What hope is there for Tommy Robinson under this ‘right wing’ party’?

I have for a long while now had the power to head a post, but I have resisted as I prefer to be just ‘one of the gang’ so to speak, but the arrest of Tommy Robinson has tipped me over edge.

Here is someone who speaks his mind in a country that purports to have freedom of speech, yet contradicts its implementation with legalised criminality under  the term ‘hate speech’. Thus we do not have free speech and it is a downright lie to say that we do.

Who is responsible? Is it the Conservative Party who under the direction of Theresa May, or maybe the media under the direction of yes you’ve guessed it, the Conservative Party. The very party who is doing all they can to resisit right wing Fox News acquiring the Sky franchise. The very party who do nothing to stop the appalling level of left wing bias espoused from the BBC 1 ,BBC2,3 and 4, Redio 4, BBC World,ITV,Channel 4 and Channel 5. All of  this with no right wing media to counter the balance in favour of the snowflakes.

Is the Conservative Party a right wing party? Or are they just Bliarites trying to shore up the so called middle ground? Are they frightened of doing something for fear of public dissent?

If we had a truly right wing Party in office I doubt if Tommy Robinson would be in jail for 13 months for ‘contempt of court’. If we had a Prime Minister, a leader with a bit of ‘intestinal fortitude’ guts we might have a proud people in Britain not a disillusioned one, we’d be telling the EU to go and do one unless they demonstrate a more acquiescent and fair minded stance, why is she not telling the EU that they, the EU, will have to put up an Irish border because were not going to. In the Mansion House speech she said she would not do this. Why not for God’s sake. Why is she not telling the Muslim community to either integrate or ship out. Why is she soft on the stabbings in London and ‘stop and search’, why is she so frightened of criticising minority groups when they fully deserve to be criticised?

One thing is for certain the Tories don’t speak for me very often, come to think of it very rarely. Labour-forget it.  May lacks judgment, what do you expect from a vicars daughter with no experience of life behind her. There is no political party for me in this country just as there appears to be no political party for Tommy Robinson. Tommy, with the exception of the British people on the real Right,  you’re on yer own mate. Don’t expect justice in this country as it is in very short supply.

Rant over, now I’m going back to join the gang. Although I’ll still be chatting to the odd  troll on the quiet usually after Taffman has had his fun with them.


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232 Responses to What hope is there for Tommy Robinson under this ‘right wing’ party’?

  1. StewGreen says:

    Delingpole has a new long article
    though sympathetic he says the law was right

    He quotes the Kent judge “..In short, Mr Yaxley-Lennon, turn up at another court, refer to people as “Muslim paedophiles, Muslim rapists” and so and so forth while trials are ongoing and before there has been a finding by a jury that that is what they are, and you will find yourself inside. Do you understand?”
    .. And what did Tommy Robinson do? He went and did it again

    Em no he didn’t ..he used the word ‘alleged rapists’ , ‘Muslim problem’ etc. there is a strong distinction in law

    \\ Oops he did it again but then so did Gandhi !
    He stood up for the views ordinary people and the politico/legal establishment made him pay the price. //


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Does TR have a lawyer working on this? If this sentence can be challenged I’d have thought he would be doing so by now, or indeed have done so. However I’ve read nothing more about that.


  2. StewGreen says:

    I see the Leeds case 7130 has still not reached a full conclusion
    jury taking a long time ?


  3. StewGreen says:

    The antidote to the Secret Barrister
    ‘Oh yes you might well squeal TR broke the law, but is it just
    when you have a DOUBLE STANDARD of not prosecuting others in similar circumstances ?’
    Putin does the same devious thing, letter of the law for POLITICAL
    softer for normal, super-soft for special friends.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Judges : None so blind as those who don’t wish to see
    .. All happening in plain sight.


  5. StewGreen says:

    TR : Douglas Murray with Tucker on Fox
    TC : “Has there been any support for him from journalists ?”
    DM : “They’d rather punish the secondary problem : that people like TR say look what’s happening,
    … rather than deal with the primary problem of thousands and thousands of young women getting raped by these gangs”

    DM : “See the double standard
    ………. how the head of the dept , when the council decided to ignore Oxford grooming got a £259K payoff and is now heading the Oxford Tourism dept”
    He refers to his new article


  6. StewGreen says:

    Look how low class this Sunday Times article from last week is.
    The libmob media gives a narrative which is completely false , yet she laps it up instead of doing some basic fact checking.
    And she is proud to show her ignorance.

    Tommy rot
    Anyone who saw the footage of Tommy Robinson being arrested last week can be in no doubt that the former leader of the English Defence League simply loves the drama of being put in the clink. He could barely conceal his delight as three beleaguered plods reluctantly had to arrest him, while Robinson and his followers gleefully filmed him screaming for a solicitor while they just did their jobs.

    I don’t know why he’s back in jail — it could be for any one of the lame crimes he’s committed before (the lamest being mortgage fraud). It doesn’t matter, anyway — his act is simple: do something bad, film it, get arrested and curry hate. Repeat. All at the taxpayer’s expense, obviously.
