Welcome President Trump – now that’s a phrase we won’t hear on al beeb . Al beeb is neutral , untainted by bias , a world class broadcaster , so compare that with the last time an American President visited Britain and so many embarrassed themselves in exultation.
It won’t be difficult to evidence the bias but it needs to be done here.
regrets Engerland But the boys dun good .
It will be painful to see the French Africa team take the Croats apart in the final but al beeb will stick a multicultural spin on it
First comment?
I guess that the BBC are focusing on the football today. Brexit is second news and most people won’t give a toss about it at the moment. Theresa May remains as PM to meet Trump while Corbyn seems to be putting off his invasion to Downing Street so will be left grumbling in the background as usual
Being a long term footie type I kind of read the script . I guess Davis, bojo and JRM will wait until president Trump gets on airforce 1 before launching the campaign to make Lady May of Brussels . At least her husband will be able to pay someone to put the bins out or get the most cleaned
I’m guessing the flip side of us losing this match is there are fewer squirrels to point at as Trump arrives and the critical issues ongoing in the UK are exposed…and should therefore be reported by the MSM
Why is it that this border in Ireland is causing so much difficulty.
I suppose it’s the remainers bigging it up and using it as a reason to delay or stop Brexit.
If there is no border between NI and Ireland then why not no border between England and France.
The truth is that there should be a border between NI and the ROI. Maybe a soft border but some control nevertheless. If thousands of somalians get into ROI then they shouldn’t be able to walk into the U.K. unopposed.
So what if a border inconveniences a few Irish farmers and smugglers.
The remoaners are keen to tell us the IRA will start all over again.
Good fences make good neighbours.
If the eu want to put anything there let them, I don’t care.
Just don’t big this border up as it matters little to 65 million of us.
For me it’s out of the SM, CU, ECG and everything, no deal and straight on to WTO rules.
£39 billion saved and a 3% tariff on an £80 billion trading surplus every year means we’re £££s up not to mention cheaper imports from the rest of the world.
We only have 12% of our firms dealing with the eu although the other 88% must follow every rule they set.
Oh that Donald Trump would be our leader instead of the ditherer.
The previous Taioseach was working with the UK on a practical solution very similar to the MaxFac proposal.
Varadkar is new and malleable and looking to the EU to advance his political career and so is doing their bidding.
“Varadkar is new and ………of Asian background”. Hence the desire to import more Asians. The Irish population don’t know what’s coming – yet. All part of the NWO Grand Plan.
I didn’t watch the footie, chose the tennis instead. The camera focused regularly on Rod Laver and Nadal’s girlfriend. But if they were to pick people out of the general crowd they switched between a black young man, a quite dark coffee coloured lady and two young Asian boys. When a look at the crowd as the cameras panned across the seats showed about 99.99% white audience (I did wonder if Richard E Grant or Maggie Smith had paid for their tickets)could it have been chance that the camera found people of colour?
‘NO’ in answer. If they can line every programme with a disproportionate number of foreigners then all their broadcasts are suspect.
Probability < 1 in 1000.
Federer losing – ruined my evening. Though I was happy to see such a gracious and humble winner. Too, he is a White South African. Dont think he ticks any BBC boxes.
I think the England Croatia game should be played again because even though England lost fair and square I disagree with the result.
What about the 1 goal we got.
It was too close, only 1 goal in it, not a landslide.
Many England players didn’t know much about what they were supposed to do as the game wore on. Now they realise what has happened and they might play differently next time.
If we then win maybe we can do a best of 3 (or 5-7-….)
Although we actually lost if we say it often enough to corrupt elites who run this World Cup we can still win it, we could call it The People’s Cup. (and we would need a 2 year implementation period to avoid crashing out over a cliff edge)
Blame Corbyn, he is used to it now lol
Croatia’s players were ‘low information’ and would not have won otherwise. All of their goals were xenophobic.
I think the Croatian team lacked diversity we should ban them from the final
Too White Croation for a start.
France is OK though.
I don’t think the Croatian team really knew what they were playing for. We should allow England to stay in the tournament but not be able to play any more matches.
We are generally rightly preoccupied with the current shinanagens about the brexit process . But the real challenge is to try to work out how things will be in the years afterward before the remainers try to get Blighty to rejoin again.
I hope the EU will not exist by then. And the lessons of the EU may prevent another EU in our life time.
Scoring first is always a provocation.
The country is basically Tim Henman-like in craving disappointment, and it will surely be a relief to the nation not to be so invested on Sundays final.
Still though-a Bronze Medal-which is pretty much the same as being World Cup winners really.
How come we don`t take in a few decent footballing migrants, maybe some head tennis at Ebbsfleet to see if they`re fit and proper persons to come in.
We have nearly 70 million to choose from ( I myself though had a groin issue)-Croatian have 4 million. Maybe we should stay in the EU where our pitiful disappointment and underachievement is best understood.
Is there a disability scooter world cup yet?…we`d do well in that.
