Midweek Open Thread 27 June 2018

Two good pieces of news

The EU withdrawal bill received Royal Assent-


the US Supreme Court ruled that President Trump’s ban on travel from certain Islamic States was lawful .

No doubt all of those politicians sneering at him for attempting to defend his country will issue fulsome apologies .

Al beeb quickly found other stories to tak attention away but we bear witness to their bias.

4 months until Brexit negotiations and due completion and 275 days until the UK leaves the EU.

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526 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 27 June 2018

  1. Dover Sentry says:

    The Sun:

    “”JUDGES IN £12.6M ‘FRAUD’ Three immigration and civil judges charged over alleged £12.6m bogus legal aid scam””

    “”Kareena Maciel, Rasib Ghaffar and Razi Shah have been charged over a scam involving £12.6m in bogus legal aid””


    Not mentioned by the BBC.


    • G says:

      They sure cannot be trusted in the hallowed position of a judge in this country. They would be just fine where they come from or some muslim country because, as we know, to blatantly lie is their nature and in the ideology they follow.
      In the armed services? Hospital Doctors? Councillors sitting on Local Authority committees? I could go on and on. Your highlight is no doubt the tip of a very large iceberg.
      “The nine include two barristers, six solicitors and a legal clerk.” I bet I know the persuasion they all follow………………


    • Lobster says:

      Good old Anglo-Saxon names as usual!


    • ToobiWan says:

      The offence has a maximum ten-year jail term.
      Yeh, like like that’ll happen, DS!


    • JamesArthur says:

      That is amazing – this has not been on the BBC.

      Daily Mail today a repeat of an Article by Rod Liddle about R4. Very funny and true -‘Spare me wall to wall whingeing’ Women on the Radio


      • Beltane says:

        With the notable exception of Matthew Paris whose wingeings are sadly predictable, writers in the Spectator provide regular glimpses of sanity among the intelligentsia. It’s a sort of peaceful haven to counter the fury engendered by the Guardian for those unwise enough to waste time on it.
        Boris was once editor, which is also quite revealing.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Cue ten year old example of middle aged man with surname Jones who cheated widow out of £60 lottery ticket from Maxi.


    • G says:

      “How could Theresa May back REMAIN and say this in 2012?”
      A twisted compulsive liar?


    • gb123 says:

      MM Simple. She follows Marxist theory and lives by It.
      “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well I have others.”
      Grouch Marx.

      Her other policies such as Syria, the Russians and the borders can be summed up in another Marxist idea:
      “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”


  2. Synchronised says:

    So Mrs. Merkel starts a fire and then invites the other members of the household to find a solution on how to put it out.


  3. taffman says:

    Check out the “British ” voodo nurse on Al Beeb news site .
    The benefits of mulculti imports.


    • ToobiWan says:

      As British as the plumber, Taff.
      I liked it when F Bruce was working out how much the young girl had to earn a year to pay for B&B and trafficking bill. €50K a year, that’s, that’s £40 £45 K, that’s a lot of money!
      Not to bloody Fiona and her mates it isn’t!
      At least the illegal could say that she was making her money more honestly!


  4. imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

    Middle-class virtue-signalling NGO worker bemoans the fact that his illegal immigrant taxi service is temporarily put on hold.

    In the real world, every sensible person in Europe is cheering.



    • ToobiWan says:

      Someone needs to carry out an Opération Satanique on this bloody bucket.


  5. Payne by name says:

    Christ, the Beeb and their ‘partners’ are so juvenile.

    “Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Conan O’Brien unite against Donald Trump” – this headline and article on their website sums up their attitude so well.

    Oh no, Trump said something unkind about some people that slag him off in a tiresomely predictable opening monologue on EVERY SINGLE SHOW.

    I used to watch Graham Norton as I found the interviews a little more relaxed with the stars but his desperate opening gambit filled with telegraphed jokes about orange monkeys were embarrassing and annoying. To that extent that I simply don’t watch it anymore or actually anything on the BBC to be honest.

    And the trouble with introducing politics into these kind of shows, is that during the course of the conversations, you find yourself considering political responses to the chats that he might be having.

    Some off the cuff comment about London being so busy and because he will have previously made a comment that anyone right of centre is an evil racist, you can’t help but say to yourself ‘Well Graham if we didn’t have open borders to placate virtue signalling fools like yourself, we wouldn’t be so overrun’.

    So before you know it, a programme that is meant to be categorised as light entertainment now has a political edge to it because the host is compelled to introduce politics into the show.

    If you don’t want people to be thinking of politics and getting the opinion that they are dis-liked or not wanted by the host because he’s openly expressing a dismissive and contemptuous attitude to anyone disagreeing with him, then don’t keep bringing it up.

    Why alienate 50% of your audience when you could have 100% of them if you could just stifle your desperate fervour to denigrate the people that absolutely everyone else of your kind (i.e. entertainers) are doing.


    • Dover Sentry says:


      No viewer is going to change their politics because of an entertainer’s biased quips. Why do it?


