Well done Brissles.
A PB for the sisterhood, do I see those glass walls and fluffy ceilings a crumbling?
And did you achieve this triumph for ALL of us? And not just for male-like competitive reasons?
I`ve come to see you as my heroic Emmaline Pankhurst of cyberworld.
And I`d have to rename you Emily Parkhurst , were to throw me under the Kings horse in furtherance of being top totty here at Biased BBC.
Poor Emily Davidson eh? Never did understand why she bought a return on the GNER scuttleshuttle back in 1913.
We women don`t always come out so clever do we?
Now Dianne Abbott-THERE`S my brainy Belle!
Sorry Demon beneath me. Think you`re ninth now.
I empathise.
I`ve just wandered in and pushed a younger man out of my way.
Jordan Peterson has taught us well.
Won`t do it again, feel a bit soiled and cheeky for just waddling in like this.
I`m getting vertigo up here, simply not used to achieving these heights….altitude sickness.
Which isn`t as bad as morning sickness…but i`ll leave that for another time.
Well at least I tasted bronze for a short while before my stock fell into meritorious obscurity and ninth or twelfth place or some such. I must try harder to keep an also-ran position.
You`ll always be third Demon, don`t let the new harpies get to you.
This is bloke central, surely women ought to know their place and be cooking up something nice at the bottom of this blog for when we return.
Having to knit my own socks these days-what happened to the ladies then?
You may not have been our Bannister here…but BeebBro was…be proud of your Brasher role, here-and, may I yet be a Chataway or above.
Ladies-know your place.
If I find Putin (who`s just hacked this)-well, I`ll be deeply disappointed.
Ugh – I could only take 10 minutes of mr mark eastern mystified by why so many kidults who are English don’t feel any pride in it .
Felt the old blood pressure rising and shouting out the dab wireless “ because of people like you – you c—t” and swearing so early in the day . I then arrested myself for insulting the radio . Reporting restrictions have been imposed .
Next item was periods during ram a van -never got that far. Thought lady things would be on the Wimmins hours which seem to occupy most of the day on the light programme these days ….
Have t caught to much coverage of the Slovakian election where an anti immigrant party got 25 out of 90 seats ….
I remember when renewing a passport I put English as my nationality but when I received the new passport it had been amended to British, putting me on a par with Sir Joshua Hassan from Gibraltar, various people of Indian extraction born and raised in Uganda and the people living in the Falkland Islands. So officially one cannot call oneself English. Scots, Welsh, ok, but not English.
Nonetheless, I have always to date been proud to be English and do feel that our collective English/British history does give cause to be proud of our heritage, even though parts of it in history (over which I had no control, influence nor sometimes, knowledge) have been currently found to be reprehensible.
Was it Brown or Prescott (some bag of wind anyway) that said there no such thing as English as it doesn’t have its own parliament, unlike the talking shops the Scots and Welsh have, Robert.
From an early age i.e. starting at school, English people are taught to despise their own country through a twisted and selective version of world history, a narrative sustained by universities, politicians, hard-left activist groups, ‘charities’ and last but far from least, the BBC.
I wonder, is there any other country in the world so bent on cultural suicide?
Scrob, we pay them through our taxes, and we should be grateful they lower themselves to our level in order to ‘enrich’ us with their superior knowledge………apparently !
Since I started following US politics closely a year ago , to see if the President could succeed in his MAGA mission, I have been astonished to find that even over there this anti white teaching is rife in their schools and colleges. I think that the UK may be at the forefront of cultural suicide but many other Western nations are following close behind thanks to thehighly successful Gramscian insurgency of the last forty years.
There re two major problems with the US.
First, although they are only 5% of the world population, they are taught almost from birth to think that they are somehow superior to all other nations and nationalities. In fact, when you live amongst them as I did for 20 years, you see that they are no different from all other nations, mostly ignorant (of facts) peasants with a leadership of self interested psychopaths. Despite this, they continue to preach to the world the idea that everyone else should adopt their view of life, flawed as it is.
Second, whatever happens in the US today is slavishly copied by the rest of the world tomorrow, so that most of their worst aspects are the first to be adopted and we end up with their lower standards being followed by all. Thank goodness the world resisted TPP and TTIP despite the fact that the EU Commissioners wanted to adopt them, keeping the terms secret so we could not know what was involved.
If you think I am exaggerating, just Google Monsanto and see the dodges they have become involved in by trying to coerce the acceptance of their wishes. There really is no such thing as the ‘special relationship’ initiated by Churchill through family connections, in todays current affairs. America, like all other societies and nations, only acts out of self interest.
It is worth bearing in mind the size of the USA, which equates to going from her to Turkey.
For sure there is a difference between urban and rural, and especially each coast to each other and the interior.
You can experience pretty much every geographical climate there, often at the same time of year. So many see little need to travel.
Those that do can be awful, but American expats do tend to assimilate unless isolated by silly overseas packages that see them in compounds for work and play.
Having worked there too, I have found those I mixed with intelligent and well rounded and generous, though I was not exposed to the media industry and avoided the areas where a bullet proof car was was mandatory.
Ma Merkel’s Germany seems to be doing a good job of ethnic self-cleansing.
Islam belongs in Germany!
Yes, in the same way as the Reeperbahn belongs in Mecca.
Agreement Fedup2 -however that was the strategy of the EU & from successive UK governments, from the begining to crush any feeling by the various populations of belonging and having pride in, trust in, and something now gone completely-common sense. I was born in the early days of the last WW2, and therefore in the main was brought up with and educated with pre-war ideals, hence I am still proud to be and English man and to be part of the United Kingdom. Todays youngsters have been fed on a very different diet and values of the world around them-they appear not to see what we see, the dangers creeping ever closer of the final blow to bring about total muticulturalism, total subjugation to a monster ideology seemingly supported by the BBC et al.
I have to put a spin on it and think if ever the chips were down again for Blighty I’m sure that these apparently wimpy brainwashed kids would have a folk memory which would take on an enemy – obviously it’s usually the cheese eating surrender monkeys or the Reich but I’ve always been a believer in “ goes around – comes around “ .
I might sound “ out of time “ but I have to believe that.
Our read of the world is based on ‘ now’ and too many times threats have not been foreseen – and I’m not just talking about peace ful guest religions who we can’t take the piss out of or even sketch their boss in case it causes ‘offence’.
I watched Denial last night which was co-produced by the BBC and it seemed to be a nice little hit piece at the beginning for how stuffy we are, how crap ourlaws are and how it’s always raining here.
Sorry, Fed, had to go out this a.m. and could not post. Now, sun long above the yardarm and the clock past 4pm, I cannot remember what infuriated me about the TOADY Prog today. At least it wasn’t everything on the whole prog that was wrong for the whole three hours.
That makes a pleasant change.
Adonis was quite mild on Brexit for a change. He is obviously out of touch with public opinion, though, because he still believes in HS2. I have a notion that it is the public money project that is the most hated by the people paying for it – the taxpaying public. Surveys show, etc., etc..
Maybe loony Adonis saw the comments of A Lloyd Webber describing how the infested peers has become a political game much like the other place as opposed to a veneer of respectability which it once claimed.
Since a political whore like Shabi could get in just for writing a false ‘independent ‘ report on anti Semitic attitudes for enemies like Corbyn you knew their time was up .
I wrote the other day that now Soros has openly admitted committing resources to a second referendum any response to Brexit will be coordinated by the remainers via al beeb . Fortunately I think people just want to get on with it and wonder why we haven’t already gone
Adonis has that mad thing about h2s and obviously has no idea what local rail is like in the north and how resources should go into that rather than London to brum – but that’s not about al beeb bias which I try to stick too here.
Fed, will AlloydWebber – everything he touches, etc., etc., – do a musical about the Upper House to expose it all?
Now, there’s a thought ….
PS. As you are ‘modding’ now, please can you shift my post above where it ought to be – under yours @8.16am – there appears to have been some software slippage.
‘I’ll second that’
Thanks, Monica! And I’ll be happy to splash out on a new dress for you again.
P.S. I was going to say “don’t let Hillary know”, but it’s not a issue as she might be batting for the other side these days.
Monica once said that she was so forgetful, she’d ‘forget her head if it wasn’t screwed on’…
That pic of a dreadful philandering old bollock-bag makes me feel so much better now that his ugly harridan ‘wife’ is out in the cold and being ignored – that is until the courts catch up with the pair of ’em.
Somehow Katty missed the part where he said that Obummer had an easy time as president and very mild questioning from the MSM ‘because he was the first African-American President’…..
I suppose being raped is quite “embarrassing” for the victim. This particular rapist certainly seems to suffer no embarrassment at all, and obviously the BBC would not like to embarrass him by mentioning his appalling catalogue of rape and sexual assault..
Beeb ha ha – I have difficulty reading the minds of how people are self identifying their gender . Perhaps every one should send pictures of their parts to prove what they are but I believe that might breach on of the many laws designed to ensure our freedom .
I get that Stella Creasy on it – she’s trying to corner the market on sexy stuff
I am half midlands, quarter Essex and quarter Sussex through my parents. You must set up a vast bureaucracy to counter ‘Sussexism’ and not enough mixed county heritage people are posting first.
I was born in Norwich to a Cornish father from Penzance, and a Glaswegian mother, I was brought up in Glasgow from the age of 4, and also have Welsh ancestry from my paternal granny. Does that make me ‘diverse’ enough, or should I seek sponsorship from the diversity fund for self enrichment ?
Things did not work out too well when Rachel Dolezal “self identified” as black in 2015. Her parents outed her as “biologically caucasian” and there was much outrage amongst Afro-americans. Why you can’t have “racial fluidity” in the same way as “gender fluidity” is a conundrum. I suppose a black to white transracial would have to undergo radical bleaching and a white to black transracial would have to “black up” like a black and white minstrel. Both politically correct nonoes in a big way.
We live in strange times when we allow the delusional to undergo various forms of mutilation and then force everyone else to pretend that these mutilations have brought about some magical metamorphosis.
Damn – there I was trying to find another excuse to send a happy smiling picture of todger when now I have to keep him in me trousers .
If I put the next post up I’ll try to edit it for the appropriate gender balance .
Sorry I’m off al beeb bias but I keep thinking about the 10 minutes they spent on Toady this morning talking about periods during ram a van and wondered why it wasn’t on that al beeb Asian radio network thing which hasn’t been shut down as promised .
Indeed. I did manage third place once but by the time the men had piled in ended up ‘unranked’! I am thinking of setting the alarm a lot earlier to get up and check for any new threads before sun up. With this in mind I am giving consideration to taking myself off to Newton Abbot racecourse this afternoon and jumping out in front of Dawn’s Little Lady (14.20) to make a point. Cast off the shackles of yesterday…
The stamping of little feet when folk don’t bow to bbc ‘invitations’ is growing.
Dear Northern Trains, Sad to hear your MD is too busy to come on. Our timetable is very busy but we're prepared to cancel other services to make sure you get to your next job on time. Yours @BBCr4today@northernassist
9am Grenfell, outsiders and refugees are the topics on Start The Week with Marr
… the other topic is gypsies which I think is OK, the other 2 topics have been done to death.
Actually when I check that page’s blurb it doesn’t mention Grenfell (ah it was Marrs framing intro)
It does mention – Indian novelist Arundhati Roy, and a play about living as a street kid in Moscow
Couldn’t bear to listen to Adonis on Englishness (can’t bear to listen to R4 at all these days) but I’d wager ‘nation of immigrants’ and ‘multicultural’ featured in his description at some point, if not throughout.
Because the BBC, as one of the biggest culprits, and others have repeatedly told us not to be proud of British.
Surely the Beeb can now feel very proud of themselves that they’ve managed to convince a country that stood alone for two years in the last world war, was the first to abolish slavery and rigorously enforce that, and had the biggest empire in the world that in the main was a better force for good than not, that they have nothing else to offer and should be ashamed for their collective past.
Payne, wasn’t about pride in being British. If I recall correctly, the survey was about pride in being English.
I tend to identify as a Londoner first, English second, a bit mixed (up) third, UK-ish fourth and European fifth but then I’m aging by two days for every one that I listen to the BBC. Bound to be a bit unusual because of that. Eeeeek!
Marr is a traitor as has been shown time after time that’s why the BBC still employ him to rattle out anti-Britishism-we have traitors everywhere-in the EU, British political members of the EU who are still endeavouring to get the decision to Leave the EU over turned, can you beleive it?
Still quite a good prog, this morning tarien. I listened all the way through (which I haven’t done for quite a long while) albeit while carrying out a variety of tasks.
Oh yes, I heard Marr and co… Total bollocks and perfect for the armchair Marxist/Guardian reading hand wringers that listen to this blather. The part about travellers was classic BBC…
Appleby Horse Fair officially starts on Thursday this week for 3 days and the BBC and the rest will be here as usual celebrating the wonderful cultural enrichment that the travelling community bring to the town. Reality is somewhat different… There’s already been a big punch-up between “visitors” at the weekend and local Grammar School has advised parents not to allow their children to walk home unaccompanied! All of this in exam week FFS! But hey, that’s the price of diversity and tolerance…
“Winds of change”. I would be pessimistic. the NWO has been at it for many decades; they have their Fifth Columnists’ everywhere and in particularly decisive positions. Take Treezer for example.
“Terror strategy: MI5 might share information on 20,000 UK suspects” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44351841
Where on earth did the 20,000 come from, who let them all in ?
Didn’t Nigel Farage warn about this over two years ago ?
Perhaps these terror suspects are from the far right, Brexit voters, UKIP supporters, and it is useful to share information about them so that the Local Authorities can put their children into care if they step out of line.
Note how Sajid Javid , peace be upon him, he includes right wing extremists
‘Mr Javid, who on Sunday confirmed the security services were to get 2,000 extra officers, will also argue that the Islamic State group and right-wing extremists are “more similar than they might like to think”.
