Insane, the 3 mothers of the murdered boys appear together on camera speaking to Tommy Robinson , complaining of a coverup.
Yet they do not appear on MSM.
Tommy questioning whether the women are wrong and it, wasn’t a terrorist attack, or whether even more deaths are caused by covered-up terrorist attacks.
\\ Jaynesh Chudasama pleads guilty to three counts of death by dangerous driving. He killed Harry Rice, 17, George Wilkinson, and Josh Mcguinness, both 16 after crashing his Audi into them as they walked to a birthday party in #Hayes // 26th January 2018
“Why buy toilet papers if you have piles of newspapers which people in Turkmenistan are forced to subscribe to,” the report says. It adds that it is difficult not to soil the Turkmen leader’s photos because his pictures dominate all newspapers.
\\ Isn’t it funny how the media are now all over the story of #TommyRobinson’s arrest outside court,
… but none of them were there to report the mass rape & grooming of our children. #FreeTommy #IAmTommy //
I was not aware he was on a 13 month sentence, there’d still have to be trial to confirm an offence took place, surely ?
Tommy Robinson has just been sentenced to jail for 13 months. There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about it. #FreeTommy
Strange cos someone else is stood right next to him filming (see @CaolanRob ) , so how come that person wasn’t breaching the peace ?
\\ breach of the peace is ** NOT ** an offence, in the sense that it is not punishable either by a fine or imprisonment either at statute or common law and nor do proceedings for breach of the peace give rise to any conviction //
\\ Reporting restrictions to ensure there is no risk of contempt of court which could see the trial collapse.
That’s the reason i believe //
So seems police grabbed him on a pretence
but once they grab his phone, they can drag him to the judge for contempt of court for breaking those reporting restrictions.
– Would he have been told of reporting restrictions in advance ?
Fascists – Fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.
EU – is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.
GDPR – is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people’s data by getting them to click everything because they can’t be bothered to read it all .
The #DieselsRpaedos campaign : London school pollution levels break WHO guidelines
now is that news or political PR ?
.. Well, coincidental fact mentioned in the short BBC page
St Mary’s Bryanston Square Primary School in Westminster has been given £20,000 in funding from Mr Khan and Westminster Council in order to install a system which filters dirty air getting into the classrooms.
and page prominently features Sadiq’s tweet.
I bet publication has more to do with Sadiq’s PR dept rather than real world news.
: Context is WHO guidelines are meaningless things picked out of thin air, and don’t robustly reflect whether the air is harming normal people or not.
which is the bigger media player ?
That Channel 4 page is mentioned in 2 tweets
The BBC news page about it is mentioned in 40, none have any replies/conversation.
“engrained stereotypes” the R4 drama had a reality star airhead character, who went to seek asylum in Scotland, cos “since the referendum it’s a separate country isn’t it ?”
..they of course gave her an Essex-girl accent.
.. That’s just the same as making fun of Paddys
.. plenty of Essex girls will be intelligent .
“…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
– Margaret Thatcher
“Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”
The BBC trolls that visit this site often accuse the members of being obsessed with muslims.
That’s actually not the case, it’s the crimes that are committed that cause the problem.
As an example, in the absence of the death penalty, I wish this white man the very worst experience possible when he goes to prison.
I agree – for a state to lock someone up until they die is inhuman . Far better to execute – kill – them . It also saves tax payers money . I really believe that and always have .
Perversely, in the US, they say that locking up someone for life costs less than executing them because there will be appeal after appeal and it often takes twenty years to carry out the sentence.
I forced my self to watch a c4 documentary – carry on Brussels and if anyone has and doubt about brexit that’s the one to watch .
We really have to leave that outfit and hope stronger countries like those of the East just say “ we’ve had enough of self serving politicians like Merkel destroying their countries”.
Just to add – the documentary concentrated on an MEP called “ seb dance” . C4 doesn’t talk about who he is but do a wiki and you find a proper bubble / swamp resident – lse – advisor to Gordon Brown – labour remainer MP – other half “Baron Livermore “ -another ‘chap’ who is a labour remainer.
Glancing at the Telegraph, I noticed a headline for an article by Fraser Nelson, wondering out loud whether your favourite Home secretary could be shaping up to be Prime Minister. Apparently it would ‘restore a sense of purpose’ to the ‘Conservative’ Party. It’s ‘Premium’, so I couldn’t read the article online. Thankfully.
Who needs The Guardian…?
The Moslem Home Secretary would be more heavily supported by his kind than Treezer. He might very well be appointed before the election, thus guaranteeing remain and open borders.r
Will there be even a single honourable MP who will raise in the Commons, under privilege, the issue of the clearly politically-motivated arrest of Tommy Robinson, and his extraordinarily swift trial, sentence and imprisonment? A complete reporting ban is the mark of a totalitarian state. A statement must be demanded of the Home Secretary. Thanks to Harman and then May, we are now no longer living in a free society.
It’s no coincidence that he’s been imprisoned at the start of a Bank Holiday weekend. He’ll be incommunicado until Tuesday, at least.
Furthermore, I’ve read that when Tommy’s solicitor called the police, they lied to her saying he was going to be released and there was no need for her to travel to Leeds to represent him. Then he was brought before the poor excuse for a judge, with a crap court appointed solicitor, and sentenced to serve a 13 month sentence for some other concocted offence that they’d bestowed upon him last year.
Isn’t this the same police force that asks muslims for permission to enter certain muslim ghettos? The same force that hid muslim sexual abuse of young white girls for decades? The same police force that intimidated and threatened victims and their families when they reported cases of abuse?
Our swamp is wide and deep and it’s going to take a lot of determined effort to drain it. The problem is that there is no intention of anyone in a position of power even admitting we have a swamp, let alone that it must be drained.
Perhaps the oddest sermon of the week concluded BBC radio 4’s “Climate change and metoo”. Professor Richard Lawson spent 15 minutes making the point that buildings and civil infrastructure should be designed to cope with the weather. Err, haven’t builders and civil engineers been doing this since antiquity?
Needless to say there was little actual climate science from Lawson, who is a professor of “earth system engineering” at Newcastle University. At one point Lawson, a civil engineer by training, noted that a great deal of work has been done to prove man-made climate change “but unfortunately the science has been used to sow doubt”. How disgraceful, perhaps we ought to think about banning the wrong sort of science! Lawson of course is not a scientist although the BBC describes him as one. He uses science to build stuff – similar one might say to lots of other people who use science to do stuff.
Lawson describes his academic activities thus: “I believe that engineers have a crucial role in developing adaptation solutions to ensure our infrastructure and cities are resilient and sustainable in the face of intensifying global change”.
I feel sorry for the first year student looking forward to training as a civil engineer who has to read this pompous drivel. Who knows what goes on at the earth science engineering department in Newcastle University? Who cares? It is just another on-trend university department, the like of which have gown like topsy in recent times to hoover up all the public money needed to show the rest of us how important academics really are.
So the BBC did not include a single Climate scientist in its “Climate Change and Me” series. I presume this proves that the BBC can no longer trust a Climate scientist to stay on message without having to censor the scientists contribution to “Climate Change and me”. The last time a BBC radio program was stuffed with scientists was censored from existence by order of the BBC Trust. Even though it included a Labour MP and scientist Graham Stringer and the brother of the Labour leader and climate scientist Piers Corbyn.
Therefore this is my “Climate Change and Me” contribution.
In the last ten years a great deal of work has been done to prove man-made climate change is a hoax. I remember scientists trying and failing to calibrate carbon dioxide in an enclosed chamber. Failing because of the thermodynamics of the metal, glass or concrete walls. Then we had Astronomers try to calibrate carbon dioxide by using the atmosphere of Mars. That failed because the proxy result of 3 Kelvin did not fit the atmosphere of Venus. I remember Ferenc Miskolczi was treated badly for that, but he did try. The problem was that using the black body temperature produces the hoax. Using the grey body temperature is in line with the real world of planetary temperature.
That with the combination of Astronomers finding that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. That lead to the eureka moment in 2011 when two scientists Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Proving that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax.
Another snout deep in the overflowing trough of ‘climate change’ money, shamelessly extracted from the pockets of hardworking taxpayers by a clueless government which still hasn’t grasped that AGW is a failed hypothesis.
“… these threats to the very core of what we believe. The ability to ask questions. To read the books we choose. And pursue unfettered investigations. And these are flatly negated by a religion that says it is the answer to everything. ” – Christopher Hitchens
Also “these threats to the very core of what we believe. The ability to ask questions. To read the books we choose. And pursue unfettered investigations. And these are flatly negated by a BBC that says it is the answer to everything” Richard Pinder
Doesn’t apply to Lineker, cos he doesn’t work for BBC News.
People like him, Portillo, Ed Balls, work in the entertainment section so are free to give political opinions in a none impartial way.
Michael Portillo has interesting thoughts on the ‘not very Brexit Brexit’ in The Express. When someone as PC as Michael (whose railway programmes I really like) makes observations like that, you have confirmation of what you’ve known all along:
the madness of having a Remainer as PM, ‘leading’ the Brexit process on behalf of the UK; the inevitability, with a largely Remainer cabinet and -as Michael points out- Civil Service, of the process going nowhere. Personally, the minute Ms May loudly proclaimed her ‘support’ for Brexit when she took over as PM, I just knew all manner of obstacles would be found eventually as to why it ‘couldn’t be done’. Michael mentions several pretexts.
Well, pleased to see you got there, Michael. Ah, the freedom of not having to wait for promotion…
eddy – shows how disengaged the msm is to put the Weinstein show at the top of the news. Casting. Couch capers . Young women using their sexuality to get fame and fortune and Hollywood types like him exploiting power. Was ever thus and one way or another will be .
I suppose they’ll link him to President Trump sooner or later .
Hi maxi welcome back matey . Been missing your valuable critique of posters here and your excellent examples of bias within al beeb .
I put that little line in for you as I knew it would press your button and to see if you’ve changed
I don’t dismiss rape but I do dismiss your msm using cases like this as entertainment . The old innocent until proved guilty maxim only applies when people like you want it as well as the ability of someone to get a fair trial without abuse of process .
Anyway maxi – glad you’re back and keep going the the sad cutting and pasting . Comment is free – after all – isn’t it ?
As for your second point – the one with capital letters – if you do not realise that public bodies such as the police avoid accusations of racism- which Muslim Pakistanis and their supporter would use – like the plague – and thus have declined to pursue allegations made by poor white working class girls and their parents whom some might describe as having ‘ chaotic’ lives then perhaps you need to leave this site , go away and get a bit of life experience and grow up.
I look forward to a reply but I know you don’t engage . Stay safe now
“…the police avoid accusations of racism- which Muslim Pakistanis and their supporter would use – like the plague – and thus have declined to pursue allegations made by poor white working class girls…”
You are simply wrong, Fedup2. The police in Rotherham didn’t pursue accusations of rape, not because they were scared of being called racist, but because they viewed the few young girls brave enough to come forward and make those accusations with contempt and didn’t believe them.
It’s not very much different to people on this blog who continue to use the euphemism “casting couch” (“capers” as you so charmingly describe it).
Imply the victims were complicit in their own rape, “fucking their way to fame and fortune”.
Suggest it’s not worth bothering with, “Was ever thus”.
Then go on to wonder why more “supposed” victims haven’t come forward, “how many of them went to the police…?”; and use that as evidence that it’s all made up nonsense.
Context and detail spring to mind. Have there NOT always been young women who braved the casting couch to garner big screen fortunes, and how many of them went to the police with accusations of rape let alone accusations of gang rape?
