Thought I’d give FedUp2,TrueToo and Rufus a helping hand. They keep this important site going.
So lets get stuck into BBC and how they misreport events.
This week the emerging news will probably be the Italian elections which I think is going very well indeed, Tommy Robinson which the BBC won’t report, Brexit of course and the pressure on Northern Ireland to have a similar referendum to that in Eire.
Sorry Tabs, I think you were the last post from the previous thread. Worth the read though.
Over to you
I cannot believe my ears. BBC Radio 4 in the 6pm have provided me with some news:
Tommy Robinson has been jailed. Sounds like a rogue Judge may have had been told his ruling, restricting reporting of the fact, was not legal. There is a secret trial going on somewhere in the UK. Wasn’t that a feature of the Soviet Union at the height of the Communist era?
Georg Soros (a Hungarian) is interfering in UK politics and is trying to overturn the UK’s decision to leave the EU. He’s not a Russian. Is he doing it for Putin? He is using his wealth to hold a three question Referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. Three way question Referendums are not really possible. Does Soros have enough money to achieve the impossible?
Ruth Davidson has opened her mouth and produced some rubbish. We have approx. 1.35million unemployed in the UK, many of them in Scotland and also a waste & recycling crisis. The NHS is struggling, especially in Scotland and needs more money across the UK. Ruth thinks importing more people without jobs will help with all these problems. The gloss has gone off her leadership of Scottish Conservatives rather quickly and she is now making things worse.
The Chinese have been influencing all aspects of Australian politics and government for ten years. How many Australians can read Chinese characters in their equivalent of Facebook – RenRen? Would Putin and the Russians approve, assuming they can read it too?
Apparently YouTube is censoring music by black people at the behest of the police . No court order involved . Where is the objective finding that there is a link between the various forms of killing in London and these black music videos. Surely calling people “hoes” and “nigger” and “yo bitch” is part of these boys diverse culture and should not be banned .
As others here have written – awful lot of banning going on – and the process seems to be speeding up .
I read that it was under instruction from Cressida ‘I wish I had a’ Dick, so censorship being used to combat black gang violence instead of proper policing.
You do sort of feel for these SJWs and their farcical attempts to convince us this is all going to work out fine; they are like the knight with no arms and legs saying he is winning the fight. Just as they are basking in the glow of a Muslim immigrant doing something good another goes and murders three in cold blood.
I’m rather cross at the moment.
Mr BCW is a taxi driver, not one of the vibrant kind I hasten to add, is currently along with the rest of the white drivers at his firm having to work double the time because as soon as it’s prayer time, the Muslim drivers are booking off work, going home and breaking their fast and not bothering to book back on for a long time after because it’s Ramadan.
Mr BCW is type 2 diabetic and has to eat regularly, he takes sandwiches to work and parks up when it’s quiet and eats them then, not making anyone work any harder. He has been getting home later and later because the drivers who are supposed to be working overnight are eating.
Currently watching Midlands Today on the bbc, they’ve just covered the inquest of that dreadful accident that happened in Birmingham just before Christmas last year. On Central News on ITV it was mentioned that the taxi driver who was killed in the accident had a small amount of cannabis in his bloodstream, and the coroner said she would be writing to Birmingham City Councils licencing department to ask if they have drivers blood tests. Strangely, on Midlands Today nothing was mentioned about it. Guess what the name of the dead taxi driver was?
In their report on Tommy Robinson they do not mention the nature of the cases he was reporting on. Also there is no mention of what inspired this ‘gunman’ earlier.
The Beeb claim his attempts to film the defendants could have ‘prejudiced’ the court. How, exactly? They know exactly what they have been up to already. We all know it was not really about contempt of court. They are shooting the messenger. They should not have been gang raping girls in the first place of course.
They have scored a massive own goal here. Everyone will now want to know what he was reporting on. Had he hired a top publicist he would not have got a better result than this.
Um, didn’t know this , or have I been asleep ?
“Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, and previously by Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris,….” , er, why the need ?
I don’t know why, but if you look at the comments on the Trot led UAF site you will see that is repeatedly said. Obviously, the media cut and paste from the UAF, Socialist Worker and Left Unity.
