Forget the trivia of freedom from the EU and the search for World Peace -there are more important things – the World Cup . Oh the Diversity . Enjoy the bread and circuses.
Amazing Grace is the go to anthem now, and all the ‘theatricals’ chorus singing of candles, flowers, banners, lighting etc in the world doesn’t bring the dead back. There have been many pit disasters, ferry disasters, Aberfan, Lockerbie, and the …..
Piper Alpha oil rig tragedy where 167 souls died on 6th July 1988 – exactly 30 years ago in a few weeks time. Will it get a mention in the news I wonder, perhaps someone should Tweet those idiots in the BBC newsroom to remind them.
I think that the BBC et al were fearing that S Lawrence was becoming a bit stale after seventeen years , or however long it is, so they have now decided that Grenfell ( or whatever its called) is to become the new torch bearer for whitey bashing. It is likely good until at least 2030. Sorry to be cynical but my cynicism is based on years on Beeb practise.
Oh dear should i apologise for using the word torch? One has to be so careful these days its a problem to actually post anything without upsetting someone on the left. Mind you they upset me by just being alive.
Got home from work yesterday, the lady of the house had R2 on. Simon Mayo sneering at President Trump. Just walked in and now I’m subjected to the promotion of Nadias latest cook book. Never mind the off button for each appliance, surely it’s time for the ultimate off button for the entire organisation.
Good evening.
Just been away from the TV for a few days, turned it on tonight and what did we get? The Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation in full flow. Rita Charibati is speaking as if HM The Queen had died. Dreadful. ‘People are angry. People want answers. No justice, no peace’. What’s the enquiry for, then, eh Rita? We see that the colour green has now been appropriated by ‘United for Grenfell’. Can I wear green now and not be defined as a Grenfell supporter?
Funny thing is, up here in Northern Scotland, this story has absolutely no traction at all. The northern Scots, rather suspicious of Edinburgh and with surprisingly little anti-English sentiment, are gloriously homogenous with a proper sense of integrated monoculture, and all the stronger and better for it.
Meanwhile, proper news on the BBC news channel has been sacrificed on the Grenfell altar. One can imagine a lifetime of grievance-based victimhood beckons, supported by LeftMob, with the GBC as chief cheerleaders.
Pass the sick bag.
Shopping in Sainsbury’s at lunchtime. Come 12 o’clock there was a minutes silence for the victims of Grenfell. All the tills were closed and the staff stood around trying to look sombre. Whilst I agree it was a very tragic thing that happened, do we now have a minutes silence for every tragic event that occurs? If so, we’d have a minutes silence every day. As far as I’m concerned the only time the nation should have a period of silence is on the 11th of November.
Why didn’t you complain? i mean only A minute silence? Surely a minute for each victim – and the 75 stab killings in londdonistan . And statues – lots of virtue signalling statues.
Agree absolutely. All these minutes of silence, while well meant, dilute the original symbolism of the guns falling silent, and the special reason to honour those who gave their lives for the Country; (their tomorrows for our todays).
Did everyone in the supermarket fall silent? Even if you disagree with it you feel horrid to carry on talking. Conformity is enforced by embarrassment.
Well done Chalky, I also am partial to a bit of pc disobedience. These little acts of independent thought are important, even tho my dear, long suffering wife’s reaction to my antics now merely consist of rolling her eyes, and heading for the exit.
According to Al Beeb it was 72 seconds – one for each of the victims ! I await the 167 seconds for each of the Piper Alpha victims from 30 tears ago, or the 144 seconds (28 adults, 116 children) for the deaths of those who died at Aberfan 42 tears ago.
Do you realise that Islam is represented by the colour green? Why? Because it was supposedly Mohammed’s favourite colour. The Islamic prophet is said to have worn a green cloak and turban, and his writings are full of references to the colour. A passage from the Quran describes paradise as a place where people “will wear green garments of fine silk.” One hadith, or teaching, says, “When Allah’s Apostle died, he was covered with a Hibra Burd,” which is a green square garment. As a result, you’ll see green used to colour the binding of Qurans, the domes of mosques, and, yes, campaign materials.
In the BBC Yuniverse which, as is well known, spans every star system and many branches of Starbucks, there are near limitless divisions with grand titles, staffed by many who are paid well.
This one is new to me. I wonder where it sits in the lowerarchy? Does Mishal have a chart? It looks like it should come before ‘news’ and certainly ‘trending’, but maybe it monitors the bbc’s own trends which of course spin up what the bbc monitors.
Of course the bbc does like to create its ‘news’ fresh…
Have you or a loved one been impacted by an immigration-related separation in the US? We want to listen. Reply to this tweet or email us at
— BBC North America (@BBCNorthAmerica) June 14, 2018
1845pm : Look North does integration
Fresh from her Brexit stirring in Germany LOCAL news reporter Sarah Corker is in the Scunthorpe Muslim ghetto area reporting on Ramadam from a Muslim supermarket “£200million spending from Britain’s 4m Muslims”
(I have actually already heard the entire report on the way home cos typically such items are first played at 5:45pm on Radio Humberside)
Patronisingly explaining Ramadam and Eid the shot switches to a Muslim community centre where people are sharing a meal.
To detract away from the fact that everyone in the entire hall is male the shot suddenly switches away to a headscarf woman explaining something)
18:54pm World Cup vox pop
Stops head scarf woman and boy
“So who are you supporting in the world cup ?”
Headscarf : “Mo Salleh, LIverpool see they are connected these days”
Pres “but Liverpool are not in the world cup”
Headscarf : “Oh well Egypt then”
… How’s this integration thing going then BBC ?
Stew, I think I can explain the all-male Eid meal. About thirty years ago, Mr Hand-Basket and I attended the wedding reception of his muslim colleague at a Dewsbury community centre. The meal was in two sittings – blokes first! Luckily, this did not affect us or the other infidel guests, as we were fed in a separate room. The only contact we had with the mainly Pakistani guests was when we went outside and got chatting with a few men who’d gone out for a smoke. We didn’t speak to any women except for the bride.
Ah, the enriching joys of multiculturalism! Perhaps if the BBC lefties had a little more experience of the real thing, they might be less enthused.
"The end of the holy month of Ramadan is a time for Muslims to come together with family, friends and neighbours. It’s an opportunity for spiritual renewal." PM @Theresa_May on Eid al-Fitr
— UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) June 14, 2018
Yes … having fun …. slitting the throats of terrified animals in back yards and no go street areas. Oh what fun!
In fact blatantly breaking our Animal Welfare laws without redress. But then that is nothing as sinister as standing peacefully outside a court and reporting on a trial that no other media outlets will do.
You stupid PC blinkered woman!!!
Anyone else notice the black and white chain necklace? It’s all thought out is the propaganda, down to the last little tee.
What the actual fuck. Islam is not the state religion of this country. Why in god’s name (Christian god) do we feel it necessary to have our PM commenting/acknowledging/connecting to a ritual of a foreign religion?
So Theresa May Woman of Vision
Does 14th June mark anything Britain should remember ?
Let's not forget that today is the 36th Anniversary of the end of The Falklands War. We owe a lot to the brave men who not only wear the scars but those who sacrificed their lives for our Country.
Today In HistoryJune 15 – 1215: England
– King John put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, or “Great Charter”
…. essentially a peace treaty between him and his barons.
@ Theisland, Oh my dear God, please someone tell me that video is a fake, or some kind of mock-up. Surely, in the name of all that is holy, that did not really happen !?
Democrats after president trump. Again . And al Beeb on point god bless it. The Americans outside the liberal cities must despair. I wonder if there is. “Biased al. CNN” with hank and others bitching like do. . But I suppose at least they have Fox.
“Leading Tory rebel Dominic Grieve rejects May’s Brexit compromise”
Remember these key words…………………
“no deal is better than a bad deal”. Are we haeding for a “no deal”?
I am not going to bother listening to the report. We all know the corpse of the Euro has been kept twitching by Quantitative Easing of 60 billion euros being pumped into the dead currency every month. Plus, ludicrously, the Euro zone having negative interest rates.
Welcome to the Alice in wonderland economics of the euro.
Odd the BBC haven’t mentioned this in last 3 years.
Next time there’s a plane crash where 72 people are tragically killed, can we have endless programmes and a minutes silence about it, please?
Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 today ran his first feature on the G word. His voice slowed and dropped two octaves as he spoke of the tragedy.
His first chosen record was Toto from the 80’s playing ‘Africa’. So right on, cool and virtue signalling. I switched off only to try again. Now, the housing reporter from the Guardian was speaking re Grenfell. Not for long, I turned it off again.
I wonder how often he mentioned Tory-Cutz? The BBC/Labour/Guardian choose to forget that Labour when defeated in 2010 had emptied the financial wells and applied a scorched earth policy. But thankfully, they are still not in Government.
Just what I was thinking.
255 British troops died, including many sailors in Exocet attacks on ships and 50+ on the Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram.
What about 185 dead on the Herald of Free Enterprise? I suppose the name of the ship alone got the event crossed off the BBC radar.
Moorgate tube in about 1974? Was it 31 or 43 dead there?
How about a minute of silence for Jane Harrison GC, yes, GC, who died saving others from a plane crash at Heathrow in 1968?
And then of course, the children of Aberfan, 116 died, plus 28 adults. Caused by poor management at the Nationalised NCB. And later whitewashed by its chair, Robbins. No LeftMob ‘justice4Aberfan’, was there? One weeps for the children.
Problem is, none of the above had a left wing multiculti immigration class war story to tell. So no grievances, no lawyers, no ‘justice for (insert names here), no annual anniversary, no minute of silence.
How I admire our forefathers and utterly loathe the hypocritical left and their cosy, funded, mouthpiece, the BBC.
Grievance wasn’t an (lucrative) industry in those days, Suff, no twitter or Facebook to parade one’s caring side either, with their hashtags or profile picture changes. I think it all started with Blair and the mawkish circus surrounding the “people’s” princesses death.
The HoFE sinking and loss of life involved mainly white, Sun readers on the paper’s cheap travel offer, therefore not the kind of people the BBC would commemorate.
(I spelled grievance wrong, a and n transposed. The spell check suggested Greenpeace!)
Approximately 700,000 British soldiers were killed in the Great War. Did their relatives raise lawsuits to claim compensation? Nope. Leeches were in short supply then, and twatter/facebook hadn’t been invented.
White northern working class football supporters killed in tragic fire..
The Bradford City stadium fire occurred during an English League Third Division fixture between Bradford City and Lincoln City on Saturday, 11 May 1985, killing 56 and injuring at least 265
I don’t believe they are actually aware of this. This tragedy seems to have been swept under the carpet years ago…
I`d add Mid-Staffs too, and that poor persecuted lady, Julie Baliey.
And when Hillsborough gets its monthly airing, let`s not forget Heysel too.
The liberal and BBCs choices of preferred victims is Orwellian.
Grenfell, Duggan, Moat and Henry Vincent?
Airey Neave, Ian Gow, David Rathband and Anne McGuire?Less so.
When Stephen St. Lawrence died, after allegedly being attacked by five white youths, you spend the next 25 years claiming it was a racist attack and refer to it as often as you can. You even make documentaries to mark the anniversary of his death and refer to his parents in terms usually only reserved for the likes of Gary Lineker.
Why is it then that when this young white man is hunted down and stabbed to death by a group of black youths you fail to mention racism once?
Antarctica alarmism : Where’s @Up2snuff ? Last night June 13, 2018 at 7:50 pm he suggested “That pesky BBC Decimal Point has struck again” as the BBC talked about
“melting faster than evvvaahhh. It is contributing to global sea level rise of 0.6 of a millimetre every year.”
and @Up2snuff said surely they meant 6mm per year
Ah I see what happened it’s NOT a decimal point thing, cos the BBC actually said
“Antarctic melt is contributing 0.6 of a millimetre to global sea level rise of every year.”
ie of the 3mm measured rise they say 0.6mm is just from Antarctic melt.
