The BBC in full anti brexit mode in the run up to more votes in parliament to overturn Lords’ votes .So called conservative backbenchers plot to derail brexit too .
The current government celebrates the 70th anniversary of the inter- National Health Service by throwing more borrowed money at it .
Crucifixes are torn from peoples’ homes by muslim delivery drivers and they get a ‘ chat’ with the police.
i understand the appeal by TR has been submitted and a letter written by him has been published o
On the upside it’s possible that Mother Merkel will lose her job this week . Let’s hope. Al beeb will be so upset
STOP PRESS dimbly to leave Question Time – replacement suggestions ?
‘Oxbridge white blokes’ like Monty Python have had their day, says BBC comedy boss
“It’s 50 years since Python. If we’re going to assemble a team now it’s not going to be six Oxbridge white blokes, it’s going to be a diverse range of people who reflect the modern world and have got something to say that’s different and we haven’t seen before.”
I thought the Pythons pretty much assembled themselves. And how about “assembling a team” that’s actually funny instead of having “something to say”? I thought that was the original purpose of comedy. We all know what form that “something” is likely to take, don’t we? And, BTW you bloody fool, most people back in the 1970s weren’t Oxbridge either.
Allen was speaking at the launch of the BBC’s new comedy season, which includes a special programme marking the 60th birthday of Sir Lenny Henry.
Give me strength. Black black black – sick of it. Python at its weakest was better than anything he’s ever done. In fact that’s true of many “white” TV shows from back then.
What about the Inbetweeners? Maybe not Oxbridge, but hilarious and contemporary. The reason British humour is so good is our unique way of looking at life and laughing at ourselves – it’s part of our CULTURE. Our rich language, innuendo, euphemisms etc, which I think are quite unique. All part of our ancient history, development and CULTURE.
Consequently, they want to knock the nail in the coffin and get rid of it.
Comedy and the modern BBC are mutually incompatible.
My grandson and his friends have discovered old tapes of the Goon Show ( hardly Oxbridge) and are busy learning the daft catchphrases and why Bluebottle is such a comic standout creation. Along with Eccles and the rest. His parents are having to live with it .
It is as he says completely mad and very funny. Quite something as the show is now 60 years old at least.
Class, unlike style, never goes out of fashion.
2 words – Reginald Perrin
The bbbc are a bit stuck on the Bill Cosby ‘news’, aren’t they.
Ooooh, you can’t knock him can you or oooh he’s funny because he’s not white, oooooooooooooooooooooooooh ….
And in other news, a battery exploded in Alan’s Snack bar…
There they go again.
How the hell can the BBC burble this “meaningful vote” nonsense over Brexit?
Isn`t this deliberately intended to try to make our Referendum vote “meaningLESS”?
Which will inevitably lead to destabilisation, and then either a civil war or some half-arsed effort to occupy the country under some civil emergency act under Corbyn.
No BBC and Parliamentary parrots-we`ve already given you way too much to to give yourselves “meaningful votes”.
On writing off your expenses fiddles.
On nodding in your vast payhikes when you do f***all.
On letting immigrants in with no checks in 2004
On decidind that “upskirting” is a meaningful vote, whereas the illegal and immoral detention of Tommy Robinson is not worth a vote.
Like capital punishment
Like Islamic immigration and letting IS scum back into the country.
Like Mastricht and all those other ratcheting mechanisms intended to garrotte this nation.
No, WE had a MEANINGFUL vote-the only one we`ve ever needed.
All you now say and do is meaningless, irrelevant, pointless and will be swept away within our lifetimes.
A nation that craves Savile and Blair, but hounds a Robinson, rewards a Hogg-Dimbleby; but scorns a Jade Goody?
No-time to pull the life support , and Brexit is going to do it.
Emily Maitlis being deliberately incredibly rude to an elected German politician on Newsnight because the politician happens to be from the AfD party.
The arrogance of ignorance !
AS the grip of the progressives starts to loosen over us this sort of thing is to be expected. They look and sound afraid. The world is turning as it was always bound to do.
The AFD woman knows that the statistics have to be massaged in order to convince the population that all is well. Pravda like .
The attacks on President Trump are to be expected. None of them make the vital point that what type of parent deliberately breaks the law and puts his child at risk? . That the borders are just that and will be policed .
Emotion over reality yet again but it is too late in the day now. Fewer are listening.
The visit in July will be interesting. I hope the progressives lose it and show the good people of the USA just what a bunch of worthless wasters they are.
Just watched Newsnight on iplayer with maitlis shouting and trying to belittle the elected lady for disagreeing with the stats about crime in almanistan.truly desperation in full al beeb swing.
Not even reported on the Radio5 11pm news
So their message is “No big deal at Southgate, just a faulty battery thing”
… That conflicts with fact that the station won’t reopen tonight
If it was minor surely you’d mop up and get the station open pronto.
Why the MSM news blackout over a dodgy battery ? Ummm, would it be cynical to ask what the battery was meant to be powering ?
It was a battery with mental health problems.
A London born battery?
A British National battery?
ISIS trained battery self detonates?
Lone wolf battery? (This one is now depreciated by MSM)
Battery from deprived home.
Seriously though…. modern LiPo batteries do not just short circuit on their own. They can overheat when recharged but in a device they are pretty safe things as long as they don’t get wet.
Sounds to me like the
devicebomb this battery was in was short circuited on purpose, with a switch, to act like a detonator for some home made explosive which has failed to go off.A flying gas main.
Breaking Al Beeb news ………………………
Police arrest ‘flying gas main’ operator.
Where’s Mr Gardner when you want him ? We need some ‘intel’ & security advice .
…….driving a van.