Al Beeb is now leading the uk news some one called Rosanne. Barr having her tv contract cancelled in America because she did a tweet describing one osama bin Obama’s happy helpers as looking like someone from planet of the. apes. —- so albeeb gets drop Islamic terrorist murder and. Tommy Robinson down the news order and gone by midnight.
Well, what a stupid thing to do. It’s ironic, as Hannity was discussing last night how liberals were beside themselves that her show has been such a resounding success because she has addressed why Trump was voted in. She was giving a voice to the silent majority.
So why do such a stupid idiotic thing?
I thought it was a good joke. She referred to one of Obama’s hirelings – a professional politician who ought to be able to ride out a joke –
as what you get if you cross the Muslim Brotherhood with Planet of the Apes.
She did not describe her as an ape.
Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood is not a race, and when I studied biology apes belonged to a species, not a race.
I don’t recall the BBC getting high and mighty when there were hundreds of comparisons of Bush with a chimp
No, you just have to stay away from the monkey stuff. The rules aren’t the same for each side as you know. Like Gammon.
Fedup2-As Richard Littlejohn would say ” You couldn’t make it up”
with what the BBC is leading with on it’s website. It looks like to me
that BIG BROTHER in charge of the Diversity Department is in
complete control on what goes out as the major news story. From
Tiger Wood’s non performances on the golf course to ,as you say
someone called Rosanne Barr.
Never mind policewomen and a member of the public being
murdered by terrorists in Brussels, Tommy Robinson being
banged up as a POLITICAL prisoner. War breaking out again
between Israel and Gaza. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum
at the BBC!!
Fed up, Roseanne should go to Fox tv, she sounds like one of us.
The al Beeb duty news editor tends – I think to be a kidult aged about 30 – fully aware and eagerly compliant with al Beeb policy and language and definitely metropolitan as well as a citizen of nowhere . Probably got the job through family connections and / or gender/sexual box ticking . Guessing…
It’s 9pm, it’s a weekday, and it’s time for … more race-baiting on Channel 4
“We’ve erected statues to heroic figures in our history & worship them like Saints. *
In this doc, journalist @afuahirsch calls time on this version of British history.”
* … MISREPRESENTATION Hirsch is giving us a strawman ..we don’t WORSHIP historic figures, we know that they are of their time, so whilst we might admire them, we wouldn’t act 100% like them in today’s context.
I read as far as ‘Guardian TV pick’ at which exact point my brain automatically went into its hibernate setting.
Small children sometimes provoke their parents by behaving badly because they want a reaction. This show is exactly like that.
Designed to provoke and nothing else. Actually insulting a people’s past is part of Gramscian strategy. Drain the swamp .
Re Hirsch. The woman is an attention seeker who has a racist rather than a race agenda- anti white with a desire to denegrate the homogenous Britain that existed before mass immigration. Of course this makes her very attractive to BBC and C4.
She clearly makes more money appearing on air-time than her other careers of barrister, yuman rights worker, writer – all put together ! She’s no better than those wanting to appear on reality shows in order to have their 15 mins of fame – only she’s got the gimmick of denigrating the history of her country of choice.
On her C4 programme tonight Afua was repeating her iconoclastic shtick in relation to statues of Nelson, Rhodes and Churchill. She interviewed Neil MacGregor former big cheese at the British Museum who felt he had to flee Britain for Germany because of Brexit. MacGregor thinks Brits are too proud about their history and should follow the German example and build lots of “Monuments of National Shame” MacGregor also did a programme for the BBC called “Living with the Gods”. One episode on the World Service dealing with cultural artefacts expressed the sentiment that attacks on the statues and sacred objects of a culture are a prelude to the destruction of the people of that culture as a whole. It is pretty clear, therefore, what the Hirsch/ Macgregor agenda really is. When ISIS blow up statues of the Buddha and destroy cultural artefacts at Palmyra, they do not want a “more balanced view of history” nor does Hirsch.
