74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
74 years after freeing Europe from the Reich this time we are hopefully freeing our selves from it .
Al beeb will put a remainer spin on it so we post with thanks to those who saved our country and also saved Europe .
So Big Brother how is the Building Narratives and Brainwashing Children project going ?
“Trump” was the word last year
Can’t help thing that kids from 20 years ago that would have gone on to be building safety inspectors, got brainwashed into going in to Ecolobby NGO’s instead.
Priceless but not one that you’ll see on Al beeb – even that wimpish have I got news nonsense lost it .
Media reporting a Hate Crime against white guys in Rochdale
Wow that’s the first time I’ve seen the word used that way
and aren’t the hate crime against white stats convictions the same ZERO that convictions for FGM are ?
BBC kept the words “hat crime” out of the title and buried them down the paragraph
Can anyone help me with what the hell this is, because there’s nothing on the net about it:
the BBC’s The English Question project
It appears they are attempting to undermine what it is to be British / English and replace it with their own Fascist view which involves the destruction of our culture.
BBC not entirely to blame, T our Marxist “education/indoctrination” system has been teaching kids to hate their history, country, culture and even the colour of their skin in some cases, for years now. Given the age profiles at the BBC, they are just “beneficiaries” of what they’ve been taught.
One young lady doesn’t agree, not a fan of May or Corbyn Either.
Toobi video.
Good Lass.
There’s hope yet if we have more like her.
Apparently there is a major fire ongoing at a hotel in Londonistan. 150 firefighters at the scene.
Maybe one of the Grenfell lot wasn’t happy with their temporary accommodation!
Their pre paid credit card overheated, D.
Fire brigade will tell them to stay put again .
I’m still amazed that they told people to stay in Grenfell despite not being able to put the fire out .
Or a late night ramavan fry up got out of control?
Maybe they weren’t happy with the refurbishment and decided to burn it down and start again.
\\Jeremy Corbyn: Brexit ‘shambles like Northern Rail’//
Both Tory and Labour leaders are a ‘shambles’ because they are secret ‘remainers’ .
Brexiteers need to replace them.
Interesting HYS comments running .
I suspect Corbs is more of a secret Leaver.
Well, the purge within the Tory Party to rid itself of Islamphobic waaycists continues. Two councillors have been suspended; one for suggesting internment for mohamidans, and the other for asking why a colleague was dressed like a Pa**ki.
The mohamidan community, media and Twitteratii are not satisfied and together with the media demand a full scale investigation into Tory Islamophobia.
Instead of telling them to bugger off Treezer May and Sajid Javid , peace be upon him, will more than likely agree.
And this is why I am really starting to hate the BBC:
Always presenting their views as fact. The correct heading should be ‘Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn go head to head in Prime Ministers Questions’ but as per usual someone at the BBC had to give Corbyn a leg up and high light what they saw as his ‘best moment’ while as per usual Corbyn really said nothing of interest and kept getting shot down.
Should the BBC be restricted on their headings as this is not the first time that I have caught them do this and it won’t be the last either
Only “starting” to hate the BBC? Where have you been for the past 20 years?
I wonder will the bBBC report this fact? Doubt it.
I wonder what having these people in the UK costs the NHS, D?
Awaiting deportation. Stab baby. Do time on the Robinson wing. Can’t then be departed as his fellow homey, mosqueteers take a dim view of baby stabbing. /sarc
Just depressed after reading that report. I am increasingly feeling like there is no hope for the UK/Europe. I don’t even think they can have a war to sort it out.
Looby, they can’t have a war to sort it out, but wars are not always the preserve of the ‘elites’ to start. WE still can, without their permission, this is why when they announce ‘regrettably’ another little obstacle they have engineered to thwart the democratic will of the people, they have that look of a terror stricken rabbit caught in the headlights. That is pure undiluted fear of a traitor doubling down on lies, hoping against hope they can get away with it.
I sense it is the beginning of the end for the EU people appear to be waking up …
“Conservatives are hoping Islamophobia issue ‘will magically go away’, warns senior party activist (Mohammed Amin, chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum)” – Diane Abbott
“Mohammed Amin said the party does not want to “rock the boat” with a contentious racism probe at a time when it lacks a Commons majority, and instead is hoping the issue “will magically go away”.” {independent 05jun2018}
Racism – requires a race – ISLAM IS NOT A RACE!
I think it was Tony Blair (pbuh) or more probably his no conflict of interests, wife (if anyone needs a burqa, that woman does) that decided that Islam was to be treated as a race.
The muslims in the UN have been agitating for islam to be treated as equivalent to a race for decades.
Labour trying to get one up on the Tories again?
How can the Tories have Islamophobia with Sajid Javid as Home Secretary anyway? Silly Labour!
Why can’t the BBC bring us proper news like this?
As we all know, the BBC don’t do news…
Really interesting, how the incendiary rants by Grenfell lawyers, that were shown on the bbcTV1 lunchtime news, have disappeared from the news at six.
Has there been some reflection on the astonishing statements made by QCs who exploited the tragedy to stir up certain sentiments on race and class? Has someone realised how unwise it was to broadcast such footage?
