I have for a long while now had the power to head a post, but I have resisted as I prefer to be just ‘one of the gang’ so to speak, but the arrest of Tommy Robinson has tipped me over edge.
Here is someone who speaks his mind in a country that purports to have freedom of speech, yet contradicts its implementation with legalised criminality under the term ‘hate speech’. Thus we do not have free speech and it is a downright lie to say that we do.
Who is responsible? Is it the Conservative Party who under the direction of Theresa May, or maybe the media under the direction of yes you’ve guessed it, the Conservative Party. The very party who is doing all they can to resisit right wing Fox News acquiring the Sky franchise. The very party who do nothing to stop the appalling level of left wing bias espoused from the BBC 1 ,BBC2,3 and 4, Redio 4, BBC World,ITV,Channel 4 and Channel 5. All of this with no right wing media to counter the balance in favour of the snowflakes.
Is the Conservative Party a right wing party? Or are they just Bliarites trying to shore up the so called middle ground? Are they frightened of doing something for fear of public dissent?
If we had a truly right wing Party in office I doubt if Tommy Robinson would be in jail for 13 months for ‘contempt of court’. If we had a Prime Minister, a leader with a bit of ‘intestinal fortitude’ guts we might have a proud people in Britain not a disillusioned one, we’d be telling the EU to go and do one unless they demonstrate a more acquiescent and fair minded stance, why is she not telling the EU that they, the EU, will have to put up an Irish border because were not going to. In the Mansion House speech she said she would not do this. Why not for God’s sake. Why is she not telling the Muslim community to either integrate or ship out. Why is she soft on the stabbings in London and ‘stop and search’, why is she so frightened of criticising minority groups when they fully deserve to be criticised?
One thing is for certain the Tories don’t speak for me very often, come to think of it very rarely. Labour-forget it. May lacks judgment, what do you expect from a vicars daughter with no experience of life behind her. There is no political party for me in this country just as there appears to be no political party for Tommy Robinson. Tommy, with the exception of the British people on the real Right, you’re on yer own mate. Don’t expect justice in this country as it is in very short supply.
Rant over, now I’m going back to join the gang. Although I’ll still be chatting to the odd troll on the quiet usually after Taffman has had his fun with them.
The concept of free speech comes from the Christian belief in forgiveness “for saying that“.
The concept of hate speech comes from the Islamic belief in revenge “for saying that“, and from the Liberal belief in censorship “for saying that”
It looks like the Tommy Robinson arrest for reporting on the grooming of white English girls by the Islamic community is big news in America. Censored in Britain, but millions of Americans are being informed by the Alex Jones Show and Donald Trumps son has tweeted “Don’t let America follow in those footsteps” Bruce Bawer writes about the Orwellian censorship in Britain for the Gatestone Institute: “UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask“.
The attempt to petition Parliament has been rejected: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/215171
But there is a petition on change.org asking for his release that is already approaching half a million. https://www.change.org/p/theresa-may-mp-free-tommy-robinson
Even the famous American political cartoonist Ben Garrison has produced a cartoon that includes my local prison. (This wont be in my local paper, the Hull Daily Mail, due to Orwellian censorship by Theresa May)
Judea-Christianity represents a “guilt culture”.
We are failed and fallen vessels who mess up, but our G-d can forgive us and improve us.
Jesus is where G-d meets Man, and He will be the Christian judge when we die. The Jews are in G-ds hands, they`re His people, and Jesus implies that Moses will judge them in one verse from Johns Gospel.(Jn 5.45).
Islam however is a blame culture, very much like its utopian dsysfunctional diabolic sibling “communism/socialism”.
There is nothing but condemning of those who don`t submit, and they are entitled to kill their way to whatever that remains once they`ve let the goats loose, and slashed and burned their way to the womens refuge or the hospitals.
We need to get studying, thinking less like a Jon Snow and more like a Chris MacNab . There is no negotiations, they need removing, before we get any chance of improving the less evil ones among both death cults , Socialislam.
The English Civil War started at the gates of Hull. I think its possible that the next Civil War could start in Hull with some angry soldiers deciding to leave Leconfield with armoured vehicles, with the intention of storming Hull Prison to free Tommy.
