Thought I’d give FedUp2,TrueToo and Rufus a helping hand. They keep this important site going.
So lets get stuck into BBC and how they misreport events.
This week the emerging news will probably be the Italian elections which I think is going very well indeed, Tommy Robinson which the BBC won’t report, Brexit of course and the pressure on Northern Ireland to have a similar referendum to that in Eire.
Sorry Tabs, I think you were the last post from the previous thread. Worth the read though.
Over to you
I don’t think I’ve ever been first in anything over the past twenty years, I’m even second in command in my own house and there is only two of us who live here!
Now onto a more serious point
Why didn’t the white bloke who had hold of the baby just lift the baby up himself?
Why didn’t the white bloke who had hold of the baby just lift the baby up himself?
Maybe he was already a French national and he wanted to give someone else a chance of citizenship?
Looks a bit ‘iffy’ to me.
Is there more to this than reported ? Where were the poor childs parents?
Great training that climbing up the outside of a block of flats.
Could be a useful skill!
Greatly appreciate the collegiate solidarity here.
This cabinet idea is great, takes pressure off Mr V and Alan.
Thanks lads.
But-being a carping no mates curmudgeon wandering around Taunton between ciders in Vivary Park?
Can I have a ruling on whether he (or indeed she-for we`ve some great gals here !)- can be the first on any blog(thread or any other means!) to hold forth?
Or do I need to go to Strasbourg?
Until I get a final ruling on this-I have to congratulate you wronged.
But I`m crying inside…when will I be first?
“I have a dream”…..
I’d suggest you contact David Vance,beyond my pay scale I’m afraid. I do enjoy your posts and you have also been a valued member for a long time.
I managed to get to the next tier a while ago when we had an influx of trolls. I suggested to a number of trolls not be so rude or leave the site which they duly did. Sometimes they reappear under a different name. The odd troll is worth reading if only for the way some of our members who relish touching horns.
This concilatory reply shows why, sir you are well-placed to lead us out of the EU, would that our political clowns would ask you.
I see a diplomatic posting for you peaceful putsch types, it`s a squiffy joy to know the site is in safe hands.
That said, somehow my blog above is at NUMBER 3…which I`m taking as a “Joe Dolce/ Ultravox” moment, where my worst blog got its highest chart entry.
Stevie Wonders ” I just called to say I love you”
Chuck Berrys “My Ding a Ling”.
I`m on the “third placed” top of the world, ma”!
Good cider old Mrs Thatchers innit? Am boycotting Magners until they bring back a hard abortion to Ireland….er, something like that…
Having the keys to the kingdom I was tempted to be ‘first’ but I knew I wouldn’t get the ‘high’ experienced by getting first on anothers’ listing.
I would welcome a legal ruling but I fear no one would be able to report it or get an instant. 13months from. Judge xxxx
“Forbearance Is the Hallmark of your creed sir”. We`re of a kinder gentler age aren`t we here?
No freebie to Strasbourg for me then.
Bit of a Bermuda triangle that Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg innit?
A chum told me yesterday, that he had been listening to a concert by the Bermuda Philharmonic Orchestra on the wireless, and half-way through the performance, the bloke playing the triangle just disappeared!
‘Having the keys to the kingdom I was tempted to be ‘first’ but I knew I wouldn’t get the ‘high’ experienced by getting first on anothers’ listing.’
Not true Fedup2. I initiated a start the week at exactly the same time as Rufus. He asked if I wished to takeover, which I said yes.
I then noticed that for about 10 minutes the thread was under the name of Rufus, not me, so I just posted my comment there and then, first. Then the heading changed to my name. Had I saw the thread in my name I would not have posted first.
You seem very touchy about receiving help. I have no wish to impinge on what you regard as your territory. Only to ensure the smooth continuity of the site ensuring that we don’t have days of the previous weeks thread as in the past. I have always found deadlines work better, if you wish to extend the deadline to say 11am or even 12noon that is fine, but rather than make silly comments as above it is better to communicate what you feel will help you, so that we can be of help to you should you be inconvenienced or unable to enact the thread. It’s just a failsafe back up I am offering.
wronged, probably a good reason for me to stay away from buttons on computers …..
It looks like a Syrian white helmets moment to me; ie. Fake and not very well done fakery.
Exactly. I think in his position I would have done exactly that. Looks very staged to me!!
Nothing really biased for me to complain about at the moment.
However I am still annoyed with the BBC as they have failed to update the weather forecast for the South West.
‘Updated daily’ but last updated on the 25th
Are they always this slow on a bank holiday weekend?
Needless to say I hate bank holidays. I do not work them anyway and do not recommend anymore. Shame on the BBC drying to help Corbyn out though, that clown wants to force even more of them onto us!
Have a good day, all
The local Devon page is very slow on updating anything. There are still seven news items from the 24th May. Traffic news has practically vanished and as you say the weather forecast is obviously not one of their priorities (too British I suppose). A couple of years ago they gave a negative forecast for a summer weekend and it turned out to be glorious. Tourist people were tearing their hair. It seems that ‘local’ is of little consequence these days.
Nothing biased, Smoogie? Forgive me, but you must have been listening to music. The BBC are currently in the throes of one of their biggest campaigns ever. Yesterday was wall to wall propaganda, at least on R4. I can’t believe that has come to a halt.
They want Northern Ireland to be blessed with the same ‘equality’ Eire now has: the women of NI need their ‘rights’ now, is the slogan. That also serves the purpose of undermining Ms May, who is between a rock and a hard place on this one. (Not that she needs anyone to undermine her. She is good at doing it to herself.)
So, NI ‘equal rights’ : for Abortion on demand that is. Murder of the unborn.
