As many Britons bath in the post nuptuals of a recent diverse wedding we return to the sad prospect of biased al Beeb. Monday the 21st – start of the Grenfell inquiry, Tuesday 22nd – anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack in Manchester and at the end of the week the Irish Referendum on abortion . And the ongoing attacks on President Trump, Brexit and anyone or anything of which Albeeb groupthink disapproves
so a busy week…
It’s childish to crow about being first
Hats off to Fedup2 for keeping this site going !
Agree, many thanks Fedup2
Cleverly timing fedup2s 9.50 bedtime
Not my bedtime. I’d just got up. Going back in a bit when I’ve necked a few more pints.
Or not being first.
Better to be fourth.
Anyway, anybody heard news about a BBC pro-Brexit programme yet?
Lord Hall did promise, didn’t he?
In the same way, Sir ‘Very Rich’ Bob Geldof promised us back in 2016 that he would house Syrian immigrants.
And Graham Norton promised us a treat that he would go back to Ireland if Brexit won.
If the bbc reports on the topics mentioned by fedup2 then on Monday grenfell will they mention all the illegal immigrants that were living in that tower or just mention how terrible the building was? On the anniversary of that disicable terror attack will they instead focus on the poor Palestine’s who got hurt by Israel who were defending their land? Lastly on the Irish referendum will they report impartially? Of course NOT it’s the bbc who think they can brain wash people into their way of thinking. Don’t trust the bbc
Number 4 anyway-a PB!
And I agree with Dover!
Alicia, didn’t Jesus say “Come fourth”? Worthy place to achieve then.
My last word on the ‘wedding’. (promise). The whole event has now slipped further down the rankins, as it has emerged today in the press that another guest at the nuptials was none other than the daughter of Richard Madeley & Judy Finnegan ! Chloe Madeley – she of the permanent selfie and was castigated today for wearing a dress that showed too much of her (what little she has) bust, as she walked into church with her rugby playing fiancée James Haskell. Piers Morgan wrote an excellent article about it in the S/Mail.
\\Trump seeks probe into FBI election campaign ‘infiltration’//
Another draining of the swamp. This could pull the plug on the swamp.
Go for it Donald , most of the UK is behind you.
I wish they were, but I doubt it: they’ve been brainwashed by the msm too long and too deep.
From the cradle to the grave.
Not much doubt what the BBC thinks of it.
“An unprecedented attempt to influence….” = how very dare he try to stop an unprecedented attempt to subvert democracy.
“In his mind…” = no reasonable person would agree.
“Without providing any evidence…” = just because the FBI hasn’t found any evidence is no excuse.
Move along now, nothing to see.
Oh, and absolutely no interest whatsoever in the very real possibility that the FBI may have infiltrated the current President’s campaign on the orders of the previous President. What sort of news agency, other than a wholly bent one, is uninterested in such a possibility?
I was just going to say the same thing. The media love getting into Watergate and proclaiming all involved with breaking the story as heroes but the Obama administration sanctioning the FBI actually infiltrating an informant into Trumps campaign – nothing to see!
Katty still seems to be enjoying the weather here.
Anthony is, however, even more deranged, were this possible.
Especially as British intelligence has been said to be implicated too.
The POTUS is the chief law enforcement officer and the chief magistrate of the United States, he can order the cessation or commencement of any enquiry or investigation he wishes.
When Lyndon Johnson was POTUS he ordered the FBI to bug Barry Goldwater’s plane during the 1964 presidential campaign, which they did. This type of thing is nothing new in US politics but Trump as president has enormous power over and through the DOJ and FBI, to look into what was done against his own campaign.
Al Shubtill,
True, Trump has the power, but you might have noticed how the swamp alligators in the DOJ have been blocking that power and obstructing justice they are meant to uphold. And of course Jeff Sessions turned out to be an extraordinary failure as Attorney General, recusing himself from the Russia ‘investigation’ and then, apparently frozen into inaction regarding unrelated matters, allowing the alligators to swim around feely in the swamp. Could be Sessions himself is an alligator, though he looks and acts more like a mouse.
The eminent Jesse Watters of Fox News has an interesting take on the situation:
I just nearly fell off my chair when I read your link to see the BBC reporting with a straight face what deputy AG Rosenstein said with a straight face and the New York Times and the Washington Post reported with a straight face:
“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action,” Mr Rosenstein said in a statement.
Though he looks like a frightened rabbit hypnotized by a car’s headlights when testifying before Congress, he is actually a chief swamp alligator, ducking and diving and obfuscating and doing anything but cooperating with Congress. He wouldn’t know what “appropriate action” was if it hit him in the face.
Alligator Rosenstein was responding to this observation:
The US Department of Justice will investigate whether FBI agents spied on President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign for “inappropriate purposes”.
It’s been going on for well over a year and if the BBC could occasionally overcome its lefty tunnel vision to peep out at facts favourable to Trump it would know something about Rosenstein and the other anti-Trump alligators.
I haven’t followed much of the BBC’s coverage of Trump, but I know of course about the implacable anti-Trump bias. And I’m sure the BBC would rather cancel the licence tax than investigate the appalling attempts by Trump’s enemies within the justice department and specifically the FBI to bring him down with unwarranted accusations and investigations – which began before he even assumed office.
I guess the only reason they are reporting something potentially favourable to Trump is that their lefty brothers at the New York Times and Washington Post felt obliged to report it.
Were it not for Trump, what hope would there be?
Perhaps the BBC could discuss this topic? In an objective fashion of course. But this would be alien to them.
Without choice, we pay the BBC Tax.
Trump and China come to an agreement over trade and Al Beeb just don’t like it.
