another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
another hospital found to be killing off old people . The BBC has mainly given the NHS a free pass as far as criticism is concerned . About time that changed
All evidence of an BBC bias greatly welcomed
I don’t know what the figures are in Germany but Ms Maitlis is an annoying interviewer – she sits in an aggressive position, shouts and talks down to the interviewee. What ever happened to reasoned discussion and interviews that try to educate viewers/listeners with a balanced discussion..BBC leads the way to the bottom…
You know Newsnight has hardly any viewers in a country of 65m people ?
Who else but a millionaire bimbo to tell a native German what crime in like in her own country?
Note the bit at the end when she`s yelling over the German woman that she can`t be right-because “The Ministry Of The Interior” says crime is falling.
The “Ministry Of the Interior” huh?…Who else but a Beeboid would cite THAT as any point of reference?
The USSRs tractor figures were also pretty good I`m told .
Same Stasi pinkos still wiping spunk up from Cologne Cathedral from 2015 then?
Yet, Emily “tries but misunderstands”…
We`ve got a Schama/Shearer problem here.
Where those who KNOW get trashed by those gobshites in the top 10% who only read of it, and wish their “truth” could be true for all of us.
Trump doesn`t pimp a cent from the State-how`s that gender pay gap Matey you cloazore?
A media summary I just read:
“The BBC has banned all white-shortlists as the broadcaster pledges to increase diversity. Under the guidelines, all shortlists for middle and senior-ranking posts must include at least one black or ethnic minority candidate. Ofcom found people from ethnic minorities made up just 6% of senior posts at the BBC. Meanwhile, a BBC broadcaster has become the first woman to commentate live on a World Cup match. The BBC’s Vicki Sparks took to the mic on BBC One to commentate Portugal v Morocco game on Wednesday.”
Bet that taxi driver wishes he turned up now; he’d be presenting QT.
The new bbc HR manual is quite ‘unique’, too.
Just heard the daft bint on ITV trying to overturn the VAR decision that saw Australia awarded a penalty. Like a bloody dog with a bone!
Four people in the studio, only two that stands up to pee!
As for bloody diversity, why do all the shaving adverts only show men?
“As for bloody diversity, why do all the shaving adverts only show men?”
Because they can’t get the women to remove their burkas!
Not actually true, yesterday there was a leg-shave advert
fit bird in a wet suit step out of sea on a crowded beach unzips suit to reveal bikini beneath and camera focus on legs and range of shavers
BBC bans all-white shortlists for top jobs {20jun2018}
“BBC managers will be required to undergo cultural awareness training under a drive to boost the careers of ethnic minority staff.”
I left live television behind last September and I am glad I did. Information such as that GW outlined above in relation to the BBC and their “diversity” agenda shows just how out of touch they are. ‘Doomed I tell you’. And the sooner the end comes the better but it surely is rather interesting just how they are in the process of literally eating themselves alive. Totally oblivious to their own pending downfall.
I used the red button to get Five Live’s commentary on the match “Vicki” Sparks was commentating on. Her high pitched girlish squeak just does not work in a football commentary. But obviously, in BBC world, that is not the point.
@Guest BBC gets a kicking in the Time comments
I’ll go thru the article
Para #1 \\ BBC managers will be required to undergo cultural awareness training under a drive to boost the careers of ethnic minority staff. //
(cultural awareness ! The adjacent article on drill music, showed that 1Xtra plays music which in street-speak which clearly said ‘Yeh don’t stop the violence’
What’s the point in glorifying BME posh boys/girls in management, if at the same time you are encouraging the workingclass BME to kill each other ?
Paragraph #2 \\ At least one black or ethnic minority candidate must be included in all shortlists above a certain grade under the plans. The rule applies to all middle and senior-ranking posts, including presenter, editor and producer roles.
There are no black people among the corporation’s top 96 leaders.//
The Times article seems to be constructed from PR material, which was based on CHERRY PICKING stats
Why pick “96” ?
Surely cos that means the 97th is black
By average the black poulation is 3% of UK
but by senior management age it might be just 1 or 2%
#3 \\ some non-white employees felt a “sense of exclusion and isolation” and believed they missed out on promotions because of favouritism and unconscious bias. //
so what ? I could EQUALLY say
\\ some WHITE employees felt a “sense of exclusion and isolation” and believed they missed out on promotions because of favouritism and unconscious bias. //
#4 \\ Ethnic minorities made up 13 per cent of the BBC workforce in 2015, rising to 14.8 per cent this year, //
That’s a spin sway of writing the BME workforce of the BBC is 14.8%
which is a rise from 13% in 2015
\\although they include a high minority representation at BBC World Service. //
(This explains why the BBC have more BME than the 13% average of general UK population)
From the comments
\\ The cultural training needs to be the other way as well
I can think of a number of virulently anti white British public pontificators who could do with going on a course to remind them there is a long cultural history in Britain that they should respect. // (says ex BBC staffer)
\\ How about at least one non-socialist on the shortlist too? //
\\ There should also be
One Muslim
One EU Immigrant
One non EU Immigrant
One person over 60 years old to prove no ageism
and of course One Illegal Immigrant //
Who needs facts when you can promote your own agenda by attributing outcomes you do not like to the effects of unconscious bias?