      • Payne by name says:

        I know. The hosts are so self absorbed that they assume that folks are tuning in for their monologue rather than to see the latest entertaining chat with Chris Hemsworth.

        But the thing is, their setups and jokes are so crap and so virtuous and so desperate to be appreciated by the sheep like audience that you initially start fast forwarding and then stop watching altogether.

        Stop forcing your condescendingly enlightened views on me and concentrate on entertaining me rather than educating me.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Yep me and the wife too…we play the how long before he slags off 1. Trump 2. Brexit(eeers) 3. May
      Used to watch it now we see who is on – avoid the real luvvies and fast forward when there is a decent person(s).
      The BBC don’t care because they get their £4bn regardless of viewers – quality and customer satisfaction is not a requirement


      • Payne by name says:

        Yes, that used to be a game we played but we found that ultimately it was corrupting the whole experience for me.

        It was too hard to switch off the political point scoring part of my brain when someone is grandstanding and making lame arsed political points.

        And yes, you’re right. They won’t care if the viewing figures go down, they aren’t bothered about keeping the show popular to gain more advertising revenue. Churn out any old crap for all their harpies to turn up on their outrage express.


        • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

          The off switch is the finest remedy. The vitrue signalling lefties are easily identifiable, they are on the broadcast medium. There’s nobody on there who is not one.
          Therefore it’s all unwatchable.


  6. MarkyMark says:

    “More 60 Democrats had already voted to proceed with impeachment before Bob Mueller has found a single solitary damn thing. More 60 had already voted to move forward with impeachment and he (Bob Mueller) hasn’t presented his first finding.”- Trey Gowdy @ 1h43m9s


  7. thirdoption says:

    A young female police officer has been sacked for using the term “Paki” in a takeaway.


    No-one heard her use the term apart from her fellow police officers Corey Bradley and Alex Downs.

    The panel hearing the complaint said they didn’t feel she was a racist but sacked her anyway.

    A message to PC’s Bradley and Downs – no-one likes to work with a snitch.


    • Lobster says:

      I bet they’ll go far in today’s Police. I always thought that PC meant Police Constable, but these days it means Politically Correct.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I wonder if they’ve considered what might happen next time they radio for backup?


    • Payne by name says:

      Interesting read. As someone in the comments said, it does seem a bit strange that no staff or customers heard the apparent tirade, just the other two officers who may or may not have been drinking.

      Sounds to me like a bit of a stitch up with an ulterior motive. You go for a night out with work colleagues to cut loose and when you step a little bit out of line they immediately report you.

      She admitted to saying P*** but that was probably some silly bants but the other things she was supposed to have said, sound so deliberately offensive that they sound made up.

      I mean a person working in the constabulary who would have been on a million PC courses and read thousands of ‘working with diverse communities’ leaflets would not suddenly start reading down the list of ‘most offensive racist’ slurs.

      Her colleagues sound like real cunts. No quiet word in the ear, no calming her down in the restaurant – seemingly laugh along and then grass her up the next day.


      • BRISSLES says:

        The media press continually use the term ‘vile slur’ when reporting an alleged racist remark. Anyone ever heard it used when someone is called a ‘fat cow’ or scumbag or scab . I was once called an ‘old bitch’ when reprimanding youths for urinating in the street, I did take exception to being called ‘old’, but didn’t consider it a ‘vile slur’. Surely a Paki is someone from Pakistan – or is it only better when we refer to them as a Pakistani ? , like I’m a Brit from Britain, or a Swede from Sweden. Australians (Ozzies) refer to the Aborigines as Abbo’s so is that wrong as well ? I suggest those police officers have a lesson in the wider world and its geography.


        • ToobiWan says:

          They’re not Pakistanis, Briss, they are Asians, the BBC told me so.


      • Banania says:

        Is the word P- any worse than Brit? If so, why?


        • Lobster says:

          Beats me. Use that word and you’re sure to get a visit off the plod, but you can say Scot, Jap, Turk, Afghan, Malay, Croat, Pole, Serb, Finn, Mongol, or Kazakh with total impunity.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      In a world filled with snitches ( IE the plod) they will not be ostracised…..


    • Lefty Wright says:

      The officer was heard to utter the word “PAKI”. LET THE STONING BEGIN.


  8. MarkyMark says:

    #Brexit? Fudge it! ????????


    • ToobiWan says:

      I like the way twitter say that this media may contain sensitive material for the below image, MM


      • Fedup2 says:

        Thank you for putting that up . I couldn’t find it yesterday and concluded that it was remainer bias . Will have a riveting read.

        I was trying to work out if there is an article in the Reich EU treaty for its dissolution .


