I`m grateful to have been doing my shitty job, if the alternative was having to listen or watch the litany of crap I`m reading above.
Does the BBC simply have no news anymore? Is all they`re doing just to soften us up for some Iranian/Nasser/Gadhaffi kind of Islamic liberal mock up like Turkey?
They have no news at all-just gossip.
Even their Guatemalan story is suspect. They just don`t do news any more.
I`d go out and walk the dog, talk to some neighbours-and enjoy the posts of Tommy, Bill and Anne Marie above on this site. All the telly I need nowadays.
If the BBC tore off the plaster of Islam then news would spurt all over the place. But instead what is the colour of the new transgender toilet in London?
Only news that they want you to hear. Al Beeb website is a joke, but unfortunately not a funny one. Earlier, their third item was Kirsty Allsop putting her kids in economy while she goes in business class – cue lots of bitching by envy ridden, bitter lefties. Disgusting use of taxpayers money.
Sky is pretty much the same.
Me too (!!), and actually I’m surprised that airlines allow it on safety grounds. However my point is that it’s not news, it’s the opportunity for the MSM to look down their noses at someone they believe to be privileged.
BBC Look North Hull always has some news about children. But it seems that’s because they only get news from the school headmistress after dropping off the children at the Primary School. Otherwise its just some politically correct campaign group propaganda that has obviously been manufactured over the last few months. Its quite rare for BBC Look North Hull to headline with a news story which is reacting to events that happened that day, or potentially politically incorrect events that cannot be controlled by the BBC editors.
Recently there were two stories from Hull that went Global. (1) A Muslims person trying to chop someone’s head off in the street. and (2) Tommy Robinson sent to Hull Prison. Both news stories were censored by BBC Look North Hull. All we got was some Orwellian Newspeak about Children.
The BBC-children.
Hmm, what childrens services or schools “safeguarders” think that letting the BBC into your school for ANY reason might be a good idea?
Savile was buried near Scarborough too wasn`t he?
So Hulls not so far away, and I don`t think they put a stake through his blue balls did they?
No-you can`t be safe enough.
Keep savile out of Yorkshire and have a fifty mile exclusion zone for him, and his BBC chums, so he can`t float in again on a tide.
Richard, down here, further south, the BBC Look East news always hones in on hospitals and the varying Trusts in the Anglian region. Its only a 15 minute segment, but its a given that health and criticism go hand in hand where Look East is concerned.
Not sure whether it is amusing every time the BBC rewrites History or irritating. Maybe some of its analysis items should be shared on Radio 4’s The Unbelievable Truth. See how many truths they can smuggle through the torrent of misdirection.
Bridget Kendall was on Eddie Mair’s song and dance show to tell us all about how wonderful Russia is, and how dreadful we in the West are.
And you know what? Russia is not such a bad country after all. In fact, Bridget sounded like a lecturer in Marxist studies from a 1970s polytechnic, inviting his dreamy students to think about the golden sun highlighting improved tractor production under Stalin.
You may have thought that after World War 2, the Soviet’s land grabbed as many countries as they could from a supine, war weary world. But no! Russia simply wanted a bulwark to protect itself from the evil West.
This, Bridget confidently informed us, was because in the twentieth century the West had twice invaded it. No Bridget, Germany invaded Russia and then a couple of decades later, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Only Germany invaded. Not the West. Not the capitalists. Not Trump’s America. Just Germany. In fact, Bridget, Germany invaded all of Europe. Yet no other country stole other countries or kept their subjugated people’s in misery. So, No Bridgette, Russia was in the wrong then.
Next, the lady informs us, Russia is only acting aggressively because of the actions of NATO. I guess the Bridget, already confused about history, didn’t know that Russia had invaded the Ukraine in 2014, before annexing the Crimea. Seeing Obama kept his head firmly up his arse during the invasion, encouraged the Russians to move their armoured forces to the borders of Baltic countries. At this point NATO, led by the UK, finally acted by moving their forces closer. And that is why Bridget. To protect the states Putin bullies.
Finally, Bridget, Russia sends its nuclear subs into Swedish harbours and its fighter jets up to the border of the UK. They do not do this because they are threatened, but because they are threatening and bullying.
There was no mention of the Russians shooting down a Malaysian airliner, murdering over 300 people. No comment on Russia using WMD in the UK in an attempt to murder people here – which is an act of war BBC!
There again, she is back tomorrow, no doubt, to tell us how the magnanimous, peace loving Russian government is forced by the West to do dreadful acts. So maybe she will mention that the Russians have a hunter’s eye out for any one that is sufficiently weak to be considered prey. Give her an opportunity to blame the west for Russia cheating at every sport imaginable and then bribing and cheating their way to escape culpability. Where is the next world cup? Russia. Why was it awarded that tournament?
Let’s face it – Russia has always defaulted to being an enemy . They did a deal with the krauts in 1917 and 1938 – seized half of Poland – didn’t go to war against the Nazis until invaded and didn’t go against the japs until late 1945.
NATO ( America and us) kept the peace not the Reich EU.
I just hope that the next time Russia goes after a European country we stay out of it. ( and I really am not Russian -comrade )
Way to go Treezer, you tell Trump off about his tariffs, and your little French President might lock him up because it is illegal to impose them.
Treezer we could have had a US Trade deal by now if you were not so committed to the EU and hostile to the US.
Trouble is that Treezer is keeping the wrong sort of company, the Trump hating toy boy Mayor and Moslem dictators.
The 6pm news said that May was “deeply disappointed” by Trumps actions.
It`s this fearless fiery and incendiary talk that so scared the Left last year in her election.
AS someone said-you need to have a personality, before anyone can build any kind of cult around it.
A Sphinx without a riddle, that pudding bowled nervous nelly.
Owen Paterson please!
@Sluff Another bias : Panorama Tonight honours the memory of Tessa Jowell
☑Favouring Labour ☑London constituency ☑London Olympics
I thought Panorama was an investigative news show
FFS : what is the point in doing a preview item in the 7pm show for that Panorama that’s on at 7:30pm ?
Check the trailer/adverts on between at 7:29pm
– Intro : “Tonight is all about strong-women, here on BBC1 , so look no further than Jessa Jowell..Panorama next”
– Poignant shots of Grenfell burnout shell
“..community pitching in … (sad music) ..everything that happened could have been prevented ..(whisper) but it wasn’t (plinky music)”
Monday 8:30pm GRENFELL 90 minute special
– Trailer fror doco “Murder in Suburbia” (no details on web)
– (screenshots “plastic kills” then mock ups of Trump, “Climate Change”, “Special Relationship”, “Even After Brexit”
voice over “Find out what’s actually happeing BBC News” ….. LOL LOL !
(Mountain runner ident ..they’re all white)
Let me guess, lots of anti Tory smears? The fire was only a year ago, can the BBC not wait for the full inquiry to be finished before they go out and start putting it on TV?
Nothing about the Manchester attacks though? Or any other attack that shows that ‘Tory cuts’ to the police and NHS are not damaging the service like Corbyn claims?
ITTB has a nifty new series fisking a series of Mark Easton outings touring the Britain in a cheap suit finding fault, finding people who find fault (surprise!) and… well, that’s about it.