And that has been conflated with ‘women’s rights’ in general. Listen carefully today; I’m almost sure you’ll hear many BBC women complaining -in various guises- that there are not enough women, in this, that or the other. Mark a sheet of paper for every time you hear ‘some’ saying NI needs ‘equal rights’, regardless of what the Assembly or the people want.
And if still in doubt, listen to ‘Women’s Hour’ on R4. If you missed that, there’s also ‘Late nights Woman’s Hour’.
Just as well I ignore R4 then! I find that when I take a day off from things I really forget how vile the BBC is.
In fact I heard all about the abortion thing in Ireland, I took no notice of it and I would rather that the BBC did not ram their view down my neck as well!
It is great to be ‘away’ for the weekend, smoogie, but unfortunately I still listened to the R4 News. I did manage to avoid Any Answers and I think I may not have listened to Any Questions. If I did, I have completely forgotten about its Panel and the questions and answers.
Oh dear! The ever-diminishing value (to me) of the BBC.
The far-left bbc is a Godless organisation so it’s unsurprising that they couldn’t care less about murdering unborn babies.
It’s more disturbing that Eire is also falling away from God.
I hope Northern Ireland has more humanity and resists calls for legalised abortion.
In reality, Jesus told us there aren’t that many people who have faith in Him and look to Him for salvation, so maybe all the unbelievers are being exposed by this decision.
Betcha the BBC morons avoided these fools:
The worst placard I have ever seen. I wonder if the ‘waste of space’ holding it would agree if the clock was turned back 20/30 years. Imagine being his parents.
j-i-c, there is, in my view, a need for some legalised abortion as an option in, for want of a better phrase, ‘extreme circumstances’ if only to put back street abortionists and risky home d-i-y methods out of business.
It is extremely important to remember the rights of the unborn and not to license baby-killing, which we have done – sadly – in Great Britain. It is also extremely important to remember couples who cannot conceive naturally and would wish or become happy to adopt.
I wonder how much money our NHS would have available, now, if our abortion laws were not so liberal in Great Britain? A point there for the LeftLibbies to ponder.
The Eire Referendum vote was interesting in that it appeared to me that it was all about ‘Womens Rights’, not strictly abortion as such.
And who better than Sinn Fein to advice the rest of us about the right to kill, maim and torture?
Wonder how many miscarriages, abortions in the form of blowing up pregnant women THEY were responsible for?
As if Womans Hour would ever ask.
File this three day death dance squarely at the need to bring down the Tories, get the DUP wiped out, and get a united Ireland with no Brexit for us or our Ulster chums.
Save Ulster from Sodomy was one of Ian Paisleys causes. Why didn`t we listen?
Nothing biased? The bias is constant, 24/7, often more in what is NOT reported.
See what’s really going on in the world on the sites below.
Meanwhile the beeb trumpet a migrant who saves a baby. Good for him, but they ignore all the other stuff below.
Note: when migrants torch whole banlieues, they’re ‘youth’ or ‘French’. When one saves a baby, he’s a ‘Malian migrant’.
Wronged ,
Thanks for relieving me of the stress of when to put up the new thread – it’s overwhelming
Anyway – not al beeb – but I’d recommend a short documentary series on PBS America about Iran and Saudi – which explains why Blighty is where it is – infected by mad wahabi Muslims who want infidels dead and a sharia state – bit like Luton , tower hamlets , newham and the many others …
Al beeb would NEVER show this .
‘Thanks for relieving me of the stress of when to put up the new thread – it’s overwhelming’
Happy to step in only -repeat only when I think you may have either forgotten to do so or for some other reason. We were into Monday so I took the initiative of an necessary update. It does not matter who does it provided the update happens.
Can I suggest you do the update on regular basis but if it passes a certain time say on a Monday. I will intervene. Weekend on a Saturday the same. I hope this makes sense.
Wronged -Yep that’s fine -I wrote on the previous thread that I was leaving the new one until Tuesday due to the bank holiday and intend to leave out the midweek update unless events lead to huge numbers of pages .
I try to do the updates when there is not much chat and posts which our friends have put up with great thought and time are not too recent as I would not want them missed . I was flippant about the “stress” . It’s an honour being involved in our small attempt to hold back the tide and keep our country .
Anyway – I wrote earlier that al beeb is leading on abortion when it should be explaining Italy .
It seems that the ReichEU has done its normal trick of getting another vote for the Italians to get it right next time . Let’s hope the euro weakens as a result .
Can only help us to get out of the ReichEU
Purely just out of interest, how long does it take from start to finish to put up a new thread?
I get the impression it’s a long process.
Keep up the good work, it’s appreciated.
Thank you
It’s really no time at all but I’m trying be as professional as possible to a new one up but not upset the discussion – so I don’t run to a fixed time. .
‘Wronged -Yep that’s fine’
Jolly good. Much appreciate your efforts.
10.00 am deadline it is then
Can I just add,
Thanks G, yes one must share these alternative sites before they’re banned or blocked one way or another.
Migrant saves a kid.
Given that they`ve killed thousands thus far, still a bit on the debit side Beeb!
Even if one Muslims life is worth a thousand of ours.
I see that it’s no longer possible (again!) to post a single comment on Guido’s site on any topic. What a waste of time!
Lobi, I never posted on Guido, but used to read some of the comments. I used to find it an additional source to this site to know what was happening in this world. I am sorry that something seems to be happening there. However it is the site that highlighted the anti-Semitism rampant in the Labour Party, and I do hope that is isn’t the cause of their problems.