(Well we all know that yes bits do melt but if you take the whole instead of cherrypicking the West A Peninsula and you consider last 20 years Ice cover has grown.)
Their page says
“Globally, sea levels are rising by about 3mm a year. This figure is driven by several factors, including the expansion of the oceans as they warm. But what is clear from the latest Imbie assessment is that Antarctica is becoming a significant player.”
They then as usual speculate at the wild end
“what we can envisage, and actually the sea-level rise we will see is 50/60cm,”
PH says actually over the longer term ” ice loss has only been contributing about 0.3mm a year to sea level rise, about an inch per century.”
and ” Given that sea levels have been rising at around 8 inches a century since the 19thC, there is no evidence that this is not a long term phenomenon we are seeing.” ie he thinks less than 20cm by 2118 is more likely NOT that 50cm
You may not that on R4 4:30pm mad alarmist Rutherford of course devoted two thirds of his show to this alarmist story.
And his guested tossed in a figure of 60 meter sea level rise , and thus lost all credibility as that is nothing to do with a 100 year time scale, but rather a 10,000 year melt down of the whole planet.
Hi Stew, “Here I am mon capitain, I will save you, I will. Brave Blurtinbittle will put his finger in the dyke of Global Warming and stoppup all the melttingge. Tee hee!” (trips on shoe-lace, falls on face in puddle) “Eeuugghh!” (pretends to be measuring level of puddle rise thanks to globbal warmingge)
I listened to that programme last night, Stew. If I understand that latest study correctly (I wonder if anyone does understand it, including the researchers – Rutherford really needed to ask two or three probing questions on that but did not – and his contributor was rather vague) it does appear that the BBC’s report of the IMBIE study as a sea level rise of 0.6mm was/is correct.
From the programme, I understood that to be not just an addition from Antarctic melt, but sea level rise worldwide. A sea level rise that is not a sea-level rise. Which would be in agreement with those scientists who claim that sea level is not rising significantly.
I think the network of satellites that provide the Antarctic measurements also measure globally. One question Adam Rutherford should have asked is about that and what is their plus/minus error in readings? Another is, is the software processing and analysing the measurements accurate, adjusting anything, interpolating, interpreting, etc., etc..
I understood the researcher last night to be effectively saying sea level rise is over. Rutherford did not comment or question.
I had a look at the Wiki page during the programme. It appears to have changed slightly but buried in the text is the 6mm per year sea level rise. A variety of claims are reported there. If the figure is 0.6mm ADDED TO THE 6mm (and more so the 6cm rise figure that some have claimed) it is neither here no there. It is a totally insignificant figure. At that point, Adam Rutherford should have asked “Have you been wasting your time and the time of everybody as well as taxpayer money with a fruitless study?”
What the IMBIE Study and last night’s programme did was add plenty of confusion and non-clarity. That is NOT scientific. The BBC article on the web-site and news reports also brought no clarity. I wonder why?
Stew, are those numbers from this reported Antarctic IMBIE study?
Is the IMBIE study therefore claiming a total of 3mm global total sea level rise from all sources? If so, that’s a new claim and a lot down on the smallest previous one and it is within the plus/minus tolerance of the 6cm one!
Since the BBC are so interested in equality……..
Why does BBC Scotland show only the weather forecast for Scotland when BBC in England shows the regional weather followed by the national weather including Scotland?
On BBC Scotland they show programme trailers when at that exact moment in England the UK weather forecast is shown !
Is this a sort of casual racism and pandering to the SNP?
Just had a listen to “In Our Time”. Some French political thinker called Montesquieu?
Not bad really. He pointed out that the judiciary, legislature and executive of a nation state had to be clearly separated out, or you get no popular democracy at all.
Very wise, good lesson.
How come then that the last words on his life and meaning are given to some Poly poppet who says that the keywords for all of this were “moderation and tolerance-especially in an era of extremism such as today”?
This is the complete opposite of what I`d heard, namely that when the law and judges get politicised and the people have no freedom, but despots and tyrants; then democracy means nothing and revolution ensues.
Melvyn Bragg didn`t correct her, but surely Montesquieus warning is about the European Union if its about anything ?
Yet the BBC and its poly dolly thought that he was fearful of attacks on Jo Cox?
Poor BBC. Compromised as ever. Pity, learned things in the 40 minutes previous, and then I learned that they can`t help themselves.
Bet the edit was even bore biased-they take out the bits they don`t like for the evening I imagine.
Ah well, let them learn the hard way. You jail Tommy Robinson and we plan revenge, Montesquieu makes that inevitable.
In Our Time was probably the last regular Radio 4 thing I bothered to listen to. I finally gave up on it a couple of years ago, not especially because of the bias (academics are going to be 99% left anyway), or because Melvyn Bragg sounds like he’s swallowing his dentures – but because it was so bloody boring!
I’d rather cut my wrists than have to listen to some of these charisma-challenged polytechnic lecturers who seem to possess zero enthusiasm for their subject.
Now and again you might get something decent on here :
I would like to do my bit for the Grenfell survivours I want to set up a Facebook page called “JFGS” jobs for Grenfell survivours. Anyone that has positions available in London can add the vacancy to the page. After surviving, what can be more demeaning than having to live off handouts. These are proud people, people that don’t want to live constantly in a society that just gives to them. The survivours want to stand proud and tall without subsidy. These people have escaped persecution and torture they want to restore their pride by working and providing for their families and not just ‘surviving” on handouts. Just look at the survivours from the blitz they too managed to survive without handouts and compensation something that the Grenfell survivours surely look too for inspiration following their unfortunate accident. So JFGS. I can see it sprayed all over the walls and headlines in the Guardian and of course BBC cameras following survivours into their first day at work showing us all a passion for dignity and survival just like the previous residents of 1941.
Just watching the result of the Lewisham by-election. Labour won, and in Janet Davey’s own words the newly elected MP said she was a woman of Afro Caribbean descent and wasn’t it time…. etc etc. We cant get away from it can we, this continual self plugging of race by people of colour. About time we had a white elected candidate who boasted of being a white and (Kentish) Anglo Saxon !
I cant sleep
Just seen another virtue signalling documentary being planned by the BBC. Following Sky News lead the BBC are making a documentary about the effect of tens of thousands of gallons of car wash waste water entering the rain water drainage system in London. The London Mayor also appears in the documentary and demands action as the chemicals discharged into the rain drainage system are causing untold damage to the eco state. Thames water also report that many of the car washes are using unmetterd sources and demand action.
Perhaps i am asleep after all…..
Nothing to do with all those third-world handwashers of cars then? There used to be machines that did that when we were part of the first-world.
I don’t know about London but the most obsessive car washers that I see are, erm, Asian. Rain, shine, drought, they are out there sloshing the water about as if it came from the sky. (I just make sure the windscreen, lights and number plates are clean).
Going to have to leave off Al Beeb for a while as they are driving me nuts. Normally I only read the main web pages but if you explore the website it’s littered with bias and agenda driven infuriating crap. Such as
The UK health tax hurting foreign nurses
FFS, if you don’t like it or can’t afford it, don’t come!
Toadry’s lead story is about how Universal Credit problems are causing problems and causing people to use food banks.
What about the tv tax? You could feed yourself for a year on that money. In the age of YouTube and freeview channels it is obscene, like being forced to pay for a prosthetic leg when you already have two perfectly functioning limbs. I would rather go to a food bank than to prison.
“I see, Mrs Jones. You want to buy some food for your children? But do you have a license that entitles you to eat? You do realise that if you do not have a food license and are caught eating, you may be fined or even sent to prison?”
Usual President Trump hatred on R5Dead early today.
They couldn’t wait to attack the American President about his Foundation, dribbling with biased innuendo bursting with spitting fury as soon as the ‘news’ started! No mention of the crooked Clinton foundation of course!
And later? Why, an in-depth interview with – wait for it – a journo from that well known Right wing publication, the Huffington Post! (still can’t work out if it was a bloke or a gal, the gabbling voice was pitched much higher than Paul Robeson’s…) Voicist? Me?
So insomnia is treated with nearly half an hour of anti-President Trump, with a finale up to the ‘news’ with six minutes of anti-Brexit twaddle! Hey bbbbc, Brexit is difficult, and you’re not paid to make it more difficult! Your opinions count for nought, you’re just supposed to report! You’re not really clever enough to do much else!
What a hated, hating crowd of lefty bores the bbbc has become, it cannot get much worse – can it?
You have to laugh that John Simpson thinks that cancelling US exercises is something that cannot be reversed, that Trump saying ‘yeah, we can stop those exercises’ is some kind of iron clad statement that can never be revoked.
If the NK’s don’t do what they say they are gonna do, he just picks up the phone and they start again.
For fucks sake John, get a grip, your immaturity and imbecility are just staggering.
It is being reported this morning that one of the restaurants in the HOC have renamed the traditional British dessert “spotted dick” after a complaint was received. It is now being called “spotted Richard”!
You couldn’t make it up!
So that’s coq au vin, prawn cocktail and toad in the hole off the menu then I suppose!
Spotted Dick? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to say if you see the head of the Metropolitan Police? Although you are more likely to see Cressida Dick than a London bobby on the beat.
Not engaging with al beeb at the moment but the by-election result In the socialist republic of lewishshamistan must be a shock for comrade Corbyn . Perhaps his bubble is burst and the charming comrade (hang the tories) Mcdonald will finally take over and kill the Labour Party .
Do you know, it suddenly occurred to me at around 11 am this morn, oh, isnt there a by-election ?
Not seen anything on’t news?
So, with a growing sense of scepticism, orff i went.
Libors all wimmin, BAME candidate managed to decimate their 21k majority down to 5k.
Oh, she’s been shoed in of course, but projected nationally its disastrous for agent Cob.
I heard that Diane addup extrapolated the result to a national win for labour of 973 seats in the commons.
The Tories took no comfort, May is dead (wo) man walking.
The vote was predictable shit for Britain First and UKIP, just about all you can expect in lewisham.
And the bbc’s blind panic, in trying to downplay it, totally predictable too.
No champagne empties rolling around their corridors today!
Justin R4.. taking to minister about Universal Credit.. Minister was clear and answered questions – unless Justin didn’t like answer – he talked over Minister and just kept pushing that the UC system wasn’t/hadn’t worked. Took absolutely no notice of the fact the figures for claimants wasn’t too bad…and given some of the people claiming ( do they speak English for one) is it any wonder some of them don’t turn up with the right information and have to wait..
BBC don’t care what the answer is – if it’s the Tory party it is bad…Not bothered that it has pushed people into work…
Waterloo station offends everybody, unless you stand under the clock, and wait for some bird to arrive, all breathless and apologetic, at which point you say…
David Miliband using his secret "nobody is allowed to interrupt me" card on Today Prog again. John Humphrys listens patiently then says thank you at the end!
Alistair Campbell always was a liar. He knows that the BBC is supine only to the crazy-left and their Islamist allies. With the left their lies are projections of what they are doing themselves. He knows his puppets at the “B”BC do exactly as he orders them, so he claims they do it for the right instead.
Plus Isobel Oakshott is just one sane voice against all their dirty gang of loony-left remoaners. Also she is easy on the eye, unlike any from the left’s sisterhood coven.
But who encouraged (encourages) the ‘sex, drugs; the boozing and gangs’, single-motherhood, homosexuality, transgendersism, swearing, rejection of moral values etc.? Clue it begins with a ‘B’.
“Imagine yourself to be a devout Muslim mother living in Britain. Imagine looking around at the sex, drugs; the boozing and gangs.”
Judging by the number of recent court cases, Marion, the above statement describes the devout, Muslim mother’s co religionists to a T!
Imagine being a non Muslim father knowing that your daughter has made a Muslim friend at school and wants to go to a sleep over… Er no thanks. Maybe then it’s for the best.
I’m sick of muslims being presented as moral, pious, and generally better than the rest of us.