Only the BBC would visit a monastery to enquire about the role of the Thai coach in getting his lads to meditate and be calm-and then tell us that every kid had to be heavily sedated ,so as to get them out safely.
Does Carolyn Quinn even READ what she`s saying as we`re made to listen to her noodlings.
Guessing it wasn`t the full Yogic Flying meditation, but the Cognitive Behaviour Meditation that our Thai monk was giving the kids.
The BBC is one long Zen trance of surreal zaniness these days. Wonder if they make origami birds out of their scripts afterwards.
Wot no mosque available?
There would be mosques. But as the boys were likely Buddhists, that makes them the lowest of the low in Islamic ranking.
If the bbc use the word ‘diversity’ one more time tonight! Newsnight just have to discuss the diversity of the team; I for one didn’t even think about race. I just wanted the best for England. The fact the leftwing bbc have to focus on diversity tells you everything you need to know about the left. The three institutions to blame for the insidious leftwing poisoning of our nation are thus: media, westminster and universities.
Newsnight is a disgrace. They have on three raging and sopping wet lefties – including one weird scouser prat who seems to think Liverpudlians aren’t proud to be English – talking about the difficulties of English identity and white racism, hate crimes and how we are bigoted and nasty… f******* typical. The reason there’s been such patriotic support for England is because the left have tried to silence us. The bbc – anti-English to the core. They’re a disgrace.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I made the mistake of turning over to Newsnight. Only the BBC could turn a discussion about football into a discussion about (white of course) racism!
Yes the BBC have made this the cornerstone of their coverage. C4 were also quick to tweet out today that our England team’s success was, in essence, because of immigration. The team is of mixed heritage of course but they are missing the point. The team were playing for England, they were supported by England fans and everybody, including the players themselves, saw themselves as English and sported the flag with pride. Only the MSM could turn this into an issue of race, nobody else gave it a moment’s thought. The boys did themselves proud and were beaten by a country with a population of 4m who are hugely nationalistic and patriotic. They know themselves to be Croatian and they outplayed us. I’m wondering now how the BBC will spin the Croatia v France final. Underdogs v Colonialists? Staunch nationalists v globalists?
Businesse, have you got a terrible reputation for customer service ?
then fix it … or don’t bother just stick up a Pride logo instead
..Pride logos = “the new putting a lipstick on a pig”

The BBC report a ‘Potential breeding ground for right wing extremism in London’
So the evil swamp dwellers have found a cheap ( in all senses) way of keeping the wonderful Geert Wilders out of our country. They can’t ban him because, I think, that would be illegal. But failing to ensure his safety; from a highly probable muslim killer attack; is just as effective.
What the swamp dwellers are doing is for short term expediency but the long term ramifications will no doubt eventually become clear. Failng to protect visiting foreign politicians will not go unnoticed throughout the world.
Good for you, Mrs May, you’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel yet again. You and your bald headed muslim Home Secretary.
At the 11th hour Geert is effectively ‘banned’ and, as is usual with government cover-ups, the ‘responsibility’ is spread across departments and the revolving door of individuals. This makes it difficult for us peasants to ascertain who actually made the decisions.
When are WE going to defend him?
We took De Gaulle in for far less, the Polish Resistance didn`t need the likes of the poncey Met to “assure his safety”.
What`s wrong with us? Do we STILL expect this state to look after us?
The Swiss don`t have Neighbourhood Watch, they have guns.
The Israelis don`t need Ha`aretz to provide a prayer tree, they have active militias.
All I`d say is that the FLA., UKIP etc need to get talking and organising-or will it all have to be us oldies again?…well, early 50s anyway.
UK Government unwilling to defend free speech.
Hard to imagine what that ‘something’ was for the BBC. It wasn’t winning football matches.
Croatian coach Zlatko Dalić unveiled their lucky mascot, after sending enriched and vibrant England home:
”Strength lies in differences , not in similarities”
he said with a wry smile
Try Jesus you scumbags!
Or God if you`re still double minded or a bit thick.
You`ve tried Obama and Blair, Attenborough and Hawking, Rowling and the E.U, Roddick or whoever….
But don`t insult is with THIS mindless shit.
Jesus gave us something to believe in. As did His dad.
Foot Fuckball…this is offensive.
you give us something to believe in
The way I read it is, they are saying football led us to nationalism ie the devil; it seemed like a good idea at the time , but was soon found to be hollow and led to tears.
Repent and return to the faith of political correctness – study the book of Man Made Global Warming, clap and cheer at any passing homos, don’t have too much to think , loath you culture etc
Must check back on what got Emily Maitless so excited a few days ago…
Most people have beaten me to it, but I’ll stick my four penneth in anyway. The BBC’s coverage of England’s efforts in the world cup became overwhelmed with their own narrow and bigoted political ambitions for our country.