More anti democratic maneuvering in Italy
Carlo Cottarelli: Italy president names stop-gap PM
Shame the Beeb cant even get basic facts correct
“Italy, the eurozone’s fourth-biggest economy”
It was not unexpected that the EU would seek to overturn the result of the Italian election. What is unexpected is that they should do it so blatantly. The EU is definitely contemptuous of democracy and behaves like a totalitarian state. They are working with our global elites to overthrow Brexit, they ground the Greek people into abject poverty, , they have tried to interfear with democracy in Poland and Hungary, and yet some Remainiacs still claim that the EU is thoroughly democratic!
In the USA the same battle is being fought out between the President and the globalist leftist alliance. One thing we should all recognise is that the democratic process may not be able to freethe people from the Globalist yolk , other measures may be required. In the USA the military can be relied upon to support the Commander in Chief . On this side of the Atlantic the people cannot trust any of their institutions which have all been captured by the left.
I lived in the US for 20 years and came to realise the absolute duplicity and total corruption that is politics over there. Now that I am back living in UK I see that here too the people involved in politics are the same type of sociopath and psychopaths as in the US, and probably worldwide. The unfortunate thing is that far too many regards politics as somehow necessary and more than the game it actually is and continue to write supposedly learned articles on what happens in politics, when they should be exposing politics as the nonsense it really is. There is no such thing as democracy, the psychopaths make sure of that by acting as our lords and masters rather than our representatives. sadly so few realise the deception behind party politics and the ignorance of the electorate.
Speaking of no comments, this BBC Facebook page does have them, but no share facility for the link:
BBC News
The lights at night across India reveal an extraordinary level of regional inequality
Inequality in India can be seen from outer space
The comments to this claim on various bases… could be going better.
I read about a Malian immigrant rescuing a baby in The Times and just knew the BBC would be all over it. Lo and behold it is one of their lead stories.
Always narrative over facts. In their mad reality this single, highly unusual event justifies open borders and the myriad ‘challenges’ it entails. Thanks to this man’s heroism Rotherham girls will be unraped, victims of terrorism will rise from the dead and all ‘hate speech’ laws will be repealed. This is final absolute proof that multiculturalism is paradise.
This is propaganda, not news. Countless stories disproving their narrative are ignored.
Mali is apparently 98% Muslim, but I’m sure that had no bearing on the story ……
Say you manage a football team and a player does one brilliant tackle but still scores own goals every game. You are not going to have him in the team on the basis on that one tackle.
If genuine, good on him. But hardly unique.
Meanwhile the BBC has jumped the shark because of it.
Expect the leftie beeb / msm to milk the Malian story for all it’s worth.
One migrant saves a migrant baby, ergo immigration is good.
Logical, innit.
(Well, beeb logic.)
Lol, thanks, I don’t think I’ve seen that website before.
Don’t think the kid gets enough credit. Hung on better than most.
I noticed the BBC news bulletin I watched yesterday actually broadcasting the entire episode TWICE, just in case you hadn’t got it first time round. Also enabled the reporter to wax lyrical for much longer.
Yes indeed: good on him but hardly unique. So, what is the message? Vlad, I think you’re on to something. I notice it’s on again today.
A case study in referendums.
Could anyone be in any doubt from the coverage which of those two results the BBC is more pleased about?
I think the abortion referendum should be re-run because citizens of Eire obviously didn’t know what they were voting for.
If we are to have democracy, whereby the majority opinion is the policy to be followed, with safeguards for the minority opinion, then those who do not agree with that majority opinion have to accept it.
No one is forced to have an abortion if they do not agree with the concept, but for those who do accept and need it the facility is there. You, John, would not agree to have Muslim views and law coerced onto you, but you seem willing to force your Christian view onto others.
So referendums are good now, and not rigged by “The Russians” ?
I’m a week late to this one, so apologies if anyone posted at the time and I missed it.
I caught up last night with the first episode of “A Very English Scandal”. In it, you saw Jeremy Thorpe (played by Hugh Grant who was doing a great impression of, er, Hugh Grant) make two speeches in Parliament.
Number 1: saying how we needed to allow more immigrants into the country.
Number 2: saying how wonderful European institutions were – a clear reference to what is now the EU.
What were the odds, eh? Of all the speeches he must have made.
If they’d thought it through, they might have considered if that was really the type of character they wanted to show as being in favour of that sort of thing.
I thought just showed that a politician in a three piece suit and a plummy accent can be as much of an amoral shit as anyone else . Thank god his career died .
I know it’s drama bet I remember the slime from the first time round )
Poor old dog, Rinka, though.
And goodness knows what else Mr Thorpe got up to that has never been reported.
I thought I was watching an episode of Only Fools & Horses ! The character of Andrew Newton reminded me of Boycie ! especially when he wanted Norman Scott and Rinka to get in his car – his cries of “its a bloody donkey” had me in stitches.
Reading your post and that of John in Cheshire above it and putting 2 & 2 together, you wonder to what use donkey-Rinka was put.
Sorry, for those that didn’t watch it, – Rinka was a Great Dane (dog)
Thorpe was exactly the BBC’s “type of character” !
Change definitely in the wind.
A GP friend of mine who is generally a middle of the road viewpoint, told me last night he has had it with Scotland and now looking to leave. A very pessimistic view of society in Scotland and a view that Krankie and her henchmen will target property owners and those of wealth to fund their crackpot pro-muslim schemes.
And the short-arsed Ms Krankie-Sturgeon clearly thinks she has made it, strutting around Berlaymont today.
God, she makes me want to punch her smug, fat face!
Can someone please explain to me why we have openly hostile SNP representatives sitting in Westminster when they have their own Parliament?
Rather than continue with the present ambivalent situation, if the majority of Scots want separation they should have it, with repayment to the English taxpayer for all the infrastructure paid for by Westminster. Then independence becomes somewhat less attractive I fear
Thatch – when the oil price gets to. 80 dollars or more. Krankie gets the brave heart video out. Again.