Maybe he should have BBC Britain Blows Chunks Editor title added to his CV? And get paid even more as a consequence, of course.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire : long interview with Bill Clinton and James Patterson about their new cyber attack book
☑Favouring the Clintons
Do the Clinton scumbags ever go away? Just stop already. BBC News – Why Bill Clinton has written a thriller novel with James Patterson https://t.co/g2gWwAsQ7P
Look North “Too many people are afraid of flying the English flag for fear of being labelled racist say some bloke says Nick Bowles Grantham Tory MP
NG “We have allowe far-right to adopt this flag as if its flag of an ethnic group”
then footage quotes Prof Jon Denham” (who ?)
.. Is this some nation BBC propaganda campaign respun as local news ?
Oh now they moved onto the BBC survey of Englishness
That sounds like BBC propaganda as they try to campaign to win back from being associated with non-libs
☑Race-baiting, second helping http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-44142843
‘The BBC is obliged, by Ofcom, to publish a fortnightly bulletin of complaints, by numbers. In the two weeks from April 30, Auntie received 6,000 odd complaints – but no single programme attracted more than 100 – the threshold for publication.’
I call BS, but given the BBC has Catch-101, namely exemption from answering any questions on how the BBC oversees itself, that would be hard to proved. Conveniently.
The BBC’s record for deep-sixing anything about itself whilst hounding everyone else using all its resources to do so is a disgrace. If but one of many.
It would be interesting to see if 100+ complaints can be confirmed as being made and if not published asking the BBC just who crooked they are… elsewhere.
Guest – I was trying to find out how much al beeb spends on the Asian Network – tricky – wiki has old data , the Asian network website doesn’t help and the latest Annual report doesn’t help either .
I can only conclude that something is being hidden .you might recall that the Asian network and bbc 6 were going to be closed but the hippies complained about not being able to hear “ Darkside of the Moon” so it was kept going and so was the divisive Asian Network .
I used to be on a BBC Trust panel. We were asked questions about Radio 6 which made it patently obvious that the Trust were going to to get the evidence to say that audiences were telling them the station was well liked and must be kept.
But in fact it is OFCOM, staffed mainly by ex bbc colleagues.
And then there is the DCMS, who every so often convenes ‘inquiries’ into the bbc that oddly appear to comprise ex-bbc, and bbc-pensioned MPs, so no conflict of interest there.
\\ a friend did school work experience for Alistair Campbell, he told me he’d never considered the entire Labour press office were Guardian journalists, it opened his eyes & mine to how in bed & biased journalists are. //
Amazing what several billion per year does not get.
The headline in bold is incorrect. The USSC ruled against the Colorado civil rights commission. FFS, can't they get anything right. https://t.co/ZZySMUej4Y
Why Guido censorhip ? Ah someone was reposting suspect comments on Twitter campaign page :Guido Hate Exposed
That account avoids mentioning nasty things lib/lefties commented.
I’m in pre-mod now (hangon it says EVERYONE is pre-moderated now)
My last comment was “Removed”
\\ Zero-Sugar’s comment has 80 likes, yet somehow G’s system somehow registers a comment with only 35 likes, as “best” ??? //
Very strange bit on the 6pm news about Grenfell Tower,
They started to play the recording of the bloke whose flat caught fire, but they really were fast to cut the segment off.
It seemed clear that this would be because his English was crap and that the 999 person would have asked him to repeat his name, place and incident-and probably wasted minutes, due to the fact that he couldn`t make himself understood. But the BBC won`t be letting us in on that. Be racist and discrimatory, must upset us all.
These days, it`s their rushed edits that tell me how desperate they are-still to blame the Council, (and get the Fire Brigade , the Labour Housing types, Green and EU laxity off the hook).
No need to bother with Grenfell now- put Lucas , Juncker and Dent Coad, Davey in the dock. And bring Javid and May back to grovel for throwing the Kensington Tories to the media , because they`re shallow and gutless.
“Screaming in pain and in anger, Rizlaine Boular was dragged to the street to receive first aid.”
“Don’t touch me, my body, don’t touch my dress,” witnesses heard her shout, as she wrestled feebly with the officers”
did they hear her wrestle “FEEBLY” this is just the so called BBC trying to show how this is just a weak little kitten being treated badly
not to worry though she will probably be out before tommy
The 6pm news implied that she did it all for love after an online marriage(come again?).
But hey-isn`t it good to see Muslim women of two generations trying to work on that dream of theirs, being the subtext.
“Sisters are doing it for themselves”-“never such devoted sisters as Annie, Aretha and the Andrews Sisters still sing in all of our fluttering female hearts.
Womans Hour will have them out in a few weeks, being powerful role models for Muslim women emancipation.
Apparently they called their bombs to be “cakes”.
Anybody checked what Nadiya is making at the moment.
Won`t be fairy cakes anyway, Islam won`t make those.
Raisins, ricin? Easily confused.
That Jo Cox, Tessa Jowell dream of ours will have to wait then.
Business getting fat on cheap labour, (strain on resources etc etc) rather than investing in current employees or robotics? From my experience: Two factories producing the same product. One flies in labour from Eastern Europe, ten people at least on the manual production line, the other invests in machinery and needs just two people on the production line. Which one is more productive? Go on, take a guess!
Ha Those “independent” journos are put on air by Labour
Yes, I mentioned earlier the Times had a promo article for Ash Sarkar the race-baiter and Identity Politics person
it did look like a Labour-PR job to me
and now Guido proves
“(when) you see Ash Sarkar or Zoe Williams on Sky News that they are often booked by the Labour Party and get their lines dictated to them by Team Corbyn, despite appearing on our screens supposedly as journalists.” https://order-order.com/2018/06/04/corbyns-office-use-multiple-whatsapp-groups-coordinate-friendly-journalists
Mark Easton, the BBC’s Home Editor, was talking to a group of Cambridge students on the Today programme this morning regarding the survey of perceptions of Englishness and pride, or otherwise, therein. The interviews were held in the Fort St George (geddit?) pub on the river Cam, which I remember with great affection from my own Cambridge days forty-odd years ago.
One of the three young intellectuals opined, with much seriousness, that Richard the Lionheart was not the sort of figure that should be regarded as an icon of Englishness because he was, quote, “a supremacist”. I am not well-versed in the lexicon of the modern young, but I take that to refer to his involvement in the Christian campaign to recover the Holy Land from Islam. Mr Easton forbore to point out to our young friend that such action was something of a cornerstone of the High Middle Ages: historical context, laddie, historical context. And if Richard was such a jolly unpleasant chap, why use the appellation “Lionheart”, bestowed by admiring medieval chroniclers – why not refer simply to Richard the First? Surely, continued our sage, a much more appropriate figure to revere would be Sir William Beveridge.
The irony is that our young “historian” is right in some ways. Richard is not a quintessentially English hero. He spoke Norman French, as did all the English aristocracy of the time; when not campaigning in the Middle East he spent most of his time in his lands in France; little more than six months of his reign was spent in England.
And indeed why not Beveridge? A scion of the Indian Civil Service whose mother was a Unitarian who helped found one of the first workers’ colleges; a man who achieved a Double First in Classics and Mathematics at Balliol, Oxford. Beveridge was a true intellectual and a great pioneer of desperately-needed social reform at a time when the poor were truly poor.
But our young friend sees both Richard and Beveridge through the prism of modern historiography which is at best relegated to a cadet branch of the social sciences and in which great men’s greatness or lack of it is bound up solely with their propinquity or otherwise to notions of scientific inevitability or crass ideas of identity. Would our friend really have lionised Beveridge had he really understood the great man’s debt to deep non-conformist Christian traditions of economic, social and political reform. I doubt it very much. His idea of a Beveridge figure would be a Director of Social Services (or should that be Cabinet member for Social Services?) on Lambeth Council.