Diversity, diversity, diversity. If I hear that bleedin’ word once more…
Even the bloody England manager was waffling about it yesterday morning. He said it was “important” that the team reflected the “diversity” of our country. Why? And further more, clearly it doesn’t.
Lots of white, black and mixed race players, but correct me if I’m wrong, where were the Asian representatives?
No one of Chinese heritage, not a single player from the Indian sub continent. So actually, deeply lacking in any genuine “diversity”.
Oh, and “diverse” England, with a population of 55 million, just got smacked by little, completely non diverse Croatia, population 4 million. I must pass more people getting to work every morning in south London.
This has been a football event that has been hi-jacked by the left for their own poisonous political ends.
These people are absolutely obsessed by race.
Perhaps someone should remind them that we actually won the bloody event in 1966.
That team was completely lacking in any diversity whatsoever.
What was Sir Alf thinking of…
I am not a great footy fan having two left feet. But on this I think the more they go on about all this “diversity” the more it highlights how all this diversity has actually weakened and pushed the country apart.
When they show all these “diverse” players in an England strip it also highlights how certain “communities” have gone out of their way not to integrate and in many cases looked down at their host communities as scum to be exploited.
oddly when we turned up as no hopers no one mentioned the diversity and the entire media were after sterling for having bad tattoo
It is not the actual diversity that causes many of the issues – it is the constant focus upon it by self serving class/ethnic/race baiters with an agenda to promote.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day
live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color
of their skin but by the content of their character.” MLK.
I could not agree more.
With two left feet you’d be worth £100 million on the transfer market 😉
If I was under 40 in multi-cultured Britain today, I’d be on the first plane out of here. I know I bang on repeatedly about ‘what used to be’, but honestly ? I believe us ‘oldies’ really had the best of this country before 1990. As it is now, we’re going to hell in a handcart with all this diversity bullsh..t !
I would be interested to know where you would go, Brissles.
The PC plague has spread all over most of the civilized world.
My first place of choice would be Canada. Its big enough to find a spot away from the crap, – or Switzerland, where I know for a fact their tv adverts don’t brainwash their population with mixed relationships.
You do know that the Prime Minister of Canada is Justin Trudeau?
Yeah, but its not a lifetime’s post.
Toady watch
Meeeshhall interviews a couple of ex ambassadors and is desperate to get them to say that president trump knows about the blimp and is upset by it.
I could hear , in the Ambo s voice , that kind of ‘ oh dear’ sound that a beeboid could be interested in such a kidult waste of effort .
Apparently there is going to be a noise protest close to where the President is staying – with the sound of babies crying to protest the treatment of illegal immigrant s. More popcorn
There is no doubt that something happened to the British group think when princess Diana was killed and it’s shown again with the footy – orchestrated by al beeb. I’ve been a long suffering footy supporter – even stupid enough to have a hugely expensive season ticket so I know about losing . At least we didn’t get beaten by the African French .
Today just said they`ll be playing tapes of crying babies in Regents Park.
Bet they won`t tomorrow when the Muslims need their call to prayer though.
Do they have copyright to broadcast this recording-and how did they obtain PRS rights so to do?
AND-won`t their tears, their lunar howlings be sufficient?
Or are there only a few Beeboids who have OB facilities and are fearful of getting stung if they try to record Tweet of the Day in bridsong. Horrid countryside.
The left can only buy their protest “songs”-“Bang Bang the witch is dead” for example.
If its not Keane, Coldplay, Whitney or Tupac-they can`t conceive of it.
Comprehensive education, thanks for this.
I think there is a fund of over £40,000 for the khan blimp.
Wouldn’t it be good if that money was donated to a charity, something like the Bradley Lowery one (as opposed to the business ones)
Better still, given to the free Tommy fund.
Money much better spent than on the Trump silly blimp.
Problem with that is no-one would know. At least if there was a khan blimp people would see it and the BBC would be forced to report it.*
*What am I thinking of – they only report what suits their own narrative.
Bbc Trending picked this up yet? Evan lobbying for a Newsnight special?
Gay farmers ARE mental health, going by this pervy snap.
At least we know where all our British cheese is going-hence the price hikes.
Lip off fatties!( c/o Buster Bloodvessel and his tasty talented combo)
Now you know where the holes in the cheese come from.
Longhorn, I am guessing.
When bbc staff start ‘clarifying’, you know they are in danger of saying something stupid.
Luckily, bbc staff are exempted from any consequence of stupidity.
Schedules have been cleared.
Emily now on route with emergency peroxide supplies.
Why yes, it possibly was a setup and politically motivated. But apparently there is indeed such a law in Ohio and she may have broken it.
As I’m sure the “but Tommy broke the law” brigade will point out.
Maybe the local IRS could look into her taxes? Impartially, of course.
RE: England team’s diversity.
When something good happens thanks to immigration they shriek about it. But what about the knife crime, rape gangs et cetera? None of the young men murdered thanks to violent and backward cultures will now rise from the dead because we might beat Sweden every four years. It is only through extreme cherry picking of information their open borders lunacy can seem remotely positive. If you asked a Rotherham girl if all that torture and gang rape was worth it to see England beat Panama I am pretty sure she would say no.