‘And the nightmare of political throwback Jeremy Corbyn storming the barricades and leading his Marxist extremists to power.’
That scares me!
The Leavers must as a matter of urgency get rid of her while it’s still possible to walk away owing the EU nothing.
If they don’t do so, history is going to be very harsh on them; Mrs May and her gang have already done enough to be branded as traitors and that’s how they’ll be seen in years to come.
Chamberlain or Heath ?
She`s as low as one of those at the moment-not seen her for weeks, probably crawling about on her belly in front of Tusk and Erdogan.
That she put Tommy in prison is not going to be forgotten.
I don’t blame May myself as I feel that her hands are being held back by something.
The EU are not going to make things easy of course, that is to be expected but there is something else that I feel people are over looking. Corbyn.
Yes, the guy who promised the world and everything this time last year during the election campaign. May had given out warnings that a vote for the Tories would make the Brexit deal easier. It would have done no doubt but Corbyn started bullshitting about student debt and how he would ‘get rid of it’ to pull in young voters to weaken the Tories just out of spite.
If Brexit does not work out I will never see it as just May not doing it right. I know that Corbyn was meddling just for his own gain while having no clue what he wants for Brexit himself. I will never trust Labour and for the BBC to spend the best part of a year trying to big him up on the sly then shame on them.
It should have been a Tory landslide and that should have made Brexit easier to deal with. Thanks to Corbyn we now have more uncertainty to get out of the way first
In re the Muslim Liverpool player .
Yesterday on the R4 religous programme Al Beeb were drooling about him and how he is a role model , that Muslims feel a bit more accepted , and joy of joys some fans wanted to embrace the Islamic faith due to a skilful bit of play on a football field . No question was it a joke , that to take up a new religion should be for spiritual reasons after perusing the tenets of the religion and self analysis .
Now Beeboids , name the religion of the rest of the players ; of Wayne Rooney , the very well paid Linacker , any player who isn’t Moslem !
That’s the point . You can go the whole day not knowing the religion of someone you deal with daily , except when it’s Islam , then it has to be put right up there pronto .
Islamic football is bound to be more exciting. I’m sure Muslims will bring their own unique enrichment to the game.
Writing in today’s Times, Emily Maitlis of BBC’s Newnight finds herself speculating why Steve Bannon goes around the world “befriending fascists”. And who are these fascists she is so worried about? – why none other than the popular Hungarian politician Victor Orban, who recently won a landslide victory in a general election. Move over Adolf, get out of the way Benito, this Victor chap is after your laurels, at least according to Maitlis who seems particularly worried that he defends “Christian Europe”.
Oh dear that does seem to smear an awful lot of people, although presumably nobody Maitlis and her BBC pals would care to meet. She is also worried about Orban’s views on a “multicoloured country”. What is it with these BBC types, always going on about skin colour – more usually of course these days churning out anti-white abuse. Orban is widely popular in Hungary because he refuses to accept mass muslim economic migration into his country. Funnily enough similar popular policies such as this are spreading rapidly around the rest of Europe.
If Ms Maitlis had any grasp of middle European history she would start to understand the Hungarian position and stop using silly schoolgirl insults like “fascist”. Unlike Britain, the country has been fought over for centuries. The last major conquest was by Russian communists and having broken free, the locals just want their country back and to enjoy being Hungarian again.
And how come Bannon is worth her flight from London then?
Why are we paying for her to support fascists then?
Utter hypocrite. We pay for her jollies, were there no BBC Budapest wind tunnels locally who could have looked sour as our Steve gave her a few facts.
Wonder if that stalker she had was simply a truth teller, that would also freak her out.
In complement:
The divine Ms. M’s grasp of anything seems as tenuous as her bra straps’.
I’m assuming that she must still be smarting from the enjoyable ‘push back’ that Bannon gave her last week in their interview when she looked like a petulant angry child.
Bannon v Maitis : the Times Commenters march our own opinions here
saying how she acted like metro-lib an used the boo-words “far-right” etc.
\\she misquoted herself “in MANY of our viewers’ minds he is the man who’s driven a nationalistic, divisive, dangerous and arguably racist agenda right into the mainstream.”
You actually said “In our viewers’ minds you are the man who has driven …”
This is because in YOUR mind the BBC speaks for the nation. //
\\ I just watched the interview. Bannon had her on the back foot throughout.
This article is a complete misrepresentation of the interview. Maitlis could only serve up smears, clichés and confirmation bias. //
We’ll have no expressions of Nationalism here on this site, Thank you!
Honestly. I`m not bovvered.
This political class is shit on Junckers shoe. No law since 1973, and especially since 1998 is valid as from March 30th 2019.
We`ll be able to pick and mix them a la carte as we like. Isn`t that what Muslims and the Left do? As well as travellers and the liberal slime we`re indulged in votes since 1992.
We`re setting up a Deplorables Party. And will link with the USA
and support Anne Marie, Tommy and Katie H.
I hope yet to get the kind of enemies that Mel, Hitch(P) Douglas and Robert Spencer at JihadWatch get.
If we`re not hated , feared loathed and unable to crack a few heads if we`re attacked…then we`re fit only for Islams righteous poker, where we needed to have grown a spine.
Gender pay gap in health insurance-will the BBC be doing something on that soon I wonder?
Sunset in Somerset….
If diversity is such a good thing and quotas are being seen as a good way to get even representation for all, how about having diversity in our education instead of it being completely filled with the far left.
A quota of right wing teachers to give a diverse view.
Same with the tv, instead of EVERY channel giving out continuous hard left propaganda how about having a ‘diverse’ set of channels with some even giving a right of centre viewpoint.
Of course, this will not happen as it’s the ‘wrong kind’ of diversity (some would say)
#Free Tommy.