I would have thought the incarceration of TR would have freed up the few thousand officers who must have been assigned to monitor his tweets and YouTube postings, G.W.F. Maybe not.
“more similar than they might like to think”.
As in:
Islamic State – responsible for the deaths of 250,000 people and the displacement of 2.8 million more.
Right-wing extremists – eat bacon sarnies close to mosques and don’t like the disproportionate number of black players in the England squad.
Yep, the similarities are uncanny. But the similarity between the last Home Secretary and the current one is more striking: they are both useless.
Well said, IR. If that is the premise for Home Office policy, we are well and truly sunk.
No doubt MI6 and Common Purpose Plod will now be given the task of finding 20,000 potential right-wing terrorists to show they are not being Islamophobic.
Some Muslims do self-identify as Right Wing because they assume, correctly, that Left Wingers, especially of the Communist or Marxist persuasion, are atheists. They think they are in the right – and on the Right – because they believe in Allah as God.
Problem is that some from the Indian subcontinent who are not Muslims would identify themselves as very conservative Conservatives, whereas others from there would identify as fairly firm Socialists. Peaceful co-existence is not easy to achieve in that sort of situation.
BBC trending reports on ‘Barbeque Betty’, a viral video of a white woman telling a black group they are not allowed to barbeque. They frame it as a racist incident but of course you have to watch the video to discover the facts.
The woman is actually an SJW complaining about the charcoal the groups is using – just the sort of ‘eco feminist’ the Beeb normally approves of. Also she probably has a learning difficulty or mental health issues, and watching this group gang up on her is rather unpleasant. She gets really upset and the group of barbequers keep bullying her. It was silly to call the Police but she is clearly just some sad, lonely weirdo – there are lots of them around. Of course it is annoying but you have to try and be compassionate to people like this; the group should have just humoured the poor woman. She ends up getting really distressed and bursts into tears – it is horrible.
Gang bullies mentally ill woman does not have the same ring to it. The BBC applaud like seals as it fits their whites oppressing blacks narrative. What about mental illness, which the BBC care so much? SJW cannibalism – I guess being black wins the victimhood top trumps game.
Apparently a mass ‘cook out’ was organised in protest, as if this worry incident represented a return of slavery.
Why on Earth do they report on nonsense like this? Anything to feed their narrow narrative, even if it involves lying and a vulnerable woman being humiliated. With all the publicity she probably feels like killing herself now. Shame on you BBC.
Another one : “BBQ Becky”.. not Betty
“Becky is slang for a stereotypical WHITE woman”
(a woman who complains about blacks)
The real name was Jennifer Schulte
She Works as an Air Quality & Climate Change Specialist
“Dr. Jennifer Schulte is a Senior Project Manager with ERM based in Walnut Creek, California. She has 10 years of experience as an air quality and climate change specialist, and is a recognized expert in the fields of air quality, emission estimation, air dispersion modeling, health risk assessments, and climate change impacts,”
In this tweet the couple admit that it was a no BBQ area
Shame on all of you for protecting a woman who tried to criminalize my husband while he’s trying to get a job. That is an attempt to ruin my family! Over a stupid rule not being enforced. I can’t be as polite as you want me to be AND protect my family.
— Michelle Dione????????♀️ (@ShelleDione) May 24, 2018
(context the husband was the one at the start, then after being challenged by JS he called his “journalism student” wife who started videoing and who is tweeting)
They say JS is lying when she says they pushed her, but they edited a bit out of their video.
That wife claims JS used the N-word against her husband.
I’ve got no definitive news debunking article yet even though it was 2 weeks ago, but these tweet pics do give context Context1 , Context2
Authorities had tried to protect the area, but in a 2015 post someone refers to No-BBQ signs as “No Negoes Allowed” signs
Good new info on #BBQBecky incident
Local resident Don gave important info see end of article “update 2” https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/petty-barbecue-tyrant-charcoal-grill-oakland-white-black/comment-page-2/
#1 They videographer played Identity-politics card
#2 The MSM didn’t bother to contest that
#3 The woman JS is NOT white ..he thinks she is mixed race Pacific Islander
#4 \\the area around Lake Merritt, is in a state of complete lawlessness.
And no one cares. In fact, the lawlessness is celebrated as a kind of teenage, immature, passive aggressive rebelliousness. You can’t tell me what to do! Especially if you’re white – because that’s, you know, intrinsically racist. Their sad battle cry….//
What a dilemma for the BBC – or would be if Lefty Top Trumps* wasn’t there to guide them.
Given their worship of Britain’s miners, always wondered why they have never commissioned a play which imagines the scenario of a coal industry that stayed intact being faced with the closure of coal-fired power stations. I’m sure if they approached Ken Loach he’d be only too happy to oblige.
I was impressed and I’m sure other contributors here were. Ben Bradshaw was interviewed on Toady just after 0800. He outlined the Governments plans to deal with islamic terrorism, (or in the introductory words of Vine, which includes, “….right-wing..” extremists as well – just to add a bit of balance you understand). Well, blow me down with a feather, I felt very relieved that the security services will be sharing their intelligence with my local Lollypop Lady. At least when she spots a ‘van’ clearly on its way to mow people down and driven by a dark bearded bloke, she can step forward and swipe the van with her stick. That’ll teach them!
In effect, no change then.
Pathetic. I despair. This is no Government. This is a feeble group of people clinging to power continually following the path of, ‘what sounds good at the time’
Typical BBC. Any story about being poor, deprived, unable to work etc is always white skinned people.
Contrast the video above to this link yesterday where the BBC are happy that the young generation are not proud to be English http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44142843
When it comes to finding “English” people the BBC find every skin colour apart from white.
Yep – also expressed in the toilet at Media City after no one could find me a room. Such a surreal thing to do when there’s a busy newsroom on the other side! https://t.co/Hhxuv25Z8S
Good questions to ask Moslem candidates for political office. Ask them about shariah, how much do they support it.
You won’t find BBC interviewers asking these questions.
And why not ask Mishail Hussein whether she agrees with the shariah on wife beating, for example.
Wonderful. But the muslim population is doubling every decade. There’s no point preaching to the converted. You need to change these people. Now how many people in the UK will attempt this? Not many. Tommy Robinson perhaps? To do so will be interpreted as Islamophobic under the hate crime laws. So the first thing you need to do is repeal the hate crime laws.What are the odds of this happening with more and more women being elected to Parliament. Zero. Why? Because they are illogical. Exhibit number one https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/amber-rudd-misogyny-hate-crime-change-law-prejudice-women-home-secretary-greens-mps-charities-a8196786.html
Logically Misandry should be a hate crime. So on it goes. What next? Hmmm, never thought of that. Why not? Yes well we know the answer to that. It doesn’t need answering. I think you can see the upshot of all of this is the UK is fcked. The real men are gone and long buried. The genes are defective. Auf Wiedersehen Grossbritannien.
Just visited the enforced gender-neutral country of Sweden. Wonderful place, wonderful people.
Oddly, Swedish girls wear very sexy clothing despite decades of screaming, left wing, harridans lecturing them on sexism. Could looking sexually attractive be an innate desire of women I hear you ask? just like scientists have been saying? Could BBC feminism be totally wrong. Surely not.
Also, suffered from the queues at gender neutral toilets. Clearly a wise country, that ignored the latest left wing fashionable nonsense would have more cubicles for women than men, as a number of men can urinate in a row of urinals at the same time. In Sweden now, there are ludicrous queues as men have to line upto use one of the cubicles. Thus making the queues for women even longer.
All while, wary mothers are hanging onto the hands of their bewildered little girls carefully watching the hairy arsed guys around them.
Perhaps the BBC should do an item about this gender neutral twaddle.
It’s a shame that a country that always held a real fascination with me for providing us with Abba, Volvos and a host of sexual fantasies in the imagined but not ever seen beautiful Swedish girls has descended into a place that I would never entertain visiting for their crazy SJW policies and integration problems.
A weekend in Sweden sounds like a porn film I would have seeked out years ago. Now it just sounds like a hideously expensive, terrifying nightmare.
Some of the Swedish people i spoke to were very concerned at having the ‘wrong’ sort of immigration, as they put it. They also felt that the image of Swedish society, particularly health care, is a myth. One lady was a lawyer who is fighting for the right to stay in Sweden of Afghans who risked their lives to help the west. But she believes the worst types of immigrant are given a priority and making her country a nightmare.
Her views would be on par with much of what is said here. Not least that you cannot talk about it in the Swedish media.
It’s a shame to see what is happening but I guess you have to blame the population for voting in these kind of politicians and allowing themselves to be cowed by a finger wagging media and political class.
I’m certainly not claiming that we are any better. I have little time forMay but the people of the UK have to take some responsibility for so gullibly believing that Corbyn could be counted on to back up the Brexit line and voting in enough numbers to diminish May’s majority in that badly run campaign.
I am led to believe that Sweden was one of the first countries to adopt comprehensive education, in an attempt to remove the existing class bias prevalent there.
Had Britain sought their opinion on the matter, we would have found them to be dismissive of the concept, in that it was a failure in its original target and a failure in providing equal educational facilities to all the population.
If you think Alastair Campbell is bad enough, look what is coming up behind him. Daughter Grace phoned him yesterday on his LBC radio show to point out the ways he fails to live up to her feminist ideals. Apparently he is sometimes lazy around the house, doesn’t like to talk about periods and calls women “birds”. Needless to say feminists like Grace Campbell are never lazy, talk about personal bodily functions all the time and never objectify or use shorthand terms to describe men.
Later she tweeted “Ha haha I just schooled (Alastair Campbell) on the difference between patriarchal feminism and actual feminism”.
I can’t help wondering if any decent father would pull a similar stunt on their daughter and use domestic title tattle to humiliate her in front of a live audience. But in the course of living in close proximity with her father for 24 years, Grace Campbell uses such information to suggest he is a hypocrite.
The love of a father for their daughter is unconditional and in return the daughter owes her father her complete respect. Respect – is that a word the virtue-signaling snowflake Grace Campbell even understands?
But she won’t admit that without using her surname she would not get the publicity she expects.
Very handy to hang on to those surnames, Jagger, Kinnock, Straw, Mcartney, Dimblbey, Snow. There must be hundreds.
Here we go ! Sam Jaffacake the new HS – only been in the job a couple of weeks, and now on the TV saying how good he is. Oh, and he mentions a good Muslim lady by name who needs to be protected from the nasty right wing groups. Apparently there were FOUR right wing activities that were foiled by the security services – but he didn’t mentioned the number of activities by his own lot that were foiled. I think this HS is going to be much more visible (every time I turned on Andrew Marr, he was on it) , as he likes the publicity and the sound of his own voice.
One of the things that really tees me off about discussion programmes, whether on the BBC or other channels, is that the participants, especially Labour/leftist types, interrupt and shout over any Conservative/rightist talking, such that you cannot hear either of them clearly, should they have a valid point to make.
What makes it even worse, is that the moderator/host does not stop nor prevent reoccurrences. What with the inherent bias on such programmes, it becomes ever more evident that they will soon not be worth watching or listening to.
This morning on BBC tv news there was further chatter about the famous new Nigeria national football team shirt. Another nice little advert for Nike. Of course the three BBC presenters loved the Nigeria shirt. Why wouldn’t the achingly PC team purr with approval for anything African? There followed a quick round up of best and worst national football shirt designs. Funnily enough among those we saw pictured as being in the latter category all but one were in fact given the thumbs up by our BBC trio.
I bet you can’t guess which one single World Cup nation’s shirt they did allow themselves to poo-poo ? I’ll give you one clue – it’s not the obvious… they didn’t risk the ire of England supporters….
The answer is easy when you think about it… the good ol’ US of A
Driving Early this morning. R4. A bit about how Brexit will lead to food and medicine shortages – despite balanced views from most of their interviewees that it won’t. The BBC just kept pushing Brexit bad
then a very important discussion on eating during menstruation in Ramadan – WTF..hardly mainstream interest.
Then the changes to terrorism surveillance – why did they keep adding’ not all are Islamists, but also the far right?
Then being English – the BBC lead with how old and Brexiteer are the most likely to identify to being English whereas the figures (%) are 77 76 82 87 for all age groups that identify very strongly or fairly strongly – so not much difference then really – And apparently Bretixeers more than Remainers 90(B)72 (R) identify as English – so not much in it really
Then Cambridge not enough Black students – one college had 30 applicants and didn’t accept any – perhaps they were not good enough..how many white candidates got accepted as a percentage? Do the stats..not the bias
Why does the BBC like to promote there are huge differences when there isn’t and use poor statistics to justify their bias?
Had to laugh when they tried to get Clinton to slag off Trump and he just said – I am not going down where you want me to go.
“People’s Vote” – did the remain camp know that other World Leaders influenced their decision? Did those that remained realise that one of the World Leaders has never been a World Leader and one of them is a dictator who banned the ‘N’ letter from the internet?
The US be happy to be governed from Canada?
Japan be happy to be governed from Korea?
Australia be happy to be governed from New Zealand, or vice versa?
Chile be happy to be governed from Argentina?
India be happy to be governed from Pakistan?
China be happy to be governed from Russia? Would Italy be happy to be governed from Germany?
I lasted 2 weeks on Twitter before getting a lifetime ban. The last tweet I did was “Twitter has introduced new rules making sex offenders identify themselves with #FBPE”.
Good news from Slovenia over the weekend where they have voted for an anti migrant government. Coupled with the new Italian government I reckon that at least ten EU countries have anti migrant governments and that there is a chain of such government stretching from the Baltic to the Adriatic.
The BBC has reported the Slovenian election but claims that there is strong opposition to an anti migrant government but reports from other news sources say that such opposition is not significant. Once again the BBC and the rest of the MSM liberal Globalist media just can’t understand that people all over the West are rejecting their bankrupt politics that have done so much damage to the lives of The ordinary people of the West.