Too true Navets!
Best thing is to avoid the bbbc wherever possible, get the headlines free from the internet, and get on with your own beliefs, they’re always the best alternative to the awful crap from W1A!
There’s a good reason why many BME media people don’t work at the BBC
…cos there are many specialist channels ethnic media corps like Pakistani, Nigerian Channels, The Black Voice newspaper etc.
for them to work at.
NO similar ethnicity based channels exist for straight white men.
As diversity goes, not sure about Piltdown Man, but Oxford Women seem well represented.
Polly clearly blazed a trail, despite being runner up to two short planks.
Not sure how hideous they all are, but perhaps the recent excitement of nudging the bar underground for BAME candidates has been carried out with future box ticking excercises being easier to meet?
Murray announces quite simply in his introduction: “Europe is committing suicide.” He predicts within the lifespans of most people currently alive “Europe will not be Europe and the peoples of Europe will have lost the only place in the world we had to call home”.
He traces the way new parties have emerged across Europe to represent popular opinion so determinedly ignored by mainstream parties. “There is an ongoing effort to make European publics not believe the evidence of their own lives,” he says, quoting poll after poll, showing how out of step with public opinion governments have become. In 2010, 47 per cent of Germans said they did not think Islam belonged in Germany. By 2015, that figure had become 60 per cent. Now it is higher again.
“The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam by Douglas Murray – review”
Any Chinese entering the UK should be able to apply only Chinese laws (like EU Citizens having only Laws in UK) … this means that Chinese people can demand that Muslim’s eat bacon, sing the Chinese National Anthem and cannot name their kids Mohammed.
It is news if you a socially, mentally and emotionally retarded snowflake of uncertain gender and/or ethnicity..or work(??) at the BBC.
racist with mental illess
not like those Norwegians who are just mentally ill
“He was a person with racist views who was mentally ill rather than a mentally ill person whose racism was a manifestation of their illness,”
“The reason Marvel first published its Muslim superhero is because Marvel’s leftist editors were too afraid to turn down the idea from their Muslim editor, Sana Amanat, who knew she could roll them easily. And the reason they won’t cancel it is out of fear that real world Muslims won’t be like the ones they’re invested in portraying in their fantasy world. They published it out of fear and they won’t cancel it out of fear. And now she might appear in Marvel’s movies, out of fear.”
But we’ve become so corrupt that even saying it’s an outrage is considered an outrage.
An absolute wow at the box office, MM, or straight to video?
Straight to Saudi Women’s only cinema ….
Not necessarily a box office flop: there are a billion or so muslims world-wide. Add to that millions of gutless brainwashed Libtards who would probably think it’s cool to watch some Pc crap like they did Black Panther, and you’ve got quite an audience. The same people who will soon have destroyed what’s left of western civilization.
Why does he have the CND logo on his costume?
Good point. The Greenham Common crowd were secured ages ago.
Ha ha ha!
I wonder what they all look like now, all in their sixties and seventies – like I am, lots of kids, big house etc.
The most trouble they caused me back then was that my firm relied on USAF for a lot of building work, and we couldn’t do anything till they buggered off!
Back then, any protester was looked on as a bloody nuisance. Nowadays, the bbbc glorify the antifa/snowflake/sjw mob, and spit on decent reliable people, who are trying to earn a living.
An antidote

If you want to read an actual superhero book that’s an antidote to today’s SJW comics, try and track down a copy of Frank Miller’s Holy Terror. Reviled by lefties and hand-wringers on it’s release in 2011, I thought it was hilarious!
Edit: Oops, should’ve made clear that it was originally planned as a Batman vs. Al-Qaeda story called Holy Terror, Batman! (Much like Second World War propaganda comics). Miller decided the violent tale was not for Batman and came up with his own vigilante hero, The Fixer.
In which the bbc discovers the progeny of Piltdown Man.
I was just too young in 1975 to vote in the first Referendum and spent next 40 years wishing I could have voted NO, second referendum I voted leave and know many who also voted leave.
Does it not scare these snowflakes how the so called friends in the EU are bullying and threatening the UK and they want to stay. Mad just mad
Hilarious.. I bet he has really put some thought into it..or maybe the BBC put some thoughts into him(?)
Marvellous, Guest!
What a sad little sod. his mummy should tell him to bugger off and get a job and stop whingeing.
And no more jelly until he does!
They should have interviewed this girl.
I am angry and the future scares me…….
This person looks like he’s never been exposed to sunshine, is probably ensconced in his room reading Marvel comic books, plays video games, and has never fallen over or fell off his bike in his life ! Scary ? try being a girl and falling onto the crossbar of your mate’s bike ! that’s scary and it f……g hurt !
It still bloody hurts if you’re a bloke, Briss.
In which Emily uses the word that snagged her first promotion.
I would imagine in both cases they are safer than if they were to visit the BBC studios.
Good point Dyst!
Yewtree anyone?
Delingpole reacting to BBC’s Head of Comedy, Shane Allen, who has stated Monty Python was not ‘original’ because its members were too white, male and middle-class. Excellent tweeted ripostes from John Cleese.