Currently there is an ongoing trial at Leeds Crown Court which involves nine defendants. I leave to you what conclusions you draw from that. And that would appear to be the reason for all the mystery and secrecy behind Robinson’s arrest.
It seems Robinson was arrested for Breach of the Peace (Definition: The Queen’s Peace, more commonly called The Peace, is the normal state of society and any interruption of that Peace and Good Order is known as a Breach of the Peace) for having streamed live video outside that court.
Has anybody heard anything about a current ban being placed on filming or videoing outside any Crown Court in the UK, let alone Leeds because it seems now that filming outside a Crown Court now automatically constitutes a Breach of the Peace and anybody doing so is liable to being arrested.
I await with interest to see what happens the next time any of the MSM produce a live broadcast outside a Crown Court. What are the odds that absolutely nothing will happen to them, let alone being arrested and dragged of the be charged with Breaching the Queen’s Peace.
And there was poor me still labouring under the misconception that in Britain justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done.
What seems to have happened here is more akin to the unacceptable behaviour of Police States and our MSM meekly acts In compliance with such a disgrace, including the BBBC, which would be full of righteous indignation if such behaviour were carried out in certain other countries, not to mention if it were Trump’s US.
I sit in trepidation awaiting the midnight knock on the door to be made to disappear into the Gulags and lost without tract.
Great post Wronged and some other sound comments from others on here. Thank you for making me aware that I am not on my own. I felt that an important part of what Britain stands for, what our citizens thought were their rights and what our ancestors fought against arbitrary power for, died on Friday 24 May. Yes it has been a long time brewing. Where do we start? The complacency of the Major Government in allowing Islamist extremists in and creating Londonistan? The secret decision of the Blair Government to step up migration and rub the Right’s nose in diversity ie for their cynical electoral advantage, now bearing fruit for Corbyn and endangering the Jews ? The much earlier decisions starting with the Attlee Government in allowing citizenship to be handed out too freely and which led to mass migration from some of the most culturally backward parts in the Subcontinent ie Muslim Kashmir and Bangladesh? The smarter ones didn’t come here and are now the mainstay of India’s booming economy. When the inevitable Muslim terror outburst hit Britain, it is ironic that Blairs anti terror laws started making serous inroads into free speech. What must David Davis, who resigned his seat in protest, be thinking after Friday? Clearly he can’t say. In May we gave an utterly useless leader who has compounded all the wrongs that went before her. The obsession with hate speech, political correctness especially in the media and the police, and the utter refusal to name Islam as the threat to western values that it truly is, are all characteristics of her time in office since 2010.
Whenever it started we are now in a truly serious situation. Mass migration continues, islamic terrorism will continue and no amount of pontificating as last week in Manchester will stop it or indeed fool people into thinking we have a solution. No political party stands up for those who point out that the Empetor has no clothes. The one that might have has collapsed. And now free speech is threatened by the State as never before in an attempt to allow mostly Muslim rape and paedophile gangs to get in out out of court with no fuss. We know of course that much grooming is still going on and we have no more solved this one than we have the problem of the bombers and lone wolves. And all the time the clock is ticking due to the high Muslim birth rate.
The Lord help us because I don’t see anyone else who will.
They have scored an own goal with this one. The Streisand Effect means that any attempt to conceal something only makes it more intriguing and therefore more publicised in the internet age.
People here working themselves up into a self-righteous lather about Robinson.
Robinson knew that reporting restrictions were in place, but decided to ignore them anyway. He also knew that he was on a suspended sentence and breaking the law for second time would lead to immediate imprisonment.
Reporting restrictions are there to ensure those on trial receive a fair hearing. That’s the law. Breaking those restrictions could easily lead to a collapse of the trial and guilty people walking free.
Far from helping the victims of abuse, Robinson is making the conviction of their abusers less likely.
And for what?
For the sole purpose of generating more publicity for himself, personally, now.
So I must have imagined all those pictures of reporters and cameramen outside the court when Rolf Harris was on trial .
Before the conviction
And after
Are they all still behind bars?
“So I must have imagined all those pictures of reporters and cameramen outside the court when Rolf Harris was on trial. ”
Different hearings have different reporting restrictions depending on the circumstances. In this case restrictions were put in place until ALL the related trials have been completed (AFAIK there are three).
