Thought I’d give FedUp2,TrueToo and Rufus a helping hand. They keep this important site going.
So lets get stuck into BBC and how they misreport events.
This week the emerging news will probably be the Italian elections which I think is going very well indeed, Tommy Robinson which the BBC won’t report, Brexit of course and the pressure on Northern Ireland to have a similar referendum to that in Eire.
Sorry Tabs, I think you were the last post from the previous thread. Worth the read though.
Over to you
I see there are calls for the impeachment of Italy’s President Mattarella, who apparently thinks that his opinion is far more important than that of the people of Italy.
He should quit while he is ahead. Contempt for Democracy is never a good thing for a Head of State to have.
Not that the UK, with its unelected House of Lords, and its biased national broadcaster, should be lecturing anyone on democracy.
Also, in Italy, folk sometimes end up hanging upside down from a lamp-post?
Correction – he should quit whilst he HAS a head…
“NHS ‘must do more to tackle white privilege’, trust chief says.
A top hospital trust chief executive says she will no longer sit on any interview board panel that does not include a BAME member”
Sky in full BBC/Guardian nonsense mode.
Sarah-Jane Marsh, chief executive of Birmingham Women’s & Children’s NHS Trust is probably a delightful young lady, who is normally quite sensible.
She does suffer from going straight from University, where she studied health Care management, into the NHS admin system, so has never actually visited the real world as an adult.
She is shocked to find that in a country where almost 90% of people are white that the majority of people in management within the NHS are, well, white.
The poor lass’s education didn’t stretch to facts and logic else she wouldn’t be quite so excited.
According to the Guardian, only tens of thousands of people in the UK were non-white in the 1950s. In the last 30 years, we have seen that leap to over 10% of the population. Clearly, it will take years before they reach the upper management levels – unlike the privileged, university educated Sarah-Jane.
Also though the BBC assures me all immigrants are doctors and engineers, the fact that we accepted millions of uneducated people from Bangladesh and the north of Pakistan means that the BBC may be wrong.
Just a few years ago Sky was a serious news broadcaster.
It is a strange mental illness which the British have developed to surrender their country to foreigners of every colour and creed – call it globalisation or multiculturalism but the idea that the white British would become minorities in areas of their own country would be a shock to our ancestors .
No amount of al beeb brain washing , multicultural adverts or sports people will change my anachronistic belief .
I wonder if we’ll hear about Tommy xxxxxx and the trial soon ?
Scribe: You’re going to find lots of bigwigs, in all sorts of fields, making those noises. They could be a Greg Dyke -of BBC fame, who complained about management being too ‘hideously white’, then moved to a plum job at the top of the FA. Or some arts council Head, who had similar sentiments, but was audibly appalled when asked whether HE would make way for an affirmative ‘action appointment’.
They’re all the big boys and girls, feeling a little guilty at their high salaries (often obscenely high), so they like to sound trendy and politically correct. Long as they can keep on cashing in at the top.
The Moslem Mayor of London has a stooge who complains that cyclists in London are too white. I suggest they black up dere faces.
From the Mail
‘Lycra-clad packs of middle aged men zooming around the capital are becoming a ‘problem’ according to the London Mayor’s cycling tsar, Will Norman.
So-called ‘mamils’ (middle-aged men in lycra) are dominating the cycling scene in London, leading to a false perception that cycling is not for everyone, Mr Norman claimed.
Too few females and people from ethnic minority backgrounds are taking to two wheels around the capital and the Mayor’s office could introduce ‘diversity targets’ to combat the figures.
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
“cyclists in London are too white”
Cyclists maybe.
How about moped users …… ?
free push bikes for ethnics?
“grants for community groups who do not typically cycle”
having pushed the mantra cycling is good for you and the environment perhaps the headline should be
BAME dont give a shit about the environment
And maybe story books are too white.
‘Burn them all I say!!” Hmm, if my memory serves me correct this has happened before……………
Meanwhile in the private enterprise cycling magazines you can read articles by regular journalist cyclists who happen to be black telling you nice areas to cycle in and good eateries to nourish you .
IMHO this diversity/quota thing has project has been accelerated because the powers that be now know that there is deep unrest amongst the natives. Therefore we see these articles springing up everywhere – rush it in at the last minute!!
I read that article about the NHS – I thought – if she is so concerned, why doesn’t she give her job to a BAME person. As we all know, what they need to do is give the job to the best qualified person, and maybe names/gender/race removed from the application. The NHS is a joke on this sort of thing, like al Beeb, overfunded (yes, too much given to admin) and spending it unwisely with no one holding it to account.
Not strictly the BBC (but you will not find anyone at the BBC asking questions) but it strikes me that the UK Government is actually trying to create the environment for recession as well as inflation. Various world bodies, likewise. When the BBC carry news of some proposal for ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘X’ or ‘Y’ or ‘Z’ from a UN body or trade organisation or cartel, no questions are asked.
Is this because the BBC have a money-pot that never runs dry?
(post inspired by sight the i newspaper front page, today.)
Here we go with BBC’s ‘Operation Little Facts’…
Gunman ‘kills two policemen’ in Belgium
“Still no indication of motive.”
Newspeak for almost certainly a jihad attack.
It might be a blood sugar level thing.
Has anybody else noticed that these Alan’s Snackbar scum seem to like to target women?
Bank Holiday has caught the day late bBc out with the Italy situation.
DJ humphrey had lined up politicians from Italy and Greece and seemed to me , at least, to be drawing parallels.
It seemed clearer than ever that the EU ( Germany) have allowed these countries to build up huge debts. Italy may now have realised that they can longer control this debt as the fiscal tools needed are controlled by the EU central bank.