I switched off the Today progs ‘Thought for the day’ this morning because it was an ‘imam’, over to Radio Cambrideshire (BBC) to someone wittering about Eid and how difficult it must be to do all that fasting etc bblah blah puke. So I had to turn that off as well and listen to my own thoughts which weren’t pretty either.
Are the MSM deliberately promoting pious islam to counter the violence and cultural jihad?
The last lot of Puritans, Cromwell’s lot, didn’t last very long. Let’s hope history repeats itself.
There are comments BTL but you can read them and contribute only if you are logged in as a subscriber. The comments are very much as would be approved of by readers of BBBC.
Yes, you’re right, there are comments. I thought that because that particular article isn’t paywalled there weren’t any comments. Sometimes you can get at the comments through Discus.
Is the subscription worth it? I buy the magazine sometimes for Rod Liddles contributions.
on Toady Nick Robinson is being his nauseating, sanctimoneos, hypocritical self. Talking to Russian students about how bad things are under Putin and how ‘careful’ they have to be with the police looking over their shoulders.
This followed on Webb phoning Tatchell in Moscow to sympathise with him for being locked up in jail overnight. As predicted on this site, the pretense that Britain is a model of freedom which locks up nobody for ‘political views’, whereas in Russia, protesting for LGBT rights (or do I have to add a Q and other stuff?) lands you in goal.
The Toady crowd are greatly irritated that Russia has the World Cup, and are going to undermine that wherever they can. We would have expected no less. But they should chuck this ‘wonderful, free Britain’ stuff – nobody other than the bbc (and the Guardian/Indpendent/Observer) believe it.
The usual myths about the Russian state being ‘homophobic’ are being peddled. Much of this stems from a fake news item published in the New York Times, just prior to the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. The ‘Big Lie’ centres around a Russian federal law, passed by the Duma in June 2013 and subsequently signed by President Putin – one supported by around 90% of people surveyed. The law has two primary purposes: (a) to prevent children under 18 being exposed to what are considered harmful and non-traditional relationships; (b) to rationalise existing legislation across the Russian Federation, which varied in places. It is misleadingly referred to in the West as the ‘gay propaganda law’; however, there are no references whatsoever to homosexuality within it (it is has been published in English for those who want to find and read it themselves). There are no laws against homosexuality in Russia, and Moscow and St Petersburg have plenty of openly homosexual bars and clubs. It is also the case that, for example, homosexuals were permitted to join the Russian military before they could do so in the USA. It is true that attitudes amongst the general Russian public are different than those in the West, as Russia is a very traditional and religious society (things on which the Middle East gets a free pass by the BBC, for example). But the idea that the Russian state is officially and legally ‘homophobic’ is simply untrue.
Whatever the legal terminology might be (non-traditional sexual relations) the meaning was clear to РОССИЯ СЕГОДНЯ ( Russia Today) when Putin signed the law.
Путин подписал закон о запрете гей-пропаганды среди детей
14:5830.06.2013 (обновлено: 15:35 30.06.2013)
ГЕЙ is simply the transcription of “gay” into Russian.
“Putin signs off law on banning exposure of children to gay propaganda”
There is a 2015 law that sees “public expressions of non-traditional sexual relations” as an “administrative legal infringement” punished by a fine and if the infringement takes place near, say, a school then there is a very short term in jail.
I should add: we drone on endlessly about our British values (which no-one ca agree on, because a new, greatly disguised authoritarian ideology has taken over- PC).
Why can’t we leave the Russians to have THEIR values? They don’t think LGBT is right for THEM. Why does the bbc want us to IMPOSE ours? Surely that is neo-Colonialism?
The ending of free speech / freedom in this country began with creating a new crime of hate speech, where one direction of racism can land a prison sentence, whereas the other direction is allowed and even encouraged.
As soon as non-violent speech became illegal it signalled the end of free speech, freedom and democracy.
Personally I hate racism in all directions but it should not be a matter for the police. If a person says something truly racist their employer has a right to sack them for bringing their business into disrepute. But it should not be a criminal act!
Police should only be called if this racist comment has led to violence or potential violence. And only those commiting the violence should be dealt with, which could include the original racist as his words may be deemed likely to cause a breach of the peace.
However, as we have this awful law it should be applied, if at all, fairly and evenly. A black person being racist against a white person is just as wrong as a white person being racist against a black person. I remember when four moslim girls beat up a white girl calling to “kill the white bitch” they were let off by a useless judge. They should have been treated the same way if it had been four white girls beating up a moslim girl shouting “kill the brown bitch”.
It was a violent act and should have been treated as such, and the racist aspect should have been treated the same as the other way. I, therefore, believe that if white people are being arrested for saying racist things then all racists should be, including imams and leading anti-semites in the Labour Party.
I think we would all agree with your views but you are forgetting that white people are the oppressors and as such deserve harsher treatment – well in the eyes of the Left and racists in the BAME arena
Thanks, Ian, I bow to your superior knowledge on Russia. I have a feeling though, that Webb, Robinson and Humphrys are not going to be interested in the facts. They’ll only get in the way of Toady propaganda.
TOADY Watch is back (cheers, groans, boos). Three presenters on the show – all men! shock, horror – questions are asked but THE QUESTIONS are NOT REALLY ASKED.
#1. Not strictly TOADY but the news broadcast itself. The Lewisham By-Election result is relegated to an also-ran position in the runners and riders. I wonder why? (Must go look at the stats behind that reduced Labour majority.)
#2. Miliband major is on to talk about Yemen. No questions asked about whether the war might end if Hudaydah falls to Government forces. Shades of Syria, which is mentioned, but no question from TOADY as to the state of affairs there. Fortunately no questions are asked of Miliband major about Brexit (cheers, applause) but he did get in a subtle dig against it (boo, hiss) – wonder if anyone noticed?
#3. The Government have wasted money on Universal Credit and it doesn’t work. No questions asked about amounts but the Government spokesman is fairly hopeless and ‘speaking from a prepared script’ so probably not worth asking useful questions, anyway, so Justin (I can’t remember Trudeau’s first name) Webb doesn’t bother and asks Labour Party questions (Corbyn-style) instead. (boos if you are a Tory, cheers if you are Alt-Left)
#4. Lord Darzi is on to ask for more taxpayers’ money for the NHS but wants to waste it on yet another reorganisation (boos, hisses). No questions asked! Lord Darzi makes the extraordinary claim that the NHS can double life expectancy this century. Either The Humph does not notice or he does not know how ridiculous that claim is but he does not challenge it. Great opportunity to sort out whether it is really an extra £54bn PER ANNUM tax requirement but The Humph ‘bottles it’. (see the neat footieball terminology introduced there – I am nothing if not up wiv da times, innit, cheeuss and loud appaluse).
#5. Football brings us all together and the World Becomes One, if not completely TWatO, thanks to fooootteeeeebaaaawwllll !!! (hurrahs all round). I note that in the 7.30am segment, a male and a female are brought on to contribute. The male is told to be brief. Time is short. He is. The female is not told to be brief. Time is long. She waffles at length and doesn’t really say much of worth.
So much for elastic time, roll on the cosmologist for Desert Island Discs.
Perhaps that is the TOADY excuse for not asking useful, well-informed, questions.
Up – glad you ve done an update on Toady .i ve been listening since the de manio days but it really is poor now and I am avoiding . The London Borough Bi election result must be giving al Beeb false hope about remaining in the Reich but the wise would right off London anyway
Fed, I remember Jack de Manio, too. I imbibed the Home Service with my mother’s milk – we didn’t have a TV then – but I left radio behind (except for contemporary music and Test Match Special) during the ‘TV is new thing’ era when one was acquired.
Came back to radio in the computer age. Couldn’t have radio on-line then, let alone live TV, but experts were predicting the latter. Thought of trying to work at a PC while also watching TV boggled my eyeballs, so radio it was.
When asked which medium would dominate and whether he was bothered about the apparent popularity and supremacy of TV, Lord Reith is reputed to have famously said “Ah, but radio can go round corners.”
As a ‘tail-end baby boomer’, I now find in old age that switching the radio off is pleasant, the peace, the quiet, is instantly soothing. I appreciate dear old BRISSLES’s situation where TV is a companion, an antidote to loneliness, and feel for her in that situation. I’m lucky in that I seem to be able to carry music around in my head, so if I’m not actually listening to the quiet and enjoying it, I can turn on a tune!
I hope you have blessed relief from your radio & TV off-switches, especially with your current B-BBC responsibilities. Cheers!
Aww thank you for your kind words Up2, but I’ve discovered that I’m not alone in the “tv for company gang”, there’s quite a battalion of us out there. Behind closed doors though, I do tend to bop around the house to the Everly Bros / Kinks/ Beach Boys et al, and then get all sensible when I put Hoagy Carmichael on in the car.
(you might not get to read this, if Feddy decides to create a Weekend thread in the next half hour )
Brissles, old thing, I realise that. I have visited a few homes for old people in my time and older people who live in their homes. The TV is usually on with one or more propped in a chair. However, I know young people who get up and immediately switch on the TV, too, or did so in the age before smartphones.
Good luck in the race to be first poster on the new Thread!
Bring back Monty Modlin, i say. I realise that he may well have passed on, but even in that state he might bring back more real humour than there is on Today at present.
Red for Aids awareness / Pink for breast cancer / Pink for LGBT awareness / Grenfell Green / yellow for mental health awareness / and now its wear purple for child abuse…… I’m wearing blue today – because I am so there !!
I Saw the exchange between sozzled soubrry and Caroline flint which was a bit of an. Embarrassing episode for Soubry . The stock value of Caroline Flint has gone up and she must be destined for a real shadow cabinet job once Corbyn and friends. Leave the scene .
When you have no country to live in because it’s been swamped by mass immigration and terrorism …. then climate is of little concern … or straws … or up skirting.
Ezra Levant: “With the approval and authorization of the family, I have undertaken to cover all of the fees of Tommy’s new legal team.
I want to maintain the confidentiality of my conversations with the family, but I will tell you how the crowdfunded money will be handled, as agreed to by the family. 100% of all proceeds will be used to cover Tommy’s legal costs.
We anticipate this will be tens of thousands of pounds. But that’s fine — this is the most important legal case in the United Kingdom. I truly believe Tommy Robinson is a kind of political prisoner, and this case touches on freedom of the press, and the increasing police restrictions on ordinary Brits talking about public issues, like Muslim rape gangs and mass immigration.
If we raise more than is required to pay the legal fees, we will give 100% of the surplus to Tommy’s family.
In my view, this family fund is very important.”
Need a break from all the depressingly PC biased nonsense in the morning news during the week? – watch ch4 10 am Car SOS and ‘calm down me dears’ Like many of the contributors on this site I too used to be an avid fan of R4,R5L and BBC News – since it slid into becoming yet another tubthumper this is no longer the case.
I note the Times front page item, underneath the great pic of HM and the Duchess of Sussex having a chuckle, where the BBC ‘stars’ haven’t really thought things through carefully enough.
HMRC accused them (and the BBC) of tax avoidance. HMRC won a Court case in which the BBC and its ‘stars’ claimed they were not avoiding tax.
Now the ‘stars’ are complaining about a fall in their incomes since the BBC was made to transfer them to the full BBC payroll.
The BBC supposed ‘stars’ are now effectively admitting their guilt.
I’m struggling not to laugh. Is a quiet smile permissible?
I really don’t know how they got away with it so long.
The rules of IR35 are pretty straightforward for cases like BBC “stars”. If you have a limited company and you invoice the BBC you apply the Master-Slave test. ie. can you choose your own working location?, can you choose your hours to work?, can you get someone else to stand in for yourself? If you answer no to most of these then you are an employee, not a contractor, and must pay PAYE. The biggest question to ask is ‘is the work you are doing exactly the same as if you were employed directly?’, if yes then you should be employed and paying PAYE.
The IR35 rules were introduced to stop employees quitting their jobs and then going incorporated and then contracting straight back to their old employer, doing the same job, saving tax. Exactly what the BBC stars have done.
Every BBC star, presenting the same show at fixed times at BBC buildings, means they are well within IR35 and should be employed and paying PAYE.
