Forget the trivia of freedom from the EU and the search for World Peace -there are more important things – the World Cup . Oh the Diversity . Enjoy the bread and circuses.
Any PUNISH an ideology campaign is idiotic cos it’s likely to give that ideology victimhood status.
We know this from the BBC/MetroLibEstablishment’s campaign “Punish a non-lib/lefty century”
People reacted to being spat in the face everyday by voting for Brexit and Trump.
I guess BBC is busy cooking up the narratives for the Dave/David Parnham “Punish A Muslim Day” court case
Searching internet for previous nastiness by a “David Parnham” of Lincoln brings up nothing.
I’m open to evidence but the PAMD still seems like something cooked up by TellMama and Brendan Cox’s HateyNoHopers.
You’ve surely got to be a special kind of stupid to be caught sending letters like these, surely? What did he do, ask the local library to print them? Then again, you have to be stupid to send them in the first place.
I’ve seen that some people from Grenfell have been refusing flats/houses to live in because they say the places are not good enough.
The accommodation looked very nice to me, much better than an average home and also in a very desirable location.
Can I take it that all the flats in Grenfell were luxurious 5 star accommodation and all these families (on benefits) were living in flats that most of us could only dream to get.
I would bet that if you compared the place in Grenfell with the new place offered, the new place would be far better.
What sticks in my mind are the Grenfell lawyers’ speeches. Even the bbc didn’t repeat them in the evening, after their lunchtime airing.
Hate speech doesn’t get more virulent than that. Incitement doesn’t get more toxic.
I suppose their QC status gives them cover. But their nasty words (Lenin would have been proud) have sullied the memory of the deceased, and have also created a tide of entitlement it would seem, that is hard to comprehend.
R4 lunchtime news: Mardell and Connolly can’t see any other solution to Europe’s migration problems (invasion?) than Ms Merkel’s. That’s always to let in as many as possible.
Horst Seehofer (of CDU sister party in Bavaria, the CSU) could sink her now, but he is weak, very weak. And Schauble, like Merkel, has been going on forever, and also has a black box of tricks. He is supoosed to mediate. Ha ha. Seehofer, a bunny rabbit in the ring with two snakes.
Could the tide also be turning in Germany? Or do they want lots more enrichment?
Fall down yet again, Seehofer. The AfD are waiting…
Can you tell me why people have to “Suck It Up” regards immigration when your party leaders have said the following:
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition governme nt was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society…. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.” – Theresa May 2015
“…there is much reporting of a young couple in their 20’s from Italy – both architects, and had moved to London a few months before the fire to further their careers. Has no-one asked the question, how did they manage to get a flat so quickly in the middle of London ??”
Well here is your answer:
Back in 2013 the Daily Mailreported that of the four million migrants who arrived between 2001 and 2011, 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties.
“The revelation comes as the number of families on the waiting list for social housing hits a record 1.8 million [now 1.2m Ed]. Most are British born”.
“Around 1.2 million foreigners now live in social housing – one in eight of the total. In London the figure is thought to be as high as one in five”.
In 2013 Cameron announced plans for a 2-year residency requirement but as councils said, the fundamental flaw in the plan is they will still be obliged to help any EU migrants who present themselves as homeless. And that is still the case as far as I can determine.
To avoid confusion: most social housing is now managed by housing associations. Not the smaller charities that have been around for a long time, but newer organisations created in the Thatcher years that took over the council properties and manage and maintain the estates on behalf (sub-contractors) of the local authorities. It is still the latter who decides who gets a home.
I have worked as a supplier to this sector (yes, a very varied career) and know the following to be true.
An earlier article from a whistle-blowing “Housing Professional” as many like to call themselves reveals the scale and nature of abuse of the system:
“Our problem as a housing association is that we are subcontracted to local authorities and have no say over the lists of people for whom we have to find a house – we are simply given the list and if someone is on it, they have the right to take one of our properties (with their rent heavily subsidised by taxpayers)”.
“A less charitable explanation […] (and one that a lot of my colleagues believe to be the case) is that there are cliques in local authority departments – be they West African, Indian, Pakistani, whatever – who ‘look after their own’.
These cliques bump friends and relatives to the top of the list, even if they don’t fulfil any of the criteria for social housing. This is done either as a favour or in return for a backhander”.
“I know it happens. […] I would often get a call from one local lady who seemed to act as an agent for new arrivals. She’d ring me regularly and say: ‘Chrees, you have nice flat? I have lovely family who just come from Portugal, need nice three-bed flat.’
The first few times I’d say: ‘Luisa, you know I can’t do anything unless they’re on the list.’ She’d reply: ‘Don’t worry, Chrees, they will be on list tomorrow, please just show them some nice flats.’
And sure enough, the family would be on the next version of the list we’d get.
She clearly knew someone in the housing department who would put her families on the list in exchange for cash – which she could afford to pay as she was charging these families a lot of money in return for her securing a council flat for them. Of course, the family was happy to pay a big one-off fee because once they were in the system they were in for good, and they would get a centrally located flat for a peppercorn rent for life”.
You may well be spot on there, Major.
I plead poor memory and/or a desire to forget as much about Blair as possible. Let’s face it, a good memory he ain’t…
Thanks for putting me right.
I think there’s far more corruption going on with the Governments tacit approval and/or collusion.
Early 2017 my attention was drawn to a couple of Eastern Europeans with, apparently, two children all living in a Housing Association s/d house. I learnt that the male was cohabiting and the female was claiming all the benefits available. I mentioned this to the HA who said that she (the tenant) always denied he was living there permanently. A complete lie. I informed the DWP who did/have not investigated the fraud. I mentioned to the HA that if the DWP did and it was found that the HA did know he was resident, they would be liable as a co-conspirator to benefit fraud. Needless to say, he has now just become a joint tenant after over 5 years to get the HA of the potential hook. No need really I suppose as I am confident that the DWP are, ‘a nod and wink’ turning a blind eye to EU citizens claiming all the benefits illegally. A sweetener to come to the UK if I’m not mistaken. (Well, what the hell, it’s only taxpayers money!). My FoI request to the DWP shows that over the past five years, successful prosecutions have fallen dramatically which supports my theory. The Eastern European female? £9 an hour as a part time “Carer”. Driving around in a BMW 525d Se?
