Forget the trivia of freedom from the EU and the search for World Peace -there are more important things – the World Cup . Oh the Diversity . Enjoy the bread and circuses.
What’s on the Grenfell Chanel tonight ?
9pm BBC2 Before Grenfell : A hidden history
10:30pm BBC4 Black and British with David Olusoga
11:30pm BBC1 Don’t Deport Me I’m British (repeat)
The way Brexit is heading appears to be we will get the very softest of brexits, all depending on what soubry and grieve allow the Tory party to win.
This pair, along with a handful of Tory remoaners are dictating what’s to be allowed and what the conditions will be. (I know, it’s because of the Tory/dup numbers)
I know it’s all part of how Parliament works but how can it be right when these few traitors can overrule 17.4 million voters.
Also, I hope all the labour voters are watching their party vote against Brexit even though they supported it in their manifesto.
We keep getting fooled by these gobshites in parliament don’t we. More fool us I suppose.
My UKIP vote never seems to count for anything.
Nobody represents me.
We won’t be leaving the reich EU in actuality . We will pay for the Reich EU to carry with federalism and we will take a constant kicking from the French and krauts .
People who were brexiteers will be fed up , give up and leave it to Clegg and co to pretend we have left .
With an incompetent remainer PM how could it be any other way. It has shown the political class to know better than the electorate and that actual politics has no connection to us . Very sad .
I`m more optimistic.
1. I voted to leave, all things after 30.3.19 are up for grabs. Their laws don`t and won`t apply unless we say so.
2. May and Soubry are Party Functionaries. They are now, will never be National Spokeswomen for anybody but liberal shills and party windsocks. That they disregard 17.4 Million votes means that their democratic credentials mean nothing. I voted to leave the EU, not for a church mouse or a pisspot.
3. The European Union will collapse and I for one will have great fun refusing things unless Commonwalth and Brexit led…Guinness NO! Tim Martins Thatchers cider? Yes.
Time we really made hay with the Europimps. They live among us and we`ve been patient too long.
Hoping our fans will sing “We Want Tommy Out” at every game.
Tommy Robinson in a tank to Downing street please.
As they appear tired of democracy, might as well show them a military coup and install a benevolent dictator.
I’m not the fighting kind but I wouldn’t oppose a coup and summary execution of the long list of traitors that people have been collecting. I’d even contribute to a fund to provide a people’s army to extirpate these bastards.
Watched PMQs – the comrades from the SNP did what they always seem eager to do – disrespect the UK parliament .
Are 4 million Scots voters . That is the population of 16 London Borough north of the Thames . Back in the box methinks .
Al beeb is claiming 1000 people have joined the snp this afternoon . God how al beeb loves the SNP
Even though the English pay for Al beeb via people still paying their damn tv tax
“SNP MPs walk out of PMQs in ‘Brexit power grab’ protest”
The problem with Brexit?
The Prime Minister is a Remainer . Why on earth did the Tory Party select her as their leader ?
Watching those pretentious snp idiots at their little stunt today, the blistering windbag pushing to get ejected from the house, then followed out by what can only be described as a special needs group.
The odious Cherry and her 2 mates waddled out looking like the before part of a slimming advert.
Surprise surprise the media was all set up and ready to spread the shite, bbc at the forefront.
Up to Scotland and amazingly Sturgeon instantly available for interview.
bbc breathlessly report 1000’s of new snp party members this afternoon alone. Made up shite.
Exactly. Do these politicians think the EU issue will go away once they pretend to leave and think they’ve fooled us? There will be a new Farage and the whole game will start again.We can only hope in the short term the Soubrys and Umunas etc get whats coming to them at election time. We voted OUT and not a little bit out.
I assume the Trump way would be to give Scotland an immediate binding referendum and in the event of a leave vote carry that out in 6 months maximum.
Borders, customs the lot and no second chances.
Take it or leave it time really.
I’ve decided to impose a 24 Hour msm News blackout myself because of a certain anniversary on Thursday – and it’s not because it’s the 36th anniversary of the freeing of Port Stanley from the argies .
Better for the old blood pressure rather than watching snowflaking exhibiting false vicarious grief . I hope our nice maxi gets plenty of material for his/ her 3am cut and paste patrols …. x max
Thankfully the evening standard is leading with the real reason why someone left something called ‘Love Island’
Guest, looks like the pressures getting to Verhofstadt. He conflates Europe with the EU and the liberal democracy to which he refers does not resemble any recognisable democratic process within any if the European states that I can see. Rather, it is a ideological creation imposed upon the peoples of Europe by unelected commissars, sometimes in place of their own elected government to further the globalist cause.
Given the fractious state of the EU at this time, this admonishment is reminiscent of a first officer berating a cleaner for not swabbing the deck hard enough as the titanic goes down.
Look North
– Woman find she can’t have a British passport
Her Polish mother had split up with her British father, so his name doesn’t appear on her birth certificate. Thus she is classed officially as Polish not British. Labour MP is brought on to be outraged, but I don’t see the difference from when there was a Labour Gov
You have establish citizenship somehow either by document or by DNA, otherwise every illegal would claim to be British.
They’ve offered her the Polish to British by citizenship route costing £1,500
– They never mention, but she has a flat face and Chinese type eyes.
– Next Brexit stirring by doing a vox pop
John Bercow's staff say I may have been bullying and harassing the Speaker of the House of Commons. I don't think reporting on bullying is the same as bullying.
I don’t like berkow and hope he steps down as promised but I thought he dealt with the SNP
Theatrics very well today . He used every charm he has – very oily – but very effective . Let’s hope the snp stay out until after summer . And don’t get paid .,
At least the SNP antics undermine the nonsensical claim that the UK parliament has not ceded any sovreignty or legal powers to the EU. If no powers had been ceded, their would be no powers to repatriate. Strangely,, the SNP were not bothered when the EU was excercising these powers over Scottish fishing etc, but are vexed when they are about to be exercised by the UK parliament. At least the Scottish parliament wants to increase its power, a sensible thing for a national parliament to do. The UK parliament, however, is desperate to give away the powers that the British people want to return to them. This is essentially treason – to enhance the powers of a foreign entity at the expense of the UK parliament so reducing the autonomy and sovreignty of the British people. You just have to laugh when people like Soubry claim that it is a profound love of country that move them to undermine Brexit by ensuring that a minimum of powers are repatriated.
I’m confused. I’ve just seen a news crew filming an alleged paedophile outside court, but no police officers came out and arrested the reporter for breach of the peace, nor did they march them off to court and imprison them the same day.
Oh well it must have been because the accused was a white middle aged man, namely Jonathan King.
The 7pm BBC Radio 4 News Bulletin wished to scatter some Anthropogenic Global Warming fear among its listeners. To do this, they have found ‘some scientists’ to claim that the ice in Antarctica is melting faster than evvvaahhh. It is contributing to global sea level rise of 0.6 of a millimetre every year.
There are some scientists who dispute that Antarctic ice is disappearing overall (every year chunks fall off and it snows hard and ice re-forms elsewhere on that continent) and ‘some’ who dismiss claims of significant sea level rise. 0.6mm would fall into the Not Even Enough to be Insignificant category but whatever.
There are ‘some other’ scientists and observers who generally agree that ocean level rise proceeds at about 6mm annually, It seems even that is not enough to wash that pesky BBC Decimal Point upwards to its rightful position.
“Sea level rise due to Antarctic ice melt has ‘tripled over past five years” : CarbonPants
Lead item on R4 8pm News :’Ice loss in Antarctic is rising , 300billion tonnes per year causing sea level rise’
…Well by how much?
cos we don’t notice any sudden 3ft rise etc.
By 9pm it was 5th item “200bn tonnes loss, 0.6mm annually , 3 times faster than 2012”
OMG in 10 years that’s 6mm and in a century that’s 6cm
We’re doomed, We’re doomed,
Ah yes @Up2 I hadn’t seen you post
They definitely said 0.6 mm
0.6cm does seem more ball park, but as WUWT points out you just can’t trust what they say , cos they remove inconvenient data from the databases.
Stew, I looked at the Wiki page ages ago and did a post on here at a time when Horrorbin, together with a friend of mine, were in a flap over sea level rise.
The numbers there from memory (I haven’t re-checked) were that 6mm figure. That was why I laughed when I heard the 7pm News bulletin. Think I have seen more than one dispute over that 0.6cm figure and Paul Homewood’s excellent site has covered the subject at least once this year. Cannot remember the content of that Thread but may search if I have time.
It is the third time in the last three to four weeks that the BBC have got their decimal point in the wrong place. I still haven’t heard anything from the BBC about that amazing NHS funding claim. I am currently busy trying to get them to get their Radio iPlayer working again.
I heard on sky news (another beauty) whilst trashing the Korea meeting, the news reader said that Trump has achieved nothing as not 1 nuclear missile has been destroyed yet.
Just heard that Tommy has been moved to a 71% muslim occupied prison.
He was kept awake all night by them yelling death threats at him.
There is only one reason they would move him there and we all know what it is.
It’s on a comment on the jailed paedo’s article in Breitbart, about 10 down if sorted by ‘best’
TOMMY Robinson has reportedly been moved to a Midlands prison which has a 71% Muslim population.
Sources have told Politicalite that the prison he has been moved to is in the Midlands, reportedly to a prison in Leicester.
Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars also added: “Inmates were banging on cell walls last night shouting death threats.”
According to PJW: “Protests were ignored. Tommy now fears for his safety.”
Not yet been confirmed, mind.
I am assuming that the establishment believe that after the protest last Saturday everything has gone away and Tommy can now ‘disappear.’ It also means the establishment believe that political assasination is the way to go.
What the British do about this… I wait to see.
[Interesting as it indicates the UK establishment are so confident of victory that it can proceed with killing those that stand in the way… They are NOT listening…]” End quote.
I tried the link in the comment but it refuses to load, maybe someone doesn’t like it.
I’ve seen this report, which includes word by Paul Joseph Watson. If it is true and if Tommy is injured or, I pray to God it doesn’t happen, he is killed, I think for Tommy’s supporters this will be a line that should not have been crossed and the rules will change. The judge, the police, the prison guards, the press and significantly the muslims are going to pay.
A lot of people, ( a helluva lot more than ‘they’ are bargaining on ), are watching and waiting, with smouldering resentment, rising anger, dry as a parched forest in Arizona, just waiting to see where and when the spark will fall.
As we all know, the majority of forest fires are caused by human carelessness about the consequences of ill thought out actions !
As with other aspects of this case, and other cases, there seems a concerted effort to distract by getting into counting contests of angel numbers on pinheads.
For me there is one main point, so far almost all but ignored by the ‘establishment’, from politicians to judiciary to media, perhaps because confronting it sees a shaky house of cards fall down.
And that is how respect for the law has plummeted because the law has been corrupted into multiple tracks based on political meddling. Vague laws are bad laws, and laws interpreted differently to suit are recipes for disaster.
All I know is that, for the ‘offence’ being airily waved in justification by luminaries right and left, if an actual nomark thug was treated like this, everyone from Shambli to Owen Jones would be nailing themselves to the railings of Westminster and the staff of The BBC would be holding a forecourt die-in to protest and released and given a few mill as a sorry.
