74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
Anyone here? It’s very quiet…
Well done, L, numero uno 🙂
First time I’ve been first at anything
Aaww, that’s really sad, Lurkio 🙁
I was once first amongst equals.
It was past midnight when the Thread was opened. That Fed has sure got some stamina.
My head hit the pillow before midnight and I was asleep.
Congratulations to Lurkio!
Was on night shift, am without excuse here.
D-Day and the Six Day War if my memory serves me well-near enough.
Thank You Winston, thank you Golda.
Will we ever see their likes again? I think we`ll need to soon.
Treeza or Jeremy?
Err, possibly not …….
Under BBC diversity policy rules the first 5 places on each thread are reserved for BME from London even if they turn up half a day later.
So you whiteys might think you hve come first in the thread, but no check your privilege and step down the list
Strange. On the BBC news website, ‘Asia’ seems to be stories concerning North Korea, China and Australia (?). But, the Beeb catch-all ‘Asian’ when they mean Pakistan/Bangladesh ‘groomer’ doesn’t seem to be represented. I find that a little odd.
Asia is a noun and a continent; Asian, as in man or men, when used as an adjective, is the beebs way of trying to hide the true ethnicity of the brown or black child minders, pavement mounters, back packs that go bang carriers, stabbers and shooters and mental issue sufferers, usually whilst looking for a snack bar called Alan. But we know what it’s shorthand for.
In Re : Tommy Robinson .
I thought I might check the UN Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and the appendix our government signed in 1976 the IPPCR , lodged with the UN in Chinese , Russian , Portugese and English .
Article 9.1 reads that no one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest or detention and 9.2 says anyone who is arrested shall be informed AT THE TIME OF HIS ARREST and promptly informed OF ANY CHARGES AGAINST HIM .
9.5 says that anyone who has been a victim of unlawful arrest or detention shall have an enforceable right to compensation .
Article 14.1 says Everyone shall be entitled to a fair and PUBLIC hearing , although exceptions are allowed .
14.3 section (b) to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence and to communicate with a council of his own choosing .
Now if all these conditions are met , then the treaties our governments have signed have been abided by . What do we do though if they haven’t ?
Also when he was harrased by Cambridge’ s finest as he was having a family day out in a restaurant , didn’t this contravene article 21 and 22 about freedom of association , let alone the freedom to family life ?
Has there been an update on Tommy Robinson? Do we know what efforts his lawyer is making to secure his release?
I wrote to my MP to ask her what she’s doing to help him but not surprisingly I’ve had no reply.
I’ve been wondering that. I keep reading about all the apparent procedural anomalies but presume his lawyer would be all over it if they were true. The fact that we hear nothing suggests to me that these anomalies may be less than they’re made out to be.
I explained the Contempt of Court situation on two Threads last week. As no proper lawyers have been on here to correct me, I assume, possibly (thanks to some Rumpole from the BBC – one of the few decent bits of Drama left on R4) etc., I may have got it ‘about right’.
There are matters arising. Why no challenge to the harsh, obviously extreme, CoC sentence? How does the Judge know, could possibly know, that the trial that TR was said to be prejudicing would take ten months? Why were the others, said to be present and also filming, not similarly taken into custody, with similar sentences? (They may have been outside the Court precincts, in which case fair enough.)
However, if the physical apprehending of TR was claimed to be for a BotP, why were the others not similarly arrested? Did TR say some very unwise things when ‘physically arrested’ that made his situation worse?
Think Roland may have it right. However, an appearance before the Judge must have happened for the CoC jailing. Why did TR not apologise for his Contempt at that point? If I understand Contempt correctly, if you are merely jailed as a Warning for Contempt, you have the right to ask to appear before m’Lud to apologise for it.
It is only when there is a full personal trial for a Contempt – think: use as a Juror of a mobile phone in Court and/or researching, while serving, personalities involved in a case – that jailing occurs with a sentence or fine or both, and that’s that. You serve your time and pay the fine, subject of course to a Right of Appeal. I may be wrong on that – any lawyers reading, please correct me.
If you want a Conspiracy Theory (I believe more in State cock-ups than conspiracies, btw) then one is that this almost appears to be a deliberate attempt to create a ‘martyr’ or a ‘figurehead’. You can then weave all sorts of establishment reasoning and motives around that.
Nibor, john in cheshire, Roland Deschain, Up2snuff, et al,
Robinson admitted he was in Contempt of Court the first time and was lucky to receive just a suspended sentence.
Robinson admitted he was in Contempt of Court for a second time. So he went straight to prison.
Which part of this are you having trouble with?
What sort of “appeal” do people on this site expect his lawyers to make? ’”M’Lord when Tommy said he was guilty he was lying and did’t really mean it…”?
“Why were the others, said to be present and also filming, not similarly taken into custody…”
Robinson wasn’t just filming, he was “live streaming” it, with a commentary.
A commentary which said that Muslims rape because of the Quran…
That he was reporting “rape jihad gangs “…
And that “This is a grooming gang”, whilst pointing at the court building.
Maxicony ,
My post doesn’t contradict what you say because in raising other points , like when TR was hassled by the police on a family day out and the process , was it in accordance to UN law .
There have been travesties of justice before , you know .
Hi Maxi,
I would have to agree on the basis of the points as you lay them out but what’s your view on the punishment?
maxi, you do not have the option to admit you were in contempt of Court. You have no choice. It is the Judge’s decision that you are in contempt. He has the power and right to sentence you immediately, you only have the opportunity to apologise to the Judge and cease the contempt and promise to behave in front of that particular Judge during the course of that particular trial. It is that Judge, IIRC, and HIS COURT* (trial) against which you have offended.
“Robinson admitted he was in Contempt of Court the first time and was lucky to receive just a suspended sentence.”
AFAIK, you do not receive a suspended sentence for CoC.
“Robinson admitted he was in Contempt of Court for a second time. So he went straight to prison.”
IIRC, TR’s suspended sentence was for BotP, NOT* the concept CoC and was for three months, not ten months or thirteen months. (There is a doubt in my mind whether those two different sentences ought to be running concurrently, that’s another puzzle. Lawyers on here please advise!)
The ‘trouble I have with this’ is only in explaining to people the concept of CoC, the difference to BotP, Judges’ power over their trials and within Court precincts and the subsequent procedures. You may add to that two more things that I may ‘trouble I have with this’. The fact that we may not know all the facts – as I and Roland Deschain (and others?) have clearly hinted at in previous posts – and the severity of the CoC sentence which is unusual, in my understanding & memory, WITHOUT A PERSONAL TRIAL*.
Please pay thorough attention, maxi.
If you do not, I may sentence you to three months of daily John Mortimer.
* apologies for apparent ‘shouting’ but I cannot get italics into my B-BBC posts.
Is it contempt of court if the court is, in fact, contemptible?
boo, yes. Judges rule, OK?
They are a bit like Vicars in the CoE. They have jurisdiction over all that happens within bounds and Ecclesiastical Law, IIRC, applies in precedence over all that occurs within those bounds.
Same for a Judge in a Court for a trial. IIRC, with the first bang of his gavel, the Court becomes that Judge’s Court for that trial. He rules it using a mixture of Law, even I think during adjournment(s), until the gavel comes down at the end of the case.
BBC Shit Watch: the BBC just love running stories about shit, especially on their children’s channel.
Their current lead story on CBBC Newsround News is: Is it Raining Poo in Canada?
Coprophagans tend to like copra.
