promised Land of love and diversity and perpetual dancing. I think that the smarter royals like Anne and Kate know that this marriage is a big mistake. Not only on a personal level – for Harry and Meghan will find they have nothing in common once the first flush of love fades – but for the future of the royal family as beloved representatives of the British people. A people will not love or identify with or tolerate for long a royal family that is of a different race to themselves. Britain is still (just) the land of a distinct people, not a population of disparate aliens. We are united by the strong ties of race and blood and kinship. We will only love our monarch if he or she is one of us.
I really feel sorry for her. If Lady Diana Spencer could not stand the pace after a lifetime being brought up in one of the UK’s most upper criust families what chance does an all-American girl from tinsel-town have?
zelazek, “Prince Harry is marrying not just someone of another nationality or someone from another culture. He is marrying an individual from another human sub-species.”
I disagree. There is a tradition that persists at F&CO, MoD, MI and possibly elsewhere in the Civil Service and government that Americans are refered to as ‘the cousins’. That tradition is based on fact. I have distant American cousins and am somewhat offended by your assertion. 😉
I’m also partial to a bit of ‘spiritual’ singing. I haven’t seen the Order of Service from the Windsor wedding but the European and British (I hope they had some Elgar or Vaughan Williams) ‘classical’ orchestral music was often driven or inspired by a nod or something rather more than a nod in the direction of the Divine, somewhat similar to “a black gospel choir” performing songs equally heartfelt in their creation.
I haven’t heard the Bishop’s Address but it appears to have been well received for content as well as style. Some friends of mine were enthused by it and they are not shy when criticising preachers. I will try and give it a listen. Preaching of an Afro-Caribbean style is usually very different to that of white Europeans although I do recall film clips of the late Rev. Dr Billy Graham getting a bit enthusiastic.
“I think that the smarter royals like Anne and Kate know that this marriage is a big mistake.” On what grounds? Commoner Kate had similar doubts expressed about her in advance of her marriage to Prince William, especially in the light of the already titled Di’s meltdown under the responsibilities and restrictions of being a 1980s and 1990s ‘Royal’. I think most observers would agree that the Duchess of Cambridge has taken fully to the role and responsibilities and restrictions in seven plus years and is proving to be an outstanding and worthy public wife to Prince William. I hope the same is true in private. Kate has certainly got a way with her in winning hearts, public & Prince William’s and probably elsewhere in the family ‘firm’. Meghan Markle starts with an immense advantage over Kate Middleton prior to her marriage.
Any marriage is a pressured environment, at times, if not all the time. Why put the heat on the Duke & Duchess of Sussex now? I resent that.
I wish that people would stop ‘weaponising’ Meghan Markle’s racial origins. The BBC have been despicable in that regard. If Harry’s & Meghan’s married life turns out as well as the other well-known Anglo-American Royal Wedding, then my best wishes for the couple will have been fulfilled.
“We will only love our monarch if he or she is one of us.” Well, there’s an obvious problem with that statement. Just look at the monarchical arrangements, not just arranged marriages, but also the importations over the centuries. You have demonstrated that such things are, in time, quickly forgotten.
FA Cup Football Focus.
I got halfway through the opening rap/ monologue before switching the tv off. That’s as far as I’m going down Wembley Way with the bBbc today.
Quarter past 5 on ITV for me.
Shit. It’s not on ITV, it’s on the bBbc and BT. They’re both shite. Funny enough both use Lineker.
Kodi it is then.
Beeb drooling all over it. And why not? As multi-diverse as they could wish for.
I wonder if she’ll get the Nobel Peace Prize?
The strength of the monarchy and its justification is that it provides continuity and tradition: the world may change, but we have a king or queen to see us through and help, rather than a here-today-gone-tomorrow politician. But when the monarchy itself is an enabler of change, it looses its authority and its reason to be. By associating itself with the disease of diversity, the monarchy is hastening its own demise. No doubt the ghastly spectacle today will still have entertained many, but the magical illusion will have vanished and republican sentiments advanced for many others.
Well said Ian.
Totally agree Ian. I think the Queen possesses a high degree of “emotional intelligence” which some of her siblings and various other hangers on seem to lack.
