Trade Wars, 2 new governments in the EU in 2 days , the anniversary of islamic terrorist murder on London Bridge and more. The weekend of endless bias awaits us.
Niall Ferguson in trouble at Stanford
\\ said he acted because he believed the Cardinal Conversations programme was being taken over by “elements fundamentally hostile to free speech”. So he suggested “opposition research” be carried out on a left-wing student.//
The emails got leaked and now Niall has left his role with a Stanford university free speech initiative.
“It seemed to me that the Cardinal Conversations student steering committee was in danger of being taken over by elements that were fundamentally hostile to free speech.”
He added: “It was, however, rash of me to seek to involve the Stanford Republicans, and reckless to use such inflammatory language. ..”
How are they illegal? don’t expect the BBC to ask…
”Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Dr Fox said the UK was still seeking exemptions from the tariffs”
err, remember as an EU member we cannot negotiate anything
don’t expect the BBC to question this…
‘The head of UK Steel, Gareth Stace, said EU leaders had a “gun held to their head” ‘
Boo hoo, the EU is a protectionist little members club, how they get away with being portrayed as global free trade champions I don’t know,
well unless it has something to do with the biased media.
It should be remembered that we sell relatively little steel to the US and the steel that we do sell them is highly specialised. It has become even more of a premium product thanks to President Trump. The US customers will be having to grit their teeth and pay up.
The UK steel companies’ sales people ought to be making the most of that in other countries around the world (EU excepted) from Monday morning onwards, making bargain deals to sell even more UK made ‘top dollar’ specialist steel globally.
I can’t believe the albeeb r5 footy commentator said that if you are looking for a Nigerian fraudster this after noon have a look at Wem ber lee . ( just kiddin)
Just been looking at the Test Match news on the BBC website. Commentary by Amy Lofthouse. Give us a break. So went over to the commentary on the England v Nigeria football match. Commentary by Shamoon Hafez. Nice to know that the BBC is so inclusive in assigning people to comment on England’s main sporting events of the day. Just that their inclusiveness doesn’t quite stretch to allowing a white male to do any of the commentary. But I’ve no doubt that from now on the editor of Woman’s Hour will be a man and the interviews will be mainly of men by men. And each alternative week, Woman’s Hour will be replaced by Men’s Hour.
a little late, but have spent the better part of the afternoon perusing it and exploring many of the links provided, including the cutting indictment by Paul Weston of Britain’s leaders for facilitating the country’s decline into totalitarianism.
That took me back several years to another dissident, Canadian-Iranian Zahra Kazemi , who was raped, tortured and killed for taking photographs of relatives of prisoners outside Evin prison:
When Tommy Robinson was beaten up by Muslim inmates in prison, it was with the connivance of the prison authorities. They didn’t actually lay a hand on him, but they might as well have done.
Who knows, Kazemi might even have experienced more due process in the Iranian legal system, such as it is, than Tommy Robinson just did at the hands of a British judge.
Now I’m wondering whether the unthinkable will happen and Britain’s ‘leaders’ will slide far enough down the slippery path they’re already on to begin to resemble the swine who rule Iran.
I think we cannot deport anyone from the U.K. to a Country when there is a threat to the life of the person we want to deport.
Where do we stand with Tommy?
His life is being put in serious danger by putting him in harms way, it has happened before to him in prison.
In short, if Tommy were in another Country, they could refuse an extradition request for him by the UK because his life would be put in danger
This law was put in place to prevent sending people back to hard line failing regimes run by corrupt dictators and governments.
The U.K. now belongs in this group of Countries.
This is just good point it needs airing in the MSM and BBC if it dare .
How can they say that an asylum seeker would definately face persecution but Tommy Robinson wouldn’t in a UK prison ?
She tells us that the first woman to accept Islam was Khadijah, Mo’s first wife, yet when he was born he was held by Umm Ayman, a black woman Muslim.
She’s pretty weak on Islamic doctrine too as she makes the blasphemous statement that Mo got his values from Khadijah, when, ‘of course’, they were ‘revealed’ to him by Allah. Ditto all the bad press that Islam gets is a result of all those ‘man-made’ laws, (Mo-made?) derived from that man-written book the Koran.
That girl should be due for one hell of a stoning, but with intersectional compassion of course.
Every Saturday lunchtime I put myself through the self-flagellatory experience – my reason for doing which I imagine no known psycho-medical expert could vouchsafe a good reason – that is listening to the re-broadcast of Any Questions on Radio 4.
Today’s edition, from the Winter Gardens in Ventnor was as up to the mark as ever: mass cheering for any anti-Trump remark, mass cheering for any anti-DUP remark; but what really encouraged me to post here today was a little speech by shadow Secretary of State for Health, Jon Ashworth.
In a discussion on childhood obesity, the Liberal Democrat MP, Layla Moran, had told us – in an admirably matter-of-fact way -that as a child she had been fat, and that later in life she had had bariatric surgery as a result of which she had lost almost half her body weight.
The effect of this revelation on Jon Ashworth was remarkable. In a hushed, nay sepulchral tone of voice and with unshed lachrymosity in his eyes he said (and here I paraphrase) “I would like to thank Layla for being so frank, for opening up to us so much about her childhood”: for goodness’ sake, the lady had told us she was fat as a child. She had not told us she had overcome life-threatening injury or congenital deformity; she had not told us she had been raped or kidnapped as a child – she had told us she was fat, and that a GP had advised her mother not to feed her so many puddings: those were her words as near as I can recount.
Why does this matter? Because it demonstrates the infantilisation of the discourse of our “great and good”; the absurd over-emotionalisation of that discourse; this is a shadow cabinet minister, not some pathetic counsellor.
Mr Ashworth further distinguished himself in the next subject under discussion: whether children should be taken out of school to go on holiday during term-time, something to which I am wholly opposed, though my opinion is of no relevance. But, opined Mr Ashworth, what about those children who do not celebrate Easter and Christmas? What of those who celebrate Eid and Diwali? Should they not be allowed time off to celebrate their festivals? So a perfectly reasonable discussion on an admittedly contentious subject, usually centring on how holiday firm raise their prices to sometimes prohibitive levels for families on modest incomes in July and August, was inevitably drawn into the gaping maw of how intrinsically wrong it is that our school calendar should continue to be governed by Christian festivals and the rhythms of the English year. The long summer vacation, originally instituted to allow children to assist in the gathering in of the harvest and still a central feature of the University, Parliamentary and legal calendars, may well be in need of modernisation; but Mr Ashworth’s tenor was clear: the focusing of our year on Christian tradition has to stop.
Why do I listen to this rubbish every week….?
If school time is so important for a child’s education, should there not be a ban on teachers taking children out of school except perhaps for one day at a Museum and an art Gallery, on the same day?
The present trend appears to be at least one day out a term, sometimes two. What is the difference between that and a parent taking their child away for a week’s holiday?
Imagine if they had to remake ‘ The Sweeney’ these days be a bit like Rainbow – Jack and George screeching around in a Ford Granada painted like a rainbow doing their nails .
So terrorist parades are approved by Seditious Kahn & the police but are we truly diverse? Can we like New York, have a celebrate Israel parade in London ?
“The UK must submit written proposals on how it plans to keep a frictionless Irish border after Brexit in the next two weeks, Ireland’s foreign minister has said.”
Why the ultimatum “next two weeks”?
We are leaving Mr Coveney, we are leaving. Get over it.
So will Italy, they have started plans to remove migrants.
Didn`t we lend them-nay, give them loads of dosh to keep them afloat in the septic tank a few years back
Why the hell aren`t we asking for it back?
My cousins in the south west of Ireland lived off bloody English cattle feed this last winter,the buggers can`t even feed their own cattle.
Think the gay little Indian squit of a teashop they have thinks all cows are sacred, so they can`t kill them any more.
Just pay them to write crap in the Irish Independent on abortion and how grand Mrs Browns Boys is.
Ireland was once a country…not a suppository for the Sprouts of Brussels.
The EU will make it a prison, at least Churchill would have turned it into a cabbage patch.
Hi people, fellow British patriots, and those who refuse to be dumbed down by drinking the coolaid, and conned into taking the blue pill. I have been a long time lurker, ( not in a creepy way, I am not an employee of ‘belittling Britain constantly’ ! ). I would just like to register my support for this community, which I also advertise among friends and colleagues, and hope to be able to contribute to a site which has become one of my main ‘goto’ sites for real news.
I am still an unwilling payee of the propaganda tax, and am looking for alternative ways of accessing tv, mainly for the benefit of SWMBO. Although I admit to having a strange fascination with watching the train wreck which is happening on our screens daily.
Thanks Taff, I am from the North, under the auspices of her totalitarianship Queen Nic, ( as she would dearly love to be known ), altho, I have a pride in my paternal granny hailing from Swansea 😉
I stumbled on this earlier on while perusing YouTube.
New on me. Anyone got any views on this plan to limit the internet for all. I must say that In view of the accelerating restrictions being imposed by the conspirators i.e the leaders of the Western World (apart for one – I hope) I would not put a stunt like this as being impossible. Clearly any uprisings would be coordinated through the internet. Any thoughts?
They’ll be banning gatherings of more than three people next, G.
It’ll be one that can read, one that can write and one to keep an eye on the intellectuals.
The was a good turn out today in Manchester for the freedom march. I’m guessing there were several thousand people there.
The elite ‘s favourite tool, the police behaved themselves and they kept the collectivist thugs well out of sight, so there’s no telling how many of them turned out to cause trouble; I think they’d have regretted it if they had.
As it turned out, it was a peaceful and good spirited march and then at the destination venue, Castlefield, there were some good and moving speeches. For me the most memorable were those by the parents of three teenage boys who were mown down and murdered by muslims and the lies and deceit by the police, particularly, to prevent them from learning the truth about the known muslim killers who deliberately murdered their children. If I recall correctly; I think from a Tommy Robinson report; it could have been eight boys murdered because there were another five boys who managed to get out of the way of the car that these muslims drove at them and three who were murdered.