Couldn’t sleep, so a whole half hour of R5Dead’s appreciation of how nasty the Australian government is in raising the barrier to immigration and making them learn English – a basic premise in Australia.
Nothing from whoever was running the radio prog from here, Phil Mercer in Sydney gave some American activist a free rein, and I thought for one moment that he might even query something, but of course he didn’t.
Absolutely no discussion about the positives for keeping unemployables out.
Perhaps Theresa could pop over there and find out from a strong government, how they do it.
R5Dead, the overcrowder’s special own prog.
Scroblene, I’m afraid the Aussie government’s ‘nasty anti-immigration’ stance is largely a myth put about by Australia’s left-leaning, multiculturalist establishment and mainstream media. (I should know – I live in western Sydney, where hijabs are a common sight.) They like to depict Malcolm Turnbull’s conservative coalition government as right-wing, but Malcolm is a left-wing entryist who displaced the truly conservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
The tough entry conditions you mention apply only to gaining citizenship. People may gain permanent residency without them – and many do. Australia’s strict conditions for British would-be migrants (and tough stance against illegal boat arrivals) have convinced many Britons that we’ve no immigration problems. But many arrive from third-world countries as refugees or students, and large numbers have poor qualifications and have caused social problems. Sydney is increasingly sprawling, ‘enriched’ and overpopulated with monstrous house prices.
G’day Helena, good to hear from you again.
I would accuse the BBC on Radio4 of doing their bit to reinforce and perpetrate that very myth of “Aussie government’s ‘nasty anti-immigration’ stance ” of which you write. If the BBC do not actually use the words ‘anti-immigration’, then their reports are wrapped up a tone that portrays it as such and which I hear from the radio speakers.
Sydney sounds like London. I was there almost 10 years ago and it was heading downhill them. Those from Lebanon appeared to be a problem…
Sally Nugent is a particularly annoying sports presenter in terms of her pushing the Politically Correct BBC narratives that really should have nothing to do with sport.
This morning she editorialises her own (or perhaps this is the official BBC take?) on the Raheem Sterling gun tattoo affair. The player has just faced the press. Instead of leaving us to decide what to make of his statement our Sally weighs in…
“I think he handled that really well. He said all the things yer wanted him to”
Good to know the BBC has ‘got his back’
Now had it been – um – Vinny Jones….
BBC London tv news presents us with the junk statistic of the day…
“Every car in London costs the NHS £7,000 over its lifetime”
To missquote Colonel Kilgore: The BBC loves the scent of lobby group nonsense in the morning – it smells like new taxation
If I’d known the NHS were doing MOT’s I wouldn’t have used a mechanic…Don’t you just love these ridiculous statements that can’t be substantiated but suit a ‘narrative’
I know how they do these calculations & it is to a large extent BS. They do it when they apply for research grants to “demonstrate” need, and they do it afterwards to demonstrate their research has “impact”. It is based on extrapolations of marginals with an added “safety margin” for the risk uncertainty.
The same calculations show that cooking a meal that involves frying an egg and the like – is far more “costly” to the NHS.
Funny thing, we are staring at the death of oil and the privately-owned motor car, the Beeb on TOADY want to hasten its demise, as refered to in the above posts, but on TWatO they were spreading a warehouse full of paranoia over a potential threat to the UK car industry.
Aah! Silly me. I remember now – no conflict, at all.
The latter was only being used by the BBC as a reason to call off Brexit.
And when the car owner gets car jacked, beaten up or stabbed, in the safest capital city in the world (sic), it no doubt costs the NHS a damn sight more!
The Metropolitan Police and the CPS should see this event as a warning. The city is where Johannesburg was a quarter of a century ago. (Some US cities also come to mind.) If you don’t act firmly against the perpetrators and put them away for a long time, the next step is armed carjackings in which people get killed.
Zero tolerance should be at the heart of the approach. Sadly, Cressisda Dick does not inspire confidence. Like May, she is big on words and short on action, with no vision and no plan that can be discerned.
didnt the flying squad stamp out armed bank robbery by ambushing a few gangs and getting some mighty long sentences
have they not heard of risk-reward ratio
An electric car is so subsidised it takes about £7K out of the tax pool on Day1
… And that is without accounting for the pollutants in its full life cycle :
battery material mining, tyre wear, electricity generation pollution, dismantling of dangerous lithium battery etc.
Oh the PR being cutNpasted in from the Clean Air Day PR by enviro activist front Global Action Plan, says that a diesel costs the NHS £16,000
There are logical fallacies all over the place, the NHS wasn’t better in the day without petrol/diesel ambulances .
One fallacy is : You can’t count negatives without counting the benefits.
The Yorkshire Post spins it into Yorkshire Towns a re blackspots
Weird blanket claims are made like “diesels 20 times more polluting than Electric”
same old propaganda that accidentally favours Eco-activist charities and biz that sustain themselves via Electric Car Subsidies ..paid by the public.
I can imagine diesel buses, diesel taxis, esp. those doing sudden u-turns, and diesel lorries all causing extra costs to the NHS.
Most diesel cars however, just like their petrol brothers, stay parked outside houses and offices, in garages and in car parks for most, if not all, of the day. Many south-east & London commuters only drive their cars at weekends.
The statistics from insurance companies and from the DfT & ONS, give the lie to this eco-rubbish.
I can do it too !
“Every so-called news story the BBC ferment regarding Grenfell/Windrush/etc costs this country an extra £1m in compensation claims”
Tr, that gave me a good chuckle after the gloom of having to sort out maxincony – again.
Wonder how much the hundreds of taxi journeys taken by the BBC politburo
each year cost the NHS?
Might be worth remembering that on this day just over seventy years ago thousands of allied soldiers British , American and Commonwealth gave their lives fighting for freedom and the right of individual nations to be – what they want to be.
Now decades later the BBC in co-operation with some of the biggest crooks in politics is fighting to turn the clock back, to allow our culture, society and hard won freedoms to be crushed and reassembled as part of a very small cog in another anti-democratic leviathan – yet again dominated by the same country that started the last lot!
Still as long as we dont have to have increased roaming charges on our mobiles – thats all OK then.
Just a thought.
Solid post.
I doubt though whether many of the troops would have advanced up those beeches, if they could have seen what was going to befall their countries.
Yes, see my post below.
Yes, my father (still alive) was first among them (13th/18th Royal Hussars QMO) that morning. He is sad that his young comrades gave their lives that day and continued to do so for nearly a year afterwards, but in the 70 years since he has seen the country he loves turn into a Third World shit hole and it’s getting worse by the day.
Invaders awaiting supplies and a ride to Britain.
What’s the D-Day comparison of the Geldorf/Lily Allen/Bonio types trying to bring them all into the UK?
Well said. , we should remember this day.
The EU was designed to prevent further wars between France and Germany . There had been three within living memory in 1945. But it has grown out of control and is now creating tension rather than reducing it. If it were ever torevert to its format pre the Lisbon treaty about 1995 ish , it would be well worth remaing inside.
But to me Brexit etc are only second order issues. What terrifies me is mass migration and islamification . The EU has recently played a significant part in this of course , but our own governments over the past fifty years have largely been responsibile for our own dire situation in this regard. We are in deep trouble , in thirty years time the situation will be catastrophic , whether in or out of the EU.
Doublethinker, ahem!
Perhaps posting with some element of irony? “The EU was designed to prevent further wars between France and Germany”
That is what is said now. Originally, at the time, the Iron, Coal & Steel Federation was cover for a grab of mainly German assets, certainly with a notional nod toward preventing future war, but really as war reparation and also to give France an advantage – over Belgium, Holland, Italy (and the UK!) – in recovery from the war. France grabbed coalfields and steel manufacturing from other countries.