One hopes so…Could it be that wiser counsel is prevailing? One hopes so….
Are lawyers aware of the difference between putting forward the case for their clients and political campaigning, stirring up the pot…etc
That could be overly optimistic. There has been enough suffering over Grenfell. Let’s have justice, but no more than that.
“ incendiary rants” ha ha
I was pretty gobsmacked when I heard what a QC said . Then I looked Leslie Thomas QC up . He won ‘ legal aid lawyer of the year ‘ and some gong from the ‘university of kingston’ for yooman rights . He also earns a shilling doing the hillsborough circus . He represented the family of a criminal shot dead by police in Tottenham so you get the drift.
Every one has to earning a living but surprised the standards of the Bar has dropped that far. Think he might be applying for Shabi s shadow DPP job when comrade Corbyn is retired to spend more time with his allotment .
Grenfell Tower: Kitchen fire resident ‘did the right thing’
So, I am not surprised that he was hounded to get the story of how the fire started. This is what happens when the truth is not stated openly, and still we are not being told exactly what happened. And that is why theories develop and get spread around. Of course he is not responsible for the deaths of all those souls, or that the fire spread but I do think that the inquiry should be referencing his statement to the police. Can they do this?
‘He is a good man. He did nothing wrong,” said Mr Menon.
However, in the wake of the fire, Mr Kebede was made a scapegoat with some newspapers suggesting Mr Kebede’s fridge had exploded and caused the fire – something that has not been proven.
It was also reported that he had done DIY work to the appliance, which he denied.
Police were so concerned about his safety, they suggested he go into a witness protection programme, the inquiry heard.’
Sorry, but I don’t believe they were concerned about his safety. I think they wanted him out of the way so that his evidence wasn’t available. The report goes on to say that he had lived there for 25 years but:
‘In the year since, Mr Kebede has suffered with poor health and been forced to move home, the inquiry heard.’
Bit of a slip there – has lived here for 25 years, but home is Ethiopia?
Very convenient for the authorities to either put him in witness protection, or get him out of the country. With a bung?
“‘In the year since, Mr Kebede has suffered with poor health and been forced to move home, the inquiry heard.’
Bit of a slip there – has lived here for 25 years, but home is Ethiopia?”
He’s “moved home” as in he’s “moved house”.
“but home is Ethiopia?” is based on nothing but your own twisted imagination.
“So, I am not surprised that he was hounded to get the story of how the fire started. This is what happens when the truth is not stated openly…”
Oh really. And what happens when the truth is stated openly??
“Sorry, but I don’t believe they were concerned about his safety. I think they wanted him out of the way so that his evidence wasn’t available.”
Brilliant; spend a year spreading false rumours about an innocent victim – wrongly blame him in the national press for the deaths of 72 people – and then when he goes into hiding in fear of his life – say “look I told you so”.
Calm down dear, calm down.
Maxi’ words should come with a health warning cos he is prone to get hold at the wrong end of the stick.
A simple example is how he screamed at commenters here that a particular criminal wasn’t a MUSLIM, only for it to be easy to prove that the guy was a Muslim.
But Maxi just moved on to troll another comment, no apology.
The “false rumours” part is just a product of the media and the public speculating because of very little reliable information from the authorities.
The public inquiry was set up to ascertain all aspects of the tragedy.
Surely the first and most fundamental question should be “how did the fire start and who (if anyone) was responsible?” Had the fire not started in the first place then the respective roles of the local authority, fire brigade, tenant management committee, police and the wicked racist state itself would not be relevant.
So to present something as fact (that the tenant did nothing wrong and is in no way to blame) and then move on to hang others out to dry without making public and examining all the available evidence (including hearing from the man himself), serves the cause of a “public inquiry” no use at all.
The inquiry needs to find out exactly how the fire started and how and why it was allowed to spread from its seat in the first few minutes before it can move on to how it was handled afterwards.
It’s amazing that the BBC could report the headline that the guy did nothing wrong.
Maybe he didn’t but if the guy who owned the flat and fridge where the fire started can be completely and utterly absolved of all blame, how can then we start wagging fingers at the council replete with implications that the deaths occurred due to race and class.
So for the guy in the flat, the fire was an unfortunate accident but for anyone in authority it was pre-meditated murder…
What a ridiculous, pointless witch hunt.
Exactly ! You ask any British cab driver about the bags brought from Heathrow by cultural enrichers during ramalamadingdong, and what leaks from them. It is a cultural ‘thing’ amongst the African members of a certain cult, to ‘celebrate’ the nightly feast during their ‘holy’ time with a ‘bushmeat’ feast, normally cooked in a large pot on the flloor ! Obviously reporting on this would not be conducive to community ‘cohesion’ !
There’s a major fire in a hotel in London and it hasn’t been mentioned near the beginning of the BBC’s 6 o’clock news on the radio. That’s a bit odd in my opinion.
James- A bit odd, indeed. On the six TV news the fire was briefly mentioned, low down in the pecking order.
No details, other than the smoke plume and the renovations at the hotel.
TV news began with….well, I’ll let you have three guesses….