People who demand that the NHS has more money refuse to pay more money when they have enough money to live on …. Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker in Russia on a BBC holiday …. did he take his tax returns with him I wonder?
Every comment is against theBBC and calls them lefty luvvies etc.
\\ I am sure the many basic rate tax paying viewers and listeners who fund their salaries will have every sympathy with these overpaid, tax-avoiding “stars”. #metoo //
Interesting news from Germany
“Das Ende der Union? Die CSU hat Merkel zum Freiwild erklärt”
End of the Union? The CSU declares open season on Merkel
Seehofer, the Bavarian Interior minister, seems to have finally rejected the European asylum law nonsense and wants the Minister president of the federal states to have the right (Ministerentsceid) to stop asylum seekers at state borders.
The BBC in particular, along with the rest of the news media won’t let me ignore Grenfell so my apologies for raising it here again.
As has been said many times, accepting it as the tragic accident that it was seems not enough as they play the usual blame-game, not least because of the large BAME demographic of those who died. No doubt the same mawkish circus that was Hillsborough will roll on for years.
It was a headline that caught my attention: “Nation observes one-minute silence” and I thought “Uh? Did it?”. For I didn’t as I was blissfully unaware (how uncaring of me) that the “nation” was encouraged so to do.
But what really got up my nose was this:
The Evening Standard describes it as the “The touching moment when a Tube driver stops [his train] to salute Grenfell mourners”. Comments are mixed to say the least.
Sadly, I have direct experience of the transport industry and had I stopped the HGV I was driving in central London to offer my support for anything, I would now be out of a job. Apart from breaking any of the Red-Route, congestion or parking laws, I would have been hauled into the company office on my return, immediately suspended, charged with gross misconduct (for associating their livery, logo and brand with my personal beliefs) and then sacked. End of for certain, regardless of how noble the cause may seem to some.
This driver broke a fundamental rule in the RSSB Rule Book in making an unscheduled stop and not informing the signaller or line controller as is required (via in-cab radio). And such stops are only acceptable in emergency situations. And yes, the automatic block signalling would prevent a following train from running into this one but that is not the point.
But of course because it’s Grenfelll and because he is the right colour TfL aren’t bothered at all.
Transport for London said that despite some people claiming the act may have been a breach of safety protocol, they endorsed Mr Mitchell’s actions.
Mark Wild, managing director of London Underground, said: “Yesterday evening one of our Tube drivers gave a moving display of respect for people gathered to remember the tragedy’s victims. He has our full support.”
So that’s OK then. And having done business with this organisation (yes, a varied career) they are just as politicised as any London authority, staffed with no-mark Poly lefties where diversity trumps ability.
What next? “Tube driver stops train to support Al Quds rally?”. Had it been a white Anglo Saxon train driver, do you think he would still be in his job had he done so for #Freetommy?
I remember sitting in a tube train listening to three off duty drivers debating how many of their colleagues would get 3 days off on compassionate leave because they had driven over a body of a suicider – this – apparently- was the agreed remedy to the stress caused by finding out they’d driven over some one already dead .
The kind of false emotion al beeb is using for the tower block fire is just beyond belief . There is an inquiry going on . It will find that some fucked up and some didn’t. But the multicultural grief applied tobdeas foreigners is embarrassing
Good post. Imagine a white tube driver stopping like that, opening the door, and holding up a picture of Tommy Robinson.
The media would be all over him and they would be tracking down the Muslim lady sitting in the first carriage to get her to say “she feels threatened living in the UK”
White train driver stops to wave England flag..sacked, hung drawn and quartered…sorry being cynical
R4 discussion on the potential demise of Angela Merkel – she is now saying that the migration crisis needs a unified European solution – after she took a unilateral decision to start it…you couldn’t make it up..let’s hope Europe is starting to get the right politicians in place –
Just need to get shot of Macron..
That tube train episode stank of a complete setup as the sly noos cameras were right there to catch it. Grenfell grievance has turned into an industry as their is money in them there hills. A whole day of attacking the government and watching hypocritical momentum and labour retards virtue signalling for all they are worth. Take a bow the emir, stormzy, Adele and emma dent toad.
Trump at his Nobel Peace Prize Award … “I would like to accept this award …. but I won’t. It has been devalued and once there is a lasting peace in North Korea I will come back and fetch it and give it back its value. Until then, two men have started the ball rolling … that is all.” (fictional story)
In March it banned burqas and “abnormal” beards, and a month later banned Islamic baby names.
Earlier this month it was revealed that police in the region had purchased $8.7m (£6.7m) worth of equipment to analyse DNA from its citizens.
Last year, Uyghurs reported that officials were asking for DNA samples, fingerprints and voice records when they applied for a passport or to go abroad.
Kirsty and Phil roped in to front SmartMeter campaign
As with all green things , their salaries are paid by unicorns.
7:40am they were on ITV
9:30am BBC1 on RipOffBritain told us Leeds lady got a smart meter installed, and her bill doubled
* Ovo then just cut her off, so when she got back from holiday, everything in her freezer was bad *
Ovo explained that human error had switched her to the wrong plan, so that is not actually a smart meter problem.
* Bottomline ANY CHANGE opens door to problems
eg #2 Fitter can leave a gas leak & your flat burns down as shown on Watchdog
eg #3 Your existing meter may reading too slow, thus new meter pushes up bill
(Some may have meters that are too fast ..I’m wondering if those are the gains that Smart EnergyGB counts)
Phil & I are a working with @SmartEnergyGB to promote the National role out of Smart Meters, so these arrived yesterday, the boys reckon I’m the yellow one!
— ???????????????????????????? (@KirstieMAllsopp) June 15, 2018
My thoughts exactly. I heard one explanation that it’s possible to use a smart meter to gauge what time of day it’s best to do certain things. If electricity costs change through the day then fair enough but to be honest everything I do has to be done when it’s done, I can’t get my morning shower at 1.30am or watch The One Show (don’t worry I’m joking) at 3 o clock in the morning. The only people who could save imo are the type of people who leave their lights on, leave every appliance on standby, leave their mobile phones on charge unattended for 8 hours at a time etc. And those type of people aren’t going to suddenly change their behaviour of a lifetime because of a meter. I refused to have one fitted and took great pleasure in doing so as it felt like I was sticking it to the man.
Off that topic and not bbc (unless he’s still on Radio 5) but it’s a similiar thing with Moneysaving Expert Martin Lewis’s shows. The difference being that you can save money by following what he says, but once you’ve adopted his methods (shop around, research what’s out there) nothing else he says is particularly “new”.
They don’t help you do anything, other than allow others access to your energy consumption, with the eventual ability to report back, and limit your usage, perhaps enforcing external control of certain electrical devices. That’s why the government is very keen to promote the scheme, and you can bet your boots that at some time in the not-too-distant future, they’ll become compulsory.
The one plausible example I heard, is there was one naive female journalist who filled her kitchen with powerful halogen lights, and a smart meter helped her see that was a significant part of her leccy use.
Anyone else would know that if you have 2,000 watts of light running then then that is 20-30p an hour , but also cos halogen throws off a lot of heat her heating is having to work less hard.. so turning them off will push your heating bill up.
There is also a significant health risk with Smart Meters, transmitting EM radiation in the form of pulses of microwave radiation to a base station up to thousands of times a day or more. Unlike mobile or wifi, you won’t be able to switch off a Smart Meter in your own home and will be subject to its effects if your neighbour has one installed on an adjoining wall.
*Say no and tell everyone you know not to get one!!*
—”‘Smart’ Meters can expose the body to between 160 and 800 times as much microwave radiation as a mobile phone. This can be 600 times the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety standard which in itself is extremely lax. […] Public ‘Health’ England has stated that no testing of UK ‘Smart’ Meters has been carried out and will only be done, incredibly, “as the technology is rolled out”.
I have a little experience of electrical generation, having been a shift control engineer for over 30 years. Electricity tariff prices change every half hour, depending on the time of day (peak periods) and the plant on line to supply that demand.
An ordinary meter knows what energy you have used, but not the time it was used. SM’s know what time the energy was used and if this was in a high tariff period, meal times or something good on the telly, you will be billed accordingly.
Domestic users without SM’s have their tariffs averaged out between the day tariffs and what used to be the much cheaper after midnight tariff. This was in the days when the UK had “running reserve”, before we started closing stations (and selling the transformers, etc. to Germany) to reduce our CO2 emissions, putting all our faith in wind power.
I look forward to the first cold winter with a blocking anti cyclone over the UK, power cuts will be the least of it, the price of electricity will go through the roof. SM’s are not intended to save you money, There is not one industry, company or business on the planet would welcome or even encourage a reduction in profit and cash flow.
If yo want to know the real reason for SM’s look no further than the UN’s Agenda 21 which has been eagerly embraced by the EU and melon charidees.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina? This article is more than 5 years old…
JohnCMar 4, 10:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The answer to all these BBC headlines phrased as questions is always ‘No but we wish it was yes’.
Amazing Grace is the go to anthem now, and all the ‘theatricals’ chorus singing of candles, flowers, banners, lighting etc in the world doesn’t bring the dead back. There have been many pit disasters, ferry disasters, Aberfan, Lockerbie, and the …..
Piper Alpha oil rig tragedy where 167 souls died on 6th July 1988 – exactly 30 years ago in a few weeks time. Will it get a mention in the news I wonder, perhaps someone should Tweet those idiots in the BBC newsroom to remind them.
I think that the BBC et al were fearing that S Lawrence was becoming a bit stale after seventeen years , or however long it is, so they have now decided that Grenfell ( or whatever its called) is to become the new torch bearer for whitey bashing. It is likely good until at least 2030. Sorry to be cynical but my cynicism is based on years on Beeb practise.
Oh dear should i apologise for using the word torch? One has to be so careful these days its a problem to actually post anything without upsetting someone on the left. Mind you they upset me by just being alive.
Got home from work yesterday, the lady of the house had R2 on. Simon Mayo sneering at President Trump. Just walked in and now I’m subjected to the promotion of Nadias latest cook book. Never mind the off button for each appliance, surely it’s time for the ultimate off button for the entire organisation.
Amol the merrier?
Good evening.
Just been away from the TV for a few days, turned it on tonight and what did we get? The Grenfell Broadcasting Corporation in full flow. Rita Charibati is speaking as if HM The Queen had died. Dreadful. ‘People are angry. People want answers. No justice, no peace’. What’s the enquiry for, then, eh Rita? We see that the colour green has now been appropriated by ‘United for Grenfell’. Can I wear green now and not be defined as a Grenfell supporter?
Funny thing is, up here in Northern Scotland, this story has absolutely no traction at all. The northern Scots, rather suspicious of Edinburgh and with surprisingly little anti-English sentiment, are gloriously homogenous with a proper sense of integrated monoculture, and all the stronger and better for it.
Meanwhile, proper news on the BBC news channel has been sacrificed on the Grenfell altar. One can imagine a lifetime of grievance-based victimhood beckons, supported by LeftMob, with the GBC as chief cheerleaders.
Pass the sick bag.
St. Patrick’s Day may have to be banned to avoid disrespect and confusion.
Shopping in Sainsbury’s at lunchtime. Come 12 o’clock there was a minutes silence for the victims of Grenfell. All the tills were closed and the staff stood around trying to look sombre. Whilst I agree it was a very tragic thing that happened, do we now have a minutes silence for every tragic event that occurs? If so, we’d have a minutes silence every day. As far as I’m concerned the only time the nation should have a period of silence is on the 11th of November.
Why didn’t you complain? i mean only A minute silence? Surely a minute for each victim – and the 75 stab killings in londdonistan . And statues – lots of virtue signalling statues.
The plot is surely lost .
Agree absolutely. All these minutes of silence, while well meant, dilute the original symbolism of the guns falling silent, and the special reason to honour those who gave their lives for the Country; (their tomorrows for our todays).
Did everyone in the supermarket fall silent? Even if you disagree with it you feel horrid to carry on talking. Conformity is enforced by embarrassment.