I wonder if the far-left bbc will be covering this day’s event.
I see the MSM is continuing to do all it can to destroy Tommy. The Mail today was a particularly vicious attack . Two pages of abuse and not one mention of what the messenger is protesting about. Also Rebel Media is carrying footage which clearly shows many other incidents outside the court including a lengthy segment from a Sikh citizen journalist.
The reality is the 500,000 plus signatures has rattled them . Also too many good commentators from around the world are getting interested in exactly in how widespread the grooming gangs are and the lack of serious police action until recently .
It is remarkable how one working class youngish man has managed to cause the governing class to waver. It shows just how weak is the fantasy holding up the whole rotten edifice of progressive politics.
I hope this will make them pause in their relentless attempts to derail Brexit.
Yes Dave, that’s the last remaining paper cancelled from my house. Tbh tho I only really bought it for Richard Littlejohn’s and Quentin Letts’ columns. Also while reading it over a pint in the pub, it was a great way to passively trigger nearby lefties, some of whom felt offended enough to make a snide comment. It may be a flaw in my character ( well none of us are perfect ), but I would take great delight in accepting the proffered invitation to heartlessly deconstruct their naive, pollyanna-ish view of the world. Well we all need our little hobbies.
One thing I learnt about Government having been involved with changes in legislation, is, once having decided on a plan of action, they don’t waver. Press on regardless even if circumstances change by 180 degrees.
Sadly, the so-called Right-wing press are often the first and most vociferous in demonising the so-called Far Right.
I suspect this is a pre-emptive defence against accusations of themselves being far-right by such as the beeb.
Another example of the nefarious influence of the beeb on the whole political landscape. It’s like a gigantic black hole, distorting space-time over a huge area.
Black like its heart and ‘hole’ like that where the sun don’t shine.
What’s that famous quip about a dog walking on its hind legs? Well that also applies to female comedians.
Samuel Johnson — ‘Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.’
It will be weapons grade misandry on steroids, Stew.
I wonder if this gig will include men who identify as women?
Surely. if this is good enough for the “Labour” party, it should be good enough for so called comedy.
“London rapper Dave’s political anthem Question Time, which rages about everything from Grenfell Tower to Syria and the NHS, has won a top prize at the Ivor Novello songwriting awards.”
Fellow rapper Stormzy, who famously criticised the handling of Grenfell at the Brit Awards, won the album prize.
Dave (surname Santan), a 19-year-old piano-playing rapper from Streatham, south London, was on the BBC’s Sound of 2017 list and was nominated for best British breakthrough act at this year’s Brit Awards.
His winning song is a state-of-the-nation diatribe that takes aim at politicians including Theresa May, David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn.
Billy Bragg, picking up the outstanding contribution award, said: “It’s a great privilege to win in the same year as Dave for something so political and powerful. It really fired up my spirit somewhat.”
Despite the far leftist nature of the winners even the BBC on radio 4 was forced to admit the awards were ‘political’.
Stormzy is a supporter of far left fascist group Momentum so why is it that the BBC can’t describe them for what they are ? anyone expressing even slightly right of centre views is ridiculously labelled as ‘far right’ and those who are apolitical but don’t share all the fascist views are also labelled as ‘far right’ so why is there no ‘far left’ ever mentioned by the BBC ?
those who are apolitical but don’t share all the fascist views are also labelled as ‘far right’ so why is there no ‘far left’ ever mentioned by the BBC ?
Professional etiquette, T.
Ah Bragging Billy another progressive moral crusader who wants us to open our borders and probably concrete over the countryside to house all these desperates but of course nowhere near his gaff.
A man who loves his inner city diversity and roots so much he lives in a huge pile miles away from any of it where the only diversity he ever comes across is the odd black faced sheep.
– I think Mr Billy would have fitted in quite well in the old Soviet Union telling the starving masses how to live their lives whilst he sunned himself in his dacha by the black sea.
Thanks Billy for being such a good illustration of how true socialism works and why we need it.
Heard Nick Robinson and Garry Richardson at 8.30 or so this morning, spending quite a bit of time on giving us their racing tips for Epsom.
How does that fit in with the BBCs endless crap about problem gambling, let alone animal cruelty and dangers in sport then?
They were both going to Epsom too-nice work if you`ve got a wedge of our money to gamble as well?
How do the BBC get away with spitting in our faces like this-are gambling, animal cruelty and hideously white sports that endanger runners and riders OK if Radio 4 say so?
And-this being in Epsom-how many BLACK or WOMEN jockeys or pygmies are allowed to race…or is it only Irish than need apply?
It was boxing with beards this morning on the bBbc sofa Alicia. No, Naga and Steph weren’t there.
English boxing is going to or has changed the rule to now allow boxers to have beards. Both and all genders. Probably. They actually had a Sikh fighter on which somehow didn’t annoy me at all, although we know who this is really for, but the bBbc brain-injury hypocrisy does, especially in their continued promotion and attempted, futile, glamourisation of women’s boxing. And women’s rugby.
Which brings me to Channel 4 where I’ve just tuned into Wales v South Africa live from America. Men’s rugby of course.
Between the rock and hard place that is DB and ITTBB, the bbc’s North American sorority should by now be behind a locked door with a can of Budweiser and an AR15,
They will in fact be drawing salaries from the U.K. licence fee payer because the top floor of W1A feels they get it about right. If they know what’s good for them.
“Met Police officers racked up 189,000 cancelled rest days last year amid “unprecedented” demands on the force, the BBC has found.”
The problem with the Met Police is Cressida Dick, the Mayor of London and Al Beeb.
They know this (the policemen) and we know this, but does the Home Sectary?
Nothing of course, so I suppose there’s nothing to see and ‘mayor’ Khan is let off the hook as usual.
If all these yobs want a fight, then why not herd them all into a bullet-proof stadium somewhere, chuck in a few knives and guns, lock the doors and leave them at it for a few days?
Alternatively, a spell in a nasty prison somewhere would have the same effect. We could all get some sleep then.
I bet the bbbc reporters wouldn’t be there though, they’d need to bring back someone like Kate Adie for that particular role, although I’d prefer to see Nicky Robinson ducking and diving the real thing…
“Does the Britain’s ‘leading’ news exponent know this ?………………………………. “One man has been shot and another repeatedly stabbed in a night of bloodshed in London.””.
Standard fare now. All good stuff for the Government. A doubtless, ‘tightening up of security’ will ensue. The race against time is well underway to promote and install a totalitarian system like the one in Saudi Arabia so when islam takes over (Wahhabi islam no less) the transition for the Brits to Sharia will largely go unnoticed. For those who have direct experience of Saudi Arabia, it was fondly referred to as, “the largest open prison in the World”. Get ready.
Ah, memory lane. When the bbc at least had a few means of hearing what they didn’t want to hear. Soon closed those down, eh, Nick? No wonder he ditched that pinned tweet.
A few beauties in there.
At 11:34 AM on 31 Oct 2006,
John Leach wrote:
Hi, I’m the architect of News Sniffer. Regarding the ‘Have Your Say’ monitoring: it is now fixed.
It was highlighted to me by a BBC techie on Thursday and I fixed it over the weekend. (as mentioned in the News Sniffer blog).
Some fun examples of “riveting” news article changes can be found here:
My guess is there are many more interesting changes to be found in amongst all the spelling changes and breaking stories. You just need to look carefully. Recommend any you find interesting.
At 12:04 PM on 31 Oct 2006,
Frank Fisher wrote:
You *do* stealth edit – I’ve corrected NewsOnline on many occasions, and you have never reflected the changes in your time stamp.
Oh, and why do you put “censored” in quotes? You block comments that you feel breach your policies – you censor them. What’s ambiguous about it? Just because you feel you censor in a good cause doesn’t stop it from being censorship.
In fact… you didn’t publish my last comment to these blogs…“
Steve Hermann does deign to reply… to some (a technique favoured still by Rob Burley)… but not those that don’t suit. So nothing much has changed.
And then he closes the the thread. Plus ca change.
At 07:42 PM on 03 Nov 2006,
Bryan wrote:
To Steve Herrmann,
Sorry about calling you Paul in my no. 30 post. I was interested in your response to numerous posters, especially the last to Billyquiz. If you wanted to indicate that the mutilation took place in the US, why not simply state: “US father jailed for mutilation.” There seems to be a real problem in the BBC’s headline writing department. Apart from the stealth editing I indicated in my post above, you put words in quotation marks unnecessarily and you seem to use headlines as an opportunity to propagandise.
It would also be good to get one – just one – response from the BBC to my and others’ numerous comments about the anti-Israel propaganda you pumped out during the recent war. Your silence on this matter speaks volumes.”
Interesting that bbc monkeying around with headlines is an evolving craft.
At 03:05 PM on 06 Nov 2006,
Steven Martin wrote:
The fact that most of the “Have Your Say” discussions are “Fully Moderated” enables any censorship to take place undetected.
Some time ago there was an open “Have Your Say” about censorship of Google in China. When people pointed out that the BBC also censors things, those comments were removed at break-neck speed. People responded to this by pointing out the new censorship and a little war ensued, and the BBC gave up. You can still see that the top-rated comments are all about the BBC censorship.
When I complained to the BBC about this I was told that the postings about BBC Censorship were “off topic”. I find that to be quite frightening and I am grateful that someone has taken the time to create the News Sniffer site.”
Amen to that. If only posters then knew the BBC solution would be to move from ‘off topic’ to ‘closed for comments’ to… ‘Here’s an analysis by the BBC Narrative Editor’.