Trump comes up trumps again !
Hard to imagine that the bBBC can stoop any lower, but I think they won’t disappoint.
Just relieved that, being Newsbeatthemonkey, they did not probe wedding night options.
Apologies it’s a bit post event bit I’ve just seen the reports about the Greek mayor being attacked by “far right” thugs. I see that the BBC May be turning a corner when it comes to liberal lefties and has adopted a termanalgy that most of us would agree is applicable. Don’t believe me?? Well look below at the cut and paste from the BBC World News section…
18 hours ago · Thessaloniki mayor Yiannis Boutaris beaten up … the mayor (far left) was attending a remembrance event…..
Well I think it’s funny and apologies if it’s been mentioned before..
Not really BBC bias, but watched this video about the Jo Cox murder. Seems Richard Hall is obsessed with the McCann case, but he does ask questions the BBC never would.
There were only two questions the BBC asked…
Is the perp a white man?
Can the crime be linked to the Brexit vote?
Only two questions asked by the BBC …
Yet they allow their correspondent Owen Bennett Jones to develop an obsession with Benazir Bhutto and her assassination for ten years and to make an overlong Monday to Friday, 15 minutes a day for two weeks, series about it.
I hope they now let him loose on the Skripal poisoning. Will I be around in 2028 or 2029 to listen?
Will the BBC, as we know it now, be around in 2029?
I have my doubts.
Here is another question. Where is Thomas Mair today?
Have any journalists attempted to interview him, make contact with him? Have the authorities released any statements regarding his condition?
Haven’t had a chance to watch this video but I can’t help but think there is something dodgy about this.
I’m not trying to be a conspiracy nut and I do believe that the moon landings took place but it does seem remarkable that just as the Brexit campaign was getting some real momentum and traction, and for me it was something I could genuinely sense, this came along to blast all that asunder.
I know it’s disgusting to think that the establishment would do such a thing but Brexit was really getting on a roll and I just can’t help but think that this would be the doomsday protocol that those grubby elite’s would give thought to doing.
Apologies if this is what the whole video is about. WiFi is down at home and can’t really watch this kind of video in the office.
I know there are plenty of conspiricy theories out there. I don’t belive in UFO’s, my logical brain tells me that the Universe is so vast it’s impossible for any intelligent life to ever communicate, even at light speed.
But my logical brain also tells me that history shows every country has a ‘deep state’, not something that is controlled by the government/monarchy of the day.
Serving policeman rapes 8-year old girl repeatedly, in ongoing abuse over decades. You would think this would be ‘news’ on the BBC? But not if the rapist is ‘Mohammed’.
You are right Lojo
The Beeb would be all over this is the officer were white. So Typical..and I’m not saying this because of the name but simply a serving police officer doing this should be news…but you have to ask why it isn’t…only one answer
Toady leads with the Grenfell fire enquiry today. Expect total overkill and wallowing in victimhood from the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation.
There should be an inquiry into why there are so many inquiries. They are just an excuse for parasite lawyers to cash in. Always dragged on for as long as humanly possible as more hours means more publicly funded pay for lawyers.
BB – Listening to a very pleased with itself Toady this morning it has already started. Apparently each and every family at the inquiry will be able (without time limit ) to talk about their loss which will then be broadcast on their own website.
As we know Theresa has allowed this whole “inquiry” to be weaponised by the left into a “mourn fest”. Any serious points will now be drowned out by this septic sore of political blaming and little will be learnt other than emotion trumps facts everytime.
Yeah they will interview everyone and tell their stories; no doubt plenty of architects, artists and nuclear physicists who were about to cure cancer when the evil Tories caused the fire.
It is so emotionally incontinent. It is also an excuse for BBC ‘journalists’ to have a jolly as having a friendly chat with people about their lives is so easy. Increasingly it is all the BBC ever does, is actual investigation and old fashioned objective journalism a hate crime now?
I thought the Grenfell inquiry started last Thursday on BBC1 Question Time!
At the top of this thread we acknowledge the:
“anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack in Manchester”
Or, as the BBC’s hero Mo Farah says on the BBC this morning:
“one year on from ‘The Incident’ “
Toady watch
Firstly thanks for feedback about running threads – it’s an awesome responsibility.
Anyway – Toady – humph laid into the CEO of Drax power for trying to reduce CO2 output by carbon capture . Now I thought that reducing CO2 output was meant to be a good thing – plus it’s another power source for our weak electricity generation network.
I don’t care about CO2 emission and don’t believe in global warming but the way Humph bullied his guest you’d have thought he was a brexiter .
I’ve seen some highlights of the royal wedding Athon and must say I was disappointed that there was no mention of Grenfell , only 2 mentions of slavery and Martin Luther king and even worse – no steel band . In ‘suits’ Meghan had a very black dad so I can’t see why he couldn’t have ‘took her up the isle ‘ .
It was vintage Al beeb correctness and I’m sure that many in the big viewing audience must have wondered what the hell they were watching especially with the yank ‘bishop’ going off on one
One of the most appalling things I noticed that al Beebus did in its coverage of the wedding, was when they left the church and before the start of the carriage procession through Windsor. They didn’t broadcast the parade by the Gurkhas; the Army Air Corps or the other regiments with which Harry had an association but ITV did; al Beebus decided to interview “celeb” guests, to get their thoughts and feelings about the day.
It was a studied omission by them; an outrage for the state broadcaster to determine that the day was more about the inclusion of minorities and a platform for the doctrine of “diversity”. Than it was about the inclusion of the military in the event, with which our Royal Family have a long and far reaching connection and those parts of it with which Harry was linked directly.