“Cambridge man y’know” quoth General Melchett in an episode of Blackadder Goes Forth, “broke wind for his college”: ah yes, some of us did engage in less than serious pursuits from time to time; but by God we understood history; what it is, what it means, how it links indissolubly the past with the present with that which is to come. I fear for the next generation, I really do.
What a surprise that Mark Easton’s report on identity is utterly obsessed with trying to downplay Englishness itself by obsessively focusing on county and town allegiances. Anything is better than the unity of English identity as far as the BBC is concerned, even if it means praising Yorkshire or Newcastle, which they would never usually do.
I listened to that before switching off to save my mental health. Wondered if the twat had actually read the Bevvy report because it’s a long way from the international health service of today . And as for Richard The lion heart – I. Suppose. The kid at Cambridge had seen some dvd. He was obviously due for a. Job in al Beeb or for. A party – any. One – wouldn’t. Matter a tuppany fuck – as it were. Cambridge – pah.
“Young people are far less likely to feel proud to be English than older generations, a major survey for the BBC reveals”. So, how much of the taxpayers money did the BBC pay for this major crock of biased shite?
Bit like “ what would you fight for? “ perhaps kidults don’t know until the time comes – and if the sacrifices made in the last 2 wars has any effect one can hope that they ( kidults) don’t have to put themselves on the line .
It’s not surprising that young people feel less English than older people because for about 30 or 40 years now the teaching profession has been staffed primarily by cultural Marxists who are hell-bent on suppressing conservative instincts in the population. These figures are a great success for their strategy.
Guardian reports that a couple were hit by a shitstorm from above in Canada as an exception to reality . I’d challenge that and say if you live in londonistan that’s every day
Here is one racial attack that is worth a read …………………….
\\Littleborough rugby player badly hurt in ‘racial attack’//
\\A “promising” teenage rugby player was run over by a gang who beat him with a golf club in what police described as a racially-motivated attack.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-44358514
Littleborough plod couldn’t have got the memo stating that if you’re white, you couldn’t possibly be a victim of racial discrimination, abuse or violence, taff.
Quentin Summerville – a beeboid reporter and Humph having a chat about the so called amnesty international which is having ago at Blighty over alleged civilian deaths in a place called Raka.
It was taken as read that Blighty was in the wrong . The pair mentioned that it was a battle with Muslim terrorists called ISIS but the whole chat was just ‘anti’ as usual . I wonder what they’d talk about if ISIS targeted beeboids?
I keep watching videos like this in hope people will wake up. But with the toxic cloud of the BBC/MSM seeping into most homes, probably not. Still just hope Georgie Porgie (Soros) will finally keel over after Italy. Sadly his money won’t dissapear, but at least his ugly face will.
Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning is, shortly, going to be discussing why are the Scottish & Welsh proud to be such, but the English are not proud to be English.
A possible opportunity to highlight the bias and anti-Englishness of the bBBC….
Excellent comeback by Radio 5 Live presenter Rachel Burden to Nicky Campbell when he was reminiscing about how he began his radio career in Aberdeen. “I’ve been on a journey since then,” said Campbell, self-importantly. “Yes, straight down the road to London,” replied Burden.
TOADY Watch #1 and only (there may be no time for more from me today)
Martha is interviewing a UN female Dr (possibly a scientist) who, I am glad to say, does not start each sentence of her replies with the word ‘So’. The subject: the problem of plastics.
Neither Martha or the ‘Editeurs du Jour’ are sharp enough to ask about how and why plastic is getting into the world’s oceans. To the best of my knowledge, for over two decades now, UK taxpayers have been paying to have their plastic RECYCLED.
What we really need to know is why our plastic has not been recycled but instead thrown into the sea, who has done that and why our Environmental Agency and Local Authorities and central Government have not been policing the recycling properly.
Questions should be asked.
Especially by the BBC.
I wonder why they are not? (It wouldn’t be because there was a Labour Government from 1997-2010, would it? Surely not!)
Instead, all Martha could ask about was extra taxes (we already pay tax to have the stuff recycled) or bans. Typical BBC.
Unfortunately, I think it was the BBC who recently revealed that we have five regional plastics recycling plants in the UK so there is now no need to transport the waste overseas. Now, I do know some plastics are very difficult to recycle due to their composition and structure. However the BBC a little further back also did an item on the World at One (TWatO), I think, about a plant in Swindon that is able to recycle ALL plastics. Even ‘difficult plastics’ are now no excuse and can be made into something new.
Why is the BBC not battering Government, the Civil Service and Local Authorities with pertinent questions on this subject?
Incompetence? Lack of will? Or some ‘agenda’? Idleness? Or bias?
Quite right.
My local socialist council does not allow for recycling various plastics which can be recycled – the triangle symbols say so.
I’d also add the council give out very poor and incomplete advice- for instance what to do about mixed materials.
A classic left wing example of ‘do what I say, not what I do’. Rather like the BBC in fact.
Remember this sickening video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWBU39wrots
The police demand that she opened the front door otherwise they would be prepared to, “break the door down”. From my hearing, they did not offer or state that they possessed a Warrant signed by a Magistrate. Interested in why? My view only:
The police can ONLY demand entry to a private property if they, (and this is the point) have, “reasonable suspicion” that you have committed a crime or are about to or you are actually in the act of committing an offence. This is the police view in 2009: https://www.ukpoliceonline.co.uk/index.php?/topic/35217-reasonable-suspicion/
Whats changed since 2009? Much. Inter alia, ‘Hate Crime’ and the associated ‘Hate Speech’. The latter merely needs an offended person and hey presto! the police have ‘reasonable suspicion’. The ‘bar’ has been lowered to such an extent now. Upshot? more efficiency: the police no longer need a Warrant signed by a Magistrate. At Amy’s door in the video above, you can see the upshot of the public now being literally “diced and sliced” by unbelievable volumes of criminal law. Let no one convince you otherwise, this is Totalitarianism folks! But remember the lie, “we will not allow them to change our way of life”.
Obviously her PTSD isn’t so bad that it stops her agent for organising cover shots, BBC interviews, tattoo parlour visits and other self promotiion activities.
Come on BBC… there must be at least one bloody fuming person in this world you can find and interview for their comments about terrorism.
It’s the only book in town, MM. “If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them. And if they are opposed to the Quran, destroy them!”
Sheik Omar at the destruction of the Library at Alexandria (allegedly)
Did anyone mention that Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) swore on a book which says this?
‘Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Made the mistake of listening to the last few minutes of the Today programme this morning. A couple of cultural Marxists were talking about inequality. Big question: were there any opposing voices to their point of view? No, just the two of them with the same opinions being interviewed by John Humphrys.
The BBC up in a lather about new US ambassador to Germany Grenell (double blink, Grenell) and that he may not be upholding strict impartiality guidelines. (And they should know.) It’s the wrong kind of impartiality apparently.
BBC R4 coverage gets a special mention –
‘Grenell’s comments were also met with scorn from figures like Senator Chris Murphy, who Britain’s establishment BBC Radio 4 news quoted Monday from a Tweet he made that said: “When I raised concerns to Grenell about politicizing this post, he personally assured me that once he became Ambassador he would stay out of politics. This interview is awful – Ambassadors aren’t supposed to “empower” any political party overseas.”