After the tip off from the local plod, he was up all day prepping the new BBC wind-powered EcoCopter to catch the action down below outside Leeds Crown Court (not breaching anything, natch), and it turns out it just kept spinning on the spot and achieved nothing.
Maxi aka zero
How about responding to my question some time ago regarding how reports of raping little girls turned you on. I guess you get a lift by supporting the child groomers.
Change from fisting eh.
How is it that someone like Weinstein has the time to get his affairs, investment, portfolio and other matters all sorted and in hand before turning himself in?
Referendum in Eire about abortion . Rumours that the vote could be close on a high turn out . Counting starts Saturday . I’m interested in the stance al beeb will take . Obviously it is pro abortion but if the result is 48/52 in ia brexit kind of way will beeboids call for another vote to get the right answer?
Obviously the outcome could be a big vote either way but let’s see. I was interested about the pronouncement by comrade John snow that there is no room for referenda in a parliamentary democracy but obviously he is far wiser than mere tax paying voters .
I’ve just read that it’s the West Yorkshire police that arrested Tommy Robinson.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same constabulary that ignored Muslim paedo gangs for two decades? God only knows how many thousands of young white girls were raped due to their pathetic PC ineptitude.
And then, in cahoots with our friends at the BBC, they arrested Nick Griffin for exposing these said grooming gangs.
I believe they took him to court twice! They’re like a PC Gestapo. If they had done their job in the first place we’d have no need for whistle blowers. But no…
You know one day, I like to think, these patriotic heroes will have statues erected to them. The BBC and the rest of the gutless MSM will be gone and once again we’ll live in an England worthy of our heritage.
Let’s see how the (so called) “free” press decide to spin this…that’s if they mention it at all…They’re as poisonous as the BBC.
“Racist arrested…”
Whilst today BBC put Weinstein on the front-page
Last month they buried Hudderfield court case away in local news webpage.
They named 29 perps , wouldn’t today’s Leeds case be connected ?
Ah Today was the end of the trial, Tommy says “this is the end of the trial, this is the verdict”
\\ I’m outside Leeds Crown Court where verdicts are due in part 2 of the grooming/rape trial involving 29 defendants from Huddersfield – 8 of which are called Mohammed.” //
I’m guessing that when a jury hasn’t yet given the verdict, there is always a possibility they might not reach a decision and there could be a new trial.
A Sikh group tweeted “The jury are still out and we hope to hear get a verdict by Tuesday. “
Reporting restrictions are a bit strict if you have to wait for the verdict to be able to say a verdict is coming.
If Tommy wanted to break the law he would have been reporting everyday since the start
Ah the video of the full hour is here on Facebook
At the end is the arrest a guy says ‘What’s this about are you filming ?’ TR says “ah grooming trial 29 perps … allegedly, I’m here ready to tell the viers what’s going on”
I wonder if that last guy was a set up cos then the police team move in to arrest ?
\\ Any reporting restrictions imposed during a hearing are usually automatically lifted at the end of a trial, as the jury can no longer be prejudiced. However, in the Belfast ‘rugby rape’ trial, this was not the case .. media outlets made an application to have the press ban lifted.//
#1 It is shocking that no MSM except local paper were there, cos verdict was due and then judge would likely have lifted reporting restrictions.
#2 Any news without full context is FakeNews as it’s bias by omission
The fact that MSM have avoided giving the context I just have , says a lot.
#3 People do shout at the accused as they leave the court, even when the verdict is not yet in,
is reporting that prejudicial ? I think not.
Jimmy Saviles helpers were they?
All making sense now.
South Yorkshire and Sir Cliff, Rotherham as well?
Oh dear, Yorkshire`s not as it should be, wonder why?
And was it six coppers it took(including a fat woman in glasses) that surrounded him.
Don`t they only use that many when they`re raiding a cake stall for charity manicures, or a white pensioner in Epsom hasn`t paid her licence at the care home?
From Twitter
7h7 hours ago
In the hour live Facebook video Tommy spoke about several cases, but all of them were available to the public.
One case where a young girls tongue was nailed to a table whilst men took turns raping her.
Imagine if that was your daughter/sister/mrs.
So what the hell is wrong with the peope of this country who will simply say that Robinson is a racist?
And give a thought to that heroic BBC presenter, Andrew Neil whose only contribution to an inquiry into what Robinson stood for was to blabber on about his real name being Yaxley lennon or whatever.
I think of May as a composite comprising of Heath, Wilson, Brown and Major.
Is she petulant, cringing, weird or devious basically?
And in what proportions that day?
Think her settings are Heath this week-and she`d better be careful, if she doesn`t want to be seen as being as bad crippled and treacherous HE was regarding the EU.
Alicia Sinclair
She is vying with Chamberlain as being the worst Tory PM in the history of appeasement.
We should have left the EU long ago.
She is playing for time.
I used to call her an appeaser. Together with her Moslem Home Secretary and pals including the Saudi Prince and Erdogen, she is at the forefront of downright treachery
“So what the hell is wrong with the peope of this country who will simply say that Robinson is a racist?”
Too much exposure to the worst aspects of our state education system for several decades, that’s what.
Shameful performance in Reading, Maths and Science, and virtually no understanding of our history. Never mind though, they come out of it with all the right attitudes to immigration and multiculturalism.
As immigration is supposed to be such a benefit to this country, why not take it to its logical conclusion and import thousands of real teachers from countries untainted by PC? I wonder if the enthusiasm for immigration that so many of our own teachers seem to have would start to falter?
They could always emigrate and seek teaching jobs abroad, as they seem to hate this country too much. They may find, however, that their skills are not as transferable as they think.
Hope the white tots get offered child sized bulletproof and/or stab vests.
And I`d not be too happy letting the others loose on those toy cars in the nursery either-do they rent white vans in plastic I wonder?
Two items on this evening’s 6 o’clock BBC news that highlight what our country used to be and what it has become. The first, a report on the jailing of a man who posed as a builder to attack and wound a 96 year old veteran of the Normandy landings and former special forces soldier. The veteran, Mr Booth, despite his great age, fought back at the attacker. The bulletin then segued into a report of more emotional incontinence and whining entitlement at the Grenfell enquiry. As others have stated previously on here, this is, or should be, an enquiry into the facts of the fire: how it started, how it spread, and how such a tragedy could be prevented in the future. But it must be an enquiry into all the facts: including overcrowding due to illegal sub-letting and combustible rubbish in the building’s common areas.
Credit in a sense to the BBC in that they ran the story of the heroic Mr Booth, a reminder of what we used to be, before the Grenfell item (though after Harvey Weinstein). As a bonus, between the two items the line was lost to Sneering Sopel in Washington!
Looking forward to seeing the BBC cameras outside No 10 tomorrow when the protest about Tommy Robinson’s arrest takes place.
People are angry that filming about a trial of alleged rapists is more of a crime than actually raping children.
And while we are alleging perhaps someone might mention that Treezer has been busy erasing information about her dad which might lead to allegations regarding his misdeeds in that area.
Caught the 7pm new bulletin on R4 this evening – the top story was Weinstein (no surprise there) but what really shocked me was following on, they had about 40 seconds of some woman who the beeb described as running a website dedicated to gender diversity (?) giving her two pennies worth on the item. She banged on about bringing down the patriarchy and now is the time for all women to seize the moment etc, blah, blah.
So, what the feck are the beeb doing giving this woman’s opinion (who we don’t know a thing about) on a two minute bulletin? How is her opinion news? Plus, what confuses me is that if the police had a case against Weinstein, why hasn’t he been arrested before now?
“”…others have already been critical of this approach, with independence supporter and chartered accountant Richard Murphy arguing that it would be “devastating”.””
“”He said following UK monetary policy would see any negative impacts of Brexit or other economic changes being “imported directly into the Scottish economy” – claiming that Scotland would “remain enslaved by the pound and tied to the apron strings of London”.””
Complete with the usual reference to ‘some people’. Which people “do not think a black woman should lead Fifa”? Opponents or vested interests or other candidates spoke out and said that? Also note her casual sexism “Nobody asks a man when he takes a position if he’s competent to do the job.” Well they do, actually, the BBC does this most days in connection with President Trump, Boris Johnson etc.
But good news for the poor migrant workers dying in their hundreds as they prepare Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. According to ‘our Fatma’: “Over the past six months we haven’t heard anything negative about the worker condition in Qatar,” she said. Presumably that means it is not being reported anymore, rather than any great changes in the slaughter. See
One final gem: “…football can help change cultural behaviour, even in the more conservative society.” Not in Qatar though, where homosexuality and same sex marriage are illegal. Mind you, given the amount of Qatari investment in London and our dependence on liquified gas imports from them, you can’t expect the state broadcaster to dig too deeply.
“has the connection to BBC Leeds gone down?
Looks like much of the BBC network infrastructure is down. No news either from Luton, Bradford, Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Dewsbury etc etc…
Switch-on -Bingo win 8:50am R4Today
Society’s structural racism was the topic
with Afua Hirsch and David Olusoga
.. If you are a black person and you find that you are NOT treated fairly, is that cos
: You are black ?
..or cos that life is NOT fair anyway.
… truth is tall blokes called Dave will always get the girls
.. and we short gingers , do not.
However if you are white and are NOT given regularBBC/MSM TV /radio slots to spout your views
..that might well be cos of your skin colour.
Kudos to you for listening. I had only just coped with Alastair Campbell’s lies sliming over the airwaves earlier, but as soon as I heard Afua Hirsch’s name I hit the off switch. There is only so much I can endure before breakfast.
This site is for highlighting the bias, left or right of Al Beeb.
In the interest of medical science, please tell us why you feel the urge to post here?
Liberal lefty BBC nails its colours to the mast as the news that the Irish Republic seems to be about to start aborting babies is brought to us by a couple of happy-looking presenters.
A beaming Steph McGovan and gurning Chris Mason can barely conceal their giggles on the BBC sofa this morning as “socially conservative” Ireland will come into line by “liberalising” their law.
And there we were thinking the BBC was supposed to be ‘balanced’ and ‘impartial’ ?
So Ireland will at last fall into line with most of the rest of liberal Western societies. Oh well, each additional aborted Irish child will make available an extra school space, free up housing and some health resources for, who exactly…. well, we’ll see…?
If people express the ‘wrong’ opinion on something that the Establishment do not like e.g. Brexit, then that is ‘populism’ and the BBC swings into action to condemn it. But if it’s something they do like, such as abortion/baby killing, then it’s a wonderful thing and the BBC swings into action to express its full approval.
Laugh out loud . The filmer should have appreciated that this is part of their culture and celebrated the vibrancy and integration it shows.
A man with mental issues who used to work for the labour government in number 10 – one A Campbell – used toady to flog some book he has written but also brought brexit into sport by saying that Klopp – the German footy manager is a remainer and thus Liverpool should win the footy game tonight . The beeboid interviewing him agreed .
Campbell really sounds more unhinged as time passes and I fear for him should be actually get our freedom .
2 . Toady is getting the bunting out because the Irish have voted to allow unborn babies to be killed . If that’s there democratic view then so be it but it’s a sad day for British abortionists and no mention of how many abortionists will be made unemployed or retrained – perhaps to “off” the elderly who might start becoming a bit inconvenient .
I live near a river with a path along it and back gardens backing onto it. They all have attractive fences or hedges not to spoil the view for others, except one which is ugly breeze block. Hijabs and burkas and such are often to be seen drying on the line.
Must see section of Beeb website features a picture of the Guardian with Chelsea Clinton professing “the way Trump has mainstreamed hate is deeply dangerous” as if a statement of fact. Everybody get ready for the lefts latest poster girl.