Once they start to jump onto the latest fashionable bandwagon and start preaching at us that is when they start to make enemies . Unfortunately Charles already appears to have dug himself into a number of holes lets just hope the younger royals can learn from dads cock ups.
But frankly I doubt it.
These days virtue signalling is the only game in town.
The Monarchy is not going to disappear as a result of Harry and Meghan. The Royal Family has a history of eccentrics and misfits. It is all part of the fabric. I think that those of us who have spent all of our lives under a diligent and admirable Queen seem to forget many of the really strange characters that have sat on the throne and the antics of their close relatives.
I posted earlier that I would not be watching the Royal Wedding. (Or the cup final) That does not make me a republican. I just just find royal weddings boring. (lIke soccer, but maybe not quite as bad)
However, after reading comments on here I think I might have missed something worth watching. (and it wasn’t the soccer)
Ian, wronged and Oaknash, Harry & Meghan are NOT “jump(ing) onto the latest fashionable bandwagon and start preaching at us”.
It is bits of the media that are, despicably, doing that and various socio-political groups who may do that, or already be doing that, if they are stupid enough and despicable enough.
BBC website asks the question on everyone’s lips. “How does the cake compare with William and Kate’s ? “.
Did Nadiyah bake it?
Did they get fried chicken?
What about the Green Energy cost ?
“Yeh Tories, austerity , blah, blah”
..hangon you Labour, you Libs you signed up to the Green Energy acts will a total bill of £100bn, along with the Tories.
You Lib/Lab/Con imposed a cost of £100bn on the British Public and then you shout “austerity” …Ohh FFS
Explains the gov the gov has held off responding to its own Independent review of Green measures costs.
I wonder if Harry has done a pre nup?
According to ‘reports’ the Queen suggested it might be appropriate, but Ms Markle felt slighted, and Harry rejected the idea.
Brissles -If it all goes “tits up” does Megan get a castle of her own?
I suppose it depends where any future divorce proceedings were to be held.Californian ones can seriously damage your wealth!
Watched some of the show in a bar in Madeira, even the staff were oohing and aahing.
Awe what a shame I missed the wedding 😉
It was too nice a day NOT to be in the garden. I had a lovely day gardening and got the weekly shop done about noon time. I thought there might be less traffic and less crowding in the shops while the obedient masses were indoors watching the multicultural nuptials. A nice Saturday so far. Life goes on without telly.
Excellent, Lucy!
I was out doing a new bit of gardening, but unfortunately, tincture time coincided with the wedding, and Senora Chiara Roberta O’Blene had nudged the on-switch on the kitchen TV, so while the drinks were being organised, we saw a bit of it…
More dirges than a funeral, and didn’t the US Episcopalian bloke go on! And On…
Luckily a Tesco Chicken Dijon broke the silence, and several more tinctures silenced the rest of it all!
And all the seedlings are now back in the greenhouse, and happy and watered!
“while the obedient masses”
Sneering at people who made a different choice? How very BBC.
Anyone seen maxincony ?
Is he still in his ‘safe space’ ?
Stephen Fry “The Catastrophic Failure of The Left” Youtube cut of Munk Debate
I posted the notes full youtube link on the previous page
Great day at the craft fair. Came home and switched on the pc to be met by photos of the wedding on MSN. The Queen looked glum, and plentiful snaps of slebs. Further reports suggest that despite the invites to the Clooneys, Idris Elba, Oprah Winfrey et al, Harry does not know them that well, soooo it must be at the insistence of his bride that they attend, who clearly is more of a name than we gave her credit for the in the States, as she is ‘mates’ with them all – or has nodded to them occasionally.
Will Meghan Merkle give up politics now and accept the constitutional arrangement whereby the British Royal Family are above politics, not political campaigners?
In your dreams GW ! The new Duchess has already laid out her stall (for feminism) in walking into church on her own (shades of Julie Andrews when she wed Christopher Plummer in Sound of Music). I should imagine the Queen didn’t think too much of a divorced woman pitching up in her church in full white regalia, which even the divorced Mrs Parker-Bowles didn’t do at her second marriage. But I wonder how long it will take for the new bride to buck the trend of toeing the royal family line ? I foresee a lot of shouting matches with Harry and the courtiers.
