TR : The recent Delingpole second podcast with TR mentions the 29 trial starting and the lack of reporting, and authority attempts to frame TR.
Great article GW-especially the bit about an imam getting off with prosecution because the national riots that might follow make it all not worth the bother.
When are WE going to scare them off our own? Soon I`m thinking.
Tx Alicia. For me and, I suspect, many others, the issue is not so much that TR may have pushed the establishment far enough to give them a vaguely legal excuse, but that the establishment so blatantly runs a dual track judicial system on top of trying, ineptly, to hush it all up.
At least one police officer acknowledged that the imam had been freed because otherwise “they would have been facing riots all around the country.”
That kind of lesson will not be lost on the supporters of Mr R. And I’m no longer sure I would wish it to be. It is quite evident that the powers-that-be need to be more fearful of those who do not share their vision.
It will be interesting to find the truth behind this sorry episode, assuming we are ever allowed to. There are so many uncertainties. Was the trial upon which he was reporting over or still ongoing? Was there a reporting restriction in place? If there was, how come other media seem to have reported the names? Or have they? How does breach of a reporting restriction result in arrest for breach of the peace? Was that the judge photographed in the window of the court building laughing with police prior to the arrest? Did the police deliberately obstruct Tommy Robinson’s lawyer from attending the trial by lying? How was trial and conviction arranged in such a short time and why could it not be reported on? I’m sure many here have other questions which we can all rely on the BBC not to investigate thoroughly and impartiality.
It seems likely to me that Mr R did indeed breach some reporting restriction, which was highly foolish given the suspended sentence hanging over him. Perhaps he was set up, so there’s another question to be answered. This could have been dealt with in the usual manner. Arrest, visit to the police station, bail pending possible trial and time to prepare defence for that trial. Had this been done, openly, he would have had to take the consequences.
Instead what appears to have happened is that in their desire to shut up an troublesome individual, the authorities have overplayed their hand and now have a situation that threatens to run outwith their control. Whether he breached a reporting restriction is now more or less irrelevant. The State has been seen, or at least has given the impression that it has ridden roughshod over due process to get at someone they don’t like. That has upset the British sense of fair play, even for those who don’t particularly like him but recognise he has said things they have been privately saying themselves.
If something happens to him in prison we could be entering very dangerous territory which could join other resentments to give a highly unpredictable outcome. Even without that this may have set in motion events that spiral well beyond the original arrest. The logical thing to do is to release him and come up with some reason why, even if no-one believes it. The very last thing they need now is a martyr. But I’m not sure today’s politicians have the brains to realise it.
Sorry, that went on longer than intended when I started.
Great post. An alternative logical thing might be to release him within the law if his solicitor can get anywhere near him. During the meanwhilst sigs are almost up to 300, 000 now
England is perceived to be the first “modern” country into so-called, “Democracy”. So, ‘first-in’, ‘first out’ as I see it. The warning bells should have rung when in 2012 the Home Office reviewed the, “…..long standing philosophy of British Policing”.
British Police are in breach of ALL of its philosophical principles.
It is time to draw the attention of President Trump and his supporters to the need to impose sanctions against this treacherous UK Government. The evidence in there in suppression of free speech, illegal arrests, and employment of street thugs to stamp on dissidents.
Thatcher was the first to weaponise the police.
Their use in the miners strike politicised the police, and gave Blairs sinister fellow travellers their rights to game the constitional separation of powers that once existed.
This casual hybridasation of executive and judiciary began with Thatchers era, all Blair did was follow her example. But he also added the European Directives and Regulations of 1998 to this bastard child of liberal tories and clueless conservatism. The Left should have been snuffed out whilst we had the chance, trouble is and was that culture is upstream of politics and governance. And the Tories failed to care what was going on in the culture since 1971 or so.
Our retiring public sector goons are all paid to spout Gramsci and Alinksy, and they`re now retiring, having done what they set out to do. And we get Jeremy Hunt and Anna Soubry FFS.
We need to scare the elite to our causes, just as Islam has done. If they can take Tommy Robinson and ghost him to a potential death sentence without the media-then we`ll have to make the news for ourselves, won`t we?
Or else-what chance do we have against Islam? Even the few that are here already.
Scargill was clearly trying to bring down the government so I have some sympathy with Thatchers use of the police. But using the police to illegally detain and a compliant judiciary to imprison an activist pointing out the dangers of Islam is entirely different. Robinson isn’t trying to subvert democracy, it’s the government and the wider state that is doing this by trying to make it impossible for anyone to oppose the Muslim takeover of Britain. Do our rulers not see that they are in time going to destroy themselves too? Their writ will eventually only run in pockets of territory that are not Muslim dominated.
I haven’t heard any mention of cost from the bBbc.
About 70% of the Irish have to pay around €100 each time they attend A&E as health care is means tested, although less if you have a referral letter from your GP. Although an appointment with them usually costs at least €50, and I suppose you then might have to pay for the letter on top of that. Hospital stays and prescriptions also have be paid for.
Admittedly maternity and infant healthcare can be free but would maternity care cover a lifestyle influenced abortion, one not medically necessary? Will necessary abortions have to be paid for? Who knows, why ask, the bBbc certainly aren’t going to rain on this victory parade as it begins to march northwards.
The bBbc give the impression that Ireland is a young, ‘progressive’ caring and considerate utopia. Vibrant and enlightened, everything it’s dour and bigoted neighbours across the water and to the North are not, but don’t worry, they’ll guide us into the light.
In reality It’s an economic basket case, it’s supposed regrowth built on sand and global companies exploiting tax loopholes that the USA and the wonderful EU will soon close. The cost of living and crime rates are high with Dublin crippled by a drugs and turf war being fought amongst Eastern Europeans, especially Albanians, and ex-Republicans. Third world immigrant anti social behaviour and petty crime is causing problems throughout the rest of the country.