Roseanne Barr career executed
As we know if you don’t enjoy the special-privilege of being a lib or being in a SpecialVictimhood group, then sending ONE “seemingly racist” tweet means career execution.
Sometimes people do say things stupidly racist, but they do deserve to have full context explained. And I see that this time most MSM are not mentioning the context is that it started with info that Obama was spying on the French : and thus Barr waded in to talk about Obama’s closest-advisor of that time “The Obama-Whisperer,” Valerie Jarrett
\\ Valerie Jarrett is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood and the “Planet of the Apes.”//
#1 Why Valerie Jarrett ? American websites often have big conspiracy theories about her being a strong secret power controlling the Obama White House.
#2 Why Muslim Brotherhood ?
“During the Obama administration, rumors swirled on right-wing blogs that Jarrett secretly intended to promote Islam in the United States”
People falsely call her Iranian cos she was born there
( Valerie Jarrett was born Nov. 14, 1956, in Shiraz, Iran, where her parents, James and Barbara Bowman, lived for six years)
#3 Why “Planet of the Apes.” ? She doesn’t really look black to me

Seems to me that Barr is has not made up a new slur, but is STUPIDLY quoting other people who many times in the past have compared Jarrett to a particular character (found by setting date on Google to prior to 2017)
\\Although Valerie looks a lot like Zira in Planet of the Apes (smirk)//
\\ Dr. Zira is the only female who speaks! Her words are the source of her power. Her male co-workers look up to her and follow her orders://
She doesn’t really look black to me
Roseanne Barr criticising the physical beauty of someone else , is a bit ironic.
So is Jarret black? I thought it was racist to compare black people to apes, but if she is not black what is the problem?
I still believe that Obama, like Hillary Clinton, like Treezer May, promoted Islam.
Both her parents identify as African American
..although there is a lot of different whites races in her genes according a TV show she once did.
Nigle giving the EU nazis another piece of his mind!
”Farage: With Italy you’ve bitten off more than you can chew”
The obese MEP in the background was not happy, was he?
Bitten off more than the EU can chew in Italy? Don’t think it will be allowed to happen. Italy leaving the Euro could sink the world economy for several years.
What is more likely, in my view, is punitive measures being taken by the EU against Hungary and Hungary, in response, saying “Go whistle!” In Hungarian, of course. That will provoke a serious crisis because the EU would not survive backing down against any Hungarian intransigence with the other ‘Visegrad States’ plus Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, maybe the Netherlands & Demark, and the UK all looking on.
Italy leaving the Euro means immense pain for Italy and the world. Hungary getting stroppy with the EU, and vice versa, means immense pain for the EU and the EU alone. Bring it on!
Comments suggest people are less than impressed with the bbc line taken.
In the UK, black and ethnic minority patients have a lower chance of organ donation than white patients.
We have just had a Bank Holiday weekend. In three months, it will be the late summer Bank Holiday weekend. That will be the anniversary of the gas cloud at Beachy Head.
Remember that?
The BBC, apparently, do not. No follow up on that event that cost the NHS quite a bit of money. No questions asked about the investigations and analysis.
I wonder why?
Can we all hope the Italian voter’s hold their nerve when the inevitable next election comes around.
The EU house of card’s is looking shakier by the day. I raised my suspicions about the French election results some time ago after LePen’s momentum seemed to fade rapidly and IMHO rather surprisingly. Sky news at the weekend had a guy on and he was asked can the Italians afford to get out of the EURO etc. My reply would have been can they afford not to.
PS Tommy Robinson, Rosanne Barr, free speech is now a long and distant memory folks.
Lots of articles on the Beeb about the ‘balcony rescuer’, the BBC are certainly wetting themselves with glee over this, not to belittle what he did, but how many stories will this generate? I expect Roseanne Barr will be hung, drawn and quartered on the Beeb because she dared to make some comment about something not particularly important (Linked to Obama so it must be ‘news’. Didn’t he order Libya to be bombed?). Belgium killer of three? I’m sure this has only been reported as it is actually ‘news’, I bet it’ll be quietly dropped tomorrow. Italian politics? I’m sure this will be linked with xenophobic, racist imperialism in the coming days and weeks. How dare voters vote for such a heinous thing as democracy and freedom of speech! I bet the Lira won’t be making an appearance anytime soon. They’ll be browbeaten into submission like the Greek’s and the UK, with lots of encouragement from the Beeb. Oh, It’s also the fault of the fire brigade that so many people died in the Grenfell fire. So ‘why is everybody talking about Jamie’? No idea, is this actually news? There’s also a transgender man moaning a lot about something or other. So, six or seven stories being pumped at the moment, but only one or two are actual news. What is my licence fee actually being spent on? Obviously not on ‘news’.