      • MarkyMark says:



  9. JamesArthur says:

    R4..trying to get Harley Davidson workers to slag Trump off

    “Now that means you do blame the president then?”..I am not sure how many leading biased questions they could ask…
    However responses could be going better..they recognise Trump is a businessman…and most voted for him…

    All in all they didn’t get what they were looking for..so they just take comments and add their twisted bias …


    • Payne by name says:

      R4 being so pathetic. Like they really cared about Harley Davidson’s before. Yet all of sudden we are meant to believe that all these fans will be denied the chance to embrace some Americana when riding down the A1.

      If a fan really wants a Harley, they’ll pay the extra dosh. I don’t remember the Beeb ever pointing out the injustice when Hammond on Top Gear would always be talking about the number of American muscle cars that couldn’t be bought here or were too prohibitively expensive because of the tariffs.

      What they don’t want to acknowledge is that Trump is a patriotic businessman who knows that for all their whining, people want access to the US markets and hence they’ll tolerate tariffs and increased costs.

      They’ll gladly pay the tariffs to gain access to the markets but if these EU fat cats can sling a little cash to the Beeb to get them to do some negative publicity on the US on their behalf, then all the better eh!

      If only May and her spineless crew could have shown some similar spine when negotiating, sorry capitulating with the EU who were desperate to sell to us but where arrogantly puffing out their chests to empower the Beeb and MSM to do their bidding.


  10. vlad says:

    Ever quick to betray our armed forces, the beebistan lament that the UK knew the US mistreated terror suspects after 9/11.
    Well boo-hoo, I should bloody well hope they did mistreat those suspected of acts of terrorism, in order to extract intelligence on possible future atrocities.
    Another case of liberals letting someone else do their dirty work to keep them safe, then moaning about it sanctimoniously afterwards.


    • gb123 says:

      Vlad, the BBC know they have a far more potent weapon to extract intelligence. O’Brien and Maitlis. Only problem is even if the suspect wanted to admit something they wouldn’t get a word in edgeways due to the interruptions.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I hope the information extracted from them was worth keeping them alive .


  11. Sluff says:

    Here’s an idea.
    Let’s nationalise the supermarkets !!!!!
    All supermarkets would offer exactly the same products.
    The food would be supplied free of charge to all customers, based on what they wanted to eat and how hungry they were.
    Any complaints would go through a series of management committees and then through political and government institutions. The workforce would be guaranteed a job with above average holidays and generous pension schemes.
    Funding for all of the above would come entirely from general taxation or from future tax revenues.
    The name of this state-controlled provision would be the National Food Service, or NFS for short.
    Does this all sound barking mad? Let’s replace the F with an H. The NHS. Now how barking is it?
    Because in the current NHS wankfest love-in on the BBC, there is no critical thinking whatever.
    Ga ga ga ga goo goo goo goo lla la la.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Dinesh has the drop on free food, and as you rightly point out, whats the difference?


  12. ToobiWan says:

    BBC News reporting on the arrival of Royal Reg of Scotland troops to help firefighters on Saddleworth Moor.
    They managed to find a black squaddie, once when he was unpacking his kit in centre of frame and in another shot, donning a mask.


  13. StewGreen says:

    6:30 Look North : So what’s today’s news from Hull/Lincoln ?
    Programme start : Local girl wins award for Keep Skirts in Schools campaign against sxhools switching to trousers for girls.

    Programme end item : Woodhall Spa pool bans thongs and see-through swimsuits.


  14. StewGreen says:

    Fake Britain : Leicester Muslims were buying halal lamb
    .. but it turned out it was turkey
    .. and even worse ..it was not halal.

    The perps were Muslim* businessmen and the price difference would be upto £700K
    * (Prog never said that I am going from the names)


  15. StewGreen says:

    @LBC are airing Sadiq Khan live from O2
    .. 7:30pm they say that Tommy Robinson supporters have invaded arena
    … but it was quickly fixed and Sadiq is speaking
    … we can still her heckling as he speaks.
    SK didn’t reference
    ..ah you just now he said people are being “We’ve seen from tonight things are becoming increasingly polarised and extreme”
    .. We still hear off mike heckles

    ..ugh James O’Brien is presenting
    He just appealed for people not to intervene.


    • StewGreen says:

      Live on Youtube seems you can wind back
      4 mins in you can hear a guy shout “You are covering up terrorism” then a quick breakout of “Oh Tommy Robinson” (might be antifa agitators”)
      On the Youtube after a couple of mins it switches back from JOB on the phone to JOB reintroducing sadiq as if there has been an edit (probably by pressing the 2 min delay button)
      There’s an LBC Twitter thread

      Periscope ha live video
      No wind back… but he’s getting a kicking in the comments

      The audience seem to be hand picked Sadiq supporters otherwise.


      • StewGreen says:

        “The streets are not safe” a woman questioner is giving Sadiq a hard time.
        another jump in the audio as they cut her out of the Youtube catchup
        I heard her speak live on the radio a few mins ago.
        There is mixed race guy and a white partner ..this seems to be the father of the kids killed by the Muslim “drunk” driver
        This is the case TR was trying to help with
        JOB has just warned him about contempt court.
        Now he trying to say they can’t libel the Met Police

        Sadiq is answering now like a prepped politician.
        He’s referred to John MacDaonnel their MP.
        Sadiq is offering to meet


        • StewGreen says:

          SK now claiming Oxford St is one of the most polluted streets in Europe
          ..and Westmister Council won’t help him
          AFAIK cars are banned on it ..air quality is due to buses/taxis and other ambient factors ..maybe walkers , shop heating systems etc.