Synch – I hope she does become a’poster girl’ for the left as her surname is toxic . Personally I’m interested to see if smoky joe Biden has the courage to go up against President Trump in 2 years time .
This not prejudicing trials thing , did it apply to the Jayda Fransen trial ?
I bet there were antifa outside and journalists preparing pieces to camera before the verdict was announced.
Also if preventing info getting out is the main thing, why would the court authorities stand by while the info is made public and then arrest the person who made it public ?
Surely it would be better to warn and step right in before the info has been made public.
Plus normally contempt rules would apply to what happens INSIDE the court and reporting what happens outside is OK , (apart from reporting a child’s name etc.)
More fabulous news for BBC types. Danny Boyle is to direct the latest Bond movie. In this, Bond will join the #Me Too movement whilst taking on the evil attempts at world domination by Dr.Toryscum. After killing an evil brexit/ Trump supporter he goes on to live happily ever after with mixed race transexual and moving to the paradise of Haringey. Oops , hope i haven’t spoilt the ending!
The last three were absolutely shocking and why anyone thought Sam Mendes could do a Bond film is beyond me. Clearly Craig felt the same when he said he’d do one more to “go out on a high”. Clearly he didn’t the last two were high points.
Despite enthusiastic headlines from our favourite media, I can’t help but feel that some of the ladies who very evidently used the time-honoured system of fucking their way to fame and fortune might regret Harvey Weinstein’s court appearances.
Yes, the man is a toad, no doubt, but he’s got a sharp cookie lawyer who may, unprincipled rogue that he is, raise embarrassing issues of time scale in certain events. Suggesting in some cases that the benefits outweighed the loss of decorum might reflect badly on their currently popular victimhood. Coupled, if you’ll pardon the expression, with the number of highly regarded luvvies smearing themselves over his pudgy person for the benefit of the paparazzi might not go down, if you’ll also pardon the expression, so well either.
” Big Brother are you satisfied with our inclusive plans for
the World Cup?” ” Here at the divesity dept this World Cup
in Russia has caused major problems. Of course the number one
is that it’s for MEN. We have to balance this out by making sure
that we have as many as possible women presenters and
reporters in Russia. I don’t care if they know nothing
about football. Iran does not allow women
into football stadiums to watch men playing, but I would like
a crew to follow them around. We could get an Islamic
persepctive of the game. Also I hear they have more of a chance
than anybody thinks. This lunatic Foscari who writes on
football bet them at 5000/1 two years ago , saying they could
be the next Leicester. There another place with a large Muslim
community. Yes Diversity department IRAN is going to be the
BBC’S team, at the World Cup!!”
It’s been very frustrating trying to find out what has actually happened. The best I’ve found is here:
Obviously, that report has an axe to grind but trying to look at it objectively, I suspect the problem is where Mr Robinson asks two men going in for sentencing if they feel guilty. I believe he also named the other accused. These filth may be up on other charges yet to reach court and the authorities didn’t want these trials to be prejudiced.
Two things about that don’t add up. First, I understand other media named them, so why aren’t they on the same charge? Second, the original arrest was for breach of the peace, for which the evidence appears less than scant. Wrongful arrest?
Even if everything about his arrest, trial and imprisonment, all within a couple of hours like something out of a banana republic is above board, why put a ban on reporting it? To avoid the names of the accused getting into the public domain? Can’t be that, as it’s perfectly possible to report without giving specifics. Or because it might encourage people to go looking for the names? Well, I suspect that ship has long sailed.
I’ve said before that I’m in two minds about Tommy Robinson, but everything about this stinks.
One thing I think can be guaranteed. If something happens to Mr Robinson in prison, there will be violence on the streets.
Sorry this isn’t directly about BBC bias, but I think it goes to the heart of everything the BBC would prefer not to talk about.
Good questions Roland Deschain
There are several issues here, which appear confused to my untrained mind.
Yesterday a media ban was imposed at TR’s hearing but it looks like this is forbidding non publication of details of the Leeds trial(s) until completion (ref @nickmon1112), rather than imposing a ban on TR’s ‘case’ itself. I do not know if there was a previous banning order in place.
Last year TR was given a three-month suspended sentence for contempt of court in relation to filming ‘suspects’ outside Canterbury Crown Court. The courts have now re-activated this sentence – plus extras (for what?) – resulting in 13 months imprisonment. His arrest yesterday for breaching the peace certainly looks like a stitch up because in his livestream he was clearly trying to not do anything untoward or pervert justice. So this raises a host of questions.
The gloating site has published a screenshot of last year’s judgement by Judge Norton in May 2017. Apparently there were no conditions to the suspended sentence, but they have now decided he is in contempt again.
I found this on Twitter, purporting to be the gagging order. Whether it is or not I can’t say. It would however bear out my hypothesis that there is another trial and Mr R has fallen foul of an earlier gagging order. No other press was there so presumably knew of it In which case he really should have known better, but that doesn’t answer the inconsistencies I noted above.
I ran out of time to edit. That order, if genuine, shows it does apply to Mr R until conclusion of another trial.
I still can’t see why his case can’t be reported on, providing no reference to identities of defendants in other trials is made. Perhaps some legal eagle can provide more information? At present, it all looks very sinister and the authorities seem needlessly to be stoking up a lot of trouble.
“I still can’t see why his case can’t be reported on …”
No, me neither.
Possibly the Leeds case defence lawyers are trying to make a big deal of it?
However, I thought they were already up to the sentencing stage.
The whole thing stinks.
Our law is now entirely under the control of the liberal elite. They control the police, the judiciary , the legal profession and the Home Office. They see the law as a legal weapon to exonerate those they agree with and as weapon with which to abuse those that they disagree with. If they want to silence Tommy for speaking the truth then im afraid that there is no one to stop them. The UK has undergone a revolution , the liberal left have taken over all our institutions and entrenched themselves. As we see with the Brexit referendum they can trample over democracy with impunity. Im afraid that any objective observer of 21st century Britain would conclude that the liberal left have triumphed and that they will implement their repugnent agenda without hinderence or democratic restraint.
@Roland the names are NOT secret
The BBC : Last month buried Hudderfield court case away in local news webpage.
They named 29 perps , wouldn’t today’s Leeds case be connected ?
@Marion Re violence : Not a good idea, Antifa do use it, and get away with it.
However with such lashing out it’s too easy to get a “lucky punch” doing much more harm than you intended, even if the other side started it. Being suicidal is not a good form of defence.
Difference between BBC & Netflix ?
Er, you only pay for Netflix if you want to watch it and nobody fines and imprisons you for not doing so?
P.S. Fauda is excellent – well worth taking the free 30 day trial or subscribing just to watch it. Along with House of Cards, Breaking Bad, The Crown, Rake, The Method, Narcos, Better Call Saul, Marco Polo, Grand Hotel etc. It’s quite a relevation how much superior these programmes are to the trash on British TV, and without the vile propaganda of the BBC and multicultural adverts every 15 minutes.
I read in The Times that Simon Mayo’s Radio 2 Show has been ruined as he now has to present alongside a woman due to the demands of diversity inquisitors. Many loyal listeners have complained as there is no chemistry between the two and they liked it as it was before.
Did they really think they could see anything where the male/female black/white etc is not 50% or whatever, balance it out and everything would be fine? There are countless things which make something tick; the race, gender or sexuality of the presenters is irrelevant.
By the time the BBC have reached ‘peak diversity’ by 2021 or whenever much of their output will have been ruined as what should be their sole concern – the quality of content – was seen as secondary to maximising ‘diversity.’ Hundreds of millions will have been spent to make something considerably worse, which is the Left in a nutshell.
I have to laugh at that paper and how no one sees the lunacy of what they are actually writing.
This far right extremist was sentenced to year in prison for slinging a couple of bacon sandwiches on the steps of a mosque and tieing a st georges flag to a railing. A bacon sandwich – seriously.
How goddam moronic is this stupid, backward, barbaric and frankly weak religion that it can be mortified and offended by the inaminate object of a sandwich. It’s a fucking sandwich people.
I also have to laugh at the police saying there is nothing suspicious about his death from a drug overdose. Nothing suspicious – how about the idea that seemingly he was taking enough drugs in a supposedly secured and controlled environment of a prison to die.
I’m still baffled as to why putting bacon sandwiches near a mosque demands a prison sentence. It’s provocative and stupid yes, did he have a history? When you can’t mock a religion then you get into strange territory. It reminds me of Douglas Murray holding up the front cover of Private Eye after the Charlie Hebdo shootings to show that we are not afraid to mock Christianity. Should the editors have been jailed for this I wonder.
Strange how extremists from Antifa, BLM, Feminazis and other Far-Left rabble are allowed to hurl vitriolic abuse or incite violence against those they disagree with, but a bacon sandwich or a peaceful demo outside a court earns you a prison sentence – which in Kevin Crehan’s case turned out to be a death sentence, no doubt ‘pour décourager les autres’.
I can see the same thing to happening to TR as well, vlad. How many times times has this country been prevented from sending back someone who should have been drowned at birth, due to its human rights and the fear it may be tortured or killed in its shithole of birth?
The HR crowd will have no qualms though in kenneling up TR with a bunch of bastards with an aversion to shaving and headbutt the carpet five times a day and have slightly different views to him. He was lucky to get out alive last time by all accounts, if not for the actions of a warder he would have been covered in boiling sugar.
The marks are in for the recent BBC “Climate change and me” lectures. The candidates came from a number of backgrounds and were described by the BBC as scientists of both the “prominent” and “eminent” type.
Monday May, 21: Professor Callum Roberts, environment department, University of York – Callum is an enthusiastic lad. We heard a lot about his fish hobby and he does appear to have had a lot of scuba diving holidays around the tropics admiring the underwater sights. Unfortunately his talk was all over the place and he failed to grasp the essential point that coral reefs are affected by short term changes in temperature from natural causes such as El Nino rather than gentle long term rises. Like most BBC contributers he is fixated on the idea that trace gases such as CO2 are responsible for all natural weather variation. I put this down to his lack of basic science knowledge.
Score 2/10
Tuesday May 22: Professor John Lawton, President of the Institution of Environmental Sciences – John is another one who shares his hobby interest with us and it would appear that he is a dedicated bird watcher. He is also keen to suggest that the planet is warming rapidly as a result of our old plant food friend CO2 but in his enthusiasm he got into a bit of a muddle. Apparently birds are on the move and the little egret is being seen on the southern coasts of England. This might be due to global warming but John rather let the cat out of the bag when he noted that this type of heron was actually hunted to near extinction in Victorian times. Unfortunately John’s mark has suffered since by his own admission he is in with a bad lot at the Institution of Environmental Sciences. Many of the people on his board such as Caroline Lucas seem to regard science merely as a tool to promote activist causes.
Score 2/10
Wednesday May 23: Professor Mary Edwards, geography, University of Southampton – Mary suffers a common problem among geographers in that she would like to be considered a scientist. While observations and advanced map reading are useful disciplines, they lacks the rigour of scientific enquiry. Thus Mary observes a heat wave in Alaska and concludes that it “didn’t feel quite right”. She hinted at scientific work but failed to give any details. She also seems unaware that Arctic ice melts and refreezes as part of natural climate variation. She could perhaps read a little history in future. Greenland would be a good start. The BBC suggested that she was a scientist and one might reasonable expect a little science as a result. Her mark reflects this omission.
