As many Britons bath in the post nuptuals of a recent diverse wedding we return to the sad prospect of biased al Beeb. Monday the 21st – start of the Grenfell inquiry, Tuesday 22nd – anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack in Manchester and at the end of the week the Irish Referendum on abortion . And the ongoing attacks on President Trump, Brexit and anyone or anything of which Albeeb groupthink disapproves
so a busy week…
Is the BBC going to report on this subject?
Just Googled ‘BBC Quilliam fgm report’.
Gerard Batten (UKIP) has linked to Christopher Hitchens … the enlightenment is back …
“Very prophetic. Watch Christopher Hitchens on the term Islamophobia and how the right to complain will slowly be taken away from you under blasphemy laws”.
BBC showing Iran as victim … how about showing Death to America protests and the Death to Israel emoji supplied by the Iranian Government?
The BBC propaganda is so obvious and so relentless I can only imagine the various so-called watch bodies are just not interested. The same could be said of our politicians – who are really, most of the time, only interested in developing their own careers, power networks and the like.
ps: looking at the image I assumed it was a real mural. But now I am thinking this could be a fake image created by the BBC – with the star spangled gun superimposed. I wonder if someone could look into this? It would be another example of the BBC faking photographic / video images and presenting it as real news.
Diversity : 2:15 R4 “Drama” was more London and Black
It was not actually a drama it was a doco about London Migrant theatre group Marginal Voices.
You know all those Radio4 drama’s they do about groom/rape gang victims ?
Nope , there aren’t any cos they are the WRONG kind of victims,
but a group of women some of whom were trafficked into UK are the RIGHT kind of victims #MoreThanEqual
The magnitude is quoted as 2,600 current victims in UK, that is certainly not like a bigger tally compared to groom/rape gang vicitms.
Seems like our #MetrolLibElites colonial masters think the BBC is the conscience of the nation.
In fact it ends up as the guilt Conscience of those #MetrolLibElites as they virtue-signal “look at me I’m not a racist I help black people”
As a result the BBC ends up as a free advertising platform for SJW causes
Seems like BBC signal ‘If you are London and black we want to privilege you ”
instead of reflecting the racial makeup of the UK accurately.
Remember non-white have their own special station BBC (South)Asian network, and Radio1 Xtra, as well as a load of private TV/Radio stations serving non-Brit based cultures.
Did I hear that R4Today was from the Grenfell inquiry ..another London & foreigner thing
4pm R4 more London & foreign
Sabrina Mahfouz, British Egyptian poet, playwright.
Recorded in front of an audience at the BBC Radio Theatre with reader Ntonga Mwanza.
Ah actually the poet herself seems more English than Egyptian; born in UK and then moved to her father’s Egyptian homeland aged 8.
she chose the actor Ntonga Mwanza herself.
(and he doesn’t have the expected Nigerian accent)
In future I’m going to ‘self-identify’ as British English ! as most of the British passport carrying aliens, regardless of being born here or not, identify as another country as an add-on. Two can play at that game !!!!
Stop these bleeding news items, BBC. Period.
The BBC has a thing about menstruation. Every two weeks, sometimes more frequently, they run ‘news’ items about it. Currently in the front page of their website are two items: ‘Actress gets China talking about periods:’
and ‘Period power brings free sanitary towels to school’:
The question is, why? Is it:
(a) a BBC employee or their partner has a difficult time with their monthlies and hence feels a need to indirectly communicate this to the world?
(b) The word menstruation starts with the letters ‘men’, therefore it must be something that the patriarchy is imposing on women?
(c.) It is meant as a sly dig at transexual women who cannot menstruate and hence are not what Germaine Greer might describe as ‘real women’?
Just curious. And please, no comments about BBC harpies being miserable bleeders.
I need a bit of advice, please.
Today the FTSE100 and FTSE250 are both at an all-time high. Is this despite Brexit, or despite Trump?
I’m not sure.
BBC News : The FTSE100 and FTSE250 are at devastatingly lower levels than expected due to Brexit and Trump.