What a unique opportunity in time to present Mr Barnier with a list of our requirements ( non negotiable) in exchange for the £ 40 Billion.
Let the EU decide to accept or call no deal.
Can’t go on can it ? 50 per Cent youth unemployment plus all sorts being washed up on their shores each day – sooner or later change comes whether the ReichEU or al beeb wishes it otherwise .
Could get quite nasty if we are lucky .(last sentence for your cut and paste maxi troll)
Very odd that the BBC on the Brexit page have no mention of Italy … almost like they don’t want to show that other countries are fighting the EU … very strange ….
Very strange but very predictable.
I see that SkyQ boxes now have a Netflix app installed so that you can flick easily between Sky and Netflix content,
Very useful but I’ll only be tempted to upgrade when SkyQ boxes come with the ability to use a PIN to disable all BBC TV and radio channels thus allowing people the ability to stop paying the licence fee while resting easier that if they get a knock on the door then the “guilty till proven innocent” stance of the licence enforcers will be harder to implement.
And several days late, but who saw the BBC news team on Saturday morning talking about the Champions League final and wishing Mo Salah luck, not the Liverpool team? This was followed by an “Ode To Mo” (its on YouTube somewhere) which used the tried and tested method of cutting from one scene to another as different people read the poem. Whoever edited It deliberately (provocatively imo under other circumstances) cast the most unrepresentative group of readers in the first handful of segments that I had to turn off. With the exception of the older man who started the poem I could almost imagine the beeboids slapping themselves on the back at how “clever” they were at using such unrepresentative readers right at the front end of the poem. They’re probably hoping Mo does get well soon too saying as he plays such a part in the expensive graphics that the BBC have created for their World Cup coverage.
3 dead in a shooting in Belgium -wonder if al beeb will put it down to a Norwegian with mental issues who was on a watch list so it’s the fault of the police . ?
Bbc news says it’s not known if it’s ‘terrorist-related’.
With two policemen shot dead?
Yeah, right…
I’m in a quandary since the BBC radio 4 religious program were ecstatic about the Muslim footballer.
Should I take up a religion because of someone’s skill on a football pitch or because some of that religion are very skilled with mass killing ?
Or should I have a sense of proportion ?
So are black gangs just free to meet up in every Starbucks now? It sets a dangerous precedent when non-paying individuals, technically trespassers, are treated like royalty. It would be a delicious irony of all the smug liberals who promote all this ‘unconscious bias’ nonsense had to encounter gang violence every time they popped out for a latte. Normally they live apart from places where their ideas cause the most harm; this one could hit them closer to home.
Are they free to meet up on BBC premises ? Or Lily Allens ?
Or a police canteen ?
Isn’t it usual in a coffee bar – when waiting for someone, to get a coffee and find a table, so there is somewhere to sit for your ‘business meeting ‘ ?
I missed this one in the news, but reckon it`ll be related to that useless end of the Toady Show , running into the 9am news this morning.
Two of our sisters were giving Starbucks management both barrels for the usual stuff, unconscious bias and systemic institutional (Islam, homo, negro, gynae)-phobias…was it the blacks turn today?
And then, a delicious backfire-Humphrys had been chundering along, assuming that the hated Starbucks manager had to have been a “Bloke”. Turns out to have been one of ours.
Oh. Lord, those pips were crashed, as our big graybearded beast Humphrys KNEW that there`d be “consequences”.
The wimmyn put a spud in his exhaust and he exploded into -well, nothing really, the launch pad had its burned-out hulk going nowhere.
And, I`m inclined to don my corduroys and baggy boots, put Germaine at the top of my brown rice bag-and make sure Humphrys pays a high price for this crazily sexist assumption.
God, I`m so upset.
Or at least pay for his OWN sensitivity training, and force all his boys in for the weekend course i`ll set up.
Ah, the Hollies, Hermans Hermits-all we got was Barry Blue and Les McKeown.
In these highly uncertain days, I don’t think that anyone should be blamed for being a conspiracy theorist. So, is now literally unobtainable. I just visited to check on the numbers and within a moment, given the message, “Error 502 Bad Gateway”.
Sorry all, false alarm the website is now obtainable so I’ll report that numbers are, 450,737 at 1107 and still rising at an unchanging even rate.
They keep ‘disappearing’ things. Very 1984.
I can get it…but I’m in the US. it’s at 476K+ now.
704 Days since voting to leave the EU with Vote @ 52%.
1 More White Paper produced on Irish Border.
0 Days since leaving the EU.
. . .
20,000 on UK Terrorist watch list, possible on welfare as well.
3,000 on Extremist UK Terrorist watch list, possible on welfare as well.
22 Murdered in manchester bombings.
1 PM saying ‘Enough is enough’.
0 Arrests or deportations.
. . .
23 Days since Day of Freedom March in London.
1 Arrest because of a scared Government.
0 Reports on the BBC regarding Tommy or the Day for Freedom march.
. . .
And all so unnecessary and preventable.
If only we had a Leader who put the needs of the British people first
The leaders do put the people first …. first to go to war … first to send money to EU …. always first.
BBC Online News:
“”Liege shooting: Two police and passer-by dead in Belgium””
The start of the BBC report says that the motive is ‘unclear’.
But they contradict themselves a few paragraphs on with:
“”Police sources quoted in local media said the man was heard shouting Allahu Akbar (“God is greatest” in Arabic).””
Local news – confirmed!
Will Al Beeb make more of it, I wonder?