It should be remembered that there was no chance of war in western Europe for many years because the Allies were in occupation as Allies.
In addition, as the BBC point out over Syria (greatest refugee crisis since …) there were millions of displaced persons to be dealt with, along with their wounds, malnutrition and resulting health issues let alone the need for feeding & housing.
It is a Modern Urban Myth, of which the EUphiles are very fond, that the EU (and its predecessor organisations) was formed to prevent war between France and Germany.
At the present time, the EU seems to be more likely to cause a war in Europe than prevent it.
If, God forbid, the need should ever arise again, a D-Day could not take place. Can you imagine the planning:
“We can’t land at Normandy – there hasn’t been a full risk assessment and there may be health and safety issues. That beach is very slippery.”
“We can’t land at Normandy – our forces are not sufficiently diverse. We were hoping to use the 14th Transgender Division, but they are attending an LGBTQWERTY parade with the Metropolitan Police”
‘We can’t kill Germans. I mean, er, wouldn’t that be racist or something?”
Even if could, by some miracle, go ahead, it would soon get bogged down:
“General Carruthers! Why have our troops stopped advancing?” “Sir, they have stopped for prayers. Plus it is Ramadan, would have been better to delay it until next month anyway”.
Naturally there is reality over the nonsense in the recruitment video. Fact is that no “real” muslim would or can join the British military. The first hurdle would be attestation where the volunteer states: “I… swear by Almighty God (do solemnly, and truly declare and affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, and of the (admirals / generals/ air officers) and officers set over me.” A muslim signing up to cherish ‘Queen and Country? Not permitted in the quaran no more than the ‘citizenship’ oath which is a condensed ‘light’ version of the military one. One thing it proves beyond any shadow of doubt is that the islamic principle of ‘taquiyya’ (as well as, “makara” (deceit)) is alive and well.
Third time lucky for Germany if they win this one.
Direct Democracy and Tax [the Magna Carta and lawful rebellion] (found on going-postal.com)
Until the UK chooses to reform to direct democracy and, if you are unhappy about your tax being spent on any specific policy you can either protest, or take direct action. If direct action, Article 61 of the Magna Carta states how and why tax payers have the legal right [since 1215] to with-hold tax payments from the Treasury and because the Magna Carta was not created by Parliament, no government can lawfully repeal any of the articles within it without public consent.
On Anniversary of D-Day (1944) … our esteemed leader tweets … top tweet …
FIRST MAY TWEET …. Commonwealth Games
“”Let’s ensure that your fantastic achievements on the Gold Coast aren’t just part of our history – but an inspiration for our future – for millions of people across our country, and for generations still to come.” – PM @Theresa_May at Downing Street’s Commonwealth Games reception”
SECOND MAY TWEET …. Environment
“Every day, PM @Theresa_May recognises outstanding volunteers across the UK with #PointsofLight awards. Today on #WorldEnvironmentDay the PM is delighted to recognise @EmilyPenn, a record-breaking oceans advocate and co-founder of marine research group @eXXpedition.”
THIRD MAY TWEET …..London Bridge Attack (without using word murdered)
““Today we remember those who died in the London Bridge attack and the many more who were injured, as we pay tribute to the bravery of our emergency services and those who intervened and came to the aid of others.” – PM @theresa_may”
Marky: are you perhaps expecting a historical perspective and a ‘sense of history’ at a time when History is being rewritten and most politicians are complicit in this? It gets in the way of their attempts to ‘look modern’ and reshape society, so looking back a year may well be as much as can be expected.
Apparently, repeating some things Churchill said can get you locked up today?
FNW – They say history is written by the victors and it looks like young Dan has started already- never mind respecting the memory of those who gave their lives for us.
I wonder what he will tell his daughters about D DAY – maybe Europe was saved by legions of lesbians, transgenders and bigenders storming the beach the Commandos with blue varnished nails following the rainbow flags and the wimmin pioneers in pussy costumes!
What a glorious sight!
Lets just hope the “Historian” young Mr Snow is a bit premature about re-writing history in a way to please his daughters and his progressive friends.
Direct Democracy and Tax [the Magna Carta and lawful rebellion] (found on going-postal.com)
Until the UK chooses to reform to direct democracy and, if you are unhappy about your tax being spent on any specific policy you can either protest, or take direct action. If direct action, Article 61 of the Magna Carta states how and why tax payers have the legal right [since 1215] to with-hold tax payments from the Treasury and because the Magna Carta was not created by Parliament, no government can lawfully repeal any of the articles within it without public consent.
– Annoyed by tax going on welfare to pay terrorists? Annoyed by Foreign Aid? Annoyed by MPs getting 18% pay rise during a recession?
Could this affect paying the TV licence? Is this licence a tax?
Yes – the TV licence is a tax. It was categorised as such by the Office of National Statistics in January 2006, having previously been a ‘service charge’. That’s also why there is no VAT payable on it – you can’t have VAT imposed on a tax, unlike goods or a service (the TV Licensing website euphemistically states that ‘it is exempt’).
Click to access 128i.pdf
Pedant alert, Ian. 😉 “That’s also why there is no VAT payable on it – you can’t have VAT imposed on a tax,”
We do pay taxes in the UK on taxes. Taxed income is taxed again.
Then there is ….. Q. When is a tax not a tax? A. When it is a Duty. ….. but you pay VAT on top of Fuel Duties, both of them!
Then there is VAT on adult clothing, some of which is subject to (high) EU tariffs, also known as taxes, depending on its country of origin.
Then there are other taxes known as fees (but still budgetry items under the control of the CoE) where you have paid once for a Government ‘service’ via Income Tax but have to pay again, such as a Passport.
You pay various ‘taxes’ for the environment in your gas and electricity bill but that also bears VAT, at a special rate, on top.
All part of Rip-off Britain/Rip-off EU.
Sorry, but you really hit a nerve there! 🙂
Double pedant, Up2snuff!
You can certainly pay taxes on top of taxes, but my VAT friends advise that VAT is only payable on top of goods or services, not on what might be callled primary taxes, such as income tax. The way they get round it with the fuel duty is that the tax component is considered to be an integral part of the purchase price, rather than an add-on. That’s why, for instance, petrol is advertised as, say, “126.9 a litre” rather than, say, “40p a litre + tax (duty) of 57.95p + VAT”. It’s an EU-sanctioned legal fiddle and as the VAT component is reclaimable by businesses, it is a good way to screw the consumer but not impact business users.
My real point is that the BBC TV Licensing website is misleading in stating that VAT is not applicable to it, when the question never could arise in the first place. Perhaps it is meant as a subtle dig at the likes of Sky and Virgin etc, who do have to impose VAT on their services, implying that the BBC is some sense fairer (sic) or better value.
As you say, all part of Rip-off Britain and Rip-off EU!
Ian, quite correct – we do not pay VAT on top of income tax but it still comes from taxed income, unless the taxpayer’s income falls within the amount of Income Tax relief under the Personal Allowance.
“The way they get round it with the fuel duty is that the tax component is considered to be an integral part of the purchase price, rather than an add-on.”
Have you looked at a receipt for road fuels recently? I think you will find that it is a VAT invoice (as required by law), yes – with the duties rolled in (but still there as a tax) and the VAT is shown separately as required by law.
Your post has produced the distant recollection for me about some of the debate that unrolled around March 1974 and June 1975.