Goebals would be proud of the way al beeb uses footy to show that we are all together . There isn’t any footage of foreign area of Blighty where English is a non or second language and that fair size group of Scots and Irish who just hate the English .
What is so scary is how impervious to evidence they are. No matter how bad it gets they never budge an inch, like a reckless gambler doubling down on a losing streak. They have bet our children’s futures that this will work out.
I think we have some of the best rapers, terrorists, bombers, knifers, fgm performers…….you name it, in the world.
Our enrichers are continuously excelling at acts we couldn’t even imagine in our Anglo Saxon community.
Diversity, the gift that keeps on giving (taking?)
Why are England choosing to stick around in Russia to play some pointless game, even though a province of the former Yugoslavia beat them?
My bloke seems to think that it`s all to do with Harry Kane wanting to get his Golden Boot-so he`ll be watching.
Good thing too, this Saturday game is the Peoples World Cup Final.
Let`s hope it`s played as seriously as was our last game with the Flemms.
I picked all this up after a great night-thank you Jordan Peterson.
Did we lose so we`d not have to play on the Sunday? Is Garth an Seventh Day Jesus Freak?
If so, well done. Saturday 3pm, Geris Union Jack dress with all the Scottish shades tippexed out. Have started alreay-should dry nicely in this weather.
And I sing better than her-but who doesn`t?
Maybe England need a post World Cup song for their triumphant return to John Lennon next Monday!
Luckily for the bbc, nothing affects the unique funding. Nothing.
A lot of #FBPE hashtags there already. Be a shame if it trended and BBC Trending had to rig things again.
The comments on Freedland’s article are truly amazing. I never imagined there could be so many deluded people who are convinced that the BBC is “run by Tories”.
So, to put this in perspective. In the last major competition we got knocked out by Iceland, population about a third of a million. Last night we were beaten by Croatia, population 4 million. Both these tiny nations lacking the “cultural enrichment” that we have enjoyed (cough!).
Despite all the blather about how enriched we’ve become by diversity it’s not great, is it?
You know, I dread to think what the Beeb and their lefty cohorts would have made of it had we gone on and won the bloody thing.
We’d have been lectured endlessly about how our nation has benefited due to mass immigration. They have succeeded in turning what should have been an enjoyable sporting event into another opportunity for mass brainwashing. I’m sick beyond the back teeth with it.
Dare I say it?
Due to the left wing racial obsessions of the BBC and some others, I’m actually relieved we lost.
I’m disappointed that we lost but I think I’m liking these Croatians:
“The fear of an Ottoman invasion might, finally, have eased up, but centuries on there’s little the Croatians like to do more than burn effigies of Turks, perform the very lively anti-Turk Moreska sword dance ( thankfully now without the ceremonial beheading of a live ox at the end)… ”
From Jane Fryer’s guide to all you need to know about England’s Croatian opponents (Daily Mail yesterday).
I hope they kick the sh!t out of France.
Newsbeat again on the pulse.
Their people clearly have the ear of the bbc’s People.
Used to be bibles once.
Never remember the BBC giving a damn about the poor sods arrested.
Let`s see then smuggle their flag into Saudi or Turkey shall we?
How brave.
At least we`ve got a gaily coloured shroud for Peter Tatchell.
Have you noticed we have a new diverse group of continuity presenters
on BBC TV? I was driving on a family holiday in Portugal and
my grand-children were listening to the latest rap artist. I
jokingly said that I could compose lyrics like this rap performer
in a couple of minutes. I came up with ” I is a geezer named Reezer, I
has this bitch called Lisa. She has a diseezer, so i put her in the
freezer.” Well it went on like this for awhile. My grand-children
actually wet themselves.
So going back to these continuity folk on the BBC that’s what
some of them sound like. I am all for it ,in the name of diversity.
I just cant wait for a Gupta sound alike from the film North West
Frontier starring Kenneth Moore and Laureen Bacall, Herbert Lom
and I.S Johar as Gupta. To tell us that Newsnight follows the
Londonistan Programme.
Thank goodness for Fox News
The Ingraham Angle July 11
Nato discussion – includes Raheem Kassam (first 12 mins)
Thank You Theisland!
We have no telly now-and THIS is all we need to watch here.
Please keep posting,
Owen Jones, the baby faced Labour loving liberal, who is always on BBC TV for his opinions (which never change) is struggling to get support for his Donald Trump protest tomorrow. Over the last few days Twitter support for his protest has dramatically fallen.
The map of their protest has been retweeted just barely 700 times. I’m hoping for a really embarrassing turnout but I’m sure the BBC staff will be there making up the numbers.
Edit: this is yet another protest that marches right past BBC Broadcasting House. This cannot be a coincidence.
