Weekend Open Thread 29 June 2018

Al beeb busily undermining the UK government negotiating tactic by giving remainers the oxygen of publicity .

After  seeing the UK PM disrespected by the Belgium’s PM giving her a Belgium footy shirt I got really fed up . So I did some checks . The population of Belgium is 11 million . The population of Blighty is equal to the 15 smaller countries of the the Reich EU . Only one country has a bigger population – you know the one which habitually takes over other people’s countries using panzers . Yet the UK is being kicked around by the EU and its  MSM friends like we are the school wimp . Time to walk away soon unless the Government is playing a very clever game .As if.

Also 2 weeks to go until President Trump pays a visit to Britain which I’m sure will cause both embarrassment and navel gazing by the poisonous Main Stream Media .Prepare for stunts …

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451 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 29 June 2018

  1. Lurkio says:

    “Is football still sexist?”

    Can’t we just have footie and no debate on gender. With any luck for the Beeb, we won;t in it for much longer and they can get their teeth into something else. Oh, Wimbledon tennis next…


    • Lurkio says:

      Hmmm – unable to edit post (wanted to put a ‘?’ after ‘gender’). Is it just me? Oh, and change a ; to a ‘ and add a ‘be’ before ‘in’.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Maybe the sites a bitty funny about editing the first comment …. weird


        • Lurkio says:

          Yes, could edit the 2nd.


        • TrueToo says:


          I see that comments are closed to the open thread above the Word Cup thread and on down. Not sure if this is something new or has always been the case that threads are locked this soon.

          I can see the logic in closing comments to older threads that few, if any, people will be looking at, but perhaps it would be better to leave comments open at least to all threads currently on page 1 of the blog.

          What say you?


          • Fedup2 says:

            Too True

            I didn’t know anything about the thread closing as I assumed it would be open until Enger land brings the cup back to Blighty
            And takes it round Britain – particularly to let the Scots see it
            ( and then I woke up )

            I’ll e Mail Rufus as I think he has the keys to the kingdom re IT stuff .
            Sorry I sound as though I don’t know what I’m doing .


            • TrueToo says:


              Thanks, perhaps the site just needs a tweak or two to keep the threads open a bit longer. Apologies unnecessary!


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think al beeb has been getting stick from the sistas because , if you’ve noticed , Russian cameramen tend to allow their lenses to wander onto the feature of ladies whom many men might well find attractive or indeed ‘fit’ or ‘hot’ as believe it be called now .

      Some politically correct ladies want to surpress nature and or cut out nads off just to be on the safe side .

      Bet coverage of ladies at Wimbledon will be suitably restrained . Al beeb would probably be happier if the girls were all wearing those Arab sheets with slits where eyes are meant to be .


      • Lurkio says:

        The odd thing is, I did notice that the shots were a bit ‘old school’ and I wondered how long it might take before someone raised ‘concerns’.

        Mind you, I’m sure I caught a clip of a Beeb lady presenter (Jo Coburn, possibly) a few days ago where she said to a male interviewee he resembled Harry Kane and he said – unpleased – something like “thanks a lot”. Her reply was along the lines of “What, he’s alright [looking, I guess], is Kane!”.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I have made a video compilation of ladies smiling and jumping up and down with joy which has already had 11 million hits on the you tube ….but I may be fibbing .


    • Beeb Brother says:

      They ruin everything, why can’t they just accept football is something men have but women can never appreciate to the same depths? There is no victim here. God the problems I have had with women and football over the years. I remember meeting a girl during the 2010 World Cup but she felt so insulted that on every date I could not take my eyes off the football. If Romeo had met Juliette during a tournament the play would not have worked at all.

      The odd outlier girl may like football but just because one woman is taller than one man it doesn’t mean on average women are taller than men. The SJWs never grasp this vital ‘on average’ thing and take the exception as representative of the whole.


      • TrueToo says:

        Beeb Brother,

        It could get worse, and probably will since so much of everything the BBC touches turns to excretory matter.

        The BBC could soon be pushing for the inclusion of women in the men’s team, which would then be renamed the people’s team. After all, sexual discrimination is so 20th century, didn’t you know?

        I guess the BBC would be satisfied with 5 women to 6 men on the field as long as women would outnumber men every second game.

        Fouls might present a problem at first, with some male players unwilling to foul a woman as viciously as they would a man, but I guess in time, and with the help of the BBC, women would accept this peculiar aspect of the modern game (along with the reluctance of referees to kick offenders off the field) and enthusiastically foul back.

        For the BBC, it would be heaven on earth. But since the BBC is never satisfied, it would then start to push for the inclusion of transgender people in the teams. But to be fair, since trans people are a small minority there would only be one included every five thousand games or so. The BBC would be able to think of nothing else as the great day approached.


        • Beeb Brother says:

          If they have a woman present Match of the Day I will explode. It is just not the same to say you experienced playing for Chelsea ladies in front of a few hundred to having played in the Premier League for a decade.

          Why can they not criticise female players the way they do men? The pundits are so patronising. If you want the same outcomes as men you should have the same responsibilities as well but the feminists always want to have their cake and eat it, be victims and victors according to what suits them best. Cathy Newman playing the victim after her horrendous interview with Peterson was typical: spent half an hour whinging about equal outcomes then plead for special treatment due to your gender when it all goes tits up, so to speak.


          • kingkp says:

            I would take anyone over that dreadful EU supporting ponce Lineker.


      • BlackCountryWench says:

        Not all of us females dislike football.

        I’m football mad, loving the World Cup, and I understand the off side rule! I support West Bromwich Albion, who will be back in the Premier League next season!

        I get a bit annoyed when men say that we can’t watch and enjoy football as I know a lot of women who are extremely knowledgeable about the game and get as annoyed as the men by the standard of punditry and commentary by women. Tbf , Sky’s women commentators are usually very knowledgeable and easy to listen.to.

        Oh well back to Denmark vs Croatia
        I’m also a very feminine woman who loves her handbags!


    • NCBBC says:

      We have womens footy. But what happens if transgedies from men to women want to play in a women’s team.

      Clearly the way forward to avoid discrimination and have fair play is to have a Transgender World Cup. And then a Lesbian World Cup, Bisexual WC etc..

      How about an All Nude World Cup. Then we can see who is who.


  2. Lurkio says:

    Changing the topic – has anyone else heard this term before: ‘irregular migration’?


    Like a parent trying to find a less offensive word for, as Jim from Friday Night Dinner might put it ‘sensual regions’.


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Thinking about it – I’m surprised sexist isn’t illegal already – I mean if a wpc can be sacked for using the term ‘ paki’ whilst drunk with her mates after all thank taxpayers cash used to train her perhaps it is time sexism is made a criminal offence too .

    I read a piece Brit a professional lesbian who want marriage to be ended now that civil partnerships are all the rage . She didn’t seem to recognise that in some religions marriage is a sacrament . But there are again she can probably imagine “ a world with no religion too”.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Type “MSM” or “RoP”into Google
    It’s surreal how it refuses to show the common usage of the terms

    Type the same expressions into a Twitter search ..and it’s obvious the way people use them
    and that they are used every few seconds .


    • Beeb Brother says:

      The internet is being cleansed of wrongthink; I could not find anything on the free speech march that took place recently in London. We have not done as we were told for two big votes and the elites hate it; the internet has been the engine of that revolt so they are desperately trying to clip its wings. Alas, the Rubicon has been crossed and no amount of manipulation can put the genie back in the bottle.


      • kingkp says:

        Indeed it is being cleansed. A channel I had subscribed to on youtube has just been deleted. All the guy was doing was trying to highlight the ongoing industrial scale rape,torture and murder of underage girls by pakistani muslim men. The truth is being eradicated bit by bit.