To be honest I was shooed away from the self checkout till by a member of staff. so left my shopping and walked out.
Well done Chalky, I also am partial to a bit of pc disobedience. These little acts of independent thought are important, even tho my dear, long suffering wife’s reaction to my antics now merely consist of rolling her eyes, and heading for the exit.
According to Al Beeb it was 72 seconds – one for each of the victims ! I await the 167 seconds for each of the Piper Alpha victims from 30 tears ago, or the 144 seconds (28 adults, 116 children) for the deaths of those who died at Aberfan 42 tears ago.
Do you realise that Islam is represented by the colour green? Why? Because it was supposedly Mohammed’s favourite colour. The Islamic prophet is said to have worn a green cloak and turban, and his writings are full of references to the colour. A passage from the Quran describes paradise as a place where people “will wear green garments of fine silk.” One hadith, or teaching, says, “When Allah’s Apostle died, he was covered with a Hibra Burd,” which is a green square garment. As a result, you’ll see green used to colour the binding of Qurans, the domes of mosques, and, yes, campaign materials.
People are angry. People want answers. No justice, no peace
Oh so different to the Manchester bombing then when we mustn’t look back in anger.
In the BBC Yuniverse which, as is well known, spans every star system and many branches of Starbucks, there are near limitless divisions with grand titles, staffed by many who are paid well.
This one is new to me. I wonder where it sits in the lowerarchy? Does Mishal have a chart? It looks like it should come before ‘news’ and certainly ‘trending’, but maybe it monitors the bbc’s own trends which of course spin up what the bbc monitors.
Of course the bbc does like to create its ‘news’ fresh…
1845pm : Look North does integration
Fresh from her Brexit stirring in Germany LOCAL news reporter Sarah Corker is in the Scunthorpe Muslim ghetto area reporting on Ramadam from a Muslim supermarket “£200million spending from Britain’s 4m Muslims”
(I have actually already heard the entire report on the way home cos typically such items are first played at 5:45pm on Radio Humberside)
Patronisingly explaining Ramadam and Eid the shot switches to a Muslim community centre where people are sharing a meal.
To detract away from the fact that everyone in the entire hall is male the shot suddenly switches away to a headscarf woman explaining something)
18:54pm World Cup vox pop
Stops head scarf woman and boy
“So who are you supporting in the world cup ?”
Headscarf : “Mo Salleh, LIverpool see they are connected these days”
Pres “but Liverpool are not in the world cup”
Headscarf : “Oh well Egypt then”
… How’s this integration thing going then BBC ?
Stew, I think I can explain the all-male Eid meal. About thirty years ago, Mr Hand-Basket and I attended the wedding reception of his muslim colleague at a Dewsbury community centre. The meal was in two sittings – blokes first! Luckily, this did not affect us or the other infidel guests, as we were fed in a separate room. The only contact we had with the mainly Pakistani guests was when we went outside and got chatting with a few men who’d gone out for a smoke. We didn’t speak to any women except for the bride.
Ah, the enriching joys of multiculturalism! Perhaps if the BBC lefties had a little more experience of the real thing, they might be less enthused.
Yes … having fun …. slitting the throats of terrified animals in back yards and no go street areas. Oh what fun!
In fact blatantly breaking our Animal Welfare laws without redress. But then that is nothing as sinister as standing peacefully outside a court and reporting on a trial that no other media outlets will do.
You stupid PC blinkered woman!!!
Anyone else notice the black and white chain necklace? It’s all thought out is the propaganda, down to the last little tee.
What the actual fuck. Islam is not the state religion of this country. Why in god’s name (Christian god) do we feel it necessary to have our PM commenting/acknowledging/connecting to a ritual of a foreign religion?
So Theresa May Woman of Vision
Does 14th June mark anything Britain should remember ?
Today In HistoryJune 15 – 1215: England
– King John put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, or “Great Charter”
…. essentially a peace treaty between him and his barons.
@ Theisland, Oh my dear God, please someone tell me that video is a fake, or some kind of mock-up. Surely, in the name of all that is holy, that did not really happen !?
Democrats after president trump. Again . And al Beeb on point god bless it. The Americans outside the liberal cities must despair. I wonder if there is. “Biased al. CNN” with hank and others bitching like do. . But I suppose at least they have Fox.
“Leading Tory rebel Dominic Grieve rejects May’s Brexit compromise”
Remember these key words…………………
“no deal is better than a bad deal”. Are we haeding for a “no deal”?
Taff Maybe that lawyer can reread the Tory manifesto he signed up to or go Join The snp .
Headlines that must hurt the BBC to write, Number 01:
“Pound up as euro sinks on ECB move”
I am not going to bother listening to the report. We all know the corpse of the Euro has been kept twitching by Quantitative Easing of 60 billion euros being pumped into the dead currency every month. Plus, ludicrously, the Euro zone having negative interest rates.
Welcome to the Alice in wonderland economics of the euro.
Odd the BBC haven’t mentioned this in last 3 years.
Given the problems in the Eurozone and EU, the euro should be trading lower than the cowry shell, SS!
Next time there’s a plane crash where 72 people are tragically killed, can we have endless programmes and a minutes silence about it, please?
Jeremy Vine on BBC Radio 2 today ran his first feature on the G word. His voice slowed and dropped two octaves as he spoke of the tragedy.
His first chosen record was Toto from the 80’s playing ‘Africa’. So right on, cool and virtue signalling. I switched off only to try again. Now, the housing reporter from the Guardian was speaking re Grenfell. Not for long, I turned it off again.
I wonder how often he mentioned Tory-Cutz? The BBC/Labour/Guardian choose to forget that Labour when defeated in 2010 had emptied the financial wells and applied a scorched earth policy. But thankfully, they are still not in Government.
Today marks the anniversary of the end of the Falklands War 1982.
More military personnel lives lost than lives lost at Grenfell.
Why not spend the day talking about that BBC?
We know why.
Just what I was thinking.
255 British troops died, including many sailors in Exocet attacks on ships and 50+ on the Sir Galahad and Sir Tristram.
What about 185 dead on the Herald of Free Enterprise? I suppose the name of the ship alone got the event crossed off the BBC radar.
Moorgate tube in about 1974? Was it 31 or 43 dead there?
How about a minute of silence for Jane Harrison GC, yes, GC, who died saving others from a plane crash at Heathrow in 1968?
And then of course, the children of Aberfan, 116 died, plus 28 adults. Caused by poor management at the Nationalised NCB. And later whitewashed by its chair, Robbins. No LeftMob ‘justice4Aberfan’, was there? One weeps for the children.
Problem is, none of the above had a left wing multiculti immigration class war story to tell. So no grievances, no lawyers, no ‘justice for (insert names here), no annual anniversary, no minute of silence.
How I admire our forefathers and utterly loathe the hypocritical left and their cosy, funded, mouthpiece, the BBC.
The lawyers’ speeches stick in my mind. Made one wonder whether much of this is really about the commemoration of the dead at all…
Grievance wasn’t an (lucrative) industry in those days, Suff, no twitter or Facebook to parade one’s caring side either, with their hashtags or profile picture changes. I think it all started with Blair and the mawkish circus surrounding the “people’s” princesses death.
The HoFE sinking and loss of life involved mainly white, Sun readers on the paper’s cheap travel offer, therefore not the kind of people the BBC would commemorate.
(I spelled grievance wrong, a and n transposed. The spell check suggested Greenpeace!)
Approximately 700,000 British soldiers were killed in the Great War. Did their relatives raise lawsuits to claim compensation? Nope. Leeches were in short supply then, and twatter/facebook hadn’t been invented.
White northern working class football supporters killed in tragic fire..
The Bradford City stadium fire occurred during an English League Third Division fixture between Bradford City and Lincoln City on Saturday, 11 May 1985, killing 56 and injuring at least 265
I don’t believe they are actually aware of this. This tragedy seems to have been swept under the carpet years ago…
I`d add Mid-Staffs too, and that poor persecuted lady, Julie Baliey.
And when Hillsborough gets its monthly airing, let`s not forget Heysel too.
The liberal and BBCs choices of preferred victims is Orwellian.
Grenfell, Duggan, Moat and Henry Vincent?
Airey Neave, Ian Gow, David Rathband and Anne McGuire?Less so.
A question for the BBC.
When Stephen St. Lawrence died, after allegedly being attacked by five white youths, you spend the next 25 years claiming it was a racist attack and refer to it as often as you can. You even make documentaries to mark the anniversary of his death and refer to his parents in terms usually only reserved for the likes of Gary Lineker.
Why is it then that when this young white man is hunted down and stabbed to death by a group of black youths you fail to mention racism once?
Antarctica alarmism : Where’s @Up2snuff ? Last night June 13, 2018 at 7:50 pm he suggested “That pesky BBC Decimal Point has struck again” as the BBC talked about
“melting faster than evvvaahhh. It is contributing to global sea level rise of 0.6 of a millimetre every year.”
and @Up2snuff said surely they meant 6mm per year
Ah I see what happened it’s NOT a decimal point thing, cos the BBC actually said
“Antarctic melt is contributing 0.6 of a millimetre to global sea level rise of every year.”
ie of the 3mm measured rise they say 0.6mm is just from Antarctic melt.
(Well we all know that yes bits do melt but if you take the whole instead of cherrypicking the West A Peninsula and you consider last 20 years Ice cover has grown.)
Their page says
“Globally, sea levels are rising by about 3mm a year. This figure is driven by several factors, including the expansion of the oceans as they warm. But what is clear from the latest Imbie assessment is that Antarctica is becoming a significant player.”
They then as usual speculate at the wild end
“what we can envisage, and actually the sea-level rise we will see is 50/60cm,”
PH says actually over the longer term ” ice loss has only been contributing about 0.3mm a year to sea level rise, about an inch per century.”
and ” Given that sea levels have been rising at around 8 inches a century since the 19thC, there is no evidence that this is not a long term phenomenon we are seeing.” ie he thinks less than 20cm by 2118 is more likely NOT that 50cm
You may not that on R4 4:30pm mad alarmist Rutherford of course devoted two thirds of his show to this alarmist story.
And his guested tossed in a figure of 60 meter sea level rise , and thus lost all credibility as that is nothing to do with a 100 year time scale, but rather a 10,000 year melt down of the whole planet.
Hi Stew, “Here I am mon capitain, I will save you, I will. Brave Blurtinbittle will put his finger in the dyke of Global Warming and stoppup all the melttingge. Tee hee!” (trips on shoe-lace, falls on face in puddle) “Eeuugghh!” (pretends to be measuring level of puddle rise thanks to globbal warmingge)
I listened to that programme last night, Stew. If I understand that latest study correctly (I wonder if anyone does understand it, including the researchers – Rutherford really needed to ask two or three probing questions on that but did not – and his contributor was rather vague) it does appear that the BBC’s report of the IMBIE study as a sea level rise of 0.6mm was/is correct.
From the programme, I understood that to be not just an addition from Antarctic melt, but sea level rise worldwide. A sea level rise that is not a sea-level rise. Which would be in agreement with those scientists who claim that sea level is not rising significantly.
I think the network of satellites that provide the Antarctic measurements also measure globally. One question Adam Rutherford should have asked is about that and what is their plus/minus error in readings? Another is, is the software processing and analysing the measurements accurate, adjusting anything, interpolating, interpreting, etc., etc..
I understood the researcher last night to be effectively saying sea level rise is over. Rutherford did not comment or question.
I had a look at the Wiki page during the programme. It appears to have changed slightly but buried in the text is the 6mm per year sea level rise. A variety of claims are reported there. If the figure is 0.6mm ADDED TO THE 6mm (and more so the 6cm rise figure that some have claimed) it is neither here no there. It is a totally insignificant figure. At that point, Adam Rutherford should have asked “Have you been wasting your time and the time of everybody as well as taxpayer money with a fruitless study?”
