Hello all – half way through 2018 and our forthcoming brexit is really causing tension eh?
A gentle plea – it’s not easy to limit comment to just the bias of al beeb because the BBC poisons the whole of National life but …. please keep it clean and choose your words so that they are acceptable to all ( yes I include me in this ) .
Anyway -lots to talk about .
“Maxi has form – Screamed all over this forum that a particular terrorist was not Muslim
..only for it to become perfectly obvious that Maxi was wrong.”
Which terrorist was that, StewGreen?
Been a while, but I’ve no problem admitting if I got something wrong…
Noooooooooo! How could Maxie be allowed first spot? I demand a second Start The Week Open Thread.
Oooh! A ‘drive-by humbling’.
That’s a first.
Maxi usually only does ‘drive-by snipings’.
@Maxi well admit to your March 23 emphatic mistake
\\ there is no “opposite platform” Stew. //
..A statement for which there is heaps of evidence against as I listed below
“I’ve no problem admitting if I got something wrong.”
But you are nearly always wrong. Including the above remark.
Roland ,
Ok I admit it – I thought maxi would be first due to the local nocturnal hour ( I was in the wide awake club then and not in the Blighty time zone) I thought maxi would provide us with an entertaining self righteous gem to savour but sadly it was just a run of the mill cut and paste job. Disappointed .
I’m still waiting for that moment when max or anyone finds a pro brexit – pro populist ( democratic ) story from Blighty generated by a beeboid . ..
Yes that Maxi shouting a particular terrorist was not Muslim happened about a year ago, but someone will remember
but I spot a more recent thing
: In the Manchester tram attack I mentioned March 23rd
“At one point a train is parked on the opposite platform , are the plods too stupid to check the footage from it’s front facing camera ?”
Maxi sneered back
Dingaling ; There’s a rule
: ‘If a libmobber throws out wild accusations, that probably means they are PROJECTING and those things actually apply to themself’
FFS Maxi thinks I would make up the existence of an opposite platform.
Jesus the police statement even says they were looking for info from passengers on that tram
\\ Detective Sergeant John Coleman, from GMP’s Oldham borough, said: ..“We know a tram stopped on the opposite side of the tracks at the time of the attack and I would urge anyone who has any video footage to please send it in to us as a matter of urgency. It could be vital to finding the people responsible.”
In that video the tram can be seen siting on the opposite platform from 27 for more than a minute .
The driver even got out and crossed the track.
Maxi relied on the BBC footage , but didn’t watch it properly.
It has some special editing it goes blank at 10s but at 18s even says “The attackers eventually fled after being confronted by a passing tram driver”
Maxi said \\ there is no “opposite platform” Stew. //
Jesus we can even see the opposite track and driver in the preview still of the police video.
The biggest thing you’ve got wrong maxincony is your unwavering support for the spread of Islamic ‘culture’ in this country and your cowardly disappearing act when challenged – time after time – on the specifics.
@Johnny also on that same page March 23, Maxi posted a TR video and said ‘See TR is not free speech , here he is calling for Luton Town Council to remove an Al Qud’s day promotional bill board’
The point is a that free speech has a limit, in that you cannot incite violence against others, but Al Quds marchers do incite .
Tommy explains that in Al Quds marches “hundreds of people march to demand the deaths of Israeli Jews”
“The organisers have a quote on their website, we must all rise and destroy Israel”
Stew – Al Quds is the ‘political wing’ of Hizbollah, though the Hizbollah lot themselves have pointed out the political and ‘military’ are all one. The trouble is, our spineless government continues to tread on eggshells with everything Islamic and pushes the ‘political’ definition – thus the annual Israeli hatefest always goes ahead.
Hizbollah is quite open about the fact its major objective is the destruction of Israel.
Which tells you all you need to know about maxincony, who was probably there knowing his support for Islam. Or perhaps he misheard and thought the march was about His Bollocks?
It also tells you all you need to know about the slow, agonising suicide of our own country.
How about admitting that you continue to support an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich and is blatantly biased ?
How about admitting your true reason for posting here. Yes, its been a while ………….
Most businesses feel Brexit will be bad , reports the BBC ,hiding its glee .
The Most Businesses are the big corporations , not most businesses . But if the BBC. feels we should listen to most businesses , then tell us what they think about high business rates , the minimum wage and red tape .
What that report really means is Brexit is bad for Al Beeb .
Can anyone, including maxincony give us an example of Al Beeb reporting anything positive about Brexit.
Toady Watch
Since one of al beebs functions is to “inform “ I has listening carefully to a report by a beeboid who had got access to Burma to explain why the Muslims were thrown out .
A Burmese described them as “ terrorists” but that was it. No further inquiry , no further explanation .
I don’t wake up every day wondering about Burma – it’s actually about whether Engerland will be arriving at Heathrow on Wednesday and whether Sterling will ever score .
But if albeeb is to “ explain” is must do a better job . It actually suggests that the non Muslim Burmese had a good reason to thrown the Muslim out .
Something radical has happened at the BBC! TOADY Watch can reveal that the BBC have decided that Left-wingers can be Populists after all. Previously, on the BBC, only those of the Far Right could be Populists and win Elections.
“Left-wing candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador has claimed victory in Mexico’s presidential election …
Some opponents have expressed fears that his leftist and populist policies could damage the already sluggish economy and turn Mexico into “another Venezuela”. ”
It is also ‘quite something’ that the BBC have acknowledged that Venezuela is ‘damaged’.
Transgender alert!!! I thought the BBC had got bored with Trans stuff and moved onto Blacks/Windrush but over the last few days they must have had a new Trans employee start so they are now fawning over Trans people again.
Transgender children: Buying time by delaying puberty
From the article:
The number of under-18s who visited the clinic in the last year has risen by 25% to 2,519 – around 50 a week.
Doctors there say there is no single explanation for the increase but there is growing recognition of transgender people in society and more awareness of treatment options.
That increase is purely down to New-Age parents thinking they are doing their children a big favour and being trendy at the same time. About 20 years ago it was trendy to boast that your children had Dyslexia, then to out do the neighbours it changed to ADHD, then changed to mental illness including suicide and now claiming your kids are Trans is currently the latest fad for messed up parents to make their kids go through.
That increase is purely down to New-Age parents thinking they are doing their children a big favour and being trendy at the same time.
That’s part of it. But as ever, the main driving force is Big Money, in the form of billionaires like Soros plus greedy medical and pharmacuetical companies who stand to benefit from the fad. Here’s a few links:
Eustrogen in the water supply . Making chaps less chap. It was The Pill what dun it
I was in a hotel in the Lakes a few years ago, fu2, which had a bound copy of several, old magazines, can’t remember the title. One issue had an article by Fyfe Robertson, remember him, probably the BBC’s first “ethnic”.
He was railing against the coming addition of fluoridic compounds to drinking water supplies. He said that if the government could add this to what people drank, what else could be added if they so wished.
Some “interesting” side effects in the links,
No doubt will be poo pooed by our resident “medical” man or whatever.
Water, maybe we should brew our own.
Gosh, that comment takes me back to a better age in broadcasting: “Tonight”, with the avuncular Cliff Michelmore, Fyfe Robertson in his deerstalker, Trevor Philpott, Derek Hart, McDonald Hastings, etc, etc, and two Scotch singers who sang “He’s football crazy”. Ichabod!
Won’t see the like again, B.
Been around a while now, Tabs, its to fit in with last years school uniform policy.
I was at school 20 years ago and I never once met one kid who was ‘trans’ or even gay for that matter. I went to a rough secondary school so being gay was not an option for anyone who felt that way. I was lucky that I am straight so I could at least be ‘one of the lads’ but there would have been a few in closet guys who where forced to keep their heads down but being trans was unheard of. In fact we knew nothing of the sort what so ever.