The BBC Radio 4 news segment did not go so far to reveal Senator Murphy’s position on the left of the U.S. Democrat party, not his staunch opposition to the Trump agenda.’
The MSM and the BBC are in a pickle over this – as US ambassador his job is to promote US interests overseas, in this case to represent favourably the policies of the Trump administration. So he’s just doing his job. If he also agrees with Trump that’s by the by but probably helpful to believe in something you’re selling on behalf of your country.
But I suppose if he’d got to Berlin, rolled his eyes and said, ‘Trump, eh? What a dickhead’ they’d be all over him.
Of the 184,595 people across the UK charged with non-payment of the TV Licence GARY ‘£1.75m’ LINEKER’S WAGES by Capita TV LicensingNazis, 21,300 were found not guilty – and 90 people were jailed for failing to pay court-issued fines. The figure for charges includes out-of-court disposals.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
The director of public prosecutions at the CPS, Alison Saunders, has admitted to at least 47 cases where evidence has been withheld from defence lawyers.
She said “..there are a few cases where we are falling short..”
Falling short? – 47 cases where men failed to get a fair trial due to deliberate with-holding of evidence and that’s the best she can say?
How about “..there are many cases where we completely fail to do our jobs correctly..”
She should be sacked and face prosecution herself.
BBC being economic with the truth with a anti-Tory spin…
“The government has incurred a loss of £2.1bn after selling another tranche of shares in Royal Bank of Scotland.
The shares were sold at 271p each, almost half the 502p a share paid in the government’s bailout of RBS a decade ago when it rescued the bank at the height of the financial crisis.”
I suppose it would be too much for the BBC to mention it was a Labour government at time of the bailout rather than make it appear the Tories both paid 502p a share and now sold them for 271p.
“I can’t help but think about we’ve got so many refugees that we kind of deny access to the country, so many asylum seekers that get deported, And it’s this Government’s policies that make my stories and and stories like mine very unlikely. It’s a bit of a shame and we really need to tackle it.” – Majid Majid
Mayor of Sheffield wants Sheffield to take in more refugees and asylum seekers … just like they do in Somalia. … oh,wait …
Actually no – it is climate change policy that kills, no more so than in the tragic fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower last year and caused over 70 fatalities. Curiously missing from the wall-to-wall coverage of the catastrophe by the BBC and most mainstream media is its underlying cause – a legal requirement to cut CO2 emissions and the obvious quick fix provided by refurbishing social housing.
When Kensington and Chelsea Council announced its £10m Grenfell refurbishment involving new exterior cladding, heating boilers and double-glazing, it proudly said that the project was to “enhance energy efficiency”. Residents can now have the “benefits of living in energy efficient homes”, it added.
What it did of course was cover the outside with environmentally friendly cladding full of flammable materials easily set alight once the fire had escaped from the plastic double glazed windows. Energy efficient gaps in the cladding allowed the fire to spread quickly. Covered with toxic green crap, the tower went up like a swan vesta.
But at least it ticked all the right boxes for Britain to fulfill its obligation under various climate treaty bollocks.
Green leader Caroline Lucas said at the time of the Grenfell tragedy that we need to “hold to account those responsible for the failures that make this potentially not just a tragedy but a crime”. For once your correspondent agrees with Lucas, although probably not on whose collar should ultimately be felt!
What we had at Grenfell before the green loons stepped in was a rather ugly tower block which was essentially a stack of individual concrete boxes. It was extremely safe from a fire point of view – a necessary requirement in social housing where overcrowding and various risky behaviours by some residents have sadly to be accommodated. In the past, fires were easily contained within individual flats. Covering the tower with plastic completely changed the safety features originally built into the structure.
It is in almost everyone’s interest to downplay the role climate change policy played in this disaster. This includes the BBC and its “settled” view and the Labour party that bought in the 2008 Climate Change Act that led to the social housing refurbishment quick emissions fix. Also looking for somewhere to hide are the Tories and LibDems who in 2012 identified social housing as one of the key areas where CO2 emissions could be reduced by improved efficiency from greater insulation. In 2012 the government committee on climate change advised local authorities on the best way to “impact significantly on the UK’s scale and speed of emissions reduction” citing “insulation, such as cladding and new boilers”.
The nearer the true finger of blame points to campaigning greens and politicians, expect the level of blame shifting to become ever more hysterical.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
I`m grateful to have been doing my shitty job, if the alternative was having to listen or watch the litany of crap I`m reading above.
Does the BBC simply have no news anymore? Is all they`re doing just to soften us up for some Iranian/Nasser/Gadhaffi kind of Islamic liberal mock up like Turkey?
They have no news at all-just gossip.
Even their Guatemalan story is suspect. They just don`t do news any more.
I`d go out and walk the dog, talk to some neighbours-and enjoy the posts of Tommy, Bill and Anne Marie above on this site. All the telly I need nowadays.
If the BBC tore off the plaster of Islam then news would spurt all over the place. But instead what is the colour of the new transgender toilet in London?
Only news that they want you to hear. Al Beeb website is a joke, but unfortunately not a funny one. Earlier, their third item was Kirsty Allsop putting her kids in economy while she goes in business class – cue lots of bitching by envy ridden, bitter lefties. Disgusting use of taxpayers money.
Sky is pretty much the same.
I would want to be with my kids …. in case of emergency or it was the last thing that happened. But that’s how I think.
Me too (!!), and actually I’m surprised that airlines allow it on safety grounds. However my point is that it’s not news, it’s the opportunity for the MSM to look down their noses at someone they believe to be privileged.
BBC Look North Hull always has some news about children. But it seems that’s because they only get news from the school headmistress after dropping off the children at the Primary School. Otherwise its just some politically correct campaign group propaganda that has obviously been manufactured over the last few months. Its quite rare for BBC Look North Hull to headline with a news story which is reacting to events that happened that day, or potentially politically incorrect events that cannot be controlled by the BBC editors.
Recently there were two stories from Hull that went Global. (1) A Muslims person trying to chop someone’s head off in the street. and (2) Tommy Robinson sent to Hull Prison. Both news stories were censored by BBC Look North Hull. All we got was some Orwellian Newspeak about Children.
@Richard yep see my post further down about tonight’s Hull Look North campaigning
The BBC-children.
Hmm, what childrens services or schools “safeguarders” think that letting the BBC into your school for ANY reason might be a good idea?
Savile was buried near Scarborough too wasn`t he?
So Hulls not so far away, and I don`t think they put a stake through his blue balls did they?
No-you can`t be safe enough.
Keep savile out of Yorkshire and have a fifty mile exclusion zone for him, and his BBC chums, so he can`t float in again on a tide.
Richard, down here, further south, the BBC Look East news always hones in on hospitals and the varying Trusts in the Anglian region. Its only a 15 minute segment, but its a given that health and criticism go hand in hand where Look East is concerned.
UK MPs have a £10K pay cut 650 * 10 = £6,500K …. goes to the NHS!
Not sure whether it is amusing every time the BBC rewrites History or irritating. Maybe some of its analysis items should be shared on Radio 4’s The Unbelievable Truth. See how many truths they can smuggle through the torrent of misdirection.
Bridget Kendall was on Eddie Mair’s song and dance show to tell us all about how wonderful Russia is, and how dreadful we in the West are.
And you know what? Russia is not such a bad country after all. In fact, Bridget sounded like a lecturer in Marxist studies from a 1970s polytechnic, inviting his dreamy students to think about the golden sun highlighting improved tractor production under Stalin.