Maybe Harry will be the one throwing himself down the stairs!
Lol !
More likely, she thinks that inviting them will give her a boost in the celebrity ranks. She suddenly becomes the woman who got them the invite to royalty.
Uncharitable people might wonder whether her motives for this marriage are broader and more calculating than an undying passion for Prince Harry.
She’ll sail through any media interviews, less because she is an actress than the fact of her race, which will have the MSM fawning at her feet and wanting to know about her ‘lived experience’ in the Royal Family.
Whatever, grouch over, best of luck to them. It can’t be worse than Andrew and Fergie and their brood of oversized lemurs.
Is it over yet, the wedding between Prince Harry and Angela Merkel?
Angela Merkel? I thought it was one of the recycled Kardashian sisters.
John Sweeney managing at least two interesting insights into bbc thinking in one tweet.
Guessing all concerned feel this impartial merry japes?
Impartial, my impartial arse. Biased as hell.
Wasn’t it established at the time that that was a photograph from early on whilst the crowds were still gathering?
Even an empty mall has more people in it that a BBCthree audience
I’ve been working all day but I was getting a few glimpses of the BBC’s spin on the Royal Wedding. My favourite BBC load of f’ing bollox bits today were:
1. Radio 4 about 8:30am interviewing Stephen Lawrence’s mum. She said “I think this is an important day for the UK and mixed race relationships”
2. About 6pm an interview with about 4 black women. First one said “I think it’s great the Queen has accepted Meghan without mentioning she is black”
3. About 6:10pm the BBC managed to find 2 lesbians who’s wedding anniversary was today.
4. An interview with a clearly camp gay lad in a union jack suit who got invited for his work on fighting diverseness, mental illness, fighting radicalisation (in South Wales) and other BBC favourite topics.
5. Katty Kay being amazed that Meghan’s black mother can cry.
The BBC have turned an historic moment in British history into yet another load of PC bullshit.
Rob Burley must be desperately seeking some Momentum and Remain loon posts now….
Rob Burley has decided to engage but goes with ‘silly’.
Comments could be going better.
We have an American divorcee with a divorced mother and a divorced father marring the son of a divorced father and divorced mother. These facts and their age and other studies of their behaviour with each other and their upbringing by experts produce my prediction that they will be divorced by 2023. The Duchess of Sussex will then leave Britain for California to become Princess Megan of New Albion. Hollywood’s Princess of Hearts and California’s first Royal Governor.
And like that ‘other’ Duchess, she will remain devoutly single so retaining the title of ‘Duchess’.
Missing from the predictions is the role of the Clooneys, who are being skillfully worked into these events. I predict our two royals will be involved in assisting some plan to give them political power – even with one running as a Dem candidate for the Presidential election
Good assumption G ! you could well be spot on, else why exactly HAVE the Clooney’s put in an appearance?
Our puppet government along with other EU puppet governments are really putting the squeeze on the whole of the white population now. The acceleration in ‘Hate Crimes’ is moving apace and I now see that the Sentencing Council have been instructed by their masters to work toward increasing the sentence for anyone found guilty of a Hate Speech Crime. You will be horrified. See:
And If you had any thoughts of joining the riots that will occur in the not too distant future, see the Sentencing Council’s proposals on that:
We must all dance to the tune of the UN New World Order Globalists, including Soros et al. now and join our government in doing so.
Anyone got any first hand experience of living under a totalitarian regime?
“Anyone got any first hand experience of living under a totalitarian regime?”
I’m beginning to experience it now!
Totalitarian regime? I guess living in South Africa under the apartheid regime sort of counts.
Living in the New Rainbow Nation under the ANC would probably also count.
G – Someone here posted it last week. This outrageous piece of big brother legislation is still in the “consultation phase”If you hit the link it will direct you to the consultation document. It is 42 pages long – but some of it is easily skipped through. I recommend everyone here makes their voice heard on this.