Yes, and this little sh..t still gets invited for his rantings on Sky – the channel who booted off one of its news readers because baby Jones lost it and threw his toys out of the pram. Clearly Sky don’t stand by their employees.
I’m still not clear. What is it they actually want to Stop Trump doing? Getting other countries to pay their share of NATO costs?
They haven’t a clue what they are protesting about. Now UK hating EU loving Nick Clegg is joining the protest
Is Clegg protesting in the hope that Trump will change his friends to the same ones as Clegg? These idiots protest against anyone who disagrees with themselves.
Tearing children from their mothers and putting them in cages is something they are very hot on.
Mark Hodgson says …
More inaccurate reporting from the BBC, even if Trump is wrong!
“Trump: How much of Germany’s gas comes from Russia?
By Reality Check team
BBC News”
The quote from Trump:
“Germany…WILL be getting 60% to 70% of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline.” Note the future tense. He did not say that Germany currently gets 60% to 70% of its energy from Russia. How does the BBC report it?:
“The claim: Germany imports [i.e. current tense] 60% to 70% of its energy from Russia.”
Fake news!
Yes I can understand that Germany gets 20% of all it’s energy from Russia.
I also imagine that Trump meant 60% of its energy IMPORTS rather than total energy
So knockout things like local wood burning.. And locally mined coal ..you would even now be able to say “of the energy Germany imports X% a high proportion comes from Russia”
2:15pm R4 play about Black slavery in Scotland
(AFAIK slavery has never existed in Britain since Norman times)
\\ Joseph Knight. Wedderburn educates Knight and uses him as a domestic servant. But when Knight runs away his escape and recapture help to pave the way for the abolition of slavery in Britain.//
…Not sure that is true, cos this case came after the court case in England that had set a precedent.
The England precedent : Somerset v Stewart (1772)
This Scotland precedent the Joseph Knight case was in 1777
‘If you miss it and want to listen later on in the day, you can find it on the I-player after its transmission: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b94h2j‘
As someone else has already coined somewhere else before, I would rather perform a colonoscopy on Diane Abbott.
On second thoughts…
Britishisms: Know your mucker from your muppet?
An exploration of Britishisms – that variant of English that is peculiarly British – by poet and writer, Ian McMillan.
BBC …. A brief history of populism
… ends with populist will crush the small guy.
Philosopher Nigel should do a bit more homework. I guess because this is an agitprop piece for the BBC with one aim only, it’s not really worth looking at the etymology of the term. Or, heaven forbid, its political origins.
From the 1st convention of the People’s Party of America (Populist party), Omaha, 1892:
“The people are demoralized; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation and bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied the right to organize for self-protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are badly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise the Republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires. The national power to create money is appropriated to enrich bond-holders; a vast public debt payable in legal-tender currency has been funded into gold-bearing bonds, thereby adding millions to the burdens of the people.
A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents, and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism.”
3:30pm Book prog “NHS in fiction”
Message from DV the founder of this blog
There’s a pattern in Twitter from the libmob like Aaronvitch, Caroline Lucas etc
: they say some vile things about Brexiteers
… and then when someone talks to them about treason… They take on the face if an outraged same and shout “You should not be talking log TREASON, cos only last year an MP was assassinated !”
Ironic cos Lucas and Brendan Cox support people wearing black face masks.
You should not say Islam is rubbish see what happened to a newspaper who said that in France!
Islam is rubbish
If it were only rubbish we should have less to worry about. It is much, much worse.
Such moral indignation, ironic given Lucas and Brendan Cox support people who don black masks as they go out with intent to destroy other people’s legal demonstrations
I don’t do twittersphere or facebookywooky but I traverse many a blog of all political shades in order to be as well informed as poss. The comments are particularly illuminating and by far the most hateful venom filled vitriol comes from the left. When issues do not go their way or they have latched onto somewhere who does not share their ‘progressive’ world view, boy do they let rip.
And you are spot on. Who turn up at other groups protests (because they do have a right to protest – Owen Jones) kitted out in black with varying types of face coverings to shout down their target victims – again with hate filled diatribe?
BTW, of all the sites/blogs I visit, this is the most informative and well mannered of the lot. All down to fedups firm hand eh?
Thank you but I am only a volunteer trying to keep the blog rolling alone . Thankfully there is little for me to do as people here are decent and there is currently very few abusive beeboid types .
I sometimes wish someone could evidence lack of bias by al beeb but it’s yet to happen .
On a different strand
Welcome to Blighty President Trump – you are most welcome and I hope your trip is a safe one .
We have far too many enemies here
I see this site as a gentlemans club where we have always been welcomed.
And some of the cleverest specialists I know of, short of Greenfield, Sowell and Scruton. NONE of who I would have known of, if not for this site.
Maybe its more a self help POW camp by the Burma railiway than a gentlemens club, with captured old profs willing to share their knowledge on their creaking leather Chesterfield sofas.
Can`t thank you enough. Nor can many of my friends who know of you.