Score 0/10
Thursday May 24:Professor Jennifer Leaning, health and human rights, Harvard University – Jennifer was very disappointing. She seemed determined to attribute every human tragedy in tropical countries to global warming caused by man-made C02. The argument might make some sense but for the fact that the gentle natural warming over the last century has been much more pronounced in northern latitudes. She fails to understand that Pacific islands rise and fall due to geological factors – but seems keen on promoting the enrichment of island rulers under the guise of “foreign aid”. There was no science content at all – it was little more than the type of emotional tosh pumped out by authors such as Naomi Klein. For that reason I have awarded a minus score to discourage similar work being presented in future.
Score -2/10
Friday May 25: Professor Richard Lawson, earth science engineering, University of Newcastle – Richard was another chap who presented work with little discernable scientific content. A civil engineer by trade, Richard tries hard to elevate the building trade onto some mythical global stage. He talks about seeking “adaptation” solutions but sensible advice might be for him to get out more in the real world. No science on offer, so difficult to give any marks.
Score 0/10
In conclusion all five candidates performed poorly. They either displayed no scientific knowledge at all, or delivered political messages based on unproven science. I am afraid on this evidence they will not go far. All I can suggest is that they might consider applying for any vacancy if George Monbiot and Roger Harrabin leave their posts at the Guardian and BBC respectively. I do feel that some blame for the poor performances should be given to the BBC. They promote these people as scientists but fail to enforce any reasonable standards. The talk on Thursday by Ms Leaning was a true shocker prompting my follow judge MartinW to refer to “the tissue of lies, blatant scaremongering and erroneous conclusions”. If ever there was a case for an independent inquiry into the coverage of ‘climate change’ in the BBC, this was it, he noted.
Meanwhile I have been asked to provide some marking guidance for some of the BBC’s economic intake. One particular lad Mark Carney has been giving grave cause for concern since his economic predictions are almost invariably wrong. I have noted that economists are notorious in their guesswork and one might be better employed seeking the guidance of the Sun newspaper’s astrological correspondent. Entre nous, the fear is that Mark’s predictions are based on political considerations since the lad has been heard recently stating that he wants to return to his native Canada and become Prime Minister.
One former lad George Osborne also had political ambitions and his predictions invariably arose suspicions. Luckily George took up employment at the Evening Standard newspaper, a viper’s nest of degenerates and ne’er-do-wells, and has largely disappeared from view.
Of course From the Many (citizens), into the pockets of the Few (650 UK Mps) ….18% pay rise since 2010 … we are all equal, some more equal than others …
Somewhere along the line the phenomenon of Angry Young Men (who usually had nothing at all to be angry about, it was just a modish pose) became first acceptable, then cool, and now de rigueur. The fact that they’re angry is sufficient justification for extremism. Providing of course it’s Lefty anger.
One of the telling lines I read in a neocon book, which helped cure me of my troubling socialist condition, was: “The trouble with the left is that they look at something that works and say, ‘hey, I can make that better’”
“Radio 2 listeners revolt as equality drive backfires”
Simon Mayo is one of the few people who can be listened to on BBC radio without searching for a mallet to destroy the receiver. For decades he has built up a loyal following of considerable numbers. His chats with mark Kermode have become internationally popular.
So, the left looked at this success and said: ‘we can make it better’.
How? Well the BBC could tick a gender equality box and force a woman to work with him.
Why you might ask. Is there a chemistry between them? Have they worked together in the past? Is the audience demanding gender equality?
No. This is the left making things ‘better’ for no discernible reason.
The result, 5000 people have already signed petitions calling for a return to the old Drivetime format.
Yep, i`m one of them.
Used to enjoy Simon Mayo after the staff meetings, made the car share home worth the bother.
Then I heard two minutes of him glumly trying to enthuse us over being shackled to Peels empty welly poppet-the useless Jo Whiley, a horsey Anne Nightingale with NO talent as far as I can see.
That`s Radio 2 done then-wonder how long it`ll be before Radio 3 gets Dick and Dom, Pepsi and Shirley to do their shows.
Go to the Beeb’s England News website and you won’t find a thing about T Robinson’s arrest but it gets worse. Type in ‘Tommy’ and you get ‘Tommy Cooper’ in the Suggestions (on a ‘News’ page!). Type in ‘Tommy R’ and you get these;
Tommy Cooper
Robbie’s War: The Rise and Fall of a Playboy Billionaire
Russians in Britain: A Handbook
Reggie Yates: Searching for Grenfell’s Lost Lives
Rocky Hard Place
Revolution in Ideas.
You have to type in ‘Tommy Robinson’ in full before they admit that they do actually hold SOME articles on him and bring them up!
There seems to be a blanket ban on the media reporting on TR’s case, so its not the Beeb. Guido’s Saturday 7 up thread is comments off, people where commenting on TR, Brietbart nothing!
Could there be a DSMA-Notice?
TR’s case would seem to be outside its remit, but given that Lauren Southern was barred on anti-terrorism grounds, anythings these days is possible.
May as Home Secretary got away with banning folk (starting with Robert Spencer and Pamela Gellar?) on the statespersonworthy basis that it was best to cave in to those threatening violence rather than listening to those cautioning against what can happen. A precedent now entrenched, and not unnoticed by those who like to get their way by force.
Maybe, if not being told what is going on, or what to do by the BBC, she might wonder if this is playing out well?
Not sure I’d like to be a decent copper told to suppress these protesters. Unless they draft in the ones happy enough to tag along with TVL/Capita sales folk to ‘prevent’ these dubiously defined breaches of the peace.
Someone should tell these protesters that they can hurl rocks, petrol bombs and flaming kites over the fence and no harm will come to them because surely the Govt wouldn’t respond with physical force after they were so harsh on the way Israel dealt with protesters…
They`re determined to get him killed , seems to me.
Like Paul Golding , I`m sure they`ll deliberately try and place them in harms way.
The blood of the martyrs has always been the seed of the church. And these clowns choosing this way of silencing us will get a heck of a blowback, albeit slow to get going-as Kipling said about us.
Tommys one of our own, where he goes so do we( Book of Ruth 1.16-7).
They need to pray to their Allah that Tommy is set apart, and released. Too many of us know what they did, what they do in the USSR and China, North Korea and Egypt.
But none of them have a BBC that colludes with this show trial, dead of night creepings.
God Bless, love and keep you Tommy. We`ll be watching for you.
Those 2 Arrests over racist Nottingham Trent University halls chants
I had been expecting some mitagiting circumstances like them being angry about the black girl gang murdering the Egyptian girl, but no.
First one 19yr old guy said he was doing banter with his mixed race friend, but in the end he just pleaded guilty and apologised.
He was fined £800 altogether.
Looks like the charges against his friend were dropped.
Hmm Drunk people have been abusive to me when I was a student, but I guess since gingers don’t count as a race, it doesn’t count. Is “boring b@stard” a racial group ?
This pig farm cruelty thing.
The management were negligent for failing to control tosser workers.
But once you a whistle blower goes to the animal rights charity, was it right to put secret cameras in for weeks to collect evidence, when another otion would have been to go straight to management and get the workers sorted out.
The animal rights charity has literally allowed abuse to happen so it can film it.
Stew, presume you mean the item on Look North last night about the workers kicking pigs. Sometimes things just don’t feel right. I was brought up on a pig farm, workers could be frustrated with animals trying to get out, going the wrong way or even attacking the other pigs. What I never saw was a worker thinking, ‘I think I will go and kick a pig’ and doing so. Do we know that they were actually identified as the farm workers, were they temporary workers and what was their reason for kicking the pigs – Peter Levy didn’t tell us – or even who and why someone stuck a camera on the wall to film this cruelty. Someone must have been very lucky or the workers unlucky that the camera just happened to be pointing in the very place, in a large area called a farm, where the cruelty was happening.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
Insane, the 3 mothers of the murdered boys appear together on camera speaking to Tommy Robinson , complaining of a coverup.
Yet they do not appear on MSM.
Tommy questioning whether the women are wrong and it, wasn’t a terrorist attack, or whether even more deaths are caused by covered-up terrorist attacks.
\\ Jaynesh Chudasama pleads guilty to three counts of death by dangerous driving. He killed Harry Rice, 17, George Wilkinson, and Josh Mcguinness, both 16 after crashing his Audi into them as they walked to a birthday party in #Hayes // 26th January 2018
Russia Today interviewed the father
As the UK Police lock up Tommy Robinson for 13 months … In other countries …. police are monitoring toilet paper use ….
Local police in Turkmenistan are inspecting toilets for evidence that locals have been using newspapers containing photographs of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to wipe themselves, it’s been reported.
“Why buy toilet papers if you have piles of newspapers which people in Turkmenistan are forced to subscribe to,” the report says. It adds that it is difficult not to soil the Turkmen leader’s photos because his pictures dominate all newspapers.
\\ Isn’t it funny how the media are now all over the story of #TommyRobinson’s arrest outside court,
… but none of them were there to report the mass rape & grooming of our children. #FreeTommy #IAmTommy //
I was not aware he was on a 13 month sentence, there’d still have to be trial to confirm an offence took place, surely ?
I remember when we thought that such things only happened in the old Soviet Union. How this country has changed.
Strange cos someone else is stood right next to him filming (see @CaolanRob ) , so how come that person wasn’t breaching the peace ?
\\ breach of the peace is ** NOT ** an offence, in the sense that it is not punishable either by a fine or imprisonment either at statute or common law and nor do proceedings for breach of the peace give rise to any conviction //
\\ Reporting restrictions to ensure there is no risk of contempt of court which could see the trial collapse.
That’s the reason i believe //
So seems police grabbed him on a pretence
but once they grab his phone, they can drag him to the judge for contempt of court for breaking those reporting restrictions.
– Would he have been told of reporting restrictions in advance ?
Fascists – Fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.
EU – is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.
GDPR – is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people’s data by getting them to click everything because they can’t be bothered to read it all .
Brilliant .. added to!
I suspect it’s only their own privacy they’re worried about, and not ours.
The #DieselsRpaedos campaign : London school pollution levels break WHO guidelines
now is that news or political PR ?
.. Well, coincidental fact mentioned in the short BBC page
and page prominently features Sadiq’s tweet.
I bet publication has more to do with Sadiq’s PR dept rather than real world news.
: Context is WHO guidelines are meaningless things picked out of thin air, and don’t robustly reflect whether the air is harming normal people or not.
Channel 4 £1m worth of free airtime
to “challenge engrained stereotypes, objectification and sexualisation of women”.
Does that mean they will let on banned journalists like Lauren Southern, Pamella Geller etc. ?
which is the bigger media player ?
That Channel 4 page is mentioned in 2 tweets
The BBC news page about it is mentioned in 40, none have any replies/conversation.
“engrained stereotypes” the R4 drama had a reality star airhead character, who went to seek asylum in Scotland, cos “since the referendum it’s a separate country isn’t it ?”
..they of course gave her an Essex-girl accent.
.. That’s just the same as making fun of Paddys
.. plenty of Essex girls will be intelligent .
“…Harold Wilson ‘What the British people wanted was a bit of peace and quiet. Anything for a quiet life’. You know and I know that this is the great drag on democracy. Does my voice count, so you leave it to a well organised tiny minority. Now you ask have people learned? Yes, they are learning that if you do leave it to that tiny well organised minority … Unpleasant things happen. And then you recoil from that. In part you expect your politicians to do something about it, the question is whether the people themselves will back up the politicians.”
– Margaret Thatcher
“Margaret Thatcher – Capitalism and a Free Society”
“Man guilty of hammer attack on 96-year-old D-Day veteran Jim Booth”
The BBC trolls that visit this site often accuse the members of being obsessed with muslims.