Not so easy to blame the Tories maybe?
I think the irony is exquisite.
On the day that a race baiting left wing QC is showboating at the inquiry, asking why it is that a social housing block burned down, never the sort of building that “posh” people (his word) live in, within hours the five star Mandarin Oriental burns down. Maybe fire does not discriminate?
I took the time to read Andrew O’Hagan’s long and brilliant piece in the London Review of Books. I would recommend it to anyone. He took ten months to research it, and proved to my satisfaction that Kensington and Chelsea Council was well run, that it did not spend £10 million on Grenfell Tower as some sort of master plan to burn out the proles, and that far from abandoning the local people, it had 340 staff members working flat out from day one.
O’Hagan’s piece also reveals the pathetic way the spineless Theresa the Appeaser failed to defend a Conservative council, indeed, turned on it to deflect criticism of her own poor performance. The equally cynical Sajiv Javed joined in for his own reasons. It is an unedifying read, but a necessary one.
Agreed RIC.
And-seeing as I`m here-can I thank you and all our friends here who put up Liddle articles, wonderful links to Paul Weston etc.
THIS is the only library, telly and reference section I need thee days.
We all need same.
Been another day of bias at the BBC today
Started off on breakfast this morning with a report on ‘Children’s word of the year revealed’
But of course the two words the sofa jockeys had to string together were Trump and slime. Accompanied by childish giggles. No doubt the editors ( Biddy Baxter) thought that one up..
Then we had Vine at 2 o’clock.
A debate on Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the UK.
Two contributors. One pro Palestine and one pro Israel.
Of course he let the apologetic Palestine commentator give his anti Israel bile a clear uninterrupted report. Fully complying with the BBC directive.
When it came to the pro Israel commentators, Vine interrupted and questioned him. No bias there of course.
Then the public comments came in about 5 to 1 anti Israel.
Vine then ends the report saying this is just how the comments are coming in.
Of course they are all going to be anti Israel when the public are fed a constant stream of anti Israel propaganda from our supposedly unbiased public broadcaster.
And to finish off, a plug about Sopels New book. No doubt Impartial, free and fair….
Al Beeb are proud to feature this article about Star Wars and alleged online abuse of one of its Asian actresses:
Three quarters way through, they also include the point that Daisy Ridley (also female) was also previously subject to online abuse – so not just a racial thing?
They point out that Star Wars fans are very protective about the franchise. Here is the point. Hollywood, and all the rest of the elite are determined to socially engineer and now that folk are increasingly aware, the rate of this engineering is speeding up as if they’re running out of time. So we get diversity and feminista Marvel and Star Wars, and major LGBT film releases. And then a backlash. Can they really be surprised that a classic film series about war in the universe which had a mostly male audience, is not receiving the engineered version, directed by a woman, with prominent female characters, very well?
Just so you know, The Last Jedi was directed by a guy – Rian Johnson. The executive producer and studio head is Kathleen Kennedy who is pretty responsible for pushing through this endless diversity agenda.
I’m a bit late to the game with this, but I agree with Looby, the accusations of racism seem to be mostly agenda-driven. The Star Wars films have to be among the most discussed movies in history and some of their fanbase – like those of Doctor Who and Star Trek – can be pretty rabid in their opinions. I haven’t seen The Last Jedi, but when The Phantom Menace came out in 1999 it’s star, Jake Lloyd, got a dog’s abuse for his performance – and he was only ten!
For anyone interested Ethan Van Sciver, a US comic book artist and Star Wars fan (and illustrator of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life) takes aim at the origins of the controversy, the BBC and Rian “Roundhead” Johnson in this video (22 mins):
How can we stay safe against moped crime?
Move out of London? I wonder if they’ll link this article on the Tourism Great Britain site!
The local londonistan itv news carried a story of an Aussie news crew being mugged for their camera . The Aussie reporter suggested London is getting too dangerous for tourists . Can say she was wrong .
If it’s bad now can but guess how the vibrant will behave when the next recession comes along .
Al beeb can only report this in context of blaming the conservatives for The emirs’ failure to be a mayor of Londonistan .
In truth I don’t think a drop in tourism will adversely affect real Londoners at all – the place is crammed full .
Advice like “don’t get your phone out whilst in London” is very similar to Sweden’s advice to women “don’t go out after dark” to reduce rape.
On the anniversary of D-Day we couldn’t be more lost as a country today with no fight left in it whatsoever.
The absolute minimum the Police should be doing is stopping any moped with 2 people on it as it’s most likely stolen. Then arrest them, raid their homes etc. Anyone who runs from the Police on a moped should be rammed and run over by a Police Range Rover. That will start getting the message across.
Sorry, the Range Rover is in the workshop with gear train problems, again. Will a BMW X5 do?
I presume someone will suggest banning mopeds, as mopeds appear to commit so much crime
Good idea, it worked so well with guns…
They should legalise crime, they could tax it then.
Purring Patrick does know where the boss of the NYT came from?
Not the BBC but just as bad…. watching the local Freeview community channel headlines at 8pm. 1st item was some councilors(?) invited to break the Ramadan fast in Portsmouth…
…and no mention of D-Day whatsoever even though here in the South of England D-Day was a major event for readying both air and sea forces.
