\\A Leave-backing MP has resigned from her junior government role saying she wants to “fight for Brexit”.//
\\”we need to leave the customs union”.// http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44244395
I hope the rest of the Tory party will back her .
Wow, good for her in displaying some integrity though she should have done it at the beginning of the week as it will be deliberately lost in the Bank Holiday weekend anti-trump nonsense.
Bannon knows we are in a real culture war for the future of the West. Frei, Maitlis etc do not . They are increasingly at a disadvantage. They cannot identify the enemy because they are the enemy .
Actually almost our entire political class is unaware of what is coming.
Reminds me of a Leonard Cohen line
“men will come from the shadows”
The only way they now have to stop what is coming is by resorting to force . This they might well try but at the cost of destroying their own view of themselves.
Hi Dave S, if you think the BBC is bad – the universities are generally worse – with a group of activist professors with heaps of money and influence to push a) fourth wave feminism b) anti-white-ism c) diversity d) LGBT+ e) Islam. There are “research institutes” publicly funded for the sole purpose of overthrowing what they perceive as the white patriarchy and further changing western society. Only in the Ivory Towers could people come up with the new system of gender specific pronouns.
One area I haven’t yet looked into is the School System – but it seems equally as bad – with stories that schools in Manchester were showing videos about Islam victimhood in the lead up to the anniversary of the Manchester bombing.
Reminds me of the BBC Climate Change seminar. Lots of females and ethnics were invited, but a white male invited began to realise they did not know much about the science beyond reading the Guardian. That would mean that they didn’t know anything about Thermodynamics or didn’t know what a big monster the white male Svante Arrhenius, had created in their small heads.
That’s the way Universities are going. The creation of an idiocracy were women, ethnics and white males like Roger Harrabin make themselves University Professors and award themselves top awards for cleverness. While all those white males who still understand science subjects such as Atmospheric Physics, teach the subjects underground, while hiding any science books, written by white males, from the “Planet of the Apes” thought police.
Richard, I agree there is an idiocracy in academic debate on all levels especially among the young in universities which is worrying. I believe it will be outed case by case because the antifa mobs can’t control themselves in their drive to oppose logical discussions with intimidation and violence. At some point the shouts of ‘fascism’ have to backfire – because they clearly don’t understand what fascism is and that they are promoting it. but when you say ‘women’ let’s be clear it’s a fringe feminista element, Hollywood bandwaggonistas, BBC MSM group-think victimistas, there is nobody I know of the female persuasion at this time who agrees with any of this BS, we find it tiresome, ugly, untrue and unhelpful.
‘They cannot identify the enemy because they are the emeny’ Absolutely correct Dave S. From all that I have studied over several years is that the biggest and most dangerous threat to the White Western European is Islam-In the UK we now have a prominent Muslim in one of the highest offices of State- Home Secretary-and not quite so incompehensibly in view of the number of Muslims living in London, A Muslim London Mayor. If you read the website Gates of Vienna you will get a good picture of just how far entrenched these Islamists are and have been gradually spilling their alien ideology across Europe. They are without doubt our(the West’s) biggest threat supported and abetted by the likes of BBC and other Media types.
Good, we could spend it on the Reaction Engines, Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems SABRE engine development. That would put Britain ahead of the EU, Russia and America in the Space Race with Alan Bonds Skylon Spacecraft travelling to the Moon and back with me and eleven other British passengers, thanks to Brexit.
Many would favour what you state Richard, but I’m certain that any such monies will be grabbed to support the NHS. Every aspect of that organisation needs to be tightened up especially in the purchase of goods to the NHS-Suppliers have had field day over the past 50 yrs or so in supplying the NHS-charging what they like and knowing they will get paid-that has to stop immediately. In fact we have many billionaire’sliving in this country-levy them with a command payment of £300 million each that would plug one the holes!
This should be the number one story on every outlet right now – https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/270251/clapper-spills-beans-spygate-kenneth-r-timmerman
Director Of National Intelligence admits that Obama’s DOJ spied on Trump campaign. “Bigger than Watergate” Tweets Trump. But the Biased BBC does not agree, because they have not managed to devote a single paragraph to this news. Obviously ‘the wrong message’.
Related to the Romanian story the BBC were telling us that the Poles were the largest immigrant group at around 1 million.
Given the way that our politicians/media have caved in to the ‘2%’ that are Muslims, i.e. comparable to the number of Poles, and given that Poles are mostly catholics is it wise of Jo Coburn and the rest of the BBC to slag off catholic Jacob Rees-Mogg?
I was definitely tenth in the queue when I posted.
And here I am at number 28 in the queue.
This cannot stand(oo er).
Your offer is a good one, as long as you agree to contain Sting. I knew his brother, much nicer lad.
Mind you Shaggy`s got a sexy voice, so if you`ve got the Sanatogen , I`1l bring the goosegrease.
Lads in front of us, hopefully ignoring this chat at the back…spring brings out the friskiness in me I suppose.
Noted a few references to Leonard Cohen and Johnny Marr above , so they`re alright-fancied both of them in my time.
According to the BBC and the liberal left , The Brexit vote was caused by racism
Since the Brexit vote , there has been more racism .
So if the 52% voted because they were racist , where has all the extra racism come from since the referendum ? It hasn’t
come from the 52% percent because they were already racist , so the extra racism must come from the Remainers .
Only ONE of those searching questions that only the BBC would care to ask.
Wonder if they`ve any others? Like how many jobs will go in Scotland if Trump bales out and moves it all over to Ireland. And will Sturgeon replace them for those who`ll be unemployed?
That man on that Labour Party women only shortlist, who self identifies as a woman, could be the first woman Prime Minister who’s Statue would be able to stay up without being pulled down by a Labour supporter.
But at the moment I am a male protestant who for some unknown sexist but religiously peculiar contradictory reason, prefers a male catholic Prime Minister to a protestant woman Prime Minister.
Funny enough Richard, as a Northern Irish Protestant male I feel the same way.
That’ll be because of our inbuilt misogyny though, nothing to do with their respective strengths of character or their political views. Others might say we agree because we’re both Dicks!
Oh well, another apparent ‘ism’ I can add to my growing list.
I`m thinking of becoming a catholic Priest, now I`m happy to identify as a man for this latest career change of mine. Bloody sick of old blokes wanting their bums wiped, noses and worse cleaned.
Er, might need to think this.
But anyway-I`ll revert to being myself once i`m an Archbishop, and had a ride in that golf buggy at the Vatican.
Bless you my children.
Barely a year ago there was chat about someone like Disney bidding for Netflix. Today, Netflix ($152bn) became worth more than Disney ($151bn). The juggernaut is relentless right now
“You see all the journos, the presenters, the whole lot of them, they all love their BBC, whatever station they happen to be presently lodged at.”
Is it because they all aspire to work for the BBC?
Better working conditions, pensions and prestige?
Just like MPs going on about how great the EU is. Yes it is great if you get a nice semi-retirement job working for the EU but not great for everyone else.
AsiSeeit, many years ago, when Princess Anne first got married, the only reference in either Pravda or Morning Star (some commie rag), was that ‘traffic had been disrupted due to the marriage of a monarch’s daughter’ (or similar)…
Even then these old papers were teaching diversionary omission to very young budding beeboids!
I would love to see a referendum about paying to scrap the license fee and watch the BBC shit themselves as they try and interview people and trying to be as balanced as possible realise that most people would vote in favour of ‘scrap the tax’
The BBC would find it impossible to get away with keeping things on their side so would have a nasty shock when they realise that most of the nation want very little to do with them.
In the end the BBC would reveal a ‘shock defat’ that the nation voted against them and of course an ‘investigation’ would take place to see ‘what went wrong’ only to realise that for years their unbalanced reporting and censorship has cost them their reputation with the British public.
I for one would certainly vote to abolish the license fee!
One result, just minutes before the vote, there would be a programme of admiration for President Trump, including a damning report on all Joe Corbyn’s failings, a report that Grenfell victimhood is in denial, a short piece on the promise of Brexit making the UK a great place to live, and a call to halt immigration.
Immediately after the vote, which they would win, because sheep and snowflakes vote for lefties, the prog would be taken off Iplayer and everywhere else, and the whole process reversed…
No doubt the result would be a majority to abolish the license fee.
However there would be a several year long “Implementation” period during which everybody, including those who do not watch the BBC , would still have to pay the license fee while alternative funding methods are “developed and negotiated”.
During this period there would be a huge outcry from ” Maintainers” claiming that those who voted to abolish the fee did not realize ( and were not informed) in the run up to the referendum that they would have to pay a fee to continue watching the BBC and consequently the result was invalid. This should have been made clear prior to the referendum, but the “Abolishers” failed to do so. Also their claim the families would have an extra £150 a year to spend on their children was misleading as not all viewers had children.
A further “Consultation” period would then be put in place with the suggestion that after the “Implementation” period has expired and we no longer have to pay the license fee, an annual ‘Subscription’ payment should be introduced payable by everybody who watched any TV channel. This would not be a License fee but merely the most sensible and practical method of ensuring the totally impartial BBC is able to continue operating its delivery of unbiased news and world class comedy programs. This would also avoid the resultant mass unemployment created by the termination of the employment of Left wing bigots, gays, transgenders and hundreds of those of non white ethnicity currently employed by the BBC.
No doubt there would be an increase in Race Hatred Crime after a vote to abolish and of course the seemingly unsolvable problem regarding people in the Republic of Ireland who wished to listen to the BBC.
Scotland would vote to keep the license fee and claim it to be unconstitutional for Britain to abolish as they all wanted to pay to watch and listen.
No UK government will ever scrap the licence fee, regardless of how bad al Beebus gets.
The government always wants to be in ultimate control of such a powerful domestic and international broadcaster. After all, what might replace it? The rest of the media in the Western world is dominated by a handful of companies, mainly American; I can’t think of any UK government allowing that to happen here – ever.
Recent blog on BBC Scotland bias
“Scottish Press the Labour Party in Scotland and BBC Scotland Conspiracy Pact Exposed”
I’m ambivalent when the SNP shout the BBC are biased
cos the SNP are grade 1 nutters, so I haven’t read the post.