The post-Catholic Church repression party continues, fuelled by poetic self congratulation and pious, empty rhetoric. Forced empathy and understanding won’t pay the bills as I think, post-Brexit, the Irish are going to find out.
EU / Brexit referenda bring to mind the old joke: a singer at La Scala gives a terrible performance but is met with cries of Encore, Encore. He can’t believe his ears, until he hears “Encore, until-a you get it-a right”.
Further to my earlier comment that BAME’s are alien in the countryside, – have just seen a BBC report on the National Parks, and you could also hear the gnashing of teeth as our intrepid reporter had to interview members of the public for their thoughts in the preservation of the parks. Clearly couldn’t find a BAME ! all those interviewed were a paler shade of white, be they cyclists, walkers and families. Oh dear.
I have walked the hills of North Wales, the Lake District and Scotland for almost 50 years, Briss and in all that time, I can honestly say, I have only come across one, non white walker (not Game of Thrones, BTW) and he was with a group of other squaddies on a training exercise.
I can second that. I have also trekked Scotland, Wales, Cumbria and the Devon & Cornwall coast for years. I love these British Islands. I can recall seeing a person of colour hill walking only once.
It’s a yes from me ,DC.
I read once that when the UK becomes a caliphate, the patriots (or the few left) will take to hills and fastnesses of Snowdonia, Cumbria and Caledonia and carry out guerilla raids on the mosques, take aways and taxi firms.
We could hold out for years due to the difficulty of the peaceful ones scrambling about in a dishadasha and sandals.
Perhaps someone ought to wise up Anita Rani then ! she’s reported as saying she wants to show the delights of our countryside to Meghan Windsor. This is someone who didn’t know what a hedge was before the BBC decided to give her more work – (like all their Beeb participants on Strictly).
Five Live just had a trailer for a series of programmes about ‘women’s voices’ for a special season upcoming across the BBC.
Surely we already have that?
A preachy woman said how she ‘hoped we would have achieved much more by now.’ God I am sick of being scolded by finger wagging cry bullies. What I especially hate is the complete lack of levity and humour. I have not achieved much of what I hoped to but I make a joke of it and focus on positive things. You just know all these ‘voices’ will take themselves extremely seriously and will be about as much fun as emphysema.
I hope for a world where women judge men on their character rather than how much they earn, but that is never going to happen. Might be nice to have women take my bins out or build a few bridges as well but I am not going to whinge about it ‘across the BBC.’
If Five Live want to hear women’s voices, they should tune into, erm, Radio 5 live, or Radio 4 or Radio Wales. They could discuss the mass uprising following a woman’s voice being forced onto Simon Mayo’s show.
It is probably wise to act as citizens were forced to do in Eastern Europe under the communists.
We need to be careful. The state is slowly becoming what it was always going to be once those in charge lost sight of the old virtues of government in this country.
Refer to people and events in a roundabout way and avoid the use of direct names and places.
Be very careful with those in authority and in the police . Respectful but wary and remember a still tongue is often the safest way to proceed .
Be sure of your friends and when sure protect and nurture them.
Remember how Odysseus took back his kingdom when all looked hopeless. Slowly and with great thought and careful planning.
Never volunteer information to those who could misuse it against you or yours.
Although the power structure looks strong it is often an illusion. Yes it has force but that is a dangerous power to use.
In this country it’s current behaviour reveals a lack of confidence and will that often seems to be at odds with it’s vision of itself as decisive .
It is verging on an ancien regime in that it is rapidly becoming clear that it is unable to face or cope with the future .
It can now go only two ways. Collapse in to a degree of chaos or into oppression . This country has been here before but was saved by enough of those in power realising the game was up and forcing change through or leaving the way clear.
Today this cannot be guaranteed .
BBC who struggles to use the term ‘Muslim Terrorist’ has no problems naming ‘Terrorists’ from the 19th Century. This write-up seems to be trying to pin the Parsons Green tube on the suffragette movement.
“On the morning of 15 September 2017 an explosion on a rush-hour train at Parsons Green underground station in west London had resulted in dozens of injuries.
It was the fifth act of terror in the capital in less than a year, and Riddell was anxious for more information. Combing through social media looking for real-time updates, she came across the image of a burning white plastic bucket.
The crude bomb that had detonated in the packed train carriage had been wrapped in a plastic grocery bag and concealed inside that bucket.
To Riddell, the image had a powerful resonance.
“That,” she thought, “is a suffragette bomb. Home-made and with materials you could buy in chemist’s and hardware stores. That is the kind of bomb the women used to terrorise the country into paying attention.”
Significant protest outside Downing St yesterday in support of Tommy Robinson. Anything on the beeb? Some coverage in papers- Independent, Mirror, Evening Standard who all seem to want to portray it as ‘extreme right’ thugs in action.
No chance of that happening, remember they only report in a biased way and shape what they want you to believe. One thing is for certain, it won’t be the truth.
Well, I know we used to have super-injunctions.
Andy-one-sided-marr was once hiding behind one.
But how can one judge gag the whole country. Didnt the so called elite learn when they tried to ban that spycatcher book years back. M”Learned Justice wankalot, found out then the people in Australia said “bollocks cobber”.
And so the justice will in the end have to be seen.
I’m sure he is a very clever fellow, but not half as sure as he is.
Some interesting points and clever observations lost in a delivery dripping with unkindness and pomposity. He seems a bit contrived but I think he really is just a bore.
And speaking of bores. Alan Yentob on bBbc 1, ‘Imagine’. Orhan Pamuk??? Turkish literature?