VAT is, IIRC, deemed to be double taxation but as that is a specific ‘harm’ or burden and would quickly bankrupt the country, businesses are allowed to offset the VAT they pay against the VAT they collect on behalf of the State (the State being, in effect, the EC/EU since 1992) and only pay or receive back the net difference. BTW, VAT harmonisation is an ongoing project within the EU. Had we voted to Remain, I suspect the UK Budgets within a few years would have had an increasing amount of the scope of VAT applied to our lives.
The individual citizen does not have that relief from that VAT harm or burden.
In the 1960s people wanted to do away with VAT’s predecessor, Purchase Tax and ‘double taxation’ was just one of the arguments in favour of scrapping Purchase Tax.
It is also why the Remain voters who complain about the amount being stated as ‘Gross’ on the Leave Campaign bus in 2016 are totally wrong in their understanding of VAT and any supplements we pay from direct taxation to the EU. The gross amount is levied and we never receive the rebates and other payments received from Brussels back into our bank accounts.
Magna Carta thingy Sounds like a myth :
\\ Oliver “The Ringmaster” Pinnock was sentenced to 25 days on Wednesday for failing to pay Southend Council £875.44.
He pleaded Article 61 of the bill of rights signed by King John in 1215 saying it meant the council needed a contract.
Lightweight Pinnock, of Leigh, Essex, who has won all four of his professional bouts, said his case was backed by campaign group Lawful Rebellion – Practical Lawful Dissent. //
Daily Express 2017
I agree it is a Facebook made up myth. There was an article 61 in the original Magna Carta but it wasn’t copied into the next version so lasted less than a year and was gone by year 1216.
Full text of the Magna Carta becoming statute in 1297 is here (with no section 61)…
This myth is like the ‘police can’t arrest you without a helmet’ myth.
@Tabs see how the Myth gets 25 likes, and our myth-busting gets far less ‘likes’
Stew, you and Tabs have 23 likes and you can have my 20 likes – that’s 43 so far!
Sounds good but do you know anyone that has refused to pay tax by citing article 61 and got away with it? I suspect a lot of legal issues would be plonked on your plate costing an arm and a leg to resolve.
Jesus.. who is this woman banging on about how hard done to woman are? She starts with the vote and history… uses misleading statistics…
She cites that the worlds richest sports people are men..That’s because people pay to see them – it’s pure equality. Needless to say she is presenting a programme on BBC tonight. Hence no challenge any of her diatribe..
Not so much bias, but an example of the falling standards at what was once ‘the World’s most respected broadcaster’. A fairly innocuous article by the unlikely named Dr Xand van Tulleken on an informal diet study in Merseyside. It was carried out by a (foreign sounding, naturally) doctor by the name of Dr Faisal Maassarani. According to the article, it took place in ‘Kirby, Merseyside’. No such place. It might be pronounced ‘Kirby’, but it is spelt ‘Kirkby’, deriving from the same word as Kirk or Church. It’s not an obscure place, it’s a town of more than 40,000 people on the outskirts of Liverpool and was the site of one of the largest ordnance factories in the world in WWII. Doesn’t need much proof-reading to spot the mistake does it? I bet they never misspell places like Tower Hamlets, Islington or Luton.
It’s also the home of the Kirkby Kiss.
Ian, I read that and it seems just like yet another quack diet to me.
At this point I feel it is my duty to claim that quack diets cost the NHS about £500 million and cause thousands of premature deaths every year.
I have done a study …..
Ian Rushlow,
“…an example of the falling standards at what was once ‘the World’s most respected broadcaster’… it is spelt ‘Kirkby’…”
Oh. My. God. A typo.
“I bet they never misspell places like Tower Hamlets…”
Quick, mention WW2 – and don’t forget to BLAME THE MUSLIMS.
Tell us why you support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
Your attention seeking is futile. You would be better off getting yourself a moped.
Because he’s a tw@t.
In their article about the Qatar airlines boss saying only men should run airlines they come perilously close to noticing the elephant in the room. How can we take all their campaigns for social justice seriously when the biggest threat to all protected groups is given a free pass?
It only takes one fly to ruin a pail of perfect water. If you run a youth club or whatever and twenty people get on fine, just one nasty individual can single-handedly ruin it. Variety is indeed the spice of life and it’s great to mix with different sorts of people; but when one group stops you from making jokes, ‘grooms’ school girls et cetera one questions the wisdom of such a reckless ‘anything goes’/multiculturalism policy. They have killed free speech which is such s tragedy.
Oppression does not count for the SJWs when an ‘oppressed’ group perpetrates the crime, though to any sane person rape or murder is just as bad regardless of the skin colour of the assailant. Thus a touched knee by a white man is news but thousands of raped school girls are not; a single ostensibly ‘racist’ murder of Stephen Lawrence (I would bet my house it was not really) gets blanket coverage for 25 years whilst over 70 murdered this year garners no ‘outrage’; homophobic bullying by ROP pupils ignored; girls viciously bullying other girls via social media also.
The whole house of cards is tumbling, as was inevitable when you put the groups with the worst outcomes on a pedestal.
SJW progs on tonight’s TV
10:45pm BBC1 Suffragettes is topic of the Dimbleby Lecture
they just had a 90 min special on Monday
9pm ITV another Grenfell special.
10pm C4 Carry on Brussels…promotes the EU
10pm BBC4 Black and British history
8pm R4 Moral Maze : Morality of Suspicion
\\ MI5 is to declassify and share information on UK citizens suspected of having terrorist sympathies. “Key” biographical data on – potentially – hundreds of people will be given to neighbourhood police, councils and other public agencies such as the Probation Service and the Charity Commission. //
I wonder if that will be a stop the Ukippers operation ?
\\ With 25 Islamist plots foiled in the last five years
and four extreme right plots stopped since March 2017, the Home Secretary Sajid Javid this week described a “step change” in the terrorist threat to the UK. //
Data protection means we are allowed to know nothing about one another, while the authorities will be able to put all the data together and know everything about us.
8:45pm Four Thought : Thinking differently about difference
.. There must be a reason the prog details are still secret.
Maybe another trans special or something.
Or just their normal race-baiting.
I listened to beeboid comrade Robinson sneering at Jacob RM for 15 minutes yesterday . Robinson is so full of himself that he fails a journo .
JRM — as polite as always – swiped away the class based sneers about Bentleys , nannies and beeboid porn and tried to stick to explaining he beliefs and policy .
In the end it was as depressing as usual and could easily be one of those artificially speeded up 3 minutes sneers done every day on Toady .
I feel that JRM is moving central like the rest which is sad since right wingers like me – who believe in the ‘ self ‘as opposed to ‘bottom down collectivism ‘with social support as a net as opposed to a way of life.
Nick ‘piss poor’ Robinson
Yes switched on accidentally and heard the calm rational voice of JRM.
Though I don’t support his religious views.
It was my very first Switch-on-bingo win when I have got a righty
After literally many hundreds when a lib has been on (Soubry is a lib)
Ah R4 Thinking Differently about Difference
is about “learning disabilities people” and thinking of them as “different but not less.”
ie Don’t use clinical words like ‘idiot’, ‘moron’ and ‘imbecile’ to mean fool
She argues that somehow the negatives of intelligence are balanced by positives such as openness, loyalty etc.
Hmm #1 Yes mental-disabilities should have air time, they are not over-indulged like other Victimhood groups are.
#2 I don’t agree with what she says
When talking about poetry you don’t say “Byron is great, but Stew is very loyal”
She’s on a road to Political Correctness bunk.