It was a calculated snub in my view, which confirmed the contempt al Beebus holds for our armed forces and where its PC loyalties lie. ITV all-round is much better on its coverage generally of the country’s armed forces, past and present and its coverage of this Royal Wedding was far superior.
Agree totally Shub
Part of the overall ratchet effect, moving us leftwards.
A true conservative government would have reinstated The Royal Tournament on re-election.
Not surprising that the BBC has little to fear from May & Co.
Saw a bit of it and for a while thought I was watching a rerun of ‘Sister Act!.
The only possible reason we’d need to “capture” CO2, would be to use it to improve life…
Exactly. I remember being taught at school about the Carbon cycle. More CO2 (which isn’t a pollutant) means more growth, so lets get planting more trees to clean the air and more crops to feed the expanding population – which no one wants to address.
The spokesman for Drax made the reasonable point about the growth of new timber outrunning the cutting of existing timber but The Humph did not have the wit to ask why that actually was. The spokesman could have explained but was also not up to the task. A shame. It woz the increased CO2 wot dunnit!
The key question The Humph should have asked was how much CO2 is expended in chipping the timber stock in the USA, transporting it to the coast and across, not just the Atlantic Ocean but also across the UK to Drax. Then, does that leave a net CO2 loss (usage & emission) or is it a gain (a saving) and is it, as it could appear, mere ‘greenwashing’? There were other useful questions that could have been asked but were not. Informing? Educating? Nope. Entertaining? No, not even that.
It’s time for The Humph to retire. It is obvious he’s not up to the job and it is becoming painful to listen to. Take consolation from the fact that Harrabin would have been worse.
There used to be greenhouses near Drax heated using the some of the steam that goes up the cooling towers. It was stopped for some reason, probably because it was too sensible an idea.
Great how the media has ‘westernised’ the name Mohammed to the shorter/friendlier/acceptable version of ‘Mo’. I’m surprised there hasn’t been an uprising/stamping of feet/burning of flags, in offence taken by followers of Islam in mocking their Allah, like they do whenever a cartoon of him is discovered. And do they call each other ‘Mo’ within their own confines ? Nah – thought not.
Interesting, Brissles. Do the BBC, especially the BBC, and followers of a certain religion know that, many years ago, ‘Mo’ was a nickname among schoolkids for a certain sort of person?
I thought not.
Mo Mentum is trying to organise a group in this area 🙁
More on the new ‘Royal Family’, showing that every family has its black sheep:
BB – Listening to a very pleased with itself Toady this morning it has already started. Apparently each and every family at the inquiry will be able (without time limit ) to talk about their loss which will then be broadcast on their own website.
As we know Theresa has allowed this whole “inquiry” to be weaponised by the left into a “mourn fest”. Any serious points will now be drowned out by this septic sore of political blaming and little will be learnt other than emotion trumps facts everytime.
Whoever is handling the PR on this, for all parties concerned… family activist leeches, authorities, media… may have not really thought this through fully.
It is not playing well at all. And convincing no one outside the carnival bubble.
BB – Listening to a very pleased with itself Toady this morning it has already started. Apparently each and every family at the inquiry will be able (without time limit ) to talk about their loss which will then be broadcast on their own website.
As we know Theresa has allowed this whole “inquiry” to be weaponised by the left into a “mourn fest”. Any serious points will now be drowned out by this septic sore of political blaming and little will be learnt other than emotion trumps facts everytime.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (May and Corbyn’s old speeches): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell
Theresa May … being put forward as Prime Minister and issuing a general election on implementing Brexit which was about immigration and sovereignty. … these speeches were never mentioned on the BBC £3.5bn news or other media outlets …
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
Jeremy Corbyn … with all the news on BBC £3.5bn Service regarding the Iran Nuclear Deal, Jeremy Corbyn has not been asked why he backs Al Quds protests and has spoken at them or why his is not vocal on Iran’s ‘death to’ position with Israel.
2012 … Jeremy Corbyn speaks at Al Quds march, Al Quds is the protest for all the oppressed but was initiated by an oppressor Ayatollah Khomeini. Jeremy Corbyn does not chastise the Iranian regime.
2018 … Iran release a ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ Government approved emoji. But this is not mentioned when talking about Iran by the BBC or other outlets.
MPs expenses …. it was in 2008 that MPs used expenses to fill their own pockets or shredded. UK MPs on both sides have talked about reducing expenses and recession and austerity.
Yet, since 2010 MPs have enjoyed a pay increased of 18%.
How come the BBC news has not reported on this when talking to MPs?
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
‘Stars call for action on gender equality.’
Someone famous has said something our activists – sorry, ‘journalists’ – agree with. Here are some quotations from Twitter.
They have the chutzpah to say they are underpaid! I would not pay whoever wrote this crap even the living wage. At least cleaners do something vital. This is just boring, spreading misinformation and defaming half of humanity. We do not live in some sexist, racist hell hole like the Beeb insist. I love women, and like most men I devote my entire life to serving them and providing for them.
Cricket has a ‘gender pay gap.’
Men in the Indian Premier League earn a lot as the IPL is hugely popular and generates lots of money. Not true of the women’s game. Equally, female models are paid more than men. Female porn stars are paid more than men. A List actresses earn much more than less popular male actors as they will get more people paying to watch the film. And so on.
Why can they not grasp this simple premise? When the state steps in and decides who is paid what it is disastrous. Let the invisible hand of the market sort things out not some lunatic SJW who probably thinks an ‘invisible hand’ is some form of sexual harassment rather than the bedrock of all the wealth, happiness and security we take for granted.
Out of interest is there ANY professional team sports where everyone is paid the same ??
