Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
Apparently this weekend is the ideal one to ‘bury bad news’ with so much contrived excitement going on . We ve had plenty of bad news recently so will we notice any difference ?
Enjoy/endure that bias
Don`t want to be too much of a bitch, but am I the only one who thinks that Ireland wants to get rid of it abortion safeguards, just at the very moment when loads of horny migrants are taking over rural towns there?
Only thought that on hearing Sarah Dunant on “A Point Of View” earlier. When the BBC are THAT biased, emotive and sticking their beaks into another nations internal affairs? Maybe Soros wants a worldwide, European-wide binning of all historical and cultural restraints that saner Catholic countries like Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy used to take for granted.
Dunant sounded desperate, I`d not be surprised if migration is linked to a new need to relax abortion laws over there.
I was trying to watch Simon Reeve’s ‘Burma’ on ‘catch-up’, but after two or three minutes he sounded hugely partisan. I switched off. Would like to see the temples, landscape, people, etc but do not want another BBC political lecture.
Has anyone watched? Can it be recommended? Thanks.
Just be thankful he has ditched his kufiya, must be the jungle heat, or no Israelis to upset
I wouldn’t, out of principle, watch anything involving Simon Reeve, for the reasons you described. A blatant leftie, he makes my skin crawl. Just about every programme he fronts has an agenda.
On the topic of ‘Hate Speech’, I have long thought that the ‘victim’ (which is any person ‘offended’) is more akin to an informant for the State. Looking at the available information as to informants during Stalin’s time, I came across this: http://www.academia.edu4195829Informers_and_the_State_under_Late_Stalinism_Informant_Networks_and_Crimes_against_Socialist_Property_1940-53
Despite covering, ‘property’ the principles will apply to any informant reporting to the police. Always nice to know in advance where the driver is taking us……………
Dear BBC,
Does British Culture exist? If so, will you ever refer to it?
John McDonnell no longer appears to hide the fact he aims to over throw capitalism. That’s the free market world we live in folks. A world where even those who despise us and want to destroy our way of life can stand for office … and create a world in which no one is allowed to stand for office and everyone has to have the same views hence face prison.
There is a Windrush-themed garden at Chelsea. Of course it is being covered in excruciating detail. Could we not have a single safe space from the agenda?
How many people were affected by Windrush, maybe a hundred? Yet we hear about it all the time. The millions affected by disastrous left wing policies every day we hear nothing about.
Now someone else is talking about mental health. Well this constant agenda is making me feel wrong in the head.
I might need help soon. I’m becoming mentally unstable in having to endure this unceasing onslaught of diversity being shoved in my face – something I’m never asked whether I wanted or not, when filling in the forms for everything from ingrowing toenails / sexual orientation / nationality when I want anything done !
(I do not mock mental illness lightly – my own mother suffered 3 nervous breakdowns during her lifetime)
I was watching BBC Cbeebies this afternoon at about 1pm as a parental duty. It’s aimed at pre-school kids.
It had a feature on the Haggis. A child of about 5 years prepared and cooked a VEGETARIAN haggis. With him was a Pakistani child to provide balance.
No mention that it’s traditionally made of meat.
Subliminal or in your face?
Sturgeon: Growth commission will ‘restart’ independence debate
They want independence from us and they want their own currency, the EURO ?
Like the remainers they want another vote. Will it be the best of three?
Will there be another rerun of the film Braveheart ?
I think they don’t want the euro. That’s one of the reasons she was laughed out of Brussels on her last abortive trip there. No membership of EU without the millstone of the euro to drag your economy down.
As Sturgeon has crushed the Scottish economy so that its deficit is worse than Greece;’s, the euro is the last thing she wants.
Wonder how scotland will get by without the free money from the south east of england.
“New internet laws pledged as social media firms snub talks”
Is this censorship and the closing down of ‘freedom of speech’?
This website will be in their sights.
It has crossed my mind too. Consider whom the authorities would listen too if Maxicony claimed it had been offended
He offended me! Its a question of who is more offended ?
I was shocked, offended and no longer felt able to carry on regardless. Does that count?
Never mind. The Diversity Culture of Pakistan will allow me an opportunity to become the Mayor of their Capital, Islamabad. They embrace diversity and look forward to the day when a Christian is their mayor.
Goose, gander and sauce, someone muttered.
😉 😉
“He offended me! Its a question of who is more offended ?”
First one to complain to the police wins.
Over to you maxincony ……
Fascinating Tweet storm from Trump today. Obama has been a very naughty boy. It is Watergate times 1000.
Of course nothing whatsoever about it on the BBC news site. The trusty old memory hole.
BBC getting very excited on R4 with an item dominating news headlines. Making a huge jump of one degree of separation – do our Police and Security Services perhaps at long last have a firm suspect in mind for the Skripal poisoning?
Or have the FSB & GRU done a better job than our boys after having had sight of the OPW report?