There, that’s fixed it! 🙂
Thanks for the explanation Country – I’ll be able to sleep easily tonight ….
The BBC corrected it this morning. The reason the UK FTSE is at a high is because so many of the companies earn their money outside of the UK… Funny they never say that when it falls to a low – it is usually due to Brexit or Trump 🙂
You can rely on the BBC to put a negative slant on everything British..
They did manage, on the lunchtime BBC1 News, to confirm that Trump was responsible for the highest petrol prices EVER!!!
So BbcPanorama now the inquiry has just started you’ll wait till it’s finished , instead of prejudging it.
Nope BBC are milking that virtue signalling and guilt
Monday, 21 May at 8pm: investigation re #GrenfellTower fire
– Facebook already filtered two comments out on BbcPanorama’s post
Ah to reframe the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack, Channel 4 have a documentary to try to reframe it
10:35pm :Manchester: A Year of Hate Crime;
Documentary filmed over the past year in Greater Manchester at a time when the city experienced its worst terror attack in living memory – the Manchester Arena bombing.
The fallout from that added to existing tensions in one of the country’s most multicultural regions and this programme takes viewers to the frontline of racial and religious hatred as police officers respond to hundreds of reports a month, and also hears from community leaders attempting to deal with abuse and heal the divides.
‘….also hears from community leaders attempting to deal with abuse and heal the divides.’
And who are these bloody community leaders? I lived in that shithole that is Manchester for 15 years, never saw a community leader.
Which community do they represent?
British people do not have ‘community leaders’. We have a system of elected councillors and politicians, as befits our democratic traditions and hard-won freedoms. However, people from other countries, with no such traditions, have ‘community leaders’. Originally these might have been elders, but these days they tend to be those who are loud, aggressive, opinionated and with their snouts in the trough.
Which community do they represent?
Not your one.
Blimey – caught a bit of 5 o’clock news – Grenfell grief porn . People die and it’s sad and bad most of the time but airing it on national media is just ridiculous .
Is this the future for every death ? For every stabbing victim ? For every car crash victim ?
For every punter the international health service kills off? Every suicide ?
Are we all going to be equal in death or will some be of more value than others ?
I realise it is very sad, and too many people died unnecessarily. However, same could be said with eg an air crash. Will we find out, from the inquiry, what the cause of the fire was, which flat and who it belonged too, what they did on the evening of the fire, and also whether some flats were over-populated. This is relevant, because if they were over-populated then more died than would have been expected to in these circumstances, and landlords who were sub-letting should be prosecuted.
If it’s a public inquiry then all details should be released, not just those which are PC.
I think the subletting issue won’t be- ‘Relevant’.
If you watch ‘Can’t pay won’t pay’, a series about Crown Court bailiffs, you’ll realise that illegal subletting my immigrant tenants is at epidemic levels in London – Eastern Europeans and Africans being especially adept at it.
More than offset by the ‘ vibrancy’ they bring to these shores though.
I have to laugh at the ‘healing the divides’ line which seems to want to make out that it’s some kind of 50/50 wrong doing that needs to be redressed.
No, it’s about a group that came to the area with it’s own culture and a refusal to embrace the host culture. It’s a group that encouraged minimal integration and fostered hatred for the culture which they had chosen to move to.
This new group pushed so hard with it’s anti assimilation programme that it led to members within it’s rank carrying out acts of terror against the native culture that it lived within.
The healing, the apologising, the submission to our culture and the integration needs only to be carried out by one side.
oi thats my shithole your calling …
but I dont live their anymore either …
yep your right its a shithole
They are the community leaders behind ‘self policing’ aka turning a blind eye to child rape gangs, fgm, honour crimes, forced marriages and the whole cornucopia of their separatist yet vibrant and enriching culture.
Community Leader= Self appointed spokesman for those of “South Asian heritage” in BBCNEWSPEAK.
Justin Webb catches up in today’s TImes : Mocking Trump plays straight into his hands
Oh how the liberals must laugh at their spectacular own goal when talking of the White House correspondents dinner.