I was trying to suggest that in a world where everything else is mostly going to hell – and given ‘new normal’ – Theresa May simply twiddling her thumbs, doing nothing and staying out the news is a good news week these days. At least her increasing incompetence means we’ll drop out with a clean no-deal.
Not one of my best actually, I recorded the commentary first which I was really happy with, then I went for a largish pub lunch and rushed the drawing when I eventually got home.
The Belfast Telegraph, a once reasonable source of objective news increasingly a virtue signalling, pro-Eire, pro-EU rag, are reporting that a woman’s body ‘has been recovered’ in an area close to where I’m from. No further details other than that this tragically happened on Friday night.
bBbc NI local news? Nothing. No mention of any incident or recognition of this girls death or the circumstances around it. Surely this should be on local news? A mention on their website, their Local news finder or on Teletext? Nothing.
No. A tree has fallen down in the grounds of Trinity College in Dublin. That’s what is of interest to people in Northern Ireland. Not an incident within their own country, their own community, an incident involving someone they may know or know of.
No a fuckin’ tree in a foreign country has fallen down.
This lack of local information, this lack of local knowledge, or empathy, or interest, or care is a daily occurrence in bBbc Northern Ireland news coverage and must be the same all over the UK.
We all know that the bBbc is biased but sometimes we should remind ourselves that they’re also useless and increasingly irrelevant. As a primary source of relevant news they are no longer of any real value at all.
To the ‘Man charged after attacking Glasgow police officers’ ‘report’ cited above, the sidebar of associated ‘newz’ would make the National Enquirer blush.
“Home Office says U.K. faces a severe threat from Islamist terrorism for at least another two years.”
So in two years we will be absolutely fine! Is that the year when the BBC plan to have reached peak diversity? Clearly potential terrorists will feel so empowered by Asian newsreaders the texts that inspire them will magically rewrite themselves.
All gone in two years? They cannot even be bothered to lie to us properly. What substantive measures have been taken? None. I somehow doubt all those candles and singing have stopped plots. To even question the multicultural ideology they have bet the house on is thought crime, and until that happens we will continue sleepwalking into tragedies.
“Islamist” is such a snide, newspeak word. To say ‘Islamic’ would be wrongthink but ‘Islamist’ is ok. It suggests there is just this wild, aberrant offshoot from the peaceful creed and that there is no problem with the ideology itself. It is a distinction dreamt up by leftists to get out of jail and one which the terrorists themselves do not recognise.
So the BBC takes the word of the Home Office. I am sure the people of Afghanistan and IRAQ felt the same when they took the word of Obama that there was no need to worry about announced US troop withdrawals. That went well. Which group will arise in that time to promote the British flower and candle industry?
Khan should use his ‘Young Londonders’ Fund’ to provide crack teams of young choirs on standby in every London Borough, so you can bleed to death in the gutter safe in the knowledge there are people on hand to sing ‘Imagine.’
The Home Office statement is: “We expect the threat from Islamist terrorism to remain at its current, heightened level for at least the next two years, and that it may increase further.” I think the phrase ‘at least’ is in the same vein as adverts that say ‘bargains from 99p’ or ‘broadband at up to 100Mb’. In other words, there is no factual or logical inaccuracy if they subsequently state in 2020 that “We said at least the next two years but we now expect another 2 / 10 / 100 years”.
Also note the misleading sentence at the end: “We assess the threat from extreme right-wing terrorism is growing”, intending to imply some sort of parity between Islamist terrorism and a largely imaginary ‘right-wing’ threat. By the government’s own figures, there are 3,000 high risk and 20,000 medium risk Islamists on the loose in the UK. The ‘extreme right-wing’ consists of a few dozen Hitler fantasists, disorganised, without support and where there are organisations, they are heavily infiltrated by the security sources and agent provocateurs. It is probably fair comment to say that there are individual streets in Birmingham, Luton and Bradford that contain more would-be Islamist terrorists than the total number of extreme right-wingers, animal rights extremists and dissident Irish republicans in the entire country.
At the forefront, Baroness Warsi of the Baroness Warsi Foundation. This outfit resides at, 10 Queen St Pl, London EC4R 1BE. An expensive address? Income for the, “Foundation”? £61,300 –
How does that work then? A very small income, A very posh (and no doubt expensive) address. Stinks.
LBC’s response to this uplifting and joyous news was to mention that a murderer of Lee Rigby is now full of remorse and wants to write to his mother to say how sorry he is. The old shtick about “vulnerable” youngsters falling prey to a “vile perversion of Islam” raises its ugly head yet again. There was even a mention of the “mistakes in British foreign policy” as the initial reason for Big Beard mass murder in Britain. I haven’t heard that one for a while. Seems like the ground is being laid for a “kiss and make up moment”. The danger is subsiding, mistakes have been made on both sides, blah, blah. The future looks rosy -all that peaceful coexistance with the religion of peace.
Yes – but you can imagine the usual suspects whinng “we don’t want to create martyrs”, “recruiting sergeant for terrorists” “counter-productive”. As Melanie Philips pointed out years ago in “Londonistan” appeasing islam in the hope that it will come love the British kuffar, or indeed any kuffar, is futile.
I nearly fainted when I saw that!
There’s probably something in his contract that prevents him from ending up in the soup – I think it’s known as the Crayfish Clause ………
On BBC breakfast this Sunday morning we have an article on car washes.
And guess what, much to the surprise of the BBC reporter, the foreign workers are being exploited by foreign labour gangs.
Something that everybody already knew, except it comes as a complete surprise to our national broadcaster.
Yes. They say. Bring them in to do the jobs the British people don’t want to do. Perhaps this is precisely the reason British people won’t do this kind of job, but as it helps with the BBC directive to promote immigration it has to be regulated. The solution is, they say, We all have to download an app onto our phones to find the car washes that don’t exploit the foreign workforce..
That’s something I won’t be doing on my 10 year old blackberry.
Just 5 pathetic paragraphs (4 if you ignore the 5th which is Sadiq Khan talking crap) spinning the attack into something more Islam friendly.
The actual attack is described buy the BBC as: A white van hit pedestrians on London Bridge at about 10pm on the 3rd of June, then three men got out and attacked people in nearby Borough Market.
Police were there within a few minutes and the three men believed to be responsible for the attack were killed by the police.
Only the BBC could stoop so low as to speculate if the 3 shot by Police were “responsible”. Did the white van crash on its own and the 3 men stagger out, dazed and confused, wearing Islamic terrorist fancy dress?
BBC back St Brendan Cock’s return from the sewer. Wants to prevent terrorists from dividing our communities and spreading hate. The objective is to recruit victims of terror and relatives of victims to reject hate, and the far far far right who employ it to divide communities.
‘The deployment of victims of terrorism to promote the idea that social media is in some way a ‘cause’ of terrorism is now underway. At the same time, there seems to have been a low level purge on Twitter of ‘extremist’ voices, most prominently of Tommy Robinson. In due course, that is likely to be extended to You Tube, and Nigel Farage has made the accusation that algorithms are being used to censor conservative comment on Facebook.’
The article ends with this question
‘Do you trust Brendan Cox to define what constitutes ‘hate’?’
PS. There are, as yet, unsubstantiated rumours that Manchester Police are putting pressure on a man whose wife was murdered in the attack to express his support for the Mohamidan community.
Good find GWF – Well Sir Brendan the Pure would be a natural choice for countering hate as he definitely appears to be quite an expert on lurv.
The words brass neck do not do justice to this bloke. They allow themselves to be raised in front of us as our moral betters and at the end of the day their feet are covered with more clay than a potters wheel ———— and then they creep back!
I think the re-beautification of this creep illustrates just how low the media and elite will sink to protect their own and how they completely lack an sort of moral compass.
I recommend everyone read the hate crime laws on the met website. It is disgraceful that 3000 plus a year are being imprisoned for simply posting their views on facebook. For example people who think Homosexuality is a sin are now being locked up for homophobia. People who think Islam is a religion of war are being locked up for islamophobia. How long before people complaining about the BBC here are locked up for BBCphobia? Until these laws are repealed Britain remains a police state.
Just to clue you in to what sort of people run here’s an example. I had a browse and noticed they are very keen on investigating MI5/MI6 etc infiltration of left wing organisations etc,priding themselves on their impartiality. So I pinged off this provocative mail.
So my question would be, if you are as impartial as you claim, why are you not all over the involvement of GCHQ and MI6 in the US elections of 2016? There is an awful lot of evidence out there in plain sight and the ramifications for the future of US/UK relations are extremely significant.
Kevin King
To which I got a surprisingly quick response
Tell me Mr King
1) what research have you ever done into anything?
2) why you think we have to answer questions from you: you’re not a subscriber are you?
3) if you have any useful evidence to impart on anything, do so.
4) otherwise, troll off. We answer only to ourselves.
To which I responded
Hi, The sort of moronic response I expected
To which the adorable Heidi responded with
As is yours: provide some evidence or crawl back into your troll-pit. If it’s in plain sight shouldn’t be too hard.
Your non response to question 1 is telling
Yes well, left wing ideologues…..they do have a way with words
Most interesting on borderland, which resolves a question or two of mine.
The article they produced was actually lifted from another site, from Dr Paul Stott’s Blog who focuses on terrorism, and frequently exposes connections between Islamic organizations and the political class.
I would not normally associate him with Borderland and now regret using their link when I should have posted Stott’s original link.
Thanks for drawing attention to Borderland.
Here is the original link to Stott’s piece..
1. A ‘hope ambassador’ has worked out that if we all light fifty candles a day for the dead that will definitely stop all the terrorists.
2. Acts of terror will be reframed as joyful occasions to make you appreciate life more, which is indeed the narrative Toady tried to thread around Manchester.
came back from my run, switched on Farage on LBC
only to get the Camp-bull “you can either have Brexit or the NHS, you can’t have both”
..Yeh right, countries outside the EU don’t have a health service
God he’s got Labour’s Charlie Faulkner, Blair’s attorney general.