The funny thing is, the BBC will continue to give the fruit loop a platform anyway…
Is Belgium waking up? Can it possibly be?
(Sorry, I see Dystopian has already posted that).
Old Goat
I don’t think anything has stirred in Belgium sine the 1830 revolt against the Dutch.
Apparently, Belgium revolutionaries of that time must have been avid opera fans because according to legend the signal for the revolt was an aria in La Muette de Portici by Auber that was being performed on the auspicious day.
Mieux vaut-il mourir que que reste miserable
Pour un esclave et-il quelque danger?
Tombe le joug qui nous accable
Et sous nous coups perisse l”etranger
All a bit” hate-speechy”. Would a performance be allowed today without cuts or arrests? Nothing changes – in the day was the Lord Chamberlain now we have hate speech legislation.
Tombe le joug qui nous accable
Et sous nous coups perisse l”EU.
For the Doreen fans. I love this woman
She’s sensational! Way, way better than any of the so-called comedians on the BBC.
Bloody brilliant – Thanks GWF, Put a big smile on my face before work!
I just read that the “long awaited relaunch” of the “League of Gentlemen” has been and gone. Considering the creatures of the BBC must think that every Brexiteer comes from a Royston Vasey – “I want a local Brexit for local people” – was it just simply an anti-Brexit propaganda piece?
Luckily for the bbc, any answers are irrelevant.
Typical QT on the Beeb. But no worries, I’m sure that there won’t be a question on Brexit so it won’t be a problem that everyone on the panel is trotting the same line…
Jon appears to have sneaked a few bottles of duty free into the office.
What have tariffs got to do with anything like D.Day? The man is a fool.
And tacky as s***.
Seems the bbc is also a prime target for D-day finger wagging.
So doesn’t the EU, in their gratitude for being liberated, impose tariffs on goods from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Russia?
Jesus, what a pathetic attempt by Sopel to conflate D Day with nasty Trump. Trump is the US president – that’s the UNITED STATES Jon, hence it’s perfectly normal that he would just talk about the US servicemen that risked their lives on that day. Seriously get the fuck over yourself.
What was even worse was clicking through to the original tweet. The level of hate and hysterical comments levelled at Trump are shocking. So much open stupidity that you wouldn’t know where to start trying to argue with them.
The mighty Amol just delivered a nice little hatchet job on Paul Dacre, now ex-editor of the Mail, for the bBbc Views at 10. He was ably assisted by Alistair Campbell, accusing Dacre of being full of poison and irreparably damaging not only our trust in journalism but our society itself.
Does this fucker never look in the mirror?
Would he see his reflection if he did?
What has Campbell got on the bBbc?
Nobody outside the bubble gives a shit about him or his opinion on anything, surely he is universally loathed.
Then onto Laura and Katya, split screen bBbc Babestation. The NI border being hard is ‘the reddest of red lines’ for the EU according to Katya. Good thing nobody wants it then because if it does become a hard border , it will be the fault of the British of course, and according to her EU sources, ‘Brexit won’t happen’.
What? ‘Brexit won’t happen’? You know, maybe it won’t, with our duplicitous elected representatives this might well be tried, but it will not be the EU or the bBbc who decide if or how Britain leaves the EU. The bBbc just make this stuff up as they go along and fob bullshit off as gospel.
Solid post.
Be interesting if they can keep this going all month.
No, BBC article-writer! He did not refuse to bake a cake for the ‘gay’ couple, and indeed offered to sell them one. He, quite correctly, refused to put words on the cake that are contrary to his belief in Christian biblical teaching, which were deliberately requested because those ‘gays’ knew that the baker had those Christian beliefs. And their deliberate malice was made clear in court.
BBC: they never let the truth get in the way of a good story, Martin.
Some thoughts on Sadiq Khan.
Here we go again.
Newsnight is having a debate about housing and, as usual, refuses to mention the fact that we are one of the most densely populated countries in the world (especially England), and that the population has risen by around 10 million over the last 20 years, having previously increased only very slightly in the 1970s and 1980s.
In addition our cities are becoming increasingly just “too vibrant” so people want to give others the opportunity to enjoy it and so are selflessly moving out to boring; non-diverse; rural areas.
Though they may not stay all that rural much longer, at the rate they are building houses all over the place.
When the shires write London off and forget it exists except as a bad memory then we are in uncharted territory. No people can accept the loss of the capital city with equanimity.
I give London a year outside before it is finished . How this will affect us remains to be seen.
Interesting views on London’s hideous white flight phenomenon.
What next, the bbc fucking off to somewhere like Manchester?
so their staff can snap up cheap properties in the surrounding villages, and send their kids to more indigenous schools.
” hideous white flight phenomenon”
and on the so called BBC the equally hideous Gentrification which is their code for white people moving back in and improving the area
Certainly the next recession and unemployment will really strain londonistan . I think a lot of guest workers will just go home or move on . They have no attachment to Britain and use it for their personal benefit .