I have little understanding of legal speak but it does seem to me that if people do not speak out we will lose everything. I expect they are banking on people not paying the consultation document any attention so these changes can be smuggled in through the back door.
It would be interesting to know the background of the nazis who came up with the original draft.
Agreed Oaknash,
But where are/is the ‘Organisation’ to resist this continuing effrontery? Here, on Biased BBC, is the voice back (in a small way) against the power of the BBC and its distorted propaganda. Here, contributors post links to valuable petitions and the like. But, taking your point about ‘legal speak’, where is the organisation that prepares and disseminates a standard draft response for we proles to use and submit to the Sentencing Council? There ain’t none. That’s the problem: we simply are not organised and there, needless to say, is not one ‘Organisation’ out there that remains unscathed from concerted efforts of the political puppets to destroy it.
However, from my own personal experience of so-called, “Consultation”, its already been decided to brush aside any, even logical, objection. I concluded that back in the early 2000’s when the veneer of “democracy” was finally stripped away for me.
Here’s the thing about “hate speech”. Who defines what it means, what is, and what is not, “hate speech”?
The answer is, inevitably, the very last people you would want to be charged with making that sort of decision.
They say the Queen looked glum. Or perhaps she was just trying to calculate the odds of a recessive gene re-appearing down the line and wishing she’d paid more attention in biology.
Queen looked glum? Obviously didn’t see the “boat” on Becham’s missus!
Some complete bbc tit reporter in America called the British tyrannical tonight when he was waffling about how this wedding has renewed enthusiasm for royalty in the USA even though, he fanatically reminded us, the monarchy was rejected by the colonial rebels. Typical ill read prat. I wonder if this geek knows anything about the circumstances preceding the American Revolution such as the Seven Years War, after which taxes were needing to be raised in order to fund the war effort and protection of the colonies?
The bbc going full on orgasmic over the multucultural diversity propaganda agenda.
I remember when at the time of the Iraq war, a reporter walked about with an Atlas, and asked random Americans if they could point to where Iraq was – more than two thirds failed, which is evidence that your average American knows nothing what goes on beyond their own shores. This wedding may at least be a lesson in geography !
Just discovered the top wedding highlight. If you recorded the event – for your wife who was busy with street parties, naturally – go to Huw Edwards interviewing Jamie Lowther-King, just after Sir Clive Woodward and his missus, and then click on subtitles.
First attempt is Jamie Oliver bigoted, followed by Jamie Loeb the Pinkerton. Makes it all worthwhile.
Apart from the bride, didn’t see any other veils in attendance today.
Obviously not fully integrated with our society?
Watched QT on YouTube yesterday. I noticed the happy, smiling faces in the audience and the applause at 36 minutes in when Dimbleby put this question to the police guy: “But you’ve been in the Met, you’ve dealt with angry crowds and mobs, do you need live ammunition to do that?”
I gleaned two thing from that: Dimbleby puts his lefty ideological BBC bias before the facts by making the absurd comparison between unruly mobs in city streets and a concerted attack by a throng of tens of thousands led by terrorists breaking through a border fence (under cover of a huge black cloud of smoke from burning tyres) to infiltrate a country with the purpose of slaughtering its citizens.
And the smiling faces of the anti-Israel crew in the audience demonstrate both their glee at Dimbleby’s uneducated Israel bashing and the fact that they don’t really give a damn about the Palestinians.
Still, there were a few points of light in this savage group attack on Israel from the audience and the panel: the reasonable points made by the Met guy despite Dimbleby’s bias and an audience member who strongly defended his right to support Israel by pointing out, at 37 minutes in, that, “This is not a Momentum meeting here; everyone can think about other things, OK” when some idiot tried to interrupt him.
OK, indeed! Then there was a defence from an audience member of Britain’s right to sell arms to Israel and then a strong defence from another at 40 minutes in of Israel’s actions in the face of the terrorist onslaught.
I particularly appreciated his challenge to the Guardian ‘journalist.’
So it wasn’t all doom and gloom. But it is a tad disturbing that the defenders of Israel had to try so hard to break through the implacable anti-Israel bias of so many at the event.