    • TrueToo says:

      Stew Green,

      That is bizarre. I typed ROP in and Google refused to tell me that it referred to the Religion of Peace. So I clicked on a link Google provided to the ‘Free Dictionary’ which proudly presented a list of meanings for the acronym:

      ROP Regional Occupational Program
      ROP Retinopathy Of Prematurity
      ROP Run Of Paper (printing)
      ROP Roper Industries, Inc. (stock symbol)
      ROP Royal Orchid Plus (Thai Airways reward scheme)
      ROP Return of Premium (insurance)
      ROP Rate Of Penetration (Oil Industry)
      ROP Reorder Point
      ROP Rate Of Progress
      ROP Report on Proposals
      ROP Rate of Penetration (drilling industry)
      ROP Royal Oman Police (Sultanate of Oman)
      ROP Regional Operational Programme
      ROP Rules of Procedure
      ROP Ring Opening Polymerization
      ROP Rural Organizing Project
      ROP Run of Press (advertising)
      ROP Republic of the Philippines
      ROP Right of Passage
      ROP Ruch Odbudowy Polski (Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland)
      ROP Reduced Oxygen Packaging
      ROP Republic Of Panama
      ROP Registered Options Principal (securities)
      ROP Render Output Unit (digital video)
      ROP Retraites Ouvrières et Paysannes (French: Pensions of Workers and Peasants)
      ROP Rich of Peak (fuel mixture setting)
      ROP Run of Page (newspaper advertising placement)
      ROP Ranger Orientation Program
      ROP Rota, Northern Mariana Islands – Rota (Airport Code)
      ROP Regional Oversight Policy
      ROP Right Occipito-Posterior
      ROP Read-Only Printer
      ROP Readout Protection (microcontroller, semiconductor)
      ROP Read on Please (Internet slang)
      ROP Rage of Predator (gaming clan)
      ROP Réseau Optique et Photonique (French: Optics and Photonics Network)
      ROP Repatriation of Remains
      ROP Return on Promotion
      ROP Raster Operation(s) (computer graphics)
      ROP Receive Operate
      ROP Rugby Olympique Pantin (French Olympic rugby team)
      ROP Relief of Pain (dentistry)
      ROP Record of Performance
      ROP Religion of Peace
      ROP Roll Over Protection (product safety)
      ROP Remote Operations
      ROP Return-Oriented Programming
      ROP Research Opportunity Program (various organizations)

      Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved

      Amazing that the Religion of Peace is 5th from the bottom in this lengthy list of obscure definitions for ROP.

      Well, I suppose that I should be thankful that it’s there at least.


      • Eddy Booth says:

        I guess there’s is no point in looking up the religion of special needs
        Can anyone access The Urban Dictionary these days, or is it a problem at my end?
        bossy internet

        Urban Dictionary: RoP
        An acronym spelled “RoP”, British slang alternately referring to “religion of peace” or “Republic of Pakistan”; a sarcastic reference to violently anti-British, …


    • Jagman84 says:

      It has no problems with PBUH though…..


    • Fedup2 says:

      Island -if ever there will be a political appeal that will be it . I don’t know what the sentencing guidelines are but my guess – he ll suspend half the sentence on the understanding that TR keeps his mouth shut for 2 years . Let’s see…


      • ToobiWan says:

        Tommy and his family need to emigrate on his release, he can still carry on the message from places where the thought police haven’t been invented yet. Think he’d be safe in the US?


        • Roland Deschain says:

          Wouldn’t his convictions prevent that? He could claim asylum, but might be separated from his children and the BBC would take up his case. Wouldn’t they?


      • theisland says:

        Yes Fed
        It is so obvious – and as Stew says just before Trump’s visit and the next Free Tommy march. Why so pointedly high profile (Leveson)? It should just be a straightforward appeal. For example, it doesn’t need a lengthy report before a decision can be made. Strange (or not) that his lawyers are going along with this. However, when faced with the might of the state and all of the ramifications, legal chambers are easily intimidated even if they start off with good intentions. And everyone pretends to each other that they are above board. But as you say – we’ll see …


    • StewGreen says:

      Sounds like they are trying to get it through, before the big 14th of July march
      which will also be Trump’s visit
      ..and if case is still ongoing will prevent him from speaking about it or acknowledging the pro Tommy marches .

      Trump July 11-12 summit of NATO leaders and a visit to Britain July 13th
      then meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Finnish capital Helsinki


      • Eddy Booth says:

        trump will probably announce 50 billion trade deals with Russia’ and the BBC will put bad spin on it.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I trust Raheem, otherwise I would think it a joke. No chance with defender of free speech Levenson. Establishment stitch up


  5. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online NEWS:

    “”Newspaper shooting suspect ‘barricaded exit'””


    I see that the mass shooting (5 dead) by a white male with a grudge still remains on the BBC’s front page after over three days.

    Islamic terrorist attacks are dropped after a day or less by the BBC.

    It’s no longer on Sky’s front page.


    • Guest Who says:

      I remain intrigued why someone sporting the surname ‘Ramos’ gets to be representative of the white community. Pretty sure most of Hollywood and the music industry persons of panic identify as anything but. And are supported in this by the MSM.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Here’s a possible reason. US crime statistics include ethnicity information. But there is a peculiar anomaly: when Hispanics are victims, they are recorded as such, but when they are perpetrators, they are categorised as White. Ramos is an Hispanic surname, so in this instance it suits the authorities to portray him as White and, as you say, make him ‘representative of the white community’. You can see the same process at work if you look at instances of where Hispanic policemen have been involved in the shooting of black suspects: in such instances, the policeman is always described as ‘White’, in much the same manner as the suspect is always described by the media as ‘unarmed black teenager’. It is all about maintaining the false narrative.


    • maxincony says:

      Dover Sentry,

      I see that the mass shooting (5 dead) by a white male with a grudge still remains on the BBC’s front page after over three days.

      It happened on Thursday. You posted this on Friday. Please explain how that adds up to; “over three days”?


      • Guest Who says:

        In the spirit of polite enquiry, please explain why the permitted default position of the public broadcaster to nearly any question, including on matters of accuracy, is usually delayed by several months and/or generally self-exempted? Tx in anticipation.


      • Justin Casey says:

        Oh my God!! maxincony you are such a fcuking pedant….. Obviously Dover Sentry had anticipated that about six minutes after he added his comment at 11:54pm, after six minutes it would be the start of a new day thus making it a third day…
        It is now Saturday…. so the incident happened on Thursday (day one) Yesterday / Friday (day two) and Today makes (day three) … Does that explanation suffice???? If not then simply press ALT plus F4 you facile twat…. You are the answer to a question nobody here ever bothered to ask… Sealioning as usual…


        • maxincony says:

          Justin Casey,

          …such a fcuking pedant….. Obviously Dover Sentry had anticipated that about six minutes after he added his comment at 11:54pm, after six minutes it would be the start of a new day thus making it a third day…

          Ahh, I see, he wasn’t talking about what was on the BBC’s front page yesterday but what might be on the front page tomorrow.

          A+ for effort Justin.

          Still not; “after over three days”, but never mind.


          • oldcrone says:

            Nit picking comes to mind. Really maxi .. no sarcasm intended .. I really feel sorry for you that you feel you have to do this.


            • Jagman84 says:

              It is resorting to nit-picking of words and minutiae as they know that the battle is lost. Brexit and Trump have done for them. They are now moving into the scorched earth phase, where as much damage is done as possible to future prospects (Antifa & remoaner MPs). Violence and subterfuge is all they really have.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        It’s quite obvious. Dover Sentry is currently in France, where the clocks are one hour ahead and it was Saturday where he was when he posted.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Perhaps, maxi, in the light of this error by Dover Sentry you might be so good as to go through the BBC Home (Front) Page and point out all those items that are three days old or over that limit.

        I know you do not work at the BBC but if you have friends that do and if they have responsibilities for the web-site, please ask them to make it a lot more ‘up to date’ across the whole site. There is stuff that sits there for an eternity. Have a look near the top right, here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/have_your_say


      • G.W.F. says:


        Been fisting again?


  6. Fedup2 says:

    As am beeb continues it’s windrush victim theme it’s printed version highlights the reality of black Jamaicans going back to the homeland being targeted – and sometimes killed -as happened last week.
    There is an irony there somewhere but I can’t figure it -and it’s bllody sad – but albeeb will avoid the not nice


  7. Guest Who says:

    Not sure how an inevitable load of balls exclusively from the left can be viewed as gripping viewing, but the bbc does not really have to worry about such things. Eh, Emily and Evan?



  8. maxincony says:

    One day of BiasedBBC:

    People who attempt suicide should be left to die. Fedup2

    Sick people who haven’t paid enough NI contributions should be left to die. Brissles

    Geert Wilders (ban the Koran) supports freedom of speech. Lucy Pevensey

    They describe the journalist shooter as white but they never describe asians as muslim. Sluff

    Saw a black man on TV, another case of dumbing down. Brissles

    Two British people were wrongfully imprisoned; they’re black, who cares. Beeb Brother

    The brown people who won Pointless on merit were selected by skin colour instead of merit. Sluff

    Gaylord, buggery, filthy, gay sufferers. Eddy Booth

    A man with facial deformities should always be introduced as “the man with facial deformities”. Stew Green

    Mentioning that some women flew Spitfires is an insult to all the men who flew Spitfires. JimS

    What wonderfully idiotic posts will tomorrow bring I wonder…


    • Justin Casey says:

      However many `idiotic` posts there are we can be sure that you will be here to `dumb it down` with your usual moronic prose


      • maxincony says:

        Justin Casey,

        …we can be sure that you will be here to `dumb it down` with your usual moronic prose

        Keep on defending the ‘idiotic’ posts, Justin. A life well spent.