In my borough there are plenty of Eastern European drunks sleeping as groups in public areas and no law enforcement -.but If you park on a yellow line law is enforced – actually the only law which is enforced in Londonistan .
I travel on the tube and look at the shocked faces of out of towners visiting for the day – I can always spot them – only white on the train apart from the Eastern Europeans dreaming of home.,
London syndrome?
Look North for Humberside took the majority of the time before the weather on 6.30 news and most of the 10.30 bulletin to tell us that a school girl had been called names on her way to school because she was wearing a head covering. I assumed it was the hijab but to be honest I stopped listening in detail. Of all the things happening in my region, name calling is the most important? I should be grateful. Except I suspect there are far more dreadful things happening in my region, it is just that one thing takes priority over everything else.
On a new day my words of advise to Al Beeb ……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
In a nutshell – your propaganda is not working , hence Brexit.
“A pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving mixture of gas and volcanic material, such as pumice and ash. Such flows are a common outcome of explosive volcanic eruptions, like the Fuego event, and are extremely dangerous to populations living downrange. “
Mother nature polluting the planet, where are the greens now?
Interesting to know how much cooling ash etc it has pumped into the atmosphere, probably enough to give the man made global warming zealots, lots of historical statistics to alter, in order to give 2018 the hottest ever title..
“Mother nature polluting the planet, where are the greens now?”
Volcanos produce about 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.
Us humans produce about 29 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.
Thank you for your contribution.
Maxincony; “Volcanos produce about 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.
Us humans produce about 29 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.
Thank you for your contribution.”
So you are in fact “human” Maxincony?
How much BS do you and the BBC produce each year? Is there a measure of that?
Thank you for your contribution.
Maxi welcome back and thanks for your constructive comment – I’m sure Taff will be reassured by your helpful correction which I guess is based on page one of a quick google search . Scientists can never be wrong can they?
Carbon dioxide isn’t a pollutant but rather an important part of the carbon cycle.
Payne, and the life cycle of this planet.* No CO2, no food, no ‘us’.
OTOH, it could be an end to the obesity crisis. (BBC please note)
Small mercies, eh?
* which is what I think you were saying. Please note: am not in Cathy Newman mode.
I’m right with you and understand totally what you were saying.
I know Al Gore and his cronies would like to make it so, but CO2 really isn’t the enemy.
Muslims in UK Population – 3%
Muslims in UK Prison Population – 14.4%
Thank you for your contribution.
The disproportionate rate of muslim offenders can’t be anything to do with islam, as islam is the most peaceful and law-abiding religion, the final revelation and superior in every way.
Therefore it can only be due to islamophobia and racism.
I blame Farage, Brexit, and Trump.
Islam is the most peaceful and law-abiding religion
and they will kill anyone who doesn’t agree, vlad.
Hi Max:
CO2 is a harmless trace gas in the atmosphere. A bit extra helps the plants grow.
What volcanic eruptions do produce is vast amounts of ash, which hangs around in the upper atmosphere, and can cause a winter like climate. They also produce vast amounts of sulphur dioxide, which unlike carbon dioxide really is bad for the environment.
So the point is well made. Despite all the blather from Big Green about CO2 and how we all need to drive around in electric Noddy cars, a volcano can come along and undo years of green crap with one eruption. And there is nothing that Richard Attenborough, Elon Musk or Richard Branson can do to stop it.
I don’t know why people bother replying to M, Rob, they never get a reply.
He’s just the online equivalent of someone who rings your doorbell and runs away, childish and annoying, but best ignored.
It’s just looking for a reaction and when none’s forthcoming, boredom sets in and the ringing stops.
Cool game as a kid … Thunder and Lightening!
You are right, Max/Zero/Manonabus is a drive by merchant, he shoots and leaves. But sometimes I feel like pointing out that he is talking nonsense. I do not expect him to defend his views because he never does.
I do wonder about the mentality of someone who posts on a group only to annoy everyone else there. I think it must be some sort of narcissism on his part. Anyway, he has his uses, as it’s nice to see what the lunatic left think, though on reflection we also have the BBC for that!
I’ve said this in the past, Rob,
I read a paper many moons ago (worked in IT in schools after retirement at 50) on the growth of online trolls and why they do it. It found that in the vast majority of cases it was undertaken by social inadequates, possibly bullied when at school, who find normal face to face relationships difficult or even impossible.
They are attracted to various sites and articles as a moth to a flame to post controversial, argumentative and at odds comments and replies, some of which may be insulting, to others and the tone of the article concerned. This is a hook to generate a response, to make them feel noticed or cleverer than the one they are trolling; some may even get a sexual buzz from antagonizing other commenters.
They go under a variety of (humorous in their view) pseudonyms and even gender to allow multiple postings on the same issue to increase the amount of feedback and their feeling of self-worth. Once identified and it isn’t difficult, they are best ignored to allow their anonymous, online life mirror their offline one. They are more to be pitied than scorned.
Ban volcanoes.
“Pound boosted as service sector growth picks up”
Despite Brexit .
“May raises concerns with Israel over Gaza violence”
Shouldn’t Mrs May be rather more concerned about this………..