In case anybody missed Bishop Curry’s contribution today.
No thanks Al
I have a life and don’t wish to waste it listening to a self absorbed, deluded, attention seeking idiot.
It’s a spoof, not as good as another one I saw but still funny.
LibEstablishment pushing stuff at me
This just appeared as a PROMOTED tweet
UK Brexit-blocking government using MY TAX to promote “Democracy Week”
TALK is Virtue-Signalling
DOING by implementing Brexit would be actual Virtue
SG, a, “setup” by the politico’s of all hues and colours. “Democracy” is long dead and gone.
audio tweet shows the value of priming
Think camel , zoo … then listen to the clip
Now play it to someone without priming them.
Wednesday, 10pm, Channel 4 : 3 part Series on the EU Parliament
So LibEstablishment media are you really interested or will you use it as an excuse to show us A MILLION TIMES the clip of Farage with the MEP behind him holding up a sign saying “He’s lying” ?
..What a ff-ing bunch of children you are.
See the C4 trailer & this Guardian article
Lucky no cultural appropriation warriors of other colours around.
The bbc have made a hashtag of it.
But their is no Have Your Say on it
#1 Second month of fishing for Windrush victims being top of the HYS page
#2 HYS have all closed cos it’s the weekend
I’d liked to have commented on their plastic pebble story, but it closed after only 21 comments.
There were a lot of black people at the wedding yesterday. I wonder how many of them were carrrying a knife for their own protection?
Maybe yesterday was the kick up the backside the PC establishment needed. Maybe now the response won’t be just from theof the good people on this site. Maybe now, they, the establishment have been infiltratred, they may act. I won’t hold my breath.
If they propose to to do something they will say how wonderful the event was whilst turning a discrete knife into the PC backs.
One thing is for certain. My opinion has been confirmed . Harry is under the thumb of Megan. She is someone who likes her own way and has her own agenda. She also has a massive anti colonialist chip on her shoulder.
A very dangerous woman who needs taking down a peg or two.
I saw one on the steps of the chapel. Admittedly he was wearing a very colourful uniform but his blade was way past the legal limit.
Reports have suggested that she is a highly ambitious lady where her career is concerned, so, the cynic in me asks, would she have looked twice at Harry if he was an electrician/carpenter/runner on the set of her tv series, and not a member of the royal family ….. (a question Mrs Merton would ask). And despite her looking stunning, as she most certainly did, there is still the point that she didn’t have any family at her wedding, only those who were higher up the A list ladder than she was, – before yesterday.
So Meghan, what first attracted you to the fabulously rich Royal Prince?
Meghan signifies a constitutional change; the royals are now political not above politics.
The ‘may’ season of news, as retweeted by Katty Kay, who knows what journalism she likes.
Hope she enjoyed the jolly over here to show UK colleagues how it’s done.
Shots fired. There may be trouble looming in Paradise.
Marr Show : Hard core rightwinger Emma Barnett is presenting /sarc
..She’s brought on the Women’s Equality Party woman for discussion about Royal Wedding
.. The Twitterati has previously always tweeted that UKIP should not be on the BBC, cos it has no MP’s ..mainstream people said that , maybe even Emma herself.
“Disingenuous” seems to be another word for “lib/lefty”
Is the WEP lady not the one who was handed her bustle the other day by Prof. Petersen?
Schama on Marr, emoting powerfully as only our Simon can. He ridicules, without identifying President Trump, attempts to ‘feel the pain of those involved in the latest mass shooting’ and suggests a far more robust and confrontational approach.
What would you prefer Simon, more candles or just bigger ones?
I read somewhere once what Schama has earned out of al Beebus, not including the latest “Civilisations” series, and it’s a fortune.
Beltane – I bet he even shits Teddy Bears.
Emma Barnett on Marr proving that she can do a proper job interviewing weaselly Labour politicians like Barry Gardiner.
Well to be truthful, anyone could do better than Labour arse-licker Marr!
On a scale of offensively shiny greasiness BBC film critic Mark Kermode obviously has to be the market leader, but Barry Gardiner and Keir Starmer must be in the running to mount a challenge.
Sunday morning rant.