525d Se? Gosh, these personalised number plates get more and more inscrutable by the day.
Anyway, they also need to be chasing up the illegal sub-letting being carried out on a significant scale. A case I know of: East European Romas (large family) in social housing (four-bedroom house, London) occupy two of the bedrooms, and illegally sub-let the other two rooms to transient “guests”, the “agency” is managed via the grapevine. Over £200 a week [credit cards not accepted 😉 ] for each room. Neither of the parents works (legally). Any chance of a BBC ‘Inside Report’ on this phenomenon?
Italians land Grenfell flat a fairytale ?
I see Deborah June 16, 2017 also asked here, how these Italians got a prestige location flat so easily ?
A newspaper says ” They arrived in March, secured a privately rented flat on the top floor in Grenfell, …”
\\There were 14 ” owned” leasehold properties in Grenfell.//
I heard that some of the other flats were basically like hostels
which is why they weren’t sure of the casualty numbers.
Not specifically a comment about the BBC, but rather the ambience (or perhaps aroma) it helps to create.
I work in an Engineering firm, we’ve got around 40 staff in total, mostly men (mostly ‘male, pale and stale’ in fact – for some reason all those immigrant Engineers just don’t seem to want to work with us?).
Anyway, recently we’ve been trying to recruit someone for a fairly senior management post. We had a fair number of applicants and had to sift them down to four for interview, the higher ups told us that one of the candidates, who was neither the most experienced, nor the most academic, SHOULD be added to the shortlist. The only thing that was different about this candidate was their gender, but okay she got the invite.
Today we had the interviews, and the panel was led by my boss, a highly experienced engineer in her late 50s (yes, HER, unusual, but not unheard of in engineering). My boss has worked her way up the hard way, really knows her stuff, and is a bloody good boss actually.
This interviewee, let’s call her Ms X, is early 30s, quite glammed up, wearing skirt and heels, nervous, of course. So, my boss asks her “So Ms X. why do you particularly want this job?”, to which she replies “I dunno… I think it’s because there aren’t enough female engineers in management, and we need to be more ambitious.” Then a couple of questions later, my boss asks her what she’d do in a theoretical, and hazardous, situation “I dunno” says Ms X. “guess I’d get help from someone with more experience, you know us girls aren’t always great at making quick decisions.” – WTF!
My boss has sworn she’ll only get the job over her dead body, she’s absolutely furious… but we’ll see.
You tick my box too . I was on a selection board and the chair was a girl . I’d done all the hr courses and want going to fuck up my organisation. . Any girl applicants turned up and got roasted by my chair . As a chap I was the nice girl. A lot of girly applicants failed – more than chaps . She and me debated it but in the end she was right and I was the whitee male snowflake .i felt like such a c—t at the end of it
Because I didn’t go with what I knew to be righting the grounds of self imposed Pc – never again .
As boat loads of young Africans head to Spain …. a word from the past.
Gaddafi warned Europe … …
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
How to survive a failed parachute by the bbc.
Maybe their employees could demonstrate?
Maybe they could teach gays how to survive being thrown from tall buildings.
“World This Weekend exposed as FakeNews
by BBC More Or Less
In May Mardell : “Here’s an underreported result nearly 4,000 people who want to vote were stopped from doing so, according to the Electoral Reform Society”
What’s wrong was that ? That was an ERS observers ESTIMATE of people stopped
#1 BBC forgot to acknowledge that when turned away doesn’t mean you didn’t vote
Most came back with their ID
#2 The ERS applied Chinese Whispers to their extrapolation process and got 3981 turned away.
The actual official tally was 340
In Bromley of 569 challenged 415 returned with correct ID
The ERS replied with a strawman ..’ah but we don’t know about the people who were put off trying to vote by the ID rule’
The Electoral Reform Society called it a “dark day for democracy” and estimated that 3,981 people were denied a ballot paper across the scheme’s five pilot areas.
story also Tweeted by the Guardian’s news editor David Batty
\\ Almost 4,000 people may have been denied vote by election ID pilots – live //
Radio4 was back to Windrush after yesterday’s Grenfell day
11 am Caribritish: Children of Windrush 1/2
4:30pm Feedback is back with its SJW campaigning : Drivetime Radio 2 Simon and Jo show, Grenfell Inquiry Podcast, Brexit Vote
. Lewis Carnie, the Head of Radio 2, explains why he decided to change a successful programme.
\\Roger also speaks to BBC Head of Current Affairs, Joanna Carr, about The Grenfell Tower Inquiry podcast, fronted by Eddie Mair, which day-by-day follows the inquiry into the deaths of 72 people in the West London tower block fire.//
* The devolution of power to bodies like the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.
* The Human Rights Act 1998.
* The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
* The decision to establish a UK Supreme Court in 2009, which ends the House of Lords function as the UK’s final court of appeal.
“The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.. Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. ”
“The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973. . Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. “
It’s a well-written demolition of the crap that passes for science in the eyes of the greenies and beedoids. No one could read it and not question why we’re wasting trillions on trying to stop a natural process.
It’s not the first its kind, but sadly, I doubt very much the beeb or any MSM media will reprint or even report it. Yet the beeb are only to happy to give the ramblings of the Pope (that highly-qualified scientist -NOT!) top billing.
Yes, this occurence seems to have outraged Oberreichsrichterin Shelagh Fogerthy on LBC. She wants the guilty parties Philip Davis and Christopher Choke to be brought before the LBC Volksgericht to explain themselves. Hasn’t she realised yet that “MPs are representatives, not delegates” who “act in accordance with their conscience to ensure what is best for the country” and can and should tell their constituents and everyone else to go fuck themselves if they have a differing opinion.. This is the world of Brexit voters.
Politics of the playground these days. Next week: police to prosecute you if you won’t lend me your pencil. Meanwhile gangland stabbings, moped muggings by specimens carrying murder weapons, drug-dealing on a MASSIVE scale continue unabated …
He blocks EVERY Private Members Bill on a weird point of principle. Including the really good ones. It’s gone on too long. [It’s an affront to Parliamentary democracy.]