The thing is you had the boys and you had the girls and no one made a deal of it. Boys where forbidden to enter the girls toilets, that was unheard of while the girls never entered our own either. I can remember lining up along the corridor during lunch break, r play time to use the facilities with boys on one side, girls on the other to use our respective facilities. That was in the 90s, John Major was on the throne and Blair was only just starting to throw his weight around. Talking about sexuality was not something that anyone ever talked about.
I don’t know what happened during the Blair years as I had left school just as the left starting to tighten their grip but todays ‘millennials’ seemed to have been taught a different way of thinking when they where at school. Throw in YouTube and now we have all these different genders and sexualities! I was happy being a boy and chasing after the girls. No idea what has changed!
Nothing has changed. There are still basically two genders, male and female, with the odd hermaphrodite thrown in for good measure, but basically there are girls and there are boys.
The other forty-odd “genders” which seem to have sprung up overnight, are figments of warped imaginations – and there are plenty of those at the BBC.
Rest assured, we’re either one or the other.
Good and there was me thinking that I had been lied to for nearly 31 years lol
Now all we need to do is sort out these silly ‘gender natural’ toilets business as well. So many schools claiming that they cannot afford enough resources due to ‘Tory cuts’ but these are the same schools that happened to gotten themselves into trouble with parents after spending half of their budget on toilet refurbishments into this gender natural arrangement. Another little thing that got started in the Labour years and has sadly not died out yet
The first stage of the ‘fight back’ is to insist that there are just two sexes.
If the ‘gender’ term has any legitimacy then it is to do with how one feels about oneself and that has no bounds. So if you feel that you are a feminine blue unicorn then that is your ‘gender’, but if you are come with a ‘hose’ then you only get to use the boys facilities.
..and then close down charities like this one
Charity ‘advised mum to force her son, 7, to live as a girl’
Mermaids UK has received money from BBC’s Children in Need – says it all really.
And back in my day, not so long ago in fact Children In Need actually tried to raise funds for terminally ill children which is what it should be doing. Children as young as 7 are too young to want to identify as something that is a different gender that they where born with
And there you have why it is I refuse to give to Children in Need or Red Nose Day.
Easier now the kids are older but virtually impossible to refuse when their primary school was doing something.
Anything endorsed by the BBC or Sir Lenward Henry keeps my shekels in their pouch, Roland.
Dr Birgit Möller, a doctor based in Hamburg
ISTR the Nazis taking a lot of interest in how young children developed and grew up, Tabs.
A family friend’s wife’ company (used to be civil service but now contractors) advertised for staff a few months ago, Jim. One of the applicants was a bloke in a dress, wig, high heels, make up, 7 o’clock shadow and, I think, a Brissel’s larynx.
He didn’t do too well at the interview but it was felt that if he was unsuccessful, they could be open to discrimination charges, so he was offered a placement.
The rest of the women didn’t mind at first but it was when he insisted on using the ladies toilets, when women were already in them, that the women’s attitude changed.
It changed even more when he was spotted out one weekend dressed as he should be dressed , with his tongue halfway down his female friend’s throat.
Still turns up for work though, looking like Grayson Perry’s ugly sister and HR are sill worried about discrimination.
…and, I think, a Brissel’s larynx……
I’m very touched Toobi 🙂
In places where strong men gather, ’twill ever be known as such, Briss.
When I was at school, S7, gay was an synonym for happy, not an acronym for Good As You.
When I was at school gay meant stupid such as ‘that looks gay’ or ‘your new haircut looks gay’
In fact everything at my school was gay except for the students themselves.
These days though the BBC look rather gay…
Ooops ! when I was at school, gay meant ‘happy’, and there are plenty of songs from musicals that depict gay as just that ! Also being homosexual/lesbian/trans whatever, was never an issue either, because to all intents and purposes, we were never raised to know about such things – so if this ‘epidemic’ of being something other than heterosexual was as rampant amongst the young at school back in the 50’s and 60’s as it is now, we never knew.
Equally, I would have suspected if that was the case, then mental illness amongst school age children would have been through the roof with the angst of suffering, but no, it wasn’t, because in the main we had regular exercise, ate more healthily and played outside, which makes one wonder why now ?
No ‘kin “social” meeja, celebrity worship, video games, only two B&W TV channels, that would shutdown in the afternoon and late evening with the Nat Anthem, no 24/7 “news”. The biggest worries at my school was catching polio and having to live in an iron lung and having to die for our faith if and when the Russians invaded.
Best days of our lives!
…..at my school was catching polio and having to live in an iron lung ….
Yep, too right Toobi. I remember my parents agonising over whether to let me have the ‘new’ Sabin Polio vaccine or not, as it was suggested (rumoured) that in some cases it actually gave you Polio. But as most of the kids in the school were having it, then so did I.
I remember the first vaccine being done with a needle, I think, then they started sticking it on sugar lumps. I didn’t bother with either, Briss.
This is what you get now for mentioning the ‘G’ Word –
Dear God, that is beyond scary, particularly when the police can come and use heavy handed tactics like that, on what clearly sounded like a lady who was older than middle aged. I think I would use the ‘dead weight’ tactic in that scenario – collapse in a heap and let them carry me out.
Isn’t this the woman who complained about the RoPers praying (preying more like) in Royal parks, in contravention of the by laws, G?
Language evolves but listening to the way the young ‘uns “communicate” today though, it’s in danger of becoming extinct.
“I’m happy I’ve been given [the drugs] because now I know that I won’t grow facial hair. I just don’t want a beard – I’m a girl,” says 11-year-old Jessica
The logic of an 11 year-old. Well done BBC – perhaps a slot on CBeebies?
Later in the article it says the effects of the drugs can be reversed.
Oh, really? At what stage, exactly? And the psychological damage – how is that ‘reversed’ exactly?
Back in June I told you about renowned psychiatrist Paul McHugh. He’s won numerous international awards for his work, but he’s recently been labelled a hack by the transgender movement. Why? Because he once banned sex reassignment surgeries at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
He’s also publicized a study that shows a suicide rate 20 times higher than the general population for those who have undergone such surgery. And another that showed that up to 80 percent of children with transgender feelings simply outgrow them….
I also read some months ago about one of the world’s leading transgender surgeons (I think he was from Eastern Europe) who has written a book on the subject in which, based on hundreds of patients he has treated and operated on over the years, he explains the dangers of the operation – psychological disorders, suicides, regret and the number of reversals that have to be done etc etc. Needless to say, his book has been banned from university campuses in this country for fear of upsetting ‘the transgender community’. Unfortunately despite trying different web searches, I can’t locate the article.
The BBC are playing a very dangerous game with their simplistic ‘transgender friendly’ coverage of a very serious procedure which is fraught with danger, misleading parents by not giving them the full story and generally pushing yet another of their hard left, cultural Marxist agendas.
I must agree.
I can’t help thinking that one day all this mindless pro-trans propaganda will look as weird as adverts from the 1930s extolling the health benefits of smoking.
The coming caliphate won’t stand for any of this nonsense, Rob, you can bet your life on it!
TOADY Watch #2
Serena Williams has been/is/could be/may be/one day will be ‘heavily pregnant’ at the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships two hundred and forty-three times.
The BBC don’t do science. I do. To the best of my knowledge, it is not possible for Roger Federer to become pregnant. He hasn’t got the bits. Serena Williams has. She has proved it. OK with that, BBC? Men and women are actually different.
Make that two hundred and forty-four times. We’ve just had the 8.25am sports segment. Did you know “Serena Williams is back for the first time since having a baby?”. (Actually, strictly incorrect. I think she has played in tournaments elsewhere before this Wimbledon.)