        • G.W.F. says:


          I assume you enjoy fisting. Do you cry out OOH OOH or is it more of a AAH?


    • JimS says:

      Maxicony try reading my piece again. Nowhere did I say that ‘mentioning that some women flew Spitfires is an insult to all the men who flew Spitfires’ or anything like.

      The Jeremy Vine Show story was supposed to be about 100 years of the RAF yet focused on one aircraft, the Spitfire, and on some women that flew it. It might have missed your notice but the RAF in its 100 years has flown quite a fair number of aircraft types, also while the ‘girls’ of the ATA ‘did their bit’, they were only 166 in number, i.e. a minority of the ATA and most likely able-bodied, unlike the men, some of whom were missing limbs. Another point of note is that the ATA was not part of the RAF, being a civilian organisation, so why did the BBC ‘invite them to the party’?
      I will make my final point again: In the war most people ‘pulled together’, the BBC is now re-writing history to pull us apart.

      Where there is love let me sow hatred
      Where there is pardon, injury
      Where there is faith, doubt
      Where there is hope, despair
      Where there is light, darkness
      And where there is joy, sadness.

      The BBC Prayer


      • maxincony says:


        Nowhere did I say that ‘mentioning that some women flew Spitfires is an insult to all the men who flew Spitfires’ or anything like.

        Oh excuse me, it’s just the cold, calculated, playing of “Thing-Ummy-Bob” which was obviously; part of doing boys down and dividing us.


        • JimS says:

          Shame on you Maxicony, the full sentence reads:

          I am sure that when Gracie Fields sang the song it was in the spirit of ‘we are all in this together’ whereas when the BBC plays it now it is part of doing boys down and dividing us.

          The ‘boys’ that you selectively quote are the boys of today, only a BBC journalist with an agenda could possibly turn that into a comparison between the 70,000 plus male RAF aircrew that lost their lives and the 166 civilian female ATA pilots.

          You miss completely the point that the BBC’s motive is always one of sowing division and distortion, skills that you are clearly trying to develop in yourself.


          • taffman says:

            Maxi, get rid of that worthless paper you call a “degree in Meeja” and start growing lettuce .

            Lettuce? See Al Beeb news.


      • Banania says:

        “..try reading my piece again.” I don’t think he read it once.


    • G says:

      Nice to see that you are keeping abreast of the comments which you take in isolation without context but, tell us, how do you continually get out of your pram without your mother knowing?


      • StewGreen says:

        Maxi has form
        – Screamed all over this forum that a particular terrorist was not Muslim
        ..only for it to become perfectly obvious that Maxi was wrong.
        He didn’t correct or apologise, but just continued his normal practice of pigeon droppings
        .. turning up after a day of postings, making his own misrepresentations and hoping that that is how the forum was left in its state, spoiled by him.


    • Jagman84 says:

      Depends on how many times you intend to post, I’d assume…. If something offends you then, generally, it’s bang on the money!


  9. Guest Who says:

    Anthony knows what he likes.


    • Payne by name says:

      So Zurcher is saying that he thinks continued North Korean nuclear activity is a good thing. Such is the zeal to embarrass Trump, that he’d prefer NK to suceed.


      • Guest Who says:

        It would appear so.

        Such sentiments passed on in guise of ‘reporting’ are what make bbc ‘news’ so…. unique.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Strange how maxi is never around to to comment on these clear and and indisputable examples of BBC biased opinion as they happen.


  10. Beeb Brother says:

    Great to hear Carrie Gracie’s feminist heist of the BBC has been successful; I must have wept half the water out my body knowing this extremely well-paid woman was not getting as much extorted money as she wanted. She is giving the entire undisclosed sum to an ‘equality’ charity, apparently. Very convenient the sum was undisclosed – as if she is giving it all to charity. It will go on expensive holidays, champagne and all those treats the liberal elite deserve for being so morally superior to the rest of us.


    • David R says:

      There is no reason for her not to give it to charity, as long as it is HER chariy. After all the “expensive holidays, champagne and all those treats the liberal elite deserve” can be put on expenses and paid for by the TV Tax.


    • AaronD says:

      Given that this is a ‘six-figure’ sum, the annual licence fees of TENS of THOUSANDS of BBC contributors are effectively being handed straight over to some women’s equality charity. You have to be a complete and utter mug to pay it.


  11. taffman says:

    I see that the village idiot has returned?
    Perhaps now he will be kind enough to explain why Al Beeb is so blatantly biased and why they rob from the poor to give to the rich ?


  12. Dover Sentry says:

    I don’t even read his/her posts. He ‘s here to disrupt not to contribute.

    The flak is heaviest when you are directly over the target.


  13. taffman says:

    Dover Sentry
    Yes I have noticed that when things are not going Al Beeb’s way he pops up with his usual prolific and panicking attacks.


    • Guest Who says:

      Pin-head at angels one five, counting dance moves like mad. Or Diane Abbott. Or both.


  14. taffman says:

    Surge in Brittons getting EU nationality.
    Let’s hope they are all those types of “Brittons” that Al Beeb refers to who are not really British or that they are Remainers .


  15. taffman says:

    I see that the Germans are merging with TaTa despite Brexit?


  16. Beeb Brother says:

    Trump gets a prank call, haw haw haw! Never mind him potentially saving millions from nuclear apocalypse the other week. Do they not think reporting this as one of their main stories is infantile and shows a disgraceful lack of respect? Without the US the Nazis would have conquered us, for f**k’s sake.

    Have they run a single positive story about Trump? Did they ever say anything negative about Obama? Fair enough if you are a left wing activist but for our national broadcaster – which laughably purports to be impartial – it really is taking the piss.


  17. Payne by name says:

    I have to admit that I’m concerned about the embarrassment I will feel as a Brit when Trump comes here. It’s like inviting friends over knowing that your children are going to misbehave and then everyone will see how unruly they actually are.

    I watch a lot of US TV – Tucker, Gutfield, Ingraham and Crowder – and I can only imagine how appalled they will be at the stupidity of our protesting masses, screaming Antifa and stupid contemptible media.

    Worse still is that given it was a Brit that made the most serious attempt to assasinate Trump, I fear another fool will try it.

    It’s just going to be a clusterfuck with the whole country coming across terribly.


    • scribblingscribe says:

      Payne I feel the same about the wayward children of the left.

      Oddly, Trump visited France and other countries in Europe without any problems at all.

      But then, non of those countries have flames fanned by the BBC, the most trusted broadcaster in the world.


    • Banania says:

      I was favourably impressed by episode 1 of “Inside the American Embassy” (Ch 4, Mondays). Has it gone down well with right-minded people?


      • Richard Pinder says:

        It gave me the impression that “Project Fear” is a response by people so self aware of their own incompetence, that they don’t think they could run a whelk stall. The US Ambassadors opinion seemed to imply that the most influential nation in history, Britain, which created the biggest and most powerful Empire in history, including the creation of its successor, the most powerful nation in history, the United States. Leading to the worlds first global language, English. Found the lack of confidence for the future, unbelievable. Especially when considering that the United States has economically survived independently from both British and European Union rule since 1776.

        And now it seems that Britain is ruled by the most inferior middle-class people in the nations history. Scientifically ignorant, moronic and unemployable Arts and Media people, without the confidence to run a whelk stall. While at the same time, high IQ politicians such as Nigel Farage, Frank Field, Graham Stringer and Jacob Rees-Mogg are kept in the wilderness.


  18. G says:

    The expression comes to mind, “Stable doors…………..”
    Soros and the UN will surely put up the money for the NGO’s defence.


  19. thirdoption says:

    If anyone has ever had severely infected tonsils or badly inflamed haemorrhoids they will know the extreme pain and misery they can cause.

    It’s now been announced that, in an effort to save £200 million (or rather, spend the money on other things) operations to rectify these debilitating conditions have been shelved.


    Fortunately, the NHS has not announced any plans to stop the important operations such as gender realignment and breast enhancements.

    Thank goodness our NHS is in such good hands.


    • Tabs says:

      …and don’t forget the funds are now available for Prep, the gay drug that allows unprotected anal sex at £450 a month rather than insist they wear condoms.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Oh god, that graphic description has just put me off my breakfast Tabs !


        • Tabs says:

          Sorry, I hope you weren’t about to eat a fried breakfast sausage dipped in brown sauce.


        • Banania says:

          There was a whole documentary about that identifiable minority and their medical requirements; why were nearly all of the presenters women?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Third, the amount apparently has gone up to £400 million. (See the Times front page)

      I thought £200m might be a number that gets divided by 350,000 and comes out as quite small! It is only the NHS in England that is proposing this and apparently they are suggesting cutting the procedures by about a third. In other words, NHS England is to re-introduce health rationing which may or maybe not a ‘post-code lottery’. That puts up the figure per operation to £2,000. That is an interesting number.