How about diversity in Parliament ?
Some can be wealthy , most others poor !
Petition still going well at 369,233 @ 1649. Total police officers over 43 forces in England and Wales (including Transport police) 126,186. Just putting things in perspective…………….
Curious. I checked out the number of murders in London 2018. All media seem to have stopped reporting during April. I can’t find any more recent. Either the super efficient police have been able to stop the crime (!!!???) or there is a conspiracy of silence. What say you?
Civil Servant machinations re Defence.
Short article
Long article
None of this is ever properly reported on (certainly not by the bBBC).
“From cock’s crow on the BBC’s flagship ‘Today’ programme, month after weary month, the country has awoken to a daily agenda-setting barrage of commentary whose smuggled assumption is that disengagement from the EU is a matter of extraordinary complexity. The truth is quite the opposite. Since the day that people voted to leave in June 2016, ‘no deal is better than any deal’ has always been the best case in general and it is certainly the only safe case over our defence and security after Brexit.”
Young farmer, 20, breaks arm during arm wrestle
Unbelievably, this is sixth article on the bBBCs main UK web page (PC). Whereas this article (on Sky’s main page)
Christina Abbotts death: Man charged with murder
is on the England page. The latter article is younger, too. Discuss.
The news at 6 cannot just say a man rescued the baby: it is a ‘Malian immigrant.’ When describing Trump’s tweets of a video of a gay man being thrown off a roof, the BBC said it was mere footage of a ‘man being thrown off a roof’ – his sexuality, a crucial fact, was omitted.
Their website reports their is an ‘art auction gender imbalance.’ They are brilliant at dreaming up new forma of oppression. Do they search through every pursuit, look for an ‘imbalance’ then report on it as if it were news?
Perhaps the disparity can be explained by the hate fact that men are over-represented at the extremes of intelligence. That evil patriarchy which plagued us with electricity, planes, motor cars, computers, modern medicine etc; plus those horrible white men Shakespeare, Keats, Leonardo Da Vinci etc. There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack The Ripper.
Beeb, its the same whenever the press describe any human in their reporting. “A 65 year old grandmother”, “A 78 year old pensioner”, “A 44 year old mother of 2”. Fortunately I’ve never been newsworthy enough to feature in the media, but I’d floor anyone who would refer to me as “A 70 year old pensioner” – it might be true, but I’d tell ’em to fu.. off ! My preferred description would be “A one time 17 year old who wore mini skirts, white boots, a Cathy McGowan bob, and danced around her handbag to the Kinks and Hollies “. Sorted.
Beeb Brother,
“When describing Trump’s tweets of a video of a gay man being thrown off a roof, the BBC said it was mere footage of a ‘man being thrown off a roof’ – his sexuality, a crucial fact, was omitted.”
Well that’s probably because it wasn’t “a gay man” and that “crucial fact” wasn’t actually a fact.
But do keep up the good work Beeb Brother.
What Maxicony ?!
Gays aren’t thrown off tall buildings?
Well that’s good news then . Gays can holiday in Iran etc no problem . Are you going to spread the good news ?
The excellent Douglas Murray on cases like Tommy Robinson.
It’s a bit old, but topical and relevant today for obvious reasons.
Savour Murray’s hilarious reference to the ridiculous O’barmy on muslim terrorism around the 3’45” mark.
Note also the chilling: ‘We’ve internalised the Fatwas’.
(That’s posh for ‘our leaders are shit scared’.)
“Take out the secondary problem”
(Accidentally posted on an older thread earlier)
“.. not only does it not have anything to do with Islam, it has LESS to do with Islam than any other religion.” @ 3:57
“Douglas Murray on Tommy Robinson take out the secondary problem”
If you can accept “it has LESS to do with Islam than any other religion” then you can accept anything.
. . ..
“The Public believing Islam means Peace Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the BBC Queen.
“When I was younger, I always did it for 24 hours a day listening to the BBC. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast BBC News Report.”
Alice in Wonderland.(edited)
An interesting difference in the reports of the result of the Italian election.
According to Breitbart, The President has vetoed the formation of a “populist” Government, as he apparently objects to the proposed Finance Minister.
According to the BBC, he has vetoed it because the two main “populist” parties couldn’t agree to form a coalition.
Who do I believe? That’s a hard one ……
Another unique bbc headline.
Nothing to do with Murder … “Murder arrest as mother and daughter murdered
diein Gloucester “Just watched BBC 2. Amazing home videos about Eric and Ernie from the early 60’s. I was half expecting an apology that ” no BME or LBGTQI references are available for the next 30 minutes” . It brought a tear to my eye, such innocent times everyone in the world knew there place in the world no drugs no perversion of a society that had developed over 2000 years. We have lost those times to perverted needs of a few one world people who’s whole purpose is to change our culture for a failed system who’s population can only see a future feeding off a system created by our parents and grandparents for us.
Well, I’ve made a conscious decision to boycott any products advertised, that depict a mixed race couple. Its not the fact that its a mixed race couple, more that we are expected to accept it as the norm that I object to. Particularly when we have a larger than 70% white population.
I thought that no-one could do anything nowadays unless they have seen a ‘role-model’ that looks like them doing it first.
If the advertisers choose to use ‘role-models’ that don’t look like most of their potential customers then maybe those ‘prospects’ might go elsewhere? Another win for the Ratner Marketing Method! (As used by David Cameron ‘fruitcakes’ and Hilary Clinton ‘deplorables’).
I emailed DFS last year, Briss and asked them if they only sell to mixed race couples. Still awaiting a reply.
A brave decision. You’ll end up with no furniture, insurance of any kind, holidays, no kitchen if the current one needs replacing, groceries, fast food…
You’ll be ok for funeral cover though, That’s a purely white domain at the moment.