Ah but it’s ok if MPs try and block Brexit I suppose?
• The BBC has been accused of behaving like a tabloid after publishing clickbait-style articles about Love Island and public defecation.
David Dinsmore of News UK, which publishes The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun, said the BBC’s online content had transformed it into a tabloid.
Fran Unsworth, the BBC’s director of news, said at a media summit that the BBC had to attract younger readers, adding that it was not a threat to newspapers.
For a number of years now BBC Online has become little more than e-Titbits, but with rather less journalistic competence, and only the “bits” – obviously!
David Dinsmore, the former editor of The Sun, is complaining to Fran Unsworth, the head of BBC News, that her website is running a headline entitled "Serial poppers, why do people poo in public?”
Is Internet censorship coming ? Times lefties features President, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Ester Rantzen etc. saying online is causing kids too much stress so it needs to be controlled
Not on this site if I can help it. I get certain things submitted because they might be a bit …..inflammatory but try to apply a very light hand here.
I can see just one white person in the photos. Not really multicultral enrichment is it? How does the BBC think this is great news to report when it doesn’t follow their bullshit diversity crap.
[A spokesman for the Birmingham event said: “We’re all overwhelmed that so many people from different faiths and from across the world have travelled to Birmingham for this year’s Celebrate Eid” ]
“So many people from different faiths”?
Which different faiths would that be then? Lying Taquiyya b@stard!
Coming BBC headline
\\ Victory for Maduro as he leads Venezuela’s Greenest ever government he beats other countries “Leave in the Ground” campaigns by producing less oil than in the 1950’s //
Venezuela is actually paying to import foreign oil and is virtually giving it away, whilst it then re-exports some of the oil to fulfil contracts with Russia and China.
Conservative peer Baroness Warsi, who was the first female Muslim cabinet minister, has also called for a full inquiry into alleged Islamophobia in the party.
The Muslim Council of Britain has urged the Tories to launch an independent inquiry.
I have discovered that if you type “sick of hearing” into the google search box, the top three search suggestions are:
sick of hearing about autism
sick of hearing about grenfell
sick of hearing about the royal wedding
Also high on the list:
royal baby
I believe Google throws up these suggestions based on the most frequently searched-for terms. Which shows an awful lot of people are fed up of hearing about Grenfell. We are not alone.
Following on from news of the NAO’s report on Universal Credit our impartial Jeremy Vine calls for listeners to provide their stories, which, of course, are guaranteed to be all negative.
Why go through all the hassle of verifying if the stories/respondents are real and spoil a nice anti-government tale!
Still Vine revealed his real intellectual level as he later confused a rabbit with its keeper, “So Candy (the rabbit)…”, and then went on to speak to the rabbit in a tone that would embarrass a baby. And we pay £700k for this?
You have to get to the very last paragraph to get a quote from Scotland yard, “All three women were filled with hate and toxic ideology and were determined to carry out a terrorist attack.”
666 as the number of the beast has been relegated, D. Revelation! 666 is not the number of the beast (itʼs a devilish 616)
By Tom Anderson
01 May 2005
A newly discovered fragment of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament indicates that, as far as the Antichrist goes, theologians, scholars, heavy metal groups, and television evangelists have got the wrong number. Instead of 666, itʼs actually the far less ominous 616.
The new fragment from the Book of Revelation, written in ancient Greek and dating from the late third century, is part of a hoard of previously unintelligible manuscripts discovered in historic dumps outside Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. Now a team of expert classicists, using new photographic techniques, are finally deciphering the original writing.
Professor David Parker, Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism and Paleography at the University of Birmingham, thinks that 616, although less memorable than 666, is the original. He said: “This is an example of gematria, where numbers are based on the numerical values of letters in people’s names. Early Christians would use numbers to hide the identity of people who they were attacking: 666 refers to the Emperor Caligula.”
The Book of Revelation is traditionally considered to be written by John, a disciple of Jesus; it identifies 666 as the mark of the Antichrist. In America, the fundamentalist Christian right often use the number in sermons about the coming Apocalypse.
They and satanists responded coolly to the new “Revelation”. Peter Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, said: “By using 666 we’re using something that the Christians fear. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the beast then we’ll start using that.”
“Does Clinton email report help or hurt Trump?”
by Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter.
“”……the report singles out two senior FBI employees for particular criticism in his report. “”
“”Peter Strzok, who was chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence section in 2016, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were having an extramarital affair and used their government phones to exchange text messages that frequently disparaged Mr Trump.””
“”Some of these messages had already been publicly released, but one revealed in the report could prove particularly damning.””
“”[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Ms Page wrote.””
“No,” Mr Strzok replied. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”
The BBC reporter judging from his previous work, is very anti-Trump.
But he won’t see that the leaked FBI messages to ‘fix’ the election in favour of Clinton are proof of FBI collusion to rig the election. Imagine if these senior FBI officers had mentioned Clinton rather than Trump?
BBC backing their favoured Left wing candidate again? Bias? More than bias.
Sentry- My guess is, we’ll not see any balanced reporting on the US during any period Trump is in office. The BBC resent the fact that he’s not Hillary. They hide it sometimes, but basically, they hate Trump because he, more than Brexit or Italy or anything else, DESTROYED the relentless march of victory for Political Correctness.
They’re not democrats at heart. Lip service: plenty. But their version, the PC version of democracy was: Hillary wins. And if she didn’t win, it’s not democracy.
That’s their definition. It was time for a woman, to take over. Look around you and tell me I’m wrong.
Conservatives think democracy is the most votes coming tops in any given situation. For PC it’s their favourite gender, or their favourite race, or their favourite religion of the moment. This robotic attitude is what is moral in the robotic age we have entered.
There is no logic about it.
There is nothing rational about it.
Don’t like your gender? Identify as the opposite. Don’t like either? No problem, you can be in transit.
Don’t like Trump? Hillary won. Regardless of their possible crimes, all her little workers will be good. And they are all winners. And Trump, who sometimes comes over as a little robotic, while really being very shrewd, has rained on the robotic PC parade.