However , as we see withthe opposition from Remainiacs and Never Trumpers , the Globalist elite and their stupid dupes fight long and hard. So another couple of victories but the Globalists aren’t yet beaten. But the signs are encouraging in that the people are awaking from their slumber but the question is can the people succeed in freeing themselves from the Globalist yolk by Democratic means alone?
” But the signs are encouraging in that the people are awaking from their slumber but the question is can the people succeed in freeing themselves from the Globalist yolk by Democratic means alone?” Add, “…in time?”. That’s critical.
Yes G you are right, time is of the essence in this struggle. It will already take stern measures to protect our way of life , which I fear many will be unable to support eg forced repatriation, give the Globalists another ten years and even more drastic measures will be required. The future of the Western world is in the balance.
I am heartened by the fact that you think people are awakening to the dangers that they face and may/will react to them in a positive way.
But I am much more pessimistic than that. There are far too may who remain in a state of complacency just because they/we have not really faced any dilemma since WW11. When I talk to 20 somethings and retired people my own age I am constantly dismayed by how unknowledgeable they are, knowing nothing about the Globalists, the fact that politicians are game playing for their own benefits, how domineering the Islamic religion is, and how unscrupulous and duplicitous big business is, notwithstanding the shenanigans of the banksters over the last decade and their role in the devaluation of the Pound in their pocket.
In line with what I mentioned earlier Fakey ! Oh his bus driver Dad must be proud……….
Sajid Javid, 48, Home Secretary
Basit Javid, 47, is a Chief Superintendent in West Midlands Police
Atif Javid, 43, is a property investor and developer in Bristol
Khalid Javid , 49, works in financial services
Tariq Javid, 51, works in retail
The face of Britain today, the Attenboroughs and Dimbelby’s the like of which we shall never see again. Before long, there will be few people in this country who will have any ‘history’ here before 1950. Unpalatable as it sounds to the ‘right-on’ brigade, this is the truth, and is only glorified by those with names emanating from Africa and Asia.
I hope the bloke does a good job. It is going to be tough. The place is obviously still dysfunctional.
Sajid Javid did a poor job, in my view, as Economic Secretary to the Treasury. He now has a chance to redeem himself as Home Sec.. Hope he doesn’t get rotated out of the job before he gets a good few years in.
Well, considering that Javid said the other day that the MCB does not represent British muslims I’m prepared to give him a couple of brownie points. But saying ‘brownie’ in this context is likely to get me arrested.
I’m still convinced that 98% of Conservative MPs should be in Labour or LibDems mind!
Co incidence? When I lived in Florida, people therein the know always said that the Republicans and the Democrats were merely two sides of the same coin, both really Statists who wanted to increase the size and reach of government.
Seems the same here to me with Labour and Conservative, now that I have moved ‘back home’.
Interesting as I have seen a few of the usual left wing rags claiming that the Tories have an Islamophobia problem so not sure what is going on there.
Of course it is a smear that seems to be peddled by himself to try and cover up the anti Semitic issues with Labour and as that has caused the party some serious and permanent damage the only way to compete would be to bring the Tories down to Labour’s level.
I am surprised that the BBC have not picked up on it yet, they do love a good anti Tory smear but with Sajid Javid as Home Secretary it must be difficult for anyone to say that the Tories have an anti Islam problem
Every single narrative re-enacted through every conceivable angle via drama, street dance and rap duets.
A morning call in show with David Lammy called ‘Bash Whitey’ where the best caller gets to throw fruit at a councillor in stocks.
Wheel of fortune: a lawyers’ special where they have to answer a puzzle about a damning phrase from the report then get spin to win millions in legal aid.
Strictly No Dancing: Sharia-compliant talent show where no singing or dancing is allowed.
Super Hotel Sweep: Contestants from all over get to milk the hotels and council for as much free stuff as humanly possible. Producers won awards for how this show demonstrates minorities excelling above and beyond all expectations.
Wake up Sheeple, before it’s too late! https://altnewsmedia.net/general/wake-up-sheeple-before-its-too-late/
“There is no excuse for ignorance in a world that has Google” but even Google now seems to be all part and parcel of the indoctrination process today, if you doubt that then simply go to ‘Google Images’ and search ‘Black couple’ then search ‘White couple’, if you don’t notice something strange then I am afraid you are already one of the Sheeple.
I suspect a lot of the discrepancy is because we always say “black & white”. Rarely do we say “white & black”. Therefore a search for “white couple” will also pick up “black and white couple”. A search for “black couple” isn’t going to pick up many instances of “white and black couple”.
Thanks Eddy, I can gather from the results of a completed Google search that we are using an institutionally racist organisation for our searches.
As an aside, while updating an ancestry web site page this morning, I got a publicity message from the DNA section (sorry, I can’t find the link, as I recall it, this was the essence): ‘No matter what happens in the future there will still be European DNA’
That message seems to give a pretty clear indication as to the destiny of the white race in Europe. Who knows, but in the future if a white human is required for any reason, perhaps for some scientific experiment, then a specimen would have to be selectively bred back into existence. Apart from science, what other use there would there be for a white European in a Weiß-frei Europa? Or, looking on the brighter side, perhaps a Jurassic Park style homeland inhabited by a number-restricted collection of white specimens could be set up and used as a holiday resort to entertain the elite. Much like the wealthy Victorians used to visit their local lunatic asylum for a weekend’s entertainment.
I’m afraid we’re back to the The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan : ‘The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians [Obama?], will replace the current diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals.’ Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy have received an award from the organisation, probably on behalf of the EU. I think the award could quite safely be called the ‘rub-their-noses-in-it prize.
Unfortunately the end result of racial ‘diversity’ is racial ‘uniformity’ but try telling that to the BBC, they’d probably claim that what I was saying was hate speech because there will always be ‘European DNA’.
Like Martin Luther King, I would rather judge people not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. However, if I am threatened or bullied by a racist organisation (Google, Starbucks and the BBC immediately come to mind as organisations who use race as a political weapon) then I think I should speak out about it and, in this way, I hope to do what little I am able to expose them for what they are.
Just a short PS, because it has stayed in my memory, I was watching BBC 6 o’clock news last week (normally avoided but watching that evening in order to please a visiting relative) and an interviewer put a question to one of the doctors/physicians who had worked with the Skripals during their recovery after the reported nerve agent attack. She was asked (as I remember it) ‘What would you say to those who claim that, if a nerve agent had been used, the Skripals wouldn’t be alive today’. Her reply was (pretty near verbatim): “Well, they are alive, the proof’s in the pudding.” The interview terminated and we both had to ‘double-take’.
It seemed such a strange answer to give to the question and both myself and my relative felt we could only conclude that this was an admission from the doctor that a nerve agent hadn’t been used in the attack. Anyone else see this interview?
Also remaining dimly in my memory, NNN, was the news last Tuesday that the cause of the Skripal ‘poisoning’ was not identified by the hospital with the help of Porton chemists until after the PM had made her statement to the House identifying Russia as the culprit.
I hope I have remembered that correctly.
The doctor from Salisbury Hospital gave the timeline for the first few days. The other interesting points were:
1. the hospital assumed that the poisoning was due to narcotics use at first, and
2. the BBC in that item refered to ‘Novichok’ although the OPCW Inspectors deliberately chose not to refer to the drug as that, pointedly describing it as ‘Soviet era’.
Summary of OPCW report S/1612/ 12th April published by OPCW in English contradicts your assertion. They do not mention it by name but comfirm the British analysis. Russia is now claiming that the OPCW is in on the “black flag thingy”.
7 The team was briefed on the identity of the toxic chemical identified by the United Kingdom and was able to review analytical results and data from chemical analysis of biomedical samples collected by the British authorities from the affected individuals, as well as from environmental samples collected on site
8 The results of analysis of biomedical samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the exposure of the three hospitalised individuals to this toxic chemical.
9!The results of analysis of the environmental samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the presence of this toxic chemical in the samples.
10 The results of analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people.
11 The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities.
12 The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the full classified report of the Secretariat, available to States Parties
I don’t know why you think the medic’s reply is odd.
The interviewer’s question is based on the assumption that anty use of nerve gas is always fatal. The implicit accusation is that the medic is lying. All that the medic is saying is the facts speak for themselves. Nerve gas was used and contrary to received wisdom the victims survived.
Slurring the Skripals as overdosing drug addicts is reminiscent of Soviet attempts to plant stories in the western press that Sakharov’s wife Yelena Bonner was a rampant nymphoaniac.
Since the majority of people are inherently honest, it never occurs to them that other people are not so and would resort to dishonest actions to achieve some end.
I was exposed for 17 years to the weekday use of Toluene which has affected my neurological system. I now have different double vision in each eye, slur my speech and have a loss of equilibrium such that as soon as I am not vertical I stagger.
Knowing from my chemical warfare training during my 14 years in the RAF that nerve agents are much more effective today than they ever were, I find it hard to accept that the Skripals were infected by a very virulent nerve agent, given their miraculous recovery. Either they were not or the Russians did a lousy job of producing a modern more virulent agent.
BBC response … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London BBC omits results: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London&sa_f=search-product&scope= BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
Unite against Fascism, supported by founder member David Cameron, Diane Abbott, Owen Jones and many more are advertising the petition to ask Treezer to make Tommy Robinson serve out his FULL sentence.
Link not supplied here as the site is frequented by Maxicony and quite a number of BBC staff.
From the Reasons for signing. Says it all
Reasons for signing
David Evans·3 days ago
He doesn’t understand British law plus he’s a knob
Gavin Glencorse·3 days ago
Nasty wee racist maggots like Tommeh deserve every opportunity to spend their lives being made to pick up the soap in the prison showers.
Switched on Radio 4 about an hour ago to hear someone using the word “stakeholders” about 3 times in 30 seconds. Is there any word more irritating than “stakeholder”?
I suppose you have to see ‘stakeholders’ when used in its proper context.
‘The stakeholders shared a level playing field yet they kicked the requirement for a new paradigm into the long grass’.
Sounds like the gobbeldy gook that people use when they do not have a viable rationalisation for the dogma they are spouting and using proper correct English would expose that fact.
taxpayer? – for Conservatives, conservatives and some Liberals and some socialists
entitled claimant? – for those more on the left, The Far Left, Alt-Left and some others.
photo of where fire started
I wouldn’t have the cooker right next to the tall fridge/freezer,
is that common?
And did the small fridge fall from the top of the big one.
Opinions from other Biased BBC CSI detectives welcome
There has been a fridge/freezer next to my cooker, on and off, throughout my adult life, and no problem with either has occurred.
I wonder if looking at the appliances may be a red herring? I have my doubts about the activities there, at the time of the conflagration.. However, I’m sure they’ll find what they want to find…
I read somewhere the other day that fridges and refrigerators used to have something in them that was anti-fire in terms of their design, but about 10 to 15 years ago this was changed because the chemicals involved were thought to be harming the ozone layer. The new design is not as fire-resistant as it used to be. Someone with more knowledge about it might be able to post more details.
It is not normal to place a cooker, especially one with an oven, next to a refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer, for obvious reasons, as you will suffer higher than necessary electricity bills. In addition, think of the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change!
Then there is the possibility of any oven fire breaking out and setting alight the refrigerator unit. This would present an increased fire hazard from the latter so unlikely to be approved by a Building Inspector or meet with Fire Officer approval. The refrigeration unit has been the cause of some recent fires (one fatal?) on its own.
I have been led to believe that all the flats had been refurbished in Grenfell. That one does not have a refurbished look about it, even in its fire damaged state. I assume a Building Inspector has to visit a refurbishment, even a Local Authority one. They certainly do with private building refurbishments. Then there are, in addition, the regulations for multi-occupancy buildings.
A “number of non-compliances” in relation to fire safety signifying a culture of non-compliance at Grenfell Tower
Who might have been responsible to carry out such compliance inspections and who might have been responsible to see such inspections were carried out on a regular basis? More casualties of Tory austerity and cuts no doubt. The lifts failed to perform effectively, hindering the transportation of firefighting equipment and creating an “unnecessary risk” to residents who could not use it to escape.
How many times have we seen dire warnings of not to use lifts when escaping a fire?
As to the stay put advice (over-promoted, risk averse, female fire chief?) this was the same advice given to those trying to escape the Twin Towers disaster, some even being told to return to their offices. This didn’t end well for those there either!
I still think it was a ramadanian bush meat fry that got out of hand, log mark 8 instead of log mark 3! But we will never know.
Toobi, on the lifts point, that rule – not to be used in event of a fire – no longer applies, I think, where a building has the appropriate lift shafts, electricity supply, motor shielding, ventilation and type of lift. It certainly applied in the distant past, but I have an idea that building design and lift technology has made it unnecessary in a modern building.
My parents lived in an older designed council house for years, where, unlike today, the lounge, dining room and kitchen were all separate – and small, and yes, they too had a fridge freezer next to the cooker without any problems at all.
Eddy – the “stay put “ doctrine is similar to the titanic – “ it can’t happen approach “ . The keep it simple of ‘ get the fuck out ‘ will have cost and saved lives but the blessed brave fire brigade will be found culpable at the end of this unless there’s a white wash. I don’t think they had the equipment nearby to fight such a fire anyway .
Heads should roll but I think the blame will be spread really widely and ‘ institutional ‘ will be used so that the beeboids can give someone a kicking in the style of baroness Lawrence .
Fourth Floor.
Some black African Muslim , single bare footed who left soon after a cursory notification of his next door neighbours?
Eid? food behind fridge, fire, ends up between the cladding and the walls, then sent the flames UP the building with a chimney effect?
If i`m correct-would the BBC then shut up about causes?