After you finish watching Afua Hirsch
… 9pm BBC4 starts a 6 part series with an African American guy presenting a prog about greatness of Africa
Sounds a bit Afrocentric to me – in the way that Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation was accused of being Eurocentric.
So, what exactly has African ‘culture’ brought to mankind recently? rap ‘music’ (a loose term I know, ‘shouting’ is probably a better description) and corrupt ‘governments’? Open to suggestions.
There is no such thing as “African culture”
It’s 56 countries from South Africa upto Tunisia, lots of religions, lots of languages.
but I agree slowness of systems and corruption are found in most.
Individuals may well be very hard working sometimes, but often the richest family in the village/town/province/country steals all the wealth.
I’ve never been convinced by this ‘birth of mankind’ stuff.
Anthropologists and archaeologists change their story every time they find some new old bones, or buried beads or sunken cities or whatever.
It doesn’t bother me either way, but for now it’s more guesswork than science.
I would like to see the state broadcaster ask questions like this:
We continue to take in Muslim “refugees” why? Because the west is rich and Muslim nations cannot afford to help? We keep asking Israel to give up land for the “Palestinians” Why? Because their Arab brothers have no space for them? Mmmm?
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud is planning to build a $500 billion, futuristic, utopian megacity called Neom – 33 times larger than New York City – that would encompass the site.
Bin Salman’s desire is to open the autonomous zone to the world, promising it will have its own legal and taxation system, independent from Riyadh
An Islamist (Anjem) preacher accused of inspiring a generation of British jihadists will be released from prison within months, and concern is mounting within police forces and MI5.
Choudary’s release from HMP Frankland, Co Durham, where he is understood to be in a “separation centre”, will come halfway through his 5½-year sentence.
Smug git surrounded by thuggish bodyguards.
I can’t be bothered to investigate the finer points of the Roseanne ‘scandal’ (life’s too short) but it seems she committed a fourfold crime:
1. She appears to have made fun of a woman’s looks.
2. She appears to have compared a black to apes.
3. She appears to have dissed islam, or at least the Muslim Brotherhood.
4. She appears to have mocked a Democrat.
For these crimes there can be no forgiveness.
Allegedly Trump once said something complimentary about her, which is perhaps the most unforgiveable crime of all.
But at least the non-story is getting pride of place on the Beeb webshite, way more important than muslim murder in Belgium or Italy teetering on the edge and threatening the whole EUSSR rotten edifice.
What do you think the BBC is leading with on its news home site at 10pm Tuesday May 29, 2018?
1 Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt for publicising the latest muslim rape/torture pedophile gang trial.
2 Financial markets take fright over possibility that Italians might get the type of government that they recently voted for in a general election.
3 Muslim gunman kills three innocent people in cold blood in the Belgium city of Liege shouting Allah Akbar.
4 American sitcom cancelled by ABC.
Right fourth go.. At this time the BBC thinks the cancellation of the Roseanne Barr sitcom is the top billing story of the night. The show gained solid ratings by tackling American political divisions in a manner seen as sometimes sympathetic to Trump voters. BBC correspondent James Cook started his story “Well that was predictable”. Surely this story is not the most important event of the day for the British public – just the one that pleases the biased BBC the most.
Ah, but they think they can use it to get at Trump. And so will bang on and on.
One does wonder what possessed her to make tweets of that nature, but in my view her biggest mistake was apologising. That is always, but always viewed by the left as weakness and the pack will close in for the kill. I’ve said it before – in such matters you should never apologise, even if you recognise privately that you’ve made a mistake.