Delingpole seems to have hit the nail on the head this time – “The BBC is desperately trying to make itself more relevant and now with its tiresome diversity directives. But the younger audience it is chasing just isn’t interested: it gave up watching the BBC long ago and gets all its entertainment from the internet.
Which leaves just the mostly older, mostly white people that the BBC despises and insults at every turn by denying them the kind of programming they would prefer to see.”
Shane going to find the academic composition of the BBC high command a bit awks, surely?
Even shoo-in Samira is citing her Oxford affiliations in her QT pitch.
The liberal elites with the BBC in the vanguard have indulged in a two-day bout of nauseous hypocrisy over the plight of children separated from their parents as they attempt to illegally enter the southern United States. Is this separation unusual? – no, children are often removed from parents who enter criminal justice systems and this happens around the world. The ultimate responsibility lies with the parents not to commit the crime in the first place or in the case of the Mexican migrants, take the kids back on the bus and stop breaking American law.
Of course it is not about the children – just another stick to beat President Trump as he tries to bring some sanity to American immigration procedures. It makes the elites feel good about themselves to shed crocodile tears about removing children temporarily while the parents face the consequences of their action. Given minimal publicity is the fact that the removal allows the authorities to check on child trafficking, a practice not unknown on this border.
If some of these elites really cared about children they would cease lecturing the rest of us about the evils of the patriarchy and stop working to constantly undermine strong families. We all know that kids brought up with a mother and father have the best chance in later life. Think about that the next time some raving harridan goes on Woman’s Hour and applauds people who bringing up children as “gender neutral”. Families come in all shapes and sizes they bleat – fine, but don’t make out as if the odd ones out are the strong families run by a man and a woman.
And if you really cared about children, how about looking at the outdated abortion law in this country. Can you imagine the outcry across the BBC if it was decided to reduce the abortion limit from 24 weeks to say 20 when the fetus is unable to survive out of the womb. The day that happened, the BBC would have to run Women’s Hour around the clock to cope with all the elitist outrage. But at least fully formed viable babies would not be pulled out of the womb kicking and screaming and placed in surgical disposal bags as happens now.
No the elites want to change our society and they act as if they don’t need our permission. They want to throw the borders open and let the world flow in. Of course they don’t pay for any of this – their children go to the best schools, the migrants don’t buy houses in their neighbourhoods, their children don’t get raped by muslim slave gangs and they don’t live in fear of daily assault. On the contrary: they get to enjoy all the benefits of cheap labour, cheap prices and a wonderful sense that they are good people living in an indigenous swamp of racists. Nothing must be allowed to cloud their delusions – some of them are so stupid that they even make statements suggesting that regular terrorist bomb explosions are just part and parcel of big city life.
Many of the elites hate the country they live in. You can see it constantly on the BBC as they pour scorn on traditional social relationships and trash the history of the country. They give massive publicity to clowns like Tenayi Achiume who blew in recently from California for about two minutes and divested herself of her considered opinion that we were all “racists”. Why are her objectionable statements given wide exposure? – because people like Achiume tick all the boxes with her view that a country does not have the right to regulate who lives within its borders. Of course journalists on the BBC and Channel 4 don’t question her on that view – more likely because they secretly agree with it.
Writing in the Times today David Aaronovitch – always a clear guide to where virtue truly lies – suggests that we were only in an immigration muddle because we were not more “enlightened” 25 years ago. This particular sage goes on to state that we should have “accepted” that much of the migration into the UK was going to happen. He then suggests that we didn’t ask ourselves what services and help with the language and culture they might need when they arrived, seemingly unaware that the migrants have been falling over themselves to avail themselves of the welfare state. The result is that we now have a state that was built for 55 million people having to cope with 65 million.
But David knows best, or rather David has perfected a way of writing newspaper columns with a unique line in self-regarding pompous piffle.
The voters in the US and Europe are steadily electing governments that are determined to finally secure borders and protect internal security. Expect more phony outrage from the usual quarters and lots of references to Hitler and the Nazis. But please spare us all the guff that it is about you caring about the children.
Hear hear.
Not on the BBC yet(?):
Suppose you were running a big company and wanted to do better than the opposition so you do the rounds of the management consultancies to see what programmes they have on offer, “Tell me, what performance improvements have achieved with your clients?”
One percent, five percent perhaps, that sounds credible. What about 54%? Hardly! Snake Oil Alert!
Well it’s true! At least according to the Institution of Engineering and Technology. All you have to do is have a woman on the board!
Wasn’t it only a month ago that we were being told by the BBC that all these woman were just a small clique who sit on multiple boards on a non-executive basis who, effectively, have no power?
I hope they are better than the female non-executive director who persuaded a government department to sell off stock with a book value of £3billion at bargain-basement prices. The original suppliers snapped their products up, re-boxed them and sold them back at book value!
Ah! I see, it’s having women directors on your customers’ boards that boosts the suppliers by 54%!
That ex CPS sweetheart with the epic CV must be in demand. Surprised Capita have not snagged her for those tricky TVL cases where the evidence has been rigged.
Mohammed owned slaves.
Buddha the Prince owned slaves.
Jesus owned a chisel.
Bristol remove pictures of slave traders and owners.
Will mosques and temples be closed down?