      I wonder what has happened to that £2,000 per household per year tax for the NHS from the BBC? It is strange that maxincony never, ever, comes on here and mentions that.

      I wonder why?

      The BBC did not do any sums off-air or on-air and ask the NHS England spokesperson about that cost per operation or post-code lotteries or rationing or other costly procedures that are not on the list.

      I wonder why?

      More questions than answers with that uniquely funded, world class, factual news gathering operation a.k.a. the BBC.


      • thirdoption says:


        In truth, there’s not really anything new in the announcement, as anyone in severe problems from anything will get it sorted.

        I had full shoulder surgery recently yet the procedure is on the list as non urgent. I couldn’t do my job so there was no problem getting the operation done, and, as so many others will say, I couldn’t fault the staff I encountered. From the woman cleaning the toilets right through to the surgeon they were superb.

        What a shame we can’t sort out the NHS once and for all, break it up and bring in a properly run healthcare system.
        We constantly hear the BBC and it’s friends on the left repeating the tired old mantra “hands off our NHS” as if any reforms will be the end of the world, their only solution being to pour never ending pots of cash into the bottomless pit that they have created.

        You’d still have the same superb staff working for a new system, only with a lot more efficiency.

        Instead we continue to offer gastric band surgery to fat people who eat too much.


  20. Up2snuff says:

    It’s non-equality week at the BBC, apparently. Carrie Gracie gets a massive apology from the BBC and resigns but doesn’t resign and gives taxpayer money to ‘ah Charidee’. How sweet, how nice. Most kind of her not to be a money grabbing, money grabber. Will she, won’t she be back at the BBC in six months time asking for more money for a job that she will resign from or not maybe perhaps?

    Meanwhile cricket comes up with idea that as equality is too much for the women that play it, perhaps the distance between wickets should be ten per cent shorter. Save them getting so puffed with all that running about. What I don’t understand with womens’ sport is why the spokeswomen are nearly all ‘Ja Ja Bints’ and speak like they are fresh off the soundstage for Eastenders with their glottal stops all over the place? Should we not have some more diversity in womens’ sport? That working class, nice, BBC salaried Mr Lineker (oops, sorry, comma in wrong place) … re-set … That working class, nice BBC salaried, Mr Lineker does not speak like that.


    • Tabs says:

      I assume Carrie Gracie will forgo her state pension at the age of 60 and wait until she is 65, like men have to, just for equality.

      She donated her back pay of £280,000 to the charity Fawcett Society who describe themselves as the UK’s leading charity campaigning for gender equality and women’s rights.. They employ employ 7 women and 3 men – oh the irony.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Tabs, think she has to. The Cameron changes, er, sorry, the EU changes that Mr Cameron brought forward to huge applause (not) from the BBC for its equality aspect, will be completed, IIRC, by the time M/s Gracie reaches 67.

        Equality will then rule.

        Great spot on the Fawcett employment equality, Tabs. Why cannot the BBC do journalism like that? I wonder …. . I wonder if the three men are paid the same as the seven women? That’s how it works, isn’t it BBC?


    • RJ says:

      “What I don’t understand with womens’ sport is why the spokeswomen are nearly all ‘Ja Ja Bints’ and speak like they are fresh off the soundstage for Eastenders with their glottal stops all over the place? Should we not have some more diversity in womens’ sport? ”

      The National Rifle Association is currently running its 149th Imperial Meeting – now at Bisley, but the early years were at Wimbledon. Women will be taking part, but will be shooting alongside the men in the same competitions. There are no concession, in each event the best man or woman will win. Many of the women are highly inteligent and very articulate. The BBC will not show the slightest interest and will not interview any of them.


  21. Tabs says:

    Virgin Atlantic stops accepting forced deportations

    Virgin Atlantic thinks it can stop taking deported illegal immigrants on their planes as a virtue signalling move thinking their customers will be grateful.

    Of course they are talking crap as if Virgin brings anyone illegal into the UK they are sent back on Virgin at Virgins’ expense as they should never have boarded in the first place.

    The biased BBC then spin this in the 3rd paragraph:
    It comes amid concern over the removal of Windrush generation migrants and LGBT asylum seekers.

    By mentioning Windrush and LGBT the BBC are trying to fan the flames and cause division where there is none. There is no evidence that Virgin have taken any Windrush or LGBT deportations. Virgin Atlantic hardly fly to destinations known for their LGBT/Windrush torture ffs!

    The BBC bollox then continues with a mention of activist group Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants. This group describe themselves on Twitter with “Through fundraising and direct action, we stand in solidarity with all migrants”.

    I wouldn’t mind a bit of that fundraising for myself. Bung me with shed loads of money each day and Tabs will stand in solidarity with Grenfell/LGBT/Windrush/Muslims/Corbyn/Jo Cox in my virtue signalling front room of my house.

    Edit: Activist group Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants have just 3900 followers on Twitter but that is enough for the BBC to quote their crap as if it is gospel.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Well, Virgin Atlantic won’t be getting any of my custom anymore, or any other company that puts up two fingers to the native majority population.
      “Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants”. Mmm, I can understand why, say, a disgraced Europhile Labour MP with a particular penchant might support the importation of young men from Romania (as long as they come in pairs – no pun intended). But these supporters might want to remember that a lot of migrants don’t necessarily reciprocate the sentiment: avoiding tall buildings and public squares with cranes might be a precautionary step.


  22. Guest Who says:

    When it comes to Pres. Trump, the bbc makes up in idiocy what it commits in volume.

    Here the Today Programme hides behind one of their more blatant attempted taints behind a ‘question’.

    Is Trump a fascist? Former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, who wrote a book about the topic, doesn’t think so but here’s her definition of one.

    That is truly special.


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems they like this one. A lot.


      • thirdoption says:

        Madelaine Albright blamed the Saddleworth Moor fires on Trump.

        Andy Burnham said they were all the fault of Maggie Thatcher.

        Shami Chakrabarti said she’s carried out a full investigation and there weren’t actually any fires.


    • David R says:

      In case you are wondering which “Madeleine Albright” that is – it is the one her staff refered to by the nickname “NotAt”.


    • Jagman84 says:

      Trump became a fascist, the moment he turned off the money tap to the Democrats.


  23. StewGreen says:

    Anyone else having problems with “Lefty’ Robinson’s ”
    ..Those people who take the Guardian view that TR is a MONSTER as fact
    ..and then take that as a licence to behave like monsters themselves.
    … Like on forums they demonstrate constant sniping at any opportunity to mention TR.
    Yet when you answer them back with logic, it’s obvious they never really read the links ..they just froth back.
    I’ve seen it happen with people who are logical on other things , yet when it comes to TR they start frothing.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Stew – a couple of days off from Toady – but methinks mr Robinson is being a bigot.

      I looked up the definition of the word and it seems that he easily falls into that word . TR would not be defined as a bigot

      Anyway – we have a new sport . Lord Adonis was on the ‘Week at Westminster ‘ say how he will instruct a constituency in blighty to make him am MP. So guess that poor constituency ??

      Adonis gave a high comedy defence of Speaker Bercow – his only mate and why people shouldn’t be nasty about the horrible shit ( unparliamentary language ?). Maybe Adonis will do a deal with Berkow for that time when Berkow becomes mi Lord.


  24. Cassandra says:

    Still nothing on BBC News about this story about the three judges of Pakistani muslim origin being arrested over an alleged plot to scam £12.6million from the legal aid system.



    “Part-time immigration judges Kareena Maciel and Rasib Ghaffar have been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, along with part-time civil judge Razi Shah.
    “Also charged are legal clerk Gazi Khan, 49, barrister Shahid Rashid, 57 and solicitors Joseph Ameyaw-Kyeremeh, 67, Azhar Khan, 46, Lloyd Moody, 48 and Samira Bashir, 46.”

    The group, who are all from London and the Home Counties, are due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 17.”

    I suppose when the story contradicts the dogma it continually rams down the public’s throat, Al Beeb won’t report it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think al beeb is hiding behind the ‘ legal restrictions’ excuse as no beeboid wants to get 13 months choky and possibly murdered by Islam’s criminals .


      • Cassandra says:

        Shame the BBC didn’t adopt that reticence Fed when filming Cliff Richard’s penthouse being searched by the police from a helicopter.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Oh Yes Cassandra – don’t know what happened to that case – was it settled out of court to save al beeb from criticism ? Taxpayers money to Sir Cliff I suppose and then , remembering he has done quite a bit for charidee.. onwards to a worthy cause – like this website. ( as an aside – l seek no reward for getting rid of Albeeb in its current perverse form ).