Ah his flailing , cos the callers are all Nigel’s including people who were former Remainers
Now they finally got to Westminster Bridge attack “The EU is so important to our fight against terrorism”
..Yeh, right cos open borders is realy helping with that
Oh now 11am he’s brought on Caroline Criado Perez to promote the “New Feminist” last Thursday’s special edition of the New European edited by Caroline Perez,
… Campbell is the normal editor at large of the NE.
#Conflict of Interest
Now Mandu Reid from the Woman’s Equality Party is on as well
(Farage is somehow not on today and has been replaced by Alistair Campbell)
An old one but relevant …………..
“Being in the EU makes it harder to stop serious criminals and those with suspected terror links entering the UK, a government minister says.”
Wow a proper Corbyn sketch on the BBC
#1 It’s ONE
#2 They could have done it years ago, eg before the election but they didn’t
#3 BBC have form for letting comment slip through once so that they can then have multiple bites of the cherry at APOLOGISING and really fuel a campaign.
That PR trick seem to be used against Lord Lawson on R4 Today. Direct link to Youtube
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future of the UK.
9 Days since Tommy Robinson arrested for highlighting continued child mass rape and torture (25may2018)
0 Days since Tommy Robinson’s release.
28 Days since Day for Freedom March in London (06may2018)
0 Days since BBC reported on Day for Freedom March.
2.5 Years since Anjem Choudary arrested for preaching moderate Islam.
0 Days since Muslim community condemn Anjem Choudary and demand he serves his full 5 year sentence.
707 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%. (24jun2016)
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
0 Requests for #WorldNoHijabDay (no hijab day)
. . .
184,595 People charged (2016) with non-payment of the BBC TV Licence Tax by Capita TV Licensing. (mostly women)
0 Apologies from Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans whose wages are paid under threat of prison.
. . .
448 Days since Owen Jones said he’d quit social media (11mar2017)
0 Days since Owen Jones quit social media.
. . .
137,000 girls and women living with FGM, and 144,000 girls at risk of FGM.
0 Arrests for FGM in UK even though it is illegal.
. . .
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future.
Excuse me Mark, but the BBC is well able to highlight and report the most important news on their own , and don’t need citizen journalists like you, to do the arithmetic .
I heard most of that and the arrogance coming from the ReichEU MEPs was breathtaking . Any one in any doubt about leaving would be cured .do as we require and you’ll get money – if you don’t – such as take aliens – then no money.
I like the attitude reported today that the new Italian home sec has told new arrivals to “ pack their bags “.
It seems that a few Conservative MP s – Sajiv and Pritti are ‘out on manourvres’ Preparing for May to exit the stage . Whoever gets the job has to sound tougher on the ReichEU – we just seem to be bullied with no reply now.
The Soros machine has pushed out the ‘ chaos of a hard brexit’ lie . It would be worth a bit of pain to get out .
There does seem to be some confusion here. Ithink that i am correct in saying that the UK deficit remains just over the 3% limit set by Brussels for members of the Euro. So despite the eight years of cuts mentioned by soapy Sopel if the UK were in the euro it would still be facing potential disciplinary action for spending too much. So if we were ‘better’ Europeans , as Sopel and the rest of the BBC so desperately desire, we would urged to spend LESS not more.
You have to had it to the Government how they can still have austerity, 9 years? after the recession.
Austerity just for the poorest though…
There seems to be a drip UP effect with the wealth.
And dickheads at the BBC making it into a European /US story somehow.
The poor have to deal with a long welfare freeze, zero hours contracts, no overtime rate, scummy immigrants.
And some Fact check place proves there’s no austerity because a town has a new police station,
whoopie…hope the cells are nice .
We have so-called austerity after nine years because the government is still spending more money each year than it is raising in revenue. This is called the deficit and is added to the national debt each year the government fails to generate a surplus.
There are many ways of cutting the deficit (such as slashing overseas aid, etc) but the government, in its wisdom, has chosen not to do so instead enshrining in to law the 0.7% borrowed each year to pay for the money wasted on aid. There many other examples, of course, and the poor, the indolent and the feckless will always be with us as any trip to Clacton will confirm – austerity or no austerity.
Just finished watching Denial, which was coproduced by the bbc. It was pretty tedious with phone in performances and a strangely negative attitude to the British legal system given that it was worked on by the Beeb (not that surprising I guess).
I wonder if they would consider doing another legal film about the guy who proved in a UK court of law that Al Gore’s ‘green’ film An Inconvenient Truth, was rather inconveniently full of provable lies – I guess they wouldn’t be interested in investing in that particular David and Goliath one…
“Police shoot rampaging man at Berlin Cathedral…
“The police statement urged people to “avoid speculation” and said more details of the incident would follow.”
Meaning, don’t you dare say he was bearded and shouting Allahu Akbar, even if he was.
And don’t you dare spread fake news – that’s our job.
(It’s the merry season of Ramavan so you’ll excuse my scepticism. Our religionists of peace get a bit grumpy on an empty stomach.)
I wonder what the German is for
“Enough is enough” I suppose the haus Frau will use the term in the same meaningless way that the outgoing uk pm did after London Bridge and the rest .
Least we are vibrant and diverse though.
I thought I’d jump to conclusions in order to make our sweet maxi happy at 3 am posting time .,
Apparently they plan to plant an olive tree, fertilized with compost from floral tributes, to commemorate London Bridge – an incident carried out by three men, also apparently. Perhaps they could fashion a tree-stake from candlewax, to continue the recycling theme.
Meanwhile the ‘man on the rampage’ in Berlin Cathedral has been shot in the legs by the police. The public are urged ‘not to speculate’ on the circumstances. Apparently.
Hello Arjan, I hope you're OK and safe. Can I ask if you took this video, and are you willing to give permission to the BBC and our partners to broadcast it, with credit to you? Thank you
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Niall Ferguson in trouble at Stanford
\\ said he acted because he believed the Cardinal Conversations programme was being taken over by “elements fundamentally hostile to free speech”. So he suggested “opposition research” be carried out on a left-wing student.//
The emails got leaked and now Niall has left his role with a Stanford university free speech initiative.
“It seemed to me that the Cardinal Conversations student steering committee was in danger of being taken over by elements that were fundamentally hostile to free speech.”
He added: “It was, however, rash of me to seek to involve the Stanford Republicans, and reckless to use such inflammatory language. ..”
Oh and then there’s the nuanced Brexit stories clogging up the screen. Guess which way they lean?
“Brexit: Why do some UK citizens fear for their future rights?”
“Brexit: Time is running out, big business warns May”
“Carney warns on ‘disorderly Brexit’ fallout”
“Barclays to tighten lending to Brexit-affected UK economy”
“Can the UK really go it alone with a new sat-nav scheme?”
‘New tariffs imposed by the US on steel and aluminium from the EU are “illegal”, the UK’s International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has said.’
How are they illegal? don’t expect the BBC to ask…
”Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Dr Fox said the UK was still seeking exemptions from the tariffs”
err, remember as an EU member we cannot negotiate anything
don’t expect the BBC to question this…
‘The head of UK Steel, Gareth Stace, said EU leaders had a “gun held to their head” ‘
Boo hoo, the EU is a protectionist little members club, how they get away with being portrayed as global free trade champions I don’t know,
well unless it has something to do with the biased media.
etc etc
Ah, it’s all clarified in this article:
“Is the European Union a ‘protectionist racket’?” It’s on the BBC so it must be factual, balanced and obviously correct.
It should be remembered that we sell relatively little steel to the US and the steel that we do sell them is highly specialised. It has become even more of a premium product thanks to President Trump. The US customers will be having to grit their teeth and pay up.
The UK steel companies’ sales people ought to be making the most of that in other countries around the world (EU excepted) from Monday morning onwards, making bargain deals to sell even more UK made ‘top dollar’ specialist steel globally.
I can’t believe the albeeb r5 footy commentator said that if you are looking for a Nigerian fraudster this after noon have a look at Wem ber lee . ( just kiddin)
Just been looking at the Test Match news on the BBC website. Commentary by Amy Lofthouse. Give us a break. So went over to the commentary on the England v Nigeria football match. Commentary by Shamoon Hafez. Nice to know that the BBC is so inclusive in assigning people to comment on England’s main sporting events of the day. Just that their inclusiveness doesn’t quite stretch to allowing a white male to do any of the commentary. But I’ve no doubt that from now on the editor of Woman’s Hour will be a man and the interviews will be mainly of men by men. And each alternative week, Woman’s Hour will be replaced by Men’s Hour.
I got to the fine post on Tommy Robinson by wronged and the fine comments below it
a little late, but have spent the better part of the afternoon perusing it and exploring many of the links provided, including the cutting indictment by Paul Weston of Britain’s leaders for facilitating the country’s decline into totalitarianism.
That took me back several years to another dissident, Canadian-Iranian Zahra Kazemi , who was raped, tortured and killed for taking photographs of relatives of prisoners outside Evin prison:
When Tommy Robinson was beaten up by Muslim inmates in prison, it was with the connivance of the prison authorities. They didn’t actually lay a hand on him, but they might as well have done.
Who knows, Kazemi might even have experienced more due process in the Iranian legal system, such as it is, than Tommy Robinson just did at the hands of a British judge.
Now I’m wondering whether the unthinkable will happen and Britain’s ‘leaders’ will slide far enough down the slippery path they’re already on to begin to resemble the swine who rule Iran.
I think we cannot deport anyone from the U.K. to a Country when there is a threat to the life of the person we want to deport.
Where do we stand with Tommy?
His life is being put in serious danger by putting him in harms way, it has happened before to him in prison.