But someone might find it interesting. https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/73712824/posts/16297
Canada : MSM journos getting stick
At the Canadian border where immigrants are illegally crossing, masked Antifa protesters turned up en masse
– As usual police did nithing
– As usual MSM didn’t report antifas fascists antics
* When Faith Golding got beaten spat at and friend pushed to the ground , MSM reported it but EDITED out Antifa violence * Rebel Media has the footage
Never mind Stew – more important things happening in the land of the greatest feminist PM ever – I hear they have exploding restaurants now. Unless of course the bomb was planted by a non ROPER in which case we will get full details of any suspect. No one is dead at the moment which must be frustrating for Justin – with Teddies and tears at the ready.
“Why is there a row about Galileo?
Britain may be denied full access to the EU’s Galileo satellite navigation system on security grounds after Brexit. That could cost UK firms billions of pounds, and hundreds of hi-tech jobs.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/business-44242569/why-is-there-a-row-about-galileo
More propaganda Bunk?
We can go it with the ‘Five Eyes’. We dont need the EU, never have done.
Wasn’t Galileo supposed to funded by motorists, who would be taxed, via a chip in all new cars, for the distance travelled on UK roads? We need this pile of ess aitch one tee like we need more immigration from the Middle Ages!
“The Bank of England governor has said a “disorderly” Brexit could delay rises in interest rates as the Bank would be obliged to act to shore up the economy.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44247290
Does any one believe him anymore ?
He is crying wolf again.
Who employed him ?
Then The BBC said that all scenarios to do with Brexit were being prepared by the Bank Of England .
So they could also have reported how successful our economy would be if we had a good trade deal , open to the world etc .
Mind you I think that would mean Theresa the Apeaser going .
“Taxes are going to have to rise to pay for the NHS if the UK is to avoid “a decade of misery” in which the old, sick and vulnerable are let down, say experts.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-44230033
Message to the so-called experts …………..
Use the money spent on Foreign Aid.
After a whole decade of screwing the poorest, charmingly called austerity, and giving the money to the rich, I’m going to take some convincing they are going to start helping the poor now.
Massaging ‘budgets’ in Whitehall is fudged by civil servants obfuscating the figures, thick MPs who don’t really understand what they’re doing, pernicious liars who do, a stupid bunch of sheep and snowflakes (small voters), who believe all these barstewards, and a load of leftie hangers onlike Groaners and the BBC, who don’t tell the truth.
The ‘budget’ is always meaningless anyway, and foreign aid is always put up by big business to retain foreign trade, not look after little Mo who has a toothache and needs a bed in Barts…
The whole charade needs draining, Like what is happening in the US.
Again on R4 Today, the insufferably smug John Simpson gave another of his snide broadcasts on Donald Trump, this time on his talks with the Norks. However, one thing I do agree with – that John Bolton and Mike Pence were unwise to mention Libya as an example, where WMD were surrendered then Gadaffi was assassinated.
You are right, Martin, on Simpson – who made me laugh with his hypocrisy and contradictions – and on diplomacy. You really need to be very careful with what you say at any time when in Government. There are shades of the Carter Administration’s first year within the current Presidential team.
The current Adminstration in Washington needs some better self-control and discipline from the President downward. They should minimise their Twittering and Facebooking as a start. The BBC could, of course, try to set a good example to the Trump Administration but they do not!
Interesting contrast with the Japan’s Ambassador to the UK, Koji Tsuruoka, who gave an immaculately firm, polite and clear interview to Justin Webb without, I suspect, a word out of place.
Did Anyone hear Jon Simpson report at just before 7am. He could not have spat his words out harder if he tried…The narrative was ..Trump is losing against N Korea..Trump only wants talks for Kudos and the peace prize..Trump is may be known for the art of losing the deal..etc etc…It was the worst piece of ‘reporting’ I have heard in a while…no mention of the very well written letter Trump ( note not President Trump)..and no mention that N Korea had come back quite conciliatory.. It was the balanced opinion we have come to expect of the BBC and how they can’t see it internally is beyond me…good job listeners are leaving at a rate of knots
BBC in the past: We are terrified that the North Korean’s have nuclear weapons (they probably don’t) and are threatening to attack America and a mad American President (an isolationist) who is (but shouldn’t be) the leader of the Free World but is trading insults with poor, little North Korea.
BBC recently: We are aghast that President Trump is going to meet with North and South Korean leaders and stop being an isolationist and negotiate better relations between North & South Korea and also to get rid of the North Korean’s nuclear weapons. It is going to end in disgrace for the President of the USA who we don’t like anyway. It legitimises the North Korean regime who we like but don’t like.
BBC now: It’s a disgrace that President Trump and President Kim Jong Un have called off their talks and it is all President Trump’s fault, after it being Mike Pence’s fault, after it being John Bolton’s fault who we ignored at first, anyway, because it didn’t suit our narrative. The world is now even less safe and it is all Trump’s fault who wanted a Nobel Peace Prize for talking with the two Koreas, the bighead.
Whole article is confusing “Wi-fi” with “internet access”. The second sentence makes it sound like they are stealing someone elses internet access via Wi-fi. When you get to paragraph 12 it mentions 4G access so has nothing to do with Wi-fi whatsoever.
Ironically the article is written by Bethan Lewis, BBC Wales education correspondent.
I had to get all the way to the second sentence… They say the format is “toxic” for schools with a combination of high levels of deprivation and few pupils speaking English as a second language.
… before the BBC managed to turn it into a immigration issue yet again.
Tabs – good point. I’m a bit late on the Lammy/Oxford thread earlier.
Brillo challenging Bergdorf on opportunities in higher education. Kids who go into higher education by percentage of population, 33% white 37% black 67% Indian 76% Chinese.
Brillo asks, where’s the racism in that? Munroe answers it’s not about academic performance it’s about history.
So that’s a bit shit for those clever high-achieving non-whites then, they should have looked at their roots and stood down on principle. Even if their contribution could be magnificent and they could really integrate – splitters. Wolf nipple chips, get em while they’re hot, they’re lovely.
The BBC seem to be taking a lot of notice to Corbyn’s stance on the Irish boarder. What is going on here? Just standard news reporting or the BBC’s usual ‘helping Corbyn out’ presenting his view as the better view while ignoring the fact that Corbyn is cosy with Jerry Adams and other seedy figures in Northern Ireland politics?
If Corbyn is warning of a return to sectarian bombings and killings if we leave the EU customs union, I would believe him. He is well enough connected to know.
I listened to the whole of the TOADY Programme this morning, slightly unwillingly, but was wide awake from 5.30am onwards and had some other things to do anyway.
Some of the output was blether. Some went in one ear and straight out t’other. Some was obviously slanted. Occasional bits seemed a bit more honest. Some content was laughable. Usual hypocrisy, brainless campaigning, uncritical acceptance.
A masterclass from bannon on how to deal with an idiot journo with an agenda. Maitliss didnt learn a thing from the newman peterson interview. Just constantly going with the ‘you are a racist’ agenda and was handed her bony arse to her on a plate with facts.
None of the good natured respect and pleasant looks an unbiased interviewer would gave: just a sullen demeanour from Matliss. And her look when giving her final (grudging) thanks to Steve Bannon was one of pure hate. Shocking bias. Even the likes of Stephen Sackur is pleasant, and similes, when constantly interrupting someone he disagrees with.
A slightly higher camera angle would help her a bit. Some years ago it was clear that EM wanted to be BBC Top Cat. She dressed, er…, ummh, have to tread delicately here, let’s say that she dressed to impress. She had few BBC rivals at the time, unfortunately now she has rather more. That’s diversity for you.
There is tough competition now and the sista-ly love and a shared fight for equality disappears oughta da window, when it comes to the struggle to be Top Cat. The scrabble for the top may leave stiletto heel marks on heads and shoulders, bodies in corners and corridors and stuff, it’s a hard world out there.
Emily Maitliss didn’t try to put words, and wrong words at that, into her interviewee’s mouth as Cathy Newman clearly did with Prof Peterson.
I was pleasantly surprised by two things: Maitliss looked a whole lot better than six to nine months ago. In the last video clip of her that I watched sometime last year, she was looking like a wizened old crone. And she acted like it – obviously losing her rag (cannot remember who the lucky interviewee was) – while this time, she allowed Bannon to pause her and for him to finish his points before the next question.
Yes, she had a list of anti-Trump questions, and only anti-Trump questions, but I found it watchable.
Bannon looked really rough (often does) but as the interview went on he appeared to sparkle more & more and was very clear and positive. It was revealing about his time limitation on his time on WH staff. The BBC could & should do a bit of a mea culpa for their misrepresentation of his departure.
He was very firm and clear cut on several other issues that demonstrate a clear divide between the BBC Leftism and American Democrat Leftism and a more conservative Republican or the populist approach (of Europe) as alternatives. A good interview, I think, for Steve Bannon.
Yes, notwithstanding my criticism of 09:46, I was able bear to watch the whole interview, and it is true, Maitliss is at least to be commended for allowing Bannon to speak without much interruption. Mind you, he certainly has the knack of dealing with interviewers and effectively cutting short an incipient interruption.
PS. It is noticeable that the BBC has not allowed Seb Gorka on their airwaves for some time. Doubtless they are terrified he would tell some truth about Muller, the Dossier, Deep State lies and on, i.e. everything ‘the Sopels’ should be telling us, but won’t.
Sorry Up and Martin, I disagree. Emily wasn’t being polite by allowing Mr Bannon to continue. He did not give her a choice and was very clear by voice and gesture that she should remain quiet and listen. If only more people would refuse to be assaulted by BBC interrogators. Had there been a much weaker person in Mr Bannon’s chair do you think Emily would have stopped quietly to let them make their points.
That’s okay, I shall watch again, and look for Bannon’s command of the interview session. That’s the nice thing about us Conservative/Republican/Liberatians, we listen to other people’s views and acknowledge that they may have a valid point. What a contrast to Socialists/Progressives who are not only intolerant of any views but their own, but aggressively act to shut down opposing voices so that they are not even heard!
Moods, You are most welcome to disagree but that is how I saw it/heard it. Sorry, perhaps I did not make myself clear, Emily tried to interrupt and cut into Steve but he was firm. At that point she gave way. I agree with you that Bannon handled the interview really well. His firmness paid off. We could listen and learn something about Bannon & the WH and US politics.
Compare & contrast that with the Matt Frei interview for C4. Chalk & cheese. Learnt nothing from that apart from ‘how not to interview’.