I am beginning to think that the police are happy to die at the hands of allah akibar shouters in the knowledge that their superiors and prosecutors will absolve their killers of blame
Dying for the cause.
Definitely a good reason to disarm police officers! And make the Islamic takeover much easier.
Of all the photos in all of London during all of the storms … the BBC choose this one … with a religions identity … Mosque (title image) … Shard … Shard … Mosque (ends on a Mosque) …
Electrical storms light up UK skies { 27may2018}
** I wonder who wrote the BBC article and why they did it this way? Strange?
Yeh but did you read the article in the middle? It was a classic bBBC beauty!
Total tosh in The Spectator:
Ed Husain believes that “This country is fully Quran-compliant. And it has been since the Elizabethan era”.
This is piece full of claptrap and should be avoided. His second paragraph actually lists the invasions by Muslims of Europe and actually says : “Spain was home to Andalusia, a Muslim empire for 700 years.”
He omits to mentions that poor Spain was conquered by murderous Muslims who subjugated its people for hundreds of years before the Spanish could rise up and regain their freedom. He also forgot to mention the Islamic invasion of France which Charlemagne thankfully beat back else the UK would have been next.
Also, it might be worth noting that Muslims would have overrun Vienna had they not stopped to torture to death every single man woman and child in the cities they over ran.
As his teacher probably said in school, Ed, you must try harder.
I used to enjoy The Spectator years ago but, these days, it seems to be packed with smart-arse tosh that isn’t half as clever as it thinks it is.
But then most of the MSM (if The Spectator is MSM) seems to have gone that way.
How about another piece on how Poland was “home to” the Nazis for several years? That should go down well.
Thank you for your comment – I don’t normally pay for news and was considering a subscription but don’t think so now …..
Strictly my opinion. You can read quite a lot for nothing (I think my other, technical half has disabled cookies or something).
The days of Auberon Waugh and Bernard Levin are long since gone. And Mark Steyn for that matter. Being contrarian requires sharpness and intelligence, otherwise it’s pointless – which is how the magazine strikes me now. It should have published The Cartoons.
It does at least have Douglas Murray, but his views can be found all over the place fortunately. Rod Liddle has his moments.
The experts have spoken … stop reading the bad bits … listen to the good bits … pull your trousers down or skirts up and accept what is coming …
Britain and Islam – the real special relationship {spectator 26may2018}.
This country is fully Quran-compliant. And it has been since the Elizabethan era
“Today’s Islamist fanatics, who see conspiracies here and long for a shariah state, are mad. This country (UK) is fully Quran–compliant. The Christian ethos that shaped Britain is a cause for celebration, not rejection. Today, ‘Islamophobia’ is a terrible oxymoron which allows many British Muslims to wallow in unwarranted victimhood. There is no phobia against Islam, simply against terrorism.“
Ed Husain is author of The House of Islam: A Global History (Bloomsbury).
this special relationship perhaps
mark steyn
Must complement al beeb on reporting that a hero of the English footy team – a mr Raheem Sterling has an m16 assault rifle tattoo on his right leg .
An on choice – perhaps a sterling sub machine gun?
See what I did there? – as the kidults say .
Apparently mr sterling’s dad got shot dead back in Jamaica so it’s a kind of commemoration . Cultural diversity at its best .
Dif subject – we face the prospect of a mr Sopel heading back to a darkened room as it appears president trump may well meet the North Koreans after all . Raised eyebrows for the Katty one as well but never even try to watch her as she is so embarrassing doesn’t even try to conceal the hatred
Last night’s Sky Press review had the usual left/right combatants to discuss the newspapers front pages.
It strikes me that the left has a lot of trouble not speaking, interrupting or heckling when the other person is offering a view.
These interjections are often delivered with a sneer or an incredulous laugh as if no view other than that of the left is permissible.
I don’t pretend that the person on the right is correct or has the gift of human insight, but I would like to hear what they say.
You can promote Islam or you can promote freedom of speech and thought.
You cannot promote both.
I’ve looked everywhere on the bbbc website, but can’t find anything about the photo of two immigrant kids asleep in a cell – an atrocity attributed to President Trump! Surely they had the tweets and gloated over them?
Should have been a cert for a bbbc prog, until someone realised that it all happened when Obama was potus!
h/t Duff and Nonsense!
Delicious juxtaposition on BBC website: 3 dead in terror attack above the Malian hero story.
That sums it up: the odd act of heroism alongside the constant threat of terrorism.
Just imagine … soon … in the UK …. if I link to this site I will be jailed …
… but if I link to this site I will be praised ….
BBC Search Isalm
bBbc News this morning, Drill music videos banned – Negative story regarding black youth without mentioning they’re black.
bBbc News Channel report this lunchtime, African music is gaining popularity worldwide, nice chat with Nigerian youth and musician, Wizkid – Positive ‘news’ report.
It’s all about balance apparently.
The bBbc news on the Liege murders. Terrorists. What type bBbc, far right? Only you forgot to mention.
Doring Boom
Miss Lady Shouty Montague, recently transferred to TWATO, is currently doing her normal best to shout down an Italian MP.
Al Beeb’s intellectual giants always know best!
I don’t normally listen to World at one – the presenters are just too much
Today – monty and polly Toynbee having a sweet chat about an ex journo called Kathleen whitehorn. Ms whitehorn is 90 has dementia and is in a care home.
They were chatting about ending life/ suicide .
I thought this subject would start turning up now the the abortion victory has been won.
Then it will be how expensive it is to give people state pensions and the IFS calculating how much tax would be saved if people were’ offed’ at 70.
It would be very humane . They wouldn’t suffer . It would be for the best . I despair.