No, no, that can’t be right. The BBC carried an item the other day about two men who had a baby, I think it came out of their belly buttons or something.
Let’s not mention the war.
They found it at the bottom of the garden.
The lady is performing as I write, looking for all the world like a heavily padded and rather aggressive multi-culti pantomime dame.
Still, looking on the bright side, with BBC 1 from 13.45 to 18.00 and BBC2 from 11.00 to 20.30 showing us their most favourite ball game, it spares them the trouble of making programmes – which surely has to herald a licence fee discount system?
This maybe an unpopular post, i am sure you will all let me know if it is.
I regard the Islamisation of Europe and the UK as an existentialist threat to be resisted by any and all means. Open Resistance in the UK is all but impossible due to all our political parties being happy to see a mosque on every street corner and readyto use the law against anyone who dares to point this out eg TR. Even most prominent Brexiteers seem to be willing to continue with unrestrained Islamification of our country.
However in the past couple of years there has been a dramtic upswing in resistance to Islamification in many parts of the EU, Italy, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia all have anti migration anti Islamification governments, and of course there is growing support for anti migration parties in Germany, Holland, France, Sweden.
Whilst Germany and France are still ruled by Merkel and Macron it is unlikely that the EU will adopt an anti migrant anti Islamic policy but the politics of the EU are moving in that direction and it is possible, not certain but possible, that within another electoral cycle the EU could adopt anti Islamification policies.
If it did adopt such policies and delivered on them as Savini , Kurtz and Orban have started to, then rejoining such an EU would be a way of opposing Islamification in the UK . Because i cant see any hope of politicians in the UK adopting anti Islamification policies, now or in the future. Our salvation may well lie in Europe post Merkel and Macron. But what would damage the European anti Islamification movement would be for the UK to stay in the EU right now because i have no doubt that that the UK government would form a pro Islamification block with Merkel and Macron and oppose Salvini, Kurtz and Orban. So i think it best that we leave the EU now, allow the anti Islamification forces to hopefully achieve power and then rejoin if they are in the driving seat.
Not forgetting elections in Sweden in September. Recent history articles can be found here:
It is suggested that post the September election, Sweden will wake up with a new anti-immigration/refugee Government. Sorry, rephrase: “Far Right Wing Islamaphobic Government”. There, don’t we all feel more comfortable now. We all hope that voting Swedes do the right thing and get rid of the all female current Government which is patently intent on destroying Sweden from within.
According to The New York Times, (but not the ‘world class’ BBC), the Danes are pushing back: Harsh New Laws For Immigrant ‘Ghettos’.
Basically they want the ‘new Danes’ to know about Christmas and the Danish language.
Yesterday Russia Today had a doco about push back in Sweden and how group the Soldiers of Odin are helping police
They seemed to have quite a few women in their group.
The open borders Left – and that includes the BBC – are horrified at the rise of the ‘far right’ and ‘nationalism’.
Have they never heard of cause and effect?
Rejoin? Heaven forbid!
Out is out – and I hope it means staying out. Who would rejoin a crumbling “empire”, having taken God knows how long, to escape it (if you ever do…) in the first place.
I. Know any proposal to rejoin the EU , assuming that we do leave , seems bizarre . But I just can’t see any hope of avoiding an Islamic UK before the end of the century if we have rely on our home grown politicians. The pro Islam lobby have got everything screwed down tight. If, and I agree it is far from certain, anti Islamification leaders did gain control of the EU then rejoining would represent a way out for us . Of course then many who want to Remain at present would just as vehemently oppose rejoining such an organisation. All the old fascists racist placards would be out in force. What fun.
There is a current school of thought that the British Isles will be a muslim and other general undesireables dumping ground in a post-Merkel European Union.
Sadly the likes of Owen Jones and his ilk as left wing activists will always be given a platform in the media, to spout their rhetoric that anyone who voices concerns will be classed as racists. The Establishment fear this word more than any other, as a result there is no one who is as far Right wing as Jones is Left wing, who gets equal media time.
Owen Jones and his ilk will still probably be chanting ‘religion of peace’ and NTDWi while pressed into service as gravity test dummies from a nearby skyscraper !
The EU do not shape their ‘policies’ to suit the people, they shape the people to suit their policies. Jean Monnet, regarded as being the founding father of the EU superstate, wrote about how the EU should be enforced upon the peoples of Europe, against their wishes. Here is a famous quote from one of his letters on the subject ; https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/565148-europe-s-nations-should-be-guided-towards-the-superstate-without-their
Yes they have been doing exactly that ever since the Treaty of Rome but if the majority of EU member states are run by anti immigrant gobernments Brussels would be forced to adopt it too. There would be a strong vein of Euro scepticisn running through the member states and Briseels would be much less powerful.
But if the Islamifiers are defeated, what is to be done afterwards to reverse Islamification. Deportations? How? to which countries? Might all Moslems be obliged to sign something?
TOADY Watch #3
The BBC are still desperate shills and are frantically trying to have Brexit overturned, cancelled or at best indefinitely postponed. They’ve now dragged on an American – there’s a surprise – and he’s a man – there’s another surprise and he doesn’t have a squeaky voice, amazing! – to help the BBC scrap Brexit.
Nick Robinson’s shameless on-air haranguing of a poor old-age pensioner* in the 8.10am Interview slot was not enough. The BBC has to get this help from an American who has written a book about Barak Obama.
Well, there’s another surprise! A book to be publicised.
(* At least Toenails did not call his interviewee “Racist, xenophobic and anti-immigrant” like that nice Mr Cable did a while back.)
Was that the one that was cosily concluded with the interviewer and the book author agreeing that immigration into the USA would change the demographics so that in 20 years time there could never be another Trump and Government would revert to Obama II, III etc? Trump is just a blip. It was said in a way that implied that most people would be mightily relieved.
I was only half listening to Toady because it’s ‘him indoors’ that wants it on. If something makes my ears prick up, it’s too late for the details like the names of interviewer and interviewed.
Actually, it’s a common problem on radio that names aren’t repeated enough.
Did I hear the 0800 news on Toady correct? Brief mention of elections in Mexico? Apparently, a very small and insignificant party swept the two main parties aside to victory heralding big change. The Potus has already offered congratulations so we (of the reality persuasion) can feel confident it is, “Cool”. If it’s ok with the Potus, it’s ok with us………
Since I no longer take Toady in large blocks fitting in to my early morning’s routine I did not hear any more detailed analysis of the victory. Perhaps over the 3 hours there was one? For me, I stick to headlines then, predominantly, off button is hit.
Mexico. Being interested, I visit the BBC news site and Search. Result? “Sorry, there are no results for Mexican elections 2018.” Strange. The plot thickens. But why? My humble opinion? Mexico: another success for the voter. All of the expected results reversed all over the World. Domino’s falling. The World is changing rapidly. ‘Out with the old, in with the new’ seems the order of the day. People are waking up. The chaos and murder predominant in Mexico may well now come under control. Much to the dismay of the BBC. So, I conclude, for the BBC it is another one that’s helping to floor them so, minimal reporting.
Presumably the populist who won it was allowed it by doing deals with the drugs cartels . It seems a lot of politicians and journos during their election didn’t do deals and therefore came to a sticky end . The equivalent here is getting a seat in the House of Lords .
Actually he promised free owls for everyone. Now he has to deliver. In fact he is so extremely left wing socialist that he makes Tommy Robinson appear centrist.
If Tommy Robinson isn’t centrist, what is he? Would you call him “far right”?