Alicia, talking of Thomas Sowell I found this earlier –
I particularly liked this one –
“Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.”
It is quite hard to give evidence of a lack of bias.
Stew, I have to correct you on the blog founder, it wasn’t David Vance. He took over when Natalie and Andrew grew tired of things if I remember correctly. Mr GCooper might be able to help me out as he has been here for aeons.
Link back to a very old thread:
Trawling through the archives and I think Natalie started the blog. Lot’s of other old hands contributing such as Ed Thomas and Laban.
Maybe you and other long term friends could give us the history here.
I`ve only been here a few years, be good to know how it`s evolved.
Hi Alicia, I joined right after the 7/7 bombings in 2005. I’ve seen so many people come and go over the years, always wonder why someone stops posting. I suppose they’ve run out of steam or plain given up.
You can view the archive going right back to 2003 by hitting the tab at the top of the page. You will see some familiar names and many strangers.
I had a quick look at the archives a while ago, as I wanted to see how long I’ve been posting my ramblings.. It was a bit of a random dip into the past but I’ve probably been here since 2013 or earlier. And yes, good to have a reminder of regulars now gone. Even our past trolls – old Dez, Scott, Clapham Omnibus man..those were the days.
Have you forgotten Marcony?
I meant Maxincony
Were Craig & Sue involved before going off to start ‘Is the BBC Biased’?
I know Sue was, not sure about Craig. He might have used a different name though? I know Craig does still read threads here so maybe he can tell us?
I joined as Barker John, had a spat with Martin because he was awful when drunk, left the site for a year or so and then rejoined as tipple. It was mean’t to be ironic.
Tuning to Toady this morning at about 0850, I stumbled into an interview with two anti-Trump women. I assume they were women and apologise profusely if one-or-the-other were actually any one of the 57 varieties of BBC specie that we now have to contend with. Anyway, one of the (?) had a strange accent and at the end of the interview, it was referred to as, x (something) Aziz. Say no more. But why do we give these foreigners so much credence to spout their sickness over British airwaves? Reassuringly though, it was the same gabbled description of loathing that we all know and love so dearly: ‘He’s a racist, islamaphobe, misogynist, narcissist….’ etc etc you know the rest of the mantra. I guess they learn this stuff off by heart in the Cultural Marxist college.
However, in a rare example of exercising foresight, it appears the Government want to keep the Potus out of Londonistan. Could this be to avoid him being able to return to the US and state that, as suspected, Londonistan is one of the, ‘….sh1thole capitals of the World’?
I do believe Trump is far more popular here than the BBC would have us believe. Few will admit to it amongst family and friends, because they’ve been led to believe by the BBC that no-one else thinks the same.
But the signs are there if you look for them outside the BBC. I listen to LBC going to and from work. The presenters, Nick Ferrari and Iain Dale are both right wing but also both suffer to greater or lesser degrees from TDS. Yet of late it seems to me that the majority of people calling in have been supportive of Trump.
I wonder what the British reaction would be if the Queen was visiting the USA and they flew a giant blimp of her in her knickers.
Think the Left know now that they`re just not listened to , except by those paid public sector types or crony capitalists craving the strokes of the EU.
Hysterical sociopaths like Campbell, Jones and Alibaih Brown have absolutely no links to Britain or its demos. Hence the screeching irrelevance of all they say-why Blair can`t even walk down any street in this country.
Some of us fancy a civil war, don`t see why we celebrate the storming of the Bastille and let Tommy Robinson rot.
No point in debating the left, we have to hurt them within a few years.
Was that woman on Toady the truly awful one who was on the Daily Politics called Sakeena Shaik (sp)? How did I not destroy my tv? The also ghastly Kevin Maguire and the simpering Sarah Wollaston were also on. However, the all-too-rare appearance of Claire Fox made it worth watching.
Say what you like out our pussywillows losing to a few Croats?
We never had so much free, left over half pints of lager last night as the bar tables cleared at 10pm or so.
Bit of a sore head earlier, not used to so much Bloke Basher-as we call Stella Artois round here.
Would have been Ball-Breaker once-but none of our men have them anymore, we`ve made sure of that.
Bloke Bashing, Ball Breaking Cartel…BBC.
Bit of a pain though having to keep slopping the lager into our half pint glasses-these blokes were only pints.
Wonder if Wetherspoons will only serve lager in half pint glasses where England get to meet a team that might beat them?…maybe any country with a population over 100,000?
I’m sure she would give away that goal if she thought it would appease Croatia.
“Stormy Daniels arrested . . . Jenner set to be billionaire. . . Papa John’s founder resigns.”
Celebrity gossip really sticks in my craw. There are countless free websites who do it much better than the BBC. Actual journalism might hurt someone’s feelings so just report on a pizza salesman using hurtful words. Lazy, cowardly and so, so boring. Lavish funding and the wherewithal to work wonders but paralysed by political correctness – that AIDS of the critical faculties which is slowly destroying us.