Err… What happened to “Don’t look back in anger”? I thought that’s what lefty flakes sang. Now here’s one of them trying to get revenge for something that happened two hundred years ago.
Meanwhile, the Visegrad states are not attending the cosy little get-together arranged by Junker and Merkel, apparently to discuss her ‘European solution’ to the ‘asylum’ issue. In reality, as much about a helping hand for her at home, where she faces opposition from an (admittedly weak) Seehofer, her CSU ally.
Merkel is a master of the black arts, and is stuck to her throne with superglue. Even this latest snub does not necessarily mean cracks appearing in that edifice, although one can remain quietly hopeful.
She cares nothing about Germany, the CSU or Seehofer. She also cares nothing about her own CDU. Only her own power counts. So it is possible that she will ditch the alliance with the CSU and try to govern with the help of the Greens (who like her) and the FDP. The socialist SPD is -of course- on board. One would think that her lengthy failed attempts to govern with the Greens and the FDP, before she linked up with the socialists, would make that unlikely, but there is nothing she is not capable of. Trying again, included.
The big downside of her departing, is the possible enthronement of a Merkel clone, giving the impression of a fresh start, while affording said clone a further dozen years or so to enforce the Merkel approach to ‘migrants’.
So what’s all this fuss about a shortage of CO2?
Can’t they just drive a load of diesel cars through the food processing factories?
The animals came in ‘four by fours’…
(Coat and hat applied for…)
Isn’t that nice? Al beeb covers the apology of the truly piss poor Hampshire Constabulary for failing to investigate the mass murder conspiracy at one of their hospitals.
So hopefully a few retired medics living on the NHS pensions will have a few restless nights waiting for the dawn knock on the door from plod . Or not
The murder victims appear to be mainly if not all white. I was thinking about how al beeb would have reacted if they’d been nonwhite – I guess they’d have gone full windrush and been with the politicians lining up to blame some one .
Instead the politicians are playing their procedural games with the likes of c—-s like grieve having his pitiful 15 minutes of fame before getting his bought peerage for towing the line .
I was trying to do the maths on the number of hospitals in Blighty which have been busily overdosing the elderly to death across decades and how many the NHS have murdered . Any old patient with no visitors must be on a death sentence without without the scouse pathway . Shameful .
I always thought that liberalising abortion would lead to killing people at the end of life . Seems I’m right . They don’t need gas chambers to get rid of people now .
Yet more and more reporting on the abysmal policing in this country. Ah well, I guess that they are looking forward to the accolade they will receive by a boost in Hate Speech crime. Low hanging fruit if I’m not very much mistaken.
Yes, this country is such a fantastic place to live, – or it was until the dregs of the world arrived to have a ‘better life’, the trouble is, its made it twice as bad for the rest of us. Would you knowingly head for a country where you’re likely to get bumped off by the NHS in any of its hospitals for a routine operation, where the banks have little security on your money and offer you a tenner in compensation for losing a thousand ? where the police will arrest you for feeding next door’s cat but go missing when you’ve been burgled, and when a bomb goes off the emergency services hang around waiting for each other to take charge. No me neither.
Fed, Not much has changed at this hospital. I live near the War Memorial and last year my 92 year old grandmother was admitted for a fairly minor stomach infection. One evening while trying to use the lavatory she fell out of bed and broke her hip. Nursing staff found her on the floor, in pain, and returned her to bed without any further thought. My grandmother lay in pain for two days before we were told of the accident upon which, after our insistence, further inspection showed she had a broken hip. Alas, one week later she died. Her death certificate cited some medical gobbledygook that in no way considered her earlier trauma and conveniently absolved the hospital of any wrongdoing.
I am desperately sorry for what you ve experienced. I too have had many inferior experiences their sainted nhs including negligence leading to the death of my dad.
As far as I am concerned – sell it to the yanks.
Thank you Fed, and I find myself agreeing with-sell it to the yanks.
One bunch of common purpose bastards, investigating another bunch of common purpose bastards at the behest of the original bunch of common purpose bastards who did SFA when told of the goings on at the hospital.
I can’t see it ending well for the relatives.
I am delighted to report that the BBC is now offering a new progressive version of ‘Pot Black’ for all the family.
Here is a taste of things to come to jive up your evenings as you will soon be seeing less of Alan Sugar on your screens..
The BBC was going to rename it ‘Balls of Colour’, but the News has dibs.
Anybody noticed how many Black Panther films are unsold in supermarkets. Usually the one in the displays near the door sell out however Black Panther seems to sit on the shelves……why ??
Evening all.
Well, that didn’t take long.
The 450 plus mysterious deaths at Gosport Hospital have already been relegated to the English regions section of the BBC webshite.
Move on, nothing to see.
Wait. What’s this? ‘Grenfell Tower victim stubs toe walking down stairs’.
Put it on the front page. Must be worth several days of blanket coverage.
I thought this article was on website earlier but can’t see it now:
Jeremy Hunt doesn’t want a blame culture in the nhs…he wants docs and nurses to be able to learn from their mistakes so they don’t happen again. Bullshit. Removing them from a post, and calling malpractice out when it exists will make sure it doesn’t happen again (by the same person). So, yes, I think they will try to sweep this one under the carpet otherwise a possible gigantic compo bill to pay.