An event where they considered themselves such untouchable masters of the universe that they could ridicule anyone with impunity who might want to challenge them.
He who laughs last, laughs the loudest…
Won’t be long before this disappears … enjoy …
That a Muhammad cartoon that disappeared ?
\\ Breitbart News spoke with Bosch Fawstin, an accomplished artist, cartoonist, and anti-Jihad activist who won first prize at Sunday’s “Draw Muhammad” free speech event in Garland, Texas. //
5. News. Again. Feminism and the duchess of sussexshire. All will change now. – just as it did after The. Diana mourn athon- remember ?
The ascendency of genda and race politics means beat up the whitee bloke. – one for you maxi.
London evening standard reports. 3 separate fatal stabbings in the last 72 hours .the emir of Londonistan must be proud – and he now has three sets of thoughts and prayers to get through. Busy boy. Bet he wishes he could blame it the home sec.
And he missed out on the vibrant wedding of the year. Shame.
London is about to hit same number of murders year as allegedly died Grenfell .
That’s one ever 2.1 days
Grenfell Tower: Inquiry opens with tribute to stillborn baby
For Grenfell read mawkish
Enough time has passed. This should now be about facts not feelings. -J H Brewer. Quite right.
wronged, I think the Inquiry is doing that because it offers residents and families a cathartic experience, an extra opportunity for healing. Not a problem, I think.
I do think however that the BBC should stay well away from it until the presentation of evidence starts.
Is it just a coincidence that the Grenfell inquest, which will no doubt dominate the news for at least the next few days and is unprecedentedly comprised of relatives of the dead grieving in public, occuring the day before the anniversary of the MEN bombing? The inquest of which either hasn’t occurred yet, or if it has didn’t feature a public opportunity for the relatives to grieve. In fact with the exception of a few relatives (mainly the publicity and attention seekers) the majority of them have had very little to say. Or perhaps they have, just we haven’t been allowed to hear it
It is a bit strange how the Manchester attack was ‘forgotten’ but a few people once Grenfell happened. Both where sad and no one should have died but never in my life have I seen anything as politicalised as Grenfell.
Sadly when I hear that name all I see is Corbyn rating and raving about how ‘unjust’ our society is and how wicked the Tories are ect.
Grenfell is too political and it is actually disrespectful to the victims. Shame on the BBC for once again playing into Corbyn’s hands over it
A failed career politician called Clegg is to give a speech Monday night saying that brexiters have forfeited their right speak on Brexit because he claims the a50 process has been mishandled by Blighty.
Poor nick must be desperate to stay in politics or if he fails go off to the. Lords .
Anyway I’m sure his words will be rebroadcast by al Beeb to distract from the aniversary of Islamic mass murder in Manchester on Tuesday.
In other news….lol!!
Royal wedding 2018: Guests sell gift bags online
Bet that was George & Amal!! Anyway, whoever, what sleazebags. Unless it’s for charidee, like Oxfam or Save the Kiddies…oh, wait..
Katy Perry slams Meghan’s wedding dress
Another lol, and use of another website’s story by the lazy BBC journalists. Well, she won’t be popular with the bBBC after criticising the untouchable Meghan! And just to reinforce that, they have juxtaposed Meghan’s lovely picture with one of Katy looking ridiculous.
Apart from the Ethiopian taxi driver, his fridge, the cladding and the management company, we should also hear about ( but won’t )
Illegal subletting by tenants
Illegal migrants getting flats in the most expensive city in the world when indigenous people have no chance of moving to London
The politicisation of a basic safety issue – cosmetic cladding
What we will get is much emotion which one feels sorry for but us not the proper subject of an Inquiry.
Not to mention how did a young Italian couple manage to qualify for a council flat?
Of course their website leader with Grenfell, orgasming at all those wronged minorities and reliving events in excruciating detail.
“They fell in love then fled Afghanistan. Their daughter loves photography.”
They should have a whole channel for st Ff like this. 24 hours of the Stephen Lawrence case, Windrush etc. Maybe even invent some sort of Victimhood Top Trump cards for kids to play at school.