How dare the BBC take the credit for the royal wedding….isnt British great …only we can put a show on like this etc etc. They spend 364 days of the year knocking our great country always referring to it as the UK not WE or Our Country. Who else in the world is capable of producing an event such as that yesterday ?? If it was up to them the money used would have been spent on “Grenfell survivors” or allocated to “refugees”. They know they can’t have that debate they know that public opinion is strongly behind a Britian that is “British” in it’s beliefs values and outlook. They even tried to suggest that Harry’s new title was a link to slavery as the previous duke was an anti slavery campaigner (Just had my talmasartin 50g…..better make that 100g). And what about the crowd and well wisher? If adverts on TV, billboards and the BBC are too be believed we should have seen 75% BME in the crowd all I saw was a sea of white arms none of the “preferred” BBC British to be seen.
So blood pressure drug kicking in now. All I want to say (finally) is that I love my country I could cry when I see it being taken over by a religion and a culture that is incapable of celebration and wonder, aided and abetted by a system that makes me pay by law to fund the demise of my beautiful country.
Rant over
My blood rose last night, when, on the press review – in Windsor (yawn), an American was giving us the history of my country and what the Queen would have been thinking etc etc. and my first thought was ”p….ssss offf’. The object of my wrath ? Bonnie Greer.
“Instead of HIV screening, an HIV education programme for refugee communities should be developed.” Yeah Right!
That’s New Zealand! Taking a while to catch up to other predominantly white countries. Apart from Russia and the Visegrad Four there is not one country left that is resisting the New World Order. Funny that. Not China, Malaysia, its only white countries that are suffering the ‘migrant crisis’ financed by…………..the UN and the likes of Soros aka. The New World Order. We are now all dancing to their tune.
BBC doesn’t do science (it does spin-science)
This morning’s 5Live Naked Science show gave us imminent disaster framing of Capetown drought
BUT Podcast version published 9 May Transcript shows the guest wrongly used PAST tense
“when it got to a level of 13.5%, that’s the point at which taps were being turned off right across the city”
He certainly meant CONDITIONAL tense “if it gets … would be turned off”
Cos I know that it’s winter in South Africa and it’s raining, I checked the latest dam level and it’s 21.4% (in state, much higher out of state)
What’s going on ? Alarmism is built into BBC/libmedia culture and through Chinese whisper chain leading the presenter in the studio gives us alarmist framing, cos she’s heard from her colleague, whose heard from a prof in Capetown some time ago.
In fact Reuters 3 April Cape Town ‘Day Zero’ pushed back to 2019
(I guess as out of state dams filled up)
But anything could happen in 2019
The forecast for Capetown
BBC news have a May 18th story
‘Drought Day zero’ “now seems to have disappeared”
Background mood music also creates alarm should be banned
Context is also that ANC mafia gov haven’t been building new dams for increasing population
“”We need immigrants we need; not who need us.”” Well now, what do you make of that crass statement? Made by who I wonder.
Strange we are told how Britain was “rebuilt” after WW2 by the Windrushians and their Indian and Pak equivalents, the implication being that it couldn’t have occurred without them; yet Japan, that was subjected to far worse conventional bombing than Britain and nuked (twice) reconstructed itself to the country it is today, in the virtual absence of any immigration.
Yes, it all seems to part of the BBC’s grand plan to create a new “inclusive” foundation myth for Britain.
You would think that the Windrush was the Mayflower and that the Windrushers had created a new nation like the Pilgrim Fathers. It is also reminiscent of the Roman foundation myth where the Trojan refugee Aeneas colonises Italy and sets in train the creation of the Roman Empire. Of course, rather than a powerful, all conquering empire, the BBC evisages Britain as some kind of multicultural utopia where pollyannaism reigns.
Black Roman centurions rapping in Londinium, vibrant black culture and diversity around Hadrian’s wall during the Roman occupation, black Roman emperors in York, black men with blue eyes in Cheddar Gorge are just a few of the BBC’s ludicrous attempts to convince us we are all really black.
Anachronistic black faces in the BBC’s drama output and the Royal wedding are all grindings of the same axe.