    • RJ says:

      “Part-time immigration judges Kareena Maciel and Rasib Ghaffar have been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, along with part-time civil judge Razi Shah.
      “Also charged are legal clerk Gazi Khan, 49, barrister Shahid Rashid, 57 and solicitors Joseph Ameyaw-Kyeremeh, 67, Azhar Khan, 46, Lloyd Moody, 48 and Samira Bashir, 46.”

      If the BBC feel that they have to report the story they’ll use a photograph of Lloyd Moody


  25. StewGreen says:

    Local news : Bradford man in London Court


    • Tabs says:

      There are those BBC coded words again…

      “British plumber” = Muslim terrorist
      “Bradford man” = Muslim terrorist

      BBC make it sound like it is any local British man who just happened to do a bit of terrorism.


  26. Dover Sentry says:

    Hello BBC,

    1. What is your definition of ‘Far-Right’, please?

    2. What is your definition of ‘Right-Wing’, please?

    3. What are your criteria for applying these terms?

    Many thanks.


    • scribblingscribe says:

      and ….

      4. What is your definition of alt-right — other than anyone who disagrees with you?


    • thirdoption says:

      Hello Dover Sentry,

      BBC here. In answer to your questions:-

      1. People like you
      2. People like you
      3. Because we can.

      Please continue to pay us £150 per year so that we can continue to provide you with our world class service.

      Thank you.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    If you are looking for a mild laugh from al beeb today ( rare ) try listening to a beeboid called Jenny Hill who is a member of the Merkel fan club on the now dreadful From Our Own Beeboid.

    Ms Hill chats to “refugees” who have been let into the Reich by merkel and how the krauts have gone from giving these ‘refugees ‘ welcome and stuff and now realise their obvious mistake and want to get rid of them and Merkel. Bit unfortunate when the Krauts want to get rid of people. again.

    The sorrow in the beeboids voice is worth the listen .

    Like others here I see that the resident troll has returned in the middle of the night. I don’t bother reading what the Troll says and am trying to leave a few comments to get a hook into this bigot . It’s a childish thing but the troll is a child and thus deserving of infant affection .


    • ToobiWan says:

      Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. —Proverbs 26:4 (King James version)

      Also, to which several claim authorship;
      “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


      • RJ says:

        I prefer the version attributed to George Bernard Shaw:

        “I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”


        • Fedup2 says:

          Toobi / RJ

          Thank you -wise words .

          The al beeb remainer propaganda stories keep coming – gove torn something up .

          The pattern is clear – this is followed by a ‘ bigger’ accusation in all the remainer papers on Sunday so that Marr and others can throw fuel on the fire .

          Intensifying day by day in accordance with the Soros Plan . He must be due a European Arrest Warrant from the Hungarian soon. Now that would be peachy .


  28. StewGreen says:

    Times : “Wolverhampton crown court was told that a clerical error by the Home Office had allowed Singh to become a British citizen
    You what ?
    How many times has this happened ?
    How many people have wrongly been given British citizenship due to a “a clerical error by the Home Office ” ?
    We are old by media that Windrush people have been deported
    ..that seems untrue , cos none have been named so far ..only people that were detained for a few days and then released.

    Then the Times story is titled
    “Man granted citizenship by mistake killed a second time ” (both killings in India)


    • G says:

      Perhaps on reflection we should ask the cultural background of the clerk in the Home Office. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same as Singh.


  29. BRISSLES says:

    Another hot Saturday afternoon, another march/parade in the centre of London, another estimated numbers in the region of half the Planet attending. Christ don’t these sandal and sock wearing nerds with their sun hats and rucksacks have better things to do at a weekend ? Protests and marches might have the government watch from their offices in Whitehall, but I cant see they really achieve much, except subjecting toddlers in pushchairs to a hot day out.


    • StewGreen says:

      Is it being reported ?


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Bbc lunchtime TV news reports a noisy march demanding better funding of the NHS.

        Not reported by the Bbc is the gift of 12 patrol boats by Italy to Lybia. Lybia had asked the EU for 120, but so far no response. Salvini took matters into his own hands…
        Whether the Lybians will actually use these as promised, for patrols to stop migrants, is a different question.
        Still, nice to see there is still someone in EU prepared to DO something!


        • Dover Sentry says:

          The corruption in Libya could well result in the patrol boats being used against rival smugglers.


          • fakenewswatcher says:

            This is perfectly true. One hopes the Italians will keep an eye on things, since it’s them who are being invaded.
            Salvini actually went over to Lybia to negotiate the hand-over. So, clearly, he is not going to wait for the action plan (a flattering term) which emerged from the EU conference on the ‘migrant’ issue.
            Conferences and confusing final declarations that leave everyone sufficiently bewildered as to do nothing, are Merkel’s preferred option. It also helped her with a tricky problem at home, since it gave the appearance of her doing something. Probably enough to shut up the CSU, her CDU’s Bavarian sister party, who are threatening to do border checks.
            Merkel will always have a strategy that keeps her in power, confuses her critics, and draws out issues long enough for everyone to forget what it was all about in the first place. Above all, nothing is done about the German border, which ensures that her beloved ‘migrants’ can keep streaming in.
            (She is buddies with German football coach, Loew, so she probably shared with him the solution to all challenges: let everyone in. Like all good Germans, he faithfully executed her instructions.
            The German team succeeded, and went back home to Mutti early; they were probably missing her.)


    • RJ says:

      “Protests and marches might have the government watch from their offices in Whitehall”

      Brissles – unlikely if the march is on a weekend !!!!!


      • BRISSLES says:

        Yes, I realised that as soon as I’d posted ! duh ! Its the heat y’know, addles the brain.


  30. StewGreen says:

    Rappers’ tales of violence and drugs are put online by BBC

    Bylined names John Simpson


    • StewGreen says:

      \\ More than 340,000 people have watched a 1Xtra video featuring Ambush, a Camden rapper.
      The lyrics describe what sounds like a violent attack:
      “Tell you about that time where we make that boy stumble/ Hit him with the baseball / And he got a facial.”//
      etc. etc.