And if not, then I`ll tust friends here-and NOT a word the BBC will be telling me.
Migration, Islam, no regulation on who was staying, illegality and waste disposal of furniture and flammables confined to piling it up by fire exist?
As Jon Snow was driven by every day on the Westway.
Tower of Babel catches fire-as if Labour, Greens and the EU had nowt to do with it.
Emma Dent Coad was on the bloody TMO or Housing Committee FFS-and she`s a double barrelled Labour hypocrite who no-0one questions at all. Cos she`s Labour innnit.
“Today we remember those who died in the London Bridge attack and the many more who were injured, as we pay tribute to the bravery of our emergency services and those who intervened and came to the aid of others.” – PM
“Today we remember those who died in the London Bridge attack and the many more who were injured, as we pay tribute to the bravery of our emergency services and those who intervened and came to the aid of others.” – PM @theresa_may
— UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) June 3, 2018
those who died in the London Bridge
“Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for. ”
those in Manchester who were lost those who died in the London Bridge those in Manchester who were lost those who died in the London Bridge
They must be counting the England football team as terrorists. I still get cold shivers when I go past any ‘Iceland’ shop knowing somehow we managed to lose to their sophisticated, throw-in based football two years ago. I am already terrified about the World Cup.
Lord Hall thinks BBC is a political party ?
..on crusades for political change ?
QUOTE “I’m a passionate believer in the impact we can have through our convening power… By acting as a ringmaster, if you like.”
“It’s another public service ideal: bringing partners together and making things happen that would otherwise not be possible.”
Grenfell Tower: ‘Stay put’ advice failed, says expert http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44351567
As I suspected, this inquiry is going to be low on fact and high on emotion. A few observations:
Why no mention of interview with flat 16 occupier…he called fire brigade so what did he think was cause of fire?
Fireman’s quote in this piece doesn’t make sense..says walked towards fridge (therefore recognizable)
The photo of flat shows most things recognizable…not burnt beyond recognition. I therefore find it difficult to believe they can’t determine the cause of the fire without doubt as suggested in this report (probably a fridge freezer).
The fact that there is a second old fridge and freezer allows for confusion in the discussion. Please look at second photo showing a burnt piece of floor said to be from under the fridge freezer. Does that look like the same room?
It is sad when you don’t trust the authorities and I’m certain they will not be telling the whole truth here.
Whole separate issue from the cladding, which clearly allowed the fire to spread rapidly.
Does that look like the same room?
It looks like the same freezer, LL, shown on the left in the first image by the window. If the burnt floor was supposed to be under the suspect freezer, (where all the leccy bits live) at what stage and by whom was the freezer moved to expose the floor?
You won’t get the truth if the truth is inconvenient.
I meant the room where the burnt piece of floor is. Trying to match it up to the photo of the whole kitchen is difficult. So it looks like a bit of evidence thrown in to support their theory of the freezer did it.
On that point, do electrical items have to be tested in these buildings, a# in schools, places of work etc? I presume not.
Anyway, we’ll never discover inconvenient truths, as someone else said on here (I don’t mean al gore!)
The fireman’s statement, ‘some say’, damns the fire service
The report quoted the first firefighter to enter the flat, Daniel Brown, who said: “I walked towards the fridge to inspect it… immediately I noticed little pieces of hot embers/debris falling outside what I could now see was a window that had completely given way leaving a hole in the wall.“
That suggests that ‘the fire had already left the building’ yet the fire service believed initially that the fire had been contained and extinguished within Flat 16.
This is the man that Sunday Times columnist Camilla Long claimed ‘could barely conceal his delight as three beleaguered plods reluctantly had to arrest him’. She also says ‘I don’t know why he’s back in jail – it could be for any one of the lame crimes he’s committed before’. Her comment was nine or ten days after the day of the arrest. Personally, I don’t think that reporting from a position of rank ignorance is much of a recommendation for a journalist but at least she’s honest about where she’s coming from.
21min TR Story “There was a 15 year old boy who said he was going to track me down and kill my family in front of me whilst I was chained to a radiator … I tracked this kid down and talked to him
.. he sent me an email last year … you know what Tommy, I researched and watched your videos and now I have left Islam”
“I’m the biggest target ..the enemy of the state narrative”
.. we’ll continue fighting it with a smile on our face”
Found this quote -and sums up Tommy.
“It`s not the critic who counts, he never did” It`s not the popinjay who points as the strong man stumbles, or says how the doer of deeds could have done things better. It`ts the one in the arena, muddy, bloody and scarred who fights fearlessly, makes errors and fails-but then tries yet again. He knows his own failures, but still tries to do the deed. He lives with great passion and enthusiasm, devoting his life to his sacred cause. He will risk it all for the triumph of the highest achievement at best. And, at worst, he fails but dares greatly, so that he is indomitable. As opposed to the born spectators, the eunuchs in the harem that we call “critics”. As opposed to the cold, timid and life-denying pew fillers who will never-have never-known victory nor defeat.”
Teddy Roosevelt (1910)-a precis.
Anna Soubry “I (Anna Soubry) say that the time has now come for a proper legal definition of Islamophobia.” https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2018-03-12c.592.7#g594.1
Victoria Atkins – “We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised.”
If their is no legal definition of Islamophobia (open to abuse) then why are the CPS using that term on their website?
Greatest minds of the UK come out with …. “We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised.”
How can you “clearly recognise” something if it is not “defined”?
BBC Bias today
☑Grenfell ☑London ☑Immigrants Yep New daily show on Radio4 at 12pm
(and the event mentioned every few hours)
overbias to women ? ☑Suffragettes 90min Lucy Worsley special 8:30pm BBC1
..cos no one ever mentioned Suffragettes on the BBC.
☑Windrush 11am Friday Radio4
two part series, journalist Hugh Muir examines Carib-British identity through the descendants of Windrush. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b53b0
Note also how these special topic progs get much more trailers than normal progs.
You missed one out Stew.
The US Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 in favour of a Colorado baker who refused on religious grounds to provide a wedding cake to a same sex couple.
The bBBC are, of course, apoplectic. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44361162
Closely followed by the news that World Cup pub bunting is having to be removed because there is a Saudi flag with Arabic writing and it is unacceptable to have this in a pub setting. The Religion of Peace may find it offensive.
The Grenfell reports on the BBC website are confusing.
Did the Fire Service put out the flat fire and go back to the station or were they present throughout?
If they went home what are the rules for length of time before a safe departure?
Its trebles all round at the Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation as the ‘journalists’ will get their material FOC with no effort for weeks to come.
But I’m cautiously optimistic that if the enquiry does its business free from political and snowflake imperatives, we might get some interesting and inconvenient stuff out. Looks like the fire brigade are banged to rights from the outset for their ‘stay put’ advice. Still, early retirements on full pensions should soften the blow.
What is sadly clear is that the ambulance chasing lawyers and LeftMob cannot wait for blame to be eventually defined so that the ‘victims and their families’ can claim cash beyond the wildest life-time savings dreams of ordinary working people. The rest of us, of course, will ultimately pick up the tab.
I am afraid to say that I have never understood the need to ‘be compensated’ when involved in an accident caused by someone else. Proper restitution/reimbursement for any losses one incurs as a result of an accident not caused by you, but not remuneration over and above one’s expenses.
But of course, under the judicial system imposed on we hoi polloi by the legal fraternity, they get their livelihood by increasing their allocation of the moneys in any case they represent. The fact that there is no correlation between the moral rights and wrongs of any case compared to the legal rights and wrongs has no bearing on ones view of the ‘correctness’ of the legal system. They control the system absolutely.
We could all sense the race card, lying there in the Grenfell pack, waiting to be played.
The media, led -of course- by guess who- have waited eagerly for it to come to the top of the pack, for it is going to give them a lot of mileage. (They’ve already been getting it implicitly, but explicitly, well wow!) And unscrupulous lawyers: this will be the big one, that will allow big words and big money to flow and flow…A virtue-signallers feast.
Now we wait to see who, among the unscrupulous politicians will be equally eager to play it. A face or two drift immediately into view…
Now, lemmy guess…
Damn that’s an entire week on wimmins hour. . What to. Wear. For. Terrorist attacks. – best shoes – how to. Stay fit. . Where to leave the kids.
Make up for The trial and prison. Stop me now.
It wasn’t terrorism – it was a diverse cultural thing . Still no death sentence.
I expect they’ll soon be claiming that as “security services deployed officers to pose as fellow extremists and speak to the pair online”, their human rights were violated and ‘Lush’ will be mounting another campaign to back it up. God how I wish the ‘Lush’ campaign turns into another ‘Ratners’.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… https://twitter.com/SilvioTattiscon/status/1896703407672668183 Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvge70y4q91o Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
First! Yippee!
Grrrrrrr ! I stayed up all night waiting for the change, – then fell asleep at 7.03 am !
Well done BB.
Well done Brissles.
A PB for the sisterhood, do I see those glass walls and fluffy ceilings a crumbling?
And did you achieve this triumph for ALL of us? And not just for male-like competitive reasons?
I`ve come to see you as my heroic Emmaline Pankhurst of cyberworld.
And I`d have to rename you Emily Parkhurst , were to throw me under the Kings horse in furtherance of being top totty here at Biased BBC.
Poor Emily Davidson eh? Never did understand why she bought a return on the GNER scuttleshuttle back in 1913.
We women don`t always come out so clever do we?
Now Dianne Abbott-THERE`S my brainy Belle!
I demand a recount.
Democracy is not being best served by er….democracy.
Beeb Brother did not know all the facts!
Brissles did not know what she was sleeping for.
Sorry Demon beneath me. Think you`re ninth now.
I empathise.
I`ve just wandered in and pushed a younger man out of my way.
Jordan Peterson has taught us well.
Won`t do it again, feel a bit soiled and cheeky for just waddling in like this.
I`m getting vertigo up here, simply not used to achieving these heights….altitude sickness.
Which isn`t as bad as morning sickness…but i`ll leave that for another time.
Well at least I tasted bronze for a short while before my stock fell into meritorious obscurity and ninth or twelfth place or some such. I must try harder to keep an also-ran position.
You`ll always be third Demon, don`t let the new harpies get to you.
This is bloke central, surely women ought to know their place and be cooking up something nice at the bottom of this blog for when we return.
Having to knit my own socks these days-what happened to the ladies then?
You may not have been our Bannister here…but BeebBro was…be proud of your Brasher role, here-and, may I yet be a Chataway or above.
Ladies-know your place.
If I find Putin (who`s just hacked this)-well, I`ll be deeply disappointed.
I`m now hoping to be fourth behind the lyrca clad Demon striving for gold.
What do you get if you get fourth?
Tin?…mine`s a Thatchers. Stuff Magners.
Sneaky. You popped it in under the weekend one. I shall repeat my parting shot on the old one.
“ism” of the day.
Though if that isn’t enough colour obsession there’s always this.
Cycling is pretty popular there already. Just bring a panga.
And punt rage is surely a thing?
In a word , Tokenism.
Re RD above.
Is there a course in Knife Sciences?
Or acid exfoliations and body scrubs?
Hmm, ‘It cannot improve diversity on it’s own’ , mebbe just me but, didn’t the universities’ job used to be improving excellence in education ?
I wonder if Mishal has a Pantone chart?
Toady watch
Ugh – I could only take 10 minutes of mr mark eastern mystified by why so many kidults who are English don’t feel any pride in it .
Felt the old blood pressure rising and shouting out the dab wireless “ because of people like you – you c—t” and swearing so early in the day . I then arrested myself for insulting the radio . Reporting restrictions have been imposed .
Next item was periods during ram a van -never got that far. Thought lady things would be on the Wimmins hours which seem to occupy most of the day on the light programme these days ….
Have t caught to much coverage of the Slovakian election where an anti immigrant party got 25 out of 90 seats ….
Up2 is more reliable on the toady than me ….
proud to be engish heat map reminds me of the brexit vote
so called bbc
particularly like the very first frame of the video they look really really english , very representative
Ps who answers these surveys ive never been asked
\\Being English ‘is about fish and chips’//
It has been known that many Welsh people eat ‘fish and chips’.
Perhaps too many fish and chips ?
Of course you have never been asked. They know you would not give the ‘right’ answers.
I remember when renewing a passport I put English as my nationality but when I received the new passport it had been amended to British, putting me on a par with Sir Joshua Hassan from Gibraltar, various people of Indian extraction born and raised in Uganda and the people living in the Falkland Islands. So officially one cannot call oneself English. Scots, Welsh, ok, but not English.
Nonetheless, I have always to date been proud to be English and do feel that our collective English/British history does give cause to be proud of our heritage, even though parts of it in history (over which I had no control, influence nor sometimes, knowledge) have been currently found to be reprehensible.
Was it Brown or Prescott (some bag of wind anyway) that said there no such thing as English as it doesn’t have its own parliament, unlike the talking shops the Scots and Welsh have, Robert.
From an early age i.e. starting at school, English people are taught to despise their own country through a twisted and selective version of world history, a narrative sustained by universities, politicians, hard-left activist groups, ‘charities’ and last but far from least, the BBC.
I wonder, is there any other country in the world so bent on cultural suicide?
Liberal PC Educationalists and teachers . They have been in the system for many years.
Al Beeb is full of them.
They’re called Gramscians or Gramscis
Looking at a Wiki piece on all this, isn’t it a pity that someone actually wastes a whole lifetime ‘exploring’ such crap!
Who pays them, and why?
Scrob, we pay them through our taxes, and we should be grateful they lower themselves to our level in order to ‘enrich’ us with their superior knowledge………apparently !
Major, I thank you from the heart of my bottom!
I think a gallop is in order!
Since I started following US politics closely a year ago , to see if the President could succeed in his MAGA mission, I have been astonished to find that even over there this anti white teaching is rife in their schools and colleges. I think that the UK may be at the forefront of cultural suicide but many other Western nations are following close behind thanks to thehighly successful Gramscian insurgency of the last forty years.