No wonder there are so many angry nativists about.
ID – on an unrelated point, it looks like Mr Skripal has at last recovered from his Fentanyl poisoning and is out of hospital.
Surely we all know by now that the Skripal incident was cunning black flag thingy.
Skripal and daughter were merely suffering from the side effects of a bad batch of home-distilled vodka. The deep state merely took advantage of this opportunity as a pretext to damage Russia. Simples! No novichok, no fentanyl, no ketamine.
The vodka story is actually more plausible than the “Deadly Weapon’s Grade Nerve Agent” (though strangely survivable) narrative which the government and MSM have run with.
It appears Fentanyl seems favourite, there were reports in the local press in 2016 about its use in Salisbury; not any about a Novichok problem though, as far as I’m aware.
………yet Japan, that was subjected to far worse conventional bombing than Britain and nuked (twice) reconstructed itself to the country it is today, in the virtual absence of any immigration…..
and still doesn’t ! Even most of the tourists in Japan are oriental.
Durham Constabulary now 1st in Cultural Relativism as well as diversity.
In a few years time publishing this could well be worth 6 years in the chokey.
“Thessaloniki mayor Yiannis Boutaris beaten up”
‘Trouble at mill’, the cracks in the EU are beginning to show . Will Italy be next ?
Another stabbing ……………..
So much for Knife Amnesties .
Greek Mayor attack : Hm the photos do show him on the ground once
but he does seem protected by 2 heavies
and no evidence of blood when the lead him away.
BBC Radio 5 Live on Tuesday 22nd May dedicates it’s morning show to “a full day’s remembrance of the horrific terrorist bombing at the Manchester Arena last year, reflecting what happened that night…”
I’m sure Nikki Campbell and Rachel Burden will forget to mention it so let me help them out – a group of murdering, intolerant, muslim terrorists attempted to kill as many infidels as they possibly could.
Child infidels
Farage Show : Doctors receptionist telling us about foreigners coming in to use NHS
“I was told just register them, just treat them”
‘they didn’t appear to know their own birth dates, as if the ID they were using belongs to someone else’
SG, my recent FoI request to the DWP shows a massive year-on-year decline in successful prosecutions for benefit fraud. This at a time when the budget for State Benefit is going through the roof. My own private view? DWP turn a blind eye to benefit fraud by immigrants to assist the Government in providing a ‘sweetener’ to arriving immigrants. I will not accept any other version of events unless evidence is provided.
What of the nine fundamental principles remain intact? Judge for yourself:
“They will not change our way of life”………………….
LBC ..I think @MaajidNawaz said he’ll be talking about Jordan Peterson in the second hour
BTW my Guido comments are back to working
They had still stuck in pending for 8 hours the other day
Previous innocent comments had been completely banned
They are really gunning for JP. The technique seems to be to serve up cannon fodder in live broadcast, see them get annihilated, and then rebroadcast edited for the Graun or some US lefty rag to print with comments disabled.
So far, not working.
I don’t understand what Guido’s moderating policy is nowadays. At the time of Bradshaw et al’s lies about Christopher Chandler (confession – I used to work for the Chandlers …until they disposed of me…nicely, no regrets about their conduct on my part) I tried to post a couple of times, supportively, pointing out the p-poor source of the ‘intelligence’ on them and the many incorrect ‘facts’ set forth, and neither saw the light of day.
Ah Maajad is about to play his Jordan Peterson interview now.
‘ Universities are actively participating in demoralisation of young man,
by constantly saying the way you are is wrong ‘
‘Women hit husbands ..more than vice versa
.. but it’s true men hit far harder’
‘ Talk abou past oppression were shipped off to war
..but I don’t think it’s good to split things men vs women’
‘and say that men won’
‘This men oppress women is not an appropriate narrative for looking at the past’
‘People are aimless so they get deppressed’
‘ It’s wrong to say that our culture is tyrannical, when actually we do pretty well’
..’there are only bits of tyranny’
Part 2 ‘Cathy Newman’s problem was that she asserted that the reason men earn more women is cos women are oppressed
.. that narrative is clearly wrong when she asserts that’s the only explanation
..there are whole heap of reasons why people earn more
– The job is more dangerous
– You are willing to move location.