Your dog will be very very loyal, but he is not as useful to society as some great surgeon/policeman/inventor etc.
Kate Spade died yesterday and again today as the TOADY Prog tells me this morning. Who?
I like to think I’m aware of what goes on out there in the world, including trends and fashions, but Kate Spade? Really? Oh well, makes a change from obscure American musicians & performers.
I offer this in evidence of the BBC’s total obsession with America and all things American, m’Lud. Ooops, still in Court mode. >Reset. >>>RESET.
Not just America, anywhere but Britain. Take a look at the bBbc Views Home page.
A volcano in Guatemala, death by pomegranate in Australia, airline in Qatar, police chase in the US, Argentinian football, Vietnamese actress, Irish nuns abusing Irish girls in Ireland under Northern Ireland news.
Home? No-one wants to live in isolation but none of this thinly spread and poorly reported shit merits being amongst the headlines of any British broadcaster, especially when there is so much news of worthy and significance in Britain that they fail to report.
Good point, Rich.
Now I am all annoyed again. This time at that ‘Far Right’ (BBC punctuation) group pinching ‘Britain First’ as the name for their campaign group/political group.
I would like our politicians and our national broadcaster, the BBC, to do just that, to put the UK first. (there, problem solved) Then, by all means, open the eyes (and ears) and more importantly the understanding of our people to the wider world around them.
If the BBC can be challenged over their London-centric attitudes and be forced to change, then that ought to be reflected in their w/s and broadcasts. Unless the news is dramatic or very important (Guatemala counts but pomegranate is a ‘Drop the Dead Donkey’ item) the it should be UK first.
I still maintain the BBC is biased especially to the USA. How often do we hear from India and China (large populations, world prominence) or Japan (on a par industrially) in comparison?
Strange how Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen of Britain First, getting locked up for their anti-RoPer activities didn’t attract the same outrage as TR’s incarceration; Golding has already been attacked in prison since his incarceration.
BBC journalists are lazy, like most of the Public Sector. By repeating what reporters are saying in the USA it fills up their copy for the day and they can go back to reading The Guardian. I don’t know how many journalists the BBC employs, but they rarely do any actual investigating. A week of Guido Fawkes is equivalent to about five years of Newsnight.
I’m a news and current affairs obsessive and I’d never heard of her, (although of course it’s sad she’s died like it would be for anyone else). I’m getting a bit tired of the way the BBC likes to assume that everyone else simply must have heard of the people they think are important, and the underlying implication that if you haven’t heard of them you must be some sort of country bumpkin.
I was wondering why handbag designer Kate Spade “who took her own life” and someone I have never heard of it is making the front page of the BBC News website for 2 days running?
In the shallow article we are treated to a Tweet from Kathy Griffen who decided to dress head to toe in Kate Spade designed clothes and post a selfie to social media as a TRIBUTE, wtf?
Another Tweet from Chelsea Clinton (Jesus, can the BBC get any worse?) about how she still has a Kate Spade bag from college.
A bit of Googling and it doesn’t take long to find Kate Spade was a LGBT rights campaigner so therefore fits the BBC narrative and worthy of 2 days of front page news.
Tabs, Snuff
Thanks for doing the work. My wife asked me this morning who she was and we hadn’t heard of her so I simply said – no doubt somebody favoured by the left (and BBC) in their little bubble but unknown to us plebs…
Seems I was right..
Oh how they laughed when that vulgar man in the White House said Londonistan was becoming like a war zone.
Well they’re not laughing now:
DM: “Wild West London: Sixty moped attacks a day, a woman fights for life after mugging and drug crime on the rise as cops hunt for Michael McIntyre gang”
And what’s Emir Khant doing? Finding excuses and blaming others.
Snipers on rooftops with permission to fire when they spot an attack occurring?
Must be time for another BBC Reality Check!
Dick says it was worse 10 years ago.
I don’t remember anything like these goings on in London 10 years ago.
This is an article that is worth reading. It gives one clear example of the depravity of our public servants; not only the woman in question but one has to ask who are the people who appointed her in the first place and didn’t sack her, without compensation when her reprehensible behaviour was finally exposed.
There’s also a short mention of, for once, some probing questions by the far-left bbc. Of course what the far-left bbc didn’t do is any thorough investigation of the systematic raping, trafficking, torture and murder of our white, non-muslim children, particularly young girls.
BREAKING NEWS! (on the unbreakable)
Official government video;
update on Tommy Robinson rehabilitation program.
The demise of the Tory Party. Will no one reply to this bilge from the party’s Moslem Forum?
They have had a Chair from the Mohamidan religion and now a Home Secretary, peace be upon him.
Chip, chip away until just saying “Islamic terrorist” will be a hate crime in a few years.
As for the BBC, in the last few weeks they have quoted complaints from Muslim Aid, Muslim Council and now Conservative Muslim Forum. Someone please remind me what country are we in again?
The Conservative Muslim Forum even has a page explaining how to get your comments on websites to make sure “voices sympathetic to Islam” are seen in print.
Looks like they have infiltrated the BBC and skipped the Have Your Say comments and gone straight for a dedicated BBC article page.
Already is you have to use the almost made up word: Islamist
Just think how bad things could have been if we had have let terrorism affect our way of life, G.W.F.
Racist advertisements from nearly 100 years ago sometimes need explaining. On radio 4 this morning Jim Naughtie drew attention to a request for house servants in the Dundee Courier and Argus from 1922 specifying “Scottish” and “Protestant”. In other words, Naughtie helpfully translated – no Irish.
No such need for a translation of a recent BBC advertisement seeking journalism interns and specifying “black, Asian or non-white minority background”.
What progress we have all made in recent times.
I’m not on Twitter, but someone sent me this as an email – and OH SO TRUE !!!
Brexit Bill Gammon (@Bill4Brexit)
04/06/2018, 22:12
Funny isn’t it. The entire article yet not one single mention of her religion. But if instead she won bake-off it’d be all about her religion
London teen guilty of museum terror plot –
The article does mention her religio
It clearly mentions “Islamic State” twice
However this is a good commenter’s image

The biased liberal left bBC, which we pay for, and is the champion of gender and racial politics, has this on it’s web site:
“In fact for some philosophers, very young babies don’t really qualify as having earned the right to life by possessing the right characteristics.”
It is clear that the the so called progressives are aiming to legalise murder of infants if they ‘don’t qualify’
Add to that the BBC’s not very subtle war on pensioners
and I start thinking Logans run was a prediction not a dystopian fantasy
Wishful thinking perhaps, but I believe there will be a backlash against this gender and racial politics, and it is also an election loser because the only thing the ‘forgotten men and women’ care about is national identity and the pound in their pocket.
But who do you vote for, CM?
The two main parties are merely cheeks on the same islam kissing arse, with the Lab Dims occupying the space in between them.
No, this criminalising of certain words and phrases, at this time especially, is purely to enable the state to punish anyone who uses such words or phrases in manner the state deems unlawful. It is no coincidence that an emerging political party, seeing the threat faced by the UK, has used such terms to describe where the threat is coming from and is therefore open to censure and possible prosecution. The time has long gone when this problem could have been solved via the ballot box.
I haven’t explored the connection yet, but I speculate that the Hate Speech crime is in fact, a Strict Liability Offence (‘SLO’). Put simply, a SLO is where you get, ‘done’ anyway irrespective of your excuses or defence i.e. speeding or sale of foodstuff. Problem is, it is not necessarily specified in the Act or SI carrying the ‘law’. It’s one of those lawyers conundrums where you have to apply legal reading in order to detect the SLO in the legislation. If you read up on SLO, you will spot the ingredients within Hate Speech.