“The number of offences carried out using mopeds in the capital leapt from 827 offences in 2012 to more than 23,000 in 2017.”
23,000 !
I’m sure I heard Cressida Dick say last night on the news that this sort of crime had dropped by 50%,, Taff.
Sounds like flabottopus is collating the crime stats now, practicing for when she becomes Home Sec.
The police whining as usual about not having enough money to catch criminals but they could afford to send 7 of them to arrest Tommy Robinson.
Sounds like police integrity with resources is one par with bbc editorial integrity.
“A police officer and his dog have been stabbed while responding to reports of a man damaging shops on the High Street in Bromyard.
West Mercia Police said it happened at 03:00 and a 30-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and assaulting a police officer.”
Another one of those “men” again ?
Have they gone beyond ‘man’ yet by way of description to assist context, as they delayed as long as possible the ‘man’ present when a knife attacked a woman and child?
Napoleon said “England is a nation of shopkeepers” – he clearly didn’t come to London then. Those interviewed for soundbites in the street to comment on the fire at the Mandarin, were all foreign shop owners ! You have to laugh, or you’d bloody cry.
This is the sort of nonsense the BBC puts out in other countries
It’s praising the Indonesian athlete for fasting, saying she’s ‘only’ 1 second slower to climb the wall even though she’s fasting.
UK taxpayers fund Islamist journalists in foreign countries to peddle this nonsense under the BBC name. It’s an affront to the UK.
They also release vast amounts of anti-Israeli content, such as this.
This is very popular with Indonesia’s large anti-Semitic Islamist element.
The BBC should shut down their foreign language elements, because they are unwilling and incapable of employing journalists who reflect British values, rather than local ones.
Hi Mikehunt – do you speak Indonesian (or maybe a close relation does?). I have often wondered what the BBC get up to in their international broadcasting. I had heard from others that they have a habit of hostile reporting against the English / British when presenting in other countries …
They appear to have an Editress there.
So far I have seen one report from her, about female royalty.
Clearly a work ethic to match Cobber Dennison when down under.
I speak Indonesian, yes.
I follow them on Facebook, I wouldn’t say that they are anti-British particularly but they love pro-Islamic stories, things like ‘former British ambassador to Saudi Arabia converts to Islam’ or ‘Man in the Outer Hebrides converts to Islam without ever having met a Muslim’. Plus lots of anti-Israel and of course anti-American stuff.
Essentially they are providing pro-Islamic clickbait, but doing it with British taxpayers. money.
Further to my rant the other day about the Times newspaper*, I am looking forward to the World Cup. I’m 44 so my first real WC was in ’86 and then ’90.**
Had the sticker albums and all the build-up and matches were just about one single thing….the football. Just football!! If England were crap (see Euro ’88) I’m critiquing the team. Nothing to do with the make-up of the team, if they are crap I will say so, and did with my friends.
Now in 2018, well forget the football, that does not matter. Only thing that is important is evil racism and homophobia. And that Russia has a large population of the hideous white people. Even Talksport is at it, had Darren Lewis (Mirror) on the evening Sportsbar show the other day to tell us white people how horrid we all are.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but a large contingent of the England team are non-white? Yet still we are a nasty racist people even though I will be cheering them on.
*I’ll trim quotes from Mr Marriott now my blood pressure has returned to normal:-
“A survey carried out by YouGov for the BBC found that English patriotismn is strongest among the old. 72% are proud to be English. By contrast only 45% of young people are proud. In fact 1 in 10 young people are embarrassed to be English. Anybody concerned about the future of the nation should breathe a sigh of relief” This is where my various bodily fluids stared to simmer.
But “The start of current global politics provides a helpful (if unpleasant) glimpse of the dangers of nationalism. Blah blah Trump, Erdogan, Putin. Lets be glad that our young people are embarressed to be English” This is where my various bodily fluids stared to boil.
**Yes I wish the jug eared virtue signaller extraordinaire was not part of the WC coverage, it is one time I will have to watch the BBC for an extended period of time. Would not be surprised if JK Rowling was an ‘expert’ on the BBC sofa.
I clearly can’t spell started. Must be the thought of having to endure Lineker.
I watch most games through streaming now, actually enjoying foreign commentary more as I’m not distracted or annoyed by the inane and often ill-formed complete and utter bollox that the commentators and pundits spout.
Some of the football recently has been so poor that I can watch a match while I’m reading here or doing something else and I haven’t intentionally watched pre or post game analysis or half-time debate for a few years now, it’s celebrity journalism, very little expertise. I enjoy games much more without it.
I’ll probably watch the World Cup using Kodi, definitely not on the bBbc, but I’m not too excited about it to be honest, and you English won’t be allowed to become too excited about it either, patriotism equals facism at the bBbc, they don’t understand passion or spontaneous joy without agenda,control or selfish reward. The bBbc have really only succeeded in quelling my appetite for the game, which I resent them for as football was a major part of my life, playing, watching, coaching, for most of my life. It’s not about the game anymore on the bBbc, like everything else, they complicate simple things and trivialize traditional values. Although they haven’t killed my interest entirely the bBbc have sucked a lot of the joy out of football for me.