      • ToobiWan says:

        ..crime in London is rising less steeply than crime in the rest of the UK…Sadiq Khan’t
        There you have it,Stew.


    • JamesArthur says:

      They scheduled it at the same time as England playing. Well that sort of tells you how much support he has for this Country.


  16. Beltane says:

    Seems there are twice as many tower blocks covered in flammable cladding as first thought. A second thought might be to ask – repeatedly, because it’s one of those awkward questions – who decided to cover the buildings and why, and what part the EU and the environ-mental misfits played in all the excitement, pseudo-science, pointless ‘insulation’ and subsequent misinformation.


  17. Roland Deschain says:

    The choice of picture is interesting.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Apropos the heterosexual couple who’ve won a High Court case in favour of civil partnerships for all. Um, what is the difference in having a piece of paper to say you’re married, and a piece of paper to say you’re legally ‘together’ ? because I still cant figure it out !


      • Lobster says:

        You’re not the only one to be baffled. Apparently they are both lecturers (natch!) and describe themselves as “atheists and feminists” and claim that marriage is “heteronormative and patriarchal”
        What a crock of shite.


  18. ToobiWan says:

    Birmingham: A city of Sanctuary
    In its report, the council brags about making the metropolis a “city of sanctuary” for illegal immigrants, with equalities chief Councillor Tristan Chatfield stating that “Birmingham is committed to creating a culture of hospitality and support to people seeking refuge and asylum”.


    • Kaiser says:

      migrants , economic migrants, undocumented migrant , refugee, asylum seeker, illegal immigrant choose your phrase of the week


      • JimS says:

        Not yet registered Labour party voter?


        • Fedup2 says:

          I’ve caught myself watching some propaganda program about the wonderful NHS .
          Saving people who try suicide . Why ? More cost effective to let them go than keep them alive . If the NHS is happy aborting babys and killing off old people using dehydration or morphine pumps then why not off people in A and E . It might make medics look less heroic but more cost effective for the tax payer .
          Me – I’d get the NHS running as a business . If you’ve paid National insurance for a good few years you get treatment – if not – either pay or go somewhere else .
          Al beeb would never discuss this approach and declare me inhuman – but I go back to the killing of babies and the old as a matter of routine .


          • Roland Deschain says:

            “Saving people who try suicide . Why ? More cost effective to let them go than keep them alive .”

            I’m afraid I have to take you to task on that. Mrs D tried to commit suicide many years ago, and badly injured herself in the process. During their efforts to save her they found a wholly unexpected brain tumour. Was this the cause of her spiralling depression? We’ll never know for certain. However by saving her it enabled the tumour to be removed and she has gone on to live a full life and become mother of two.

            You can’t simply write off someone who has attempted suicide.


            • BRISSLES says:

              Happy ending to what was clearly a tough time in your life Roland.

              I agree with Fed though, that the NHS should be run as a business with those paying NI get the treatment, and the others go elsewhere.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        How about malevolent invader?


  19. Kaiser says:

    the people of europe have finally realised they are being taken for mugs.

    the “immigrants” are not really to blame, who wouldnt chose to improve their lifestyle for free , who would honestly choose to turn down free stuff without any reciprocation

    if i was unemployed and saudi would give me a upgrade without asking anything in return and would turn a blind eye to my bad behaviour I would probably set off walking tommoz


    • BRISSLES says:

      There is the paradox that while the UK were welcoming with open arms the passengers from Windrush, thousands of Brits took the offer of paying a tenner to migrate to Australia ! They had the foresight to see what was going to happen in the future and legged it !


      • Old Goat says:

        If only they could have foreseen the same thing happening in Australia, decades later…


  20. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC how about some consistency? A ‘No Rape’ sign? Isn’t that a so-called “Far Right” slogan by your usual definition? Or is the “Far Right” tag only used when English men are protesting rape?

    Does BBC fake news really expect us to believe this rubbish?
    Afghanistan safer than India?


  21. StewGreen says:

    FFS Piers Morgan has got Jeremy C on his evening version of Breakfast TV


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      After the footy when they knew massive numbers would be tuned in.
      I switched it over immediately.


    • KatieH says:

      It was a blatant anti brexit labour party lovein last night. Itv are deep in the labour love. The bile is rising in the remainers since the queen gave royal ascent to brexit.

      Danny dyer is just a thick idiot and i see ed testicles now a tv star made another appearance


  22. Lucy Pevensey says:


  23. G.W.F. says:

    Apologies, not directly on BBC bias but it covers what the BBC and US media are distorting
    Annie Gets her Guns Out

    Immigration, Trump, Rwandan genocide.