You may have thought that after World War 2, the Soviet’s land grabbed as many countries as they could from a supine, war weary world. But no! Russia simply wanted a bulwark to protect itself from the evil West.
This, Bridget confidently informed us, was because in the twentieth century the West had twice invaded it. No Bridget, Germany invaded Russia and then a couple of decades later, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Only Germany invaded. Not the West. Not the capitalists. Not Trump’s America. Just Germany. In fact, Bridget, Germany invaded all of Europe. Yet no other country stole other countries or kept their subjugated people’s in misery. So, No Bridgette, Russia was in the wrong then.
Next, the lady informs us, Russia is only acting aggressively because of the actions of NATO. I guess the Bridget, already confused about history, didn’t know that Russia had invaded the Ukraine in 2014, before annexing the Crimea. Seeing Obama kept his head firmly up his arse during the invasion, encouraged the Russians to move their armoured forces to the borders of Baltic countries. At this point NATO, led by the UK, finally acted by moving their forces closer. And that is why Bridget. To protect the states Putin bullies.
Finally, Bridget, Russia sends its nuclear subs into Swedish harbours and its fighter jets up to the border of the UK. They do not do this because they are threatened, but because they are threatening and bullying.
There was no mention of the Russians shooting down a Malaysian airliner, murdering over 300 people. No comment on Russia using WMD in the UK in an attempt to murder people here – which is an act of war BBC!
There again, she is back tomorrow, no doubt, to tell us how the magnanimous, peace loving Russian government is forced by the West to do dreadful acts. So maybe she will mention that the Russians have a hunter’s eye out for any one that is sufficiently weak to be considered prey. Give her an opportunity to blame the west for Russia cheating at every sport imaginable and then bribing and cheating their way to escape culpability. Where is the next world cup? Russia. Why was it awarded that tournament?
Let’s face it – Russia has always defaulted to being an enemy . They did a deal with the krauts in 1917 and 1938 – seized half of Poland – didn’t go to war against the Nazis until invaded and didn’t go against the japs until late 1945.
NATO ( America and us) kept the peace not the Reich EU.
I just hope that the next time Russia goes after a European country we stay out of it. ( and I really am not Russian -comrade )
Way to go Treezer, you tell Trump off about his tariffs, and your little French President might lock him up because it is illegal to impose them.
Treezer we could have had a US Trade deal by now if you were not so committed to the EU and hostile to the US.
Trouble is that Treezer is keeping the wrong sort of company, the Trump hating toy boy Mayor and Moslem dictators.
The 6pm news said that May was “deeply disappointed” by Trumps actions.
It`s this fearless fiery and incendiary talk that so scared the Left last year in her election.
AS someone said-you need to have a personality, before anyone can build any kind of cult around it.
A Sphinx without a riddle, that pudding bowled nervous nelly.
Owen Paterson please!
Disappointed – because he actually tries to deliver what he was elected to do! Everybody knows that politicians never keep promises – Its the rules.
@Sluff Another bias : Panorama Tonight honours the memory of Tessa Jowell
☑Favouring Labour ☑London constituency ☑London Olympics
I thought Panorama was an investigative news show
The One Show is doing a long preview item
long reverent intro
☑Talking about themselves ☑Favouring Labour
FFS : what is the point in doing a preview item in the 7pm show for that Panorama that’s on at 7:30pm ?
Check the trailer/adverts on between at 7:29pm
– Intro : “Tonight is all about strong-women, here on BBC1 , so look no further than Jessa Jowell..Panorama next”
– Poignant shots of Grenfell burnout shell
“..community pitching in … (sad music) ..everything that happened could have been prevented ..(whisper) but it wasn’t (plinky music)”
Monday 8:30pm GRENFELL 90 minute special
– Trailer fror doco “Murder in Suburbia” (no details on web)
– (screenshots “plastic kills” then mock ups of Trump, “Climate Change”, “Special Relationship”, “Even After Brexit”
voice over “Find out what’s actually happeing BBC News” ….. LOL LOL !
(Mountain runner ident ..they’re all white)
BBC4 trailer 8pm “Hear Her” Season
Let me guess, lots of anti Tory smears? The fire was only a year ago, can the BBC not wait for the full inquiry to be finished before they go out and start putting it on TV?
Nothing about the Manchester attacks though? Or any other attack that shows that ‘Tory cuts’ to the police and NHS are not damaging the service like Corbyn claims?
Typical BBC 🙁
ITV Local news, 7 minute section plugging ITV Pride of Britain Awards
☑Talking about themselves
I just nominated Tommy Robinson for an ITV Pride of Britain award. WIll he win it?
ITTB has a nifty new series fisking a series of Mark Easton outings touring the Britain in a cheap suit finding fault, finding people who find fault (surprise!) and… well, that’s about it.
Maybe he should have BBC Britain Blows Chunks Editor title added to his CV? And get paid even more as a consequence, of course.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire : long interview with Bill Clinton and James Patterson about their new cyber attack book
☑Favouring the Clintons
Bill Clinton: ‘Monica Lewinsky affair was dealt with correctly’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44360256
Someone’s busy behind the scenes. Is this paving the way for a re-entry by Hilliary? They just don’t give up! Duracell.
I thought he’d already written a book under a pseudonym:
Look North “Too many people are afraid of flying the English flag for fear of being labelled racist say some bloke says Nick Bowles Grantham Tory MP
NG “We have allowe far-right to adopt this flag as if its flag of an ethnic group”
then footage quotes Prof Jon Denham” (who ?)
.. Is this some nation BBC propaganda campaign respun as local news ?
Oh now they moved onto the BBC survey of Englishness
That sounds like BBC propaganda as they try to campaign to win back from being associated with non-libs
☑Race-baiting, second helping
So Bloomberg do you have an agenda to push ?
..start by calling the Union Jack an English flag ..duh
Ignore Bloomberg, this organisation is anti British, anti Brexit and anti democracy from where I stand.
We get that all the time in Wales.
I have woefully neglected sharing some gems from this source:
‘The BBC is obliged, by Ofcom, to publish a fortnightly bulletin of complaints, by numbers. In the two weeks from April 30, Auntie received 6,000 odd complaints – but no single programme attracted more than 100 – the threshold for publication.’
I call BS, but given the BBC has Catch-101, namely exemption from answering any questions on how the BBC oversees itself, that would be hard to proved. Conveniently.
The BBC’s record for deep-sixing anything about itself whilst hounding everyone else using all its resources to do so is a disgrace. If but one of many.
It would be interesting to see if 100+ complaints can be confirmed as being made and if not published asking the BBC just who crooked they are… elsewhere.
Guest – I was trying to find out how much al beeb spends on the Asian Network – tricky – wiki has old data , the Asian network website doesn’t help and the latest Annual report doesn’t help either .
I can only conclude that something is being hidden .you might recall that the Asian network and bbc 6 were going to be closed but the hippies complained about not being able to hear “ Darkside of the Moon” so it was kept going and so was the divisive Asian Network .
I used to be on a BBC Trust panel. We were asked questions about Radio 6 which made it patently obvious that the Trust were going to to get the evidence to say that audiences were telling them the station was well liked and must be kept.
Fed – Tricky, erring on ‘never going to happen’.
The BBC is possibly the most hypocritical power when it comes to not being held to account. Look at what gets answered vs. refused, delayed… and why.