Maitlis had a piece about her Bannon interview in yesterday’s Times, why I don’t know. In it she recounts how one of her questions saw a response from Bannon which showed him ‘dripping with contempt for the mindset of the organisation I represent’.
Why don’t the BBC investigate the electoral fraud from last year’s GE? How about those Russian bots trying to benefit Labour or how Corbyn managed to get away with lying to a whole generation of young people about abolishing their student debts with no actual intention of doing so and in the mean time cheating the Tories out of a majority which Theresa May needed to secure a strong Brexit?
So much bullshit in our own country and the BBC turn a blind eye to it in favour of another country that is miles away from us?
Hi Katie. Thanks for this.
I`m away this weekend, and am weaning myself off all BBC product. But DO-indeed MUST-watch Jonathan Meades on BBC4 11.30.
Can I request that you post it up for those of us who won`t register with the BBC any longer/ But want to see Mr Meades on this esteemed site!
Thank You Kaite-mwah, mwah!
Yep, can I see it too-will get my film club to critique it, as they all get a good look at this site.
Saw that Tommy Robinson has been arrested.
The Independent said that he “radicalised” Darren Osbourne-bloke who drove up to Finsbury Park mosque off his face, drove near someone who later died. And then got charged with terrorism and murder, no doubt.
What has the law become?
And the Independent smears Tommy with this crock-whilst failing to mention the role of the BBCs “Three Girls” on Rochdale Muslim sex gangs.
He`d just seen that…but that`s not mentioned by the (less than) Independent.
Not far off the Full Goebbels are we now?
As a professional journalist – shorthand trained, a long time ago – when the word “controversial” is mentioned, you can stop reading, or listening. Before I turned this off, she used the word twice. It always is the warning sign of a lack of depth, or to shock the viewer into unwarranted attention and horror. These BBC journalists are activists, not journalists. One day I will write a book about this.
The BBC will be getting geared up for the massive event of the year in the absence of Glastonbury. Yes, it’s Labour Live! ( oh oh oh oh Jeremy Corbyn) where an incredible 1800 tickets have been snapped up already! They will no doubt have to send 427 staff to cover this fabulous event. Me, i’ll have to reluctantly miss it as i’m off to watch the hideously white Rolling Stones.
first heard about ‘Labour Live’ by the BBC advertising it on their website. It must be so frustrating that Glaso is having their fallow year this year so they cannot repeat last year’s embarrassing ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ just after he lost an election.
One year on things do not look too good for Labour in the opinion polls either so not much chance of seeing Corbyn being PM this year!
I think that Corbyn was added to the line up at the last minute. In fact I think that a black musician was pushed out of the way to let Corbyn take the stage which no one seemed to have noticed.
It is a bit strange looking back now though that there was a large number of young people fascinated with old Corbs. He had just lost an ‘easy to win’ election yet was portrayed as some sort of hero. He has become a victim of his own success though and as more people took more notice o him then the more apparent it was that he would make a useless PM. You now had the young voters seeing him ranting and raving over everything while picking fights with everyone and anyone.
I now doubt that those young voters would vote in such large numbers next time, not just because they know that they where duped for their votes but simply because Corbyn is a menace and has proven that he will offer this country little
Think Owen dobs in those in his party who don`t tow Corbyns line.
That Lewisham bloke(Mc Kenzie) got booted out for saying something that was true enough maybe? Thornberry is not mocked.
What a nark.
Matt Frei was hardly letting him answer his accusations. He (Frei) lied and bullied and hectored. Wasn’t he once BBC? It certainly looked like it.
He kept on about the Hungarians fear of a Muslim invasion but “only one Syrian was in this particular village”. If Orban hadn’t fought against being allocated a few hundred thousand of Merkel’s cast-offs it would have been a different story. The whole couintry is less than 10 million.
Don’t forget the Hungarians have a history of muslim attempts to invade them, twice they even got as far as Vienna. The following is a quote from Wikipedia ( I know, I know) “As a consequence of the constant warfare between Hungarians and Ottoman Turks, population growth was stunted and the network of medieval settlements with their urbanized bourgeois inhabitants perished. The 150 years of Turkish wars fundamentally changed the ethnic composition of Hungary. As a result of demographic losses, including deportations and massacres, the number of ethnic Hungarians at the end of the Turkish period was substantially diminished.” So why would they want to be ethnically cleansed again which is what Arbeit Matt Frei clearly wants?
I know now what Matt Frei thinks and believes. I wonder if someone can interview Steve Bannon so we know what he thinks and believes. The BBC/Ch4/Guardian may disagree with it, but at least then they would know.
I no longer see any point in people like Bannon, or even mildly right leaning people like Jordan Peterson engaging with the globalist media in interviews such as this.
They won’t listen and have no interest in having a reasoned argument. Reality will hopefully bite them in the arse one day, in the meantime it’s probably best for the counter-revolution to continue in the shadows, via the internet (while we still can), and if that’s closed down there will be other means. There’ll be a tipping point eventually. Socialism, multiculturalism and big business corporatism will lead us into a Venezuela situation. With no more money for welfare, things will ‘kick off’ a la Paul Mason.
There’s that old quote from the Civil War – “If we beat the King ninety and nine times yet he is king still, and so will his posterity be after him; but if the King beat us once, we shall be all hanged, and our posterity be made slaves”. I relate that in modern terms as trying to win over the media. It’s not worth it, we’re better off building a new model army.
“I went to a town which had only got one Syrian migrant in it!”
“Yes, Herr Frei, the residents of that town have seen what masses of ‘migrants’ have done elsewhere in Europe; where they’ve been given refuge and have wisely decided to vote against them being permitted to do the same in Hungary. Next question please.”
Just imagine …. the human race could be settled on the moon and expanding our civilisation onto Mars … yet we are asking if Islam is peaceful, who should share the toilets and when is a women a man when they are not a women on an all female short list for women full of men.
2018 …. because the important question is how do you feel?
“Carl Sagan: We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness”
From hunters and foragers on the African plains gripped with fear of the seasons and skies to walking on the moon looking down on the pale blue dot that is Earth. We have further yet to travel when we let go of out local disputes and we set ourselves some worthy goals.
The documentary series NASA: Triumph and Tragedy really shows how up to the Apollo moon race and the early Space Shuttle days how people took huge risks to further the human race. The astronauts often say themselves and their family came second to the mission.
Fast forward today and all we have is a human race obsessed with what can they get for themselves from everyone elses hark work. With a self obsessed attitude staring at Facebook on a phone not much progress is going to be made furthering the advances of mankind I’m afraid.
One of the BBC’s favourite daughters – Lily Rose Beatrice Cooper, commonly known as Lily Alien – has received some unexpected exposure. Let’s hope it and her new album (no, me neither) do not distract her from the more important task of housing migrants that she promised to do Any Day Soon Right Now Honestly. Look out for the BBC to pick this item up and identify the really important issues at stake.
Readers of a nervous disposition turn away now. https://www.unilad.co.uk/viral/lily-allen-responds-perfectly-after-media-publish-vagina-picture-without-consent/
Will the BBc be telling us how many free Rolling Stones tickets Mick and Keef gave them in return for their Brexitrump addlings on Today last week?
Noted that they played in London the other night-and don`t beleive for a minute that half the Today and Newsnight knob jockeys were frugging and fluffing, maybe a bit sad about “Bitch”, “Brown Sugar” and “Under My Thumb”. But giving Mick and Keith-as well as earlier child lvers like Bill and Brian planty leg room and no questions at all.
If only Harvey Weinstein had been Harvey Goldsmith eh?
I`ll bet Naughtie and Yentob got in, it`s what they do isn`t it?
Question: If you say that people with wages over 40K are the Few (not the Many) … where does that leave all the politicians and socialist celebrities like Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Keith ‘9 homes’ Vaz? Are all these people the FEW who should be shouted at by Labour?
There is no loyalty but loyalty to the Party. There is no love except love of Big Brother. All competing pleasures we will destroy.
Thus the Party destroys the family, trying to ensure that parents and children have no affection for each other and forbids sex for any purpose but procreation. O’Brien even lets slip that they are working on a way to prevent people from experiencing orgasms, as that sort of intense physical pleasure might be something people would strive for in a way that would interfere with single-minded loyalty to the Party. Winston’s affair with Julia is thus viewed as treasonous and subversive.
BBC … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
. . . .
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London BBC omits results: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London&sa_f=search-product&scope=BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
Cat came in early, so found myself listening to Mishal Husain “interviewing” some Army bloke just after 8.30.
Now if I had such a bloke in my studio and was paid to ask hims some questions-one offs, helping the rest of us out here; now what would they be?
1. How did you manage to deal with IS, given their atrocities and barbarism as posted online?
2. When Obama called then a JVT(junior varsity team), what did you think?
3. Did Trumps men like Mattis help or hinder your battle? After all it was only three years ago, they were beheading British aid workers and crucifying honourable old museul curators in Palmyra?
And such like-what would YOU have asked?
Now-just to show that the BBC have long given up on caring, reporting on ANYTHING that makes sense, we relate to-THESE were Mishal Husains questions
1. Is what you`re doing only going to end up like Afghanistan?
2. The Americans have killed 800, you have only killed 1 (civilian)-how many have you really killed and why haven`t you yet told the BBC.
3. And what are you going to do to bring our IS boys back home-bring back our boys#. Why are they still out there and not home for Ramadan with their loved ones-us, to be precise?
Yes folks-THESE are the BBCs questions for an Army bigwig who has removed IS from Iraq and Syria, with help of allies and locals.
No gratitude, just attitude.
No interest in the angels at all, just a hope that the devils are once more free to flee and give Mishal her thrills.
Unbelievable, until you accept that the BBC no longer want news, they want Islam.
Never ming GDPR … New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
Housekkeping : I see Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate May 9, 2018 at 3:52 pm
“Is it necessary to have a mid-week open thread? I am thinking that perhaps the mid-week open thread is unnecessary as it cuts across discussion posted on Tuesday / early Wednesday.”
I agree that makes sense to an extent.
But I would prefer us to have more specific topic threads : eg say Day For Freedom etc instead of the open thread covering 5 ongoing topics.
so that comments are grouped together and people don’t just repeat what someone else said half a day earlier.
There is the problem that open threads just get too long and people just end up waiting for a new thread.