So now we watch the little robots in parliament, who are there to thwart vote-counting democracy, trying to reverse Brexit. In their hearts, they probably see it as ‘revenge’ on Trump.
The bBBC are a diabolical disgrace. They are depicting on Eastenders a white man waiting to meet a 14 year old girl whom he has been grooming for 3 months.
Ironically, their chosen meeting place is a chicken/kebab shop!
Now we all know what type “grooms” young girls in chicken shops and it certainly ain’t white men!
Not unless you live in BBC’s cloud cuckoo land.
On the plus side, the Eastender script writers won’t have to leave the building to get first hand experience and info on paedophilia and grooming, given some of the things that’s gone on at the BBC over the years. Did the white bloke speak with a Yorkshire or Australian accent?
There are hardly any white people living in east London these days unless you go all the way out to places like Hornchurch and Romford, but I think Eastenders is supposed to be set a lot closer to places like Ilford, Newham and Barking.
If the BBC see Kevin Sharkey’s splendid and truthful video, they will hasten to invite to interview on Newsnight and empanel him on Any Questions – won’t they?
I’m not sure about the bit when he says “India doesn’t have a word for paedophile, that’s their culture”
Although India might have a lot of creepy guys, just like Britain has a lot of drunks …being English doesn’t make you a drunk and many Indian men are honourable.
\\ Sharkey announced his opposition to current Irish immigration policy and the contentious atmosphere surrounding debate of the issue, declaring he intended to enter politics in order to open up dialogue.[26] In the months since he made several appearances on Irish television and radio speaking out against political correctness and the perceived prioritization of immigrant citizens over native born Irish when it came to public services.//
\\ He campaigned for Civil partnership and lived with his long-term male partner Ade Antigha … He’s openly bi-sexual //
Bit of a maverick, he was in Sinn Fein, but left cos of Gerry Adams
I’m not sure about the bit when he says “India doesn’t have a word for paedophile, that’s their culture”
Although India might have a lot of creepy guys, just like Britain has a lot of drunks …being English doesn’t make you a drunk and many Indian men are honourable.
I think he was a presenter on ‘The Tube’ with Jools Holland and Paula Yates in the 80s. The Undertones song, with wobbly warbler Fearghal Sharkey, ‘My Perfect Cousin’ , is apparently about Kevin, ‘he’s sure to go to heaven’.
The lesson from Ronaldo in Sochi this afternoon: no matter how overwhelming the opposition look, it only takes one person, strong of mind and bold of heart…
Regardless of Janice Atkinson MEP’s politics or clumsiness.
The willingness of 2 Labour MEP’s to mislead by misrepresenting her is incredible.
They make it sound like she interupted a memorial to Jo Cox
In fact she had a concern about the safety of TR’s prison
and her motion to speak had been approved
… she had followed procedure.
But they cut her mike anyway.
Does #MoreInCommon hashtag signify that what they have in common is deception ?
Jo Cox was “proof” that we need in society that the life of one misguided virtue signaler, far outweighs in value the lives of dozens of ordinary citizens and that the only “terrorism” we need to worry about was the “far” right sort the rest just being part and parcel of modern city life.
Lots of fires at the moment…just sayin’.
Anyway, trying to wean myself off Al Beeb, but the shit stirring fuckers are infuriating:
US child migrants: 2,000 separated from families in six weeks
As usual, trying to interfere with another country’s policies.
Then there’s an item which looks like poorly researched fake news
‘Devastating’ impact of ‘Spice’ shown in Bridgend street
How do they know what these folks have been on? They seem to have taken the images from social media and the guy on the left looks like he’s looking for something in his bag, not slumped over.
Maxi might let me know.
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Any PUNISH an ideology campaign is idiotic cos it’s likely to give that ideology victimhood status.
We know this from the BBC/MetroLibEstablishment’s campaign “Punish a non-lib/lefty century”
People reacted to being spat in the face everyday by voting for Brexit and Trump.
I guess BBC is busy cooking up the narratives for the Dave/David Parnham “Punish A Muslim Day” court case
Searching internet for previous nastiness by a “David Parnham” of Lincoln brings up nothing.
I’m open to evidence but the PAMD still seems like something cooked up by TellMama and Brendan Cox’s HateyNoHopers.
You’ve surely got to be a special kind of stupid to be caught sending letters like these, surely? What did he do, ask the local library to print them? Then again, you have to be stupid to send them in the first place.
Stronger In Campaign release a new game … spot the odd one out … which one was NEVER a world Leader … comedy that writes itself …
I’ve seen that some people from Grenfell have been refusing flats/houses to live in because they say the places are not good enough.
The accommodation looked very nice to me, much better than an average home and also in a very desirable location.
Can I take it that all the flats in Grenfell were luxurious 5 star accommodation and all these families (on benefits) were living in flats that most of us could only dream to get.
I would bet that if you compared the place in Grenfell with the new place offered, the new place would be far better.
What sticks in my mind are the Grenfell lawyers’ speeches. Even the bbc didn’t repeat them in the evening, after their lunchtime airing.
Hate speech doesn’t get more virulent than that. Incitement doesn’t get more toxic.
I suppose their QC status gives them cover. But their nasty words (Lenin would have been proud) have sullied the memory of the deceased, and have also created a tide of entitlement it would seem, that is hard to comprehend.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
– Theresa May’s promise on immigration in 2010
– David Lammy and his £650 bike on expenses (never seen used)
– BBC Telford reporting with its £3.5bn
On yer bike, Lammy!
It’s not HIS bike, it’s ours – and we want it back.
R4 lunchtime news: Mardell and Connolly can’t see any other solution to Europe’s migration problems (invasion?) than Ms Merkel’s. That’s always to let in as many as possible.
Horst Seehofer (of CDU sister party in Bavaria, the CSU) could sink her now, but he is weak, very weak. And Schauble, like Merkel, has been going on forever, and also has a black box of tricks. He is supoosed to mediate. Ha ha. Seehofer, a bunny rabbit in the ring with two snakes.