Yep, Jonathan Meades BBC4 prog is art student trash
Entire prog seems like him with a list of people/things he doesn’t like
and then then he misrepresents and insults them
He’s just been nasty about Trump ..including calling Kellyanne Conway “leathery”
His premise is that slang is cool and jargon is evil
…but AFAIK slang is a subset of jargon.
Jargon is OK , it’s just a problem when obfuscating terms are used, instead of simpler ones.
Yep, or when terms like ‘populism’ and ‘ progressive’ are used, words redefined when used as jargon, a ploy beloved of the bBbc, used by them daily.
The first as an insult, the second to describe policies and ideas that would appear to actively halt progress, that would be in practice, if Labour/ SNP/ Sinn Fein were given the chance, regressive.
I watched a few minutes of the BBC news channel. The anchor made an extraordinary statement deploring the lack yes the lack of abortions in N.Ireland. Now that implies something and I am sure we can all work it out.
Overweening arrogance comes before a fall.
Presumably, the BBC will now be reporting on a Conservative Party divided on the issue of abortion in NI, calling for the resignation of Penny Mordaunt for openly defying her leader, slating Theresa May for ignoring the will of the people, warning that the result of any referendum would need ratification by Parliament and that, in any case in the event of a referendum, the people probably wouldn’t understand what they were voting for and that Therea May’s whole stance on the issue is being dictated by the DUP, etc, etc, etc.
How easy it must be to work for the BBC as a churnalist.
By The Rt Hon The Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
Open justice is a hallmark of the rule of law. It is an essential requisite of the criminal justice system that it should be administered in public and subject to public scrutiny. The media play a vital role in representing the public and reflecting the public interest.
Toady investigating the ‘gender pay gap’ at the NHS. They mention more men should take parental leave, suggesting it might be the old ‘work more get paid more’ conundrum which explains the ‘pay gap.’ What if women would rather the man stays at work whilst she has time off instead?
That more women than men qualify as doctors yet there is still a pay gap reveals that the true scandal is women costing all that money to train then choosing to work part time when they have had children. If more men became doctors it would be much better for the Beeb’s beloved NHS, but as the solution does not fit their narrow narrative it is thought crime to even mention it.
7.24am: They are talking about it again! Presenter points out the hate fact that there are more men in senior roles and interviewee accuses him of unconscious bias!
“The sky is blue.”
“That is unconscious bias!”
Can’t they just leave it alone? Why must we have equal outcomes? Are women really that unhappy not working 80 hour weeks or is this yet another example of liberals looking to fuck up something that already works well?
Humph interviewing about Hartlepool – the fiefdom of lord mandelson in his MP role .
Low pay and unemployment discussed . I was thinking of all those labour supporters who voted for Mandy for what gain? Same with Prescott in Hull.
Humph talking about low pay is the first joke of the day.
Side note – I’ll do the start the week thread later tonight in the hope I don’t cut across comments . Views and criticism welcome including you Maxi
Justin lied on air “ president Trump is back in war mode” and then proceeds to describe how The White House is preparing for the North Korean Summit . Maybe it was the bank holiday but clear evidence of our Justin’s default setting on the American president . They must be praying that he fails – which is very al beeb.
It does seem remarkable that a man can be incarcerated for ‘breaching the peace’ when he clearly was doing no such thing, but the state broadcaster and staff rabble rouse on a daily basis trying to create discord and strife based on innuendo, narrative enhancements or flat out inaccuracy.
The girls are fighting – labour girly types like chakrabati and Stella foldy telling the northern irish that they’ve got to legalise the killing on unborn babies by abortion .
I have no skin in this game but I bet I’ve got as much knowledge about Northern Ireland as these English girlie labour politicians have . Indeed – one dawn butler – who is the labour Wimmins type – is a black London MP So she must know a lot about NI unionism .
On this one humph played it with a straight bat but the albeeb editorial prioritisation of this points to the instant liberal view of al beeb.
Sick thought -maybe if the unionists legalised baby killing then they’d be less catholics – and I write as one.
After the baby killing discussion they went onto talk about black slavery and the off switch came into view..
The most important story today is the Italian Election where voters have gone for parties which want to leave the Euro . But the Italian President has blocked the proposed PM
Dont get me wrong – I could care less about Italy – but I pay attention because they can help bring down the ReichEU and help us with brexit .
That it the most important event – not whether northern irish Wimmin can avoid getting pregnant and killing the unborn baby .
What is remarkable is the arrogance of wimmin like Chakrabati and Creasey, eager to impose their own views on Northern Island, with absolutely no authority or brief to do this.
They get air-time because the BBC is spearheading the campaign to bring ‘equal rights’ for wimmin to NI. It has gone into full campaign mode, strengthening its links with all the MP’s and NGOs who ‘see an anomaly’ there, to further its strident bias for one view.
Seldom have I seen such blatant propaganda from our publicly-funded national broadcaster. It is quite sickening.
Big incentive, of course, to undermine Ms May. She is such a weak PM, this is irresistible.
All this coincides with a general take over of the BBC by militant feminists. Programme after programme on R4 was at it yesterday. It climaxed with The Film Programme, where a female scriptwriter was demanding ‘positive discrimination’ because she thought there was a ‘hidden bias’ against wimmin.
A signpost to the future there: ‘affirmative action’ in the name of equality.
And yes, Italy and Brexit should be THE two big issues at a critical time. This lovely diversion into virtue signalling is inappropriate. Although I do ask myself: what virtue is there in murdering the unborn?
“South Korean officials have said President Moon Jae-in could attend a possible summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. ”
President Donald Trump is running rings around the liberal Al Beeb, press, and media, and they just don’t know how to handle it.
Carry on draining the swamp Mr Trump.
Taff – I think we’ve frightened maxi back to The Guardian – where there is an interesting article on whether internet users watching porn can be tracked . I’m sure Maxi has read it .