  24. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC hasn’t reported the fatal shootings in Maryland yet.

    ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — Several people were reported killed Thursday at a shooting at the offices of the Capital Gazette, a daily newspaper published in Annapolis, the capital of Maryland.

    The local ABC7 news reported “multiple fatalities,” quoting police in the city located an hour east of Washington.


    • ToobiWan says:

      They are still looking for a link to Trump as a reason for the shooting, Lucy.


      • Tabs says:

        On Radio 4 about 6:40am they were talking about the shooting, “…Trump has criticised the media in the past so should take responsibility for the killings….”.

        BBC are a total joke these days. They are not even subtle in the bias anymore.


        • Dystopian says:

          Diabolical. Trump has previously referred to the media as the enemy of the people-so somehow that justifies shooting journalists?
          Well I’m afraid once again the bBBC have got it wrong as, apparently, the shooter has a history with that particular news organisation involving a failed lawsuit and harassment charges.
          So nothing to do with Trump just typical MSM fake narrative and mud slinging!


        • JamesArthur says:

          R4 at 7am…Shooting in USA ‘ a White man’ has been arrested…funny that..it’s okay to say it’s white man….never hear them say a Muslim/Black man/BAME whatever..shame he wasn’t old…but no doubt by tonight he will be right wing..


  25. Lucy Pevensey says:


  26. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”BAE wins multi-million pound Australian warship contract””

    “”The prime minister said the deal reflected the government’s strategy to “build on our close relationships with allies like Australia” as the UK prepares to leave the EU.””

    “”Canada, which is also planning to order warships later this year, might be influenced by Australia’s decision””.


    Hard cheese, BBC. Hard cheese….!


    • JimS says:

      IsThe BBCBiased’s news trail is quite entertaining as it follows the non-reporting, begrudging release of the news, getting the money wrong by three orders of magnitude and then lots of double caveating, “it’s all being done over there, not here” negativity.


  27. Terminal Moraine says:

    I keep an occasional eye on the Guardian and there does seem to be a slow sea-change in online reaction to a lot of their output.

    “The irrational fear of migrants carries a deadly price for Europe” is predictable Graun fare, but filter the comments by highest recommendations and they’re almost exclusively dismantling the author’s views. I see this happening more, which gives me hope.

    Also interesting is the huge contrast between top comments and the ‘Guardian Pick’ replies. You’d think that might tell the editors something’s up (probably not though).


    • Tabs says:

      The lie at the bottom of all Guardian articles which asks for money “… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast…. For as little as £1, you can support the Guardian – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.”

      Is just like the BBC when they say themselves that they are ‘the most trusted/unbiased news outlet’.


      • ToobiWan says:

        The Grauniads circulation figures for 2016 was a massive, 162,000 copies, tabs.
        How many people work at the BBC and do they actually pay for it?


        • Beltane says:

          And that immense organ of influence which, if they had any appreciation of the word irony, is what 90% of BBC facts and opinions are based on. Historically, the Nazi party’s Volksicher Boebachter was more credible.


        • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

          3k a week? How the hell does that make any sense?


        • Tabs says:

          According to Wikipedia the Guardian circulation has fallen from 320,00 (2010) to just 153,000 (2018)

          Most of those “readers” are BBC staff and the rest is Owen Jones buying lots of copies to read his own articles.


          • ToobiWan says:

            A “mate” of mine buys the shite, so that makes another copy,Tabs. Him ad his missus never miss an opportunity to say, “they read it in the Guardian”
            If it isn’t in that rag or mentioned on the BBC, as far as they are concerned, it isn’t happening.

            They also think that Thatcher was the cause of all world’s ills and it’s only a matter of time (they are counting the days in fact) before Corbyn rides to the rescue to save us from ourselves.
            All from a pair of bastards whose jobs and industry went down the pan as a consequence of us joining what became the EU in ’73. Yet they still voted to bloody remain; we almost came to blows over it.
            Says a lot about the intelligence Liebour voters!


        • Terminal Moraine says:

          I think those figures are per month rather than per annum. Looks like they take the month of January as a baseline for all publications.

          Maybe they’re right though that more people are reading it… it just seems they may not be the sort of people the Guardian had hoped to attract, judging by the comments section.


  28. vlad says:

    More third world enrichment: ‘Voodoo’ nurse Josephine Iyamu guilty of sex trafficking.

    The beeb helpfully tell us that she is ‘formerly of Bermondsey’. Well sort-of, but read the small print and it transpires she is formerly formerly of Liberia.
    Hey, easy mistake, Bermondsey, Liberia, I’m always getting those two confused.




    • Lobster says:

      I’ve often caught the Tube from Bermondey to Monrovia.
      I think its on the Bakerbollocks line which leads straight to Broadcasting House.


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      vlad, I trust she’s facing a long spell in prison?



      • vlad says:

        Sentencing on Wednesday. No doubt there will be lots of extenuating circumstances, cultural differences in Bermondsey / Liberia, wherever.