What ever next, disabled athletes must be paid the same as non disabled
How many sports are there where wimmim are superior or even equal to men, show jumping 3 day eventing are all I can think of , but then it is the horse doing doing all the work.
Good post, Beeb Bro. I noticed the word ‘average’ in the article. That is a word the BBC struggle to understand and interrogate in its context.
The BBC do not also understand that they are currently performing well-under ‘average’ for any broadcaster, let alone one that is so treasured, one so uniquely and well funded.
Posted into the BBC £3.5bn void …
“The omission (by BBC reporting) is the most powerful form of lie,
and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies
do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell
Mark, add to the Orwell quote this one from JFK:
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive and repeated.”
President Kennedy wouldn’t recognise the so-called “Democratic Party” today.
Brilliant … these are the people we should be drawing inspiration from …
“We Choose The Moon” – John F. Kennedy Speech – Apollo Footage
Astonishing speech. Let’s do something, let’s put our mind to achieving something hitherto un-doable and let’s not be distracted by bitching and whining about how the money could be used on more food for somewhere.
Let’s look to the future, let’s look to the stars and let’s not clip our own vision and ambition by worrying about the things that can never be solved (hunger, ill health, people being lazy…)
1962 … “We choose the moon.”
2018 … “We moan about sharing toilets.”
If we are to have a factual inquiry into the causes of the Grenfell fire which can give useful advice for future fire safety then it is ridiculous that the review of evidence is to be clouded and indeed overshadowed by emotional ceremony-like preambles.
The inquiry ought not to be the time or place for such ‘testimony’ that will be completely irrelevant to the facts of the fire. In fact such a preamble is very likely to cloud the factual issues and will inevitably skew the conclusions of the inquiry.
By all means hold some national event where this emoting can be done but please separate it from the serious business of a review into health and safety policy.
The above is an opinion you will never hear expressed on the BBC
They said the judge was not ‘diverse’ enough and I think some panel members have been changed on this basis.
If my car is broken I want a good mechanic. I do not care if he has the same skin colour as me – I just want it fixed. The individual the BBC condemned for not being ‘diverse’ enough to empathise was highly experienced and had all the requisite skills and knowledge, which is all that matters.
Khan was meant to bring paradise to London merely through dint of his ‘diversity.’ Lo and behold our capital is a war zone as he is not up to the job.
Character is more important than skin colour.
Oh my god….R4… Grenfell….and now banging on about the preacher (Bishop) at the wedding – who, if he had done a shorter speech would have been okay – in the end even the bride and groom looked embarrassed..but of course nobody is going to say that on the BBC…
We kept switching between ITV and BBC and in the end decided the BBC was gloomy and PC whereas the ITV was upbeat and fun…
The BBC managed to find as many ethnics as possible although when you looked at the crowds they were mainly white – and to have that Afua Hirsch on the couch – somebody who actively despises the ‘colonial history’ of the UK despite having benefited from it – was a disgrace..
We watched it on Sky News which was far, far better than the bbc, I switched Breakfast on, saw the long faces o there and switched straight over to Sky News! First time watching a large event on there and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish Sky Sports has got the World Cup with ITV tbh.
Grenfell – exploding fridge? Or a not uncommon Ramadan fire:
“As you prepare a substantial meal prior to sunrise, at this early hour in the morning, it could be very easy for a fire to start.”
Yeah the official narrative is very fishy to me. If it were what you suggest they could never let the truth out.
Criminal negligence from whitey authorities sounds a lot worse than illegal immigrant burns down part or London.
Best advice for Londeners must be “Do not leave a chip pan unattended whilst assembling the components of a bomb”.
I heard they are lengthening the school day in Rotherham and elsewhere during Ramadan so our ROP friends can get a good meal in before they go out ‘grooming.’
Whilst working in the Mid. East, I heard stories of incoming labourers from Pakistan who, on one occasion, tried to start a fire to cook food on a Boeing 747 ………………………
They used to do the same on the decks of ships taking Muslim pilgrims on the Haj, from Indonesia; Malyasia etc to the Middle East.
The cause of the fire onboard Saudia Flight 163, which killed all 301 people onboard, was widely believed to be as a result of someone using a butane stove. The incident took place on 19th August 1980, which was Eid al-Fitr, the festival that marks the end of Ramadan (as all British schoolchildren know or shortly will do).
This should be fun on past evidence…
Surely someone is offended and should report that offence to the police?
Maybe not; it’s not as though there is a virulent and active grievance industry in that vicinity.
Why is Liverpool full of brummie drivers?
Hopefully, it will be the Public Order Act 1986 that will bring the majority of the population to its senses in recognising that ANY hostile act (irrespective of being low-key) can be interpreted by the police as being ‘criminal’. Peruse your own copy or download same.
Note the ‘fig-leaf’ of Freedom of Speech provided by S.29J. Clearly didn’t work in the Mark Meechan (Count Dankula) case.
Whichever way you look at it, the State has you ‘sliced and diced’ for anything with the existing matrix of the criminal law. Good ‘ol democracy at work……….
2 minutes Of Sunday night’s BBC news was enough for me last night. There’s been an election in Italy, “Populist” (& when exactly did populist or being popular become a pejorative term) parties have come out on top and I think are looking to form a coalition. They’re anti Euro currency and anti lots of other stuff. But instead of a news article the journalist presented a one sided editorialised opinion piece, anyone (& there are many) who believe that what they hear and see on the television (especially the news from such an internationally revered broadcaster) would surely take it as fact that what’s happening there is a bad thing. Like a murder, plane crash or natural disaster.
For my part I went off to bed with a smile on my face and the promise to reconsider Italy as a future holiday destination, good on you Italy
So lots of guests and participants were chosen for their colour by our new royal sjw.