“The food and farming industry wants assurances from the government that it will still be able to recruit enough staff from the EU after Brexit. “
More “project fear”
Workers have always come into the UK for seasonal work, they came in before we joined the Common Market.
Have they not heard of work Visas?
I may add that much of the seasonal work was done by our own student population to get some pocket money. Now they go on a year out ‘travelling’ or to pop festivals on drug sprees.
OT, but certain media swinging behind certain narratives is not just a BBC thing. Apparently.
So weird how Linda Sarsour, an Obama Pod Bro, Shaun King, a NYT editor & a CNN reporter all tweeted the exact same AZ central article thinking it was 2018 & not 2014. How do those things happen? It’s a Scooby mystery that may never be solved
“A former special adviser to ex-Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has been acquitted of sexually assaulting a woman at a party.”
I think the ‘PC’ Police are about to be in for a ‘dressing down’ and grilling ?
British, “Democracy” at work – You foist on the public something that will change their lives forever and that they did not vote for, did not and do not want and when they object, bring in outrageously draconian laws to stop the people complaining.
The, “Cradle of Democracy”? That expression incenses me. It is not dissimilar to the other hackneyed lie: The BBC: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Really, we have reached the point where Democracy is just a word. If language has been hijacked to serve special causes, that word too, will merely be another sound, enlisted in their service.
So now, listen out for ‘equality’ and ‘rights’; both those words, employed wherever the authoritarian PC brigade thinks they will stop the discussion in its tracks (like ‘racism’ has been used to do), are popping up constantly.
So the devolved assembly in NI doesn’t need to vote on abortion, cause Eire has decided, so it’s ‘wimmins rights’ in NI that need to be advanced by extending ‘equality’ to them as well. Stuff Democracy.
And if we hear a lot about ‘equality’, we will hear as much about ‘inequality’. May’s speechwriter was on Carolin Quinn’s programme last nite on R4, wondering why he had been foolish enough to put the idea of thieving from homeowners into Theresa’s election campaign. After all, it was just to put right ‘intergenerational inequality’.
The social engineers are hard at it, engineering LANGUAGE every bit as much as much as they want to engineer society. The thieving speechwriter is full of fervour: dreaming up ‘intergenerational inequality’, which he -of course- has a duty to put right. But alas for him, people saw through it, and May failed.
Brace yourself: the twisted language avalanche is coming. MaxFac anyone? (I think they manufacture cosmetics?)
I think Treason May is planning to beef up the anti grey-vote measures that were in the last manifesto. Obviously they werent bad enough to lose her the last one, so she has hooked onto that robbery of £30k per person from the equity in their homes, as a sure fire vote loser.
Yep, she really wants tonhand over the treachery of ignoring the rederendum onto the labour party.
Oh, here’s the thing, I saw that it only applied to those that owned the homes outright, so I guess its wise to take out a small interest only mortgage and never pay it back? Obviously too simple?
Whether the “ordinary person” (i.e. ‘Joe Bloggs and Mrs Bloggs & all the variations on these) like it or not, the time is coming rapidly when the, “ordinary person” will have to really stand up and be counted.
Well done to the man rescuing the child but why has the BBC put ‘Malian man’ in the title? Why does the first paragraph start with “A Malian migrant…”?
We all know the BBC never mention migrant when a crime is committed but don’t hesitate to mention it when some good is being done.
The cynic in me asks why the man holding the child didn’t just pull her back up instead of waiting the ‘Malian Migrant Hero’ to climb up?
As soon as you switch on the radio the liberal establishment madness begins.
9:45am Radio 5 Live phone in about drugs legalisation
caller from Belfast phones up “I think cannabis is great, it helps me sleep and I still feel great now”
Yes ..the caller is clearly STILL STONED, and they put him on air, which is dumb cos he could have said something he regretted.
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
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JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
TR : The recent Delingpole second podcast with TR mentions the 29 trial starting and the lack of reporting, and authority attempts to frame TR.
Hope this doesn’t put Treez & Sadiq off their cricket.
The degree of interest in other countries seems remarkable if, sadly, not too complimentary about the Britain that was once Great.
There are some who do likely approve, eh, Jog-On?
Great article GW-especially the bit about an imam getting off with prosecution because the national riots that might follow make it all not worth the bother.
When are WE going to scare them off our own? Soon I`m thinking.
Tx Alicia. For me and, I suspect, many others, the issue is not so much that TR may have pushed the establishment far enough to give them a vaguely legal excuse, but that the establishment so blatantly runs a dual track judicial system on top of trying, ineptly, to hush it all up.
That way lies dragons.
That kind of lesson will not be lost on the supporters of Mr R. And I’m no longer sure I would wish it to be. It is quite evident that the powers-that-be need to be more fearful of those who do not share their vision.
It will be interesting to find the truth behind this sorry episode, assuming we are ever allowed to. There are so many uncertainties. Was the trial upon which he was reporting over or still ongoing? Was there a reporting restriction in place? If there was, how come other media seem to have reported the names? Or have they? How does breach of a reporting restriction result in arrest for breach of the peace? Was that the judge photographed in the window of the court building laughing with police prior to the arrest? Did the police deliberately obstruct Tommy Robinson’s lawyer from attending the trial by lying? How was trial and conviction arranged in such a short time and why could it not be reported on? I’m sure many here have other questions which we can all rely on the BBC not to investigate thoroughly and impartiality.
It seems likely to me that Mr R did indeed breach some reporting restriction, which was highly foolish given the suspended sentence hanging over him. Perhaps he was set up, so there’s another question to be answered. This could have been dealt with in the usual manner. Arrest, visit to the police station, bail pending possible trial and time to prepare defence for that trial. Had this been done, openly, he would have had to take the consequences.