Could the tide also be turning in Germany? Or do they want lots more enrichment?
Fall down yet again, Seehofer. The AfD are waiting…
Dear Anna Soubry,
Can you tell me why people have to “Suck It Up” regards immigration when your party leaders have said the following:
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition governme nt was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society…. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.” – Theresa May 2015
Yours sincerely
Video of Anna Soubry saying “Suck it up! Suck it up!” “Anna Soubry vs Caroline Flint on the Norway/EEA option.”
Tory Policy 2015…………………
Sorry: Grenfell again…
Yesterday morning Brissles wrote:
Well here is your answer:
Back in 2013 the Daily Mail reported that of the four million migrants who arrived between 2001 and 2011, 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties.
In 2013 Cameron announced plans for a 2-year residency requirement but as councils said, the fundamental flaw in the plan is they will still be obliged to help any EU migrants who present themselves as homeless. And that is still the case as far as I can determine.
To avoid confusion: most social housing is now managed by housing associations. Not the smaller charities that have been around for a long time, but newer organisations created in the Thatcher years that took over the council properties and manage and maintain the estates on behalf (sub-contractors) of the local authorities. It is still the latter who decides who gets a home.
I have worked as a supplier to this sector (yes, a very varied career) and know the following to be true.
An earlier article from a whistle-blowing “Housing Professional” as many like to call themselves reveals the scale and nature of abuse of the system:
Were these the ones Tony Blair let in ‘to give the Tories one in the eye’? (I think a Labour insider, Andrew Nether made the revelation?)
@fakenewswatcher, the gloating phrase you refer to from the creature Blair I believe, is the infamous, ”Let’s rub their noses in diversity”.
You may well be spot on there, Major.
I plead poor memory and/or a desire to forget as much about Blair as possible. Let’s face it, a good memory he ain’t…
Thanks for putting me right.
I think there’s far more corruption going on with the Governments tacit approval and/or collusion.
Early 2017 my attention was drawn to a couple of Eastern Europeans with, apparently, two children all living in a Housing Association s/d house. I learnt that the male was cohabiting and the female was claiming all the benefits available. I mentioned this to the HA who said that she (the tenant) always denied he was living there permanently. A complete lie. I informed the DWP who did/have not investigated the fraud. I mentioned to the HA that if the DWP did and it was found that the HA did know he was resident, they would be liable as a co-conspirator to benefit fraud. Needless to say, he has now just become a joint tenant after over 5 years to get the HA of the potential hook. No need really I suppose as I am confident that the DWP are, ‘a nod and wink’ turning a blind eye to EU citizens claiming all the benefits illegally. A sweetener to come to the UK if I’m not mistaken. (Well, what the hell, it’s only taxpayers money!). My FoI request to the DWP shows that over the past five years, successful prosecutions have fallen dramatically which supports my theory. The Eastern European female? £9 an hour as a part time “Carer”. Driving around in a BMW 525d Se?
525d Se? Gosh, these personalised number plates get more and more inscrutable by the day.
Anyway, they also need to be chasing up the illegal sub-letting being carried out on a significant scale. A case I know of: East European Romas (large family) in social housing (four-bedroom house, London) occupy two of the bedrooms, and illegally sub-let the other two rooms to transient “guests”, the “agency” is managed via the grapevine. Over £200 a week [credit cards not accepted 😉 ] for each room. Neither of the parents works (legally). Any chance of a BBC ‘Inside Report’ on this phenomenon?
Italians land Grenfell flat a fairytale ?
I see Deborah June 16, 2017 also asked here, how these Italians got a prestige location flat so easily ?
A newspaper says ” They arrived in March, secured a privately rented flat on the top floor in Grenfell, …”

\\There were 14 ” owned” leasehold properties in Grenfell.//
I heard that some of the other flats were basically like hostels
which is why they weren’t sure of the casualty numbers.
Not specifically a comment about the BBC, but rather the ambience (or perhaps aroma) it helps to create.
I work in an Engineering firm, we’ve got around 40 staff in total, mostly men (mostly ‘male, pale and stale’ in fact – for some reason all those immigrant Engineers just don’t seem to want to work with us?).
Anyway, recently we’ve been trying to recruit someone for a fairly senior management post. We had a fair number of applicants and had to sift them down to four for interview, the higher ups told us that one of the candidates, who was neither the most experienced, nor the most academic, SHOULD be added to the shortlist. The only thing that was different about this candidate was their gender, but okay she got the invite.
Today we had the interviews, and the panel was led by my boss, a highly experienced engineer in her late 50s (yes, HER, unusual, but not unheard of in engineering). My boss has worked her way up the hard way, really knows her stuff, and is a bloody good boss actually.
This interviewee, let’s call her Ms X, is early 30s, quite glammed up, wearing skirt and heels, nervous, of course. So, my boss asks her “So Ms X. why do you particularly want this job?”, to which she replies “I dunno… I think it’s because there aren’t enough female engineers in management, and we need to be more ambitious.” Then a couple of questions later, my boss asks her what she’d do in a theoretical, and hazardous, situation “I dunno” says Ms X. “guess I’d get help from someone with more experience, you know us girls aren’t always great at making quick decisions.” – WTF!
My boss has sworn she’ll only get the job over her dead body, she’s absolutely furious… but we’ll see.
You tick my box too . I was on a selection board and the chair was a girl . I’d done all the hr courses and want going to fuck up my organisation. . Any girl applicants turned up and got roasted by my chair . As a chap I was the nice girl. A lot of girly applicants failed – more than chaps . She and me debated it but in the end she was right and I was the whitee male snowflake .i felt like such a c—t at the end of it
Because I didn’t go with what I knew to be righting the grounds of self imposed Pc – never again .
As boat loads of young Africans head to Spain …. a word from the past.
Gaddafi warned Europe … …
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Two Dicks … a Dick and a SAD Diq…..
Good to see neither of them is playing with their phone. Quite a lot of mopeds about these days.
If only we had a leader who would treat the BBC in the same manner!
Mz Thornberry will have a field day.
How to survive a failed parachute by the bbc.