Isn’t that the very definition of racism?
Isn’t that the very definition of racism?
No. People of Color cannot be racist, they can only be victims of racism, which is used by White people to subjugate the other peoples of the world. All BAME people suffered thousands of years of slavery and oppression because of the British Empire, which is still manifested today through insitutional racism, the dominant White patriarchy and, er, oppositon to global warming. These facts are well known. Only when the US has a black president… only when slavery is ended in the United States… only when white children learn about slavery in school… only when black actors are allowed to appear on television or in movies or an ordinary black girl is even allowed to speak to a member of the Royal Family… only then can there be some progress. And it won’t be enough until reparations are paid, too.
The only reparation is the complete surrender of our country.
Nothing to do with the BBC directly but I noticed that the usual left wing liberal Britain haters who the BBC love to quote and interview: Jeremy Corbyn, Owen Jones, Sadiq Khan, Brendan “grab them by the neck” Cox, Jo Cox Foundation, British Muslim Council didn’t tweet any congratulations or good wishes to the Royal couple.
Sadiq Khan mentioned ‘thanks to the Londoners who work hard, may you enjoy the wedding and Cup Final” but couldn’t bring himself to wish the couple good wishes himself.
Theresa May on the other hand did wish them well and I think it is not a coincidence that she is never on the BBC giving her opinion.
Just proves yet again the BBC hate everything British and surround themselves in an echo chamber.
May is banned from the BBC as when she actually speaks then she makes sense unlike that bearded old fool Corbyn.
Corbyn and Labour are also slipping in the polls so keeping May out of the way is important to the BBC
RE: Spying in Trump.
Can you even imagine if there was the slightest whiff of possibility Bush had spied on Obama? It would be the story of the millennium. ‘Evidence’ would be found even if none were forthcoming, which indeed there very much is in this case.
They dig their own graves with such shameful silence here.
Agenda first, facts second if at all. They are a disgrace. It is obvious to any sentient being you cannot trust the MSM.
Yes, I saw some US politician on one of the Fake News channels saying that if someone was keeping an eye inside the Trump team to ‘check’ on Russian collusion that would be a good thing.
Thereby sanctioning it because it kept at bay those damn ruskies.
Well if you had a mole in the team, surely you would know categorically if there was collusion. But I guess you don’t want to admit that there was because that would be outrageous so instead let’s get Mueller looking for something that hasn’t happened.
Here is another example of the BBCs long-running love affair for Islam, Islamic State, Islamic Genocide, and Islamists:
In this latest BBC report, the BBC bring together a victim’s mother of the Manchester Islamic Bombing and the Mother of an Islamic State terrorist and claim the two have made an unusual friendship:
Now the mother whose son grew up to become an Islamic State terrorist is none other than Nicola Benyahia.
Nicola Benyahia is an Islamist who promotes Islam at every opportunity and since her son’s sacrifice has aimed to maintain her influence and in fact grow it by playing the victim card and “transforming herself” into the caring, concerned, bringer of peace, Muslim.
The BBC had this heart warming story of her in November 2016 – another attempt at rehabilitating her:
Yet it was she who helped nurture her son into the Islamic Terrorist he became. And she was part of the small group of Trustees at the centre of the Trojan Horse scandal in Birmingham, UK, where they pushed hard-line Islamism into Primary and Secondary Schools in Birmingham:
it’s called “The history of the universe… in 4 minutes”. The first two minutes are accurate and superbly delivered as a bite sized notion of the beginning of the universe. In, a simple way it encompasses the creation of our solar system and the start of animal and human life forms.
But after 2 minutes the Guardian/BBC political view firmly stamps on reality. The traditional animation of a chimp, through a gorilla to a Neanderthal, finally blending into a human now, ends with a woman hunter firing a bow. Yes, ‘cos all hunters in the past were women. I kid ye not.
Then it gets worse. Far worse.
It moves onto predict the future, with mankind destroying the planet. There then follows so much nonsense that it is impossible to continue watching. For example, because of man, the world is warming so we cannot grow enough food. It actually says this total bollox as if it is fact. Don’t any arts and humanities employees of the BBC know that we actually have more food around today? That hunger is at an all-time low?
Wisely the BBC haven’t allowed for comments on the page.
In the future black people will save the human race from extinction by eliminating the evil whitey from the human gene pool and women will learn how to reproduce without men. There will be one perfect world religion.
The whole planet will be occupied by black Muslim lesbians. 😉
That time will be the final ‘Mad Max’ scenario when ‘everyting’ (sic in context) finally breaks down.
“The whole planet will be occupied by black Muslim lesbians.” They will be queuing up to take the lift to the top of tall buildings………..
I have noticed they no longer post about certain subjects on Facebook as the comments beneath have been somewhat scathing. They must know they are losing hearts and minds rapidly: they are increasingly either laughed at, ignored or hated.
If you had a business and your customers hated you then you would sort it out. As long as the extortion racket/licence fee continues nothing will change.
New Dr. Who coming soon …
Nadia “the Doctor” Who can Tardis into Mecca (bbc/The Hajj) with her Transgender-Apostate-Muslim-Non-Binary-Coloured-Gay sidekick and their pet pig Percy. Then the Tardis malfunctions due to a time distortion generated from a strange black rock that’s shaped like a ladies body part.
They must now escape, knowing that it’s the Haji with 14 million visitors and non-Muslims aren’t allowed in Mecca.
What will Nadia do? Will the sidekick wear the full face veil or learn the Shahadah in time to conform or will she say who she is, and stand her ground? What about Percy the pig?