In short, if Tommy were in another Country, they could refuse an extradition request for him by the UK because his life would be put in danger
This law was put in place to prevent sending people back to hard line failing regimes run by corrupt dictators and governments.
The U.K. now belongs in this group of Countries.
Good points, Emmanuel Goldstein.
This is just good point it needs airing in the MSM and BBC if it dare .
How can they say that an asylum seeker would definately face persecution but Tommy Robinson wouldn’t in a UK prison ?
Well, that is Any Questions and Amol’s next podcast sorted.
That is one awfully confused ‘Muslim Girl’!
She tells us that the first woman to accept Islam was Khadijah, Mo’s first wife, yet when he was born he was held by Umm Ayman, a black woman Muslim.
She’s pretty weak on Islamic doctrine too as she makes the blasphemous statement that Mo got his values from Khadijah, when, ‘of course’, they were ‘revealed’ to him by Allah. Ditto all the bad press that Islam gets is a result of all those ‘man-made’ laws, (Mo-made?) derived from that man-written book the Koran.
That girl should be due for one hell of a stoning, but with intersectional compassion of course.
Every Saturday lunchtime I put myself through the self-flagellatory experience – my reason for doing which I imagine no known psycho-medical expert could vouchsafe a good reason – that is listening to the re-broadcast of Any Questions on Radio 4.
Today’s edition, from the Winter Gardens in Ventnor was as up to the mark as ever: mass cheering for any anti-Trump remark, mass cheering for any anti-DUP remark; but what really encouraged me to post here today was a little speech by shadow Secretary of State for Health, Jon Ashworth.
In a discussion on childhood obesity, the Liberal Democrat MP, Layla Moran, had told us – in an admirably matter-of-fact way -that as a child she had been fat, and that later in life she had had bariatric surgery as a result of which she had lost almost half her body weight.
The effect of this revelation on Jon Ashworth was remarkable. In a hushed, nay sepulchral tone of voice and with unshed lachrymosity in his eyes he said (and here I paraphrase) “I would like to thank Layla for being so frank, for opening up to us so much about her childhood”: for goodness’ sake, the lady had told us she was fat as a child. She had not told us she had overcome life-threatening injury or congenital deformity; she had not told us she had been raped or kidnapped as a child – she had told us she was fat, and that a GP had advised her mother not to feed her so many puddings: those were her words as near as I can recount.
Why does this matter? Because it demonstrates the infantilisation of the discourse of our “great and good”; the absurd over-emotionalisation of that discourse; this is a shadow cabinet minister, not some pathetic counsellor.
Mr Ashworth further distinguished himself in the next subject under discussion: whether children should be taken out of school to go on holiday during term-time, something to which I am wholly opposed, though my opinion is of no relevance. But, opined Mr Ashworth, what about those children who do not celebrate Easter and Christmas? What of those who celebrate Eid and Diwali? Should they not be allowed time off to celebrate their festivals? So a perfectly reasonable discussion on an admittedly contentious subject, usually centring on how holiday firm raise their prices to sometimes prohibitive levels for families on modest incomes in July and August, was inevitably drawn into the gaping maw of how intrinsically wrong it is that our school calendar should continue to be governed by Christian festivals and the rhythms of the English year. The long summer vacation, originally instituted to allow children to assist in the gathering in of the harvest and still a central feature of the University, Parliamentary and legal calendars, may well be in need of modernisation; but Mr Ashworth’s tenor was clear: the focusing of our year on Christian tradition has to stop.
Why do I listen to this rubbish every week….?
Term time trip to Majorca – parent gets fined.
Term time trip to Mecca?
That is all very well Skelds but who is going to pick our Strawberries ? (Good post by the way)
If school time is so important for a child’s education, should there not be a ban on teachers taking children out of school except perhaps for one day at a Museum and an art Gallery, on the same day?
The present trend appears to be at least one day out a term, sometimes two. What is the difference between that and a parent taking their child away for a week’s holiday?
London’s finest!
Purely holding a flag does not necessarily incite religious or racial hatred. It is the words or actions of the person holding the flag that can cause incitement.”
Unless of course the flag concerned is the Cross of St George or Union Jack.
London Politically Corrected police can’t stop the stabbings either.
Imagine if they had to remake ‘ The Sweeney’ these days be a bit like Rainbow – Jack and George screeching around in a Ford Granada painted like a rainbow doing their nails .
‘Rainbow’ Lock?
If by George you mean a camp, pink Hippo in uniform then, judging from some pictures I’ve seen, I think they’re already there.
They definitely seem to ‘Bungle’ more cases than they solve. (sorry)
So terrorist parades are approved by Seditious Kahn & the police but are we truly diverse? Can we like New York, have a celebrate Israel parade in London ?
“The UK must submit written proposals on how it plans to keep a frictionless Irish border after Brexit in the next two weeks, Ireland’s foreign minister has said.”
Why the ultimatum “next two weeks”?
We are leaving Mr Coveney, we are leaving. Get over it.
So will Italy, they have started plans to remove migrants.
I wonder how Ireland plans to keep a frictionless border?
Who is actually calling for a border?
Lubricant, Lobby? 🙂
Says who you Irish Dickhead ? ( and I am half Irish)
Didn`t we lend them-nay, give them loads of dosh to keep them afloat in the septic tank a few years back
Why the hell aren`t we asking for it back?
My cousins in the south west of Ireland lived off bloody English cattle feed this last winter,the buggers can`t even feed their own cattle.
Think the gay little Indian squit of a teashop they have thinks all cows are sacred, so they can`t kill them any more.
Just pay them to write crap in the Irish Independent on abortion and how grand Mrs Browns Boys is.
Ireland was once a country…not a suppository for the Sprouts of Brussels.
The EU will make it a prison, at least Churchill would have turned it into a cabbage patch.
Hi people, fellow British patriots, and those who refuse to be dumbed down by drinking the coolaid, and conned into taking the blue pill. I have been a long time lurker, ( not in a creepy way, I am not an employee of ‘belittling Britain constantly’ ! ). I would just like to register my support for this community, which I also advertise among friends and colleagues, and hope to be able to contribute to a site which has become one of my main ‘goto’ sites for real news.
I am still an unwilling payee of the propaganda tax, and am looking for alternative ways of accessing tv, mainly for the benefit of SWMBO. Although I admit to having a strange fascination with watching the train wreck which is happening on our screens daily.
Major Gammon
Croseo ! From the West.
Thanks Taff, I am from the North, under the auspices of her totalitarianship Queen Nic, ( as she would dearly love to be known ), altho, I have a pride in my paternal granny hailing from Swansea 😉
Major Gammon
A Swansea “Jack”, Salt of the earth.
I too, am a persecuted Scot living under vile diktat of Sturgeon and her brown shirts.
There are a few of us here!
Me too! Can we all get together and overthrow the helmeted harridan?
In favour of whom, though? Ruth “let’s invite more immigrants” Davidson? It’s not much of a choice.
“Fire breaks out at Harley Street block of flats in London.”
Ah, ’tis Ramavan, season of late night feasts and accidental fires.
The building houses flats, a dental clinic and an eye clinic.
Revenge job. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth.
Get yer coat.
I stumbled on this earlier on while perusing YouTube.
New on me. Anyone got any views on this plan to limit the internet for all. I must say that In view of the accelerating restrictions being imposed by the conspirators i.e the leaders of the Western World (apart for one – I hope) I would not put a stunt like this as being impossible. Clearly any uprisings would be coordinated through the internet. Any thoughts?
They’ll be banning gatherings of more than three people next, G.
It’ll be one that can read, one that can write and one to keep an eye on the intellectuals.
The was a good turn out today in Manchester for the freedom march. I’m guessing there were several thousand people there.
The elite ‘s favourite tool, the police behaved themselves and they kept the collectivist thugs well out of sight, so there’s no telling how many of them turned out to cause trouble; I think they’d have regretted it if they had.
As it turned out, it was a peaceful and good spirited march and then at the destination venue, Castlefield, there were some good and moving speeches. For me the most memorable were those by the parents of three teenage boys who were mown down and murdered by muslims and the lies and deceit by the police, particularly, to prevent them from learning the truth about the known muslim killers who deliberately murdered their children. If I recall correctly; I think from a Tommy Robinson report; it could have been eight boys murdered because there were another five boys who managed to get out of the way of the car that these muslims drove at them and three who were murdered.
I wonder if the far-left bbc will be covering this day’s event.
I see the MSM is continuing to do all it can to destroy Tommy. The Mail today was a particularly vicious attack . Two pages of abuse and not one mention of what the messenger is protesting about. Also Rebel Media is carrying footage which clearly shows many other incidents outside the court including a lengthy segment from a Sikh citizen journalist.
The reality is the 500,000 plus signatures has rattled them . Also too many good commentators from around the world are getting interested in exactly in how widespread the grooming gangs are and the lack of serious police action until recently .
It is remarkable how one working class youngish man has managed to cause the governing class to waver. It shows just how weak is the fantasy holding up the whole rotten edifice of progressive politics.
I hope this will make them pause in their relentless attempts to derail Brexit.
Yes Dave, that’s the last remaining paper cancelled from my house. Tbh tho I only really bought it for Richard Littlejohn’s and Quentin Letts’ columns. Also while reading it over a pint in the pub, it was a great way to passively trigger nearby lefties, some of whom felt offended enough to make a snide comment. It may be a flaw in my character ( well none of us are perfect ), but I would take great delight in accepting the proffered invitation to heartlessly deconstruct their naive, pollyanna-ish view of the world. Well we all need our little hobbies.
One thing I learnt about Government having been involved with changes in legislation, is, once having decided on a plan of action, they don’t waver. Press on regardless even if circumstances change by 180 degrees.
Sadly, the so-called Right-wing press are often the first and most vociferous in demonising the so-called Far Right.