That’s actually not the case, it’s the crimes that are committed that cause the problem.
As an example, in the absence of the death penalty, I wish this white man the very worst experience possible when he goes to prison.
I agree – for a state to lock someone up until they die is inhuman . Far better to execute – kill – them . It also saves tax payers money . I really believe that and always have .
Perversely, in the US, they say that locking up someone for life costs less than executing them because there will be appeal after appeal and it often takes twenty years to carry out the sentence.
Ah but in fed world there would be limited time span before execution- obviously no human rights issues either.
Coincides with no sign of our Maxicnut
I forced my self to watch a c4 documentary – carry on Brussels and if anyone has and doubt about brexit that’s the one to watch .
We really have to leave that outfit and hope stronger countries like those of the East just say “ we’ve had enough of self serving politicians like Merkel destroying their countries”.
The smug remainers in Brussels are breathtaking
Just to add – the documentary concentrated on an MEP called “ seb dance” . C4 doesn’t talk about who he is but do a wiki and you find a proper bubble / swamp resident – lse – advisor to Gordon Brown – labour remainer MP – other half “Baron Livermore “ -another ‘chap’ who is a labour remainer.
Tommy Robinson is locked up facing 13 months and serious attempts to murder him.
Nice work Mr Moslem Home Secretary, piss be upon him, Sajid Javid .
Don’t expect any support from the MSM or that piece of BBC shit, Brillo Neil, to speak out against any injustice.
Here is Tommy’s most recent report. See why the cops and moslem Home Secretary plus media will be happy to see him removed.
Glancing at the Telegraph, I noticed a headline for an article by Fraser Nelson, wondering out loud whether your favourite Home secretary could be shaping up to be Prime Minister. Apparently it would ‘restore a sense of purpose’ to the ‘Conservative’ Party. It’s ‘Premium’, so I couldn’t read the article online. Thankfully.
Who needs The Guardian…?
The Moslem Home Secretary would be more heavily supported by his kind than Treezer. He might very well be appointed before the election, thus guaranteeing remain and open borders.r
Will there be even a single honourable MP who will raise in the Commons, under privilege, the issue of the clearly politically-motivated arrest of Tommy Robinson, and his extraordinarily swift trial, sentence and imprisonment? A complete reporting ban is the mark of a totalitarian state. A statement must be demanded of the Home Secretary. Thanks to Harman and then May, we are now no longer living in a free society.
It’s no coincidence that he’s been imprisoned at the start of a Bank Holiday weekend. He’ll be incommunicado until Tuesday, at least.
Furthermore, I’ve read that when Tommy’s solicitor called the police, they lied to her saying he was going to be released and there was no need for her to travel to Leeds to represent him. Then he was brought before the poor excuse for a judge, with a crap court appointed solicitor, and sentenced to serve a 13 month sentence for some other concocted offence that they’d bestowed upon him last year.
Here is Tommy predicting how they will silence him
The arrest
Ex Police Officer Disgusted – she has made a formal complaint to West Yorks Police.
Apparently taken straight to court and sentenced to 13 months in prison, according to Lauren Southern.
Isn’t this the same police force that asks muslims for permission to enter certain muslim ghettos? The same force that hid muslim sexual abuse of young white girls for decades? The same police force that intimidated and threatened victims and their families when they reported cases of abuse?
Our swamp is wide and deep and it’s going to take a lot of determined effort to drain it. The problem is that there is no intention of anyone in a position of power even admitting we have a swamp, let alone that it must be drained.
Perhaps the oddest sermon of the week concluded BBC radio 4’s “Climate change and metoo”. Professor Richard Lawson spent 15 minutes making the point that buildings and civil infrastructure should be designed to cope with the weather. Err, haven’t builders and civil engineers been doing this since antiquity?
Needless to say there was little actual climate science from Lawson, who is a professor of “earth system engineering” at Newcastle University. At one point Lawson, a civil engineer by training, noted that a great deal of work has been done to prove man-made climate change “but unfortunately the science has been used to sow doubt”. How disgraceful, perhaps we ought to think about banning the wrong sort of science! Lawson of course is not a scientist although the BBC describes him as one. He uses science to build stuff – similar one might say to lots of other people who use science to do stuff.
Lawson describes his academic activities thus: “I believe that engineers have a crucial role in developing adaptation solutions to ensure our infrastructure and cities are resilient and sustainable in the face of intensifying global change”.
I feel sorry for the first year student looking forward to training as a civil engineer who has to read this pompous drivel. Who knows what goes on at the earth science engineering department in Newcastle University? Who cares? It is just another on-trend university department, the like of which have gown like topsy in recent times to hoover up all the public money needed to show the rest of us how important academics really are.
So the BBC did not include a single Climate scientist in its “Climate Change and Me” series. I presume this proves that the BBC can no longer trust a Climate scientist to stay on message without having to censor the scientists contribution to “Climate Change and me”. The last time a BBC radio program was stuffed with scientists was censored from existence by order of the BBC Trust. Even though it included a Labour MP and scientist Graham Stringer and the brother of the Labour leader and climate scientist Piers Corbyn.
Therefore this is my “Climate Change and Me” contribution.
In the last ten years a great deal of work has been done to prove man-made climate change is a hoax. I remember scientists trying and failing to calibrate carbon dioxide in an enclosed chamber. Failing because of the thermodynamics of the metal, glass or concrete walls. Then we had Astronomers try to calibrate carbon dioxide by using the atmosphere of Mars. That failed because the proxy result of 3 Kelvin did not fit the atmosphere of Venus. I remember Ferenc Miskolczi was treated badly for that, but he did try. The problem was that using the black body temperature produces the hoax. Using the grey body temperature is in line with the real world of planetary temperature.
That with the combination of Astronomers finding that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earths surface is 1.176 times the Earths average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth. That lead to the eureka moment in 2011 when two scientists Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Proving that carbon dioxide warming is a hoax.
Another snout deep in the overflowing trough of ‘climate change’ money, shamelessly extracted from the pockets of hardworking taxpayers by a clueless government which still hasn’t grasped that AGW is a failed hypothesis.
“… these threats to the very core of what we believe. The ability to ask questions. To read the books we choose. And pursue unfettered investigations. And these are flatly negated by a religion that says it is the answer to everything. ” – Christopher Hitchens
Also “these threats to the very core of what we believe. The ability to ask questions. To read the books we choose. And pursue unfettered investigations. And these are flatly negated by a BBC that says it is the answer to everything” Richard Pinder
And his creepy smarmy co-interviewee, Islamic apologist Tariq Ramadan, is now on trial in France for raping a number of women.
I’m so Schadenfreude-lich I could laugh.
I hope Winston at the BBC likes this one … “Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing by their women today. #Repealthe8th” – Gary Lineker using his BBC brand to push on ethical issues.
Doesn’t apply to Lineker, cos he doesn’t work for BBC News.
People like him, Portillo, Ed Balls, work in the entertainment section so are free to give political opinions in a none impartial way.
Michael Portillo has interesting thoughts on the ‘not very Brexit Brexit’ in The Express. When someone as PC as Michael (whose railway programmes I really like) makes observations like that, you have confirmation of what you’ve known all along:
the madness of having a Remainer as PM, ‘leading’ the Brexit process on behalf of the UK; the inevitability, with a largely Remainer cabinet and -as Michael points out- Civil Service, of the process going nowhere. Personally, the minute Ms May loudly proclaimed her ‘support’ for Brexit when she took over as PM, I just knew all manner of obstacles would be found eventually as to why it ‘couldn’t be done’. Michael mentions several pretexts.
Well, pleased to see you got there, Michael. Ah, the freedom of not having to wait for promotion…
The Today Programme
“Increasingly as the years went by, pro-European arguments just weren’t printed by the right-wing newspapers”
5. Up Yours Delors!, Brexit: A Love Story?
Mark Mardell considers the role of the press in influencing public opinion on…
Rather easy to see how Treezer and Savid feel confident enough to arrest and imprison anyone who rocks their isolated little boat.
No BBC staff in the forecourt with Gaffa tape over their gobs yet?
Worrying times.
About ‘the press’ (or indeed impartial broadcasters?) influencing public opinion…
Harvey Weinstein: No comment as Hollywood mogul surrenders
”Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has arrived at a police station in New York, where he has been charged with rape and other counts of sexual abuse on two separate women.”
Surrendered, has he ?
was there even an arrest warrant out was he on the run hiding in the woods or something…
eddy – shows how disengaged the msm is to put the Weinstein show at the top of the news. Casting. Couch capers . Young women using their sexuality to get fame and fortune and Hollywood types like him exploiting power. Was ever thus and one way or another will be .
I suppose they’ll link him to President Trump sooner or later .
“the Weinstein show…”
How easily you dismiss accusations of rape as; “Casting Couch capers… Young women using their sexuality… Was ever thus”
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same constabulary [West Yorkshire police] that ignored Muslim paedo gangs for two decades? ”
Mmm, I wonder what sort of mindset the Yorkshire Police must have had; to so easily dismiss accusations of rape?
Try thinking REALLY HARD Fedup2. See if you can come up with anything…
Hi maxi welcome back matey . Been missing your valuable critique of posters here and your excellent examples of bias within al beeb .
I put that little line in for you as I knew it would press your button and to see if you’ve changed
I don’t dismiss rape but I do dismiss your msm using cases like this as entertainment . The old innocent until proved guilty maxim only applies when people like you want it as well as the ability of someone to get a fair trial without abuse of process .
Anyway maxi – glad you’re back and keep going the the sad cutting and pasting . Comment is free – after all – isn’t it ?
As for your second point – the one with capital letters – if you do not realise that public bodies such as the police avoid accusations of racism- which Muslim Pakistanis and their supporter would use – like the plague – and thus have declined to pursue allegations made by poor white working class girls and their parents whom some might describe as having ‘ chaotic’ lives then perhaps you need to leave this site , go away and get a bit of life experience and grow up.
I look forward to a reply but I know you don’t engage . Stay safe now
“…the police avoid accusations of racism- which Muslim Pakistanis and their supporter would use – like the plague – and thus have declined to pursue allegations made by poor white working class girls…”
You are simply wrong, Fedup2. The police in Rotherham didn’t pursue accusations of rape, not because they were scared of being called racist, but because they viewed the few young girls brave enough to come forward and make those accusations with contempt and didn’t believe them.
It’s not very much different to people on this blog who continue to use the euphemism “casting couch” (“capers” as you so charmingly describe it).
Imply the victims were complicit in their own rape, “fucking their way to fame and fortune”.
Suggest it’s not worth bothering with, “Was ever thus”.
Then go on to wonder why more “supposed” victims haven’t come forward, “how many of them went to the police…?”; and use that as evidence that it’s all made up nonsense.
You wrote this at 3.08 am?
Nothing better to do?
Context and detail spring to mind. Have there NOT always been young women who braved the casting couch to garner big screen fortunes, and how many of them went to the police with accusations of rape let alone accusations of gang rape?
You have to feel for him.
After the tip off from the local plod, he was up all day prepping the new BBC wind-powered EcoCopter to catch the action down below outside Leeds Crown Court (not breaching anything, natch), and it turns out it just kept spinning on the spot and achieved nothing.
A metaphor is born. Apparently.
Maxi aka zero
How about responding to my question some time ago regarding how reports of raping little girls turned you on. I guess you get a lift by supporting the child groomers.
Change from fisting eh.
How is it that someone like Weinstein has the time to get his affairs, investment, portfolio and other matters all sorted and in hand before turning himself in?