Maybe their employees could demonstrate?
Maybe they could teach gays how to survive being thrown from tall buildings.
Nice one. I’m still working on how to survive a failed pile of chute that IS the BBC.
“World This Weekend exposed as FakeNews
by BBC More Or Less
In May Mardell : “Here’s an underreported result nearly 4,000 people who want to vote were stopped from doing so, according to the Electoral Reform Society”
What’s wrong was that ? That was an ERS observers ESTIMATE of people stopped
#1 BBC forgot to acknowledge that when turned away doesn’t mean you didn’t vote
Most came back with their ID
#2 The ERS applied Chinese Whispers to their extrapolation process and got 3981 turned away.
The actual official tally was 340
In Bromley of 569 challenged 415 returned with correct ID
The ERS replied with a strawman ..’ah but we don’t know about the people who were put off trying to vote by the ID rule’
story also Tweeted by the Guardian’s news editor David Batty
\\ Almost 4,000 people may have been denied vote by election ID pilots – live //
20 Week suspended jail sentence for Holocaust denial on Youtube
OK mocking the holocaust is a bit weird, but sentence seems counter productive.
Alison Chabloz a dual Swiss national was convicted on May25 and has just been sentenced
She’s been banned from all social media as well.
BBC report from May
Seems the vdeos date from 2015
Radio4 was back to Windrush after yesterday’s Grenfell day
11 am Caribritish: Children of Windrush 1/2
4:30pm Feedback is back with its SJW campaigning : Drivetime Radio 2 Simon and Jo show, Grenfell Inquiry Podcast, Brexit Vote
. Lewis Carnie, the Head of Radio 2, explains why he decided to change a successful programme.
\\Roger also speaks to BBC Head of Current Affairs, Joanna Carr, about The Grenfell Tower Inquiry podcast, fronted by Eddie Mair, which day-by-day follows the inquiry into the deaths of 72 people in the West London tower block fire.//
10pm BBC 2 you have Frankly Byle
Developments affecting Parliamentary sovereignty
Over the years, Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. These laws reflect political developments both within and outside the UK.
They include:
* The devolution of power to bodies like the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.
* The Human Rights Act 1998.
* The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
* The decision to establish a UK Supreme Court in 2009, which ends the House of Lords function as the UK’s final court of appeal.
“The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.. Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. ”
“The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973. . Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. “
I won’t hold my breath for the BBC to report the following on their so-called ‘Science’ section.
33 fellows of the Geological Society have written an open letter to their president to complain about their stance on climate change. The full letter is on
It’s a well-written demolition of the crap that passes for science in the eyes of the greenies and beedoids. No one could read it and not question why we’re wasting trillions on trying to stop a natural process.
It’s not the first its kind, but sadly, I doubt very much the beeb or any MSM media will reprint or even report it. Yet the beeb are only to happy to give the ramblings of the Pope (that highly-qualified scientist -NOT!) top billing.
Quick to shout “Nasty Tory” but no attempt to explain his reasons for doing so.
She doesn’t have a British accent
Ah born/educated in Germany
BBC Webpage doesn’t say why he objected.
Yes, this occurence seems to have outraged Oberreichsrichterin Shelagh Fogerthy on LBC. She wants the guilty parties Philip Davis and Christopher Choke to be brought before the LBC Volksgericht to explain themselves. Hasn’t she realised yet that “MPs are representatives, not delegates” who “act in accordance with their conscience to ensure what is best for the country” and can and should tell their constituents and everyone else to go fuck themselves if they have a differing opinion.. This is the world of Brexit voters.
Politics of the playground these days. Next week: police to prosecute you if you won’t lend me your pencil. Meanwhile gangland stabbings, moped muggings by specimens carrying murder weapons, drug-dealing on a MASSIVE scale continue unabated …
Great post
He blocks EVERY Private Members Bill on a weird point of principle. Including the really good ones. It’s gone on too long. [It’s an affront to Parliamentary democracy.]
Ah but it’s ok if MPs try and block Brexit I suppose?
• The BBC has been accused of behaving like a tabloid after publishing clickbait-style articles about Love Island and public defecation.
David Dinsmore of News UK, which publishes The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun, said the BBC’s online content had transformed it into a tabloid.
Fran Unsworth, the BBC’s director of news, said at a media summit that the BBC had to attract younger readers, adding that it was not a threat to newspapers.
The BBC is a threat to the country though. Its increasingly obvious support for the declining Corbyn machine is beyond disturbing now!
For a number of years now BBC Online has become little more than e-Titbits, but with rather less journalistic competence, and only the “bits” – obviously!
BBC replied
BBC are getting you ready for street street defectation … all cultures are equal.
Is Internet censorship coming ? Times lefties features President, Royal College of Psychiatrists and Ester Rantzen etc. saying online is causing kids too much stress so it needs to be controlled
maybe kids are mentally weaker these days
Oh, they are…
Not on this site if I can help it. I get certain things submitted because they might be a bit …..inflammatory but try to apply a very light hand here.
Does the BBC keep telling you how popular Trump is ?
On Day 500 of his presidency \\ President Trump has an approval rating of 87 per cent in his own party;
the best since George W Bush’s 96 per cent in 2001
(which were helped by 911) //
Second highest by any president since the war
Transport For London logo:
No white people in the image. All four are either black or brown.
Uncropped it has a light skinned boy
I hope the others aren’t offended by the white boy sticking his tongue out at them!
He looks Indian to me. I suppose he didn’t look Indian enough.
Same as the new Asda advert then.
Record- breaking crowds, you say? Whyever would that be?
Comments could be going better!
Day of Eid …. when everyone becomes Islamic.
Day of Lent …. when everyone demands that religion is reduced to eat chocolate day.
Here is the BBCs main web page with loads of photos of Muslims.
I can see just one white person in the photos. Not really multicultral enrichment is it? How does the BBC think this is great news to report when it doesn’t follow their bullshit diversity crap.
Diversity?? My arse. This is an invasion and I’m sure the BBC shirtlifters are cock-a-hoop about it.
comments are brill
[A spokesman for the Birmingham event said: “We’re all overwhelmed that so many people from different faiths and from across the world have travelled to Birmingham for this year’s Celebrate Eid” ]
“So many people from different faiths”?