Further to above, It is my understanding that there has been no appeal cases concerning ‘Hate Crimes’ filtering through to the upper courts, yet. Meanwhile, if interested (and anybody here ought to be) take a look at, https://www.sussex.ac.uk/webteam/gateway/file.php?name=final-report—hate-crime-and-the-legal-process.pdf&site=539
Thanks for the heads up, G, will give it a go.
I still think though that it will be used by the state to shut down and even criminalise any party who is not on message. This will just be another law that will be applied selectively and ignored by those who imbibe hatred with their mother’s milk. How long before this law (hate speech) morphs into Blasphemy, if it already hasn’t.
Lammy Watch … our future PM … link Jo Cox’s killer with abusive emails with UKIP.
yet daily death threats to the likes of Nigel Farage or Tommy Robinson dont warrant police time
Say something to Lammy the professional race baiter and into court you go
I have to say though Lammy and his mouth are one of the far rights best recruiting tools
“…..the far rights….”. Steady on old chap, that me and most contributors here. LoL!
I also wish people didn’t use the term “far right”, mainly because it is meaningless. Are we taking about the National Socialist party whose manifesto, minus the killings, resembles the Green Party? How about all the lefties who defended Stalin and Mao – fascists responsible for murdering millions of their own people. Is Corbyn a member of the far right since he supports the police fascist state of Cuba? How do we describe Afua Hirsch who regards Winnie Mandela as a “hero”, despite that lady’s love of keeping law and order in a distinctly fascist manner?
We let our opponents define us by their language – hence the stupid all embracing terms like “far right” they love to throw around. The real battle, as always, is between freedom and those who seek to enslave us by removing our identity, the language we communicate , our ideals and and our culture.
I dont subscribe to the 1 dimensional Left ->Right Commie->Nazi narrative personally , the Nazis were just another bunch of socialists as far as I can see.
and I would have put far-right in quotes if I was referring to you guys
But if you take a look at real SO called FAR RIGHT sites and videos they do love to use Lammy and his Ilk as a recruiting tool , and they have realised that they can play the identity politics game too.
I see Communism and Nazism as two gro bags with a stem linking them both. roots invisible, no flower or fruit-but shared food and water tubes that keep each other alive.
And all the Beehive scum of media, academe and lawyers, politicos all taking the Communist seeds away to create hell for us all elsewhere.
Might draw it as my cartoon of the day.
The use of the smear word “Far right”, “alt right” in UK articles just indicates that the writer is indulging in propaganda.
If you were talking about a bad character say Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin etc. you don’t need such a VAGUE adjective to put them in a box you use something more descriptive
: maniacal, murdering, totalitarian, dictator etc.
Reported in the US and Canada section, and not for home consumption given the Belfast Ashers case is with the supreme court. The global reach of this propaganda machine is breathtaking as it applies it’s insidious bias on the story with selected facts
If any one who watched Brillo on the Daily Politics thought he was biased – I’d say “watch today’s episode” because he fried left and right .
Overall police numbers have fallen 21000since 2010 apparently – down from 145000. The Tory said overall crime is down – i d say people have given up reporting it because police are too busy going after the likes of TR.
overheard a conversation with two older ladies (local shop keepers) about the uptick in shoplifting and abusive threatening customers since the local cop shop was shut and they moved 9miles down the road,
They sounded really quite worried
thats what happens when you remove just 2 police men from a little town of 20K
And your right for most crime people dont even report it unless they need a police report number for the insurance.
“Does the Prime Minister agree with me that we always ensure that tax payers money is spent responsibly? “
MP 18% Pay Rise during recession? David Lammy’s £650 Bike!
Marky. This explains everything.
Ugh I just forced myself to listen to the BBC WS prog about Electric cars … I knew it would be total propaganda, cos on green issues you cannot see where the PR departments of the NGOs end
and the BBC production step starts
…. as they are basically the same things.
You don’t expect any balance or sceptical thinking .
#1 The prog used a BBC standard deceptive framing trick to startoff
which comes is the product of a chain of Chinese whispers. I’ve even mentioned this PR trick in January
and an EV PR person reported the claim later on.
#2 Deep into the programme he said “Electric car enthusiasts like me ”
Look you can’t just give NEWS progs to enthusiasts to make, there should be some balance.
– I listened as I cycled into town. It was excruciating and I was glad it ended as it was PR line after PR line.
Near the end they start talking about Hydrogen cars , and played a PR clip of Governor Arnie Schwarzenegger promising lots of new hydrogen fuel points ..he never delivered.
– It’s significant that only 3 people tweeted the link to that prog. That tells me that the listeners weren’t particularly interested.
BBC World Service : BBC World Service
CrowdScience How Green Are Electric Vehicles?
Does the prog advertising graphic fit the question ?
Nope it’s the graphic of someone who has a different agenda that Diesel is evil and Electric is the way to go.
They gave Norway as the example as the place of Electric Vehicles
when in fact DIESEL sales INCREASED 5% last year. Diesel new sales are already 3 times bigger than petrol sales.
And pure Electric sales fell as new buyers chose HYBRID.
Nor do they mention that overall fuel consumption rises year on year.
Nov 2017 vs Nov 2016
Petrol higher 89 vs 83 +7.2 …. Diesel fell 253 vs 259 -6
That graphic
This fixation with electric cars is so ridiculous. They may be electric but the elements needed for the batteries are far more environmentally damaging in their extraction and of course electric cars just push the problem of energy creation back up the line to big power stations.
When are people going to wake up to the fact that the Tesla cars are hideously expensive, pretty damn boring and only viable for the manufacturer while they are receiving millions or billions in government subsidies.
They have other disadvantages too, as Richard Hammond discovered.
Up here in Scotland we have to endure the pro-SNP BBC Scotland. It is saturated with SNP propaganda, sometimes subtle sometimes less so. In the following pointless article, the authors try to claim that nationalism is different up here. The truth is that a seething anti-English hatred underpins the entire independence movement. Scottish nationalism makes me ashamed to be Scottish. The unionists up here are constantly struggling to be heard. But we are as proud Brits as any other; we love our union but the nats don’t care. The snp are pure scum.
That article has got to be one of the biggest load of rubbish that I have read all year!
For instance:
Indeed, as many as 61% saying they feel “very strongly” Scottish.
In contrast, only 54% of people in England feel “very strongly” English,
‘Many’ 61% versus ‘Only’ 54%, or comparable as I would say.
Then it goes on to compare self-declared Scottish nationalists, i.e. SNP voters versus English voters that ‘feel strongly English’, a disperate group with no common cause.
It goes on to give us the Sturgeon line:
SNP supporters also seem relatively happy with the idea that they live in a culturally diverse society. Half say that Scotland’s “diverse cultural life” adds strongly to their sense of belonging to where they currently live, whereas only 22% of “English nationalists” do so.
That will be comparing the English couple that stay up the brae to the 46% of the ‘English’ city that consider themselves to be Pakistanis!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-44361867 on a similar theme.
I thought, funny!
Funny, I thought.
Why are the BBC being divisive?
I thought they didn’t like divisive.
That’s such bollocks on Scottish diversity.
My partner comes from Glasgow (though now in London) and only last year she had a family friend who was 50 years old, lived all her life in Glasgow and posted on Facebook that she’d just met her first black person.