How and why is he given the time to do that?
Referendum in Eire about abortion . Rumours that the vote could be close on a high turn out . Counting starts Saturday . I’m interested in the stance al beeb will take . Obviously it is pro abortion but if the result is 48/52 in ia brexit kind of way will beeboids call for another vote to get the right answer?
Obviously the outcome could be a big vote either way but let’s see. I was interested about the pronouncement by comrade John snow that there is no room for referenda in a parliamentary democracy but obviously he is far wiser than mere tax paying voters .
I seem to remember that the Irish do have form when it comes to referenda not going the “correct” way.
Um, does our esteemed NHS charge those ladies who travel from the Republic for ahem, ‘procedures’ they cannot get in their own country ?
I’ve just read that it’s the West Yorkshire police that arrested Tommy Robinson.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same constabulary that ignored Muslim paedo gangs for two decades? God only knows how many thousands of young white girls were raped due to their pathetic PC ineptitude.
And then, in cahoots with our friends at the BBC, they arrested Nick Griffin for exposing these said grooming gangs.
I believe they took him to court twice! They’re like a PC Gestapo. If they had done their job in the first place we’d have no need for whistle blowers. But no…
You know one day, I like to think, these patriotic heroes will have statues erected to them. The BBC and the rest of the gutless MSM will be gone and once again we’ll live in an England worthy of our heritage.
Let’s see how the (so called) “free” press decide to spin this…that’s if they mention it at all…They’re as poisonous as the BBC.
“Racist arrested…”
Whilst today BBC put Weinstein on the front-page
Last month they buried Hudderfield court case away in local news webpage.
They named 29 perps , wouldn’t today’s Leeds case be connected ?
Ah Today was the end of the trial, Tommy says “this is the end of the trial, this is the verdict”
\\ I’m outside Leeds Crown Court where verdicts are due in part 2 of the grooming/rape trial involving 29 defendants from Huddersfield – 8 of which are called Mohammed.” //
I’m guessing that when a jury hasn’t yet given the verdict, there is always a possibility they might not reach a decision and there could be a new trial.
A Sikh group tweeted “The jury are still out and we hope to hear get a verdict by Tuesday. “
Reporting restrictions are a bit strict if you have to wait for the verdict to be able to say a verdict is coming.
If Tommy wanted to break the law he would have been reporting everyday since the start
Ah the video of the full hour is here on Facebook
At the end is the arrest a guy says ‘What’s this about are you filming ?’ TR says “ah grooming trial 29 perps … allegedly, I’m here ready to tell the viers what’s going on”
I wonder if that last guy was a set up cos then the police team move in to arrest ?
\\ Any reporting restrictions imposed during a hearing are usually automatically lifted at the end of a trial, as the jury can no longer be prejudiced. However, in the Belfast ‘rugby rape’ trial, this was not the case .. media outlets made an application to have the press ban lifted.//
#1 It is shocking that no MSM except local paper were there, cos verdict was due and then judge would likely have lifted reporting restrictions.
#2 Any news without full context is FakeNews as it’s bias by omission
The fact that MSM have avoided giving the context I just have , says a lot.
#3 People do shout at the accused as they leave the court, even when the verdict is not yet in,
is reporting that prejudicial ? I think not.
Jimmy Saviles helpers were they?
All making sense now.
South Yorkshire and Sir Cliff, Rotherham as well?
Oh dear, Yorkshire`s not as it should be, wonder why?
And was it six coppers it took(including a fat woman in glasses) that surrounded him.
Don`t they only use that many when they`re raiding a cake stall for charity manicures, or a white pensioner in Epsom hasn`t paid her licence at the care home?
From Twitter
7h7 hours ago
In the hour live Facebook video Tommy spoke about several cases, but all of them were available to the public.
One case where a young girls tongue was nailed to a table whilst men took turns raping her.
Imagine if that was your daughter/sister/mrs.
So what the hell is wrong with the peope of this country who will simply say that Robinson is a racist?
And give a thought to that heroic BBC presenter, Andrew Neil whose only contribution to an inquiry into what Robinson stood for was to blabber on about his real name being Yaxley lennon or whatever.
Yet again””The lamps are going out all over Europe;”
Looks like Theresa did not want to be left out this time.
Dontcha just luv her!
I think of May as a composite comprising of Heath, Wilson, Brown and Major.
Is she petulant, cringing, weird or devious basically?
And in what proportions that day?
Think her settings are Heath this week-and she`d better be careful, if she doesn`t want to be seen as being as bad crippled and treacherous HE was regarding the EU.
Alicia Sinclair
She is vying with Chamberlain as being the worst Tory PM in the history of appeasement.
We should have left the EU long ago.
She is playing for time.
I used to call her an appeaser. Together with her Moslem Home Secretary and pals including the Saudi Prince and Erdogen, she is at the forefront of downright treachery
“So what the hell is wrong with the peope of this country who will simply say that Robinson is a racist?”
Too much exposure to the worst aspects of our state education system for several decades, that’s what.
Shameful performance in Reading, Maths and Science, and virtually no understanding of our history. Never mind though, they come out of it with all the right attitudes to immigration and multiculturalism.
As immigration is supposed to be such a benefit to this country, why not take it to its logical conclusion and import thousands of real teachers from countries untainted by PC? I wonder if the enthusiasm for immigration that so many of our own teachers seem to have would start to falter?
They could always emigrate and seek teaching jobs abroad, as they seem to hate this country too much. They may find, however, that their skills are not as transferable as they think.
Friday funny
If Bill always chose someone else over Hillary
….then why shouldn’t you ?
The BBC indoctrinates our kids.
Our four year olds are fed biased fodder to fulfill the BBC wish and desire for a UK that is 70% non-white.
Hope the white tots get offered child sized bulletproof and/or stab vests.
And I`d not be too happy letting the others loose on those toy cars in the nursery either-do they rent white vans in plastic I wonder?
Two items on this evening’s 6 o’clock BBC news that highlight what our country used to be and what it has become. The first, a report on the jailing of a man who posed as a builder to attack and wound a 96 year old veteran of the Normandy landings and former special forces soldier. The veteran, Mr Booth, despite his great age, fought back at the attacker. The bulletin then segued into a report of more emotional incontinence and whining entitlement at the Grenfell enquiry. As others have stated previously on here, this is, or should be, an enquiry into the facts of the fire: how it started, how it spread, and how such a tragedy could be prevented in the future. But it must be an enquiry into all the facts: including overcrowding due to illegal sub-letting and combustible rubbish in the building’s common areas.
Credit in a sense to the BBC in that they ran the story of the heroic Mr Booth, a reminder of what we used to be, before the Grenfell item (though after Harvey Weinstein). As a bonus, between the two items the line was lost to Sneering Sopel in Washington!
Looking forward to seeing the BBC cameras outside No 10 tomorrow when the protest about Tommy Robinson’s arrest takes place.
People are angry that filming about a trial of alleged rapists is more of a crime than actually raping children.
And while we are alleging perhaps someone might mention that Treezer has been busy erasing information about her dad which might lead to allegations regarding his misdeeds in that area.
Caught the 7pm new bulletin on R4 this evening – the top story was Weinstein (no surprise there) but what really shocked me was following on, they had about 40 seconds of some woman who the beeb described as running a website dedicated to gender diversity (?) giving her two pennies worth on the item. She banged on about bringing down the patriarchy and now is the time for all women to seize the moment etc, blah, blah.
So, what the feck are the beeb doing giving this woman’s opinion (who we don’t know a thing about) on a two minute bulletin? How is her opinion news? Plus, what confuses me is that if the police had a case against Weinstein, why hasn’t he been arrested before now?
Strange times.
The bbc like certain people because of their opinions.
‘Author and Economist’. Lol.
No. No questions for these cnuts as I already know the answer.
BBC Online News:
“”Independence: Could Scotland keep the pound?””
“”…others have already been critical of this approach, with independence supporter and chartered accountant Richard Murphy arguing that it would be “devastating”.””
“”He said following UK monetary policy would see any negative impacts of Brexit or other economic changes being “imported directly into the Scottish economy” – claiming that Scotland would “remain enslaved by the pound and tied to the apron strings of London”.””
A biased piece of reporting by the BBC. They’ve used a pro Independence report and brought in Brexit as a threat.
No tricks missed by the BBC. Again.
Today’s race-baiting headline from the BBC.
Like clockwork. Like bloody clockwork.
Complete with the usual reference to ‘some people’. Which people “do not think a black woman should lead Fifa”? Opponents or vested interests or other candidates spoke out and said that? Also note her casual sexism “Nobody asks a man when he takes a position if he’s competent to do the job.” Well they do, actually, the BBC does this most days in connection with President Trump, Boris Johnson etc.
But good news for the poor migrant workers dying in their hundreds as they prepare Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. According to ‘our Fatma’: “Over the past six months we haven’t heard anything negative about the worker condition in Qatar,” she said. Presumably that means it is not being reported anymore, rather than any great changes in the slaughter. See
One final gem: “…football can help change cultural behaviour, even in the more conservative society.” Not in Qatar though, where homosexuality and same sex marriage are illegal. Mind you, given the amount of Qatari investment in London and our dependence on liquified gas imports from them, you can’t expect the state broadcaster to dig too deeply.
Headed up the United Nations World food programme – doesn’t look like anybody else got much food
Tried to ban British teams from wearing poppies on their shirts
Five minutes of listening to her and you just know she is probably thicker than David Lammy and that takes some doing
BBC I’m not hearing anything about Mussie paedo gangs raping 11 year girls all over our Country – has the connection to BBC Leeds gone down?
“has the connection to BBC Leeds gone down?
Looks like much of the BBC network infrastructure is down. No news either from Luton, Bradford, Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Dewsbury etc etc…
Switch-on -Bingo win 8:50am R4Today
Society’s structural racism was the topic
with Afua Hirsch and David Olusoga
.. If you are a black person and you find that you are NOT treated fairly, is that cos
: You are black ?
..or cos that life is NOT fair anyway.
… truth is tall blokes called Dave will always get the girls
.. and we short gingers , do not.
However if you are white and are NOT given regularBBC/MSM TV /radio slots to spout your views
..that might well be cos of your skin colour.
Kudos to you for listening. I had only just coped with Alastair Campbell’s lies sliming over the airwaves earlier, but as soon as I heard Afua Hirsch’s name I hit the off switch. There is only so much I can endure before breakfast.
Listen to Afua Racebaiter ?
No I hit the change channel button right away.
“.. If you are a black person and you find that you are NOT treated fairly, is that cos
: You are black ?
..or cos that life is NOT fair anyway.”
“White Person” tells “Black Person” he knows more about the experience of racial prejudice than they do; because he’s got ginger hair.
Then admits to refusing to hear a single word the “Black Person” says;
“Listen to Afua Racebaiter ? No I hit the change channel button right away.”
Well done, Stew.
This site is for highlighting the bias, left or right of Al Beeb.
In the interest of medical science, please tell us why you feel the urge to post here?
Liberal lefty BBC nails its colours to the mast as the news that the Irish Republic seems to be about to start aborting babies is brought to us by a couple of happy-looking presenters.
A beaming Steph McGovan and gurning Chris Mason can barely conceal their giggles on the BBC sofa this morning as “socially conservative” Ireland will come into line by “liberalising” their law.
And there we were thinking the BBC was supposed to be ‘balanced’ and ‘impartial’ ?
So Ireland will at last fall into line with most of the rest of liberal Western societies. Oh well, each additional aborted Irish child will make available an extra school space, free up housing and some health resources for, who exactly…. well, we’ll see…?