But because he is not one of them, and has exposed what they dare not in all their cowardice and venality, rather than address the actual crimes they have focussed all their efforts to getting him out of sight and preferably got rid of ASAP.
Kill him or break him – To them it matters not and sends a message to us too. I expect our fine upstanding Vicars daughter PM maybe also sees him as unfinished business.
Maybe we have all got “our gal” a bit wrong, perhaps when she was little instead of having a tea set and playing with dollies in the wendy house, I wonder whether she was more interested in pulling the legs off spiders and decapitating hamsters.
Imagine it “sorry mummy the hamster has escaped again and I cant find his head anywhere” Mummy says -” I dont know what you do with them dear thats the seventh one this week!”
Deeply worrying . If it wasn’t so serious the existence of a political prisoner in the UK might be a case for Amnesty International . Perhaps President Trump can doba back channel to May .
If tr is harmed within the care and control of HM prison service the situation willl become a grave one as others are saying here.
I think they are seeing how far they can push us, If we react then thats the excuse they need to break us – if we dont react then that is surrender.
I think if we do react we at least better make sure that these bastards get the bloody nose they deserve.
Its funny to think how back in the eighties I would read books like A day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch and think that could never happen here – yet it is.
I’m guessing the easiest for the State would be for TR to top himself or die from a heart attack for a condition no one detected -.very rare.
There is a track record for this – such as a certain doctor who upset Blair and went for a walk and didn’t return
Yes or the guy who put the bacon sandwich outside the mosque and died in prison of a drug overdose. Nothing suspicious the police said conveniently ignoring the fact that, well, it’s a prison and is meant to be a controlled environment. Hence the idea of dying from a drug overdose because there is an overabundance of available drugs in a prison is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.
“”Radio 4’s new five-part drama, First World Problems, imagines a (dis-)United Kingdom sinking into a bloody civil war some time in the near future. “”
I understand that a number of labour types have gone against the comrades and voted prob reichEU by staying in the EEA
I’m a bit disappointed with JRM these days . Where’s the fight? The test for leaving the ReichEU is very simple . If the uk is still within the jurisdiction of the ReichEU court then we are in the EU. If not we are out in accordance with the referendum vote .there cannot be compliance to the four freedoms but there can be horse trading – with the exception of movement of labour . If the Reich wants a border in Ireland they can build it . And we can watch it being blown up
I too pray for Tommy.
But they really would be VERY foolish indeed if a hair on his head is threatened.
We are in this for the long haul, our persecutors and oppressors need to realise that we`re not biting to their news cycles.
There`s a rolling boil coming up, as they say “the revolution will not be televised”. But there will be one.
I`m not going to be in a care home, explaining why I let the likes of Prescott, Soubry, Clegg and Kinnock decide how free the likes of Tommy , you and me were allowed to be.
Reagan did say that every generation is only a generation away from slavery-how the hell did we let THAT happen?
And are we all still so shit scared that we`re scared of fat “Early Doors” blobs of PCSOs with bad nail varnish and a pad full of crime numbered letterheads?
I like to think my MP is a conservative and also a brexiter – IDS – but they don’t seem to be putting the likes of soubry in their place and get them out of the party for not supporting manifesto promises .
As an aside – the number of London killings is now at 75 but no one notices … my end of year prediction of 130 is on track . The emir is worried about gender issues on wiki. Amazing . Must go down well with families of the dead .,
“anyone still a tory voter??”
Yes my mate essexman.
Although he has not posted here since Cameron resigned, unless he has changed his nomenclature?
I have always been a firm believer in the rule of law, and consider Tommy was highly foolish to give the authorities the excuse they needed to lock him up.
However… if something happens to him, with State connivance, then it is clear THEY do not believe in the rule of law. At that point, all connected with his imprisonment become, in my view, fair game.
And no, no-one will believe for a second any stories about drug overdose, natural causes or tragic accident.
\\ The Mammal Society has produced a report on the risk of extinction of British Mammals, in which it seems to put “climate change” at the front of the list of risks to mammals, ahead of loss of habitat, pesticides and road deaths.
But I see no examples of “climate change” on that page. //
\\ It is interesting that in what I think is the actual report, “climate change” is low down the list of factors, and in one case is given as a possible beneficial effect (milder winters).
Yet on the web page, and of course the BBC, it is given as the first factor with negative effect. //
Just watched David Dumbleby on Putin on Bbctv1. Would never have guessed his line, of course, he’s such a fine, balanced journalist-you simply never can tell.
Anyway, turns out Russia is run by the renamed KGB and terrible things happen there: people are taught patriotism and to love the Motherland.
Even more shocking, Putin is encouraging the Russian Orthodox Church and -brace yourself- follows Christian teachings himself.
Most shocking of all , he is encouraging Russians to have large families, because of previous depopulation trends. Surely he knows there is a vast reservoir of people in Africa, Middle East etc etc to import? What on earth is he thinking?
There is an appalling lack of dedication to virtue-signalling here.
We shall have to do something to warn President Trump. He apparently wants to let this monster and his country back into the G7. Small wonder ms Merkel is shocked.
PS Keep away from Russian MSM, they are all in cahoots with the state. Well, I never!
Fake – I don’t watch Dimbleby programmes but I wonder if he did a shocked face when he realised the gru/ kgb runs Russia and the oligarchs serve at the the pleasure of the system .
Big country – comparatively small population ( 140 mill?)
Not that strong so busy on undermining enemies like us .
Undermining by sending Muslims our way and knowing that soft liberals will aquiesce on false human rights grounds whilst the indigenous population suffers ( eg raped white children ) – see oxford sentences today – average 12 years – plus the cunt who got life .
I actually spared you the most harrowing part, Fedup: in Putin’s Russia the police can apparently snatch their citizens off the street, chuck them into jail without a proper trial, and can keep them in goal for up to fourteen hours! I shouldn’t be at all surprised if we learn the Russian media are then told not to report any of this. Dumbleby said the place was autocratic!
Seems, if they don’t like your face, zap -you’re done.
What a place this Russia is. And guess what? They have the cheek to call themselves a Motherland, when they haven’t even got wimmin running the place!
” in Putin’s Russia the police can apparently snatch their citizens off the street, chuck them into jail without a proper trial, and can keep them in goal for up to fourteen hours! ” Rings a bell……………
This will become an increasing UK police modus in the UK.
G- Glad someone saw through my clumsy sarcasm!
‘Increasing p. modus…’ Hard to believe that we are actually talking about Britain. When I was studying Politics in the distant, gloomy past, we had a name for states using this modus. Can’t -as yet- bring myself to go beyond the abbreviation, p.
So much for my great predictive powers. But then, my lecturer would be even more surprised…
We were using the UK as a model for Freedom.
We have Tommy Robinson in jail.
Sort of thing that the Soviets used to do to THEIR dissidents.
So we`ll need no smugness from the BBC, Tass didn`t report what was happening to Sakharov, any more than the lefty BBC etc won`t report on why Tommy is inside.
We now get people in Chile and Argentina wondering about our refuseniks and dissidents online. How bad have we let things go without avenging ourselves?
I can see the President abandoning Western Europe and letting what comes come. If that means Russia exerting hegemony then why should the US care?
Twice in the 20th century the US came to the aid of Europe and rebuilt it and for what. Snide insults and moaning. When it was still the economic centre then it made sense but now that has shifted east what has Europe to offer? Picturesque cities and the remains of a civilisation.
Which the people are no longer willing to defend.
Russia will defend what is left . It was always it’s historic destiny .
I agree. The G7 revealed what squabbling children we are and you can see Trump and the US rightfully beginning to regard us with contempt.
They offer military protection while many in Europe shirk the cost of building their own protection and then spend their time protesting against their protector.
The US will pull away from us and it will be our fault and rightful punishment for our arrogance and hubris.
Trump needs to let us fund our own defence, the Americans have let us sponge off them for too long.
They don`t like Trump-so he needs to help out his new friends, Italy and New Europe-whci should bring down the EU pronto. He also needs to clear the UN leeches out of the Big Apple.
Let them celebrate their virtues in Manila or Rabat, use the UN buildings to house their own “dreamers” .
This continued ridiculing of Trump over North Korea is doing my nut in, it really is.
How can the media and intelligensia be so far removed from the world that they cannot see that Trump’s attitude and treatment of Kim is just how normal switched on people would act.
When Kim is talking shit and trying to bully the US with talk of nuclear war, you don’t need some spineless cuck backing down. You need someone to apply the stick, to forcefully remind the little pipsquek that you don’t push people around and if you do you’ll be utterly destroyed.
Once you’ve set the parameters that you aren’t a mug and ‘you ain’t gonna take no shit’ you apply some pressure and wait. And then when Kim comes crawling over, you give him a little carrot. You encourage him to play nice and you show him the world that he’s missing out on.
You’re friendly but firm, you trust but verify and this all makes clear sense.
But the buffoons and stuck in the mud imbeciles in the media just cannot or will not see it. Like some hysterical child wailing at the sun they refuse to see reason or to decipher rationale. They have their world order, their vision of how the world should be in their image and anyone disagreeing with that needs to be destroyed for the heresy they preach.
This straight talking approach which shouldn’t be called ‘new or different’ but rather sensible and pragmatic is exactly what is needed. Language that indicates intention, rhetoric that has a goal. We haven’t had it in the UK since Mrs T left office and Trump is shaking up the world for approaching the world with that clear drive and unfiltered angle that we so desperately need.
I mean, god, it’s so refreshing and I’m so envious of the US having a leader so willing to battle for his people and his country. Just imagine if he was handling Brexit for us.
No soft appeasement, no gentle language to combat the endless negativity. Lord no. Our achievements would be shouted from the rooftops, our voice heard across Europe and our declarations of being ripe and ready for business clear to everyone.
He’s not interested in rule books, doing the right thing by others and observing routine because that’s how it’s been done for years and we don’t want to upset anyone. He’s there for a mission to represent his people on the world stage and achieve the very best for them in everything that he can.
I know it was a catchphrase but there can be no doubt that he really is Making America Great Again. They are kicking arse economically, they are taking numbers diplomatically and they are once again reasserting that they are the big player on the world stage.
The US is racing off into the distance and whilst our weak minded politicians ingratiate themselves with purple hair internet activists, this country is going to be left flailing in their dust with our equally contemptible European ‘allies’.
Good for the US and good for Trump for showing us what a desperately sad and pathetic state we have turned into. My faith in this country and our future is seriously faltering.
Don’t be sorry. That is exactly the right tone. Look at Mrs May and weep.
The President is reordering the world and it is truly astonishing. Nothing like it in my lifetime except possibly Mr Gorbachev bring an abrupt end to the USSR.
The USA can do it because it is that powerful and potentially far more so. Maybe the new Rome and about time it exerted it’s real potential. It seems that since the 70s the US forgot what an amazing place it is .
The myth is still there that the EU is some form of rival. In their dreams .
Great point. I remember at the time the constant put downs of Reagan, the spitting image caricature, how he was old, a buffoon, bossed around by Mrs T and didn’t have a clue what he was doing.
Yet much of that was bullshit. He played a masterstroke with the ruskies and scared them to the table with his star wars programme (which he never actually titled that).