Hello Rich,
I’m one of the few who like baseball, and I watch it all the time now on streaming services like Amazon. Even baseball has problems with the SJW crap, but compared to football is still holding strong and being true to its roots.
But yes to be proud of England, and God forbid to wave the flag of St George, off to the liberal socialist gulag with you.
Having said that, I have relatives in Philadelphia so my baseball team is the Phillies. Of course Philadelphia is very liberal so I can’t win.
But yes to be proud of England, and God forbid to wave the flag of St George, off to the liberal socialist gulag with you.
Try flying the Hezbollah flag instead, OEO, plod doesn’t have a problem with this one.
The met don’t seem to be able to stop much these days
Hello ToobiWan,
I agree, even the isis flag is allowed these days, and probably at a school fete.
Old Engine
Sadly you were born too late to enjoy the outpouring of national pride of the 1966 FC tournament. It was probably the last time that I remember anyway, when Britain came together ‘as one’. Even those that couldn’t give a monkeys about football got into the spirit of patriotism – bunting, shops decorated, and oh how the church bells rung when we actually won the cup – and with a British manager. This was a team who had a fag and a pint the night before the big day, and had to find jobs to pay the bills after their playing careers were over – not for them the millionaires mansions or wearing sarongs with their wives, but were forced to sell their medals to help their kids financially. That’s why I have no time for the pampered whining Linekers & Beckhams of this world. They’ll never hold a candle to that Class of 66.
Hello Brissles,
I do feel jealous of those times before I was born. Not only for the ’66 team, but the whole country in general. But I will point out a hero from my time – Terry Butcher. Even the BBC acknowlege him!!!
Following on from Guests comments yesterday did anyone hear Toady this morning interviewing “Lord” Adonis about the departure of Paul Dacre from the Mail.
This political pipsqueak was given a couple of minutes to vent his unwholesome spleen about a man who has at least has been a successful business man and also successfully headed a National Newspaper for decades – He even ended by saying “If I may say it this Newspaper (The Mail) even been setting the BBCs news agenda. Really!
I am afraid I consider this man very similair to Wee Jimmy from up North. This man really does seem to resemble an odious little floating turdlet – You dont like it and dont want to see it but no matter how many times you flush he still seems to keep on popping up!
An “Adonis” he certainly isn’t.
Toady watch
Thought for the day . I don’t know who this snowflake was but he used the words of Jesus to support the invasion of foreigners – Muslims into Blighty . No discussion about practicality – no reality check – just a tick box kidult who doesn’t want Blighty to Blighty .
He is the embody ment of anti populism the the reason countries like Italy have seen the light.
I’d challenge him the the ‘ give every thing away and follow me’ line which very few – including me -can do .
2- al beeb didn’t seem to know which way to go on the sad death of peter stringfellow – ‘seedy’ was usedand I guess there will be allegations akin to Weinstein or President Trump
3 on President Trump granting clemency to someone who I think is black . Poor humph couldn’t find himself thinking this is good or decent. I found myself wondering is the previous president did the same thing. Snowflakes would have been queuing up to say “ great guy” true bias.
Polly Toynbee was on Toady ( when isn’t she) and called the outgoing editor of the Daily Mail a “racist” I hope that costs her an awful lot of money – even dame Anne Leslie – who was also present – described it as defamation . Ouch
The problem is definition.
In accusation it can be whatever she wants it to be.
In defence it cannot be proven.
Vague law is bad law.
Yes, I heard the Toynbee vent her bile and spite. It was an astonishing and disgraceful (and, of course, unwarranted) attack on Dacre even by the extremely low bar that Toynbee sets herself. Were a Conservative to launch such an attack on, for example, Corbyn, he wouldn’t be invited on the Beebeecee for a long time. But Poisonous Polly is on speed-dial.
Why does it matter what anyone thinks of the DM, or its editor? I doubt if anyone who watches the BBC is in any doubt about what the Left thinks of it and nobody is forced to buy it or pay for it. What really grates with the Left is that people still insist on buying it in spite of being instructed to stop. Pure disobedience.
I criticised it for its hypocrisy recently but I don’t really care. I don’t recall ever buying one. I do, however, recall buying a Morning Star once out of curiosity. Just once. Much funnier than The Guardian.
Really… they wheeled him on to ‘comment’?
They clearly think they are Teflon.
Further to my point about the World Cup we have this:-
It does not stop! There was a time when I didn’t think about the gay community at all, or indeed Islam. With all the various government, (both Labour and Conservatives) and ngo schemes, I’ve now gone from not thinking about certain communites, to being really pissed off with them and their agenda.
With that said, I will now enjoy large jars of cold Scrumpy (I’m from Gloucestershire), and watch the football. And baseball, big baseball fan too. Wish you all a great summer, maybe all this global warming bollocks will finally come true!!!
Agree wholeheartedly, and I would be surprised if the nation isn’t already divided over Grenfell. I don’t think that the majority are in support of them at present and they will lose further support as the inquiry progresses. The bBbc, once again, are enabling agitators and agenda driven anti-British society rhetoric precedence, helping to turn this legal process into a socialist circus.