        Oh hang on, it’s a woman: get out of jail free.


        • Terminal Moraine says:

          Yes but will she be in for a long *spell*? You know what strange alchemy passes for our judicial system these days…

          (I’ll get my coat)


  29. StewGreen says:

    Paul Homewood calls out BBC for airing Lord Deben (Selwyn Gummer) and his new report of Green hedge fund PR


  30. Sluff says:

    This morning on BBC Radio thay announced, in connection with the journalist shootings in America, that the person detained was a white man.
    Compare and contrast with the marked reluctance to describe the colour of the various terrorists in London and Manchester and elsewhere over the last year or two.
    One can imagine the huge sense of relief, almost of joy, in the multiculti-loving BBC editorial suite when an atrocity not committed by a Muslim can be reported.


    • JimS says:

      A man ‘of colour’ surely?

      Jarrod W. Ramos, the man identified as the suspect in the shooting that killed five people at the Annapolis, Maryland, Capital Gazette, appears to have had a longstanding grudge against the newspaper over a 2011 column that reported his guilty plea to criminal harassment, according to court records.

      Well at least one of those useful Hispanics that are BAME victims as immigrants but become white if the shoot one of Obama’s many dead sons.


      • ToobiWan says:

        Maybe he self identifies as white, Jim.
        I recently filled in an online questionnaire which asked numerous questions, one of which was ethnicity. I put down White, but that I self identified as Black because I hoped it would improve my sense of rhythm and dance moves. I don’t think they were amused.


    • Tabs says:

      The BBC still describe criminals of colour but in code

      For example:
      “white man arrested” means a white man has been arrested
      “British plumber jailed” means dark skinned bearded Muslim jailed
      “person stabbed” means a black gangster stabbed
      “men charged in sex ring” means many Muslim brothers and Uncles charged.

      Once you understand the code you don’t even need to see a photo of the criminal.


      • fitz says:

        … “‘I came by Uber’’ means : I was driven by a moslem as it was not on Friday …


  31. Jeff says:

    Did anyone else see the Daily Politics prog’ yesterday? Well, to be frank you weren’t missing much. It was, as usual, choc full of left wing bollo….um, I mean balderdash. However, where they surpassed themselves was dragging in poor old Garth Crooks, well known football pundit. He looked as though he’d had to run up ten flights of stairs and sat there sweating buckets. Of course they were struggling to make some lame comparison between the successful and diverse England team and Mrs May’s non diverse and struggling cabinet. The Beeb are obsessed with diversity!
    I’m guessing after last night’s return to our usual form they’ll give that a miss in future. A breathless Garth did his best with a couple of auto-cued jokes at the expense of the defence secretary and Boris. Blimey, it was laboured. Garth isn’t a natural funny man and his presence was far more peculiar than pertinent.
    What next? Clare Balding (well, she’s doing everything else so why not?) taking the chair of Question Time?
    Anna Soubry doing the commentary on The Grand National.
    And how about Nigel Farage sitting in on Match of the Day?
    That would please Gary!


    • BRISSLES says:

      Blimey, I just caught a glimpse of it Jeff, and saw a black guy in what seemed a footy shirt, but didn’t realise it was Garth Crooks. Didn’t bother to watch as I thought “here we go again, another case of dumbing down” and turned over.


      • Northern Dreamer says:

        The bBBC is having it’s subliminal cake and eating it.
        1. Gareth Southgate being interviewed recently on BBC, talking about how proud he is to have a team that reflects diversity in England. Shouldn’t the interviewer be asking him why BAME players are OVER represented in his team and squad? I suppose this is because the players are picked based on their individual merit, rather than on a BAME quota basis. Funny, I thought I heard the bBBC were advertising some jobs, not based on merit, but that only BAME need apply, in order to achieve BAME employment targets?
        2. Nigeria v Iceland on BBC, 22/6/18. Match commentator Guy Mowbray in full on Africa wankfest because the Nigerians were copying the Icelandic ‘Viking Thunder-Clap’ and ‘Boost’ chant… I’m not an expert on this, but surely that is cultural appropriation? Or is that only a one-way street too?


  32. Beeb Brother says:

    They describe the Maryland shooter as a ‘white man’ whereas with any ROP attack it is ‘van mounts pavement.’

    Also another groundhog story about two Windrush ‘victims’ who are due for a hefty payout for being wrongfully imprisoned. Sounds like the best thing that could ever happen to them. Something happened to two people, so what? Billions of things happen due people due to immigration but we never hear about them. How on Earth is this a story? Never any nuance or balance: immigrants gooood; Britain baaaaad. I am sick of it, especially as it is becoming more and more blatantly obvious that in many cases this is diametrically wrong.