Again; Robinson knew that reporting restrictions were in place, but decided to ignore them.
He broke the law.
He broke the terms of his Suspended Sentence.
His choice.
“Different hearings have different reporting restrictions depending on the circumstances. In this case restrictions were put in place until ALL the related trials have been completed (AFAIK there are three).”
Rotherham has been forgotten by Al Beeb. Someone broke the law on an industrial scale.
What do you you imagine about that?
Do you imagine lots of things ?
Maxi ,
Can you explain the circumstances ?
Are there only three of this kind ?
Raising ‘choice’ on a bbc forum is… ‘brave’.
Maxicony aka Zero, aka fisting pervert
So you claim Mr Robinson broke the law and deserves punishment.
Can you explain why there i a media ban on his arrest and detention?
Give it up. Perception is all and always is . Go away and read Solzhenitsyn.
There is a way in this country of knowing who you want at your back and that once you have chosen then nothing anyone can say will change things or alter your mind. The old way if you like and if you cannot understand this then there is nothing to say to you.
maxi troll
“Far from helping the victims of abuse, Robinson is making the conviction of their abusers less likely. And for what? For the sole purpose of generating more publicity for himself, personally, now.”
This website is for the purpose of pointing out the bias, ‘right’ or ‘left’ of Al Beeb.
Far from helping Al Beeb you are in fact doing it a disservice.
And for what?
What motivates you?
Are you an attention seeker or have you got a personal axe to grind or other?
In the interest of medical science are you capable or able to give an answer?
And as you have your finger on the Al Beeb ‘pulse’, please can you tell us how Sir Cliff is faring with his case that had your beloveds media coverage?
” far from helping victims of abuse ”
So can you list those people and organisations that have helped victims of abuse ( list A)
And those people and organisations that have hindered victims of abuse (list B ) .
Which list is the BBC on ?
And the rest of the establishment / powers that be ?
“Which list is the BBC on? ”
maxincony’s list.
He never gives an answer but this time he may make it an exception for you ?
Taffman ,
If Maxi answers in a straightforward way , I’ll campaign to keep the UK in the EU .
maxincony is a sockpuppet .
Al Beeb will have to catch up …………………..
“It comes as 20 MPs from areas where there have been high-profile cases of sexual grooming have written to the Home Secretary calling for more action to tackle the problem.”
Thats 20 MPs!
“So can you list those people and organisations that have helped victims of abuse…”
Well prosecutors in UK courts are currently trying to convict several of their abusers.
“And those people and organisations that have hindered victims of abuse… ”
By his entirely selfish actions, Robinson is making the conviction of their abusers less likely. I’d call that hindering the victims of abuse. Wouldn’t you?
Did you mean thousands ?
Why do you defend and support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the very rich ?
Do you have an ulterior motive ?
Maxicony ,
So you put the CPS in list A do you ?
No doubts , no worries , you’re happy with that ?
And Tommy Robinson you put in list B , no doubts no worries ?
ALL his actions are counterproductive To the wellbeing of those girls ?
And the BBC ?
Its becoming important now because 20 MPs are now on the case.
Thanks to Tommy?
Perhaps the same 20 will get us out of the EU? The people of the UK are beginning to lose faith in democracy.
Gosh, you are a nasty mean-minded piece of work!
Of course, when the BBC does report, it reports as only the bbc can…
Have you any Al Beeb bias to report ?
Right or Left ?
Anything ?
Time for a cup of tea I think ……………….
One has a ‘journalism’ history that at its most kind could be deemed ‘colourful’, ranging from putting squaddies in danger with false reports to overseeing phone tapping.
One seemed to think gaily claiming to be too pissed to notice anything was a CV plus.
The other either maybe needs to think about a new PR team.
If they are the voices against TR, Treezer has attracted yet more winners.
What did those 3 do to aid past and future victims of such groom/rape gangs.
In many peoples eyes TR would be allowed to make mistakes cos he has a £million in the bank of credibility even accounting for bad things he may have done when young.