If there is a variable that limits the number of posts per page that should be adjusted downwards cos pages can become slow on mobile devices.
Agree, Stew. Have wondered what is in the some of the tabs at the top – have never looked! – so I wonder if they could be turned into something more useful.
All that said, we are of course meant to be moaning about the Beeb.
My idea-such as it is-would be to have a topic thread, especially for specific things like “Climate Change”…”London”…. Transmadness”…Radio, as opposed to telly etc.
There are some real clever people here like Richard and the Climate Change contributors, I`d have them on threads where we can learn quickly-and not get distracted as I do!
I am so sick of yet more reports on school kids and their ‘angst’ at life. Its now ‘body dismorphia’ (another modern day medical term) and social media is to blame. They’ve been driven to school and collected for the past 30 odd years – and the government wonders why they’re overweight; we’ve had bullying, stress over exams, eating disorders, mental illnesses in all categories, lack of discipline because teachers have to use a softly softly approach or face the red faced tempers of parents. Am I interested ? NO. Parental responsibility must be the worst at any time during our history; no manners being taught, reprimanding their kids and then apologising for doing so – YES I’ve seen it happen ! why ?; teachers having to teach toilet training and how to use a knife and fork ; the list is endless, and now we’re pandering to a ‘body dismorphia’ fad. My parents, like a lot of their generation, would have sorted this lot out, as we are now rearing future generations of being beyond snowflake !
Suppose it`s too much to ask them to actually teach kids things that our generation found of value, and would love to pass onto them before we pop it.
These kids learn nothing, but how unfair everything is, and it`ll all be somebody elses fault.
So don`t bother enjoying life, getting manners and finding the right man to have your babies with. And having a laugh and a chilled rose wine as the sun does down in Southwold or wherever.
Just bitch, be bitter and complain.
BBC-Bitch, Bitter Complain. No wonder they`re all suicidal and thick.
“Brexit: UK seeks deal on sharing of ‘top-secret’ information” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44251337
The most important treaty we have in defence of our realm is NATO.
IMHO Al Beeb and the EU are trying conflate this with Brexit and to marginalise NATO.
Many remoaners I speak to think that NATO is the EU.
I don’t think Mrs May is serious about exiting the EU.
From going-postal.com … … White people make up only 17% of the World’s population. They are the predominant race in only a small selection of countries.
Imagine then that some white people consider this number is still too much. That they think the other 83% should have more involvement in those countries. That they wish to see laws introduced where the other 83% receive preferential treatment to ensure they can hold favourable and desired positions in those societies. Imagine then that they push for the introduction of laws that seek to silence those who speak out about what they see happening. Imagine that they not only have nothing to say about the non-existent representation of white people in the majority of countries across the World. Imagine that they are not concerned where we see an over-representation of non-whites in their own countries.
It is a non-violent and slow means of genocide through social conditioning and political lobbying.
Man shouts that fire is the most amazing thing to help mankind, unfortunately details of making and containing fire are not within the book he has spent all his life studying, which is supposed to help mankind ….
I actually think the government acts in accord with BBC initiatives to demonise and silence Tommy Robinson and ban entry to the likes of Pam Geller, Robert Spencer (no relation to the unpleasant Richard), Brittany Pettibone, Matin Sellner and Lauren Southern.
In othe words, the BBC aren’t playing the governement’s game, it’s the other way round. The BBC say if you don’t take our alt-left line on everything, including our attacks on facts and truth, we will demonise you – calling you names like racist etc. – and start campaigns to get you to resign.
It’s a pity that Mrs Thatcher didn’t sort out the problem before it got out of hand like this. My biggest gripe with her legacy.
But the fact some rice varieties don’t experience significantly reduced nutrient levels, even without selective breeding or genetic manipulation, completely undermines assertions that this issue presents any risk to human health.
Delving into the research paper, some varieties even exhibited **increased** levels of key nutrients.
– In the next item Rutherford also asserted that growing lettuce underground in London under artificial light is better, cos of reduced food miles.
In his dream world filling farm land in the countryside with solar panels to power lights in this underground farm in London is somehow better than planting the lettuces in the field and absorbing the sunlight themselves.
Rice is almost entirely carbohydrates, it barely has any nutrients to begin with. Pure scaremongering bullshit. You don’t eat rice for it’s nutrients, you eat it to give you the energy to stay alive.
“This video is not intended to condone violence or hate, nor to advocate war. In it, I speak of a future war in Europe, because I believe that it is now inevitable and unavoidable. I wish it were not so. But if there is war coming, then we must prepare for it.”
Were`n there all manner of lying hustling fantasists like Dolezal before her?
I think of Wilkomirski who pretended to have been in Majdanek, Grabowski and Defonseca, Saunders and Briscoe, Clinton and the 9/11 hoaxers-and up to our Vietnamese creep(the only one we know of thus far, the media won`t be telling us)who said he was in Grenfell Towers?
If you add Warren, Hari and Batmangeghli etc-there`s a whole raft of fantasist that the BBC like, they serve a higher and a broader truth than mere facts.
The BBC do it all the time, no wonder they love this load of charlatans who`ll say and make up anything to get a book out and a cuddle from their liberal minders.
Lower than a snakes belly this lot, but the BBC like and defend their rights to lie. Facts are dull.
As Stephen Gately sang”No Matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”,
Just never imagined it would be the very battle hymn of the lying media elites.
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wwfc Yes – im overseas and looking forward to Ash Wednesday and lent – but not sure what to try…
wwfcMar 3, 21:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There is only one true church and that’s the catholic church have yourself a great ash wednesday a peaceful lent…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Looks like he prefers Islam than the ;church ‘ he is supposed to be the head of ( but let’s…
Fedup2Mar 3, 21:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Recent Islamic attacks in Germany – 5 kiIIed, 200 injured in Magdeburg 2 kiIIed, 28 injured in Mannheim 1 kiIIed,…
Philip_2Mar 3, 21:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer could say, (and he might) if that were to ever happen in the UK, (it has) he will state…
wwfcMar 3, 20:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 King Charles ‘kept aware’ as Muslims break Ramadan fast inside Windsor Castle [img]https://www.gbnews.com/media-library/king-charles.png?id=56628088&width=1000&quality=90[/img] https://www.gbnews.com/royal/king-charles-ramadan-iftar-islam-windsor-castle-royal-news
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC does understand GAZA, and its endemic to the BBC socialist cause since it was ‘exposed’ 2004. Sadly, even if…
pugnaziousMar 3, 20:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img]https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/6fe5a73f6076da1b9098058e986a2bd5?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=732&cropW=548&xPos=6&yPos=0&width=862&height=1149[/img] R4 asks if Dicken’s was anti-Semitic in his portrayal of Fagin in Oliver Twist… ‘Fagin was first dreamt up…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC news pushing the ‘German man mental issues ‘ narrative – one for verify methinks – on the 4×4 killer…
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A torrid week for the BBC ‘There’s something going seriously wrong at the BBC. Our national broadcaster seems to be…
Did I log in at the appropriate moment?
Yes second! I beat wronged.
Already, so soon?
Wronged/Broadcasting on beha……… whatever
I loved your depictions of the ‘last post’ on the last post !! excellent boys.
Well I didn’t!
\\A Leave-backing MP has resigned from her junior government role saying she wants to “fight for Brexit”.//
\\”we need to leave the customs union”.//
I hope the rest of the Tory party will back her .
She was the one that unseated Ed bollocks in 2015
Wow, good for her in displaying some integrity though she should have done it at the beginning of the week as it will be deliberately lost in the Bank Holiday weekend anti-trump nonsense.
Not quite beeb but I just caught Steve Bannon destroying the smug Matt Frei on Channel 4 News. These elite globalists are losing the narrative.
Yeah. It looked heavily edited. C4 don’t want another Cathy. Newman crash
Bannon knows we are in a real culture war for the future of the West. Frei, Maitlis etc do not . They are increasingly at a disadvantage. They cannot identify the enemy because they are the enemy .
Actually almost our entire political class is unaware of what is coming.
Reminds me of a Leonard Cohen line
“men will come from the shadows”
The only way they now have to stop what is coming is by resorting to force . This they might well try but at the cost of destroying their own view of themselves.
Hi Dave S, if you think the BBC is bad – the universities are generally worse – with a group of activist professors with heaps of money and influence to push a) fourth wave feminism b) anti-white-ism c) diversity d) LGBT+ e) Islam. There are “research institutes” publicly funded for the sole purpose of overthrowing what they perceive as the white patriarchy and further changing western society. Only in the Ivory Towers could people come up with the new system of gender specific pronouns.
One area I haven’t yet looked into is the School System – but it seems equally as bad – with stories that schools in Manchester were showing videos about Islam victimhood in the lead up to the anniversary of the Manchester bombing.
Reminds me of the BBC Climate Change seminar. Lots of females and ethnics were invited, but a white male invited began to realise they did not know much about the science beyond reading the Guardian. That would mean that they didn’t know anything about Thermodynamics or didn’t know what a big monster the white male Svante Arrhenius, had created in their small heads.
That’s the way Universities are going. The creation of an idiocracy were women, ethnics and white males like Roger Harrabin make themselves University Professors and award themselves top awards for cleverness. While all those white males who still understand science subjects such as Atmospheric Physics, teach the subjects underground, while hiding any science books, written by white males, from the “Planet of the Apes” thought police.
Richard, I agree there is an idiocracy in academic debate on all levels especially among the young in universities which is worrying. I believe it will be outed case by case because the antifa mobs can’t control themselves in their drive to oppose logical discussions with intimidation and violence. At some point the shouts of ‘fascism’ have to backfire – because they clearly don’t understand what fascism is and that they are promoting it. but when you say ‘women’ let’s be clear it’s a fringe feminista element, Hollywood bandwaggonistas, BBC MSM group-think victimistas, there is nobody I know of the female persuasion at this time who agrees with any of this BS, we find it tiresome, ugly, untrue and unhelpful.
Reminds me of the Joy Division line:
‘Where will it end? ….Where will it end?