  33. fakenewswatcher says:

    Justin Webb decided to have a go at the EU politicians he was interviewing on Toady this morning. Sounding incredulous that they dared to have proposed (very minor) changes to the current immigration system at yesterday’s meeting, without consulting him first, he lambasted them with his best ‘outraged’ voice.
    He’s making a fool of himself (not difficult for him): it sounded as if he expected them to run back to their political parties to report that a Bbc staff member was unhappy with what they had done, and that he expected them to reverse their decisions. (My opinion is the opposite: they fudged it, once again, to avoid taking the firm but rational decisions that are required).
    Can they not find someone on R4 who does interviews, not run complaints sessions for themselves? His self-righteous preaching is extremely irritating.


    • JimS says:

      Yes but you have to remember that in many cases these media people are paid a lot more than the people they interview so it is quite natural for them to adopt the ‘master/serf’ model of behaviour.

      Maybe the interviewees should respond using this same model?

      “Cor blimey! [Long intake of breath] It’s gorn a’ cost yu Guv!”


  34. Ian Rushlow says:

    This morning, on the website of ‘the World’s most trusted broadcaster’ (sic)(sick):
    “Challenging beauty stereotypes with a Unibrow”
    “CO2 shortage halts crumpet production” (note: unrelated to item above)
    “The faces female football fans want you to see” (hint: not in same league as Russian female fans)
    ‘Why LGBT people need alcohol free spaces” (maybe Islam could help with this)
    “How crows can use a vending machine”


  35. Sluff says:

    A little musing.
    On ‘Pointless’ yesterday, the winners were an Indian subcontinent looking couple.
    They were quite erudite, won on merit. If you did not see them, you would not know their ethnicity. The lady was a West Ham season ticket holder. They knew stuff. They had lived here since the year dot.
    Not a problem for me.
    The worry is that the BBC put them there to fill their multiculti quota. Incidentally there is an alarming number of wheelchair users on Pointless, a proportion I have never seen in normal life, except when visiting care homes.
    I wonder if some of our more engaged and integrated ethnic minority residents do actually get a bit pissed off with the Beeb, like we do. They see the tokenism and feel patronised, when in fact they do deserve their place on merit?


    • ToobiWan says:

      There also seems to have been quite a few “ladies” of late who , by their looks and dress, appear to include “carpet” in their diet, Sluff.


  36. MarkyMark says:

    Allegations under Investigation by the Commissioner -Page last updated: 18 June 2018.

    Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 10 and paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct

    Mr Ian Paisley MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 13 of the Code of Conduct

    Mr Robert Courts MP – Alleged breach of paragraph 15 of the Code of Conduct



  37. Eddy Booth says:

    ”The HIV-positive man who stopped thousands getting the virus
    By Tom de Castella
    BBC Stories”


    Story about some drug that allows gay to engage in buggery without condoms and not catch HIV (at least the current strain..) and they have demanded the NHS pay for it, and won.

    Naturally BBC is championing the gaylord that managed this.
    Papering over the fact that it looks like Greg Owen, has/is making a fortune selling the stuff online, and getting the NHS to prescribe it too, is probably just publicity.

    No mention of the fact it was homos that gave the world AIDS, through unprotected sex orgies, in the sauna houses of San Fransicio and then spread worldwide by camp airline stewards.
    Millions died worldwide. gays were not blamed by most of the media / politicians…
    Next the for decades the narrative, laid on thick, that AIDS is not a gay disease -everyone catches it equally – bullshit.

    ”Short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, Prep is a pill you take before penetrative sex.
    If a condom is not worn, and you come into contact with HIV, the drug stops the virus from getting into the bloodstream permanently. Prep is prevention not cure.”

    The cure is stopping your filthy lifestyle, maybe even meeting a woman and getting yourself cured.
    Worked for David Bowie.
    Why not for other gay sufferers …


    • Kaiser says:

      or just wear a fucking condom, what are they 50p each? if the sex aint worth 50p of your own personal money it must be really bad.

      And if your “partner” would rather risk both your lives than wear one, GET A DIFFERENT PARTNER cos this one is a MORON


      • Tabs says:

        Unfortunately the drug isn’t available for heterosexual men who want to have unprotected sex with prostitutes. Equality doesn’t work like that.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      We are leaving next March?
      I’ll believe it when I see it..
      Two years on and not one trade deal signed, countries were queueing up after the vote,…


      • JimS says:

        We can’t sign any trade deals while we are in the EU/Customs Union – trade is an EU ‘competence’. (Corbyn should note that we can’t nationalise the railways either as transport is an EU ‘competence’ also).


        • Eddy Booth says:

          Which was half the problem, we bowed to every EU rule religiously.
          We are probably banned from agreeing any deals, to be formally signed on leaving day and trade starting the next.
          We have hardly any trade deal negotiators, of our own as we use the EU ones,
          Anyone seem any training or job adverts for this position?
          Only thing May is serious about is doing nothing.