G the BBC’s own search is rubbish
Google : site:bbc.co.uk Mexico AND site:bbc.co.uk Mexico -football , for last 24 hours
Mind you they have only released stories in the last 10 hours, 6, 3, or 1 hours, cos Mexico is 6 hours behind our timezone .
Mexico election: López Obrador vows profound change after win – BBC
Winner at last: Who is Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador? – BBC …
Lopez Obrador: Five things in president-elect’s inbox – BBC News
News Daily: New Brexit option and Mexico election landslide
5 hours ago – Left-wing candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is heading for a landslide victory
Mexico election: Polls closing after campaign marred by violence
How should Mexico’s López Obrador deal with Trump? – BBC News
10 hours ago – Left-wing candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador has claimed victory in Mexico’s presidential election, saying “profound change” is coming.
BBC World Service – Newshour, Mexico Goes To The Polls
3 hours ago – Mexico votes for a new President, with the former left-wing mayor of Mexico City – Andrés Manuel López Obrador – thought to be far ahead of his rivals.
BBC World Service – Newsday, Votes Counted In Mexico’s Elections
22 mins ago – Votes are being tallied in Mexico’s elections. Campaigning was marred by some of the worst political violence for decades.
BBC World Service – Newsday, Mexico Choose López Obrador To Be
1 hour ago – The former mayor of Mexico City has pledged to crack down on corruption.
BBC World Service – Newsday, López Obrador Wins Landslide Mexico …
8 mins ago – A former Mayor of Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has won
BBC World Service – Newshour, Mexico to Vote After Violent Campaign
6 hours ago – Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a left-wing outsider, is the runaway favourite
BBC World Service – Newsday, Ex Mayor Of Mexico City On The Brink …
52 mins ago – The left-wing anti-establishment candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is heading for a landslide victory in Mexico’s presidential election.
@G said \\ Sorry, there are no results for Mexican elections 2018. //
Well, the BBC search is not smart enough to figure that you mean
\\ Mexico Elections // (without the 2018)
which on that BBCNewss search page gives me 6 webstories for today
Ta, SG.
G/Stew: yes there is a weird algorithm behind the beeb search engine (either bad design or deliberately obfuscatory).
Always a good idea to check online; sometimes it appears that the BBC have missed a story when in fact they haven’t. (I recommend DuckDuckGo to avoid the Googleverse.)
“Radio 4 presenter Eddie Mair, 52, quits the BBC after more than 30 years as he ‘moves to LBC’ following attempts to cut his £350,000 salary”
Doesn’t this tell you all you need to know about the greedy vermin that work for the BBC – £350,000 per year and he throws his toys out to the pram.
Another rat deserting a sinking ship.
I detect a new explanation of what happened in the Referendum 2016.
Politicians (Lord Howard being one) refer to, “The people voted for CHANGE in the Referendum” Yes, they certainly did but in politico’s chamelionic jargon, ‘Change’ is different to ‘Out’. Watch this one develop.
The 5 pm news is going to be a true horror griefathon – which actually might last for weeks . Fortunately there is a footy match going on so I , for one , far better things to do that listen to Edward(The Worlds Greatest Broadcaster )Mayer explain why he is going to spend more time with his larger private sector salary and indexed al beeb pension .
I am one of the 2200 licence payers who no longer need do so.
Good Riddance….
Screenshot of Eddie Mair RadioTimes article
Note the end of the LBC promo page
J o’B, Iain Dale, Adam Boulton : “What a great man”
then “Nick Ferrari: Why Are BBC Ignoring Telford Abuse Story?”
RadioToday article about Eddie Mair move
… from BBC radio headed by Ex-Labour Party cabinet minister
… to LBC headed by Ex-head of the Labour Party
Three equals five and boys are girls and vice versa
Mistakenly I catch the first two minutes of the Victoria Derbyshire show on the BBC News Channel.
So, what do we reckon our licence-funded BBC are plugging today?
When I say plugging I speak advisedly because issue number two for our Vicky is Wimbledon – of course, and of which our national broadcaster just happens to have extensive coverage to push today at its audience.
There’s a shame, BBC favourite and SNP poseur Andy Murray has pulled out with injury. But we thought he was recovered from injury? And what’s this… his insufferable mother is explaining : “playing best of three sets is very different from playing best of five”
Whoah… Whoooops… and Ssssshhhussshhhh… please, no one tell the Williams girls, or Navratilova, or the rest of the sisterhood, ‘cos they’ve convinced themselves three is indeed equal to five. Particularly where prize money and BBC pay is concerned, eh Carrie? I believe our very own Diane Abbott is leading advocate for this brand of feminine mathematics.
Even closer to the heart of the BBC is transgenderism. Don’t go thinking they focus on the odd old drag queen or the butch dyke seeking a career as a boiler stoker with the merchant navy. Au contraire, issue number one for our BBC-payroll Vicky is the trans-sex kiddies.
Cue creepy Vicky on a swing set in conversation with some pre-teen talking gender. Can you even begin to imagine how gross this would look if it were some BBC chap doing this… like… Soapy Sopel, Jeremy al-Bowen or perhaps imagine for a moment the Lord-God-Sir Dave Attenborough Show doing that self same interview: ‘want to see my seal puppies? want to come with me and live in a plastic-free blue/green planet world of unicorn fairies’ – yuck.
But it’s all good for our Vicky, she can get away with it and asks: “So young Jimmy, do you want to grow up and live as a girl?” Little Jimmy’s answer is hardly a ringing endorsement of BBC-approved born-in-the-wrong-body sex-change options: “Probably”
Vicky Derbyshire perhaps feels the agenda slipping. She takes the bull by the horns (if you’ll excuse the expression) : “Probably?”, she queries. Our kid senses the cue given him… her… whatever…: “Definitely” At which point, with a growing sense of nausea, I leap across the room toward the off-switch with the alacrity of Inspector Jacques Clouseau’s man servant (if you’ll forgive the expression).
AsI – morning tv is bad for our health. BBC2 VD is all hushed voices, tinkly pianos and so depressing we could slit our wrists , BBC1 show programmes of those that rip off the system or us, ITV had 2 puppets who were talking to 3 enhanced dummies about Love Island on Good Morning, and rolling news is wall to wall coverage on the NHS. Diazepam anyone ?
Today our thoughts should be with the emir of londonistan – a former oan rights (£££) lawyer who has to come up with someone else blame for the latest life changing stabbing of a 14 year old by -I understand another 14 year old in a vibrant bit of N7
Which might be lady nugee s turf
Brexit has shown that 797 lords … 650 MPs …. 65 million citizens don’t understand the British constitution or how the unelected EU government works.
But slowly with the cast of Love Island and BBC Danny ‘£400K Wages paid under threat of prison’ Dyer we are working it out.
They will not change us ….
We are currently witnessing Britain’s downfall driven by the Leftwing filth – and aided by Scottish nationalism and politicking by the Irish. Everyone is getting the boot in to the British patriot; this long, insideous dismantling of the proud British nationalist has been carefully planned. Our downfall has also been accelerated by an attack on the family unit, masculinity and gender. I am currently watching a discussion on Victoria Derbyshire with a group of young – and hopelessly lost, confused and mentally ill – transgender kids who at the age of 12 are talking about gender-binary etc. I’m sitting here thinking that indulging these young people in this very dangerous area is almost akin to abuse. I certainly feel that alongside immigration, Islamism and far-Left authoritarianism, this whole gender identity politics is destroying the moral fabric of our nation.
We need a strong leader soon and we need a strong response to Antifa.. we have to stand up and create a movement soon or else this country will descend into chaos and civil war. Be worried!
I agree.
The ‘Left’ have taken over much of public debate and its insanities, spearheaded by the beeb. Low culture, low morals, have taken over. An entirely new cultural/social movement would be required. Even a functional UKIP would have to work hard to make inroads, although it could be the political ‘arm’. How would your movement look?