Instead what appears to have happened is that in their desire to shut up an troublesome individual, the authorities have overplayed their hand and now have a situation that threatens to run outwith their control. Whether he breached a reporting restriction is now more or less irrelevant. The State has been seen, or at least has given the impression that it has ridden roughshod over due process to get at someone they don’t like. That has upset the British sense of fair play, even for those who don’t particularly like him but recognise he has said things they have been privately saying themselves.
If something happens to him in prison we could be entering very dangerous territory which could join other resentments to give a highly unpredictable outcome. Even without that this may have set in motion events that spiral well beyond the original arrest. The logical thing to do is to release him and come up with some reason why, even if no-one believes it. The very last thing they need now is a martyr. But I’m not sure today’s politicians have the brains to realise it.
Sorry, that went on longer than intended when I started.
This is why our “police” cannot or dare not apply the laws of the land without fear or favour
Coming to UK soon…
Excellent post Roland
Great post. An alternative logical thing might be to release him within the law if his solicitor can get anywhere near him. During the meanwhilst sigs are almost up to 300, 000 now
England is perceived to be the first “modern” country into so-called, “Democracy”. So, ‘first-in’, ‘first out’ as I see it. The warning bells should have rung when in 2012 the Home Office reviewed the, “…..long standing philosophy of British Policing”.
British Police are in breach of ALL of its philosophical principles.
It is time to draw the attention of President Trump and his supporters to the need to impose sanctions against this treacherous UK Government. The evidence in there in suppression of free speech, illegal arrests, and employment of street thugs to stamp on dissidents.
“The police are highly politicised and are acting as the government’s personal THUGS silencing voices…..”. Correction.
Thatcher was the first to weaponise the police.
Their use in the miners strike politicised the police, and gave Blairs sinister fellow travellers their rights to game the constitional separation of powers that once existed.
This casual hybridasation of executive and judiciary began with Thatchers era, all Blair did was follow her example. But he also added the European Directives and Regulations of 1998 to this bastard child of liberal tories and clueless conservatism. The Left should have been snuffed out whilst we had the chance, trouble is and was that culture is upstream of politics and governance. And the Tories failed to care what was going on in the culture since 1971 or so.
Our retiring public sector goons are all paid to spout Gramsci and Alinksy, and they`re now retiring, having done what they set out to do. And we get Jeremy Hunt and Anna Soubry FFS.
We need to scare the elite to our causes, just as Islam has done. If they can take Tommy Robinson and ghost him to a potential death sentence without the media-then we`ll have to make the news for ourselves, won`t we?
Or else-what chance do we have against Islam? Even the few that are here already.
Scargill was clearly trying to bring down the government so I have some sympathy with Thatchers use of the police. But using the police to illegally detain and a compliant judiciary to imprison an activist pointing out the dangers of Islam is entirely different. Robinson isn’t trying to subvert democracy, it’s the government and the wider state that is doing this by trying to make it impossible for anyone to oppose the Muslim takeover of Britain. Do our rulers not see that they are in time going to destroy themselves too? Their writ will eventually only run in pockets of territory that are not Muslim dominated.
One wondred how long it would take someone to blame Thatcher.
“There will not be another working-class driver like me”
Comedy at it’s best from the pro-remain, multi-millionaire, preening little dandy that is Lewis Hamilton.
Re the Irish Abortion Referendum.
Can we have a second one?
And can we drag all of this through assorted courts all over Europe to prevent it?
You would think so – the Irish have form for getting referendums wrong, and having to do them again…
They didn’t know what they were voting for, they didn’t realise abortion meant killing babies, we demand a second vote.
Get Gina Miller on the case.
I haven’t heard any mention of cost from the bBbc.
About 70% of the Irish have to pay around €100 each time they attend A&E as health care is means tested, although less if you have a referral letter from your GP. Although an appointment with them usually costs at least €50, and I suppose you then might have to pay for the letter on top of that. Hospital stays and prescriptions also have be paid for.
Admittedly maternity and infant healthcare can be free but would maternity care cover a lifestyle influenced abortion, one not medically necessary? Will necessary abortions have to be paid for? Who knows, why ask, the bBbc certainly aren’t going to rain on this victory parade as it begins to march northwards.
The bBbc give the impression that Ireland is a young, ‘progressive’ caring and considerate utopia. Vibrant and enlightened, everything it’s dour and bigoted neighbours across the water and to the North are not, but don’t worry, they’ll guide us into the light.
In reality It’s an economic basket case, it’s supposed regrowth built on sand and global companies exploiting tax loopholes that the USA and the wonderful EU will soon close. The cost of living and crime rates are high with Dublin crippled by a drugs and turf war being fought amongst Eastern Europeans, especially Albanians, and ex-Republicans. Third world immigrant anti social behaviour and petty crime is causing problems throughout the rest of the country.
The post-Catholic Church repression party continues, fuelled by poetic self congratulation and pious, empty rhetoric. Forced empathy and understanding won’t pay the bills as I think, post-Brexit, the Irish are going to find out.
Be an irony if the ReichEU has to bribe Eire to stay in their corrupt organisation because of the effect of Brexit
There was once a line about London wanting to be like New York and Dublin wanting to be like London .
EU / Brexit referenda bring to mind the old joke: a singer at La Scala gives a terrible performance but is met with cries of Encore, Encore. He can’t believe his ears, until he hears “Encore, until-a you get it-a right”.
FFS #countryfile are after gongs
All about Windsor farm
“Ghastly fawning over the Windsors on #countryfile tonight.”
“A bit sycophantic BBC! “
Further to my earlier comment that BAME’s are alien in the countryside, – have just seen a BBC report on the National Parks, and you could also hear the gnashing of teeth as our intrepid reporter had to interview members of the public for their thoughts in the preservation of the parks. Clearly couldn’t find a BAME ! all those interviewed were a paler shade of white, be they cyclists, walkers and families. Oh dear.