Halifax – I think that might change quite soon with funeral directors doing “specials “ for the under 30 males specialising in diverse send offs .
This evening the Londonistan standard reports at least three stabbings involving 14 , 15 , 20 year olds in separate incidents . Welcome to the half term holiday – must be a cultural thing .
Al beeb will still be happy that their Irish sisters don’t need to travel to Blighty to kill their unborn baby boys and girls . A triumph .
My favourite white adverts are the ones for over 50 chaps who wear tank tops and want a free pen just for enquiring – with no embarrassing questions ….
Erectile dysfunction adverts are still whites only!
I’d send them a stiff letter ……
But not a French one.
Well, so far I’m ok for Carpetright, and on-line dating !
Just acquired a catalogue of garden tools, hedge cutters, digging tools etc. White’s only. Can’t risk post slavery flashbacks showing dem boys working in de fields.
Can’t they see that this advertising crap is a form of patronizing racism?
BBC Springwatch. They sacked a popular white male presenter, Martin Hughes-Games, to shoe horn in Gillian Burke whose sole quantification for the job is that she is black.
She’s not very good and to it seems the majority the viewers want Martin back.
“They sacked a popular white male presenter, Martin Hughes-Games, to shoe horn in Gillian Burke whose sole quantification for the job is that she is black.”
He wasn’t sacked; he left of his own volition;
“After 12 great years I have decided to leave the watches. It’s good to go when the show is looking strong. MASSIVE thank you for yr support.”
From Wiki; “Burke studied biology at Bristol University, and worked as a researcher for the BBC’s Natural History Unit. She worked as a producer and director on several series for Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel…”
Of course it’s ‘the BBC’ who are obsessed with skin colour, not you or all the other people on this site who talk about little else.
Of course it’s the BBC who are obsessed with skin colour , not you or all or the other people on this site
Glad you see the BBCs obsession Maxicony , can you have a word with them that they are either boring or laughable ?
I’m glad you recognise that al Beeb has a race fixation ,perhaps we are winning you around . Perhaps you also recognise al Beeb fixation with too. But any way well done for. changing .
How naive. I’ve heard the leaving speeches of dozens of colleagues who have been paid off to go and they all use the phrase “I have decided to leave…” or similar.
Cassandra, you don’t want to discourage the BBC from ‘doing’ science. It would be good if the Beeb became a lot more scientific and then we would not get the nonsense they produced yesterday about gender pay gaps in the NHS.
It’s a shame maxi did not pick up on that much more important point.
How does this compare? The few hundred people who turned up for the BBCs Nigel Kennedy concert (on BBC2 right now) and Trump’s inauguration ? I’m sure the BBC will ridicule itself over the low turnout.
Bad weekend for Villa all round
Will the BBC help ridicule the very few people attending the Corbyn festival which they are trying to help promote?
Watching King Lear didn’t take long for them to change world history and Shakespeare, apparently Burgendy and it’s duke are from Africa… it goes, I can only imagine it will get worse.
Great performance though from Hopkins…
Shame I can’t watch.
Wait ’till they get their hands on Midsummer Night’s Dream and Bottom, H.
Beeb on its sanctimonious high horse: “The story barely reported by Indian media”
What about all the stories barely reported by the evil beeb?
Starting with Tommy, then grooming gangs, then any act of Islamic terror they can get away with not reporting, etc etc etc.
Not on BBC News.
But a ‘Top Story’ on Sky News:
“”Rotherham child abuse whistleblower: ‘Victims are being forgotten'””
“”The MPs want the Home Secretary to confirm that child grooming is still being treated as a national threat, as promised by David Cameron. The top two signatories are Sarah Champion Labour MP for Rotherham and Lucy Allen, Conservative MP for Telford.””
Tommy Robinson anyone?
I’ve been keeping an eye on the progress of the petition on since signing it yesterday using the Bing search engine on my Kindle.
Type in ‘Tommy Robinson Petition’, up it comes, first one,, the petition I put my name to.
Until now that is. Not on the first page, second page or third page. The first link shown is to an old petition now closed, the next an attempt to get him an MBE. There are other mentions of the petition, with sites linking to it, but it seems that either Amazon or think that over 420,000 signatures is enough and aren’t directing anyone to it now.
The bBbc would be pleased, if they only knew that this petition and the public opinion it represents actually existed. Still, broken arm in Cumbria eh? Yesterday a kid got his arm stuck on some railings in Belfast. Cutting edge stuff, finger on the pulse, in the public interest you see.
Pathetically shameful, isn’t it.
Also numbers seem to be down on There is a story to tell after I posted what was going on. Had to phone up for how to bypass the censorship algorithm block placed on my Computer by GCHQ. It effected my clock. Someone at GCHQ must have been worried about Leconfield.
Nigel Farage has mentioned this as censorship by placing algorithms on anti-Establishment sites by Liberals in silicon valley.
On Google Chrome it came up as:
This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.
On Firefox it came up as:
This Connection is Untrusted
You have asked Firefox to connect securely to, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure.
Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site’s identity can’t be verified.
What Should I Do?
If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn’t continue.
If you understand what’s going on, you can tell Firefox to start trusting this site’s identification. Even if you trust the site, this error could mean that someone is tampering with your connection
Richard, I get the Google Chrome message sometimes when I access the BBC!
In Google, typing ‘Tommy Robinson Petition’, I find the first item is the petition.
Still the same on Bing. You would have to know that the petition is on to add your name to the other 443,000 who have signed.
Meanwhile on the bBbc, a footballer has a tattoo.
This is the post that caused the problems.
The concept of free speech comes from the Christian belief in forgiveness “for saying that“.