@GW I found the link
Also note Peter Hitchins spots BBC apologising for using White Helmets footage without proper labelling.
“BBC News (10pm), BBC One, 24 February 2018”
Stew, the bbc…. apologised?
And not by return to a letter from Lenny or Andy?
Shocked, I tell you, shocked!
So, the BBC oversees itself? It’s like asking a loan shark to regulate itself.
Some might think that yes.
But in fact it is OFCOM, staffed mainly by ex bbc colleagues.
And then there is the DCMS, who every so often convenes ‘inquiries’ into the bbc that oddly appear to comprise ex-bbc, and bbc-pensioned MPs, so no conflict of interest there.
\\ a friend did school work experience for Alistair Campbell, he told me he’d never considered the entire Labour press office were Guardian journalists, it opened his eyes & mine to how in bed & biased journalists are. //
Amazing what several billion per year does not get.
Oh dear, GW. The response could be seismic in snowflake units of indignance.
Get your popcorn here…
All those lovely Costs to be apportioned……………
Why Guido censorhip ? Ah someone was reposting suspect comments on Twitter campaign page :Guido Hate Exposed
That account avoids mentioning nasty things lib/lefties commented.
I’m in pre-mod now (hangon it says EVERYONE is pre-moderated now)
My last comment was “Removed”
\\ Zero-Sugar’s comment has 80 likes, yet somehow G’s system somehow registers a comment with only 35 likes, as “best” ??? //
Very strange bit on the 6pm news about Grenfell Tower,
They started to play the recording of the bloke whose flat caught fire, but they really were fast to cut the segment off.
It seemed clear that this would be because his English was crap and that the 999 person would have asked him to repeat his name, place and incident-and probably wasted minutes, due to the fact that he couldn`t make himself understood. But the BBC won`t be letting us in on that. Be racist and discrimatory, must upset us all.
These days, it`s their rushed edits that tell me how desperate they are-still to blame the Council, (and get the Fire Brigade , the Labour Housing types, Green and EU laxity off the hook).
No need to bother with Grenfell now- put Lucas , Juncker and Dent Coad, Davey in the dock. And bring Javid and May back to grovel for throwing the Kensington Tories to the media , because they`re shallow and gutless.
This has to be the worst crock of shite the BBC have ever produced when trying to explain the actions of a murderous Moslem fanatic.
Safaa Boular: How a teenage girl turned to terror
I suggest a bit of waterboarding then shoot her
Explain or forgive?
“Screaming in pain and in anger, Rizlaine Boular was dragged to the street to receive first aid.”
“Don’t touch me, my body, don’t touch my dress,” witnesses heard her shout, as she wrestled feebly with the officers”
did they hear her wrestle “FEEBLY” this is just the so called BBC trying to show how this is just a weak little kitten being treated badly
not to worry though she will probably be out before tommy
The 6pm news implied that she did it all for love after an online marriage(come again?).
But hey-isn`t it good to see Muslim women of two generations trying to work on that dream of theirs, being the subtext.
“Sisters are doing it for themselves”-“never such devoted sisters as Annie, Aretha and the Andrews Sisters still sing in all of our fluttering female hearts.
Womans Hour will have them out in a few weeks, being powerful role models for Muslim women emancipation.
Apparently they called their bombs to be “cakes”.
Anybody checked what Nadiya is making at the moment.
Won`t be fairy cakes anyway, Islam won`t make those.
Raisins, ricin? Easily confused.
That Jo Cox, Tessa Jowell dream of ours will have to wait then.
Found this Brexit news hidden away , check out the HYS comments……………
\\Brexit ‘weighing on business investment’//
Business getting fat on cheap labour, (strain on resources etc etc) rather than investing in current employees or robotics? From my experience: Two factories producing the same product. One flies in labour from Eastern Europe, ten people at least on the manual production line, the other invests in machinery and needs just two people on the production line. Which one is more productive? Go on, take a guess!
Ha Those “independent” journos are put on air by Labour
Yes, I mentioned earlier the Times had a promo article for Ash Sarkar the race-baiter and Identity Politics person
it did look like a Labour-PR job to me
and now Guido proves
“(when) you see Ash Sarkar or Zoe Williams on Sky News that they are often booked by the Labour Party and get their lines dictated to them by Team Corbyn, despite appearing on our screens supposedly as journalists.”
BBC Panorama Titles You Are Unlikely To See:
‘ Why Blame Trump For Keeping His Election Promises?’
‘Trump Has Made The World Safer’.
‘Trump Controls The Biggest Economic Force In The World. Is It Time To Show Him Some Respect?’
‘Panorama Exposes The Truth That Trump Has The Power To Both Dominate And Destroy The EU’.
‘Panorama Exposes The Truth That That The EU Counts For Only 14% Of World Trade’.
The list is almost endless.
Mark Easton, the BBC’s Home Editor, was talking to a group of Cambridge students on the Today programme this morning regarding the survey of perceptions of Englishness and pride, or otherwise, therein. The interviews were held in the Fort St George (geddit?) pub on the river Cam, which I remember with great affection from my own Cambridge days forty-odd years ago.
One of the three young intellectuals opined, with much seriousness, that Richard the Lionheart was not the sort of figure that should be regarded as an icon of Englishness because he was, quote, “a supremacist”. I am not well-versed in the lexicon of the modern young, but I take that to refer to his involvement in the Christian campaign to recover the Holy Land from Islam. Mr Easton forbore to point out to our young friend that such action was something of a cornerstone of the High Middle Ages: historical context, laddie, historical context. And if Richard was such a jolly unpleasant chap, why use the appellation “Lionheart”, bestowed by admiring medieval chroniclers – why not refer simply to Richard the First? Surely, continued our sage, a much more appropriate figure to revere would be Sir William Beveridge.
The irony is that our young “historian” is right in some ways. Richard is not a quintessentially English hero. He spoke Norman French, as did all the English aristocracy of the time; when not campaigning in the Middle East he spent most of his time in his lands in France; little more than six months of his reign was spent in England.
And indeed why not Beveridge? A scion of the Indian Civil Service whose mother was a Unitarian who helped found one of the first workers’ colleges; a man who achieved a Double First in Classics and Mathematics at Balliol, Oxford. Beveridge was a true intellectual and a great pioneer of desperately-needed social reform at a time when the poor were truly poor.
But our young friend sees both Richard and Beveridge through the prism of modern historiography which is at best relegated to a cadet branch of the social sciences and in which great men’s greatness or lack of it is bound up solely with their propinquity or otherwise to notions of scientific inevitability or crass ideas of identity. Would our friend really have lionised Beveridge had he really understood the great man’s debt to deep non-conformist Christian traditions of economic, social and political reform. I doubt it very much. His idea of a Beveridge figure would be a Director of Social Services (or should that be Cabinet member for Social Services?) on Lambeth Council.
“Cambridge man y’know” quoth General Melchett in an episode of Blackadder Goes Forth, “broke wind for his college”: ah yes, some of us did engage in less than serious pursuits from time to time; but by God we understood history; what it is, what it means, how it links indissolubly the past with the present with that which is to come. I fear for the next generation, I really do.
Excellent post, Skeldings.
Solid post.
An item concerning Englishness and pride? What better than the radio to hide the interviewees colour or race?
What a surprise that Mark Easton’s report on identity is utterly obsessed with trying to downplay Englishness itself by obsessively focusing on county and town allegiances. Anything is better than the unity of English identity as far as the BBC is concerned, even if it means praising Yorkshire or Newcastle, which they would never usually do.