MG, workman’s drill, according to Sky.
Flashback to 2016 : the Economist of all publications basically called Brendan Cox’s Antifa group HnH liars
– Yet they do seem today to feed a lot of deceptive stories into the press still
A nice bit of swamp-draining
“The Human Rights Council is a poor defender of human rights.”
“The Human Rights Council has become an exercise in shameless hypocrisy”
U.S. Withdrawal from U.N. Human Rights Council
It looks like the entire London media has decided en masse to push for the legalisation of recreational use of cannabis, using the completely different issue of medicinal use of cannabis as a pretext. This seemingly includes the Daily Telegraph which is supposed to be the most conservative paper. I would guess that outside London the majority of people probably still have very considerable doubts about the wisdom of legalising the recreational use of the drug, (while supporting its use for medical reasons), but as usual their opinions aren’t of much interest to the London media elite. There is very considerable evidence that using cannabis recerationally can cause medical and psychological problems. (To compare it to alcohol and tobacco is a non-argument in my opinion).
Even in medicational form, I question the judgement of giving a child an addictive drug. Adults can do as they please, but will this child’s mother regret her actions if her child develops full on addiction to cannabis, which could lead to harder drugs when he becomes an adult.
Just to reassure you, Brissles, IIRC cannabis in its basic form is said to be non-addictive. Very different to nicotine. Problem comes with ‘less pure’ basic forms or stuff with all sorts of ‘additives’.
Would you deny an opiate-based painkiller (which is addictive) to a child who is, say, in a painful situation with advanced cancer?
Using cannabis as base for medication would follow in a long line of successful applications of pharmacology.
Yes, nobody outside London takes drugs.
I was listening to the announcement by the USA withdrawing from the Human Rights Council. It is astonishing how much of Mike Pompeos’s introduction is applicable to the BBC and the EU.
For, example calling out countries and institutions who say one thing and do another and the shameless hypocrisy. Also supporting countries with poor human rights records whilst attacking those with good records. It starts around 9.50
As I see it its not just the Human Rights Council at the UN that’s self serving, its the whole organisation. This US administration is calling out the world clique and they don’t like it.
Crossed fingers the US will importantly depart the UN Refugee Council as well. Nothing like withdrawing the bulk of the finance. Could the POTUS be aiming that way with the Mexican border/splitting children from their parents issue? The sort of issue the UN Refugee boys would focus on and, in turn (Trump style) he withdraws as a result……………… One can only hope he pulls the rug from under this odious outfit as well.
Synch, do I recall correctly that none of the recent line of US Presidents, from Bush Snr onwards and including Obama (!), was prepared to pay the USA’s subscription to the UN on the basis that the organisation needed to carry out ‘reforms’ before the US would cough up.
Indeed Up2, just like the EU keep telling us they need to reform and yes we will reform and sweet FA happens.
Synch, so right, so right.
Cannot remember now whether Obama ever called the UN corrupt on mic. He certainly hinted that that was the reason that he would do the same as a string of US Presidents and treat the hospitality of New York as sufficient subscription until the UN cleaned up its act.
If anyone can find a clip of former President Obama naming the UN as corrupt it might be fun to send it to the BBC and ask them to put it on-line as well as comment.
How odd they studiously omit one of the worst human right abusers in the world- Saudi Arabia, assisted onto the UN Human Rights Committee by the UK ! How equally strange that the US believes the anti Israel bias is politically motivated, when most of us know that it is religiously motivated, and that those petro dollars are just to lovely to risk losing in a inopportune wording.
So Egypt can be criticised because it doesn’t have oil – but Saudi, Oman, Kuwait Abu Dhabi etc aren’t.
Wonder why.
Microsoft staff demand firm ends Border Patrol contract
Very misleading title from the BBC. Barely 100 Microsoft employees signed an open letter (Microsoft employs 124,000 people worldwide) and the BBC wet their knickers with excitment.
Have Your Say comments could be going better…
BBC and SKY devoting fair amounts of time to the alleged bumping off of elderly patients at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital.
Doctor allegedly responsible was disciplined but, incredibly, not struck off. Look after their own, don’t they? Lessons will be learned etc
However, what struck me is that the BBC reported the recent developments without mentioning “NHS” once. I checked to make sure that it is, in fact, NHS and not private. But then if it was a private hospital we would certainly have been told, wouldn’t we?
The “envy of the world” is only mentioned in relation to good news or shortage of funds.
Has the BBC become racist? First, the good news: the home page of the BBC news website has an article on black women’s hair:
But the bad news is that this is the first one for a month! For the majority of people in Britain, the topic of black women’s hair is the most important thing in the world and anyone who says otherwise is a vile racist. In fact, there really should be a BBC TV channel dedicated to the subject, let’s call it BBC-BWH for instance. Wouldn’t that be worth the TV licence fee alone? The failure of the BBC to do this is surely proof of racism. Er, the institutional type. Probably.
For those who have been missing their regular fix, here are some other heart warming articles on BWH in recent months:
I do wonder if the BBC’s favourite topic of the month, which they ram down our throats, is triggered by the last new employee starting?
We have had gay marriage, immigrants, suicide, Jo Cox, LGBT, trans toilets, trans kids, Jo Cox (back again by popular demand), Muslims, Labour, Corbyn and now they are doing ‘black’ everything.
Say, if the BBC have just recently employed a black person with afro hair do all the staff go out of their way to say “I love afro hair”, “aren’t black people great?”, and then create shit ‘news’ articles by the dozen about the latest favourite topic.
A contact of mine who worked within the BBC explained that it works along the following lines:
1. They have ‘indirect’ or ‘oblique’ topics that are designed to support key themes. For instance, the obsession with black women’s hair is to support the racism discusson (sic) and menstruation articles support women’s issues/feminism.