You see this is what I don’t understand. Why are grooming gangs suspects granted anonymity and protection from the media for fear of damaging the trial yet the likes of other, more high profile cases – like Sir Cliff Richard or even that black cab rapist – are not?
That’s the hypocrisy which drives much of the outrage at these crimes and incidents. If the public felt that everyone was being treated with an even and fair hand, discontent might not be as widespread.
But when the crimes have been suppressed for so long, when people speaking out about them were diverted, reassigned or silenced and then when the actual crimes are prosecuted, the media are reluctant to report on it (or in Tommy’s case actively prohibited from reporting on it), it leads to the understandable frustration and rage that some segments of the population are being treated differently to others.
From the authorities misplaced and naïve nobility of wanting to ensure social cohesion and integration, by favouring a certain segment of the population they are in fact fanning the flames of social discourse.
Well said Mark Steyn
“Reporting Restrictions Lifted – 12:52”
This seems to be on Tommy Robinson case and NOT on the main case
Antifa types are screaming “He pled guilty and expressed remorse”
we don’t know if this is cos the court appointed solicitor told him to
Details: Trial (Part Heard) – Resume – 10:25
Trial (Part Heard) – Case adjourned until 11:00 – 10:46
Trial (Part Heard) – Resume – 12:17
Trial (Part Heard) – Reporting Restrictions Lifted – 12:52
\\ A court order temporarily banned any mention of Robinson’s court proceedings but LeedsLive challenged the order and today (Tuesday) the judge agreed to lift the reporting restriction in regards to Yaxley-Lennon’s case. //
\\ A judge who locked the far right activist up for 13 months for contempt of court told him his actions may cause a long-running trial to be retried, which would cost taxpayers ‘hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds’.
A court order is currently in place temporarily banning any reporting on the trial, so the press will not be able to reveal details at this time.//
(previously in Kent )
\\ He was the subject of a suspended prison sentence, imposed at Canterbury Crown Court, after he filmed in court.//
that is NOT true ..he was outside on the court steps
Yorkshire Post has done a Contempt of Court explanation page
\\ To be convicted for contempt of court, an offender’s behaviour must go beyond simply failing to comply with a court order. Criminal contempt must involve a serious interference with the administration of justice. //
Be interested to hear how he is supposed to have done this
I bet NUJ just present a united line
Yep they also repeat the lie that in Kent TR was “filming inside a court”
they call his Livestream “A rant”
“He referred to the charges that the defendants faced and some charges which are not proceeded against in relation to some defendants.”
Judge Marson said: “Not only was it a very long video but I regard it as a serious aggravating feature that he was encouraging others to share it and it had been shared widely.”
“That is the nature of the contempt.”
What had he published that was not already in the public domain ?
For some reason YP have done a third page
Ah the irony – on the day of another Islamic terrorist murder a judge lifts the ban on reporting the jailing of mr. Robinson following an application by a media .
A british political prisoner in Britain . One for amnesty international I guess.
Don’t forget Fed, Turkeys President was feted by our rulers so absolutely no chance of TR being given the right to tell the truth. We really are in a complete pile of crap in this country and I have spent many a waking hour trying to work out what the end game is.
As Douglas Murray points out, what the hell is wrong with European culture that Islamification seems so important to the power brokers.
It’s the destruction of the nation state from within by alien immigration, S and is necessary for bringing about the New World Order/One World Government/Caliphate.
The BBC report but say nothing. Yet mention his EDL past. Isn’t that prejudicial?
So there are no moves for him to be released, then?
Who judges the judges?
Leeds Crown Court has been busy today:
Forced marriage case guilty verdict
Don’t you just feel the enrichment from having these types in our country?
469,288 have signed.
(has that been adjusted downwards ? It was 450 early last night )
The government is still forbidding the petition on its own website
Yes I agree with you Stew .. they are adjusting it downwards … it was 450 and then went backwards by about 20K … I thought I was seeing things .. you know “can’t believe my eyes” .. must be me … stuff. I think they are manipulating it. The site went down for quite a while this morning. Just enough time for GCHQ to get their slimey fingers in there.
Just signed and it’s coming up to 490,000.
I appreciate that the media wouldn’t report on the petition but I guess it is some kind of gesture. I’m sure all the signers will now be having their PCs tapped up!