Good posts by Payne & Dave S above, although I think you may both have a slightly premature roseate view of President Trump. Time will tell but so far, I enjoy the way he is making many of the corrupt Left eat crow, as ‘the cousins’ say.
Behind my vote to Leave the EU was the desire to be free of the constraints and restraints of membership and for our political leaders and Civil Servants to start serving the UK once again rather than advantaging others at our expense.
I think that is why so many Parliamentarians and Civil Servants are against Brexit: they are going to have to work a lot harder and deliver more and do it a lot better than during the last forty-five years.
It is a sobering thought that this – – was nearly twenty years ago. I wonder how many straight A* indigenous UK teens are turned away from our medical schools today? I wonder how many extra training places in the UK are available for potential doctors and nurses compared to eighteen years ago?
I wonder if our leading public service broadcaster will now be interested in doing some investigative journalism on that subject?
I hear what you are saying Up2Snuff but the vision of the civil service and elite as portrayed in Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister seems so true.
Nobody wants to implement Brexit because it’s too much hard work. No one wants to listen to the people because they might suggest things that go against the stifling, oppressive order that works in their favour.
That is why I like what Trump is doing. He isn’t perfect but he’s shaking shit up and approaching things in a refreshingly unique style.
Am old enough to remember MaggieT from pre-Election right to the end. She promised much, delivered far, far less, also shook things up but in the end left us with a different mess and a mess of about the same size (maybe larger?) than the one we had before. I still mark her as one of the most successful PMs of my political lifetime at 5/10 but please bear in mind no-one else gets above 5 and several have achieved minus scores.
President Trump? On just the ‘quakes’ (of a good kind – mostly) from his first year and a half, he’s looking good. Time to evaluate will be in 2021, whether he wins a second term or not.
Will the BBC run the slide rule over former-President Obama’s two terms in office in the near future?
I was born in ’71 so don’t remember the hated days of taking peoples milk (not actually true) but do remember her stoic defense of the Falklands, her no nonsense bullshit (which at the time was okay to be rather sexistly described as handbagging people), her resilience against Scargill and the unions and the feeling that she really had a desire to get the best for the UK at her core. Remarkable woman in my opinion.
As for Trump he speaks a similar tone but for a different time – if that makes sense – and I guess we’ll have to see but from what I hear, he is on the right track.
I can’t imagine the Beeb will ever analyse Obama’s two terms unless it’s to explain how the economic success that Trump is enjoying is all down to his hard work.
Yes, I agree DaveS. They are reminding themselves of what they can be. Just such a shame that we aren’t taking the opportunity that was gifted to us to ride their coat tails.
Commercial break on Salvage Hunters on Quest+1 so I caught the start of the World Cup 2018 Preview on bBbc1.
Mockney rapper, female drummer, dodgy rhymes, like a Benetton ad on speed, every cliched box ticked, trying too hard for too long. Lineker, Shearer and Jenas nope, back to Drew and T for me.
The first game I’m interested in is on Friday, Portugal v Spain, which is on the bBbc. Thankfully I’ve got about 50 other options through Kodi so that’s the bBbc World Cup coverage for me over before it’s started.
Apparently after spending a £1000 000 000 pounds of taxpayers money on the Galileo project the UK is not being allowed to be involved anymore . That should be enough to withdraw from the Reich Eu without any agreement and see how they get on trying to get their stuff through the tunnel .
‘…….be enough to withdraw from the Reich Eu WITH a Refund…..’? Say, £40 billion or so………….. Hang on though, that sum just happens to balance another……………
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653
Yes , In the name of God, go!
History repeats its self.
I am very surprised that Al beeb didn’t pick that one up ?
“Haiti bans Oxfam GB after sexual misconduct scandal”
Our government wastes our money on Foreign Aid while so called charities takes the rest .
Isn’t about time that charity began at home .
Before I imposed a news blackout on myself I saw a feature on al Beeb about the plight of those caring for the elderly at home. Unusually for al Beeb the report was true – that the elderly coming toward the end of their lives are being treated shamefully whereas the state can still find 13 billion each year to spend on foreigners .with or without Brexit this criminal waste has to be stopped.
Grenfell anniversary today so a good chance for the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation to wield their agenda for a change. I have given up on radio 4 and cannot take the news seriously at all. It’s like when the Wizard of Oz turns out to be a munchkin. They sound serious and it all looks so slick and professional but at their core they are devious bastards. Glory be to God emperor Trump for standing up to the liberal cry bullies who have ruined our countries and betrayed their people.
I should not have to watch Trump’s entire press conference in Singapore to know what really happened. We should be able to trust the BBC – it costs enough. Watching it for myself it was like seeing a great Real Madrid team in their prime, whilst the lying Beeb made out it was like Accrington Stanley.
BB – I heard a bit of it myself listening to Radio Grenfells, Toady programme. Apparently we are to be treated by the Government to a one minute silence to commemorate and remember the same bloody thing that Radio Grenfell commemorates every bloody day!
Might be difficult for Toady employees keep on silent on this one a subject which they never stop talking about.
Still I suppose its another excuse to get out the candles and teddies.
Our weak Goverment has allowed this sad event to be whipped up into a mawkish circus, which is still hungry for political scalps and has turned our leaders into frightened crybabies, running around in circles.
And do you know what – I just dont bloody care any more!
I for one won’t be silent at any time for Grenfell..
I am just tired of listening to the reverence given to all those that died – it was a sad and tragic accident – but contrary to BBC propaganda I doubt they were all saints and heroes… let their families grieve but don’t ask me to wallow in some pretentious virtuous signalling parade..rant over…
It’s heartening to me to know I’m not the only one who is sick to death of hearing about bloody grenfell. It’s the norm with the lefties to overcompensate when it’s anything to do with ethnics.
If I never hear the word grenfell again or see another ethnic emoting about it, it will be too soon.
The decline of the Today programme is stark. There was a big song and dance about the new editor being a woman. The fact that she is not up to the job is all that I care about; they must be haemorrhaging listeners.
His section on ‘The Aftermath’ is well-worth reading and describes something of which the BBC should be truly ashamed, namely using the tragedy as a whip against their favourite bad people, regardless of the truth.
Andrew O’ Hagan describes how the people working for the local authority including the police did what one would expect of normal human beings, i.e. working above and beyond their usual duties, yet, to the BBC they are just part of the evil uncaring local authority, agent of the evil uncaring ‘Tory’ government.
If you read nothing else skip though to ‘The Aftermath’ – it just doesn’t align with what the BBC told us but it rings far more true.
The EU Article 13 has been quietly passing everyone by it seems. Like net neutrality it is the elitists attempt to control the Internet, the last bastion against establishment media like the BBC.
Dave Cullen has posted good videos on the subject, his latest video:
No suprise the left-wing establishment in the EU/US are trying every little thing to control the Internet. After all once they control the Internet they are the Borg, all resistance is futile. At least the US has Trump who will hopefully fight against net neutrality. We have nothing.
Don’t forget the law passed by parliament that will lead to the blocking of porn websites to everyone in Britain. The law is due to take effect by the end of this year, and the British Board of Film Censors will have the role of internet porn censor. I understand it will be possible to get around this blocking by using one of these virtual private network things, which I am going to look into in the coming months.
As an aside, I once tried to look at Motorheads website and my company vpn blocked it because it came under the category of porn. Probably a topless shot or something in there.
So how easy will it be for the boundaries of what is and isn’t pornography to be “redefined” thus blocking out legitimate sites from view?
I used to work in the IT sector, all I will say is use ‘tor’ and ‘duckduckgo’ You won’t get all the sexy features of Google/MS, but you will have your privacy. Of course ‘tor’ has links to part of the Internet you might not want to go, although not sure the so called ‘dark web’ is real if I’m honest.
As for Motorhead, well the classic three have sadly passed away, but must be playing a great gig in heaven so…
Yes, DuckDuckGo is the one I used. It’s strange as I’m not especially politically active but using it throws up very different search results to Google
I use duckduckgo and Tunnelblick, (PC thinks I’m in Washington DC today) OEO, a hangover from the days when my son, Threebi used to download things that tended to upset George Lucas.
Might be that we have to use duckduckgo and tor to read the news. Remember reading Fahrenheit 451, and 1984 at school. Never thought it would come to this…maybe soylent green is the future??
Not watched the so called UK ‘news’ regarding the US/NK summit, but I’m guessing Sopel is having a heart attack?? But here is Mark Dice taking the piss out of the US equivalent of the BBC/Labour axis.
That is hilarious – can you imagine if it was the Tories…The BBC are still trying the get the spin in the will be something like
Brexit causes chaos –
At 9.55 pm last night I read about the Labour resignations on the Daily Mail website. 10pm BBC1 News, top story was that Mrs May was still in trouble, I think number 2 story was the SNP walkout and thrid story was probably the football but to be honest I cannot remember. But somewhere among it all, as an aside, was the BBC mention about the difficulties for the Labour front bench. I was so disgusted that I turned over – it was Live at the Apollo on BBC2. It was some very gay comedian (which would have been fine if he had been funny) whose language was foul. And he was political (I cannot remember exactly how but as a guess it was either pro Jeremy or anti Trump). I just switched off.
BBC News Channel piously rams the Grenfell anniversary down our throats this morning.
With all due respect to the victims and their relatives, this is clearly being treated as rather more significant a media event than the sum of its tragic parts might ordinarily warrant.
This is in fact what President Obama and his political fellows would term a “teachable moment”
From Wiki: “A teachable moment… is the time at which learning a particular topic or idea becomes possible or easiest”
So listen carefully, viewers, they’re about to teach you what to think.
The BBC London weather forecast seems a little disappointed we’re not in the path of Storm Hector. Mind you, we’re warned that leaves and small branches (I read that as twigs) could be dislodged from trees.
There are some days/nights on Twitter where it become obvious that lots of people have no interest in the truth of things. It’s at best an inconvenience. They certainly don’t want to CHECK anything before making assertions. Was going to bed but may now have a little gin.
Rob does not do irony. If anyone points out where the bbc is in error, he can always block them, get complaints to say they got it about right after sitting on it for six months, and the Trust to ban them for two years.
Meanwhile Anthony is mixing up the TDS by looking for relatives of people around him.
Reminder that McDaniel is Mitt Romney’s niece. The same Mitt Romney who once said Trump is a phony and a fraud who is playing the American public for suckers.
According to the BBC website, “The government is to relax immigration rules to allow more non-EU skilled workers into the UK.”. This is to address the shortage of doctors and nurses in the NHS, as it is a cheaper solution than investing in recruitment, training and retainment in the UK (no, they don’t bother to mention the causes as that would get in the way of the emotions). There is also a nod towards allowing more ‘IT experts’ from the (presumably) Indian subcontinent – there might be tens of thousands of unemployed IT consultants and contractors in the UK, but Indian interns are cheaper (and no, they don’t mention that either).
The BBC manages to include a quote from Sunder Katwala, director of the immigration think-tank British Future (sic). This is another George Soros (real name György Schwartz) front organisation – according to its own website, one of its funders is Open Society Foundations (Soros). Other ‘usual suspects’ include Unbound Philanthropy, founded by Hawaiian multi-millionaire William Reeves, which helps finance International Rescue Committee, headed up by David Miliband until recently. Other financial backers include the European Commission and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Remember: when someone is promoting immigration, look for the big money.