2. Certain themes have ‘standing orders’ associated with them, and will be returned to time and time again to promote them. These are usually in support of UN, EU or Government themes, for example Sugar Tax and Eating Insects are currently on the list.
3. Articles are prepared in advance, such that they are ‘ready to go’ at an opportune moment. Sometimes considerable effort has been expended on these, including interviews, detailed graphics and so on, often working with NGO, activists and comrade organisations such as Buzzfeed and SPLC. So, for instance, if there is a ‘news’ item about migrants or American gun crime, a detailed explanatory/propaganda piece is available to supplement it.
All of the above may seem blatantly obvious, but it is interesting that there are formal mechanisms in place and none of it is random.
Ian, nurture that contact and obtain more info on bias etc.
“…do all the staff go out of their way to say “I love afro hair”, “aren’t black people great?”
—”I work with Johnny, and sometimes he stops in the middle of our corporate hallways, but instead of shaking my hands he gives me a fist pound and says “what up.” He’s so in touch with the street, its astonishing.”
First came to this site in 2009, and I well remember the sterling work of Craig Byers and Sue.
I barely bother with the BBC these days, unless people here tell me to check something.
And so it was in that spirit, that I`ve just heard The Beekeeper who`s allergic to stings( salary is -well, what?) talking to Ed Milibands Brain-the one who came us with the Edstone in 2015, and sniffed Russell Brands laundry basket in the hope of getting that “essence rare” to pull off/in Saviles kiddes to vote.
Martha Kearney meets Torsten Bell.
Two minutes silence if you please.
Now then, now then…
1. How much/minute did we pay for this encounter?
2. Who`s paying and who paid-and how many kidney machines or iron lungs does this equate to?
3. Jesus often prefaced his questions by saying “By Whose Authority?”-anybody tell me what possible authority Bell would have to talk about anything but crazy paving, gravestone masonry, fly tipping or Charterhouse spotted dick on matrons apron?
WE need an authority index…if I say John Oliver is 100% Tool( watch him goad Trump into being President in 2015?)-and Martin Luther King is 0% ( says he`ll not make the promised land, shot next day)?
Then where is Bell? As serially stupid and wrong as can be ? And who the hell wouid ask Tombstone Spad about ANYTHING, by way of public annnouncement?
Does Martha Muffintop have her own Mr Grace nurse accompanying her in the MASH tent outside, lots of cheap migrants on standby to give her a chaise longue and a homeopathic poultice should a bee get near….and shouldn`t she report gladly that we`re killing them all? Stuff nature!
And shouldn`t we pay these muffin muppets in relation to IQ?…better value at a stroke.
And NO Andrew Marr-that will not get you more money, you still owe us for all your injunctions.
Great post chrisH!
You have reminded me that I was going to post about a squeaky American female – again – on BBC R4 – again – on the TOADY Programme – again. She was Kate Andrews and was a counter-contributor to Torsten Bell (colleague of David Willetts, ’nuff said!), to whom you refer, on the subject of taxation.
I still object to so many Americans, Canadians, Seth Efricans, Ozzies and Kiwis cluttering up The BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation’s HOME service but I salute M/s Andrews.
Not only did she not start each sentence of a reply to a question with the word ‘So’, she really knew her stuff. Well done, Ma’am. In addition, she was clear, logical and precise. Pleasure to have you contribute information, knowledge and value to a Radio 4 discussion.
“If you make jokes about people who are going to kill you, you tend to hold back a little don’t you.” – John Cleese Political Correctness and Islam
“Shall l I move to Poland or Hungary? Hmmm.” (from
My good lady wife and myself usually take our long summer holidays in Europe, though for obvious reasons quite a few of our favourite countries have been off the shortlist recently. The past couple of years we have holidayed in Krakow Poland, and last year in Budapest Hungary. Both come highly recommended. In the next few years we’re looking at somewhere to retire to and relax after a lifetime’s work. The most important criteria, nowadays is somewhere we can count on a civilised society, and without an impending civil war breaking out ! These two countries are at the top of our list.The Algarve Portugal used to be there, but I did some research into their goverment, and with that and their neighbour’s attitude to the ‘great enrichment’, they have dropped well down the list ! In a nod to my better halfs’ difficulty with foreign languages, my father’s hometown of Penzance is still there however.
#RefugeeWeek2018 – during this week reporters go into politicians and celebrities houses to track down the success stories of these people taking in refugees as they promised.
Or the house next door. Come to think of it, not in my street, property prices etc. Or my town. Or my country.
From the Telegraph:
“Oxbridge white blokes’ like Monty Python have had their day, says BBC comedy boss”
It doesn’t matter, of course, whether they were any good or not. I’m in my 30s and personally I think they produced some of the best British comedy ever made, and I can barely stand to watch British comedy that’s been produced in the last 20 years or so. It’s awful. But identity politics is more important.
The comedy on offer now, is more observations on life and everyday events, rather than the old stand up comedian telling jokes. Michael McIntyre (whom I’ve never watched but have seen clips) and his ilk, sell out huge venues with his ‘observations’ act, but there was much to enjoy in being part of a smaller audience watching the likes of Jim Davidson, Bernard Manning, Jim Bowen, and even Freddie Starr (in his heyday was side achingly funny), in more intimate surroundings, where the comedy on offer was an experience shared.
Simon Evans can be very funny (in case you happen to think being funny is an advantage in a comedian).
Safe to say that John Cleese, his team and comedies, his films etc-will ALL be still making future generations laugh.