…or maybe the Smiths’ were ahead of the curve?:
‘A rush and a push and the land is ours’ or
‘Panic on the streets of London’ or
‘If a 10 ton truck kills the both of us’
‘They cannot identify the enemy because they are the emeny’ Absolutely correct Dave S. From all that I have studied over several years is that the biggest and most dangerous threat to the White Western European is Islam-In the UK we now have a prominent Muslim in one of the highest offices of State- Home Secretary-and not quite so incompehensibly in view of the number of Muslims living in London, A Muslim London Mayor. If you read the website Gates of Vienna you will get a good picture of just how far entrenched these Islamists are and have been gradually spilling their alien ideology across Europe. They are without doubt our(the West’s) biggest threat supported and abetted by the likes of BBC and other Media types.
Al Beeb/C4 are two cheeks of the same dirty arse. I beleve I caught a plug for a C4 programme on Al Beeb yesterday.
Matt Frie has BBC DNA stamper right through him, else he might have paused in his mindless diatribe to listen to the answers from Bannon.
He also pollutes LBC
“Brexit: UK wants £1bn back from EU if it is excluded from Galileo”
Go for it Britania !
… and the £39bn should be highly contingent on a very favourable trade deal from 00.01hrs on 30/3/2019 with the EU border inside Eire, if necessary.
Good, we could spend it on the Reaction Engines, Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems SABRE engine development. That would put Britain ahead of the EU, Russia and America in the Space Race with Alan Bonds Skylon Spacecraft travelling to the Moon and back with me and eleven other British passengers, thanks to Brexit.
Many would favour what you state Richard, but I’m certain that any such monies will be grabbed to support the NHS. Every aspect of that organisation needs to be tightened up especially in the purchase of goods to the NHS-Suppliers have had field day over the past 50 yrs or so in supplying the NHS-charging what they like and knowing they will get paid-that has to stop immediately. In fact we have many billionaire’sliving in this country-levy them with a command payment of £300 million each that would plug one the holes!
This should be the number one story on every outlet right now – https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/270251/clapper-spills-beans-spygate-kenneth-r-timmerman
Director Of National Intelligence admits that Obama’s DOJ spied on Trump campaign. “Bigger than Watergate” Tweets Trump. But the Biased BBC does not agree, because they have not managed to devote a single paragraph to this news. Obviously ‘the wrong message’.
Katty would appear to disagree.
I may be wrong, but I think that is a Katty Kay retweet, not the Biased BBC delivering the news that matters to those who fund it?
Get far better News on channel 512 Sky. Forget BBC rubbish, multicuturalism based.
I think the BBC were far more interested in “Stormy ” Daniels being “awarded” the keys to some West Hollywood luvvie irrelevance.
I think the BBC were far more interested in “Stormy ” Daniels being “awarded” the keys to some West Hollywood luvvie irrelevance.
Fair question. But the bbc has of course other fish, elsewhere, it prefers to fry….
Related to the Romanian story the BBC were telling us that the Poles were the largest immigrant group at around 1 million.
Given the way that our politicians/media have caved in to the ‘2%’ that are Muslims, i.e. comparable to the number of Poles, and given that Poles are mostly catholics is it wise of Jo Coburn and the rest of the BBC to slag off catholic Jacob Rees-Mogg?
Will I make the top ten here.
There`s a queue here boys, am sick of getting pushed to the back.
Number 10 will do me, not quite my PB.
Alicia, perhaps if we offer tantric sex to Feddy we might get ‘heads up’ when he is about to post a new thread – well, just a thought.
I was definitely tenth in the queue when I posted.
And here I am at number 28 in the queue.
This cannot stand(oo er).
Your offer is a good one, as long as you agree to contain Sting. I knew his brother, much nicer lad.
Mind you Shaggy`s got a sexy voice, so if you`ve got the Sanatogen , I`1l bring the goosegrease.
Lads in front of us, hopefully ignoring this chat at the back…spring brings out the friskiness in me I suppose.
Noted a few references to Leonard Cohen and Johnny Marr above , so they`re alright-fancied both of them in my time.
Bris – I might have to look up ‘tantric’ . Sounds like it might not be good for my back – but I’m sure I’d make the effort if pushed…
According to the BBC and the liberal left , The Brexit vote was caused by racism
Since the Brexit vote , there has been more racism .
So if the 52% voted because they were racist , where has all the extra racism come from since the referendum ? It hasn’t
come from the 52% percent because they were already racist , so the extra racism must come from the Remainers .
So grow up BBC
I think its because the Remainers are angry white supremacists who love white skinned eurocrats, but hate the multiracial Commonwealth.
It cant be me because I have never seen a black skinned eurocrate.
James Randi vs BGT …. still being fooled.
Thei impartial national broadcaster of the U.K.:
Only ONE of those searching questions that only the BBC would care to ask.
Wonder if they`ve any others? Like how many jobs will go in Scotland if Trump bales out and moves it all over to Ireland. And will Sturgeon replace them for those who`ll be unemployed?
Our BBC News Channel anchor Shaun Ley editorialises on behalf of the nation:
“We need a lot more female Prime Ministers in the future”
Got anyone in mind, Shaun?
That man on that Labour Party women only shortlist, who self identifies as a woman, could be the first woman Prime Minister who’s Statue would be able to stay up without being pulled down by a Labour supporter.
But at the moment I am a male protestant who for some unknown sexist but religiously peculiar contradictory reason, prefers a male catholic Prime Minister to a protestant woman Prime Minister.
Funny enough Richard, as a Northern Irish Protestant male I feel the same way.
That’ll be because of our inbuilt misogyny though, nothing to do with their respective strengths of character or their political views. Others might say we agree because we’re both Dicks!
Oh well, another apparent ‘ism’ I can add to my growing list.
Speaking of isms, the bbc has opened a can of worms for the media Outrage Industry.
Another agenda for the BBC to brainwash the nation with.
Pretty soon they’ll have more agendas than there are broadcasting minutes in the week.
The bbc can easily solve this by adding yet another channel.
The role of BBC Minging Editor may struggle to attract market rate ‘talent’, despite some qualified in house contenders.
I`m thinking of becoming a catholic Priest, now I`m happy to identify as a man for this latest career change of mine. Bloody sick of old blokes wanting their bums wiped, noses and worse cleaned.
Er, might need to think this.
But anyway-I`ll revert to being myself once i`m an Archbishop, and had a ride in that golf buggy at the Vatican.
Bless you my children.
No we don’t. What we need are patriots who put country before collectivist ideology.
The funny things you hear
The other day I noted a lefty journo on a commercial radio station poo-pooing the notion that millions tuned into tv to watch the Royal Wedding
Ha, he scoffed, I wonder how many would have watched if it had been on a subscription channel and they had to pay for it?
You see all the journos, the presenters, the whole lot of them, they all love their BBC, whatever station they happen to be presently lodged at.
Yes, I thought, do it now, go for it, put the BBC on pay-for-view. Then we’ll see who watches what !
Amol knows.
“You see all the journos, the presenters, the whole lot of them, they all love their BBC, whatever station they happen to be presently lodged at.”
Is it because they all aspire to work for the BBC?
Better working conditions, pensions and prestige?
Don’t forget the corridors full of empty champagne bottles.
Just like MPs going on about how great the EU is. Yes it is great if you get a nice semi-retirement job working for the EU but not great for everyone else.
AsiSeeit, many years ago, when Princess Anne first got married, the only reference in either Pravda or Morning Star (some commie rag), was that ‘traffic had been disrupted due to the marriage of a monarch’s daughter’ (or similar)…
Even then these old papers were teaching diversionary omission to very young budding beeboids!
I would love to see a referendum about paying to scrap the license fee and watch the BBC shit themselves as they try and interview people and trying to be as balanced as possible realise that most people would vote in favour of ‘scrap the tax’
The BBC would find it impossible to get away with keeping things on their side so would have a nasty shock when they realise that most of the nation want very little to do with them.
In the end the BBC would reveal a ‘shock defat’ that the nation voted against them and of course an ‘investigation’ would take place to see ‘what went wrong’ only to realise that for years their unbalanced reporting and censorship has cost them their reputation with the British public.
I for one would certainly vote to abolish the license fee!
The result of the referendum would be ignored because the stupid voters didn’t understand what they were voting for! 😉
Only if the result is in favour of retaining the license fee of course! :’D
Such a result is way beyond my imagination! 🙂
One result, just minutes before the vote, there would be a programme of admiration for President Trump, including a damning report on all Joe Corbyn’s failings, a report that Grenfell victimhood is in denial, a short piece on the promise of Brexit making the UK a great place to live, and a call to halt immigration.
Immediately after the vote, which they would win, because sheep and snowflakes vote for lefties, the prog would be taken off Iplayer and everywhere else, and the whole process reversed…
But it would be utter bliss on voting day..;0)
No doubt the result would be a majority to abolish the license fee.
However there would be a several year long “Implementation” period during which everybody, including those who do not watch the BBC , would still have to pay the license fee while alternative funding methods are “developed and negotiated”.
During this period there would be a huge outcry from ” Maintainers” claiming that those who voted to abolish the fee did not realize ( and were not informed) in the run up to the referendum that they would have to pay a fee to continue watching the BBC and consequently the result was invalid. This should have been made clear prior to the referendum, but the “Abolishers” failed to do so. Also their claim the families would have an extra £150 a year to spend on their children was misleading as not all viewers had children.
A further “Consultation” period would then be put in place with the suggestion that after the “Implementation” period has expired and we no longer have to pay the license fee, an annual ‘Subscription’ payment should be introduced payable by everybody who watched any TV channel. This would not be a License fee but merely the most sensible and practical method of ensuring the totally impartial BBC is able to continue operating its delivery of unbiased news and world class comedy programs. This would also avoid the resultant mass unemployment created by the termination of the employment of Left wing bigots, gays, transgenders and hundreds of those of non white ethnicity currently employed by the BBC.
No doubt there would be an increase in Race Hatred Crime after a vote to abolish and of course the seemingly unsolvable problem regarding people in the Republic of Ireland who wished to listen to the BBC.
Scotland would vote to keep the license fee and claim it to be unconstitutional for Britain to abolish as they all wanted to pay to watch and listen.
No UK government will ever scrap the licence fee, regardless of how bad al Beebus gets.
The government always wants to be in ultimate control of such a powerful domestic and international broadcaster. After all, what might replace it? The rest of the media in the Western world is dominated by a handful of companies, mainly American; I can’t think of any UK government allowing that to happen here – ever.