I also lost a relative through nhs incompetence- only 52. First inquest, nhs looking very bad cos of errors. Coroner postponed it as they needed more info, second inquest the nhs had acquired a better lawyer and it was over in minutes – no fault of the nhs, natural causes.
The Tories don`t want a blame culture?
Have their chums done ANYTHING but blame Brexit and Trump for everything?
But never the EU, Islam or Corbyns Brownshirts?
They are PATHETIC.
Personally,as in Rotherham; there is a surfeit of people to blame for Gosport, just as at Mid Staffs.
But this is the NHS-so, like Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt-the guilty will be given plenty time to get jobs elsewhere, get enhanced retirement packages and become CQC consultants.
If only they WERE Stalinist, at least HE cleared out the deadwood and unblocked a few beds when his system was a top loaded with functionaries, apparatchiks and Pravda hacks.
The BBC-half Pravda, half Prada.
Headline: “Migration figures: Highest number of EU nationals leaving UK in a decade”.
First line of the article In bold text (can’t replicate bold text here): “The number of EU citizens leaving the UK is at its highest level for a decade with 130,000 emigrating in the year to September, figures show”.
Second sentence: “But far more EU nationals (220,000) moved to the UK in the same period, the Office for National Statistics found”.
I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to maths, but doesn’t that nullify the headline? There has in fact been an increase of 90,000.
Further on the question is asked : “What explanation could there be for the decline in EU migration other than Brexit?” Hmm. call me stupid, but other explanations could me that maybe, just maybe, the economies’ in european countries might have improved? Or maybe, god forbid, you can’t do simple arithmetic?? Or maybe they read the BBC website and decided that the cockwombles at the BBC couldn’t organise a piss up at a brewery? I’m sure a seven year old could write a more informative article.
An old adage springs to mind, “some people use statistics as a drunken man uses a lamppost, for support not illumination”.
Guest workers were always going to go home. Get an NI number uk flop address, benefits into a. UK bank and happy days courtesy of the. Uk taxpayer- us.- over to you resident troll…
Who’s a resident troll?
I didn’t think it best to name the name because s/he gets of on recognition – usually posts at about 0300 using cut and paste technique to turn words to support her/his case but never expresses a personal view. Probably at home on the guardian website.
I don’t agree with the approach but I believe in free speech so wouldn’t use the ‘edit’ button which I currently have access to
You don’t think he/she/it works at a hospital in Gosport do you?
Hiya Fedup2,
Thanks for your reply. So you’re not calling me the resident troll? Just checking, ‘cos I’m not a troll.
No of course not – as far as I can see there is only one troll on this site -who may use alternative names and h//she tends to operate at 0300.
Meant to say “the BIASED cockwombles at the BBC couldn’t organise a piss up at a brewery”.
Which would you choose ….

More 24 hour a day rolling bollocks from the far left BBC.
“Are Canadians smuggling shoes?”
“President Trump claimed on Tuesday that Canadian are sneaking goods across the border. We asked Canadians if they had anything to confess…”
To confirm my suspicions that the BBC would deliberately distort reality and tell a pack of lies I had a look at their video, and hey presto the BBC has scoured the whole of Canada to find the only people who don’t cross the border and smuggle goods back from the USA. A minute minority.
I can state quite categorically that everyone I know here in Alberta who crosses the border smuggles stuff back. Many go purely to bring goods back. One woman I know admitted to coming back wearing half a dozen knickers and bras.
We have a GMC Yukon XL and the price of replacement tyres here is 40% higher than what we can buy just across the border. When we come to replace it we will probably go south.
We go to a Montana town called Kalispell where clothing and shoes in their Walmart is 30 to 50% lower than here in Calgary.
Many people have set up post boxes at a collection depot in Sweetgrass just across the border. They then drive across pick the goods and then return same day making sure that they cross on an empty tank and fill up in the US.
Here is the truth.
BBC filth lying through their teeth again.
Might be worth looking on twitter or Facebook for some dipsy reasearch bird from BBC Revisionism asking for people who SHARE THEIR SKEWED WORLDVIEW.
Must say it’s good of the bbc to use our taxes to give us such in depth reporting of the USA immigration situation.
@Fedup that Prof Brian Jarman bit mentioning common purpose
1 hour 33 mins in
Why would the head of @openDemocracyUK be so offended that he blamed Common Purpose ?
.. #FundedBySoros
In 2013 Jarman said
\\ “For the last 10 years there were about four [hospitals] who have had continuously very high adjusted death rates. And actually I sent to the Secretary of State in March 2010, Andy Burnham, a list of hospitals that had high [rates], and there are seven of the ones on the list that have just been mentioned,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.//
\\ He got a msg from Burham in March 2010
“He said he sent it to the CQC and they did not find that there was anything to worry them,” said Sir Brian.//
Good job that Andy Burnham, holds no political power these days .
If he changed his name to mo Burnham he might get back in the mainstream
God help Manchester.
I’m sure we won’t hear about this ‘ common purpose ‘ outfit on al beeb but it can be researched on google .
It seems that management consultants land up on the board of trustees so they can work their magic of dealing with so called ‘ bed blockers’ which are decent elderly people in need of care by encouraging the doctors nurses and pharmacists to kill them off and look good for the CQC inspectors as well as not making the death rate look suspicious.,Evil can be clever when it wants to be . And everyone gets old .