Unlike Soraya,Gina, Lenny, Stephen K, Danny, Frankie and all the others who think they`ve got a comedy bone in their bodies.
the Left and lis HATE comedy, and fear it. Which is why we don`t have it any more.
Did it die with Meldrew? Gervais?
McIntyre and Kay are great at what they do, but it`s hardly Cooper, Dawson or Eric and Ern, let alone Cleese etc.
The Soviets were terrified of mockery and comedy and put a high price on it. Hence our need to drill deep and get them howling in offence.
BBC shows it’s priorities in Technology reporting. “Staff demand Microsoft end immigration work”. This story made the top 10 popular stories but is based on a memo from 100 employees out of 124,000 yet the BBC fail to mention the number of total Microsoft employees in the report.
Trust the BBC to politicize technology.
The sovereignty of Parliament is the central plank in our constitution. Brexiters want dictatorship by the executive, subordinating Parliament & therefore, because Parliament is elected, subordinating democracy. GRIEVE 2 MUST PASS TODAY.
Developments affecting Parliamentary sovereignty
Over the years, Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. These laws reflect political developments both within and outside the UK.
They include:
The devolution of power to bodies like the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.
The Human Rights Act 1998.
The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
The decision to establish a UK Supreme Court in 2009, which ends the House of Lords function as the UK’s final court of appeal.
These developments do not fundamentally undermine the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, since, in theory at least, Parliament could repeal any of the laws implementing these changes.
Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. … The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
For anyone who’s interested, Parliament have debated the following petition.
Dear ToobiWan
Parliament debated the petition you signed – “Give the electorate a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords”
Watch the debate:
Read the transcript:
Read the research:
The petition:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
“Reasons” to keep the HoL from a Paul Scully, feel free to add your own.
“Paul Scully
Share this contribution
I thank my hon. Friend for that intervention. A unicameral system can work perfectly well and I have no doubt that we would survive quite happily with such a system, but the House of Lords can, and often—though not always—does offer something that is related to its composition: one advantage of having an appointed system is that we can bring in experts who can add expertise that we do not necessarily have in the Commons.
To give some examples, from the world of science we have the brain pioneer Baroness Greenfield, fertility expert Lord Winston, and Lord Darzi. From business, we have the former chief executive of HSBC Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, Lord Rose from Marks & Spencer, and Lord Sugar. For social policy challenges, we have Baroness Newlove, Baroness Lawrence and Lord Bird, the creator of The Big Issue. When it comes to culture, we have Lord Bragg and the former head of the BBC, Lord Hall. We also have both the Lords Palumbo: one was chairman of the Arts Council of Great Britain; the younger, Lord Palumbo of Southwark, was the founder of the Ministry of Sound. We have sporting people, such as Baroness Grey-Thompson; people from public services such as Lord Dannatt, who adds military expertise, and Lord Hogan-Howe, a former Metropolitan Police Commissioner.
We also have people from the security services, philanthropists, human rights campaigners, religious leaders—beyond the obvious statutory role of the bishops—legal experts, academics and, of course, former Members of this place, who at least have an understanding of the parliamentary process and can help to get business through. Perhaps we can cover that in a bit more detail later.”
On the one hand the Powers That Be go on about inclusivity and diversity , and want every organisation to reflect the country , the next we have an organisation like the House of Lords made up of ” experts ” which is not inclusive and diverse which the likes of the BBC say we should listen to .
And do these experts only have an influence on their own expertise , or do the pontificate about all matters ?
“London sees 20% rise in rape reports in a year, but police admit they ‘don’t understand’ reason”
“And what do we do? We only kick off when a cat is thrown in a wheelie bin. If we allow our children to be attacked and prayed on this way we have failed as a decent and moral society.” – John Wedger @30:00
Oh dear, …
London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the explosion had been “confirmed as non-suspicious” and praised the emergency services “for a swift and professional response”.
Thank God, Sadiq’s on the case. Nothing to see here, move along please
If they can blame it on someone a bit far right it will mean another annual minute’s silence.
Got to laugh at that one, BBC geography comes into play!
Last time I looked, Southgate Station was in Southgate, now it is in central Enfield. (BBC, why not ask that nice London Mayor to give you a map of the 32 boroughs?)
Bit much to arrest a workman for putting the wrong battery in a charger and leaving it unattended but hey … it saves on police having to do some work and get all sweaty catching criminals or sorting out the gang problem in Southgate.
Yes, ‘very naice, very, oh so very, po-lite’ Southgate has a drug gang problem.
Help please .
In the pub last night they had a widescreen on with BBC news .
The sound was down but I’m sure the BBC had a headline saying Displaced People .
Displaced from where and by whom ?
Perhaps they are talking about the 46% of Brummies that had skin adapted to living in northern lattitudes that no longer live in Birmingham?
I accidentally posted a comment about the House of Lords Petition (rejected) on the World Cup thread. If it’s a subject that interests you, take a peek.
Governments second response to the HoL petition, basically, we can go and f*** ourselves.
The Government’s response to this petition has changed. This change took place on 19 June 2018.
This is because the Petitions Committee (the group of MPs who oversee the petitions system) did not think that the Government’s first response was satisfactory, because it did not address directly the petition’s specific request for a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords.
The Committee wrote to the Government to ask for a new response which answered the petition more directly.
The Government has produced a new response:
As stated in our manifesto, comprehensive reform of the House of Lords is not a priority for this parliament.
Therefore, the Government does not intend to hold a referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords.
As set out in the manifesto, comprehensive reform of the House of Lords is not a priority. Therefore, the Government does not intend to hold a referendum on the abolition of the House.
The Government is committed to ensuring that the House of Lords continues to fulfil its constitutional role as a revising and scrutinising chamber which respects the primacy of the House of Commons. We will also continue to work to ensure that the House of Lords remains relevant and effective by addressing issues such as its size.