I’m not sure to be honest; I worry that the battle has been lost, that the populace are basically more concerned about Love Island than revolution. But I definitely want a violent response to Antifa and I feel trying to pander to minorities is a hopeless cause. So, I think starting as a physical response group to Antifa would be my starting point… basically letting the farleft know that they will be met with like-for-like is a start.
I’m not sure to be honest; I worry that the battle has been lost, that the populace are basically more concerned about Love Island than revolution. But I definitely want a forceful response to the Antifa bullies and I feel trying to pander to minorities is a hopeless cause. So, I think beginning as a physical response group to Antifa would be my starting point… basically letting the farleft know that they will be met with like-for-like; this would at least buy us some political space to go about organising a movement. But I don’t know. All I do know is I want to see Antifa scum put in their place. There needs to be a response.
I fully understand and share your feelings about Antifa, Alex. It is frustrating to know that the police are more likely to lock you up, than to lock any of the Antifa scum up. So you want to stay out of trouble: that has to be your no1 consideration. Bashing them will get you nowhere.
For us, we have this forum to have a political discussion. We need to use our loaves. We know who the enemy are, else we wouldn’t be on this site.
Sooner or later, opportunities will open up. May will push her luck and try to sell half a Brexit. Or, someone will pop up: without a doubt, there is a Donald Trump tucked away in the UK somewhere. We need to find him.
Meanwhile, we have questions to answer: how do you convince conservatives not to be deceived by the name of ‘their’ party, which will always try to outlabour Labour? How do we make inroads into a docile MSM, more than happy to adopt the PC language of the ‘Left’? This is essentially marketing stuff, not head-bashing stuff. (In fact a ‘Left’ -in the old-fashioned sense of the term, representing the working man and the salt of the earth – no longer exists.)
Shall we begin with the first questions: how do you reach conservative people? They surely can’t all be watching love Island, or whatever it’s called? How do you get UKIP back up and running in a ‘job’s been done’ post-referendum climate? How do you get rid of the Soubry’s of this world, who have actually made it into parliament when they have ‘Labour’ written all over them? How do we get REAL conservatives elected?
An enormous education and marketing process is called for.
Despite being small in number, the contributors to this site are dedicated people. We need to exchange ideas, instead of merely criticising the media and the hypocricies of the establishment, although they do need to be called out, preferably somewhere other than this site.
That’s a good start. be of good cheer. The battle has NOT been lost.
Well said! Spot on.
I take heart from the story of Odysseus. Faced with an impossible looking task in regaining his kingdom he set about it slowly and with cunning.
A vital part was testing any possible ally and making sure that person was loyal and reliable..
Then appearing to be no threat and useless while all the time preparing the ground ( always important) and collecting allies.
Then when the time comes to act do so swiftly and decisively.
Show mercy only when the battle is well won and then within limits.
We have had such men in the past. Cromwell comes to mind .
That we cannot go on is self evident. The bodysnatchers have almost completed their task and soon the howling will start.
Beeby is being awfully quiet on the recent protests in Iran. Could it be that they back the hard line Islamic regime?
So when Iranians shoot their own people protesting for water, they don’t report it. Just searched the Beeb website and could find nothing about this. Other agencies don’t report the killings but certainly comment on the sounds of gunfire.
But when the Israelis shoot foreign protestors attempting to come across the border, invade the country and do harm, the media scream from the rooftops. It’s almost like there is some kind of double standard…oh and of course the press can freely report on what’s happening in Israel but can’t as much in Iran. It’s almost like one country is reasonable and first world and another is unreasonable and still living in the middle ages.
To be fair the BBC is not a news service is it. If it was the Left would want to close it down. Its function – other than middle class tax farming on a strictly what they think they deserve basis – is educating the public to have correct views.
Found a nice bit of old fake news on the BBC Website…
Am I Gay?
Hello. I’m confused…
Don’t get what all the fuss is about boys? Kissed a male mate just to see what it’s like? Do you have a crush on someone the same sex as you? All these are signs that you could be gay. Or you could be 100% straight. Or somewhere in between.
What planet do BBC staff live on?!? I bet noone on this site has ever kissed a male mate “just to see what it’s like”.
The article goes on with fake news statistics:
You’re not alone
With six percent of the population defining themselves as gay you really aren’t on your own, and it’s likely that some of your friends are curious about the same things you are.
The BBC give no citation where they got the 6% (probably from the BBC canteen).
The Office for National Statistics says London has the highest concentration of gays at 2.6% but the average for the UK is 1.5% but, hey, why use facts when the BBC can just make crap up?
Eustrogen in Thames water again !
Fedup is that a simple typo, or are you alluding to some pro-EU hormone covertly being added to our water supply?
Both options believable right now!
Sorry glacier – I’d like to say I was being clever with the EU reference but it’s a bow tiepo
The idea comes from something I read a long time ago before the water was sold to the French . The ratio of girl fish to boy fish in the local sewer – sorry River Lea was substantially towards girl fish and it was thought that the lady hormone wasnt being fully treated …..
And pondered on the effect on other life types ….
Fedup you’re right, I think that is established now. Sterility, endocrine disruption, increased propensity to watch Loose Women on telly.
It’s really a horrific picture
“With six percent of the population defining themselves as gay you really aren’t on your own, and it’s likely that some of your friends are curious about the same things you are”.
Even if that was true 94 times out of a hundred the ‘gay’ pecking out his mates would get it wrong! Of course if the school group was small enough, (quite likely if one considers today’s class sizes), they might well be the only ‘gay in the village’ as the BBC used to say.
Radio 4 schedule 2 8 18
Toady – comrade Robinson and our Justin
Start the week – British culture and Europe
Book of the week – wasps
Wimmins hour – an hour too long
Docu Women learning to drive with one eye
Snowflake science fiction
You and your – nasty landlords – cutbacks
World at one – underpaid ex Toady Sarah headgirl
Nhs at 70 – great
Archers gays in the village
Play – police curruption
Uni quiz show
Food programme – depressing we’re all dying
Something about a lefty poet
Beyond belief – mo s missus ( I kid you not )
5pm news – goodbye Eddie ££££
630 – clue – thank god
Front row – comrade Maxine peake £££
Docu – buses – cutbacks
Analysis – Middle East – it’s our fault
Docu – teen mental health
World tonight – kick brexit , Tories , trump , us
No further comment .
Let’s check if @FedUp2 missed anything
2:15pm second week of The Anti-Thatcher play
begins “The play contain contains some racist attitudes which were prevalent at the time”
3:30pm NHS-love-in shoehorned in
\\ In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the NHS the hospital will go completely sugar free on July 4th. //
4pm Normal prog except they shoehorn in a BBC agenda : The war on plastics
\\ took the lead in researching bioplastics in the early 1970s, which led to the commercialisation of Biopol, a biodegradable plastic polymer chain that can be used to make disposable plastic items, a discovery later sidelined but now the subject of renewed interest.//
4:30pm the life of Khadijah, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. ..fawning
‘balanced panel’ : Fatima Barkatulla, Rania Hafaz, Asad Zaman, a Manchester based Imam;
and Mona Siddiqui
5pm Champagne socialist show
7:15pm Social actress Maxine Peake, eco-campaigner fronting the smartmeter ads
8pm Transport doco : compares normal buses against London buses Super super subsidised by us all.