  38. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Jeremy Corbyn’s Gaza briefing to Labour MPs accuses IDF of ‘war crimes’ One MP brands it ‘disgustingly one sided’



    • Foscari says:

      Lucy-What you wont hear about from Jeremy Corbyn or in fact the BBC
      is the aid that Israel is giving to refugees trying to escape the
      bombardment from Assad, the Russians and the Iranians.
      Hundreds of tents, medical supplies, food etc has been supplied
      by Israel to the refugees.


  39. StewGreen says:

    A video posted by the TR supporters of their disruption at last night’s Sadiq Khan event.
    I don’t support disrupting events, OTOH Tommy’s lot are the only ones supporting the parents of the 3 murdered boys; a story so suppressed that James O’Brien wasn’t aware of it.


    • Kaiser says:

      awesome, people finally starting to wake up


    • Tabs says:

      Notice how all the security are Muslim men?

      A Muslim mayor gets heckled and Muslim security escort the hecklers out – what country was this filmed in?


  40. StewGreen says:

    Has an NUJ ruling gone out against Trump ?
    You’d expect balance from Julia Hartley Brewer, but today she brought on this super-anti-Trump guy
    ..then herself alluded to the Trump watersports video being real & existing (despite zero evidence). WTF


  41. StewGreen says:

    Don’t you hate it, when you post here , and then go away
    only to come back 30 mins later and find a screen that says “You must be logged into comment” ?

    I always open a new tab to login in, and then in the original tab click back and my post has been kept so I can just press send again.


    • Old Goat says:

      Yes, it’s very annoying. So is the amount of time one has to wait for one’s reply to a comment to appear.


  42. MarkyMark says:

    Jeremy is human … rejoice …. and not a pure savour … be sad …


  43. G.W.F. says:

    The House of Lords will be protected by the Muslim Council, aka the Muslim Brotherhood.
    Still thinking of supporting the Tories.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Any agenda today ?
    NHS Love-in : Radio4
    11:00 : root of NHS in Tredegar
    13:45 NHS history (17 episodes)
    16:55pm The First NHS baby
    BBC2 7pm-8pm also

    Other agendas
    11:30 Biography of a young LABOUR activist
    2:15pm Anti-Thatcher drama (series 4 has 10 episodes)
    3pm Gardener’s Question Time : from Community Garden in ISLINGTON
    (Super different from tonight’s BBC2 Gardener’s World ” extraordinary woman who runs a community project in the centre of Birmingham”)
    4:30pm Feedback with the lefty view of this weeks Radio4 ; everyone else’s complaints are thrown in the bin.
    8pm Gina Miller is on Any Questions


    • smoogie7 says:

      An anti Thatcher drama? What could that be? A TV series of Brassed Off? Lots of tardy 80s fashions, exaggerated northern accents and shots of derelict terraced ‘two ups, two downs’ and scruffy single mum’s on council estates with a few children but no fathers around?

      Is that not the view that the BBC always paint things these days?


    • StewGreen says:

      JVine agenda today
      1️⃣ Danny Dyer reckons Brexit is “a comedy”
      2️⃣ MP Danielle Rowley apologised for being late.. she was on her period……. (maybe a set up ?)
      3️⃣ A vicar in Fishguard has cancelled early morning bell-ringing to spare his neighbours.
      4️⃣ To mark 100 years of the Royal Air Force we celebrate the Spitfire, the plane that helped to win the Battle Of Britain.


  45. StewGreen says:

    11pm BBC2 New series about an Australian “far-right” group
    ..Is it true that it portrays antifa as bad ?
    Australian Antifa tell you NOT to watch it.

    another review : https://blazingminds.co.uk/romper-stomper-tv-show-review/

    \\ Right-wing group Patriot Blue holds a rally at a Muslim festival, where its members clash with anarchists Antifasc.
    (That’s strange it’s usually Antifa then invade other people’s rally’s almost never the the other way around)
    Young stranger Kane steps in during the fighting to help members of Patriot Blue, immediately winning their trust.
    Muslims also get hurt in the clashes, and defiant Laila takes on the challenge of representing her community. //


    • smoogie7 says:

      Well they say that Australia is a sunnier version of the UK so it is going to have the same types of ‘groups’ and of course our BBC are going to attack anything in Australia right of centre left the same way


  46. MarkyMark says:

    It’s getting real … because one Lord dares to ask a question …

    “… debates in your Lordships house be monitored for hate speech and Islamophobia against Muslims? Does he (Lord Peterson) agree with me, that Tommy Robinson who has sadly and to much disgust been hosted in your Lordship’s house for tea and lunch, and is now serving time in Her Majesties Prison Hull. Is now in a more appropriate place who thinks, speaks and preachers and conducts himself as he does.” – Warsi @2:42


    • Lucy Pevensey says:


      Our government is becoming more dysfunctional by the minute. Is this really a parliament? Are they really even adults? This is a discussion for college student activists not a parliamentary debate.
      “Islamophobia”?? Why is this misnomer, this SJW invention even being accepted as a term?

      “Islamo WHATifa”? Don’t be silly. Will the Rt Hon Gentleman please use ENGLISH………. Dismissed. Next item.