I don’t know how current this site is but just type NHS or BBC into the organisation box and hit apply.
Is there one of the BBC Oxford Alumni?
Jesus they had an outragebus about Lord Sugars jokey tweet
but Henry Fonda’s son twitterstorm against Trump was a different league.
\\ “Peter Fonda apologizes for ‘vulgar’ Barron Trump tweet” The two-time Oscar nominee, brother of Jane Fonda and son of Hollywood legend Henry Fonda, suggested 12-year-old Barron Trump should be ripped from “his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophi… //
Bottomline ..stuff is free speech until it starts inciting violence.
And the difference is…..race (black people). As with Roseanne Barr and her stupid tweet. Not allowed. But inciting violence/paedophilia involving the president’s son is fair game, apparently. Fox was discussing the behaviour of the ‘left’ last night – including the heckling of the national security minister while she was dining in a restaurant. They are so desperate that they have left any notion of decency behind.
If any one has a theme for a thread or the weekend I’d be glad to hear suggestions . The World Cup one is still running… but I’ll close it after the final when we go out on pens against the krauts with a dodgy bought ref…
The ref will be OK – provided he remembers to take his guide dog.
Democracy and populism .
Is it wrong for the latter to have anything to do with the former ?
Moral Maze here . Should we have pure democracy , active where the people decide , perhaps make mistakes but suffer the consequences , or should experts at least guide if not outright dictate where our democracy should be curtailed ?
Ardern and Bhutto: Two different pregnancies in power
‘Now that New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has hit world headlines by becoming only the second elected head of government to give birth in office, attention has naturally been drawn to the first such leader – Pakistan’s late two-time Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.’
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that all day.., naturally!
”Brexit: Three ‘simple’ requirements for EU citizens to stay in UK
EU citizens will have to answer three “simple” questions online if they want to continue living in the UK after Brexit, the home secretary has said.
People will be asked to prove their ID, whether they have criminal convictions and whether they live in the UK.”
Notice how they dress up questions as requirements..
And have secured the rights of EU citizens here, without any reciprocal arrangement…
”The £170m scheme will be compulsory for all EU citizens living in the UK – the government expects a total of 3.5 million applications.
What about British citizens in EU countries?
The home secretary accused EU nations, such as France and Spain, of failing to match the UK’s progress on plans for expats after Brexit.
There are about 900,000 UK citizens in the EU, according to ONS figures.”
And the bbc add a photo- showing what ?
that nobody wants to come here ?
lets say I’m from Nigeria ( outside the EU ) and pop along to the registration place to prove my ID ( Mr Joshua Nkomo Mugabe) state where I live and say ” I have no criminal convictions ” that they can prove , will I be registered ?
I mean , you can’t be racist can you ?
Even better over the Internet .
ONS figures will then be 8 million EU citizens here and 3 from somewhere else .
The BBCSchoolReport Twitter feed turns up the brainwashing to 11
… and it’s aimed at kids
‘Hello boys and girls come on to our bus, we got some puppies to show you”
The list of rules seems admirable
but BBC culture doesn’t practice what they preach
eg Look at rule 2
In fact the BBC regularly air ProjectFear & ClimateDoom stories without any balance.
Thus they create ANXIETY
…then they often close down or stage manage it to lockout non-lib voices.
Only yesterday I pointed out that a BBC Have your say was closed after just 4 hours when the comments weren’t going their way.

The green screen on the ground means the bbc can place a distressed infant in any number of locations at a moments’ notice as agenda dictates… beach, railway tracks, cage….
Law in Action R4 at eight o clock mentioned Tommy Robinson .
@Nibor I dealt with it on the 19th
our comments
Sorry Stew missed all that .
But worth a repeat of what you posted .
Why the hell am I watching BBC1 Question Time? I haven’t watched it for weeks and now I’ve tuned in again.
Last question is full on predictable Trump bashing from 3 out of 5 panelists and 100% of the audience.
Whining Labour Mp Jon Ashworth’s rant consisted of “…it’s disgusting that Trump put those kids in a cage”. Did Trump actually put them in a cage himself or shall we just ignore facts?!?
Another audience member wants a media blackout on the day Trump’s visits. The rest of the audience just repeat “he is not welcome here”.
Whilst this crap continued, Dimblbore’s face was smirking the whole time.
Race-baiting beeb giving copious coverage to the death of a diverse drug user/dealer while resisting arrest.
Clearly our racist police should stop arresting diverse criminals.
Well, they almost have, unless they’re white, of the Right, and called Tommy.
The Gosport death scandal has really got to people if the conversations I have heard mean anything. Particularly those who are old or have elderly parents. Expect the tame media to downplay it now but there maybe a real change in the way we view the NHS coming. People seem scared and if Gosport is not just the one case with good reason. Trust is being lost and once lost will be very difficult to restore. .
For once there looks to be a real need for a Public inquiry with judicial powers .
There is something very wrong here and if people feel that they are in danger in hospital what on earth is that saying about a society?