What the IMBIE Study and last night’s programme did was add plenty of confusion and non-clarity. That is NOT scientific. The BBC article on the web-site and news reports also brought no clarity. I wonder why?
@Up2 says “0.6mm ADDED TO THE 6mm ”
Nope it’s “0.6mm included in the 3mm measured average sea level rise, comes from Antarctic melt”
Stew, are those numbers from this reported Antarctic IMBIE study?
Is the IMBIE study therefore claiming a total of 3mm global total sea level rise from all sources? If so, that’s a new claim and a lot down on the smallest previous one and it is within the plus/minus tolerance of the 6cm one!
This should be interesting.
Since the BBC are so interested in equality……..
Why does BBC Scotland show only the weather forecast for Scotland when BBC in England shows the regional weather followed by the national weather including Scotland?
On BBC Scotland they show programme trailers when at that exact moment in England the UK weather forecast is shown !
Is this a sort of casual racism and pandering to the SNP?
1000 New jobs created every day in the UK. Nowt on Al Beeb?
Maxincony, can you or Evan D. find out why?
Is Mrs Merkel on her way out ?
The House of Cards is begining to fall.
“Impartiality? I laugh at your little people impartiality…”
It’s a crowded field.
Still, the money’s goo… was good.
At least Gary went Business Class whilst the peons went cattle.
Just had a listen to “In Our Time”. Some French political thinker called Montesquieu?
Not bad really. He pointed out that the judiciary, legislature and executive of a nation state had to be clearly separated out, or you get no popular democracy at all.
Very wise, good lesson.
How come then that the last words on his life and meaning are given to some Poly poppet who says that the keywords for all of this were “moderation and tolerance-especially in an era of extremism such as today”?
This is the complete opposite of what I`d heard, namely that when the law and judges get politicised and the people have no freedom, but despots and tyrants; then democracy means nothing and revolution ensues.
Melvyn Bragg didn`t correct her, but surely Montesquieus warning is about the European Union if its about anything ?
Yet the BBC and its poly dolly thought that he was fearful of attacks on Jo Cox?
Poor BBC. Compromised as ever. Pity, learned things in the 40 minutes previous, and then I learned that they can`t help themselves.
Bet the edit was even bore biased-they take out the bits they don`t like for the evening I imagine.
Ah well, let them learn the hard way. You jail Tommy Robinson and we plan revenge, Montesquieu makes that inevitable.
In Our Time was probably the last regular Radio 4 thing I bothered to listen to. I finally gave up on it a couple of years ago, not especially because of the bias (academics are going to be 99% left anyway), or because Melvyn Bragg sounds like he’s swallowing his dentures – but because it was so bloody boring!
I’d rather cut my wrists than have to listen to some of these charisma-challenged polytechnic lecturers who seem to possess zero enthusiasm for their subject.
Now and again you might get something decent on here :
..but aargh there’s Grenfell again on the main page!
I would like to do my bit for the Grenfell survivours I want to set up a Facebook page called “JFGS” jobs for Grenfell survivours. Anyone that has positions available in London can add the vacancy to the page. After surviving, what can be more demeaning than having to live off handouts. These are proud people, people that don’t want to live constantly in a society that just gives to them. The survivours want to stand proud and tall without subsidy. These people have escaped persecution and torture they want to restore their pride by working and providing for their families and not just ‘surviving” on handouts. Just look at the survivours from the blitz they too managed to survive without handouts and compensation something that the Grenfell survivours surely look too for inspiration following their unfortunate accident. So JFGS. I can see it sprayed all over the walls and headlines in the Guardian and of course BBC cameras following survivours into their first day at work showing us all a passion for dignity and survival just like the previous residents of 1941.
And the fraudsters will be the first to step up and take the offer of a job ! 🙂
Just watching the result of the Lewisham by-election. Labour won, and in Janet Davey’s own words the newly elected MP said she was a woman of Afro Caribbean descent and wasn’t it time…. etc etc. We cant get away from it can we, this continual self plugging of race by people of colour. About time we had a white elected candidate who boasted of being a white and (Kentish) Anglo Saxon !
I cant sleep
Just seen another virtue signalling documentary being planned by the BBC. Following Sky News lead the BBC are making a documentary about the effect of tens of thousands of gallons of car wash waste water entering the rain water drainage system in London. The London Mayor also appears in the documentary and demands action as the chemicals discharged into the rain drainage system are causing untold damage to the eco state. Thames water also report that many of the car washes are using unmetterd sources and demand action.
Perhaps i am asleep after all…..
Nothing to do with all those third-world handwashers of cars then? There used to be machines that did that when we were part of the first-world.
I don’t know about London but the most obsessive car washers that I see are, erm, Asian. Rain, shine, drought, they are out there sloshing the water about as if it came from the sky. (I just make sure the windscreen, lights and number plates are clean).
Going to have to leave off Al Beeb for a while as they are driving me nuts. Normally I only read the main web pages but if you explore the website it’s littered with bias and agenda driven infuriating crap. Such as
The UK health tax hurting foreign nurses
FFS, if you don’t like it or can’t afford it, don’t come!
Toadry’s lead story is about how Universal Credit problems are causing problems and causing people to use food banks.
What about the tv tax? You could feed yourself for a year on that money. In the age of YouTube and freeview channels it is obscene, like being forced to pay for a prosthetic leg when you already have two perfectly functioning limbs. I would rather go to a food bank than to prison.
“I see, Mrs Jones. You want to buy some food for your children? But do you have a license that entitles you to eat? You do realise that if you do not have a food license and are caught eating, you may be fined or even sent to prison?”
Usual President Trump hatred on R5Dead early today.
They couldn’t wait to attack the American President about his Foundation, dribbling with biased innuendo bursting with spitting fury as soon as the ‘news’ started! No mention of the crooked Clinton foundation of course!
And later? Why, an in-depth interview with – wait for it – a journo from that well known Right wing publication, the Huffington Post! (still can’t work out if it was a bloke or a gal, the gabbling voice was pitched much higher than Paul Robeson’s…) Voicist? Me?
So insomnia is treated with nearly half an hour of anti-President Trump, with a finale up to the ‘news’ with six minutes of anti-Brexit twaddle! Hey bbbbc, Brexit is difficult, and you’re not paid to make it more difficult! Your opinions count for nought, you’re just supposed to report! You’re not really clever enough to do much else!
What a hated, hating crowd of lefty bores the bbbc has become, it cannot get much worse – can it?
Others are catching on, and up.
You have to laugh that John Simpson thinks that cancelling US exercises is something that cannot be reversed, that Trump saying ‘yeah, we can stop those exercises’ is some kind of iron clad statement that can never be revoked.
If the NK’s don’t do what they say they are gonna do, he just picks up the phone and they start again.
For fucks sake John, get a grip, your immaturity and imbecility are just staggering.
He’s only a bbbc journo, Payne, please don’t worry, nobody really takes any notice of him, because he’s a dinosaur on expenses!
Who on earth understands, or really gives a flying feck about his stuff; I definitely don’t and I don’t know anyone else who does either!
It’s Friday, the conservatory is open to great people like you for tinctures and a few crisps!
You’re right, it’s pointless getting worried about it. The guy and the organisation he works for are all imbeciles.
It is being reported this morning that one of the restaurants in the HOC have renamed the traditional British dessert “spotted dick” after a complaint was received. It is now being called “spotted Richard”!
You couldn’t make it up!
So that’s coq au vin, prawn cocktail and toad in the hole off the menu then I suppose!
Michael Fabricant, Lichfield’s Conservative MP, said: ‘Call a dick a dick, I say!’
Tricky ordering the full racist Isles of a morning, with pudding of colour, naturally.
Maybe just a bowl of Froot Loops?
Dyst – what about calling it ‘ the Grenfell grill’ ( sorry -I come from a place of gallows humour).
That’s for you max -.see you at the labour love in tomorrow with the others they had to give tickets away to.
Spotted Dick? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to say if you see the head of the Metropolitan Police? Although you are more likely to see Cressida Dick than a London bobby on the beat.
If you say that you may be taken into custard-y.
I’ll fetch me coat …….
Lobster – come back, you are easily forgiven!
At school, ‘spotted dick’ was also known as ‘Dead man’s leg’, or even better, ‘boiled baby’!
Sounds like a recipe for Alan’s Snackbar to me!
Are you back here yet? Drinks are on me and the fragrant Senora O’Blene! We’ll take them in the conservatory!
Not engaging with al beeb at the moment but the by-election result In the socialist republic of lewishshamistan must be a shock for comrade Corbyn . Perhaps his bubble is burst and the charming comrade (hang the tories) Mcdonald will finally take over and kill the Labour Party .
I’m guessing al beeb not covering it much ..?
Do you know, it suddenly occurred to me at around 11 am this morn, oh, isnt there a by-election ?
Not seen anything on’t news?
So, with a growing sense of scepticism, orff i went.
Libors all wimmin, BAME candidate managed to decimate their 21k majority down to 5k.
Oh, she’s been shoed in of course, but projected nationally its disastrous for agent Cob.
I heard that Diane addup extrapolated the result to a national win for labour of 973 seats in the commons.
The Tories took no comfort, May is dead (wo) man walking.
The vote was predictable shit for Britain First and UKIP, just about all you can expect in lewisham.
And the bbc’s blind panic, in trying to downplay it, totally predictable too.
No champagne empties rolling around their corridors today!
I’m really sorry about the Lewisham result.
Spike Milligan once said that if he went to heaven, and Jeffrey Archer was there, he’d rather go to Lewisham!
Spoken with a mouthful of teeth…
Justin R4.. taking to minister about Universal Credit.. Minister was clear and answered questions – unless Justin didn’t like answer – he talked over Minister and just kept pushing that the UC system wasn’t/hadn’t worked. Took absolutely no notice of the fact the figures for claimants wasn’t too bad…and given some of the people claiming ( do they speak English for one) is it any wonder some of them don’t turn up with the right information and have to wait..
BBC don’t care what the answer is – if it’s the Tory party it is bad…Not bothered that it has pushed people into work…
Soon be the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo (June 18th)
Will we have One Minute’s Silence to remember the 15,000 British casualties suffered whilst defending Europe from another European dictator?
Clashes with Grenfellian Day, of course. So may have to shelve that idea…
Don’t forget to wear your shamrock.
Vaguely remember a news item about a suggestion to rename Waterloo Station because it offends the French?
didnt churchill insist his funeral started there, when the civil service insisted the french were invited
Waterloo station offends everybody, unless you stand under the clock, and wait for some bird to arrive, all breathless and apologetic, at which point you say…
David Milliband is a director of International Rescue on R4 talking about Yemen…Not so much Thunderbrids but Muppets
hmm who is fighting who in Yemen? Oh Muslims…..they just can’t get on can they. When do we just say it’s not our problem?
Is it me or is anyone else bored with all the Muslim countries infighting?
Polite to a fault is our Humph.
Coming to a country near you soon!
Some people, eh? What are they like?
Alistair Campbell always was a liar. He knows that the BBC is supine only to the crazy-left and their Islamist allies. With the left their lies are projections of what they are doing themselves. He knows his puppets at the “B”BC do exactly as he orders them, so he claims they do it for the right instead.
Plus Isobel Oakshott is just one sane voice against all their dirty gang of loony-left remoaners. Also she is easy on the eye, unlike any from the left’s sisterhood coven.
This is not about the BBC but is typical of a BBC mindset.
Disgusting, cowardly article in the has-been Spectator about Muslim kids not being allowed to make friends with non-Muslims.
What I object to is the suggestion that this is because non-Muslim kids represent a degenerate culture whereas Muslim kids don’t.
“Imagine yourself to be a devout Muslim mother living in Britain. Imagine looking around at the sex, drugs; the boozing and gangs.”
There are quite a few issues that non Muslim mothers could be concerned about, I suspect.
But who encouraged (encourages) the ‘sex, drugs; the boozing and gangs’, single-motherhood, homosexuality, transgendersism, swearing, rejection of moral values etc.? Clue it begins with a ‘B’.