I listened to that before switching off to save my mental health. Wondered if the twat had actually read the Bevvy report because it’s a long way from the international health service of today . And as for Richard The lion heart – I. Suppose. The kid at Cambridge had seen some dvd. He was obviously due for a. Job in al Beeb or for. A party – any. One – wouldn’t. Matter a tuppany fuck – as it were. Cambridge – pah.
“Young people are far less likely to feel proud to be English than older generations, a major survey for the BBC reveals”. So, how much of the taxpayers money did the BBC pay for this major crock of biased shite?
Bit like “ what would you fight for? “ perhaps kidults don’t know until the time comes – and if the sacrifices made in the last 2 wars has any effect one can hope that they ( kidults) don’t have to put themselves on the line .
It’s not surprising that young people feel less English than older people because for about 30 or 40 years now the teaching profession has been staffed primarily by cultural Marxists who are hell-bent on suppressing conservative instincts in the population. These figures are a great success for their strategy.
JHB discussing on Talk Radio this morning is there no sense of pride to be English.
Guardian reports that a couple were hit by a shitstorm from above in Canada as an exception to reality . I’d challenge that and say if you live in londonistan that’s every day
Sort of related to bias…well the MSM loves diversity quotas – think not enough women on the MPC, today a report from PWC that there will be no more all-male shortlists…and on it goes. IMHO this is going to end badly, possibly disastrously. Here is an example, please watch the actual interview if you can – or not, if you’re scared of flying (like me):
PS apologies for the amount of abbreviations in this post!
More stabbings . Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Where is maxi?
Get your news here!
I’m surprised they haven’t done a feature on why there aren’t enough white people being stabbed in London.
Mishal is drawing up another table.
Have the bBBC picked this up yet?
Forced to pay a Telly Tax, and for what?
Censorship, obfuscation and propaganda .
Maybe not so keen on open borders now.
Here is one racial attack that is worth a read …………………….
\\Littleborough rugby player badly hurt in ‘racial attack’//
\\A “promising” teenage rugby player was run over by a gang who beat him with a golf club in what police described as a racially-motivated attack.//
Littleborough plod couldn’t have got the memo stating that if you’re white, you couldn’t possibly be a victim of racial discrimination, abuse or violence, taff.
Promising rugby player attacked by five Asian males. I think I have a photograph of the perps here
He described the offenders as being four or five Asian males, of thin build and either in their late-teens or early-20s. {bbc.co.uk 04jun2018}
Google Search ‘Asian People’ …

I’ve been adding to the TR thread , including a link to the new Delingpole article.
A Challenge
Is there anyone out there who can offer some evidence of Al Beeb right wing bias or pro Brexit bias .
Blood pressure alert! More Orwellian advances…and a question in the title, so yes, Al Beeb do think women’s body parts should be renamed.
Frankly the head of the Met seems bang on.
Wot? Extra rib not enough?
Goodness gracious, whatever next?
They want it all. They want it now!
Toady watch
Quentin Summerville – a beeboid reporter and Humph having a chat about the so called amnesty international which is having ago at Blighty over alleged civilian deaths in a place called Raka.
It was taken as read that Blighty was in the wrong . The pair mentioned that it was a battle with Muslim terrorists called ISIS but the whole chat was just ‘anti’ as usual . I wonder what they’d talk about if ISIS targeted beeboids?
I keep watching videos like this in hope people will wake up. But with the toxic cloud of the BBC/MSM seeping into most homes, probably not. Still just hope Georgie Porgie (Soros) will finally keel over after Italy. Sadly his money won’t dissapear, but at least his ugly face will.
Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio this morning is, shortly, going to be discussing why are the Scottish & Welsh proud to be such, but the English are not proud to be English.
A possible opportunity to highlight the bias and anti-Englishness of the bBBC….
Many a true word..
TOADY Watch #1 and only (there may be no time for more from me today)
Martha is interviewing a UN female Dr (possibly a scientist) who, I am glad to say, does not start each sentence of her replies with the word ‘So’. The subject: the problem of plastics.
Neither Martha or the ‘Editeurs du Jour’ are sharp enough to ask about how and why plastic is getting into the world’s oceans. To the best of my knowledge, for over two decades now, UK taxpayers have been paying to have their plastic RECYCLED.
What we really need to know is why our plastic has not been recycled but instead thrown into the sea, who has done that and why our Environmental Agency and Local Authorities and central Government have not been policing the recycling properly.
Questions should be asked.
Especially by the BBC.
I wonder why they are not? (It wouldn’t be because there was a Labour Government from 1997-2010, would it? Surely not!)
Instead, all Martha could ask about was extra taxes (we already pay tax to have the stuff recycled) or bans. Typical BBC.
Unfortunately, I think it was the BBC who recently revealed that we have five regional plastics recycling plants in the UK so there is now no need to transport the waste overseas. Now, I do know some plastics are very difficult to recycle due to their composition and structure. However the BBC a little further back also did an item on the World at One (TWatO), I think, about a plant in Swindon that is able to recycle ALL plastics. Even ‘difficult plastics’ are now no excuse and can be made into something new.
Why is the BBC not battering Government, the Civil Service and Local Authorities with pertinent questions on this subject?
Incompetence? Lack of will? Or some ‘agenda’? Idleness? Or bias?
The Marine Conservation Society has published a global map of where measures are being taken to address plastic pollution into the aquatic eco-chain.
Rather worryingly, the most draconian and extensive efforts seem to be taking place where it is not really a problem.
Guessing that BBC Indonesia Editor I had never heard of has gone back into hibernation until her next report on royal princesses.
Quite right.
My local socialist council does not allow for recycling various plastics which can be recycled – the triangle symbols say so.
I’d also add the council give out very poor and incomplete advice- for instance what to do about mixed materials.
A classic left wing example of ‘do what I say, not what I do’. Rather like the BBC in fact.
Remember this sickening video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWBU39wrots
The police demand that she opened the front door otherwise they would be prepared to, “break the door down”. From my hearing, they did not offer or state that they possessed a Warrant signed by a Magistrate. Interested in why? My view only:
The police can ONLY demand entry to a private property if they, (and this is the point) have, “reasonable suspicion” that you have committed a crime or are about to or you are actually in the act of committing an offence. This is the police view in 2009:
Whats changed since 2009? Much. Inter alia, ‘Hate Crime’ and the associated ‘Hate Speech’. The latter merely needs an offended person and hey presto! the police have ‘reasonable suspicion’. The ‘bar’ has been lowered to such an extent now. Upshot? more efficiency: the police no longer need a Warrant signed by a Magistrate. At Amy’s door in the video above, you can see the upshot of the public now being literally “diced and sliced” by unbelievable volumes of criminal law. Let no one convince you otherwise, this is Totalitarianism folks! But remember the lie, “we will not allow them to change our way of life”.
Do you know what the outcome was?
To Amy?
Ariana Grande says she has PTSD after Manchester attack
Classic me,me,me,me,me,me article.
Obviously her PTSD isn’t so bad that it stops her agent for organising cover shots, BBC interviews, tattoo parlour visits and other self promotiion activities.
Come on BBC… there must be at least one bloody fuming person in this world you can find and interview for their comments about terrorism.
Better light a candle for her quick!
Fireman loses job after supporting TR.
Listen carefully and you will hear Javid whispering his request for the Qur’an as his book of choice.