“Hidden writing in ancient desert monastery manuscripts”
High tech processes are revealing hidden content on texts at St Catherine’s monastery. So far so neutral. But this is a beeb article, so they have to shoehorn in a multi-cultural promo, saying of one manuscript that it “sheds a light on international relations during the dark ages and an “incredibly complex interaction of different cultures”.
St Catherine’s houses the oldest continually operating library in the world. Its collection of early Christian writing is second in size only to the Vatican. The project has revealed three medical texts by Hippocrates that are 4,000 years old. Also a 6th century copy of the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy. And a 9th-century pharmacology manual, based on a lost Greek original, was unveiled too.
Forget all that though — instead the BBC tells us about the Syriac Sinaiticus, the oldest known copy of the gospels written in Syriac. But this only because scanning revealed it underneath a biography of female saints written 400 years later; thus affording the beeb the frankly ridiculous and spurious section header “Women saints.”
The palimpsests are written in at least 10 known languages, plus more ancient scripts. But the beeb wants us to know that Father Justin focusses on Arabic and Syriac manuscripts first to “reaffirm the Arabic-language heritage we have”.
They also make sure that amongst all the world’s scholars and researchers, we hear about one particular Chicago PhD student. Why? Because he wants to use his research “to ‘overcome misunderstandings’, particularly in Korea where the Muslim population is growing.”
Saving the best till last, the final section “Muslim protection” notes that the local tribe — the Jebelaya — have helped protect and run the monastery since it was built. The monastery is in the Sinai desert. Egypt. Just in case the reader was in any doubt, the beeb are keen to remind us, as if writing for three year-olds, that the tribe — the Jebelaya — are Muslim. Sinai is in Egypt. The protectors of this Christian monastery are Muslim.
Muslim protectors. Got it?
Paint-by-numbers indoctrination at the Beloved ﻅﻅﺡ (Propaganda Be Upon It).
American tourist raped in London. Police baffled as to reason for the rise in such assaults.
presenter Babita Sharma (of BBC World Service TV), tweeted a screen grab of the original Lord Sugar Tweet captioning:
“A shocking, vile tweet that you take a screen grab of because you know it will soon be deleted.”
Sugar responded: “If it is so vile, why have you retweeted it?
You make me sick.”
Did anyone actually see them mention that ?
Her photo album must be epic.
Bet she gets Emily, Jasmine, Kirsty, Evan and the rest of the girls round for a Bulimia Party every evening.
I don’t know about you but I am with Sugar…the BBC won’t be because he is Jewish? Oh yes most of the Senegalese are Muslims…no wonder there is so much traction on the BBC and Left media..
Do you think if he had said I have seen the Iceland team in Tesco or something there would have been an outcry….?
When did we lose our sense of humour in the UK?
It is another outcry from the Self appointed stewards of indignation…I love this phrase courtesy of article by Quentin Letts
MPs to investigate ‘fast fashion’ impact
Wtf?! Talk about deep state, someone needs to nip this in the bud.
The word ‘investigate’ has joined several others as laughable in the hands of the politico-media inastate.
Selective reasoning from the BBBC, using the World Cup as a vehicle for one of its tiresomely unremitting pet subjects:
“2018 Fifa World Cup: Why aren’t black managers invited to the party?”
Interestingly, the African nations are not very different than their counterparts from other continents when selecting mainly white Europeans or South Americans as coaches to their national sides.
When it comes to the PL and EFL, it’s the same question about the proportion of BAME managers. It’s never about the disproportionately high number of BAME players in the game’s upper echelons, and rightly so. It’s never about the under-representation of English managers in the PL and, increasingly, in The Championship.
The BBBC puts it all down to racism. So there you have it, a matter most worthy of study and understanding made simple to understand by the BBBC for the benefit of the motley collection of oiks and plebs that we, who stand outside of their gilded citadels, are.
What they need, clearly, are QUOTAS.
Not results.
Maybe black teams are uniquely funded?
Because the BBC never broadcasts “the news” if it doesn’t fit “the message”, I wondered if people would like to know a tourist was raped in Trafalgar Square this month ?
Or that rape is up 20% in Sadiq’s London
Did you see the picture of the rapist? It was caught on CCTV. Let’s just say he has very dark beard…I am getting cynical in my old age..or is it realistic?
As for this brave man, you will never see him on the BBBC, because his death is definitely “the wrong message”
EU Article 13 has passed it’s first hurdle and the Internet is now in danger. No doubt the BBC has been putting it’s large weight behind this, and the globalists. After all Article 13 will go a long way in stopping any opposition to the BBC and it’s propaganda.
Didn’t Gorbachev say something about the EU and the USSR?
Now, where’s that new NHS money going? Well, not all of it is going on
administrators and bureaucratspatients: bearded billionaires want in, too, apparently. Here’s an item that seems to have slipped by the BBC, who are normally so diligent in reporting (bad) news about the NHS:
BBC Breakfast this morning ticks a full house of BBC agenda boxes:
Feisty Naga and pussywillow Jon Kay (compensating with a beard) first present a glorious non sequitur – Airbus don’t like Brexit (presumably they really like the EU) so the company are threatening to move to…. China.