I suspect this is a pre-emptive defence against accusations of themselves being far-right by such as the beeb.
Another example of the nefarious influence of the beeb on the whole political landscape. It’s like a gigantic black hole, distorting space-time over a huge area.
Black like its heart and ‘hole’ like that where the sun don’t shine.
Does the BBC privilege a SpecialVictimhood group today Stew ?

….. BearsNwoods ?
10:30pm BBC2 An “All Girls” Live At The Apollo.
What’s that famous quip about a dog walking on its hind legs? Well that also applies to female comedians.
Samuel Johnson — ‘Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.’
It will be weapons grade misandry on steroids, Stew.
I wonder if this gig will include men who identify as women?
Surely. if this is good enough for the “Labour” party, it should be good enough for so called comedy.
I had the great misfortune to catch a little bit of this…I’m still on suicide watch! 🙁
This despicable woman is what is wrong with this country. She should be sacked and monitored as a potential terror threat. Leftie scum.
Last night the BBC reported on the Ivor Novello awards which have become totally left wing politicised as bad as the BBC.
A list of the category winners.
Here’s the BBC report:
“London rapper Dave’s political anthem Question Time, which rages about everything from Grenfell Tower to Syria and the NHS, has won a top prize at the Ivor Novello songwriting awards.”
Fellow rapper Stormzy, who famously criticised the handling of Grenfell at the Brit Awards, won the album prize.
Dave (surname Santan), a 19-year-old piano-playing rapper from Streatham, south London, was on the BBC’s Sound of 2017 list and was nominated for best British breakthrough act at this year’s Brit Awards.
His winning song is a state-of-the-nation diatribe that takes aim at politicians including Theresa May, David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn.
Billy Bragg, picking up the outstanding contribution award, said: “It’s a great privilege to win in the same year as Dave for something so political and powerful. It really fired up my spirit somewhat.”
Despite the far leftist nature of the winners even the BBC on radio 4 was forced to admit the awards were ‘political’.
Stormzy is a supporter of far left fascist group Momentum so why is it that the BBC can’t describe them for what they are ? anyone expressing even slightly right of centre views is ridiculously labelled as ‘far right’ and those who are apolitical but don’t share all the fascist views are also labelled as ‘far right’ so why is there no ‘far left’ ever mentioned by the BBC ?
those who are apolitical but don’t share all the fascist views are also labelled as ‘far right’ so why is there no ‘far left’ ever mentioned by the BBC ?
Professional etiquette, T.
For, “far right” read, ‘Patriots’.
I think it’s called not crapping in your own backyard.
“Billy Bragg, picking up the outstanding contribution award”
To what, Dorset coast property prices?
Ah Bragging Billy another progressive moral crusader who wants us to open our borders and probably concrete over the countryside to house all these desperates but of course nowhere near his gaff.
A man who loves his inner city diversity and roots so much he lives in a huge pile miles away from any of it where the only diversity he ever comes across is the odd black faced sheep.
– I think Mr Billy would have fitted in quite well in the old Soviet Union telling the starving masses how to live their lives whilst he sunned himself in his dacha by the black sea.
Thanks Billy for being such a good illustration of how true socialism works and why we need it.
Heard Nick Robinson and Garry Richardson at 8.30 or so this morning, spending quite a bit of time on giving us their racing tips for Epsom.
How does that fit in with the BBCs endless crap about problem gambling, let alone animal cruelty and dangers in sport then?
They were both going to Epsom too-nice work if you`ve got a wedge of our money to gamble as well?
How do the BBC get away with spitting in our faces like this-are gambling, animal cruelty and hideously white sports that endanger runners and riders OK if Radio 4 say so?
And-this being in Epsom-how many BLACK or WOMEN jockeys or pygmies are allowed to race…or is it only Irish than need apply?
It was boxing with beards this morning on the bBbc sofa Alicia. No, Naga and Steph weren’t there.
English boxing is going to or has changed the rule to now allow boxers to have beards. Both and all genders. Probably. They actually had a Sikh fighter on which somehow didn’t annoy me at all, although we know who this is really for, but the bBbc brain-injury hypocrisy does, especially in their continued promotion and attempted, futile, glamourisation of women’s boxing. And women’s rugby.
Which brings me to Channel 4 where I’ve just tuned into Wales v South Africa live from America. Men’s rugby of course.
Didn’t the bBbc used to do this sort of thing?
Al Beeb is run by gays, feminists, liberals and misandrists.
Between the rock and hard place that is DB and ITTBB, the bbc’s North American sorority should by now be behind a locked door with a can of Budweiser and an AR15,
But I doubt they will be.
They will in fact be drawing salaries from the U.K. licence fee payer because the top floor of W1A feels they get it about right. If they know what’s good for them.
This might be news if it gets that bitter tool Glinner off twitter once the royalties start rolling again.
Does Father Ted convert to Islam, grow a beard & go into the “grooming” business?
“Man charged after police officers attack in Greenock”
Has the “Man” got a name yet?
Or is he just one of those “men”?
a curious detail
– police were called to the scene by an operative of a “partner agency”
It’ll out eventually ….
That headline seems to have been written by the BBC’s growing army of Convolutions Editors.
Taffman, Well, at least a ‘man’ is better than a, ‘van’. Makes the event more, ‘human’?
“Met Police officers racked up 189,000 cancelled rest days last year amid “unprecedented” demands on the force, the BBC has found.”
The problem with the Met Police is Cressida Dick, the Mayor of London and Al Beeb.
They know this (the policemen) and we know this, but does the Home Sectary?
Does the Britain’s ‘leading’ news exponent know this ?……………………………….
“One man has been shot and another repeatedly stabbed in a night of bloodshed in London.”
Just checked on the bbbc site, Taff.
Nothing of course, so I suppose there’s nothing to see and ‘mayor’ Khan is let off the hook as usual.
If all these yobs want a fight, then why not herd them all into a bullet-proof stadium somewhere, chuck in a few knives and guns, lock the doors and leave them at it for a few days?
Alternatively, a spell in a nasty prison somewhere would have the same effect. We could all get some sleep then.
I bet the bbbc reporters wouldn’t be there though, they’d need to bring back someone like Kate Adie for that particular role, although I’d prefer to see Nicky Robinson ducking and diving the real thing…
“Does the Britain’s ‘leading’ news exponent know this ?………………………………. “One man has been shot and another repeatedly stabbed in a night of bloodshed in London.””.
Standard fare now. All good stuff for the Government. A doubtless, ‘tightening up of security’ will ensue. The race against time is well underway to promote and install a totalitarian system like the one in Saudi Arabia so when islam takes over (Wahhabi islam no less) the transition for the Brits to Sharia will largely go unnoticed. For those who have direct experience of Saudi Arabia, it was fondly referred to as, “the largest open prison in the World”. Get ready.
That 2006 BBC blog about their Stealth Edits particularly on HYS was interesting
The ‘fake news BBC News’ is refreshingly honest.
‘Reframes’ 🙂
Ah, memory lane. When the bbc at least had a few means of hearing what they didn’t want to hear. Soon closed those down, eh, Nick? No wonder he ditched that pinned tweet.
A few beauties in there.
At 11:34 AM on 31 Oct 2006,
John Leach wrote:
Hi, I’m the architect of News Sniffer. Regarding the ‘Have Your Say’ monitoring: it is now fixed.
It was highlighted to me by a BBC techie on Thursday and I fixed it over the weekend. (as mentioned in the News Sniffer blog).
Some fun examples of “riveting” news article changes can be found here:
My favourite one concerns Cuba:
My guess is there are many more interesting changes to be found in amongst all the spelling changes and breaking stories. You just need to look carefully. Recommend any you find interesting.
Then this one:
At 12:04 PM on 31 Oct 2006,
Frank Fisher wrote:
You *do* stealth edit – I’ve corrected NewsOnline on many occasions, and you have never reflected the changes in your time stamp.
Oh, and why do you put “censored” in quotes? You block comments that you feel breach your policies – you censor them. What’s ambiguous about it? Just because you feel you censor in a good cause doesn’t stop it from being censorship.
In fact… you didn’t publish my last comment to these blogs…“
Steve Hermann does deign to reply… to some (a technique favoured still by Rob Burley)… but not those that don’t suit. So nothing much has changed.
And then he closes the the thread. Plus ca change.
And these two:
At 07:42 PM on 03 Nov 2006,
Bryan wrote:
To Steve Herrmann,
Sorry about calling you Paul in my no. 30 post. I was interested in your response to numerous posters, especially the last to Billyquiz. If you wanted to indicate that the mutilation took place in the US, why not simply state: “US father jailed for mutilation.” There seems to be a real problem in the BBC’s headline writing department. Apart from the stealth editing I indicated in my post above, you put words in quotation marks unnecessarily and you seem to use headlines as an opportunity to propagandise.
It would also be good to get one – just one – response from the BBC to my and others’ numerous comments about the anti-Israel propaganda you pumped out during the recent war. Your silence on this matter speaks volumes.”
Interesting that bbc monkeying around with headlines is an evolving craft.
At 03:05 PM on 06 Nov 2006,
Steven Martin wrote:
The fact that most of the “Have Your Say” discussions are “Fully Moderated” enables any censorship to take place undetected.
Some time ago there was an open “Have Your Say” about censorship of Google in China. When people pointed out that the BBC also censors things, those comments were removed at break-neck speed. People responded to this by pointing out the new censorship and a little war ensued, and the BBC gave up. You can still see that the top-rated comments are all about the BBC censorship.
When I complained to the BBC about this I was told that the postings about BBC Censorship were “off topic”. I find that to be quite frightening and I am grateful that someone has taken the time to create the News Sniffer site.”
Amen to that. If only posters then knew the BBC solution would be to move from ‘off topic’ to ‘closed for comments’ to… ‘Here’s an analysis by the BBC Narrative Editor’.