I suspect (know) many people will have thought
“awww poor sods give them a new council flat and a few thousand quid to get them restarted”
but are now thinking
“Your just taking the piss, stop whinging”
Justin Welby was Biblical Noah xenophobic?
Noah only looked after his family and didn’t take any migrants in!
Justin Welby was Biblical Noah racist?
Noah only looked after his family and didn’t take any other races in!
Justin Welby was Biblical Noah homophobic?
Noah only took on male and female of the species, why not two males only?
Justin Welby if the Bible is so good why are you trying to sell your own book, rather than the bible?
If you want to smile go to you tube and search for Canal+ unicorn advert i, it explains why there are no unicorns and may answer the gay problem re Noah. First time I saw it I was having a cup of coffee which went everywhere, took ages to stop laughing.
Brilliant ….
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading the hand-wringing Archbich’s book yet, but the cover bodes ill: a bit too multi-coloured rainbow for my taste.
BBC don’t do maths…
Alice Johnson freed after Trump grants clemency plea
Basically a black criminal jailed for drug and money laundering has been pardoned by Trump so this news is well buried deep down. Even Saint Obama didn’t pardon her.
Article says she has been in jail for 22 years but the expert ‘analysis’ by BBC’s Jessica Lussenhop starts off “After four years and two presidential administrations…”
Have a look at Roger Clinton, charged with what seem like similar offences around the same time as Alice Johnson.
He happened to have a half-brother with some clout. Wonder if any ‘journalists’ at the bBbc will mention it?
But did you hear the R4 BBC interview….they were struggling to find angle to slag off POTUS – couldn’t acknowledge that Trump had done a good thing…if it had been Obama they would have had an orgasm..
So what did she say..Ah problem is Trump won’t/can’t do it again…and that he only did it for the publicity….The lawyer was good and didn’t get drawn just focussed on positives – unlike BBC
Day 3 and the BBC are still putting Kate Spade’s suicide on the front page
I guess on day 4 we will hear what her views were on Brexit and immigration from a “close friend” of hers.
I know it’s very sad for her friends and family, but has anyone on here ever heard of her? I certainly hadn’t nor had anyone else I speak to.
I’ve never heard of her but these last 3 days I’ve seen more of her than my own missus.
Grenfell : LBC’s Nick Ferrari is saying it’s outrageous that Mr Kebede the Ethiopian fridge guy is trying to avoid giving evidence .
… Justice must be seen to be done etc.
OK there could be a videolink option, but there are questions to be asked : what was in the fridge ?, what was next to it ? etc.
* Shouldn’t we have a Grenfell Inquiry thread ? *
..Sorry i mean Grenfell Coverup Circus thread
John Sweeney’s retweets show a certain…. ‘skew’. Clearly what he leaves at the door is any attempt at impartiality.
Still, Dan going full Meg Ryan is sweet.
Wait until Katty gets turned on.
Still, at least it will mean the Bbc acknowledges D-Day, after a fashion.
Does Dan Snow really refer to himself as ‘the history guy’?
Does he point both thumbs at himself when he uses it in introduction?
Like a big Fabian Fonzie?
What an arrogant twat.
Treezer is the BBC’s girl. Tell those Jews off for defending themselves from the Pallies and supports the EU line on Iran
Like to see the range of diverese faces in our police force? All doing their job honestly and diligently? Well no, actually. https://www.spectator.co.uk/2015/03/the-shocking-truth-about-police-corruption-in-britain/
“We need more ethnic officers”. The mantra. Despite the fact that the attestation process to become a police officer requires that allegiance is pledged to ‘Queen and Country’, a prime example of taquiyya as the pledge is impossible for anyone praying five times a day to allah. There is no reported issues, so far, but, those who follow islam, come from countries where corruption is rife they are happy to fiddle the election process so what’s to deter them from major corruption as police officers? Virtually nothing. The Spectator article makes that point. We should all get real and understand the motivations. The police currently cannot handle crime and disorder. Despite their favourite show for the people they serve i.e, ‘Dawn Raids’ – they have had no effect upon the murders in Londonistan. Ponder: multiply that upward if there was any major uprising and what do you conclude?
Unusually for Toady they actually had a criminologist who knows what she was talking about on to talk stop and search and londonistan violent crime.
She is Marion Fitzgerald – shockingly objective -but could not come up with any real remedy to the current fashion for blacks stabbing mainly blacks .
It’s easy to go down the ‘ gang’ line but doesn’t recognise the reality . These kids are feral and mNy not disciples enough to form a gang . In my area a few black kids tried to form a gang – god they even had colours – they chose lime green .
I mean who is gonna be threatened by a 14 year old wearing a lime green shirt . The gang died .
The problem becomes if everyone calls a group of feral kids – yoot- a gang – they might really become one . Which is the al beeb mistake
“Unusually for Toady they actually had a criminologist who knows what she was talking about on to talk stop and search and londonistan violent crime.”Yes, I listened to that.
If a handful of 15 (or around that age) year old’s can run rings around our diverse finest, what hope is there?
Robinson shut her up promptly at the end when it was getting interesting I noticed.