The Lord Speaker’s committee on the size of the House of Lords, chaired by Lord Burns, made recommendations in October 2017 on ways of reducing the size of the House without requiring legislation. In response, The Prime Minister has written to the Lord Speaker and agreed to continue with the restraint she has shown so far when making appointments to the House. It is incumbent on all sides of the House to consider what they can do to further promote the culture of retirement. In light of the Prime Minister’s letter, the Lord Speaker has reconvened the Committee to consider next steps.
This has replaced the previous response which said:
The Government is committed to ensuring that the House of Lords continues to fulfil its constitutional role as a revising and scrutinising chamber which respects the primacy of the House of Commons.
As set out in the manifesto, the Government is committed to ensuring that the House of Lords continues to fulfil its constitutional role as a revising and scrutinising chamber which respects the primacy of the House of Commons.
Whilst comprehensive reform is not a priority, the Government will also continue to work to ensure that the House of Lords remains relevant and effective by addressing issues such as its size.
The Lord Speaker’s committee on the size of the House of Lords, chaired by Lord Burns, made recommendations in October 2017 on ways of reducing the size of the House without requiring legislation. In response, The Prime Minister has written to the Lord Speaker and agreed to continue with the restraint she has shown so far when making appointments to the House. It is incumbent on all sides of the House to consider what they can do to further promote the culture of retirement. In light of the Prime Minister’s letter, the Lord Speaker has asked the Committee to reconvene to consider next steps.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
Mr Wan: I think you summed up perfectly the flavour: Czar replies to peasants: f. off, and don’t come that democracy crap with me. I’m busy.
I can see the governments point in this, FU2. If the HoL were to be abolished, where else would the troughers and public purse leachers look forward to and enjoy such a well remunerated retirement, after being ditched by the voters, usually for troughing, leaching, incompetence, or even all three?
Turkeys tend not to vote for celebrations at the end of December.
If you like Labour naval-gazing and Lord Mandelson, go to R4 now. They’re at it again. The bbc love it. They’ve even managed to squeeze Major in.
How many people have complained? Apparently many many many including me and my wife –
BBC response – it always takes a while for a new format to bed other words F- off listeners we think we have got it about right.
And indeed listeners are F -ing orf, poor Simon
On Have Your Say last week, the Bod in Charge was asked whether the old format would return, he said NO, and even though the interviewer said they had received nothing but criticism, the B in C said THEY had received some positive reviews (well, they would wouldn’t they), and how it takes at least 6 months for new programmes to settle down. When asked if he was being politically correct in using a female, again he said NO, they were just joining up two popular programmes. Not once was it said “if it aint broke don’t fix it” !
Yes, its another Labour Party advert..on one hand trying to be balanced but in reality making out Labour actually has some credible plans.
Don’t you just love the BBC and Lefties hating Trump…
– withdraw from UN council – with good reason and balanced rationale – so lefties shout don’t let him in UK
– wants to stop illegal immigration – horrible man – separates children – what about the parents who knowingly put their children at risk committing a crime – No problem..Ban Trump from UK
A troubling sign of just how distorted things have become in the name of ‘inclusivity’. (Quite possibly the three cops didn’t know that this was the ISIS salute they were giving, but I bet the happy chap in the middle knew what he was doing).
Think that`s a finger on it with lube.
Proctologists for Islam.
Maybe that`s why they all bend over and face Mecca.
Anyway that`s my theory. Might be drying his one painted nail, or deciding which one to amputate if he rams it up someones nose while wiping it on chilli sauce previously.
#WorldRefugeeDay … “You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}”
There seems to be quite a list building of people the swamp doesn’t like being locked up with alacrity, without justice being seen to be done. Tommy Robinson, Kevin Crehan, Thomas Mair, Darren Osborne come immediately to mind.
I wonder how many there actually are on the list and how many more it will take before enough people begin to recognise the pattern and realise what our swamp is doing?
Why would you want a World Refugee Day when, in reality, every day is a World refugee Day?
Here is how the BBC coarsens the national debate and puts future lives at risk by pandering to ever smaller identity groups.
Early yesterday morning three young men were tragically killed by a train near Loughborough Junction station in south London. The men had been attempting to deface railway property using paint spray cans. Reporting the deaths, the BBC described the men as “graffiti artists”. A generation ago they would have been described as “vandals”.
The deaths were unnecessary and an appalling tragedy for the families concerned. The men should not have been tramping across live railway tracks in the dead of night intent on mischief, putting their own lives and potentially the lives of others at risk. By referring to the men as “artists”, the BBC sends a message that their behaviour was somehow legitimate and encourages further trespass with the risk of future tragic consequences. Not content with sending this message to a local audience, the BBC later wrote at length about urban graffiti noting: “It’s a global audience and artists are global practitioners”.
Anyone who walked down New York’s 42nd Street and Times Square in the late 1970 knows what it is like when the centre of a major city goes feral. Almost anything went in those lawless days until Mayor Giuliani launched his zero tolerance policy. By targeting the many small acts of vandalism, including paint spraying, the authorities sent a message to the criminals that their anti-social activities had legal consequences. Both small and large crime subsequently fell dramatically as the authorities reclaimed their right to control the urban environment on behalf of the wider population.
Do we need the state broadcaster buttering up louche middle class self-appointed “creatives” by eulogising vandalism? How many people taking urban train journeys and looking at the paint sprayed over almost every bit of infrastructure think they are viewing “art”?
The BBC, and what, maybe ten other people.
True. Until we realise the extent to which language has been captured by the PC crowd, we’re not going to win any arguments.