PG, I think the news today from Hungary had upset our Montacutie.
Another ”Champagne Socialist”. It must be hard being a hypocrite
Now on Sunday I listened to a half hour profile about the new Italian Prime Minister on Radio 4 .
On Monday this fellow wasn’t mentioned by the Beeb .
What’s happened , soviet blanking out ?
Londonistan evening standards says Norwegian with mental issues stabbed two women cops , took one of their guns and killed them and a member of the public after a routine stop in the street .
Al beeb will spin it to say Belgium is more dangerous than Blighty and it’s all cuts and brexit .,
“…rightly reminded politicians of the importance of words they use. So when a politician uses words like this ‘Tory and Labour politicians are blaming each other. But as usual they are too political correct to mention the root causes of knife violence. A surge of migration of young people from Somalia and Congo, with a culture of where extreme violence is normal and on a completely different level to anything known before in the UK.’. That’s an example of language being used in a way that is dangerous, and my point to you is this. Is there any problem in this country that isn’t the fault of immigration?” – Sadiq Khan
“Well this is Mayor’s Question Time so I’m asking you (Sadiq) the questions rather than you asking me the questions. Obviously you sit in a party with large problems of anti-semitism. And you sit in a Party that once retweeted that the victims of abuse in Rotherham should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity.”
Sadiq Khan is an appalling Christian hating, terror supporting piece of shit…Its him and him alone that has turned London into a shit hole.
My brother who commutes to London one or twice a week say’s its frightening at night and he and his colleagues will not leave there hotel.
I genuinely believe he is a serious danger to the well being of London and this country..
Well said, Dafydd.
We (Mrs O’Blene and I), have vowed never to go to London again, except maybe for a funeral, in which case, they can come to us…
I’m so sorry for all our chums here who live there nowadays. What a shitehole it’s turned out to be, and thank Ken Livingstone for starting all the rot back in the seventies.
One of my daughters commutes from deepest Kent, and I fear for her trips to the filthy place, especially as she works all hours and is usually one of the last to leave her office.
Thanks a bunch Khan; you’re the worst thing to happen to a once-great city. Just push off and let a real person do the job – you’re blOOODy useless, weak, and a stain on our culture.
And forget the bbbc crap praising multi-stuff – that’s the problem as well!
Tucker’s expression at the end of that 12 min+ clip is priceless!
Man-blaming on Vanessa Feltz BBCradio2 show now
BBC the home of inverted-racism and inverted-sexism
@VanessaOnAir’s 23 year old black-voiced guest has a campaign #SaggyBoobsMatter
– ‘Women should not feel guilty about having saggy boobs’ ..fair enough
– ‘Women feel bad about having saggy boobs’ .. yep I can believe that.
– and the reason for that is men, the misogyny our evil patriarchal society
No hang on a moment don’t blame me, a man.
#1 how a woman feels about her breasts is her business, why would I care about those of the 99% of women I don’t fancy ?
#2 Half the people with saggy boobs are men
Guest said : “women are taught that signs of aging are unattractive, women are SHAMED for aging, but a man….no ”
..Why say that applies only to women, the same applies to men, re balding, bellys, wrinkles ?
And porn sites are full of “older women”, MILFS, GILFs etc
“women think everyday they get older , that they are becoming less beautiful , and that idea has been created by MEN”
WTF, I think you’ll find that for both sexes , attractiveness is closely related to FERTILITY, and ability to bear was created not by men , but by NATURE.
Feltz was not on board with this “but hang on women are our own worst critics”
She continues “Women are taught that they exist for MALE consumption”
… yes that is the way nature works , you are consumed by your mate, I am made for a FEMALE partner to consume, I wasn’t taught that , it’s just nature.
“The conversation about women’s bodies are always about MAN’s preferences” Nope it’s not a woman thing, We man/woman care about whether our chosen mate finds us attractive.
“The problem is we still centre men in these conversations, we are upholding this idea we exist for men” .. You do exist for a MAN, your chosen partner
“women are our own biggest critics, cos we internalise that MISOGYNY”
Nope a woman who knows she has better legs than the next feels good cos she has a better choice of mates , nothing to do with “internalising that MISOGYNY”
“Misogyny for those who don’t know, is a way of thinking that men are superior to women, and that is literally how our society has been built..patriachal…women go around viewing themselves through the eyes of men, men (she repeats herself)”
“lingerie is marketed for women to be appealing to men, ”
Yep it’s not supposed to be appealing to your grandmother is it ?
..”that is something I find very worrying” … Nope, it’s nature
“I don’t see that stress is the same for men” ..tosh men who are more appealing get more choice of girls whether that’s by having a buff body, flash car etc. shave/groom for women !
“The issue is that the world hates women”
She demonstrates that she is extremely sexist, by assuming that men don’t have to make an effort to appeal to their mate.
“Women are taught” are they?
By who? Who`s paying and why do they do so?
This has been going on since I was a kid, Katie Price coining it in is within her rights-and has no effect on me.
At least she`s using what God gave us.
But Polly, Harriet, Tessa, Sarah and Mishal.
They all went to the right schools, had daddy to fund it and-like Shirley Williams-dine off the privilege from cradle to grave.
If blokes aren`t looking at me(as was), then I wasn`t doing my job.
And we`re all trained in what to do, we`re pretty grown up.
So I get fed up and the likes of Polly etc. I`m more like an old man these days, my male pals are increasingly like old ladies too.
But the bitterness and complaints by millionaires who STILL want to make war on the “other half of the sky” make me sick.
If Harman is an answer, then God help you in your questions.