Toady: Nick’s extremely lucky he didn’t get punched in the face by some irate Russki who final lost patience with him. Nick had a little list of Russian ‘transgressions’ which he trottet out with mind-numbing repetitiveness on R4 this am. It interspersed with endless Grenfell coverage.
So when I say Nick was droning on with the same old, same old, that’s only when the radio was on. It was off for most of the time; there didn’t appear to be any news.
I can’t understand why he’s not taken it down already. Surely someone will have taken him aside and told him it’s possibly actionable? Unless he is now so confident in his Teflon coating. And maybe he would be right.
My use of the English language was never terribly good, but shouldn’t that read “The Californian band say they were paid one tenth of what a male artist performing on the same festival bill received”?
But then again I’m not paid a six-figure salary, so what do I know?
Incidentally, who on Earth are they – hardly a household name? Also who was the male artist? It might have been someone mega-famous.
The usual BBC tripe by the look of it.
I read the BBC headline that this girl band was ‘paid 10 times’, maybe for 10 festivals, and each time they were paid less than a male artist. How much less isn’t stated. They may have been paid 1p less on 10 separate occasions.
All this equality crap will result in is crap unknown bands like Haim won’t be invited back if you have to pay top billing rates to everyone.
What next? “A homeless man near Canary Wharf given 1 million times less money than a man working in Canary Wharf”
I’ve used Google and another search engine that apparently doesn’t filter results in the same way and got the same result. Haim (who? I swear to God I’ve never heard of them…….until now) won’t reveal which festival (but it was in Australia so anyone who really cares could probably narrow it down) or who the other artist was. I did read that they were told they weren’t being paid much and the reason given was that they’d get radio play. And they fell for that, idiots. Even bands hacking round on the pub circuit don’t fall for the “I can’t pay you but you’ll get exposure” line. They deserve not to get paid for being so stupid.
Of course they now have the “right” type of exposure courtesy of the bbc, but having wasted data listening to one song on YouTube I’ll save you all the trouble of doing the same by telling you they sound exactly like they look. Generic and doubtless adept at copying whatever vocal idiosyncrasy or musical motif other artists are using in their popular music until the fashion changes again.
Of course there are other possibilities, and the novel concept of engaging in any form of investigative/basic journalism could have thrown up actual information. As it is it looks like a cut and paste from other news outlets which in turn are probably a cut and paste from the bands publicity agent. That’s PR then, not news.
So anyway, how did the band get from California to Australia? By plane? In First Class? Did they pay or did the organisers pay? Did the unnamed male artist have other expenses that had to be paid for? Did the male artist have a bigger backing band comprised of top line session guys? Because if he did then he wasn’t pocketing the entire 10 times more fee, he would be paying his band and crew. And top session guys who’ve spent years studying and grafting to get to the top will expect and be worth premium payments because they show up and deliver. You know, merit, that thing that gender baiters like the bbc don’t like to mention. And if he didn’t need travelling expenses then fair play, give him the plane ticket money that Haim were given
The whole story is drivel and the fact that they’re unwilling to name both the festival and the male star who was paid more also shows they don’t have the courage of their convictions or backbone to stand up and be counted. Hashtag metoo and all that. If it happened as they say and they believe they deserve it then lay out the full story
For my part I’m willing to believe that they went on as a 4 or 5 piece with an idiot backing band too stupid to ask for decent money and the following act was a household name with a 10 piece band who whipped the crowd into a frenzy and all needed to be paid. And going by the amount of detail in the bbc story there’s nothing there to say I’m wrong.
R4. A female writer (Lionel Shriver) has criticised Random House’s diversity quotas..she was dropped from the judging panel for a writing competition run by magazine Mslexia
The Random House woman clearly can’t argue her point and Shriver seems quite focussed and merely saying quotas are wrong…the MSM have attacked her…didn’t take what she said in context…attack, shame she isn’t a BAME she would have been safe
Apparently publishing is full of White men…and this needs changing…hmm There are more female writers than male.. and so now it’s the BAME quota…whole point Shriver was making ..judge on quality not ethnicity or gender
Now racism in football…Jesus.. How does the BBC shoehorn race and gender into every subject…
In my humble white male opinion, the likes of the BBC actually stoke these issues creating more division…
Was awake early enough today to do the whole of the TODAY Prog but the OFF switch has been utilised a lot. In fact I woke so early that I heard the embargo-breaking news that Hectare has won a gong in the BBC Obesity* Awards.
As I have listened to only fragments of TODAY, there will be no TOADY Watch. However, do not despair TOADY Watch fans.
For those of you who are also fans of Global Warming and Climate Change and Pollution, more of it is coming to you, soon, thanks to FIFA and Her Majesty’s Government. FIFA have agreed to make dignitaries, officials, broadcasters, teams and spectators travel the length and breadth of the north American continent for the 2026 World Cup. HMG are lifting a cap on the recruitment of doctors and nurses from outside the EU. When they wish to go home on holiday or for family events like weddings, funerals, etc., they will travelling world-wide instead of just across the UK.
Those poor old Antarctic penguins. They will be up to their ears in seawater and freshwater. Shame! All drownded. Gorn and lorsst! Poor mites. Dead, deceased. No more. They will all have run up Mt. Vinson to sing with the Krill Eternal.
For those of you who are NOT fans of Global Warming and Climate Change and Pollution, I have even better news. If ever you needed (yet) more evidence that the whole AGW/CC/pollution thing is highly dubious (to put it mildly) then it is right there in today’s news.
Benefits all round, brought to you from a TOADY Prog that I hardly listened to. Thanks, BBC.
Up – there I was depending on you to do the toady watch as I decided to have an al beeb msm free day in respects to commemorating those who died kicking the argies out of our Falkland Islands which is celebrated today .
I’m going to see if I can get into the habit of minimising exposure .
If I remember correctly our nuclear submarines are instructed to seek out Radio 2 if they lose contact with Blighty to see if the UK has finally been destroyed by some followers of the R O P
It’s a horrible thought to thing they might have to listen for the Jeremy Wine show . Above the call of dooty.,
The 5am news bulletin on the World Service was abysmal.
First we hear Einstein wrote something racist a hundred years ago. The taboo on racism is relatively modern so this news is akin to reporting ‘grass was green.’
Then a story about an Australian army unit displaying a Nazi flag on a tank about ten years ago or something. They had a reporter on the scene of course, though anyone in London with an internet connection could ‘report’ on it. Do they not think it might have been a joke? Dark humour is common amongst men and especially in the military. It seems far more likely than the coming of the Fourth Reich; I think we might have heard something or other about Australia burning down their parliament, putting homosexuals in death camps and plotting world domination had the Nazification of their country ensued.
When you have to travel back in time decades and cross the globe to find incidents which support your ideology do you not think maybe you have it all wrong? They are obsessed with racism, sexism, the ‘Far Right’ etc though in reality these are phantom problems.
But wasn’t Einstein the cleverest man of the 20th Century? What if he was – gasp – correct in some of his views, even if poorly expressed by modern standards? Many socialists, including the Fabian Society and people such as HG Wells and George Bernard Shaw, had similar views: they were the people who initially promoted Eugenics and they did so partly out of fear of the ‘brown and yellow hordes’.
But in answer to the question – “How can they call this news?” – they can’t, because it isn’t, it is crude propaganda. Consider the ultimate sentence of the Einstein article: “But the words were written before he saw what racism could lead to in America and Germany – a country he had effectively fled.” This seeks to ascribe moral equivalence to racism in two very different societies. Racism in American resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, restrictions on civil liberties for black Americans for several generations, and a general unkindness towards those who didn’t fit the WASP profile. Racism in Germany expressed itself in the systematic attempt to exterminate millions of people on spurious racial grounds (Jews in particular), and to wage war and kill tens of millions of others (Slavs) by also categorising them as untermenschen. There was a very clear difference in purpose, scale, implementation and consequences.
I used to watch the weather on Points West at one point, only thing the BBC was sort of useful for.
But now as the World Cup is here, will be forced to see the hideous Lineker….got a Anna Soubry picture to punch, will help with my blood pressure.
This is an academic question and worrying that our Government are even considering a foreign set of laws entering the UK … the simple answer is NO … but we tolerated the question.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
What’s on the Grenfell Chanel tonight ?
9pm BBC2 Before Grenfell : A hidden history
10:30pm BBC4 Black and British with David Olusoga
11:30pm BBC1 Don’t Deport Me I’m British (repeat)
10:30pm Channel 4 British Muslim entrepreneur Kazi Shafiqur Rahman
what is he a pimp, drug dealer or kebab shop money launderer
I forgot to say
9pm BBC1 Dimblerby bashing Russia
11:15pm BBC2 Frankly Byle bashing Russia
an hour each
The daily politics and prime minister’s question time,nothing on trump/kim summit.If it was obama it would be very different.
The new “Despite Brexit”?

The way Brexit is heading appears to be we will get the very softest of brexits, all depending on what soubry and grieve allow the Tory party to win.
This pair, along with a handful of Tory remoaners are dictating what’s to be allowed and what the conditions will be. (I know, it’s because of the Tory/dup numbers)
I know it’s all part of how Parliament works but how can it be right when these few traitors can overrule 17.4 million voters.
Also, I hope all the labour voters are watching their party vote against Brexit even though they supported it in their manifesto.
We keep getting fooled by these gobshites in parliament don’t we. More fool us I suppose.
My UKIP vote never seems to count for anything.
Nobody represents me.
Emmanuel ,
We won’t be leaving the reich EU in actuality . We will pay for the Reich EU to carry with federalism and we will take a constant kicking from the French and krauts .
People who were brexiteers will be fed up , give up and leave it to Clegg and co to pretend we have left .
With an incompetent remainer PM how could it be any other way. It has shown the political class to know better than the electorate and that actual politics has no connection to us . Very sad .
I`m more optimistic.
1. I voted to leave, all things after 30.3.19 are up for grabs. Their laws don`t and won`t apply unless we say so.
2. May and Soubry are Party Functionaries. They are now, will never be National Spokeswomen for anybody but liberal shills and party windsocks. That they disregard 17.4 Million votes means that their democratic credentials mean nothing. I voted to leave the EU, not for a church mouse or a pisspot.
3. The European Union will collapse and I for one will have great fun refusing things unless Commonwalth and Brexit led…Guinness NO! Tim Martins Thatchers cider? Yes.
Time we really made hay with the Europimps. They live among us and we`ve been patient too long.
Hoping our fans will sing “We Want Tommy Out” at every game.
Tommy Robinson in a tank to Downing street please.
As they appear tired of democracy, might as well show them a military coup and install a benevolent dictator.
As our MPs want us to be good Europeans we need to learn three words of French:
a la lanterne.
Tommy Robinson in a Securicor van to a Midlands prison today, apparently.
I’m not the fighting kind but I wouldn’t oppose a coup and summary execution of the long list of traitors that people have been collecting. I’d even contribute to a fund to provide a people’s army to extirpate these bastards.
Watched PMQs – the comrades from the SNP did what they always seem eager to do – disrespect the UK parliament .
Are 4 million Scots voters . That is the population of 16 London Borough north of the Thames . Back in the box methinks .