9:30 Start the Week , but Marr tried to shove in agenda ‘So classical music is so connected to Europe, and will be damaged by Brexit’
.. he presumed wrongly of his female guest ‘No I completely disagree Brexit will be a good thing’
11pm David Blunkett biography of the LABOUR politician, next week Mary Portas
Hell – stew – I thought my abbreviated version was painful to put up but you take the biscuit / Jaffa cake . Just hope you didn’t bother listening to any of it…. I’m slightly tempted to catch a bit of the Eddie Mayer fest with my sick bag on standby …
\\ In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the NHS the hospital will go completely sugar free on July 4th. // – as a patient does that mean I will be forced to eat my Weetabix without sugar? Bastards!
When I was a kid in Britain many,many years ago murders were rare. Now with immigration and diversity murders occur on a daily basis.
Over the years, including today, the pathetic leaders of this country have always put the big businesses and the rich ahead of the people in preparation of furnishing their own personal lifestyle at a future date, usually with some non exec role on some board.
These leaders have always lacked spine.
Here is an idea that might stop the daily murders. Any parent with a ‘child’ who serially commits offences take away their council house.
It would work and save lives, this would bring down the murder rate. Parents would have to take more of an interest in their irritating kids.
Will Pathetic Teezer May do it – damn right she wont.
She couldn’t run a bath let alone a country.
Come on Nigel the people need you.
I want and end to Political Correctness, Diversity, Left wing media and any connection to the EU. I want my country back, not for me, my life is nearer its end but for my children and their children.
Victoria “Trans” Derbyshire show. God help us!
Whatever the liberal thoughts on “gender is just a social construct” I can clearly see at 0m30 into the video from the left we have:
1. a man in a skirt
2. a woman in shorts calling herself Nick
3. errrr.. I’ll pass on this one!
4. A girl with a boys haircut
5. A girl with a boys haircut
6. I’ll pass on this one too as she looks like a girl dressed as a girl.
I think Trans people would get a better public response if the BBC stopped interviewing the blue haired and facial piercing ones all the time.
even amongst that lot the one in the middle is the dangerous freak
I’m beginning to like the transgender community.
Why you may ask?
Because I absolutely hate feminist.
I fully support transgenders having a dump in Ladies toilets., especially in the Labour Party ,snowflake, lefty, socialist toilets
How can 2% of BBC staff be transgender? I have met thousands of people and have never met a single transgender individual.
It must be people gaming the system or the whole thing is a devious PR coup to show the world how wonderfully tolerant the BBC is. I imagine you can just say you are transgender and all sorts of treats and preferential treatment accrue, such as getting a cushy job with the BBC. How a mental disorder became so trendy is beyond me.
I think you are right. The BBC has become such a joke that anyone applying for a new job at the BBC juts has to put “non-binary-bi-polar-transistor” as their title and tick a few ethnic minority boxes and they have a job for life.
I’d love to see a BBC job application form. It’s probably 100 pages of box ticking disabilities and sexual preferences and right at the end is a small box “please describe why you think you are suitable for the role (not more than 5 words)”.
The application form then does the rounds through the Diversity department then the Disabilities department then Ethnic Minorities department….
“not more than 5 words”
I’ll give it a go :
Jog on you Dimblebies, Baldings and Linekers your time is up!
I did meet one once, out of a workforce of 6,000 or so. He became a she at work and then a month or so later became a he again. The rumour was that wife and daughter came home to find him in a dress and told him that they were the only ones that would be wearing dresses in that house.
I expect they would be locked up for thirty years each now.
Sadly a place where I worked had a boss that decided he was Martha rather than Arthur. Once ‘she’ came out, her mind was only on gender issues rather than leading the organisation. The business nearly went bankrupt due to her taking poor decisions whilst her head was elsewhere and the staff came close to losing their jobs. However HR advice was that ‘she’ could not be sacked for incompetence but she had to receive a large pay off before she could be replaced.
There always have been transgender stars
.. and at a local level that one or two local ones
eg the famous bloke in Scunthorpe who became Vanessa who toured the pubs with his accordian
.. He was a good player, so people liked him, he didn’t get trouble AFAIK.
I don’t think he demanded any special privileges.
So a few in every town rather than 2 in 100 we get at the BBC
During my time in the Psychiatric wing (working, not being treated !) of our local hospital, and this was between 2000 and 2006, I only encountered ONE patient who wanted to transgender – and he was not young . So something has happened in the past decade or so whereby an explosion of transgender cases has come to light, and these are mainly in the teens. Therefore I’m wondering whether it is merely a fad, and more a case of ‘you are, so I am or want to be’ scenario because why is there such a high percentage outbreak of this all of a sudden ?
Beeb delighted to report a socialist has won the Mexican presidency.
No doubt that will end up as happily as Venezuela where people are starving, shops are empty, corruption, crime and violence are rife, and inflation is reaching Weimar levels.
Strangely you don’t hear much about it on the far-left beeb.
Yeah they were orgasmic. Austria’s elections were memory holed.
trumpys gonna need that wall more than ever
The EUSSR is teetering on the edge of so many crises, it’s quite likely there soon won’t be an EU left to Brexit from.
“Europe’s migration crisis: Could it finish the EU?”
Ever since the referendum two years ago I’ve assumed that our EU exit would much more likely be accelerated by some catastrophic economic failure or civil war somewhere in Euroland.
By comparison, our Government’s feeble efforts to extricate us from its tentacles has been disgracefully timid and piss-poor. Almost as if they were not really trying very hard..
Rod Liddle makes an excellent point in his column yesterday: why must role models have the same skin colour as you? Can I not admire Obama because he is black? Total garbage from the liberal elite.
Liddle said
\\ liberal lefties: Their insistence that the colour of a person’s skin trumps everything and that our ethnic minorities are banded together in their not-whiteness, all similarly oppressed and suffering the yoke of colonialism — an idiotic world view.
I think it’s demoralising and divisive that black kids should be urged to look solely within their own skin colour for role models and heroes, and end up getting fobbed off with some thick-as-mince rapper
… or Mary Seacole, that nice lady who helped out a bit in the Crimean War.
Race, in that context, is of no importance. Give them Faraday and Shakespeare to aspire to.
It would be cheering, too, if the new and clearly dunderheaded boss of BBC comedy were able to commission shows based on whether or not they were funny, rather than whether they ticked all the boxes on his race quota chart.
.. same for cycling //
@Heyho pasted the BBC Radio 4’s Today prog migrant crisis bit yesterday
There were 2 more items
A commenter adds
“It’s not true that London’s black community don’t like bicycles. I know of several” local collectors
” at least one who uses his to do his job collecting mobile phones and watches.”
Liddle : Red Hen Syndrome
\\ The Food Programme panellists on Radio 4 explained that Trip-Advisor and other similar websites might be putting diners off because of hostile reviews.
And it was here that, inadvertently, the panellists from within the industry revealed what is probably a major contribution to their forthcoming bankruptcies. .
The first two respondents — a glorified cook and a front-of-house monkey, i.e., a receptionist — were both in agreement that TripAdvisor should be completely ignored. Take no notice whatsoever. Do not engage with it. The second chap to speak went so far as to say that bad reviews were good because it meant ‘that kind of person’ wouldn’t be visiting the restaurant again. //
You shouldn’t admire Obama, because he was a dithering race-baiting no-mark, the worst US president in living memory.
I would have thought that any self-respecting, ‘we came here as slaves’, American of colour would have little in common with this abandoned sprog of a white hippy.
England, the only Muslim country still in the World Cup.
Until tomorrow, DS!
We just need to score one more goal than Columbia to progress, because I cannot see our numero uno keeping a clean sheet the way he keeps palming the ball back out into play. (unless he’s picking the ball out of the back of the net that is)
Paul Joseph Watson on why he joined UKIP.
I would like to see a UKIP/For Britain coalition in government.
But that’s not going to happen is it.