Celebrity gossip is so moronic – profoundly shallow garbage that should be beneath the BBC. Alas we will see more of it as it is one of the few safe spaces left as the horror of what their reckless liberalism has created unfolds, which they will steadfastly refuse to report on.
Great post, Beeb Bro, @12.36pm. That line “that AIDS of the critical faculties which is slowly destroying us.” is a classic.
You can equate the mind’s critical faculties to the body’s immune system. Just as HIV renders the victim prey to opportunistic infections it could previously overcome, political correctness teaches that violent gang cultures, the violent ROP etc are wonderful and not the lethal threats they clearly are.
Is Polly Toynbee dead?
I was watching Daily Politics today and she wasn’t on.
Mind, they did have that irritating pipsqueak Owen Jones on spitting out his bile and pure hatred for anything he didn’t approve of, ably assisted by another far left gobshite Mehdi hasan.
The ‘right’ person, Kate Andrews, didn’t get much of a look in as she was constantly shouted over by the two far lefties and then came the usual “moving on” from Coburn if she started making a decent point. She also bad mouthed Trump of course.
They did have Drew Likerman on defending Trump but he was, as usual, timid and ineffective. I suppose that’s why they keep inviting him on as he is polite and not very pushy, letting the lefties shout him down all the time.
I`m a serious Christian who has only ever doubted my God the once back in 2001.
That was when he took the peerless Auberon Waugh up to heaven, presumably because he was a bit weary of Wodehouse and Betjeman. And needed his greatest English comedian home for a season.
But -for some reason only He would know of-he left Polly Toynbee down here , presumably because hells furnaces weren`t yet hot enough for her.
Maybe a good theologian might elucidate further-for the life of me, I don`t see why we don`t have Bron but we still have to suffer Toynbee and her brown tribute act Yasmin A-B.
I tune in when I can and did so today as I am genuinely interested in alternate views. The left however have perfect a whiney shoutey entitled form of delivery that I just can’t get on with. Like dragging your fingernails down a blackboard. Their points invariably (even if valid to start with) are consigned to the can’t be arsed bin by way of the off switch.
The trendy London-centric communist bbc and sky ‘news’ doing all they can to hype up the pathetic labour-driven anti-Trump protests. Apart from puerile, spoilt brat, middle class lefties, skipping their art history and pop music degree lectures, the silent majority will welcome him. Trump welcome to Britain.
Watching the BBC’s live coverage of Trump’s arrival at Stanstead: BBC in total Hate Mode, not a good word to say about him. ‘Experts’ on hand to remind the watching public how much Trump is disliked by the international community and how expensive the UK’s security operation has been ahead of this ‘working visit’ (absolutely not a state visit, because Hitler). The BBC are a f*cking disgrace.
Sky are exactly the same. A black Labour protester and Alistair Campbell both interviewed. I object that these and their ilk are saying “most of the British public are against……” , sorry but how the f…. do they know ? I’ve never been asked, and neither has anyone I know been asked, so sweeping statements don’t help anyone.
Most of the British public believe Alistair Campbell to be a lying scumbag war criminal (sourced from the same place as AC’s poll).
Wonder what proportion of talking heads employed by the legacy press and orifices like the BBC have ever been ELECTED.
You know-voted in by somebody in recent years.
Soubry is a deranged Blanche Du Bois after too many Babychams, but -at least-the dopes of Broxbourne voted the rats nest into some show of office.
Campbell would have long been dealt with for David Kelly in a moral universe-he has no say in public life, only the BBC give his his odious platform. Julius Streicher was hanged in 1945 though.
Fresh from TWatO and the Montacutie’s underwear seems slightly disarranged by President Trump. Not actually and personally mind you, merely metaphorically. There was a grittiness in her tone when talking about all things Presidential that I normally get from Mishal and Anita when ‘their knickers are in a twist’.
Go* Don, go!
Loved your comment on the EU and the Referendum vote.
Mr President keep going, despite the media brickbats. I’ll judge you as President in two and a bit years, even though I do not have a vote in the USA.
* That’s ‘go’ in the American sense, not the non-Liberal, unfriendly Alt-Left British sense of “Go home!”.
I wonder if he could find time to drop in on them at Salford (and elsewhere), and slap them about a bit.
And that is what we will do – leaving the Single Market and the
Customs Union, ending free movement and the jurisdiction of
the European Court of Justice in this country, leaving the
Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy,
and ending the days of sending vast sums of money to the EU
every year. We will take back control of our money, laws, and
borders, and begin a new exciting chapter in our nation’s
history. {pdf}
Thanks Mark.
The thing with words is that there are so open to interpretation. ‘Brexit means Brexit’, for example.
‘Take back our Fishing Waters’ is another one.
The status quo will remain until 2021 then fishing rights will be arrived at ‘by negotiation with UK, EU and others’.
Pointedly our current quota of 90,000 tons (based on historic UK catches) was mentioned as was the EU’s 760,000 ton allocation.