  31. Beebophobic says:

    Hello everyone. New member here. I have been reading your excellent website for a long time now but had always lacked the courage to sign up, genuinely worrying that in giving my email address, it opens the way to data harvesting by darker forces as it were. I am already regretting signing to petitions on change.org, the free TR one and another relating to a lesser known case of someone being silenced for speaking the truth, because on that website they do also take postcode etc. Any of you good folks know if it is safe to sign on change.org? Who is behind the website ?
    Anyway, I often worry so much much about the state of this country and the BBC’s blatant attempt to silence those who do not share it is left-liberal view of the world, that it keeps me awake at night. Free speech is being eroded in this country and I do feel we are at tipping point. I am genuinely worried that left-funded powerbase will try to assassinate Donald Trump. I don’t agree with him on everything but I admire the way he takes on the leftwing media and establishment and calls them out for the hypocrites they truly are. He and Vladimir Putin, the two Alpha males, have a sort of respect for each other and you imagine deals can be made, as we have seen potentially with NKorea. If an AntiFa nutter backed by Soros et al money were to kill the President, it would just create total chaos and anarchy in the world. It is never good to have a pop at a democratically elected leader, and I would say that even if Obama or Clinton had been the targets in the past. It just creates chaos and instability at a time when the world needs calm, clear, well-informed, decisive action. I liked the news I found elsewhere about Sweden finally waking up to AntiFa’s terrorist tactics. R5Live last night was funny when they had actor Danny Dyer saying he is angry with David Cameron for causing Brexit instability. Other guest, from Independent newspaper- sorry forgot his name- was more rational and explained that Cameron had at least kept a promise, but as a Remainer himself, did the right thing and resigned. Donald Trump seems keen to try to keep some of his campaign promises. But the BBC will only repeat the mantra that he is even more evil than Hitler and Mussolini combined. Sadly, vast portions of the public still watch the BBC news and believe every last word of it. I have seen with my own eyes intelligent people mocking him and just never being prepared to see any good in him. Yes, so he’s flashy, so he probably isn’t that cultured in terms of his knowledge of music or literature, but he has good instincts and has a quick mind, playing the media and letting the flak fall off him like water off a duck’s back. I will never forgive any fellow British citizen who tried to kill him. Sure, he will have his faults, but he is a darn sight better than our current PM. She means well, no doubt, but appears to dither and worry about not offending people. She fails to grasp that we are talking about the future of western civilisation here ie preserving all that is great of our western civilisation, even though current pop culture is so dire. I can only pray that today’s children dare to look beyond the brainwashing that they are getting from teachers and others eg a lady doctor featured in the Daily Mirror who believes that girls and boys of primary school age should all get the vaccine that is said to protect from the HPV- related cancers. This is nauseating, evil sexualisation of our children. I hope they have the right natural instincts to know good from evil because I fear for them, they and indeed arguably the next generation above them, have been totally failed by the left-leaning liberal elite and its social engineering plans. I don’t blame the poor girl on Love Island who doesn’t know what Brexit means. She is a product of an education system and policy-making elite which values so many dangerous, immoral things eg personal pleasure, rights over responsibility, not causing offence, not being proud of your country for all its good and bad points, always apologising for what happened in the past, extemist Wahabism etc over any more tolerant forms of Islam (if there are any), a country which bans Robert Spencer from entering and yet will probably let Choudhry out while Tommy Robinson and others like him (and there are several) rot in jail on trumped-up charges (no pun intended). Will Judge Leveson give Robinson a fair hearing ? I do not know enough about the law to comment. I see Robinson as a very brave man passionately trying to speak out about bad things which are happening before his – and our – eyes , all across the land. Like Trump, he says what he sees, but the liberal left mob – they are just a flashmob actually – never try to see where he is coming from. No, it is OK to do nothing while Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Luton, Oxford and all the others took place, it is OK to later arrest some of the culprits and try them and convict them in a court of law, but we mustn’t speak of the victims and actually find out how they are coping. I would like to know if any of these girls and women are getting the help they need, having been traumatised for life no doubt, while Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell and co get richer and richer and wear their F*** Brexit T-Shirts. Why does no one ever have political debates in the pub or cafe any more ? Because we are all very scared, I am convinced the lefty mob can harvest data from out computers and am seriously considering leaving Facebook, which I look at about once a week and is only set to allow Friends to see content…and I never make any political comment on Facebook. Britain is so bad now that I do not even know who I can trust any more , other than the givens of family and small group of closest friends. I think that an hour of face-to-face talk with a real human being is worth a 100 hours on social media, and yet the liberal elite’s desire to curb our freedoms of speech forces us to go underground. Online, there is so much good alternative media, but there is also all the trolling, the people on there trying to shit stir all the time…the cultural Marxists who seek to divide and conquer to set British people against British people, happy for us to be ruled by the EU elites on their enormous salaries and jollies, the Common Purpose people who have infiltrated many areas of public life eg Cressida Dick…they are a genuine threat to all of us, and I am talking life and death here if we get this wrong and go with the EU and the incredibly powerful Soros-funded global new world order. This monster may even be too big for Trump to deal with. Where does Putin stand ? We have to assume he wants what is best for Russia and its people but I can imagine he would not want an Islam dominated Europe right on his doorstep. I could be exaggerating, and please correct me, but we need a leader of the stature and gravitas of Churchill or Thatcher right now but there is no one of that level of talent, sadly. JRM would get crucified in the media and the fact that he is a devout Catholic might be held against him. Never know what to think of Boris Johnson, who at least has charisma. A while back on social media, I noticed how someone had said what a shame it is that we can’t agree to disagree in a graceful manner, but the left started this by turning the Conservatives into the so-called nasty party. What a sad state of affairs when I find that I have lost faith in most, but not all, UK politicians and where good MPs like Frank Field, Kate Hoey etc get pushed to the edge. None of the biggest three parties fills me with confidence, Conservatives would be best of a bad bunch and UKIP get nowhere in our unfair electoral system(which works very well for the SNP oddly enough).
    Sorry to have gone on for so long on a first post. I am not a Maxicony type troll, just a genuine person who admires this courageous website and its articles and forums…there is nothing like knowing that you are not the only one to feel a certain way.
    Would love to know who you all think would make a good PM were May to resign, given the available choices ? Thanks again for all your posts and wonderful links to important material on alternative news media. Also wanted to say how much I love the humour on here, so great to see in a world where comedy has to be politically correct with the odd exception.


    • Fedup2 says:


      Welcome aboard and from your comment it sure looks like getting stuff out of your system .

      I agree on the web security issue . No doubt this site is monitored and lists created . Price of what remains of free speech and dissent . There has always been that price.

      As for Facebook – can’t comment – never used it – never will .

      Although I do a bit of admin for the site I am just another poster here and in my view it’s principle duty is to record the bias exhibited by al beeb whatever the subject with the hope that some day these examples will be used to put al beeb back on track of being pro Britain again .

      Anyway welcome again


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you are correct and we are being monitored and lists are being made by our Communist controllers. Good, the twats might learn something to their detriment. I am too old to fear the bastards.
        I don’t believe our elected representatives have very much power.
        That kind of thing belongs to the unelected billionaires who have the clout to bombard the public psyche with introjection through all of the media which they own and control. By the way I am the biggest fraud on this site because I never watch television except for “The Yorkshire Vet” in which I haven’t yet detected any PC. (Mind you, the accompanying Ads. can be a bit suspect) From what I read I understand this might be about to change. Hopefully not. I don’t particularly want to watch culturally challenged vets at work on my brain.


        • RJ says:

          I have been less worried for the past 2 years because I now know that there are 17.4 million of us.


    • Lobster says:

      What a fantastic first post!
      A big welcome to the site!


      • Beebophobic says:

        Thanks Lobster and FedUp2. Data harvesting issue continues to concern me and it amazes me that many people have FB profiles which are open for anyone to see. The internet is awash with scammers and criminals. Would miss things like clips of England cricket or rugby, music and art. This is because I am so appalled by the BBC that I refuse to have a TV or licence. It is just so unfair. I don’t want to give them another£145 a year (is that the right amount) so load up those vast salaries whilst diddling the taxes, and many of us getting by on v little. The BBC wouldn’t like me: middle-aged, white, female, right of centre and cannot stand Hillary Clinton.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Since you don’t pay the tv licence I guess you might get those letters of threat and harassment from TV licensing .
          Periodically there is discussion here about how to deal with the licence thugs . Bottom line. They have no power, do not speak or sign anything and when I get my visit the door won’t even open . Mind you I live in a vibrant area where they might be feared to tread.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Welcome Beeb – good to see that another like-minded female is joining us. Fear not at limiting FB, I’m surviving, like many, without the need to inhabit any social media – this site is about as ‘social’ as I get !!!


        • thirdoption says:


          You had me at “cannot stand Hillary Clinton”


        • ToobiWan says:

          How to maintain anonymity on the web.
          For now!


    • vlad says:



    • vlad says:

      Careful Beebophobic, Beebophobia will soon be declared a hate crime.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      If Mrs May were to resign? At first showing I’d say if your name appears on my ballot paper you have my vote. I,m sure everyone here shares your concerns. Welcome.


    • ToobiWan says:

      If an AntiFa nutter backed by Soros et al money were to kill the President…
      Wars have been started for less, Beebophobic, (big welcome, BTW 🙂 )
      If anything like this were to happen, we could be invaded.


    • taffman says:

      “Croeso” Beebaphobic.
      A warm welcome from the western parts of these great islands .


      • Beebophobic says:

        Thanks to all of you for those kind greetings. It is odd being middle-class but fallen on hard times so in a decent area but one which does have drug dealers and troublemakers (small minority but they create chaos and the police are not often seen). Anyway, I did get the Capita letter early doors and I decided to phone them. I told them that I didn’t enjoy TV in general, and had decided to do without, also to save money. Didn’t mention my feelings about BBC bias. Oddly enough, I have heard nothing since. However, British Gas, keep pestering me about getting a smart meter…daily calls which I ignore and a very sinister letter all about the need to change my gas and electricity meters because they are old and might catch fire. I kid you not. Indian Sub-Continent sounding name on letter, with leaflet etc. As a low energy user I do not feel I need a SmartMeter. I reckon they could be used for more sinister purposes and may be harmful to health. Anyone with knowledge in those sort of areas ?Need I remind you that the chaotic British Gas call centre is in Rotherham. Cannot scan it to show you, but the wording is very poor and clearly written by someone who assumes I am thick as two short planks. Anyone know if they are compulsory ? Apparently they can make it harder to switch supplier.


        • Fedup2 says:


          OFF SUBJECT
          They ( meters ) are not compulsory
          They are not fully developed
          They are used to keep you with the expensive supplier like centrica/British Gas
          There is a complaints bit on the British Gas site and suggest you complain of harassment . I had one demanding to know why I would speak with him .
          Look for another provider and fix for as long as poss. Dual fuel is often better value . Declaration I am not employed by energy outfits and this is personal experience only.


        • ToobiWan says:

          I’ve posted on this subject before, B. I used to work in power stations and am familiar with tariff prices and demand.