I have walked the hills of North Wales, the Lake District and Scotland for almost 50 years, Briss and in all that time, I can honestly say, I have only come across one, non white walker (not Game of Thrones, BTW) and he was with a group of other squaddies on a training exercise.
I can second that. I have also trekked Scotland, Wales, Cumbria and the Devon & Cornwall coast for years. I love these British Islands. I can recall seeing a person of colour hill walking only once.
And folks, long may it stay that way.
It’s a yes from me ,DC.
I read once that when the UK becomes a caliphate, the patriots (or the few left) will take to hills and fastnesses of Snowdonia, Cumbria and Caledonia and carry out guerilla raids on the mosques, take aways and taxi firms.
We could hold out for years due to the difficulty of the peaceful ones scrambling about in a dishadasha and sandals.
Walking trips to the Lake District, Peak District, Brecon Beacons, Dartmoor twice, Exmoor twice and the Mendips lots.
My count so far is one Indian family.
Perhaps someone ought to wise up Anita Rani then ! she’s reported as saying she wants to show the delights of our countryside to Meghan Windsor. This is someone who didn’t know what a hedge was before the BBC decided to give her more work – (like all their Beeb participants on Strictly).
Five Live just had a trailer for a series of programmes about ‘women’s voices’ for a special season upcoming across the BBC.
Surely we already have that?
A preachy woman said how she ‘hoped we would have achieved much more by now.’ God I am sick of being scolded by finger wagging cry bullies. What I especially hate is the complete lack of levity and humour. I have not achieved much of what I hoped to but I make a joke of it and focus on positive things. You just know all these ‘voices’ will take themselves extremely seriously and will be about as much fun as emphysema.
I hope for a world where women judge men on their character rather than how much they earn, but that is never going to happen. Might be nice to have women take my bins out or build a few bridges as well but I am not going to whinge about it ‘across the BBC.’
Season : Moments from Women’s Lives

Or BBC innuendo season
If Five Live want to hear women’s voices, they should tune into, erm, Radio 5 live, or Radio 4 or Radio Wales. They could discuss the mass uprising following a woman’s voice being forced onto Simon Mayo’s show.
Oh dear, all is not well in the world of summer festivals. Reports are quite vague. 2 People dead, 15 more admitted to hospital.
It is probably wise to act as citizens were forced to do in Eastern Europe under the communists.
We need to be careful. The state is slowly becoming what it was always going to be once those in charge lost sight of the old virtues of government in this country.
Refer to people and events in a roundabout way and avoid the use of direct names and places.
Be very careful with those in authority and in the police . Respectful but wary and remember a still tongue is often the safest way to proceed .
Be sure of your friends and when sure protect and nurture them.
Remember how Odysseus took back his kingdom when all looked hopeless. Slowly and with great thought and careful planning.
Never volunteer information to those who could misuse it against you or yours.
Although the power structure looks strong it is often an illusion. Yes it has force but that is a dangerous power to use.
In this country it’s current behaviour reveals a lack of confidence and will that often seems to be at odds with it’s vision of itself as decisive .
It is verging on an ancien regime in that it is rapidly becoming clear that it is unable to face or cope with the future .
It can now go only two ways. Collapse in to a degree of chaos or into oppression . This country has been here before but was saved by enough of those in power realising the game was up and forcing change through or leaving the way clear.
Today this cannot be guaranteed .
BBC who struggles to use the term ‘Muslim Terrorist’ has no problems naming ‘Terrorists’ from the 19th Century. This write-up seems to be trying to pin the Parsons Green tube on the suffragette movement.
“On the morning of 15 September 2017 an explosion on a rush-hour train at Parsons Green underground station in west London had resulted in dozens of injuries.
It was the fifth act of terror in the capital in less than a year, and Riddell was anxious for more information. Combing through social media looking for real-time updates, she came across the image of a burning white plastic bucket.
The crude bomb that had detonated in the packed train carriage had been wrapped in a plastic grocery bag and concealed inside that bucket.
To Riddell, the image had a powerful resonance.
“That,” she thought, “is a suffragette bomb. Home-made and with materials you could buy in chemist’s and hardware stores. That is the kind of bomb the women used to terrorise the country into paying attention.”
Significant protest outside Downing St yesterday in support of Tommy Robinson. Anything on the beeb? Some coverage in papers- Independent, Mirror, Evening Standard who all seem to want to portray it as ‘extreme right’ thugs in action.
‘Anything on the beeb?’
No chance of that happening, remember they only report in a biased way and shape what they want you to believe. One thing is for certain, it won’t be the truth.
The Judge has banned all press coverage. So it cannot even be mentioned by anyone, even web sites like Guido’s.
Well, I know we used to have super-injunctions.
Andy-one-sided-marr was once hiding behind one.
But how can one judge gag the whole country. Didnt the so called elite learn when they tried to ban that spycatcher book years back. M”Learned Justice wankalot, found out then the people in Australia said “bollocks cobber”.
And so the justice will in the end have to be seen.
bBbc 4, ‘ Jonathan Meades on Jargon’.
I’m sure he is a very clever fellow, but not half as sure as he is.
Some interesting points and clever observations lost in a delivery dripping with unkindness and pomposity. He seems a bit contrived but I think he really is just a bore.
And speaking of bores. Alan Yentob on bBbc 1, ‘Imagine’. Orhan Pamuk??? Turkish literature?
Who watches this stuff?
Yep, Jonathan Meades BBC4 prog is art student trash
Entire prog seems like him with a list of people/things he doesn’t like
and then then he misrepresents and insults them
He’s just been nasty about Trump ..including calling Kellyanne Conway “leathery”
His premise is that slang is cool and jargon is evil
…but AFAIK slang is a subset of jargon.