The concept of hate speech comes from the Islamic belief in revenge “for saying that“, and from the Liberal belief in censorship “for saying that”
It looks like the Tommy Robinson arrest for reporting on the grooming of white English girls by the Islamic community is big news in America. Censored in Britain, but millions of Americans are being informed by the Alex Jones Show and Donald Trumps son has tweeted “Don’t let America follow in those footsteps” Bruce Bawer writes about the Orwellian censorship in Britain for the Gatestone Institute: “UK: You’re Not Allowed to Talk about It. About What? Don’t Ask“.
The attempt to petition Parliament has been rejected:
But there is a petition on asking for his release that is already approaching half a million.
Even the famous American political cartoonist Ben Garrison has produced a cartoon that includes my local prison. (This wont be in my local paper, the Hull Daily Mail, due to Orwellian censorship by Theresa May)
Your opening two sentences: Jordan Peterson observed that difference. He simply and accurately said the Christians follow the concept of, ‘turn the other cheek’ whereas, for the muslims it is a warlike approach to everything.
All to do with upbringing I suppose but also the praying five times a day has to have a profound impact.
One of the leading ‘news’ stories on Toady is the original sin – sorry, ‘unconscious bias’ – training Starbucks are doing today after a ‘white manage called Police about some black men.’ Those black men who had ‘not yet ordered’ as we all know in a Starbucks you sit and wait for someone to take your order. The key here is using someone’s business as your personal meeting place without buying anything – nothing whatsoever to do with race.
Such a supply and demand problem for the SJWs. They are obsessed with ‘oppression’ yet this is the best example they can find? Utterly pathetic.
They are trained on how to not profile ‘customers.’ Customer is the key word: before you have ordered you are not a customer yet.
Of course they have an intrepid reporter there. The two men in question were entrepreneurs! Of course. If I met someone for a ‘business meeting’ at a coffee shop and they had not ordered anything I would think them extremely rude.
“NHS ‘must do more to tackle white privilege’, trust chief says”
You have got to be kidding? The NHS not diverse enough?
The claim comes from the Chief Executive of Birmingham NHS Trust, Sarah-Jane Marsh who claims that we’re not hiring enough BAME candidates to reflect the ethnic nature of the communities they serve.
You can only laugh at the irony of the statement from the hugely overpaid, over privileged, Ms Marsh. A woman who joined the NHS management straight from university and has been fast-tracked to a high six figure salary to continue with the inevitable common purpose plan.
All I can say to that is obviously Ms Marsh has not spent much time in City Hospital ,A&,E recently.
I had to go there over the Bank Holiday weekend due to having a fall while out with my dog, and thinking I may have broken my wrist.
Can’t fault the care once I was seen by a triage nurse, my wrist was x rayed and thankfully it’s just a bad sprain, but it certainly was very entertaining watching the vibrant diversity in the waiting room and cubicles, many of them being extremely abusive to staff for having to wait longer than 5 minutes, to the very pleasant Italian doctor who looked at my wrist which such a strong accent that neither Mr BCW or myself could understand him!
The problem with the NHS is the amount of management, I worked in the NHS for a long time and even administrative staff have a dizzying amount of pay grades. Get rid of the layers of management and millions would be saved.
BBC R4 taking a belated interest in the Skripal poisoning. They let slip something very interesting in a Gavin Easton trail.
Rev. Giles Fraser does a great Thought for the Day. It sounds like he has been converted! A Vicar who is a real Christian. Hmmmmn!
Obesity in Primary School children is growing. Perhaps they all need Technical, Secondary Modern and Grammar Schools to go to? Back in the day of the universal 11-Plus Exam, childhood obesity was not so bad.
And perhaps some proper Drill would stave off obesity, too? Get kids marching, running, jumping, climbing in the gyms of the land. Music and Movement anyone?
Not all is different after the Bank Holiday weekend. Brexit Bashing continues like never before. Same old, same-oh there!
“And perhaps some proper Drill would stave off obesity, too?” Answer: Round off the top of every knife over 10 inches.
A judge has said………………
How utterly impractical and worthless can you be?
Wot me?
Or the Judge?
I heard that, too, G and immediately thought of the times I’ve rescued Hot Cross buns and toast from the toaster with that very point. If I didn’t have access to that I’d have to dash for the gimlet in the toolshed.
I wonder if M’lud has ever been to dinner parties with friends, or hosted them himself, serving steak and not providing proper steak knives?
I’m surprised that hot cross buns haven’t been banned yet for being against the state religion of Islam.
Fed, funny you should mention that but they are not widely available this year now. In the recent past, last year and something like five years before that, they could be found in many supermarkets all year round unlike mince pies.
But not this year.
I wonder why?
As above, certainly not you.
Xbuns available in Asda. For how long though………..
G, last year Iceland had their wonderful wholemeal ones available for a long time, not just Easter. And Morrisons: all year long. Looked for some in a Morrisons on Saturday for a BH Monday treat. Nothing available.
Way ahead of you.
Halal bakeries have adapted them to be more crescenty 🙁
And now they have become angry buns.
Wooden knifes would do the job mi lud . I’ll probably. Get 13 months for that.
Wooden knives are basically sticks.
As deployed at Hyde Park Corner aggressively to some effect by a chap not feeling the full force of the law as have others for standing places saying stuff.
In Scotland it’s called a spurtle.
You must have heard of the Glasgow spurtle gangs? These were handed over in a recent spurtle amnesty:
‘Drill’ is, according to the bBbc on VD this morning, seen by both Youtube and Dick-o’-the-yard as a ‘weapon used by gangs’.
What are you condoning G? Check your privilege and all that.
So, removing 30 music videos from YouTube is going to stop De’Shawn sticking a blade in Yusuf. That bundle of energy, human sedative, Victoria Derbyshire is on it.