The state broadcaster of the U.K. writes a ‘story’.
The hypocrisy of Hillary and the Beeb is staggering.
Maybe it was a ‘gift’ given to her along with the $150 million into her charity that helped grease the wheels of the Uranium One deal.
Might be a swipe at Corbyn though.
Where`s Owen Jones to adjudicate?
I’m covering the entertainment pages today!
Janet Jackson rails against abuse in awards speech
Yes, Janet Jackson, talented musician and role model to girls/women around the world – a life of dieting and plastic surgery. Marriages, the last of which was to an Arab billionaire (gold digga?), pictured by the press wearing a burqa with him, child at 50+ and divorced several months afterwards. Maybe she is referring to him when referring to abuse?
Did anyone catch Sunday’s Radio 4 Stand-Up Special? It was billed as “Geoff Norcott: Right Leaning But Well Meaning”.
I’m sure most who post here could think of dozens of topics that don’t normally get on to the BBC but are ripe for a take-down by a ‘right-leaning’ comic.
Instead most of the programme had Norcott apologising for his voting habits, a bit like Teresa May really, “I’m not really a nasty Tory, Tony Blair is my best friend and I love the Guardian and our second national treasure, (after the NHS), the BBC”.
Something that I only noticed from looking at the website was that the programme was produced by Caroline Raphael, a former commissioner of ‘comedy’ for Radio 4. One door closes, another door opens when your part of the Beeb Bubble.
Norcott is not really conservative he just says he is as his USP, so panels are ostensibly ‘balanced’ by his presence alongside your standard SJW Beeboid.
How’s about a BBC programme trailed with ‘Jeremy Corbyn, Hamas are his mates for whom the genocide of Israel awaits’.
Ladies first! Oops, no, equality, er, who do we put first???? Jo Whiley & Simon Mayo show on Radio 2.
I have listened to the BBC Radio for probably 50 years, from Junior Choice to Radio 1, then Radio 2. Most of it good, when you find the shows that suit you and when Radio 1 gets too ‘young’ you move on to 2 and find the old DJs that have been put out to pasture.
But now, everything the BBC does turns to shit. Simon Mayo has hosted his drive time show for years, and it’s one of my favourites, the other being Ken Bruce. He didn’t need a co-host, but got a FEMALE one anyway, in the form of Jo Whiley, who I’ve never heard say a witty or interesting thing. A relic of Radio 1 who was a sycophantic music groupie IMO (see Glastonbury). But she gets first on the billing…
So that’s another one crossed off the list, probably in the name of equality (pay?), diversity, blah blah blah. If I was Simon, I’d have told them to shove it up their collective jacksies. Her too really – what a slap asking her to share someone else’s well established show! Other than she’ll undoubtedly get a pay rise.
The specialist music programmes have had to move to make way for Jo Whiley’s ego too.
Eventually they will get later and later until, like The Organist Entertains, they fall off the edge.
Even Ken Bruce going to the dogs now playing a lot of that ‘music’ which sounds like Sparky’s Magic Piano on steroids (assume it’s an overflow from the effluent they play on Radio 1.
Congratulations Channel 4 News !
Tonight you out-BBC’d the BBC !
A psychiatric nurse (?) whose principal hobby was running a blog attacking the Council. Snow worshipped at his feet. Apart from the migrants and benefits junkies the residents were probably all public sector .
7:30pm BBC4 someone called Amber Butchart is just too over the top
Vamp look, plasticky over red hair, covered in a weird green bonnet, with with matching green nails.
One of those fashion people who think they look so so cool, but don’t.
Is she there cos she is someones mate or someone’s squeeze ?
Now there are two types of presenter
Expert like Mary Beard, Neil McGregor
Or Celebs , who are good for experts to ounce against like Tony Robinson or Portillo.
Where does she fit in ? I wouldn’t call her a proper academic even though she brands herself a fashion historian (She started out as a buyer for vintage clothing company , then did an MA in Fashion history, wrote a couple of books and did some part time lecturing.)