And note that Toynbee and Monty were discussing euthanisng a former grande dame of journalism, calm as you like. If that happened-how low are we going here?
Anne Leslie will be needing protection from her Nurse Ratcheds in the NUJ then….really creepy, if it`s as we`re told by Fedup2 above.
And he`ll be right. As ever on this site, thank the Lord.
I think they genuinely don’t like being women. I don’t know why, I thoroughly enjoy being a female, well apart from once a month!
I like men holding doors open for me, telling me i look nice, being married, I took my husband’s surname when I got married, wearing or not wearing make up, nice shoes, my collection of gorgeous handbags, taking care of my husband and making sure he eats properly but I also like that I can vote, have a driving licence, not have to do what my husband tells me.
Some women just want to moan for moaning sake and forget how women of other generations including mine, fought so as they can moan and call each other names.
I’m glad I’m not young today, I wouldn’t swap growing up in the ’70’s and ’80’s for anything
Just watched a BBC Look North journalist reporting from outside Court on a former football coach’s CURRENT sex abuse trial (Names, sinister photo, witness statements, the lot all supplied).
I waited until the end but still didn’t catch the nine Police officers no doubt shipped out to arrest him for Breach…
a thousand up ticks
.. and another thousand !
Why do I think the Radio4 drama is going to be anti-British-Nationalist ?
seems to set in bizarre future right wing society, where Intimacy feelins are controlled, and burqas banned in many societies.. and people worshpi the One True Flag
The co-writer along with 2 other women
Museum guide : (In the future world) “feelings toward terrorist orgs like ISIS, IRA and Black Lives Matter are controlled through a brain device”
girl “We were taught that the division by those that hung flags would be healed by seizing of all flags”
#BbcThink that those who hang flags crate division
… but those who celebrate their superiority religion don’t ?
Girl “Now a poor girl with her family was stopped in a street by an immigration van, I am raging”
Seems it is this black girl who has now stolen “the one true Union Jack”
If you saw someone wearing a Klu Klux Klan outfit or an SS uniform you would know they were joking.
If you saw someone wearing a Hijab you would know they were deadly serious.
Strangely the former is ‘socially unacceptable’ while the later is ‘enriching’ and to be ‘celebrated’.
Not what would you not miss (denials of left wing bias, blood pressure issues brought on by Question Time, constant virtue signalling etc etc) but have you thought of what you would miss if things went pop overnight?
I have and my findings and a summary are below, please feel free to add your thoughts.
First up, comedy. I can think of 3 comedy programmes my wife and I watch. In the interest of fairness let’s round that up to 4 programmes in case I’ve missed one, but at the same time one of those 3 programmes has finished it’s run and 2 of them I actually could take or leave as we’re watching them out of habit more than anything else. As an aside, BBC Scotland has a decent comedy track record and more than one series has either ran for several seasons in Scotland &/or Northern Ireland before making its late and truncated debut in England, or some have never made it to England at all. I’m aware of a very funny police mockumentary called Scot Squad that last time I checked isn’t available to me on iPlayer (yes I know I can look on my Sky Planner at those higher numbered channels to view regional and country specific programming but realistically how many people feel capable of doing this, plus once it’s gone it’s gone as there’s no catch up options). So in an amazingly ironic twist, I begrudge the BBC for making a programme I don’t begrudge paying for because they have control over it and don’t make it available to an English audience. Oh and all but the most recent series of one of those comedy programmes I mentioned is available on Netflix. Or I could buy the box set on the cheap from CEX or Cash Converters too.
BBC4, or more precisely a maximum of a couple of hours of documentary/music documentary programming a week, typically on Friday and Saturday evenings. Yes a lot of it is editorialised, viewed through the lens of the modern day, populated by the same old same old talking heads and historically inaccurate. And yes some of it is neither made nor commissioned by the BBC but simply bought wholesale from companies that specialise in music documentaries such as Eagle Rock. But of the BBC channels that’s now the only one I religiously check for content, one week turning up nothing, another getting an hour or even two worth watching out of it. Worth noting that Sky Arts and the increasing amount of content on demand keeps me diverted about as much as BBC4 does.
That’s it for me, my son would miss Match Of The Day which in fairness does what it says on the tin and isn’t replicated elsewhere (that being said he only watched The Championship On 5 when his team were in that division).
My wife likes her quiz shows, but BBC wise that’s limited to the Saturday night traditional lottery time game generally hosted by Nick Knowles. So one hour per week then, versus 5 hours of The Chase per week. Plus Bradley Walsh is funnier.
A final thought goes to the Blue Ribbon sporting events that must never go to pay per view television such as Wimbledon, The World Cup, The Olympics etc. Again I could take or leave these but some observations. They’re not free to air, if they were on a commercial channel they would be but we pay for them through the licence fee. Half of the World Cup this year WILL be free on ITV. Kudos to ITV4 for doing the “heavy lifting” for several years now by showing the French Open tennis (it’s on now) as opposed to the BBC who cherry pick Wimbledon and maybe a bit of Queens Club the week before.
So, in summary;
About 15-20 hours of comedy per YEAR. PER YEAR!!!!!!!!
Between 0-2 hours of documentary viewing per week
Match Of The Day
Maybe 30 to 40 hours per year of quizzes
Blue Ribbon “free to air” sporting events (none of which I’m bothered about, some of which our son MIGHT want to watch)
That’s somewhere around 200 hours viewing for our family PER YEAR from our National broadcaster that we’d genuinely miss.
Bearing in mind my ambivalence towards Match Of The Day and the “free to air” sport I get about 70 hours per year in exchange for my 140 odd quid.