“Imagine yourself to be a devout Muslim mother living in Britain. Imagine looking around at the sex, drugs; the boozing and gangs.”
Judging by the number of recent court cases, Marion, the above statement describes the devout, Muslim mother’s co religionists to a T!
Imagine being a non Muslim father knowing that your daughter has made a Muslim friend at school and wants to go to a sleep over… Er no thanks. Maybe then it’s for the best.
No BTL comments on that one. I wonder why?
I’m sick of muslims being presented as moral, pious, and generally better than the rest of us.
I switched off the Today progs ‘Thought for the day’ this morning because it was an ‘imam’, over to Radio Cambrideshire (BBC) to someone wittering about Eid and how difficult it must be to do all that fasting etc bblah blah puke. So I had to turn that off as well and listen to my own thoughts which weren’t pretty either.
Are the MSM deliberately promoting pious islam to counter the violence and cultural jihad?
The last lot of Puritans, Cromwell’s lot, didn’t last very long. Let’s hope history repeats itself.
There are comments BTL but you can read them and contribute only if you are logged in as a subscriber. The comments are very much as would be approved of by readers of BBBC.
Yes, you’re right, there are comments. I thought that because that particular article isn’t paywalled there weren’t any comments. Sometimes you can get at the comments through Discus.
Is the subscription worth it? I buy the magazine sometimes for Rod Liddles contributions.
on Toady Nick Robinson is being his nauseating, sanctimoneos, hypocritical self. Talking to Russian students about how bad things are under Putin and how ‘careful’ they have to be with the police looking over their shoulders.
This followed on Webb phoning Tatchell in Moscow to sympathise with him for being locked up in jail overnight. As predicted on this site, the pretense that Britain is a model of freedom which locks up nobody for ‘political views’, whereas in Russia, protesting for LGBT rights (or do I have to add a Q and other stuff?) lands you in goal.
The Toady crowd are greatly irritated that Russia has the World Cup, and are going to undermine that wherever they can. We would have expected no less. But they should chuck this ‘wonderful, free Britain’ stuff – nobody other than the bbc (and the Guardian/Indpendent/Observer) believe it.
The usual myths about the Russian state being ‘homophobic’ are being peddled. Much of this stems from a fake news item published in the New York Times, just prior to the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. The ‘Big Lie’ centres around a Russian federal law, passed by the Duma in June 2013 and subsequently signed by President Putin – one supported by around 90% of people surveyed. The law has two primary purposes: (a) to prevent children under 18 being exposed to what are considered harmful and non-traditional relationships; (b) to rationalise existing legislation across the Russian Federation, which varied in places. It is misleadingly referred to in the West as the ‘gay propaganda law’; however, there are no references whatsoever to homosexuality within it (it is has been published in English for those who want to find and read it themselves). There are no laws against homosexuality in Russia, and Moscow and St Petersburg have plenty of openly homosexual bars and clubs. It is also the case that, for example, homosexuals were permitted to join the Russian military before they could do so in the USA. It is true that attitudes amongst the general Russian public are different than those in the West, as Russia is a very traditional and religious society (things on which the Middle East gets a free pass by the BBC, for example). But the idea that the Russian state is officially and legally ‘homophobic’ is simply untrue.
Whatever the legal terminology might be (non-traditional sexual relations) the meaning was clear to РОССИЯ СЕГОДНЯ ( Russia Today) when Putin signed the law.
Путин подписал закон о запрете гей-пропаганды среди детей
14:5830.06.2013 (обновлено: 15:35 30.06.2013)
ГЕЙ is simply the transcription of “gay” into Russian.
“Putin signs off law on banning exposure of children to gay propaganda”
There is a 2015 law that sees “public expressions of non-traditional sexual relations” as an “administrative legal infringement” punished by a fine and if the infringement takes place near, say, a school then there is a very short term in jail.
I should add: we drone on endlessly about our British values (which no-one ca agree on, because a new, greatly disguised authoritarian ideology has taken over- PC).
Why can’t we leave the Russians to have THEIR values? They don’t think LGBT is right for THEM. Why does the bbc want us to IMPOSE ours? Surely that is neo-Colonialism?
when did tolerance become a british value? and what the fook does it mean anyway?
What do you mean ” BBC impose OUR values”? I thought BBC values were not our values?
The ending of free speech / freedom in this country began with creating a new crime of hate speech, where one direction of racism can land a prison sentence, whereas the other direction is allowed and even encouraged.
As soon as non-violent speech became illegal it signalled the end of free speech, freedom and democracy.
Personally I hate racism in all directions but it should not be a matter for the police. If a person says something truly racist their employer has a right to sack them for bringing their business into disrepute. But it should not be a criminal act!
Police should only be called if this racist comment has led to violence or potential violence. And only those commiting the violence should be dealt with, which could include the original racist as his words may be deemed likely to cause a breach of the peace.
However, as we have this awful law it should be applied, if at all, fairly and evenly. A black person being racist against a white person is just as wrong as a white person being racist against a black person. I remember when four moslim girls beat up a white girl calling to “kill the white bitch” they were let off by a useless judge. They should have been treated the same way if it had been four white girls beating up a moslim girl shouting “kill the brown bitch”.
It was a violent act and should have been treated as such, and the racist aspect should have been treated the same as the other way. I, therefore, believe that if white people are being arrested for saying racist things then all racists should be, including imams and leading anti-semites in the Labour Party.
I think we would all agree with your views but you are forgetting that white people are the oppressors and as such deserve harsher treatment – well in the eyes of the Left and racists in the BAME arena
only whites can be racist, black and brown people are merely bigoted
(not sure what yellow people can be)
bigot speech is not against the law keep up demon 😉
It’s a problem the Greens have, Kaiser!
They have their own colour bar, and hug trees, fart around on quinoa and are not real people.
They think up all sorts of cracked-up nonsense, and think it’s important.
Sorry to say, but Brighton is not the place it should be these days, (is there still a green mp there? I don’t know and care less).
Thanks, Ian, I bow to your superior knowledge on Russia. I have a feeling though, that Webb, Robinson and Humphrys are not going to be interested in the facts. They’ll only get in the way of Toady propaganda.
TOADY Watch is back (cheers, groans, boos). Three presenters on the show – all men! shock, horror – questions are asked but THE QUESTIONS are NOT REALLY ASKED.
#1. Not strictly TOADY but the news broadcast itself. The Lewisham By-Election result is relegated to an also-ran position in the runners and riders. I wonder why? (Must go look at the stats behind that reduced Labour majority.)
#2. Miliband major is on to talk about Yemen. No questions asked about whether the war might end if Hudaydah falls to Government forces. Shades of Syria, which is mentioned, but no question from TOADY as to the state of affairs there. Fortunately no questions are asked of Miliband major about Brexit (cheers, applause) but he did get in a subtle dig against it (boo, hiss) – wonder if anyone noticed?
#3. The Government have wasted money on Universal Credit and it doesn’t work. No questions asked about amounts but the Government spokesman is fairly hopeless and ‘speaking from a prepared script’ so probably not worth asking useful questions, anyway, so Justin (I can’t remember Trudeau’s first name) Webb doesn’t bother and asks Labour Party questions (Corbyn-style) instead. (boos if you are a Tory, cheers if you are Alt-Left)
#4. Lord Darzi is on to ask for more taxpayers’ money for the NHS but wants to waste it on yet another reorganisation (boos, hisses). No questions asked! Lord Darzi makes the extraordinary claim that the NHS can double life expectancy this century. Either The Humph does not notice or he does not know how ridiculous that claim is but he does not challenge it. Great opportunity to sort out whether it is really an extra £54bn PER ANNUM tax requirement but The Humph ‘bottles it’. (see the neat footieball terminology introduced there – I am nothing if not up wiv da times, innit, cheeuss and loud appaluse).
#5. Football brings us all together and the World Becomes One, if not completely TWatO, thanks to fooootteeeeebaaaawwllll !!! (hurrahs all round). I note that in the 7.30am segment, a male and a female are brought on to contribute. The male is told to be brief. Time is short. He is. The female is not told to be brief. Time is long. She waffles at length and doesn’t really say much of worth.
So much for elastic time, roll on the cosmologist for Desert Island Discs.
Perhaps that is the TOADY excuse for not asking useful, well-informed, questions.
Up – glad you ve done an update on Toady .i ve been listening since the de manio days but it really is poor now and I am avoiding . The London Borough Bi election result must be giving al Beeb false hope about remaining in the Reich but the wise would right off London anyway
Fed, I remember Jack de Manio, too. I imbibed the Home Service with my mother’s milk – we didn’t have a TV then – but I left radio behind (except for contemporary music and Test Match Special) during the ‘TV is new thing’ era when one was acquired.
Came back to radio in the computer age. Couldn’t have radio on-line then, let alone live TV, but experts were predicting the latter. Thought of trying to work at a PC while also watching TV boggled my eyeballs, so radio it was.
When asked which medium would dominate and whether he was bothered about the apparent popularity and supremacy of TV, Lord Reith is reputed to have famously said “Ah, but radio can go round corners.”
As a ‘tail-end baby boomer’, I now find in old age that switching the radio off is pleasant, the peace, the quiet, is instantly soothing. I appreciate dear old BRISSLES’s situation where TV is a companion, an antidote to loneliness, and feel for her in that situation. I’m lucky in that I seem to be able to carry music around in my head, so if I’m not actually listening to the quiet and enjoying it, I can turn on a tune!
I hope you have blessed relief from your radio & TV off-switches, especially with your current B-BBC responsibilities. Cheers!
Aww thank you for your kind words Up2, but I’ve discovered that I’m not alone in the “tv for company gang”, there’s quite a battalion of us out there. Behind closed doors though, I do tend to bop around the house to the Everly Bros / Kinks/ Beach Boys et al, and then get all sensible when I put Hoagy Carmichael on in the car.
(you might not get to read this, if Feddy decides to create a Weekend thread in the next half hour )
Brissles, old thing, I realise that. I have visited a few homes for old people in my time and older people who live in their homes. The TV is usually on with one or more propped in a chair. However, I know young people who get up and immediately switch on the TV, too, or did so in the age before smartphones.
Good luck in the race to be first poster on the new Thread!
Bring back Monty Modlin, i say. I realise that he may well have passed on, but even in that state he might bring back more real humour than there is on Today at present.
Red for Aids awareness / Pink for breast cancer / Pink for LGBT awareness / Grenfell Green / yellow for mental health awareness / and now its wear purple for child abuse…… I’m wearing blue today – because I am so there !!
Suck It Up — it’s Friday with Anna Soubry!

I Saw the exchange between sozzled soubrry and Caroline flint which was a bit of an. Embarrassing episode for Soubry . The stock value of Caroline Flint has gone up and she must be destined for a real shadow cabinet job once Corbyn and friends. Leave the scene .
.. and a permanent place on the sofa with Portillo opposite Brillo rather than the painfully weak useless PC 4% Kendall and the has been Johnson.
Could there be a connection?
When you have no country to live in because it’s been swamped by mass immigration and terrorism …. then climate is of little concern … or straws … or up skirting.
This appears to be on the level.
Ezra Levant: “With the approval and authorization of the family, I have undertaken to cover all of the fees of Tommy’s new legal team.
I want to maintain the confidentiality of my conversations with the family, but I will tell you how the crowdfunded money will be handled, as agreed to by the family. 100% of all proceeds will be used to cover Tommy’s legal costs.
We anticipate this will be tens of thousands of pounds. But that’s fine — this is the most important legal case in the United Kingdom. I truly believe Tommy Robinson is a kind of political prisoner, and this case touches on freedom of the press, and the increasing police restrictions on ordinary Brits talking about public issues, like Muslim rape gangs and mass immigration.
If we raise more than is required to pay the legal fees, we will give 100% of the surplus to Tommy’s family.
In my view, this family fund is very important.”