The point is a show should be about the topic not the presenter, and she is just too distracting.
(I see back in January @Umbongo tought similarly)
How on earth are the BBC getting away with this?
Am now listening to some radio 4 hit piece about Israel being racist, seeing as it`s not as nice to Ethiopian Jews as the BBC might like.
As of the BBC give a stuff, but it`s any excuse as ever.
What gives the BBC the right to do this-what about the safety of Jews in Brick Lane then Beeb?
Much nearer, less expenses and of some relevance to us.
The BBC make me sick.
Surprised ken Livingstone hasn`t been asked to present his take on how the Jews made up the Holocaust.
Holly, if I listened carefully enough to this programme I think they neglected to mention illegal entry by many into Israel. If I recall correctly, Israel takes a strict and tough line on any illegal entry as well as the appropriate conventions for claiming asylum.
If you follow the rules, you stand a good chance of being allowed to stay. If you break them, it is “return to GO, do not collect £200 and do not try again”.
More hypocrisy. I know their bug bear used to be the Israeli settlers to the West Bank and how outrageous it was that people were moving to that area and taking up residence.
“They shouldn’t do that, it’s unfair, they’re pushing out the former Palestinians residents”
Are they equally outraged at the thousands of immigrants doing the very same thing to our fair island? Would they advocate the same hostility to the immigrants coming into the UK, that they reserve for Israeli settlers?
Smacks of double standards and hypocrisy but surely that can’t be from our respected and fair broadcaster…
The BBC have helped foster the ‘Palestinian’ myth. There never has been a state or kingdom of Palestine. Leading up to the UN formation of the stateof Israel it was a British protectorate and prior to that a region under Ottoman rule.
These were Arabs originally from disparate parts of Arabia, North Africa and the Middle East who were made into permanent refugee pawns by their warring Arab brethren from surrounding Muslim states. Those who chose to stay in Israel despite the 1948 war are now an integrated, freedom-loving population of 1.8 million unlike their equivalents in the likes of Jordan who, along with their descendants, remain poverty-stricken refugees, their tragic status endorsed by a scheming, hypocritical, anti-Israel UN.
Gritty and determined Panorama in-depth Grenfell investigation. Lots of emotion, forceful mike-pushing, disgraceful exposure of flammable cladding, culpable directors and companies, tearful residents, angry residents….and not one single mention of why the building was cladded, who decided and when. So Article 24 of EU Directive 2010 does not apply. Apparently.
And are the BBC representing this or claiming this as new knowledge and an exclusive? I seem to recall this became public knowledge last year, within weeks of the fire.
To be honest, I wish Livingstone would have stood his ground and stayed the Nazi apologist that he is, but by remaining in the Labour Party.
I like to know where all the bigots and anti-Semites are, and I`d rather know that he was in his lefty pen. And-odious though he is-he was ahead of his time in creating the lefty hellhole we`re in now.
And, far more authentic that Shami and the rest of Labours anti-Semitic mates. He was a Jew baiter, long before the rest of Labour. And deserves “all Jew credit” for at least being an openly scummy lefty, as opposed to the pretenders like Starmer and Thornberry .
This –
– raises a few questions.
1. How did Jameela get around the Green Card requirements?
2. How did she circumvent the protection rules on musical performers?, and
3. Is she working illegally in the US?
Breaking ………………….Traffic at a standstill – another stabbing- Islington .
(not Eastenders !)
Your finger on the pulse . Islington gazette confirms upper street stabbing killing . They say body count for our diverse capital now 66. My posting of about 2 hours ago is already out of date .
Missed it ?
Taff – the evening standard was reporting 3 stabbing deaths in 72 hours – I suppose it’s now 4 in 80 hours . I remember a mantra from a couple of years ago which ran ‘ London’s getting safer’ – perhaps not quite true anymore . Our thoughts are with ….
I am afraid I have lost count.
🙁 ?