Mondays YP : PressReader – Yorkshire Post: 2018-05-28 – MPs call for study into Gangs who Groom Children
THE GOVERNMENT must urgently study the common model used by grooming gangs up and down the country, …
It ends by praising Naz Shah
\\The 20 MPs Labour’s Bradford West MP Naz Shah and the Tory MP for Shipley, Philip Davies. //
Another nail in the coffin of Britain.
I think others would like to read this guys opinions from down under! He tells it like it is re our friend Mr Robinson’s, worrying arrest and conviction:
ITV Hull Calendar opens
Prog is all about Rotherham
… no not grooming gangs, they are live from the streets . cos Rotherham United got promoted.
(This item is a little strange, cos the Rotherham area is normally covered on the Leeds edition.)
they’ve now switched in a segment which is covering Hull news as if the other transmitter is getting other news.
TR story has not been in any of the 8 headlines so far
– They are now onto “diversity in Hull theatre”
Now they have moved onto an item about Emmederdale-soap one of their oewn progs about a girl who ends up on the streets and then abused by the police man who rescues her.
6pm BBC Radio Humberside also chose not to mention the city’s new prisoner.
They did choose to have an extensive item with a Hull university woman Prof Juliet Lodge who wants to stop Brexit
Did they dedicate their triumph to the thousands of young white girls so abused by Rotherhams Grooming Champions then?
Maybe they will , at least post a few security guards around the under 11s training pitches then?
Or is that too much to ask.
Oh-and probably best to go easy on the womens footy in South Yorkshire for a while yet.
Expect to see plenty more lefty liberals like Juliet Lodge hauled out as the Soros funded campaign ramps up this summer and autumn. Blair Major Campbell and the others will never give up.
I fully expect Afua Hirsch to be arrested tonight about 11pm as she has produced a programme denigrating British heroes Admiral Lord Nelson and Sir Winston Churchill on Channel 4.
She is going to state that Nelson was an strong advocate of the slave trade, and Churchill was a willful mass murderer. Afua Hirsch has no understanding of historical context.
Surely, she is a far greater criminal and threat to National Security than Tommy Robinson. She is constantly and openly putting the country down.
If Tommy Robinson got 13 months I fully expect Afua Hirsch to 10 years.
Hoewever, on second thoughts, I won’t hear anything about Afua’s sentence as I am sure there will be a blanket media ban imposed.
This time I’m not signing any petition unless it’s to get her sentence extended to 20 years.
Wronged. That is an excellent post. We are living in trying times, and little gems like this can do so much to raise spirits. Thank you.
As regarding history. There seems to me to be a strong similarity between the arrest of Tommy and the events of the 1640’s.
If we recall the attempted arrest of the four defiant MPs (don’t expect that behaviour like that now) it was crucial event in the lead up to the civil war
Perhaps we should be rehabilitating Cromwell. He is a much maligned man. He was tolerant (for the times) he wasn’t an ideological republican until King Charles proved he couldn’t be trusted and acted like a tyrant. He didn’t start the Civil War but he became prominent in it due to his reputation for reliabiilty and ability to back up words with action and not to mention his leadership abilities.
I think the Tommy affair and the so stupid press crack down and huge spontaneous response is a sign that we could be amazingly close to having a 1642 moment again. Only this time it is an arrogant and dictatorial parliament who will be on the losing side.
It’s 9pm, it’s a weekday, and it’s time for … more race-baiting on Channel 4
“We’ve erected statues to heroic figures in our history & worship them like Saints. *
In this doc, journalist @afuahirsch calls time on this version of British history.”
* … MISREPRESENTATION Hirsch is giving us a strawman ..we don’t WORSHIP historic figures, we know that they are of their time, so whilst we might admire them, we wouldn’t act 100% like them in today’s context.
wow that is a bit weird I posted in the WRONG thread
..and then I note that by sheer coincidence @wronged had already posted about Hirsch just above. I didn’t know that cos I hadn’t reloaded the page for an hour.
Twilight zone StewGreen,twilight zone.
@Wronged d-n-n-n-nah, d-n-n-n-nah, d-n-n-n-nah,
OH well done Beeb.