If people express the ‘wrong’ opinion on something that the Establishment do not like e.g. Brexit, then that is ‘populism’ and the BBC swings into action to condemn it. But if it’s something they do like, such as abortion/baby killing, then it’s a wonderful thing and the BBC swings into action to express its full approval.
Just found this on BBC 1 News….erm, sorry, no I didn’t, my mistake but it made my weekend all the same…
Laugh out loud . The filmer should have appreciated that this is part of their culture and celebrated the vibrancy and integration it shows.
A man with mental issues who used to work for the labour government in number 10 – one A Campbell – used toady to flog some book he has written but also brought brexit into sport by saying that Klopp – the German footy manager is a remainer and thus Liverpool should win the footy game tonight . The beeboid interviewing him agreed .
Campbell really sounds more unhinged as time passes and I fear for him should be actually get our freedom .
2 . Toady is getting the bunting out because the Irish have voted to allow unborn babies to be killed . If that’s there democratic view then so be it but it’s a sad day for British abortionists and no mention of how many abortionists will be made unemployed or retrained – perhaps to “off” the elderly who might start becoming a bit inconvenient .
I live near a river with a path along it and back gardens backing onto it. They all have attractive fences or hedges not to spoil the view for others, except one which is ugly breeze block. Hijabs and burkas and such are often to be seen drying on the line.
That’s the way to sort these people .. make ’em do it! Don’t let ’em get away with it! … and definitely don’t delete the video as she asked!
Builder says “Why don’t you take it to the tip”
Flytippers “It was closed”
Builder “Well take it tomorrow then”
That little conversation says it all !!
Must see section of Beeb website features a picture of the Guardian with Chelsea Clinton professing “the way Trump has mainstreamed hate is deeply dangerous” as if a statement of fact. Everybody get ready for the lefts latest poster girl.
Synch – I hope she does become a’poster girl’ for the left as her surname is toxic . Personally I’m interested to see if smoky joe Biden has the courage to go up against President Trump in 2 years time .
Its called, “doing a Blair”
The principle is well established now: beckon any number of foreigners into your country to swamp the indigenous population and sway the vote on any given subject/election.
The Garden Gnome is at it again…………..
This not prejudicing trials thing , did it apply to the Jayda Fransen trial ?
I bet there were antifa outside and journalists preparing pieces to camera before the verdict was announced.
Also if preventing info getting out is the main thing, why would the court authorities stand by while the info is made public and then arrest the person who made it public ?
Surely it would be better to warn and step right in before the info has been made public.
Plus normally contempt rules would apply to what happens INSIDE the court and reporting what happens outside is OK , (apart from reporting a child’s name etc.)
More fabulous news for BBC types. Danny Boyle is to direct the latest Bond movie. In this, Bond will join the #Me Too movement whilst taking on the evil attempts at world domination by Dr.Toryscum. After killing an evil brexit/ Trump supporter he goes on to live happily ever after with mixed race transexual and moving to the paradise of Haringey. Oops , hope i haven’t spoilt the ending!
The last three were absolutely shocking and why anyone thought Sam Mendes could do a Bond film is beyond me. Clearly Craig felt the same when he said he’d do one more to “go out on a high”. Clearly he didn’t the last two were high points.
Despite enthusiastic headlines from our favourite media, I can’t help but feel that some of the ladies who very evidently used the time-honoured system of fucking their way to fame and fortune might regret Harvey Weinstein’s court appearances.
Yes, the man is a toad, no doubt, but he’s got a sharp cookie lawyer who may, unprincipled rogue that he is, raise embarrassing issues of time scale in certain events. Suggesting in some cases that the benefits outweighed the loss of decorum might reflect badly on their currently popular victimhood. Coupled, if you’ll pardon the expression, with the number of highly regarded luvvies smearing themselves over his pudgy person for the benefit of the paparazzi might not go down, if you’ll also pardon the expression, so well either.
Sort of a ‘Dick and a hard place’ scenario?
” Big Brother are you satisfied with our inclusive plans for
the World Cup?” ” Here at the divesity dept this World Cup
in Russia has caused major problems. Of course the number one
is that it’s for MEN. We have to balance this out by making sure
that we have as many as possible women presenters and
reporters in Russia. I don’t care if they know nothing
about football. Iran does not allow women
into football stadiums to watch men playing, but I would like
a crew to follow them around. We could get an Islamic
persepctive of the game. Also I hear they have more of a chance
than anybody thinks. This lunatic Foscari who writes on
football bet them at 5000/1 two years ago , saying they could
be the next Leicester. There another place with a large Muslim
community. Yes Diversity department IRAN is going to be the
BBC’S team, at the World Cup!!”
See this whilst you can:
If people aren’t worried by the arrest of t M, then they have yet to take the red pill.
It’s been very frustrating trying to find out what has actually happened. The best I’ve found is here:
Obviously, that report has an axe to grind but trying to look at it objectively, I suspect the problem is where Mr Robinson asks two men going in for sentencing if they feel guilty. I believe he also named the other accused. These filth may be up on other charges yet to reach court and the authorities didn’t want these trials to be prejudiced.
Two things about that don’t add up. First, I understand other media named them, so why aren’t they on the same charge? Second, the original arrest was for breach of the peace, for which the evidence appears less than scant. Wrongful arrest?
Even if everything about his arrest, trial and imprisonment, all within a couple of hours like something out of a banana republic is above board, why put a ban on reporting it? To avoid the names of the accused getting into the public domain? Can’t be that, as it’s perfectly possible to report without giving specifics. Or because it might encourage people to go looking for the names? Well, I suspect that ship has long sailed.
I’ve said before that I’m in two minds about Tommy Robinson, but everything about this stinks.
One thing I think can be guaranteed. If something happens to Mr Robinson in prison, there will be violence on the streets.
Sorry this isn’t directly about BBC bias, but I think it goes to the heart of everything the BBC would prefer not to talk about.
“If something happens to Mr Robinson in prison, there will be violence on the streets.”
And why not? It seems to work for other groups.
Good questions Roland Deschain
There are several issues here, which appear confused to my untrained mind.
Yesterday a media ban was imposed at TR’s hearing but it looks like this is forbidding non publication of details of the Leeds trial(s) until completion (ref @nickmon1112), rather than imposing a ban on TR’s ‘case’ itself. I do not know if there was a previous banning order in place.
Last year TR was given a three-month suspended sentence for contempt of court in relation to filming ‘suspects’ outside Canterbury Crown Court. The courts have now re-activated this sentence – plus extras (for what?) – resulting in 13 months imprisonment. His arrest yesterday for breaching the peace certainly looks like a stitch up because in his livestream he was clearly trying to not do anything untoward or pervert justice. So this raises a host of questions.
The gloating site has published a screenshot of last year’s judgement by Judge Norton in May 2017. Apparently there were no conditions to the suspended sentence, but they have now decided he is in contempt again.
But is he?
Possible corrigendum
Someone called @willchamberlain (US lawyer) thinks the reporting restrictions do apply to TR’s case.
I’m confused .
I found this on Twitter, purporting to be the gagging order. Whether it is or not I can’t say. It would however bear out my hypothesis that there is another trial and Mr R has fallen foul of an earlier gagging order. No other press was there so presumably knew of it In which case he really should have known better, but that doesn’t answer the inconsistencies I noted above.
I ran out of time to edit. That order, if genuine, shows it does apply to Mr R until conclusion of another trial.
I still can’t see why his case can’t be reported on, providing no reference to identities of defendants in other trials is made. Perhaps some legal eagle can provide more information? At present, it all looks very sinister and the authorities seem needlessly to be stoking up a lot of trouble.
“I still can’t see why his case can’t be reported on …”
No, me neither.
Possibly the Leeds case defence lawyers are trying to make a big deal of it?
However, I thought they were already up to the sentencing stage.
The whole thing stinks.
Our law is now entirely under the control of the liberal elite. They control the police, the judiciary , the legal profession and the Home Office. They see the law as a legal weapon to exonerate those they agree with and as weapon with which to abuse those that they disagree with. If they want to silence Tommy for speaking the truth then im afraid that there is no one to stop them. The UK has undergone a revolution , the liberal left have taken over all our institutions and entrenched themselves. As we see with the Brexit referendum they can trample over democracy with impunity. Im afraid that any objective observer of 21st century Britain would conclude that the liberal left have triumphed and that they will implement their repugnent agenda without hinderence or democratic restraint.
Yep. Can’t disagree with any of that.
@Roland the names are NOT secret
The BBC : Last month buried Hudderfield court case away in local news webpage.
They named 29 perps , wouldn’t today’s Leeds case be connected ?
@Marion Re violence : Not a good idea, Antifa do use it, and get away with it.
However with such lashing out it’s too easy to get a “lucky punch” doing much more harm than you intended, even if the other side started it. Being suicidal is not a good form of defence.
Sign petition to object to the arrest of Tommy Robinson who was put in jail for reporting the truth!
Bbc not even reported this shocking free speech abuse
Signed. Close to 50,000 signatures now.
Difference between BBC & Netflix ?
BBC would say “we can’t have this Fauda show, it’s made by Israelis”
Fox have the background ‘the show has support from both sides’
Difference between BBC & Netflix ?
Er, you only pay for Netflix if you want to watch it and nobody fines and imprisons you for not doing so?
P.S. Fauda is excellent – well worth taking the free 30 day trial or subscribing just to watch it. Along with House of Cards, Breaking Bad, The Crown, Rake, The Method, Narcos, Better Call Saul, Marco Polo, Grand Hotel etc. It’s quite a relevation how much superior these programmes are to the trash on British TV, and without the vile propaganda of the BBC and multicultural adverts every 15 minutes.
Febrile times. OT but…
Three letter acronyms and their ‘news’. Or not.
I read in The Times that Simon Mayo’s Radio 2 Show has been ruined as he now has to present alongside a woman due to the demands of diversity inquisitors. Many loyal listeners have complained as there is no chemistry between the two and they liked it as it was before.
Did they really think they could see anything where the male/female black/white etc is not 50% or whatever, balance it out and everything would be fine? There are countless things which make something tick; the race, gender or sexuality of the presenters is irrelevant.
By the time the BBC have reached ‘peak diversity’ by 2021 or whenever much of their output will have been ruined as what should be their sole concern – the quality of content – was seen as secondary to maximising ‘diversity.’ Hundreds of millions will have been spent to make something considerably worse, which is the Left in a nutshell.
I suppose some people will believe that the man who died in prison after throwing a bacon sandwich at a mosque died as the result of a drug overdose.
How convenient to release this information to coincide with Robinson’s arrest.
Why did it take that long to tell us? What a crock of shite.
I have to laugh at that paper and how no one sees the lunacy of what they are actually writing.
This far right extremist was sentenced to year in prison for slinging a couple of bacon sandwiches on the steps of a mosque and tieing a st georges flag to a railing. A bacon sandwich – seriously.
How goddam moronic is this stupid, backward, barbaric and frankly weak religion that it can be mortified and offended by the inaminate object of a sandwich. It’s a fucking sandwich people.
I also have to laugh at the police saying there is nothing suspicious about his death from a drug overdose. Nothing suspicious – how about the idea that seemingly he was taking enough drugs in a supposedly secured and controlled environment of a prison to die.
I’m still baffled as to why putting bacon sandwiches near a mosque demands a prison sentence. It’s provocative and stupid yes, did he have a history? When you can’t mock a religion then you get into strange territory. It reminds me of Douglas Murray holding up the front cover of Private Eye after the Charlie Hebdo shootings to show that we are not afraid to mock Christianity. Should the editors have been jailed for this I wonder.