My daughter deals with overseas language students and now reports that around 50% of parents are refusing to let their children go on the London trips because their home media reports the killings and robberies .This is how it begins the end of a great city.
Those in power are dreaming if they think that the rest of the world is in ignorance of the state of crime in London.
EastEnders has just started its week-long storyline highlighting knife crime in London. Victims are Keegan (mixed-race, white/black) and Shakil (mixed-race, white/asian). All the previously unseen assailants are white. Keegan stole a bicycle belonging to them to get home to see the Royal Wedding.
It’s real life, innit?
(Spoilers – Shakil is going to die, according to the TV Times)
The East End of where? Mogadishu?
Quite possibly, Al.
As a friend once said to me – years ago – there are probably more white people in that programme than there are in the whole of the actual East End.
There are more ‘black’ people in UK adverts now than there are in the whole of the UK. (Didn’t dey all get depoted on de Windrush innit?)
Reality Check: Are clothes moths on the rise?”
Not affected by global warming , Co2 levels or any other green issue ?
A load of balls – answer ? Moth balls !
Wot? Napthalene?!!!
An oil by-product, flammable and containing poisonous benzenes? Eeeeek! You’ve had that. When oil companies start to leave oil in the ground, no more mothballs.
The moths will take over.
Perhaps we could harness the fluttering of their wings to generate some electricity …..
Animal Rights ? ooops, insect rights.
Perhaps humankind will leave the cockroaches and clothes moths to slug it out to be inheritor of the world?
“slug it out”
I like it I like it.
There was a really funny Trump story in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph.
The bulk of the story detailed how the Democrats has planted a mole/spy in the Trump campaign in the hope of finding information to discredit him before the election. Near the end of the story the reporter mentioned Trump’s tweets on this dirty trick, but the story’s punchline was that Trump hadn’t provided any evidence for his claim. This switched the story from one of Democrat party malpractice to one criticising Trump for making unsubstantiated claims; when the reporter had already used most of his story to prove Trump’s point. He’s a natural for a job at the BBC.
C4 now Manchester hate crime doco
Female/male community offices touring the mosques EVERY DAY to hand out hate crime leaflets
… well that fishing for hate crime reports, must increase the reported stats.
“those on the far-right responding are doing what the terrorists want”
..hmm lots of people respond is offensive to
Now mentioning Tommy Robinson encouraging people to come to “what he calls the march against hate ,
Robinson’s event (was it ?)
He wants the event to be peaceful, but his 3,000 protesters are met by a counter protest”
(and tensions are rising on both sides (really ? it’s usually more aggro/arrest from the Antifa side)
prog cherrypicks racist aggression from ONE individual on the peace protest ..ah one audio about “Paki”
shots of crowd running, and smoke bombs that is definitely Antifa that is misrepresenting to claim that is the Peace March side.
Near start cops pouring over video footage of white youth gang kicking taxi door ..shouting “racial abuse”
FFS they are uncouth louts , they do same stuff to everyone not just non-whites.
It’s wrong to label the racist louts
..cos they are louts first.
See… balance.
Is that homophobic?
10pm Tuesday C4 Mo Salleh tribute doco
ha great minds ..I just typed at same time
10pm Wednesday C4 Doco series about EU Parliament, mostly ridiculing UKIP and an excuse to play a million times the vid of the MEP who holds up a card saying Farage is lying
Who are these 5% of British people who trust the media “a lot” ?
If and when one gets ‘surveyed’ always go for the ‘extreme’ options as, like here, the commissioners of the survey gather up all the votes that don’t absolutely counter their preferred outcome.
From the above table 80% of Germans Don’t Trust The Media!, which is just as accurate as ‘64% have Total Trust’.
The World Service reports droolingly on the Obamas being signed up by Netflix to produce programmes which “foster a greater understanding between peoples.” Real cutting edge journalism from the BBC – they sure know how to get their hands dirty.
I think ‘Corruption Idol’ might be more appropriate, with Obama judging leaders of banana republics on how well they have attempted to rig an election and spy on political opponents.
RE: Trump MS13 gang.