Something doesn’t smell right and it’s not the fish. Far for too much latitude for a stitch up and no mention of UK increasing its take in line with ownership of said waters!
On BBC Radio 2 couple of days ago … UK get 60% (EU 40%) of fishing ground, Norway 85% (EU 15%) , Iceland 95% (EU 5%) .
Speaking of footie, which we weren’t, were we? Anyway, I noticed a howler on the 100% accurate BBC, the Radio 4 bit of the 100% accurate BBC last night. They claimed that the Southgate Club (in Southgate, which is not in Enfield – as the 100% accurate BBC told us a while back after that fire at the Underground Station – but IS IN the London Borough of Enfield) was named after Gareth Southgate, the England footie manager.
Either the 100% accurate BBC was joking or the 100% accurate BBC had not bothered to check their facts. Gareth Southgate was not even born when the Southgate Club was so named. In fact his parents were probably nippers when the Southgate Club came into being.
By the way BBC, where was your follow up on that fire at Southgate Station? It was serious enough for the police to make an arrest. I know you are not 100% accurate but you also do not appear to be 100% interested and your News & Current Affairs Dept appears to somewhat overmanned, maybe not by 100%, but at least substantially so.
The BBC is in full-on anti-Trump mode. What a disgrace they are! Its reporters are being openly hostile to guest speakers.
Is that on telly, Alex?
I wonder what the effect of Donald Trump getting elected is going to have on people ‘performing’ on TV? The advent of Reality TV (Big Brother had not long started) was one of the major factors in my choosing to give up TV watching and paying the BBC Licence Fee.
Could be that even lowly TV News reporters will see their appearance in front of cameras as their chance to perform ‘a la Mate-less’ and then maybe move onward and upward to greater things.
The journalistic instinct in me kicked in, so just had a brief G**gle on that 19 June fire at Southgate Station in North London. All further news appears to have disappeared into a BBC-like post-Salisbury black hole.
Does that mean it WAS terror-related after all?
I wonder?
BBC to ask questions?
No? Probably not.
was the arrested man charged, released?
Dunno, Kaiser. I trawled through about three pages of G**gle and there was nothing there after the day after the fire, I think, 20th June.
The BBC’s own search facility is quite useless but I tried that, too. Some people never learn. Nuffink! Not even their initial report was flagged up by the search.
The Donald, First President of the United Kingdom please.
Donald Trump appeared to question the decision of the British Government to remain partially linked to the European Union despite Brexit voters demanding a complete break from the bloc
During an emergency press conference following the NATO summit in Brussels, Mr Trump said: “I would say that Brexit is Brexit.
“The people voted to break it up so I would imagine that’s what they’ll do but maybe they are taking a bit of a different route so I don’t know if that’s what they voted for.
“I just want the people to be happy, they are great people.”
Wonder how much unflitered Trump we`ll be getting.
Can`t imagine the BBC etc will let us hear too directly from him.
Lots of efforts to shut him down or rephrase what he says.
He`s very dangerous to the idiot left, and we all know that.
Alicia, maybe get our cathy to interview him and tell him what he really meant!
Heard Trump being accused of “berating” Germany as well as launching into a “tirade” against them.
This was the BBC at 1pm Radio 4.
He also “waded into Brexit”-and our BBC stiff said that “the Tories might rather have hoped that Trumps visit might be “uncontroversial”.
Do we need any more reminders of just how debauched and irrelevant, frankly barking; the BBC has become.
“Uncontroversial” ?
Anyway, got the snooze button on -working late tonight.
Will someone count for me the numbers of “incendiaries” “inflammatories” and “highly inflammatories”, our adoptive President piles up in the next 24 hours for me?
The BBCs language is a wasps nest, hollowed out chewed Guardian madness and spittle. Not even the sound of its bottom getting scraped makes any impact. They just enjoy the Brillo on the botty like so many blokes of my acquaintance-but most of them are doolally, not paid by the taxpayer to go loco as the BBC.
Ironically ( a word I seem to be using more and more ) we’ll probably get better coverage on Russia Toady than from the MSM . I’ve just watched the Londonistan evening itv news box popping local ( non whites ) in tooting with a 100% disapproval.
Now obviously much / most of Londonistan is er “vibrant “ but they didn’t put anyone who wanted to just say “welcome”.
I know it’s a long time away but if President Trump gets a second Term ‘auntie al beeb ‘ will have collective group hysteria …I hope.
I hope President Trump will rain on the PC brigade parade, with its infantile little balloon and its silly little protests, big time. Maybe he will say something really diplomatic like ‘Would you like to become the 51st US State?’, cos -boy- would that have the reds and pinks choking over their cornflakes…(not to mention that strange mixture of blue and pink we now see so often). Perhaps he could mention, as a precondition, the abolition of the House of Lords. People like Lord Hall of the Beeb would LOVE that.
The Donald likes a bit of mischief.