Having watched the video featuring Douglas Murray, I carried on to one with DM being interviewed on ‘Conservative Resurgence’. Obligingly, the discussion was about ‘refugees’. What if that word were ditched and -in every conversation the word ‘invaders’ were used instead? What different conversations they would be!
It would be challenged, of course, because our mental image of an invader is of one who carries arms and will shoot. (So, what about ‘migrants’? Nearly as dangerous a word, as it carries the implication that they are legal.)
But, what if invaders don’t need arms? What if the people being invaded -for a variety of reasons- actually assist, rather than resist?
That would be dandy.
And if they could get every single discussion by those who’ve woken up, to continue to be about ‘refugees’ or ‘migrants’? That would be even dandier.
The use of a single word, different from the one we seem all to be obliged to use in conversation, would completely change those conversations. Because suddenly a lot of what is being said would make no sense….
The first step to subvert a society is to take control of their language.
Chris, you’re right. Many points scored at the beeb because it’s an edgy and urban activity.
Their online report mentions a 20 strong group turning up — some deciding to add their own graffiti condolence messages, which the beeb says “amounts to criminal damage, but it doesn’t look out of place.”
Also: they just died doing what they loved and many of their friends “seemed angry and many were in tears.”
A tragic event for sure, but let’s wait and see whether that (understandable) teenage anger and grief gets whipped up towards some familiar target. Maybe a campaign group can form pushing for better night time access on the train lines to allow for safer graffiting.
You are right, graffiti isn’t ‘art’, it’s vandalism. It’s ugly and accepting it is pandering to gang culture. Graffiti, however ‘artistic’ gives any place an instant slum appearance. Most of us want to flee slums not paint up the whole world like one.
You have to go further and further away from the big stinking cities to get away from it now. At one time it was just inner London & perhaps Birmingham. Now it’s every town in Kent, Lancashire, Norfolk, Wales- you name it. Last week I was down in Devon and there was ugly graffiti even on the outskirts of the small towns.
BBC – this week glorifying cannabis & graffiti. Add that to the terrorist & paedophile sympathies they exhibit. They are stewing in their own moral turpitude. The case to close them down is stronger than ever. Where are the lawyers?
If it were art, at least some people would choose to have it on their walls at home.
As far as I’m aware, nobody does except, maybe, students in a squat trying to make a vague point about something or other.
Like rap and unmade beds, it’s rubbish. Deep down, virtually everybody knows this.
I’m waiting for Sad Dick to give them some ladders and get them to decorate Grenfell Tower.
Chris, its actually criminal damage.
Chris, I think the only thing to do is to ban trains. After all, if it saves just 1 life then it’s worth it….isn’t it?
Also, why do they call the likes of Sobery and Grief Tory rebels?
They are not Tories they are liberals.
They should call them wet lefties.
They have no place in a Conservative party (although there are many many more like them in the Tories, just not so far to the left)
But what is art?
We get graffiti and shit, really shit, in our art galleries.
One of those or 50 or more of these?
Beautiful paintings on glass by Drazen Tetec. But you know what the BBC would go for every time.
Is a Midweek thread coming ?
.. I’ll soldier on
Wednesday’s agenda pushing
7pm BBC1 How the NHS Changed Our World ep 3 of 5
(Moorfields Eye Hospital ☑ Favouring London )
All night : … BBC4 = The Woman’s Channel this week …. #menless TV
☑Favouring women
10pm Channel4 Britain’s Refugee Children ☑Favouring refugees/immigrants

Radio : agenda pushing today
10am R4 ☑ Windrush Women
\\ As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the docking of MV Empire Windrush, maritime historian Jo Stanley on the experience of the women on board .//
☑ Anniversary Excuse
10:40am Maya Angelou’s Autobiographies ☑ Black ☑ Racebaiter
10:55am Listening Project : two nurses ☑ NHS ☑ Anniversary Excuse
11am The Long March of Corbyn’s Labour ep 2/3 ☑ Favouring Labour
12pm-2pm Radio2 Jeremy4Jeremy Show
: Trump Bashing,
emotional blackmail by playing clip of MSBC newreader breaking down in tears as she announces baby shelter (due to court ruling babies cannot be held with adults)
Bonny Greer is coming up ☑ London ☑ Foreign born ☑ Black ☑ Lefty
13:45pm NHS Stories, 9 episodes
8pm Moral Maze : The NHS at 70
9:30pm Only Artists
This, apparently, is the truth of the Trump ‘separating families’ –
I’m certainly more inclined to believe this version rather than anything our, “Worlds Most Trusted” can offer as an alternative.
The BBC is worse than useless at analysis based on reality. Emote and then emote some more. it would have had us surrendering after Dunkirk and in a blue funk throughout the war.
Simple questions
Are the so called immigrants breaking US law or not?
Why are the parents exposing children to this?
Does any jurisdiction including ours having detained adults on lawful grounds not try to care for the children as best it can? Separation is mandatory .
Prior responsibility as always lies with those who break the law .
If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.
Same link
The bit after the question mark, is always just the tracking info
I think the BBC would prefer the children to be left in the hands of the people trafficers. Once they’re in protective custody they are safe from being gang raped.
Why should they be tagged “Britain’s” refugee children? What is British about them? It’s all part of the game to bully people into feeling guilty and responsible.
And where is the poster for Britain’s sex-slave children who actually are British?
Lucy- All part of the PC capture of language I referred to earlier above.
Notice, they don’t need to make a big argument. They simply slip in an apparently self-evident word (or two). Only when you pause to reflect, cos you sense something is wrong, do you notice…
Again, ‘Britain’s’ isn’t the only adjective that’s been slipped in there. There’s our old favourite again, which can be either an adjective or a noun (handy, isn’t it?): ‘refugee’, here used as an adjective, for a double punch.