There re two major problems with the US.
First, although they are only 5% of the world population, they are taught almost from birth to think that they are somehow superior to all other nations and nationalities. In fact, when you live amongst them as I did for 20 years, you see that they are no different from all other nations, mostly ignorant (of facts) peasants with a leadership of self interested psychopaths. Despite this, they continue to preach to the world the idea that everyone else should adopt their view of life, flawed as it is.
Second, whatever happens in the US today is slavishly copied by the rest of the world tomorrow, so that most of their worst aspects are the first to be adopted and we end up with their lower standards being followed by all. Thank goodness the world resisted TPP and TTIP despite the fact that the EU Commissioners wanted to adopt them, keeping the terms secret so we could not know what was involved.
If you think I am exaggerating, just Google Monsanto and see the dodges they have become involved in by trying to coerce the acceptance of their wishes. There really is no such thing as the ‘special relationship’ initiated by Churchill through family connections, in todays current affairs. America, like all other societies and nations, only acts out of self interest.
There are problems with every country.
It is worth bearing in mind the size of the USA, which equates to going from her to Turkey.
For sure there is a difference between urban and rural, and especially each coast to each other and the interior.
You can experience pretty much every geographical climate there, often at the same time of year. So many see little need to travel.
Those that do can be awful, but American expats do tend to assimilate unless isolated by silly overseas packages that see them in compounds for work and play.
Having worked there too, I have found those I mixed with intelligent and well rounded and generous, though I was not exposed to the media industry and avoided the areas where a bullet proof car was was mandatory.
A bit like like I do Sadiq’s diverse nirvana now.
Ma Merkel’s Germany seems to be doing a good job of ethnic self-cleansing.
Islam belongs in Germany!
Yes, in the same way as the Reeperbahn belongs in Mecca.
An excellent example of “how to start your programme with the correct answer, then find the questions and charts to justify and explain it.”
Absolutely Lojo!
‘Snowflakes start off a drips’ is an alternative!
Agreement Fedup2 -however that was the strategy of the EU & from successive UK governments, from the begining to crush any feeling by the various populations of belonging and having pride in, trust in, and something now gone completely-common sense. I was born in the early days of the last WW2, and therefore in the main was brought up with and educated with pre-war ideals, hence I am still proud to be and English man and to be part of the United Kingdom. Todays youngsters have been fed on a very different diet and values of the world around them-they appear not to see what we see, the dangers creeping ever closer of the final blow to bring about total muticulturalism, total subjugation to a monster ideology seemingly supported by the BBC et al.
I have to put a spin on it and think if ever the chips were down again for Blighty I’m sure that these apparently wimpy brainwashed kids would have a folk memory which would take on an enemy – obviously it’s usually the cheese eating surrender monkeys or the Reich but I’ve always been a believer in “ goes around – comes around “ .
I might sound “ out of time “ but I have to believe that.
Our read of the world is based on ‘ now’ and too many times threats have not been foreseen – and I’m not just talking about peace ful guest religions who we can’t take the piss out of or even sketch their boss in case it causes ‘offence’.
I watched Denial last night which was co-produced by the BBC and it seemed to be a nice little hit piece at the beginning for how stuffy we are, how crap ourlaws are and how it’s always raining here.
A strange film with some odd messaging.
Sorry, Fed, had to go out this a.m. and could not post. Now, sun long above the yardarm and the clock past 4pm, I cannot remember what infuriated me about the TOADY Prog today. At least it wasn’t everything on the whole prog that was wrong for the whole three hours.
That makes a pleasant change.
Adonis was quite mild on Brexit for a change. He is obviously out of touch with public opinion, though, because he still believes in HS2. I have a notion that it is the public money project that is the most hated by the people paying for it – the taxpaying public. Surveys show, etc., etc..
Maybe loony Adonis saw the comments of A Lloyd Webber describing how the infested peers has become a political game much like the other place as opposed to a veneer of respectability which it once claimed.
Since a political whore like Shabi could get in just for writing a false ‘independent ‘ report on anti Semitic attitudes for enemies like Corbyn you knew their time was up .
I wrote the other day that now Soros has openly admitted committing resources to a second referendum any response to Brexit will be coordinated by the remainers via al beeb . Fortunately I think people just want to get on with it and wonder why we haven’t already gone
Adonis has that mad thing about h2s and obviously has no idea what local rail is like in the north and how resources should go into that rather than London to brum – but that’s not about al beeb bias which I try to stick too here.
Fed, will AlloydWebber – everything he touches, etc., etc., – do a musical about the Upper House to expose it all?
Now, there’s a thought ….
PS. As you are ‘modding’ now, please can you shift my post above where it ought to be – under yours @8.16am – there appears to have been some software slippage.
Adonis was one of the original ‘architects’ of HS2, obviously he regards this white elephant as his ‘legacy’.
My question is that if someone is ‘lighter skinned’ then are they black anyway?
Katty’s main professional function is RTing this lot with an ancronym.
‘I’ll second that’
That deserves a cigar!
Ha ha! Brilliant.
‘I’ll second that’
Thanks, Monica! And I’ll be happy to splash out on a new dress for you again.
P.S. I was going to say “don’t let Hillary know”, but it’s not a issue as she might be batting for the other side these days.
Monica once said that she was so forgetful, she’d ‘forget her head if it wasn’t screwed on’…
That pic of a dreadful philandering old bollock-bag makes me feel so much better now that his ugly harridan ‘wife’ is out in the cold and being ignored – that is until the courts catch up with the pair of ’em.
Popcorn on standby – not long now…
Is she still advertising dry cleaners ?
Come again
Why would a grown woman refer to herself as ‘Katty’?
Physically a grown woman, not necessarily mentally a grown woman.
Answered your own question.
Somehow Katty missed the part where he said that Obummer had an easy time as president and very mild questioning from the MSM ‘because he was the first African-American President’…..
Lock him up!
What like embarrassing them to believe that they are deplorable…
I suppose being raped is quite “embarrassing” for the victim. This particular rapist certainly seems to suffer no embarrassment at all, and obviously the BBC would not like to embarrass him by mentioning his appalling catalogue of rape and sexual assault..
Keep you eyes open for BBC news … remember that we are all victims ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Yeah – funny how many “German blast” and German traffic accidents end up killing ISIS members – surely some discrimination going on there?
Fedup2 – not an equal number of men and women are being the first to post. I demand you overhaul the entire site to rectify this heinous disparity.
Beeb ha ha – I have difficulty reading the minds of how people are self identifying their gender . Perhaps every one should send pictures of their parts to prove what they are but I believe that might breach on of the many laws designed to ensure our freedom .
I get that Stella Creasy on it – she’s trying to corner the market on sexy stuff
I am half midlands, quarter Essex and quarter Sussex through my parents. You must set up a vast bureaucracy to counter ‘Sussexism’ and not enough mixed county heritage people are posting first.
BB, would that be an Ethics Committee … ?
I’ll get my coat ….
I was born in Norwich to a Cornish father from Penzance, and a Glaswegian mother, I was brought up in Glasgow from the age of 4, and also have Welsh ancestry from my paternal granny. Does that make me ‘diverse’ enough, or should I seek sponsorship from the diversity fund for self enrichment ?
You will be in trouble with the gender police – it doesn’t matter what your parts look like, it matters how you self-identify. Bigot!
Things did not work out too well when Rachel Dolezal “self identified” as black in 2015. Her parents outed her as “biologically caucasian” and there was much outrage amongst Afro-americans. Why you can’t have “racial fluidity” in the same way as “gender fluidity” is a conundrum. I suppose a black to white transracial would have to undergo radical bleaching and a white to black transracial would have to “black up” like a black and white minstrel. Both politically correct nonoes in a big way.
We live in strange times when we allow the delusional to undergo various forms of mutilation and then force everyone else to pretend that these mutilations have brought about some magical metamorphosis.
Damn – there I was trying to find another excuse to send a happy smiling picture of todger when now I have to keep him in me trousers .
If I put the next post up I’ll try to edit it for the appropriate gender balance .
Sorry I’m off al beeb bias but I keep thinking about the 10 minutes they spent on Toady this morning talking about periods during ram a van and wondered why it wasn’t on that al beeb Asian radio network thing which hasn’t been shut down as promised .
Indeed. I did manage third place once but by the time the men had piled in ended up ‘unranked’! I am thinking of setting the alarm a lot earlier to get up and check for any new threads before sun up. With this in mind I am giving consideration to taking myself off to Newton Abbot racecourse this afternoon and jumping out in front of Dawn’s Little Lady (14.20) to make a point. Cast off the shackles of yesterday…
The stamping of little feet when folk don’t bow to bbc ‘invitations’ is growing.
Critics are saying the bbc is fading into irrelevance.
That tone…..heard it before somewhere…
Got it.
Juncker, Barnier…..
9am Grenfell, outsiders and refugees are the topics on Start The Week with Marr
… the other topic is gypsies which I think is OK, the other 2 topics have been done to death.
Then after the trailer R4Today brought on Lord Adonis to talk about “Englishness”.
Actually when I check that page’s blurb it doesn’t mention Grenfell (ah it was Marrs framing intro)
It does mention – Indian novelist Arundhati Roy, and a play about living as a street kid in Moscow
Couldn’t bear to listen to Adonis on Englishness (can’t bear to listen to R4 at all these days) but I’d wager ‘nation of immigrants’ and ‘multicultural’ featured in his description at some point, if not throughout.
What a stupid, rage inducing point from the BBC.
Why aren’t we proud of being British?
Because the BBC, as one of the biggest culprits, and others have repeatedly told us not to be proud of British.
Surely the Beeb can now feel very proud of themselves that they’ve managed to convince a country that stood alone for two years in the last world war, was the first to abolish slavery and rigorously enforce that, and had the biggest empire in the world that in the main was a better force for good than not, that they have nothing else to offer and should be ashamed for their collective past.
Payne, wasn’t about pride in being British. If I recall correctly, the survey was about pride in being English.
I tend to identify as a Londoner first, English second, a bit mixed (up) third, UK-ish fourth and European fifth but then I’m aging by two days for every one that I listen to the BBC. Bound to be a bit unusual because of that. Eeeeek!
Marr is a traitor as has been shown time after time that’s why the BBC still employ him to rattle out anti-Britishism-we have traitors everywhere-in the EU, British political members of the EU who are still endeavouring to get the decision to Leave the EU over turned, can you beleive it?
Still quite a good prog, this morning tarien. I listened all the way through (which I haven’t done for quite a long while) albeit while carrying out a variety of tasks.
Oh yes, I heard Marr and co… Total bollocks and perfect for the armchair Marxist/Guardian reading hand wringers that listen to this blather. The part about travellers was classic BBC…
Appleby Horse Fair officially starts on Thursday this week for 3 days and the BBC and the rest will be here as usual celebrating the wonderful cultural enrichment that the travelling community bring to the town. Reality is somewhat different… There’s already been a big punch-up between “visitors” at the weekend and local Grammar School has advised parents not to allow their children to walk home unaccompanied! All of this in exam week FFS! But hey, that’s the price of diversity and tolerance…
“Slovenia election: Anti-immigrant SDS is largest party”
Are ‘the winds of change’ beginning to sweep through Europe?
“Winds of change”. I would be pessimistic. the NWO has been at it for many decades; they have their Fifth Columnists’ everywhere and in particularly decisive positions. Take Treezer for example.
Are they ‘anti-immigrant’ or simply against mass immigration and the growing influence of, ahem, third world cultures?
This could be yet another case of the BBC’s sly use of language (see ‘Is the BBC biased’ for scores more examples).
“Terror strategy: MI5 might share information on 20,000 UK suspects”
Where on earth did the 20,000 come from, who let them all in ?
Didn’t Nigel Farage warn about this over two years ago ?
nice little sleight of hand there really
add the 3k on the terror watch list
add returned jihadists
add this years “newly” and “suddenly” radicalised by the “internet”
that 20k figure must be closer 30k by now
Perhaps these terror suspects are from the far right, Brexit voters, UKIP supporters, and it is useful to share information about them so that the Local Authorities can put their children into care if they step out of line.
Note how Sajid Javid , peace be upon him, he includes right wing extremists
‘Mr Javid, who on Sunday confirmed the security services were to get 2,000 extra officers, will also argue that the Islamic State group and right-wing extremists are “more similar than they might like to think”.
I would have thought the incarceration of TR would have freed up the few thousand officers who must have been assigned to monitor his tweets and YouTube postings, G.W.F. Maybe not.
If you include the right wing extremists then the figure of 20,000 would shoot up to 20,001 (+/- 1)
“more similar than they might like to think”.
As in:
Islamic State – responsible for the deaths of 250,000 people and the displacement of 2.8 million more.
Right-wing extremists – eat bacon sarnies close to mosques and don’t like the disproportionate number of black players in the England squad.
Yep, the similarities are uncanny. But the similarity between the last Home Secretary and the current one is more striking: they are both useless.
Well said, IR. If that is the premise for Home Office policy, we are well and truly sunk.
No doubt MI6 and Common Purpose Plod will now be given the task of finding 20,000 potential right-wing terrorists to show they are not being Islamophobic.
GWF first para – “Yes please. My fifty-six year old is a good candidate for care, though his older brother seems OK”
And how exactly is that?
And isn’t it interesting that he compares a bona fide terrorist organisation with a group defined by it’s opinions.
Why not compare literal muslims and right wing extremists?
But what exactly is the tally when we add up right wing extremists and members of the IS?
So we’ve got Jo Cox and the guy at Finsbury Mosque who was already having a heart attack
Manchester bombing
7th July bombing
Westminster Bridge incident
London Bridge incident
I think those figures of deaths and injuries as a percentage might present a rather different figure.