“Qur’an please”
“Yes of course, would you like to pick it up yourself”
Sajid Javid won the “Best Politician” at the “British Muslim Awards 2015”.
It’s the only book in town, MM.
“If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them. And if they are opposed to the Quran, destroy them!”
Sheik Omar at the destruction of the Library at Alexandria (allegedly)
Did anyone mention that Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) swore on a book which says this?
‘Judgment Day will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, but the rocks and the trees will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him — except for the gharqad tree, which is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Is that the Koran or one of the hadiths?
My Koran has no concordance, unsurprisingly.
“Asylum seeker who raped a young woman on a night out to celebrate her 18th birthday after pretending to help her is jailed for 14 years
Mohamed Amin, 39, preyed on the 18-year-old after seeing her drunkenly leave a Cardiff nightclub ”
Mohamed … Muhamed …. Muhammed .. so good his name is becoming more popular by the hour in maternity wards around the world …
Muhammad replaced William in the top 10 boys’ names for England and Wales in 2016, compared with 2015.
Made the mistake of listening to the last few minutes of the Today programme this morning. A couple of cultural Marxists were talking about inequality. Big question: were there any opposing voices to their point of view? No, just the two of them with the same opinions being interviewed by John Humphrys.
The BBC up in a lather about new US ambassador to Germany Grenell (double blink, Grenell) and that he may not be upholding strict impartiality guidelines. (And they should know.) It’s the wrong kind of impartiality apparently.
From longer Breitbart article outlining how the MSM have gone into all-out smear frenzy over Grenell’s comments.
BBC R4 coverage gets a special mention –
‘Grenell’s comments were also met with scorn from figures like Senator Chris Murphy, who Britain’s establishment BBC Radio 4 news quoted Monday from a Tweet he made that said: “When I raised concerns to Grenell about politicizing this post, he personally assured me that once he became Ambassador he would stay out of politics. This interview is awful – Ambassadors aren’t supposed to “empower” any political party overseas.”
The BBC Radio 4 news segment did not go so far to reveal Senator Murphy’s position on the left of the U.S. Democrat party, not his staunch opposition to the Trump agenda.’
He’s Trump’s man, so of course the BBC don’t like him, despite his gayness.
The MSM and the BBC are in a pickle over this – as US ambassador his job is to promote US interests overseas, in this case to represent favourably the policies of the Trump administration. So he’s just doing his job. If he also agrees with Trump that’s by the by but probably helpful to believe in something you’re selling on behalf of your country.
But I suppose if he’d got to Berlin, rolled his eyes and said, ‘Trump, eh? What a dickhead’ they’d be all over him.
Of the 184,595 people across the UK charged with non-payment of the
TV LicenceGARY ‘£1.75m’ LINEKER’S WAGES byCapita TV LicensingNazis, 21,300 were found not guilty – and 90 people were jailed for failing to pay court-issued fines. The figure for charges includes out-of-court disposals.https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/07/17/70_pc_tv_licensing_convictions_women/
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
‘”If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. I’m proud those words now adorn BBC HQ’
“CPS review identifies 47 sex offence cases where evidence was withheld from lawyers”
The director of public prosecutions at the CPS, Alison Saunders, has admitted to at least 47 cases where evidence has been withheld from defence lawyers.
She said “..there are a few cases where we are falling short..”
Falling short? – 47 cases where men failed to get a fair trial due to deliberate with-holding of evidence and that’s the best she can say?
How about “..there are many cases where we completely fail to do our jobs correctly..”
She should be sacked and face prosecution herself.
But it doesn’t matter if they were innocent – just as long as somebody, anybody is convicted to keep the numbers looking good. Apparently.
Celebrity faces real world for 5 minutes … and then pops back into their bubble.
People pay more taxes via petrol but country that supplied the petrol
uses 0% tax on companies to lure businesses from around the world.
Self obsessed people don’t care anymore.
Government loses £2.1bn on RBS stake sale
BBC being economic with the truth with a anti-Tory spin…
“The government has incurred a loss of £2.1bn after selling another tranche of shares in Royal Bank of Scotland.
The shares were sold at 271p each, almost half the 502p a share paid in the government’s bailout of RBS a decade ago when it rescued the bank at the height of the financial crisis.”
I suppose it would be too much for the BBC to mention it was a Labour government at time of the bailout rather than make it appear the Tories both paid 502p a share and now sold them for 271p.
“I can’t help but think about we’ve got so many refugees that we kind of deny access to the country, so many asylum seekers that get deported, And it’s this Government’s policies that make my stories and and stories like mine very unlikely. It’s a bit of a shame and we really need to tackle it.” – Majid Majid
Mayor of Sheffield wants Sheffield to take in more refugees and asylum seekers … just like they do in Somalia. … oh,wait …
“Majid Majid, Sheffield’s Lord Mayor on Daily POlitics” {22may2018}
is this the same Sheffield which became famous for its cutlery, and the Master Cutler express? That one?
Before Islam .. no limited segregation … after a taste of Islam .. segregate bikes,cars and people with barriers.
Climate change kills.
Actually no – it is climate change policy that kills, no more so than in the tragic fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower last year and caused over 70 fatalities. Curiously missing from the wall-to-wall coverage of the catastrophe by the BBC and most mainstream media is its underlying cause – a legal requirement to cut CO2 emissions and the obvious quick fix provided by refurbishing social housing.
When Kensington and Chelsea Council announced its £10m Grenfell refurbishment involving new exterior cladding, heating boilers and double-glazing, it proudly said that the project was to “enhance energy efficiency”. Residents can now have the “benefits of living in energy efficient homes”, it added.
What it did of course was cover the outside with environmentally friendly cladding full of flammable materials easily set alight once the fire had escaped from the plastic double glazed windows. Energy efficient gaps in the cladding allowed the fire to spread quickly. Covered with toxic green crap, the tower went up like a swan vesta.
But at least it ticked all the right boxes for Britain to fulfill its obligation under various climate treaty bollocks.
Green leader Caroline Lucas said at the time of the Grenfell tragedy that we need to “hold to account those responsible for the failures that make this potentially not just a tragedy but a crime”. For once your correspondent agrees with Lucas, although probably not on whose collar should ultimately be felt!
What we had at Grenfell before the green loons stepped in was a rather ugly tower block which was essentially a stack of individual concrete boxes. It was extremely safe from a fire point of view – a necessary requirement in social housing where overcrowding and various risky behaviours by some residents have sadly to be accommodated. In the past, fires were easily contained within individual flats. Covering the tower with plastic completely changed the safety features originally built into the structure.
It is in almost everyone’s interest to downplay the role climate change policy played in this disaster. This includes the BBC and its “settled” view and the Labour party that bought in the 2008 Climate Change Act that led to the social housing refurbishment quick emissions fix. Also looking for somewhere to hide are the Tories and LibDems who in 2012 identified social housing as one of the key areas where CO2 emissions could be reduced by improved efficiency from greater insulation. In 2012 the government committee on climate change advised local authorities on the best way to “impact significantly on the UK’s scale and speed of emissions reduction” citing “insulation, such as cladding and new boilers”.
The nearer the true finger of blame points to campaigning greens and politicians, expect the level of blame shifting to become ever more hysterical.
…and all the time, CO2 levels slowly and steadily rise, greening the planet, and generally making all life that much better.
Is CO2 evil these days or not? I’ve lost track …..
Nah. It never has been, but it has been a useful tool for those who should know better, and who wrongly assume that we don’t know, either.