Note that their Robinson line-now prominent , now they`ve been told what Mark Rowley wants is
“Ex-EDL Chief Robinson jailed for contempt”
“Ex EDL Chief” then?
So on a par with Dominique Strauss Kahn, Sir Philip Green or Lord Rennard then?
Who knew?
The BBC just make these sculpted turds as they go along.
Is that how we`ve got Aifa Hirsch then?
Just watched the video of the live stream. The most amazing thing is how for a trial based on the systematic abuse of so many girls how there is virtually no one outside. Were it not for Tommy, it would just be a normal day with ‘alleged” rapists and groomers just wandering into court like they are going to the gym.
Where are the friends or relatives of these girls wanting to take their last opportunity to hurl abuse at these pieces of shit. Where are the bowed heads of perps fearing the might of British law? None of that, just a chance for some high fives with their fellow motley crew and the chance for some easy BnB paid for by the UK taxpayer whilst they sharpen their craft of terror making and getting even deeper into their backward religion.
How come I used to see people being escorted into prison in vans with cameras flashing or bundled inside huddled under a coat. These animals are grooming and raping our young girls, where are the pussy hats and the feminists, where are the Hate not Hope crew badgering these scum for their ‘hateful’ actions.
No, it’s just another rainy day in Leeds with a judge more concerned with a breach of the peace or contempt of court (seemingly the legal bods can’t decide what the crime was) than the vermin within the building.
This country is being eaten from within by a parasitical culture that many hope will simply go away and leave them alone if they just ignore it. I despair of what’s happening.
BBC News webpage May 10th
\\A jury in the trial of a driving instructor accused of kissing and groping five young women during lessons has been discharged.
Keith Warner, 61, from Lincolnshire, was cleared of two sex assault charges relating to two of his students.//
Whilst on going this story was reported every night on BBC Look North
Each report seemed to feature a new shot of the day of the accused and his wife leaving court
On different days she was trying to obscure her face, both tried to cover their faces, both faces were visible.
People in the jury’s family would have seen these reports.
(but the judge in this case chose not to have reporting restrictions)
I have not seen any info that says that broadcasting people leaving the Leeds court was illegal, their identities were not secret and had already been published.
I believe TR was intended on reducing prejudicial info ..ie the MSM seem to have reduced coverage of certain types of accused eg Muslims , white establishment figures like Jimmy Savile, whilst over covering people on they don’t like.
Maajid Nawaz just covered it quickly on LBC
He chose not to jump down TR’s throat
#1 He blamed the liberal culture that till today still prevents MP’s coming on air to discuss grooming gangs
#2 “This creates a void” ..and it takes courage to fill this void and “popularists will use it for their own nefarious purposes”
#3 “We should not congratulate ourselves for going after the easy bogey man”
“I just which the justice for those girls had been as swift as it was against TR”
I note that is a backtrack from his original tweets when he chose to stand with the libmob and did take the line that TR is a stupid idiot.
commenter : \\ If our police acted on our children being raped sooner Tommy wouldn’t be in prison now //
4 min video of Maajid Nawaz that I paraphrased above
Are reporting restrictions on TR lifted now?
Small piece in the Mail today that reads like it was dictated by the BBC 🙁
Why is there no outrage in this paper…very disappointing 🙁
Same in the Times a hit piece just in the same way that you used to read normal things in a Malaysian newspaper and then turn the page and there’d be a hit piece against Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar is now the nominated successor to the new PM.
We know that TR gave no new facts , and just read the list out from last months newspaper but the headline calls it a ” court rant”
Then “hour long diatribe”
From NUJ rules it seems like Hatey No Hopers had a firm grip on the union ..the piece seems a complete set up as if HnH wrote it.
Is it just that ?
It will fuel conspiracy theories, that the intelligence services are out to get the non-lib movement and smash UKip etc.
The distorted article seems as bad as the initial years of cover up of the whole groom/rape thing.
I’m certainly open to anyone showing evidence that TR gave info not already in the public domain, but this article contains no such evidence.
It says “He was arrested after naming the defendants, and allegations” yes he did , but out of last months newspaper.