What next comparing the Campaign for Real Ale with that of the Provisional IRA?
Some Muslims do self-identify as Right Wing because they assume, correctly, that Left Wingers, especially of the Communist or Marxist persuasion, are atheists. They think they are in the right – and on the Right – because they believe in Allah as God.
Problem is that some from the Indian subcontinent who are not Muslims would identify themselves as very conservative Conservatives, whereas others from there would identify as fairly firm Socialists. Peaceful co-existence is not easy to achieve in that sort of situation.
BBC trending reports on ‘Barbeque Betty’, a viral video of a white woman telling a black group they are not allowed to barbeque. They frame it as a racist incident but of course you have to watch the video to discover the facts.
The woman is actually an SJW complaining about the charcoal the groups is using – just the sort of ‘eco feminist’ the Beeb normally approves of. Also she probably has a learning difficulty or mental health issues, and watching this group gang up on her is rather unpleasant. She gets really upset and the group of barbequers keep bullying her. It was silly to call the Police but she is clearly just some sad, lonely weirdo – there are lots of them around. Of course it is annoying but you have to try and be compassionate to people like this; the group should have just humoured the poor woman. She ends up getting really distressed and bursts into tears – it is horrible.
Gang bullies mentally ill woman does not have the same ring to it. The BBC applaud like seals as it fits their whites oppressing blacks narrative. What about mental illness, which the BBC care so much? SJW cannibalism – I guess being black wins the victimhood top trumps game.
Apparently a mass ‘cook out’ was organised in protest, as if this worry incident represented a return of slavery.
Why on Earth do they report on nonsense like this? Anything to feed their narrow narrative, even if it involves lying and a vulnerable woman being humiliated. With all the publicity she probably feels like killing herself now. Shame on you BBC.
Sorry for typing errors – dog kept insisting on a fuss so I got distracted!
Another one : “BBQ Becky”.. not Betty
“Becky is slang for a stereotypical WHITE woman”
(a woman who complains about blacks)
The real name was Jennifer Schulte
She Works as an Air Quality & Climate Change Specialist
“Dr. Jennifer Schulte is a Senior Project Manager with ERM based in Walnut Creek, California. She has 10 years of experience as an air quality and climate change specialist, and is a recognized expert in the fields of air quality, emission estimation, air dispersion modeling, health risk assessments, and climate change impacts,”
Good to put some facts up. Changes the picture. Actually, I felt
sorry of her
In this tweet the couple admit that it was a no BBQ area
(context the husband was the one at the start, then after being challenged by JS he called his “journalism student” wife who started videoing and who is tweeting)
They say JS is lying when she says they pushed her, but they edited a bit out of their video.
That wife claims JS used the N-word against her husband.
I’ve got no definitive news debunking article yet even though it was 2 weeks ago, but these tweet pics do give context Context1 , Context2
Authorities had tried to protect the area, but in a 2015 post someone refers to No-BBQ signs as “No Negoes Allowed” signs
Good new info on #BBQBecky incident
Local resident Don gave important info see end of article “update 2”
#1 They videographer played Identity-politics card
#2 The MSM didn’t bother to contest that
#3 The woman JS is NOT white ..he thinks she is mixed race Pacific Islander
#4 \\the area around Lake Merritt, is in a state of complete lawlessness.
And no one cares. In fact, the lawlessness is celebrated as a kind of teenage, immature, passive aggressive rebelliousness.
You can’t tell me what to do! Especially if you’re white – because that’s, you know, intrinsically racist. Their sad battle cry….//
Global warming/eco-socialism or race?
What a dilemma for the BBC – or would be if Lefty Top Trumps* wasn’t there to guide them.
Given their worship of Britain’s miners, always wondered why they have never commissioned a play which imagines the scenario of a coal industry that stayed intact being faced with the closure of coal-fired power stations. I’m sure if they approached Ken Loach he’d be only too happy to oblige.
*Top Trump = Islam (by a country mile)
I was impressed and I’m sure other contributors here were. Ben Bradshaw was interviewed on Toady just after 0800. He outlined the Governments plans to deal with islamic terrorism, (or in the introductory words of Vine, which includes, “….right-wing..” extremists as well – just to add a bit of balance you understand). Well, blow me down with a feather, I felt very relieved that the security services will be sharing their intelligence with my local Lollypop Lady. At least when she spots a ‘van’ clearly on its way to mow people down and driven by a dark bearded bloke, she can step forward and swipe the van with her stick. That’ll teach them!
In effect, no change then.
Pathetic. I despair. This is no Government. This is a feeble group of people clinging to power continually following the path of, ‘what sounds good at the time’
Lots of hope, though, and they are stockpiling candles.
Susan Calman and SigO are well ahead of the game. Apparently.
Mrs May = Neville Chamberlain.
Great Britain is crying out for another Churchill.
Another Oliver Cromwell more like, at this point we’re way beyond Churchill.
I no longer see Treezer as an appeaser like Chamberlain, but more of a collborator
A short video about finding free food from cafes to eat and every person in the video is white
Typical BBC. Any story about being poor, deprived, unable to work etc is always white skinned people.
Contrast the video above to this link yesterday where the BBC are happy that the young generation are not proud to be English
When it comes to finding “English” people the BBC find every skin colour apart from white.
They are probably all starving nurses and other NHS staff overdrawn at the food banks, Tabs.
Has Mark Mardell located any yet?
Which should raise the question: why are there no poor coloured people? How do Bangladeshi families of ten on benefits manage?
Very comfortably thank you with all the child benefits, and the wife benefits as two of them are classed as single mothers.
They do not even have…. a crèche!?
What the heck is the One Show then?
Good questions to ask Moslem candidates for political office. Ask them about shariah, how much do they support it.
You won’t find BBC interviewers asking these questions.
And why not ask Mishail Hussein whether she agrees with the shariah on wife beating, for example.
Dr Bill Warner has some excellent videos on YouTube that give a detailed and truthful exposition of the real nature of islam.
No one should vote for a muslim candidate for any public position; including mayor of London and Home Secretary.
Wonderful. But the muslim population is doubling every decade. There’s no point preaching to the converted. You need to change these people. Now how many people in the UK will attempt this? Not many. Tommy Robinson perhaps? To do so will be interpreted as Islamophobic under the hate crime laws. So the first thing you need to do is repeal the hate crime laws.What are the odds of this happening with more and more women being elected to Parliament. Zero. Why? Because they are illogical. Exhibit number one
Logically Misandry should be a hate crime. So on it goes. What next? Hmmm, never thought of that. Why not? Yes well we know the answer to that. It doesn’t need answering. I think you can see the upshot of all of this is the UK is fcked. The real men are gone and long buried. The genes are defective. Auf Wiedersehen Grossbritannien.
It took Spain some 400 years top get rid of their Moslem control once the invasion was over.
Just visited the enforced gender-neutral country of Sweden. Wonderful place, wonderful people.
Oddly, Swedish girls wear very sexy clothing despite decades of screaming, left wing, harridans lecturing them on sexism. Could looking sexually attractive be an innate desire of women I hear you ask? just like scientists have been saying? Could BBC feminism be totally wrong. Surely not.
Also, suffered from the queues at gender neutral toilets. Clearly a wise country, that ignored the latest left wing fashionable nonsense would have more cubicles for women than men, as a number of men can urinate in a row of urinals at the same time. In Sweden now, there are ludicrous queues as men have to line upto use one of the cubicles. Thus making the queues for women even longer.
All while, wary mothers are hanging onto the hands of their bewildered little girls carefully watching the hairy arsed guys around them.
Perhaps the BBC should do an item about this gender neutral twaddle.
It’s a shame that a country that always held a real fascination with me for providing us with Abba, Volvos and a host of sexual fantasies in the imagined but not ever seen beautiful Swedish girls has descended into a place that I would never entertain visiting for their crazy SJW policies and integration problems.
A weekend in Sweden sounds like a porn film I would have seeked out years ago. Now it just sounds like a hideously expensive, terrifying nightmare.
Most of Sweden is beautiful and worth a visit.
Some of the Swedish people i spoke to were very concerned at having the ‘wrong’ sort of immigration, as they put it. They also felt that the image of Swedish society, particularly health care, is a myth. One lady was a lawyer who is fighting for the right to stay in Sweden of Afghans who risked their lives to help the west. But she believes the worst types of immigrant are given a priority and making her country a nightmare.
Her views would be on par with much of what is said here. Not least that you cannot talk about it in the Swedish media.
It’s a shame to see what is happening but I guess you have to blame the population for voting in these kind of politicians and allowing themselves to be cowed by a finger wagging media and political class.
I’m certainly not claiming that we are any better. I have little time forMay but the people of the UK have to take some responsibility for so gullibly believing that Corbyn could be counted on to back up the Brexit line and voting in enough numbers to diminish May’s majority in that badly run campaign.
I am led to believe that Sweden was one of the first countries to adopt comprehensive education, in an attempt to remove the existing class bias prevalent there.
Had Britain sought their opinion on the matter, we would have found them to be dismissive of the concept, in that it was a failure in its original target and a failure in providing equal educational facilities to all the population.
I haven’t finished reading this yet, I must run to catch a train……
If you think Alastair Campbell is bad enough, look what is coming up behind him. Daughter Grace phoned him yesterday on his LBC radio show to point out the ways he fails to live up to her feminist ideals. Apparently he is sometimes lazy around the house, doesn’t like to talk about periods and calls women “birds”. Needless to say feminists like Grace Campbell are never lazy, talk about personal bodily functions all the time and never objectify or use shorthand terms to describe men.
Later she tweeted “Ha haha I just schooled (Alastair Campbell) on the difference between patriarchal feminism and actual feminism”.
I can’t help wondering if any decent father would pull a similar stunt on their daughter and use domestic title tattle to humiliate her in front of a live audience. But in the course of living in close proximity with her father for 24 years, Grace Campbell uses such information to suggest he is a hypocrite.
The love of a father for their daughter is unconditional and in return the daughter owes her father her complete respect. Respect – is that a word the virtue-signaling snowflake Grace Campbell even understands?
But she won’t admit that without using her surname she would not get the publicity she expects.
Very handy to hang on to those surnames, Jagger, Kinnock, Straw, Mcartney, Dimblbey, Snow. There must be hundreds.
Here we go ! Sam Jaffacake the new HS – only been in the job a couple of weeks, and now on the TV saying how good he is. Oh, and he mentions a good Muslim lady by name who needs to be protected from the nasty right wing groups. Apparently there were FOUR right wing activities that were foiled by the security services – but he didn’t mentioned the number of activities by his own lot that were foiled. I think this HS is going to be much more visible (every time I turned on Andrew Marr, he was on it) , as he likes the publicity and the sound of his own voice.
What about good Muslim ladies that need to have their genitalia protected from the Muslim community surgeon?
Or maybe good British girls that need to have their genitalia protected from Muslim grooming gangs?
One of the things that really tees me off about discussion programmes, whether on the BBC or other channels, is that the participants, especially Labour/leftist types, interrupt and shout over any Conservative/rightist talking, such that you cannot hear either of them clearly, should they have a valid point to make.
What makes it even worse, is that the moderator/host does not stop nor prevent reoccurrences. What with the inherent bias on such programmes, it becomes ever more evident that they will soon not be worth watching or listening to.
Someone questioned earlier why the Grenfell Tower is still standing.
It is a permanent reminder of how all post-Colonial immigrants have been shamefully treated by this Tory Government and will never be taken down.
Quick sports quiz question:
This morning on BBC tv news there was further chatter about the famous new Nigeria national football team shirt. Another nice little advert for Nike. Of course the three BBC presenters loved the Nigeria shirt. Why wouldn’t the achingly PC team purr with approval for anything African? There followed a quick round up of best and worst national football shirt designs. Funnily enough among those we saw pictured as being in the latter category all but one were in fact given the thumbs up by our BBC trio.
I bet you can’t guess which one single World Cup nation’s shirt they did allow themselves to poo-poo ? I’ll give you one clue – it’s not the obvious… they didn’t risk the ire of England supporters….
The answer is easy when you think about it… the good ol’ US of A
So predictable.
But the USA isn’t appearing in this World Cup – which is a real shame because I loved their hard working team spirit.
Driving Early this morning. R4. A bit about how Brexit will lead to food and medicine shortages – despite balanced views from most of their interviewees that it won’t. The BBC just kept pushing Brexit bad
then a very important discussion on eating during menstruation in Ramadan – WTF..hardly mainstream interest.
Then the changes to terrorism surveillance – why did they keep adding’ not all are Islamists, but also the far right?
Then being English – the BBC lead with how old and Brexiteer are the most likely to identify to being English whereas the figures (%) are 77 76 82 87 for all age groups that identify very strongly or fairly strongly – so not much difference then really – And apparently Bretixeers more than Remainers 90(B)72 (R) identify as English – so not much in it really
Then Cambridge not enough Black students – one college had 30 applicants and didn’t accept any – perhaps they were not good enough..how many white candidates got accepted as a percentage? Do the stats..not the bias
Why does the BBC like to promote there are huge differences when there isn’t and use poor statistics to justify their bias?
Had to laugh when they tried to get Clinton to slag off Trump and he just said – I am not going down where you want me to go.
BBC at it’s best
“….perhaps they were not good enough..”
Just saying………….
there are plenty of brown children at oxbridge, perhaps it just the shade of the skin stopping them going
q1 on the application form on a scale of 1 to 100 how dark is your skin
I appreciate the point that you are making but whether or not these folks get to uni on merit isn’t of any interest to the SJW mob.
780 Members in the House of Lords. (paid £300 a day).
650 MPs in the House of Commons. (18% pay rise since 2010).
1 Lord who backed #FreeTommyRobinson.
“People’s Vote” – did the remain camp know that other World Leaders influenced their decision? Did those that remained realise that one of the World Leaders has never been a World Leader and one of them is a dictator who banned the ‘N’ letter from the internet?