Al beeb is claiming 1000 people have joined the snp this afternoon . God how al beeb loves the SNP
Even though the English pay for Al beeb via people still paying their damn tv tax
“SNP MPs walk out of PMQs in ‘Brexit power grab’ protest”
The problem with Brexit?
The Prime Minister is a Remainer . Why on earth did the Tory Party select her as their leader ?
Watching those pretentious snp idiots at their little stunt today, the blistering windbag pushing to get ejected from the house, then followed out by what can only be described as a special needs group.
The odious Cherry and her 2 mates waddled out looking like the before part of a slimming advert.
Surprise surprise the media was all set up and ready to spread the shite, bbc at the forefront.
Up to Scotland and amazingly Sturgeon instantly available for interview.
bbc breathlessly report 1000’s of new snp party members this afternoon alone. Made up shite.
‘Select her’ ?
They didnt.
For reasons best known to themselves, all the others stood down.
Ledsom being the last.
Exactly. Do these politicians think the EU issue will go away once they pretend to leave and think they’ve fooled us? There will be a new Farage and the whole game will start again.We can only hope in the short term the Soubrys and Umunas etc get whats coming to them at election time. We voted OUT and not a little bit out.
scotlands voice must be heard is the snp cry
what about the 17.4million their voice is never heard
I assume the Trump way would be to give Scotland an immediate binding referendum and in the event of a leave vote carry that out in 6 months maximum.
Borders, customs the lot and no second chances.
Take it or leave it time really.
I’ve decided to impose a 24 Hour msm News blackout myself because of a certain anniversary on Thursday – and it’s not because it’s the 36th anniversary of the freeing of Port Stanley from the argies .
Better for the old blood pressure rather than watching snowflaking exhibiting false vicarious grief . I hope our nice maxi gets plenty of material for his/ her 3am cut and paste patrols …. x max
Thankfully the evening standard is leading with the real reason why someone left something called ‘Love Island’
Guy has made quite an accusation here.
Now, will the bbc ‘investigate’ abuses of power, or go the ‘one degree of separation’ route and just quotecwhat suits?
Guest, looks like the pressures getting to Verhofstadt. He conflates Europe with the EU and the liberal democracy to which he refers does not resemble any recognisable democratic process within any if the European states that I can see. Rather, it is a ideological creation imposed upon the peoples of Europe by unelected commissars, sometimes in place of their own elected government to further the globalist cause.
Given the fractious state of the EU at this time, this admonishment is reminiscent of a first officer berating a cleaner for not swabbing the deck hard enough as the titanic goes down.
Look North
– Woman find she can’t have a British passport
Her Polish mother had split up with her British father, so his name doesn’t appear on her birth certificate. Thus she is classed officially as Polish not British. Labour MP is brought on to be outraged, but I don’t see the difference from when there was a Labour Gov
You have establish citizenship somehow either by document or by DNA, otherwise every illegal would claim to be British.
They’ve offered her the Polish to British by citizenship route costing £1,500
– They never mention, but she has a flat face and Chinese type eyes.
– Next Brexit stirring by doing a vox pop
I am sick to f*****g death with the bbc, Sky and Channel Snore referring to gimmiegrant chancers as refugees.
Can I take it you are not best pleased Alex ?
It’s a shame when BFFs fall out.
Or, maybe, not.
I don’t like berkow and hope he steps down as promised but I thought he dealt with the SNP
Theatrics very well today . He used every charm he has – very oily – but very effective . Let’s hope the snp stay out until after summer . And don’t get paid .,
At least the SNP antics undermine the nonsensical claim that the UK parliament has not ceded any sovreignty or legal powers to the EU. If no powers had been ceded, their would be no powers to repatriate. Strangely,, the SNP were not bothered when the EU was excercising these powers over Scottish fishing etc, but are vexed when they are about to be exercised by the UK parliament. At least the Scottish parliament wants to increase its power, a sensible thing for a national parliament to do. The UK parliament, however, is desperate to give away the powers that the British people want to return to them. This is essentially treason – to enhance the powers of a foreign entity at the expense of the UK parliament so reducing the autonomy and sovreignty of the British people. You just have to laugh when people like Soubry claim that it is a profound love of country that move them to undermine Brexit by ensuring that a minimum of powers are repatriated.
Solid post.
Yep agreed
I’m confused. I’ve just seen a news crew filming an alleged paedophile outside court, but no police officers came out and arrested the reporter for breach of the peace, nor did they march them off to court and imprison them the same day.
Oh well it must have been because the accused was a white middle aged man, namely Jonathan King.
That pesky BBC Decimal Point has struck again.
The 7pm BBC Radio 4 News Bulletin wished to scatter some Anthropogenic Global Warming fear among its listeners. To do this, they have found ‘some scientists’ to claim that the ice in Antarctica is melting faster than evvvaahhh. It is contributing to global sea level rise of 0.6 of a millimetre every year.
There are some scientists who dispute that Antarctic ice is disappearing overall (every year chunks fall off and it snows hard and ice re-forms elsewhere on that continent) and ‘some’ who dismiss claims of significant sea level rise. 0.6mm would fall into the Not Even Enough to be Insignificant category but whatever.
There are ‘some other’ scientists and observers who generally agree that ocean level rise proceeds at about 6mm annually, It seems even that is not enough to wash that pesky BBC Decimal Point upwards to its rightful position.
“Sea level rise due to Antarctic ice melt has ‘tripled over past five years” : CarbonPants
Lead item on R4 8pm News :’Ice loss in Antarctic is rising , 300billion tonnes per year causing sea level rise’
…Well by how much?
cos we don’t notice any sudden 3ft rise etc.
Last WUWT report
\\Disappeared: Tide gauges showing negative absolute sea level rise removed from data base//
By 9pm it was 5th item “200bn tonnes loss, 0.6mm annually , 3 times faster than 2012”
OMG in 10 years that’s 6mm and in a century that’s 6cm
We’re doomed, We’re doomed,
So that pesky BBC Decimal Point has afflicted you, too, Stew!
Oh, no!
We really are doomed if Stew has stewed his dimensions in that BBC soup.
Ah yes @Up2 I hadn’t seen you post
They definitely said 0.6 mm
0.6cm does seem more ball park, but as WUWT points out you just can’t trust what they say , cos they remove inconvenient data from the databases.
Stew, I looked at the Wiki page ages ago and did a post on here at a time when Horrorbin, together with a friend of mine, were in a flap over sea level rise.
The numbers there from memory (I haven’t re-checked) were that 6mm figure. That was why I laughed when I heard the 7pm News bulletin. Think I have seen more than one dispute over that 0.6cm figure and Paul Homewood’s excellent site has covered the subject at least once this year. Cannot remember the content of that Thread but may search if I have time.
It is the third time in the last three to four weeks that the BBC have got their decimal point in the wrong place. I still haven’t heard anything from the BBC about that amazing NHS funding claim. I am currently busy trying to get them to get their Radio iPlayer working again.
This right here is why the bBBC’s gender neutral bullshit will never work…especially not whilst importing rapists!
I heard on sky news (another beauty) whilst trashing the Korea meeting, the news reader said that Trump has achieved nothing as not 1 nuclear missile has been destroyed yet.
Just heard that Tommy has been moved to a 71% muslim occupied prison.
He was kept awake all night by them yelling death threats at him.
There is only one reason they would move him there and we all know what it is.
It’s on a comment on the jailed paedo’s article in Breitbart, about 10 down if sorted by ‘best’
Worrying if true.
A death sentence.
I saw this in a comment on Breitbart, EG, from Coombes Larry.
“Sorry, I need to put this up here.
BREAKING NEWS – UK establishment decides, in essence, it can kill Tommy Robinson by proxy:…
TOMMY Robinson has reportedly been moved to a Midlands prison which has a 71% Muslim population.
Sources have told Politicalite that the prison he has been moved to is in the Midlands, reportedly to a prison in Leicester.
Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars also added: “Inmates were banging on cell walls last night shouting death threats.”
According to PJW: “Protests were ignored. Tommy now fears for his safety.”
Not yet been confirmed, mind.
I am assuming that the establishment believe that after the protest last Saturday everything has gone away and Tommy can now ‘disappear.’ It also means the establishment believe that political assasination is the way to go.
What the British do about this… I wait to see.
[Interesting as it indicates the UK establishment are so confident of victory that it can proceed with killing those that stand in the way… They are NOT listening…]”
End quote.
I tried the link in the comment but it refuses to load, maybe someone doesn’t like it.
I’ve seen this report, which includes word by Paul Joseph Watson. If it is true and if Tommy is injured or, I pray to God it doesn’t happen, he is killed, I think for Tommy’s supporters this will be a line that should not have been crossed and the rules will change. The judge, the police, the prison guards, the press and significantly the muslims are going to pay.
A lot of people, ( a helluva lot more than ‘they’ are bargaining on ), are watching and waiting, with smouldering resentment, rising anger, dry as a parched forest in Arizona, just waiting to see where and when the spark will fall.
As we all know, the majority of forest fires are caused by human carelessness about the consequences of ill thought out actions !
As with other aspects of this case, and other cases, there seems a concerted effort to distract by getting into counting contests of angel numbers on pinheads.
For me there is one main point, so far almost all but ignored by the ‘establishment’, from politicians to judiciary to media, perhaps because confronting it sees a shaky house of cards fall down.
And that is how respect for the law has plummeted because the law has been corrupted into multiple tracks based on political meddling. Vague laws are bad laws, and laws interpreted differently to suit are recipes for disaster.
All I know is that, for the ‘offence’ being airily waved in justification by luminaries right and left, if an actual nomark thug was treated like this, everyone from Shambli to Owen Jones would be nailing themselves to the railings of Westminster and the staff of The BBC would be holding a forecourt die-in to protest and released and given a few mill as a sorry.
But because he is not one of them, and has exposed what they dare not in all their cowardice and venality, rather than address the actual crimes they have focussed all their efforts to getting him out of sight and preferably got rid of ASAP.
Tweets from Tommy’s colleague appear to confirm.
Caolan Robertson on infowars
Raheem has confirmed this now on Facebook.
Kill him or break him – To them it matters not and sends a message to us too. I expect our fine upstanding Vicars daughter PM maybe also sees him as unfinished business.
Maybe we have all got “our gal” a bit wrong, perhaps when she was little instead of having a tea set and playing with dollies in the wendy house, I wonder whether she was more interested in pulling the legs off spiders and decapitating hamsters.
Imagine it “sorry mummy the hamster has escaped again and I cant find his head anywhere” Mummy says -” I dont know what you do with them dear thats the seventh one this week!”
Deeply worrying . If it wasn’t so serious the existence of a political prisoner in the UK might be a case for Amnesty International . Perhaps President Trump can doba back channel to May .
If tr is harmed within the care and control of HM prison service the situation willl become a grave one as others are saying here.
I think they are seeing how far they can push us, If we react then thats the excuse they need to break us – if we dont react then that is surrender.
I think if we do react we at least better make sure that these bastards get the bloody nose they deserve.
Its funny to think how back in the eighties I would read books like A day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch and think that could never happen here – yet it is.
I’m guessing the easiest for the State would be for TR to top himself or die from a heart attack for a condition no one detected -.very rare.