Jargon is OK , it’s just a problem when obfuscating terms are used, instead of simpler ones.
Yep, or when terms like ‘populism’ and ‘ progressive’ are used, words redefined when used as jargon, a ploy beloved of the bBbc, used by them daily.
The first as an insult, the second to describe policies and ideas that would appear to actively halt progress, that would be in practice, if Labour/ SNP/ Sinn Fein were given the chance, regressive.
Fritter ye not, as is often intoned to guffaws in Frankie Howerd.
Seems some students at Swansea U. got hold of tickets and then flogged them at four times the purchase price and went to the pub.
There is hope for the next generation.
And having decamped the entire ‘youth’ wing of W1A, this is the BBC idea of news about the event…
So long as the conservatives are dominated by illiberal global elites i wont bother voting until our Donald trump appears.
I watched a few minutes of the BBC news channel. The anchor made an extraordinary statement deploring the lack yes the lack of abortions in N.Ireland. Now that implies something and I am sure we can all work it out.
Overweening arrogance comes before a fall.
“After the EU referendum last year, the Democratic Unionist party MP Ian Paisley Jr advised people in the region to get Irish passports.
“My advice is if you are entitled to a second passport then take one. I sign off lots of applications for constituents,” he tweeted to a voter.”
My question is whether someone in NI with an Irish passport as well as a UK one can now simply hop over the border for a termination.
Presumably, the BBC will now be reporting on a Conservative Party divided on the issue of abortion in NI, calling for the resignation of Penny Mordaunt for openly defying her leader, slating Theresa May for ignoring the will of the people, warning that the result of any referendum would need ratification by Parliament and that, in any case in the event of a referendum, the people probably wouldn’t understand what they were voting for and that Therea May’s whole stance on the issue is being dictated by the DUP, etc, etc, etc.
How easy it must be to work for the BBC as a churnalist.
299,299 and counting
By The Rt Hon The Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales
Open justice is a hallmark of the rule of law. It is an essential requisite of the criminal justice system that it should be administered in public and subject to public scrutiny. The media play a vital role in representing the public and reflecting the public interest.
Fine words indeed from the now retired Lord Chief Justice.
But actions speak louder than words.
Nigel Farage is our Donald trump ukip voters can’t rely on the liberal tories.And so its clear labour is shit.
BBC Trending on World Service warns of misinformation/fake news influencing elections. Ha!
Did the sky cave in after a Brexit vote as they warned?
Did Trump’s election really warrant comparisons with Hitler?
Was Obama a faultless messiah or a weak, dithering hand wringer who would demean the US on the world stage?
Why no analysis of Clinton’s emails? She was a nasty, devious woman and not the panacea the BBC would have us believe.
Is Sadiq Khan the brilliant mayor the BBC promised us he would be?
How they must rue the ‘fake news’ meme when they had been getting away with it for so long.
Toady investigating the ‘gender pay gap’ at the NHS. They mention more men should take parental leave, suggesting it might be the old ‘work more get paid more’ conundrum which explains the ‘pay gap.’ What if women would rather the man stays at work whilst she has time off instead?
That more women than men qualify as doctors yet there is still a pay gap reveals that the true scandal is women costing all that money to train then choosing to work part time when they have had children. If more men became doctors it would be much better for the Beeb’s beloved NHS, but as the solution does not fit their narrow narrative it is thought crime to even mention it.
7.24am: They are talking about it again! Presenter points out the hate fact that there are more men in senior roles and interviewee accuses him of unconscious bias!
“The sky is blue.”
“That is unconscious bias!”
Can’t they just leave it alone? Why must we have equal outcomes? Are women really that unhappy not working 80 hour weeks or is this yet another example of liberals looking to fuck up something that already works well?
Humph interviewing about Hartlepool – the fiefdom of lord mandelson in his MP role .
Low pay and unemployment discussed . I was thinking of all those labour supporters who voted for Mandy for what gain? Same with Prescott in Hull.
Humph talking about low pay is the first joke of the day.
Side note – I’ll do the start the week thread later tonight in the hope I don’t cut across comments . Views and criticism welcome including you Maxi
Have they taken into account the differences in experience? That many women doctors will have had maternity leave absences of several years?
Toady watch 2
Justin lied on air “ president Trump is back in war mode” and then proceeds to describe how The White House is preparing for the North Korean Summit . Maybe it was the bank holiday but clear evidence of our Justin’s default setting on the American president . They must be praying that he fails – which is very al beeb.
It does seem remarkable that a man can be incarcerated for ‘breaching the peace’ when he clearly was doing no such thing, but the state broadcaster and staff rabble rouse on a daily basis trying to create discord and strife based on innuendo, narrative enhancements or flat out inaccuracy.
Toady 3
The girls are fighting – labour girly types like chakrabati and Stella foldy telling the northern irish that they’ve got to legalise the killing on unborn babies by abortion .
I have no skin in this game but I bet I’ve got as much knowledge about Northern Ireland as these English girlie labour politicians have . Indeed – one dawn butler – who is the labour Wimmins type – is a black London MP So she must know a lot about NI unionism .
On this one humph played it with a straight bat but the albeeb editorial prioritisation of this points to the instant liberal view of al beeb.
Sick thought -maybe if the unionists legalised baby killing then they’d be less catholics – and I write as one.
After the baby killing discussion they went onto talk about black slavery and the off switch came into view..
Added to above
The most important story today is the Italian Election where voters have gone for parties which want to leave the Euro . But the Italian President has blocked the proposed PM
Dont get me wrong – I could care less about Italy – but I pay attention because they can help bring down the ReichEU and help us with brexit .
That it the most important event – not whether northern irish Wimmin can avoid getting pregnant and killing the unborn baby .