Similarly another relative came down to London for the weekend and literally could not believe the amount of non whites in London.
Of course, the difference is that Scottish nationalism is a romantic vision of Mel Gibson in blue warpaint and a kilt running across craggy mountain tops and English nationalism is either finger pointing angry skinheads or ribbon waving bell jangling morris dancers.
Maybe when the Scots have seen their culture ‘diversed’ as much as Englands has by uncontrolled immigration, their percentages might be a little lower.
Payne I totally agree and often say to folk up here that wait until your neighbourhood changes beyond all recognition then we’ll see how diverse and inclusive you are. As a Scot who worked and lived in Ipswich for 14 years England is as much home as Scotland. We don’t realise how good we have it up here; but things are starting to change. I know mates in Edinburgh and Glasgow who are concerned about immigrants just turning up seemingly out of nowhere and I say compared to south east England, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait. When Sturgeon opens the floodgates we’ll see how progressive the Scottish Nazis are.
And Sturgeon wants to give them the vote, saying that if they want to come an make a life here, they should have a say. In other words, permanent SNP.
Just like Tony Blair and just like the Democrats in the US.
It’s amazing that these politicians can be so brazen in what they are doing yet seem to be above being called out or put on the spot to explain why they care so little for their current citizens that they only obsess over currying favour with the new people.
Yes, some Scots can be pretty quick at identifying who or what is different to them and expressing their opinion on them.
Glad you got to see both sides of the border.
Deep joy.
On Toady around 0825 we get an ‘interview’ (aka cosy chat between like minded individuals) between Mischal Hussein (enough said ) and the latest favourite BBC feminazi, one Jeanette Winterson. Her newsworthiness? She is giving a wimmin’s equality propaganda piece masquerading as tonight’s Richard Dimbleby lecture.
I would watch but I have to cut my toenails.
The West Midlands Combined Authority-backed ‘MiFriendly Cities’ project has been awarded funding totalling €4,280,640 from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and will see Coventry, Birmingham and Wolverhampton roll out a three-year programme of activities designed to help refugees and migrants feel that their contribution to society and the economy is valued.
More deep joy.
On BBC1 1pm ‘news’ there is priority coverage over lawyers for the ‘Grenfell Tower victims’ banging on with the race and class cards. How come the fire was not in a swanky private tower block? they ask.
In other words, why don’t people in social housing getbthe same amount of taxpayers moneybspent on housing as rich people have to pay themselves.
Lets go all the way. Have a 100% tax rate and then we can be given what we need by the state!
Yeah. That will work well. We could get Kim Jong Un to manage the system.
when was the last time the council spent £60k refurbishing your house sluff
If the Grenfell refurb had only cost £60k per apartment instead of the actual cost the residents would have been up in arms, going on about second class social housing, demanding more resources, playing the class and race cards, getting race-baiting lawyers on board……………..errrrrrr…………………
Grenfell Inquiry, bBc Views at one.
Jane Hill seems a bit too overtly gleefull in general with regards to the government’s apparent discomfort today, needs to calm down a bit, although Stormin Norman singing ‘Hotel California’ won’t help. What a complete and utter prick.
Anyway, new bBbc poster boy, Imran Khan QC. This emboldened and indulged racist roper has already had too much airtime but I just know we’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the coming months.
Khan has competition, Rich, and our national broadcaster is intent on creating many more poster boys. I mentioned what lines they are crossing, and what their explicit political strategy is, in my comment which accidentally ended up on the 4 June site.
Watch the bbc lunchtime news, if you haven’t already, and see each one trying to outdo the other. The hate shines through and can be heard loud and clear. Strictly on behalf of their clients, of course.
Certain lawyers and politicians -hiding behind their ‘privileged positions’ – are going to exploit this tragedy to the hilt, and Grenfell will become a battering ram for rather sinister purposes.
It seems already to have turned into a multicultural circus of boo s and hisses .
Apparently the bloke who started the fire is a ‘hero’ .
The retired idiot judge who presided over Bloody Sunday circus for years and millions said it (the Bloody Sunday inquiry ) was all worth while on some sleepy beeboid propaganda show -lawyers do have a cavalier attitude to taxpayers money . He thought Grenfell should get a good outing to so Christmas for the lawyers – if of the faith.
At the end can we just agree that the state shouldn’t do housing and the fire brigade is a bit thick if it didn’t foresee a tower block burning .
Yes fake, I noticed Leslie Thomas QC as well. It was like a taxpayer funded ‘rap battle’ between him and the man Khan (No relation to little man?).
The bBbc fancied Leslie when they thought he was a black female but Islam trumps all so my money is on Khan becoming their go-to Grenfell gobshite on matters of race.
I know many on here loathe the very existence of the D/Mail, and I make no apologies for reading it – but many of their columnists do express views that are comparable to those on here.
Dominic Sandbrook today gives vent to his feelings on Gary Lineker, ending with………… (shortened version)
“What could conceivably explain his new-found enthusiasm for Putin ? There is one possible explanation.
Four years ago, Lineker said that Fifa made him feel ‘sick’.. the corruption at the top level is nauseous’. He also suggested that all ‘clean’ countries should boycott the World cup in Russia. BUT THEN , in December, Fifa held the World Cup draw in the State Kremlin Palace, Moscow. And the main presenter, who was paid a reported £20,000, and who told reporters that he was delighted to see a ‘proper football country hosting the tournament’ was none other than……Gary Lineker”
Clearly old jug ears is a flawed man, and I’ve often wondered the reason behind why TWO very glamorous ex-wives have given him the heave-ho.
I’ve often wondered the reason behind why TWO very glamorous ex-wives have given him the heave-ho.
Sick of the constant diet of crisps, Briss.
I think you’re half right Toobi.
Apparently, some might say, he’s a bit too fond of female company. I think it was because of his Cheesy Wotsits.
Wotsits or wotnots, Rich? 🙂
When a wealthy comedian is attacked and robbed in a violent assault the media (MSM disclaimer as usual) actually takes notice for once.
That working class white girls are being raped on a massive scale seems to have escaped their notice until it was impossible to ignore.
That working class black young people in London and other cities are dying in unprecedented numbers in a crime wave unknown in the last 200 years seems to have escaped their notice.
Where is the outrage ?
There should be. No the progressive middle class is worried about real issues. Transgender, immigration, Brexit ( how awful the proles were there ) quotas for race and gender and God knows what else.
Unisex lavatories trump all else except for that awful US president who Trumps the lot.
When a Range Rover is attacked then they think – what about me ? It could have been me?
The reality is London is a crime ridden shithole where the police have lost control and where what was once safely ignored is going to touch even the gilded lives of the progressive classes.
Now we see the conflict between the illusionary dreams of the fantasy class and reality. There is only ever one victor and that is reality.
They make me sick but I have no pity.
1400 children raped over 16 years …. silence.
Celebrity’s rolex watch stolen … outrage.
red pill phil PRT 1 of Samantha’s story
take a deep breath
Don’t wanna be a pedant but it’s now estimated to be at least 1500. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rotherham-grooming-gangs-1500-victims-investigation-police-national-crime-agency-pakistani-white-a8219971.html
But the London Mayor has just been on TV and told us It aint me guv, reason is fewer police on the streets. Maybe later on we will get a statement it is part and parcel of living in London.
To me maybe a little less focus on mean tweets, “far right” ghosts, LGBTGTVBBC etc pride virtue signalling, harassing speakers corner, travelling over the world slagging off President trump, removing bikini posters, and other such things would help.