Re. the Belgian terror attack, the beebistan informs us that ‘the man’s motives are not yet clear’ but that he was heard shouting Allahu Akbar.
In which case his motives are as clear as daylight to anyone but a beeb reporter, whose sanity is not clear.
Just watching the Ten O’Clock ‘News’ where a report on the Islamist terrorist attack in Belgium has just succeeded in not mentioning the word ‘Islamic’ or ‘Islamist’ once. I mean who carried out the attack, a Methodist, Amish or Hindu? Also has anyone else noticed that whenever there is an Islamist attack the bbc always interview local Muslims near the scene in an attempt, I feel, to try and sanitise it and remind us nasty far right Christian bigots that Muslims are victims too.
Also, anyone else sick and tired of the perpetual grenfell guilt trip we’re subjected to everyday?
Also anyone else sick to death with bbc pushing ethnic minority social justice crap?
Also anyone else sick to death with bbc?
BBC ran a trailer for new series with Journey in the Danger Zone: with Adnan Sarwar
Now thankyou for your service Adnan Sarwar, you did your bit serving for the British army in Iraq , but I wonder if the BBC has chose him to present this series , cos of their inverted racism, which excludes white people and co his Twitter timeline reflects that of BBC metro-libs.
On the BBC 10 o’clock news tonight (Radio 4), Tommy Robinson was labelled as a “far-right politician”; I don’t need to tell readers of this blog that he is neither a politician nor of the “far right” (whatever that is).
Ben Shapiro, on the other hand, in his podcast today, describes Tommy Robinson “a British anti-Islam commentator”, which seems to me to be much more accurate.
Tommy Robinson appears to be getting a lot of sympathetic coverage in the USA.
World wide as well Mr N.
Quite a moving thing to be able to show our love and respect for Italy, USA and Germany tonight. And those good people reciprocate over Tommy.
The left scum won`t be getting this their own way anyhoo.
It’s heartening to see the judiciary being forced to acknowledge the real world.
You’d have thought they had learned from the Spycatcher debacle they have no power over the rest of the world.
It is of course much worse for them now.
Not only the world’s media, but UK social media was awash with the news.
Stand by for the pressures already being applied to the boy-zukkerberg to be turned into online censorship as well.
The dinosaurs, are facing extinction though.
Here in UK we have this idea that the FBI is an honest, righteous organisation established to up hold the law. Whilst I believe that the lower level operatives do just that, the higher ups are operating corruptly at the behest of the Federal government and the DoJ. If you go back to the lack of investigation into the JFK assassination, the crash of TWA800, the total lack and suppression of facts behind 9/11 you will see the duplicity behind the organisation.
Anita McVeigh, bBbc 2, just tried her hardest to get Phil Redmond to toe the party line with regards to the death of the Arts in Britain after Brexit but fair play to Phil, he was having none of it. Not really what I expected from the creator of Brookside, but It seems that Phil does indeed write his own script and think for himself, unlike the 96% of his posing pals in the Creative Industries Federation who voted for Remain obviously because of their fear of losing funding post Brexit. Let’s not pretend there is any other real reason than money, not the fear of losing freelance colleagues who are apparently mainly foreign as they protest.
He stressed opportunity, rediscovery of local talent, cities like Liverpool not having to go through London to Brussels for funding, Britain already globally recognised on its own, freedom from the EU offering the regions to the opportunity to rediscover and celebrate their culture and talents.
After pointing out that China chose Liverpool for the Terracotta Army to visit, outside the usual Euro favourites, he finished Anita/ the bBbc attempts at painting a picture of an imminent cultural apocalypse with,
‘Fundamentally, Europe is just a small part of a great big world remember’.
There is a report about this on the website of course, no mention of Phil, and as usual, ‘comments could be going better’.
Will the BBC £3.5bn investigate MP expenses scandals .. they happen every year ….
Sorry Dysgwr.
The girls have won the wooden toothpick, we`ve forgotten how to stir a soup without having to ask someone big and strong to help us.
Usually Caitlyn Jenner if he`s not waxing his big pole…oo er!