Need a break from all the depressingly PC biased nonsense in the morning news during the week? – watch ch4 10 am Car SOS and ‘calm down me dears’ Like many of the contributors on this site I too used to be an avid fan of R4,R5L and BBC News – since it slid into becoming yet another tubthumper this is no longer the case.
Nothing to do with the BBC really but I thought this was funny.
On this forum we often moan about BBC Question Time with their usual unbalanced panel of 4 Remainers v’s 1 Brexiter.
Well Student-Leftie-Socalist-Worker-Corbyn loving media news website, The Canary, is actually moaning that the ONE right wing Brexiter, Isabel Oakeshott, on BBC Question Time last night is ONE TOO MANY!
For added giggles, check the publisher pretty much trusted the least in the recent poll that had the BBC crowing.
Raising the question why the bbc has the editor of said publication on herself so often.
I note the Times front page item, underneath the great pic of HM and the Duchess of Sussex having a chuckle, where the BBC ‘stars’ haven’t really thought things through carefully enough.
HMRC accused them (and the BBC) of tax avoidance. HMRC won a Court case in which the BBC and its ‘stars’ claimed they were not avoiding tax.
Now the ‘stars’ are complaining about a fall in their incomes since the BBC was made to transfer them to the full BBC payroll.
The BBC supposed ‘stars’ are now effectively admitting their guilt.
I’m struggling not to laugh. Is a quiet smile permissible?
I really don’t know how they got away with it so long.
The rules of IR35 are pretty straightforward for cases like BBC “stars”. If you have a limited company and you invoice the BBC you apply the Master-Slave test. ie. can you choose your own working location?, can you choose your hours to work?, can you get someone else to stand in for yourself? If you answer no to most of these then you are an employee, not a contractor, and must pay PAYE. The biggest question to ask is ‘is the work you are doing exactly the same as if you were employed directly?’, if yes then you should be employed and paying PAYE.
The IR35 rules were introduced to stop employees quitting their jobs and then going incorporated and then contracting straight back to their old employer, doing the same job, saving tax. Exactly what the BBC stars have done.
Every BBC star, presenting the same show at fixed times at BBC buildings, means they are well within IR35 and should be employed and paying PAYE.
Good news ….
lol all the people who constantly moan about lack of government spending , object to paying the CORRECT amount of tax
People who demand that the NHS has more money refuse to pay more money when they have enough money to live on …. Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker in Russia on a BBC holiday …. did he take his tax returns with him I wonder?
\\ The BBC is also now paying millions of pounds in national insurance for them. Some presenters have had their salaries reduced to fund this. //
Every comment is against theBBC and calls them lefty luvvies etc.
\\ I am sure the many basic rate tax paying viewers and listeners who fund their salaries will have every sympathy with these overpaid, tax-avoiding “stars”. #metoo //
Interesting news from Germany
“Das Ende der Union? Die CSU hat Merkel zum Freiwild erklärt”
End of the Union? The CSU declares open season on Merkel
Seehofer, the Bavarian Interior minister, seems to have finally rejected the European asylum law nonsense and wants the Minister president of the federal states to have the right (Ministerentsceid) to stop asylum seekers at state borders.
The BBC in particular, along with the rest of the news media won’t let me ignore Grenfell so my apologies for raising it here again.
As has been said many times, accepting it as the tragic accident that it was seems not enough as they play the usual blame-game, not least because of the large BAME demographic of those who died. No doubt the same mawkish circus that was Hillsborough will roll on for years.
It was a headline that caught my attention: “Nation observes one-minute silence” and I thought “Uh? Did it?”. For I didn’t as I was blissfully unaware (how uncaring of me) that the “nation” was encouraged so to do.
But what really got up my nose was this:
The Evening Standard describes it as the “The touching moment when a Tube driver stops [his train] to salute Grenfell mourners”. Comments are mixed to say the least.
Sadly, I have direct experience of the transport industry and had I stopped the HGV I was driving in central London to offer my support for anything, I would now be out of a job. Apart from breaking any of the Red-Route, congestion or parking laws, I would have been hauled into the company office on my return, immediately suspended, charged with gross misconduct (for associating their livery, logo and brand with my personal beliefs) and then sacked. End of for certain, regardless of how noble the cause may seem to some.
This driver broke a fundamental rule in the RSSB Rule Book in making an unscheduled stop and not informing the signaller or line controller as is required (via in-cab radio). And such stops are only acceptable in emergency situations. And yes, the automatic block signalling would prevent a following train from running into this one but that is not the point.
But of course because it’s Grenfelll and because he is the right colour TfL aren’t bothered at all.
So that’s OK then. And having done business with this organisation (yes, a varied career) they are just as politicised as any London authority, staffed with no-mark Poly lefties where diversity trumps ability.
What next? “Tube driver stops train to support Al Quds rally?”. Had it been a white Anglo Saxon train driver, do you think he would still be in his job had he done so for #Freetommy?
I remember sitting in a tube train listening to three off duty drivers debating how many of their colleagues would get 3 days off on compassionate leave because they had driven over a body of a suicider – this – apparently- was the agreed remedy to the stress caused by finding out they’d driven over some one already dead .
The kind of false emotion al beeb is using for the tower block fire is just beyond belief . There is an inquiry going on . It will find that some fucked up and some didn’t. But the multicultural grief applied tobdeas foreigners is embarrassing
Good post. Imagine a white tube driver stopping like that, opening the door, and holding up a picture of Tommy Robinson.
The media would be all over him and they would be tracking down the Muslim lady sitting in the first carriage to get her to say “she feels threatened living in the UK”
White train driver stops to wave England flag..sacked, hung drawn and quartered…sorry being cynical
R4 discussion on the potential demise of Angela Merkel – she is now saying that the migration crisis needs a unified European solution – after she took a unilateral decision to start it…you couldn’t make it up..let’s hope Europe is starting to get the right politicians in place –
Just need to get shot of Macron..
That tube train episode stank of a complete setup as the sly noos cameras were right there to catch it. Grenfell grievance has turned into an industry as their is money in them there hills. A whole day of attacking the government and watching hypocritical momentum and labour retards virtue signalling for all they are worth. Take a bow the emir, stormzy, Adele and emma dent toad.
We’ll get all the train drivers stopping now and waving their football scarves as they pass the ground !
Imagine if it had caused an accident with multiple casualties – oh the irony. I very much doubt we’d have had songs and marches to mark that incident.
That man’s coreligionists have other ways of stopping a tube train.
Trump at his Nobel Peace Prize Award … “I would like to accept this award …. but I won’t. It has been devalued and once there is a lasting peace in North Korea I will come back and fetch it and give it back its value. Until then, two men have started the ball rolling … that is all.” (fictional story)
Not Mentioned By The BBC:
“”Labour Live ‘JezFest’ ticket prices slashed by 70%””
“”There are claims poor sales could see Labour lose more than £1m from its north London event, which has been dubbed “JezFest”.
22:41, UK,”””
Not quite Glastonbury, eh JC?
Eid all over the World … except China …
“Ramadan 2017: China trying to stop Muslims observing holy month in restive Xinjiang region”
In March it banned burqas and “abnormal” beards, and a month later banned Islamic baby names.
Earlier this month it was revealed that police in the region had purchased $8.7m (£6.7m) worth of equipment to analyse DNA from its citizens.
Last year, Uyghurs reported that officials were asking for DNA samples, fingerprints and voice records when they applied for a passport or to go abroad.
Allegations under Investigation by the Commissioner
Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 10 and paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct
Mr Ian Paisley MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 13 of the Code of Conduct
Mr Bill Esterson MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 15 of the Code of Conduct
Mr Craig Mackinlay MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 13 of the Code of Conduct
Mr Robert Courts MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 15 of the Code of Conduct
Great post Marky
Kirsty and Phil roped in to front SmartMeter campaign
As with all green things , their salaries are paid by unicorns.
7:40am they were on ITV
9:30am BBC1 on RipOffBritain told us Leeds lady got a smart meter installed, and her bill doubled
* Ovo then just cut her off, so when she got back from holiday, everything in her freezer was bad *
Ovo explained that human error had switched her to the wrong plan, so that is not actually a smart meter problem.
* Bottomline ANY CHANGE opens door to problems
eg #2 Fitter can leave a gas leak & your flat burns down as shown on Watchdog
eg #3 Your existing meter may reading too slow, thus new meter pushes up bill
(Some may have meters that are too fast ..I’m wondering if those are the gains that Smart EnergyGB counts)
Typical advertising our MetroLib colonial masters inflict on us in modern Britain.
just how do these things help you save costs.
can someone explain please
if I leave a room I turn the light off I just dont get it
My thoughts exactly. I heard one explanation that it’s possible to use a smart meter to gauge what time of day it’s best to do certain things. If electricity costs change through the day then fair enough but to be honest everything I do has to be done when it’s done, I can’t get my morning shower at 1.30am or watch The One Show (don’t worry I’m joking) at 3 o clock in the morning. The only people who could save imo are the type of people who leave their lights on, leave every appliance on standby, leave their mobile phones on charge unattended for 8 hours at a time etc. And those type of people aren’t going to suddenly change their behaviour of a lifetime because of a meter. I refused to have one fitted and took great pleasure in doing so as it felt like I was sticking it to the man.
Off that topic and not bbc (unless he’s still on Radio 5) but it’s a similiar thing with Moneysaving Expert Martin Lewis’s shows. The difference being that you can save money by following what he says, but once you’ve adopted his methods (shop around, research what’s out there) nothing else he says is particularly “new”.
They don’t help you do anything, other than allow others access to your energy consumption, with the eventual ability to report back, and limit your usage, perhaps enforcing external control of certain electrical devices. That’s why the government is very keen to promote the scheme, and you can bet your boots that at some time in the not-too-distant future, they’ll become compulsory.
I don’t think they’ll become compulsory as such, but you’ll get a discount on your bill for using one. In reality a charge for not using one.
When they first became available to save you money , Roland, it was reported they would become compulsory (EU diktat) in 2020.
The one plausible example I heard, is there was one naive female journalist who filled her kitchen with powerful halogen lights, and a smart meter helped her see that was a significant part of her leccy use.
Anyone else would know that if you have 2,000 watts of light running then then that is 20-30p an hour , but also cos halogen throws off a lot of heat her heating is having to work less hard.. so turning them off will push your heating bill up.
There’s bugger all on TV (except for Talking Pictures) so we’re expected to sit down of an evening and watch our electricity meter go round.
There is also a significant health risk with Smart Meters, transmitting EM radiation in the form of pulses of microwave radiation to a base station up to thousands of times a day or more. Unlike mobile or wifi, you won’t be able to switch off a Smart Meter in your own home and will be subject to its effects if your neighbour has one installed on an adjoining wall.
*Say no and tell everyone you know not to get one!!*
—”‘Smart’ Meters can expose the body to between 160 and 800 times as much microwave radiation as a mobile phone. This can be 600 times the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety standard which in itself is extremely lax. […] Public ‘Health’ England has stated that no testing of UK ‘Smart’ Meters has been carried out and will only be done, incredibly, “as the technology is rolled out”.
I have a little experience of electrical generation, having been a shift control engineer for over 30 years. Electricity tariff prices change every half hour, depending on the time of day (peak periods) and the plant on line to supply that demand.
An ordinary meter knows what energy you have used, but not the time it was used. SM’s know what time the energy was used and if this was in a high tariff period, meal times or something good on the telly, you will be billed accordingly.
Domestic users without SM’s have their tariffs averaged out between the day tariffs and what used to be the much cheaper after midnight tariff. This was in the days when the UK had “running reserve”, before we started closing stations (and selling the transformers, etc. to Germany) to reduce our CO2 emissions, putting all our faith in wind power.
I look forward to the first cold winter with a blocking anti cyclone over the UK, power cuts will be the least of it, the price of electricity will go through the roof. SM’s are not intended to save you money, There is not one industry, company or business on the planet would welcome or even encourage a reduction in profit and cash flow.
If yo want to know the real reason for SM’s look no further than the UN’s Agenda 21 which has been eagerly embraced by the EU and melon charidees.