Recent blog on BBC Scotland bias
“Scottish Press the Labour Party in Scotland and BBC Scotland Conspiracy Pact Exposed”
I’m ambivalent when the SNP shout the BBC are biased
cos the SNP are grade 1 nutters, so I haven’t read the post.
But someone might find it interesting.
Canada : MSM journos getting stick
At the Canadian border where immigrants are illegally crossing, masked Antifa protesters turned up en masse
– As usual police did nithing
– As usual MSM didn’t report antifas fascists antics
* When Faith Golding got beaten spat at and friend pushed to the ground , MSM reported it but EDITED out Antifa violence *
Rebel Media has the footage
BTW I see Ezra Levant head of “Rebel Media” says Facebook Canada have suspended Rebel Media’s Facebook page and refuse to give a specific reason.
Never mind Stew – more important things happening in the land of the greatest feminist PM ever – I hear they have exploding restaurants now. Unless of course the bomb was planted by a non ROPER in which case we will get full details of any suspect. No one is dead at the moment which must be frustrating for Justin – with Teddies and tears at the ready.
“Why is there a row about Galileo?
Britain may be denied full access to the EU’s Galileo satellite navigation system on security grounds after Brexit. That could cost UK firms billions of pounds, and hundreds of hi-tech jobs.”
More propaganda Bunk?
We can go it with the ‘Five Eyes’. We dont need the EU, never have done.
Wasn’t Galileo supposed to funded by motorists, who would be taxed, via a chip in all new cars, for the distance travelled on UK roads? We need this pile of ess aitch one tee like we need more immigration from the Middle Ages!
I may be wrong, but I think that is a Katty Kay retweet, not the Biased BBC delivering the news that matters to those who fund it?
Sometimes BBC editorial integrity means there is not time or space for Katty to even manage a three letter acronym.
“The Bank of England governor has said a “disorderly” Brexit could delay rises in interest rates as the Bank would be obliged to act to shore up the economy.”
Does any one believe him anymore ?
He is crying wolf again.
Who employed him ?
Who employed him ?
they looked at his bank of canada CV and saw he never raised interest rates once…
Then The BBC said that all scenarios to do with Brexit were being prepared by the Bank Of England .
So they could also have reported how successful our economy would be if we had a good trade deal , open to the world etc .
Mind you I think that would mean Theresa the Apeaser going .
“Taxes are going to have to rise to pay for the NHS if the UK is to avoid “a decade of misery” in which the old, sick and vulnerable are let down, say experts.”
Message to the so-called experts …………..
Use the money spent on Foreign Aid.
After a whole decade of screwing the poorest, charmingly called austerity, and giving the money to the rich, I’m going to take some convincing they are going to start helping the poor now.
Spot on Taffman!
The NHS pours millions into resources for health vistors to drop their sprogs then buqqer off without paying.
Overseas aid can best be spent when OUR NHS have had all they need first!
Of course, the bbbc gets taxes the same way as the NHS and still complains. How many doctors and nurses on a deejay’s income?
It’s probably been said before, but you could argue that a lot of our NHS spending could be classed as Foreign Aid anyway.
Of course, you are absolutely right, Rich.
Massaging ‘budgets’ in Whitehall is fudged by civil servants obfuscating the figures, thick MPs who don’t really understand what they’re doing, pernicious liars who do, a stupid bunch of sheep and snowflakes (small voters), who believe all these barstewards, and a load of leftie hangers onlike Groaners and the BBC, who don’t tell the truth.
The ‘budget’ is always meaningless anyway, and foreign aid is always put up by big business to retain foreign trade, not look after little Mo who has a toothache and needs a bed in Barts…
The whole charade needs draining, Like what is happening in the US.
Scrobs seeths..:0(
the NHS cant be arsed charging foreigners for stuff they are not entitled to.
the NHS cant be arsed collecting tit for tat payments from our EU buddies.
But the NHS want to take another £2000 off my family, how lovely of them.
I saw there were several women on the Carillon board who oversaw its collapse.
I thought women on company boards would magically make capitalism more compassionate? Another narrative buster about which the BBC is silent.
They’re only there because a Carillion subby wrongly fixed the glass ceiling, Beeb!
That’s what happens when you get the cheapest tender for the job!
The subby didn’t get paid, by the way, the banks saw to that…
Comments so far…. could be trying to push a narrative.
Again on R4 Today, the insufferably smug John Simpson gave another of his snide broadcasts on Donald Trump, this time on his talks with the Norks. However, one thing I do agree with – that John Bolton and Mike Pence were unwise to mention Libya as an example, where WMD were surrendered then Gadaffi was assassinated.
You are right, Martin, on Simpson – who made me laugh with his hypocrisy and contradictions – and on diplomacy. You really need to be very careful with what you say at any time when in Government. There are shades of the Carter Administration’s first year within the current Presidential team.
The current Adminstration in Washington needs some better self-control and discipline from the President downward. They should minimise their Twittering and Facebooking as a start. The BBC could, of course, try to set a good example to the Trump Administration but they do not!
Interesting contrast with the Japan’s Ambassador to the UK, Koji Tsuruoka, who gave an immaculately firm, polite and clear interview to Justin Webb without, I suspect, a word out of place.
Did Anyone hear Jon Simpson report at just before 7am. He could not have spat his words out harder if he tried…The narrative was ..Trump is losing against N Korea..Trump only wants talks for Kudos and the peace prize..Trump is may be known for the art of losing the deal..etc etc…It was the worst piece of ‘reporting’ I have heard in a while…no mention of the very well written letter Trump ( note not President Trump)..and no mention that N Korea had come back quite conciliatory.. It was the balanced opinion we have come to expect of the BBC and how they can’t see it internally is beyond me…good job listeners are leaving at a rate of knots
BBC in the past: We are terrified that the North Korean’s have nuclear weapons (they probably don’t) and are threatening to attack America and a mad American President (an isolationist) who is (but shouldn’t be) the leader of the Free World but is trading insults with poor, little North Korea.
BBC recently: We are aghast that President Trump is going to meet with North and South Korean leaders and stop being an isolationist and negotiate better relations between North & South Korea and also to get rid of the North Korean’s nuclear weapons. It is going to end in disgrace for the President of the USA who we don’t like anyway. It legitimises the North Korean regime who we like but don’t like.
BBC now: It’s a disgrace that President Trump and President Kim Jong Un have called off their talks and it is all President Trump’s fault, after it being Mike Pence’s fault, after it being John Bolton’s fault who we ignored at first, anyway, because it didn’t suit our narrative. The world is now even less safe and it is all Trump’s fault who wanted a Nobel Peace Prize for talking with the two Koreas, the bighead.
Martin, you beat me to it.. 🙂
Agree about Libya comments
The Guardian is back in pole position on the BBC’s newspaper front page grid.
All is well with the world.
And usually Google too, Up!
I don’t bother with their news choice now, as they always have leftie crap like the Groaner and the BBC. CNN get a lot, but Fox don’t.
BBC don’t do technical stuff
Poor wi-fi means Conwy valley pupil does homework in lay-by
Whole article is confusing “Wi-fi” with “internet access”. The second sentence makes it sound like they are stealing someone elses internet access via Wi-fi. When you get to paragraph 12 it mentions 4G access so has nothing to do with Wi-fi whatsoever.
Ironically the article is written by Bethan Lewis, BBC Wales education correspondent.
BBC page has now been stealth-edited, there is no edit note
At last a BBC article about white kids – WTF?
Poor white schools ‘destroyed’ by rankings
I had to get all the way to the second sentence…
They say the format is “toxic” for schools with a combination of high levels of deprivation and few pupils speaking English as a second language.
… before the BBC managed to turn it into a immigration issue yet again.
Panic over normal BBC service has resumed.
Tabs – good point. I’m a bit late on the Lammy/Oxford thread earlier.
Brillo challenging Bergdorf on opportunities in higher education. Kids who go into higher education by percentage of population, 33% white 37% black 67% Indian 76% Chinese.
Brillo asks, where’s the racism in that? Munroe answers it’s not about academic performance it’s about history.
So that’s a bit shit for those clever high-achieving non-whites then, they should have looked at their roots and stood down on principle. Even if their contribution could be magnificent and they could really integrate – splitters. Wolf nipple chips, get em while they’re hot, they’re lovely.
The BBC seem to be taking a lot of notice to Corbyn’s stance on the Irish boarder. What is going on here? Just standard news reporting or the BBC’s usual ‘helping Corbyn out’ presenting his view as the better view while ignoring the fact that Corbyn is cosy with Jerry Adams and other seedy figures in Northern Ireland politics?
We shall see…
If Corbyn is warning of a return to sectarian bombings and killings if we leave the EU customs union, I would believe him. He is well enough connected to know.
All kinds of chaos would happen under Corbyn. We would end up with no United Kingdom whatsoever
You haven’t one now – which is why I always refer to it as the Former UK…
I listened to the whole of the TOADY Programme this morning, slightly unwillingly, but was wide awake from 5.30am onwards and had some other things to do anyway.
Some of the output was blether. Some went in one ear and straight out t’other. Some was obviously slanted. Occasional bits seemed a bit more honest. Some content was laughable. Usual hypocrisy, brainless campaigning, uncritical acceptance.
Noticeably absent was any mention of the NHS.
I wonder why?
A masterclass from bannon on how to deal with an idiot journo with an agenda. Maitliss didnt learn a thing from the newman peterson interview. Just constantly going with the ‘you are a racist’ agenda and was handed her bony arse to her on a plate with facts.
They really haven’t got a clue have they.
A bunch of globalist robots.
Here’s another ‘interview’.
None of the good natured respect and pleasant looks an unbiased interviewer would gave: just a sullen demeanour from Matliss. And her look when giving her final (grudging) thanks to Steve Bannon was one of pure hate. Shocking bias. Even the likes of Stephen Sackur is pleasant, and similes, when constantly interrupting someone he disagrees with.
Maitliss – a face only a mother could love.
Thatch, ooh … miiiiiaaaoww!
A slightly higher camera angle would help her a bit. Some years ago it was clear that EM wanted to be BBC Top Cat. She dressed, er…, ummh, have to tread delicately here, let’s say that she dressed to impress. She had few BBC rivals at the time, unfortunately now she has rather more. That’s diversity for you.