“Italy crisis: Call to impeach president after candidate vetoed”
I do believe the European House of Cards is beginning to fall?
Hah! In the depths of the Greece defaults I told anyone who would listen that the Euro could not long survive. Yet here it still is.
What is remarkable is the arrogance of wimmin like Chakrabati and Creasey, eager to impose their own views on Northern Island, with absolutely no authority or brief to do this.
They get air-time because the BBC is spearheading the campaign to bring ‘equal rights’ for wimmin to NI. It has gone into full campaign mode, strengthening its links with all the MP’s and NGOs who ‘see an anomaly’ there, to further its strident bias for one view.
Seldom have I seen such blatant propaganda from our publicly-funded national broadcaster. It is quite sickening.
Big incentive, of course, to undermine Ms May. She is such a weak PM, this is irresistible.
All this coincides with a general take over of the BBC by militant feminists. Programme after programme on R4 was at it yesterday. It climaxed with The Film Programme, where a female scriptwriter was demanding ‘positive discrimination’ because she thought there was a ‘hidden bias’ against wimmin.
A signpost to the future there: ‘affirmative action’ in the name of equality.
And yes, Italy and Brexit should be THE two big issues at a critical time. This lovely diversion into virtue signalling is inappropriate. Although I do ask myself: what virtue is there in murdering the unborn?
Exactly. It is so bleeding obvious.
“South Korean officials have said President Moon Jae-in could attend a possible summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. ”
President Donald Trump is running rings around the liberal Al Beeb, press, and media, and they just don’t know how to handle it.
Carry on draining the swamp Mr Trump.
Taff – I think we’ve frightened maxi back to The Guardian – where there is an interesting article on whether internet users watching porn can be tracked . I’m sure Maxi has read it .
Our maxi troll is in his ‘safe space’ at the pop festival.
Probably doling out ‘D’ Notices.
Some things the public should not have a right to know. Apparently.
“The food and farming industry wants assurances from the government that it will still be able to recruit enough staff from the EU after Brexit. “
More “project fear”
Workers have always come into the UK for seasonal work, they came in before we joined the Common Market.
Have they not heard of work Visas?
I may add that much of the seasonal work was done by our own student population to get some pocket money. Now they go on a year out ‘travelling’ or to pop festivals on drug sprees.
OT, but certain media swinging behind certain narratives is not just a BBC thing. Apparently.
“A former special adviser to ex-Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has been acquitted of sexually assaulting a woman at a party.”
I think the ‘PC’ Police are about to be in for a ‘dressing down’ and grilling ?
British, “Democracy” at work – You foist on the public something that will change their lives forever and that they did not vote for, did not and do not want and when they object, bring in outrageously draconian laws to stop the people complaining.
The, “Cradle of Democracy”? That expression incenses me. It is not dissimilar to the other hackneyed lie: The BBC: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Really, we have reached the point where Democracy is just a word. If language has been hijacked to serve special causes, that word too, will merely be another sound, enlisted in their service.
So now, listen out for ‘equality’ and ‘rights’; both those words, employed wherever the authoritarian PC brigade thinks they will stop the discussion in its tracks (like ‘racism’ has been used to do), are popping up constantly.
So the devolved assembly in NI doesn’t need to vote on abortion, cause Eire has decided, so it’s ‘wimmins rights’ in NI that need to be advanced by extending ‘equality’ to them as well. Stuff Democracy.
And if we hear a lot about ‘equality’, we will hear as much about ‘inequality’. May’s speechwriter was on Carolin Quinn’s programme last nite on R4, wondering why he had been foolish enough to put the idea of thieving from homeowners into Theresa’s election campaign. After all, it was just to put right ‘intergenerational inequality’.
The social engineers are hard at it, engineering LANGUAGE every bit as much as much as they want to engineer society. The thieving speechwriter is full of fervour: dreaming up ‘intergenerational inequality’, which he -of course- has a duty to put right. But alas for him, people saw through it, and May failed.
Brace yourself: the twisted language avalanche is coming. MaxFac anyone? (I think they manufacture cosmetics?)
I think Treason May is planning to beef up the anti grey-vote measures that were in the last manifesto. Obviously they werent bad enough to lose her the last one, so she has hooked onto that robbery of £30k per person from the equity in their homes, as a sure fire vote loser.
Yep, she really wants tonhand over the treachery of ignoring the rederendum onto the labour party.
Oh, here’s the thing, I saw that it only applied to those that owned the homes outright, so I guess its wise to take out a small interest only mortgage and never pay it back? Obviously too simple?
Whether the “ordinary person” (i.e. ‘Joe Bloggs and Mrs Bloggs & all the variations on these) like it or not, the time is coming rapidly when the, “ordinary person” will have to really stand up and be counted.
‘Spiderman’ rescue: Moment Malian man rescues Paris child
Well done to the man rescuing the child but why has the BBC put ‘Malian man’ in the title? Why does the first paragraph start with “A Malian migrant…”?
We all know the BBC never mention migrant when a crime is committed but don’t hesitate to mention it when some good is being done.
The cynic in me asks why the man holding the child didn’t just pull her back up instead of waiting the ‘Malian Migrant Hero’ to climb up?
You don’t think it could have been staged do you tabs?
Don’t believe all you read in “Far-Wrong Press”
..with their dishonest boo-word labelling tradition.
As soon as you switch on the radio the liberal establishment madness begins.
9:45am Radio 5 Live phone in about drugs legalisation
caller from Belfast phones up “I think cannabis is great, it helps me sleep and I still feel great now”
Yes ..the caller is clearly STILL STONED, and they put him on air, which is dumb cos he could have said something he regretted.
For how many days will the Today programme present news and reports on the Malian spiderman? Lay your bets now!