          The unit price changes every half an hour, depending on demand and the plant providing the loads. Peak periods, breakfast, lunch and tea times tend to be more expensive but the demand can spike in the evening if there is something gripping on the box, everyone putting the kettles on in the ad breaks, etc.
          Industry would pay these differing prices or shed load during these times. I’ve seen prices going from £30 per Mwh to tens of thousands of pounds per Mwh in particularly cold winters. This was a penalty to get the big users to reduce load to prevent the CEGB as it was then to put the less economical stations on line to meet the demand.
          Domestic consumers would not be faced with these costs, as there was no way of knowing, unlike the industrial metering systems. Consumers would have their bills averaged out between the cheap night tariff, midnight until 6:00, when they could not give the stuff away and an averaged daytime tariff.

          With smart meters all this will change, your provider will know exactly what is being used and when. If you have the temerity to cook a meal or put the washer on in a high tariff period, you “could” end up paying the going tariff price. All this has something to do with Agenda 21 (UN) and the EU has had an input into it as well. Couple this with the fact that the UK no longer has a coherent energy policy, closure of viable plant and over reliance in a technology that reached its peak in the 17th century and you have a recipe for disaster. One cold winter with a blocking anticyclone over the UK could see wide spread outages, all it would take is just one of our few remaining stations to suffer an outage.
          They say that smart meters will save you money. Maybe, if you become nocturnal and only use power between midnight and 6:00.
          What industry, corporation or business on the planet would actively encourage or welcome a reduction in profit or cash flow?
          UK demand as of 17:20


          • JimS says:

            Don’t forget the ability to apply ‘remote disconnection’. When there isn’t enough power to go around the ‘deplorables’ may get shafted first.


            • ToobiWan says:

              I’ve heard of this Jim, but to remotely disconnect a supply would require a bit more hardware on the breaker side, than what’s simply just a a volt/amp meter that tells tales on you.
              There is the possibility that the newer white goods, etc. have some intelligence built in that would respond to a remote instruction, possibly something using the internal codings that can identify computers, phones, cameras, etc. But “they” would still have to know in which area of supply the the loads resided unless they intended a full UK shutdown of them.
              One reason I wouldn’t touch anything such as Hive and the like. I doubt that this is an anyway a benefit to the consumer.


              • Lobster says:

                I couldn’t agree more. When they are pushing so hard for everyone to have these “smart”meters you have to ask yourself “Why?”.
                These companies never do anything for the consumer’s benefit, just their own.
                Cynical, moi?


                • BRISSLES says:

                  I recently got very arsy with B/Gas as I repeatedly got emails requesting my meter reading. Sod that I thought, I don’t ‘do’ meter reading – that’s what meter readers are for, so as the meter is outside I told them to come and read it themselves. Phone call received a day later in response to my ‘arsy’ letter. They are now resuming the services of a meter reader, as apparently I’m in the ‘vulnerable’ age bracket !! I couldn’t stop laughing, but at least being of a certain age sometimes has its uses.


                • ToobiWan says:

                  I’e changed supplier three times in the last two years, Lobby because the bastards kept insisting that I take a smart meter. Even had an “engineer” turn up with his wire cutters to tell me that I had ordered one and he was coming to install. I told him I would install it for him but he might have problems using the toilet again.
                  He made his excuses and left.


        • Guest Who says:

          By coincidence:

          We had a meter installed at my mum’s old place at the request of the tenant. I was going to get us switched over too.

          However the engineer set me straight and put me right off. Seems that if you change supplier they come and take away the old meter and put in their new meter.

          Which is neither smart nor at all eco.


  32. scribblingscribe says:


    Julia Rampen is bewildered as to why United States “far right” commentators are supporting Tommy Robinson. She tells the SJWs who still read the New Statesman that:

    “Then Robinson overreached. After standing outside Leeds Crown Court in May 2018 and live-streaming a video during an ongoing trial, he was arrested and sentenced to 13 months in jail for contempt of court.”

    Ok Julia. He wasn’t actually videoing an on going trial but the events outside the court. Just as the BBC do. So the question you haven’t asked is why. Why was he filming it and why was he arrested?

    Surely even the most frothing, screaming, thuggish SJW is going to be asking that simple ‘why’ question. Then they may learn what the rest of world is aware of, yet no one in Britain is allowed to know.


  33. Beebophobic says:

    I hope Robinson and the several other prisoners like him are safe and not dumped in with other inmates who will harm them. That man is very brave and the liberal-left dare to badmouth him. You imagine that, even if released eventually, he may feel like living abroad. But he would be a marked man.


  34. AnneG says:

    I wonder whether the BBC is at an airport with Keith Vaz welcoming the Croatian gun runners who get the same right of entry as other EU members as of today.
    I assume he will looking out for the good looking young men, or rather Jim the washing machine salesman will
    Anne G.


  35. Richard Pinder says:

    It looks like its going to get very bad for the BBC. First we had calls from Mensa members to end the BBC licence due to “BBC Censorship” of Climate science. Then we had calls from local people in East Yorkshire to end the licence fee over the “BBC Censorship” of Global news stories from Hull, such as attempts by a Muslim to cut peoples heads off in the street and the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson in Hull Prison. Now we have calls from the democratic majority to end the licence fee over the “BBC Censorship” of the two year Brexit celebration march. See below. It looks like it wont be to long before the Daily Express or the Daily Mail starts a national campaign for none-payment of the licence fee.



    • Doublethinker says:

      I think that the only way to change the BBC is a mass refusal to pay the LF. This needs to be organised and coordinated and this in turn requires a lot of resource , communication and advertising. The Mail would be ideally suited to the task. I would sign up immediately for a mass refusal to pay. But to really harm the corporation upwards of a million LF payers would have to take part. This would certainly drive home the point to the lilly livered government that millions of voters want them to make the BBC a subscription service only. Things might then start to happen.


      • Banania says:

        The danger is that if the collection of license fees goes down the Government will simply pay the BBC out of taxation. What happened in Australia when the fee was abolished?


      • Annunaki says:

        We are at the mercy of the snowflake generation and their ability to create a “twitter storm” i.e, a storm in a teacup but inevitably reported by BBC, it is worth observing that these individuals when they have the nerve to demonsrate inevitably cover their faces, but when online have so much more courage…if they are in education they bully their seat of learning to disallow any opinion against theirs rather than allowing free speech, and they are now apparently under stress and complaining through having to take exams for fucks sake what a bunch of twats we have preparing to take their place in society, an intolerant lazy racist bunch of cosseted indiviuals covered in Ta..hooos and beards to express their individuality bUt they aLL LOOK THE SAME WELL DONE…


  36. Richard Pinder says:

    Also, last night, I read this article in this months edition of the Mensa magazine.

    Since 2009, many scientists have proven that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is as President Trump has said “A Hoax”. In 2009 the scientist Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. Further confirmation of the CO2 warming hoax was obtained through thermodynamics and successfully finding a formula that works for both of the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, as well as all the other planetary atmospheres. In 2011, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate” which proved that the temperature relationship with the altitudinal changes of pressure, prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Ned Nikolov spoke at the London Climate Change Conference on Thursday, 8th September 2016 about this. By early 2018, the scientist who had just proven that Climate Change is caused by Galactic Cosmic Rays regulating the Earth’s Cloud Albedo, Professor Henrik Svensmark, was invited to speak in the Committee rooms of the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. In fact, for two hundred years, Astronomers from William Herschel onwards had known about correlations between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlations with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlations are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly the 22 year, Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets, short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method, as well as the fact that amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Climate Scientists did not dominate the debates that produced the agreement. This lead many Climate scientists to call for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as to set up the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Although I gave up on serious studying of science after my A levels . I do not hold with the human caused climate change religion . For me it’s mainly that the records haven’t been around long enough to conclude with certainty or high probability the connection between change and human activity .
      So I’m with President Trump . Again.

      And the sheer venom that beeboids apply to not believers really is shameful


      • Richard Pinder says:

        On the other hand, there is an awful lot of basic climate science censored by the mainstream media.

        Additional proof of the Svensmark theory comes from past changes to the Galactic Cosmic Ray levels from geological records that have been around long enough to conclude with certainty or high probability the connection between Galactic cosmic rays and Climate Change.
        According to Nir Shaviv, a one percent decrease in Galactic cosmic rays causes a 0.13 Kelvin increase in Global temperature. This correlates with five snowball Earth events in the last 580 million years ago, which all coincide with our presence near vigorous star-making nurseries, and over the last 500 million years, exceptionally close supernovae explosions account for short-lived falls in sea-level due to short-lived ice ages. There is also a small but regular 17 million year rhythm to Climate Change alternating between cooling and warming caused by the Earth crossing the plain of the Galaxy every 34 million years when cosmic ray activity is higher, and moving up to 300 light years away from the Galactic plain. We are at present 3 million years into a warming phase.