I agree with Paul Watson. However, the voting system in the UK still points the other way. In May 2011 I voted in the Referendum on an alternative vote system along with 42% of the population. The rest, could not stop yawning enough to find time to vote. If the benefits were now introduced with UKIP as an example of where the FPtP system fails, I’m sure there would be a complete reversal of 2011, and indeed, larger numbers voting.
However, the FPtP system will never ever be the same again. Contemplate the next National Election: Result? Hypothetically, many MP’s go through with a narrow margin, say, 52% to 48%. But times have changed. The ‘winner’ (on the basis of the Leave EU Referendum) will have to take up his post by accepting many or most of the policies of the loser. And indeed, the loser may continue to meddle and introduce new policies and principles for the winner to pursue even after the election. And if the winner fails to carry out the policies of the loser, he/she should accept a by-election.
Well said Paul.
Tories are anti free speech, pro muslim lefties
Labour are Marxist
Who represents me? I am of the right.Not extreme right wing. Just right wing.
I believe in the freedom of speech.
Labour and Tories don’t
The Tories are not Conservative. They’d rather go into a coalition with Labour. (See Germany). DUP of NI were convenient at a given moment in time, otherwise May would have had to relinquish power. Once you know that, you realise what a big political rethink is required..
Regrettably UKIP lost momentum cos of the ‘job done’ atmosphere that pervaded after the referendum. Would it have mattered though, given the FPTP system? Probably not.
The majority of the population, despite Blair’s imports, is still conservative. The problem is, given a lethargic silent majority, how do you convince them the Conservative Party is not?
Get the answer to that and you will be a low way to solving the problem. Again, Germany is not dissimilar: Merkel is NOT a Christian Democrat, she’s happy to be in a coalition with the SPD and she wouldn’t dream of a coalition with the AfD. Problem: even after all these years, most of the G population is too apathetic to see that they may as well have voted for the Greens as for Merkel. She spends all their money, yet they still haven’t got it.
Both countries have the same problem: The MSM, especially their publicly-funded public broadcasters, academia, big money/commercial interests, judiciary and police remain in thrall to the ‘Left’ (actually a meaningless term). How do you convince voters to see through false labels? This is the nature of the uphill task for true conservatives.
‘…a long way to solving the problem’. Not ‘low’. My mistake.
Good to see the ex-BBC Newsnight Anger and Protests Editor still pitching to be invited back on to ‘comment’ with his old mates.
“I would like to see a UKIP/For Britain coalition in government.
But that’s not going to happen is it”.
Not so long ago, wishing that the UK would leave the EU was a forlorn hope but look where we are (almost) now. Fortunately, 17.4 million souls decided to vote, rather than say “Sod it! What’s the point? We’ll never win. “
How is this for p!ss poor journalism at the BBC?
Man stuck up 32ft lamp-post in Birmingham
Ignoring the fact that it is Birmingham news yet again (every thing the BBC does seems to be from Birmingham nowadays) but this “news” has just 7 sentences and shows the same photograph not once, not twice but THREE bloody times!
Are the journalists only allowed to go to lunch once they make the article a certain length?
Out of those 7 sentences 2 are padded out quotes from the fire and police saying the same thing twice. Another sentence describes a hydraulic platform that wasn’t used at all (judging by the 3 photographs of a bloody ladder).
“A man thought to have taken an illegal high became stuck at the top of a lamp-post and was rescued by firefighters.” – rest assured this is only the beginning of stupidity prior to legalised drugs. Wonder what the stories in Portugal are like?
They were complaining yesterday about a black rapper/poet who was searched by Police and it hurt his feelings; they cite the hate fact that black men are more likely to be stopped and searched than any other group, which of course indicates racist Police and has nothing whatsoever to do with crime.
Do they notice a pattern in all these stabbing victims? Black men are over-represented. Do they not think this might justify searching this group more than others? It will save black lives which they purport to care about.
The SJW disease is akin to a religion. How can they not change their views in spite of such overwhelming evidence? Scores of black men dying before their eyes due to gang violence yet they still pretend the problem is with law enforcement. It is like believing Christ walked on water or rose from the dead to be able to believe the stuff they do. Equally men cannot become women and a paradise of equal representations of every single group is an absurd goal.
Again, on the World at One this time, criticism of President Trump threatening to place a 20% tariff on cars from the EU, saying “it is misguided”, “will backfire”, “there will be retaliation”, which is always the BBC line. Conspicuously missing from this (and all other BBC news broadcasts I have heard) is the absolutely key fact that at the present time the USA places a 2% tariff on EU cars, but the EU places a 20% tariff on cars from the USA. Unfortunately for the BBC, increasing numbers of people rely on other news sources for unbiased, straightforward information (you know, the sort for which the BBC was once renowned all those years ago).
Oh dear does that mean I might struggle to buy a corvette
The amount of american cars on our roads is miniscule
The Mail reprint Rod Liddle’s moaning women of Radio4
Rod Liddle’s right. I would also add that many of the ‘phone in’ women are less than articulate, take forever to get their point across, and sound like they’re 100 years old (probably are).
Speccie : Kate Chisholm : The dumbing down of the Reith Lectures
Plus: Jan Morris explains how any ‘imperialists’ led worthwhile lives
Is Lord Reith still spinning in his grave?
I certainly am!
@GuestWho a missing FB post what did it say ?
Apologies.. Linked by a mate in Indonesia. Seems to work for me. No biggie. Another neat satire by Tracey Ullman, this time spoofing Angela Merkel’s facial ticks.
I think he should give us all, and his gob, a break. He’s yesterday’s man (although even that is debatable). All Trump is doing is unspinning the cancerous web that Obummer got the USA into, whilst also making progress in his own right. May he continue, and also for his next term.
If only we could Make Europe Great, Again…
It’s funny, I was walking to the shops a few days ago and listening to random songs on my iPod. Born this way came on by Lady Gaga and though I don’t hugely care for the messaging of the song that became a gay anthem, I do really like the tune and track.
Of course, we all know that you can’t be ‘born this way’ if you are gay because of course natural selection would have bred out the genes years ago (being that your line biologically can’t continue) but I digress.
Anyways, so whilst the song may have become a gay anthem, is it now one that is deeply offensive to transgenders – who of course would refute the claim of being born that way?
I guess them’s the breaks when you attach your product/art to a cause/campaign that is endlessly changing and updating to the vague whims of an obsessively outraged culture.
Ice-free Arctic ?
Nope the way weather works is that if one region is unusually warm like we are, then another is unusually cold
..hence Russia Arctic tankers are still stuck in ice
“See this. What better way to make a Remainer evacuate their bowels than for them to see a portrait of the man who led the Leave campaign. And where better for them to sit than over an image of the Starry Sphincter which they worship.”
“You won’t see this on the MSM.” …
“You won’t see this on the MSM.” …
Tweets by GerardBattenMEP
Meanwhile, after a screening of the next Poldark, BbC PR and half of Fleet Street again head to Anne Summers.
EU safety
Not in Ireland is it ?
On the wall of a Hackney MP’s office.
“Labour is calling on the Government to commit to a full ban on sexuality and gender identity conversion therapies. This cruel practice has been allowed to spread fear and hatred in our society for far too long.” – Corbyn
– but telling children they can be what every they want to be and confusing 99% of children is OK? I’m confused?