Would take a courageous person to publicly resist that double punch. Only if you explained how language is being abused, before you even presented your own argument, would you have a chance.
And once you did that, you would virtually have won the argument. You could then take issue with the noun: ‘children’. Because they often are not. And if they are, who has pushed them in there? And why?
Wittgenstein said that all that was left in philosophy was language analysis. I say that that applies equally to politics…
I agree completely. A very important part of this culture war is language and how it’s used to manipulate.
Two messages one from Channel4 and the other from the BBC …
Anniversaries & “Day of” are used as holy shields to hide behind when pushing POLITICAL agendas into the news. (I guess driven by political PR professionals)
All victims matter in proper proportion, but it is noticeable that Jo Cox’s death day, Jo Cox’s birthday are so often mentioned (she served only ONE year as an MP) just as Grenfell is mentioned again and again cos it’s London and suits a political agenda
Whereas the victims of the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster are rarely mentioned.
Now they are having a pop at Lord Sugar for a quite amusing tweet. Has anybody asked the team members if offence has been caused? Jesus, when did we lose our sense of humour.
He tweeted Photo of the Senegal World Cup team, with the caption along the lines of
“I recognise these guys from the beach in Marbella. Great-multitasking!”
That’s the kind of thing you tweet after a drink and it is a laugh.
Is it offensive ?
Well that’s what the beach sellers generally look like.
I’m sure people have tweeted a photo of the England team
..and compared them to stuff like a group of prima donnas.
..a set of wooden skittles
Vine Show “Why I No Longer Talk to White people about Race”
Reni Eddo-Lodge ☑ Black ☑ Racebaiter ☑London
(Is that Reni Eco-Lodge ?)
Full twitter Agenda list for today’s Vine Show
Super PC Jeremy “I would never ask you where you are from, cos that would be offensive”
Doh of course her non white heritage is interesting
London and black and in media means that you are highly likely to be connected to Nigeria.
And sure enough her mother is Nigerian
That doesn’t make her Nigerian, cos African’s generally laugh at London born blacks for they way they don’t understand Africa.
For sure she will be more London black clique rather knowing of Africa. Yet in many other aspects she will overlap with White British people born outside London.
She just said “If you are born black in the UK , you are far more likely to be working class”
..em that is racism the way she classifies people by skin colour.
There are in fact plenty of black people in UK who are children of African nobility and diplomats and therefore are not working class.
As ever she doesn’t understand that this country is 85-87% white
“I went into the newspaper office and all the journos were white”
.. yes they should be 87% white !
“The cleaners were not white”
..that seems to be a particular London thing whereby cleaning is a inconvenient split shift, so illegals are kore likely to do those jobs.
libmob on Twitter being very nasty to Lady who defended Trump
Vine sneered at her “Doesn’t it feel lonely being a Trump supporter ?”
… isn’t that an impertinent question to normal listener ?
☑ Favouring Team Hillary/Obama
Now it’s pointed out Obama had same policy
people protested, but media ignored.
What colour is Jeremy Vine then?
Does she only speak to white people if they`ve got radio shows to puff up her racist diatribes? Making Vine a “john” or a” pimp”? And her a verbal whore? And racially inciting white people to sort it?
Has there ever been such a craven, bizarre and pyre-building culture quite like Vines and his BBC mentalists on such salaries?
Ever-even Weimar wasn`t so debased and debauched was it?
Vine be the Glory Hole.
What colour is Jeremy Vine then?
A long streak of urine colour, Alicia!
Islam kills – People LOST.
Islam killed – killed + horrific.
Anthony Watts picked up the story from the open access Science Advances. Link below and the story contains a link to the original research. So far hardly anyone has picked the story up. Just too damaging to the vast bloated climate change industry, I suspect.
Sorry the above should have linked to my story yesterday that started “the Sun wot won it”!. Somebody wanted a link to the original research.
White men under attack again by the racist ‘BBC’
White blokes like Monty Python have had their day, says BBC comedy boss,15929.msg154903.html#msg154903
The BBC does comedy the same way the BBC does news, Lucy.
The BBC do seem to like the idea of legalising cannabis. Is it because it would free up some police to go after criminals? Or reduce the log jams in Magistrates and Crown Courts? Or mean that lawyers would not have so many cases and would have to cut fees to provide justice to ‘ordinary people’ on other matters instead of prosecuting or defending drug cases?
Probably not.
It could provide another source of tax revenue for HMG and that would mean that whether Conservative or Labour or a Coalition, it may result in HMG not having to tax high incomes (of Beeboids) quite so much for things like the NHS.
Nothing like a bit of self-interest to generate a story and keep it rolling, day after day after day.
BBC: beware the market and economics. You cannot buck the market.
….cannabis “keep it rolling”
Ooops, that was unintentional, Lucy but well-spotted. Back to the Diamonds in the Sky, old thing!
Of course the libtards want dope legalised, the stronger the better.
These addicted casualties are now way up the media chain, utterly wasted and no memories or no history. Skunk will dull the pain and make them happy for a few days, might even be incorporated into chemsex marathons in Hoxton with their rough boys.
With the added advantage of getting your pain dulled as you bare your neck for the Brick Lane Taliban.
At least we`ll know what their last request will be, a shared spliff at the London Wall before getting wiped out, no kids and no point to their worthless lives.
But Soros and Branson, Brand and Gallagher boys will raise a Dom Perignon to these Woodbine Wallies.
The rest of us will have to deal with the fallout of letting these potheads legislate, pontificate and-whatever else they“re doing in private on our money.