I’d miss an insight into our MetroLib new colonial masters , and the way they rule over us.
.. Bring on the revolution.
“I’d miss an insight into our MetroLib new colonial masters , and the way they rule over us.”
If the BBC didn’t exist we’d have to buy the Guardian – or (God forbid) watch Channel 4 News.
A fair assessment – al beeb drama now is formulaic and has to be multicultural and homosexual so isn’t really worth it any more .
I’ve said “privatise it” and rent out the back catalogue. Same goes for radio output . The world service is truly embarrassing now . Maybe we could keep the Asian Network because everyone listens to that right ?
I’ve not seen bake off , voice , dancing , X factor , or any other al beeb light entertainment or the talks show they do now as I know what the content will be .,the nature stuff is all just campaigning for this and that . I don’t do Current affairs any morecaoart from Brillo – there is no true debate – just opponents shout at each other ( exceptions such as f field or JRM ) but otherwise -read a book .
I don’t pay the tv licence on moral grounds . I get letters regularly and they are useful for shopping lists .
I haven’t had a licence for a few years now and can’t be bothered with trying to ‘cheat’ watch things on iPlayer.
I’d agree with the 0-2 hours of documentaries on BBC4, every now and again they’d let some decent documentary slip past the leftist catchnet. Really there wasn’t hardly anything else I’d miss. If I want to see the odd footy match I’ll go to the pub. I quite liked the Detectorists comedy they did recently, but I watched that on Netflix. I used to hate Attenborough’s nature stuff, but didn’t mind Spring/Autumn Watch.
Whatever the BBC put out I used to find quite amateurish in general, even without the politics. Sadly I find that true of most British TV. I will not watch any British drama series at all.
As for the cooking, quizzes, doing-up-your-house programs..they’d drive me mad on any channel!
What would I miss if the BBC folded? Fuck all. Good riddance.
We`ve been telly free now since March-and we miss nothing.
He can watch the footy at the pub, I`m up to the gills with Netflix-no ads, can choose what I want.
And we seem to have dealt with the snotty threatening letters.
But after Tommy-who knows?
Only think I miss though is Jonathan Meades.
Oh if only….#”someday my prince will come”#.
Otherwise its JR Hartley time, going from door to door to blag an iPlayer site. Salsa Doritos and a Rose wine -ought to be enough!
Holly, not Jonathan Meades!!
Saw him on bBbc4 talking about jargon the other night and commented on it.
I like your sense of humour, but I found him a bit of a stereotype, no doubt clever, but bitchy and malicious for the sake of it.
I’ll have to try and find something else of his, I definitely missed whatever it is he has on Sunday evening.
We had the bBbc off for over a month recently as a bit of an experiment and lesson for my kids. We missed nothing.
Bit funny initially, as if we were missing something, but we became more selective and planned our viewing on Netflix and Amazon, watched more films, tried different types of programme and watched more as a family together.
Would pull the plug on it tomorrow. At the minute I only watch it because I like this site.
All media seem to be dutifully running this from AD’s PR people
\\ Alesha Dixon has said she hopes for a world where the conversation about racial diversity in society is not needed.
The Britain’s Got Talent judge said that we are “getting there slowly” in terms of having a balance, but that there is still room for improvement and that she encourages her four-year-old daughter to embrace her own heritage.
Dixon, who is mixed race, told Fabulous magazine that she did not have a role model, either on TV or in fiction, that she could relate to when she was younger. //
..Some of us think that full diversity …includes MORE than just skin colour having a fair proportion of non metro-libs on the BBC
update on TR case ..see the TR thread
Tommy Robinson now being reported on Beeb webshite.
Or NOT reported may be more accurate: Shortest ‘article’ I’ve ever seen.
Compare that to acres of adulation about Malian Spider-Man (Boy, surely) with links, photos and videos galore.
I wonder which one the ‘impartial’ beeb prefers?
Not sure if anyone else has covered this, but…
London’s Cycling and Pedestrian Commissioner (yes, there is one!) has said that cyclists in the capital are predominantly white, male and middle class. OMG!
Whenever stats like these are produced the majority of half arsed liberals look embarrassed and try to discover some “racist” reason for the anomaly. Don’t bother! People do what they want to do. Bikes are NOT racist!
This geezer is apparently pocketing an astonishing 98,000 quid a year for puking out these irrelevant observations. Does anyone give a flying 4 xxxx? I really don’t think so.
I might also point out that attendance at the Cenotaph, on Remembrance Day, is almost 100% white. This has long been the case even though both Brixton and Peckham, both deeply enriched and vibrant areas, are just a short bus ride from Whitehall. Blimey, these days I have to travel in from deepest Surrey and I still get there.
It’s pretty much the same for both The Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Show and the last time I attended a local history meeting the clientele were exclusively Caucasian.
I know you were all desperate to know that.
If anyone would like to pay me 98,000 a year…
The cyclist is the prime enemy of the pedestrians, (cars stay on the road, observe lane markings and road signals, bikes don’t).
Obviously a C & P ommissioner is worth £98k p.a. because he wears two hats.
The cyclist is the prime enemy of the pedestrians, (cars stay on the road, observe lane markings and road signals, bikes don’t).
There was a few people on Westminster Bridge and around Europe that would disagree with this observation, Jim.
Also, not all bags of meat on a bike are cyclists, calling them thus is akin to calling all motorists, drivers, which the vast majority are not.
Fortunately I have never had to cope with any rogue ‘vans’ but sharing space with cyclists travelling at 14 mph is a far too frequent experience for me. Even getting off the pavement is no relief as the blighters try games like leaping off the pavement onto zebra crossings* causing bus drivers to make all passengers move into the seat in front.