The media are falling into the same trap that snared them during the election: giving Trump free publicity. In their rush to condemn him they amplify and disemminate his message and make themselves look dishonest and weak on the process. Standing up for mass murdering gangs is not good.
Trump shows how all the lefty media have is character assassination; when that does not work they have nowhere to go. No substantive arguments, policies or aspirations: just name-calling, finger wagging and hollow virtue signalling.
Like with Jordan Peterson they make no real attempt to examine his ideas and why they are so inspirational. They just want to smear him as ‘alt right’ et cetera. It is so infantile and moronic. It is so much better hearing him chat for three hours with the chilled out Joe Rogan who lets him speak at length about all sorts of fascinating things than endure the standard MSM hit job where we only get a small segment during which he is mostly on the defensive against cry bully interviewers.
Toady this morning. Nick Robinson is in Manchester for the anniversary of the Islamic attack and murder of the little girls. Lots of guff about Manchester coming together, uniting in love yadda yadda yadda.
Number of references to Islam? Zero.
This would be Nick ‘Don’t tell folk what the bbc doesn’t want them to hear’ Robinson?
The ‘coming together’ talk is such bullshit.
Coming together implies two disparate warring sides but that isn’t the case. There is the British way of life, the culture of the country that these people live within and there is the counter culture that seeks to undermine, ignore and destroy it.
Only one side is fanatical and planting bombs, only one side refuses to chill the hell out, only one side is beyond media examination.
‘Come together…’
What, for a Pallywood-style photoshoot? Utter bullshit. In towns and cities up and down the country Muslims choose separatism over integration, living physically and culturally separate lives from the rest of the population save the necessary overlaps of work and education, and even the latter of those is becoming more and more separatist through majority presence and Islamic schooling.
Oh great. There’s going to be a singalong vigil. Trees of hope will be planted. ‘Together we are Manchester.’
BBC love this deflection activity. That’ll stop any more massacres for sure.
There is a big Grenfell inquiry but nothing about the Manchester bomber, how someone we had supposedly rescued from persecution grew up to hate us so much. None of his imams interrogated, local ‘community leaders’ grilled etc.
BBC Breakfast trundle the short distance up the road from Salford to Manchester for an anniversary edition this morning.
Anniversary of what, you may be asking?
We’re all clutching our carebears once again, placing our tealights, joining hands, scribbling our Hallmark Cards emotive jottings and humming Cumbayah…. so what’s it all about?
“It was a bomb”
“Younge people died”
“It was linked to terrorism”
And my favourite from this morning’s BBC script:
“We all know what happened”
Remind me of that BBC slogan about Inform… Educate… and… Least said soonest mended…?
I don’t think that last one was part of the original remit.
Al Beeb 6pm news has a festive feel about the anniversary of the ‘tragedy’ as Alan described it. Even he sounded embarrassed by the editorial instruction .
‘Just happened to be Muslim…’ yeah.
Oh, how they laughed.
Bbc ‘news’ email summary:
Moped crime rule change
There’s been a surge in crime involving scooters and motorbikes in the last three years, particularly in London, and now police are to get more protection as they try to combat it. The new proposals aim to end the “myth” that officers cannot pursue riders who are not wearing helmets for fear they could be prosecuted in the event of a crash. “Criminals must not think they can get away with a crime by riding or driving in a certain way,” policing minister Nick Hurd said.
BBC Three’s Livvy Haydock got up close to three moped criminals. You can also find out whether you’re living in a moped crime hotspot .
When the bbc deploys the “quotes” it’s time to find out the actual facts.
I wonder if Livvy got close enough to see their helmets?
I’m indebted to Craig at isthebbcbiased for his article on Caroline Wyatt’s attempt to throw light on UK anti-Semitism while stopping short at any examination of the causes of it (other than strife in Israel of course).
Starts at 11 minutes in:
“This week there was international condemnation of Israel’s killing of over 60 Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border fence,” says Caroline in her introduction.