The BBC have upped the ante on the so-called Windrush Generation. Now, apparently, West Indians came here after the war to ‘rebuild Britain’. I guess that was a sort of Jamaican-flavoured 1950s-style Reggae Band Aid for Britain. There was me thinking they came for jobs on the buses.
Then we get a very one-sided anti-Trump (and his millions of deplorable voters) tale of US immigration from a guest on the sofa described as an American ‘Immigration Lawyer’. You might have thought she would have had a lot of work to do back home right now?
Or could I be missing the point – is this ‘crisis’ really more about lefty media advocacy for open borders – in which case she’s in precisely the right place doing exactly the right job ?
To read about Windrush, one would think it is Britain’s equivalent of The Pilgrim Fathers and the Mayflower, with brave hearty souls setting out to establish a new country. We are constantly told that Britain had a large black population, dating back hundreds of years, so the arrival of 500 or so additional people does not seem important. But the real significance is that it marks the opening of the still ongoing British Civil War, in which the Establishment decided to begin a generational wholescale replacement of the local population. To the British Left, it is their equivalent of the storming of the Winter Palace in Petrograd in 1917 (and like that, largely mythical). It is unlikely to be a coincidence that many of Tony Blair’s companies and business interests were called ‘Windrush’…
If only some of the 450 premature deaths at Gosprt had been asylum seekers, refugees, or immigrants, especially if unable to speak English, then LeftMob and the BBC would be up and down the story like a ferret in a bicycle pump.
But obviously none had. So now we have…..errrr……….total silence. In less than 48 hours yet another massive NHS scandal has been airbrushed out of history by the BBC.
We should thank our lucky stars we don’t still live in that racialist culture of the 1970s. Can you imagine how those inhumane anglo-centric newscasters of the time might have presented the Grenfell Fire : I shudder when I think about it…
‘Fire in North Kensington, London, 72 feared dead, no Britons hurt’
Just as an aside, is it just me or is there more accountability when a private business cocks up than when a public sector organisation does so?
Remember G4S at the 2012 Olympics? Several execs were sacked.
Consider the furore over the rail timetables. It is the private companies that get it in the neck. They can be investigated and somewhere there may be a shareholders meeting in which to let fly? The enerrgy sector gets the CMA treatment plus the shareholdersAGM plus lots of political scrutiny. Now none of the above is perfect or ideal but compare with the alternative of nationalisation.
Who owns Network Rail? Ah, it was created as a not for profit entity by Labour, after Railtrack. Anyone know how to complain to them and be heard? Do they have an AGM?
Readers will surely recognise the ability of the BBC to be totally unaccountable.
And now, at Gosport, as at Mid Staffs, Shipman, et al. It takes years to get an enquiry. The wagons are circled, the guilty are protected, no ‘blame’ is allowed. The Politicians, especially the Left, cannot bear to see their political ideals turn to dust, so ignore the failings, and gloss over them. The BBC falls silent.
Meanwhile, Jezza of course wants to natuonalise anything that moves. Be afraid.
Nice bit of of Pro-black/anti-police short video from the BBC…
The story of Rashan Charles and the police
Rashan was known to the Police. He was chased into a shop, as he ran from the Police, swallowed something and chocked on it – therfore in BBCLand it is Ok for the entire black community to go on a riot and smash the place up.
In the news yesterday are reports that over 400 people have probably been killed or had their life shortened at a Gosport hospital. Funny how the white community in Gosport don’t go on a riot isn’t it?!?
EU referendum revisited…..
52% didn’t believe in the major political parties.
52% didn’t believe the government in power..
52% didn’t believe the EU government was good for the UK.
52% didn’t believe actors who pretend for a living.
52% didn’t follow the majority of 797 Lords and 650 MPs.
52% didn’t believe the media.
52% didn’t believe in fear.
Recommend that we listen to Paddy O Connell getting his arse handed back to him like a parsons nose half an hour ago or so.
Some Teesider who makes washing machines is put up against Paddy and some guilty losing liberal with a book out, slating Brexit.
One of our three actually MAKES things we export.
The other two make nothing but a wind and trouble salad of their own verbiage.
Note how our manufacturer gets talked across, and patronised-even though he`s the only one who KNOWS anything.
Paddy says he`s a business journalist-and our Middlesbrough man pointedly corrects Paddys efforts at fussing over non-existent tariffs in his sector. Great stuff-but the Reamers carry on, as if he knows nothing, poor chap.
As I say above,
Maitlis and AfD lady( Newsnight clip above)?
Schama and Shearer?
Those who DO-will soon be at war with those who BITCH, like Paddy and Bookman on this appalling show.
The liberal left and lying class refuse to check, to do any research-and get clean away with it.
Not for long. But enough to boil your pee in the meantime.
Paddy signed off by saying that our Boro boy has lost the making of 20 washing machines in choosing to talk on his show instead.
THAT is the voice of the BBC.
Get them gan.
The @BBC has a long history of covering up for pedophiles, which it is proudly continuing to this very day…
“Dear BBC,
‘Very young girls’ should NOT be referred to as ‘prostitutes’ you absolute pr*cks.
They are helpless CHILD victims of paedophile rape and grooming.
What on earth is wrong with you?
After everything that happened at BBC you still have some sort of collective dysphasia.”
You can only select one …. not both … be careful … one lets you leave, the other does not …