        Also censored is the fact that we can analyse the Earths Atmosphere. The evidence is that only a maximum of 4 percent (16 percent of the 100pm increase) of CO2 could be man-made. Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or 16ppm of the increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. So if you use facts instead of assumptions, then only 16 percent of the increase in CO2 was man-made. This is not a surprise if you realise that ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans and that the Oceans dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is dependent upon the heat in the Oceans. So 84 percent of the increase in carbon-dioxide in the last hundred years was a natural increase and nothing to do with man made emissions.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Thank you Richard – I’d try to use those facts in a pub type discussion. – but not after the first pint!


          • Lobster says:

            I doubt if you’ll be able to have more than one pint – don’t forget that we’re running out of CO2 for the beer, even though we’re producing too much for the planet to cope with (or something like that, I get confused these days).


        • RJ says:

          “This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method,”

          Richard, I hesitate to offer a correction to such a well presented piece of work, but…….

          The IPCC is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Even if the scientists do their work properly in preparing an Assessment Report it’s the governments who write the conclusions, and it’s the conclusions that the press/BBC run with.


      • Annunaki says:



    • Dover Sentry says:

      Good post, Richard Pinder. Thanks.


  37. StewGreen says:

    South Africa : Farmlands the Lauren Southern documentary on Youtube
    .. good job this dangerous woman is kept out of our country.


  38. Tabs says:

    BBC has felt it needs to inform us that an Athlete has retired.

    Her career was tainted by missing 3 drug tests but that doesn’t bother the BBC. I’ve no idea why they have given her a special mention!!!


  39. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    Welcome Beebophobic! I’m not a regular poster like some here – just don’t have the time, but it’s good therapy to pop in here from time to time, and it’s great to vent once in a while where you know you’re not going to be pounced on by PC/Momentum/Hate not Hope brainwashed thugs for expressing ‘wrong thought’.

    There is one exception, but you’ll know when you spot a post by him/her/shmer – he/she/shme is sort of a pet troll they keep around here for entertainment I think. Taffman seems to hold it’s leash (I’m not entirely convinced he’s not secretly the Troll’s alter ego, mind, or maybe one of it’s many multiple personalities?).

    As for ‘paranoia’ about being monitored online (and off), I’m quite sure just visiting this site adds your IP address to a list somewhere. On the other hand ‘all it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing’… or however the saying goes, and don’t doubt for a minute, that those who stand up for freedom of thought and speech, ARE the good guys.

    Wish I had more courage to speak up sometimes, but most of us here know the fear of voicing any opinion which goes against ‘PC-diktat’, especially in public, or at our places of work. Such is the climate of fear we all live in these days!

    Don’t mean to be rude, but for future reference, posts are a little easier to read with spaces between paragraphs, especially on a phone. Would be a shame for people to be put off when you’ve got a lot of good points there.


    • Beebophobic says:

      Thanks. I do have internet but no TV as I am vehemently opposed to TV tax and the way they police it, picking often on people fallen on hard times who genuinely struggle to pay. Another reason why I loathe the BBC is the way they covered for Jimmy Savile. There were key BBC people who knew and yet turned a blind eye and that is horrifying. A state broadcaster that has contributed to and facilitated abuse of children.


  40. Tabs says:

    Another BBC classic. Wonder why this particular photo was chosen for a discussion on France vs Argentina?!?


  41. StewGreen says:

    Seems that Have Your say pages are not being closed this weekend
    ..maybe cos they had problems during the week


  42. vlad says:

    So the beeb post a vid about the Thais praying for some missing children. All well and good.
    But they manage to slip in a clip of some muslims apparently joining in. Now muslims are a tiny minority, and almost exclusively in the far South, whereas the lost childen are in the far North. So some beeboids must have gone hundreds of miles out of their way to find this mosque – assuming the footage is genuine, which being the beeb is a big assumption.
    More beebistan islamo-propaganda. They never miss a chance.



  43. StewGreen says:

    \\ Nicholas Parsons has called the BBC ridiculous for disguising the reason he missed his first episode of Just a Minute in half a century.
    – The broadcaster was said to have taken a couple of days off on June 5, when in fact he was struck down by flu. //

    Times make out that Julia McKenzie, the BBC’s head of radio comedy, is a liar
    She tweeted: “Just to reassure those listening to the very unexpected Just a Minute on @BBCRadio4 at the moment — the apocalypse is not upon us — @GylesB1 kindly stepped in to give Nicholas Parsons a couple of days off.
    NP is totally fine and is still the guvnor as per the last 50 years.”
    “NP is totally fine just taken a couple of days off — he’s a 50 year perfect attendance record so we thought that was probably ok,” one tweet said.

    What she should have said “NP has just taken a couple of days off, no big cause for concern, he’ll be back next week”
    (Instead, to cover up the fact that he flu she used the words NP is totally fine )


    • Oaknash says:

      Stew quite honestly I couldnt care less – what a boring story!
      …………………………… But in some ways I do care as I thinks this shows that for whatever reason the BBC is completely incapable of telling the truth.
      If they can lie about such a trivial thing due to either laziness or expediency then what else do these bastards lie about?

      On their websites it says “why you can trust the BBC” well it looks like even their own staff cant trust them!


      • StewGreen says:

        Yes I thought the same
        Useless trivia, but shows the BBC are so dedicated to putting narrative ahead of truth they do it on such small things, as well as big things.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Interesting from Brian of London talks about boo-word smear-labelling
    And starts with a Ann Marie waters item on Tucker Carlon
    I have always thought that the press was nasty as it misrepresents TR as a racist when he is clearly not, but that fair enough the EDL could be portrayed as “racist”
    but speaking from Israel Brian of London lifts us another stone
    and shows that in 2011 the press were willing to smear-label it
    cos their own PR says
    \\ The English Defence League (EDL) is not now, nor has it ever been a “Far Right” organisation.
    The EDL welcomes all colours, creeds, religions, sexualities and anyone who believes in the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family“ (Press Release 2011). //

    The context is that there have certainly been in the UK in the UK so misguided that they have killed people simply cos they had a grudge against Pakistani men etc.. and that is wrong, absolutely terrible.. and those type of people or saboteurs did try to infiltrate the EDL.
    .. but also terrible is the way libmob journos are willing to bear false witness against people who are not like that.

    The Mail reply quoting Wikipedia
    .. Well that is not convincing.
    whereas Brian of London’s counter evidence is convincing.
    The Mail editor then goes on to say he doesn’t understand you can be against Islamic ideology, but not hating of Muslims.


  45. Enoch says:

    Big Brother wrote:

    Don’t mean to be rude, but for future reference, posts are a little easier to read with spaces between paragraphs, especially on a phone. Would be a shame for people to be put off when you’ve got a lot of good points there.

    The monolithic (unreadable) text that we see in posts comes from the nonsense kidult Facebook concept (default) that the Return key on a PC or phone sends/posts the message (unless you are clever enough to use Shift+Return which inserts a proper, readable paragraph).

    Facebook is written by kids, for kids, who can only communicate in one-sentence (and not even that) thoughts.

    No worries here: just press your Return key and a space or so to make it more readable; your message (excellent) will be so much more effective.

    Look at the “preview” that is displayed beneath the “Leave Reply” box that shows you how your post will appear. And you have 15 minutes or so to edit (correct) it if need be.


  46. ScottishCalvin says:

    News update from across the pond:


  47. StewGreen says:

    Morrisey found guilty of WrongThought
    ..sentenced to having his sold out tour postponed
    \\ Morrissey tour cancelled despite his two Manchester shows being close to sold out.
    Hounded out of his own country and bullied for having a different political opinion to The Guardian etc #morrissey //
    Tweet of statement Fri 7pm
    Thursday statement 11pm
    \\ The Guardian Gets It Wrong Again!
    Let’s get real. “ Former Morrissey fans” have not organized anything //

    Official Morrisey on Facebook


      • Chalkywhite says:

        It’s much, much deeper than politics these days which is deeply disturbing. In days gone by Morrissey was the darling of the left: anti Tory, pro CND etc etc. Not that I agree with him but, hey, freedom of speech and all that. Germaine Greer similarly was the ‘darling’ of the feminists. But now what happens? Some people turn on them and try to ban them. Why? Just because they might be ‘offended’ by what they say or what they stand for.

        It is this total disregard for other people’s opinions, if they disagree with what you believe, that is deeply, deeply disturbing. What has happened to freedom of speech? It seems to me, that being merely ‘offended’ is a reason to ban views that are different from your own. Unfortunately some news organisations, such as the BBC, seem to be OK with this, and fervently report this. The minority seems to have more say than the majority.

        If the word ‘popularist’ is used by these news organisations it is immediately perceived as being ‘bad’, ‘racist’, ‘imperialist’, ‘homophobic’ etc etc. But hang on, what is a call on facebook or twitter etc to demonstrate against this or that anything else than popularist??