Orwell could write a book about it.
Funny Newsniffer, and the bbc’s Sniffy attitude to it, should come up:
Envy of the world, I ‘believe’.
For which ‘comments could be going better’ may apply, I do believe 🙂
Cartoon + roundup on the week’s events.
don’t get it?
I was trying to suggest that in a world where everything else is mostly going to hell – and given ‘new normal’ – Theresa May simply twiddling her thumbs, doing nothing and staying out the news is a good news week these days. At least her increasing incompetence means we’ll drop out with a clean no-deal.
Not one of my best actually, I recorded the commentary first which I was really happy with, then I went for a largish pub lunch and rushed the drawing when I eventually got home.
Keep it up mate, I wish I had your energy to do these nice pieces;
all my art stays in my head…
The Belfast Telegraph, a once reasonable source of objective news increasingly a virtue signalling, pro-Eire, pro-EU rag, are reporting that a woman’s body ‘has been recovered’ in an area close to where I’m from. No further details other than that this tragically happened on Friday night.
bBbc NI local news? Nothing. No mention of any incident or recognition of this girls death or the circumstances around it. Surely this should be on local news? A mention on their website, their Local news finder or on Teletext? Nothing.
No. A tree has fallen down in the grounds of Trinity College in Dublin. That’s what is of interest to people in Northern Ireland. Not an incident within their own country, their own community, an incident involving someone they may know or know of.
No a fuckin’ tree in a foreign country has fallen down.
This lack of local information, this lack of local knowledge, or empathy, or interest, or care is a daily occurrence in bBbc Northern Ireland news coverage and must be the same all over the UK.
We all know that the bBbc is biased but sometimes we should remind ourselves that they’re also useless and increasingly irrelevant. As a primary source of relevant news they are no longer of any real value at all.
To the ‘Man charged after attacking Glasgow police officers’ ‘report’ cited above, the sidebar of associated ‘newz’ would make the National Enquirer blush.
BBC lead article about London attack:
“Home Office says U.K. faces a severe threat from Islamist terrorism for at least another two years.”
So in two years we will be absolutely fine! Is that the year when the BBC plan to have reached peak diversity? Clearly potential terrorists will feel so empowered by Asian newsreaders the texts that inspire them will magically rewrite themselves.
All gone in two years? They cannot even be bothered to lie to us properly. What substantive measures have been taken? None. I somehow doubt all those candles and singing have stopped plots. To even question the multicultural ideology they have bet the house on is thought crime, and until that happens we will continue sleepwalking into tragedies.
“Islamist” is such a snide, newspeak word. To say ‘Islamic’ would be wrongthink but ‘Islamist’ is ok. It suggests there is just this wild, aberrant offshoot from the peaceful creed and that there is no problem with the ideology itself. It is a distinction dreamt up by leftists to get out of jail and one which the terrorists themselves do not recognise.
So the BBC takes the word of the Home Office. I am sure the people of Afghanistan and IRAQ felt the same when they took the word of Obama that there was no need to worry about announced US troop withdrawals. That went well. Which group will arise in that time to promote the British flower and candle industry?
Khan should use his ‘Young Londonders’ Fund’ to provide crack teams of young choirs on standby in every London Borough, so you can bleed to death in the gutter safe in the knowledge there are people on hand to sing ‘Imagine.’
The Home Office statement is: “We expect the threat from Islamist terrorism to remain at its current, heightened level for at least the next two years, and that it may increase further.” I think the phrase ‘at least’ is in the same vein as adverts that say ‘bargains from 99p’ or ‘broadband at up to 100Mb’. In other words, there is no factual or logical inaccuracy if they subsequently state in 2020 that “We said at least the next two years but we now expect another 2 / 10 / 100 years”.
Also note the misleading sentence at the end: “We assess the threat from extreme right-wing terrorism is growing”, intending to imply some sort of parity between Islamist terrorism and a largely imaginary ‘right-wing’ threat. By the government’s own figures, there are 3,000 high risk and 20,000 medium risk Islamists on the loose in the UK. The ‘extreme right-wing’ consists of a few dozen Hitler fantasists, disorganised, without support and where there are organisations, they are heavily infiltrated by the security sources and agent provocateurs. It is probably fair comment to say that there are individual streets in Birmingham, Luton and Bradford that contain more would-be Islamist terrorists than the total number of extreme right-wingers, animal rights extremists and dissident Irish republicans in the entire country.
“The Home Office Statement”. Aka, but expect more legislation to restrict our daily life. ‘Bout time they had a go at the internet?
Ian Rushlow
And then we get this ……
At the forefront, Baroness Warsi of the Baroness Warsi Foundation. This outfit resides at, 10 Queen St Pl, London EC4R 1BE. An expensive address? Income for the, “Foundation”? £61,300 –
How does that work then? A very small income, A very posh (and no doubt expensive) address. Stinks.
LBC’s response to this uplifting and joyous news was to mention that a murderer of Lee Rigby is now full of remorse and wants to write to his mother to say how sorry he is. The old shtick about “vulnerable” youngsters falling prey to a “vile perversion of Islam” raises its ugly head yet again. There was even a mention of the “mistakes in British foreign policy” as the initial reason for Big Beard mass murder in Britain. I haven’t heard that one for a while. Seems like the ground is being laid for a “kiss and make up moment”. The danger is subsiding, mistakes have been made on both sides, blah, blah. The future looks rosy -all that peaceful coexistance with the religion of peace.
He shouldn’t have ever been in the position to write a letter of apology – he should have been swinging on a rope long ago.
And not necessarily from the neck !
Yes – but you can imagine the usual suspects whinng “we don’t want to create martyrs”, “recruiting sergeant for terrorists” “counter-productive”. As Melanie Philips pointed out years ago in “Londonistan” appeasing islam in the hope that it will come love the British kuffar, or indeed any kuffar, is futile.
The pair of them should have been riddled with bullets at the scene of the crime.
It is all about then ideology. No amount of poverty or whatever could make me chop someone’s head off.
This filth will be the MP’s of the future. Mark my words.
It’s not censorship: “BBC Editorial Integrity means there is not always time or space to cover every story (that looks iffy to the narrative)”.
Emily Maitlis en route already to do some sho… interview this hero of the Crustacean Liberation Front.
Paul Mason is still Angry.
“Have a word with him would you”
A relation of yours ?
I nearly fainted when I saw that!
There’s probably something in his contract that prevents him from ending up in the soup – I think it’s known as the Crayfish Clause ………
Probable explanation:
On BBC breakfast this Sunday morning we have an article on car washes.
And guess what, much to the surprise of the BBC reporter, the foreign workers are being exploited by foreign labour gangs.
Something that everybody already knew, except it comes as a complete surprise to our national broadcaster.
Yes. They say. Bring them in to do the jobs the British people don’t want to do. Perhaps this is precisely the reason British people won’t do this kind of job, but as it helps with the BBC directive to promote immigration it has to be regulated. The solution is, they say, We all have to download an app onto our phones to find the car washes that don’t exploit the foreign workforce..
That’s something I won’t be doing on my 10 year old blackberry.
Apologies if someone has already posted his before…
London Bridge attack: What happened?
Just 5 pathetic paragraphs (4 if you ignore the 5th which is Sadiq Khan talking crap) spinning the attack into something more Islam friendly.
The actual attack is described buy the BBC as:
A white van hit pedestrians on London Bridge at about 10pm on the 3rd of June, then three men got out and attacked people in nearby Borough Market.
Police were there within a few minutes and the three men believed to be responsible for the attack were killed by the police.
Only the BBC could stoop so low as to speculate if the 3 shot by Police were “responsible”. Did the white van crash on its own and the 3 men stagger out, dazed and confused, wearing Islamic terrorist fancy dress?
BBC back St Brendan Cock’s return from the sewer. Wants to prevent terrorists from dividing our communities and spreading hate. The objective is to recruit victims of terror and relatives of victims to reject hate, and the far far far right who employ it to divide communities.
Now read this excellent piece about St Cocks
‘The deployment of victims of terrorism to promote the idea that social media is in some way a ‘cause’ of terrorism is now underway. At the same time, there seems to have been a low level purge on Twitter of ‘extremist’ voices, most prominently of Tommy Robinson. In due course, that is likely to be extended to You Tube, and Nigel Farage has made the accusation that algorithms are being used to censor conservative comment on Facebook.’
The article ends with this question
‘Do you trust Brendan Cox to define what constitutes ‘hate’?’
PS. There are, as yet, unsubstantiated rumours that Manchester Police are putting pressure on a man whose wife was murdered in the attack to express his support for the Mohamidan community.
Good find GWF – Well Sir Brendan the Pure would be a natural choice for countering hate as he definitely appears to be quite an expert on lurv.
The words brass neck do not do justice to this bloke. They allow themselves to be raised in front of us as our moral betters and at the end of the day their feet are covered with more clay than a potters wheel ———— and then they creep back!
I think the re-beautification of this creep illustrates just how low the media and elite will sink to protect their own and how they completely lack an sort of moral compass.
“whose wife was murdered in the attack”
Or, as expressed in BBC-Speak:
“Whose partner died in the incident”
I recommend everyone read the hate crime laws on the met website. It is disgraceful that 3000 plus a year are being imprisoned for simply posting their views on facebook. For example people who think Homosexuality is a sin are now being locked up for homophobia. People who think Islam is a religion of war are being locked up for islamophobia. How long before people complaining about the BBC here are locked up for BBCphobia? Until these laws are repealed Britain remains a police state.
Just to clue you in to what sort of people run here’s an example. I had a browse and noticed they are very keen on investigating MI5/MI6 etc infiltration of left wing organisations etc,priding themselves on their impartiality. So I pinged off this provocative mail.