There is a track record for this – such as a certain doctor who upset Blair and went for a walk and didn’t return
Yes or the guy who put the bacon sandwich outside the mosque and died in prison of a drug overdose. Nothing suspicious the police said conveniently ignoring the fact that, well, it’s a prison and is meant to be a controlled environment. Hence the idea of dying from a drug overdose because there is an overabundance of available drugs in a prison is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.
BBC Radio 4.
“”If things fall apart””
“”Radio 4’s new five-part drama, First World Problems, imagines a (dis-)United Kingdom sinking into a bloody civil war some time in the near future. “”
Absolutely nothing to do with Brexit gloom and doom, I’m sure.
Hang the DJ….
Hang the Business Editors…doesn`t scan but we could try.
Morrissey sang that, great guy!
We want Tommy Out
Justice must be seen to be done
.. welll except in the district courts small claims,
The rules say the judge can just exclude the public and they generally do. So sue the judge, oh you can’t do that anyway.
See the top comment
I understand that a number of labour types have gone against the comrades and voted prob reichEU by staying in the EEA
I’m a bit disappointed with JRM these days . Where’s the fight? The test for leaving the ReichEU is very simple . If the uk is still within the jurisdiction of the ReichEU court then we are in the EU. If not we are out in accordance with the referendum vote .there cannot be compliance to the four freedoms but there can be horse trading – with the exception of movement of labour . If the Reich wants a border in Ireland they can build it . And we can watch it being blown up
I too pray for Tommy.
But they really would be VERY foolish indeed if a hair on his head is threatened.
We are in this for the long haul, our persecutors and oppressors need to realise that we`re not biting to their news cycles.
There`s a rolling boil coming up, as they say “the revolution will not be televised”. But there will be one.
I`m not going to be in a care home, explaining why I let the likes of Prescott, Soubry, Clegg and Kinnock decide how free the likes of Tommy , you and me were allowed to be.
Reagan did say that every generation is only a generation away from slavery-how the hell did we let THAT happen?
And are we all still so shit scared that we`re scared of fat “Early Doors” blobs of PCSOs with bad nail varnish and a pad full of crime numbered letterheads?
anyone still a tory voter??
I like to think my MP is a conservative and also a brexiter – IDS – but they don’t seem to be putting the likes of soubry in their place and get them out of the party for not supporting manifesto promises .
As an aside – the number of London killings is now at 75 but no one notices … my end of year prediction of 130 is on track . The emir is worried about gender issues on wiki. Amazing . Must go down well with families of the dead .,
“anyone still a tory voter??”
Yes my mate essexman.
Although he has not posted here since Cameron resigned, unless he has changed his nomenclature?
Anyone ever see maxi, or essexman, or even scotty? In the same room?
No. Nor would wish to.
Keith Vaz may have.
Does neb wedi’u gweld nhw gyda’i gilydd.
Holly –
I think they calculate that if they do it during the World Cup no one will notice .
I have always been a firm believer in the rule of law, and consider Tommy was highly foolish to give the authorities the excuse they needed to lock him up.
However… if something happens to him, with State connivance, then it is clear THEY do not believe in the rule of law. At that point, all connected with his imprisonment become, in my view, fair game.
And no, no-one will believe for a second any stories about drug overdose, natural causes or tragic accident.
Seems we have come to roughly the same realisation at the same time, I regret to say.
Let’s but forget, the state has done it at least once before; I believe they allowed, perhaps encouraged, the muslims to kill Kevin Crehan.
\\ The Mammal Society has produced a report on the risk of extinction of British Mammals, in which it seems to put “climate change” at the front of the list of risks to mammals, ahead of loss of habitat, pesticides and road deaths.
But I see no examples of “climate change” on that page. //
\\ It is interesting that in what I think is the actual report, “climate change” is low down the list of factors, and in one case is given as a possible beneficial effect (milder winters).
Yet on the web page, and of course the BBC, it is given as the first factor with negative effect. //
Click to access MAMMALS-Technical-Summary-FINALNE-Verision-FM2.pdf
Just watched David Dumbleby on Putin on Bbctv1. Would never have guessed his line, of course, he’s such a fine, balanced journalist-you simply never can tell.
Anyway, turns out Russia is run by the renamed KGB and terrible things happen there: people are taught patriotism and to love the Motherland.
Even more shocking, Putin is encouraging the Russian Orthodox Church and -brace yourself- follows Christian teachings himself.
Most shocking of all , he is encouraging Russians to have large families, because of previous depopulation trends. Surely he knows there is a vast reservoir of people in Africa, Middle East etc etc to import? What on earth is he thinking?
There is an appalling lack of dedication to virtue-signalling here.
We shall have to do something to warn President Trump. He apparently wants to let this monster and his country back into the G7. Small wonder ms Merkel is shocked.
PS Keep away from Russian MSM, they are all in cahoots with the state. Well, I never!
Fake – I don’t watch Dimbleby programmes but I wonder if he did a shocked face when he realised the gru/ kgb runs Russia and the oligarchs serve at the the pleasure of the system .
Big country – comparatively small population ( 140 mill?)
Not that strong so busy on undermining enemies like us .
Undermining by sending Muslims our way and knowing that soft liberals will aquiesce on false human rights grounds whilst the indigenous population suffers ( eg raped white children ) – see oxford sentences today – average 12 years – plus the cunt who got life .
I actually spared you the most harrowing part, Fedup: in Putin’s Russia the police can apparently snatch their citizens off the street, chuck them into jail without a proper trial, and can keep them in goal for up to fourteen hours! I shouldn’t be at all surprised if we learn the Russian media are then told not to report any of this. Dumbleby said the place was autocratic!
Seems, if they don’t like your face, zap -you’re done.
What a place this Russia is. And guess what? They have the cheek to call themselves a Motherland, when they haven’t even got wimmin running the place!
” in Putin’s Russia the police can apparently snatch their citizens off the street, chuck them into jail without a proper trial, and can keep them in goal for up to fourteen hours! ” Rings a bell……………
This will become an increasing UK police modus in the UK.
G- Glad someone saw through my clumsy sarcasm!
‘Increasing p. modus…’ Hard to believe that we are actually talking about Britain. When I was studying Politics in the distant, gloomy past, we had a name for states using this modus. Can’t -as yet- bring myself to go beyond the abbreviation, p.
So much for my great predictive powers. But then, my lecturer would be even more surprised…
We were using the UK as a model for Freedom.
We have Tommy Robinson in jail.
Sort of thing that the Soviets used to do to THEIR dissidents.
So we`ll need no smugness from the BBC, Tass didn`t report what was happening to Sakharov, any more than the lefty BBC etc won`t report on why Tommy is inside.
We now get people in Chile and Argentina wondering about our refuseniks and dissidents online. How bad have we let things go without avenging ourselves?
I can see the President abandoning Western Europe and letting what comes come. If that means Russia exerting hegemony then why should the US care?
Twice in the 20th century the US came to the aid of Europe and rebuilt it and for what. Snide insults and moaning. When it was still the economic centre then it made sense but now that has shifted east what has Europe to offer? Picturesque cities and the remains of a civilisation.
Which the people are no longer willing to defend.
Russia will defend what is left . It was always it’s historic destiny .
I agree. The G7 revealed what squabbling children we are and you can see Trump and the US rightfully beginning to regard us with contempt.
They offer military protection while many in Europe shirk the cost of building their own protection and then spend their time protesting against their protector.
The US will pull away from us and it will be our fault and rightful punishment for our arrogance and hubris.
Trump needs to let us fund our own defence, the Americans have let us sponge off them for too long.
They don`t like Trump-so he needs to help out his new friends, Italy and New Europe-whci should bring down the EU pronto. He also needs to clear the UN leeches out of the Big Apple.
Let them celebrate their virtues in Manila or Rabat, use the UN buildings to house their own “dreamers” .
So what are our Metrolib new colonial masters at Woman’s Hour promoting now ?
5 tweets today about Jo Cox
This continued ridiculing of Trump over North Korea is doing my nut in, it really is.
How can the media and intelligensia be so far removed from the world that they cannot see that Trump’s attitude and treatment of Kim is just how normal switched on people would act.
When Kim is talking shit and trying to bully the US with talk of nuclear war, you don’t need some spineless cuck backing down. You need someone to apply the stick, to forcefully remind the little pipsquek that you don’t push people around and if you do you’ll be utterly destroyed.
Once you’ve set the parameters that you aren’t a mug and ‘you ain’t gonna take no shit’ you apply some pressure and wait. And then when Kim comes crawling over, you give him a little carrot. You encourage him to play nice and you show him the world that he’s missing out on.
You’re friendly but firm, you trust but verify and this all makes clear sense.
But the buffoons and stuck in the mud imbeciles in the media just cannot or will not see it. Like some hysterical child wailing at the sun they refuse to see reason or to decipher rationale. They have their world order, their vision of how the world should be in their image and anyone disagreeing with that needs to be destroyed for the heresy they preach.
This straight talking approach which shouldn’t be called ‘new or different’ but rather sensible and pragmatic is exactly what is needed. Language that indicates intention, rhetoric that has a goal. We haven’t had it in the UK since Mrs T left office and Trump is shaking up the world for approaching the world with that clear drive and unfiltered angle that we so desperately need.
I mean, god, it’s so refreshing and I’m so envious of the US having a leader so willing to battle for his people and his country. Just imagine if he was handling Brexit for us.
No soft appeasement, no gentle language to combat the endless negativity. Lord no. Our achievements would be shouted from the rooftops, our voice heard across Europe and our declarations of being ripe and ready for business clear to everyone.
He’s not interested in rule books, doing the right thing by others and observing routine because that’s how it’s been done for years and we don’t want to upset anyone. He’s there for a mission to represent his people on the world stage and achieve the very best for them in everything that he can.
I know it was a catchphrase but there can be no doubt that he really is Making America Great Again. They are kicking arse economically, they are taking numbers diplomatically and they are once again reasserting that they are the big player on the world stage.
The US is racing off into the distance and whilst our weak minded politicians ingratiate themselves with purple hair internet activists, this country is going to be left flailing in their dust with our equally contemptible European ‘allies’.
Good for the US and good for Trump for showing us what a desperately sad and pathetic state we have turned into. My faith in this country and our future is seriously faltering.
Sorry for the rambling rant.
Don’t be sorry. That is exactly the right tone. Look at Mrs May and weep.
The President is reordering the world and it is truly astonishing. Nothing like it in my lifetime except possibly Mr Gorbachev bring an abrupt end to the USSR.
The USA can do it because it is that powerful and potentially far more so. Maybe the new Rome and about time it exerted it’s real potential. It seems that since the 70s the US forgot what an amazing place it is .
The myth is still there that the EU is some form of rival. In their dreams .
Not only Gorbachev. Don’t forget the input of that other US president who many (on the left naturally) considered to be senile, one Ronald Reagan.
Great point. I remember at the time the constant put downs of Reagan, the spitting image caricature, how he was old, a buffoon, bossed around by Mrs T and didn’t have a clue what he was doing.
Yet much of that was bullshit. He played a masterstroke with the ruskies and scared them to the table with his star wars programme (which he never actually titled that).