Did the those that ticked REAMIN IN THE EU know?
The US be happy to be governed from Canada?
Japan be happy to be governed from Korea?
Australia be happy to be governed from New Zealand, or vice versa?
Chile be happy to be governed from Argentina?
India be happy to be governed from Pakistan?
China be happy to be governed from Russia?
Would Italy be happy to be governed from Germany?Foxtrot oscar, the lot of you.
You know all those #FBPE loons going mental* over a comedic skit about HeWhoMustBeRevered by Tracey Ulman?
And singing the praises of Jon Snow, KGM, Cathy WYASI, etc?
Unique funding gets more unique each day, eh, OFCOM?
I lasted 2 weeks on Twitter before getting a lifetime ban. The last tweet I did was “Twitter has introduced new rules making sex offenders identify themselves with #FBPE”.
*even more
Good news from Slovenia over the weekend where they have voted for an anti migrant government. Coupled with the new Italian government I reckon that at least ten EU countries have anti migrant governments and that there is a chain of such government stretching from the Baltic to the Adriatic.
The BBC has reported the Slovenian election but claims that there is strong opposition to an anti migrant government but reports from other news sources say that such opposition is not significant. Once again the BBC and the rest of the MSM liberal Globalist media just can’t understand that people all over the West are rejecting their bankrupt politics that have done so much damage to the lives of The ordinary people of the West.
However , as we see withthe opposition from Remainiacs and Never Trumpers , the Globalist elite and their stupid dupes fight long and hard. So another couple of victories but the Globalists aren’t yet beaten. But the signs are encouraging in that the people are awaking from their slumber but the question is can the people succeed in freeing themselves from the Globalist yolk by Democratic means alone?
” But the signs are encouraging in that the people are awaking from their slumber but the question is can the people succeed in freeing themselves from the Globalist yolk by Democratic means alone?” Add, “…in time?”. That’s critical.
Yes G you are right, time is of the essence in this struggle. It will already take stern measures to protect our way of life , which I fear many will be unable to support eg forced repatriation, give the Globalists another ten years and even more drastic measures will be required. The future of the Western world is in the balance.
I am heartened by the fact that you think people are awakening to the dangers that they face and may/will react to them in a positive way.
But I am much more pessimistic than that. There are far too may who remain in a state of complacency just because they/we have not really faced any dilemma since WW11. When I talk to 20 somethings and retired people my own age I am constantly dismayed by how unknowledgeable they are, knowing nothing about the Globalists, the fact that politicians are game playing for their own benefits, how domineering the Islamic religion is, and how unscrupulous and duplicitous big business is, notwithstanding the shenanigans of the banksters over the last decade and their role in the devaluation of the Pound in their pocket.
Looking at today’s Daily Mail, I get the impression that Sajid Javid is getting much too big for his boots. Anyone seen it?
In line with what I mentioned earlier Fakey ! Oh his bus driver Dad must be proud……….
Sajid Javid, 48, Home Secretary
Basit Javid, 47, is a Chief Superintendent in West Midlands Police
Atif Javid, 43, is a property investor and developer in Bristol
Khalid Javid , 49, works in financial services
Tariq Javid, 51, works in retail
The face of Britain today, the Attenboroughs and Dimbelby’s the like of which we shall never see again. Before long, there will be few people in this country who will have any ‘history’ here before 1950. Unpalatable as it sounds to the ‘right-on’ brigade, this is the truth, and is only glorified by those with names emanating from Africa and Asia.
I hope the bloke does a good job. It is going to be tough. The place is obviously still dysfunctional.
Sajid Javid did a poor job, in my view, as Economic Secretary to the Treasury. He now has a chance to redeem himself as Home Sec.. Hope he doesn’t get rotated out of the job before he gets a good few years in.
Well, considering that Javid said the other day that the MCB does not represent British muslims I’m prepared to give him a couple of brownie points. But saying ‘brownie’ in this context is likely to get me arrested.
I’m still convinced that 98% of Conservative MPs should be in Labour or LibDems mind!
Co incidence? When I lived in Florida, people therein the know always said that the Republicans and the Democrats were merely two sides of the same coin, both really Statists who wanted to increase the size and reach of government.
Seems the same here to me with Labour and Conservative, now that I have moved ‘back home’.
Interesting as I have seen a few of the usual left wing rags claiming that the Tories have an Islamophobia problem so not sure what is going on there.
Of course it is a smear that seems to be peddled by himself to try and cover up the anti Semitic issues with Labour and as that has caused the party some serious and permanent damage the only way to compete would be to bring the Tories down to Labour’s level.
I am surprised that the BBC have not picked up on it yet, they do love a good anti Tory smear but with Sajid Javid as Home Secretary it must be difficult for anyone to say that the Tories have an anti Islam problem
Why not have a whole channel devoted to Grenfell?
Every single narrative re-enacted through every conceivable angle via drama, street dance and rap duets.
A morning call in show with David Lammy called ‘Bash Whitey’ where the best caller gets to throw fruit at a councillor in stocks.
Wheel of fortune: a lawyers’ special where they have to answer a puzzle about a damning phrase from the report then get spin to win millions in legal aid.
Strictly No Dancing: Sharia-compliant talent show where no singing or dancing is allowed.
Super Hotel Sweep: Contestants from all over get to milk the hotels and council for as much free stuff as humanly possible. Producers won awards for how this show demonstrates minorities excelling above and beyond all expectations.
Wake up Sheeple, before it’s too late!
“There is no excuse for ignorance in a world that has Google” but even Google now seems to be all part and parcel of the indoctrination process today, if you doubt that then simply go to ‘Google Images’ and search ‘Black couple’ then search ‘White couple’, if you don’t notice something strange then I am afraid you are already one of the Sheeple.
A poster on biasedbbc.tv said do this … and I did and this is what happened .. you won’t believe number 10!
I suspect a lot of the discrepancy is because we always say “black & white”. Rarely do we say “white & black”. Therefore a search for “white couple” will also pick up “black and white couple”. A search for “black couple” isn’t going to pick up many instances of “white and black couple”.
Good point. However, for my entire life I have not been offended by this preferential ordering of colour, but now it appears I am.
Once you’ve had black there’s no going back….allegedly.
only if you use an advanced search to look for a phrase
otherwise in theory at least google is just finding any two words in tags or text even the order isnt supposed to be relevant
Interesting that, apparently, they are all heterosexual couples.
Is Google Guilty of LGBTXYZ-ism?
Thanks Eddy, I can gather from the results of a completed Google search that we are using an institutionally racist organisation for our searches.
As an aside, while updating an ancestry web site page this morning, I got a publicity message from the DNA section (sorry, I can’t find the link, as I recall it, this was the essence): ‘No matter what happens in the future there will still be European DNA’
That message seems to give a pretty clear indication as to the destiny of the white race in Europe. Who knows, but in the future if a white human is required for any reason, perhaps for some scientific experiment, then a specimen would have to be selectively bred back into existence. Apart from science, what other use there would there be for a white European in a Weiß-frei Europa? Or, looking on the brighter side, perhaps a Jurassic Park style homeland inhabited by a number-restricted collection of white specimens could be set up and used as a holiday resort to entertain the elite. Much like the wealthy Victorians used to visit their local lunatic asylum for a weekend’s entertainment.
I’m afraid we’re back to the The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan : ‘The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians [Obama?], will replace the current diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals.’ Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy have received an award from the organisation, probably on behalf of the EU. I think the award could quite safely be called the ‘rub-their-noses-in-it prize.
Unfortunately the end result of racial ‘diversity’ is racial ‘uniformity’ but try telling that to the BBC, they’d probably claim that what I was saying was hate speech because there will always be ‘European DNA’.
Like Martin Luther King, I would rather judge people not by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. However, if I am threatened or bullied by a racist organisation (Google, Starbucks and the BBC immediately come to mind as organisations who use race as a political weapon) then I think I should speak out about it and, in this way, I hope to do what little I am able to expose them for what they are.
Just a short PS, because it has stayed in my memory, I was watching BBC 6 o’clock news last week (normally avoided but watching that evening in order to please a visiting relative) and an interviewer put a question to one of the doctors/physicians who had worked with the Skripals during their recovery after the reported nerve agent attack. She was asked (as I remember it) ‘What would you say to those who claim that, if a nerve agent had been used, the Skripals wouldn’t be alive today’. Her reply was (pretty near verbatim): “Well, they are alive, the proof’s in the pudding.” The interview terminated and we both had to ‘double-take’.
It seemed such a strange answer to give to the question and both myself and my relative felt we could only conclude that this was an admission from the doctor that a nerve agent hadn’t been used in the attack. Anyone else see this interview?
Rant over.
Also remaining dimly in my memory, NNN, was the news last Tuesday that the cause of the Skripal ‘poisoning’ was not identified by the hospital with the help of Porton chemists until after the PM had made her statement to the House identifying Russia as the culprit.
I hope I have remembered that correctly.
The doctor from Salisbury Hospital gave the timeline for the first few days. The other interesting points were:
1. the hospital assumed that the poisoning was due to narcotics use at first, and
2. the BBC in that item refered to ‘Novichok’ although the OPCW Inspectors deliberately chose not to refer to the drug as that, pointedly describing it as ‘Soviet era’.
Probably best to file Skripal next to Babchenko:
Summary of OPCW report S/1612/ 12th April published by OPCW in English contradicts your assertion. They do not mention it by name but comfirm the British analysis. Russia is now claiming that the OPCW is in on the “black flag thingy”.
7 The team was briefed on the identity of the toxic chemical identified by the United Kingdom and was able to review analytical results and data from chemical analysis of biomedical samples collected by the British authorities from the affected individuals, as well as from environmental samples collected on site
8 The results of analysis of biomedical samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the exposure of the three hospitalised individuals to this toxic chemical.
9!The results of analysis of the environmental samples conducted by OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate the presence of this toxic chemical in the samples.
10 The results of analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of environmental and biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team confirm the findings of the United Kingdom relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury and severely injured three people.
11 The TAV team notes that the toxic chemical was of high purity. The latter is concluded from the almost complete absence of impurities.
12 The name and structure of the identified toxic chemical are contained in the full classified report of the Secretariat, available to States Parties
Re. The black flag thingy
I don’t know why you think the medic’s reply is odd.
The interviewer’s question is based on the assumption that anty use of nerve gas is always fatal. The implicit accusation is that the medic is lying. All that the medic is saying is the facts speak for themselves. Nerve gas was used and contrary to received wisdom the victims survived.
Slurring the Skripals as overdosing drug addicts is reminiscent of Soviet attempts to plant stories in the western press that Sakharov’s wife Yelena Bonner was a rampant nymphoaniac.
Since the majority of people are inherently honest, it never occurs to them that other people are not so and would resort to dishonest actions to achieve some end.
I was exposed for 17 years to the weekday use of Toluene which has affected my neurological system. I now have different double vision in each eye, slur my speech and have a loss of equilibrium such that as soon as I am not vertical I stagger.
Knowing from my chemical warfare training during my 14 years in the RAF that nerve agents are much more effective today than they ever were, I find it hard to accept that the Skripals were infected by a very virulent nerve agent, given their miraculous recovery. Either they were not or the Russians did a lousy job of producing a modern more virulent agent.
BBC response … we did not cover an important march in the centre of London just around the corner from our London offices …. but the BBC did cover international Press Freedom Day …
Thank you for contacting us (BBC) regarding our recent news coverage.
We understand that you feel there has been insufficient coverage of the ‘Day for Freedom’ march that took place in London on Sunday 6th May.
Many marches and protests take place in cities around the UK and we do not cover them all. Instead, we consider each protest on a case by case basis and take into consideration the wider context of the story at hand.
Inevitably there may be disagreements about the level of prominence we give to stories. Please note that we did provide coverage of World Press Freedom day which took place on Thursday 3rd May, please see below for our latest coverage:
Thanks again for contacting us.
Kind regards BBC Complaints Team http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints
. . . .
Complaint Summary: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018
Full Complaint: On the 06may2018 BBC failed to report and continue to fail reporting on the ‘Day for Freedom (of speech)’ March. Outside your premises in London you have a statue of George Orwell who you should listen to …. “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell BRITISH – freedom to speak and discuss awkward matters is a British principle, but the BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. BROADCASTING – to report on important matters of freedom, but BBC did not report on Day of Freedom. CORPORATION – to act like a company, not a Government backed department who are paid £3.5bn under threat of prison and pay people like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans who did report on ‘Day of Freedom’ march. Compare these two search results … Google returns many results (lacking BBC entries): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London BBC omits results: https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Day+for+Freedom+London&sa_f=search-product&scope= BBC Nick Robinson Twitter 07nov2017 …‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’ Dear BBC … please produce a programme that explains how I gain the FREEDOM to NOT pay the BBC TV TAX and those who do not want to report on what is happening in BRITAIN.
AMW explaining her use of the word “indigenous”, the use of which seems to have put a few people into a lather.
Unite against Fascism, supported by founder member David Cameron, Diane Abbott, Owen Jones and many more are advertising the petition to ask Treezer to make Tommy Robinson serve out his FULL sentence.
Link not supplied here as the site is frequented by Maxicony and quite a number of BBC staff.
From the Reasons for signing. Says it all
Reasons for signing
David Evans·3 days ago
He doesn’t understand British law plus he’s a knob
Gavin Glencorse·3 days ago
Nasty wee racist maggots like Tommeh deserve every opportunity to spend their lives being made to pick up the soap in the prison showers.
Like Choudry is serving out his, G.W.F.?
Chouhadary is coming out early and the cops are preparing to deal with anyone who objects.