– It’s in a scalable industry so you can get more hours
– Care jobs are popular with women, but they are not often scalable
– bailing out of management , cos you want to have a child is a reason why you earn less’
. ‘It’s up to a couple to decide family’s complicated not simple’ you show women of men doing housework and they don’t find them as sexy as men doing “male” tasks
– Women seem prejudiced against dating men who earn less
– but for men the case is that men will marry down .’
Now they are on to the way radical left pillory JP with Hitler photos etc. ‘So I am not a fan of the radical left’
‘assuming I am at the far end of the political the easiest way of dismissing me .. I haven’t said a thing associated with the radical right..I hate identity politics is true that we both attack the radical left
For me that is cos the radical left are the ones in position of power in the university system’
Views on Alt-right “to the extent they exist they are Identity politics players just like the extreme-left do”
“It’s reprehensible across the spectrum”
gets big wordy ..’we need a simple common narrative, so we can operate in piece ..and that is that the individual is sovereign
..but the universities are set on reversing that ..with group identity’
Transgender ‘ Bill C16 purported to extend trans rights
BUT it made stuff a hate crime ..what is that ?
..that this bill with be interpreted by the Ontario Human rights Agency ..but they are an extreme-left org ..saying that not using special pronouns is a hate crime’
..”that rule is not acceptable” ‘ complete me to use a certain content this has never happened before in law’
‘They are plying a game of trying to get linguistic supremacy…I’m not playing’
… “There is hate speech, but you balance risk ie you risk crackpots saying things , you accept that cos it shows up the crackpots”
… ‘So I criticised the law …with my videos.. jail was a possible outcome
..the uni lawyers then said I could be breaking the law and the problem there, my speech becomes the responsibility of the uni, so they send letters saying I should not speak’
So then a student showed a 5 minute clip of my TV appearance and she was hauled off before a Maoist Committee, but she recorded it and ..the recording went viral.’
..Those uni people went off comparing me to Milo and appalling thing ..they are nowhere near the same.’
‘Well in the end the 2 anti-free speech on that committee resigned.’
Paraphrasing as every ..Conservatives are concietious and that is a good predictor of success
..the downside is they don’t function without hierachy
The liberals are creative and generate things’
before liberals didn’t dominate hierachies, but now somehing happened in Social Science and now we have a left-wing hierachy ..and they assert that is the only acceptable view.
MN says the access has changed and it’s strange left is not the driver of’s that ?
JP : Within the collectivist view there is no free speech just power game words in support of your group.
Religion : Islam ?
I haven’t thought enough abut Islam
I am not will to assume that all belief system fit with western democracies …
Like we have this separation of church an state that same with Islam ?
Rob is rather ignoring the car crashes and going with ‘interesting’.
The higher up the greasy pole Rob gets…
BBC TV tonight have a programme about the Jeremy Thorpe dog shooting affair. It prompts me to recommend Peter Cook at his best.
The World At One has just done some piece that they trailed as “a history of Anti-Semitism” in Britain(Caroline Wyatt, 1.15-30 20/5/18).
I was mug enough to take Wyatt at her word as she trailed it.
Started off fine , but then set my watch- it took 165 seconds before the Jews-as ever-got the blame for what was happening.
We got Corbyns pets at the top and tail of the interviews, we got some shared soup kitchen with a nice Muslim who only thought it as bad as Islamophobia maybe? And we got a definitive closing statement from Labour, who seemed unable to get someone to go on at such short notice, but would have loved to have been there…mwah!
Utterly appalling. Anti-Semitism is basically Israels fault, Labour are sorting it, these two BDS shills are happy and THEY`RE Jewish. So what the fuss?
If Israel stopped attacking Palestinian innocents, as they`re doing-then there`d be no “anti-Semitism” anyway.
So brace yourselves for more, Jews: the BBC intend on making you suffer.
Anti-Semitic rants come in different forms, Carolines hit piece was the slow train. But still kindertransport, boring us all to death.
Get rid of the BBC, somebody. people will get hurt.