Online title : Far-right provocateur Tommy Robinson jailed over court rant
The Times · 16 hours ago
The article allows no comments
First time I’ve seen that in the Times
\\ I won’t waste words on the pathetic mainstream media (does anyone watch the MSM anymore for real news?),
but what about self-proclaimed libertarian Guido Fawkes?
For years, this website has been a sore for the venal Westminster class.
But a callous cartoon of Tommy Robinson was all it contributed to a disturbing abuse of state power. //
Ezra tweeted
Ezra video points out what Tommy said on his Livecast was the same words written on the BBC website
video.. he’s sticking by Tommy almost 100% ..as he goes through the BBC reportage of Tommy’s case
He points out
#1 The judge said he din’t watch the entire video
#2 Judge says the video was long
… Yes of course, cos TR was hanging around waiting for something to happen like verdicts to come in and the Reporting Restrictions get lifted.
AFAIK Ezra is a trained lawyer ..at one time the bar association tried to kick him out cos of politics.
Earlier 7:32pm on LBC Farage spoke briefly about TR ..he chose to condemn him
“He knew the law and he chose to break it, by reporting on another court case”
hmm AFAIK TR deliberately chose to avoid breaking reporting laws by sticking to facts already in public domain.
I can understand why Farage takes the line , despite his monstering by the Libmob he has always kept to a line about not attacking Islamic dogma.. I’m guessing he doesn’t want to cross any lines that mean him losing the LBC platform..so he wouldn’t stick his neck out for TR.
However he then goes onto say
… “we know what’s going on with police society etc… We are NOT getting a level playing field
..in a society of tolerance we should all be able to criticise and even mock each other
..and I do worry that ..we are moving into a position where you can criticise some groups in society and not others.
…. Robinson’s imprisonment is not heroic in any way at all”
Then he goes onto say the TR case reporting restrictions are ridiculous cos everyone saw instantly on the internet… parliament should change that”
That video of Farage speaking against TR
Interesting the video TR made a few months back saying how shocked he was that Farage called him and AMW “racists” after he so much admires Farage for his Brexit work.
Maybe Farage has a kind of silver tape across his mouth.
BTW BBC Turkish insisted previously that Ukip is not only right wing, but EXTREME right wing.
..yeh right
The bbc is rightly concerned with media coverage prejudicing cases. In this light, I wonder where this is going…
KT Hopkins on Tucker Carlson show
longer clip
Thanks Stew, in these times we in the UK need a Tucker Carlson to call things out as they are. I wonder if anybody in the media has the guts to do this?
BTW the system has already admitted Judge Marson has made ONE MISTAKE in his judgement on Tommy.
So we can see his judgements are not 100% sound.
He originally judged that Tommy’s case should not be reported in the press until after the end of the next trial in October.
That was challenged easily lawyers for news site Yorkshire LIve, and found to be unsound.
So other parts of the judgement could similarly unsound.
The indomitable Katie Hopkins telling it like it is about black gangs, skyrocketing killings, Sadiq Khant and much more. What a gal.
She has more balls than the entire bbc staff combined.
“I’m hoping to bring you another city’s expose proving councillors and police hid evidence”
Said Tommy the day before he was arrested in Leeds
… Then oops he’s now suddenly in jail and in communicado
says, this tweeter.
If that video is really from the day before the arrest
that is at least interesting .
Thanks Vlad,
Ms Hopkins over eggs the black gang cause a bit. . I think it’s mix of no, or soft policing , an easy legal system, the stress and mix of London – booze and drugs – the ‘dissing’ black ‘culture’
and under education/no family control .
There is no solution without the use of draconian force which the current regime could never dream of.
What a great guy!
God Bless the Dutch-this man speaks for us all.
I see TR was maliciously arrested and then acquitted before .
..Funny how the media reported his convictions
but not these political arrests.
April 2016
The fallacy of left/lib activist shouting “Look Robinson jailing was completely right cos the Secret Barrister says so”
– A professional legal adviser has made a Youtube video dismantling the Secret Barrister’s piece. (Rob Warner of the Crimebodge website )
The expert is no Robinson stooge he does explain that in his opinion a No-Reporting restriction does prevent media from airing footage of defendants leaving court.
– And he says that TR shows extreme naivity in that he asked police where he could stand as the police often lie.