“The reality is London is a crime ridden shithole”
I think you need to look at other “shitholes” occasionally:
You have to remember who is doing all this violent crime.
Apparently it is the police themselves because of cuts to their budget. :-J
I thought is was Brexiteers.
Accepting, just for the sake of argument, that the rise in violence is due to police cuts, it doesn’t say much for the “communities”, does it? Take a few policemen away and certain members of the “community” immediately arm themselves with 10″ knives and the occasional gun?
My background is far from silver spoon but arming ourselves with serious weapons and being prepared to use them at the drop of a hat was not a normal way of dealing with grievances. I say “serious” weapons because it was pretty normal for a boy to have a pen knife of some description. As far as I recall, a pen knife wasn’t generally regarded as a weapon as such.
The same cities that always have violent crime. It was the same ten years ago and would have been the same 20, 30 or 40 odd years ago.
I mean you never hear of places like Winchester, Shrewsbury or perhaps Durham on these lists do you?
Isn’t it amazing how the Salisbury “events” pushed the Telford Muslim, child-rape atrocity and scandal out of the headlines; for it never to return, unlike l’affaire Salisbury of course.
More front page shite from the BBC…
Samantha Cameron: I was terrible at waving to crowds
It’s worse than Heat or Take a Break magazines nowadays.
BBC report on women who had problem with her wrist rather than the day that bought liberty to Europe.
“Samantha Cameron: I was terrible at waving to crowds”
BBC 2018 … Ramadan … can you brush your teeth and other advice.
BBC 2018 … D-Day … one article, but about D-Day photos.
BBC D-Day Word Search x 0
BBC D-Day Word Search x 0
BBC D-Day Word Search x 0
BBC D-Day Word Search x 0
“Men of the French North African Regiment arriving, taking the Germans by surprise. DDay, 1944, colourised.”
Yeah, it’s amazing that it was the immigrants that recognised the truth in Churchill’s belief that Italy was the soft underbelly of Europe.
The agenda pushing never stops
“women’s body parts have been named by – and after – men”
Yes and Mothering Sunday was a big thing.
whereas Father’s day is a made up thing
..All the people dying at the front line were men etc.etc.
BBC sowing divison by splitting society into groups
I can’t help noticing that women seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’ in the attached listing.
“The agenda pushing never stops”
They couldn’t call themselves “progressives” otherwise.
We really should be grateful to the BBC, boohanna, I know I am, for pointing out all the burning issues we never knew we should have a problem with, to whit, colour, race, religion, gaydom, gender, diversity, equality. what the twitterati thinks, meme of the day, yadda, yadda!
Feel free to add more.
Our biggest taxpayer spend on services is the NHS.
So, ever keen to support equality, I ask this question.
Given that approximately 50% of patients are male, why is this not reflected in the proportion of male nurses?
A question unlikely to be aired on the BBC anytime soon.
Once they work out a nurse visa is an easy way in UK (the porno-land of free money ) the country will be filled with male nurses.
The imbecilic Archbishop of Cunterbury has declared that the EU is the greatest thing since the Roman Empire, bringing “peace, prosperity, compassion for the poor and weak”. He obviously hasn’t read a newspaper for a few years, probably gets his news from the beeb.
Meanwhile the Pope continually exhorts us all to take in more rapefugees.
With those two clowns leading the two main Churches, we really are doomed.
They richly deserve the plummeting numbers of adherents, but nature abhors a vacuum, and guess which ‘faith’ will fill the void.
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
It’s just so annoying. Judao-Christian values and way of life are under attack and these two apologist jokes are just prepared to sit back and spout inane, moronic shit that does nothing to help their kind (i.e. Christians).
If these twats had been leading the Christian charge during the middle ages, Europe would be a ravaged, dead end shithole like most of the Middle East is.
R4 Drama the black burglar woman decides that the white couple are so privileged that she should break into their house and kill the husband in revenge for her own child dying in a school roof collapse. (that he had nothing to do with)
Makes me think where BBC MetroLibMedia’s constant race-baiting and telling non-whites that they are SpecialVictimhood groups, doesn’t fuel hate and crime against whites ?
Haven’t heard the drama, Stew, but isn’t incitement/conspiracy to commit a crime a criminal offence? This sounds like it, from what you mention.
Surely not from our friendly broadcaster…?
Father’s Day presents all sorted out
She must really hate the fact that she has “man” in her name.
Ah, but it’s a New Man, touchy-feely, politically correct and sensitive to wimmin’s needs, probably changes the nappies. So it’s ok.
I have to laugh at this line – “The women in these pages blazed a trail from the 1918 Representation of the People Act, which allowed some women to vote, through to Margaret Thatcher’s 1990 ousting from Downing Street.”
So these wonderful women need to be celebrated for ousting the dragon of a woman who literally broke the glass ceiling in being a scientist (not enough female scientists), a lawyer (not enough women in the legal world) and then politics for being our first female PM.
The ‘blazing trail’ of female achievement couldn’t end with Mrs T being elected as the first female UK PM. No, it has to end with her ousting. That shows all you need to know about the bias in this book.
It’s always amazing how the feminists never talk in glowing terms about our Margaret. Seemingly because she didn’t think the way that they do, she can be ignored or lumped in with the evil patriarchy.
Like Harriet Harperson, saying how in the HoC she once turned away with her baby son in her arms, as Mrs T walked past so her glance wouldn’t fall on him.
Seriously, how f***ed does your head have to be to think like that?
Jesus, that’s pathetic.
100 years too late, our Cathy cottons on to feminism, just when it’s become a monstrosity.
Is the Foreword by Jordan Peterson?
So what she is saying is that she is a clueless left wing moron?
I’ve probably pleaded this before in regards to the earth-shattering achievements of women, ethnics, gay people and any other special minority..
For God’s sake when can we stop clapping?
So what you are saying Cathy is that you picked up a massive advance for writing a crap book that nobody in their right mind would want to read. You cobbled it together from stuff you downloaded one lunchtime from the internet when you should have been researching for that interview when the Canadian guy handed you your ass.
Chris – ha ha – please be more respectful to Cathy Newman’s bottom especially since she is no longer attached to it.,
Aah but she has a nice smile when she has been caught out by Jordan Peterson in an interview.
Cathy ‘Here’s a book wot I rote’ Newman?
I wonder if the bbc sistas will all use it in their twitter avatars in a show of solimarity?
Except Katty, of course.
Back to Archbishop Welby. Apparently one of the benefits the EU has brought us is Diversity! “That diversity is one of the gifts of the Europe of the EU, but to live with that diversity must call for the gift of reconciliation through the church.”
So he spouts crap, on top of which he manages to make it obscure with theological gobbledigook.
The Cof E has a death wish now after the last one and now Welby. Maybe there are some bishops who dissent from this sick inducing PC crap but i have not heard any.
Time to kick them out of politics .
What with May, Welby and Papa Frankie?
Why do I get the impression that all these formerly worthwhile agencies have all thrown in the towel and have deliberately put in people who`ll soon roll up the tent and leave us with -wellI islam and Corbyn arm wrestling I imagine?
Thankfully we`ll be needing no political party, no knock-kneed failed social workers in long dresses for much longer.
None of this lot are fit to take out Tommy slop bucket.
He`ll be out, maybe a few of this lot will be in his cell and facing charges before too long.
What “diversity” does Welby have experience of?
Staying with the John Sentamu at the Archbishop of York’s Palace at Bishopthorpe?
What a state the Church of England is in.