Good posts by Payne & Dave S above, although I think you may both have a slightly premature roseate view of President Trump. Time will tell but so far, I enjoy the way he is making many of the corrupt Left eat crow, as ‘the cousins’ say.
Behind my vote to Leave the EU was the desire to be free of the constraints and restraints of membership and for our political leaders and Civil Servants to start serving the UK once again rather than advantaging others at our expense.
I think that is why so many Parliamentarians and Civil Servants are against Brexit: they are going to have to work a lot harder and deliver more and do it a lot better than during the last forty-five years.
It is a sobering thought that this – – was nearly twenty years ago. I wonder how many straight A* indigenous UK teens are turned away from our medical schools today? I wonder how many extra training places in the UK are available for potential doctors and nurses compared to eighteen years ago?
I wonder if our leading public service broadcaster will now be interested in doing some investigative journalism on that subject?
I wonder …….
I hear what you are saying Up2Snuff but the vision of the civil service and elite as portrayed in Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister seems so true.
Nobody wants to implement Brexit because it’s too much hard work. No one wants to listen to the people because they might suggest things that go against the stifling, oppressive order that works in their favour.
That is why I like what Trump is doing. He isn’t perfect but he’s shaking shit up and approaching things in a refreshingly unique style.
Am with you there, Payne.
Am old enough to remember MaggieT from pre-Election right to the end. She promised much, delivered far, far less, also shook things up but in the end left us with a different mess and a mess of about the same size (maybe larger?) than the one we had before. I still mark her as one of the most successful PMs of my political lifetime at 5/10 but please bear in mind no-one else gets above 5 and several have achieved minus scores.
President Trump? On just the ‘quakes’ (of a good kind – mostly) from his first year and a half, he’s looking good. Time to evaluate will be in 2021, whether he wins a second term or not.
Will the BBC run the slide rule over former-President Obama’s two terms in office in the near future?
I wonder …..
I was born in ’71 so don’t remember the hated days of taking peoples milk (not actually true) but do remember her stoic defense of the Falklands, her no nonsense bullshit (which at the time was okay to be rather sexistly described as handbagging people), her resilience against Scargill and the unions and the feeling that she really had a desire to get the best for the UK at her core. Remarkable woman in my opinion.
As for Trump he speaks a similar tone but for a different time – if that makes sense – and I guess we’ll have to see but from what I hear, he is on the right track.
I can’t imagine the Beeb will ever analyse Obama’s two terms unless it’s to explain how the economic success that Trump is enjoying is all down to his hard work.
Yes, I agree DaveS. They are reminding themselves of what they can be. Just such a shame that we aren’t taking the opportunity that was gifted to us to ride their coat tails.
Well said Payne – I am afraid under the likes of Theresa and Co we seem to have turned into a nation of Tofu eating surrender monkeys.
Spot on summation Oaknash.
Commercial break on Salvage Hunters on Quest+1 so I caught the start of the World Cup 2018 Preview on bBbc1.
Mockney rapper, female drummer, dodgy rhymes, like a Benetton ad on speed, every cliched box ticked, trying too hard for too long. Lineker, Shearer and Jenas nope, back to Drew and T for me.
The first game I’m interested in is on Friday, Portugal v Spain, which is on the bBbc. Thankfully I’ve got about 50 other options through Kodi so that’s the bBbc World Cup coverage for me over before it’s started.
Apparently after spending a £1000 000 000 pounds of taxpayers money on the Galileo project the UK is not being allowed to be involved anymore . That should be enough to withdraw from the Reich Eu without any agreement and see how they get on trying to get their stuff through the tunnel .
‘…….be enough to withdraw from the Reich Eu WITH a Refund…..’? Say, £40 billion or so………….. Hang on though, that sum just happens to balance another……………
It’s rare that the first round games are any good as you never feel that there is any pressure and everyone is just coasting for a draw.
“Brexit: MPs reject bid to stay in EEA amid Labour revolt”
This is what Oliver Cromwell said of a Rotten Parliament……………….
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653
Yes , In the name of God, go!
History repeats its self.
I am very surprised that Al beeb didn’t pick that one up ?
I’d personally prefer the Guy Fawkes approach………….
“Haiti bans Oxfam GB after sexual misconduct scandal”
Our government wastes our money on Foreign Aid while so called charities takes the rest .
Isn’t about time that charity began at home .
Before I imposed a news blackout on myself I saw a feature on al Beeb about the plight of those caring for the elderly at home. Unusually for al Beeb the report was true – that the elderly coming toward the end of their lives are being treated shamefully whereas the state can still find 13 billion each year to spend on foreigners .with or without Brexit this criminal waste has to be stopped.
Grenfell anniversary today so a good chance for the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation to wield their agenda for a change. I have given up on radio 4 and cannot take the news seriously at all. It’s like when the Wizard of Oz turns out to be a munchkin. They sound serious and it all looks so slick and professional but at their core they are devious bastards. Glory be to God emperor Trump for standing up to the liberal cry bullies who have ruined our countries and betrayed their people.
I should not have to watch Trump’s entire press conference in Singapore to know what really happened. We should be able to trust the BBC – it costs enough. Watching it for myself it was like seeing a great Real Madrid team in their prime, whilst the lying Beeb made out it was like Accrington Stanley.
BB – I heard a bit of it myself listening to Radio Grenfells, Toady programme. Apparently we are to be treated by the Government to a one minute silence to commemorate and remember the same bloody thing that Radio Grenfell commemorates every bloody day!
Might be difficult for Toady employees keep on silent on this one a subject which they never stop talking about.
Still I suppose its another excuse to get out the candles and teddies.
Our weak Goverment has allowed this sad event to be whipped up into a mawkish circus, which is still hungry for political scalps and has turned our leaders into frightened crybabies, running around in circles.
And do you know what – I just dont bloody care any more!
I for one won’t be silent at any time for Grenfell..
I am just tired of listening to the reverence given to all those that died – it was a sad and tragic accident – but contrary to BBC propaganda I doubt they were all saints and heroes… let their families grieve but don’t ask me to wallow in some pretentious virtuous signalling parade..rant over…
It’s heartening to me to know I’m not the only one who is sick to death of hearing about bloody grenfell. It’s the norm with the lefties to overcompensate when it’s anything to do with ethnics.
If I never hear the word grenfell again or see another ethnic emoting about it, it will be too soon.
The decline of the Today programme is stark. There was a big song and dance about the new editor being a woman. The fact that she is not up to the job is all that I care about; they must be haemorrhaging listeners.
Me either.
Looks like Big “Zuu” likes talking a “Big” load of bollocks.
Looks like Big “Zuu” likes talking a “Big” load of bollocks.
Andrew O’Hagan’s extensive article of Grenfell reads as being well-researched.
His section on ‘The Aftermath’ is well-worth reading and describes something of which the BBC should be truly ashamed, namely using the tragedy as a whip against their favourite bad people, regardless of the truth.
Andrew O’ Hagan describes how the people working for the local authority including the police did what one would expect of normal human beings, i.e. working above and beyond their usual duties, yet, to the BBC they are just part of the evil uncaring local authority, agent of the evil uncaring ‘Tory’ government.
If you read nothing else skip though to ‘The Aftermath’ – it just doesn’t align with what the BBC told us but it rings far more true.
The EU Article 13 has been quietly passing everyone by it seems. Like net neutrality it is the elitists attempt to control the Internet, the last bastion against establishment media like the BBC.
Dave Cullen has posted good videos on the subject, his latest video:
No suprise the left-wing establishment in the EU/US are trying every little thing to control the Internet. After all once they control the Internet they are the Borg, all resistance is futile. At least the US has Trump who will hopefully fight against net neutrality. We have nothing.
Don’t forget the law passed by parliament that will lead to the blocking of porn websites to everyone in Britain. The law is due to take effect by the end of this year, and the British Board of Film Censors will have the role of internet porn censor. I understand it will be possible to get around this blocking by using one of these virtual private network things, which I am going to look into in the coming months.
As an aside, I once tried to look at Motorheads website and my company vpn blocked it because it came under the category of porn. Probably a topless shot or something in there.
So how easy will it be for the boundaries of what is and isn’t pornography to be “redefined” thus blocking out legitimate sites from view?
I used to work in the IT sector, all I will say is use ‘tor’ and ‘duckduckgo’ You won’t get all the sexy features of Google/MS, but you will have your privacy. Of course ‘tor’ has links to part of the Internet you might not want to go, although not sure the so called ‘dark web’ is real if I’m honest.
As for Motorhead, well the classic three have sadly passed away, but must be playing a great gig in heaven so…
Yes, DuckDuckGo is the one I used. It’s strange as I’m not especially politically active but using it throws up very different search results to Google
I use duckduckgo and Tunnelblick, (PC thinks I’m in Washington DC today) OEO, a hangover from the days when my son, Threebi used to download things that tended to upset George Lucas.
Might be that we have to use duckduckgo and tor to read the news. Remember reading Fahrenheit 451, and 1984 at school. Never thought it would come to this…maybe soylent green is the future??
Soylent Green, one way of combatting the burgeoning OAP “epidemic”. Just have to make sure it’s halal.
Sadly Mr Heston is no longer, nor is our right here in the UK to defend ourselves.
Not watched the so called UK ‘news’ regarding the US/NK summit, but I’m guessing Sopel is having a heart attack?? But here is Mark Dice taking the piss out of the US equivalent of the BBC/Labour axis.
Remind me of a US president who got a Noble prize for peace for doing completely f**ck all??
A US president who subsequently boasted about being good at killing people.
Apparently 6 members of the shadow Cabinet resigned last night –
But according to the Biased BBC, this is not ‘newsworthy’ –
That is hilarious – can you imagine if it was the Tories…The BBC are still trying the get the spin in the will be something like
Brexit causes chaos –
At 9.55 pm last night I read about the Labour resignations on the Daily Mail website. 10pm BBC1 News, top story was that Mrs May was still in trouble, I think number 2 story was the SNP walkout and thrid story was probably the football but to be honest I cannot remember. But somewhere among it all, as an aside, was the BBC mention about the difficulties for the Labour front bench. I was so disgusted that I turned over – it was Live at the Apollo on BBC2. It was some very gay comedian (which would have been fine if he had been funny) whose language was foul. And he was political (I cannot remember exactly how but as a guess it was either pro Jeremy or anti Trump). I just switched off.
BBC News Channel piously rams the Grenfell anniversary down our throats this morning.
With all due respect to the victims and their relatives, this is clearly being treated as rather more significant a media event than the sum of its tragic parts might ordinarily warrant.
This is in fact what President Obama and his political fellows would term a “teachable moment”
From Wiki: “A teachable moment… is the time at which learning a particular topic or idea becomes possible or easiest”
So listen carefully, viewers, they’re about to teach you what to think.
It is teaching me to switch off….no wonder R4 are losing so many listeners…
Amber Warning!
The BBC London weather forecast seems a little disappointed we’re not in the path of Storm Hector. Mind you, we’re warned that leaves and small branches (I read that as twigs) could be dislodged from trees.
I’ll watch out for that.
Rob does not do irony. If anyone points out where the bbc is in error, he can always block them, get complaints to say they got it about right after sitting on it for six months, and the Trust to ban them for two years.
Remind me; is the bbc never prone to getting things wrong yet leaving it up?