Which different faiths would that be then? Lying Taquiyya b@stard!
Aw it looks like the comments option has been removed.
I really hope they aren’t all phantom poopers!
An easy day for the ATU with their watch list then!
Coming BBC headline
\\ Victory for Maduro as he leads Venezuela’s Greenest ever government he beats other countries “Leave in the Ground” campaigns by producing less oil than in the 1950’s //
Venezuela is actually paying to import foreign oil and is virtually giving it away, whilst it then re-exports some of the oil to fulfil contracts with Russia and China.
No unlike the UK, Stew, not oil but money, which we borrow to give away as Foreign Aid.
The end of the Tory Party and the end of debate the end of freedom … Islam is now protected ….
Tories chairman Brandon Lewis vows to ‘stamp out’ Islamophobia
Conservative peer Baroness Warsi, who was the first female Muslim cabinet minister, has also called for a full inquiry into alleged Islamophobia in the party.
The Muslim Council of Britain has urged the Tories to launch an independent inquiry.
Got to be asked – who voted for Anna soubry? They really have questions to answer . Were they all cousins with 6 toes ?’
I’m guessing where she comes from they have no concept of time or space or EU membership
Tories Islamaphobic?
The Home Secretary is a muslim and tipped to be PM.
What Warsi wants is a Cabinet made up of muslims. And even then she wouldn’t be satisfied.
Remind me. How many christians hold senior political posts in Islamic countries? Any? Not even one.
The last one I can remember was Tariq Aziz, who was Saddam Hussein’s deputy.
From the BBC’s fake news site:
I have discovered that if you type “sick of hearing” into the google search box, the top three search suggestions are:
sick of hearing about autism
sick of hearing about grenfell
sick of hearing about the royal wedding
Also high on the list:
royal baby
I believe Google throws up these suggestions based on the most frequently searched-for terms. Which shows an awful lot of people are fed up of hearing about Grenfell. We are not alone.
Yes and if you type “is the bb…”
You get;
Is the BBC biased
Is the BBC left wing
Is the BBC owned by the government.
Says a lot really.
Actually since #4 “Is the BBC is right wing”
better ask Google
OK Google, you are telling us “the BBC is”
OK Google, what are we “sick of hearing about ?”
OK Google, what is “biased ?”
Google tell me , .. “The BBC is not”
…Ans : the bbc is not impartial or neutral
The BBC is not worth my money
Following on from news of the NAO’s report on Universal Credit our impartial Jeremy Vine calls for listeners to provide their stories, which, of course, are guaranteed to be all negative.
Why go through all the hassle of verifying if the stories/respondents are real and spoil a nice anti-government tale!
Still Vine revealed his real intellectual level as he later confused a rabbit with its keeper, “So Candy (the rabbit)…”, and then went on to speak to the rabbit in a tone that would embarrass a baby. And we pay £700k for this?
Unless I’ve missed it, the accompanying article does not once mention motive.
No Ronald,
You have not missed anything. The BBC have left it to the readers to work out that it has nothing to do with Islam.
You have to get to the very last paragraph to get a quote from Scotland yard, “All three women were filled with hate and toxic ideology and were determined to carry out a terrorist attack.”
So nothing to do with Islam then!!!
My last contribution upped the comments numbers to 666! Is that bad?
666 as the number of the beast has been relegated, D.
Revelation! 666 is not the number of the beast (itʼs a devilish 616)
By Tom Anderson
01 May 2005
A newly discovered fragment of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament indicates that, as far as the Antichrist goes, theologians, scholars, heavy metal groups, and television evangelists have got the wrong number. Instead of 666, itʼs actually the far less ominous 616.
The new fragment from the Book of Revelation, written in ancient Greek and dating from the late third century, is part of a hoard of previously unintelligible manuscripts discovered in historic dumps outside Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. Now a team of expert classicists, using new photographic techniques, are finally deciphering the original writing.
Professor David Parker, Professor of New Testament Textual Criticism and Paleography at the University of Birmingham, thinks that 616, although less memorable than 666, is the original. He said: “This is an example of gematria, where numbers are based on the numerical values of letters in people’s names. Early Christians would use numbers to hide the identity of people who they were attacking: 666 refers to the Emperor Caligula.”
The Book of Revelation is traditionally considered to be written by John, a disciple of Jesus; it identifies 666 as the mark of the Antichrist. In America, the fundamentalist Christian right often use the number in sermons about the coming Apocalypse.
They and satanists responded coolly to the new “Revelation”. Peter Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, said: “By using 666 we’re using something that the Christians fear. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the beast then we’ll start using that.”
I once read an article that said “666” had been misinterpreted and “www” was nearer the mark. Will have to do some investigating.
Anyway, all that is really interesting.
My brother in the US once lived at 668 on some street or other. He called himself the “neighbour of the beast”. 🙂
“My last contribution upped the comments numbers to 666! Is that bad?”
What the Devil do you mean?
They’re not ‘stars’, Stew.
They’re well over-paid, self-indulgent, whimsically inept, educationally subnormal, self-admirant, tax-evading, pompous, usually stupid, family-lightweight, interestingly-over-rated, often ugly, squealingly embarrassing, managerialitically empounded, left-wing idealistic, weak, often unattractive, losers when faced with intelligence.
And the next list will be published very soon!
BBC Online News:
“Does Clinton email report help or hurt Trump?”
by Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter.
“”……the report singles out two senior FBI employees for particular criticism in his report. “”
“”Peter Strzok, who was chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence section in 2016, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page were having an extramarital affair and used their government phones to exchange text messages that frequently disparaged Mr Trump.””
“”Some of these messages had already been publicly released, but one revealed in the report could prove particularly damning.””
“”[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Ms Page wrote.””
“No,” Mr Strzok replied. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”
The BBC reporter judging from his previous work, is very anti-Trump.
But he won’t see that the leaked FBI messages to ‘fix’ the election in favour of Clinton are proof of FBI collusion to rig the election. Imagine if these senior FBI officers had mentioned Clinton rather than Trump?