There is tough competition now and the sista-ly love and a shared fight for equality disappears oughta da window, when it comes to the struggle to be Top Cat. The scrabble for the top may leave stiletto heel marks on heads and shoulders, bodies in corners and corridors and stuff, it’s a hard world out there.
‘Dressed to impress’.
How did that work out?
Emily Maitliss didn’t try to put words, and wrong words at that, into her interviewee’s mouth as Cathy Newman clearly did with Prof Peterson.
I was pleasantly surprised by two things: Maitliss looked a whole lot better than six to nine months ago. In the last video clip of her that I watched sometime last year, she was looking like a wizened old crone. And she acted like it – obviously losing her rag (cannot remember who the lucky interviewee was) – while this time, she allowed Bannon to pause her and for him to finish his points before the next question.
Yes, she had a list of anti-Trump questions, and only anti-Trump questions, but I found it watchable.
Bannon looked really rough (often does) but as the interview went on he appeared to sparkle more & more and was very clear and positive. It was revealing about his time limitation on his time on WH staff. The BBC could & should do a bit of a mea culpa for their misrepresentation of his departure.
He was very firm and clear cut on several other issues that demonstrate a clear divide between the BBC Leftism and American Democrat Leftism and a more conservative Republican or the populist approach (of Europe) as alternatives. A good interview, I think, for Steve Bannon.
Yes, notwithstanding my criticism of 09:46, I was able bear to watch the whole interview, and it is true, Maitliss is at least to be commended for allowing Bannon to speak without much interruption. Mind you, he certainly has the knack of dealing with interviewers and effectively cutting short an incipient interruption.
PS. It is noticeable that the BBC has not allowed Seb Gorka on their airwaves for some time. Doubtless they are terrified he would tell some truth about Muller, the Dossier, Deep State lies and on, i.e. everything ‘the Sopels’ should be telling us, but won’t.
Sorry Up and Martin, I disagree. Emily wasn’t being polite by allowing Mr Bannon to continue. He did not give her a choice and was very clear by voice and gesture that she should remain quiet and listen. If only more people would refuse to be assaulted by BBC interrogators. Had there been a much weaker person in Mr Bannon’s chair do you think Emily would have stopped quietly to let them make their points.
That’s okay, I shall watch again, and look for Bannon’s command of the interview session. That’s the nice thing about us Conservative/Republican/Liberatians, we listen to other people’s views and acknowledge that they may have a valid point. What a contrast to Socialists/Progressives who are not only intolerant of any views but their own, but aggressively act to shut down opposing voices so that they are not even heard!
Moods, You are most welcome to disagree but that is how I saw it/heard it. Sorry, perhaps I did not make myself clear, Emily tried to interrupt and cut into Steve but he was firm. At that point she gave way. I agree with you that Bannon handled the interview really well. His firmness paid off. We could listen and learn something about Bannon & the WH and US politics.
Compare & contrast that with the Matt Frei interview for C4. Chalk & cheese. Learnt nothing from that apart from ‘how not to interview’.
Maitlis had a piece about her Bannon interview in yesterday’s Times, why I don’t know. In it she recounts how one of her questions saw a response from Bannon which showed him ‘dripping with contempt for the mindset of the organisation I represent’.
I wonder why?
Wish I could post the whole article.
Why don’t the BBC investigate the electoral fraud from last year’s GE? How about those Russian bots trying to benefit Labour or how Corbyn managed to get away with lying to a whole generation of young people about abolishing their student debts with no actual intention of doing so and in the mean time cheating the Tories out of a majority which Theresa May needed to secure a strong Brexit?
So much bullshit in our own country and the BBC turn a blind eye to it in favour of another country that is miles away from us?
Hi Katie. Thanks for this.
I`m away this weekend, and am weaning myself off all BBC product. But DO-indeed MUST-watch Jonathan Meades on BBC4 11.30.
Can I request that you post it up for those of us who won`t register with the BBC any longer/ But want to see Mr Meades on this esteemed site!
Thank You Kaite-mwah, mwah!
must mean 10:30pm on Sunday night
Yep, can I see it too-will get my film club to critique it, as they all get a good look at this site.
Saw that Tommy Robinson has been arrested.
The Independent said that he “radicalised” Darren Osbourne-bloke who drove up to Finsbury Park mosque off his face, drove near someone who later died. And then got charged with terrorism and murder, no doubt.
What has the law become?
And the Independent smears Tommy with this crock-whilst failing to mention the role of the BBCs “Three Girls” on Rochdale Muslim sex gangs.
He`d just seen that…but that`s not mentioned by the (less than) Independent.
Not far off the Full Goebbels are we now?
As a professional journalist – shorthand trained, a long time ago – when the word “controversial” is mentioned, you can stop reading, or listening. Before I turned this off, she used the word twice. It always is the warning sign of a lack of depth, or to shock the viewer into unwarranted attention and horror. These BBC journalists are activists, not journalists. One day I will write a book about this.
Go for it, Tim. Perhaps David Vance would like to publish it?
Agree the BBC are now activists. When do you think they started to be activists?
The BBC will be getting geared up for the massive event of the year in the absence of Glastonbury. Yes, it’s Labour Live! ( oh oh oh oh Jeremy Corbyn) where an incredible 1800 tickets have been snapped up already! They will no doubt have to send 427 staff to cover this fabulous event. Me, i’ll have to reluctantly miss it as i’m off to watch the hideously white Rolling Stones.
first heard about ‘Labour Live’ by the BBC advertising it on their website. It must be so frustrating that Glaso is having their fallow year this year so they cannot repeat last year’s embarrassing ‘Oh Jeremy Corbyn’ just after he lost an election.
One year on things do not look too good for Labour in the opinion polls either so not much chance of seeing Corbyn being PM this year!
They believed their own hype and thought everyone was there for the tramp.
I think that Corbyn was added to the line up at the last minute. In fact I think that a black musician was pushed out of the way to let Corbyn take the stage which no one seemed to have noticed.
It is a bit strange looking back now though that there was a large number of young people fascinated with old Corbs. He had just lost an ‘easy to win’ election yet was portrayed as some sort of hero. He has become a victim of his own success though and as more people took more notice o him then the more apparent it was that he would make a useless PM. You now had the young voters seeing him ranting and raving over everything while picking fights with everyone and anyone.
I now doubt that those young voters would vote in such large numbers next time, not just because they know that they where duped for their votes but simply because Corbyn is a menace and has proven that he will offer this country little
Labour Live tickets cost £35 each so not really “for the many not the few” is it?
Owen Jones is in the line-up, does he sing?!?
A lot of money to spend the day in an echo chamber isn’t it?
The only thing that Jones sings is praise for the broken Labour Party.
I have a laugh at the lack of ticket sales though lol
Think Owen dobs in those in his party who don`t tow Corbyns line.
That Lewisham bloke(Mc Kenzie) got booted out for saying something that was true enough maybe? Thornberry is not mocked.
What a nark.
Frei is just spitting venom here and bannon nails him and his clear agenda.’ You are supposed to be an observer but you are not’
How not to interview! They should show this on Journalism and Broadcasting courses as an example to avoid.
Matt Frei has gone downhill since he left Fleet Street, was it the Daily Telegraph? Or was he on The Times?
That was an argument.
Not an interview.
It was just pure hate on display from frei. He can’t hide his bias and bannon nailed him on it every time.
Matt Frei was hardly letting him answer his accusations. He (Frei) lied and bullied and hectored. Wasn’t he once BBC? It certainly looked like it.
He kept on about the Hungarians fear of a Muslim invasion but “only one Syrian was in this particular village”. If Orban hadn’t fought against being allocated a few hundred thousand of Merkel’s cast-offs it would have been a different story. The whole couintry is less than 10 million.
Don’t forget the Hungarians have a history of muslim attempts to invade them, twice they even got as far as Vienna. The following is a quote from Wikipedia ( I know, I know) “As a consequence of the constant warfare between Hungarians and Ottoman Turks, population growth was stunted and the network of medieval settlements with their urbanized bourgeois inhabitants perished. The 150 years of Turkish wars fundamentally changed the ethnic composition of Hungary. As a result of demographic losses, including deportations and massacres, the number of ethnic Hungarians at the end of the Turkish period was substantially diminished.” So why would they want to be ethnically cleansed again which is what Arbeit Matt Frei clearly wants?
Thanks for posting that Katie.
I know now what Matt Frei thinks and believes. I wonder if someone can interview Steve Bannon so we know what he thinks and believes. The BBC/Ch4/Guardian may disagree with it, but at least then they would know.
I no longer see any point in people like Bannon, or even mildly right leaning people like Jordan Peterson engaging with the globalist media in interviews such as this.
They won’t listen and have no interest in having a reasoned argument. Reality will hopefully bite them in the arse one day, in the meantime it’s probably best for the counter-revolution to continue in the shadows, via the internet (while we still can), and if that’s closed down there will be other means. There’ll be a tipping point eventually. Socialism, multiculturalism and big business corporatism will lead us into a Venezuela situation. With no more money for welfare, things will ‘kick off’ a la Paul Mason.
There’s that old quote from the Civil War – “If we beat the King ninety and nine times yet he is king still, and so will his posterity be after him; but if the King beat us once, we shall be all hanged, and our posterity be made slaves”. I relate that in modern terms as trying to win over the media. It’s not worth it, we’re better off building a new model army.
And on a lighter note 🙂
“I went to a town which had only got one Syrian migrant in it!”
“Yes, Herr Frei, the residents of that town have seen what masses of ‘migrants’ have done elsewhere in Europe; where they’ve been given refuge and have wisely decided to vote against them being permitted to do the same in Hungary. Next question please.”
From Iran to the World ….
Just imagine …. the human race could be settled on the moon and expanding our civilisation onto Mars … yet we are asking if Islam is peaceful, who should share the toilets and when is a women a man when they are not a women on an all female short list for women full of men.
2018 …. because the important question is how do you feel?
“Carl Sagan: We Humans Are Capable Of Greatness”
From hunters and foragers on the African plains gripped with fear of the seasons and skies to walking on the moon looking down on the pale blue dot that is Earth. We have further yet to travel when we let go of out local disputes and we set ourselves some worthy goals.
1969 First man walks on the Moon
2018 First man walks into Vermont females’ bathrooms
The documentary series NASA: Triumph and Tragedy really shows how up to the Apollo moon race and the early Space Shuttle days how people took huge risks to further the human race. The astronauts often say themselves and their family came second to the mission.