The rise of electric cars could leave us with a big battery waste problem {theguardian .com 10aug2017}
“It takes so much energy to extract these materials from the ground. If we don’t re-use them we could be making our environmental problems worse,” he says.
duh didnt really need a journalist to work that one out did it.
Take a look at all the safety equipment at that daft formula electric racing , they are terrified of the batteries going pop
I really don’t know why we call them electric cars. They are coal and oil fired cars. Shifting the energy creation down the line shouldn’t really fool anyone – but seemingly it does.
But if they put a windmill on the car’s roof it could recharge the battery as the car drove along. I think it’s called perpetual motion. Another first for the BBC.
“Electric Taxi” a thing powered by coal,
which has a “range extender” under the bonnet, which is petrol engine that charges the battery.
Woman’s hour R4 talking about street etiquette – who moves when people walk towards each other – the ladies on R4 seem to think it is men who are the issue – nope…ask my wife who refuses to move if a family, group of men or women want to take up the whole pavement and expect you to move…
It isn’t not a man problem – so stop making everything about men. Women make trouble too, they can be rude, aggressive and lack manners – get some balance BBC….sorry that would take self reflection
Saturday waiting outside the flower shop for the owner to finish serving someone , I was client number 3, when a woman walks up starts asking questions loudly of lady owner .
Lady owner says under her voice to us , some people are just rude, and its always women, you men just wait there patiently.
As a pedestrian I find that I am more invisible to women drivers
But you’re safe in a parking space – it’s those men who can reverse that you need to worry about
Sorry, but I have to disagree with that to a certain extent, I’ve been driving for 32 years now and have only had one non fault accident ,(,a drunk driver sent into my car on my birthday of all
I’m also a unusual woman as I can reverse park better than my husband and will often park the car for him.
I will admit though, when you get a bad woman driver, they are extremely bad!
Have to agree with BlackCountry
My wife reverses much better than I do..and I saw a young bloke trying to reverse a Fiat 500 into a gap large enough for a bus..he was struggling…
The worst drivers are……put your comments here…but most didn’t pass their test in the UK
“Is political correctness an enemy of free speech, open debate and the free exchange of ideas?” { 18may2018}
Surely the point is that the topic of free speech can only be discussed when we have free speech, without free speech this discussion would be stopped? Thus we need free speech …
Manufacturers fear recruitment problems post-Brexit
”The fall in job applications from EU workers has eased but firms are still worried about hiring skilled staff after Brexit, according to a new report.
Tim Thomas of the EEF said: “Skills shortages are endemic in manufacturing and engineering and companies are becoming increasingly concerned about their ability to access the skills they need post-Brexit.
“While the slump in job applications from the EU has slowed, there is still much to be done to make sure UK businesses are still able to attract the very best talent from Europe over the coming months as we proceed towards our exit from the EU as well as retaining that talent after Britain leaves the EU.”
They never actually state what these skill shortages are, makes me think its picking and packing production line staff.
Don’t expect the BBC to ask.
”very best talent from Europe” says Tim Thomas
Looks like he can’t even express himself in his own language
plural noun: talents
natural aptitude or skill.
“he possesses more talent than any other player”
I’m not a senior civil servant or well-paid politician but let me have a go at this; job vacancy? Can’t get local? Invite qualified person on visa stating must pay UK taxes and cannot have access to public money. Now, that was easy, wasn’t it?
Fake News alert
Royal wedding 2018: Moments you may have missed
2nd item down “Oh my god (sic)”
BBC repeat a load of Twitter nonsense that Meghan shouted ‘oh my god’ when she recognised her old teacher in the crowd. The video shows her looking the other way and unless she has a loud voice like a removals man then that ‘oh my god’ was more likely to be very near the person filming.
3rd item down ‘Horse loses its way’
BBC say “horse galloping off-track” when it is just trotting. Even if I meet them half way and say it was cantering it is still not galloping.
Items 1 and 5 are just gratuitous mentions of black guests into the article.
Tabs – with regard to the third item. This horse is best described as “being on his toes”.
Reality enters @ guyverhofstadt world … will it stop the madness?
“I’m shocked by the death of two years old Mawda. Police shooting on smugglers and migrants right in the middle of Europe is the proof that our (EU/Merkel) migration policy is deficient. Read my proposals to avoid such tragedies in the future. ” – @GuyVerhofstadt
. . .
“I’m shocked by the death of two years old Mawda. Police shooting on smugglers and migrants right in the middle of Europe, is the proof that our migration policy is deficient and causes horrific tragedies every day. It’s time the EU takes full responsibility and starts really to manage its external borders, especially establishing reception centers in the transit countries, where refugees will have the possibility to apply. This is better than jumping in the hands of smugglers as today you can only ask for protection on European soil.”
Guy Verhofstadt May 19 at 7:28pm Facebook
It’s time the EU takes full responsibility and starts really to manage its external borders.
It’s time the EU takes full responsibility and starts really to manage its external borders.
Here we go again!
” Police are to get the power to view the web browsing history of everyone in the country.
Home Secretary Theresa May will announce the plans when she introduces the Government’s new surveillance bill in the House of Commons on Wednesday.”
No doubt Treezers masters in the NWO have instructed her to push ahead with this plan knowing that once legal in the UK, (“the Centre of Democracy”) the rest in the EU will jump in. This evil woman has to go.
Question: could this resurface again particularly in view of the current attempts to replicate McCarthyism?
We’d better give them something worth reading, then, hadn’t we?
Get hold of the browsing history of our hypocritical politicians and broadcast to the world. I am sure we would see some interesting websites covering every corrupt and deviant thing you could think of , and then some.