So my question would be, if you are as impartial as you claim, why are you not all over the involvement of GCHQ and MI6 in the US elections of 2016? There is an awful lot of evidence out there in plain sight and the ramifications for the future of US/UK relations are extremely significant.
Kevin King
To which I got a surprisingly quick response
Tell me Mr King
1) what research have you ever done into anything?
2) why you think we have to answer questions from you: you’re not a subscriber are you?
3) if you have any useful evidence to impart on anything, do so.
4) otherwise, troll off. We answer only to ourselves.
To which I responded
Hi, The sort of moronic response I expected
To which the adorable Heidi responded with
As is yours: provide some evidence or crawl back into your troll-pit. If it’s in plain sight shouldn’t be too hard.
Your non response to question 1 is telling
Yes well, left wing ideologues…..they do have a way with words
Most interesting on borderland, which resolves a question or two of mine.
The article they produced was actually lifted from another site, from Dr Paul Stott’s Blog who focuses on terrorism, and frequently exposes connections between Islamic organizations and the political class.
I would not normally associate him with Borderland and now regret using their link when I should have posted Stott’s original link.
Thanks for drawing attention to Borderland.
Here is the original link to Stott’s piece..
RE: Threat of terror gone within two years.
1. A ‘hope ambassador’ has worked out that if we all light fifty candles a day for the dead that will definitely stop all the terrorists.
2. Acts of terror will be reframed as joyful occasions to make you appreciate life more, which is indeed the narrative Toady tried to thread around Manchester.
came back from my run, switched on Farage on LBC
only to get the Camp-bull “you can either have Brexit or the NHS, you can’t have both”
..Yeh right, countries outside the EU don’t have a health service
God he’s got Labour’s Charlie Faulkner, Blair’s attorney general.
Ah his flailing , cos the callers are all Nigel’s including people who were former Remainers
Now they finally got to Westminster Bridge attack “The EU is so important to our fight against terrorism”
..Yeh, right cos open borders is realy helping with that
Oh now 11am he’s brought on Caroline Criado Perez to promote the “New Feminist” last Thursday’s special edition of the New European edited by Caroline Perez,
… Campbell is the normal editor at large of the NE.
#Conflict of Interest
Now Mandu Reid from the Woman’s Equality Party is on as well
(Farage is somehow not on today and has been replaced by Alistair Campbell)
you can have a welfare state or open borders … take your pick
An old one but relevant …………..
“Being in the EU makes it harder to stop serious criminals and those with suspected terror links entering the UK, a government minister says.”
These two should get a room.
Worth sharing Ezra calls out Buzzfeed
..Exposes their hatespeak, projection and racism.
A must watch
Brilliant…when he gets in the taxi at the end,ha ha ha ha..!!
I’d prefer not to give Guido the traffic, frankly. Is there another link to said sketch or summary of the issue?
its very funny and im astonished the bbc allowed it considering the appalling bias…
Bite your lip and enjoy
Roland Deschain
Agree. We need to leave Geedo to his chosen mode of suicide
Try You Tube for Tracy Ulman. Its a BBC sketch but not supplied by Geedo
Wow a proper Corbyn sketch on the BBC
#1 It’s ONE
#2 They could have done it years ago, eg before the election but they didn’t
#3 BBC have form for letting comment slip through once so that they can then have multiple bites of the cherry at APOLOGISING and really fuel a campaign.
That PR trick seem to be used against Lord Lawson on R4 Today.
Direct link to Youtube
Yes amazing for the Beeb, restoring a little comedy balance, well done Tracy.
A good account of what happens to English parents when they try to extricate their daughters from the clutches of the muslim grooming gangs.
And, Douglas Murray.
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future of the UK.
9 Days since Tommy Robinson arrested for highlighting continued child mass rape and torture (25may2018)
0 Days since Tommy Robinson’s release.
28 Days since Day for Freedom March in London (06may2018)
0 Days since BBC reported on Day for Freedom March.
2.5 Years since Anjem Choudary arrested for preaching moderate Islam.
0 Days since Muslim community condemn Anjem Choudary and demand he serves his full 5 year sentence.
707 Days since UK voted to leave the EU @52%. (24jun2016)
1 PM says ‘Brexit means Brexit’.
0 Days Since Leaving the EU.
. . .
22 Children murdered in Manchester.
1 PM said ‘Enough is enough’
0 Arrests followed.
. . .
600K Migrants Lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on Watch List.
3K Extreme Terrorists on Watch List.
1 PM who said ‘Enough is Enough’.
0 Removed from watch list.
. . .
364 Days of #WorldNoHijabDay NOT supported by UK Foreign Office.
1 Day of #WorldNoHijabDay supported by UK Foreign Office.
0 Requests for #WorldNoHijabDay (no hijab day)
. . .
184,595 People charged (2016) with non-payment of the BBC TV Licence Tax by Capita TV Licensing. (mostly women)
0 Apologies from Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans whose wages are paid under threat of prison.
. . .
448 Days since Owen Jones said he’d quit social media (11mar2017)
0 Days since Owen Jones quit social media.
. . .
137,000 girls and women living with FGM, and 144,000 girls at risk of FGM.
0 Arrests for FGM in UK even though it is illegal.
. . .
When the zero figures start increasing … then I will have hope for the future.
Excuse me Mark, but the BBC is well able to highlight and report the most important news on their own , and don’t need citizen journalists like you, to do the arithmetic .
”Simon Cowell ditches phone for 10 months – and counting”
Simon Cowell said he was irritated by how much he was using his phone
brilliant radio 4 shit about europe and the eu today
the problem with Hungary and Poland is anti-semitism apparently
yep orban appears to object to the importing of millions of jews
well bugger me I did not know that , what a bastard
Kaiser ,
I heard most of that and the arrogance coming from the ReichEU MEPs was breathtaking . Any one in any doubt about leaving would be cured .do as we require and you’ll get money – if you don’t – such as take aliens – then no money.
I like the attitude reported today that the new Italian home sec has told new arrivals to “ pack their bags “.
It seems that a few Conservative MP s – Sajiv and Pritti are ‘out on manourvres’ Preparing for May to exit the stage . Whoever gets the job has to sound tougher on the ReichEU – we just seem to be bullied with no reply now.
The Soros machine has pushed out the ‘ chaos of a hard brexit’ lie . It would be worth a bit of pain to get out .
There does seem to be some confusion here. Ithink that i am correct in saying that the UK deficit remains just over the 3% limit set by Brussels for members of the Euro. So despite the eight years of cuts mentioned by soapy Sopel if the UK were in the euro it would still be facing potential disciplinary action for spending too much. So if we were ‘better’ Europeans , as Sopel and the rest of the BBC so desperately desire, we would urged to spend LESS not more.
You have to had it to the Government how they can still have austerity, 9 years? after the recession.
Austerity just for the poorest though…
There seems to be a drip UP effect with the wealth.
And dickheads at the BBC making it into a European /US story somehow.
The poor have to deal with a long welfare freeze, zero hours contracts, no overtime rate, scummy immigrants.
And some Fact check place proves there’s no austerity because a town has a new police station,
whoopie…hope the cells are nice .
We have so-called austerity after nine years because the government is still spending more money each year than it is raising in revenue. This is called the deficit and is added to the national debt each year the government fails to generate a surplus.
There are many ways of cutting the deficit (such as slashing overseas aid, etc) but the government, in its wisdom, has chosen not to do so instead enshrining in to law the 0.7% borrowed each year to pay for the money wasted on aid. There many other examples, of course, and the poor, the indolent and the feckless will always be with us as any trip to Clacton will confirm – austerity or no austerity.
Cultural appropriation?
She needs to wake up from her fantasy world, learn something useful, and get a real job.
As a self-defining err… Troll I demand the thought police arrest her immediately for racism!
May out now!
Tommy out now!
Mogg and Farage in !
I’ve written to my MP asking her what she is doing to secure his release.
I don’t think we’ll see much of TR for around 2 years now.
Just finished watching Denial, which was coproduced by the bbc. It was pretty tedious with phone in performances and a strangely negative attitude to the British legal system given that it was worked on by the Beeb (not that surprising I guess).
I wonder if they would consider doing another legal film about the guy who proved in a UK court of law that Al Gore’s ‘green’ film An Inconvenient Truth, was rather inconveniently full of provable lies – I guess they wouldn’t be interested in investing in that particular David and Goliath one…
“Police shoot rampaging man at Berlin Cathedral…
“The police statement urged people to “avoid speculation” and said more details of the incident would follow.”
Meaning, don’t you dare say he was bearded and shouting Allahu Akbar, even if he was.
And don’t you dare spread fake news – that’s our job.
(It’s the merry season of Ramavan so you’ll excuse my scepticism. Our religionists of peace get a bit grumpy on an empty stomach.)
I wonder what the German is for
“Enough is enough” I suppose the haus Frau will use the term in the same meaningless way that the outgoing uk pm did after London Bridge and the rest .
Least we are vibrant and diverse though.
I thought I’d jump to conclusions in order to make our sweet maxi happy at 3 am posting time .,
Hey – al Beeb. 6. O’clock news says the new home sec is going to review the uk immigration policy . I didn’t know there is one.
He need only adopt the new Italian ‘pack your bags ‘ policy. .
Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) will be letting more of his kind in.
Apparently they plan to plant an olive tree, fertilized with compost from floral tributes, to commemorate London Bridge – an incident carried out by three men, also apparently. Perhaps they could fashion a tree-stake from candlewax, to continue the recycling theme.
Meanwhile the ‘man on the rampage’ in Berlin Cathedral has been shot in the legs by the police. The public are urged ‘not to speculate’ on the circumstances. Apparently.
Amish, Methodist or Quaker perhaps? Anyway, motive unknown.
Only the bbc could ask for a freebie and then issue t&cs.