“Or reduce the log jams in Magistrates and Crown Courts?”
The quick way to free up time in Masgistrates Courts would be to abolish the TV Tax.
Amen, babeeee!
And, in case you wonder RJ, I have not been smoking anything at all.
Bias by omission; the Merkel story the BBC and Guardian are avoiding
Speaking to a friend today, who is here on a visit from his home in Valencia, it would seem the residents of that old Spanish town do not feel as welcoming to the migrants dumped off from the good ship Aquarius, as the media would have us believe ! In fact they are pretty pissed off about it, and is the main topic of discussion by the inhabitants. The Aquarius has now set sail again for the shores of Libya with the aim of ‘rescuing’ more migrants. The fear in Valencia is that they are now earmarked as a permanent dumping ground for the ‘rescued’ thousands. Can you imagine being in that position ? for instance living in Portsmouth / Brighton, or any of the southern coastal towns and having shiploads of migrants offloaded onto your doorstep. Beyond scary.
R4 play portraying “hard brexiteers as evil”
\\ Marian has always told her son, Jamie, that it is fine to be gay, fine to be who you really are and that, in years to come, of course it will be possible for him to marry another man or adopt children.
All this changes when a newly elected coalition government decides political correctness has got out of hand and passes a Freedom Law (to appease hard Brexiteers )that licenses both the freedom to say whatever you like,
however hateful, and the right not to be offended.
Now gay Jamie has to decide how to be true to himself in a society where intolerance has become acceptable, and Marian confronts what she might need to do to keep him safe.
An absorbing play about the political becoming personal and how an apparently liberal society can threaten those who don’t conform.//
“this act has provoked a rise in physical hate-crime”
…. that’s a non sequitur
irony-city cos 95% of hatey speech on Twitter comes from left/libs
“The Freedom act has provoked a rise in physical hate-crime”
…. non sequitur
..Next thing is the gay son has been beaten up
.. The system doesn’t help him cos the offenders get off
– He can’t get a job
– He’s with paracetamol to commit suicide
– He’s joined a gay conversion course
– Now he’s being asked to frame his own mother
so she can be prosecuted, cos her telling him “It’s OK to be gay” is now some kind of child abuse.
Play ends with mother handing her self in
And Billy Bragg singing Jerusalem
1. Suicides go up in hot weather by reservoirs
2. More people eat ice cream in summer.
3. Ban ice cream sales.
More Or Less, the O.U is calling.
R4 plays are pure propaganda. They’re starting to sound like the Soviet plays to ‘educate’ the people. Waiting for a riveting drama about how a refugee helps to raise productivity at the hideously white, racist tractor factory.
Brainwashed on facebook?
I think the cultural brainwashing probably began in her childhood. Her education, the BBC etc. Muslims good. Islam good. Brown people always harmless etc.
Glamour model?
Not much room for shrinkage, I bet!
I live on the outskirts of Osaka, Japan. There was an earthquake here on Monday. A got a call and an email from a Beeboid, I think a senior, whatever that means, producer. Asking me if I would do a Skype interview with her, about the situation here. The BBC reference in the email, no doubt seen by them as super prestigious, put me off immediately. My suspicion was that, me, being English, hetero, and white, might have been weirdly spun into some sort of fake news massive story – that I somehow was responsible for an earthquake. I said no to the Skype interview. Along with moving from Britain, and stopping paying my BBC tax, another grand “fightback”.
Enrichment news : South Yorkshire man wins protection order in forced marriage first
(limedia rule always use “man” if it’s a negative Muslim story)
\\ The 19-year-old had received threats for not complying to a pre-arranged marriage, to which his parents had agreed when he was five. //
apologies for linking to Guardian (no open comments are allowed)
YP : Sargon of Akkad was banned in Scarborough
A Councillor cheered
The Yorkshire Post actually allows a writer to criticise this infringement of free speech
David Cameron’s : UAF United FOR Fascism have issued a statement
@CountDankulaTV tweeted
Sargon’s on Youtube piece
Neither I nor the lady who organises my events have been contacted by the Spa
Instead they have just put out a graphic which seems designed to please “Socially Aware Activists”
Sargon’s on Youtube piece
Neither I nor the lady who organises my events have been contacted by the Spa
Instead they have just put out a graphic which seems designed to please “Socially Aware Activists”
\\ The president of Stand Up to racism who initiated the boycott is Diane Abbott, so I guess it was really difficult for her to get Labour controlled Scarborough council to cancel the event at the council controlled venue //
He then tells us that the Evening Standard have stealth edited their March for Tommy news story
\\they had to remove the bits about ‘hundreds of people’, cos it looked ridiculous alongside videos of thousands , a stadium full//
I have never heard of Sargon but the article by the Yorkshire Post seems genuine and more trustworthy than the BBC..So I hope SUTR do get sued….it is time we fought back against these people using the law and truth…we have to protect freedom of speech…
sargon is a classical liberal rationalist well worth a listen to hear him rail against stupidity.
This “week in stupid” is his weekly show
and just out of interest he is part black
In the first of a series of programmes exploring the media revolution, how the news industry is changing. Amol Rajan is joined by Fran Unsworth, the BBC’s Director of News and Current Affairs, Peter Henegan from social media company LADBible and Madhumita Murgia, European Tech Correspondent of the FT, and a live audience in the BBC Radio Theatre.
This is a piece of BBC navel gazing as to why they have lost the under 35s audience and the news loss seems to be more worrying to them than anything else.
Very much worth a listen:
Thanks might listen to cheer up. Trouble is amol always sounds like he works in curry’s trying to sell people hi fi TVs on credit they don’t want….
Let’s hope they lose the under 95s as well…