Apparently bBbc favourite Stormzy isn’t ‘Drill’ so the type of violence that he and his ‘fam’ promote through ‘Grime’ must be ok.
I had edited the comment above to include what I think is an important point but mustn’t have saved it.
Does this mean that the bBbc and the rest are admitting that there is a major problem with stabbing each other to death amongst a particular community? It’s just that the bBbc report doesn’t actually identify this community by their ethnicity or race, the Met don’t seem to either. Why not?
We had the 11 plus in my area (well 12 plus as 11 year olds stayed on in middle school in Poole) and we still had a few kids close to obese!
Well if this does not get Stuart Hughes* back in the (supposedly not) campaigning saddle again, what will?
*Older editors and readers may recall him.
The BBC on R4 are still going on about poverty, blaming cuts in benefits. Again. Today. On the TOADY Programme.
Louise Casey is blaming cuts but in reality it is taxation, especially indirect taxation. Casey is being dishonest and merely taking a political pop at the Government and their Social Security changes. Martha Kearney sort of picks her up on it but doesn’t have either the will or the knowledge to really take Louise Casey’s argument apart.
When does the BBC pass up a chance to cast a BAME actor in the part of a real life mixed-race woman in one of their docudramas ?
And why would the BBC run the risk of accusations of ‘white washing’ ?
Apparently, only when there’s the better opportunity to portray a sympathetic black father, white mother, mixed-race kids combo.
“Killed by my Debt” is a campaigning piece on BBC3 now being heavily promoted across all the usual BBC outlets and features the story of :
‘Jerome Rogers, a popular nineteen year old from a council estate, finally got what he’d been working for – a new motorbike and his first real job, as a courier. But in the hands of bailiffs, two £65 traffic fines rose to over a thousand pounds. Some weeks, take-home pay in his zero hours job was as low as £12. Under the pressure of his debt, Jerome went to the woods where he’d played as a kid, and took his own life.’
Just now on BBC News Channel our Charlie and Naga were interviewing Jerome’s brother and mother Tracey Rogers. By the way, our BBC pairing were emphasising those nasty zero hours contracts.
They aired a clip from the show in which one couldn’t help noticing that the actress playing Tracey had rather pale skin tone as compared to the real Tracey in the studio. (The BBC has taught us to notice these things. We used to try to be colour-blind but that approach has been consigned to the dustbin of history since now we must carefully categorise, count racial-types types and accept strict quotas).
Compare the real Tracey here:
With the former East Enders actress Juliet Cowen here:
And just incase you were wondering, it looks as though the pasts of the nasty bailiffs have been filled by whities. Another chance to have employed some BAME performers thrown to the wind by our BBC.
Hamas are firing barrages of rockets at Israel from Gaza. BUT
dont expect the BBC to report on this. As for Tommy Robinson,
when is there going to be a rally supporting him outside the BBC
headquarters or in Parliament Square.? For Christ’s sake what is
happening to our country?
Watch out everybody, Tommy must have escaped:
“Bank holiday BLOODBATH: Three teenage boys stabbed in London WITHIN HOURS on Monday”
(Yes, I know it’s the Express, but even so ……)
Bbc taking the term ‘Project Fear’ a bit too literally for credibility?
At about 5’50” in, Laura ‘some of our viewers’ K goes full bbc.
“Sorry, is there a question?”.
As someone might say, ‘OMG’. Or, ‘um’. A lot.
Not seen the video but is this another example of a BBC interviewer claiming to represent their viewers when there is clearly no apparatus for them to get feedback from the viewers that they are claiming to represent.
Must be the funniest thing on … a story about a man trying to report on what the Government don’t want reported … saying he is stupid and then NOT letting people comment on the story.
Racist…. a word to hide 1400(estimate) child rapes over 16 years.
Islamophobe …. a word to stop you getting angry when 22 are murdered at a concert.
Hate Crime .. words to stop you hating the government and leaders.
Brexit …. a word to describe racists and Islamophobe and people who like to hate things that are stupid.
Tommy Robinson … a person who ignores the above.
R4. Managed about a minute and a half this morning. 8.59 racism in Starbucks. It’s relentless. 9.00 Headline, the BBC’s spin on the Italian election. To paraphrase, stock markets are plummeting, everyone’s panicking, there’s no oxygen left it’s just awful even though the nice president is trying to make it all work but these unruly populist parties won’t listen. Blimey. Anyone would think they’d done something to annoy the Beeb like, I dunno, won a democratic election or something. #DespiteSalvini
I too heard this liberal squauk from the BBC at 9am or so,
They quoted Anna Bonino-as if she were some kine of streetwise Italian , about to hop on the vespa.
They never say who these E.U rapporteurs are do they?
Of COURSE she`d want another Troika flown in a la Monti, Dragi etc.
This is one Euro suck Italian, doing rather well, wherever the BBC car finds her.
It`s as if the Italians had Andrew Adonis on to speak for our Brexit talks on their speed dial.
Bonino is one of Kinnocks Dolmio dollies from 1999, I`d imagine.
The French always have Agnes Moutet on whenever things get sticky in Paris, Edith Cressons gone south for their cameras I guess.
Will the BBC ever learn that their rent-a foreigner from the Brussels shelf is utterly biased and only enrages us more, once we check on them?
Bonino. More shop-soiled Europenzionas who will say whatever Verhofstad puts in the sewer pipes for them.
Guess the BBC have a stock of these Euro traitors, one for each nation…and have plenty of similar sponges who`ll dish the dirt on Trump too.
How on earth have these fascist blow ins from the EU been allowed to replace democracy in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and now Italy / With no qualms from the BBC?
Really dangerous. Italy may well be the blow hole we`ve been waiting for.