Strange how extremists from Antifa, BLM, Feminazis and other Far-Left rabble are allowed to hurl vitriolic abuse or incite violence against those they disagree with, but a bacon sandwich or a peaceful demo outside a court earns you a prison sentence – which in Kevin Crehan’s case turned out to be a death sentence, no doubt ‘pour décourager les autres’.
I can see the same thing to happening to TR as well, vlad. How many times times has this country been prevented from sending back someone who should have been drowned at birth, due to its human rights and the fear it may be tortured or killed in its shithole of birth?
The HR crowd will have no qualms though in kenneling up TR with a bunch of bastards with an aversion to shaving and headbutt the carpet five times a day and have slightly different views to him. He was lucky to get out alive last time by all accounts, if not for the actions of a warder he would have been covered in boiling sugar.
The marks are in for the recent BBC “Climate change and me” lectures. The candidates came from a number of backgrounds and were described by the BBC as scientists of both the “prominent” and “eminent” type.
Monday May, 21: Professor Callum Roberts, environment department, University of York – Callum is an enthusiastic lad. We heard a lot about his fish hobby and he does appear to have had a lot of scuba diving holidays around the tropics admiring the underwater sights. Unfortunately his talk was all over the place and he failed to grasp the essential point that coral reefs are affected by short term changes in temperature from natural causes such as El Nino rather than gentle long term rises. Like most BBC contributers he is fixated on the idea that trace gases such as CO2 are responsible for all natural weather variation. I put this down to his lack of basic science knowledge.
Score 2/10
Tuesday May 22: Professor John Lawton, President of the Institution of Environmental Sciences – John is another one who shares his hobby interest with us and it would appear that he is a dedicated bird watcher. He is also keen to suggest that the planet is warming rapidly as a result of our old plant food friend CO2 but in his enthusiasm he got into a bit of a muddle. Apparently birds are on the move and the little egret is being seen on the southern coasts of England. This might be due to global warming but John rather let the cat out of the bag when he noted that this type of heron was actually hunted to near extinction in Victorian times. Unfortunately John’s mark has suffered since by his own admission he is in with a bad lot at the Institution of Environmental Sciences. Many of the people on his board such as Caroline Lucas seem to regard science merely as a tool to promote activist causes.
Score 2/10
Wednesday May 23: Professor Mary Edwards, geography, University of Southampton – Mary suffers a common problem among geographers in that she would like to be considered a scientist. While observations and advanced map reading are useful disciplines, they lacks the rigour of scientific enquiry. Thus Mary observes a heat wave in Alaska and concludes that it “didn’t feel quite right”. She hinted at scientific work but failed to give any details. She also seems unaware that Arctic ice melts and refreezes as part of natural climate variation. She could perhaps read a little history in future. Greenland would be a good start. The BBC suggested that she was a scientist and one might reasonable expect a little science as a result. Her mark reflects this omission.
Score 0/10
Thursday May 24:Professor Jennifer Leaning, health and human rights, Harvard University – Jennifer was very disappointing. She seemed determined to attribute every human tragedy in tropical countries to global warming caused by man-made C02. The argument might make some sense but for the fact that the gentle natural warming over the last century has been much more pronounced in northern latitudes. She fails to understand that Pacific islands rise and fall due to geological factors – but seems keen on promoting the enrichment of island rulers under the guise of “foreign aid”. There was no science content at all – it was little more than the type of emotional tosh pumped out by authors such as Naomi Klein. For that reason I have awarded a minus score to discourage similar work being presented in future.
Score -2/10
Friday May 25: Professor Richard Lawson, earth science engineering, University of Newcastle – Richard was another chap who presented work with little discernable scientific content. A civil engineer by trade, Richard tries hard to elevate the building trade onto some mythical global stage. He talks about seeking “adaptation” solutions but sensible advice might be for him to get out more in the real world. No science on offer, so difficult to give any marks.
Score 0/10
In conclusion all five candidates performed poorly. They either displayed no scientific knowledge at all, or delivered political messages based on unproven science. I am afraid on this evidence they will not go far. All I can suggest is that they might consider applying for any vacancy if George Monbiot and Roger Harrabin leave their posts at the Guardian and BBC respectively. I do feel that some blame for the poor performances should be given to the BBC. They promote these people as scientists but fail to enforce any reasonable standards. The talk on Thursday by Ms Leaning was a true shocker prompting my follow judge MartinW to refer to “the tissue of lies, blatant scaremongering and erroneous conclusions”. If ever there was a case for an independent inquiry into the coverage of ‘climate change’ in the BBC, this was it, he noted.
Meanwhile I have been asked to provide some marking guidance for some of the BBC’s economic intake. One particular lad Mark Carney has been giving grave cause for concern since his economic predictions are almost invariably wrong. I have noted that economists are notorious in their guesswork and one might be better employed seeking the guidance of the Sun newspaper’s astrological correspondent. Entre nous, the fear is that Mark’s predictions are based on political considerations since the lad has been heard recently stating that he wants to return to his native Canada and become Prime Minister.
One former lad George Osborne also had political ambitions and his predictions invariably arose suspicions. Luckily George took up employment at the Evening Standard newspaper, a viper’s nest of degenerates and ne’er-do-wells, and has largely disappeared from view.
Of course From the Many (citizens), into the pockets of the Few (650 UK Mps) ….18% pay rise since 2010 … we are all equal, some more equal than others …
Somewhere along the line the phenomenon of Angry Young Men (who usually had nothing at all to be angry about, it was just a modish pose) became first acceptable, then cool, and now de rigueur. The fact that they’re angry is sufficient justification for extremism. Providing of course it’s Lefty anger.
Tommy warned us about these rape gangs.
You laughed and called him a racist
Tommy will die in prison at the hands of these gangs.
You will laugh and say it served him right
Then you will remember YOU have a daughter #TommyRobinson
One of the telling lines I read in a neocon book, which helped cure me of my troubling socialist condition, was: “The trouble with the left is that they look at something that works and say, ‘hey, I can make that better’”
“Radio 2 listeners revolt as equality drive backfires”
Simon Mayo is one of the few people who can be listened to on BBC radio without searching for a mallet to destroy the receiver. For decades he has built up a loyal following of considerable numbers. His chats with mark Kermode have become internationally popular.
So, the left looked at this success and said: ‘we can make it better’.
How? Well the BBC could tick a gender equality box and force a woman to work with him.
Why you might ask. Is there a chemistry between them? Have they worked together in the past? Is the audience demanding gender equality?
No. This is the left making things ‘better’ for no discernible reason.
The result, 5000 people have already signed petitions calling for a return to the old Drivetime format.
If it ain’t broke, diversify it.
Must be great to be uniquely funded and unaccountable.
Yep, i`m one of them.
Used to enjoy Simon Mayo after the staff meetings, made the car share home worth the bother.
Then I heard two minutes of him glumly trying to enthuse us over being shackled to Peels empty welly poppet-the useless Jo Whiley, a horsey Anne Nightingale with NO talent as far as I can see.
That`s Radio 2 done then-wonder how long it`ll be before Radio 3 gets Dick and Dom, Pepsi and Shirley to do their shows.
Go to the Beeb’s England News website and you won’t find a thing about T Robinson’s arrest but it gets worse. Type in ‘Tommy’ and you get ‘Tommy Cooper’ in the Suggestions (on a ‘News’ page!). Type in ‘Tommy R’ and you get these;
Tommy Cooper
Robbie’s War: The Rise and Fall of a Playboy Billionaire
Russians in Britain: A Handbook
Reggie Yates: Searching for Grenfell’s Lost Lives
Rocky Hard Place
Revolution in Ideas.
You have to type in ‘Tommy Robinson’ in full before they admit that they do actually hold SOME articles on him and bring them up!
There seems to be a blanket ban on the media reporting on TR’s case, so its not the Beeb. Guido’s Saturday 7 up thread is comments off, people where commenting on TR, Brietbart nothing!
Could there be a DSMA-Notice?
TR’s case would seem to be outside its remit, but given that Lauren Southern was barred on anti-terrorism grounds, anythings these days is possible.
Of course the BBC seldom needs any notices when it doesn’t want to take notice of something. especially around Whitehall or Downing Street.
May as Home Secretary got away with banning folk (starting with Robert Spencer and Pamela Gellar?) on the statespersonworthy basis that it was best to cave in to those threatening violence rather than listening to those cautioning against what can happen. A precedent now entrenched, and not unnoticed by those who like to get their way by force.
Maybe, if not being told what is going on, or what to do by the BBC, she might wonder if this is playing out well?
Not sure I’d like to be a decent copper told to suppress these protesters. Unless they draft in the ones happy enough to tag along with TVL/Capita sales folk to ‘prevent’ these dubiously defined breaches of the peace.
Someone should tell these protesters that they can hurl rocks, petrol bombs and flaming kites over the fence and no harm will come to them because surely the Govt wouldn’t respond with physical force after they were so harsh on the way Israel dealt with protesters…
Best not.
It is rather apparent that multiple standards apply on referendum results, proportionality and many other laws for some but not others.
It may sink in, even around the gated communities within the M25, W1A and the HoP, that this may not work out in the restrained manner it has so far.
That pressure cooker has been screwed down a long while, and cranking the gas with unfamiliar authoritarian impositions here seems… brave.
They`re determined to get him killed , seems to me.
Like Paul Golding , I`m sure they`ll deliberately try and place them in harms way.
The blood of the martyrs has always been the seed of the church. And these clowns choosing this way of silencing us will get a heck of a blowback, albeit slow to get going-as Kipling said about us.
Tommys one of our own, where he goes so do we( Book of Ruth 1.16-7).
They need to pray to their Allah that Tommy is set apart, and released. Too many of us know what they did, what they do in the USSR and China, North Korea and Egypt.
But none of them have a BBC that colludes with this show trial, dead of night creepings.
God Bless, love and keep you Tommy. We`ll be watching for you.
Those 2 Arrests over racist Nottingham Trent University halls chants
I had been expecting some mitagiting circumstances like them being angry about the black girl gang murdering the Egyptian girl, but no.
First one 19yr old guy said he was doing banter with his mixed race friend, but in the end he just pleaded guilty and apologised.
He was fined £800 altogether.
Looks like the charges against his friend were dropped.
Hmm Drunk people have been abusive to me when I was a student, but I guess since gingers don’t count as a race, it doesn’t count. Is “boring b@stard” a racial group ?
This pig farm cruelty thing.
The management were negligent for failing to control tosser workers.
But once you a whistle blower goes to the animal rights charity, was it right to put secret cameras in for weeks to collect evidence, when another otion would have been to go straight to management and get the workers sorted out.
The animal rights charity has literally allowed abuse to happen so it can film it.
Stew, presume you mean the item on Look North last night about the workers kicking pigs. Sometimes things just don’t feel right. I was brought up on a pig farm, workers could be frustrated with animals trying to get out, going the wrong way or even attacking the other pigs. What I never saw was a worker thinking, ‘I think I will go and kick a pig’ and doing so. Do we know that they were actually identified as the farm workers, were they temporary workers and what was their reason for kicking the pigs – Peter Levy didn’t tell us – or even who and why someone stuck a camera on the wall to film this cruelty. Someone must have been very lucky or the workers unlucky that the camera just happened to be pointing in the very place, in a large area called a farm, where the cruelty was happening.
Lucky the abusers didn’t use weapons grade wellies.
Should we all, ‘get with the programme’ and chip in to help the Saudi’s out?