– He then points out that TR was not tried, cos he plead guilty.
Then he lays into the Secret Barrister on a number of accounts
#1 The actual arrest was unlawful ..you can try calling anything a “breach of the peace”, but a proper lawyer would have got this arrest thrown out
#2 The court appointed solicitor is not proper representation compared to your own
#3 The sentence appears not just,
“It’s as if the authorities deliberately allowed the filming to go on for 70 mins so that they could ramp up the sentence”,
he says they should intervened straight away.
#3 His conclusion is that the authorities are pursuing a vendetta against TR.
Is this guy a barrister ? No, Rob Warner set up the Crimebodge website in 2012 and won a police malicious prosecution case against him ” successfully sued Derbyshire police for trespass”
Since then “I have successfully sued dozens of Police forces on behalf of my readers ”
He seems to regard the police as a lying machine.
Yes Excellent article Hatey no Hopers need to ask themselves “why did TR leave the EDL ?”
Douglas Murray gives the balance the MSM lacked in their hit pieces
Screenshot from the June1 Ezra video @john-in-cheshire posted on the other thread
Update the first set of videos from Md Singh are from May 2017
At a guess that trial didn’t have special Reporting Restrictions this series of 3 has
However Ezra’s next citizenjourno MarkVernon clip is dated 9th Jan2018, He says that is SAME trial
I have no proof that is the first set of the same series … though I heard it did start end of December 2017.
Evidence that Jan 2018 MarkVernon Youtube footage also featured suspects of SAME set of trials.

(and no contempt action was taken against him)
The Huddersfield Examiner from May 2017 gives the Names/Charges/Trial dates
That 2nd stage start date of Jan 8th does fit with the date of the MarkVernon clip dated Jan 9th & the claim it’s part 1 of SAME set of trials.
So seems the Md Singh video dates from the arraignment of May 2017 quite probably when there were no abnormal reporting restrictions.
Jiggery pokery with the petition ?
It stands at 577K yet as you watch new people seem to sign at same rate.
Secretly adjusting the total down would be akin to the Shadow banning technique.
Well if virtuous trusted household names can do it on TV talent shows I’m sure that a bit of button pushing attitude adjustment would be OK with the nabobs at The Home Office.
Which HMG department actually runs these petitions?
Wow on May 27 The Times reported the collapse of trial of two Muslim drug barons
at a cost of about £1m
What cos of Tommy ?
Nope cos of police and prosecutors deliberately withheld evidence.
G.W.F. just posted this
Unite against Fascism, supported by founder member David Cameron, Diane Abbott, Owen Jones and many more are advertising the petition to ask Treezer to make Tommy Robinson serve out his FULL sentence.
Link not supplied here as the site is frequented by Maxicony and quite a number of BBC staff.
From the Reasons for signing. Says it all
(Hardly surprising , cos these days if you are an oik itching for aggro and wanting to pull on a black mask and throw gas grenades, then you join UAF or Hatey-no-Hopers )
Sad, but not surprising, that these politically correct knuckle-draggers champion homosexual rape in prisons
Interesting a guy contests that the TR video was NOT “cannot be anything other than something that would be HIGHLY prejudicial to the court proceedings” as the judgement rules claim
He puts the existing Md Singh video up and shows it has the same words as the new TR video.
2 min into the video
The video maker said \\ I’ve changed sides, after the judgement I was with the judge, but now I’ve seen these double standards I’ve changed my mind
.. Tommy did not breach his licence conditions ..there was no contempt of court. //
A week before Tommy was arrested, there was seemingly a malicious arrest.
I can vouch for it though
“I am arresting you for not providing your details on request …section 35”
Ha same clip is used at minute 38 of the new Ezra video
The vid also includes footage of the large Manchester demo etc.
On the guilty plea.. a commenter said ‘They have pressured Tommy before by threatening to arrest his wife”
I’ve found a longer vid of that arrest
A LLB says “No power of arrest for failing to give details for a Section 35”
“If the details are as per video and she was arrested for a S35. That is unlawful arrest.”
“Also no power to detain unless for stop and search or to retrieve items.”
full 4 tweets
Jeez typo “can vouch for it though” should be “CAN’T vouch”