BBC backing their favoured Left wing candidate again? Bias? More than bias.
Sentry- My guess is, we’ll not see any balanced reporting on the US during any period Trump is in office. The BBC resent the fact that he’s not Hillary. They hide it sometimes, but basically, they hate Trump because he, more than Brexit or Italy or anything else, DESTROYED the relentless march of victory for Political Correctness.
They’re not democrats at heart. Lip service: plenty. But their version, the PC version of democracy was: Hillary wins. And if she didn’t win, it’s not democracy.
That’s their definition. It was time for a woman, to take over. Look around you and tell me I’m wrong.
Conservatives think democracy is the most votes coming tops in any given situation. For PC it’s their favourite gender, or their favourite race, or their favourite religion of the moment. This robotic attitude is what is moral in the robotic age we have entered.
There is no logic about it.
There is nothing rational about it.
Don’t like your gender? Identify as the opposite. Don’t like either? No problem, you can be in transit.
Don’t like Trump? Hillary won. Regardless of their possible crimes, all her little workers will be good. And they are all winners. And Trump, who sometimes comes over as a little robotic, while really being very shrewd, has rained on the robotic PC parade.
So now we watch the little robots in parliament, who are there to thwart vote-counting democracy, trying to reverse Brexit. In their hearts, they probably see it as ‘revenge’ on Trump.
The bBBC are a diabolical disgrace. They are depicting on Eastenders a white man waiting to meet a 14 year old girl whom he has been grooming for 3 months.
Ironically, their chosen meeting place is a chicken/kebab shop!
Now we all know what type “grooms” young girls in chicken shops and it certainly ain’t white men!
Not unless you live in BBC’s cloud cuckoo land.
Well how real world is it, that Eastenders portrays a market dominated by white people in East London ?
On the plus side, the Eastender script writers won’t have to leave the building to get first hand experience and info on paedophilia and grooming, given some of the things that’s gone on at the BBC over the years. Did the white bloke speak with a Yorkshire or Australian accent?
There are hardly any white people living in east London these days unless you go all the way out to places like Hornchurch and Romford, but I think Eastenders is supposed to be set a lot closer to places like Ilford, Newham and Barking.
Irish Presidential Candidate Kevin Sharkey On Tommy Robinson’s Imprisonment.
I’d vote for this guy. Isn’t there one British MP with the guts to stand up and say the same? Just one? Any party?
… that’s a no then.
If the BBC see Kevin Sharkey’s splendid and truthful video, they will hasten to invite to interview on Newsnight and empanel him on Any Questions – won’t they?
Background : \\ Kevin Sharkey was a former TV presenter and one of Ireland’s most famous artists. He announced his candidacy for the Presidency in March of this year. //
I’m not sure about the bit when he says “India doesn’t have a word for paedophile, that’s their culture”
Although India might have a lot of creepy guys, just like Britain has a lot of drunks …being English doesn’t make you a drunk and many Indian men are honourable.
\\ Sharkey announced his opposition to current Irish immigration policy and the contentious atmosphere surrounding debate of the issue, declaring he intended to enter politics in order to open up dialogue.[26] In the months since he made several appearances on Irish television and radio speaking out against political correctness and the perceived prioritization of immigrant citizens over native born Irish when it came to public services.//
\\ He campaigned for Civil partnership and lived with his long-term male partner Ade Antigha … He’s openly bi-sexual //
Bit of a maverick, he was in Sinn Fein, but left cos of Gerry Adams
Good one, Tone.
Now, about that freeze frame from the G7 that got y’all excited…
Background : \\ Kevin Sharkey was a former TV presenter and one of Ireland’s most famous artists. He announced his candidacy for the Presidency in March of this year. //
I’m not sure about the bit when he says “India doesn’t have a word for paedophile, that’s their culture”
Although India might have a lot of creepy guys, just like Britain has a lot of drunks …being English doesn’t make you a drunk and many Indian men are honourable.
I think he was a presenter on ‘The Tube’ with Jools Holland and Paula Yates in the 80s. The Undertones song, with wobbly warbler Fearghal Sharkey, ‘My Perfect Cousin’ , is apparently about Kevin, ‘he’s sure to go to heaven’.
The lesson from Ronaldo in Sochi this afternoon: no matter how overwhelming the opposition look, it only takes one person, strong of mind and bold of heart…
So much tosh on Al Beeb’s news tonight, but more important is this………………..
The British Parliament = Democracy.
The European Parliament = Dictatorship.
The second Battle of Britain has begun!
Brexit must succeed or Britain will be lost.
Regardless of Janice Atkinson MEP’s politics or clumsiness.

The willingness of 2 Labour MEP’s to mislead by misrepresenting her is incredible.
They make it sound like she interupted a memorial to Jo Cox
In fact she had a concern about the safety of TR’s prison
and her motion to speak had been approved
… she had followed procedure.
But they cut her mike anyway.
Does #MoreInCommon hashtag signify that what they have in common is deception ?
In the previous debate Atkinson had stood to respect Cox, but that doesn’t matter to the Labour hate factory
And what actually was Jo Cox’s legacy?
To leave us with a go to sex pest who plays the widowed husband & father card everytime someone needs crushing with a top trump victim.
Jo Cox was “proof” that we need in society that the life of one misguided virtue signaler, far outweighs in value the lives of dozens of ordinary citizens and that the only “terrorism” we need to worry about was the “far” right sort the rest just being part and parcel of modern city life.
Women should make sure that they wear knickers when they go out – Simples !
Lessons to be learned ?
Lots of fires at the moment…just sayin’.
Anyway, trying to wean myself off Al Beeb, but the shit stirring fuckers are infuriating:
US child migrants: 2,000 separated from families in six weeks
As usual, trying to interfere with another country’s policies.
Then there’s an item which looks like poorly researched fake news
‘Devastating’ impact of ‘Spice’ shown in Bridgend street
How do they know what these folks have been on? They seem to have taken the images from social media and the guy on the left looks like he’s looking for something in his bag, not slumped over.
Maxi might let me know.