No surprises there: it’s standard pro-Palestinian BBC bleating. “International condemnation” is the phrase the BBC uses to assure its collective self that it cannot be misguided in its loathing of Israel since so much of the planet also loathes Israel.
And “protesters” is a really mild word to describe a rabble of thousands (naturally including children as human shields) led by terrorists, many of them armed, to break through the fence under cover of a huge black cloud of smoke from burning tyres with one purpose: to kill Jews. (I say “Jews” because there is no intention to kill Arab Israelis.)
By the time she broadcast her piece the alleged protest was old news and there is no excuse for ignorance of what actually happened there.
And here’s the obligatory “Israel said:”
“Israel said it was defending its territory and accused Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, of being behind the protests.”
Here Caroline is so intent on pushing the standard BBC obfuscation by minimizing terrorist accountability and pointing the finger at Israel that she cannot even see the obvious logical flaw in that statement: since Hamas controls Gaza, who else could be behind the protests? Is she really that ignorant that she imagines a “protest” on that scale could happen against the wishes of Hamas? And does she really not know that Hamas acknowledged that 50 of its members were killed?
This is really pathetic and it set the tone for what was to follow. She did rope in an impressive mix of opinion on anti-Semitism, but as long as the BBC refuses to acknowledge the elephant in the room, any attempt it makes to throw light on anti-Semitism will be a futile exercise.
Which elephant? The huge Islamic one, of course, lifting its trunk and trumpeting its hatred of Jews and of Israel as the Jewish state.
….and never mentioned by the BBC: Hamas’ charter still contains the destruction of Israel as its objective.
Could the ‘world’s most respected broadcaster’ possibly link that inescapable fact to the violent ‘protests’?
Not. A. F***ing. Chance.
A clearer example of the BBC having an agenda you could not wish to find.
Lord God The good ship nick Robinson in full beeboid sail this morning in Manchester . He navigated his way through any mention of Muslim hatred for ‘others ‘ leading them to blow up kids at pop concerts .
It’s a shame he couldn’t be sank by the torpedo of reality instead of a false navigation through ritual beeboid sewage.
Off switch time .
The Robinson Manchesterfest is toe curling. It’s about celebration and how much stronger Manchester is now that 22 kids have been killed by a Muslim extremist whose family were offered sanctuary in the city and who took every advantage of all Britain had to offer apart from respect for other religions and cultures and the right to live in peace and without being subject to violence.
Well I have news for Robinson, Burnham the BBC and all other lefties who grotesquely distort what has happened. This problem hasn’t gone away and many other innocent people will be killed. Nothing to celebrate .
Several years ago on this very blog we debated BBC guidelines on the use of the dreaded ‘T’ word. The BBC was indicating that it would not use “terrorists” to refer to groups that engaged in terrorism but it would still be acceptable to use the dreaded word while quoting others who use it. That soon was discarded as well and we saw the extraordinary occurrence over and over of the BBC lying about what, for example, an Israeli spokesman said re a terror attack on Israeli civilians.
And so the BBC continues to bow to Islamic terrorism by downplaying it, ignoring it and using absurd words like ‘militants’ to refer to terrorists.
Does the BBC not understand that by pandering to Islamic terrorists it is easing the way for more Islamic terrorism?
What worries me is that perhaps it really does understand.
(Edit: I have to apologise to the perfectly honourable word ‘militant’ by refering to it as ‘absurd.’ Of course, it is the BBC’s abuse of the word that is absurd.)
I think the worst aspect this morning was Robinson’s leading questions to victims families on the lines of “ do you blame Islam?”
All to push the BBCs agenda given that the answer “no” had been predetermined.
Twenty-two sacrificial lambs to the glory of Allah?
Or as the BBC would like to word it, “Nice Islamic man uses bomb to stop young girls becoming sex slaves”.
Did anyone hear the slip of the tongue by the imam in an interview with Nick Robinson on Toady? It was around 8.40am. The imam referred to the bombing as a ‘terrific’ event, before correcting himself to say ‘horrific’. I appreciate English probably isn’t his first language, but the irony… oh the irony..,