‘Bags of meat’? All motorists are drivers, they aren’t necessarily good drivers. The Americans call pavements ‘sidewalks’ because they are at the side of the road and people walk on them.
* Cyclists think it is OK to cross zebra crossings at right-angles too, it is OK as long as they aim for the gaps between crossing pedestrians. of course the same logic is true for someone driving an SUV too and having seen the cyclist break the law, well we are all #metoo now so why not?
Driver is a term usually reseverved for those who have undergone some sort of professional or advanced training in the use of an automobile.
Sat behind a wheel and texting, shaving, applying makeup, etc., is more your motorist.
Your examples still show your confusion between bags of meat on a bike and cyclists, those who have undergone some sort of training in the furtherance of their sport.
Jeff, Oh No!!
“Cyclists in London are too white, male and middle class, says bike tsar in diversity push to stop the rise of ‘Mamils’ (that’s ‘Middle-Aged Men In Lycra’)” –
Thinks: muslims riding pushbikes at speed whilst shouting ‘Alans Snackbar’ and mowing down pedestrians.
‘My flowing gown got caught in my pedals judge’ – that’s my defence……………
G. They have already got the idea and tried it in Singapore. (got caught). I have a link to some fuzzy poor quality original planning which is quite chilling.
The matter of fact commentary gets me every time.
I did cover the cyclist story earlier, but it is worth repeating. Today I came across the following too white reports.
NHS must combat white privilege, Sky news report
Story books are too white, says BBC Asian News reporting on the Hay on Wye Book Festival
“Cyclists in London are too white, male and middle class, says bike tsar in diversity push to stop the rise of ‘Mamils’ (that’s ‘Middle-Aged Men In Lycra’)”
I thought we’d bought David Lammy a bike. Does he not ride it?
My politics are not from the far right. But now MRS THERESA MAY
I am ashamed of being a Conservative voter. I say to all you
editors , reporters and staff of the media , The BBC, SKY,
ITV, Channel 5. And all the newspapers you are COWARDS beyond
belief in the way you are letting TERESA MAY and SAJID JAVID
get away with stopping free speech.
The imprisoment of TOMMY ROBINSON is an absolute disgrace.
I never thought I would ever see anything like this in the
United Kingdom !!
Everyone is banning everyone … oh, dear …
Twitter ‘bans women against trans ideology’, say feminists
Twitter is banning women who “speak out against the dangerous dogma of trans ideology,” a feminist group has said.
\\ Daniel Storey Going on @BBCRadio4’s PM programme at 5.40ish to discuss the treatment of
Raheem Sterling
by some sections of our media. //
..footballer chosen to have a gang-like tattoo of a gun on his kicking leg
BBC … Tommy on Top of Top 10….
Anti-Brexit billionaire George Soros has urged the EU to “transform itself into an association that countries like Britain would want to join”.
“This development will put additional pressure of unpredictable force on an already beleaguered Europe – It’s no longer a figure of speech to say Europe is in existential danger,” said the tycoon.
(must be why Tusk is tweeting as well).
First sensible thing Soros has said on Europe in a long while. He should have put his millions into changing the German racket otherwise called the EU rather than in trying to frustrate Brexit.
She’s still promoting “Diversity”
Lucy Pevensey
Diversity is today’s race hygiene.
Soon children will be examined in school to see if they are sufficiently diverse.
If not they will have to wear a cross on their arm and be tattooed as ‘Uniform ‘
Good point G.W.F
Remember the notion if “racial hygiene” as something that the Nazis were fond of.
They enjoyed aborting and euthanasia too, put opponents in prisons without trials at times, were fantatical pagan earth worshippers, anti-smoking zealots, put opponents into psychiatric hospitals, sentimentalised animals, did big cartoons on the front of their hate filled leading rag( Der Starmer!)-and wanted one people under one currency, one borderless region for lebensraum .
But all they would have been surprised that it is Beethoven, and not Wagner that provides the International national anthem.
So-there you go-the E.U is as far from a Fourth Reich as you could imagine.
Scrolling idly down the Daily Mail’s web page just now, I came across a report, with pictures, of Tommy Robinson’s arrest and jailing. The court ban on reporting has apparently been lifted. Well, well, it didn’t take long for the government to see the dangers of Stasi-like tactics and justice-not-seen-to-be-done. And what difference half a million signatures and a demonstration or two make.
The LBC has just announced the “far-right founder of EDL” has been sentenced to 13 months for infringing reporting restrictions on a trial. Delaying reporting of summary justice for exposing the existence of secret trials. What joy it is to live in a democracy under the rule of law.
Martin, no comments allowed on the mail article on British hero Tommy.
I bet the Malian super hero scene was staged.
The man on the balcony almost had hold of him anyway – there does not seem to be any sense of panic. By the time the Malian man has climbed up the baby is almost touching the hand of the man on the balcony.
It is not like our free, fair and impartial BBC would ever let facts get in the way of a good narrative.
I am worried. Last night there was a lovely comedy on BBC1 and I don’t think I saw any bias and nobody here seems to have commented on it. How on earth Peter Kaye got his Car Share shown I don’t know. As far as I could see, apart from the odd word that I would have bleeped, it was clean and it was touching and it was funny. How few things on the BBC are really funny? Some series start with some humour but gradually get blacker and blacker. This was just lovely.
I caught an old episode of Porridge (never see its like again!) on Dave, Debs and it was preceded by the warning that it may contain language some may find offensive
I watched it three times, listening out for the offensive language and wondering what could possibly give the easily offended the vapours and the only departure from the language heard in other episodes, (without warnings), was the word, “fairies” used by Ronnie Barker to describe some of the inmates.