Fuck me ! They don’t even care about the current open communications of pro-Jihad groups !
BBC reports .. look other people drive into pedestrian crowds …. look … everyone does it … all cultures are equal …
Plymouth Half Marathon: Car driven into path of runners { 21may2018}
What passes for science on the BBC is well demonstrated by Professor Callum Roberts giving the first talk on “Climate change and me” on Radio 4 this morning. His specialist activism is fish and coral reefs. His specialist skill is accepting that changes in the environment are routine in nature but making the unscientific suggestion that small amounts of man-made CO2 are playing a significant part.
This is the new climate change game in town. Real scientists have long noted that nature is constantly changing. So there is now an acceptance of extreme weather and natural change coupled with the leap that it is made much worse by man-made CO2. Such activism is de rigueur in the pseudo climate science departments that have sprung up everywhere in the seats of unlearning. Professor Roberts, who works for the “Environment” department at the University of York, can take comfort in the knowledge that his on-message political radio speech is unlikely to get him fired from a university these days.
Unlike Professor Peter Ridd, a world authority on coral reefs. Professor Ridd, whose science specialisation is physics, is of the opinion that coral is thriving in the oceans and damage caused by cyclones and bleaching is rapidly repaired “because these are natural phenomena”. He argues that there is no ecosystem on Earth better able to cope with rising temperatures than the Great Barrier Reef. In his view “it is remarkable” that the Reef has become the ecosystem, more than almost all others, that is used to illustrate and claim environmental disaster from the modest warming we have seen over the course of the last century.
But Professor Ridd has also noted that much of the science coming from major reef science institutions is “unreliable due to inadequate quality assurance procedures”. In Professor Ridd’s view it is possible that much of the science claiming damages to the reef is “flawed or highly exaggerated”. Professor Ridd’s employer, James Cook University, took a dim political view of these comments charging him with not being “collegial”.
Earlier this month the Queensland-based university fired him, a seismic event in science academia that appears to have been ignored by the BBC.
Good post, CM.
Ignored by the BBC. Would they have been forced to ask “Why?” and the answer would have raised some awkward issues?
Thought so.
The thing I find amusing about the barrier reef is that the coral only seems to suffer when the sea level drops (as it has in some areas).
Rising sea levels benefit it immensely by allowing it grow further to (surprise, surprise) the level of the sea.
Yep live coral lives at the daily sea level line,
AFAIK in El Nino local sea level can fall, leaving last years coral above the sea water line and vulnerable to zapping from intense sun.
.. Bleaching can also be caused by disease and sewage run off in the water.
More from Dellers
@ChrisM, Ridd is the man , and has just nefariously being fired from his uni by scheming techniques, please contribute to his legal fund
The trick they used was put him in a disciplinary procedure
and then when he sent a private email to a friend about how trumped up this was, they quoted confidence clauses saying that the process should not be mocked.
Ah Bolt has video of the Peter Ridd sacking
I have opened a long BH discussion thread on this New Daily 9.45am Radio4 Alarmist PR series : Climate and Me
… A PR trick is to drown you in a storm of words.
… so that you only have chance to pick up on SENTIMENT and walk away with that
It took me 2 hours to listen to that 15 minute piece properly.
I suspect dark PR professionals like GreenHedgefund Bob were involved in the honing of that storm of words.
Excellent work StewGreen. Listening to Professor Roberts’ coral reef nonsense on Radio 4 earlier today I was aware that the whole thing was a complete bugger’s muddle. By your forensic examination on your blog you prove the point conclusively.
One would be surprised if this man has conducted any real science – one would hope that he would be torn apart in any serious academic discussion if he presented his BBC talk for critical appraisal. He leaps about all over the show stating that coral is devastated by El Nino, grows back quickly, then asserting that higher temperatures will kill coral despite coral already living at many different temperatures. Coral has been around for millions of years and during this time CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have varied widely but Roberts claims it flourishes best, without the slightest bit of evidence, with a CO2 atmospheric concentration of 350 parts per million.
You correctly state that he makes the claim that environmental organisations know that optimism is more motivating than despair and tailor their message accordingly. This is a truly astonishing statement, one in fact I don’t think I have ever heard before, at least not by someone with a straight face. The problem with climate activists is that they constantly cry wolf and they are starting to reap the inevitable consequences.
Throw in all the stuff about not eating parrot fish, ocean acidification, prediction of more extreme El Ninos, great recoveries in coral, the climate hits keep coming, where he went for his scuba diving holidays etc etc etc. And then stick the whole supposed environmental disaster on small increases in CO2, again without any supporting evidence.
As I say well done Sir. I had more or less lost the will to concentrate by the end. Still we press on. More laughable science promised for the same spot tomorrow.
Thanks Stew, I love the work you do, and as a non-practising scientist (!) this makes me cry with desperation! We really are doomed as society if this carrries on – fortunately for the ROP we are fast heading back to the middle ages.
I would also like to say that I miss Pounce and his expertise on military matters. I can’t remember the name of his website – when I googled what I thought it was, nothing came up (no surprise really). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I think (not sure) that this was Pounce’s site :
Yes, thankyou!
UK MP pay … April 2010 £65,738 increased April 2018 £77,379 … difference £11,641.
£11,641 * 650 = £7,566,650
When MPs talk of in it together and austerity ask them where £7.5 million went into their pockets that could have been spent on towers and cladding. **
** simple calculation, possible more.
Ah but, no but …
…. the total pay for men MPs was higher than the total pay for women MPs, the BBC would say …..
Just for a different point of view opposed to the 99% of
the Worlds condemnation of Israel, most prominately expressed
by the BBC. May I suggest just reading on
the headline feature by an Israeli defence spokesman. I am not
telling you to agree with it. You may think it’s a pack of lies.