Fast forward today and all we have is a human race obsessed with what can they get for themselves from everyone elses hark work. With a self obsessed attitude staring at Facebook on a phone not much progress is going to be made furthering the advances of mankind I’m afraid.
One of the BBC’s favourite daughters – Lily Rose Beatrice Cooper, commonly known as Lily Alien – has received some unexpected exposure. Let’s hope it and her new album (no, me neither) do not distract her from the more important task of housing migrants that she promised to do Any Day Soon Right Now Honestly. Look out for the BBC to pick this item up and identify the really important issues at stake.
Readers of a nervous disposition turn away now.
Will the BBc be telling us how many free Rolling Stones tickets Mick and Keef gave them in return for their Brexitrump addlings on Today last week?
Noted that they played in London the other night-and don`t beleive for a minute that half the Today and Newsnight knob jockeys were frugging and fluffing, maybe a bit sad about “Bitch”, “Brown Sugar” and “Under My Thumb”. But giving Mick and Keith-as well as earlier child lvers like Bill and Brian planty leg room and no questions at all.
If only Harvey Weinstein had been Harvey Goldsmith eh?
I`ll bet Naughtie and Yentob got in, it`s what they do isn`t it?
Question: If you say that people with wages over 40K are the Few (not the Many) … where does that leave all the politicians and socialist celebrities like Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker and Keith ‘9 homes’ Vaz? Are all these people the FEW who should be shouted at by Labour?
BBC … your former employee Mr Orwell has spoken .. now see what 2018 looks like …
Love and marriage are extremely important to the Party, in a negative sense. In other words, they see love and the sort of marriage based on love as inherently subversive forces and attempt to regulate them and suppress them. They want the full force of people’s emotions directed in ways that directly benefit the Party, first as love for Big Brother and second as rage and hatred directed against opponents of the Party. As O’Brien says:
There is no loyalty but loyalty to the Party. There is no love except love of Big Brother. All competing pleasures we will destroy.
Thus the Party destroys the family, trying to ensure that parents and children have no affection for each other and forbids sex for any purpose but procreation. O’Brien even lets slip that they are working on a way to prevent people from experiencing orgasms, as that sort of intense physical pleasure might be something people would strive for in a way that would interfere with single-minded loyalty to the Party. Winston’s affair with Julia is thus viewed as treasonous and subversive.
Now THERE`S a picture worth putting up to keep the blokes away.
AS, LOL and a great post below, too.
BBC … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
. . . .
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Thanks again for contacting us.
Kind regards BBC Complaints Team http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
. . . .
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London BBC omits results: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London&sa_f=search-product&scope= BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
Cat came in early, so found myself listening to Mishal Husain “interviewing” some Army bloke just after 8.30.
Now if I had such a bloke in my studio and was paid to ask hims some questions-one offs, helping the rest of us out here; now what would they be?
1. How did you manage to deal with IS, given their atrocities and barbarism as posted online?
2. When Obama called then a JVT(junior varsity team), what did you think?
3. Did Trumps men like Mattis help or hinder your battle? After all it was only three years ago, they were beheading British aid workers and crucifying honourable old museul curators in Palmyra?
And such like-what would YOU have asked?
Now-just to show that the BBC have long given up on caring, reporting on ANYTHING that makes sense, we relate to-THESE were Mishal Husains questions
1. Is what you`re doing only going to end up like Afghanistan?
2. The Americans have killed 800, you have only killed 1 (civilian)-how many have you really killed and why haven`t you yet told the BBC.
3. And what are you going to do to bring our IS boys back home-bring back our boys#. Why are they still out there and not home for Ramadan with their loved ones-us, to be precise?
Yes folks-THESE are the BBCs questions for an Army bigwig who has removed IS from Iraq and Syria, with help of allies and locals.
No gratitude, just attitude.
No interest in the angels at all, just a hope that the devils are once more free to flee and give Mishal her thrills.
Unbelievable, until you accept that the BBC no longer want news, they want Islam.
State sponsored NGO’s ferrying invaders from Libya to the EU – Take your pick:
Never ming GDPR … New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
Housekkeping : I see Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate May 9, 2018 at 3:52 pm
“Is it necessary to have a mid-week open thread? I am thinking that perhaps the mid-week open thread is unnecessary as it cuts across discussion posted on Tuesday / early Wednesday.”
I agree that makes sense to an extent.
But I would prefer us to have more specific topic threads : eg say Day For Freedom etc instead of the open thread covering 5 ongoing topics.
so that comments are grouped together and people don’t just repeat what someone else said half a day earlier.
There is the problem that open threads just get too long and people just end up waiting for a new thread.
If there is a variable that limits the number of posts per page that should be adjusted downwards cos pages can become slow on mobile devices.
Agree, Stew. Have wondered what is in the some of the tabs at the top – have never looked! – so I wonder if they could be turned into something more useful.
All that said, we are of course meant to be moaning about the Beeb.
My idea-such as it is-would be to have a topic thread, especially for specific things like “Climate Change”…”London”…. Transmadness”…Radio, as opposed to telly etc.
There are some real clever people here like Richard and the Climate Change contributors, I`d have them on threads where we can learn quickly-and not get distracted as I do!
I am so sick of yet more reports on school kids and their ‘angst’ at life. Its now ‘body dismorphia’ (another modern day medical term) and social media is to blame. They’ve been driven to school and collected for the past 30 odd years – and the government wonders why they’re overweight; we’ve had bullying, stress over exams, eating disorders, mental illnesses in all categories, lack of discipline because teachers have to use a softly softly approach or face the red faced tempers of parents. Am I interested ? NO. Parental responsibility must be the worst at any time during our history; no manners being taught, reprimanding their kids and then apologising for doing so – YES I’ve seen it happen ! why ?; teachers having to teach toilet training and how to use a knife and fork ; the list is endless, and now we’re pandering to a ‘body dismorphia’ fad. My parents, like a lot of their generation, would have sorted this lot out, as we are now rearing future generations of being beyond snowflake !
Suppose it`s too much to ask them to actually teach kids things that our generation found of value, and would love to pass onto them before we pop it.
These kids learn nothing, but how unfair everything is, and it`ll all be somebody elses fault.
So don`t bother enjoying life, getting manners and finding the right man to have your babies with. And having a laugh and a chilled rose wine as the sun does down in Southwold or wherever.
Just bitch, be bitter and complain.
BBC-Bitch, Bitter Complain. No wonder they`re all suicidal and thick.
Spot on Alicia.
‘Body Dismorphia’…is that a butterfly tattoo? 😉
“Brexit: UK seeks deal on sharing of ‘top-secret’ information”
The most important treaty we have in defence of our realm is NATO.
IMHO Al Beeb and the EU are trying conflate this with Brexit and to marginalise NATO.
Many remoaners I speak to think that NATO is the EU.
I don’t think Mrs May is serious about exiting the EU.
From going-postal.com … … White people make up only 17% of the World’s population. They are the predominant race in only a small selection of countries.
Imagine then that some white people consider this number is still too much. That they think the other 83% should have more involvement in those countries. That they wish to see laws introduced where the other 83% receive preferential treatment to ensure they can hold favourable and desired positions in those societies. Imagine then that they push for the introduction of laws that seek to silence those who speak out about what they see happening. Imagine that they not only have nothing to say about the non-existent representation of white people in the majority of countries across the World. Imagine that they are not concerned where we see an over-representation of non-whites in their own countries.
It is a non-violent and slow means of genocide through social conditioning and political lobbying.
Man shouts that fire is the most amazing thing to help mankind, unfortunately details of making and containing fire are not within the book he has spent all his life studying, which is supposed to help mankind ….
Wedding preacher on becoming ‘breakout star’ {bbc.co.uk 25may2018}
Bishop Curry speaks to the BBC’s Religion Editor, Martin Bashir, about his royal wedding sermon.
I actually think the government acts in accord with BBC initiatives to demonise and silence Tommy Robinson and ban entry to the likes of Pam Geller, Robert Spencer (no relation to the unpleasant Richard), Brittany Pettibone, Matin Sellner and Lauren Southern.
In othe words, the BBC aren’t playing the governement’s game, it’s the other way round. The BBC say if you don’t take our alt-left line on everything, including our attacks on facts and truth, we will demonise you – calling you names like racist etc. – and start campaigns to get you to resign.
It’s a pity that Mrs Thatcher didn’t sort out the problem before it got out of hand like this. My biggest gripe with her legacy.
@RichardPinder yesterday “Climate Change causes food to be nutritionally deficient” the FalseNarrative peddled by Rutherford in R4’s Inside Science yesterday
BBC supplies the BUNK
WUWT supplies the deBUNK
– In the next item Rutherford also asserted that growing lettuce underground in London under artificial light is better, cos of reduced food miles.
In his dream world filling farm land in the countryside with solar panels to power lights in this underground farm in London is somehow better than planting the lettuces in the field and absorbing the sunlight themselves.
Rice is almost entirely carbohydrates, it barely has any nutrients to begin with. Pure scaremongering bullshit. You don’t eat rice for it’s nutrients, you eat it to give you the energy to stay alive.
One Hour from Now [speech to Erkenbrand]
“This video is not intended to condone violence or hate, nor to advocate war. In it, I speak of a future war in Europe, because I believe that it is now inevitable and unavoidable. I wish it were not so. But if there is war coming, then we must prepare for it.”
BBC promoting Dolezal ….
Were`n there all manner of lying hustling fantasists like Dolezal before her?
I think of Wilkomirski who pretended to have been in Majdanek, Grabowski and Defonseca, Saunders and Briscoe, Clinton and the 9/11 hoaxers-and up to our Vietnamese creep(the only one we know of thus far, the media won`t be telling us)who said he was in Grenfell Towers?
If you add Warren, Hari and Batmangeghli etc-there`s a whole raft of fantasist that the BBC like, they serve a higher and a broader truth than mere facts.
The BBC do it all the time, no wonder they love this load of charlatans who`ll say and make up anything to get a book out and a cuddle from their liberal minders.
Lower than a snakes belly this lot, but the BBC like and defend their rights to lie. Facts are dull.
As Stephen Gately sang”No Matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”,
Just never imagined it would be the very battle hymn of the lying media elites.