‘Odd word’? Getting pretty close to every time Kaye opened his mouth! It is only because 90% of the programme is without speech that it appears as mild as it does.
Car Share is the comedy series that has come to the end of it’s run that I would miss if the BBC folded tomorrow that I was referring to in my post earlier today.
The humour in it tends towards being less offensive but isn’t afraid to address the UK as it is today, one example being the raised eyebrows when they saw the lollipop lady in full hi vis burka which lets be honest the MAJORITY of people would have raised their eyebrows at.
JimS, I only remember one use of bad language in the Finale episode when they went to buy a coffee. We laughed so much at the scene that I had to pause the show and my wife thinks she pulled a muscle as a result! She hates bad language with a passion but this was a perfect example of one bad word, appropriately and perfectly timed for maximum effect.
I don’t think of Peter Kay as being a Beeboid, this could just as easily have been on Channel 4 and in a BBC world where race and sexuality are forever rammed down our throats it was just a refreshing “nice” change.
There’s no way anyone with a heart couldn’t have smiled or stifled a tear at the final scene as John and Kayleigh held hands on, ironically, a bus. Stick your identity politics where the sun doesn’t shine that was proper telly.
I’m afraid I was brought up not to use use the old ‘four letter words’ that the BBC etc. now use as script-fillers.
I am aware that for some a sentence that doesn’t contain at least three instances of them or their derivatives is unusual.
In a time long ago ‘writers’ would use clever word play to get a laugh, now “effing hell!” has the audience in stitches, so why bother?
MSM saying “AfD rally in Berlim dwarfed by anti-fascist counter rally”
So MSM what do consider positive news ?
So MSM what do consider positive news ?
Ah more ILLEGAL migrants saved
(my first post was a typo cos I handed copied the link corectly)
nice maternity suite. Did she get her own room?
BBC radio news now reporting TR sentence. the reporting restriction raised earlier today. This battle over free speech and the right to openly discuss the Muslim menace is far from over. The strong reaction online and the demos in Whitehall must have had some effect on this evil state apparatus that now runs Britain. Only a small victory though .
5pm al beeb tv news . Thought I’d do a word count as I’m a bit bored . The Islamic terrorist murders was covered for 9 minutes . The word “Islamic” was mentioned twice , jihadi 3 Times and Alan’s snack bar once . “ radicalised” was used many times during the first 5 minutes but not the religion of peace bit so I started to wonder if the fortunately now dead killer was a Jeremy Corbyn supporter , a green or a Liverpool supporter still upset from the result.
A combined non reporting by one Damian gramaticus and the windy bloke in the wheel chair who looks as though he gets his non news from Twitter
I’m betting msm will come up with distractor stories about princess Meghan of LA to kill the t Robinson ( formerly known as t.Robxxxxx) and Islamic Belgian murder story . Cynical ? Me?
One of the Grenfall victims was ten weeks pregnant. Much sorrow portrayed by the BBC about the loss of an unborn child.
However much celebration that Ireland will allow abortion s for women who made a “mistake”.
I wish I was eloquent enough to put across my anger at the evil that is BBC.
You’re doing fine Halifax, just keep chronicalling the evil.
I wish I had enough time !!!
Hull Look North headline : Comedienne Susan Calman has kept her promise and got an I love Grimsby tattoo.
\\ Susan promised a Strictly Come Dancing audience she would get the tattoo if she and professional partner, Kevin Clifton, made it to the live show in Blackpool.
Kevin is of course famously from Grimsby and this tweet confirms the comedienne has kept her promise: //
The bbc are in full-on fanatical multiculturalusm and ethnic minority mode – it’s eveywhere; it’s got f****** worse since the Royal wedding in my view. They and the rest of the establishment-directed media are using disasters like grenfell to push their far-left open borders narrative. They are openly trying to destroy our heritage.
You are just so right.
The 6pm bBBC 1 news and then London news was just one long multiculti propaganda celebration.
First we have the newsreader, just off the trainee course. But female and black so tick tick.
Then we hear that ethnic minorities find it hard to get organ transplants. Naturally its our fault because said ethnic minorities do not trust the authorities.
Then we have the latest enrichment from Alan’s snackbar in Brussels. Strangely however no details about the murderer are given by the BBC. Surely the local news must be better? Nope, first up is an Ethiopian asylum seeker. Later its on to Grenfell and the endless quotes from victim families. Let us just say that English speaking white British are ‘significantly under-represented’
Fed up of all this? How about ‘hear her’, in the slot for programme trailers but in reality just an out and out feminist advert with barely any link to anything.
I have to pay through a compulsory licence fee for this utter total shite, just to watch Talking Pictures TV.
‘Trying’ to destroy our heritage implies small attempts on odd occasions. When it’s actually a meticulously planned campaign that is unstoppable. The BBC already have destroyed our heritage.
6pm BBC Radio Humberside also chose not to mention the city’s new prisoner.
They did choose to have an extensive item with a Hull university woman Prof Juliet Lodge who wants to stop Brexit
80% of younger women say NO to leaving EU cos it will involve a loss of rights, ” lets have a peoples vote”
Where did they find out about her ?
Ah cos she just wrote an article in Alistair Campbells propaganda sheet
\\ And yes, 80% of women and 75% of younger people that voted opposed Brexit with determination. And as women are so accustomed to saying sorry, let me say it – sorry but you are not getting away with Brexit. We are staying in the EU where we belong. And we will do our darndest to build a better future for all of us.//