BUT it’s a different point of view. And Israel say they have the
proof to back it up.
I reiterate about a previous contribution , that if one person
was killed while “demonstrating” peacefully . Then it was one
human being too many.
Finding race baiting articles in the Guardian can be like shooting fish in a barrel, but I thought this was an interesting case study in hypocrisy and duplicity. There’s been a squabble at a recent writers’ festival in Sydney, with eyebrows raised over one of the panellists calling white people “shit”.
But in the article “How white women use strategic tears to avoid accountability: The legitimate grievances of brown and black women are no match for the accusations of a white damsel in distress”, we get a different version. According to Ruby Hamad, apparently writer Winnie Dunn had merely used the words “white people” and “shit” in the same sentence. This then “raised the ire of a self-identified white woman in the audience who interrogated the panellists as to ‘what they think they have to gain’ by insulting people who ‘want to read their stories.’ [“Self-identified white woman”: genes of course now being a lifestyle choice.]
Apparently this woman was wrong to see the words as an insult. Another panellist complains: “Yet again, a good convo was derailed […] and a POC panel was told to police it’s [sic] tone to make their message palatable to a white audience.”
What Hamad doesn’t mention, however, is that Dunn did in fact say “white people are shit”. It’s confirmed by a source which Hamad herself links to. Basic fact checking is overlooked in favour of a familiar agenda.
@OmarjSakr: I think I can address that, because I said that I think most people – MOST people – are fundamentally shit. I didn’t say white people.
Winnie Dunn: I said white people. She’s directing [the question] at me […] Well you’re directing the question at me, and yeah I said it, and I fully stand by it.
Now I can understand that Dunn, a young Tongan woman, might have some grievances towards whitey she wants to air. But the Guardian gives space to an author who either can’t fact check or lies. Then follows a familiar mix of denial and remedial sociology — Hamad listing various transgressions against women of colour including the “distress of not being believed or supported”. Like when people don’t believe your Guardian article accurately reports the facts? Must be painful.
The Sydney discussion ends with an address to the ‘self-identified’ white woman: “It’s a real shame that we would have to persuade you to be on our side by being nice. Because you just suggested that by not being nice, we don’t have you on our side. I mean wouldn’t you want diversity whether it was on your side or not?
There it is. Diversity always must triumph, regardless of respect, honesty or basic truth.
I mean wouldn’t you want diversity whether it was on your side or not?
why would any one want anything that is not on there side?
Did I hear on the 8am news that
“The FBI had been spying on the Trump campaign in the run up to his election in 2016?”….
And did I hear in one sentence on the Radio 4 bulletin yesterday that Trump has come to some kind of trade agreement with China?
Think I heard them-but the BBC weren`t going to expanding on any of THAT.
Whchc tells me that Trump will surely get the FBI, Hillary , Obama etc by the tail and haul them into jail, if he plays this correctly/ Sounds an astonishing thing, no wonder the BBC arent` giving me more that two brief sentences.
Open goal Trump-aim low, and the lower still my son!
I fear that the democrat fbi will do all it can to kill off. President. Trump before the second term because when re elected he really will go at them. Lots of leaks to. Al Beeb and. The nytimes.
Suppose it`s no coincidence that the next few days-probably months-will be given over to assorted folk from Grenfell, more of them likely to have been there than not.
But who knows? And how much are we still paying this lot to swan around South Ken anyway?
Poor kids and young adults killed at the Ariane Grande concert will be dead one year tomorrow, so imagine this timing is planned.
If we focus on unlimited, time-no object sentiment-as opposed to how Abedi got to do all he did in Manchester, then the BBC WILL be happy. And no inquests for them either-it is as it is.
How long before they ban the names of the murderers and terrorist getting known to us-that they`ll be called Muhammad in 4 out of 5 cases won`t deter them will it?
I noted the bBbc coverage of the start of the Grenfell Inquiry on the Corbyn thread by mistake. Not as succinct as you, but I was basically saying the same thing.
You teach don’t you? I have three daughters, years 6 – 9. The bBbcs twisted prioritising of appeasement over action, diversity and immigrants over our children, Grenfell over Manchester, disgusts me. I find it increasingly hard not to hate the bBbc and those who support it.
‘I find it increasingly hard not to hate the bBbc…..’
Why Rich? It’s so easy.
Ok Bel. Here goes,
“My name is Rich, and I hate the bBbc” .
AS I left for work this morning, the BBC seemed happy enough with how Maduro won his election in Venezuela.
Looking forward to Corbyn and Newsnight telling me how this was achieved. And has Labour and the BBC learned how to be equally successful here? Do tell BBC. you seem awful shy about how the Venezuelan elections went, turn out, legitimacy etc. The next Euro elections will be the same I`m sure.
The Presidents’ Club – that terrible evening of scantily clad women, dirty jokes etc which everyone claimed they could not wait to leave – has been usurped by the ‘Diverse City’ Club which has its inaugural evening tonight.
God imagine how sanctimonious and joyless that will be. I know which evening I would prefer. SJWs are modern day puritans.
Diversity has enriched my home town of Southend with a man stabbed to death outside the library last week.
Khan’s approach is to set up a ‘Young Londoners’ Fund’ using £40 million to start youth clubs and other ‘projects.’ It will be just like Kids’ Club where youths are handed money to buy drugs and weapons – people are very lax when spending other people’s money.
How could you possibly stab someone to death because they would not let you rob them? How is that humanly possible? How could you ever in a trillion years perpetrate that level of violence? They will never ask this crucial question as any investigation into values is ‘intolerant’/thought crime.