Meanwhile Anthony is mixing up the TDS by looking for relatives of people around him.
Anthony also has a scoop… of a scoop.
Maybe the WH can just hire an army of anonymous drones who intone ‘we think it was got about right’?
According to the BBC website, “The government is to relax immigration rules to allow more non-EU skilled workers into the UK.”. This is to address the shortage of doctors and nurses in the NHS, as it is a cheaper solution than investing in recruitment, training and retainment in the UK (no, they don’t bother to mention the causes as that would get in the way of the emotions). There is also a nod towards allowing more ‘IT experts’ from the (presumably) Indian subcontinent – there might be tens of thousands of unemployed IT consultants and contractors in the UK, but Indian interns are cheaper (and no, they don’t mention that either).
The BBC manages to include a quote from Sunder Katwala, director of the immigration think-tank British Future (sic). This is another George Soros (real name György Schwartz) front organisation – according to its own website, one of its funders is Open Society Foundations (Soros). Other ‘usual suspects’ include Unbound Philanthropy, founded by Hawaiian multi-millionaire William Reeves, which helps finance International Rescue Committee, headed up by David Miliband until recently. Other financial backers include the European Commission and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Remember: when someone is promoting immigration, look for the big money.
Bbc again making those tricky editorial decisions based on … er… ‘time and space’?
Luckily Nick is there for the nation. Sporty guru him. Hopefully not tweeting daft opinions instead of ‘news’.
Toady: Nick’s extremely lucky he didn’t get punched in the face by some irate Russki who final lost patience with him. Nick had a little list of Russian ‘transgressions’ which he trottet out with mind-numbing repetitiveness on R4 this am. It interspersed with endless Grenfell coverage.
So when I say Nick was droning on with the same old, same old, that’s only when the radio was on. It was off for most of the time; there didn’t appear to be any news.
Nick does respond it seems. Sometimes.
“Quick… 2018 going badly… let’s go waaay back…. “
Bbc analysis of this will be interesting, assuming they have space, time… and a vague notion assertions need to be supported.
I can’t understand why he’s not taken it down already. Surely someone will have taken him aside and told him it’s possibly actionable? Unless he is now so confident in his Teflon coating. And maybe he would be right.
Does Guy Verhofrothingstadt have diplomatic immunity?
Unelected God Emperor Privilege?
In a way this serves to highlight a pretty key aspect to why so many voted Leave.
The only unelected person worthy of that privileged title, is James Delingpole. The honour was bestowed upon him, years ago.
Guest, not dissimilar to our friend ID & Co., post-Salisbury. 😉
California Dreaming. Has Emily M flown out again yet?
My use of the English language was never terribly good, but shouldn’t that read “The Californian band say they were paid one tenth of what a male artist performing on the same festival bill received”?
But then again I’m not paid a six-figure salary, so what do I know?
Incidentally, who on Earth are they – hardly a household name? Also who was the male artist? It might have been someone mega-famous.
The usual BBC tripe by the look of it.
I read the BBC headline that this girl band was ‘paid 10 times’, maybe for 10 festivals, and each time they were paid less than a male artist. How much less isn’t stated. They may have been paid 1p less on 10 separate occasions.
All this equality crap will result in is crap unknown bands like Haim won’t be invited back if you have to pay top billing rates to everyone.
What next? “A homeless man near Canary Wharf given 1 million times less money than a man working in Canary Wharf”
I’ve used Google and another search engine that apparently doesn’t filter results in the same way and got the same result. Haim (who? I swear to God I’ve never heard of them…….until now) won’t reveal which festival (but it was in Australia so anyone who really cares could probably narrow it down) or who the other artist was. I did read that they were told they weren’t being paid much and the reason given was that they’d get radio play. And they fell for that, idiots. Even bands hacking round on the pub circuit don’t fall for the “I can’t pay you but you’ll get exposure” line. They deserve not to get paid for being so stupid.
Of course they now have the “right” type of exposure courtesy of the bbc, but having wasted data listening to one song on YouTube I’ll save you all the trouble of doing the same by telling you they sound exactly like they look. Generic and doubtless adept at copying whatever vocal idiosyncrasy or musical motif other artists are using in their popular music until the fashion changes again.
Haim is a Jeremy Vine favourite, he wets himself everytime he gives them some free publicity. Maybe he finds them (sexually) attractive?
Of course there are other possibilities, and the novel concept of engaging in any form of investigative/basic journalism could have thrown up actual information. As it is it looks like a cut and paste from other news outlets which in turn are probably a cut and paste from the bands publicity agent. That’s PR then, not news.
So anyway, how did the band get from California to Australia? By plane? In First Class? Did they pay or did the organisers pay? Did the unnamed male artist have other expenses that had to be paid for? Did the male artist have a bigger backing band comprised of top line session guys? Because if he did then he wasn’t pocketing the entire 10 times more fee, he would be paying his band and crew. And top session guys who’ve spent years studying and grafting to get to the top will expect and be worth premium payments because they show up and deliver. You know, merit, that thing that gender baiters like the bbc don’t like to mention. And if he didn’t need travelling expenses then fair play, give him the plane ticket money that Haim were given
The whole story is drivel and the fact that they’re unwilling to name both the festival and the male star who was paid more also shows they don’t have the courage of their convictions or backbone to stand up and be counted. Hashtag metoo and all that. If it happened as they say and they believe they deserve it then lay out the full story
For my part I’m willing to believe that they went on as a 4 or 5 piece with an idiot backing band too stupid to ask for decent money and the following act was a household name with a 10 piece band who whipped the crowd into a frenzy and all needed to be paid. And going by the amount of detail in the bbc story there’s nothing there to say I’m wrong.
R4. A female writer (Lionel Shriver) has criticised Random House’s diversity quotas..she was dropped from the judging panel for a writing competition run by magazine Mslexia
The Random House woman clearly can’t argue her point and Shriver seems quite focussed and merely saying quotas are wrong…the MSM have attacked her…didn’t take what she said in context…attack, shame she isn’t a BAME she would have been safe
Apparently publishing is full of White men…and this needs changing…hmm There are more female writers than male.. and so now it’s the BAME quota…whole point Shriver was making ..judge on quality not ethnicity or gender
Now racism in football…Jesus.. How does the BBC shoehorn race and gender into every subject…
In my humble white male opinion, the likes of the BBC actually stoke these issues creating more division…
Was awake early enough today to do the whole of the TODAY Prog but the OFF switch has been utilised a lot. In fact I woke so early that I heard the embargo-breaking news that Hectare has won a gong in the BBC Obesity* Awards.
As I have listened to only fragments of TODAY, there will be no TOADY Watch. However, do not despair TOADY Watch fans.
For those of you who are also fans of Global Warming and Climate Change and Pollution, more of it is coming to you, soon, thanks to FIFA and Her Majesty’s Government. FIFA have agreed to make dignitaries, officials, broadcasters, teams and spectators travel the length and breadth of the north American continent for the 2026 World Cup. HMG are lifting a cap on the recruitment of doctors and nurses from outside the EU. When they wish to go home on holiday or for family events like weddings, funerals, etc., they will travelling world-wide instead of just across the UK.
Those poor old Antarctic penguins. They will be up to their ears in seawater and freshwater. Shame! All drownded. Gorn and lorsst! Poor mites. Dead, deceased. No more. They will all have run up Mt. Vinson to sing with the Krill Eternal.
For those of you who are NOT fans of Global Warming and Climate Change and Pollution, I have even better news. If ever you needed (yet) more evidence that the whole AGW/CC/pollution thing is highly dubious (to put it mildly) then it is right there in today’s news.
Benefits all round, brought to you from a TOADY Prog that I hardly listened to. Thanks, BBC.
Thanks for nothing.
* a.k.a. BBC Food and Farming Awards
Up – there I was depending on you to do the toady watch as I decided to have an al beeb msm free day in respects to commemorating those who died kicking the argies out of our Falkland Islands which is celebrated today .
I’m going to see if I can get into the habit of minimising exposure .
If I remember correctly our nuclear submarines are instructed to seek out Radio 2 if they lose contact with Blighty to see if the UK has finally been destroyed by some followers of the R O P
It’s a horrible thought to thing they might have to listen for the Jeremy Wine show . Above the call of dooty.,
Sorry, Fed. Can’t do a piece on what I haven’t listened to although, come to think of it, that would be very BBC.
I used to be a TODAY addict. But today, no need for any cold turkey, not a twitch from the hand, as I turned the OFF switch.
Food for thought, that lack of need for cold turkey and me & the BBC.
The 5am news bulletin on the World Service was abysmal.
First we hear Einstein wrote something racist a hundred years ago. The taboo on racism is relatively modern so this news is akin to reporting ‘grass was green.’
Then a story about an Australian army unit displaying a Nazi flag on a tank about ten years ago or something. They had a reporter on the scene of course, though anyone in London with an internet connection could ‘report’ on it. Do they not think it might have been a joke? Dark humour is common amongst men and especially in the military. It seems far more likely than the coming of the Fourth Reich; I think we might have heard something or other about Australia burning down their parliament, putting homosexuals in death camps and plotting world domination had the Nazification of their country ensued.
When you have to travel back in time decades and cross the globe to find incidents which support your ideology do you not think maybe you have it all wrong? They are obsessed with racism, sexism, the ‘Far Right’ etc though in reality these are phantom problems.
How can they call this news?
But wasn’t Einstein the cleverest man of the 20th Century? What if he was – gasp – correct in some of his views, even if poorly expressed by modern standards? Many socialists, including the Fabian Society and people such as HG Wells and George Bernard Shaw, had similar views: they were the people who initially promoted Eugenics and they did so partly out of fear of the ‘brown and yellow hordes’.
But in answer to the question – “How can they call this news?” – they can’t, because it isn’t, it is crude propaganda. Consider the ultimate sentence of the Einstein article: “But the words were written before he saw what racism could lead to in America and Germany – a country he had effectively fled.” This seeks to ascribe moral equivalence to racism in two very different societies. Racism in American resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII, restrictions on civil liberties for black Americans for several generations, and a general unkindness towards those who didn’t fit the WASP profile. Racism in Germany expressed itself in the systematic attempt to exterminate millions of people on spurious racial grounds (Jews in particular), and to wage war and kill tens of millions of others (Slavs) by also categorising them as untermenschen. There was a very clear difference in purpose, scale, implementation and consequences.
I don’t think it is racism to intern people from a country that has declared war on you by launching an attack on a major military installation!
We herded up our Italian ice cream sellers and I don’t think that could be said to be driven by racism, rather a fear of ‘the fifth column’.
Anyone know what the weather will be like at Grenfell today? The BBC weather forecast didn’t mention Grenfell at all.
I used to watch the weather on Points West at one point, only thing the BBC was sort of useful for.
But now as the World Cup is here, will be forced to see the hideous Lineker….got a Anna Soubry picture to punch, will help with my blood pressure.
This is an academic question and worrying that our Government are even considering a foreign set of laws entering the UK … the simple answer is NO … but we tolerated the question.
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
‘Independent?’ Mona Saddiqui?
Does it hurt? Only when I laugh…
Exactly. Why is this even something that needs to be reviewed.
At the same did we consider applying Scottish or French law into England and Wales?