Very good chat with sean hannity with mark levin
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-gApadvoH4&w=560&h=315%5D
BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
Complaint description
BBC News Watch on … 30jun2018 7:56am … the BBC reported why anti-Brexit marches WERE covered, but the pro-Brexit marches were NOT covered and the reporter said that the BBC had the RIGHT to NOT BORE the public. Is this really a BBC policy to not bore the public or is it just an excuse? Also, the report went from lack of reporting to explaining that leaving the EU UNELECTED EXPANSIVE GOVERNMENT was complicated. Maybe to address this issue the BBC should should the pro-Brexit march in the news? . . . “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed (Day of Freedom March 06may2018): everything else is public relations.” – Orwell “The omission (Day of Freedom March 06may2018) is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear (Day of Freedom March 06may2018).” – George Orwell
Frankly the bbc citing boredom as a reason for cutting broadcast footage is a brave precedent for them to set, especially given the latest audience figures.
I see the BBC are doing it again this year. Wimbledon’s official name for the category is “Ladies’ Singles” but the BBC’s web site insist upon calling it “Women’s Singles”. It would be good to see Wimbledon pull them up on it.
What is the objection of the PC lot to ‘ladies’ ?
I’d rather be referred to as a lady than a woman. It used to mean you possessed a degree of refinement, had good manners and didn’t look like a slob.
I just think the BBC are being a bit ‘arsy’ on this. When selling my wares at a Fayre, I often hear Mum’s saying to their little girls ‘say thank you to the lady’. Saying ‘thank you to the woman’ is just basically wrong !
Quite so.
I’d rather be referred to as a lady than a woman. It used to mean you possessed a degree of refinement, had good manners and didn’t look like a slob.
The above rules a few of the female? batters at Wimbledon then, D.
BBC have a point for once.
Quite by coincidence and on separate occasions, in the past month I’ve met two (non-Muslim) women whose children have had trouble at Muslim-dominated state schools. The kids made friends easily in their first term, said the mothers, but as the months went by it became harder to stay pals. Their schoolmates never invited them home, nor would they come round for playdates or parties. The friendships faded away and the kids were left confused. One of the two mothers I met had decided to move house: new catchment area, new start. She felt guilty, she told me, because she’d been keen her son have friends of all faiths. But he was one of only two non-Muslim boys in his class, and he was lonely.
Talking about marketing and nomenclature, Antifa’s choice of name is clever. All right-thinking people are against fascism, right? (Hitler, Holocaust etc.)
The name gives then carte blanche to attack anyone with whom they disagree, with impunity. By implication anyone they attack (often violently) must be fascist: it’s in the name, innit.
And anyone who objects to THEM must be fascist too: If you’re anti anti-fascists, ergo you must be a fascist.
vlad – This is why we have to use our loaves. What is the answer to this dilemma? The ‘Consrvatives’ are -in the main- not conservative. The ‘Antifa’ are certainly not anti Fascist, in the sense that most of them probably haven’t a clue what ‘Fascist’ actually means, not to mention their violent methods.
We need to talk more about language, and why it seems working against us. There are all sorts of misconceptions about: eg the communists – as an ideology- are alive and well. But ask the average person, and they will be sure Communism went out with the Soviet Union. (Not to mention that they are openly alive and well in China, Cuba etc)
The Beeb and liberal elite create this environment of fear and can arrest people just for expressing another point of view eg TR. It took me ages to post on here, even though I had been following the website for a long time before then. You just don’t know who you can trust any more. As a right-wing middle class lady but fallen into the “deplorables” group of “leeches”, I find myself in a tricky position. Just exchanging ideas on here is good.
Do worry that because of left liberal domination of Beeb and other MSM, we are all forced to use alt media, meaning more time online, more time at laptop or smartphone, which could have long term health implications. Worrying times.
vlad on the other hand it could just be bad written English ‘an tifa’ when it should be ‘a tifa’ or even merely ‘a tif’, more correctly spelled ‘a tiff’ – “a petty quarrel, especially one between friends or lovers.”
I always refer to them as “marxists” or “neo-marxists”. Stalin hated Hitler but was just as evil, so it gets the point across.
It’s alway important not to fall into the trap of using the enemy’s terminology. For example, when they argue for more “control” over something I refer to their demands for “restrictions”. We have to deny them the ownership of the words that sound positive.
personally the only difference I can discern between fascist and communist is the fascists were better dressed
maybe someone should start an anti-marxist league focusing on the number of deaths caused by communism
they can be
etc etc
Ace in the hole.
That’s a reference to an old movie
One can only hope Theresa has a secret ace or two up her sleave in the Brussels begger-my-neighbour poker game.
The PM delivers an adequate resume of her latest Brussels talks for the Commons. Corbyn delivers a heap of cant and doublethink from the opposition front bench. That’s his job, I guess.
But just as the PM gets back to her feet and begins to give Jeremy a deserved kicking for his EU opportunism and disrespect for the leave vote – not to mention his own slippery EU attitude – our BBC News Channel anchor Ben Brown (like the loney toon he is) tells us that’s all folks we simply have to tell you all about some kids stuck in a Thai cave. Seems the BBC had an ace in the hole with which to shield their best boy.
Today Kriss Donald would have been celebrating his 30th Birthday. On the 15th of March 2004 he was kidnapped, driven around in a car for 4 hours, stabbed 13 times, doused in petrol and then left to die on waste ground. Why are we not hearing about this on this day from the BBC? Because Kriss was white and hid murderers Pakistani muslims.
I remember reading about this terrible murder online. Although the culprits were brought to justice eventually, it is odd that there is no Kriss Donald Day. Many other cases like it. Usual liberal left double-standards and psychological warfare.
Remember this creature and the petition many of us signed?
Mubarek Ali has been sent back to prison after reportedly breaching his license.
Interesting item on TWatO this lunchtime about the s.28 thing in the late 1980s. What was interesting about it was that the Beeb journos had done some digging in the R4 News sound archive.
It can be done for one of their pet obsessions.
However, at other times memory and archives and history are conveniently forgotten or ignored.
Lovely story leading the news about some children being rescued in Thailand. Lovely stuff, but who decides what is news? I imagine lots of children have been ‘groomed’ today but they would never lead with that.
The news should be called ‘Stories We Would Like You To Hear.’ It must never define the narrative or be taken seriously. As well as their toxic leftist ideology I imagine the main force behind what is ‘news’ is what is inoffensive. F**k that – I want to be offended, and without being deeply offended we can never bring order out of chaos.
The power and respect the media once had can never return: partly due to technology, but also due to their disgraceful behaviour with Trump and Brexit. The cat is out of the bag and the Rubicon has been crossed.
Why are they reporting on the Brazil result? Everyone with a smart phone knows that. Now a ‘report’ on Wimbledon! They need to step up because they are utterly obsolete. Why should we pay them a fortune to tell us stuff we already know?
Love coming to this site, so many people on the spectrum for me to look and learn from.
Hell, we even let Maxoxycontinent get top billing-how may sites are THAT kind to their grumblies?
Heard Michael Howard briefly on Toady this morning.
Whatever else he said he did not come across as one inclined to turn the Brexit result over.
Hardly UKIP, but fair enough.
Tuned in just before 9am where Nick Robinson was gabbling to someone-and he implied that Howard(if Nick had read the runes right) might be happy with a soft deal or what have you.
Appalling-the little bit I heard had no such mealy-mouthed stuff in, but Nick Robinson seemed to want that to have been what should have been said.
How does the BBC get away with making this junk up? Barenaked lies on their flagship, and within only forty minutes of having heard Howard in the first place.
The BBC think they are the political arm of the European Union-we need to break it. Lying paedos and pervs on way too much money.
Can we now replace useless Mair with a Gambian intern on £15,000 pa? Could only do a better job, nobody is listening to the BBC anyway.
Or maybe Jo Whiley could take the show and just give us songs by Lily Allen, Billy Bragg and Paul Weller for an hour every evening. Even THAT would be less offensive that the sly lies of Mair and the Radio 4 gobshites.
Reruns of Jimmy Saviel?…come on Beeb, think big!