Switched on Radio 4 about an hour ago to hear someone using the word “stakeholders” about 3 times in 30 seconds. Is there any word more irritating than “stakeholder”?
To a vampire, I’d say no, James 🙂
(coat time…)
I was just having a swig of coffee when I read that – I’ve got to mop the bloody floor now!
I only use the lines I’m fed, Lobby 🙂
I suppose you have to see ‘stakeholders’ when used in its proper context.
‘The stakeholders shared a level playing field yet they kicked the requirement for a new paradigm into the long grass’.
Sounds like the gobbeldy gook that people use when they do not have a viable rationalisation for the dogma they are spouting and using proper correct English would expose that fact.
I think the plain English version of “stakeholder” used to be “interested party”.
taxpayer? – for Conservatives, conservatives and some Liberals and some socialists
entitled claimant? – for those more on the left, The Far Left, Alt-Left and some others.
Grenfell Tower: ‘Stay put’ advice failed, says expert
photo of where fire started

I wouldn’t have the cooker right next to the tall fridge/freezer,
is that common?
And did the small fridge fall from the top of the big one.
Opinions from other Biased BBC CSI detectives welcome
The kitchen in flat 16 where the fire started
There has been a fridge/freezer next to my cooker, on and off, throughout my adult life, and no problem with either has occurred.
I wonder if looking at the appliances may be a red herring? I have my doubts about the activities there, at the time of the conflagration.. However, I’m sure they’ll find what they want to find…
I read somewhere the other day that fridges and refrigerators used to have something in them that was anti-fire in terms of their design, but about 10 to 15 years ago this was changed because the chemicals involved were thought to be harming the ozone layer. The new design is not as fire-resistant as it used to be. Someone with more knowledge about it might be able to post more details.
It is not normal to place a cooker, especially one with an oven, next to a refrigerator or refrigerator-freezer, for obvious reasons, as you will suffer higher than necessary electricity bills. In addition, think of the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change!
Then there is the possibility of any oven fire breaking out and setting alight the refrigerator unit. This would present an increased fire hazard from the latter so unlikely to be approved by a Building Inspector or meet with Fire Officer approval. The refrigeration unit has been the cause of some recent fires (one fatal?) on its own.
I have been led to believe that all the flats had been refurbished in Grenfell. That one does not have a refurbished look about it, even in its fire damaged state. I assume a Building Inspector has to visit a refurbishment, even a Local Authority one. They certainly do with private building refurbishments. Then there are, in addition, the regulations for multi-occupancy buildings.
A “number of non-compliances” in relation to fire safety signifying a culture of non-compliance at Grenfell Tower
Who might have been responsible to carry out such compliance inspections and who might have been responsible to see such inspections were carried out on a regular basis? More casualties of Tory austerity and cuts no doubt.
The lifts failed to perform effectively, hindering the transportation of firefighting equipment and creating an “unnecessary risk” to residents who could not use it to escape.
How many times have we seen dire warnings of not to use lifts when escaping a fire?
As to the stay put advice (over-promoted, risk averse, female fire chief?) this was the same advice given to those trying to escape the Twin Towers disaster, some even being told to return to their offices. This didn’t end well for those there either!
I still think it was a ramadanian bush meat fry that got out of hand, log mark 8 instead of log mark 3! But we will never know.
Toobi, on the lifts point, that rule – not to be used in event of a fire – no longer applies, I think, where a building has the appropriate lift shafts, electricity supply, motor shielding, ventilation and type of lift. It certainly applied in the distant past, but I have an idea that building design and lift technology has made it unnecessary in a modern building.
My parents lived in an older designed council house for years, where, unlike today, the lounge, dining room and kitchen were all separate – and small, and yes, they too had a fridge freezer next to the cooker without any problems at all.
Eddy – the “stay put “ doctrine is similar to the titanic – “ it can’t happen approach “ . The keep it simple of ‘ get the fuck out ‘ will have cost and saved lives but the blessed brave fire brigade will be found culpable at the end of this unless there’s a white wash. I don’t think they had the equipment nearby to fight such a fire anyway .
Heads should roll but I think the blame will be spread really widely and ‘ institutional ‘ will be used so that the beeboids can give someone a kicking in the style of baroness Lawrence .
Fourth Floor.
Some black African Muslim , single bare footed who left soon after a cursory notification of his next door neighbours?
Eid? food behind fridge, fire, ends up between the cladding and the walls, then sent the flames UP the building with a chimney effect?
If i`m correct-would the BBC then shut up about causes?
And if not, then I`ll tust friends here-and NOT a word the BBC will be telling me.
Migration, Islam, no regulation on who was staying, illegality and waste disposal of furniture and flammables confined to piling it up by fire exist?
As Jon Snow was driven by every day on the Westway.
Tower of Babel catches fire-as if Labour, Greens and the EU had nowt to do with it.
Emma Dent Coad was on the bloody TMO or Housing Committee FFS-and she`s a double barrelled Labour hypocrite who no-0one questions at all. Cos she`s Labour innnit.
“Today we remember those who died in the London Bridge attack and the many more who were injured, as we pay tribute to the bravery of our emergency services and those who intervened and came to the aid of others.” – PM
those who died in the London Bridge
“Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for. ”
those in Manchester who were lost
those who died in the London Bridge
those in Manchester who were lost
those who died in the London Bridge
RE: ‘Far Right’ terrorists.
They must be counting the England football team as terrorists. I still get cold shivers when I go past any ‘Iceland’ shop knowing somehow we managed to lose to their sophisticated, throw-in based football two years ago. I am already terrified about the World Cup.
Lord Hall thinks BBC is a political party ?
..on crusades for political change ?
QUOTE “I’m a passionate believer in the impact we can have through our convening power… By acting as a ringmaster, if you like.”
“It’s another public service ideal: bringing partners together and making things happen that would otherwise not be possible.”
“what an impact the BBC can have as a catalyst for boosting a region’s economy and creativity, jobs and skills, ambition and opportunity”.
Grenfell Tower: ‘Stay put’ advice failed, says expert http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44351567
As I suspected, this inquiry is going to be low on fact and high on emotion. A few observations:
Why no mention of interview with flat 16 occupier…he called fire brigade so what did he think was cause of fire?
Fireman’s quote in this piece doesn’t make sense..says walked towards fridge (therefore recognizable)
The photo of flat shows most things recognizable…not burnt beyond recognition. I therefore find it difficult to believe they can’t determine the cause of the fire without doubt as suggested in this report (probably a fridge freezer).
The fact that there is a second old fridge and freezer allows for confusion in the discussion. Please look at second photo showing a burnt piece of floor said to be from under the fridge freezer. Does that look like the same room?
It is sad when you don’t trust the authorities and I’m certain they will not be telling the whole truth here.
Whole separate issue from the cladding, which clearly allowed the fire to spread rapidly.
Does that look like the same room?
It looks like the same freezer, LL, shown on the left in the first image by the window. If the burnt floor was supposed to be under the suspect freezer, (where all the leccy bits live) at what stage and by whom was the freezer moved to expose the floor?
You won’t get the truth if the truth is inconvenient.
I meant the room where the burnt piece of floor is. Trying to match it up to the photo of the whole kitchen is difficult. So it looks like a bit of evidence thrown in to support their theory of the freezer did it.
On that point, do electrical items have to be tested in these buildings, a# in schools, places of work etc? I presume not.
Anyway, we’ll never discover inconvenient truths, as someone else said on here (I don’t mean al gore!)
The fireman’s statement, ‘some say’, damns the fire service
The report quoted the first firefighter to enter the flat, Daniel Brown, who said: “I walked towards the fridge to inspect it… immediately I noticed little pieces of hot embers/debris falling outside what I could now see was a window that had completely given way leaving a hole in the wall.“
That suggests that ‘the fire had already left the building’ yet the fire service believed initially that the fire had been contained and extinguished within Flat 16.
mean while in france they will not change us we will carry on as normal
I should think so too, Kaiser, the last thing we want to see is some poor immigrant getting killed in a French explosion!
mean while in france they will not change us we will carry on as normal
BBC Website ” London Teen guilty of terror plot “. I assumed it was a Norwegian but looks like a cockney !
Are there any left, Grant?
An endangered species.
First all-woman terror cell convicted. How progressive! The BBC must be delighted.
TR’s last interview before his arrest, quite poignant.
31 minutes
This is the man that Sunday Times columnist Camilla Long claimed ‘could barely conceal his delight as three beleaguered plods reluctantly had to arrest him’. She also says ‘I don’t know why he’s back in jail – it could be for any one of the lame crimes he’s committed before’. Her comment was nine or ten days after the day of the arrest. Personally, I don’t think that reporting from a position of rank ignorance is much of a recommendation for a journalist but at least she’s honest about where she’s coming from.
21min TR Story “There was a 15 year old boy who said he was going to track me down and kill my family in front of me whilst I was chained to a radiator … I tracked this kid down and talked to him
.. he sent me an email last year … you know what Tommy, I researched and watched your videos and now I have left Islam”
“I’m the biggest target ..the enemy of the state narrative”
.. we’ll continue fighting it with a smile on our face”
Found this quote -and sums up Tommy.
“It`s not the critic who counts, he never did” It`s not the popinjay who points as the strong man stumbles, or says how the doer of deeds could have done things better. It`ts the one in the arena, muddy, bloody and scarred who fights fearlessly, makes errors and fails-but then tries yet again. He knows his own failures, but still tries to do the deed. He lives with great passion and enthusiasm, devoting his life to his sacred cause. He will risk it all for the triumph of the highest achievement at best. And, at worst, he fails but dares greatly, so that he is indomitable. As opposed to the born spectators, the eunuchs in the harem that we call “critics”. As opposed to the cold, timid and life-denying pew fillers who will never-have never-known victory nor defeat.”
Teddy Roosevelt (1910)-a precis.
Anna Soubry “I (Anna Soubry) say that the time has now come for a proper legal definition of Islamophobia.”
Victoria Atkins – “We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised.”
If their is no legal definition of Islamophobia (open to abuse) then why are the CPS using that term on their website?
Greatest minds of the UK come out with …. “We do not accept the need for a definitive definition, but we know that Islamophobia is clearly recognised.”
How can you “clearly recognise” something if it is not “defined”?
today’s Times2 has devoted a full page fawning article to
Ash Sarkar the race-baiter and Identity Politics person
BBC Bias today
☑Grenfell ☑London ☑Immigrants Yep New daily show on Radio4 at 12pm
(and the event mentioned every few hours)
overbias to women ? ☑Suffragettes 90min Lucy Worsley special 8:30pm BBC1
..cos no one ever mentioned Suffragettes on the BBC.
☑Windrush 11am Friday Radio4
two part series, journalist Hugh Muir examines Carib-British identity through the descendants of Windrush.
Note also how these special topic progs get much more trailers than normal progs.
You missed one out Stew.
The US Supreme Court has ruled 7-2 in favour of a Colorado baker who refused on religious grounds to provide a wedding cake to a same sex couple.
The bBBC are, of course, apoplectic.
Closely followed by the news that World Cup pub bunting is having to be removed because there is a Saudi flag with Arabic writing and it is unacceptable to have this in a pub setting. The Religion of Peace may find it offensive.
Integrating well then! Did they burn the flags after removing them, or did the police come and take them away?
Not the full monty-
they missed out a bent story.
The Grenfell reports on the BBC website are confusing.
Did the Fire Service put out the flat fire and go back to the station or were they present throughout?
If they went home what are the rules for length of time before a safe departure?
Its trebles all round at the Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation as the ‘journalists’ will get their material FOC with no effort for weeks to come.
But I’m cautiously optimistic that if the enquiry does its business free from political and snowflake imperatives, we might get some interesting and inconvenient stuff out. Looks like the fire brigade are banged to rights from the outset for their ‘stay put’ advice. Still, early retirements on full pensions should soften the blow.
What is sadly clear is that the ambulance chasing lawyers and LeftMob cannot wait for blame to be eventually defined so that the ‘victims and their families’ can claim cash beyond the wildest life-time savings dreams of ordinary working people. The rest of us, of course, will ultimately pick up the tab.
I am afraid to say that I have never understood the need to ‘be compensated’ when involved in an accident caused by someone else. Proper restitution/reimbursement for any losses one incurs as a result of an accident not caused by you, but not remuneration over and above one’s expenses.
But of course, under the judicial system imposed on we hoi polloi by the legal fraternity, they get their livelihood by increasing their allocation of the moneys in any case they represent. The fact that there is no correlation between the moral rights and wrongs of any case compared to the legal rights and wrongs has no bearing on ones view of the ‘correctness’ of the legal system. They control the system absolutely.
We could all sense the race card, lying there in the Grenfell pack, waiting to be played.
The media, led -of course- by guess who- have waited eagerly for it to come to the top of the pack, for it is going to give them a lot of mileage. (They’ve already been getting it implicitly, but explicitly, well wow!) And unscrupulous lawyers: this will be the big one, that will allow big words and big money to flow and flow…A virtue-signallers feast.
Now we wait to see who, among the unscrupulous politicians will be equally eager to play it. A face or two drift immediately into view…
Now, lemmy guess…
No doubt the beebistan will be celebrating Britain’s first all-woman terrorist cell.
Another step forward for feminism.
See? They’ve been telling us all along how empowering islam is for wimmin.
Damn that’s an entire week on wimmins hour. . What to. Wear. For. Terrorist attacks. – best shoes – how to. Stay fit. . Where to leave the kids.
Make up for The trial and prison. Stop me now.
It wasn’t terrorism – it was a diverse cultural thing . Still no death sentence.
I expect they’ll soon be claiming that as “security services deployed officers to pose as fellow extremists and speak to the pair online”, their human rights were violated and ‘Lush’ will be mounting another campaign to back it up. God how I wish the ‘Lush’ campaign turns into another ‘Ratners’.